Welcome to the notebook of the Shaman Self in here you will study the spirit, culture and nature of the divine and learn to harness its truth within you.. (it’s not easy, but it will be natural) Forgive me , if i go over and under in some subjects as they are the ones connected to more and over time exploited as this subject alone... and forgive, those who can’t see it either, as they are lost in the material world of
the meditative spiritual guru and might have lost their way, as it... is no concern of yours unless you make it... In here you will learn, healing, spiritual truths, and the natures to personal transformation, i have to warn you, you may like it more then you know, as it is part of, as well a greater course in study under the magi/magus nature and connected to the root thinking of druidism as well... you will see you may want them as well, when “openly” welcomed to it, if you haven’t been already adopted... This is a short book, due to the fact its mostly physical arts and repeating of said arts... (sorry but thats the extent of it) as nature is a physical thing so to is the life of a shaman... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUMERIAN ARTS SHAMANISM 101 (cultural awareness) Unlike most shamanism of today, ancient shaman’s, unlike those of Sumerian, were considered priests and served the image and understanding of the deity instead of the land itself or its people, the nature we know as “Dijinn”. Realizing the forces of these deities, they came to speculate that good and evil was attributed to the one who possessed the power and authority given by the deity a.k.a gods. The Sumerian practice took on two forms: 1. Absolute domination of themselves to the deity a.k.a sacrifices or the attempt in capturing clay like idols which they would put into a jar or clay to dominate the will of the deity itself a.k.a control of them. Un-beknown to these shaman they were unleashing their own inner hell. 2. Capture a force of nature and try to control it sets the world out of balance and offers selfreprisal when that deity is freed by accident or purposefully, over time such practices became mythology and went the way of the land. But, when one takes up the process of these shaman’s they’re not ear marked for execution for the sins of their past. Nature will not punish new flesh only the desire to dominate the old flesh. The power and nature of Dijinn are associated to the land on which they ruled; more powerful the land—more powerful the Dijinn. Now when most think of genies, Dijinn, they think of more powerful being trapped within a container similar to that of a prisoner, who is grateful for their freedom and will grant wishes for this effect or fact. But, in reality, are contained so that such rituals or skills are granted to them by the land or if they dare, the deity.
The nature of any social ritual is to serve the masses and create companionship with the land and its people. This role was instituted into the nature of the shaman to be. There are 3 basic classes of shaman in this fashion; healer, seer, and the knower. 1. Healer’s duty is the teacher of the physical being. Their job is to take on or to take in the illness or weakness of the subject seeking healing. Healer, though a primal artist, must serve only the one they heal and never seek to kill or harm without reason or purpose to the fact of the persons own spiritual life, a.k.a judgment. 2. Seer—after you have attained the healers way, one will be indoctrinated in the pathway of the seer. A seer sees weakness, dis-health or unhealthy nature, injury shows up on the body or aura that relate to the healing condition that the seer becomes aware of. The problem with the seer or seeing in that fashion is that you cannot fully act as a healer though you possess all the skills. You now know more and that one must not second guess your first judgment. 3. Knower—a knower is one who works with the Dijinn in the act of seeing and healing nature is keeping these separate. The healer would use more of what is needed, a seer would use less than what is asked. But when working with the Dijinn or any central source created by the three main forces, the nature of property becomes the only rule in play. To heal just to heal is a good thing, but it serves only to continue to be made visible to see in complete sight is to give up your advantage to truth and not reason why. For magic is indescribable means of freedom and answers that are subject to the will of silence or the universe must say no before it can say yes, because magic must remain invisible to the world otherwise it becomes as trivial as morning breakfast and just as lasting. Magic as a rule safeguards its secrets. It’s not about words, sounds, or thoughts, but magic exists as an energy, a token of light that responds to visible imagery and then the lesser senses, and in this it was viewed as sight itself, from the nature of which is known as remote viewing. The collective sum of our unconscious self-surrounded by a dream-scape bubble becomes the quantified field of which the all-seeing eyes knowledge becomes visible. This is the testing ground from which all things become possible.
EGYPTIAN Of all the greatest things, the Nile has birthed them all, from the lowly servant to the greater teacher known as the Pharoah. The true word of the Pharoah is Pyro, which is because they are the living flame to that which is their station. The “roan” end of Pharaoh is the “rule” of the law. It is by this rule they exist, these rules handed down by the great teacher himself, HU. HU is HUE in (mundane) understanding, has the ability to change and be seen in its greater light. It is by the will of HU that we are so named Hu-man, being the “man" as manual a.k.a book, known as (of HU’s learning, or in lessons of HU). It is this manual that has the written laws in them. These laws are measured by a scale with a serpent on one end and a baby bird on the other. The serpent is teacher of oneself as the baby bird is the teacher of one’s environment or deity or etc. If one chooses the way of the serpent, they will be subject to the laws of the land, while, if they choose the baby bird, they are subject to the laws of ethereal. For the serpent is not wisdom of itself, nor is the baby bird, they simply reexercise the lessons of the ethereal or cosmos or the physical and domain a.k.a deity playground of their awareness. Using only these two measurements in the 80 laws setup by HU, they become divided into 40 and 40. The laws or (liberty’s of the deity) will not stand up against someone outside of its influence or domain..as they was meant, more to give freedoms to the ones within, or in another way of saying it, the law is to bind the dedicated heart and self to serve and protect the ones within it’s reach... (though these laws are without limits, they or should i say HU..sets the limit for now..) The word law and self. Self is backwards means flesh and law is backwards means wall. The writing is on the wall a.k.a for the laws are not rules, but the way to be ruled as in the duty’s and natures that one must attain before they can be considered for more rewards, as in the writing in one’s education. The more one understands the laws, the more they are gifted in education of the seen in the unseen. For the self as flesh is what one bargains with and that which is the wall as law is “ones" conduct. Behavior rules to the education of what deitism is of service too, it is the hands of amon separation. (the 40/40) The two spellings: amon and amun, for amon is only one word that is seen as two. Amun so
close together is seen as mundi, when amon is seen as amen adon, because the one god configuration is (adoni). (more about that in the letters of religion study) The snake divides, grows and eventually has the form of having wings, however, is forbidden to take full flight, while the young bird never grows up, never ages, and forever walks on land when it can fly. This is the two dualities of limitations as you probably become to understand. The serpent is choice and the baby bird becomes no choice. This is the measuring scale of the Egyptian court ideal, for the law of the Egyptian design is mainly based on the higher virtues of ones right to claim the selective nature that associates with their growth. What is meant by this, is that the Pharoan’s choice a.k.a judgment, is upheld by the spiritual nature of balance, for the Pharoan’s or the educated ones view, that if you condemn one —you have to condemn them all, and, if you freed one—you have to free them all. So the circumstance of value becomes the condition of this design. Within the scope of learning, the wise do not condemn, they look for patterns, promotion of will, a.k.a others becoming the example, material or reflective actions, for only in these forms of proof can validation of reason be achieved. The nature of symbolism is not there to set standards, as to divide person against person, but merely to bring comfort to the ones who understand or collected as wisdom, for only in this can one find accepted truth. Within the nature of the wise, that which seems out of place, misunderstood or mistranslated, becomes the first thing that one prepares reason against. For reason is the true nature of learning, it is inevitable that the procedure one must undertake in the role of shaman is a type of investigator, while the shaman relies on the spiritual direction of things not just what is within ones own head... They/We do not try to push their own theories or conjectures without there being a pattern that gives rise to the need to question, for what is it to question, if you’re/they’re not willing to act on the answer. In this design was given the image of 3 objects of trial, education and command. These objects being, the staff, the crook, and the “flail” which others call a scourge. These are the tools that rate the standing education or manner of being with the mimicked art of the magi/priest going into greater understanding of the shaman self if one seeks more then just the shaman’s experiences (as stated before we may trip, over other grander arts, as in “growing” designs as they reach higher then just the shaman self..) just take note of it for now... 1. Staff: the third and final tool given to the one who is to be the guide/teacher. This object for shaman’s in many shapes and sizes, for it is the freedom of cultures to pick the visibility of their healers. One should not mock the lesser art for being lesser, they should seek to understand it's separate and appointed imagery within the said culture. In the art of the occult, image is the last thing they seek, cultural truth becomes the first thing. It is the nature of the one controlling the staff or serving as its keeper to want to be opulent, a.k.a showy, to attract future apprentice eyes. In the ancient times, a staff was a version of a map. A map of how a culture lived, where it was located and possibly its keepers. A staff was called walking sticks and then, talking sticks.
2. Crook: often seen as the sheep herder tool, a.k.a Shepard, which is not what it is made for. It was made for the exact positioning of mortar, stones would fit around inside and be pushed to their rightful location. This became the future tool of guiding by ones hand, and later, used to connect or control live stock on small forms such as sheep and goats. Because of the ideal hook, which became known as crook because of its shape in form of a "C". These tools of ancient cultures started to be collected and expected of use as authority and control, bringing the last one to question. 3. Flail/Scourge: like most things, you have those that are rulers of good conduct and those of bad conduct. The sour nature of this invention come forth of the image of a horse swatting flies with its tail, and as the living society realized that flies collect around garbage and manure. Flail/Scourge became the symbolism of removal, complete with the new wording of the modern tongue "there are no flies on you". It was with this statement, the actions of use of such tool became an exercise in motivation, manipulation by discipline and higher sense of authority above the axis of slavery. As slavery became to be more abundant, became easier and easier for kingdoms to see fit, to manipulate the tools values as godly appointed, a.k.a that which came from the heavens, and over time modern occult, under the frame work of the elemental nature, instilled in each object a connection to those branches without fully learning the rightful use of each. It is in this hope schooling was invented and the nature of symbolism, recognition and as things grow, so to do the mistakes of those to take for granted that which was given, by its universal answer. So through the coding the magi, Magus and mage models started to break down the true design for those who are ready to achieve the knowledge of those symbols, the highest understanding being its proper use, example: the tool used as the besom is not directed at the broom, it means--be someone, as in an agenda placed on an object instead of the object being explained. Never going to escape agendas for those holier than thou individuals are out there for one purpose, to glorify what is made basic or normal to all, when something is not natural or in and of its natural state, it will end its own existence trying to be more than it should. This leads into the distention between the mage and the Magus indifference for one would like to believe it is between the magi and the Magus, but for that in lies the good and evil of their creation, and when one attends knowledge it is as an advocate, not its sponsor. (long story) In the Egyptian court, the gods stand tended, they watch over the one who is chosen to stand before judgment in the afterlife. This is false, it is a creation, this judgment takes place after one reaches the age of learning “12” or the age of teaching “35”. For it is a test of the heart of the one who wishes to pass on wisdom in one ready to receive. For the ultimate goal is to re-understand the true nature of the gods and their will. In the temple, there are select statues that are worth exactly nothing, basic stone or lesser material for those are the teaching tools. For gold, silver, jade and other precious things were seen as mere decoration and representation of their coloration. For to any ancient culture, gemstone is just considered imagery, to use who are modern, we look to it as wealth, but to them it is respect, a respect earned by their standing in the temple, to them this is the ultimate wealth, the knowledge of a god. So when you see ancient buildings in Egypt not destroyed and even taken over and the artwork not copied or removed, they are searching for information, not owning it.
To put simply, ancient messages, they cannot discover, so they hide their ignorance behind it that is the mistake of wisdom when the religion cult fad or other try to take over we all lose. As a shaman, you’re devoted to the truth, a line of thinking from where you start to the answer. It is every shaman’s goal to heal with knowledge. What is meant by this, is to use it in its greater good, for that which is of it serves to educate others, not suppress them. It is easy to be greedy, and there by overly protective of what one has, but it serves no-one to keep it to oneself, a dedication for those in service that one swears by under touch of blood that will not deny freedom of information to the one or ones who need it, you become a slave to the answer, not to the ones wanting the answer.
Persian and Assyrian 101 To most, they believe that the Persian and Assyrian was their own culture, but they are a knock off of an earlier origin “no not Atlantis or Lemuria”, such places had their own life style, but we will stick to the Persian and Assyrian’s. I am not going to bore you with the knowledge of these great kingdoms, just their tools that were used to promote the shaman self. For it is in this that we discover the true existence of the shaman’s freedom. Mandala is a mat-like cover used with decorated symbolism to connect what one desires to the desires of the environment a.k.a house as well. It is the nature of the mandala to support the power of the energy in the environment. Energy is sectioned into proportions, the lower the energy, the less protective or protected—the higher the energy, the more observed or more protected completely. For it is the environment that sets the standard of energy charge unless acted on by an unseen magnetic or magic field. This becomes the grass roots to the physical nature known as the placemat, the mandala, becoming the mastery of that design. The tool of the placemat is the starting grounds of the source. In the Persian and Assyrian nature the magi/high shaman would sit down or lay down on the top of the mandala as a carpet, rug or matting, this became known as the bridge, to the placemats inner nature and its future. The ultimate goal of the mandala is to serve as a make shift glyph and protector of the arts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Templi- glorial, “the divine geo-symbolism�. As below so to above conceptual symbolism. Writings on the wall. Egyptian- the true nature of the elemental awareness is the tree of life, it's kinda like a flower sitting in top of a pillar that has four rings, representing a different element. The twelve of that represents the 4-4-4-4 of elemental nature. Fire- water- earth- air 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 and so on with one deity for each. This became the cabala of known understanding, and from this cabala came the skin of life, that which is the solomonic key, the seven plus the two. The seven keys are the true keys while the two keys are the duality of the culture. This is known by the planetary forces, equaling the nine. In Egyptian society there are five color, red, white black, yellow, green, and then the hidden blue, which makes six. White doesn't count because it is considered a priestly color, the rest are consider a common part of the ritual. Phoenician- much like the Sumerian but taking it further as in book text, they utilized symbols the way one would utilize a chant or message and then burning this to get that deity to do what you wanted or at least hear the prayer. When you utilize certain Phoenician symbols you relate to a certain golem state, the use of clay dolls they would use to curse or show leniency towards the other persons life. In Phoenician design they don't have a real healing work, they protect themselves or curse you into oblivion, it was through the Egyptian design the healing ritualistic design took shape. Phoenician believed in two justices, being left alone or wrecking someone’s life. The unknown is known as the dragon awareness, even though the Phoenician have no concept of the dragon, only of the concept of serving, this became the great teacher to the future mismatch of the cultures that consumed Phoenician knowledge.
