take care
HEALTH AND SAFETY The School of Arts is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all staff, students, contractors, service providers and visitors in its environment. All employees, staff and students play an important role in shaping a teaching and learning environment that is ethical and safe, caring, productive and accountable. Importantly, we are guided by a number of policies of the University, their legislation, standards, and requirements. This includes the general Code of Conduct for staff and students. We all arrive at the institution with different experiences, values and body politics. You may have been exposed to forms of racism, gender based violence, exclusion, social stigma and discrimination based on gender identification, health, sexual orientation, nationality and beliefs. It is vital that you know your rights and freedoms as students which are directed by University policies and aim to protect you against victimisation, bullying and forms of harm or transgressions. We draw you attention in particular to the antidiscrimation and sexual harassment policies. A breach of conduct is serious. Please read up on how/ where to report transgressions, as well as understand matters of confidentiality. This applies to all of us. Your mental and physical health are a priority and we ask that you take care of each other and responsibility for yourselves, as well as for the spaces you occupy and relationships you generate, reaching out for support from peers, staff or counsellors where necessary.
Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) The Campus Health & Wellness Centre (CHWC) offers a wide variety of health services to Wits students and staff members. The services are convenient, accessible, caring and cost-effective. Lower ground floor, The Matrix Building, East Campus Tel. 011 717 9111 / 9113 Mental health enquiries: 0766093924 Campus Health - Wits University
Wits Student Crisis Line Support for students experiencing emotional and psychological distress. The toll free line is managed by professionals and is available 24/7/365. Call 0800 111 331
Useful Contact Information for After Hours Support Life-Line (24 hours) 011 728 1347 or 0861 322 322 South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) SADAG Helpline - 0800 12 13 14 or SMS 32312 SADAG Suicide Crisis Line 800 567 567 or SMS 31393 Akeso psychiatric response unit (24 Hour) 0861 435 78 14