Binary Options Trading Guide

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Binary Options Robots How to make increased revenue Trading binary options on Autopilot

Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 Stock market – the ultimate trader’s haven ........................................................................................................... 3 How to trade the stock market? ............................................................................................................................. 4

Fundamental Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 4 Technical Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 5 Individual Investors v/s Institutional Investors ....................................................................................................... 6 Scope of our research ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Are Binary Options a feasible alternative?.............................................................................................................. 7

Advantages of Binary Options............................................................................................................... 7 Binary Options Robots ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Comparison of the Best Binary Option Robots ..................................................................................................... 11 Reviewing the Top Binary Robots ......................................................................................................................... 12

Pro Binary Robot ................................................................................................................................. 12 Review of Pro Binary Robot .......................................................................................................................... 13

Anonymous Trader.............................................................................................................................. 14 Review of the Anonymous Traders Systems ................................................................................................. 15

Binary Boom ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Review of Binary Boom ................................................................................................................................. 17

Click here to examine My Binary Boom’s members area ................................................................... 18 AI App .................................................................................................................................................. 19 Comparison of the systems – side by side ............................................................................................................ 21 Final conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 23


Introduction The use of trading robots or “Bots” to earn over the head profit in Binary options trading have seen increasing popularity all over the last 6 months; Not using a trading bot is equal to leaving huge amounts of money on the table. For the ones seeking to enter the world of robot trading, this is our comprehensive guidebook after reviewing the most prominent Binary Robots. Don’t have time to read this whole manual? View this video review instead Otherwise scroll down and start understanding the world of binary robot trading

2 Stock market – the ultimate trader’s haven

Stock markets existed in different forms from early ages of civilization; it was once a place for traders of different good to sell their good and buy others’. Traders used to come together at the market place during pre-designated times and shout out to attract their buyers. One with a sharp eye for detail and good with numbers always went back home with profits. The stock markets from those days have evolved quite much, though the fundamental principles of trading have remained the same. It still required a considerable amount of knowledge and an eye for detail to be able to accurately predict the future outcomes. Such predictive capabilities are necessary for a trader to make a trade now which would earn him handsome profits in the future.

3 How to trade the stock market?

One needs to accurately predict the future outcome if he has to make profits from the stock market. Even if he is not able to predict the outcome 100% of the time, he should be able to get the prediction right at least more often than when he gets it wrong. Every method of trading stocks is centered on this very simple principle – get it right more often than going wrong. If you achieve this, you would essentially make profits over a period of time, because it is then only a game of probabilities with odds on your side. There are essentially two diverse ways in which a trader tends to trade the market – Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis.

Fundamental Analysis

This school of thought attempts to capture the minutest possible details about each stock and the company to predict the future outcome. The analysts and traders following this methodology would utilize their time to read about the company’s performance, its balance sheet, any possible mergers or acquisitions, the capabilities and past performance of the management and things like that. In a nutshell, they would try to understand the fundamental qualities of the company and also study the business environment in which the company functions in, to predict the future performance of the company. As is obvious, this is a very long drawn process and only people privy to the most detailed information about the company and business environment can get this right. We have seen many investors spend endless hours going through financial publications reading about the company’s performance before buying a stock and then the price nose dives. Apparently, such news that is already in public domain holds little value; it is the information that is yet to reach the public domain that holds real potential for the trader.

4 Technical Analysis

This approach of trading takes an altogether different thought process. Technical analysts or “Chartists� as they are also called, completely discount the fundamental analysis. They are least bothered about the managing board of a company or its balance sheet; they may not even bother reading the financial journals either. What they do instead, is plot the price movements of the stock in a chart and use it to predict the future movement of the price.

There several chart styles, most common of them are the candlestick charts. The technical traders study the chart patterns closely and combine it with some other technical indicators to try and arrive at the future price action. This method is more popular with individual traders than with institutions since it is comparatively easier to follow and doesn’t require comprehensive and often privileged information about the stocks in question.