Greek- With the Greek we have that which the gods would do, that which is meant to be done by man, and that which is meant to be thought of as godly. In each these triangles, there is a square, fire water, earth, air. There is a good for goods sake, and there is a bad for bads sake. This was
taken away by the Romans, making it good for goods sake and just the bad. In the Greek the triangle was upward representing the delta, in roman it was downwards, representing Yula. Yula in the roman term is self infliction, and it became the foreground slavery under ones self. From these came two mystical schools, as above and as so below. Male became the upward triangle and female the downward, and as the female started to learn the male way they became the upward and males the downward. It is within this design they came upon the knowledge of the eastern ways, those of the Tibetan and early Indian gave way to the secret image known as diamond, as above merged with as below to form this diamond principle, but this is the end of the story not the beginning. The beginning is that they are a mirror reflection of one another, this mirror is a concept of the greater being the answer and the lesser being the servant, when in truth you will find they are reversed. This is known as the hourglass principle. The secret to the occult. Roman- The Romans were always petty, so their ideas of magic consisted of throwing curses and hexes at each other. It would mark the walls, slip papers under peoples doorsteps, go as far as to slaughter animals and leave it on the back porch. It was common with the Romans, because they were omen based educated. The Greek are responsible, but the Romans are the ones who took it over. To the Greek it was the movement of the stars, and tend to fields and how to behave against people. To the Romans it was war symbols, how to wage wars, bring wars, thinking knowing something gives you power over it, hence the mythos of knowing the name of something gives you power over it. It's not true. They were the first to create altars, and they are also the ones who created the wishing well. From the word Caesar, you get the word fate-creator this is a common understanding of what the wishing well is a presentation of. Gifts were given to the nobles to honor the decision of them getting their wishes over not getting them, the idea of getting what you give. In the mystical arts, and that is to keep things secret, however it then stretch into what you will be willing to give and what will you be willing to get. This became the process of initiation. Even though initiation was common among all arts, the Roman and Greek arts had brought it full circle as a form of patronage to becoming the messenger, a.k.a the mercury. And it is up to the messenger to supply the temple with worthy dedicates. Only those who found their way there by accident and took up the challenges became teachers, a.k.a scholarly, even though scholarly education was to be found everywhere. Only those who walked as such was raised to the highest, and were then acted on as advisers. The Romans were the first to be documented right of schooling, back then you did what you did and did it in service to whatever, and Romans turned it into indoctrination. The right to have it because you belonged to the right group. The Romans got omens through taking a holy relic they conquered and put it on a pedestal and spilled a little bit of ox blood into a bronze container, and took a sponge at the end of a stick and sprayed the object with it, the image the blood brought into mind revealed the omen.
Tibetan- Meditative philosophy, and the foreground of oriental thinking. It was the Tibetan minds that took it into a priestly fashion, and they took and built their temples around acoustics. But it was not for chanting, chanting created vibrations but acoustics has to do with empty space, and instead of creating a vacuum against their enemies they projected it against their selves, and were so made gone, and it had to be maintained, because if it broke for just a second it didn't work at all. Prayer books were implemented, prayer created the harmony and that created the mind able to erase itself. And as harmony created resonance through the temples top pillars and so became a dream. This is shown in the Tibetan symbolism, a man trying to bind heaven. Some Tibetans took the idea of not being interrupted so seriously they went up into the mountain and built temples there, knowing only the secular priest like would seek there. Tibetan chanting can heal bone, repair flesh and if possible certain herbs they would use said to elicit body responses that causes the abnormality of sickness to kinda figure itself out. What made them famous through the herbs to put someone in the lap of death, which gave rise to the envision of resurrection, though resurrection was pretty much around during that time. They were so good at this they created the Tibetan book of death, which later gave rise to the story of the book of necronomicon. It is said this book (Book of death) can slow down the march towards death, which is why some say they can live until 140 years, and some say the original teacher became a little over 300.Tibetan cities were originally built on lower land, but as the culture grew the harmony was disrupted, the ability to create the energy was disrupted. So not only hiding and protecting themselves from war, they were creating a place to enhance that battery. No Tibetan is a holy person, even if a monk, the real one will be the one standing behind candles, for they rarely leave the cavern, for that's where the battery is the strongest. The psychic mind is capable of great things, however it can not fool a mind that is prepared, so when faced for this type of understanding look for that which looks to be out of place and there the answer will reside. Chinese- China really has no true magic, it is the land itself that has the magic. The land is a living dragon, and in this it acts like a kind of polar magnetic field. These people who are living on this dragon, are not really seeing the worth of it. True they've got the harmony of it now, but the thing is that its they utilize the physical body in the essence of chi in the form of quai to enhance their collective nature to the dragon, this is the true power of tao. Tao is not a word, tao is a purpose when you set yourself unto a goal tao will present you with the options. To master the art of tao, or taoist nature, puts you closer and closer to that dragon. ECT. Japan. For japan everything is ritual, every art every design is ritualistic. Their true nature is to summon a deity or being to kinda bless or gather the true essence of something, they belive in kami but it is not the true essence of being. In the mystical arts japan is more about trying to create harmony and instill it in its people and then put itself as a higher culture and set itself as a standard for the rest of the world. There is no Japanese magic, only divination, which they took from the Korean. The greatest of Japanese design is the right of writings, or script, but they don't know they possess this power. True Japanese mind reaches into the bardo or limbo and it is there they sharpen their skills and find their spiritual answers, everything else is just decoration or belong to some other society. ECT.
Germanic- In the Gothic their design is based on the under-worlds education. Though the Germanic have their own sets of occultists and alchemists they never truly existed. They are a by-product they added to them in an attempt to establish an occult domain. Sure old cultures like Italian, Russian had all established groups in Germanic country, it is here the Thule was created. The Thule would eventually move on to the H.P love-craft design. But they needed to use that of the surrounding cultures to add to themselves, and this became the Germanic/Teutonic. The Teutonic are not Norse, they used their alphabet to reason to put it into their own coded form, which was taken as an ubermensch- which was originally taken from Leonardo Da vinci, who started to write letters backwards to read in a mirror. The Germanic did the same and from there came the idea of the satanic backwards letters. The natura ventis was basically the harnessing of the idea of the hungry demon, a.k.a whatever the heck that demon was called. The voodooist model of legba. The Germanic believed they were the elitist of creation and that the other side must be the weaker, and through this the Thule society started to get into the idea of the mock bible version of legion. And once again, this was a mock version. The black book would be writing about Germanic/Gothic, the white about the Italian, Hungarian and the blue the English and the subculture. Adding the French and the Italian models they then became known as the under-keepers. Then we have the token models, like the way the Germans dispensed the swastika, which we know as the shi-shil (h)- the crossroads, where the Hindu get the word namaste. They got it wrong, the meaning means the teacher appears when the student is ready, not the greeting of two confirming their existence. The swastika is two rivers colliding, it is one river crossing another river, one life coming into contact with another life, without diverting another path. It is a small stop where enlightened interaction occurs before moving on. As the Germanic master got into their own they founded the Thule and stole from others to consider themselves the superior race, descended from Atlantis, the Aryans and so on with a destiny of becoming the master race. Absolute nonsense. This society went on to try and conquer lesser society to instill themselves as superior, and then the Germanic cultists started to create their own manuscripts, creating now what everyone calls the quib-lath, it is the negative version of the cabala, like the satanic view of it.
Voodoo: The word means to activate, to put into action. There are several different levels of voodoo- the awakening, which is done in shaman fashion through a ritual where they are marked with veyvey. Voodoo magic is based on mystical wordings but wordings of the spirit, like hums, like receiving gibberish in a trance. This is the first level called the communication. The second level is herbal/alchemic in which they take plants and certain body materials or animals and put it together into a makeshift recipe. In this fashion they try and summon the energy based in these objects, the objects themselves doesn't matter only the nature of them. The third are called the enforcers, they are kinda like guardian angels or the demonic version in the sense they give off the good or the bad of the practicing. This person is given make-shift magic weapon to fight the good or bad fight. In modern voodoo there is no such thing but in the ancient one there is. The modern voodoo wants everything to be karma like and the ancient one knows if you create bad it resides as a kind of energy and the same for good, and it functions as a way to either grow or kill it. Voodoo is more like a ghost-buster, either finding what is blocking and figuring it out or finding the controlling force and removing it. Voodoo in itself isn't magic but a practice, it is a subject of that which is the design, like you can have the culture not the ritual. Seen as a slave art created by slaves- which is not true. Voodoo is actually king and queenly admired art, a kind of performance, like a dance or a version of the makeshift court version of entertainer. They hide it behind the lesser designs as a way to practice it, otherwise it would be an open thing to set standards for the royal family. It is all about appearance. That's why it became more communal. Voodoo is watered down to become more like an oppressive model, because the higher models would use it as a form of guilt tripping (priests/pimps) to steal and control, which was never the purpose of voodoo. The first and second level is more of a dream state education, and the way to activate it is the ability of dreams. The final guardian one is based on tools, they can either give you the objects and use it to defeat you or to protect you. You will think you are getting something that serves you and your interests when in truth it is a judgment call that if it isn't used properly will cause your downfall. The wording voodon doesn't really exist, it was created to make it all more official. Story- Usage- Truth. In voodoo there is three lines, much like witchery, but in voodoo it represents three different conducts, the first is the designs, the second is the makeshift version of the saints, and the third are the animals, and the animals is the only real design in voodoo. The other two was put it into place to make it more acceptable, outsider created. ECT. The reason it is dying is because it is not practiced in the animal fashion but the Santeria fashion. And the farther it gets from the true design the harder it gets to maintain. As long as the true essence of the design is maintained it gets to move houses, it is driven to a place it feels called too and the spirit of said lands.
Aztec (mexico) : The Aztec believed coincidence was not coincidence but a push, if you didn't do something something would get done one way or another. They got that knowledge by looking at the stars and heavens. Most wrote that off but the learned ones learned about meteorites, makeshift things from other world that would one day explode and die, and so they learned nothing was permanent. They would see that animals have a hunting season, breeding season, winter fattening season. They took these principles and created rituals based on them. The hunting was the season of expansion where they would expand their land. The mating season would mostly be other tribes coming over and mixing with them. The fattening would be a warlike season where they pitted themselves against others to see the right of survival. The magic of all of this has to do with the animals associated with these three grand season, The jaguar- parrot- snake. The jaguar was the hunting, the parrot was the mating and the snake the fattening. Their days were based on this and so the calender is wrong when taken in comparison with modern day accounting. Mayan/ Incan: Everything Mayan design is based on the evolution of man turning into animal turning into nothing turning into man again and being seen as a king for going through that process, They believed in the ethereal soul, not that the land ruled the body, and the kings had to go through this process to be a king. The sacrifices was a way to test this, but at the same time venerated the process. The magi tried to harness the mystical side of the Mayan education. Mayan means time and Incan memory, or to put into memory. Water was very powerful to Mayan, since to them everything was like a fish. You were born in the water and then grew into something bigger and fight for your right to live. Mayan believed in stone and makeshift versions of sand, like clay, not books, and it was so they did their spells and workings. The Mayan were the first to induct a beautiful version of multiple marriage, a king can have up to ten wives, so the average would have had something like two or three, which has no real magic significance but it is still remembered by us, though they dotted on their women mostly, since they weren't displayed as wise as naturally as men, and rather than find a way for that to be achieved they thought to leave it well enough alone. The Mayans were an ethereal person and people, their deity's were connected to the skies.
Romanian: The Romania class is a carry over from many other cultures, they were much like the Hebrew and not liked by many since they were seen as meddlesome in the idea of the outsider critique. From the romanian we get the gypsy, which are responsible for much of the imagery of the 17th century witch. The Romania model is very formal, like you belong to a certain click, inventing different hand signs and similar so only they of it would understand. In the Romania model the gypsy was a traveler. Gypsy protocol is all based on creating talisman, amulets and makeshift tools for averting evil, but in the process of averting it you are encouraging evil, because you're creating borders. Kinda like fishing in water you don't want fish to know about. Russian: Every Tsar had a kind of primitive seer that was in charge of everything. The who were chosen to overthrow others became power hungry, and so started to lie, thereby causing distrust. Russia has a long history of being gifted in fortune telling, part of them is Romanian but the Russian refused to accept that. Wizard comes from the wording of zar. In this world there was a makeshift version of good and evil, a kind of sorcerer versus wizard connotation, this was wrong but like anything it is a kind of learning process. As we learn to understand the word tsar, the nature of fortune telling and using crystal balls, we learn the use of sight. From the Russian we will learn the shamanic version of the wizard, and out it into the legacy known as mageistry. When wizards didn't get to advice the tsar anymore they became like like self-aware travelers, this wasn't were the wizard was born but the word wizard. Assyrian: The Assyrian’s were very convinced in their right to be masters of the land, and so they used tools to conquer, one of them magic. It is from here we got the makeshift word sorcery The Assyrian’s were very two-sided in how to use their magic. One is the belief system were they did meditative trans-conduction- it were they put themselves in another persons mind. The second is an alchemical version of voodoo- they would out a chemical on a talisman and you would not know you were infected, and would be suggestive to hypnotic suggestions. We use this perspective of a sorcerer as who we don't want to teach, the ones who abuse it despite having great knowledge.
