W&L Law - Fall 2007

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The Washington and Lee School of Law Magazine

Fa l l


Powell Celebration

All roads converged in Lexington the week of Sept. 17 to honor Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell ’29A, ’31 and his judicial legacy. The weeklong event kicked off with the Powell Symposium, which brought together some of the most important voices currently engaged in the ongoing debate between the First Amendment and national security. Lewis Powell III ’74A said his father would probably have been “embarrassed by the attention directed his way, but gratiFrom left to right: James B. Comey, Dayo Abah, Kathleen Sullivan, Rod Smolla, David Westin, and Chuck Rosenberg. fied that W&L continues to play a role in shaping the contours of a debate that is ever more important today than it was when he participated in the Branzburg v. Hayes decision.” He continued, “Anyone who has followed history lately understands the role of a free and brave and vigorous press in making sure the government keeps its skirts clean.” And he praised panelists James B. Comey, former deputy attorney general, and Chuck Rosenberg, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, as two public servants who were willing to go toe to toe with the president of the United States during a time of crisis. “When the full verdict of history is rendered on how the war on terror was waged internally, and when we know the full story, we will be more proud of them than we are already.” Symposium Participants On Sept. 19, Linda Greenhouse, New .............................................................................. York Times Supreme Court reporter, gave Ka t h l e e n S u l l i va n the Centenary Celebration Lecture. In her professor of law, Stanford University .............................................................................. talk, “What Would Justice Powell Do?,” M i ke A l l e n ’ 8 6 A she spoke on the continuing relevance of White House correspondent, Time Magazine Powell’s opinion in Plyler v. Doe, the case .............................................................................. that affirmed the right of undocumented D a v i d We s t i n children to a free public education. president, ABC News The week concluded with the annual .............................................................................. Powell Lecture, given by The Hon. J. James B. Comey Harvie Wilkinson III, U.S. Court of Appeals senior vice president and general counsel, Lockheed Martin and former deputy attorney general for the Fourth Circuit and a law clerk to .............................................................................. Powell. “I suggest that America has never C h u c k Ro s e n b e r g been more in need of its Lewis Powells. United States attorney, Eastern District of Virginia Our country is in the throes of bitter culture .............................................................................. wars, which always seem to end up in the Ro d n e y A . S m o l l a The Hon. courts. While our multicultural future is J. Harvie Wilkinson III dean of the W&L School of Law .............................................................................. cause for great joy and celebration, it poses D a yo A b a h the unprecedented danger of tensions for our great land. Powell always professor of journalism, Washington and Lee sought to soothe feelings and bridge differences. How we need that today. .............................................................................. America needs believers and the possibilities of compromise.” Brian Murchison You can access the audio/video panel discussions and lectures on the Law Charles S. Rowe professor of law, W&L School of Law .............................................................................. School Web site at law.wlu.edu/powell.




Q & A with Rod Smolla

A brief discussion about his career, legal education in general and his plans for the Law School. By




M u s i c a l E x p ress i o n s

Patti Reed Black ’84 captures the Celtic sound with her musical group, Riddle on the Harp. By





G rea t P er f o r m a n c es

Mark Crosby ’87 turned the story of Stax Records— the preeminent soul music label of its time— into a documentary for PBS. B y A n d y Th o m p s o n



P a u l W are : R e t u r n i n g to a n A rt - f u l l L i f e

Almost 10 years ago, Paul Ware ’86 started painting and discovered a hidden talent. By Agnes



35 T h e 2006 - 07 H o n or R ol l of D o n ors

d e p a r t m e n t s 2 Dean’s Message

Enhancing W&L’s Educational Mission


3 N e w A p p o i n tments

Bob Danforth and Louise Halper



4 D i s c ove r y

Graduation, a classroom dedication, the Class of 2010 and legal support in Cambodia


8 F a c u l t y D i s t i nctions

Publications and presentations


26 L a w N o t es

Alumni profiles and accomplishments

.......................................................... Cover photo of Rod Smolla by Ian Bradshaw

D e a n ’ s


Volume 8 FALL

M e s s a g e

Number 1 2007

© Wa s h i n g t o n a n d L e e U n i v e r s i t y

Julie Campbell

of Communications

I Interim Director

I Editor, Law Magazine Web and Communications I

Louise Uffelman Peter Jetton


Kelli Austin ’03A

I Class Notes Editor I

Bart Morris, Morris Design

Art Director

Patrick Hinely ’73A, Kevin Remington

University Photographers

Published by Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. 24450. All communications and POD Forms 3579 should be sent to Washington and Lee Alumni Inc., Lexington, Va. 24450. Periodicals postage paid at Norfolk, Va. Board of Trustees

Philip W. Norwood ’69A, Rector (Charlotte) Kenneth P. Ruscio ’76A, President Robert M. Balentine Jr. ’67A (Atlanta) Andrew N. Baur ’66A (St. Louis, Miss.) J. Donald Childress ’70A (Atlanta) Joseph H. Davenport III ’69A (Lookout Mountain, Tenn.) Kimberly T. Duchossois (Barrington, Ill.) Mark R. Eaker ’69A (Herndon, Va.) J. Hagood Ellison Jr. ’72A (Columbia, S.C.) Jorge E. Estrada M. ’69A (Buenos Aires, Argentina.) J. Scott Fechnay ’69A (Potomac, Md.) William H. Fishback Jr. ’56A (Ivy, Va.) C. Douglas Fuge ’77A (Chatham, N.J.) Benjamin S. Gambill Jr. ’67A (Nashville, Tenn.) William R. Goodell ’80 (Bronxville, N.Y.) Robert J. Grey ’76 (Richmond) Bernard C. Grigsby II ’72A (Walton-on-Thames, England) Ray V. Hartwell III ’69A, ’75 (McLean, Va.) William B. Hill Jr. ’74A, ’77 (Atlanta) A.C. Hubbard ’59A, ’62 (Baltimore) Peter C. Keefe ’78A (Alexandria, Va.) John Klinedinst ’71A,’78 (Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.) Thomas N. McJunkin ’70A,’74 (Charleston, W.Va.) Jessine A. Monaghan ’79 (Washington) Michael H. Monier ’62A (New York) Harry J. Phillips Jr. ’72A (Houston) Hatton C. V. Smith ’73A (Birmingham, Ala.) Martin E. Stein Jr. ’74A (Jacksonville, Fla.) Warren A. Stephens ’79A (Little Rock, Ark.) Sarah Nash Sylvester (New York) Charlie (C.B.) Tomm ’68A,’75 (Atlantic Beach, Fla.) John W. Vardaman ’62A (Washington) Alston Parker Watt ’89A (Thomasville, Ga.) Dallas Hagewood Wilt ’90A (Nashville, Tenn) John A. Wolf ’69A,’72 (Baltimore)


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Washington And Lee

Robert T. Danforth, professor of law and Alumni Faculty Fellow, has been appointed associate dean for academic affairs. An expert in trusts and estates, estate

planning and taxation, Danforth served as a lecturer at the University of Virginia School of Law before joining W&L as an assistant professor in 1997. He recently chaired the search committee to fill the position of University provost. “I could not be more excited about joining Rod Smolla as he commences his deanship at Washington and Lee,” said Danforth. “Our Law School is blessed with a superb and dedicated administrative team, with whom I am honored to have been given the opportunity to work. The Law School has all the ingredients—bright, hard-working students, talented and energetic faculty and a first-rate group of administrators—for a very bright future.” Danforth earned his J.D. with high honors in 1986 from Duke University. He then served as a judicial clerk for the Hon. Stephanie K. Seymour, United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. He entered academia after practicing law for 10 years, first at Arnold & Porter and then McGuire Woods.

University L aw A l u m n i A s s o c i at i o n

J. I. Vance Berry Jr. ’79, President (Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.) A. Carter Magee Jr. ’79, Vice President (Roanoke) Matthew J. Calvert ’75A, ’79, Immediate Pat Present (Atlanta) Darlene Moore, Executive Secretary (Lexington) Law Council

Peter A. Baumgaertner ’83A, ’86 (New York City) Walter J. Borda ’67A, ’71 (Northville, Mich.) Albert V. Carr Jr.’71 (Lexington) T. Hal Clarke Jr. ’73A, ’76 (Charlotte, N.C.) Michael P.A. Cohen ’90 (Arlington, Va.) Thomas E. Evans ’91 (Rogers, Ark.) James J. Ferguson Jr. ’88 (Houston) Thomas J. Gearen ’82 (Chicago) Shawn P. George ’81 (Charleston, W.Va. Thomas B. Henson ’80 (Charlotte, N.C.) The Hon. Mary Miller Johnston ’84 (Wilmington, Del.) Nicholas J. Kaiser ’83 (Short Hills, N.J. Chong J. Kim ’92 (Atlanta) The Hon. Everett A. Martin Jr. ’74A, ’77 (Norfolk, Va.) Andrew J. Olmem ’96A, ’01 (Arlington, Va.) David T. Popwell ’87 (Memphis, Tenn.) Richard W. Smith ’98 (Alexandria, Va.) Stacy Gould Van Goor ’95 (San Diego) Andrea K. Wahlquist ’95 (New York) Law Council Emeritus

Christine Champlin Adams ’90A, ’93 (Somerset, Ky.) Robby J. (Rob) Aliff ’91A, ’97 (South Charleston, W. Va.) The Hon. Daniel T. Balfour ’63A, ’65 (Richmond) Joseph W. Brown ’68 (Las Vegas, Nev.) Kimmberly M. Bulkley ’95 (Maplewood, N.J.) Francis C. Clark ’76 (Davidson, N.C. E. Townes Duncan ’78 (Nashville, Tenn.) David P. Falck ’78 (Ridgewood, N.J.) John L. Griffith Jr. ’72 (Princeton, N.J.) James J. Kelley II ’74 (Alexandria, Va.) Jenelle Mims Marsh ’81 (Tuscaloosa, Ala.) Susan Ballantine Molony ’00 (Charlotte, N.C.) James E. Nicholson ’77 (Edina, Minn.) William H. Oast III ’71A, ’74 (Portsmouth, Va.) Robert W. Ray ’85 (Rumson, N.J.) Jerrald J. Roehl ’71 (Albuquerque, N.M.) Carla J. Urquhart ’96 (Alexandria, Va.) David G. Weaver ’81 (Roanoke, Va.) Christopher Wolf ’80 (Washington) William A. Worthington ’76 (Houston)

Administrative Appointments Louise A. Halper, professor of law and Law Alumni Association Fellow in Teaching Excellence, has been named director of the Frances Lewis Law Center. Halper teaches Property, Environmental Law and Gender, Law and Culture. Her current area of research is on law and gender in the Middle East, in particular Turkey and Iran. “I’m hoping to continue the Law Center’s tradition of supporting excellent faculty scholarship at W&L, as well as bringing leading scholars, activists, judges and practitioners to the Law School.” Halper will also take charge of the Academic Careers Program, created last year to assist alumni through the complicated process of applying for tenure-track academic positions. “Alumni we’ve

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helped have already had some success,” Halper said. “We want to help our alums through the entire process—from filling out the form that hiring committees use to screen applicants to the interview itself and the job talk that accompanies it.” For more information on this program, please contact Louise Halper at halperl@wlu. edu or (540) 458-8962

Write to W&L Law By Mail: Elizabeth Outland Branner Associate Director of Law School Advancement Sydney Lewis Hall Washington and Lee School of Law Lexington, Va. 24450 By E-Mail: brannere@wlu.edu By FAX: 540-458-8488 All letters should be signed and include the author’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length, content and style. Signed articles reflect the views of their authors and not necessarily those of the University or the Law School.


D i s c o v e r y

Graduation 2007




John W. Davis Prize for Law highest cumulative grade point average Erin Laurel Pearson



Academic Progress Award most satisfactory scholastic progress in the final year Stephen Christopher Mullins and Aaron Allen Wilson

The Law School celebrated its 152nd commencement on May 12, awarding 124 J.D. degrees and four LL.M. degrees. The graduates began their legal careers in 26 different states and one foreign country, BosniaHerzogovina. Eighteen graduates will go on to judicial clerkships, and 56 percent of employed graduates will work for law firms. The commencement ceremony opened with an invocation by William J. O’Brien ’07, who earned a divinity degree at Yale University prior to his studies at W&L. John Grisham, lawyer turned best-selling author, delivered the commencement address. He first Commencement speaker John Grisham urged students to become involved reflected on his own law in pro bono work. school graduation, remembering how his commencement speaker pondered whether the collection of young lawyers was truly needed in the overcrowded profession. Grisham believes the question is still valid today and that the answer is a resounding “Yes.” Recounting the suffering and need he has witnessed around the country while researching his novels or engaging in philanthropy, Grisham urged graduates to get involved with pro bono organizations such as the Innocence Project, a national litigation and public policy organization dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted people through DNA testing. “Until you use your license and your brains and your enthusiasm and your youthfulness to reach out, to reach down and to help someone less fortunate, you won’t realize the power the law has to protect people,” said Grisham. Afterward, third year class officers Allison Langston and Rebecca Safford presented Grisham with a walking stick, traditionally given to third-year law students at the awards cerVanessa Peng ’07 (left) and Erin Pearson ’07 (right) gather near the Front Lawn, moments emony preceding graduation.


Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Award effective trial advocacy Sarah Marie Floyd


Roy L. Steinheimer Jr. Commercial Law Award excellence in commercial law Garren Robert Laymon


Calhoun Bond University Service Award significant contributions to the University community James Donald Humphries IV


Frederic L. Kirgis Jr. International Law Award excellence in international law Wilson Douglas Sweitzer


National Association of Women Lawyers Award outstanding woman law student Stephanie Diane Yost .................................................

Charles V. Laughlin Award outstanding contributions to the Moot Court Program Adam Clark Hull and James Donald Humphries IV .................................................

Randall P. Bezanson Award outstanding contributions to diversity in the life of the Law School community Yousri Hanai Omar .................................................

Virginia Bar Family Law Section Award excellence in the area of family law Michelle Martin Beatty


American Bankruptcy Institute Medal excellence in the study of bankruptcy law Abby Wilhelmina Clifton and Donald MacKaye Houser


Barry Sullivan Constitutional Law Award excellence in constitutional law Brandon David Almond, Dawn Michelle Davison and Rory Thomas Gray


James W. H. Stewart Tax Law Award excellence in tax law Jonathan Andrew Golub


Thomas Carl Damewood Evidence Award excellence in the area of evidence Andrew Michael Howard


A. H. McLeod-Ross Malone Advocacy Award distinction in oral advocacy Joshua Bryan James Nettinga


Student Bar Association President Award services as the president of the Student Bar Association Adam Clark Hull

before commencement ceremonies begin.



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D i s c o v e r y

S h a r e d Va l u e s


In April, Bill Goodell ’80 and his wife, Betsy ’80, stood before a small gathering in Classroom A to explain why they wished to name this room after Julian H. Robertson Jr., founder of Tiger Management Corp. and Goodell’s former employer. Goodell, president of the Robertson Foundation, opened his remarks with a brief recap of his W&L background. Betsy’s father graduated from the College, the couple met here and their daughter, Jackie, is a member of the Class of 2010. He continued, “There are three reasons we wanted to have Julian Robertson’s name associated with this law school. First, it’s been a blessing and a privilege to be a part of the Tiger management team and to be associated with Julian, Josie and their family. The generous compensation awarded all of us at Tiger has allowed for this gift and many others like it from our colleagues to other institutions and nonprofits. “Second, Julian and Josie have instilled in their children, their family and their business associates a culture of philanthropy that is unparalleled. But third, and most importantly, is Julian’s commitment to integrity that resonates so richly with our values at W&L. When one deconstructs the relationship between a hedge fund manager and his clients, at the core, it’s about being a fiduciary. There are manifold opportunities in the day-to-day operations of a very complex investment partnership for the interests of management and the limited partners/investors to conflict. As Tiger and the other early hedge funds grew and prospered, frequently there was no black-letter law that dictated the outcome of a problem. Issues of first impression abounded—and this can be the devil’s playground.” Goodell concluded, “But as one writer noted about

From l. to r.: Betsy ’80 and Bill Goodell ’80 and Josie and Julian Robertson.

Gen. R. E. Lee, ‘Leaders transmit values and embrace truth and integrity by walking their talk.’ By doing that consistently and unapologetically for the 27 years of Tiger’s existence, Julian has built an organization with a reputation for unimpeachable ethics. Every lawyer aspires to have a client who provides intellectual challenge, the opportunity to earn great reward and who has a moral and ethical construct. I have been privileged to have such a client in Julian Robertson.”

P r ac t i c e M a k e s P e r f e c t

The 2007 Robert J. Grey Jr. tion when she was a student, Negotiations competition ended judged the final round. with the team of Ben Conley ’08 The Moot Court Board and Joseph Yahr ’08 emerging last year named the competias the victors. Radcliff Menge tion for Grey, past president of ’08 and Colin Ram ’08 placed the American Bar Association second, with honorable mention and a Trustee, in recognition going to Kevin Quencer ’08 and of his extensive experience in Jim Bullard ’08. The top two dispute resolution. A partner teams will represent the School in the Richmond, Va., office of Law in the national negotiaof Hunton & Williams, Grey tion competition later this fall. focuses on administrative The problem for this year’s matters before state and From l. to r.: Joseph Yahr ’08, Robert Grey ’76 finals involved negotiations federal agencies, mediation and Ben Conley ’08. between a private equity fund and dispute resolution and and a group of scientists interested in developing a renewable legislative representation of clients. energy source. Robert Grey, Dean Rod Smolla and Professor For more information about the Moot Court Board and Caprice Roberts ’97, whose team won the regional competiupcoming competitions, please visit law.wlu.edu/mootcourt. F a ll

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D i s c o v e r y


Class of 2010 This fall, 116 students matriculated at W&L. As always, the stats of the entering class are extremely impressive, but going beyond the numbers reveals interesting surprises, too. Here’s a look at the newest members of the Law School community.

First-year law students gather on the new patio, located just off the TV lounge, around the corner from the Brief Stop. The Class of ’67 funded this project in honor of its 10th Reunion.

Who Are The y? The Numbers The median LSAT score is 166, representing the 93rd percentile. The median undergraduate grade point average is 3.62, a slight uptick from last year’s median of 3.61. One quarter earned a 3.81 or above, a marked improvement over last year’s 75th percentile GPA of 3.73. Twenty-two members of the class (19 percent) have identified themselves as minorities: 10 are Black/African American, six are Asian/Pacific Islanders, two are Hispanic/Latino, one is Canadian Aboriginal and three are mixed ethnicity. The class is 36 percent female and 64 percent male. The median age is 23, and students range in age from 18 to 45.

Promotions & Appointments Elizabeth Outland Branner was promoted to the new position of associate director for advancement. She will focus on the Law School’s major gifts program. For the past eight years, Branner has worked in a variety of areas at the Law School, including event planning and alumni affairs. More recently, she has been responsible primarily for fund-raising and the Law Annual Fund.


Lorriann Theresa Olan is the director of career planning and professional development. For the past eight years, Olan has clerked for the Hon. Rudolph Bumgardner III and the Hon. Elizabeth A. McClanahan on the Court of Appeals of Virginia. From 1994 until 1997, Olan was executive director of Project Horizon.


Sarah Nichols Hughes, who was assistant director of admissions, was named assistant director for advancement. She will focus on the Law School’s Annual Fund.


B r e t t Tw i t t y ’ 0 6 is the assistant director of admissions. He served as a recruiter for the Law Admissions Office in the fall of 2006. 6

Who Are The y, Really? The Back Stor y The first-year students hail from two foreign countries, 34 states and the District of Columbia, and more than 60 percent of the class spent some time outside the world of academia before beginning law school. They’ve worked on local, state and national political campaigns, Habitat for Humanity construction projects, Red Cross disaster-relief efforts, danceathons, walkathons and marathons for worthy causes. Several have already begun fine-tuning the skills that might land them a Kirgis Fellowship: they’ve been counselors in undergraduate residence halls, mentors to underclassmen and tutors to their peers. Five are Eagle Scouts. Our class includes the star of a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, two yoga instructors, several jazz musicians and radio DJs. Language skills include Italian, French, German, Hindi, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese. As always, students have worked for law firms and elected officials, for the federal government and public interest organizations, for real estate concerns and financial institutions. Several have experience at the front of a classroom, one teaching English in the Peace Corps. Others have had more unusual occupations: the class boasts a union pipefitter, an intelligence analyst for the Combat Terrorism Division of the United States Pacific Command, a meteorologist and an agronomist. They’ve also held more pedestrian positions. We number nannies, golf caddies, fishing guides and camp counselors among their ranks, as well as those who have labored at Chili’s, Wegman’s and Spencer Gifts. They’re athletic, too, having played lacrosse, field hockey, baseball, rugby, crew, swimming and cycling at either the club or varsity level. We have a Silver Life Master in bridge and at least one softball ringer whose presence will no doubt be felt at the Dean’s Cup tournament in April. If we Admissions folks were the betting kind, we’d lay odds that this class will yield the law school’s first female Sports Czar. —Andrea Hilton Howe ’85, Director of Admissions

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C i t i z e n ’s L a w m a k e r Aw a r d Imagine you’re a woman going in for surgery to explain the need and ask permission.” at a well-known teaching hospital. You’re con Medical professionals also say that fident in your surgeon, and you’ve signed all this practice is authorized already under curthe usual consent forms. What you don’t know rent hospital consent forms, another claim is that while you’re under anesthesia, medical that Wilson disputes. “It’s clear that a pelvic students may be performing a pelvic exam exam or other invasive procedure can occur without your knowledge or consent. without consent if there is a medical need,” Thanks in large part to recent scholarship she said. “However, you can’t reasonably by Robin Fretwell Wilson, professor of law, this read these contracts as authorizing this for controversial practice in now banned in Virginia. the student’s education.” In January and February, Wilson appeared As part of her testimony before the before the Senate Committee on Education House committee, Wilson discussed her and Health and a House subcommittee displan to address the complexities and ambicussing House Bill 2969, new legislation that guities of hospital consent forms, a plan prohibits students at teaching hospitals from that will involve students from the Law performing pelvic exams without a patient’s School. Members of W&L’s new Health consent. It was Wilson’s 2005 article on the Law Association will work pro bono with practice and discussions with Delegate Robert hospital counsels to review and redraft existBell that led Bell to introduce the legislation ing consent forms to add language that for the 2007 session. specifically authorizes educational pelvic In recognition of her con Medical professionals have argued that askexams. Students will also draft sample contributions to the legislation, ing for informed consent would result in most sent forms for any hospital to use. Professor Robin Wilson patients not giving consent, reducing the teach- received a Citizen’s Lawmaker Wilson is proud of her role in the new Award, given annually to four ing opportunities so critical to the “see one, do or five individuals for bringing legislation and that it has created an opporforward ideas that result one, teach one” method of medical education. tunity for her students to gain some practical in legislative change. Wilson’s research shows otherwise. “Not only experience. “This is what we should be trydoes this claim turn informed consent on its head, it’s just wrong ing to achieve in the law,” she said. “Rather than simply writing on the facts,” said Wilson. “There are really good studies of articles that are critical of a practice, we should be working to consent that demonstrate women will give permission for educatranslate that critique into real reform in society.” tional pelvic exams if medical professionals simply take the time —Sarah Tschiggfrie

Law Students Provide Legal Support in Trials of Khmer Rouge Leadership

Akiko Krystina Nishino ’08 (standing) served as an intern for the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials in the Defense Support Section this summer. Above, she discussed her experience with practicum students and faculty before they departed for Cambodia.

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As part of the Law School’s International Law Practicum, students will provide detailed analysis on legal issues for the Defense Support Unit of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). “Reading about all the terrible things that occurred tears at us as human beings,” said Juliette Syn ’08. “Nearly two million people died from hunger, disease, overwork and execution.” But to have legitimacy in the eyes of the international community, a vigorous defense is essential, according to the project’s director, visiting professor Thomas H. “Speedy” Rice. “The representation of accused war criminals is never popular, but it is honorable and essential to the rule of law. Appropriately, honor is at the core of the W&L educational and social experience.” Syn, along with David James Knight ’08 and Jennifer Lavoie ’08, traveled to Cambodia to discuss ongoing work and future assignments. They observed a three-day training session for the defense attorneys covering the highly complex and unique legal issues that emerge during international criminal trials. For the remainder of the semester, along with a fourth student, they will work with defense attorneys in Cambodia via conference call, e-mail and Internet, researching emerging legal issues and developing advocacy materials. 7

Fa c u lt y

D i s t i n c t i o n s

The Written and Spoken Word Sam Calhoun P re s entat i on s

“Lincoln and Religion,” Summer 2007 Alumni College, W&L. A ppo i ntment s

John W. Elrod Law Alumni Association Fellow in Teaching Excellence.