5 Individual Investors v/s Institutional Investors

These are the two types of people who trade in the stock market; the individual investors are typically higher in numbers, but the institutional investors, though lesser in number, trade in huge volumes. The combined trade volumes of institutional investors are typically several times that of the combined trade volumes of individual investors. It is thus safe to say that the institutional investors are the ones who control the stock market; this is a phenomenon the world over. Since their trade volumes are higher, the risk that they assume is also hugely higher. However, the very fact of having hugely higher trade volumes also help them buffer of having much higher money to invest in getting their trades fool proof. The employ several sophisticated computer systems, not to mention the every so valuable human intelligence, to analyze every bit of data before taking the trade. The institutional investors also are privy to information that the individual investors never get their hands on. The institutional investors usually employ a mix of fundamental and technical analysis to prepare their trades; this is to ensure that no bit of data is left unchecked to get their prediction right each time. Though arguably lesser in number, the institutional investors are also many times found to play in teams, thereby controlling the stock market direction; they are thus often called “Market Makers�.

It is obvious that the individual investors are in a losing position. They are up against formidable enemies, with almost nothing as their ally. The trade outcomes are a matter of chance rather than design. It is no wonder

6 that more than 95% of the individual investors are said to lose their money in the stock market. It is very rare to even find an individual investor who has successfully traded the stock market for even more than a year.

Scope of our research We began our research on this premise that the individual investor is in a disadvantageous position. We wanted to use our comprehensive knowledge of the stock market to analyze the different options available for the individual investors and point out the pros and cons of each. The objective of our study is to make the individual investors aware of the opportunities available and also make them understand the risks involved. We hope that our study would help the individual investor plan his investments better and eventually make money out of the stock markets.

Are Binary Options a feasible alternative? The objects traded in the stock markets are typically the stocks of individual companies; commodities markets trade different commodities like crude oil or gold and Forex markets trade the various currencies like USD (Us Dollars) or GBP (Pound Sterling). Sometime later on, there emerged different type of trades; typically called forward contracts, these were essentially contracts made between the traders to buy or sell a stock or commodity at a predetermined time in the future. The two common forward contracts or derivatives are Future contracts (Futures) and Options. The values of these contracts are typically determined by the price movements of the underlying stock or commodity. The contracts are to be executed at predetermined dates as set forth by individual stock exchanges.

Advantages of Binary Options Binary options made their entry about a decade ago. These are also forward contracts, but with a major difference. The stock market has an uncanny ability to wipe out the entire investment of an unsuspecting individual investor in no time; they prices move up and down with no apparent reason. While trading a stock or even a forward contract like Futures, the investor is assuming unlimited risk, for the potential of making an unlimited profit. If he gets the direction right, which as mentioned earlier, would most possibly be a matter of luck since the individual investor hardly has all the facts handy, he stand to make a fortune; he would end up bankrupt if the direction he chose happens to be wrong. These aside, the biggest disadvantage of these was the duration of time the investor was required to wait to know the outcome. These were many times several days to sometimes many months and even then, he could not be sure of making a profit. This wasn’t exactly a position that anyone would have chosen to be in. 7

Binary options are short term contracts; an investor wouldn’t have to wait more than few minutes to know the outcome of his trade. Though this by itself wouldn’t have made him any richer, this certainly did help the trader take necessary steps to counteract quickly if he got the trade wrong. He no longer had to wait for months to realize he got it wrong and take another few months to correct it. We certainly liked this feature of Binary options.

Another major advantage of Binary Options was that it simplified the analysis. The typical analysis and eventual trade of stocks of the normal forward contracts are based on predicting the specific price ranges that the stock might achieve in a given period of time. An investor still had the possibility to lose money even after getting the direction right, but missed on the absolute price. Many traders who trade the conventional options are often victims of this; it is absolutely disheartening when such a thing happens. But, not in Binary options. With Binary options, an investor only had to get the direction right. If he believes that the prices would increase, he buys the “CALL” and if he believes that the prices would fall, he would buy the “PUT”. He would make money if he gets the direction right. Even if he didn’t the amount of money at stake, usually very less compared to the stocks, is still very clearly known.

So the Binary options do provide some otherwise alien advantages to the individual investors; he no longer had to wait forever to know the outcome of his trade. This, along with the fact that the possibility of losing

8 money, however little, was now statistically reduced to 33% from the usual 50%, certainly makes Binary options our favorite trading method.

