Frankfurt am Main: In Our Global Village

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Frankfurt am Main Germany

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Title 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Acknowledgements Introduction About Us Our School Education Religion/Cultural Diversity Health Care Living/Households Free time Transportation Things to Do in Frankfurt Eating Out Sectors of Frankfurt Financial Capital of Europe Local Government Bibliography

Page Number 3 4 5 6 10 14 17 21 25 28 32 36 40 44 47 51 2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In Our Global Village is an international service learning program and partnership between Cathryn Berger Kaye, CBK Associates, and Barbara Cervone, What Kids Can Do, to promote global literacy and understanding. All three partner organizations recommend service learning as a teaching methodology. Service learning enables youth of all grade levels and academic abilities to contribute their skills and talents to meet authentic community needs. Teachers and other adults guide the process, as student academic skills and knowledge are enhanced through relevant, valued application. The results are engaged enterprising youth and a better world for us all. For more information, please visit: What Kids Can Do CBK Associates In Our Global Village We would like to thank all adults, students and schools who participate in the In Our Global Village program for contributing to a world of cultural understanding. We enjoyed reading your books, learning about your cultures and comparing them to our own. We also enjoyed the opportunity to produce our own book and share it with the world. We encourage you to add your own book to the In Our Global Village program. 3

INTRODUCTION Hi, welcome to Frankfurt. Frankfurt is a city in Germany. In Frankfurt you can find people from around the world.

We go to a school called Strothoff International School. In our school there are people from places all around the world. Our school represents 30 countries. In the school they teach us four languages: English, German, French or Spanish. As a first language, we can learn German or English. Our classes are in English. When we started this project, we didn’t even think about writing our own book. We started last year by reading a book called “Where Children Sleep” and we carried on with the book “In Our Village: Kambi ya Simba Through the Eyes of Its Youth.” These books inspired us to do our own book. We wanted to do this book to show other people around the world about our community and to show the differences between countries. When we started the school year, we started reading a book about La Loma in the Dominican Repubic.In this book, it was telling us a completely different life than we all have.The life of the people in La Loma was really hard. Sometimes it makes us think about of the stuff that we complain of or the things that we don’t have. These people without much live really happy so we should appreciate what we have. Then we read six more books from the In Our Global Village Project before we started our book.


ABOUT US We are an English class, and all of us are still learning English. In our class we are 23 students. We are between 11 and 14 years old. In our class we speak English, German, Turkish, Russian, French, Swedish, Japanese, Dutch, Hindi, Chinese, Persian and Spanish.The sports that we like to play the most are tennis, football, basketball and volleyball. In our free time, we mostly like to go shopping or hang out with our friends. 5

OUR SCHOOL Our school is private which is why we have only about 300 students. 50% of the students are German and the other 50% are from different nations. There are more than 30 different nations in our school. The most common languages here are German and English, because our school is in English and we have a lot of German children.

Science lesson

We have kindergarten (KG), primary school (PYP), secondary school (MYP) and high school (DP). Our timetables are different everyday. DP are allowed to choose which subjects they want, so their timetable is the first to be made. Then MYP4&5 are allowed to chose what they want (more art, design or music), and lastly MYP1&2&3. We have two principals for MYP/ DP and one for PYP. PYP have their own timetable. Design lesson

English and German are the two main languages, but we also have third language French or Spanish, which you can choose one of those. Not everybody knows those languages very well, which is why we have phases for everyone. We have 5 phases for children who are non-native speakers and then mother tongue for those who know the language perfectly. We also have Extra English Lessons (ELS), if we don´t know English very well or are struggling with studying. Instead of French or Spanish we go to ELS. Usually we do homework and learn new rules and vocabulary.

