2017年 2月至 6月 February—June 2017 www.westkowloon.hk/mplusrover
Designed by Milkxhake Illustration by Rainbow Leung
「M+ 敢探號」─ 流動創作教室
「 M+ 敢探號」是視覺文化博物館 大型校園計劃。由
M+ 的首項
2016 年開始,這輛約長
8 米的特製拖車將用作流動創作教室,穿梭 中學校園和社區之間。 「 M+ 敢探號 2016-17 」 將於 2017 年 2 月至 6 月期間舉行,費用 全免。M+ 更會提供相關教材套,延續「 M+ 敢探號」的創作精神。
,就像登陸星球的太空 計劃取名「 M+ 敢探號」
RAINBOW LEUNG 2017年 2月至 6月 February—June 2017
參與學生更有機會與「 M+ 敢探號」一起前往 公共空間,與社區繼續交流。
M+ 每年委約不同的視覺文化創作人參與, 包括藝術家、建築師、設計師、攝影師、電影
導演等。在 2017 年, 博物館將委約本地繪本 作家李香蘭進行創作。
參與學校將獲派由 M+ 和參與藝術家共同
「 M+ 敢探號」著重「參與式」藝術創作,學生與
促成人際互動關係和對話,探索創作的種種 可能。
「 M+ 敢探號」起初只盛載展覽雛型。隨著校園 巡迴創作以及學生的參與,作品每天蛻變,
M+ Rover: Travelling Creative Studio is the first major school outreach programme organised by M+ since 2016. The 8 metre-long customised trailer is a pop-up creative studio that tours to secondary schools and community spaces during the academic year, from February to June 2017. The programme is free. Participating schools receive an original M+ resource pack, which expands upon the creative spirit of M+ Rover. M+ Rover is like a space expedition to an unknown planet, taking students into uncharted creative territory. The programme emphasises participatory art practice; students and artists collaborate. This experience of contemporary visual culture encourages interpersonal interactions, dialogue, and exploration of the possibilities of the creative process.
ever-changing and evolving show. The exhibition is open to all students on the activity day; participating students can also visit community spaces with M+ Rover and initiate a dialogue with the public. Each year, M+ commissions visual culture practitioners—artists, architects, designers, photographers, and filmmakers—to participate in the programme. In 2017, we are collaborating with local illustrator and comic writer Rainbow Leung. Schools receive a resource pack developed by M+ and the commissioned artists. The pack features suggestions for exploring contemporary visual culture and art practice. The materials serve to support teachers, allowing them to design a curriculum with reference to the museum's collection and its learning resources.
M+ Rover features an exhibition that evolves as it travels from school to school; students contribute to the
請於 活動網頁下載 報名表,將填妥的表格於
2016年 11月 28日 ( 星期 一 ) 或之前經電郵或 傳真至 M+。請於電郵標 題註明「 M+ 敢探號 報名表」。
網頁 : www.westkowloon.hk/mplusrover
電 郵:
傳真 :
3755 0105
查詢 :
2200 0041
注 意事 項:
「 M+ 敢探號 」駛 入 及停泊。「 M+ 敢探號 」連 拖車尺寸為 9.5 米(長)x
2.5 米(闊)x 4.5 米 (高)。活動前,拖車將 把「 M+ 敢探號 」移至 校內適當位置後離開。 重要日期:
2016 年 10月 21日:教師簡介會 2016 年 11 月 28 日:截止報名 2016 年 11 月至 12 月:場地考察 * 2017 年 1 月:結果公 佈
*M+ 將以電郵通 知校 方並交代活動詳情。如有 個別需要,M+ 將聯絡校 方進行場地考察。
Download the application form on our website and email or fax the completed form to M+ on or before 28 November 2016 (Monday), stating 'M+ Rover Application Form' in the subject line. WEBSITE: www.westkowloon.hk/mplusrover EMAIL: mplusrover@wkcda.hk FAX: 3755 0105 ENQUIRIES: 2200 0041 NOTES: Before submitting an application, the school must ensure that there is sufficient space for the tow vehicle and M+ Rover to enter and park. The combined dimension of the two vehicles is 9.5m (length) x 2.5m (width) x 4.5m (height). The tow truck will place M+ Rover at the designated location on campus and will leave before the activity begins. IMPORTANT DATES: 21 October 2016: Teachers' briefing session 28 November 2016: Application deadline November to December 2016: School visit* January 2017: Results announcement *M+ will send a confirmation email to participating schools with finalised programme details and conduct a school visit if necessary.