Native Indian: The chief has a medicine man. The idea of the medicine man is the idea of cleansing you of your stupidity, doing the dance and the smoke and shaking to say to the tribe you were okay and they should be more accepting of your craziness and what it brings to the tribe. In magic we honor the Indian for the idea of three things- to leave things as they are supposed to be, endurance- to endure the struggle despite being able to make it easier, and the third- they befriended the individuals even if a person was seen as a threat, they always gave a chance. ECT. French/english (witchery): French witchery is different from English witchery. English is more a home-cook of country and herbal workings in a type of Rumpelstiltskin type, as in making bargains with the devil and so on. English is a mixture of Celtic, Scottish and Romanian. The stri(y/e)gan witch is a version and type that arose from the Germanic rise of the occult, allowing both sides this possibility to arise. French witchery is basically the harnessing of the body and mind, utilizing the symbolism of the moon and the natures as ceremonial magic a.k.a the elements and the five basic understandings of magehood. It is quite young, so it's just kinda doing it, not understanding why they are doing it and where it began. Paganism today is a mixture of Italian, gypsy and Germanic models taken into a nicer Adam and eve version, but it still possess the desire to know, which is the most important of all. Witchery goes through ranks of three, representing their strength, power and freedom. The first is their strength to rule, the lesser is attracted to the imagery while the greater is more about being ready for the magehood teachings, though only after the third ring. Witches harness witchery, but not witchcraft. Why do we call it witchcraft, craft does not mean create it means to apply, to use what already exist, to conform to its existence and go by its rules. ECT. There are three basic symbols. Sigma, Iota, phi and pi. These are the main symbols of occult education. Alpha and omega are the sponsors of these. Alpha sigma, alpha Iota, phi alpha and pi sigma are remnants of Alpha, the same goes for omega. The reason for this are that these four are action based. These greater subsets acts as to form a more understandable universe in its dynamic, like shaping a ladder where Sigma is the middle, Iota is the beginning and phi the greater with pi as the ultimate. What is the eye. It is the omega, the alpha, and the sigma. Sigma is the three consciousness of mind, body and spirit. Iota is the eye, not the Egyptian, but
as in being the letter I with a serpent in the middle. The image of the all-seeing eye isn't the same as iota, since the all-seeing eye is general while iota is focused singularly. Phi and pi; phi is the symbol of the trident sitting on a pedestal, while pi is the image of the standing stones. Pi, beyond the number, is three slabs of stone that act as a doorway. Iota is the beginning as the ability to see, while sigma comes in in the middle ground as the desire to know, phi comes in after that as the desire to see and know the greater, and pi finally as knowing the greater. Kali: is about the inner flame. Tripura: about the duty of ones self. Shiva: about the laws of love and touch. Ganesha: worth of the woman and respect of her kind. Cchinnamasta: the rights to teach of the lesser teachers. Durga: the law of body and spirit. Tara: the value of the body to birth, to nature. The three that you must understand and focus on, not in tantra but in the nature of self, is Kali, Shiva and Durga. The rest is supplemental deities that are there to make the lesser art seem like it's law. The gross is the worldly value, the subtle is the teachers value, and the supreme is the deities will itself. The mandala represent the four and the three. However the colors represent the three colors of the Egyptian design and one color of the dragon. Red-blood. Yellow-urine. Green-sickness or impervious nature of death. White-semen. Blood is used to sign a contract, urine to mark territory, semen is used to balance life by creating it, and illness or weakening of the body is needed for it to find its strength. Prana: is breath, when one chooses to use breath the bring a thought to mind then expel it through the air, on a candle or cup, and an actions occur within that thought. Will: when you set up a mandala you must set up in a way to perpetuate good, if you do it for evil then it's going to go on with that to the universe. A mandala is a universal keyhole in the fabric of our being, and if done correctly it translates that energy to earth energy than later to electromagnetic energy, and so becomes recipient to their thought. So storms and the like will be more sensitive to your will and thoughts. Your focal tools and all else acts as an individual blanket that sets your apart from the ethereal realms, they are known by the objects on their person, without this specific energy you are nothing in a no-where world and will be treated like it. The invisible warrior is one who fights for the psychic will, or mind. In the psychic mind there is an illusionary state, or spectrum state; what that is that it brings out the psychic artist in yourself or other, refining them or you psychically- Example: if they show you a dragon, then show them a better dragon. Psychic middle pillar kabal: the red and black pillars are unconscious psychic magnets, the white pillar/candle as the center go-between. It access the logos, translates the magic between the black and red candle. The red is the magic of the body, and black is the unseen world; truly it is neither of these, but that is how we relate to them. The red candle represents truth, the black candle purpose. When the red candle and black are lit they are even with each other. In the occult this is called the bridge. That which is placed between them becomes the offering- the wish/desire- basically what you want to achieve. Symbolism of the mind: Iota is the eye, Beta is the blue-veil consciousness, Alpha is the expansion of the Omega, Alpha is the red state of consciousness. Sigma is the mind. Kappa is the ability to let in or open up to, it is often seen as the white veil. Delta is the self, and is the green
frequency and enhances. Orion is a compass, it puts the value of things together. Gamma is a version of self inflicted mind control, it has no impact on earth, and it is yellow not green. Phion is the greater will, the greater consciousness, and it is purple. Theta is seen as white because of the representation of the dead, but it's not, it is a backwards version of coma, not dead or aliveit's clear in color but not white in connotation.; clear being the intellectual bridge of all colors. Magnus is two separate states: the nu and mu. Tau is a bridge between the sigma and the delta, and is brown. The infinite design are always placed on things that are for growth, the finite is placed on things for introspection. The infinite is the figure eight, physical body and spiritual body. The finite is like a spinal that goes upwards, connecting the physical and spiritual, turned upside down it is seen as the mask of death. The symbol of the mind is the star, the mind. The suns true veil is the radiant infra-red. The consciousness of the infrared is to perceive through heat the consciousness of things. Utilizing focus, this form of heat turns into color or magnetic charge, a.k.a weight or mass. The three wills: The symbol is the upward triangle, the symbol for alpha. The higher self seeks purpose, the inner self seeks answers, and the ego seeks need. This is how you defeat them, this is how you agree with them. If you can find the need, purpose or reason then you have them. These are the three dimensions of our being, they are ever present in our consciousness, one is a teacher, one is a student, one is a child. The Id often doesn't wanna be the higher self, because it chooses the best for everyone. The way around it is to let the higher teach the inner, so the ego doesn't want to deal with it. In the mystical one has to go beyond all three of these rings, understand them to beat them at their own game. The higher seeks enlightenment, the inner truth, and the ego reality. Why would one need to hack their own self? The spiritual self has safeguards, while the physical has memories. Each one tries to use that against the nature of the mind, to defeat the reason of work, magic wise. The higher self wants to expand but not intrude, the inner wants to be included, and the ego wants to be in charge. These are the safe-guards, our creative being has put in place since our birth. Symbolism is connected to the physical material on comprehends with the physical relationship with the dream state. A kind of unseen programming, that when you put the symbol down, either drawing physically or mentally, when you put it in place- the Id or higher self recognizes its nature. And like an unconscious computer it hacks it. If one puts down a symbol of protection around ones room, the one who disagrees with that symbols reasoning wouldn't be able to enter, they would think something wrong. Humans respond to instinct. Whether they see it or not they will pick up on it energetically/unconsciously. It isn't a guardian angel it is just a hacking of the brain. Someone that does not disagree with it and have good intentions can pass and enter. The energy is what gives the glyph the power to ward off or invite. Even if someone has a powerful glyph, without the ritual or working they might as well have a gun without bullets. When the symbols of the Hebrew design is spelled backwards it tell you what the high priest of G.O.D has planned. They are read backwards so they can be read forwards. The four represents the four angelic positions, which is a lie, their understanding of magic. ECT. This particular design is against any form of secondary possession. One of the most difficult things of shaman and occult nature of is that they summon something inside themselves. During their working they put something inside their self, a shadow like being. A normal person can't see this, but a magically gifted using these tools, the walls, can see them and be protected against them. Anything taken from the fire or ether has a tendency to want to go back, and most shamans/other don't understand this, and so they tend to cause harm like burning or cutting
themselves etc. Using the staff one can then keep these from happening and “cure” others from it. If the shaman is young and inexperienced chances are they might be infected. Psychic dream teachers: Whatever you see in your dream is telling you about an event that is to take place, or looking towards something. It is never written openly, it is written in small symbols written in other things your mind is thinking about. The secret to connecting people in a dream, is the same as in a seance, holding hands. Holding hands in a physical causes them to enter a dream state, entering a form of utopia of signals. Dream reading is easy if you go by what you feel not think. As you read someone’s dreams, you get a sense of what direction they're going in. Always be objective in a sense it's not your or theirs dream, they're just dreaming, and the answers should come to you. What remains is the true dream, and the muddled or that difficult to remember isn't. Some doesn't remember to avoid learning, if so, await until they speak about it, and if a word sparks your interest then that's the direction they're going. If something is truly real, it leaves a trace. True dreaming: How to fight a dream, maintain the purpose of one, and how to be into someone else dream. When you're pulled in you're being called in, and it's up to your trained spirit to pull the rest of the way. Dreams are like rippled water, you can only see all of it when you go above and see the ripples. Using candles and hypnotic workings you'll be able to do this workings. Hypnotics- the minds playground: Exercise- when you lay in bed imagine your arm as heavy, try and lift it, imagine it as heavy it doesn't want to lift it, so fight it. First left arm, then right, then left leg then right leg. Don't do it with central extremities cause they will shut down, using the head will give you a headache. Instead lift the head off the pillow, and when your body wants to let go and pull back, do the exercises again. You make the body think in the opposite how it is used to things, hence why you switch from body part to body part, to fool it because it will catch on and adapt. The goal is to separate every part of the body except the heart and lungs, so you can control them individually in a dream state. The secrets of the minds eye: The eye is the answer. The closed eye is the question. When two eyes form focus, they're one eye a.k.a the third eye. The third eye's vision is about a thumb and a fingers outstretched distance from the forehead to the tip. The third eye looks within, at the aura. It is here one can begin to manipulate the rules, the hacking of the human brain. It is hacking, because unconsciously there is no hacking, it is instantaneous and the brain doesn't have time to re-regulate what is going on. One intensify a form of gaze, that causes the person it is directed at to second-guess themselves. But we don't want to access the brain, but the energy of the soul, the shield- the aura. The wall of the mind jumper: You will be picking up dust from certain location and using it as a form of hypnotic transferable workings. For this use frankincense. Mind jumping is a heightened boost of sensation that tells you about a particular way of things. It is achieved the same way as of candle focusing, bur require more in line of tuning; to mind jump is to force your will on the candle and enter a perceptive state where things will move really fast, and when you return to your natural state you will pick up on things, and thing will come to your attention faster. It can become addictive, but it's purpose is to fine tune your detective-like skill. As a magiester you need to see the pros, cons and middling of any situation. It will make you light headed, and give a boost to your skills. So if you find yourself unable to even spell “it”, chances are you mindjumped. The priest is at the door with the sun at his back. When the create inside our mind it creates a ripple through time and space, our goal is to pull the thought from them. When you stand before someone we gain a sense of them, if a word or thought pops into your head, that is going to lead
you to a better grip on them. Don't get over-anxious, question what was going through your head, but don't relay it to them. When you enter into the psychic mind you will start to feel as if you are fading in and out of a dream state, don't separate them, but focus on what you know is true/real. Balances of the hypnotic spell: Power- The word idea, the signs of hypnosis in the idea of rules is that knowing how to see but not touch, is to be a part of something, knowing something, is to not tell about it. Not play out on it, or act on it- allow it to play out as it should. Nature- It is the idea that nature itself has certain things it sticks to and throw others away. What sticks, it will put in front of you to make it stand, and if nature doesn't find something flexible, nature will want you to change you. But you will have to stand by the oath of non-interference. Will- The whole consciousness of this design is to serve the nature of the rules, and the only way to know your doing right is in your dreams. When you do what is right, you will dream of what is right; the same goes of what is wrong. Spirit- Don't enjoy your gifts too much, that is the sorcerer's side of things. Hold to your oath. If you are given the right to think and guide, then do so with the utmost discretion, not influence them but to steer them on the right track. Stick to the main subject and don't deviate, even if it would help them better understand it, if you are meant to do that you will, otherwise, don't. Secrets of the Ouji/Wayjah and the corners (occult): The first board made out of wood was basically a plank with a yes, no and maybe; there was no letter. It used a glass cup/goblet which did the yes, no and maybe. If the cup said yes or no or maybe the person would feel what the yes meant or applied to. Fortune tellers would use these to rip off people, by mentally driving them to what the answer would be. Only 17% roughly were real fortune tellers, for they would warn that sitting down might forever change who you are. A real spirit board is like a magnet for spirit traffic, and acting on the board will connect all the pieces, but only to a number of 5 (the royal flesh). The crystal board is made of wood, the crystal is more of a crystal ball people often made find of, but in capable hands it was possible to find all answers with it. The third one was a bowby splitting open an animal, and certain shapes would appear and the shapes would tell of things to come. Bones could also be used, but they had to be pre-dead animal bones. The Ouija board is not, the word means voice, and what you're doing is giving voice to a wooden object. How does it work? The Ouija requires candlelight, the stronger the light the stronger it is, and it encompasses the spirit, forcing you to haunt yourself. It is an unconscious mind trying to reach and ethereal state. It is the candle causing that link, not the board. The 3 rules of no-no: spiritual possession is forbidden unless they've done great harm. Not using control or possession to command someone else. Not forcing their own deaths or demise. But these rules only stand up to those who've not already broken them. Breaking them makes you subject to them. Vice a vie. Possession is only allowed as a form of guidance and giving back what has been given. However, after a certain level is reached, the rules don't apply. The summoning rite of a beginner: This is a fine tuning of the staff itself. The first thing you want to do is draw a circle about your head and one about your feet. This is when you start to accept the rules of the circle. The circle is basically the power over ones self, but given time and practice it can reach out into the edge of the universe itself. But here it can reach into the staff and let it act like a compass to certain places. When your speaking the words you say “within that is I offer thee” and the other “don't let me fail, for I wanna be pushed without you telling
me�. This welcomes you to the dragon's eye. They say everything in 3-5 different dimensions at all times.
