Syllabus 8th

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Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)

Each student is required to complete 10 hours of agriculture related activities outside of the school day. This is called the Supervised

Parent & Student Agreement Parents

Agricultural Experience or SAE. These activities must be documented on the SAE Packet (given by Mrs. Davis) and should include at least two pictures of the student working.

**Detailed info will be given in class SAEs can be anything related to agriculture like the following examples: - Job shadowing within an ag-related field - Starting a garden at home or at school - Raising or caring for animals - Create floral designs - Teaching younger students about agriculture - Other projects approved by Mrs. Davis *The SAE is due on ________________.

supplies and money are limited. If you would like to donate any items to the Agriscience program, we are always in need of: Cleaning Wipes

Paper Towels

Color Pencils

Copy paper

Empty 2 Liter Bottles


Vegetable Seeds (we’ll take anything) :)

Supplies for Ag Class

classes host over 300 students a year, and

_________ I do not wish for my child’s photo be used in any publications by/for WJMS Agricultural Education.

____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

- Community Service Projects

The Agriscience

8th Grade

____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name

- Landscaping around home or community

hands-on labs and activities.


I have read the syllabus and agree that I understand the requirements for this course.

- Woodworking or repairing equipment

During Agriscience class, we do a variety of

_________ I agree to allow my child’s photograph to be published by Mrs. April Davis in the newspaper, program website, and other materials for the purpose of promoting the agriculture program and student achievements.

West Jackson Middle

____________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________ Email Address

Students By signing below, I agree that I understand the course guide and agree to follow all class rules

April Davis Agriscience Teacher & FFA Advisor

and expectations.

____________________________________ Student Name

706-654-2775 Ext 503

____________________________________ Student Signature


Exploring Agricultural Education analyzes the different aspects of the agricultural industry. We will cover a wide range of topics within agriculture and focus on the importance of agriculture in our daily lives. The information in this course will be given through presentations and note taking, group and individual projects, in-class presentations, and hands-on activities.

 Loose notebook paper  Pencil or Pen

*A folder will be provided for each student and left in the classroom.

FFA Leadership Horticulture Plant Parts & Functions Plant Propagation Plant Growth Requirements Career Exploration

Quizzes & Written Assessments

Weekly Journals

Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Test is 10% of the final grade

2) Keep all electronics away (unless you have been asked to use them for an assignment). 3) Respect the teacher, classroom, and other students. 4) Clean up after yourself. 5) Do the right thing!

Consequences 

1) Verbal Warning 2) Behavior Correction Letter **sent home to be completed & bbb returned the following day

3) Detention & Parent Contact 4) Parent Conference 5) Office Referral Students will have 5 passes for the quarter for restroom/water **Please use transition times

5 tardies (being late to class) in the quarter will result in after school detention with Mrs. Davis **The door will close when the bell rings; if you have to open the door, you are tardy!


Projects & Labs

1) Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn EVERYDAY!

6) Ask questions and participate in your learning!



Supplies Needed


All units in Agriscience (listed above) are weighted the same, but some activities are worth more points than others and some are counted for more than one standard.

West Jackson Middle Student Expectations

Course Description

8th Grade

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