West Jackson Middle School
400 Gum Springs Church Road Jefferson, Georgia 30549 Phone: (706) 654-2775
April T Davis – FFA Advisor Agriscience Teacher adavis@jackson.k12.ga.us Extension: 503
Dear Parents, I am excited that your child is interested in participating in Summer Leadership Camp! take this opportunity to make you more familiar with what summer camp is all about.
I would like to
Summer Leadership Camp is a week-long camp for FFA and FCCLA members from all over Georgia. The purpose of the week is to have fun while building leadership and teambuilding skills. Activities include competitions, dances, ropes course, assemblies, talent shows, free recreation, leadership training, Blobbing and much more! Summer Camp is held at the Georgia FFA-FCCLA Center in Covington. Food, transportation, and lodging are included in the registration fee, as well as a camp shirt. For more information you can visit the Website at www.GeorgiaSLC.org. This is a chance for your child to build relationships, develop teamwork and leadership attributes, and have a great time! We will be going to camp June 1st to June 5th.The total cost of camp is $145.00. Due to recent changes in camp policy, we are now required to submit a non-refundable deposit of $70 to reserve spaces for our students. This $70 deposit must be returned to me by February 25th in order for us to be able to register early. You may pay that amount in installments if you wish, and the remainder balance of $75 must be paid before the end of the school year. **We must have deposits in place well in advance because this week of
camp fills up early, and we need to ensure that we make it the same week as East Jackson Middle and High and Jackson County High – we’re going to need A LOT of space!**
In order to reserve a spot for your child, please return the attached form with the $70 deposit by Februar25th. Again, you can pay that amount in installments if you wish, but you need to have returned $70 by February 25th. Please contact me with any concerns. I am VERY FLEXIBLE when it comes to camp because I know from personal experience how life changing camp can be! A detailed packet of information including medical release, code of conduct, packing list, and schedule of events will be given after the return of the attached form. Please contact me with any questions. I am so excited about the leadership opportunities offered through Summer Leadership Camp! A detailed timeline and packing information will be sent out soon! Sincerely,
April Davis
West Jackson Middle School
April T Davis – FFA Advisor
400 Gum Springs Church Road Jefferson, Georgia 30549 Phone: (706) 654-2775
Agriscience Teacher adavis@jackson.k12.ga.us Extension: 503
Summer Leadership Camp June 1st-5th, 2015 Student Name: ____________________________________
Grade: __________________
I, _____________________________, give my son/daughter, ______________________________ permission to go with Mrs. April Davis to Summer Leadership Camp held at the Georgia FFAFCCLA Center in Covington, GA on June 1st-5th. I understand that while at camp, the FFA members will be chaperoned by Mrs. Davis as well as any of the other FFA & FCCLA Advisors and chaperones from Jackson County. I understand that the deposit I have attached is necessary to reserve a space for my child and that it is NON-REFUNDABLE. I acknowledge that this is the first step in the camp process and that once it is received by Mrs. Davis I will receive a detailed package of essential forms including medical release, medical release, code of conduct, packing list, and schedule of events.
Parent Signature
Email Address
Phone Number
Amount Received: _____________________
Cash or Check# _________________