Occult terms of power: Summoning is to offer up. Summoning is when the body is charged by the use of talisman, rings or tools, creating energy like smoke utilizing the candles. You can then place it inside the goblet, or on your self. If in the goblet, it is the environment you're summoning, if on your self you are performing on your self, or that which you connect to. It is achieved, once you start roakinggathering smoke from the fire- you press it into the cup, as like spray it. Just the smoke, don't put a thought in there or you will program yourself to do it. Always leave such workings open ended, leaving it up to your environment to bring it to you. Casting is to charge. When you cast your utilizing focus, you're picturing an event or action or thought, and you specify it for one elemental candle, for witches it is all the five, but for druid, magehood or shaman, it's basically three. However they're technically not elements, but forces. Air- earth spirit. These are adopted into the human frame, and they are adopted during the third ritual in witchcraft and second in druid. Although one should remember each art is separate even though they may have similarities. When you do casting, you stand in front of the candle you want, don't remove it from the other- focus on the gateway candle, the one between the two. Or the goblet, if there is no goblet then what is in the center, because that's the focused object. Shadowing is to place an energy near. Shadowing is basically veil energy, as you begin to channel and focus you'll begin to see veils in front of you, coloration. These are illusionistic, delusions, because they don't exists, but our mind makes them exist. And in the dream state they become solid, as a version of ethereal veil. Then we start to see the physical coloration in front of us -white, blue, black, red etc. Shadowing is when you begin to pierce the veil between the two. Each veil is a kind of a safety zone, where certain types of magic can be performed stronger than others. There is a cheating way through the witches third ring, but the true way is to be welcomed to it. When you are in these veils you can touch on other people, the stronger the color of the veil the longer your reach- these is magehood so don't confuse it with the lesser arts. Magehood allows you to send ethereal signals through the veils to individuals you wish to run into, like a ghost telephone. But don't let your mind wander in a veil, or you'll bring all sorts of things. Chaotic energy doesn't really exist, it is neutral energy that gets twisted. Interfering with positive energy. The ouroboros is the figure 8, or two circles intertwined. There is order known and that which is unknown. Order unknown isn't though, it is misleading. What that means is that this extra order allows us to have choices, there is the set order, and that which is flexible- which is perceived as chaotic even though it is neutral. It has to be put into action for it to exist, otherwise it doesn't. The side that has the choices, the flexible side, is more at your command- while the
orderly side is the rules you can't break. If they break or bend them that is another matter, but if you then the flexible won't be as flexible any longer. Satanic energy doesn't exist, only satanic will. They utilize primal energy of the self. The satanic model is based off the Egyptian design of the Orisian self, meaning a certain form of standing that relate to the form of crossing the arms like an X. Utilizing this form, they think of themselves of malevolent beings capable of life and death. Now, if this is the proveyer of death, then the only way to balance it out is a powerful way of life, which is why the way of procreation- sex- comes into play and balance the other out. Utilizing the female model of this, we come into the why position, known as the Isis model. However this is about harnessing the level of Ki, thus controlling the scales of life and death, but it's not about controlling life and death it's about sharing the energy of both fields. ECT. Dream touching is the nature to serve that which is the energy of another once you've touched them. Just like the witches two fingers, ak.ka witch-touch, once can begin through the form of mental focus passing a thought, like the programming of a roaking, into a person that is awake or sleeping. Thereby draw on them or empower them, this energy, which then becomes an example of their own being, in their consciousness. Their brain writes a program for you to exist there. Depending on how many times you do it, though nature sometimes overrides this, and creates a channel where people feel like they know each other though they’ve never met. This is nature tapping into the energy, not a persons personal being, that remains sacred and left alone. It's a plug into a plug, allowing you to make use of their energy, but without expending their resources, a conduit to travel through but not affect them. A spell is basically a harboring of words but a tool. To do a spell is to set up a kind of blueprint of what you're trying to achieve, and then you activate it using both charging and focal energy. Depending on how well the environment receives the blueprint decides how effect the spell becomes. A spell can become effective using just words, but that makes you the conduit not the environment, which makes you the energy source it drains from for the duration of the spell. The main goal is to make your altar or environmental space to do the work for you, thus making only a little use of your own energy. Mages don't use spells directly though, our spell-kit is our talismans and staff, these do the work to summon the dragon, which does the spells for us or counteract the spells in play. The idea is to be above spell casting, we are mages and above, we are to have access to the universal, not the terrestrial or lower veils. Talismans act as an aura radiant transference device, it heightens our aura which creates an ethereal communication, so whatever one of us is thinking, everyone around us is thinking. It's not there for selfish reasons. Talismans and tokens is for the lesser level, higher is rings. Rings are written contracts, like a form of marriage to the design. You can take them off any time, but the commitment stays until you place the ring in the goblet or remove yourself from the will. If you do this though you are forbidden to return to practice, you can, but nothing will turn out the way you want. Otherwise the chain would be broken. Spellwork- one can not just create a spell. Spellwork is like the blueprint your mind tells you what is needed, and then comes up with this pattern. Some see the imagery of it, like if, you want something to happen to a house, you put a picture or model of it. But that's just you helping yourself visualize, the blueprint is the diagram of the house itself, its geo-symbolism. Whatever it
represents number wise is how it should how up. So if a house has a square and a triangle equaling the number seven, a symbol with seven branches has a close representation. So if you want to do cultural models like Egyptian, you would have to find their symbol for seven or house. This starts to help form the blueprint that is required in the transition. There is the standard models because of the candle charging natures, but they're only the battery, the programming is the blueprint. When others use weird drawing or angelic symbolism, they're not drawing something solid, but something ethereal. Their unconscious mind creates a toy for them to focus on, and that becomes the blueprint. It is the key to access their brain to get the geosymbolism. In the higher arts these are known as sygils. Key password and symbolism that allows access to the human consciousness to advance certain parts of your physical anatomy. Grimoire is a teaching aid to that which is the book of shadows. The word grimoire means death mirror, or black mirror. It's purpose is like a diary, to keep up information about cultures and design that relate to your education. It's where wiccan's idealists tend to think its a book of shadows. The grimoire is basically your teacher's aid manual. You will go through at least 4-5 of them before entering the world of wizardry. You will study terms, languages, symbolism, idealism in the whole giant scheme of things, these are to program the mind to think like a dragon. Because a dragon sees everything in the form of 3 dimensions, cause, effect result all at the same time. It doesn't turn you into a mega-brain, but allows you to solve things the megabrain may have left parts in. The grimoire allow us to have a verbal record of our work, literal as well as theoretical. Normally all grimoires are supposed to be burned, you are only supposed to have your wizard tome. But seeing that the rule-book doesn't directly apply to that, you don't really have to. It's there to make sure the material doesn't fall into the wrong hands. The book of shadows is a raw interpretation of a book of spirits. The book of shadows is a book of shadows, it means there are levels of veils one use in order to advance their being. It is a blueprint of male and female dynamics. With this blueprint one can harness the power and skill of a mage, but by utilizing it in an open fashion, and breaking against the dragon's oath. That's why the third ring in witchcraft isn't allowed without one of us. For witches are allowed to have the first and second level of being, the inner woman of witch, and the inner male of magehood. But their not allowed to have the outer- never tell a witch this thought, for they will disagree. However,that's because they don't know. They ones that already know carries the staff, and wears similar talismans without knowing how they're used. The book of shadows is of no consequence to us, for we have the dryl, the true dragon book. Our job is to understand that they want in to our design, so don't be an asshole about it. Simply learn their ways, and then we understand them more. ECT. Gate is exactly what it is. Watchtower is four geo-designed as a way of trapping the elements. The watchtower is a symbolic design four elemental north, south, east west pinnacle. It's the kabbala version of a witches nature trying to make a blueprint. They're trying to summon a blueprint and they use the four basic elements to try and achieve it- or if you're into religion, the angelic. The watchtower is basically a Freemason model created from the solomonic text and re-purposed to try and act like the underworld. Basically like Isis trying to get her key.
The trident is the symbol phi that is about reaching into the unconscious and tapping the invisible world. Phi is the symbol for the mind. It is the triangle of the ceremonial gateway, a.k.a placemat. Each one of the points of the triangle represent a candle holding, even though the trident is connected to the Poseidon imagery, it is really connected to the gateway and the middle pillar imagery of the kabbala. The phi nature is cause, effect and result in three separate triangles. Two that are linked together, and one to join them both. The imagery would look like an hourglass inside a triangle, upward or downward depending on which way you're going. Downward is use of the physical body, upward is the environment and external universe. Though the world sees them as backwards. But that's because they want to go from an ethereal being to a physical being. Sand disagrees, it becomes the land not the ocean. Witchcraft is as said, and also a fine-tuning of the lessons above. Dark arts are basically physical energy that is used to accomplish all above without words. The dark arts are basically the nature of the powers that be, and the secrets of each magical arts Promethean design. ECT. Black magic is just a general term for African derived term for making fun of those practicing voodooist arts, real dark arts are called Khem (Khempra prah- the living skin of energy, what you are made up of underneath). Khem is sand, sand comes in four colors, red, white, yellow and black. These colors are attributed to other colors each. Blue, yellow, green and white. The white and the red and the yellow and black are the prime colors, while the other colors are the living colors- as in the responsibilities. Blue is the yellow, green is the red, black is the black and white is the white. The lighter colors are designed for inner health or inner vitality, a.k.a service. While the higher colors, or prime colors, are devoted to the mysteries of life and death; as in creating it. And this is life and death for the land and the people on it, not directly attacking someone. The main goal of any form of magic is to quell the land, not to change the heart of one on it, that's religious, or sacrilegious. People will be people and the land will decide their fate, and that is the reason druidism revel in silence; they would rather let the land decide than argue who is right or wrong. Fortune telling is one of the three basics of learning about astrology. You'll be utilizing in your study five basic oracle tools, three are shaman based the last two are either witch or occult based. ECT. Dark messages: it is merely a term flipped upside down by those thinking themselves angelically gifted. Light and Dark doesn't exist in the idea on think they know- we interpret light for it's visible, while dark is unseen. Light is that which is given in their mentality, and dark is hidden and must therefore be wrong. The occult flipped this upside down, and that which was seen as dark was seen as light, and light as dark. Messages come to us because we need to be the better of our selves; but dark messages come to us because we need to fit into a greater plan. When we learn in magic we run across those who shares our concern, but also those that failed, and they will try and leech of others to gain that information. They are unlucky because they are fighting themselves. But those who bend to these messages come to find the answers right before them. And that's why oaths exists, it is to keep those who would try and change that which they weren't invited to. We were invited, why would we want to let someone in that would wreck the party?
Dark messages also have symbols, and as you advance you will start to see these symbols. After you see them, the message will show up. To some they show up in the form of trials- things to overcome. Others as duties- things they have to repair. Never the less, that's what is required. The symbols show up in the code you are familiar with- Greek, Phoenician etc. The idea of dark messages is that symbols or forms come to you, from night-based creatures. It's not evil or bad, they just exist more at night than the day. The idea is to harness these messages to find out about purposes or duties/responsibilities. As those of the mage/magi/magus you won't much run into these, they're all outsider messages, innuendos of the lesser arts. We of the higher arts don't really need them because we have the talisman, the lesser though can be dragged or visited in that fashion. The idea is to understand it. Dreaming reading and symbols creates patterns, and this gives us the messages. Druid spells in nature- the unseen water: Water to a druid is a version of a spell, sand to a druid is aversion of a spell, ground up herbs in the form of hay, barley, and anything weedy or seasonal is a version of a spell. The way you did the spell is that you went over to where your sacred space was, then sprinkled the material into the location. It may look silly sprinkling water into water, but we can put a thought into that we were spilling. We make poultice material, bandages from herbs; what these bandages do is speed healing, but they're not the medicine capability to heal, it is how we put the herbs together that causes its activity to get the body to heal itself- like using poison to cure poison. In druid study you will study the images of flora and by just their imagery you will figure out their use, and you will be right most times. When we refer to gods and goddesses we refer to the nature of each one, the item best representing them. The object we'll use in a ceremony or ritual. The Awen is three candles, it's the symbol of white whirlpool and the three colors of the sun. Morning is red, day yellow, and evening orange. Morning sun means honoring/blessings. The second sun is purpose, work of the day and world. And the night sun is promises. These are related to incense, candles and the natural events of life. The art of druid wisdom is like swirling water. As the water spins the mind perceives, thoughts of the past, thoughts of the future and the emptiness in between. Though druids have no enemies they still carry the hardships of the people they serve and others they come across by ethereal means. The purpose of being a druid is to accept nature on its terms and the education of the land. The greatest gift a druid can give is an entire year of peace to any land, in wartime or pursuit of it. Druids by nature are not peaceful, though they have no enemies, the idea is how the land is treated- that is what the rituals are for. To ask that the land and the people are treated better, not to demand it or summon unholy worth unto another person, but to ask the land to take care of the land, and if this is such, then the druid finds peace. Druid magic is powerful, capable of killing, but the idea is that it was never meant to be a weapon, it was meant to be a reminder. Druid secrets and the nature of the staff of Abot: The nature of the druid and the staff is to be a living example of a forest of ones living self. As we walk around we make blessing over places, though they have to be peaceful, if they are confrontational we put a stone there. The idea is that that which causes the disturbance will go into the stone, and then the place will be cleansed, unless the problem is the people in the place. That's where the talking stick come in- as we have a question we have the stick, but we need to trust it, and do all the workings before. The reason why is because the stick can lie if controlled by another. As you hold the staff in front of you, it will bob to either left or right. Left means yes and right means no, if if starts to rotate in a circle it means maybe. You will find the staff to often be more correct than it chooses to be. If your staff gets heavy it means that land has mineral, water or gold on it- something of value. If it gets light
enough to almost get into the air, then a storm is coming, and you will have about an hour or two before it arrives; if it's fast the stick will vibrate too. As you advance to the walking stick level, learn what each and every one of these things does. Druids have three staffs- a thin one, called a rook, a thick one called the walking or talking stick, and one that's a bit misshapen, which doesn't have a name but can be called a traveling stick, and is meant to detect darker energies. The talking stick is for education, the rook is there to allow the authority of the druid, and then the last is basically your power. You can do this, but it's not advised. A month after working with the third staff, you can cut apart it and burn it, then smoke the other two over it and they will gain its skills. The reason it's not advised is because you're then more visible than invisible. You can look real menacing walking down the street with a warped staff, but they won't notice you. But once you put that energy into the other staff, you will become visible. When a druid has measured all there is of a druid essence, they will start to develop a glow shining through the flesh, and this makes them a true acolyte. Druids top two: the staff. In forms of chant and wording. The goal is to be at home with the energy of the staff, this makes the land at home with whom you take to it. Meaning if you take a traveler with you, you must ask the staff to protect them. Otherwise they'll be subject to everything nature is hiding or protecting itself from- even if you promise the person won't do harm. The standing stone/ the pillars are often erected by druid design to try and quell the landquell as in bringing it into the tranquility it could have if it had a loving owner. This doesn't make you responsible for it, it is a reminder of the hope for the land and the people on it. A wizard does a similar thing called owning it. They go to the areas four corners and offer a gift and then bind it to the placemat. It's kinda like putting a brand on the area/territory. The reason for it is so you can collect from the source or that grand area. Every wizard needs a secondary source, you own the land and it owns you. Then you command the land, and if someone challenges you, and if there was a highway on your land, and if you don't want it there anymore, it would rise up, shrink down until the designers decide to move it. Time is power. Energy is love. Life is hope. Foundation is truth. And truth is will. That's how you activate these. Laylines and times tarot: That which has a living on it, a presence that takes the form of a living being- these things have a geo-magnetic forces and you can harness it with the staff through the grid of laylines they are connected to. The ultimate goal is to release these energies so it can modify the land according to its future. Even the greatest of objects aren't meant to be there forever because they soak up points or energy that could counter form the material of the world. Such designs are helpful in charge but not in the overall dynamic of transformation. Human beings think in nostalgia, as in the nature of ownership and the power of its image. Sometimes the greatest gift of transformation is to give something away so that it can re-grow someplace else, and stronger. This isn't to say we don't respect the land or the model it was in before we arrived, it just knows as part of nature that that which rises falls and that which falls rises, and until that ceases to be true, that is the true nature of transformation. Standing stones are examples of people, all except for Stonehenge- Stonehenge is just a clock that has been moved 18 times and then finally set into stone. But the miner stones are examples of living people, gravitating as a unit or as a single being, bouncing their reflective energy off of each stone. They give off their personality and that's how you harness them. For a druid is all about harnessing life, serving life, and expressing the value of life in service. We seek only one thing and that is to be welcomed, the knowledge comes at you. The cards of the tarot: As we go from magi, to mage and magus. The tarot serves as implications
of subjects, as you pass from subject to subject you go from card to card, eventually from fool to the world. This is the path to the dryl. The picture is what talking about apprentice means. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Study and Work: Initiation
Shaman awareness The most important thing related to the shaman is the pyre or bonfire. Spiritual fire is both the initiation and communication. It is the ability of the shaman to heal and transmit healing to others and those who are within range of the fire--usually ceremonial fire, but also in a sweat lodge--but a sweat lodge is more about communion than about the shaman controlling the event. The highest ability is to be able to project the fire without having to actually build one: that's the embodiment of the living fire. Though there are other elements, fire is the main one, no matter what, though the others are supplementary. Shamanism has no direct distinction other than the word itself, because there are many different aspects of healing. The most powerful versions of shaman are the ones who rely on the nature of the shaman's tools: the imagery. That doesn't ;mean any lesser design is less of a shaman, however they're not as complete without the the tools (i.e. the imagery). Shamanism, as in totem animals, are the middle-class of shaman awareness. Pagan and Neo-Pagan designs think that they were born in a cave-like or Darwinian structure, so they rely on a more primal base of human, animal and plant existence to uphold the modern conceptual design of Paganism or NeoPaganism self. However, nature does not play animal favorites: meaning one totem animal is not your soul's spiritual existence. You may, at times, have 3-5 or 7 or more; however, you'll only have one prime animal in control of them all to balance out the spiritual being. Once again, this is only second level awareness.