P re s entat i on s

Presentations on international criminal law at Randolph College, W&L Summer Scholars, International Institute for Criminal Sciences (Siracusa, Italy), Mississippi College, Case Western Reserve University; W&L Class of 1975 Alumni Lecture. A ppo i ntment s

“The Ethical Mine Field: Joint Representation of the Employee and the Corporation in Internal Investigations,” 109 West Virginia Law Review 669 (2007).

Professeur invité, Université de Paris II (Panthéon-Assas). Visiting professor, University of Illinois College of Law. Board of Directors, International Law Students Association.

M ed i a

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Lawton Cummings P ubl i cat i on s

Frequent guest on national Fox News Channel, providing legal analysis on a variety of current events, including the arrest of Warren Jeffs, Dr. Kevorkian’s release from prison, the arrest of Lisa Novak and the posting of burglary instructions on youtube.com.

Robert Danforth P ubl i cat i on s

Federal Income Taxation of Estates and Trust (20071 Cum. Supp.) (with Howard M. Zaritsky and Norman H. Lane). “The Basics of Actuarial Valuations,” 32 Estates, Gifts & Trusts Journal 185 (2007). A ppo i ntment s

Chair, Provost Search Committee. Law Alumni Faculty Fellow.

Mark Drumbl P ubl i cat i on s

“Lessons from the Trials of Slobodan Milosevic, Charles Taylor and Saddam Hussein,” Proceedings of the Joint Hague Conference on International Law (2007). “Actors and Law-Making in International Environmental Law,” in Research Handbook in International Environmental Law (Fitzmaurice and Ong, eds.) (2007). “Prosecutions, Litigation and Development: Socio-Economic and Environmental Crimes,” International Center for Transitional Justice (2007). Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Case Report, _ _ American Journal of International Law __(2007). Book Review: “Cheng, State-Succession,” Chinese Journal of International Law __ (2007). Book Review: “Transitional Justice in the Twentyfirst Century: Beyond Truth versus Justice” and “Reconciliation in Divided Societies: Finding Common Ground,” __ International Journal of Transnational Justice __(2007).


“The American Right-Wing Policy Agenda,” 2 Health Economics, Policy and Law, 233-39 (2007).

Rick Kirgis P ubl i cat i on s

Review of “Law in Times of Crisis,” 101 American Journal of International Law __ (July 2007). P re s entat i on s

“How Texas Gunned Down the World Court— Or Did It?,” faculty colloquium, University of Alabama School of Law. “Does International Law Matter?,” University of Alabama International Law Society.

WMRA Harrisonburg, WINA-Charlottesville, Croatian News, New York Times.

“International Law Regarding the Treatment of Detainees,” Lexington Principles Group, Washington and Lee University.

Ly m a n J o h n s o n

A ppo i ntment s

P re s entat i on s

“Rethinking Director Independence in Mutual Funds,” sponsored by Institute for Law and Economic Policy and Vanderbilt Law School, Los Cabos, Mexico. Comment on the papal encyclical “Quas Primas” and its ramifications for corporate law, Conference on Catholic Legal Thought and the Law, University of St. Thomas School of Law. “Corporate Honor and Integrity: A Lawyer’s Responsibility in Preventing Misconduct,” W&L School of Law.

Visiting John J. Sparkman chair holder, University of Alabama School of Law.

David Millon P ubl i cat i on s

“Piercing the Corporate Veil, Financial Responsibility and the Limits of Limited Liability,” 56 Emory Law Journal 1305 (2007). “Roger Groot, Legal Historian,” 64 Washington & Lee Law Review 34 (2007). P re s entat i on s

SEC Historical Society Museum Committee.

“Stoneridge Investment and the Future of ‘Scheme Liability’ for Securities Fraud,” Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, Amelia Island, Fla.

E x pert W i tne s s

Brian Murchison

A ppo i ntment s

Consultant to law firm for trustee of bankrupt company, Just For Feet, that obtained largest ever out-of-pocket settlement from outside directors—$41.5 million—following corporate misconduct allegations.

Timothy Jost P ubl i cat i on s

“Shifting Risk of Ruin to Consumers: The Role of Tax Law in American Health Policy,” 51 Saint Louis University Law Journal 353-367 (2007). “Landesbericht, USA,” in Internationale Perspektiven zu Status und Schutz des extrakorporalen Embryos, 411-44 (Albin Eser, Hans-Georg Koch, Carola Seith, eds.) (2007). “What Lawyers Know: Legal Scholarship, Health Policy, Justice and the Writings of Phaedon John Kozyris,” in Justice in Particular, Festschrift for Phaedon John Kozyris (Ant. N Sakkoulas, Athens) (2007). Book review of The Public-Private Health Care State: Essays on the History of American Health Policy (Rosemary Stevens, ed.), 44 Inquiry 228-29 (2007). W & L

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P re s entat i on s

“The Fact/Conjecture Framework in U.S. Libel Law,” Centre for Media and Communications Law, University of Melbourne School of Law, Australia. Panelist: Conference on Media and the Courts, University of Melbourne School of Law, Australia.

Doug Rendleman P ubl i cat i on s

“A Cap on the Defendant’s Appeal Bond?: Punitive Damages Tort Reform,” 39 Akron Law Review __ (Remedies Discussion Forum Symposium) (2007). P re s entat i on s

“Two Controversial Subjects in the New Restatement,” The Pending Restatement of Restitution, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, Amelia Island, Fla. “The Trial Judge’s Equitable Discretion After eBay v. MercExchange,” Remedies Discussion Forum, Emory University.

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Advisor: Restatements (Third) and Unjust Enrichment and Members’ Consultative Group, Aggregate Litigation, American Law Institute. Executive Committee, Remedies Section, Association of American Law Schools. Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, American Association of University Professors, Virginia Conference.

M e l i s s a Wa t e r s P ubl i cat i on s

“Creeping Monism: The Judicial Trend Toward Interpretive Incorporation of Human Rights Treaties,” 107 Columbia Law Review 628 (2007). “Normativity in the ‘New’ New Haven School: Assessing the Legitimacy of International Legal Norms Created by the World’s Judges,” 32 Yale Journal of International Law 455 (2007). “Transnational Judicial Dialogue and Transnational Speech: International Jurisdictional Conflicts in Hate Speech and Defamation Law,” in Progress in International Organization (Miller & Bratspies, eds.) (2007).

Sally Wiant P ubl i cat i on s

“Mass Confusion: UCITA or Not,” in Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, dekker.com/ servlet/product/productid/E-ELIS. P re s entat i on s

Moderator: “Legal Publishing in the 21st Century: A Conversation with the Publishers,” AALL Annual Meeting, New Orleans. “Who Really Sets Our Salaries: A Discussion Among Decision Makers and Librarians,” Economic Status of Librarians, AALL Annual Meeting, New Orleans. Moderator: “Civil Law I: Historical Comparison of the Common Law” and “Civil Law” and “Civil Law II: Civil Law in a Nutshell,” SEAALL Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, La. Moderator: “Legal Publishing in the 21st Century: A Conversation with the Publishers,” SEAALL Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, La.

“Using Human Rights Treaties to Resolve Ambiguity: Transnational Judicial Dialogue and the Advent of a Rights-Conscious Charming Betsy Canon,” __ Victoria University Wellington Law Review __ (2007).

A ppo i ntment s

“Treaty Dialogue in Sanchez-Llamas: Is Chief Justice Roberts a Transnationalist, After All?,” 11 Lewis & Clark Law Review 89 (2007).

P ubl i cat i on s

P re s entat i on s

“Transnational Norm Entrepreneurship Before the Supreme Court: Was Roper v. Simmons a Pyrrhic Victory?,” A World of Legal Conflicts: Multiple Norms in the International Legal System Conference, Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School Program in Law and Public Affairs. “Pyrrhic Justice? Lessons Learned from the Saddam Trial,” Inaugural John Gedid Endowed Lectureship, Widener University Law School. “Normativity in the ‘New’ New Haven School: Assessing the Legitimacy of International Legal Norms Created by the World’s Judges,” Fifth Annual YJIL Young Scholars Conference; The “New” New Haven School: International Law— Past, Present and Future, Yale Law School. “The Democratic Legitimacy of Interpretive Incorporation of Human Rights Treaties,” International Law Roundtable, Vanderbilt Law School. “Foreign Authority Through a Narrow Lens: Creeping Monism and Interpretative Incorporation,” presented at round tables and faculty workshops at Vanderbilt, George Washington, Seton Hall, and Florida law schools and at student/faculty colloquia seminars at Georgetown and Georgia law schools.

ABA accreditation, site evaluator, Baylor University School of Law Summer program in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Robin Fretwell Wilson ”The Overlooked Costs of Religious Deference,” 64(4) Washington and Lee Law Review___ (2007). Review “Medicare: Where’s The Common Sense?” Medicare Meets Mephistopheles by David A. Hyman (2006),” 34:4 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 821 (with Erin Willoughby ’08 and David Blazina) (2006). P re s entat i on s

“Undeserved Trust: Reflections on the American Law Institute’s Treatment of De Facto Parents,” 30th International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Padua, Italy. “Undeserved Trust: Reflections on the American Law Institute’s Treatment of De Facto Parents,” International Society of Family Law North American Regional Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Keynote speaker: “Harmonization of Family Law in the United States,” Commission on European Family Law, Third Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway. “Keeping Women In Business: Examining The Business School Education,” Princeton University, Witherspoon Institute. “Health Care Regulation: The Year in Review,” Northwestern University School of Law, Searle Center (with Professor David Hyman). “Perils of Privatized Marriage,” Conference on Gender Relevant Legislation in Muslim and Non-Muslim Countries, W&L School of Law.

A ppo i ntment s

Visiting assistant professor of law, Vanderbilt Law School. Ethan Allen Faculty Fellow. F a ll

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“Legal Issues in the Regulation of Nanotechnology,” University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Center for Nanomedicine and Cellular Delivery.

The Health Care Crisis ................... In Health Care at Tim Jost Risk, Professor Tim discussed his book Jost enters the on NPR affiliate WMRA’s “Insight” health care debate program on Aug. 15. by examining You can listen to the one of the latest show at wmra.org/ developments, the insight. Go to the consumer-driven archive section and movement. Jost’s scroll down to the analysis of the soludate of the show. tions proposed by consumer-driven advocates reveals serious shortcomings, even though consumerdriven health care has gained tremendous momentum as a health care panacea. Jost proposes to divide health care into three areas: catastrophic care, acute care and preventive care. Catastrophic care, for the highest cost procedures like organ transplants, and preventative care, which, if neglected, results in higher health expenditure later in life, should be covered completely by government plans. The insurance market would then compete with a third government plan to cover all other acute services. Since the highest cost procedures would not be a factor anymore, health insurance costs in general would be lower. “The basic responsibility for the cost of health care, and particularly high-cost health care, must be borne by the community as a whole, which means it must be financed in part through taxes,” Jost explained. “This is the way most other developed countries do it, and although every health care system has problems, most are doing better than we are.” “The Role of the Civil State in Marriage and Divorce,” Pepperdine University School of Law. “Law’s Inadequacy,” Barnes Symposium, University of South Carolina School of Law. E x pert W i tne s s

Testified on House Bill 2969 to Prohibit Unauthorized Pelvic Exams, Committee on Health, Welfare and Institutions, Virginia House of Delegates. 9


W i t h D e a n Ro d Sm o l l a B y L o u i s e Uf f e l m a n Rodney A. Smolla became dean of the Washington and Lee School of Law on July 1. Smolla graduated from Yale University in 1975 and from the Duke University School of Law in 1978, where he was first in his class. He then served as a law clerk to Judge Charles Clark on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. After practicing law in Chicago at Mayer, Brown and Platt, he taught at several law schools before joining the William and Mary 10


Photos by Ian Bradshaw Marshall-Wythe School of Law, where he was director of the Institute of Bill of Rights Law from 1988 to 1996. Smolla joined the University of Richmond in 1998 and was named dean there in 2003. Smolla is a noted First Amendment scholar and teacher. As one former student noted, “Taking First Amendment Law with Rodney Smolla is like attending a basketball clinic taught by Michael Jordan.� With that kind of endorsement, W&L has a lot to look forward to. W & L

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Q. Where are you from? Q. Where did your career go next? A. I grew up in Chicago—in A. I clerked for a judge and had a wonderful experience ..........................................


the city and the suburbs. My dad was an air traffic controller, so we moved around a bit.

as a law clerk. I learned a lot about professionalism, civility and modesty. To this day, I value that wonderful educational experience. Then I went from being a law clerk to practicing at a large corporate firm in Chicago. I was a young litigator, and I loved being a litigator. I had the good fortune to not be assigned to any large, giant cases where I was lost in a team of 25 or 30. I was the utility player as an associate and was able to handle many relatively small cases. So I was able to learn a lot in a short period of time. But I was restless for the academic life, for the profession. I left relatively soon to start teaching. But even after becoming a professor, I remained active in practice, first for the firm that I had worked for. Down the road, I developed an expertise as an appellate lawyer and have done a lot of practice in that area throughout all the years I’ve been in the academic profession.

Q. What drew you to the legal profession?


A. I got interested in law my

senior year at Yale. You could say I wandered into law school. No one in my family had gone to college before me, let alone law school. I had one cousin who was a priest. That was the farthest along anyone in my extended family had ever gone into higher education. I went to Yale originally to play football and gradually became a more serious student as I progressed through college. I became very passionate about American studies. For me that was a cross between American history and American literature. I toyed with going to graduate school in American studies, but this was a time in which teaching jobs at American universities were scarce, and graduate school, for that reason, didn’t seem as inviting. But I’d been fortunate at Yale to take a number of courses as an undergrad from law professors. I also had a number of friends who were law students. The combination of taking courses from law professors and knowing a number of law students who were very turned on by what they were experiencing was probably what drew me to law school. I went directly from undergraduate to law school. The practice of taking time off—which I think is a great thing to do—just wasn’t done as much back in those days. So I went to law school and was one of those rare students who completely enjoyed every minute of it. I shocked myself in doing well academically. Everyone else seemed so much smarter than me. I had so little conception of what it was to be a lawyer. I had no frame of reference in terms of my family life compared to many of the other students. I had never met a lawyer prior to college.

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Q. How did you end up in the dean’s office at the University of Richmond?


A. Another accident. I was as happy as could be as a profes-

sor, as a writer, as a practitioner, and really had never given much thought to academic leadership. The Richmond Law School had a change in leadership—the dean resigned—and a number of my colleagues encouraged me to apply. It was a huge turning point for me, because once I became a dean, it felt as if I had finally found what I was supposed to be doing as a professional. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it, how fulfilling it was. I’ve never looked back from that first day of starting down the road as an educational administrator.

Q. What attracted you to W&L? A. I had been fortunate for years to know many of the


members of the faculty here. I had been invited to campus a number of times as guest lecturer. So on that personal sense, I had a real affection for W&L. It also has a tremendously favorable reputation nationally. It is a very special school. I had also become very connected to the Virginia legal community over the years, and so even though W&L is a national law school, the fact that it was located in Virginia, where I could still be a leader in the legal community that I’d become very attached to, was very appealing.

Q. What do you think makes W&L unique? A. I think that relatively small size, coupled with the tradi-


tion of putting the student’s development at the center of


our mission, makes us a law school that is truly unique in the country. Like Frank Sinatra says in “New York, New York,” if I can make it there, I can make it anywhere. The ideal of a “W&L lawyer” is not just a slogan. I’ve experienced the confidence and strong sense of ethical integrity that our alumni feel. And I’ve witnessed how lawyers out in the profession treat the W&L brand name as something special. For a reputation like that to have meaning, it has to be something that has been nurtured for generations.

Q. What are your plans for the School? A. Our economy is global, and our political interactions are


global. Anyone who practices law in any sense today needs to understand other legal systems, other legal and political cultures if he or she expects to be able to practice successfully and serve the public and/or his or her client. And an understanding of international transactions, international law, has now become part of the reading, writing and arithmetic of law school. It is as important as contracts, property and constitutional law in educating a modern lawyer. This means that any steps we can take to enrich our international focus will bring great dividends. The Transnational Law Institute, exchange programs with foreign law schools, opening up the law school to international LL.M. students are all examples of that at W&L. However, the Law School’s beautiful law building is no longer entirely adequate to meet our needs. It has had very attractive renovations, and we’re in the process of planning more of those to make more efficient use of our space and make those spaces more aesthetically pleasing. Yet, down the road we will inevitably need to expand the footprint of the building to accommodate our growing programs and expanding faculty. I think the student body size should always remain at its current cap. But adding programmatic activity, faculty members, practicing lawyers and other professional staff to help us carry on our mission is important. That will require more space. Right now, there’s not a single free office for any professional staff or faculty offices. We’ve got to do some reconfiguration in the short term, and, longer term, we’ve got to have some additional space.

job in training students to think like lawyers. We need to do a far better job of helping students develop into being lawyers. By the end of the second year, law students have learned the process of legal reasoning and most of the basic educational building blocks required for law practice. What most law students have not experienced in any serious way is the translation of that intellectual side of study into the exercise of professional judgment in the service of clients. It is not anything so mundane or simplistic as exchanging intellectual rigor for practical skills, however. The trick is to integrate the two as successful lawyers learn to do after years and years of experience. One year of apprenticeship won’t provide all of that experience, but it can give students road maps, frames of reference, exposure to experienced lawyers, ethical training and all the other complex experiences that are part of professional life. I think W&L is uniquely well suited to being a leader in helping legal education and the profession learn how to treat the task of educating lawyers as a joint venture. We have a small student body size, we have exceptionally loyal and engaged alumni and we have a tradition of student-centered focus and emphasis on ethics and honor. Given the global nature of modern practice and the ease of modern communication, we can provide these experiences and draw on partnerships

Q. You also have plans to change the third-year experience for W&L law students.


A. The concept is to make the third year an apprentice-

ship—a year that bridges academic study and professional practice. It would involve a blend of simulated practice experiences, actual practice experiences and intensive mini-courses that emphasize problem solving and the development of professional judgment and skills. American law schools, and W&L in particular, do a superb 12

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from practicing lawyers, government agencies, public interest groups and corporations throughout the country and the world.

Q. Service is an important tradition at W&L. How do you see it fitting into the education of lawyers?



. I think that service is one of the three core missions of any university. Public service is particularly important at a professional school and should be encouraged and promoted constantly. Young lawyers need to be encouraged in the habits of pro bono legal service and civic participation. To me, teaching the values of pro bono service is as core as teaching the basic subjects of law.

Q. What books would you hope every incoming law student would have read?


A. The

top book on my list would be To Kill a Mockingbird—it’s on my coffee table. Another book I think law students should read—and it happens to have been the subject for our alumni Law & Literature course—is All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren. Beyond that I’m eclectic. I highly recommend Dr. Seuss. He’s a natural wordsmith and isn’t afraid to make up a good word when it comes in handy. That can often work well for a lawyer.

Q. One of your books, Deliberate Intent, was made into a

television movie, and you worked with the screenwriters on the project. What was that experience like?


A. The screenwriters took almost a year to write the

script. They constantly consulted with me, and I very much enjoyed that creative collaboration. It was fascinating to see the challenges presented in taking a complex legal dispute and reducing it to two hours of drama, while still trying to preserve the essential truth of the actual events. I was pleased with the outcome. It’s an interesting coincidence that I’m not the only W&L character in the story. Judge Mike Luttig ’76A, a close friend of President Ken Ruscio ’76A, wrote the opinion on the case.

Q. You have a very busy schedule.

How do you like to spend your down time?


A. It’s totally focused on my family and kids. My wife,

Michele, and I have a blended family of five. Daughter Erin is a freshman at Duke; stepdaughter Sarah is finishing high school; stepson Miles is a junior in high school; daughter Corey is an eighth-grader; and our son Dylan Elliot is a first-grader. Q

Rod Smolla is regarded as one of the top public law scholars in the country. His principal area of expertise is the First Amendment, and he has written extensively on the subject. ....................................................................................................................................................................

Free Speech in an Open Society (Alfred A. Knopf, 1992), winner of the William O. Douglas Award


A Year in the Life of the Supreme Court (Duke University Press, 1995), winner of an ABA Silver Gavel Award


Suing the Press: Libel, the Media, and Power (Oxford University Press, 1986), winner of the ABA Silver Gavel Award Certificate of Merit


Smolla and Nimmer on Freedom of Speech (West Group, 2 volumes, 1996)


Federal Civil Rights Acts (West Group, 2 volumes, 1994)


Law of Defamation (West Group 2nd edition, 2000, two volumes)


The First Amendment: Freedom of Expression, Regulation of Mass Media, Freedom of Religion (Carolina Academic Press, 1999)


Constitutional Law: Structure and Rights in Our Federal System (with professors Banks and Braveman, 5th Edition, Lexis Publishing, 2005)


Jerry Falwell v. Larry Flynt: The First Amendment on Trial (St. Martin’s Press, 1988)


Deliberate Intent (Crown Publishers, 1999), made into a television movie by Fox and the FX Cable Networks


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Patti Reed Black ’84 belongs to Riddle on the Harp. The group often gathers at her house to for practice sessions. From l. to r.: Barbara Compter on guitar, Black on harp and Jean Wibbens on flute.

Musical Expressions


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Patti Reed Black’s incarnation as a member of a Celtic music group began with an unexpected gift one Christmas morning. Having retired from her partnership with the Lynchburg, Va., law firm of Edmunds and Williams to raise her two children, now 16 and 14, Black had been dropping hints to her husband that she wanted to pick up the banjo again. 14

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“When I opened a package of sheet music for a hammered dulcimer, I just figured my husband had picked up the wrong music,” said Black. “But then he and my kids came around the corner carrying this big box.” Inside was the instrument to match, a hammered dulcimer made by a local craftsman. “For the first time in my life, I was speechless.” W & L

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P h o t o s b y P a t r i c k H i n e l y ’ 7 3 A

So began a Christmas tradition, and Black’s husband, a gener “One lady even wanted us to play a Stevie Wonder song for al district judge, followed the dulcimer with an Irish drum called her wedding, so we learned ‘Overjoyed’,” added Black. “We a bodhran, a harp and a mandolin. Informal musical-sanity breaks don’t like to be put in a box.” with two neighbors turned into performances at church, her kids’ Though Black put music aside during law school and her school and nursing homes until the group mustered the courage legal practice, which involved work in higher education and to play a coffeehouse open mic at health care law, as well as service on Givens Bookstore in Lynchburg, near the court-appointed list representing Black’s Bedford County home. abused children in juvenile court, it “They liked us and offered to hire is part of the thread that connects us for a two-hour set, but we didn’t her life before and after the law. know two hours worth of music!” As much as anything else, Black has exclaimed Black. “But they said that pursued art as a public service. was all right, and to come back when During high school, she played we could play a set.” in a band that put on benefit con Two months and lots of practice certs for children with leukemia. later, they did, and Riddle on the When funding was cut for an art Harp was born. The group, which program in her children’s elementaincludes Black, Barbara Compter ry school, she teamed up with other and Jean Wibbens, returns to Givens parents to develop and teach an art each year but can also be found playcurriculum there. And now, each ing festivals and private functions. A week she helps soothe patients schedule of appearances is available by playing the harp in the waiting at riddleontheharp.com. room of the chronic pain ward at Black is quick to characterize Lynchburg Hospital. her musical endeavors as “just three Black’s story may not have housewives having a blast,” but this much to do with the law anymore, belies the dedication that has already but it has everything to do with produced two albums, with a third what it means to be a W&L lawyer, Patti Reed Black ’84 on the deck of her on the way. Though they primarily committed to justice and to the house in Goode, Va. She noted, “It’s definitely play the music of the British Isles, public good, bound by the ethibeen a switch getting used to accessing the artistic side of my brain instead of the group doesn’t cotton to convencal imperatives of the profession. the legal /analytical side.” tion. A typical performance might Perhaps this explains why W&L find the women playing as many as 12 different instruments was a good fit for Black when she was looking at law schools during a single song, and their repertoire has expanded beyond and explains how she now so ably lives this ideal, even if her Celtic music to include Americana and Civil War songs. tool is a hammered dulcimer rather than habeas corpus. Q

“I will express my riddle on the harp.” Ps a l m s

Riddle on the Harp’s repertoire includes traditional tunes and jigs, rural folk songs, waltzes, ballads and hymns, polkas, classical music, international tunes and original compositions, as well as children’s lullabies. The group has added Americana and Civil War era tunes. The musicians play the harp, guitar, bowed psaltery, flute, recorder, banjo, fife, bodhran, hammered dulcimer and mandolin, and they always seem to be on the lookout for just one more instrument. James Jones, a well-known Bedford County, Va., luthier, handcrafted several instruments for them. F a ll

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Released in 2003, “The Riddle” is the group’s début collection of traditional, Celtic and original songs. The CD showcases a full spectrum of lively, as well as mellow, tunes and tempos. Released in 2005, “The Gift” is a joyful collection of familiar Christmas carols and tunes, along with other enjoyable melodies and original songs. Songs include a mix of instrumental and vocal pieces played on traditional Appalachian and Celtic instruments. You can order the CDs by visiting riddleontheharp.com. Listen to Riddle on the Harp right now. Go to law.wlu.edu/magazine/countydown.mp3 15

Great Performances b y

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P h o t o b y W i l l i a m J o h n s t o n

Mark Crosby ’87 i n Wa s h i n g t o n Square, New York City. He has, as the song goes, “made it there” a s a l aw y e r , photographer and documentary producer.


