i, malvolio - House Program

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我,馬伏里奧 I, Malvolio 添•高治 Tim Crouch 全新 ArtisTree New ArtisTree 28-29.10.2017 29.10.2017

7:30pm 3:00pm

我,馬伏里奧 I, Malvolio

I, Malvolio (Photographer: Greg Goodale)

英國著名劇場創作人添•高治(Tim Crouch)的獨腳戲 ─《我,馬伏里奧》 於2010年在布賴頓藝術節首演後,一直巡迴世界演出,廣獲各地戲迷好 評。 繼《我,卡列班》(I,Caliban)、《我,豆花》(I,Peaseblossom)、 《我,班柯》(I, Banquo)─ 一系列以莎士比亞劇作中那些看似不起眼的角 色為起點的劇作,添•高治再次從「小人物」出發,借《第十二夜》中臭名 昭著的管家馬伏里奧(Malvolio)的視角創作出《我,馬伏里奧》,顛覆經 典劇作。 一個關於尊嚴盡失、假正經、惡作劇及欺凌的故事,添•高治的演出將莎翁 這部經典喜劇的瘋狂推至極致。 添•高治自編自演、奧利花獎得主 Graeme Gilmour 擔任設計,《我,馬伏 里奧》由布賴頓藝術節及新加坡藝術節聯合委約,並由倫敦巴特西藝術中心 支持。

我,馬伏里奧 I, Malvolio

I, Malvolio (Photographer: Greg Goodale)

Since its premiere at the Brighton Festival in 2010, British performer Tim Crouch’s one-man show I, Malvolio has toured the world to wide international acclaim. Part of a masterful series of performances that look at Shakespeare’s plays from the perspective of minor characters – including the successful I, Caliban, I, Peaseblossom and I, Banquo – I, Malvolio re-imagines Twelfth Night from the point of view of the puritanical steward. I, Malvolio is a hilarious and often unsettling rant from a man “notoriously wronged” – a one-man show that encourages the audience to take up the role of the revellers who torment him. A story of lost dignity, prudery, practical jokes and bullying, Crouch’s storytelling alchemy draws us deep into the madness of Shakespeare’s classic comedy. Written and performed by Tim Crouch and designed by Olivier Award-winning Graeme Gilmour, I, Malvolio was co-commissioned by Brighton Festival and Singapore Arts Festival, and supported by Battersea Arts Centre.


添・高治 奧 比 獎 得 主,英 國 戲 劇 創 作 人,資 深 舞 台 演 員,其後「演而優 則編」,涉足編劇工作,至今仍經常演出自己的劇作,作品包括《我 的手臂》(My Arm)、於藝廊演出的《英格蘭》(ENGLAND)、《一 棵橡樹》(An Oak Tree)、 《作者》(The Author)、 《阿德勒與吉布》 (Adler & Gibb),以及與安迪•史密斯(Andy Smith)合作的《等 到 深 夜 又 如 何》(What Happens to the Hope at the End of the Evening),其作品曾在英國及世界各地巡迴演出。他亦專為年輕 觀眾編寫作品,包括一系列以莎士比亞筆下配角為靈感的創作: 《我,馬伏里奧》和《我,豆花》(I, Peaseblossom) 。他同時是經 驗豐富的導演,除了為皇家莎士比亞劇團執導《馴悍記》(The Taming of the Shrew)、 《李爾王》 (King Lear)及《我,秦納》 (詩賦) (I, Cinna (the poet))等面向新一代觀眾的作品,亦曾為倫敦獨角 獸 劇 院 及 Spymonkey 劇 團 分 別 執 導《Jeramee, Hartleby and Oooglemore》及《莎 翁 戲 劇 作 品 死 亡 大 全》(The Complete Deaths)。其最新力作《Beginners》將於 2018 年 3 月在獨角獸 劇院上演。添•高治的作品獲獎無數,當中包括愛丁堡藝術節藝穗 第一獎、先驅大天使獎、總劇場獎,Brian Way Award 最佳兒童戲 劇 獎,以 及 2010 年 John Whiting 大 獎。他 的 著 作 由 Oberon Books 出版。 他將於 2018 年 1 月再訪香港,主持於西九文化區舉辦、為期兩周 的創作工作坊。 www.timcrouchtheatre.co.uk @timcrouch1964

製作人員 編劇及演出



Graeme Gilmour

Artist Bio

Tim Crouch Tim is an Obie-award winning UK-based theatre-maker. He was an actor for many years before starting to write – and he still performs in much of his work. His plays include My Arm, ENGLAND (a play for galleries), An Oak Tree, The Author, Adler & Gibb and (with Andy Smith) what happens to the hope at the end of the evening. Tim tours his work nationally and internationally. He also writes for younger audiences. A series of plays inspired by Shakespeare’s lesser characters includes I, Malvolio and I, Peaseblossom. For the RSC Tim has directed The Taming of the Shrew, King Lear and I, Cinna (the poet) – all for young audiences. Other directing credits include Jeramee, Hartleby and Oooglemore for the Unicorn Theatre, London, and The Complete Deaths for Spymonkey. His next play, Beginners, opens at the Unicorn Theatre in March 2018. Awards for Tim’s work include an Edinburgh Fringe First, a Herald Archangel, two Total Theatre awards, the Brian Way award for Best Children’s Play and the 2010 John Whiting award. Tim is published by Oberon Books. Tim is returning to Hong Kong in January 2018 to lead a two-week Creation workshop for the West Kowloon Cultural District. www.timcrouchtheatre.co.uk @timcrouch1964


Playwright and Performer Designer

Tim Crouch

Graeme Gilmour

更多精彩節目 Upcoming programme

photo: Cristos Sarris

物體不明 small metal objects

Back to Back Theatre 1-3.11 (Wed to Fri 三至五) 6:00pm 2-3.11 (Thu to Fri 四至五) 1:00pm 電訊盈科大樓辦公樓大堂 Office lobby of PCCW Tower HK$250


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