The third and final model of the shaman self is the transmission of teachings and exchanges of each different shaman strengths or skills. Fire- because it is by the connection and transformation of lesser things fire gain expression it is greater but advances the lesser water- because water is the means by which we store and receive, and connect trough touch, symbol of the eye is because water can reflect without revealing that which it hold within Earth- is the foundation because there needs to be one, and we need a foundation to stand upon as we move trough other regions, kinda making sure we don’t drift away but stand strong as we move along Spirit- is the trident/phi because it is formed by union of 3 basic elements and can take form as each one of them.. Air- is the swirl because it is the force that will be us as we exert our influence, and advances, it is water but not because air is the advancing mind and it needs the water to properly hold within it, because air itself is presses/acts upon but do not absorb..
Tes madu shem ari. “To know is to be�. There are 3 basic circles established in a physical form. First is entrance, self or personal. 2nd is living, communication. 3rd is stone, referred to as as in nature work, ritual conformity as in (setting up a home or shop, or traveling wisdom) which equals this doorway to more. On going design based on cultivating 3 forms of nature: air, fire, water. Stones: tools used in massage therapy, metaphysical arts, and attuning simple systems of druid like nature. In magic stones have no purpose, but druids give the purpose. Staff: wooden extension off of the nature of man being like family. Is carried with person so that they have a piece of the forest. So as the forest will be the energy they can draw on. As one evolves so do the staves. So that the old one can be destroyed and returned to the Earth. Shaman communicate with animals, plants, stones, rocks, and trees all by feeling their instinct. Not their own, but the thing of which they are communicating with. A true shaman communicates before they communicate. Meaning they feel the presence. They don't know that they're doing this, otherwise they would be as wise as wizards. For it is not them that is communicating, it is the living force of the dragon match making to see transformation and answers revealed. Because of the shaman doing rituals before the fires and calling to the ethereal world, they awaken the ever curious eye of the dragon. Not knowing, not understanding , sometimes not even relating outside of their own primatives skills. It is the nature and training of the mage, druid, shaman, acolyte, and higher witches to assist the one who is calling. When I say shaman in the listing I am talking educated beyond the mere awareness of the title. The cultural limitations or the pride. For this shaman will be the other shamans teacher and visa versa in time to any of the other arts mentioned. Such a fine legacy one would say, but the truth is it must be maintained. An on going ladder to seek more than ones own place in this world or any other. Otherwise there will be with, druid, shaman, occult, acolyte, and such without what they really seek that in sight that is gifted so
freely form the fire. You would say, "Why not the other elements?", its because fire is the privative or most ancient source of existence. The Great Snake Staff. The serpent is a healer and killer. With the staff you can invoke both, but the process of learning is to go from healing into the darkness. Not the other way around. Then back into the light. But don't get light confused with what you think.
The 5 Rings of Entrance. A diagram of a circle with a mini circle inside of it. The space between the circle and the mini one is split into 4 sections. The upper left is the entrance and number 1. The side to the upper right is the gate and is number 2. The side that is the lower left is the messenger and is number 3. The side that is the lower right is the reward and is number 4. The center circle is the outer and is number 5. There are only 3 rings that we will touch upon in the beginning of our training. The last 2 are your advanced training. It is an on going labyrinth to try and merge entrance with reward. Gate with outer, entrance with messenger, and gate with reward, and gate with outer, and entrance with outer. These are the short cuts that others try to exact instead of walking the 1,2,3,4,5. Patience, dedication, loyalty, respect, and wisdom will follow. And as you'll find, wisdom is no loop-hole. Ritualism. In incense theology, ritualism is like a glue. That smoked incense about the body create a harnessing of a baser form of the 3 external levels of the aura. Though the material of the incense is based physically on the body, it is just a marking ot set the tone for those 3 fields. Hypnotic Lies Utilizing incense or any form of intoxication can perpetuate divine will, demonic will, daemonic will, or any form of unconscious enlightenment beyond pictorial. For this is the trap created to get rid of those who could be seers, educators, masters for lack of self control. Forgive me for taking a page from religious texts. But you must come in humility and go out like a dragon. I do not mean to tender your freedoms. There is nothing wrong with getting lost, but its a poor excuse if you have a map. Magi/Mages have fallen for this trap since the beginning of known education. Your not a failer for falling for the trap, your a failure for staying there in it. Experimentation is the process of existence. No one can deny that and remain wise; however, you should be in pursuit of more than just the thrill ride. For as it was stated above, your an educator. On the road to reeducation. Patterns.
In every experience there are patterns. Some weak, some strong. As a magi/mage/magus/magiester, your task is to understand those patterns. Do not deny they exist for you will be the one being re-educated in time. Wisdom, true wisdom, true indefinite wisdom, is without conflict. Not trying to prove who's right or wrong, just trying to get up that ladder. Incense and Symbolism The dream is your home. The message is within. As you advance into the content of the purple self aka Indigo (or awakened man), you will become lord of your own body. Through this discipline (from the key word “disciple�) you will use patterns that form symbolism. Symbolism the Lie. Anyone can make symbols. Anyone can call one thing another thing. Anyone can put one thing first on top of another. But then once again you seek truth as in answers, not choices right?. Truth is in our eyes, in our hands, in our dreams. Utilizing incense therapy, an ancient alchemical process turned into a modern New Age Leaf. This practice allows ones center or In(t)aox to be formed. For this is the ultimate goal of the dream, not to dispense fantasy, but bring to light reality and the way to see the answers.. Elemental Dismemberment. The idea of the cosmic chain is to subdivide the elements like one does in season, such as calender, day to day, month to month, year by year. However, there is a bit of each element in each of the other elements. Basic understanding right? Wrong. Most who dominate a particular element will never know the true nature of their self. Nor can they come to grips with the blockade of emotions that keep them from their source. Witches, shaman, druids, acolytes, mages, and magus all are here because they want to fix that. For when you break down the design of existence, you are no longer just an observer, but a teacher of the next level before and after. Before i the idea that you were. After, because of what you are now. Elemental Cohesion/Reassessment. The elemental theology is a mirror. Fire, Earth, Water, and Air are all psychic tools. They are a weapon to the master of this will to identify a new being. Ture, the physical form will not have changed much, but the shade, shadow, and disposition would have changed greatly. The nature or purpose in nature is not to examine the elements, but to open the doorway to symbolism. Shades of Being. As a mage you will stay within your body and see the world around you as you sleep. As a shaman you will leave your body and return in the sight of the animals. As a Druid you will look into the very soul of the ones before you, and remember them in a reflection of a mirror. As a witch, you will take on the authority of the elements walk with the voices of the past/present/future, return to the Earth to be renewed and humbled, and then released like a bird to fly in day or night signing a song of ancient tales. As a magi you will remember your worth, you will not leave your flesh but instead enter others by mind. Drop your will within their bucket and help them to see their own face. As a magus you will darken the sky about you, you will stand before the pillars of existence and
walk in dreams. You will unleash the animal that is the shadow of the key and you will teach those above you to see as you do. As an acolyte your voice will be heard among whispers, you will leave your physical body to stand before Death itself and befriend it. You will learn from the great books of the empty occult and fill them with new words. Naked Ambition. How were you born? Who made you cloths? Who taught you it was wrong to look at yourself or others? Who taught you to not appreciate what you see? Who taught you to judge others without judging yourself? Are you lost in the same maze that they created? Because all those before you can answer every question above with the message, "Not by my own hands." From the time you were born you were given rules about things you never experienced. Taught to shame yourself and others. Taught to believe this is the only way. True structure reads character and without some form of law there is lawlessness. But for most everywhere we aren't given the freedom of choice unless we write the laws. True direct correct self defining examples of willful enlightened adventurous bargainer of fate. These are the vehicles of being correct, accepted, and awakened. For they walk without the fear of self denial. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The direction of symbolism and self: Occult mage/Shamanism, two sides of the same coin, they share the same tools and information, just different channels to gain their gifts/curses or powers...... tools: they use the basic tools of tarot,water,rune,blood,paper, and glass bottles, the images of these toys can give one great power as in great danger, and those that practice they will find others kinda like others know you as they know themselves, and sense 400 years of info is out there it is well just a drop in the bucket to see a bit of wisdom here.... Voudon and sage : The Way of the Saints or demons, lol it is more that the secrets and skins of the earth and heaven give way to your design and desires if you have an advocate, however in the way of sage it is in the later of its study as you record more info then you use, or perhaps will ever know, but like mage, magi and adept are merely bridges to the way in......
Voudon : Voodoo as in art, is the way to the 9 powers and is more into the design of the worlds that interfere with the world seen, and the user of its design, too long to mention here, but is divided between the design of lifes energy and deaths truths.......... Pentacle : is the basic form of self and has only two energies it controls red: emotional and connective and blue: kinetic and spiritual white is its basic frame : meaning it is the self of (i know this, i am this that is the focusing power) accepting of the selves physical energy Reversed Triangle: is the design of inner nature and is colored green cause it is the force that one connects to the material desires of the self, (regret, fears, doubts, memories, dreams(fantasies) and has read at its source because it draws from that band of energy to maintain its connection with earth(green) its design is in white do to awareness... Triangle: is the design of the self as in growth and connection to the psychic will its center is blue: spiritual, inspirational, psychic, however its borders are yellow: self ,ego, and need and grey: change, acceptance, or conformity this is the way this energy is directed, this icon is used in the growth of magic as a teaching tool.... 6 pointed star: (star of david): remarked as the Hebrew cross it is more of a definitive puzzle in the balancing of the two triangles, reversed and not... color green: material, knowledge, understand, trial it is the heart of this design with two borders (yellow and red) yellow: self, ego, need and red: emotion, energy it should be viewed as a mirror of ones desires and memories the way into an enlightened state.... Reverse Pentacle: The energy of this is clearly of the self, yellow is the heart and blue its border, the blue is more of the spiritual venturing one tries to encounter when one goes on self discovery with no limits this is the shelling energy of the revered design, and grey is its undertone, to show change does happen..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------As one links on one frame of the heart of (auric) color they can touch on any who have the same frame of (auric shell or source) this is what is meant by the chain........
The Universe has a different chain when it comes to the nature of circle energy, that is more advanced and deals in the fields of what is summoned and why..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As set before you enter dreams weave your mind you gather in the invisible circle held by the one who called you share now the rest well deserved because you are going to return backwards the clock of time to the first dream of which you remembered be honored for they call to very few your now enchanted with their truth and touch and now must prove your what was called and share within your soul by promise binding and timing has no place in your now 3 fired beginning share now these words "I enter onto you and give of my truth freely so i may venture to your side to know my heart and others and see the ever worldly changing stop at my touch or begin with my desire, my eyes focused learning the destiny of those that call to me, my fire is ready to burn....accept me" ______________________________________________ The Inner mysteries As a bird born to fly, you shall see the makings of your past and present come to pass this is the first circle you will enter and be remembered for as you venture farther in you are now to do as bid you when you was awaiting entrance and help with hand any who come and call in the same message you took as truth, sharing your answers gained you more and shedding not the secrets of your or theirs soul brings you the nature to be of, fly now and know any who walk in your spacing they know your understanding and soul because you are now apart of the chain of making a key tool in the discovery of yesterdays today and todays dreams of tomorrow nature and the circle abide by your strength, and no card can measure your loyalty because you walk in the 4 that was 3 that equal 2 plus the 1fire... The Outer: ( The True Shaman design goes beyond the mere images or animals of the totem or spiritual realm, they become the messages that await the world like a new day, they become the sound long heard in the distance and not up close.....this is the Legacy of the Shaman)
Above in the earlier wording is the mentality of the shaman heart and i taken it only as an example of the basic understanding of the world... The Shamanic Fire is the fire of creation, and the fire of destruction..... he or she, because they have the same naming like mage and not mages’s, shaman not shaman-ka (no such naming) In the shaman world all are equal and all are seen by their gift and not by where they come from.... (THATS THE TRUTH) To the shaman that is beyond the mere tokens of power and spirituality (they aren't guided by anything) they are a living example of a dead spiritual being, not a demon, not an angel but a floating mind in a world of color...... (most basic thinkers of the trans-astral) think they can get here by the use of drugs or alcohol but they can't , they can only dream about the world they subject their own will openly to...) To live in the world of the ghost your body has to be an example of it.....in time you will understand my meaning.....(if you don't die first) lol As for Totem..... they offer you a way to see the world that allows you to change your inner nature and come to realize the messages that everything is communicating with you in your sleep state, and not dreams to know....( a Totem ) is the shade and the light the power and the fear, the will and the silent fury of all the things it connects to.... (the reasoning is you are more then just yourself in a world with others of the same fate....) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The healing and Staff of the ages: The grand snake staff Why did the ancients consider the serpent a symbol of wisdom, while today it is often associated with deceit and evil? Why should the serpent, or the snake, have been called a 'liar,' 'deceiver,' and that pathetic figure of medieval theology, the Devil, be called the "Father of Lies"? Why should it have been thought that the serpent in the Garden of
Eden which tempted the first human pair to evil-doing, was an embodiment of or the symbol of Satan? Why should the serpent have become the symbol of insinuating evil, of evil doing, of deceit? Or on the other hand, why should the silent, creeping serpent with its slow sinuous progress have been taken as the symbol of Wisdom or of the Initiate, as in the expression attributed to a very lofty source in the Christian New Testament: "Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves"? The answer is simple enough. Just as the forces of Nature are neutral in themselves, and become what humans call 'good' or 'bad' because of their use or misuse by individuals, just exactly so a natural entity when employed as a symbol becomes usable in either a good or a bad sense. Such use as a symbol depends upon certain characteristics or qualities which the human mind by force of association of ideas, chooses or separates off from other characteristics or qualities, and employs in a symbolic or metaphorical sense in order to depict either abstract or concrete ideas. This fact is shown for instance in the Sanskrit language, where Initiates of both kinds, i.e., of both the Right-Hand Path and the Left-Hand Path, are referred to in words conveying serpentine ideas or characteristics.The former kind, otherwise called the Brothers of Light, are more properly designated as Nagas; whereas the Brothers of Darkness or of the Shadows are more properly designated as Sarpas, this latter word from the Sanskrit verbal root srip, meaning 'to crawl,' 'to creep' in sly and stealthy manner, and hence metaphorically 'to deceive.' We see here the main reason why the serpent or snake has in probably all countries, and certainly in all times, been used as a symbol or emblem on the one hand of the Brothers of Light and their servants, and on the other hand of the Brothers of Darkness and their slaves.