參與藝術家: 李香蘭
(ii)「M+ 敢 探號 」展 覽 M+ Rover Exhibition
DATE: 2017 年 2 月至 6 月 February to June 2017
TARGET PARTICIPANTS: 中學生及中學教師 Secondary students & teachers
LOCATION: 參與中學及香港 不同社區 Participating secondary schools & different communities across Hong Kong
地點 語言
FEE: 免費 Free of charge
第一 部分:課室預習活動
設課堂展 覽導賞,學 科不限,每節約 20 分鐘
1.5 小時 1.5 hours
於「 M+ 敢探號 」駛 進 校園前了解參與式的藝 術創作形式及參與藝 術家
可選 擇 性參與
曾參與 校內藝 術家主導活動的中三至中六學生
Participating F.3 to F.6 students •
3 小時 3 hours
與藝 術家步出校園,把「 M+ 敢探號 」所累積的創作成果帶到社區,延 續校內體 驗
歡 迎安排於課堂上 進行
School are welcome to arrange the session for students during school hours
爬 行,經 歷一場獨一無二的尋訪之旅。
李香蘭帶領學生以 另類的方式觀察及記錄每天 擦身而過的人物和故事,透 過闖進陌生的生活 模式,讓 他們探索和想像在學 校、家庭、社區
和城市的生存之 道,並引領學生 透 過 創作重新 審視生命。
香港 繪本作家,畢業於香港理工大學設計學院
Extend students' experience by stepping out with the artist, and bring their version of the M+ Rover exhibition into community spaces
藝 術家簡介
Providing a better understanding of participatory art practice and the participating artist before M+ Rover visits the school •
Timeslots outside the artist-led activities period
第三部分:藝 術家主導校 外活動
Teachers & students participating in artist-led activities
All staff & students
藝 術家主導活動以 外的時段
Guided tours during school hours is available for students, regardless of whether or not they are studying art. Each tour is approximately 20 minutes long
LANGUAGE: 粵語或英語 Cantonese or English
參與藝 術家主導活動的教師及學生
和香港城市大學創意媒體學院,主修藝 術設計 及電影。2009 年的圖文 繪本《上‧下禾輋》,
記述了老鄉村的美麗與 哀愁,她尋訪香港 平民 足 跡 故事,於 2012 年結集出版《尋人 啟事上‧ 下冊》,記載 和分享人最珍 貴的獨特性。
舉辦展 覽,2016 年成立「李香蘭生活研究房」 ,
積極 於藝 術 教育工作,她提倡學生 透 過寫生 認識世界,以 繪 畫打破 人與人之間的隔閡。
Rainbow Leung wishes to take students on a unique journey, embodying the character of ants, to explore the human body. Through her alternative approach, Rainbow leads them to observe people they encounter every day and to document their stories. As they come in contact with different lifestyles, students reimagine the ways of engaging with schools, families, communities, and urban spaces, prompting them to re-examine life through creative practice. Artist Biography Hong Kong illustrator and comic writer Rainbow Leung studied art of design and cinematic arts at the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Her book Sha Ha Wo Che Village (2009) documents the beauty and the sorrows of the area. She compiled the stories of ordinary folks in Hong Kong and published a two-part book, Hong Kong Citizen Dictionary, which showcases the precious individuality of these characters. Rainbow has exhibited in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and France. Passionate in her work in art education, she set up Rainbow's Discovery Base, an experimental studio. She proposes that students learn about the world through sketching, and to paint to break through barriers between people.
M+ ABOUT M+ M+ 是香港嶄新的視 覺文化博物 館,同時是
西九文化區項目中一塊 重要的基石,囊括 20
及 21世紀來自本港、中國內地、亞洲以至
全世界的視 覺藝 術、設計與建築及流動影像。
M+ 處 於 全球 最有活力的地區之一,旨在於
愈加交互 連繫的全球狀態中,為視 覺文化
紀錄過去、透視 現 狀、貢獻未 來。M+ 將 採
跨領域的出發點,同時 挑 戰亦尊重既 定界別
之間的規限,為不同的看法、敍 述 和觀 眾 建立交會點。
M+ 博物 館大樓由 Herzog & de Meuron, 聯同香港 TFP Farrells和香港奧雅 納工程 顧問 公司共同設計,預計於 2019年對外開放。 M+ 自 2012年起,即推動各類 型的公眾項目 和展 覽,並建立永久館藏。
約 25 名中三至中六學生
Around 25 F.3 to F.6 students
.5 小時 .5 hours
親身與藝 術家在「 M+ 敢探號 」一起體 驗「參與式」藝 術創作,成為作品的共同創作 者
Join the participating artist as co-producers of their works in the participatory art experience at M+ Rover
Since 2012, M+ has been presenting diverse public programmes and exhibitions, and is building a permanent collection, in the run-up to the scheduled 2019 opening of the museum building designed by Herzog & de Meuron with TFP Farrells and Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong.
ABOUT WEST KOWLOON CULTURAL DISTRICT 濱臨香港 維多利亞港的西九文化區 是全球 創造一 個多姿多彩的文化地帶。區內有佔地
M+ 為中學教師提供教材套,讓學生在「M+ 敢探號 」訪校前,認識參與藝 術家的背景及 創作。訪校後, 教師亦可以使 用教材套帶領學生進行討論及活動,延展學生的活動經驗。隨著「 M+ 敢探號 」每年邀請不同
二十三公頃的公共空間,包括長 達兩公里的
M+ provides a resource pack introducing the participating artist and his or her work to secondary school teachers to prepare students before the M+ Rover visit. After the visit, this pack can help initiate discussions and related activities, serving to enhance the student experience. This resource pack collection is enriched as M+ Rover commissions different artists each year. Teachers may use the pack for research and lesson planning.
節目和文化藝 術 活動。
的藝 術家 進行創作,教材套將愈 趨豐富,供學 校教師研究或備課 之用。
From its vantage point in one of the world's most dynamic regions, M+ will document the past, inform the present, and contribute to the future of visual culture within an ever more interconnected global landscape. The museum will take an inter-disciplinary approach that both challenges and respects existing boundaries, while creating a meeting point for a diversity of perspectives, narratives, and audiences.
規模最 大的文化 項目之一,願 景是為香港
(i) 藝 術家主導活動 Artist-led Activities
A cornerstone of the ambitious West Kowloon Cultural District, M+ is Hong Kong's new museum for visual culture, encompassing twentieth and twenty-first century art, design and architecture, and moving image from Hong Kong, China, Asia, and beyond.
海濱長 廊;並設有多個劇場、表演空間和
M+ 博物 館,製作及上演世界級 展 覽、表演
Located on Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour, the West Kowloon Cultural District is one of the largest cultural projects in the world. Its vision is to create a vibrant new cultural quarter for Hong Kong. With a complex of theatres, performance spaces, and M+, the West Kowloon Cultural District will produce and host worldclass exhibitions, performances, and cultural events, as well as provide 23 hectares of public open space, including a two kilometre waterfront promenade.