English lesson



Music room

In our school we have different After School Activities. For example, we have basketball, football and volleyball. We sometimes train and then we have games with other schools. We also have an International Award, for example we learn how to use a compass, read maps and get ready to go camping. We have drama and art club, science and gaming club and swimming club. We also have clubs for those who need to improve their languages Spanish, German or French clubs - and a homework club to help with homework. Every year we have to do Community and Service to be able to pass the school year. This helps us develop new skills and communicate with others. Every MYP and DP student has to do one long-term event, 2 short-term events and an academic event. For example, Buddy Reading is teaching a little kid how to read, Lunch Helper is helping little kids with their lunches or helping at some festival without being paid. We have to write reflections for every project we do to show how we feel and what we learned. Math lesson

Sometimes our personal projects are hung around the school, and sometimes they are presented in assembly, which we have every Friday before school finishes. Some very good drawings which we do are also hung around the school. We have flags of every nation that goes to our school hanging down the stairs. When we come in the morning, we listen to music which is played through speakers of the school.

7 Art club


PYP Lounge


Lunch is the brightest part of our school day. It's the longest break we have. We have two cafeterias in which we can eat. The first one is the Mensa for DP, MYP4&5, and the second one is the Bistro for MYP1,2&3 and PYP4&5. KG eat in their kindergarten. PYP1,2&3 eat in the PYP lounge. DP are allowed to go outside of school to eat somewhere else. Some students prefer to bring their own food, for them there is the MYP lounge, which is there for you to relax or do homework while waiting after school for someone. During the morning break, we can buy and eat something when a man from the Bistro comes with a trolley of food. We have two playgrounds at our school. We have one for KG and one for DP, MYP and PYP. On the MYP playground there are swings, tables with seats, and two table tennis tables. There is also a wooden climbing frame with a slide, a football goal and a basketball hoop. We also have a soccer pitch. On the soccer pitch there are seats made out of stone, football goals to play football and basketball hoops to play basketball. We are allowed on the soccer pitch only after school or during lunch.

MYP Lounge



OUR SCHOOL We have a certain dress code. We have to wear a shirt and hoody with the logo of our school on it which we can buy in school shop. We are not allowed to wear any other type of shirt or jacket. We can wear gray or black jeans or a black skirt and black shoes. We are not allowed to wear very expensive jewellry or too much makeup.

We study on the computers, because it opens up more opportunities for teachers to explain and show to a students the information and it´s easier for students. School uniform

We have a house system. Every student belongs to a house. The houses are divided into the elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. We have VHRs (15 minute lesson where we do projects for our houses) which help us get to know other students from different classes. Every sibling in our school has to be in the same house. There are also competitions between houses which make it even more interesting, for example, who has the best costume for Halloween or who is better at sports. Houses in MYP and PYP


EDUCATION All schools in Germany are funded by the government. Private schools are an exception, as they are funded by students, who pay tuition, and also the government. In public schools, there is not so much technology used for the lessons, because they have limited resources. They often use blackboards and chalk. Sometimes they also use overhead projectors for presentations during lessons. Most private schools, however, use laptops and smartboards for the lessons.

Private school

Realschule Gymnasium



EDUCATION The German educational system is successful. Germany is one of the few countries in which unemployment rates have declined continuously. Compared to other developed nations, Germany has a much lower rate of youngsters, that are neither employed nor students. In Germany, most adults have attained the same level of education as their parents. The school is mandatory for everybody. If you skip school, you get in trouble with the police. There are also rules in class: you have to be on time, friendly, helpful and polite towards your classmates and teachers. Most students come to school with a bike, public transportation or sometimes they are driven by car.


EDUCATION The general education starts in the primary school. Most children start Primary School at the age of six for four years. These schools are funded by the state, and it is mandatory for all children to attend. Subjects taught are: math, German, sports, general knowledge, religion, art, music and English. At the end of primary school, a decision is made for each student how to continue.The parents and the teachers discuss how best to continue. They consider the student's past grades and capabilities as well as the student’s own opinion, but the decision is made by the parents. The first option is Hauptschule, which paves the way to a professional school (Fachschule). The second option is the Realschule after which you have a variety of options, for example enrolling in a Vocational Academy (Berufsakademie). If the student decides to attend a Gymnasium, he or she will have a special diploma at the end, called Abitur, which is very prestigious. Of course, the student has to pass the required tests for it. The Abitur provides a good chance to go to University (Hochschule).