The reason is obvious, because both the Brothers of Light and the Sons of the Dark are focuses of power, of subtile thought and action, of wisdom and energy in the
former case righteously and lawfully applied, and therefore belonging to the 'right hand'; and in the other case, wrongly or evilly applied to the uses of the 'left hand.' But, mark you, both uses apply to the cases of initiates, because both the initiates of the right-hand and of the left-hand are alike in one thing: they employ subtilty, the forces of Nature, secret wisdom, or rather secret knowledge. The same powers of Nature were employed by both -- one class used these powers for impersonal and holy ends; the other class used these same powers and energies for unholy and evil ends. One class, as just said, are the Nagas, the spiritual 'serpents' of Light, who are subtile, benevolent, very wise, and endowed with the spiritual power to cast off the garment, i.e. the skin or body, when the initiate has grown old, and to assume another fresher, younger, and stronger, at will. This are all kindly, always inoffensive,perpetually engaged in works of human beneficence, and are still and secret in their operations, partly in order to avoid the rules of foolish men. The other class are insinuating, worldly-wise, worldly-shrewd, deceitful, venomous in motive and action, therefore very dangerous, and yet using the same powers as the former class, but used for evil ends. Thus it is that on the one hand you will find in all the greater of the old scriptures, 'serpents' spoken of as symbols of wisdom, of the Sons of Light, possessing power, knowledge, love, and glory, as being Sons of the Sun; and, on the other hand, why other 'serpents,' 'snakes,' are spoken of as being symbols of the dark, often called the Black Brothers, who are essentially from Nature's own standpoint wrongdoers, engaged in their unholy work of deceivers; of human hearts and minds, and all too often succeeding in their diabolic work by means of lies and misrepresentations....
(Before you is a swirling staff that is a design of a great snake)
(although shaman tend to favor the rod a thin version of this with more a strait line, like a jockey whip (for a horse) but longer others with decoration, this is what they ultimately face and create, with the nature of the “flail or fauning” to it... (you will see you will learn when its time) THIS STAFF is the secret staff of healing, you heard me right those that possess this staff and the shaman’s powder have the skills to heal (minor to serious injury or sickness) its not the staff alone that heals but the energy it gathers from the powers that be....(and with this it begins the magic(k) its about neck height and you have it swirl about the stick 22 circles descending from the tip of the u /c like design at the neck..."REMEMBER TO RESPECT THE POWER AND IMAGE OF THE SERPENT YOU ADD TO THE STICK" AND THEN END LIKE YOU SEE WITH THIS AS YOUR TAIL.... Now if you make your staff with the design i have given, know that you need the shaman powder to make it work for more then just your own needs.... (So await the next messages and know.....that your one step farther in to success in your art... (again i need to stress unless you done all the the books before you won't harness (from start to finish in the practices) all this staff and secrets will reveal...as you pass farther on into magiestry.)
What is Magic(k): Magic(k) is the aura, energy, created by the tools and or design from a ceremonial ritualistic connection to the outside fields and/or sources that it may encounter and bring back to the tools and/or purpose of the person who had wished to connect to it...has an energy or an advancement of skill or tool designs. Ethereal Will: As one embraces magic(k) they encounter a form of psychic energy, this is called the ethereal will, aka veils of higher consciousness can be tapped into. It is the nature of the mind to advance through this ethereal veil, mental and psychic energy can be created an amplified and even if willed diffused. Pressures created within the mind, body, and spirit help develop a stronger psychic connection to nature and it’s higher self aka purpose. It is up to the magic(k) user to create these forces as in channeling them to bring about the correct field to an intuitive state. Knowledge is received through these pressures a kind of chess game created to serve the answers for the main goal with any ceremonial magic(k) user is to create that connection between the ethereal world and the divine forces in nature. Symbolism: Symbolism is an unsaid communication between the magic(k) user and the ritual. The symbol or sygil represents a type of ownership through the magic(k) user or ritual itself about traits, levels of psychic will, communication to a deity or being or refinement of education. Refinement of Education: There is acquired education, there is found education and enlightenment, and there is subjugated reasoning. Acquired education is the fee spirited will of a person to seek answers on their own this is referred to as dabbling. One should not fault one for dabbling however one should not praise one for doing it either. To acquire is simply becoming aware. However awareness does not normally come with reward. For to acquire is not the same thing as having knowledge or gift of higher self for it is more just becoming aware of it that’s it. It’s only by looking deeper we find what we seek energy wise.
Found Education And Enlightenment: To find something is to be found by it. True enlightenment is about being invited to be found becoming able to reason why something exist is the surest way to have it find you more, except you and find you in it’s real way aka original way. There is always a lead figure trying to find you. In magic(k) you can truly pick what you want, the question is will it want you. When we get beyond acquiring and dabbling they have a need to understand and a need to belong so they seek to be found. Being found is a responsibility. For as you are now found and enlightened, acquiring and dabbling become an ill to you, meaning a weakness others have to go through in order for them to progress to where you are...those who are found. Found does not mean committed or dedicated it just means you see things from a different side, than have to deal with being blind and walking around in the dark. Subjugated Reasoning: To be subjugated does not mean to be oppressed it means to give into a higher purpose and to find reason in oneself and things around them. When you are number one, it’s easy for you to not want another number one or number two running things. However, this is ego not magic(k), where the only thing you can give away is your will not to do because it’s the nature of our arts to find expression in the found. To inappropriately quote a religious text document “I was lost but now I’m found”. For in the darker designs or higher circle, the third ring of witchcraft, figure eight, higher cabal design, and upward triangle, for this is the role of the submitter aka submitted one, to serve a higher reasoning to gain a higher awareness in all the arts including it’s own. Others would say the higher you are the more you should give things away. We do give things away it’s called the opportunity to do it right. Truthfully the higher we get, the more we are found for choosing to be bound to except our oaths and service to this educated reasoning. For it is very good to lead, but lead what, lead who and for what purpose. This is our higher reasoning. Our lower reasoning is if we have to give it to you then you can never get it for yourself. Magic(k) is about these three fields of conduct. However only those of the triangle ideal mind, body, spirit, will ever make the hour glass or the diamond.
*Now you call all things together and shed not one tear for the dreamer, for all is your actions and your voice with many names will the circle shed and share but you have drifted and returned and drifted and returned and drifted and returned now venture out into the blue where this dream is but a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream, shed not your veil because ye face shall be hid to thee, the answers are so quick to your mind, shed not the comfort of your soul cause you make the tomorrow witching wonders, you are as you came as you return as you shall be as you see and in company you must take a prize....
Earth, the passage of the wisdom of the shaman, is like the form of force of rain falling down and returning to heaven. Of fire starting as a small log and reaching out to become like a bonfire, as a wind starting as a small gust and turning into a tropical storm. From the pain of birth to the returning nature of the body to the soil. The earth serves as the powered source of the shaman though the shaman’s skill is without limits and reaches as far and wide as a wizards influence. The nature of the shaman is minuscule even with such potential the shaman’s gifts are never fully realized at least not by the shaman’s hands. Shamanism Rules 1. Helping other in duty and responsibility never for the self. 2. Nature teaches, the teacher does not teach. 3. Divided becomes collective avoids. 4. The key to the shaman’s nature is through the trials of valor. 5. Witchcraft is not shamanism, nor is shaman part of the witches design 6. Shaman learn from shaman’s, students learn from guides 7. Nature is within its own self a training tool 8. Magic takes a different form when it becomes a different sight 9. The eye is the passage while the dragon is the rule 10. Each element acts as its own branch of the tree 11. Branches are the way to find a culture but never a separation of culture 12. The fire is the educator the advanced and the justice (as vision tool) Air- cosmic force that binds the shaman to their word the introverted space that doubles as the shaman’s shadow from fire. It is this secondary energy that brings development to the shaman’s ability to grow into the spiritual world. Air is the developer of the tools of the shaman design.
Fan ( Possession) The shaman fan is used for developing the connection between the mind and the body. Rod (Draw out) The rod a wooden stick about the standard length of an arm is used to draw out illness and or discomfort from others. Bell (Hypnotic Tool) Is a tool that is used to fix a set period of time. That by use of creates a euphoric event in the mind of the individual so that it can be brought forward or backward within that fixed period. Water- purification, the process of the shaman is to set themselves aside from their personal burdens. They seek to understand and reach a state of complete freedom to address the natures of illness life and transformation. Their tool is the instrument it self. Unified- is the droplets of water taken from the hand and spread upon the environment to enhance develop or transform the three main designs of the principle of air. The shaman’s inner connection is based on the value of the wheel.
Transforming- the art of which the tool is applied to water which is used to spread openly as stated in the unified; however, it is not set up by the wheel but by the performing task necessary. Contained- used in ceremonial blessings or the abundance of an object a pale of water purified with certain marks. The object/tool would be dunked within this would then be used to set aside the potential or erase the potential of an object depending upon the ritual. Fire- Knock knock, the other thing you hear is called who’s there. The reason shaman’s use this theology is because something knocks from the other side of the door. The shaman’s design within the fire is to be the observer and the door opener, it is their job to observe who is on the other side and wither to let them in or not. Entities, energies, and natures are knocking all the time. It is these messages that set apart the unrestricted access to the spirit or soul, which is the duty of the shaman to protect. The advanced essence of this form is the symbol above (the psychic eye). Through a reflective window safely gazing among the fire, the shaman’s spirit and body physically merge with the wall of the flames, to act as the protector and observing patron to those whom journey within and beyond the door. The Fire Ring The first and most sacred ritual of shaman though not used by modern shaman anymore, they
prefer to do dancing rather than embarking upon the rings. The purpose of the fire is to remind us of the strengths and weaknesses of life to remind us that without it we will return to the cold emptiness of nothing. Though this is the spiritual truth, its not the education of one who seeks to enter shamanism. For though the elements are 4 the design of their nature is 3 to represent the mind, body, spirit to become part of the new age image. But once again it’s about learning it not creating something from it. We are merely the pioneers of the fruit that will be at our table. SHAMANISM Shamanism is one of the most ancient of spiritual practices though the spirit was never spiritual itself. Though in many cultures the subdivision of religion and personal truth becomes the spreading out of the branches of the advancing shaman discovery. As it’s participation imparted in the greater good. Shamanism is by most a basic word meaning practice of nature; however, as one develops magical influences they may see that the word doesn’t always fit the message. The modern example is based in rarities indistinguishable cultures that settled themselves more like fortune telling gypsies than true honest acolytes of nature. A shaman is three steps down from a wizard as in medium, 2 sets above witch and 3 steps behind druid. These measurements are based on tool ratio as in abundance of tools versus none. Some systems require a personalization of a journey, a trial of life and death and even possession of an entity or spirit before one is allowed to take education. Different Types of Tribes: Named and Unnamed and their tools Staff- the staff or walking stick is a powerful tool of the shaman that brings them closer to the energies of the earth and magnetic fields that exist on and within it. The staff will usually have animal symbols or attachments to it to symbolize the powers that exist within. Aids in control of elemental forces, healing or other natural phenomenon used to promote healing or harming and can act upon emotional fields. Advances workings and speeds healing on sacred sites. Necklace- the necklace serve in the idea of advancing the shaman’s energy heightening their senses and bringing them to new levels. These necklaces can also serve to protect the shaman while in alternate states of mind or even traveling to other planes of existence. Medicine Bag- the medicine bag is used to carry certain items of medicine or power that the shaman comes across such as bones, stones items, etc. that act as a good luck charm or a ward against “bad” entities, people, etc. This method was common among the Native Americans
(Navajo, Sioux, Apache) as well as in parts of Asia (Taoist groups, and in Mongolia) and Africa. In several Native American societies as well as African ones medicine bags had a dark side to them as well. It was believed that not only could the medicine bag be used to preserve and enhance life but also cause curses and death or illness to an enemy and their surroundings. In Africa and parts of the Caribbean and South America this would be known as a juju bag. Ritual Dagger- The dagger is used in shamanism to remove negative energies form a person place or thing. It is also used in exorcism rituals as well as purification ceremonies. A can be used to harness a spirit or destroy ghosts and even enhance weaken or destroy memories and other forms of psychic links. Ritual Mask- The shaman’s ritual mast is seen in cultures all over the world. The masks would be made of dirt or clay but may include animal parts such as bones or feathers. The masks would sometimes carry forms of ritual markings on them. Originally the mask was used to connect with the world of the dead, that’s why it would be made of clay or mud. The mask was evolved to represent certain deities or animals over time. It’s believed by the modern shaman that wearing the mask brings certain aspects or abilities from the spirits or entities the mask represents into the ritual. Drum- the drum is an instrument used by all shaman to connect with the earth and keep in tune with it’s frequency. The drum can be used to put people into trance like states or even into other worlds (ie world of the dead). It’s used to promote healing in every culture around the world The drum is used in many rituals (especially voodoo) as an aid in summoning spirits or earth deities. Wheel of Life- they physical image of the wheel of life is highly elaborate and done in the design or a mandala, sand. The meaning to this wheel means birth, life, death and rebirth. It’s all part of the circle of life. The tradition and use of this is the meditation and understanding of life and it’s cycles. Could be a form of connection to the ghost world and enhancement to psychic energy. Stonehenge- connects with the universe and it’s secrets of the earth and time. Rituals held nightly to honor the stars. Medicine Wheel- Native American wheel design of the Plains Indians. Represented the growth of the tribe as a whole Each color held a lesson and a virtue to the tribe. Teaches that the shades of the universe only show parts and ways of the same thing. Healing ceremonies would typically be done in the presence of this circle or even vision questing.