Binary Options Robots

Binary options certainly did present some previously unknown and unavailable advantages to the individual investors, but was this enough to ensure that they make money from the stock market? Many traders who traded in Binary options would have reduced the amount of losses, but were they making profits as much as the potential offered? That was not quite the case. This is because of the fact that the price action of the Binary options depended on the price action of the underlying stock, commodity or currency; these were still influenced by all the factors that influence the traditional stock market. This meant that an individual investor still required access to all those privileged information and sophisticated systems that was privy only to the institutional investor, in order to truly succeed.

Binary Options Robots or “Bots�, as they are usually called, are software programs that help the traders make their trades. They are usually decision support systems that would do the required analysis for you. Some of the more rudimentary systems compute the various probabilities according to technical analysis and present you with options from which you could use from. More commonly, such systems also fetch fundamental information about the underlying asset along with presenting the technical analysis options. Such systems do 9 help in the trader making more informed decisions since he could now look at the traders from different perspectives.

It is, however, with the introduction of much superior systems that the Bots actually started catching the attention of the traders. These advanced systems could now only fetch the fundamental information, but could also analyze the information presented. This information was then collectively merged into the analysis from the technical charts to the traders for them to have a holistic view of the situation. The algorithms of such systems were hugely advanced than the previous generation and were capable to churning data like never before. These systems still required human interference; that is, they still only presented the trading information to the traders and required the traders to make the trading decision. This was still a tricky part since the trader may not have the right temperament even when the system was highly advanced. As anyone who has ever traded would know, the trader required to work like a machine, keeping all emotions at bay, if he’s to make profits from the stock market.

The four Binary Robots we reviewed for you have overcome this obstacle too. They have the provision to execute system generated trades that removes all human error. By using these systems, the trader would no longer have to squabble with his mind before making a trade. The system could be left on auto-pilot; it could then use its advanced computational capabilities and highly optimized algorithms to analyze the different probabilities and execute the trades all by itself.


Comparison of the Best Binary Option Robots

Rating Rating


Success %



Success %


Pro Binary Robot




Bianry Boom




Guaranteed Outcome




Option Figures




Anonymous Trader




Big Profit Generator




AI App




Pecunia Pact








Chrissy's Invite




60 second millionaire




Free Money App




Auto Cash Secret




11 Reviewing the Top Binary Robots

Pro Binary Robot - Members Section

Anonymous Trader – Examine their Members Section

AI App - Members Section

Binary Boom - Members Section

Each of these Binary Options trading systems boast of their own faithful followers across the world. Being a cut above the rest of the hoards of Binary Options trading systems currently available to individual investors, they all have their own unique trading methods. It isn’t surprising that these four systems have come to create some sort of a benchmark in the Binary options market. Read further for our comprehensive review of these systems. Pro Binary Robot

This product is from the legendary investor, George S. His reputation precedes him and we were quite excited to get our hands on the system. A veteran investor since 35 years, George S. has been coaching investors across the globe for quite a while. Having attended few of his seminars, we had some information about his trading system and were aware that he planned to use this trading methodology and build a trading system. The result, Pro Binary Robot, is currently on a Beta testing phase; it was only being offered to some his close associates for a quite a while. The system is currently being made open to few people who enroll in his portal for beta testing. Since most of the trading systems depend purely on programming expertise, we were quite keen to check this product which was predominantly based on the trading knowledge of an experienced trader.

12 Review of Pro Binary Robot

As we mentioned earlier, the available spots to use this system are limited as of now; it is being served on a first come first served basis. Some industry sources did mention to us that the system would soon be retailing for $4000/month as license fee, but we certainly did manage to get access to the system for free.

The login was super easy, few clicks and entering our email address some other basic info and we were in. As is the standard practice with reputable Binary Options Trading systems, our account with Pro Binary Robot was configured with our broking account before we could start trading. Below are the results of ten trades that we took from the system.