EDUCATION As in most countries, in Germany, the proportion of national wealth invested in education increased in the past years. But on the whole, Germany still invests less of its national wealth in education than other countries do; however, Germany pays its teachers above average salaries.


RELIGION/CULTURAL DIVERSITY Greetings In the German tradition, handshakes the best way of greeting people whether you know them or not. When introducing yourself, use your last name until the person invites you to use their first name. This is how it works in the German business world. Students or other young people don’t use the traditional way of greeting.

RELIGION/CULTURAL DIVERSITY Religion: The main religion in Germany is Christianity. About 65 to 70 percent of the population identify themselves as Christian. Muslims make up to 3.7 percent of the population, and 28.3 percent of the population believe in religions other than Christianity or Islam. Clothing: One of the traditional and most famous pieces of German clothing is short leather pants worn by woodsmen's of the Alpine regions. Bavarians (southern Germans) developed the style of “Lederhosen”. The “Dirndl” is a full skirt combined with a contrasting apron. Today, these are mostly expensive costumes worn on festive holidays.

RELIGION/CULTURAL DIVERSITY The Frankfurt Christmas Market is one of the largest Christmas Markets in all of Germany. It opens in late November and continues until Christmas. They sell handcrafted and homemade treats, candies and warm drinks. One of the biggest summer highlights in Frankfurt is the Main Festival with live music at the Rรถmerberg. It opens in August and continues for three days. They sell food and cold drinks for people and tourists.

HEALTH CARE There are more than 10 successful hospitals in Frankfurt that employ a large amount of people. Each hospital in Frankfurt is not lower rated than 3 stars, because they have a high quality of treatment. In case of an emergency, we can go to the emergency desk at the hospital. If the situation is severe, you can call the number 112 which supplies a direct ambulance to your house. When you need any type of medication, we must first see our doctor and if required, he/she prescribes medication that you later get from a pharmacy; however, there are also other medications like “Nurofen” and “Nasal Spray” which you do not require a prescription.They are called “over the counter (OTC)” medication. “Apotheke” means pharmacy in German. In Frankfurt when purchasing an OTC or prescribed medication, the pharmacist will usually ask you about your insurance policy. If we have a private insurance, then the medication we are looking for costs half or less than the original cost.

The Apotheke logo

Hospital zum heiligen Geist


HEALTH CARE How to get a doctor’s appointment in Germany, step by step: 1.

Call your doctor and tell him/her what you're experiencing(signs and symptoms).


Call the front desk of the clinic and book an appointment or ask your doctor to book an appointment for you.


Find an appropriate time for you to attend the appointment.


Attend the appointment with your insurance card.

Information about Appointments: Before getting an appointment in Frankfurt, it's best to ask a friend or colleague for any doctor recommendations. If the situation is urgent, you'll either be given an appointment right away or you will be given a appointment later the same day. If the situation isn't urgent, you will be given an appointment two to three weeks afterwards.

Woman talking to her doctor


HEALTH CARE Nurofen: medication for kids.

Pharmacy from a closer view

Apotheke means pharmacy in English

Dentists in Frankfurt.

Clinic Frankfurt Hospital


HEALTH CARE There are many types of insurances in Frankfurt. In addition to health insurance, there are insurances that cover damage to objects. Household Insurance: When your house catches fire or if you get robbed, this insurance makes sure that you have a “back up� house in case of an emergency; however, this insurance doesn't cover your windows. Car Insurance: The car insurance is for when your car breaks or you get in an accident. This insurance covers what happens in most case scenarios. Depending on your insurance, they may give you a new car after an accident. Legal Protection Insurance: This will cover you from any fees/taxes you have to pay after you resolve a problem or misunderstanding in court. If you feel that you have a high chance of having a fight with your landlords or neighbors, it would be very beneficial to have this insurance just in case you really do get in a fight with your neighbors. Professional Liability Insurance: Doctors have often that type of insurance in case they accidentally make a patient's health even worse by providing them with the wrong treatment. Other professions can have this kind of insurance, too.