In 1991, Mark Crosby ’87 was struggling with the grinding life of an associate in the New York office of Wildman Harrold. The Memphis native had worked in Manhattan since 1989, but he wasn’t positive this was the right career for him. So he decided to take a personality test, one that matches your answers to your ideal job. The results did not impress him. Apparently, he was supposed to be a movie producer.


“I remember thinking, ‘That is so out to lunch,’ ” he said, laughing at the thought. How could Crosby have guessed that the test would be spot-on, that 15 years later he would produce a critically acclaimed documentary and would be working on a feature film? Then again, he probably never imagined he’d eventually publish two books of photography, either. Perhaps if he had looked more closely, he would have seen the signs.

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Crosby enjoyed music and the arts from a young age. Having a late birthday and being younger than most of his classmates, Crosby took the year between high school and college to attend the Interlochen Arts Academy in Traverse City, Mich. There, he pursued piano studies before enrolling at Furman, where he majored in philosophy and served as the pianist for Furman’s big band. While many of his Interlochen friends had gone on to pursue careers in the arts in New York City, he couldn’t quite bring himself to take that chance. Instead, he enrolled at W&L. “It probably came from not being bold enough to make a big leap,” he explained. “Feeling that I wouldn’t be able to cut it. But toward the end of law school I thought differently. Maybe I could try it for a year, and if nothing pans out, I’ll return to Memphis to practice law.” Making that choice set up the pattern that Crosby has followed to the present day: taking chances on what he loves doing. Sometimes, he created those opportunities. Other times, they fell into his lap. “I wasn’t a driven person; I was a drawn person,” he explained. “Everything was fun and interesting to me and not like work. If there’s any driver, it’s that I get an idea in my head that I believe is worth pursuing, and I will absolutely not let go.”

In 1988, while waiting for the results of their bar exam, Mark Crosby and classmate Daniel Fetterman took a five-month whirlwind tour through Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, India, Indonesia and Australia. Crosby brought back a souvenir plate from Thailand with a photo of himself (right) and Fetterman on it.

It wasn’t long into his year that Crosby saw New York as the place for him, despite letting go of his desire to pursue piano along the way. So he sat for the New York bar in the summer of ’88. While waiting for the results, he and class-

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mate Daniel Fetterman ’87, who had also taken the bar that summer following a clerkship with the Second Circuit, bought around-the-world tickets on Pan Am airlines. They headed east and traveled for five months in Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, India, Indonesia and Australia, celebrating in India their mutual passing of the bar exam. An amateur photographer, Crosby took his camera along. When they returned in early 1989, Crosby accepted a job with the Chicago-based Wildman Harrold’s Manhattan office as a litigation associate, with the majority of his work involving intellectual property matters. His creative side lay dormant until 1996, when Wildman decided to close the New York office. Crosby saw an opportunity. “They gave me 18 months’ lead time,” he said. “So I had all the time in the world to figure out what my next move was going to be.” Crosby had been mulling a New “He is a talented York Christmas photography book pianist. Then he got idea at the time, “largely from having worked in Rockefeller Center for years involved in photography and seeing wall-to-wall crowds of tourand in a short period of ists there every December.” But he time became a knew if he accepted a job in another firm, he wouldn’t have the time or published photographer, freedom to see the book idea through. with multiple books He took a chance and opened a solo of photography, law practice in January 1997. “It was kind of a ready-made practice to step all while conducting into,” he said. “I just maintained those a law practice.” relationships [that Wildman had in — Dan Fetterman ’87 New York] and stayed in close contact with the Wildman firm in Chicago.” Crosby had plenty of work in his new practice, but he was also his own boss, so he could work just as hard at finding a publisher for his book concept. “I was absolutely certain I had a winning idea on my hands. Even though I went through two dozen rejection letters and two years of pursuing it, it never felt like a chore. I just knew that sooner or later someone would say yes.” Universe Publishing liked Crosby’s idea, but with an unexpected stipulation. Crosby pitched the book as Christmasthemed pictures of New York featuring many photographers, himself included. Universe, impressed with his work, wanted to feature only his photographs, which meant another season of shooting to cover the subject in full. In November 1999, Crosby’s patience paid off with the release of New York Christmas. A year later, Universe published his second book, New York: The Ultimate Photographic Journey. Fetterman marvels at the achievement. “He’s tremendous,” the Mobile, Ala., native said. “He is a talented pianist. Then he got involved in photography and in a short period of time became a published photographer, with multiple books of photography, all while conducting a law practice.”


If perseverance made Crosby a published photographer, providence helped fulfill his personality test prophecy. In 1999, a group in Memphis began planning a museum in honor of Stax Records, the preeminent soul music label of its time. From 1959 to 1975, Stax released hits like “Soul Man,” “Dock of the Bay” and “Respect Yourself.” Artists on the label included Otis Redding, Isaac Hayes and Booker T and the M.G.’s. Stax Records, aka Soulsville U.S.A., became a symbol of the civil rights movement. One of the principals of the museum was a childhood friend of Crosby’s. “He called me up,” recalled Crosby, “and said, ‘Hey man, you’re an artist, you’re from Memphis, a photographer, an I.P. lawyer, you love music. You’re hitting on all cylinders for us. We know you. We trust you. This is kind of up your alley.’ ” The Stax museum group quickly became Crosby’s biggest client. At first, Crosby identified and resolved all intellectual property issues, such as clearing the use of video and music clips, as well as items that different groups had the rights to. The early days of the museum effort were, in Crosby’s words, “just kind of a shoestring operation.” He began to take on more responsibility. His location in Manhattan gave him easy access to archival footage needed for the short videos chronicling the Stax story. Crosby eventually

jumped in as a writer and editor on these videos, claiming the role of executive producer of Soulsville, the 20-minute film on the history of Stax that now plays continuously throughout the day in the museum. One of the writer/directors Crosby worked with was a high school friend named Robert Gordon. “Mark made it a very powerful piece,” Gordon said of Soulsville. “He was very good at refining particular points and bringing a lot of emotion to them. That’s something you take for granted.” Both thought the Stax story was worthy of a full-scale documentary. “We put the word out to filmmakers that we were interested in looking at proposals, that we would fund a documentary,” Crosby said. “We had a number of people come in and essentially audition to make the documentary.” That was back in 2001. The documentary, “Respect Yourself: The Stax Records Story,” aired this past August on PBS. What happened in the intervening six years says a lot about the business of making movies, as well as about Mark Crosby. Directors signed on (including Taylor Hackford, director of Ray and producer of the Muhammad Ali documentary When We Were Kings), then bowed out; funding was secured, then lost. Competing documentaries seemed to be gaining momentum, then faded away. There were times when it seemed like a lost cause.

The writers and producers of “Respect Yourself: The Stax Records Story” are, from l. to r.: Morgan Neville, Robert Gordon and Mark Crosby ’87.


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Crosby realized if the project was going to get done, he would have to do it himself. “I went to law school and was a lawyer for years and years and years, so it’s a very difficult thing to say, ’I’m going to be an artist.’ You don’t regard yourself that way. You begin to think about how other people will perceive you, like an interloper, a dilettante.” So Crosby and Gordon wrote a treatment—a detailed road map of the film—and began shopping it. Crosby had a friend with PBS’s “Great Performances” series who really liked it. So did others at PBS. They were willing to put up a quarter of the more than $1.1 million budget for a two-hour show. That was back in 2004. It took Gordon and Crosby two more years to find the rest of the funding. “That’s just kind of the nature of the business,” Gordon said. “To me, the scariest part was all the other people out there trying to make Stax documentaries. In addition to almost getting ours made and having it fall apart, we knew that was happening to other people as well. It was just a race.” When the funding finally came through, Crosby put his practice on hold while he and Gordon hit the ground running in December 2006, rushing to get the picture made for PBS in time to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Stax. They worked seven days a week until it was done. “It was a labor of love, because we toiled on it for six years with no promise of reward. That’s not easy to do,” Gordon said.

“You’re constantly getting close and then getting shot down. You’ve got to get back up and keep going.” Crosby agreed: “Probably what’s given me the most satisfaction is that it exists at all, that I helped to see it through.” Crosby’s determination to see his project through has spawned other opportunities. He has been offered a co-producer role in an upcoming HBO Films dramatized version of the Stax story, with Oscar-winner Forest Whitaker as an executive producer. Groups have also approached him about getting involved in three other documentary projects that he calls “preliminary at best, but interesting.” One is music related; one is about global warming; the other concerns the work of a Christian orphanage in Mozambique. Crosby’s path from lawyer to photographer to movie producer has had many twists and turns. But his success in turning those interests into such a varied and rich professional life “It was doesn’t surprise classmate and good friend Mike King ’87. “He is a a labor of love, Renaissance man. He can do lots of because we toiled different things and do them well,” on it for six years King said. “Frankly, I think there’s a lot more to come. Without being able with no promise to predict what it might be, I think of reward.” we’re going to be seeing more of him — Robert Gordon in productions, if not other things he hasn’t even thought of yet.” Q

Mark Crosby (right) joined the New York PBS affiliate during its summer pledge drive to talk about the Stax documentary that he helped produce for the network’s “Great Performances” series. Watch a clip from the Stax documentary at youtube.com/watch?v=EutNIY2_XdM. To learn more about Stax Record Museum, one of Crosby’s clients, visit the Web site at soulsvilleusa.com.

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Although a successful lawyer, Paul Ware ’86 also defines himself as an artist.

Paul Ware

Returning to an Art-Full Life


by Agnes Carbrey W & L

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A top merger and acquisitions attorney in Birmingham, Ala., Paul Ware ’86 had closed hundreds of deals with price tags as high as $14.3 billion. His law work was intense, successful and profitable, but his life lacked harmony—until he returned to making art and began living, as he says, art-fully.

P h o t o s b y O w e n S t a y n e r

“Art is about becoming, observing and receiving,” Ware said. “It is not a passive exercise at all. It has meant letting the work come and getting out of the way.” Ware has achieved respect in the Birmingham art world and beyond, showing his work in both the controversial public arena and in private, commercial galleries. Art is also bringing him closer to his family and his community. “My wife and children love my art,” he said. “We go to shows and exhibits together. Hannah (18) and Jameson (16) appreciate and praise the work, and they tell me when it’s bad or they don’t like it.” No one is more surprised than he is with his success. “Growing up, I didn’t know any artists, architects or designers,” he said. “I had no formal instruction.”

Ware took the long road to becoming an artist. After graduation, he joined Bradley, Arant, Rose & White, where he is now a partner, focusing on corporate securities, banking and financial services. Ware earned a special place at the firm as a keen listener and tireless producer who helped his clients find ways to expand their businesses. “Beginning in 1985, there was significant expansion of bank mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the Southeast, as regional banking compacts allowed interstate acquisitions for the first time,” Ware said. “I’d like to say I had a crystal ball and knew that all that activity would take place. I was interested in that area of the law and was pretty good at it.” Over the years, he got even better. He said, “My clients are forward-looking and ethical. I look for ways to construe regulations to permit otherwise previously prohibited or restricted activities.” He was so successful that he and his firm were consistently listed in the top 10 in the country, starting in the late ’90s and continuing to the present, in bank mergers and acquisitions based on the number and volume of transactions. “I knew we were being noticed and recognized for our practice and expertise,” he said. “I began to notice that other lawyers and firms had F a ll

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begun to copy my agreements and my versions of, or revisions to, particular clauses and sections.” But that tremendous success in law was not enough. The long hours at the office left him feeling frozen and emotionally exiled from life. “I was kind of burning out—pressing on the gas and the brake at the same time,” Ware said. “I was working against the grain, making noise instead of music.”

Art has always been a joy to Ware, going back to his preschool days. About 10 years ago, in response to the stresses in his life, he began to putter around and gradually returned to the studio. He also started hanging around with artists in Birmingham. “There is art and then the rest of what you do. I guess it’s about harmony. I wasn’t doing any art to speak of or creating anything positive. I was just living hard and working hard,” he noted. Ware tapped into the left side of his brain and found relief in the hands-on aspect and intense focus art provides. He admits some of his early work was bad, but it gave him tremendous pleasure. Being receptive to his creative insights paid off in his professional life, as well. “I got better as a lawyer,” he acknowledged. Ware’s art is imbued with meaning, and he is always pleased when his viewers respond to it. His exhibition, supported by a grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation and called “Questions to the New South,” provided such an opportunity to share his views and deeply held personal and political beliefs. “I started making big portraits about six or eight months ago, mostly of national political figures,” Ware said. “Big paintings of big people. I felt anger at what these big, important people 21

were doing.” He summed up the images: “It’s reminiscent of totalitarianism—the cult of personality represented in stadium-card sized images of Mao or Stalin.” Anne Arrasmith, founder of Space One Eleven Gallery in Birmingham (which hosted the show), said, “Paul’s work on religion and politics and celebrities in the news is a wonderful tug of war between the holy and the profane. His wit is razor sharp.” Another aspect of his work reflects his quieter side and the inner world of his past. His Southern roots play a large part in his art, and he finds inspiration in the works of William Faulkner, Eudora Welty and Flannery O’Connor. “We Southerners are inbred and tied to the soil and to places and to our ancestors, or lack thereof. And we are drunks and crazies and all that stuff. There is an immediacy and richness and physicality that appeals to me, tactile and rich in feeling,” Ware said. “As a child, I always made things out of old wood scraps and found objects.” He returned to that era in his life for an upcoming group show. For the Bare Hands Gallery exhibition entitled Dia de los Muertes (Day of the Dead), he has assembled a special work. “Golgotha is a piece of copper cut from an old copper-bottomed skillet that is shaped like a skull. Animal teeth have been wired into the copper skull and a miniature painting of Christ are all assembled in an old drawer with gold leaf, and thin strips of broken glass—kind of a shadow box,” Ware said. He noted that Golgotha is where Christ was crucified. “Not the Mel Gibson version,”

Paul Ware met his wife, Joanna, in 1978, when they were both undergraduates at Sewanee. They were married the summer between his second and third year of law school.

Paul Ware not only paints, but also creates art from odds and ends he finds in the streets.


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he said, “But sure ’nough dead. There is nothing pretty about crucifixion, and this piece is made up of things I've picked up— trash—shiny things and stuff that kids put in their pockets.” Ware describes this piece both as an offering or a prayer and as a metaphor for who we are, particularly the disabled people he volunteers with. “We're all damaged goods,” he said.

While reconnecting with art has freed him on some level, his law work is still integral to his life. “I can’t stop practicing law and become a full-time artist,” Ware said. “I could—but not with the folks who depend on me. But that’s OK. They support and love the art and me and what I do with it.” His friend Amasa Smith, a local artist, said, “Paul’s success at demonstrating an impossible juxtaposition—that of being a devoted family man and attorney with a premier law firm, while in his spare time delivering art—is nothing short of phenomenal.” Ware said, “My artist friends say it’s not fair—that I can be a good artist, but make a good living as a lawyer. My lawyer friends ask me when I’m going to quit practicing law and just paint full time. I’m lucky. I get to do both. Occasionally, I remind myself that Mark Twain sold insurance. I want to work harder at both,

and do better at both, and reach higher levels of success at both.” Realizing how beneficial art has been to a healthier and happier life, he is now sharing his knowledge with others through Studio by the Tracks, a local, nonprofit mentorship program that provides art instruction. “I realized that my passion was in the visual arts and that community. We give free art instruction to adults and children with mental illnesses, mostly autism. I also volunteer with VSA, Very Special Artists, and paint collaboratively with artists with disabilities. “I think for me this kind of [activity] captures the essence of my volunteerism. I feel connected with people when I am with them in a place of quiet respect and engagement. It’s not about doing for someone; it's about being with someone.” What are Paul’s expectations for his art in the next 10 years? “I’m just glad when my feet hit the ground each morning,” he said. “I have a desire and drive to be the best, but I am interested in something beyond that. I look at art as a progression toward spiritual growth and emotional maturity. Art is just part of who I am. It’s not something I do. It’s how I live.” Q An example of one of Paul Ware’s smaller religious icon paintings. Some are so small that they fit into the palm of your hand.

Larger Than Life In April 2006, at the Lyda Rose Gallery in Birmingham, Ware exhibited super-sized facial portraits of political figures. Dick Cheney’s huge face, at a scale of 4’ x 4’, was juxtaposed with other political leaders. “It’s a brilliant commentary on the machine-made politician,” wrote James R. Nelson, art critic for the Birmingham News, about Ware’s billboard-sized portraits. Ware explained, “The Cheney piece was part of several portraits that were all 4’x 4’ square head shots. There were a bunch of them—Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Perle, Robert Novak—many of whom were involved in outF a ll

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ing Valerie Plame, which was sort of the impetus of that. But there was humor along with the political stuff. Dick Cheney was paired with Richard ‘Dick’ Scrushy (the HealthSouth CEO who was indicted for huge financial crimes in Birmingham and ultimately acquitted) to form a Dick-typ.” Ware noted, “In an odd way, in the process of painting politicians, public figures who have created themselves into something larger than life, I think I shrink them and make them human.”

Above: Ware’s portrait of Condoleezza Rice. At left: Paul Ware’s portraits of Dick Cheney (right) and Dick Scrushy.



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Lef t: Former Dean Randy Bezanson at the ceremony for the unveiling of his portrait. Below Lef t: Reunion Chairs (from l. to r.) Bob Huntley ’50A, ’57, Conway Sheild ’64A, ’67, Courtney Camp Enloe ’97 and Sam Webster ’77 present the combined class gifts to the Law School. Below: From the class of ’92 (l. to r.), Julie Wiley, Les Quizaire and Chong Kim reunite during the Alumni BBQ.

Save the Date


Law Alumni Weekend: April 11 – 12, 2008

The class of ’57 gathered for its banquet at the house of classmate Bob Huntley. F a ll

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Continue to check law.wlu.edu/alumni for updates on Reunion Weekend. This year we are celebrating the reunions for the classes of ’58, ’63, ’68, ’73, ’78, ’83, ’88, ’93, ’98 and ’03, as well as our Legal Legacies (any alum who graduated more than 50 years ago). Please join us for a BBQ on the Law School Lawn, the Dean’s Report, golf, a fun run, hikes, class reunion dinners, a continuing legal education program and much, much more. For more information, please contact Sarah Hughes, assistant director of Law School Advancement, at nichloss@wlu.edu or (540) 458-8063. 25

May It Please the Court

O ver the past year , several alumni have argued and won important cases . H ere are brief recaps .

Greg Wiercioch ’92 and his wife, Cristina, at the Supreme Court

In March, Greg Wiercioch ‘92 wrote, “My life has been turned upside down over the past two months. The Supreme Court decided to grant cert in one of my cases, after 14 years of writing them!” On April 18 he appeared before the justices on behalf of the defendant to argue Scott Panetti v. Quarterman. “The question presented was whether the Eighth Amendment prohibits the execution of a severely mentally ill, death row inmate who has a factual awareness of the reason he is being executed but does not have a rational understanding of the reason,” Wiercioch explained. “Scott suffers from schizophrenia and genuinely believes that Satan, in a conspiracy with the state of Texas, sought his execution to prevent him from preaching the Gospels. He was aware of the state’s purported reason for his execution—the murder of his parentsin-law—but he thinks that reason is merely a pretext to allow the Devil to carry out his plan.” Amy Dillard ’91 was present at the oral argument and said, “Greg was terrific.” She noted that this is a “fairly unfriendly court,” and correctly predicted that the decision would turn on Kennedy. He, indeed, wrote the majority opinion overturning Panetti’s death sentence. 26

Ross Goldstein ‘01 and Randy Hawkins ‘01 joined forces in court to win two cases challenging the constitutionality of the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 (IMBRA) in both Georgia and Ohio. Goldstein, an attorney with Arnold & Porter in Washington, has provided pro bono services over the past four years to the nonprofit group Tahirih Justice Center. He was one of three lawyers who tried the famous mail-order bride case Nataliya Mikhaylovna Fox v. Encounters International. An important outcome of the case was the IMBRA, a law designed to provide greater protection from domestic abuse for foreign women who marry men through mail-order-bride agencies. President George W. Bush signed the bill into law January 2006. Soon after, the act was challenged as unconstitutional in two lawsuits brought by mail-order-bride companies. “The first of the lawsuits was in Georgia,” said Goldstein. “Tahirih wanted to get involved, which meant getting local Georgia counsel. I contacted my classmate Randy, an associate at Jones Day in Atlanta, who stepped up to the plate.” Goldstein credits Hawkins with organizing other Jones Day attorneys to work on the cause, including the second lawsuit in Ohio. “Not only did he serve as local counsel,” he said, “but Randy also played a key role in chasing down leads and potential witnesses. The U.S. Attorney essentially turned the case over to us to defend, recognizing on the record in open court that we had the resources and expertise on this issue that the government lacked.” On March 26, Judge Clarence Cooper, United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, rejected an international marriage broker’s claim that the IMBRA is unconstitutional. Earlier, the other lawsuit, brought in Ohio by a consortium of IMBs, made similar constitutional arguments and was dismissed in January 2007. .................................................... In March of 2006, Harry F. Bosen Jr. ’75 won a criminal jury trial, Commonwealth v. William Garland Havens Jr., in Bland County, Va., where his client was charged with having violently raped his then-5year-old niece almost 12 years before her report to the authorities. Bosen said, “Havens had confessed to the crime after three-anda-half hours of interrogation by the Virginia State police under highpressure circumstances and without sleep for a significant period of time. He had worked all night before the interrogation. The case dealt with false memory (either willfully made up or imagined) on the part of the purported victim, mental retardation of the defendant (borderline retarded, IQ of 79), false confession and a crime that I eventually proved at trial had never actually been committed at all.” The case appeared in the American Bar Association’s 2006 March/ April issue of Mental & Physical Disability Law Report and The Virginia Lawyers Weekly (March 20, 2006), among others. In June, Bosen traveled to Padua, Italy, to present the case at the 30th Congress of The International Academy of Law and Mental Health.

