2015 WJMS FFA Officer Application

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West Jackson Middle FFA Officer Application Application Due Date: Friday, May 1st Interview Date: Tuesday, May 5th

**Note: Interviews will take place after school, but they will not interfere with the Band Concert! ď Š**

Personal Information: Name: __________________________________

Grade: ___________________

Address: __________________________________

Birthday: __________________

___________________________________ Homeroom Teacher: ___________________

Cell Phone # ___________________

List any offices you have previously held in FFA ______________________________ Interviews will take place after school on Tuesday, May 5th. Each candidate will be given a specific interview time and may leave as soon as his/her interview is complete. Candidates must be in FFA official dress (which includes black pants or skirt, black socks or hose, black close toed shoes, white button down, and FFA Jacket). Candidates can borrow an FFA Jacket from Mrs. Davis. After the interview process, the election committee will select highly qualified candidates to fill the officer positions by matching candidate’s strengths with office requirements. ****Please understand that 3 things will be judged: application, interview, and appearance.**** Please see the attached informational page about officer duties/responsibilities to make your choice of which offices you feel most qualified to run for (consider your talents, other school commitments and your schedule for the upcoming year). After reading the officer responsibility sheet, please list your 3 most desired offices. (Also, please understand that being an officer is a privilege no matter which office is chosen for you. It is possible that you may not receive any of your top 3 choices.) 1) ___________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ 3) ___________________________________

Please answer the following questions (must be handwritten by the FFA Member): Explain why you would want to serve as an FFA officer. What specific things can you contribute to our chapter by serving as an officer? ___________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Describe any new ideas you have for our FFA Chapter. (Community service projects, FFA meeting ideas, trips, fundraisers, etc.) ___________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Describe your involvement in the WJMS FFA Chapter during this year including FFA meetings, CDEs, conventions and conferences, etc. ____________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

What extracurricular activities are you involved in? Explain the nature of your involvement.

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Using words, phrases, or sentences, describe your idea of a great leader. ___________________

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Officer Interview Times: Please choose your top two interview times by marking “first” and “second” in the

appropriate boxes. Note that if you choose the earliest times, you will need to be changed into official dress before the end of the school day. Interview times will be given on a first come-first served basis, so there is a possibility that your two choices may not be available. Turn in your application early to try to get your desired interview time!


3:55-4:05 4:05-4:15 4:15-4:25 4:25-4:35 4:35-4:45 4:45-4:55 4:55-5:05 5:05-5:15

Parent’s Permission Statement

Your son/daughter is interested in becoming a West Jackson Middle School FFA Officer. Should he/she be elected to this honor, he/she will be responsible for attending all officer meetings, chapter meetings, and working on projects some days after school. There are also some weekend commitments. By signing this application you agree that you are willing to cooperate with him/her and Mrs. Davis in fulfilling the duties of the office.



Parent/Guardian Signature


Student Statement

I understand the importance of being a member of the West Jackson Middle School FFA Officer Team as a role model and leader within our chapter, school and community. I understand that my duties will be throughout the school year including summer break, afterschool, weekends, and over school holidays. I commit to the WJMS FFA Advisor and members to complete all duties assigned to my office. If scheduling conflicts with school or other activities cause me to be unable to perform the duties of my office properly, I will resign my position as a FFA officer. By signing this document I agree to complete the duties of the office you are elected to.

_______________________________ Student Signature

___________ Date


The following is a checklist of MANDATORY Officer Requirements in order for you to become an officer and continue to hold your officer position. Please initial beside each requirement to acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree.