People arguing Car crash in Frankfurt 20

LIVING/HOUSEHOLDS There is a big difference between living in the city, suburbs and villages. There are a lot of small villages around Frankfurt. These have some grocery shops around them, but it is unlikely to find a lot of shopping centers around them. If you really want to spend some money in a big shopping center with a lot of different shops, you would most likely need to go into the city. Around Frankfurt there are also some suburbs, some bigger than others and some more beautiful than others. The suburbs near Frankfurt and around Frankfurt are often prepared with everything that you need, like different shops, beautiful gardens and parks. The difference between suburbs and villages are that in villages there are that in villages everything is pretty compact and small, but in suburbs it may be a little more opened up.

Langen is a big village near Frankfurt.

In the top right is a suburb.

The city center of Frankfurt with the Commerzbank tower in the middle.


LIVING/HOUSEHOLDS Frankfurt is a busy place to live. The streets are full of life, with cars, bicycles, trams and sidewalks. There are many skyscrapers, pensions and hotels and almost no single family houses found in the city centre. People who want to live there have the choice and a variety of apartments to choose. Frankfurt is like a miniature of London, since London is much bigger with almost 9 million people living there. Frankfurt has only about 700,000 people. In some areas of Frankfurt houses are so close by each other that streets are too small to park at sides. The airport is very close to Frankfurt, for this reason you can still find affordable housing if you search close to the airport. Apartments: There are both smaller and bigger apartment blocks in Frankfurt. Smaller family apartment blocks often have balconies or small gardens.This large apartment block on the right for example has a large amount of space for many families to live in.The smaller apartment block on the left has just five flats. Sometimes high-rise buildings in Frankfurt have their own fitness studios, swimming pools or gardens.

Single family houses: There are many one family houses nearby Frankfurt in suburbs. These houses have their own gardens.


LIVING/HOUSEHOLDS Objects that almost everybody has in their household:

Refrigerator: keeps food cool

Vacuum cleaner: cleans surface areas by sucking up dust

Kettle: heats up water.

Toaster: toasts bread

Microwave: heats up food

Dishwasher: cleans dirty dishes.

Stove: cooks food

Oven: bakes food. 23

LIVING/HOUSEHOLDS The Frankfurt waste collection helps people in bringing trash away and making their lives easier since they already have four different colours for the different garbages that the people throw away. The different colours are: yellow for plastic, blue for paper, black is for household garbage and brown for bio.

A container for plastic trash

Bio-tonne in front of my house

An ashtray in front of the Strothoff International School

All different garbage containers



Online games are either on a console or the PC. There are different types of games like first person shooters, third person shooters and RPG's (Role-Playing-Game’s). In these main gaming groups they have their own strategy games or smash games. Strategy games would include games like Starcraft 1-3 Counter-Strike 1.3, 1.6, Source and Global Offensive. Smash games would be games like Super Smash Bros, Melee and Brawl. A RPG is a game where you would rank up one specific character in the game, for example World of Warcraft. A first person game (Ego-shooter) includes games like Overwatch, Counter Strike Call of duty all parts up to Infinite Warfare. Board/Card Games:

There are way too many board games or card games to write down here, but here are the ones that are the most played. For board games, it would be “Mensch ärgere dich nicht” where you have four characters that you need to go around the field by rolling a dice and at the end all four need to be back at their home will win. For card games, it will be UNO. UNO is very known by little kids, because it has colorful cards and the game has its highs and lows. There are bad cards, which make you draw up to 4 cards, and just regular cards with them you just keep the game going. The first one to have no cards wins.