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It’s a case that’s sure to make it into future textbooks, and Chris Manning ’97, an attorney with Manning & Sossamon, was in the middle of it all. In 2005, Roy L. Pearson Jr., an administrative law judge in D.C., filed a $50,000 lawsuit (Roy L. Pearson Jr. v . Soo Chung et al) in the District of Columbia Superior Court against Soo and Jin Chung, whose Washington dry‑cleaning business had allegedly lost his pair of trousers. The W&L network proved its strength, as the Chungs hired Manning based on the recommendation of their cousin Kathy Suh ’98, who heard about Manning from classmate Chris Yianilos ’97, who is legislative director to Sen. John Warner ’49A. Although the Chungs offered three different settlement amounts of $3,000, $4,600 and $12,000 and to return his pants. Pearson refused. He said the Chungs tried to pass off a pair of pants that were not his and that signs in the store— “Satisfaction Guaranteed,” “Same Day Service” and “All Work Done on Premises”—were misleading. In June 2007, the case finally came to trial, and when Pearson changed his claim to $67 million just before trial at the pretrial conference, the international media lampooned it mercilessly as an example of American legal excess. “This is quite possibly the most amazing example of frivolous and ridiculous litigation ever,” said Manning. On June 25, Judge Judith Bartnoff ruled resoundingly in favor of the Chungs with a full defense verdict and an award of court costs to the Chungs. In an attempt to persuade Pearson not to appeal (and because they knew he couldn’t pay), the Chungs withdrew their motion to claim reimbursement of attorney’s fees from him, as generous private donations had already covered their costs. Pearson went ahead with the appeal anyway. “The question is how do we balance the need to protect consumers against the need to protect the legal system from abuse,” said Manning. “I think it boils down to heavily penalizing those who abuse the legal system so others won’t try to do the same.” Meanwhile, the pants are hanging in the closet of Manning’s law office. Q F a ll

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F o r wa r d , M a r c h

Sandy MacNabb ‘59, commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8469, Fairfax, Va., led the post in the Fairfax Fourth of July parade, accompanied by piper Will Roulette, a Virginia State trooper. MacNabb is a combat veteran of the Korean War, having served in the U.S. Navy Security Group.


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Make a Contribution With Your IRA Pension Protection Act of 2006 In 2007, if you’re 70½ or older, you can contribute up to $100,000 from your IRA to make a charitable gift free of tax obligations. Until now, all withdrawals from your IRA counted as income. You were allowed to take charitable deductions for the gifts, but only up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income. Under the Pension Protection Act, which was passed in 2006, you can make a gift of up to $100,000 in 2007. There are some restrictions on these IRA gifts: You must be 70½ or older.


You must make your gift on or before Dec. 31, 2007.


You must transfer funds directly from an IRA.


You must make a gift to a public charity, such as the W&L School of Law.


If your spouse is 70½ or older and has an IRA, he or she can also give $100,000 before Dec. 31, 2007. Please be sure to consult your financial adviser or attorney if you are considering such a gift. Contact Elizabeth Outland Branner, associate director of Law School Advancement, if you would like more information at (540) 458-8141 or brannere@wlu.edu.

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Peter G. Strasser ‘79A (right) and Cliff S t r i c k l i n ‘ 9 1 (left) toured Maula Prison in Malawi, Africa, with the chief prison warden (center). Stricklin is the first assistant U.S. attorney in Denver, and Strasser is the resident advisor for the Department of Justice in Malawi. Stricklin traveled to Malawi to help Strasser train Malawian law enforcement to better investigate and prosecute financial and corruption crimes. The prison was featured in a front-page New York Times article on Nov. 6, 2005, and was described as “Dickens in the tropics.” The article states, and both alumni saw, how 160 prisoners are crammed into a room designed for 50 prisoners. The prisoners “sleep on blankets on the floor, too tightly packed to reach the toilet—too packed, in fact, even to turn in their sleep. One inmate awakens the rest each night for mass turnovers. The most privileged inmates sleep on their backs, ringing the walls of the cell. Everyone else sleeps on his side.”

Legal Aid

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New Law Council Members T. Hal Clarke Jr. 73A, ’76 is executive vice

president and deputy general counsel at Wachovia Corp. in Charlotte, N.C., where he is responsible for legal support for the Capital Management Group, a division of Wachovia Corp. that includes the asset management, retail brokerage and clearing, retirement plan administration and reinsurance businesses. Previously he worked for First Union Corp.; Georgia Federal Bank; Gambrell, Clarke, Anderson & Stolz; and Mitchell, Clarke, Pate, Anderson & Wimberly. Thomas E. Evans ’91 is vice president and Nathan C. Weinert ’05 to Katherine M. Suttle ’05 on

Oct. 7, 2006, in Florence, Ala. Classmates in the wedding party included Greer Smith, Alex Snyder, Brian Knipling, Greg Simatic and Christian Foote. They live in Birmingham, Ala. From left to right from the class of ’05: Greer Smith, Keely Madron Knipling ’04, Brian Knipling, Erin Pride, April Ballou, Ron Page, Alex Snyder, Greg Simatic, Katie Suttle Weinert, Nathan Weinert, Bill Braxton, Jeremy Ireland, Bridget McLaughlin, Nathan Dickson, Chris Van Blarcum, Chris Swain, Chris Foote, Bob Atkinson.

births Pamela Zhulkie Stein ’93

and her husband, Will, twins, a son, Henry William, and a daughter, Claire Elizabeth, on May 1. They live in Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carroll Thackston ’96, a son

Carrington Mark, on March 10. He joins sister Courtland Elizabeth, 2. They live in South Boston, Va.

Stephanie Smith Maxwell ’99 and her husband, Kemp,

a son, Witt Meguiar, on April 26. He joins brothers Asher and Raleigh. The family live in Nashville, Tenn. Kathleen Calvert Thornton ’01 and James L. Thornton ’01 , a son,

James Aubrey, on March 10. The family relocated to Atlanta, where Jim works at McKenna, Long and Aldridge L.L.P. F a ll

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Nakisha Sharpe Winston ’01

and her husband, Randall, a daughter, Raina Olivia, on July 16. She joins sister Samara. They reside in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Becker ’02 , a son, John

Frederic, on July 24. They live in Katonah, N.Y. Ben Brown ’03 (’94A) and Elizabeth Holleman Brown ’95A , a daughter, Elizabeth

Pope Brown, on March 2. Pope joins brother Henry, 2. The Browns live in Bethesda. Pauline Hollar Pauley ’04

and her husband, Andrew, a son, Preston Finn, on June 7. They live in Troutville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Jared A. Hembree, ’05 , a daughter,

Kaleigh Marie, on August 25. They live in Roswell, N.M.

general counsel of logistics for Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in Bentonville, Ark. where he has responsibility for the legal affairs of Wal-Mart’s domestic logistics operations— including the nation’s second largest private commercial fleet with approximately 8,000 power units—aviation, corporate travel, trade and direct import functions. Previously, he was an associate general counsel at McLane Company Inc. in Temple, Texas, a former subsidiary and now a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. The Hon. Mary Miller Johnston ’84 was

appointed to the Superior Court of Delaware in 2003. While at W&L, she served as lead articles editor of the Law Review. She also has a B.A. in music from Wittenberg University and an M.A. in music from Northwestern University. Johnston served as chief counsel of the Delaware Supreme Court’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel. She formerly was a partner with Morris, James, Hitchens and Williams, practicing primarily in the areas of corporate and commercial litigation. The Hon. Everett A. Martin Jr. ’74A, ’77

serves on the Circuit Court of the City of Norfolk. He clerked for Judge Richard B. Kellam, Eastern District of Virginia, and then entered private practice. He served as assistant commonwealth’s attorney before his appointment to the Norfolk Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Andrew Olmem ’96A, ’01 is of counsel to the U.S. Senate

Banking Committee. Previously, he was a research associate for the Federal Reserve Bank in Richmond and an attorney with Mayer, Brown, Rowe and Maw and then Shaw Pittman.


L a w Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Rupp ’06 , a son, Fielding

Sven, on Feb. 22. He joins brother Larson. They live in Centerville, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Garren R. Laymon ’07 , a son, Joshua

Gregg, on April 15. The family live in Portsmouth, Va.

o bituaries Ambrose A. Rucker ’39,

of Bedford, Va., died on Jan. 21. He was a U.S. Navy veteran. He worked for 16 years as the commonwealth’s attorney for Bedford County and later as a judge in the district court and domestic relations court. He was an avid tennis player and a Sunday school teacher.

N o t e s Charles R. Beall ’59 (’56),

Allie H. Lane ’47 (’43A),

of Martinsburg, W.Va., died on May 1. He was active in alumni affairs as president of the W&L Cumberland Valley Chapter and as a member of the W&L Alumni Board from 1982-86 and the Washington Society. He served in the U.S. Army. An active member of his community, he served as president of Eastern Panhandle Life Underwriters Association and on the boards of the former Berkeley Loan & Thrift Corp., the Martinsburg Berkeley County Chamber of Commerce, the Berkeley County United Way, the War Memorial Park, Cotillion Club and the Adam Stephen Memorial Association. He was a member of the Martinsburg City Council and past chairman of the Martinsburg Fire Civil Service Commission. He belonged to Delta Tau Delta.

of Bartow, Fla., died on Feb. 23. He was a judge who became a senior partner in one of Lakeland’s most prominent law firms. He began his legal career in 1953 as an associate lawyer with Clarence A. Boswell in Bartow. In 1965, he became a circuit court judge in Bartow, where he served for a decade. He remained with the Boswell law firm until 1991. He was a member of Delta Upsilon. James C. Stanfield ’48 (’44A),

of Paris, Ill., died on July 21. He served Illinois as assistant attorney general and hearings officer, as well as working in private practice. He was a member of the Paris public library board of directors and

a lifetime trustee of American Legion Post #211. He belonged to Pi Kappa Alpha. Robert E. Jones ’49,

of Washington and New York, died on Feb. 18. He

served in the Army during World War II. He worked at Aluminum Corp. of America and Jerrold Electronics. He served as White House liaison during the Kennedy Administration to what is now the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He worked for a public relations firm and as press secretary to Sen. Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa.). He co-owned and operated the Key West Tie Co. He also worked briefly as a reporter for the Miami Herald and the Palm Beach Daily News and as a resort manager and a hearings reporter for the Federal News Service. He belonged to Delta Upsilon. J. Lynwood King ’49 (’43A),

Run, Rick, Run On Aug. 18, Rick Sorenson ‘91 ran his first marathon, the 24th annual Reykjavik Marathon in Iceland, in 2.52:18. Out of an international field of 500, he placed eighth overall and first among the Americans. He told the Lynchburg News & Advance, “I’ve never had a burning desire to do a marathon, but I’ve always wanted to go to Iceland.” Previously, Sorenson, an attorney with Edmunds and Williams in Lynchburg, Va., had raced only a 5K in Richmond and the Charlottesville 10-miler. “It was not a typical race experience [but] it was really the best experience of my whole life,” he said. “It is hard to overstate how much fun it was. The race exceeded my expectations, and the country itself exceeded my expectations, which were pretty high. [Iceland] is the prettiest place I’ve ever seen.” Just before the race, Sorenson paused with his wife, Sarah (sister of Jack Craddock ’03A and daughter of Ted Craddock ’68A), at the start/finish line. 32

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of Charlotte, N.C., died on May 11. He enlisted in the U.S. Army on Pearl Harbor day and served under Gen. George Patton in the 94th Infantry Division. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge and received the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. He founded King Chevrolet and later worked as a commercial real estate appraiser. King belonged to Alpha Tau Omega. Kenneth P. Asbury ’50,

of Wise, Va., died on March 8. He was a veteran of World War II, serving in the U.S. Army. He was an attorney in Wise for more than 50 years and served as commonwealth’s attorney for 16 years, as president of the Virginia State Bar and as M a g a z i n e

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mayor of Wise. He founded University of Virginia’s College at Wise, the Wise County Chamber of Commerce and the Wise County National Bank. He helped establish the Gladeville Housing Authority, providing the first low-income housing in Wise County. He received the WP Kanto Award at UVa-Wise and an endowed professorship at UVa-Wise and a dormitory were named after him. He was inducted into the Wise County Democratic Hall of Fame. James C. Lyons ’51,

of Wirtz, Va., died on April 13. He served in the U.S. Army with the 180th Chemical Co. in the Pacific Campaign and was with the first troops to occupy Japan under Gen. Douglas MacArthur. He practiced law for 38 years in Pineville. He served as assistant prosecuting attorney, divorce commissioner and mental health commissioner in Wyoming County. He also served as judge on the West Virginia Court of Appeals and on the West Virginia Court of Claims. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Pineville, where

Irish Eyes Are Smiling Joe Thelin ’02, Tara Mooney ’02, Marie Washington ’03 and J. Willard Greer ’49 attended a seminar in Dublin, Ireland, in early July sponsored by the Virginia Trial Lawyers. he served on the board of trustees. Harr y G. Campe r ’5 2,

of Daniels, W.Va., died on Feb. 3. He served as a captain

in the Army in the Philippines and Japan and earned the Bronze Star and the Combat Infantry Badge. He practiced in federal and state jurisdictions for over 50 years. He

President-Elect Kathleen E. McLeroy ’90 is the president-elect of the Florida Bar Foundation. She is a shareholder of Carlton Fields, where she chairs the firm’s pro bono committee. She was recently sworn in as president of Bay Area Legal Services, an organization that provides free civil legal services to the poor in Hillsborough and Pasco counties. This marks her second term as president of BALS. McLeroy has served on the foundation’s board of directors since 1999, and in 2006-07 held the position of Secretary. Currently, McLeroy chairs the foundation’s Development Committee. She has led efforts to secure legal services funding and to increase pro bono activity by members of the legal profession. Her prior professional commitments and appointments F a ll

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include the Florida Bar Standing Committee on Professionalism; Hoveler Judicial Award Committee; Continuing Legal Education Committee; Grievance Committee 13A; Business Law Section; American Bar Association Business Law Section, Pro Bono Committee; Hillsborough County Bar Association; Corporate Banking and Business Law Section; and Law Week Steering Committee. Over the years, McLeroy’s dedication to her profession earned her the 2005 Florida Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award, the 2004 Hillsborough County Bar Association’s Jimmy Kynes Award for Outstanding Pro Bono Service and the 2001 Outstanding Pro Bono Service from the Hillsborough Attorney Volunteer Efforts Program.

was president of the West Virginia Jaycees and served on the board of directors of McDowell County National Bank. Camper belonged to Kappa Sigma. Frederick Shand ’55,

of Lancaster, Pa., died on March 20, 2006. He served in the U.S. Army in medical field services. He was vice president of Steinman Hardware Co. He later worked as a stockbroker for Reinholdt & Gardner in St. Louis, Mo., and retired from Merrill Lynch in Lancaster in 1996. Shand belonged to Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Walter E. Cox ’66 (’63A),

of Blacksburg, Va., died on June 6. He was a founding partner of Robinson, Farmer, Cox & Assoc., an accounting firm where he worked for nearly 40 years. He was active in his church choir and on the local stage as a member of the Little Town Players. Cox belonged to Phi Kappa Psi. 33

Allis, Wis., for 26 years. He was a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Reinhard W. Fischer ’71 (’69A),

of Phoenix, Ariz., died on Feb. 21. He was born in Odenwald in post-World War II Germany, and his family immigrated to the U.S. in 1952. He served in the JAG Corps at White Sands Missile Range and moved to Phoenix to practice law, first at Southwest Forest Industries, then with the firm of Norling, Rolle, Oeser and Williams. For the past 15 years, he had been a solo practitioner. He belonged to Delta Tau Delta. Robert L. Bland ’69,

of Lambertville, N.J., died on Dec. 9, 2006. He earned a degree in library science from Syracuse University and was a founding member of the New Jersey Law Librarians Association. He taught legal bibliography and research at Rutgers School of Communication, Information and Library Studies and was


the state library government information director. Michael J. Sachen ’69,

of Weems, Va., died on April 4. He graduated from Marquette Law School and served four years in the United States Marine Corps. as a captain in the Judge Advocate Corps. He served as city attorney for West

Beverly H. Wood ’74,

of Durham, N.C., died on April 16. He was an active member of the Virginia Student Aid Foundation. He worked for Wachovia, where he served as a senior vice president and a managing director for the benefits group. Paula I. Mell ’77,

of Howardsville, Va., died on Sept. 10, 2003.

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David Abrami ’01,

of Orlando, Fla., died Aug. 21. He was active with the First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, the Republican Party and the Florida Bar. Prior to returning to Florida, he was an associate with Powell Goldstein in Atlanta. Andrew E. Carpenter ’02,

of Tuscumbia, Ala., died on July 3, 2007. He was an avid horseback rider and loved the outdoors and practicing law. Sarah E. Eckhoff ’07,

of Edina, Minn., died on April 24. She graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2004. She loved music, photography, graphic arts and animals. She was a second-degree black belt in tae kwon do.

Friends Ted Smedley,

W&L law professor in the ’40s and ’50s, June 15. He taught agency, equity and bankruptcy.

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Honor Roll of Donors

The Moot Court Room lobby underwent renovations over the summer— new carpeting, new furniture and better lighting—and is now a more inviting space for faculty and students to mingle.

LETTER OF APPRECIATION FROM DEAN ROD SMOLLA am pleased to present this 2006-07 Honor Roll of Donors to you. On behalf of the faculty, students and staff at Washington and Lee University School of Law, thank you for your generosity during the past fiscal year. In 2006-07 the Law School raised $2.3 million from alumni, friends, parents, faculty and staff, a sum crucial to providing the margin of excellence that students, alumni and the legal profession have come to expect from W&L. Tuition only covers approximately 60 percent of a student's education, so your donations are vital to the operation of the Law School and to enhancing the value of a W&L Law degree. Each generation of students benefits from the generosity of the alumni who come before and of the parents and friends who believe that W&L School of Law makes a difference in the legal profession. Thank you for playing a part in continuing the Washington and Lee tradition of philanthropy. I appreciate your continued support of W&L School of Law.


2006-2007 LAW ANNUAL FUND The Law Annual Fund supports the general operating expenses of the Law School including library books, student organizations, Moot Court competitions, student journals and technology. Gifts to the Law Annual Fund are critical to retaining our standing as one of the best while adhering to those characteristics that make W&L School of Law unique—the Honor System, small class size, open-door policy, low student-faculty ratio, intensive writing program, the speaking tradition and sense of community. In 2006-07, the Law Annual Fund raised $804,857 from 1,831 donors.

k Class of 1932k Additional Donors Henry W. MacKenzie Jr.

k Class of 1934k $100-$249 Thomas D. Anderson*

Rod Smolla Dean and Professor of Law

* deceased

k Class of 1937k $2,000-$4,999 Isadore M. Scott


k Class of 1938k $2,000-$4,999 T. Hal Clarke, Sr. Additional Donors Leonard Leight

k Class of 1939k $500-$999 Joseph C. Murphy $100-$249 John A. MacKenzie Thomas A. Williams Jr.

k Class of 1940k $100-$249 Ethelbert S. Roby Jr.

k Class of 1941k $2,000-$4,999 Frederick Bartenstein Jr. $100-$249 Lynell G. Skarda

k Class of 1942k $1,000-$1,999 Homer A. Jones Jr. $500-$999 Edward E. Brown Jr. Howard W. Dobbins


$250-$499 Samuel B. Read

J. Maurice Miller Jr. Elmer C. Westerman Jr.

$100-$249 E. Austin McCaskill Benjamin A. Williams Jr.

Additional Donors John B. Russell

k Class of 1950k k Class of 1943k $100-$249 Paul D. Brown James B. Richardson Jr. Additional Donors Hamilton P. Fox Jr.

k Class of 1947k $500-$999 Roscoe B. Stephenson Jr. $100-$249 Walter D. Harrod Additional Donors T. William Sommer

k Class of 1948k $500-$999 Wilbur S. Metcalf $250-$499 Henry C. Clark D. Brooks Cofer Jr. William L. Fury J. Aubrey Matthews $100-$249 Eugene R. Marable Jr. Robert K. Smith Benton C. Tolley Jr. J. Randolph Tucker Jr. Additional Donors Bernard Levin James R. Lyle James C. Stanfield*

k Class of 1949k Class Agent: J. Willard Greer $500-$999 J. Willard Greer Robert A. Mosbacher $250-$499 Maurice J. Flynn Jack B. Porterfield Jr. $100-$249 W. Donald Bain Jr. Carter C. Chinnis Jack B. Coulter* Robert T. Goldenberg

* deceased

Class Agent: George H. Gray $2,000-$4,999 Neal E. McNeill Jr. $1,000-$1,999 George H. Gray John S. Lane William J. Ledbetter* Samuel I. White I. Leake Wornom Jr. $500-$999 Charles S. Rowe William E. Quisenberry $250-$499 C. Hobson Goddin Rufus B. Hailey William H. Oast Jr. Charles L. Snyder $100-$249 Ernest P. Gates Jack F. Hankins Walter L. Hannah John L. Hopkins Barton P. Quaintance Ray S. Smith Jr.

k Class of 1951k $2,000-$4,999 John S. Bailey Jr. $1,000-$1,999 Marvin C. Bowling Jr. James T. Graybeal J. Donald Shannon Scott H. Shott $500-$999 David W. Foerster Samuel M. Hairston $250-$499 Michael J. Barrett Jr. Grover C. Outland Jr. $100-$249 Virgil M. Bowles John J. Flood Ernest M. Holdaway Frank Love Jr. Donald W. Mason Robert B. Spencer Jr.

Additional Donors James A. Anderson III

k Class of 1952k Class Agent: Raymond W. Haman $5,000-$9,999 James C. Turk $2,000-$4,999 Anonymous Raymond W. Haman $1,000-$1,999 Arthur A. Birney $500-$999 Sol Wachtler $250-$499 Jackson L. Kiser F. Nelson Light Joseph H. McGee J. Penrod Toles $100-$249 Robert B. Murdock Andrew Dow Owens Joseph B. Yanity Jr.

k Class of 1953k Class Agent: Robert J. Ingram $500-$999 Raymond D. Coates Thomas C. Damewood Robert E. Glenn Edward L. Oast Jr. $250-$499 Andrew J. Ellis Jr. Robert J. Ingram J. Hunter Lane Jr. $100-$249 Thomas O. Bagley Howard Bratches Douglas M. Smith Charles F. Tucker William W. Vogel Additional Donors H. Emory Widener Jr.*

k Class of 1954k

$500-$999 Richard A. Denny Jr. Aldo A. Modena $250-$499 Millburn K. Noell Jr. Roger J. Perry Robert W. Storey $100-$249 Eugene M. Anderson Jr. Robert B. Jacobi Robert R. Kane III Alvin Y. Milberg Additional Donors Joseph P. Kilgore

k Class of 1955k $10,000-$24,999 H.F. (Gerry) Lenfest $5,000-$9,999 Richard W. Hudgins $2,000-$4,999 John R. Kaiser $1,000-$1,999 William B. Poff $500-$999 Kent Rigg $250-$499 Andrew B. Gallagher $100-$249 Marvin H. Anderson Hugh S. Glickstein Jay W. Jackson John F. Kay Jr. Edward W. Rugeley Jr. Additional Donors Howard A. Davis Malcolm L. Holekamp P. James Kurapka Jr.

k Class of 1956k Class Agent: Reno S. Harp III $2,000-$4,999 Jason B. Sowell Jr. John A. Williamson II

Class Agent: Donald R. Klenk

$1,000-$1,999 Reno S. Harp III

$1,000-$1,999 Donald R. Klenk Lawrence C. Musgrove Jr.

$250-$499 Anonymous Laurier T. Raymond Jr.



