Herald Newsletter 01-29-2025

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Good morning, Hilltoppers!

Please read on for this specialHerald 100 Edition of the morning newsletter!

Today's newsletter includes coverage of student loans amidst the federal loan freeze, SGA'sdecision to help fund the Fashion Merchandising Department and swear in new senators, as well as two pieces that help the Herald ring in its centennial year. Make sure to read them and help us celebrate 100 years of keeping our campus informed!


Student loans, Pell Grants not impacted by federal loan freeze

The disbursement of federal student loans, Pell Grants and other funds outlined by the Federal Title IV, Higher Education Act will not be impacted by a freeze placed on the disbursement of other federal loans and grants, according to an email sent to students on Tuesday evening from Bryson Davis, WKU director of student financial assistance. G.I. Bill disbursements will also remain unimpacted by the pause

The email comes after a memo was leaked Monday evening from the White House Office of Management and Budget outlining a temporary pause of the disbursement of these federal funds. The pause sought to review funding to ensure that disbursement must comply with President Donald Trump’s recent executive orders.

Read more by Price Wilborn

SGA passes bill to fund Fashion Merchandising Department, swears in new senators

The Student Government Association met for its weekly meeting on Tuesday where it passed one bill and appointed six students.

Read more by Anna Bell Lee

Bill 19-24-F, A Bill to Fund a Heat Press for the WKU Fashion Merchandising Department, presented by Senator Jenna Wells, was approved unanimously during the meeting. The bill was previously discussed in the last meeting of the fall 2024 semester but did not pass and was pushed to be discussed at the beginning of the spring semester

“There were some questions that I reached out to Professor (Seth) Howard about,” Wells said.

“It looks like they had done a little bit of overspending in the past so they don’t have excess funds to put towards this ”

Molly Ricke is sworn into as a Senator-at-Large and as committee heads during a meeting at the Senate Chambers in DSU on Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2025. Photo by Dominic DiPalermo.


TodayissuchaspecialdayfortheCollege HeightsHerald OnJan 29,1925–100years agotoday–thefirsteditionoftheHeraldhit newsstandsacrossWKU’scampus,ignitinga centuryoflife-changingexperiencesfor studentsandcementingitsplaceasthebest sourceforWKUcampusnews Itissuchanhonortobeeditor-in-chiefofthe Heraldforthe100thanniversary TheHerald haschangedmylifeandchangedwhoIam It hasbroughtmepeopleIwouldneverhavemet otherwiseandgivenmeexperiencethat,asa politicalsciencemajor,IneverdreamedI wouldhave Ioweahugedebtofgratitudeto thisorganizationandthosewhohavepouredso muchintomeheresincemyfirstsemesteron theHill

It’sbecauseofthis–andbecauseofsimilar experiencesfromsomanycurrentlyonthe Heraldstaff–thatwewantedtocelebratethe Herald’scentennialinaspecialway. ThefrontpageofVolume1Issue1

Editor’s Note: These stories originally appeared in Volume 1 Issue 1 of the Herald, published on Jan 29, 1925

Thisnewspaperwasbornatoneofthegreatest chapelexerciseseverheardonCollegeHeights, onThursday,January22nd,andtheacclaim withwhichtheannouncementwasreceived wouldhavestirredtheheartofeveryformer

studentandfilledeveryatomofhisbodywith renewedvibrationofschoolloyaltyand patriotism,anduponthisannouncementwefeel thattherewillbeasilentandspontaneous acclaimfromeveryalumnuswhichthispaper reaches.ItistheearnestdesireoftheCollege HeightsHeraldstafftoreceiveexpressions fromeverymemberoftheloyallegionof formerstudents

BobAdams,affectionatelyknownasMr A,issettoretireasDirectorofStudent Publicationsafter46yearsofserviceto theUniversity In2008Student PublicationsmovedintotheAdamsWhitakerStudentPublicationsCenter Thebuildingwasfundedthroughalumni contributionsandnamedforAdamsand thelateDavidB.Whitaker.Bothwere WKUgraduateswhoservedaseditorof theCollegeHeightsHeraldandas directorofStudentPublications.(2012 Talisman)

‘Theheartandsoulof thisprogram’:How BobAdamsshapedthe CollegeHeightsHerald

For44yearsofCollegeHeightsHeraldalumni, thefirstthingmanythinkaboutwhenrecalling memoriesoftheirtimeatthenewspaperis“Mr A”

Nootherindividualhashadaswideanimpact ontheHeraldthanRobert“Bob”Adamshad ontheoutletanditsstudentstaffduringthe courseofhiscareeratWesternKentucky Universityasaprofessor,adviserofboththe HeraldandtheTalisman,andasdirectorof studentpublications

AnativeofDanville,Illinois,Adamsspentthe firsttwoyearsofhiscollegecareeratDePauw UniversityinGreencastle,Indiana Afterthese twoyears,Adamsbeganquestioninghisfuture careerpathandhisplaceatDePauw Itwas duringthistimethathisuncle,anagriculture professoratWKU,encouragedAdamstotakea tourofthecampusinBowlingGreen



'Newspaper Boat' by

The College Heights Herald is the independent, student-run news organization operating on the campus of Western Kentucky University, emphasizing accuracy and truth while being a public forum for the fair display of diverse opinions and viewpoints The Herald works to be steadfast and unwavering in its pursuit of truth while being true to the tenets of the WKU Student Publications mission to grow exceptional journalists and innovative leaders through real-world experiences and a strong educational and ethical foundation centered on principled journalism. All creative and editorial decisions are made by the Herald’s student leadership, and all consequences of those decisions are the sole responsibility of these student leaders While editorially and operationally independent from the university, the Herald participates in the mission of WKU to prepare students of all backgrounds to be productive, engaged and socially responsible citizen-leaders of a global society, both within and outside of its newsroom. Views expressed are diverse and, as an independent publication, should not be taken as representative of views of WKU and any of its administration, faculty, staff, student body or other constituency.

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