Mensch ärgere dich nicht

World Of Warcraft

UNO Logo


FREETIME/ OUTDOOR SPORT Soccer is one of the most popular sport competitions. Two teams of 11 players play against each other. Of those 11 players, there is one goalkeeper which tries to avoid letting the football in the goal. The team wins the game if the football gets into the goal. The 11 players can’t touch the ball with their hands, but the other body parts are allowed to touch the ball. Tennis is also a really popular sport. It is mostly played by two people playing against each other, but you can also play it with two against two. Each player has a tennis racket and some balls. With the racket you hit the ball over the net to the other player/s. You need to hit the ball in a specific field, otherwise it is out and you lose the point. You can also score a point if the other player can’t hit it anymore and can’t reach it. Rugby is a popular sport which we play also here in Germany. There are always two teams with each 15 players so 30 in total. The game is played with one ball in a oval shape. You get points in the game by either scoring field goals, which means to shoot it through the two posts at the end of the field, or by making a try by putting the ball down at the attacking side.


FREETIME/INDOOR SPORT Basketball is also a very popular sport played in Germany. It is played by two teams on an indoor court most of the time. There are 10 players on the field at once so 5 on each team. The basic rules of basketball are, that you can’t touch the ball with your feet (that would be a foul), you are not allowed to walk with the ball in your hands, and you need to dribble with it. If you stop, you need to pass the ball to your teammate. You score points by shooting the ball in the hoop at the opponent's side of the court. Handball is another very popular sport played in Germany. It is played by two teams of six players and one goalkeeper. The standard time of a handball game is 2.5 hours. The team which scores more goals wins. The modern courts are 40m by 20m. In handball you pass the ball around try to find a free space to be able to score a point. You are only allowed to throw the ball. The goal is surrounded by a 6m zone where only the goalkeeper can play.

Handball court

Basketball court


TRANSPORTATION Cars and public transportation are both common forms of transport in Frankfurt. Because there is always traffic in Frankfurt, public transportation is commonly used in the city. In Frankfurt the toxic levels can reach heights that can be bad for the human body. That is why in Frankfurt there are signs to warn you of those sections.The toxicity often occurs at intersections. A lot of expensive cars are seen in Frankfurt, because of the banking industry. Roads are being built to make it easier to travel to Frankfurt and out of Frankfurt, but it will take a while before they are finished.

Car driving on the street car tracks.


TRANSPORTATION A round sign with a green H in the middle usually signifies as a bus stop. If you want to know when your bus is coming, there is a framed timetable on the post, on which you can check the times of arrivals. If you already possess a ticket, you only have to verify it on the way into the bus; however, if you do not have a ticket, you can usually purchase a ticket from the driver. In the buses there are usually buttons with “stop” on them. If you press the buttons, the bus will stop at the next stop. On more modern buses there is a electronic sign above the driver’s compartment which states the next stop. 60 to 104 passengers (35 seated to 61 seated) Length 11.1 m 11.7 m 12.2 m (rigid)/17.1m, 18.0m (articulated) Width 2.5 m 29 Benz O405

TRANSPORTATION The U-Bahn is used for transportation within Frankfurt. Several different models of the U-Bahn are found in Frankfurt. Each has their own advantages and features. The U3 is used in the outer parts of Frankfurt. The U4 is a newer version of the U3 including spaces for handicapped people.The U4 has a wide spread use due to the low cost and the high output of the vehicle,another improvement to the U3 is the addition of a screen showing the next stop. The U5 is the newest model including more space, but for a higher price, some handicapped places have been removed to add more space .The design was changed to give the U-Bahn a less clunky look, and the design was altered to today's standard. You can buy tickets for the U-Bahn at the stops or buy them using their app on your smartphone.





TRANSPORTATION The Stadt Schnellbahn (S-Bahn) is a way of travel in Germany, which you can take from cities to cities or from suburbs into big cities. This type of transportation runs on common electrical tracks. The comfort in this type of transportation is slightly more comfortable than metro trains due to the amount of time spent on this train. This type of train was introduced in the 1930’s in Berlin. The S-Bahn usually operates 4AM to 1AM on Mondays to Fridays and 5AM to 1AM on the weekends.