$100-$249 Thomas W. Turner George J. Tzangas Wiley R. Wright Jr.

k Class of 1957k $2,000-$4,999 Thomas C. Broyles Robert E. R. Huntley $1,000-$1,999 Townsend Oast $500-$999 Jack K. Agee Overton P. Pollard $250-$499 John S. Stump III $100-$249 Samuel L. Davidson Douglas K. Frith Additional Donors Philip L. Stanley Carl D. Swanson

k Class of 1958k Class Agent: Mark B. Davis Jr. $5,000-$9,999 J. Hardin Marion $2,000-$4,999 Mark B. Davis Jr. Robert E. Stroud $1,000-$1,999 Thomas D. Wilkerson $500-$999 Donald J. Currie $250-$499 Ernest H. Clarke G. Dewey Oxner Jr. Robert L. Rhea Charles C. Watson $100-$249 Patrick D. Sullivan Additional Donors Leonard C. Greenebaum Frank T. Hardwick

k Class of 1959k Class Agents: William J. Lemon Alexander S. MacNabb

* deceased

$5,000-$9,999 William J. Lemon $2,000-$4,999 Alexander S. MacNabb $1,000-$1,999 Claude D. Carter $500-$999 John R. Alford Patrick Henry Robert L. Kaufman Theodore M. Kerr H. Alfred Tarrant Jr. $250-$499 Richard G. Anderson John J. Dickinson Thomas D. Frith Jr. Joseph C. Knakal Jr. $100-$249 Joseph A. Amato Jr. Charles F. Davis Jr. Gunnar Miller John F. Richards Additional Donors J. Colin Campbell

k Class of 1960k $2,000-$4,999 Richard C. Whiteford $1,000-$1,999 Manley P. Caldwell Jr. Paul R. Robertson Isaac N. Smith Jr. $500-$999 Thomas B. Branch III John Michael Garner R. David Lahr $250-$499 William E. Crowell Jr. $100-$249 Gerald O. Clemens Neal P. Lavelle B. Bayles Mack Jordan M. Smith Additional Donors Charles McCormick III Donald B. W. Messenger Henry C. Morgan Jr. Thomas P. O'Brien Jr.

k Class of 1961k $1,000-$1,999 Warren R. Welsh Hugh V. White Jr. $500-$999 Thomas B. Bryant III $250-$499 William C. Miller Robert E. Shepherd Jr. $100-$249 John D. Buchanan Jr. E. Michael Masinter Nicholas H. Rodriguez Additional Donors J. Page Garrett Hugo Hoogenboom Junius M. Lemmon

k Class of 1962k $1,000-$1,999 Charles D. Broll John P. Petzold $500-$999 Edward Bell Jr. $250-$499 Thomas L. Feazell William W. Moore Macon C. Putney Laurence M. Smail Joseph M. Spivey III $100-$249 W. Leigh Ansell Henry L. Carter William R. Moore Jr. Francis B. Van Nuys Additional Donors John M. Kirk Perry E. Mann Jr. John A. Paul

k Class of 1963k $2,000-$4,999 James L. Howe III Thornton W. Owen Jr. $1,000-$1,999 Kenneth S. Beall Jr. $500-$999 Malcolm Lassman $250-$499 Paul H. Boswell Malcolm B. Burton


Richard D. Ruhle Jr. Andrew J. Russell John H. Tate Jr. Richard K. White Jr. $100-$249 William H. Clark Joseph E. Hess Gerald L. Kesten Edward F. Meyers Jr. Leonard Sargeant III Additional Donors Andrew W. McThenia Jr.

k Class of 1964k Class Agent: James A. Gorry III $1,000-$1,999 James A. Gorry III Benjamin L. Meluskey Jr. Samuel J. Smith $500-$999 Richard Lee Lawrence Peter T. Straub $250-$499 Thomas W. Budd I. Lionel Hancock III Richard V. Mattingly Jr. Charles E. Reed III W. Jere Tolton Jr. $100-$249 Edward A. Ames III E. John Dinkel III David L. Gibson John H. Hardwick Jr. William C. Keens Barry W. Kerchner Benjamin P. Lynch Jr. Edgar H. MacKinlay Donald H. Partington Additional Donors Stanley A. Fink Clifford Foster III Samuel T. Patterson Jr. Charles B. Rowe Robert F. Sykes Edgar B. Wertheimer III

k Class of 1965k Class Agent: Paul W. Hammack Jr. $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous $500-$999 William D. Anderson Daniel T. Balfour Paul W. Hammack Jr.


$250-$499 James S. Farmer L. Gene Griffiths H. Benjamin Jones Jr. Robert T. Mitchell Jr. Robert S. Pless $100-$249 Daniel W. Bird Jr. Jimmy D. Bowie Ralph W. Buxton Stanley A. Walton III Additional Donors Robert G. Lathrop William B. McWilliams J. Leyburn Mosby Jr. James L. Surface, Sr. Francis A. Sutherland Jr. Stephen L. Willson

k Class of 1966k Class Agents: Robert R. Baldwin Paul R. Thomson Jr. $5,000-$9,999 Robert R. Baldwin Charles G. Johnson $2,000-$4,999 Charles E. Hubbard $500-$999 Rudolph Bumgardner III S. W. Coleman III $250-$499 Charles D. Bennett Jr. Baxter L. Davis George I. Vogel II $100-$249 Walter E. Cox* Richard S. Harman Jeffrey G. Haverson Donald W. Huffman Ronald W. Sommer Paul R. Thomson Jr. Robert M.M. Van Rensselaer Raymond H. Vizethann Jr. Kent S. Wilson

k Class of 1967k Class Agent: Robert H. Powell III $2,000-$4,999 Joseph D. Logan III $1,000-$1,999 C. Edward Russell Jr. Conway H. Sheild III

* deceased

$500-$999 Richard E. Israel J. Holmes Morrison Herbert F. Smith Joseph S. Tate $250-$499 John F. Bartlett Ronald W. Moore Robert H. Powell III J. Lindsey Short Jr. John A. Stewart $100-$249 Douglas C. Arthur John O. Culley Raymond J. LaJeunesse Jr. Jesse Thomas Meadows Jr. Albert T. Mitchell Robert E. Payne W. Roscoe Reynolds Walter H. Ryland Additional Donors F. William Burke Lewis B. McNeace Jr. Dennis R. Morgan

k Class of 1968k $2,000-$4,999 A. Thomas Brisendine Jr. $1,000-$1,999 Joseph W. Brown $500-$999 Parker A. Denaco George M. Fisher IV Vance A. Funk III Bruce H. Jackson $250-$499 Charles M. Berger Alfred J. T. Byrne* Michael L. Lowry George A. Ragland William M. Schildt Charles M. Vickers $100-$249 Paul H. Dunbar III W. Gilbert Faulk Jr. Larry E. Hepler Stafford W. Keegin Richard M. Livingston Ronald H. Marks Michael J. Michaeles William S. Mundy III A. John Peck Jr. Stephen W. Rideout Harvey B. Savitt James L. Slattery

Thomas E. Stover Hardwick Stuart Jr. Richard M. Swope Additional Donors David H. Adams Joel F. Bennett Paul M. Neville Louie A. Paterno Jr. John D. Roberts

k Class of 1969k Class Agent: Nathan V. Hendricks III $2,000-$4,999 Nathan V. Hendricks III $1,000-$1,999 Stephen S. Case Val S. McWhorter David D. Redmond $500-$999 James D. Humphries III Tabor R. Novak Jr. $250-$499 John B. Adams Jr. Charles F. Bagley III Jeffrey R. Reider Harry C. Roberts Jr. $100-$249 William E. Bobbitt Jr. Robert S. Culpepper Thomas M. Edwards Robert E. Harrison Bruce C. Leckie William B. McClung David L. Ross Dean K. Vegosen William E. Winter Jr. Additional Donors Robert G. Bigham Thomas F. Coates III Edward B. Dickson Thornton M. Henry John E. Kelly III R. Hunter Manson III

k Class of 1970k Class Agent: Edward B. Crosland Jr. $2,000-$4,999 William F. Stone Jr. $500-$999 Wayne L. Bell Richard D. Bradford


James K. Cluverius Edward B. Crosland Jr. Thomas W. Houser D. Whitney Thornton, II $250-$499 J. Terrance Roach Norman H. Singer Aron L. Suna Robert A. Vinyard James J. Winn Jr. $100-$249 Michael S. Colo Robert V. Cosel Jr. Benjamin B. Cummings Jr. Richard P. Lasko Timothy J. Murphy Charles F. Urquhart III John H. West III Additional Donors Frank W. Morrison

k Class of 1971k Class Agent: Thomas F. Baker IV $5,000-$9,999 David L. Baird Jr. $2,000-$4,999 Thomas F. Baker IV Robin P. Hartmann $1,000-$1,999 Jerrald J. Roehl $500-$999 Albert V. Carr Jr. Reverdy H. Jones III J. Tucker Morse Albert M. Orgain IV $250-$499 James J. Dawson $100-$249 Paul R. Stanton Stephen A. Strickler Philip C. Thompson James M. Turner Jr. H. William Walker Jr. Gene A. Woolard Additional Donors Walter J. Borda Charles C. Lewis Peter M. Van Dine


k Class of 1972k Class Agents: Stephen D. Annand Mark M. Heatwole $10,000-$24,999 John A. Wolf $2,000-$4,999 Frederick C. Fletcher II John L. Griffith Jr. $1,000-$1,999 William T. Anderson John A. Parkins Jr. $500-$999 James H. Ewalt Mark M. Heatwole James W. Jennings Jr. James A. Philpott Jr. Alexis Tarumianz Jr. Robert A. White $250-$499 Richard F. Boyer Lawrence E. Morhous $100-$249 Timothy R. Askew Jr. Robert P. Beakley William K. Block Jr. E. Thomas Cox Henry M. Coxe III Robert H. Deaderick Jr. Samuel F. Painter Roger A. Pond Paul A. Robblee Jr. Additional Donors James B. Crawford III Stewart M. Hurtt Thomas W. Pettyjohn Jr.

k Class of 1973k

$500-$999 Richard V. Anderson Michael Campilongo Lawrence B. Carlson Philip B. Dundas Jr. W. R. McCall John P. Miller William O. P. Snead III E. Starke Sydnor $250-$499 H. Watkins Ellerson III Larry W. Fifer Richard S. Mandelson Alan W. Nash Donald B. Ross Jr. Robert E. Ruloff Malcolm H. Squires Jr. Robert J. Westerman Peter A. Wimbrow III $100-$249 Kent D. Anderson John R. Bagby E. Patrick Burke Jr. Lawrence M. Croft Jesse C. Crumbley III Jeffrey M. Diamond Thomas G. Ferguson Jr. Morris E. Flater Thomas A. Gosse John W. Hammond George H. Harder III Jerry Hendrick Jr. R. Alexander Hulten George A. Jones Jr. Larry D. Jones E. Craig Kalemjian James E. Patterson Elbert W. Robinson Jr. Jamie A. Stalnaker Stephen B. Sutton Wilson F. Vellines Jr. Philip J. Wasilausky Kenneth J. Wernick

Thomas N. McJunkin William H. Oast III R. Curtis Steele Jr. $1,000-$1,999 James M. Costan Charles F. Festo Joel S. Kline $500-$999 Peter B. Brittin James C. Fitter Jr. D. Mark Kelso Glenn R. Moore Paul D. Wilber $250-$499 David R. Beyer C. D'Arcy Didier William D. Elliot John F. Hanzel David B. Krogmann Jonathan M. Rogers Lawrence V. Young $100-$249 John R. Broadway Jr. Stephen G. Elkins William F. Etherington Lawrence H. Framme III M. Craig Garner Jr. B. Michael Herman C. David Johnston Rex M. Lamb III R. Glennwood Lookabill William E. Walsh Joseph P. Wise Additional Donors John R. Alderman Christopher L. Buechler C. Dean Foster Jr.

k Class of 1975k Class Agent: W. Henry Jernigan Jr. $10,000-$24,999 Charles B. Tomm

$2,000-$4,999 J. Jeffries Miles

Additional Donors Eric A. Hauser John C. Moore William E. Wood

k Class of 1974k Class Agent: Stephen G. Elkins

$1,000-$1,999 Frederick W. Batten Gregory J. Digel Theodore H. Ritter Timothy S. Wright

* deceased

$2,000-$4,999 A.J. Alex Gelinas James J. Kelley II

$250-$499 Richard F. Biribauer Robert S. Bonney Jr. Paul R. Garlock Jonathan S. Lynn Peter R. Kolyer John I. McClurkin III Robert S. Stubbs III Andrew W. Watts Sarah K. Wiant $100-$249 Stephen E. Arey R. Noel Clinard William D. Fletcher Jr. William B. Hamilton Jr. Daniel B. Krisky Francis McQ. Lawrence Jeffrey S. Miller Perry R. Thompson Additional Donors Stephen M. Finley A. Terrance Smith

k Class of 1976k Class Agent: Patrick K. Arey $2,000-$4,999 Richard T. Woulfe T. Hal Clarke Jr. Nan Robertson Clarke $1,000-$1,999 Anonymous Francis C. Clark Hiram Ely III Jonathan L. Spear

$2,000-$4,999 Fred K. Granade Ray V. Hartwell III W. Henry Jernigan Jr. Angelica Didier Light

$500-$999 Robert A. Forst Stephen D. McGraw Thomas J. Murray Richard M. Preston Stephen D. Rosenthal Clifford L. Walters III William A. Worthington

$1,000-$1,999 David S. De Jong John F. Hoffman Stephen W. Robinson Daniel T. Stacey Jeffrey L. Willis

$250-$499 Patrick K. Arey Robert M. Dilling Frank L. Duemmler Jeff B. Dusek Robert J. Grey Jr.

Class Agent: Robert J. Westerman $10,000-$24,999 J. Ridgely Porter III

$500-$999 Charles J. Brown III Grady C. Frank Jr. Christopher J. Habenicht E. Peter Kane M. Pierce Rucker II Thomas K. Wotring



John M. Sarikas Eric C. Stamets $100-$249 Randall W. Atkins C. Lynch Christian III Dale E. Galasso Richard A. Hooker James H. Maloney Thomas P. O'Dell Gary T. Pope Lucy Durham Strickland Scott T. Vaughn Additional Donors Robert L. Hillman John S. Norris Jr. Bayard J. Snyder

k Class of 1977k Class Agent: Jerry L. Short $5,000-$9,999 William B. Hill Jr. $2,000-$4,999 T. Calder Ezzell Jr. Harry R. Harmon Russell L. Hewit $1,000-$1,999 James A. Hartley Everett A. Martin Jr. James E. Nicholson Jerry L. Short William P. Wallace Jr. Samuel J. Webster Pamela J. White $500-$999 Robert W. Goodlatte Richard L. Gottlieb William R. Hansen $250-$499 E. Tazewell Ellett Jeffrey W. Morris Douglas M. Thomas John Paul Woodley Jr. $100-$249 Ronald R. Adams Wayne G. Edwards Jeff Fluck William S. Gee Jeffrey W. Parker Alfred C. Thullbery Jr. Reginald E. Wilcox Additional Donors Bradford N. Martin

* deceased

k Class of 1978k Class Agent: John D. Klinedinst $2,000-$4,999 Charles M. Cushing Jr. David P. Falck John D. Klinedinst $1,000-$1,999 Jeff D. Harris $500-$999 Jean L. Byassee Maryellen Flaherty Goodlatte Jack D. Kopald Raymond F. Leven Benjamin G. Philpott $250-$499 Francis W. Burkart III William Ray Price Jr. $100-$249 Anonymous Keith D. Boyette Mark L. Dicken H. Allen Irish Jon P. Leckerling Jonathan W. Sager Katherine A. Schlech Reginald R. Yancey Additional Donors Robert G. Morecock Kenneth F. Parks Randal W. Roahrig Richard A. Rogers Jr. Michael T. Thornton

k Class of 1979k Class Agents: Stanley G. Brading Jr. Jessine A. Monaghan $10,000-$24,999 Jessine A. Monaghan $2,000-$4,999 J. I. Vance Berry Jr. Stanley G. Brading Jr. Matthew J. Calvert John A. Cocklereece Jr. A.Carter Magee Jr. $1,000-$1,999 John C. Bruton Jr. Breckenridge Ingles John T. Jessee Stuart B. Nibley $500-$999 Anonymous Brickford Y. Brown

Susan Hamilton Churuti John E. Coffey Paul A. Dominick Herbert R. Donica Michael B. Hubbard Channing J. Martin J. Scott McCandless John F. Murphy Samuel A. Nolen H. Lawrence Remmel Lynne Prymas Vollmer Robert B. Womble $250-$499 John F. Allevato William D. Broadhurst Richard P. Goddard William L. Hallam Frank A. Lafalce Jr. Donna M. Mueller James C. Olson Barry J. Plunkett III Mark E. Sharp Susan Gray Winstead $100-$249 John A. Agostini Kevin J. Cosgrove Charles N. Dorsey Waller T. Dudley Thomas P. Healy Jr. David L. Heilberg James B. Oberholtzer W. Riker Purcell Additional Donors Mark R. Davis David W. Otey Jr.

k Class of 1980k Class Agents: Joan M. Gardner Betsy Callicott Goodell $10,000-$24,999 Betsy Callicott Goodell William R. Goodell $5,000-$9,999 Eric H. Schless Lesley Brown Schless Christopher Wolf $2,000-$4,999 John R. Clark III Malcolm S. Dorris Sally Pruett Falck Joan M. Gardner Murray T. Holland


$1,000-$1,999 Dwight I. Arnesen Jordan D. Dorchuck Thomas B. Henson Richard K. Hohn Cheryl Harris Ledbetter Elizabeth Turley $500-$999 Edward H. Brown David F. Brandley Jr. Robert S. Link Jr. James P. Osick M. Lanier Woodrum $250-$499 Felicia H. de Courcy Warren L. Jervey Patricia A. Van Allan Patricia A. Woodward $100-$249 Jeffrey E. Badger Jean L. Baxter J. Burkhardt Beale Douglas C. Broeker Robert M. Connolly Powell L. Duggan John J. Eklund John A. Fraser III Shirley Bowman Jamison Kenneth M. Lyons Eva P. McComas Mark C. Russell Additional Donors Regina Ednie Davis

k Class of 1981k Class Agent: David G. Weaver $2,000-$4,999 Blas P. Arroyo Samuel A. Flax Thomas McN. Millhiser $1,000-$1,999 Robert W. Hyde Jr. Clara S. Smith John M. Sullivan John W. Timmons $500-$999 C. Cleveland Abbe Nate L. Adams III Trish M. Brown Shawn P. George Nicholas H. Hantzes Walter D. Kelley Jr. Robert W. Ludwig Jr.


Susan L. Pilcher Tracy G. Savage David G. Weaver

Kevin W. Ryan Caroline Wannamaker Sink Rand D. Weinberg

H. David Natkin Bonnie L. Paul William A. Powel III

$250-$499 Margaret H. Campbell Jeffrey H. Gray Gene A. Marsh Jenelle Mims Marsh Robert G. McLusky William J. Milani Dawn E. Warfield Carolyn Saffold Wilson

$250-$499 Christine Conkling Chapman James L. Chapman IV D. Gregory Howard Jamie R. Kanner Kevin T. Lamb Craig K. Morris

$100-$249 Thomas J. Egan Jr. Matthew L. Kimball Michael L. Krancer Richard E. Lear Randall C. Light John M. McGarry Cecily LaVigne-Morris Robert J. Onda Kenneth E. Payne Catherine A. Rankin Catherine L. Riddick Gordon W. Stewart Kenneth B. Terwilleger Sandra S. Thurston

$100-$249 Janet L. Benedetti James F. Berl Jonathan S. Berman Gordon E. Billheimer Jr. Marcus A. Brinks Sara A. Burford Daniel R. Collopy Jeffrey D. DeBoer Malinda E. Dunn W. Jeffery Edwards John L. File Kathleen Fenton Kronau James S. McNider III J. Paula Pierce Stephen M. Piper Roscoe B. Stephenson III Daphyne Saunders Thomas Buckner P. Wellford Elizabeth DeVine Wiseman Additional Donors Charles F. Bahn Jr. Charles P. Juster

k Class of 1982k

$100-$249 Craig S. Davis Susan May Eckman Mary Dudley Eggleston F. Matlock Elliott Linda Davis Frith T. Daniel Frith III Kevin J. Gray Patrick D. O'Hare William T. Robinson Thomas Y. Savage Guy L. Sweet G. Scott Thomas Additional Donors Kurt J. Fischer William C. Nicholson James R. Shoemaker Neil J. Welch Jr.

k Class of 1983k Class Agent: Millard L. Fretland $5,000-$9,999 Nicholas J. Kaiser $2,000-$4,999 Alan B. Munro

Class Agent: Neil J. Welch Jr. $2,000-$4,999 Bruce A. Hahn $1,000-$1,999 David W. Black Thomas J. Gearen William D. Johnston Lizanne Thomas Catherine Sullivan Ward Eric J. Ward $500-$999 Anonymous Larry A. Barden John E. Lanier James B. McLaren Jr. Jeffrey C. Palkovitz

* deceased

$1,000-$1,999 Millard L. Fretland Carol L. Hoshall Linda A. Klein Steven A. Middleton Howard T. Wall III $500-$999 David R. Bucey W. Rodney Clement Jr. A. Brooks Hock $250-$499 Stephen H. Abraham Ralph J. Luongo James R. MacAyeal M. Robin Maddox Ronald J. Melville

Additional Donors Daniel H. Mason John W. Person Terry McKenney Person Pamela L. Ryan Sean R. Smith

k Class of 1984k Class Agent: James K. Falk $2,000-$4,999 Laurie A. Rachford $1,000-$1,999 Peter D. Goldsmith Mary Miller Johnston Warren E. Nowlin R. Craig Wood Kelly M. Wrenn $500-$999 Timothy J. Kilgallon James F. Powers $250-$499 Barry J. Gainey John P. Gallagher Terrence L. Goodman J. Randall Minchew S. Anderson Nelson G. Michael Pace Jr. Frank W. Rogers III Thomas B. Shepherd III Dona Szak Andrea Fulton Toliver Douglas E. Ulrich $100-$249 James W. C. Canup James K. Falk


Jane Allen Fletcher Paul W. Gerhardt David J. Hansen Katherine Carruth Link Benton J. Mathis Jr. J. Grant McGuire Robert C. Moot Jr. Charles E. Schwab William R. Spalding John J. Tatooles Additional Donors Lawrence S. Crowther W. Gerard Fallon Jr. David C. Pace Daniel E. Riley

k Class of 1985k Class Agent: John C. Morrow $2,500-$4,999 Constance Pierce Casey John J. Sicilian $1,000-$1,999 T. Scott Bucey J. Randall Coffey John C. Morrow Ellen Gray Owen Robert W. Ray Douglas G. Stanford $500-$999 Anonymous Kevin J. Buckley Daniel K. Evans Thomas A. Lisk James M. Martin Alicia Brown Powers $250-$499 Bradford F. Englander Nancy Morris Gallagher D. Brent Gunsalus Thomas A. Howell Scott D. Matchett Mary Zanolli Natkin M. Susan Palmer Jonathan P. Rak Virginia Greer Richardson $100-$249 Mary Madigan Cassidy Paul E. Fletcher III Jeffrey J. Giguere William P. Johnson James H. McNulty Jr. John T. Murray Sharon Brewer Nault


Lynn Boepple Su W. Jay Swiatek Cheryl Boggs Walsh

Mark C. Shuford Jonnie L. Speight

Additional Donors Harry S. Gold J. Ross Newell III Mary Beth van der Zee

Class Agents: Powell M. Leitch III Thomas J. Woodford

k Class of 1987k

k Class of 1986k Class Agent: Stokely G. Caldwell Jr. $1,000-$1,999 Robert I. Stolzman $500-$999 Dana J. Bolton C. Mark Kelly Kirk A. Ludwig Sarah Lemon Ludwig Paul S. Ware $250-$499 L. Andrew Clark III Anita D. Filson Julie L. Gregory Richard M. Hughes III Ruth Calhoun Hughes C. J. Steuart Thomas III Peter John Walsh Jr. Michael Weinsier $100-$249 Peter A. Baumgaertner Paul Graham Beers William E. Blackstone Stokely G. Caldwell Jr. Jack C. Clary Lawrence A. Codispoti Janna P. Cummings Stephen D. Dellett Malcolm McLeod Doubles Gregory Scott Duncan Paul J. Feinman Paul Fredric Griffiths J. Steven Grist H. Frasier Ives Robert Bruce McIntosh M. Lee Quinn Paul James Savidge Lynn Kidd Suter Stephen M. Watson Additional Donors Eleanor A. Putnam Dunn Jeffrey D. Gaines Philip L. Hanrahan Edward W. Rugeley III