The road of the shaman is a road of pride and self reserved mastery over the elemental powers in the natural bestial or social manners of working animal relationships.....each animal called a (totem) is used to identify the methods of emotional balance in other things....(it is in this wisdom that you will learn how nature effects its environment (the nature here: being your own will) Shamanistic tools: (the nature of the Land) The fan: isn't actually a fan but more of a brush, with the use of a rattle the fan is used to flow as in touch from the head to the feet of the user....(remember the gifts aren't for your own use, but to help others) the fan can be of feather or fabric but must be easy to use and easy to make...(feathers are more valued)...it is used to detect illness and to put a restless soul to rest, the skill depends totally on practice and experience...(the fan image is about 2times the size of your hand and about as long as finger tips to end of the wrist) color doesn't matter unless your trying to be a fashion model..lol The plate: the shaman plate is a personal physical image of the owner, its more of a mythology of the nature of a circular universe and the way one is on this plates nature, as you go in the plate of the shaman will stump you as to its nature an uses, but most only see the plate at the dinners setup to promote the next shaman...... The rod: That which is the movement of the world (called staff, walking stick, or others) the rod was seen as a male phallus system of connection simular to toy wand of beginner of ritual cultures....( but is and should be far removed it is actually a compass head which is used to track lay-lines and spiritual energy and at times to generate a form of mental and emotional healing, and if powerfully charged can even speed healing with the skill of fields like: circles/sacred sites, and weather.... The rod is multi tasking it advances any workings that it is in the company of and should never be higher then your shoulder from the feet to start...(more about this as you approach the mages secrets more if this is the road that awaits you....) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lessons in the way of return:
TWO TRAVELING ANGELS Keep reading to the bottom of the page-don't stop at the feet (You'll see). Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guest room. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, "Things aren't always what they seem." The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die. "Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel replied. "When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it." "Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem." Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every out come is always to your advantage. You just might not know it until some time later... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“a diamond secretly awaits invisible in the open petals of a lotus flower and to those who get this they will be teachers of eternity� Su-Kep-Amon As you progress in the shaman arts, you will be seeing those about you drawn to your company to question, observe and be even invited into new designs, but then again as a shaman.. your not there to change or adapt, but merely to welcome the invite you was offered, unless it was a secret call to healing......(those who read through this book fast just trying to get at the secrets, sorry to disappoint you... as they will not be in here but taught one on one or in another long line of messages... as this is a journey, not just a study....) Attached is the book of herbal, gemstone and totem animals: learn, see, understand....and welcome: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOOK of herbs:
Herbology: is the design of the auric energy exchanger not the alchemist form of social botany (this here is a list of these herbs, you will get to know the special magic(k)s they can produce but its the fact you don't know that will make your research into it that much more fun...(because as the wise like me say "Its not what you know its how you manage to make it work") HERBOLOGY: is a solid and founded art but not in magic(k) its the fact that you seek to discover like the ones before you that will make your alchemy the true magic(k) to compliment your arts.. Herbs & other Plants Acicia - dreams and love Adam & Eve Roots - mysteries and communication Adders Tongue - Passions African Violet - Spirituality, Protection Agaric - double sight Agrimony - wane of death Ague Root - hunger Alfalfa - communication,Attract animal spirits Alkanet - Purification, Prosperity
Allspice - Money, Luck, Healing Almond - teaching Aloe - thought Aloes, Wood - Love, Spirituality Althea - Protection, Psychic Powers Alyssum - Protection, Moderating Anger Amaranth - animal caller Anemone - Health, Protection, Healing Anise - adoption with others (makes stronger) Angelica - dark spirit silencer Apples - Healing, Love, Garden Magic, Immortality Apricot - lust Arabic Gum - Purify negativity and evil, protection Arbutus - language teacher (learning aid) Asafoetida - Exorcism, Purification, Protection Ash -reminder Aspen - Eloquence, Anti-Theft Aster - Love Avens - Exorcism, Purification, Love Avocado - finding objects Bachelor's Buttons - Love Balm, Lemon - Love, Success, Healing Balm of Gilead - Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing, Mental Powers Bamboo - Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes Banana - Fertility, Potency, Prosperity Banyan - Luck Barley - Love, Healing, Protection Basil - early warner of houseguest Bay - Wisdom, Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strenght Bayberry Bark - vehicle safety Bay Laurel - Divination, Purification Bean - Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming, Reconciliations, Potency, Love Bedstraw/Fragrant - fate Beech - Wishes Beet - Love Belladonna - Astral Projection *DEADLY POISON!! and ghost primer Benzoin - Purification, Prosperity, Business Bergamot, Orange - find keys Be-Still - Luck Betony/wood - Protection, Purification, Love Birch - Cleansing, Protection, Exorcism, Purification Bistort - hearth, home-cleaner
Bittersweet - Protection, Healing Blackberry - Healing, Money, Protection Black Cohosh - Relationships, balanced sexual energy, Sleep Bladderwrack - Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells, Money, Psychic Powers Bleeding Heart - Love Blessed Thistle - gate protector Bloodroot - Love, Protection, Purification Bluebell - Luck, Truth Blueberry - Protection Blue Flag - Money Bodhi - Fertility, Protection, Wisdom, Meditation Boneset - Protection, Exorcism Borage - Courage, Psychic Powers Bracken - Healing, Rune Magic, Prophetic Dreams Brazil Nut - Love Briony - breathing Bromeliad - Protection, Money Broom - Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination Buchu - Psychic Powers, Prophetic Dreams Buckeye - Very Lucky, Money, Wealth, Divination Buckthorn - Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters Buckwheat - Money, Protection Burdock - Protection, Healing Cabbage - Luck Cactus - Protection, Chastity Calamus - Luck, Healing, Money, Protection Calendula Flowers (Marigold) - Protection, Legal Matters, psychic powers Camellia - Riches Camphor - Chastity, Health, Divination Caper - Potency, Lust, Luck Carawy - Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-theft, Mental Powers Cardamon - Lust, Love Carnation - Protection, Strength, Healing Carob - Protection, Health Carrot - Fertility, Lust Cascara Sagrada - Legal Matters, Money, Protection Cashew - Money Castor - Protection Catnip - Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness Cattail - Lust Cedar - Healing, Purification, Money, Protection Celandine - Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters Celery - Mental Powers, Lust, Psychic Powers Centaury - Snake Removing
Chamomile - Money, Sleep, Love, Purification, Calming Cherry - Love, Divination Chestnut - Love Chickweed - Fertility, Love Chicory - Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, Favors, Frigidity Chili pepper - Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love China Berry - Luck Chrysanthemum - Protection Cinchona - Luck, Protection Cinnamon - Spirituality, Success, Healing Power, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love, Cleansing, Business Cinquefoil - Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep Citron - Psychic Powers, Healing Cloth of Gold - Understand Animal Languages Clove - Protection, Exorcism, Love, Money, Cleansing, Mental Powers Clover - Money, Love, Luck, Protection, Fidelity, Exorcism, Success Club Moss - Protection, Power Coconut - Purification, Protection, Chastity Cohosh,Black - Love, Courage, Protection, Potency Coltsfoot - Love, Visions Columbine - Courage, Love Comfrey - Safety during travel, Money Cornflowers - Protection, Love, Fertility, Divination Copal - Love, Purification, Spirituality Coriander - Love, Health, Healing Corn - Protection, Luck, Divination Cornflower - Psychism Cotton - Luck, Healing, Protection, Rain, Fishing Magic Cowslip - Healing, Youth, Treasure Finding Crocus - Love, Visions Cubeb - Love Cuckoo-flower - Fertility, Lover Cucumber - Chastity, Healing, Fertility Cumin - Protection, Fidelity, Exorcism, Peace Curry - Protection Cyclamen - Fertility, Protection, Happiness, Lust Cypress - Longevity, Healing, Comfort, Protection Daffodil - Love, Fertility, Luck br> Daisy - Lust, Luck Damiana - Lust, Love, Visions Dandelion - stranger alert Datura - Hex Breaking, Sleep, Protection Deerstongue - Lust, Psychic Powers Devils Bit - Exorcism, Love, Protection, Lust Devils Shoestring - Protection, Gambling, Luck, Power, Employment Dill - Protection, Money, Lust, Luck
Dittany of Crete - Manifestations, Astral Projection Dock - Healing, Fertility, Money Dodder - Love, Divination, Knot Magic Dogbane - Love Dogwood - Wishes, Protection Dragons Blood - Love, Protection, Exorcism, Potency, Purification Dulse - Lust, Harmony Dutchmans Breeches - Love Ebony - Protection, Power Echinacea - Strengthening Spells Edelweiss - Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing Elder - Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Sleep, Purification Elecampane - Love, Protection, Psychic Powers Elm - Love Endive - Lust, Love Eryngo - Travelers Luck, Peace, Lust, Love Eucalyptus - Healing, Protection Euphorbia - Purification, Protection Eyebright - Mental Powers, Psychic Power Fennel - Protection, Healing, Purification Fenugreek - Money Fern - Rain Making, Protection, Luck, Riches, Eternal Youth, Health, Exorcism Feverfew - Protection Fig - Divination, Fertility, Love Figwort - Health, Protection Flax - Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing Fleabane - Exorcism, Protection, Chastity Foxglove - Protection Frankincense - Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality, Peace, Purification Fumitory - Money, Exorcism Fuzzy Weed - Love, Hunting Galangal - Protection, Lust, Health, Money, Psychic Powers, Hex Breaking Gardenia - Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality Garlic - Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft Gentian - Love, Power Geranium - Fertility, Health, Love, Protection Ginger - Love, Money, Success, Power Ginseng - Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, Lust Globe Amarath - Healing, protection, invisibility Goats Rue - Healing, Health rGoldenod - Money, Divination Golden Seal - Healing, Money Gorse - Protection, Money Gotu Kola - Meditation Gourd - Protection
Grain - Protection Grains of Paradise - Lust, Luck, Love, Money, Wishes Grape - Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers, Money Grass - Psychic Powers, Protection Ground Ivy - Divination Groundsel - Health, Healing Hawthorn - Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magic, Happiness Hazel - Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes, Mental Powers Heather - Protection, Rain Making, Luck, Conjuring ghosts Heliotrope - Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisibility Hellebore,Black - Protection *POISON* Hemlock - Destroy sexual drives *POISON* Hemp - Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation Henbane - *POISON* Not used Henna - Healing Hibiscus - Lust, Love, Divination Hickory - Legal Matters High John the Conquerer - Money, Love, Success, Happiness Holly - Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic and Balance Honesty - Money, Repelling Monsters Honeysuckle - Money, Psychic Powers, Protection, Mental Powers Hops - Healing, Sleep Horehound - Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Healing Horse Chestnut - Money, Healing Horseradish - Purification, Exorcism Horsetail - Snake Charming, Fertility Houndstongue - Tying Dogs Tongues Houseleek - Luck, Protection, Love Huckleberry - Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking Hyacinth - Love, Protection, Happiness Hydrangea - Hex Breaking Hyssop - Purification, Protection, Money Indian Paint Brush - Love Iris - Purification, Wisdom Irish Moss - Money, Luck, Protection Ivy - Protection and Healing Jasmine - Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams Jobs Tears - Healing, Wishes, Luck Joe-pye weed - Love, Respect Juniper - Protection, Anti-theft, Love, Exorcism, Health Kava-Kave - Visions, Protection, Luck Knotweed - Binding, Health Lady's Mantle - Love Lady's Slipper - Protection
Larch - Protection, Anti theft Larkspur - Health, Protection Lavender - Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace, Healing, Mental Powers Leek - Love, Protection, Exorcism Lemon - Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship Lemongrass - Repel snakes, Lust, Psychic Powers Lemon Verbena - Purification, Love Lettuce - Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep Licorice - Love, Lust, Fidelity Life Everlasting - Longevity, Health, Healing Lilac - Protection, Beauty, Love, Exorcism Lily - Protection, Breaking Love Spells Lily of the Valley - Mental Powers, Happiness Lime - Healing, Love, Protection Linden - Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep Liquidamber - Protection Liverwort - Protection, Love Looestrife - Peace, Protection Lotus - Protection, Lock-Opening Lovage - Love Love Seed - Love, Friendship Lucky Hand - Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel Mace - Psychic Powers, Mental Powers Maguey - Lust Magnolia - Fidelity Mahogany, mountain - Anti-Lightning Maidenhair - Beauty, Love Male Fern - Luck, Love Mallow - Love, Protection, Exorcism Mandrake - Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health Maple - Love, Longevity, Money Marigold - Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Business or Legal Matters, Psychic Powers Marjoram - Protection, Love, Healing, Happiness, Health Master Wort - Strength, Courage, Protection Mastic - Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust May Apple - Money Meadow Rue - Divination Meadowsweet - Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness Mesquite - Healing Mimosa - Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification Mint - Money, Love, Lust, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection Mistletoe - Protection, Fertility, Healing, Psychism, Love, Hunting, Exorcism Molukka - Protection