Doors contrasting color: yes

Doors contrasting color: Yes

Door Width: 1.30 meters

Door Width: 1.30 meters

Stages in the boarding area: No

Stages in the boarding area: No

Easy Entry : Manual ramp

Easy Entry : Manual ramp

Operation Easy Entry : by driver

Operation of the boarding aid : By

Toilet : No

driver ET-423

Toilet : No

31 ET-430

THINGS TO DO IN FRANKFURT Frankfurt has several professional sports teams to follow, and you can go see their games in person. Skyliners: The Skyliners is a basketball team which have been known for their numerous appearances at European competition such as the Euroleague, Saporta Cup and the Eurocup Basketball. The Skyliners usually play in the Fraport Arena, where more than 5,000 people can fit in. The Skyliners team colors are blue, white and orange.

Lรถwen: The Lรถwen is a professional ice hockey team. Their team colors are green, red, white and black. They were founded in 2010 and train and play in the Eissporthalle, which has a capacity of 6,990 people.

Eintracht: Their full name is Eintracht Frankfurt e.v. which is a Football club. Their nickname is Die Adler. (the eagles) The club was founded in the 8th of March 1899. They play in Commerzbank, and more than 51,000 people can fit in it. 32

THINGS TO DO IN FRANKFURT Opel Zoo: The Opel Zoo is a zoo which contains 1631 animals and 223 varieties of animals. The Opel Zoo was founded in 1956. The Opel Zoo area is 27 hectares. They get about 750.000 visitors per year.

Museumsufer: The Museumsufer is a specific area in Frankfurt at the Main river. It is popular, because there are more than 12 museums next to each other. Their is one big festival at the end of August each year called the Museumsuferfest. The Museumsufer fireworks are held on the first night. More than 2.6 million people came to the festival in 2016 to the festival. The organizers say that they expect a rise of people coming next year.



Frankfurt Ikonenmuseum: the largest collection of Russian, Bulgarian, and Greek religious icons in Germany

German Film Museum: everything about movies and film in Germany

Communication Museum: all types of communication throughout the centuries

Ethnological Museum: 500,000 objects of culture and art from around the world

German Architecture Museum: ancient and modern architecture from around the world 34

THINGS TO DO IN FRANKFURT Portikus: free museum on an island in the Main River; local artists

Städel Museum: over 4,000 paintings, drawings and sculptures by the masters

Jewish Museum: history and culture of the Frankfurt Jewish community from the 12th-20th century Liebighaus: ancient Greek, Roman, Medieval and Renaissance sculptures

Frankfurt Historisches Museum: cultural and historical objects from the Frankfurt area’s history 35

EATING OUT The “Fressgasse” is a street where you can find a lot of restaurants and cafes. You can buy ice cream and a lot of other tasty food. On the picture you can see a Frankfurt cafe and you can buy good ice cream there.


EATING OUT There are many traditional foods and drinks in Germany: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Beer Bratwurst Sauerbraten Spätzle Leberkäse Maultaschen Currywurst Königsberger Klopse Stollen Potatoes Brezel Apfelkuchen Sauerkraut


EATING OUT Here are some traditional fast foods found in Germany.

Grüne Soße ● It is a traditional dish in Frankfurt. ● In the rest of Germany green sauce is known as Frankfurter Grüne soße. ● It is typically eaten over hard-boiled eggs or boiled potatoes. Frankfurters ● These bockwurst are traditional to Frankfurt and named after the city.

Döner Kebab ● Döner /lahmacun ● Kebab ● French fries ● The meat is cooked on a spit.

Bakery ● Bakeries have bread, rolls, pretzels and all kinds of sweet breads. ● It’s very common to stop and get something to go, especially in the mornings.

EATING OUT Of course, Germans eat the fast foods found all over the world.