* deceased

$2,000-$4,999 David T. Popwell $500-$999 John M. Freeman Karen Patterson Freeman Glen Franklin Koontz $250-$499 Laura Misner Baker Tyler P. Brown Dayton Peter Haigney III David G. Hammond Paul A. Morrison Neilli Mullen Walsh Marcy Berg Weinsier Thomas J. Woodford $100-$249 Edward Lefebvre Allen Elizabeth Kennedy Blackstone Scott J. Fitzgerald Powell M. Leitch III Catherine Stronach Leitch Thomas R. Pender David Eugene Perry Michael Sharp Speakman C. Jane Thacker Richard Edward Whalen Additional Donors Paul Christopher Kuhnel Ruth Ellen Duvall Kuhnel Scott Harper Tucker

k Class of 1988k

David R. Lloyd Richard K. Welch $250-$499 Phillip H. Buchanan Paul T. Colella Lisa Ann Lee Matthew J. Pappas Laura Hicks Roberts David M. Schilli Katherine K. Wagner $100-$249 John R. Alford Jr. Monica J. Chernin Joyce Alcox Coleman Philip J. Edwards Stephen P. Jordan Harold D. Lester Jr. Mark J. Peake Joseph R. Slights III Additional Donors Mark S. Davis

k Class of 1989k Class Agent: L. Hunter Rost Jr. $2,000-$4,999 Anne R. Yuengert $1,000-$1,999 Laura L. Gray Scott D. Stimpson $500-$999 Theresa A. Caldarone Andrew H. Milne $250-$499 J. Patrick Darby Karin A. Garvin Julia L. Hotchkiss Jill S. Talbot

Class Agent: H. Powell Starks

$1,000-$1,999 Franklin B. Bredimus H. Powell Starks

$100-$249 Mary Hoge Anderson Marie Buttarazzi Coukos Paul D. D'Amato John F. Hall Jr. Thomas R. Mack Edward S. Madara III Douglas C. Martinson, II Louise DiMatteo Megargee Donald C. Schultz Ellen Westbrook Slights Jonathan Wall

$500-$999 John E. Holleran Sandra Morris Holleran

Additional Donors Robert D. Brickman Wade M. Fricke

$2,000-$4,999 Stacy D. Blank James J. Ferguson Jr. Alisa S. Hurley Heather K Mallard Christopher J. O'Brien


James D. Higgason Jr. Robin A. McCabe J. David Nave

k Class of 1990k Class Agents: Andrew R. Lee Perry G. Shuttlesworth Jr. $2,000-$4,999 Michael P.A. Cohen J. Steven Patterson Perry G. Shuttlesworth Jr. $1,000-$1,999 Edward P. Tiffey John L. Trevey Jr. $500-$999 Loranne E. Ausley W. Bradley Hawkins Andrew R. Lee $250-$499 Caroline Roberts Darby Keith P. Duet Terence F. Flynn Nanette C. Heide Timothy A. Hodge Jr. Jon M. Jurgovan Kenneth M. Jurish Kathleen E. McLeroy $100-$249 Roger W. Alsup Steven J. Boyne Daniel F. DuPre Mary Bradley Ebersole Linda Michel FitzGerald Scott W. Ford Jeanne A. Hamrick J. Garrett Horsley W. C. L. Jamison Denise Y. Lunsford J. Mark McPherson Diane Updegraff Montgomery Kymberly K. Oltrogge William L. Pitman Brian W. Robinson Harriette Haile Shivers Additional Donors Walter A. Connolly III Alicia Scott Devine Anne D'Errico Smith

k Class of 1991k Class Agents: Thomas P. O'Brien III Catherine Hobart Thompson $1,000-$1,999 Robert A. Weber


$500-$999 Thomas E. Evans Woody W. Lay William C. Mayberry Thomas P. O'Brien III $250-$499 Preston B. Mayson Jr. $100-$249 E. Grantland Burns David A. Clark Mark A. Cobb Franklin D. Cordell Martika P. Gartman Carolyn Richardson Guest Charles F. Hoffman Clifford R. Jarrett Melissa P. Lande Karen D. Lee Kyle P. Macione John E. McCann Jr. Jack Piller Mark G. Reinecke Stephen W. Siegel Susan R. Swecker Catherine Hobart Thompson Lisa Kern Tolusso Holly Young Walter Elizabeth W. Williamson Claude V. Worrell Additional Donors Vaughan Gibson Aaronson Paul A. Driscoll William L. Geary Jr. Mary K. Martin L. Allison McKeel John B. Rodgers Elizabeth Perry Snodgrass James O. Watts IV

k Class of 1992k Class Agents: Chong J. Kim Julie Ann Wiley $5,000-$9,999 Chong J. Kim $1,000-$1,999 Robert O. Saunooke $500-$999 Elizabeth L. Ewert L. Scott Green Giles G. Perkins Hillery Head Perkins J. Joshua Scribner Jr. David H. Timmins

* deceased

$250-$499 Charmaine E. Betty-Singleton Jefferson E. Howeth Alice Rodgers MacDiarmid Eric M. Raudenbush Christopher F. Robertson Leslie Ann Shaner-Levy Craig P. Tiller Julie Ann Wiley $100-$249 Heather Johnson Camp Vance E. Drawdy Betsy Ennis Dulin James E. Fagan Kelly Lynn Faglioni Lisa Meadows Graziano Christopher C. Hagenow Timothy G. Hatfield Rosemary Globetti Keenan Victor Armando Lago James W. Lane Jr. Jessica Martin Lane Michael D. Mueller Douglas A. Pettit Susanna Surface Piller Leslie P. Quezaire Andrew G. Schwartz Paula Smith Sherlock Gregory D. Willett Additional Donors Deborah A. Armstrong J. Edward Enoch Jr. James M. Parker Jr. Matthew E. Pollack Jane E. Quirion Christopher R. Rau Clark H. Worthy

k Class of 1993k Class Agents: Mark K. Cathey Sally Broatch Waudby $2,000-$4,999 Monika Jaensson Hussell Kelly-Erin Kilmartin $1,000-$1,999 Christine Champlin Adams Kelley P. Doran R. Christopher Lawson Sarah E. Powell Moira T. Roberts $500-$999 Julie A. Barbo Mark K. Cathey Christopher S. Enloe

Katherine C. Londos Thomas L. Mitchell Clinton R. Shaw Jr. $250-$499 Richard M. Adams Jr. Stacy M. Colvin Lee K. Garlove Nan E. Hannah M. Brian Magargle Lynn Watson Neumann Michael A. Pittenger Rhonda Overstreet Tiller Mark M. Waltz Sally Broatch Waudby William L. Waudby $100-$249 Margaret Oertling Cupples Timothy D. Downes Gregory A. Garbacz Kerry Gum Grey Georgia Sullivan Haggerty Michael E. Hastings Robert M. Howie David S. Lionberger Craig L. Lowell Indrajit Majumder Pamela Zhulkie Stein Additional Donors Amy C. Balfour Michael H. Joyce G. Douglas Kilday Adrianna M. Spain Ashley L. Taylor Jr. David A. Temeles Jr.

k Class of 1994k Class Agents: Charles F. Castner Robert K. Tompkins $2,000-$4,999 John F. Hussell IV W. Hildebrandt Surgner Jr. $500-$999 Robert K. Tompkins $250-$499 Roger G. Bowers Charles F. Castner Amy Vickers Fritz Michael A. Groot Lorrie Johnson Kleine Thomas C. Kleine David D. Lawrence Patricia A. McNerney


Katherine Manion Weinstock Laura Anderson Wright $100-$249 Nelson D. Cary Dmitri I. Dubograev J. Daniel Gary Brian R. Greene Elizabeth Mason Horsley Katherine O'Brien Lake James B. Lake Robert N. Miller Michael W. Mumbach Additional Donors James K. Cowan Jr. J.D. Lowry Lawrence J. McClafferty Margaret Belin Temeles

k Class of 1995k Class Agents: William M. Toles Kevin S. Webb $5,000-$9,999 Stacy Gould Van Goor $2,000-$4,999 Andrea K. Wahlquist $1,000-$1,999 J. Alexander Boone Kimmberly M. Bulkley Cynthia Icard Oakey John M. Oakey III $500-$999 Shelley Walters Coleman Thomas W. Maddi Ashley Lemon Shaw William M. Toles $250-$499 George H. Bowles Edward B. Lumpkin Peter F. Morgan Charles M. Smith Jr. Larry F. Smith Kevin S. Webb $100-$249 Anonymous Anonymous D. Cameron Beck Jr. Eone Moore Beck Garrett M. Estep Jennifer Thomason Franklin Talcott J. Franklin Kathryn Knack Hagwood Kathryn Johnson Hood


John H. Jordan Michael S. Malloy John R. Owen Ashley B. Rowe Dennis C. Taylor Timothy John Zeilman Additional Donors M. Lucille Anderson Jeffrey J. Chapuran Shawn A. Copeland Eric P. Edwardson Brian R. Good Barbra Pohl Noe Randal S. Noe Lawrence W. Striley

k Class of 1996k Class Agents: Gordon O. Jesperson Kristin L. Ray $2,000-$4,999 Kristopher E. Ahrend $1,000-$1,999 Chris St. Victor-de Pinho Carla J. Urquhart Edward B. Walker $500-$999 S. Walton Coleman IV Brian S. Dowhower Kristin L. Ray Virginia Leggett Stevenson $250-$499 David Bafumo Curtis H. Booth Brynja McDivitt Booth Matthew L. Cookson Megan A. Fairlie Carrie Goodwin Fenwick Jason C. Harmon Brian A. Howie Amy Alcoke Quackenboss Noelle A. Starek T. Burke Wonnell Daniel K. Wooten Timothy F. Zitzman $100-$249 J. Keith Benedict Robert E. Grant J. Scott Kulp David M. Lay Krista Key Mroczkowski Caroline Lewis Powell J. Bradley Powell Keith T. Shiner Dillina W. Stickley Gregory J. Weinig

* deceased

Additional Donors Anna M. Bagwell William F. Crenshaw Michael E. Derdeyn Courtney Townes Good Nathan M. Lord Lori Richardson Lord Stephanie Rohrer Mahevich Greer D. Saunders Amanda E. Shaw Anne Endress Skove Mark C. Thackston

k Class of 1997k Class Agents: Robby J. Aliff Jeanne-Marie Raymond Burke

Jeffrey P. Ouellet Caprice L. Roberts Stuart D. Roberts Richard A. Zechini Additional Donors Joshua T. Burgess Dennis C. Crovella J. Conrad Garcia Jim C. Gordon Jr. Tracy Taylor Hague Mary Anstine Kletter Christopher C. S. Manning Timothy G. Moore Timothy R. Moore Derek A. Poteet

k Class of 1998k

$2,000-$4,999 Robby J. Aliff

Class Agents: W. Ashley Hess C. Cooper Youell IV

$1,000-$1,999 M. Bryan Slaughter

$2,000-$4,999 Thomas J. Molony

$500-$999 Bruce L. Benshoof Krista Honaker Bowen Darek S. Bushnaq Courtney Camp Enloe Sean P. Leuba Matthew L. Weidner

$1,000-$1,999 Patrick C. Bradshaw W. Ashley Hess Richard W. Smith

$250-$499 Peter S. Bishop Eric L. Buchanan Jeanne-Marie Raymond Burke Aaron L. Dettling Maria A. Feeley Francis M. Hamilton III John S. Johnson Philip G. Lake John J. Louizos Stacy Ostrowski Louizos James S. Seevers Jr. Ian S. Thompson Douglas M. Walker Kathleen Flynn Zitzman $100-$249 Michael R. Barre Tina Clark Beamon David C. Butow Daniel T. Campbell Scott D. Chenevert Carey Kruzshak Cooper Julie A. Hall Steven M. Johnson Bonnie Gerhardt Lo Cindy Kodama Lowman Amy Shortridge McCarthy Karen Tracy McElhinny Stephen G. McElroy Peter B. Murphy

$250-$499 Jacqueline G. Arends E. Livingston B. Haskell Christina E. Hassan Elizabeth Fisher Hodge Jeffrey A. Keithline Joseph A. Seiner James E. Thomas II

$500-$999 Wyndall A. Ivey Mary K. Martin $250-$499 Beth Vernier Bailey J. Chandler Bailey Brian S. Clarke Christine Miller Clarke Elizabeth M. Formidoni Andrew J. Gottman Virginia Cooper Gottman William O. L. Hutchinson Russell D. Jessee Charles W. Kemp Gary P. Seligman $100-$249 Thomas M. Dunlap Kelly Horan Florio John D. Hamann Kristin Johnson Hazelwood Matthew D. Huebschman Maureen Walsh Kramer Shane N. Kramer Cathy Jackson Leitner Susan Simpson Lyerly Alice M. Maples Brandon F. Marzo Melissa Francesca Nook Carrie M. Risatti Gerald R. Ryan Jr. Jennifer F. Shugars Sandra Ingram Speakman Steven T. Speakman Eileen M. Vachher Christopher D. Weaver Cabell Evans Youell

$100-$249 Richard G. Alexander John W. Bateman Kevin K. Batteh Jonathan H. Beamon Robert H. Buchanan Lael E. Campbell Jason J. Gizzarelli Sarah Kuehl Kleber Elizabeth Maier Langston Melissa Morris Picco C. Cooper Youell IV

Additional Donors Matthew E. Cheek Shannon Gasparovic Christianson Amy E. McCullough Mary E. Naumann Virginia L. Price Allison Driver Rule W. Calvin Smith Ellen Wasilausky Woodward Matthew O. Young

Additional Donors Megan Ward Cascio Keith A. Mrochek Mary Lee Ellington Mrochek Robert S. Westermann Jennifer D. Zambone

Class Agents: Ralph M. Clements III Jean P. Hanna

k Class of 1999k Class Agents: J. Chandler Bailey Wyndall A. Ivey


k Class of 2000k

$2,000-$4,999 Susan Ballantine Molony $1,000-$1,999 Janet R. Fallon George E. Harvey III


$250-$499 Ralph M. Clements III Jean P. Hanna Heather Necklaus Hudson Clayton T. Hufft Corinne Giacobbe Hufft Robert D. Mason Jr. J. Duncan Pitchford Michael C. Shepherd Matthew C. Smith Lisa R. Stark $100-$249 David D. Brown James W. Haldin Richard B. Holcomb F. Ryan Keith Kathleen A. Kelley Nicholaus G. Leverett Hammad S. Matin James T. Maxwell II Jonathan W. McCrary Steven C. Minson John C. Nichols Melissa Memolo Nichols Erika E. Olsen Camilla Galesi Solari Christopher B. Wick Gabe P. Wright Additional Donors Kieran H. Bartley Ashlyn H. Dannelly Bradley W. Giles Julie Lee Hwang

k Class of 2001k Class Agents: Melissa A. Inzerillo Andrew J. Olmem $2,000-$4,999 Kent E. Basson $1,000-$1,999 Derron J. Blakely $250-$499 Lannas J. Barfield Ross S. Goldstein K. Suzanne Heisinger $100-$249 Heidi Reamer Anderson Thomas I. Anderson Mary Beth Chapman Tamara Wright Dunlap Robert M. Jefferson Andrew J. Russell Jennifer Buckey Wick

* deceased

Additional Donors David J. Abrami* Anne K. Guillory Melissa A. Inzerillo Brace R. Mullett Stephanie Daly Mullett Adam J. Neil Andrew J. Olmem W. Ryan Snow Paul M. Tancredi Michael P. Thomas Aloise Bozell Vansant Amy Brown Walton Jason P. Walton Steven B. Wiley

k Class of 2002k Class Agents: Amy R. King Lindsay M. Peed J. Andrew Robison $1,000-$1,999 Kara D. McDonald Michael E. Paulhus $500-$999 Nancy Newitt Rigby Russell J. Rigby J. Andrew Robison $100-$249 John S. Buford Andrew E. Carpenter* Sarah M. R. Cravens Scott B. Gregerson Anne E. Jorgensen Amy R. King Michael D. McGill Matthew A. Nichols Meri Triades Pasztor Lindsay M. Peed Maynard L. Sipe Elizabeth M. Yusi Additional Donors Faiz Ahmad Dean A. Barclay Ryan A. Becker Steven L. Brinker Tobi T. Bromfield Brian D. Brooks Patrick L. Bryant Ross E. Eisenberg R. Cameron Garrison Tanya Hunt Handley Dean T. Howell Autumn J. Hwang Wade A. Jensen Misty A. Leon

David A. C. Long Stephanie Pestorich Manson Audrey Marcello Alison Bales Martin Mark C. Mayhugh David J. Michnal Sakina K. Paige Geoffrey E. Perusse Christina S. Pignatelli Brian A. Richardson Elizabeth H. Rocovich Sarah M. Scott Leslie A. Skiba Justin M. Smith Daniel E. Solander R. Tyler Stone Frank B. Ulmer

k Class of 2003k

Tiffany L. Dino Rebecca Miles Eisinger Carrie Bowden Freed T. Elizabeth Fry Joseph A. Kaufman Kelly Jones Leventis Kevin E. Miller Matthew T. Mills Ashley T. Myatt Edward D. Neufville Ly Thien Nguyen Julie Smith Palmer Edmund P. Power Brian J. Samuels Journet N. Shaw Suzanne M. Takata Deborah S. Tang Marie E. Washington Krista Lindsey Willim

Class Agent: Erika L. Patrick $500-$999 Anna Sturgill Bonarrigo Nicholas A. Bonarrigo Benjamin C. Brown Jacob E. Comer Damien P. DeLaney Michael P. Dimitruk Brian P. Hudak Erika L. Patrick C. Randolph Price Matthew P. Ward $250-$499 W. Austin Jowers $100-$249 T. Heyward Carter III Heath H. Galloway Sara McGeorge Galloway Sanford G. Hooper Nancy L. Kwon Nwadiki D. Long Lawrence L. Muir Jr. Adam F. Packer Adam H. Reynolds Emily Belcher Reynolds Matthew R. Ringler Sanford M. Roberts IV E. Job Seese Gerald M. Titus III Gregory E. Van Hoey Richard M. Weibley Additional Donors Courtney C. Atkinson Sondra L. Binotto Michelle Kelsay Bishop Joel P. Bogorad Cynthia M. Bruce


k Class of 2004k Class Agents: Bridget A. Blinn Tyler J. Wood $500-$999 Ross R. Barton Timothy R. Lankau Michael L. Lawhead Laurie Kelleher Wood $250-$499 Ingrid H. Heide Pauline Hollar Pauley Heather Skeeles Shiner Carter L. Williams Philip H. Yoon $100-$249 Michael M. Adamson C. Daniel Atkinson Bridget A. Blinn Hilary Martin Chaney Nathan P. Chaney M. Ray Collins Darrell N. Fuller Brian L. Hager Kristen Grunewald Hager Sarah M. Hays Joshua D. Jones Elisa C. Moore Karen Sykora Morrison Priya I. Nath Michael T. Pidgeon Evan M. Sauda Angela Hepler Schoonover Jeffery W. Scott Michael F. Walker Tyler J. Wood


Additional Donors Jennifer Nelson Andrews Heyward H. Bouknight Whitney Goodwin Bouknight Ashley King Burton Carrol M. Ching David S. Freed Porter Hardy Frederick M. Heiser Damaris L. King Keely Madron Knipling Janice L. Kopec David T. Lampton Daniel L. Payne Mark W. Shiner Mark A. Snider Joel E. Symonds Jason A. L. Timoll W. Jeffrey Vollmer Rebecca L. Wetzel Kevin A. White D. Thomas Wilson Kori Hubert Wilson

k Class of 2005k Class Agents: Susan K. Richter Jennifer Y. Williams $500-$999 James D. Coleman III Xueyan Gao Mitchell K. Morris $250-$499 Susan K. Richter $100-$249 Jennifer Rose Belcher William M. Braxton

Stephen P. Brownback George C. Collier IV Joseph R. Dunn Helena Joly Gardner Leigh A. Kite Ronald A. Page Jr. David M. Powell Matthew D. Ridings Luis E. Rivera II Lauren E. Roberts Soha F. Turfler Mark S. Wells Jennifer Y. Williams Additional Donors Justin R. Arnold Christina L. Bowden Leah M. Boyd Angela R. Ernst Christian P. Foote Mitchell D. Greggs Hsieh-Ko Hao W. Darryl Harris Jared A. Hembree Brian J. Knipling William D. Lampton Melissa D. McClellan Aaron G. McCollough Bridget G. McLaughlin Meghan H. Morgan Huey-Ling Nie Nathaniel C. Parker Erin E. Pride Daniel G. Simmons Adam G. Smith Christopher C. Swain Benjamin R. Thomas Erin E. Troy Huan-Pong S. Tseng Elissa R. Weddle Katherine S. Weinert

The Class of 2007, led by Kate Speiker and Charles Capito, presented Acting Dean Brian Murchison with its five-year pledge to the Law Annual Fund and the Brief Stop TV Lounge.

* deceased

Nathan C. Weinert Shauna M. Wickham Leslie E. Wood

k Class of 2006k Class Agents: Katherine A. Tritschler S. Brett Twitty $1,000-$1,999 Ross S. Tippin $500-$999 Annalee Stewart Morris $100-$250 John K. Boardman Jr. J. P. McGuire Boyd Jr. Rakesh Gopalan Joshua E. Loh Erin E. McCampbell Marshall B. McLean E. Kyle McNew Kadisha D. Phelps Erica J. Richards Karen E. Tayloe Katherine A. Tritschler Jameson A. Tweedie Additional Donors Sara A. Allenson Michael J. Bauer Martin C. Boyle Erick B. Carlson David D. Christensen Carter N. Deupree Jillian L. DiLaura Hans P. Dyke Jonathan R. Ellis Mark J. Goldsmith Shannon Borromeo Goldsmith Lauren B. Hoelzer M. Colston Jones Timothy M. McKeen R. Matthew Pearson Erin C. Quinn Georgianna Gaines Ramsey Kelly J. Repair Robert V. Ricca Jonathan H. Rupp Lindsey Duran Sberna Tala Shahlavi Lindsay J. Stoudt Lauren E. Troxclair S. Brett Twitty

k Class of 2007k Additional Donors Christopher W. Price


2006-07 LAW CAPITAL GIVING The alumni, parents, friends, faculty and staff listed below contributed to the following designated funds within the School of Law during the 2006-07 fiscal year. LEWIS HALL RENOVATIONS Extensive renovations are necessary to meet the demands of our students, faculty and staff, to address deferred maintenance needs, and to bring Sydney Lewis Hall up to par with the buildings of our competitor law schools. LAW SCHOOL RENOVATIONS Shelley Walters Coleman ’95L S. Walton Coleman IV ’96L Anne R. Yuengert ’89L CAPITAL UNDESIGNATED LAW RENOVATIONS John E. Coffey ’79L James M. Costan ’74L Richard F. Boyer ’72L Stanley G. Brading Jr. ’79L Edward H. Brown ’80L Shawn P. George ’81L C. Hobson Goddin ’50L Reno S. Harp III ’54A, ’56L James J. Kelley II ’74L Alicia Brown Powers ’85L James F. Powers ’84L M. Lanier Woodrum ’65A, ’80L MILLHISER MOOT COURT ROOM RENOVATION Mary Miller Johnston ’84L William D. Johnston ’82L William J. Ledbetter ’50L* William B. Poff ’55L Roy L. Steinheimer Jr. Robert E. Stroud ’56A, ’58L James C. Turk ’52L HUNTON & WILLIAMS JUDGE’S BENCH Ryan A. Becker ’02L David F. Brandley Jr. ’80L Kevin J. Buckley ’85L Matthew J. Calvert ’75A, ’79L Kevin J. Cosgrove ’79L W. Jeffery Edwards ’78A, ’81L Robert J. Grey Jr. ’76L Richard L. Harden ’67A, ’73L


CLASS OF 1967L PATIO F. William Burke ’64A, ’67L Kevin Concagh ’67L J. Thomas Corry ’67L Malcolm G. Crawford ’67L Grant M. Gille ’67L Ronald D. Jacobs ’67L Mr. Joseph D. Logan III ’67L C. Edward Russell Jr. ’67L Conway H. Sheild III ’64A, ’67L Herbert F. Smith ’64A, ’67L Joseph S. Tate ’67L

Mason L. Miller ’01L Andrew J. Olmem ’96A, ’01L Christopher T. Prendergast ’01L Michael P. Thomas ’01L Amy Brown Walton ’01L Jason P. Walton ’01L LAW SCHOOL PATIO RENOVATIONS Michael M. Adamson ’04L Jennifer Nelson Andrews ’04L Heyward H. Bouknight ’04L Whitney Goodwin Bouknight ’04L S. Walton Coleman IV ’96L Zachary J. Desmond ’04L Darrell N. Fuller ’04L Brian L. Hager ’04L Kristen Grunewald Hager ’04L Porter Hardy ’04L Janice L. Kopec ’04L Timothy R. Lankau ’04L Elisa C. Moore ’04L Karen Sykora Morrison ’04L Priya I. Nath ’04L