Moonwort - Money, Love Moss - Luck, Money Mugwort - Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection Mulberry - Protection, Strength Mullein - Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism Mustard - Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers Myrrh -summoning tool, protection Myrtle - Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money Nettle - Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust Norfolk Island Pine - Protection, Anti- hunger Nuts - Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck Oak - Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck Oak Moss - Luck, Money, Protection, strength Oats - Money Olive - Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust Onion - Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Lust Orange - Love, Divination, Luck, Money Orchid - Love Oregon Grape - Money, Prosperity Orrisroot - Love, Protection, Divination Palm,Date - Fertility, Potency Pansy - Love, Rain Magic, Divination Papaya - Love, Protection Papyrus - Protection Parosela - Hunting Parsley - Love, Protection, Purification Passion Flower - Peace, Sleep, Friendship Patchouli - Money, Fertility, Lust Pea - Money, Love Peach - Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Fertility, Wishes Pear - Lust, Love Pecan - Money, Employment Pennyroyal - Strength, Protection, Peace, stops quarrels, prevents seasickness Peony - Protection, Exorcism Pepper - Protection, Exorcism Peppermint - Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers Pepper Tree - Purification, Healing, Protection Periwinkle - Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection Persimmon - Changing Sex, Healing, Luck Plot Weed - Protection Pimento - Love Pimpernel - Protection, Health Pine - Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money
Pineapple - Luck, Money, Chastity Pipsissewa - Money, Spirit Calling Pistachio - Breaking Love Spells Plantain - Healing, Protection, Strength, Snake Repelling Plum - Healing Plumeria - Love Poke - Courage, Hex Breaking Pomegranate - Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Fertility Poplar - Money, Flying Poppy - Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck, Invisibility Potato - Image Magic, Healing Prickly Ash - Love Primrose - Protection, Love Purslane - Sleep, Love, Luck, Protection, Happiness Quassia - Love Quince - Protection, Love, Happiness Radish - Protection, Lust Ragweed - Courage Ragwort - Protection Raspberry - Protection, Love Rattlesnake Root - Protection, Money Rhubarb - Protection, Fidelity Rice - Protection, Rain, Fertility, Money Roots - Protection, Power, Divination Rose - Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection, Fertility, Peace Rosemary - Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth Rowan - Psychic Powers, Healing, Protection, Power, Success Rue - Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Love Rye - Love, Fidelity Saffron - Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising, Lust, Strength, Psychic Powers. Sage - Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes, Healing, Money Sagebrush - Purification, Exorcism St. Johns Wort - Health, Power, Protection, Strength, Love, Divination, Happiness Sandalwood - Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality Sarsaparilla - Love, Money Sassafras - Health, Money Savory/Summer - Mental Powers Scullcap - Love, Fidelity, Peace Senna - Love Sesame - Money, Lust
Shallot - Purification Skunk Cabbage - Legal Matters Slippery Elm - Halts Gossip Sloe - Exorcism, Protection Snakeroot - Luck Money Snakeroot/black - Love, Lust, Money Snapdragon - Protection Solomon's Seal - Protection, Exorcism, Purification Sorrel Wood - Healing, Health Southern Wood - Love, Lust, Protection Spanish Moss - Protection Spearmint - Healing, Love, Mental Powers SpiderWort - Love Spikenard - Love Squill - Money, Protection, Hex Breaking Star/anise - Psychic Powers, Luck Stillengia - Psychic Powers Straw - Luck, Image Magic Straw Flowers - Luck, Protection Strawberry - Love, Luck Sugar Cane - Love, Lust Sumbul - Love, Luck, Health, Psychic Powers Sunflower - Fertility, Wishes, Health, Wisdom Sweetgrass - Calling Spirits Sweetpea - Friendship, Chastity, Courage, Strength Tamarind - Love Tamarisk - Exorcism, Protection Tansy - Health, Longevity Tea - Riches, Courage, Strength Thistle - Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, Healing Thistle/holy - Purification, Hex Breaking Thistle/milk - Snake Enraging Thyme - Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage Ti - Protection, Healing Toadflax - Protection, Hex Breaking Toadstool - Rain Making Tobacco - Healing, Purification Turmeric - Purification Turnip - Protection, Ending Relationships Uva Ursa - Psychic Workings Valerian - Love, Sleep, Purification, Protection, Peace Vanilla - Love, Lust, Mental Powers Venus Flytrap - Protection, Love Vervain - Love, Protection, Purification, Peace, Money, Youth, Chastity,
Sleep, Healing Vetch/Giant - Fidelity Vetivert - Love, Hex Breaking, Luck, Money, Anti-Theft Violet - Protection, Luck, Love, Lust, Wishes, Peace, Healing, Contact Animal Guides Wahoo - Hex-breaking, Courage, Success Walnut - Health, Mental Powers, Infertility, Wishes Wax Plant - Protection Wheat - Fertility, Money White Willow Bark - Healing, Protection, Love, Love divination Wild Cherry Bark - Protection, Love Divination Wintergreen - Protection, Healing, Hex Breaking Winters Bark - Success Witch Grass - Happiness, Lust, love, Exorcism Witch Hazel - Protection, Chastity Wolfs Bane - Protection, Invisibility Wood Betony - Protection, Purification, Love Wood Rose - Luck Woodruff - Victory, Protection, Money Wormwood - Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits Yarrow - Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism Yellow Evening Primrose - Hunting Yerba Mate - Fidelity, Love, Lust Yerba Santa - Beauty, Healing, Psychic Powers, Protection Yew - Raising the Dead Yohimbe - Love, Lust Yucca - Transmutation, Protection, Purification (though as a shaman you won’t use them like a witch or magi might) you will use them more as protective controls and not as tools to gain gifts.. like astrologers try to do..) look into a book on “herbs and plants” to get familiar with the images of each”.....it will help you in the long run.. BOOK of Totems:
The road of the shaman is a road of pride and self reserved mastery over the elemental powers in the natural bestial or social manners of working animal relationships.....each animal called a (totem) is used to identify the methods of emotional balance in other things....(it is in this wisdom that you
will learn how nature effects its environment (the nature here: being your own will) Animal relationships: Alligators/Crocodiles: Fighters of nature, guides of the lonely. Aggression, survival, adaptability Antelope: psychic, more of a discoverer Ants: limiting flowing in an order, hunter Armadillo: guide to lost places, soft side to life Ass: friendly, wanting to know the world Badger: Keeper of stories, write things down, sees beneath the surface of all things and people, Bat: Guardian of the night, cleaner, Teacher of the dark Bee: queenly, strong willed and season reader Beetles: transformation, metamorphosis, Bear: Prophecy, Transformation, Beaver: challenger of fate and a rebel Bison/Buffalo: travels, freedom seekers, hard pressed people Blackbird: Enchantment, The Gateway, The Inner Call. Bluebird: warner of storms, silent and teach seeking. Blue Jay: Knowledge survival, proper use of power, Bobcat: playful, hunter by nature, guide to the mystical Bull: cultivated, trial-ed, dedicated to winning Butterflies: lightness, and change in life, guides to the beyond. Cardinal: strong in family, a good friend, and self important Cat: Guardianship, Detachment, Sensuality, Mystery, Spirit detection. Cheetah: teacher of fate, motherhood Chickadee: mind mysteries, joy, fact finder Crab: helpful, lusting, social Crane: Justices, longevity, quick thinkers Crow: Life, death, rebirth, transition magic, Cougar: Leadership, courage, hunters of darker answers Coyote: mystery by a given source, teacher by by another, Deer: Gentleness, Love, Alertness, Intuition, Dreams light. Dog: protective, self guiding, close connected Dolphin: Dimensions, Understanding, Love, Calm, Eloquence, Freedom, Emotion. Doves: reminders, guides to the heart, seasoned people Dragon: Passion, Depth, Connection, Power, , Vitality, Transmutation.
Dragonfly: mystical field guide, passion, and jumpy Ducks: Emotional comfort and protection, Eagle: Understanding, Courage, Healing, Creation. Divine spirit, Elephant: Power, Strength, Warrior, Memory, family. Elk: Nobility, agility, freedom, power and meditative Finch: friend finder, not satisfied easy Flicker: activated, perceptions changes Fox: Cunning, student of the way, seeker of love Frog: mysteries of a dual world, and sight Giraffe: patience and magiesty in ones own. Goat: strong willed and a person who like to press buttons Goldfinch: dreamer,into the spiritual Goose: follower, person of voice Grasshopper: person of great mind, seeks fortune, debt collector Groundhog-Woodchuck: a future thinker, and a dedicated one at that Gulls: teaches to read people more effectively Hawks: Messenger of the sky, observer, Perception, Focus, protection Heron: mobile person with many challenges Horse: Horse is love and devotion, loyalty. Hummingbird: Knowledge, Contradiction. optimism and sweetness. Jaguar: seer, shamanic wisdom, focused power Kingfisher: healing and doctor like Ladybug: guide of passion, and someone who doesn't wish to be caught Leopard: intuition, instincts, Perseverance, Dignity, Aggression, Boldness, Visions, Lion: Wisdom, Enthusiasm, Assertion, Strength, Courage, Energy, Lizard: dreaming teachers Lynx: Secrets, Knowledge, Clairvoyance, Meditation, Patience, Achievements. Magpie: popular in circles, tends to voice when not wanted, Meadowlark: Cheerful journey into the self, Mockingbird: guide to danger and the un-known Moose: Headstrong, unstoppable longevity. Mouse: interconnected , spiritual void and malice Oriole: healing bird, seasonal challenger Otter: Creativity. Laughter, curiosity, mischievous. Owl: Detachment, Wisdom, Change, Omens. Mystery of silent wisdom, vision, Owl is the totem of clairvoyants and mystics. Panther: Discipline, Control, Wisdom, Sensitivity. Peacock: endurance of spirit in sexual tones Pelican: messenger, figure who has more then one thing at a time going
Pheasant: growth within family, closeness Pigeon: Home, love, security, family Porcupine: Good natured, curious, cautious, . Praying Mantis: inner reflection, stillness in healing or in creativity, Quail: teaches how to elude problems, spot danger, safety Rabbit: Rebirth, Spirit detection, Transformation, Defense. Raccoon: explorers, curious, secrecy, transformation, courage. RAM: Strength, Power, Courage, Battle, guide to the harvest. Rat: follower of the needy, guide to the patient, seeing animals Rhinoceros: Wisdom, past life connections, brings energy in for one's own solitude, Raven: Protection, Magic, Shape-shifting, Creation. rebirth, omens, Robin: teachers of the past, easily hurt or insulted Salmon: Instinct, persistence, determination Scorpion: Power, Intuition, Sensuality, Leadership, Dreams. Seahorse: Confidence, grace Sea Lions/Seals: Love, Longing, Dilemma, Movement, Skunk: Teacher of the protective nature of life, and cavern dweller. Snake: Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, Wisdom, Transformation, Healing, Sparrow: teachers of the stubborn, and humble but lazy Spider: guide to traps and social ends, teacher of the patterns of making Squirrel: Activity, preparedness, awareness, sociable, playful, Balance. Starling: needs to be clear, sensitive to others words Swan: inner beauty of others is reflected in you, balance, innocence Tiger: Power, devotion, tact, skill, adventure, passion, Healing, Sensuality. Turkey: gatherer of others things, and a pain in the ass Turtle: Longevity, endurance, survival skills, patience, Vulture: Purification, death, rebirth of the soul, changes internally, physically, conscious of transformation Warbler: expression of ideas/self, center and focus your energies, socialize, enjoy life, movement, progression Weasel: Sly, mastering type, handy, mysterious and one sided Whale: Awakening, Creation, Movement, Imagination, Inspiration. Wolf: Intuition, Learning, Shadow, Guardianship, Ritual, Woodpecker: Rhythm, fertility, earth's heartbeat, Zebra: finder of the un-seen, hunter of self ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(though some eco-shamanic groupings tend to go overboard with
their use of shaman animals as a list, the main ones are more “bear, wolf, raven, birds of prey, lions, leopards, and basic cats of the tiger form, and then the water strong but land strong as well...and serpents... (animals and beast/creatures of transformation as in seasonal.. forms) mostly... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so you might want to leave out the lesser beings, unless they are being used for auric profiling as we talked about earlier in this design.. BOOK of gemstones:
(Stones) The Secrets of the garden: (you like the druid’s before you (must learn of the nature of simple stones: here is your secret lesson): Agates: mind stones Blue Lace Agate: gentle heart Moss Agate: releases depression Alexandrite: energy developer Amazonite: guilt teacher Amber: power stone Amethyst: psychic enhancer Aquamarine: developer of dreams Aventurine: bravery and self finding strength Azurite: helps heal Bloodstone: warning teacher and heart stone Calcite: calming or sensitive nature Carnelian: guiding stone Celestite: mind stone (touch) Chrysocolla: reduce hunger Chrysoprase: reduce mental pains Citrine: mental stress reducer Copper: neo (positive/and negative charging) depends on your personal field Crystal: energy charger Diamond: mental teacher Dioptase: sleep helper Emerald: guide stone Fluorite: mental pain reducer
Galixite: soft heart Garnet: teacher of a darker nature, or strength Geodes :Stone balls with crystal, amethyst or topaz centers. Others are a collection of mineral deposits that dazzle the eye when the stone is sliced. These are often called "thunder eggs" (depends on the stone) Gold: tunes your eating habits Hematite: blood thinner as well as mental psi blocker Herkimer Diamond : same as diamond....just lesser results Jade: bravery and truth stone Jasper: memory enhancer Kunzite: increases the flow in blood and body Kunzite (Pink Spodumene): special results Lapis Lazuli : ancient charger of the lone spirit Larvikite: jealous person stone Lepidolite: silencing stone Lodestone: blood and muscle Malachite: future teacher, dream basic Meteorite: living light stone Moldavite: friendship getter Moonstone: Teacher of the witches inner heart Obsidian: Teacher of the mages inner heart Onyx: Teacher of the Dark heart Opal: teacher of the angelic heart Optical Calcite: same as calcite just more faster acting Petrified Wood: several reactions, but all are gifts of the psi mind Peridot (Olivine): family stone Pyrite : guide to the spiritual Quartz (Clear): psychic channeler Quartz (Rose) psychic love and lust Quartz (Rutilated) psychic but more empathic touch stone Quartz (Smoky) darkness alert stone Rainforest Rhyolite: kinda like onyx (just not as long lasting) Rhodochros: witch stone (ancient) Rhodonite: druid stone (simular) guiding stone Ruby: power of love and rages Sapphire: secrets of the body and missing things Serpentine: communicational stone
Silent (Gypsum): longevity stone Silver: passions of the touch Sodalite: thinking stone Sugilite (Royal Azel): dual energy, dream stone Sunstone: family Tiger Eye: power and self worth, but is mystical as well Topaz (Gold) : Self defining stone Topaz (Blue) : defining others by shadow Tourmalinated Quartz : quartz design, but with a tourmaline working Tourmaline: mind eraser or visual tool Turquoise: ancient voices Unikite: secrets of the body....healing as well Variscite: bravery and family loss stone Zircon (Hyacinth): sleep stone, its weak though (so now you have the books, study reflect and remember, also take time to learn each thing in it) you have 1 month............................... then we will get to study.......... (send me an email: “ready to begin�) and we will chat computer, or study by net............. or if you prefer packaged lessons per ever 2 weeks............. your Talisman of service to the arts is your joined connection to this art.... Welcome to the World of Shamanism: (you will be making your tools and getting initiated, and then learning the ropes...from there)