Burger King: ● burger ● french fries Pizza Hut ● pizza ● salad ● chicken Subway: ● roast beef ● roast chicken ● sandwiches KFC: ● hot chicken ● salat ● french fries ● chicken burger

McDonald´s: ● french fries ● burgers ● wraps ● ice cream ● salad

SECTORS OF FRANKFURT Frankfurt has many different sectors. The main sectors are the Ostend, Westend, Bahnhofsviertel, Financial District and Sachsenhausen.

Financial District




Sachsenhausen 40

SECTORS OF FRANKFURT The Westend is famous for the Trade Fair, Landmark Tower, many Banks, Palmen Garten, Goethe University, a Jewish Museum and the GrĂźneburgpark. There are over 27,711 people living in the Westend. There are over 27,753 people in the Ostend. The Ostend is famous for the European Central Bank, the Docklands, the zoo, bars and the Ostpark.

European Central Bank

You can see the skyline in the back.

Palmen Garten

The Docklands


SECTORS OF FRANKFURT The Finance District has over 30 different banks. It also has a Service Sector, Conference Center and Financial District that make up the European District. Sachsenhausen is split in two parts: Sachsenhausen North & Sachsenhausen South. It is mostly popular, because of Apfelwein, Binding & Henninger Brauerei (beer), and it also has many restaurants. The size of Sachsenhausen is about 39.12 km².

This is Sachsenhausen and the river called Main.


Deutsche Bank


SECTORS OF FRANKFURT The “Bahnhofsviertel” (central train station area) is a really international place, because there are over 100 different nationalities there and 60% of the residents are immigrants. There are many different restaurants in the sector from around the world. There are also many international banks, for example Agricultural Bank of Greece, ATTIJARIWAFA BANK Europe, Attijariwafa Bank Europe, Australia and New Zealand Banking and Moscow Repräsentanz Bank-Verla. The Bahnhofsviertel brings together many different nations in different ways.The Bahnhofsviertel is also known for its drugs and prostitution, but the city is trying to improve that image through events, such as “Frankfurter Nacht”, when people are invited to visit the Bahnhofsviertel to see that it is not so dangerous.

Bahnhofsviertel at night

Bahnhofsviertel at day


FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF EUROPE Frankfurt is the Financial Capital of Europe. The European Central Bank (ECB), is located in Frankfurt, that’s why it is called the Financial Capital of Europe. The European Central Bank is an institution, which is responsible for the supervision of the European bank system and regulation of the amount of money in an economy. Banks are very important for an economy because they lend money, for example, to companies who need the money to buy machines to produce goods for example, cars or shoes that are bought by people. Often people who want to buy a car, and do not have enough money to go to a bank and get a loan to pay for the car. The role of the ECB is to control the banks and the amount of loan the banks give to companies and private people, because it controls and supervises banks the ECB is not a normal bank, but rather follows two main goals: 1) price level stability and 2) equalized development of the countries. Price level stability means that the prices of goods, for example cars and shoes, remain stable and to not rise or fall too much. Equalized development of the country means to avoid the up- and downturns of the economy which happen if there is too much or not enough money in the bank system. Another important task of the ECB is to make sure that the Euro remains stable. The Euro is the common currency in 19 countries of the EU, also known as the European Union. These 19 EU countries are Germany, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Cyprus.

European Central Bank


FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF EUROPE In line with the European agreement, a few states agreed to the introduction of a common currency (a type of money that more states will then have) the Euro. For the creation of the unitary currency, the requirements for a common moneyand currency politics had to be created, that’s why the ESZB was established. The ESZB stands for Europäisches System der Zentralbanken or the European System of the Central banks. The president of the ECB is Mario Draghi. He is Italian, born September 3, 1947, in Rome Italy. He is the president of the ECB since November 1st, 2011. The ECB building is actually a very new and modern building. From 1998 to 2014, the Eurotower in Frankfurt was the seat of the ECB, but in November 2014 the construction of the new ECB begun. After many protests, the building was finally opened on March 18, 2015, in the district Ostend (East End).