THE CLASS OF 2001 LAW Representatives from Hunton & Williams were on hand for the ceremony CLASSROOM H naming the judge’s bench in the Millhiser Moot Court Room in the firm’s honor. RENOVATION From l. to r.: Ryan Glasgow ’05L, Robert Grey ’76L, Courtney Nolde, recruiting Anonymous coordinator, Dean Rodney Smolla, Jim Seevers ’97L and Brian Hager ’04L. David J. Abrami ’01L* Rodney Seth Dillman ’01L Ryan J. Dunlavey ’06L Hunton & Williams Benjamin N. Hargy ’01L Amy Shaw Dyke ’97A Lewis F. Powell III ’74A Matthew W. Light ’01L Hans P. Dyke ’06L Lisa Powell Samuel A. Meacham ’01L Jonathan R. Ellis ’06L James S. Seevers Jr. ’97L Janssen E. Evelyn ’06L John R. Smith Jr. ’91A William W. Fagan III ’06L Gregory N. Stillman ’74L Nicholas R. Frazier ’06L Mark J. Goldsmith ’06L ROGER D. GROOT The. Hon. Henry W. MacKenzie Jr. Shannon Borromeo Goldsmith ’06L JURY ROOM ’32L says he’s the Law School’s oldest Rakesh Gopalan ’06L living alumnus and plans to hold onto Blas P. Arroyo ’81L Lauren B. Hoelzer ’06L that title for some time yet. He’s supPhilip D. Calderone ’81L M. Colston Jones ’06L ported his alma mater for years and Margaret H. Campbell ’81L John T. Lupton ’06L Daniel R. Collopy ’81L most recently provided a generous gift Deanna M. Manzo ’06L Malinda E. Dunn ’81L Katherine E. Markeson ’06L toward faculty support, specifically W. Jeffery Edwards ’78A, ’81L Erin E. McCampbell ’06L the Roger Groot Professorship, which The Hon. Henry W. John L. File ’81L Marshall B. McLean ’06L MacKenzie Jr. ’32L will be matched by the Lenfest Samuel A. Flax ’81L E. Kyle McNew ’06L Challenge Grant. Shawn P. George ’81L Alex H. Moore ’06L His personal and professional experiences run deep. His Robert W. Hyde Jr. ’81L Annalee Stewart Morris ’06L time at W&L overlapped with Supreme Court Justice Lewis Steven M. Johnson ’81L Michael J. Pattwell ’06L Powell ’29A, ’31L, and he served as an intelligence officer Gene A. Marsh ’81L Kadisha D. Phelps ’06L during World War II in both France and Japan before resuming Jenelle Mims Marsh ’81L Erin C. Quinn ’06L Thomas McN. Millhiser ’81L his law practice with his brother, John ’39L, and Allen S. Carr, Georgianna Gaines Ramsey ’06L Susan L. Pilcher ’81L Kelly J. Repair ’06L also an alumnus. Eventually, MacKenzie was appointed to the David G. Weaver ’81L Erica J. Richards ’06L Circuit Court, City of Portsmouth, in 1956, and served a long, Kerry M. Wilson ’81L Jonathan A. Robbins ’06L distinguished career until his retirement in 1996. Carolyn Saffold Wilson ’81L Lindsay H. Rubel ’06L He said, “I had known of W&L as an educational instituJonathan H. Rupp ’06L tion from earliest recollection. W&L had a reputation of treatLindsey Duran Sberna ’03A, ’06L MOOT COURT ROOM ing students as gentlemen and not as extended high school Tala Shahlavi ’06L LOBBY RENOVATION graduates. Its curriculum and faculty were highly rated.” He Malik H. Shareef ’06L counts among his favorite professors Robert Tucker, Edgar Edward J. Standley ’06L Sara A. Allenson ’06L Shannon, Henry Campbell and William Bean. Lindsay J. Stoudt ’06L Yanessa L. Barnard ’06L Jessica M. Tanner ’06L Michael J. Bauer ’06L “I am deeply indebted to W&L for the advanced instrucKaren E. Tayloe ’06L J. P. McGuire Boyd Jr. ’97A, ’06L tion leading up to an LL.B. degree in 1932, and I am glad to Ross S. Tippin ’06L Erick B. Carlson ’06L make some return in exchange,” he said. “I have been opposed Katherine A. Tritschler ’06L David D. Christensen ’06L to all changes at W&L, including women, and I am glad now Lauren E. Troxclair ’06L Ryan A. Corle ’06L to admit that I was wrong.” He continued, “I want to see W&L Jameson A. Tweedie ’06L Moulin J. Desai ’06L continue on its chosen track, and I am glad I am in the position Sarah C. Wayland ’06L Carter N. Deupree ’03A, ’06L to ease it along.” Jonathan D. Wideman ’06L Jillian L. DiLaura, ’06L Sandra M. Workman ’06L Blake I. Dorr ’06L

* deceased



Daniel L. Payne ’04L Evan M. Sauda ’04L Heather Skeeles Shiner ’04L Joel E. Symonds ’97A, ’04L Philip H. Yoon ’04L

PROFESSORSHIPS W&L must increase the number of professorships to retain current professors and recruit new professors. Chairs offer prestige as well as a stipend for research, travel to conferences or visiting speakers. Alumnus Gerry Lenfest ’53A, ’55L has offered to match 1:1 gifts in support of the faculty made before December 31, 2010 up to a total of $33 million. For information on participating in this challenge, contact the Law Advancement office at (540) 458-8584. THE ROGER D. GROOT PROFESSORSHIP Anonymous Robby J. Aliff ’91A, ’97L Eric A. Anderson ’82L Randall W. Atkins ’76L Loranne E. Ausley ’90L Robert L. Bailey II ’00L Laura Misner Baker ’87L Larry A. Barden ’82L John V. Barton II ’94L Ashley Flynn Bartram ’01L John W. Bartram ’99L Michelle Kelsay Bishop ’03L David W. Black ’82L Dana J. Bolton ’86L Michelle R. Bolton Roberta Ann Bondurant ’86L Frank & Robin Bowman Stanley G. Brading Jr. ’79L David M. Bradt Jr. ’74L John R. Broadway Jr. ’74L Brickford Y. Brown ’79L David Beverly Bruck Johnathan W. Bryan ’82L Rudolph Bumgardner III ’93L Darek S. Bushnaq ’97L Gabrielle N. Butcher ’05L Stokely G. Caldwell Jr. ’86L Samuel W. Calhoun Matthew J. Calvert ’75A, ’79L Kevin F. Casey ’85L Christine Conkling Chapman ’82L Alan Chipperfield ’76L Douglas J. Chumbley ’82L Susan Hamilton Churuti ’79L Francis C. Clark ’76L Nan Robertson Clarke ’76L T. Hal Clarke Jr. ’73A, ’76L

* deceased

Michael P.A. Cohen ’90L Debera Kay Frick Conlon ’81L Dana S. Connell ’82L Franklin D. Cordell ’91L Julia Thigpen Crenshaw ’82L Berthenia S. Crocker ’78L Robert T. Danforth Sarah Pugh Dicks ’86L Robert M. Dilling ’76L Herbert R. Donica, ’79L Jordan D. Dorchuck ’80L Frank L. Duemmler ’76L E. Townes Duncan ’78L Eleanor A. Putnam Dunn ’86L E. Tazewell Ellett ’77L Hiram Ely III ’76L William F. Etherington ’74L David P. Falck ’78L Sally Pruett Falck ’80L Edward O. Falkowski ’82L Jeffrey D. Fazio ’03L James C. Fitter Jr. ’74L Robert A. Forst ’76L Dale E. Galasso ’76L Thomas J. Gearen ’82L A. J. Alex Gelinas ’74L Paul V. Gerlach ’82L Judith L. Goldsborough ’82L Brian R. Good ’95L Courtney Townes Good ’96L Betsy Callicott Goodell ’80L William R. Goodell ’80L Paul Fredric Griffiths ’86L J. Steven Grist ’86L M. Peebles Harrison ’92L James A. Hartley ’74A, ’77L Ray V. Hartwell III ’69A, ’75L George E. Harvey III ’00L Douglas J. Harwood ’74A Kristin Johnson Hazelwood ’99L Edward O. Henneman Penelope C. Henneman Thomas B. Henson ’80L Howard W. Herndon ’81A Harry H. Hill III ’70A, ’74L Elizabeth C. Hocker ’90L Timothy A. Hodge Jr. ’90L Richard A. Hooker ’76L Herman J. F. Hoying ’03L James D. Humphries III ’66A, ’69L John F. Hussell IV ’94L Monika Jaensson Hussell ’93L W. Henry Jernigan Jr. ’72A, ’75L Lyman & Luanita Johnson Jon M. Jurgovan ’90L James D. Kay Jr. ’85L D. Mark Kelso ’68A, ’74L Timothy J. Kilgallon ’84L Thomas R. King Jr. ’74L James B. Lake ’90A, ’94L Kevin T. Lamb ’78A, ’82L Rex M. Lamb III ’74L Lewis H. LaRue ’59A

Susan A. LaRue Karen Havens Leone ’90L Harold D. Lester Jr. ’88L Joshua E. Loh ’06L R. Glennwood Lookabill ’74L J.D. Lowry ’94L Cynthia R. Mabry Henry W. MacKenzie Jr. ’32L Stephanie Rohrer Mahevich ’96L James H. Maloney ’70A, ’76L Tracy Quackenbush Martin ’97L Mary K. Martin ’91L Everett A. Martin Jr. ’74A, ’77L Mark M. Maloney ’94L Ann M. Massie Kent B. Massie William C. Mayberry ’91L Stephen D. McGraw ’76L Thomas N. McJunkin ’70A, ’74L H. Knox McMillan ’89L Susan Appel McMillan ’89L J. Randall Minchew ’84L Thomas L. Mitchell ’93L Todd Mohler Jeffrey W. Morris ’77L Robert L. Morrison Jr. ’75L Ann E. Murchison Brian C. Murchison Mary E. Naumann ’99L J. Ross Newell III ’81A, ’85L Muffie Newell James E. Nicholson ’77L William C. Nicholson ’82L John S. Norris Jr. ’76L Pamela M. Oast William H. Oast III ’71A, ’74L Mary G. O’Brien ’83L Catherine O’Connor ’83L Erika E. Olsen ’00L James W. Osborne ’74L G. Michael Pace Jr. ’84L Jeffrey C. Palkovitz ’82L Bonnie L. Paul ’83L Giles G. Perkins ’92L Hillery Head Perkins ’92L David T. Popwell ’87L Richard M. Preston ’69A, ’76L Robert M. Quinn ’80L Laurie A. Rachford ’84L Jennifer Mallory Rawl ’96L W. Whitaker Rayner ’86L M. Wayne Ringer ’80L Carrie M. Risatti ’99L Elizabeth H. Rocovich ’02L Stephen D. Rosenthal ’71A, ’76L M. Pierce Rucker II ’75L James C. Scales ’93L Katherine A. Schlech ’78L Jerry L. Short ’77L Caroline Wannamaker Sink ’82L Robert C. Sink Nathan H. Smith ’82L Jonathan L. Spear ’76L


Douglas G. Stanford ’85L Gregory N. Stillman ’74L Stephen Brian Stockton ’86L Street Law Firm LLP Scott E. Sundby Lee-Anne Swanson C. J. Steuart Thomas III ’86L Lizanne Thomas ’82L J. Hampton Tisdale ’74L Andrea Fulton Toliver ’84L Patricia A. Van Allan ’80L James K. Vines ’81A, ’88L Andrea K. Wahlquist ’95L Edward B. Walker ’96L Samuel J. Webster ’77L Rand D. Weinberg ’78A, ’82L Neil J. Welch Jr. ’79A, ’82L Buckner P. Wellford ’81L Pamela J. White ’77L Jeffrey L. Willis ’75L Robert B. Womble ’79L Richard T. Woulfe ’76L Kelly M. Wrenn ’84L Elizabeth M. Yusi ’02L THE DEAN ROY L. STEINHEIMER JR. PROFESSORSHIP W. Donald Bain Jr. ’49L Donna L. Batten Frederick W. Batten ’73L Peter A. Baumgaertner ’83A, ’86L J. I. Vance Berry Jr. ’79L Michael Campilongo ’73L W. Rodney Clement Jr. ’83L Jesse C. Crumbley III ’73L Malcolm S. Dorris ’80L James J. Ferguson Jr. ’88L Alisa S. Hurley ’88L Mary Miller Johnston ’84L William D. Johnston ’82L A. Carter Magee Jr. ’79L Robert G. McLusky ’81L Timothy J. Murphy ’70L James P. Osick ’80L Susannah M. Pugh C. Edward Russell Jr. ’67L Christopher Wolf ’80L William A. Worthington ’76L

LAW SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS There is a continual need for student financial aid to augment our current scholarship endowment. This need is virtually unlimited. In this fiscal year, the need presented by W&L law students totaled $15,854,103. We were able to provide $3,616,000 in merit and needbased aid to 249 students. For the


ADDED VALUE H. Marty Kang ’08 provided a few remarks about scholarships from a student's perspective at the Benefactors’ Dinner on April 19, 2007. Kang, who earned her B.A. at the University of Texas at Austin, noted, “While borrowing money for education is a fact of life for many students, when I saw [W&L’s] tuition figures, I was pretty daunted. So I knew I was truly fortunate when I received a scholarship from W&L. But I have to explain that the phrase ‘a scholarship that helps pay for my law school education’ encompasses so much more than the words that make up that sentence.”

Peter B. Rosenwald II ’85L Patricia A. Shean ’85L Lynn Boepple Su ’85L THE CLASS OF 2005 LAW SCHOLARSHIP Christina L. Bowden ’05L Leah M. Boyd ’05L Andrea R. Chase ’05L Mitchell D. Greggs ’05L Jared A. Hembree ’05L Matthew D. Ridings ’05L Greer D. Smith ’05L Elissa R. Weddle ’05L

E. Townes Duncan ’78L John F. Eisinger ’03L Carrie Bowden Freed ’03L Jack D. Kopald ’78L Nwadiki D. Long ’03L Everett A. Martin Jr. ’74A, ’77L E. Morgan Maxwell III ’77L Jonathan W. Sager ’78L Journet N. Shaw ’03L James F. Springfield William P. Wallace Jr. ’74A, ’77L James H. Webster ’77L Samuel J. Webster ’77L

She noted that her scholarship: THE BARRY CROSBY LAW SCHOLARSHIP

• “Gives me the chance to interact daily with bright colleagues and generous teachers and administrators.

S. Gates Shaw ’68A

• Enables me to learn from acknowledged experts in their fields how to advise and help others. • Provides an opportunity to sit and talk with legal scholars who have argued multiple times in front of the Supreme Court. • Lets me walk past the chair that Justice Powell sat in while judging historic cases. • Gives me the chance to watch the Fourth Circuit be in session in the same building where I eat lunch everyday. • Helped me meet lifelong friends and colleagues.” She continued, “Your scholarships, the scholarships that the benefactors in this room have provided, give students more than just a degree. Your scholarships help cultivate a passion for generosity, the desire to give back and the recognition that, as able attorneys, we need and can do more. “So, on behalf of all the students here who receive your generosity, I simply say, ‘Thank you for making it possible for us to attend Washington and Lee.’” Class of 2007L, the average debt load at graduation was $78,372. GENERAL LAW SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT Shelley Walters Coleman ’95L S. Walton Coleman IV ’96L Laurie A. Rachford ’84L GENERAL LAW SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS Laura Leigh Blackston ’92L Thomas E. Evans ’91L Douglas R. McLeod Ronald & Margaret Twitty

* deceased



Lee & Kathryn Gordy Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Peters THE GRAYBEAL-GOWEN SCHOLARSHIP FUND

Thomas W. Budd ’61A, ’64L

Mark P. Ciarrocca ’85L Thomas A. Howell ’85L Thomas A. Lisk ’80A, ’85L Mary Zanolli Natkin ’85L M. Susan Palmer ’85L Virginia Greer Richardson ’85L

The Walter I. and Eva Grace Peak Foundation THE WALTER E. HOFFMAN SCHOLARSHIP I. Lionel Hancock III ’64L THE JOHN AND CINDY KLINEDINST HONOR SCHOLARSHIP Cynthia D. Klinedinst John D. Klinedinst ’71A, ’78L THE MARY AND DANIEL LOUGHRAN FOUNDATION LAW SCHOLARSHIP The Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation THE CATHERINE F. MCDOWELL LAW SCHOLARSHIP H. Emory Widener Jr. ’53L*




James T. Graybeal ’49A, ’51L Priscilla G. Graybeal THE ROGER D. GROOT ENDOWED LAW SCHOLARSHIP Cynthia M. Bruce ’03L Mark L. Dicken ’78L


THE ANDREW WOLFE MCTHENIA SCHOLARSHIP Randall W. Atkins ’76L Kenneth S. Beall Jr. ’61A, ’63L THE R. H. POWELL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Robert H. Powell III ’64A, ’67L


THE CHRISTIAN EDWARD ROBERSON ’92L MEMORIAL LAW SCHOLARSHIP Giles G. Perkins ’92L Hillery Head Perkins ’92L Robert O. Saunooke ’92L THE J. FRANK SHEPHERD ’57L SCHOLARSHIP FUND John A. Williamson II ’53A, ’56L THE ROY L. STEINHEIMER JR. SCHOLARSHIP Anonymous THE J. TIMOTHY “TIMMY TAX” PHILIPPS SCHOLARSHIP John L. Trevey Jr. ’90L THE C. E. WILLIAMS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Townsend Oast ’51A, ’57L H. Emory Widener Jr. ’53L* W&L FACULTY/STAFF SCHOLARSHIP—LAW Mary Abdoney Erica Ingersoll Arnold ’92A D. Scott Baker ’81A Melina Bell Derek B. Carter ’96A Jessica Willett Carter ’96A Alexandre M. da Silva Robert T. Danforth William C. Datz ’75A David G. Evans Theresa N. Evans Lynn B. Fitch Dennis M. Garvis Louise A. Halper Edward O. Henneman Penelope C. Henneman Donna N. Hufnagel John A. Hufnagel Adam B. Hutchinson Erin N. F. Hutchinson Timothy S. Jost Lisa E. Marks Clarence E. Mullis Kenneth P. Ruscio ’76A Leanne M. Shank Thomas P. Sheedy

* deceased

Stephen D. Snead Scott E. Sundby John R. Thelin Dawn Watkins John C. Watkins Michael L. Young

INTERDISCIPLINARY GIFT Pete Hendricks ’66A, ’69 believes, “It’s important to have a sense of history to put what you are studying into context.” Following that philosophy, he decided to endow the Hendricks Lecture in Law and History. “I know W&L’s philosophy is to produce a well-rounded lawyer,” he explained, “and I hope this lecture series will serve as an interface between the two disciplines.” A history major himself, Hendricks endowed the Ollie Crenshaw Prize in History at the College several years ago in honor of his favorite professor, whom Hendricks described as “a wit, a scholar and an academician among academicians. He was also the consummate gentleman.” Scheduled to début on George Washington’s birthday in the Millhiser Moot Court Room, the inaugural Hendricks Law and History Lecture will feature William E. Nelson, the Judge Edward Weinfeld Professor of Law at New York University Law School. Hendricks lives in Atlanta with his wife, Kathryn, and has a private practice in the areas of land use zoning and government permitting.

SHEPHERD LOAN REPAYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Law School established the Shepherd Loan Repayment Assistance Program to assist law graduates who choose public interest careers. The Shepherd LRAP meets a portion of the recipients’ educational debt commitments so long as they work in public interest. This year we provided $47,500 to nine alumni. Sara A. Allenson ’06L Ryan R. Anderson ’05L Leah M. Boyd ’05L Gabrielle N. Butcher ’05L Shawna Cheney ’05L James D. Coleman III ’05L Laura G. Hastay ’06L Lauren B. Hoelzer ’06L William D. Lampton ’05L Jill M. Lowell ’05L Deanna M. Manzo ’06L Melissa D. McClellan ’05L E. Kyle McNew ’06L Stephen T. Mealor ’06L Meghan H. Morgan ’05L James E. Nicholson ’77L Moira J. O’Brien ’06L Erin E. Pride ’05L Jennifer L. Rawls ’06L Carolyn Clayton Rendleman ’91A Doug R. Rendleman Erica J. Richards ’06L Luis E. Rivera II ’05L Lee Hays Romano ’91L Justin B. Shane ’06L Michele D. Sharpe ’05L Daniel G. Simmons ’05L Lindsay J. Stoudt ’06L Erin M. Sullivan ’05L Christopher C. Swain ’05L Jessica M. Tanner ’06L Benjamin R. Thomas ’05L Matthew L. Trinidad ’06L Lauren E. Troxclair ’06L Jameson A. Tweedie ’06L Brien G. Van Wagner ’06L Katherine S. Weinert ’05L Jennifer Y. Williams ’05L Donald F. Winningham III ’06L Michael C. Yeiser ’05L

CAMPBELL LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM (now a part of the Shepherd Loan Repayment Assistance Program) Ryan A. Becker ’02L Michelle Kelsay Bishop ’03L Cynthia M. Bruce ’03L John S. Buford ’02L Andrew E. Carpenter ’02L* Brian E. Crain ’03L Sarah M. R. Cravens ’02L James J. Ferguson Jr. ’88L Lee R. Goebes ’03L Christopher M. Harris ’02L Alisa S. Hurley ’88L Kathryn C. Johnston’ 02L W. Austin Jowers ’03L Joseph A. Kaufman ’03L Misty A. Leon ’02L David A. C. Long ’02L Stephanie Pestorich Manson ’02L Alison Bales Martin ’93A, ’02L David J. Michnal ’02L Edward D. Neufville ’03L Matthew A. Nichols ’02L Meri Triades Pasztor ’02L Lindsay M. Peed ’02L Edmund P. Power ’03L Elizabeth H. Rocovich ’02L R. Tyler Stone ’02L


Frank B. Ulmer ’02L Meredith Galto Walworth ’03L Caryn Rivett West ’02L Elizabeth M. Yusi ’02L LEGAL PRACTICE CENTER Virginia Law Foundation PUBLIC INTEREST LAW STUDENT ASSOCIATION Timothy S. Jost THE STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT FUND Ronald & Margaret Twitty THE HENDRICKS LAW & HISTORY LECTURE ENDOWMENT & FUND Lee W. Hendricks Nathan V. Hendricks III ’66A, ’69L THE MCLEOD-MALONE PRIZE FUND Douglas R. McLeod


CURRENT UNRESTRICTED SPECIAL—LAW Robert L. Powell Estate ’51L INSURANCE GIFTS AND PREMIUMS William P. Wallace Jr. ’74A, ’77L LAW LIBRARY GENERAL Marion M. Anderson Thomas F. Baker IV ’71L William & Charlotte Brummett Albert V. Carr Jr. ’71L George M. Cleland Nicholas & Catharina Cohen Edward B. Crosland Jr. ’66A, ’70L Martha S. Crosland Robert & Jane Davidson Melinda M. Deay Stephen K. Deay ’73L Charles F. Festo ’74L Lester & Carolyn Inovye George & Deborah Kornfeld Ruth Kramer Edward & Sandra Laufer Philip & Tama Lung Reynold F. Missal Dylan & Laurel Miyake Northrup & Margaret Miyake John & Cynthia O’Brien Albert M. Orgain IV ’71L William & Juliet Parsons George W. Parsons Jr. Marjorie Relin Fred & Anne Richards Charles & Juliana Richards John G. J. Ritter Frances M. Scholtz Emma J. Speckman Estate Mr. & Mrs. Edward Symes III Carrie Baker Tydings ’95A George R. Tydings Jr. ’95A LAW SCHOOL GENERAL Eric A. Anderson ’82L Anne W. Banse Kathleen A. Carroll Susan Hamilton Churuti ’79L Remmel T. Dickinson Sarah Pugh Dicks ’86L Frederick C. Fletcher II ’69A, ’72L John Michael Garner ’57A, ’60L Raymond W. Haman ’52L Reno S. Harp III ’54A, ’56L Mary Miller Johnston ’84L William D. Johnston ’82L Robert R. Kane III ’54L James J. Kelley II ’74L A. Carter Magee Jr. ’79L J. Hardin Marion ’55A, ’58L Gene A. Marsh ’81L

* deceased

Jenelle Mims Marsh ’81L Thomas McN. Millhiser ’81L Ann E. Murchison Brian C. Murchison Penny D. Pearson Sandra L. Philipps Laurie A. Rachford ’84L Charles S. Rowe ’45A, ’50L Patricia A. Shean ’85L Charles B. Tomm ’68A, ’75L S. Maynard Turk ’52L James C. Turk ’52L John A. Wolf ’69A, ’72L


PARENTS, FRIENDS, FACULTY AND STAFF While the majority of our donors to the Law School are alumni, a good number are parents, friends, faculty or staff. The individuals listed below supported a variety of funds in the Law School during the 2006-07 fiscal year, providing W&L with additional resources to achieve our mission. Russell T. Aaronson III Mary Abdoney Karen M. Andersen Helen S. Anderson Marion M. Anderson Norman L. Balmer Anne W. Banse Donna L. Batten Melina Bell Samuel & Terry Bogorad Michelle R. Bolton Karen S. Borda Frank O. Bowman III Ellen Ritsch Boyle Elizabeth Outland Branner Turner B. Broll Elizabeth Holleman Brown David I. Bruck William & Charlotte Brummett Samuel W. Calhoun Kathleen A. Carroll Stephen & Mia Casnocha Mary L. Clarke George M. Cleland Nicholas & Catharina Cohen Anne E. Couch Heather Schader Cowan Virginia B. Cox Martha S. Crosland Alexandre M. da Silva Robert T. Danforth Robert & Jane Davidson Kate G. Davis Melinda M. Deay Inigo Deprado William F. Devine

Last summer, Tris and Jim Graybeal ’49A, ’51L, put the finishing touches on a gift to W&L, part of which went toward funding the Graybeal-Gowen Scholarship Fund. Over Homecoming Weekend, they had the chance to meet Aaron Cook ’10L, the inaugural recipient of their gift. The couple have strong ties to W&L. His brother, William, graduated from the College in 1942. Her late father, Howerton Gowen, was a member of the Class of 1930A. Graybeal said, “I am extremely grateful that I was able to receive my undergraduate and law degrees from Washington and Lee. Not only did this educational experience pave the way to a successful career, but it also provided me with an incredible network of alumni that has enriched my life. It is only fitting that I give back and provide another generation of students with the opportunity to achieve the success that I have enjoyed. “My wife, Tris, and I are proud to establish this scholarship in memory of her father, who had a deep and abiding love for Washington and Lee. To be able to meet Aaron, the recipient of our scholarship, was very important and added the personal touch, which means so much to us.” The Graybeals’ gift will also support the University’s GraybealGowen Library Acquisition Fund and the Virginia Poetry Center’s Graybeal-Gowen Prize.