As you can see, we tried out multiple trades, trading across currencies, commodities and also stocks, all the while focusing on Binary options with these as underlying. Though the system has a provision to go on manual mode for experienced traders, we let it run on auto pilot since we wanted to understand the way it would be used by most majorities of the individual investors. Though we had initially planned to do only ten trades on the system, we ended up doing much more since the system seemed quite robust and consistent. We were quite impressed with the overall quality of the user interface and also the stability of the software; we need to keep in mind that this system analyses several TB of data in seconds before executing those trades. Our overall success rate was above 90%, which as anyone would understand is extra ordinary. Having an experienced trader design a system along with a team of computer experts does help, we tend to believe. Click here to examine Pro Binary Robot members’ area Anonymous Trader


We start with one of the most interesting of these systems, the Anonymous Trader. This system is created by a bunch of hackers who work in unison across the globe. Their stated interest is to turn the tables on the institutional investors and help the individual investors make money. They say that the system’s ability to squeeze money out of ordinary citizens pains them to no end. They wanted to use their superior intellectual and computational prowess to exploit the loopholes in the global financial trading system to turn the tide in favor of the individual traders.

While all this seemed like an interesting story, we did not spend too much time trying to verify the reasons of their association. We were more concerned about finding out whether their systems works as they promise or not since that is what we wanted our readers to predominantly understand. Review of the Anonymous Traders Systems

There were no obvious red flags; no bank deposits sought or some questionable links to be clicked. The whole system functioned over the web and we did not have to download anything to our local computers either. This, of course, was something we were concerned about, especially since these bunches of guys were 15 hackers, after all. However, the initiation was hassle free and easy to complete; we registered with their system and made a deposit to our own broking account that was configured to the system. We could start trading in a matter of about 5-10 minutes.

The trades were fairly consistent; we weren’t getting the trades right all the time, but certainly much better than the 60% mark that traders usually keep as the benchmark. The reason is that getting less than 60% wins would make the trader lose money overall. The success rate in this case, as we noted, was around seven profitable trades out of a total of ten trades that we made; we did not lose or win money on two of the other trades and one trade was a loser. With absolute control on the amount of money we could lose, this success rate certainly wasn’t bad. This is all the more so since, the system was on auto pilot and did not require us to intervene at any point. Click here to examine Anonymous Traders members’ area

16 Binary Boom

This was an interesting contender; after reviewing many kinds of Binary trading systems with increasing complexity and sophistication, we landed up at this one which was so simple that even a child could understand.

What place did simplicity have in a complex business like Stock trading? We were of the view that the trading software should be simple to use, but we had never found any tool that used a simple methodology. As we all know, trading systems use extremely complex algorithms and mathematical calculations to arrive at trading decisions; this software was unlike any that we had seen earlier.

Review of Binary Boom

One clear differentiator in here was that simplicity of the logic; Denis Anker, the author of this system, is confident enough to expose the logic behind working of the system. On top of that, the system is very easy to 17 use too; some very easy clicks to download the software and you are good to go. As with the most other trustworthy Binary options trading systems, Binary Boom also does not take any money upfront from its users. Simplicity was one thing, but we were more interested in finding how effective the system is in making profits. The website of Binary Boom lists out the live trades being executed by the system. You could go over their website and understand what trades are currently live and in a minute, you’d see how they’ve fared. Since these are live trades, you could cross verify the information with any other independent broker that you use to ensure that the data is accurate. The details of past trades are also included in the website to verify the trading record.

Click here to examine My Binary Boom’s members area

18 AI App

Our next target was one of the most talked about and probably controversial of all these. Built by a famous scientist and mathematician, the AI App promised to change the way world perceived financial wisdom.

Like many others, Dr. John Clark, PhD also lost a fortune during the stock market crash about 28 years ago. However, unlike the most others, this set him thinking about a way to setting this right. Now, it is a fact that he had access to many facilities and knowledge that the general public did not have, but we believe it is admirable that he did try to put it right.

Dr. Clark built the AI App using the fundamental principles of Artificial Intelligence. He used his expertise in algorithms and knowledge of the stock market to create a system that produced exceptionally high returns on the investment. He did run into trouble with the law many times, but is rumored to have taken asylum in the Switzerland as of now. We were eager to test the system, but had to wait a while since we couldn’t reach

19 across to him immediately. We finally could access the system after waiting for three days, but we believe it was worth the wait.

