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Arts education (PGCe

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Postgraduate Certificate in education (PGCe)

Postgraduate Certificate in education (PGCe) Visual Arts - Methodology (FinA 5019A) Visual Arts - teaching experience (FinA 5020A) Learning Area Studies: Arts and Culture (eDUC 5188A) Learning Area teaching experience: Arts and Culture (eDUC 5011A)

Level: 500

Semester: One and Two Prerequisites: A BAFA degree or equivalent, by permission of Head of School Coordinator: Theresa Giorza (Wits School of Education) Contact: theresa.giorza@wits.ac.za

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) is a qualification that allows students to teach the Visual Arts and Creative Arts subjects at secondary school level. Historically this qualification was taught by lecturers from the Department of Fine Arts and since 2020 is now delivered by colleagues in the Wits School of Education (WSOE). Should you have any queries about the course please approach Professor David Andrew or Rangoato Hlasane.

Contact Periods

There are two sessions per week of two hours duration for the Visual Arts Methodology course. Students meet twice a week for the Learning Area Studies: Arts and Culture course (2 hours for each session). The Teaching Experience course takes place for one week in the first quarter, three weeks in the second quarter and six weeks in the Third quarter.

outcome of Course

This Art Education course, incorporating FINA 5019 (Visual Arts Methodology), EDUC 5188A (Learning Area Studies: Arts and Culture), FINA 5020 and EDUC 5011(Teaching Experience), will enable the student

to demonstrate conceptual and creative practical and art historical teaching skills, knowledge and

values in a range of different art/s education situations. The course aims to enable teachers to act as critical agents for Arts and Culture education in various teaching and learning situations, including the public sphere. Students will demonstrate the ability to teach and learn as critically reflective practitioners while working in increasingly creative and innovative ways. The course seeks to extend the participant’s subject knowledge base and range of pedagogical strategies for teaching and learning.

Course Format

The first two quarters will concentrate on establishing the necessary platform upon which each artisteducator will be required to position themselves with respect to their role in art/s education. This part of the course will involve interactive sessions within the Department of Fine Arts at the Wits School of Arts and Wits School of Education, and with other institutions and individuals. While drawing on a great deal of international literature, the primary focus of the course will be to locate us within a Southern African context. To this end, students will be required to engage in primary research and materials development and to engage critically with recent National and Provincial Department policy decisions.

At all times during the course there will be an emphasis on theory informing, and being embedded,

in practice. This will be promoted as a teaching and learning methodology in which the reciprocity of “making” and “reading” is foregrounded. The course aims to develop art/s educators capable of contributing to and leading a radically transformed art/s education practice that challenges current orthodoxies and reconceptualises what art/s education might become in the twenty-first century.

the outline refers generally to Visual Arts education. this should be seen in the context of a broader, integrated Arts and Culture education approach.

Students will be placed in positions where they are able to test that which they have explored in “lecturetype” situations by establishing ties with the Wits Art Museum, the Origins Centre, Johannesburg Art Gallery, other galleries, and school and non-governmental organisations, such as the FUNDA Community College. The FINA 5019 course is complemented and informed by the EDUC 5093 (Learning Area Studies: Arts and Culture) and the two teaching experience courses FINA 5020 and EDUC 5101. You will receive a detailed course outline for the Arts and Culture Methodology course during week one of the academic year. Students are encouraged to use material covered in their other Methodology and Education courses to support their Art Education studies.

Satisfactory Performance Requirements

Students are required to attend 80% of the timetabled sessions in the first, second and fourth quarters.

During the Teaching Experience courses you are required to be present for the entire teaching programme in your designated school/s (100%). Students who are absent will be excused if they produce a doctor’s certificate. Similarly, students who fail to hand in written assignments on time, or who request extensions must produce a doctor’s certificate or an equivalent.


Records of student attendance at timetabled sessions will be kept. The course will be examined on the assumption that students have been attending lectures regularly.

Reading matter is made available for each area of the course. The onus is on students to read all material, and the course will be assessed on the assumption that students have engaged with the literature.

Students will be expected to be familiar with the material presented in lectures and workshops and to be able to discuss issues that have been raised. You will be expected to have both a specific and a broad knowledge of the material covered in the course and to be able to apply theoretical frameworks to a discussion of that material.

Students will be required to do particular readings for some discussion groups, and to be able to enter debate on these readings and on issues raised in the lectures and workshops within the discussion groups.

Students are expected to arrive on time for classes.

The expectations for written work are the same as for the Fourth Year Critical Theories and Visual Cultures course. Please consult this section of the course guide for referencing requirements.

Please be aware that any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated. Where plagiarism is suspected, the case will be referred to the Wits School of Arts Plagiarism committee. If you are unsure as to what constitutes plagiarism, please consult your lecturer at the beginning of the course.

Assessment and Assignments

the following serves as a guideline to the Art Methodology assignments for the year:

• An essay paper in the first and second terms chosen from topics provided Deadline: Last Wednesday of each quarter. • Length of paper: • 3000 words, typed (2 x 50=100) • A major research paper submitted in mid October. Length of paper: 5000 words, (typed) (300) • A learning programme (grades 10-12) submitted early in October (100) • A portfolio/reflective journal demonstrating your growth as an arts educator through the course (Deadline: to be announced) (100) • Two major materials development projects • Deadlines: late March and mid June, • one project in each of the first two quarters (2 x 50=100) • A project that is part of one of the community based or public art programmes in Johannesburg (100) • A range of shorter exercises (4x 25=100) • A teaching experience file • (Deadline: on completion of Teaching Experience in the Third quarter) (50) • The above constitutes a coursework mark of 50%. Your final exam equivalent, which you will receive in February, will make up the other 50% of your Visual Art Methodology mark. • You will receive a separate breakdown for the Learning Area Methodology: Arts and Culture course. Similarly, the assessment of the Teaching Experience courses will be discussed with you at the beginning of the PGCE course.

Course outline

A detailed Course outline will be given to you at the start of the semester.


The Visual Art Methodology lectures will take place at a time and venue as agreed upon between staff and students. The venue for these lectures will be in the Wozani Block, WSOE campus (first, second and fourth quarters).

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