__________ 1) Enrolled in Ag Class: WJMS FFA officers must be enrolled in an agriculture class at some point during the school year. __________ 2) Summer Officer Retreat: The WJMS FFA Summer Officer Retreat is a crucial part of our planning for the upcoming year’s activities. Your first duty as an officer will be to attend the retreat. If you are unable to attend the retreat, you will have to give up your FFA officer position. The retreat will be held on June 22-25. The COLT Conference is held at the FFA Camp on July 13-15 and serves as a time for the officer team to learn team building and come together one last time before school starts. __________ 3) Officer Meetings: There will be an FFA Officer Meeting at least once a month, and they are normally scheduled for the week before the afterschool meeting. It will also be necessary to have FFA Officer Meetings at other times throughout the year as needed. We could have both Officer breakfast and afterschool planning meetings. Your attendance is required. __________ 4) FFA Meetings: It will be your responsibility as an FFA Officer to prepare for, work at, and clean up after every FFA Meeting. If it is absolutely necessary for you to miss an event, you need to let Mrs. Davis know one week prior to the event. __________ 5) Official Dress: You need FFA Official Dress for special events such as conventions, banquets, some contests, and community events. As an FFA Officer, you will need to purchase FFA Official Dress which includes FFA scarf/tie, white long-sleeve button down, black slacks (male) or fitted black skirt (female), and black dress shoes. Mrs. Davis will purchase your FFA Jacket for you. __________ 6) Casual Officer Outfit: During FFA meetings and other local events, you will need to stand out as an officer, but we do not expect you to wear official dress. You are required to purchase a Casual Officer Outfit for these occasions. The Casual Officer Outfit includes an FFA Polo or t-shirt. __________ 7) Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE): Every officer will be required to have a satisfactory SAE. Mrs. Davis will help in developing your SAE during the Summer Officer Retreat, and it is expected that (with your excellent recordkeeping) you will be able to complete a Middle School Recordbook application related to your SAE in the spring. __________ 8) Career Development Event (CDE): There are many CDEs (or competitions) offered through FFA, and each officer will be required to participate in at least one CDE. A list of all the CDEs will be provided at the Summer Officer Retreat. __________ 9) State FFA Convention: The State FFA Convention is held in Macon every April. Officers are given the first chance to “reserve” a spot to go to convention, and the goal is to have each FFA Officer attend. It is HIGHLY SUGGESTED that all Officers attend the State FFA Convention. __________ 10) Grades and Attendance: Since there are absences related to FFA activities, it is important for you to know that, as an officer, you will be held to a higher set of standards than other FFA members. One teacher issue with grades or attendance will be discussed with the officer. If a second offense arises, the advisor will discuss the issue with the parent. A third offense can and will result in an officer being asked to give up his or her officer position. Also, if failing grades prohibit you from performing your officer duties, you will be asked to give up your officer duty. Parent Signature to show that you have read and understand all of the above: __________________________


The goal of every FFA officer is to be a role model to motivate, inspire, and encourage FFA members to participate in agricultural education and FFA programs; as well as to assist members in their advancement of agricultural knowledge and development of leadership abilities. The list of offices below are all possibilities, and some or all of them might be chosen for the officer team (minimum of 6 will be chosen).

PRESIDENT *Memorize part for opening ceremony *Preside over meetings and events *Coordinate the activities of the chapter in cooperation with chapter advisor *Represent the chapter in public relations and official functions.

REPORTER *Memorize part for opening ceremony *Publish a monthly newsletter for members. *Prepare and maintain a Reporter’s book (with help from advisor). *Send articles including pictures to newspaper.

VICE-PRESIDENT *Memorize part for opening ceremony *Assume duties of president in he/she is unable to complete them. *Assist President in Chapter Banquet *Chair the committee for National FFA Week Activities.

SENTINEL *Memorize part for opening ceremony *Assist the president in maintaining order at all activities. *Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment, and supplies in proper condition. *Welcome guests and visitors. *Keep the meeting room in order and comfortable.

SECRETARY *Memorize part for opening ceremony *Maintain Secretary’s book with minutes from all meetings (with help from advisor) *Prepare correspondence for chapter including thank-you notes. *Maintain the chapter roster and participation chart *Keep an accurate record of those members that attend each meeting.

HISTORIAN *Memorize part for opening ceremony *Develop and maintain a scrapbook of memorabilia in which to record the chapter's history *Prepare displays of chapter activities *Assist the reporter in providing photography for chapter needs.

TREASURER *Memorize part for opening ceremony *Maintain Treasurer’s book with all receipts and disbursements of chapter funds (with help from advisor) *Collects dues and t-shirt money. *Issues receipts to students.

CHAPLAIN *Memorize part for opening ceremony *Bless meals at FFA functions *Lead prayers at FFA functions

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