The system is indeed made well, it is fairly easy to use and can run completely on auto pilot. We logged in to the system, connected to our broker account and started trading within about 10 minutes. This system also seemed to produce above 80% success rate purely on auto pilot. We did have our concerns that the system could be too complicated to use since it uses such advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms, but those worries were unfounded. The AI App is straightforward, is easy to use and is stable. Click here to examine Pro AI APP members’ area

20 Comparison of the systems – side by side System Name Anonymous Traders



Produces more than 70% accuracy

Built by computer wizards across the issues





Pro Binary Robot

Possible risk of running into

Works completely on auto pilot

No downloads necessary

Initial configuration is easy

Built by a legendary trader in association Require a computer and with




computer reliable internet connection


Limited period offer to be

Extremely easy setup

part of Beta testing phase.

Minimal initial deposit, that too directly to the broker account

Excellent 24X7 after sale support

Widely used by experts and newbie traders across the globe

Legitimate opportunity to make a living out of trading

Several verifiable clients since George S. was asking for reviews in return for using the system for free.

Binary Boom

Simplicity of logic and software

Too simple and too open;

Free to use

what would happen when

Easy to setup

too many users start using it?

AI App

By far the most brilliant of technological Possible experiments



considering his past

Reasonably high rate of success Ease of use


The above table is to only help you make a comparison between the four systems in a snapshot. The information provided in the table is not very detailed, since the features common to all systems, like no upfront payment, have been avoided. The object is to help the reader get an overall view of the systems reviewed.

22 Final conclusion

Many people search for opportunities to make money online. For some it is a way to augment their existing income while for some others it is meant to provide the flexibility while making money. Whatever be the case, it is proven that there are quite a few opportunities available to make consistent amounts of money online with minimal effort. However, many people searching for such opportunities tend to fall prey to the lure of become a millionaire overnight. This, we must caution, is a pitfall that needs to be avoided. There are several instances of gullible individuals being scammed with such get rich quick schemes; they are many times left with no other option, but to start building their life from scratch.

What we recommend is a thorough study of your capabilities and limitations before getting on with any money making opportunities. The four systems reviewed here have the potential of making considerable amount of money with limited effort, but none of these would make you a millionaire overnight. All these methods present the opportunity to make smaller, but consistent amounts of money. With a careful scrutiny and gradual scaling up, any individual can create a substantial amount of money over time.

While our review of the systems, one aspect was of utmost importance to us. While we have detailed our findings on how successful these systems are, we were equally concerned about how sustainable these could be. To give you an example, the email marketing system, My Profits club, is a genuine opportunity. It provides its users with easy to access and useful analytics that genuinely helps them improve their email marketing efforts. However, how soon would the lure of this money entice you? Or rather, how scalable this system could be? Those were the kind of questions that make us lean more towards businesses that are spread across the world and are scalable.

The other three systems most certainly fall in to the category of globally accepted and scalable. Stock trading, as one of the oldest trades of the human kind, has global acceptance and also have an aura of sophistication around it. Could you say that you were an email marketer the same way you’d proudly announce that you are a successful trader? We doubt that. The charm aside, the business of stock trading is immensely scalable. You could trade with a mere $250 or you could trade with $2.5 Million; the market is so big that it can immediately 23 give you the trading opportunities. This is especially true about markets like commodities or Forex. Having the opportunity of trading Binary options would certainly enhance your opportunities while trading these markets.

Now, coming to the three trading systems, the Pro Binary Trader impressed us to no end. The very fact that the system was the brainchild of a veteran trader is for us a definite reason to recommend it. Come to think of it, it is the system that George S. has perfected over a 35 year long trading career. Such a long career in trading is quite rare, what with many of the traders finishing off their entire investment in less than a year! The association he forged with fellow traders and some computer geeks to bring out the system has produced some amazing results. The other immediate advantage that we noted was that the system was completely free to be used, at least for now. Yes, this could change soon once it starts retailing, but it is free as of now. If someone is skeptical about the Bot, we could not suggest a better time than now to try it out without any obligation. If it works out, which from our experience, we are most certain, very well; if by any remote chance that it doesn’t there are no hefty license fee paid out anyway! Enter the Pro Binary Robot members’ area

We hope you have enjoyed reading this review on the Binary Options trading systems. We sincerely hope that this information would help you make more informed decisions and aid in your journey of successfully making money online.



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