Mario Draghi



FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF EUROPE In the process of building the ECB there were significant problems caused. First of all, the expectations of costs were around 500 million Euros but it ended up costing 1.4 billion Euros. The people of Frankfurt protested about the process of the building It was taking money from all over the place. They raised the costs of your house to pay the money. When you would take a drive with the bike through Frankfurt you could see the bad sides of Frankfurt. They used cars from the fire department to defend the building by the people who protested the entire time.

skyline view

people getting arrested

violence during the protest


LOCAL GOVERNMENT Germany is a federal republic and it has states, which means the power of country is divided into various states. Legislative assemblies are also held where laws and decisions are made. There are also many debates that are made regarding which decisions and laws need to be made. For Example: Lara: I think that the bike lane should be increased in size as it is very narrow. John: No! I don’t think that the bike lane should be wider, as it will then occupy more space and the space for cars on the road will be decreased. It is different in different states as legislative buildings are mainly in the capital city of the country Which in this case is Berlin but in Frankfurt they have a mayor and he or she makes decisions. For Frankfurt, decisions and laws are decided at the city hall with the mayor.

Legislative building


LOCAL GOVERNMENT There are many different countries that the citizens don’t need visa to be allowed to come into Germany. People from other countries can go to Germany's embassies and request a visa based on their journey and how many days they want to be there. In Europe, they have an agreement called Schengen which every time you get into that area, you can go to 26 countries in Europe without any passport checks, and it is free to cross the borders. After entering Germany you should go to the Bßrgeramt (city hall) and after getting the permissions going through different steps you can live in your house and you have now became an new expatriate. But it is different for EU citizens, because they are part of the European Union.

A example of residence card in Germany


LOCAL GOVERNMENT For registering to live in Frankfurt or in any city in Germany, one has to first get a visa and enter Germany. He or she has to go to the B端rgeramt (city registration office) in the city that he or she wants to live in. Once you have reached the B端rgeramt, you have to wait in the waiting hall for your appointment. When your turn comes for the appointment, you have to tell them why you want to live in Germany, for how long you want to live here, and if you have any relatives living here, etc. Then they will give you a city registration card based on your living requirements.

There are many B端rgeramt in Germany, or you could say that there is one B端rgeramt per city. You can only go to the city registration office that is located in the city where you want to live. City registration office If you go at any other city registration office other than the one in your city, you will not get and city registration letter.


LOCAL GOVERNMENT Taxes in Germany are different based on the income you have and also whether you are single or married. This chart is to show you the tax percentage that will be paid by you. It is for annual income.








up to 7 664


Up to 15 329


7 665- 52 153


15 330- 104 304


52 154- 250 000


104 305- 500 000


250 001 and over


500 001 and over 50


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BIBLIOGRAPHY Financial Capital of Europe


Eating out tp:// A&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=1023&page=0&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=0ahUKEwjhsoLno9XQAhWKLMAKHcSiCoUQMwgxKAIwAg&bih=795&biw=1352 68

BIBLIOGRAPHY Health Care,8.6301087,12z/data=!3m1!4b1?hl=en WM-BskQ_AUICCgD#tbm=isch&q=Apotheke+in+Frankfurt q_QAhVBlxoKHXhOD_cQ_AUIBigB e700c142010f3fd3e48ef9875dfdb7c3.jpg& s_roads.html&h=1200&w=1920&tbnid=A3ihTrzDM7ksTM%3A&vet=1&docid=YvWHRf1KKTswwM&ei=JGYtWLrYCISza7iOvNAG&tbm=isch&iact=rc &uact=3&dur=131&page=0&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=0ahUKEwi6-rPeq6_QAhWE2RoKHTgHD2oQMwgcKAAwAA&bih=705&biw=1280 rFZoKHR2zCJcQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&q=dentists+in+Frankfurt bih=705 biw=1280&bih=705 CzMQ_AUICCgB&biw=1280&bih=705 ahUKEwj4-tG047_QAhUD6xQKHTaXDXgQ_AUIBigB

***Any other pictures were taken by our class or our teacher



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