arts education course
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Visual Arts - Methodology (FINA 5019A) Visual Arts - Teaching Experience (FINA 5020A) Learning Area Studies: Arts and Culture (EDUC 5188A) Learning Area Teaching Experience: Arts and Culture (EDUC 5011A) Level: 500 Semester: One and Two Prerequisites: A BAFA degree or equivalent, by permission of Head of School Coordinator: Theresa Giorza (Wits School of Education) Contact: The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) is a qualification that allows students to teach the Visual Arts and Creative Arts subjects at secondary school level. Historically this qualification was taught by lecturers from the Department of Fine Arts and since 2020 is now delivered by colleagues in the Wits School of Education (WSOE). Should you have any queries about the course please approach Professor David Andrew or Rangoato Hlasane.
Contact Periods There are two sessions per week of two hours duration for the Visual Arts Methodology course. Students meet twice a week for the Learning Area Studies: Arts and Culture course (2 hours for each session). The Teaching Experience course takes place for one week in the first quarter, three weeks in the second quarter and six weeks in the Third quarter.
Outcome of Course This Art Education course, incorporating FINA 5019 (Visual Arts Methodology), EDUC 5188A (Learning Area Studies: Arts and Culture), FINA 5020 and EDUC 5011(Teaching Experience), will enable the student to demonstrate conceptual and creative practical and art historical teaching skills, knowledge and values in a range of different art/s education situations. The course aims to enable teachers to act as critical agents for Arts and Culture education in various teaching and learning situations, including the public sphere. Students will demonstrate the ability to teach and learn as critically reflective practitioners while working in increasingly creative and innovative ways. The course seeks to extend the participant’s subject knowledge base and range of pedagogical strategies for teaching and learning.
Course Format The first two quarters will concentrate on establishing the necessary platform upon which each artisteducator will be required to position themselves with respect to their role in art/s education. This part of the course will involve interactive sessions within the Department of Fine Arts at the Wits School of Arts and Wits School of Education, and with other institutions and individuals. While drawing on a great deal of international literature, the primary focus of the course will be to locate us within a Southern African context. To this end, students will be required to engage in primary research and materials development and to engage critically with recent National and Provincial Department policy decisions.