From l. to r.: Aaron Cook ’10L, Tris Graybeal and Jim Graybeal ’49A, ’51L.

Remmel T. Dickinson Susan Foote Dowhower Amy Shaw Dyke Sidney S. Evans Theresa N. Evans Lynn B. Fitch Ronni M. Gardner E. Paul Gardner Amy L. Garlove Dennis M. Garvis Ruth S. Glass Lee & Kathryn Gordy Priscilla G. Graybeal Matthew W. Grey Elizabeth Crane Griffith Naomi E. Grishman Mark H. Grunewald Louise A. Halper Douglas J. Harwood Lee W. Hendricks Edward O. Henneman Melba W. Hill Angela Hsu John A. Hufnagel Sarah N. Hughes Evelyn W. Huntley Sarah H. Hutchinson Erin N. F. Hutchinson


Lester & Carolyn Inovye Lyman & Luanita Johnson Timothy S. Jost Susan S. Kerr John G. Keyser David & Betsey Kilmartin Hyun J. Kim Cynthia D. Klinedinst Karen L. Ko George & Deborah Kornfeld Ruth Kramer Spencer Langston Susan A. LaRue Edward & Sandra Laufer Barbara B. Lemon Marguerite B. Lenfest Henry D. Light Philip & Tama Lung Cynthia R. Mabry Heather L. Marion Lisa E. Marks Ellen F. Martin Isaiah G. Martin III Ann M. Massie Douglas R. McLeod Clare C. Miller Shelly D. Millhiser Reynold F. Missal


Dylan & Laurel Miyake Northrup & Margaret Miyake Todd Mohler Clarence E. Mullis Margaret Mundy Brian C. Murchison Ann E. Murchison Etelka L. Murphy Courtney O. Neil Muffie Newell Pamela M. Oast John & Cynthia O’Brien William & Juliet Parsons George W. Parsons Jr. J. Andrew Pauley Penny D. Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Peters Sandra L. Philipps Lisa Powell Susannah M. Pugh Laura A. Purcell John & Yeon Quinn Susan C. Ragland Marjorie Relin Carolyn Clayton Rendleman Doug R. Rendleman Fred & Anne Richards Charles & Juliana Richards John G. J. Ritter Lindsay South Robison Alice Lee C. Sargeant Frances M. Scholtz S. Gates Shaw Thomas P. Sheedy Robert C. Sink Jennifer Ciocca Slaughter Stuart L. Smith Stephen D. Snead James F. Springfield Fiona Harkess Starks Roy L. Steinheimer Jr. Scott E. Sundby Lee-Anne M. Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Symes III John R. Thelin Jamal Thomas Ronald & Margaret Twitty Carrie Baker Tydings George R. Tydings Jr. Derek N. Vansant Dawn Watkins Nancy L. Watts Jane C. Webster John B. Weinstock Mary Margaret F. White Robin F. Wilson Elizabeth L. Winn Ellen P. Wolf Robert & Angeli Woo Mary E. Wood Cherylle H. Wornom Andrew M. Wright Michael L. Young

* deceased

CORPORATIONS, BUSINESSES AND FOUNDATIONS The corporations, businesses and foundations listed below supported a variety of funds within the Law School during the 2006-07 fiscal year. 105 Capital, LLC Aaron & Lillie Straus Fnd. BankAmerica Fnd. Banks, Stubbs, Neville & Cunat Barnabas Fnd. Byrd Creek Farm Caldwell & Pacetti Community Fnd. of Birmingham Community Fnd. of Louisville Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP David & Betsey Kilmartin Fnd. Dominion Fnd. Duke Energy Fnd. Ethics & Excellence in Journalism ExxonMobil Fnd. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fink Rosner Ershow-Levenberg Fnd. for Roanoke Valley Inc. Fnd. for the Carolinas Fnd. for Washington & Lee Gainey & McKenna Growth Strategies Group LLC Hansen Capital Management Hardwick Sales Company Harmon & Davies, P.C. HSBC - North America Hunton & Williams Indiana Court of Appeals Inman & Strickler P.L.C. James & Mayme Rowland Fnd. JustGive.org Lehman Brothers Inc. Mack & Mack Maritime Mediation Services Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. Mary and Daniel Loughran Fnd. Mary Sachs Trust McGuire Woods LLP Mosbacher Fnd., Inc. Patterson Law Office Philpott Fnd. Inc. Railbrook Associates Richmond Community Hospital Robert A. Vinyard, Attorney Robinson & Robinson Samandy LLC Schwab Fund/Charitable Giving Secured Title L.L.C. Sheldon, Dunham & Edwardson St. Paul Travelers Fnd. Street Law Firm LLP T. Rowe Price Charitable Fund The Charles Schwab Corp. Fnd.

Plan Your Charitable Giving Contributions to the University are investments in the education of generations to come. Although your contributions may help you realize financial and tax rewards, we hope that the primary motivation to give will come from your desire to be a partner in the Law School’s broad and earnest mission. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Outland Branner, associate director of Law School Advancement, at (540) 458-8191 or brannere@wlu.edu. Testamentary Gifts Some of the largest gifts made in support of Washington and Lee have been testamentary gifts. Bequests, retirement income plans and other estate gifts offer significant tax advantages and allow donors to make sizeable and important contributions to the future of the University. Fixed Term Gifts Gifts that pass assets to heirs Charitable lead trusts are powerful but complex tools in gift and estate tax planning. Donors in effect lend the assets to Washington and Lee for the term of the trust. At the end of the term, the trust distributes the assets to designated beneficiaries (usually heirs). Main benefits include reducing or eliminating transfer taxes (estate and/or gift taxes) imposed on the heirs, and the ability to make a gift to the University today without giving away your property. Gifts That Generate Income You can make a gift to W&L that returns income to you. Learn about annuity trusts, charitable remainder trusts and pooled income funds. Gifts of Property The University evaluates and accepts gifts of tangible personal property on an individual basis. Donors can realize an income tax deduction for these gifts. You can learn more about these types of gifts online at support.wlu.edu. Click on the “plan your charitable giving” link on the right-hand side of the Web page. The Karyn Gerschel Lamb Fnd. The Lemon Fnd. The Merck Company Fnd. The Owen Family Fnd. The Sidley Austin Fnd. The Wachovia Fnd. Inc. The Winston-Salem Fnd. Thompson & Knight P.C. Tyco Electronics Fnd.


United Way of Delaware United Way of the Bay Area United Way of VA, Peninsula Viatical Settlement Professionals Virginia Law Fnd. Walter & Eva Grace Peak Fnd. Watson & Stephenson White & Case Whitehall Fnd. Inc.


Wiegandt & Doubles, PC William McClung & Associates XPonent Group LTD

Samuel I. White ’50L John A. Williamson ’53A, ’56L Sherwood W. Wise ’32A, ’34L*

Walter E. Hoffman ’31L I. Lionel Hancock III ’64L William A. Jeffreys ’64L William W. Moore ’62L



The following individuals have made deferred gifts including bequests, living and testamentary trusts, gifts of retirement plan assets and life insurance designations, as well as life income arrangements such as gift annuities, pooled income funds and charitable remainder trusts. These gifts provide important financial support for the Law School’s future students, faculty and staff. If you have included W&L School of Law in your estate or deferred giving plans, please let us know at (540) 458-8584. All documented planned gift donors are recognized as members of W&L’s Doremus Society.

Gifts were made to the Law School in honor of those individuals listed in italics below.

Thomas D. Anderson ’34L* Jack S. Bailey Jr. ’51L W. Donald Bain Jr. ’49L Robert L. Banse ’53L* Elizabeth Bentley Thomas N. Berry ’38A, ’40L* Virgil M. Bowles ’51L Manley P. Caldwell Jr. ’58A, ’60L June G. Curtis* Ray Dezern ’70L T. Ryland Dodson ’46A, ’47L James D. Finley II ’35L Millicent H. Fox William L. Fury ’48L C. Hobson Goddin ’50L Georgia Sullivan Haggerty ’93L## Ray Haman ’52L Claude R. Hill Jr. ’54L* Elijah M. Hogge ’41L* James D. Humphries III ’66A, ’69L Frances Aaronson Lewis Sydney Lewis ’40A, ’43L* E. Carlyle Lynch Jr. ’32A, ’33L* M. Douglas Mann ’66A, ’69L## Patricia Nuckols Robert O. Paxton ’54A Jack B. Porterfield Jr. ’49L Nona J. Rawls Eleanor E. Rice Norman C. Roettger Jr. ’58L A.Erskine Sproul ’37A Penrod Toles ’52L S. Maynard Turk ’52L William P. Wallace Jr. ’74A, ’77L Samuel J. Webster ’77L Pamela J. White ’77L

* deceased

## new gifts

Randy H. Lee ’66A, ’69L James D. Humphries III ’66A, ’69L Henry D. Lewis ’81L Daphyne Saunders Thomas ’81L

Sidney S. Evans James F. Springfield

Charles P. Monroe ’82L Daphyne Saunders Thomas ’81L

John P. Fishwick Ellen F. Martin Isaiah G. Martin III

Charles S. McNulty III ’74L James W. Osborne ’74L Jeffrey C. Palkovitz ’82L

Catherine Stronach Leitch ’87L Powell M. Leitch III ’84A ’87L Paul Christopher Kuhnel

J. Timothy Philipps John L. Trevey Jr. ’90L Theodore A. Smedley Raymond W. Haman ’52L

The Hon. Patrick D. Sullivan ’54A, ’58L Indiana Court of Appeals

Paul R. Speckman Jr. Emma J. Speckman Estate

S. Brett Twitty ’06L Ronald & Margaret Twitty

MEMORIAL GIFTS Gifts to the Law School were made in memory of those individuals listed in italics below. William H. Abeloff ’57A, ’60L Richmond Community Hospital Hugh V. White Jr. ’61L Thomas E. Baker, Jr. ’83A ’87L Laura Misner Baker '87L Wade H. Ballard ’51L John S. Bailey Jr. ’51L Samuel C. Dudley ’58A John F. Kay Jr. ’51A ’55L Thomas McN. Millhiser ’81L David D. Redmond ’66A, ’69L Ralph A. & Mary G. Festo Charles F. Festo ’74L Kenneth L. Gordy Lee & Kathryn Gordy Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Peters Roger D. Groot Carolyn Clayton Rendleman ’91A Doug R. Rendleman Daphyne Saunders Thomas '81L

Charles R. Walters Jr. ’71L Marion M. Anderson Thomas F. Baker IV ’71L William & Charlotte Brummett Albert V. Carr Jr. ’71L George M. Cleland Nicholas & Catharina Cohen Edward B. Crosland Jr. ’66A, ’70L Martha S. Crosland Robert & Jane Davidson Melinda M. Deay Stephen K. Deay ’73L Lester & Carolyn Inovye George & Deborah Kornfeld Ruth Kramer Edward & Sandra Laufer Philip & Tama Lung Reynold F. Missal Dylan & Laurel Miyake Northrup & Margaret Miyake John & Cynthia O’Brien William & Juliet Parsons George W. Parsons Jr. Marjorie Relin Fred & Anne Richards Charles & Juliana Richards John G. J. Ritter Frances M. Scholtz Mr. & Mrs. Edward Symes III Carrie Baker Tydings ’95A George R. Tydings Jr. ’95A William J. Watt Isadore M. Scott ’37L Elizabeth L. Washburn Isaac N. Smith, Jr. ’57A, ’60L


W&L LAW VOLUNTEERS We thank the following law alumni who volunteered their time and talent to assist W&L in 2006-07. Volunteers help make the W&L School of Law a more vibrant place for alumni, students, faculty and staff. If you would like to be more involved with the Law School, contact the Law Advancement office at (540) 458-8587.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees of Washington and Lee University serves as the ultimate fiduciary by its oversight of institutional affairs and is responsible for the governance and management of the institution. William R. Goodell ’80L Robert J. Grey ’76L Ray V. Hartwell III ’69A, ’75L William B. Hill Jr. ’74A, ’77L A.C. Hubbard Jr. ’59A, ’62L John D. Klinedinst ’71A, ’78L Thomas N. McJunkin ’70A, ’74L Jessine A. Monaghan ’79L Charlie Tomm ’68A, ’75L John A. Wolf ’69A, ’72L

LAW COUNCIL As the governing board of the Law Alumni Association, the Law Council advises the Law School Dean on matters related to student career services, admissions, reputation of the Law School, curriculum, alumni relations and fundraising. Peter Baumgaertner ’83A, ’86L J. I. Vance Berry Jr. ’79L Walter J. Borda ’67A, ’71L Matthew J. Calvert ’75A, ’79L Albert V. Carr Jr. ’71L T. Hal Clarke Jr. ’73A, ’76L Michael P.A. Cohen ’90L Thomas E. Evans ’91L James J. Ferguson Jr. ’88L Thomas J. Gearen ’82L Shawn P. George ’81L Tom Henson ’80L Mary Miller Johnston ’84L Nicholas J. Kaiser ’83L Chong J. Kim ’92L Carter Magee Jr. ’79L


Everett A. Martin Jr. ’74A, ’77L Andrew J. Olmem ’96A, ’01L David T. Popwell ’87L Richard Smith ’98L W. Hildebrandt Surgner Jr. ’87A, ’94L Stacy Gould Van Goor ’95L Andrea K. Wahlquist ’95L

LAW COUNCIL EMERITUS After serving the four-year term, Law Council members are asked to serve for an additional four years as an Emeritus member of the Council so that continuity may be maintained. Robby J. Aliff ’91A, ’97L Christine Champlin Adams ’90A, ’93L Loranne E. Ausley ’90L Daniel T. Balfour ’63 ’65L Joseph W. Brown ’68L Kimmberly M. Bulkley ’95L E. Townes Duncan ’78L David P. Falck ’78L John L. Griffith Jr. ’72L James J. Kelley II ’74L Michael L. Krancer ’83L Jenelle Mims Marsh ’81L Susan Ballantine Molony ’00L James E. Nicholson ’77L William H. Oast III ’71A, ’74L Robert W. Ray ’85L Jerrald J. Roehl ’71L Lizanne Thomas ’82L Carla J. Urquhart ’96L David G. Weaver ’81L Christopher Wolf ’80L William A. Worthington ’76L Laura Anderson Wright ’94L

ALUMNI BOARD The University Alumni Association is led by the Alumni Board, which is an advocate for undergraduate and law alumni. The Alumni Board stays current on University affairs, monitors and responds to alumni opinion, helps to inform and educate alumni about W&L and supports alumni chapter programs. Nan Robertson Clarke ’76L Elizabeth M. Formidoni ’96A, ’99L Monika Jaensson Hussell ’93L David D. Redmond ’66A, ’69L William T. Robinson ’75A, ’82L

LAW CLASS AGENTS A Special Thank You to the Law Class Agents who have served

* deceased

the Law School, some for over 25 years, as class agents. Tasked with soliciting their classmates for the Law Annual Fund, the alumni listed below have written, called, emailed and visited their classmates, all for the benefit of the Law School. Thank you for your commitment to W&L! After much thought and research, we retired this program after the close of the 2006-07 fiscal year. We plan to utilize our alumni volunteers for reunion and fiscal-year end solicitations. J. Willard Greer ’49L George H. Gray ’50L Raymond W. Haman ’52L Robert J. Ingram ’51A, ’53L Donald R. Klenk ’54L Reno S. Harp III ’54A, ’56L Mark B. Davis Jr. ’56A, ’58L William J. Lemon ’55A, ’59L Alexander S. MacNabb ’59L James A. Gorry III ’64L Paul W. Hammack Jr. ’65L Robert R. Baldwin ’66L Paul R. Thomson Jr. ’66L Robert H. Powell III ’64A, ’67L Nathan V. Hendricks III ’66A, ’69L Edward B. Crosland Jr. ’66A, ’70L Thomas F. Baker IV ’71L Stephen D. Annand ’72L Mark M. Heatwole ’69A, ’72L Robert J. Westerman ’73L Stephen G. Elkins ’74L W. Henry Jernigan Jr. ’72A, ’75L Patrick K. Arey ’69A, ’76L Jerry L. Short ’77L John D. Klinedinst ’71A, ’78L Stanley G. Brading Jr. ’79L Jessine A. Monaghan ’79L Joan M. Gardner ’80L Betsy Callicott Goodell ’80L David G. Weaver ’81L Neil J. Welch Jr. ’79A, ’82L Millard L. Fretland ’83L James K. Falk ’81A, ’84L John C. Morrow ’85L Stokely G. Caldwell Jr. ’86L Powell M. Leitch III ’84A, ’87L Thomas J. Woodford ’87L H. Powell Starks ’83A, ’88L L. Hunter Rost Jr. ’89L Andrew R. Lee ’90L Perry G. Shuttlesworth Jr. ’90L Thomas P. O’Brien III ’88A, ’91L Catherine Hobart Thompson ’91L Chong J. Kim ’92L Julie Ann Wiley ’92L Mark K. Cathey ’93L Sally Broatch Waudby ’93L Charles F. Castner ’94L Robert K. Tompkins ’90A, ’94L

William M. Toles ’92A, ’95L Kevin S. Webb ’88A, ’95L Gordon O. Jesperson ’96L Kristin L. Ray ’96L Robby J. Aliff ’91A, ’97L Jeanne-Marie Raymond Burke ’97L W. Ashley Hess ’98L C. Cooper Youell IV ’98L J. Chandler Bailey ’99L Wyndall A. Ivey ’99L Ralph M. Clements III ’00L Jean P. Hanna ’00L Melissa A. Inzerillo ’01L Andrew J. Olmem ’96A, ’01L Amy R. King ’02L Lindsay M. Peed ’02L J. Andrew Robison ’02L Erika L. Patrick ’03L Bridget A. Blinn ’04L Tyler J. Wood ’04L Susan K. Richter ’05L Jennifer Y. Williams ’05L Katherine A. Tritschler ’06L S. Brett Twitty ’03A, ’06L

LAW FIRM LIAISONS The following alumni contacted the W&L alumni (undergraduate and law) in their firms to contribute to the 2006-07 Washington and Lee Annual Fund. The results of their efforts may be found on page 56. Robby J. Aliff ’91A, ’97L Jackson Kelly Derron J. Blakely ’01L Covington & Burlin Whitney Goodwin Bouknight ’04L Kennedy Covington Lobdell & Hickman E. Marshall Braden ’73A, ’76L Baker & Hostetler Robert L. Brooke ’81A Troutman Sanders LLP Lawrence G. Cohen ’73L Vandevender Black Michael P.A. Cohen ’90L Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe LLP Theodore J. Craddock ’68A Caskie & Frost Gregory J. Digel ’70A, ’73L Holland & Knight, LLP Grady C. Frank Jr. ’75L Troutman Sanders LLP Walter J. Godlewski III ’93L Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner Tracy Taylor Hague ’97L LeClair Ryan Ray V. Hartwell III ’69A, ’75L Hunton & Williams


A. Brooks Hock ’83L Williams Mullen Lee M. Hollis ’86A Lightfoot, Franklin & White, LLC James D. Humphries III ’66A, ’69L Stites & Harbison William H. Jeffress Jr. ’67A Baker Botts John T. Jessee ’79L LeClair Ryan John D. Klinedinst ’71A, ’78L Klinedinst, P.C. Randall C. Light ’83L Steptoe & Johnson PLLC Heather K Mallard ’88L Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, PLLC Stephanie Smith Maxwell ’99L Bass, Berry & Sims, PLC William C. Mayberry ’91L Helms Mulliss & Wicker, PLLC Katherine M. McGinley ’97A Alford Clausen & McDonald Robert B. McGinley Jr. ’94A Alford Clausen & McDonald Thomas McN. Millhiser ’81L Hunton & Williams Thomas L. Mitchell ’93L Moore & Van Allen James E. Nicholson ’77L Faegre & Benson G. Michael Pace Jr. ’84L Gentry, Locke, Rakes & Moore Heather B. Parkinson ’90A Fowler White Boggs Banker Michael P. Peck ’71A Sidley Austin LLP David D. Redmond ’66A, ’69L Christian & Barton LLP M. Pierce Rucker II ’75L Sands Anderson Marks & Miller C. Edward Russell Jr. ’67L Kaufman & Canoles Richard W. Smith ’98L McDermott, Will & Emery Jamie A. Stalnaker ’67A, ’73L Willcox & Savage, P.C. John A. Wolf ’69A, ’72L Ober|Kaler Anne R. Yuengert ’89L Bradley Arant Rose & White, LLP

LAW REUNION CHAIRS Reunion volunteers encourage their classmates to attend their upcoming reunion and support the class reunion gift project. They also assist with class-specific events during reunion weekend. James C. Turk ’52L Robert E. R. Huntley ’50A, ’57L Joseph M. Spivey III ’62L


Conway H. Sheild III ’64A, ’67L C. Edward Russell Jr. ’67L John A. Wolf ’69A, ’72L Douglas M. Thomas ’74A, ’77L Robert M. Couch ’78A, ’82L Powell M. Leitch III ’84A, ’87L Giles G. Perkins ’92L Hillery Head Perkins ’92L Courtney Camp Enloe ’97L Brian A. Richardson ’02L

FUND-RAISING VOLUNTEERS Various alumni assist the Law School in its fund-raising endeavors outside of reunion or annual giving programs. Michael P. A. Cohen ’90L Dean’s Council Thomas J. Gearen ’82L Roger D. Groot Professorship J. Steven Grist ’86L Roger D. Groot Professorship James W. Osborne ’74L Roger D. Groot Professorship Gregory N. Stillman ’74L Hunton & Williams Judge’s Bench

CHAPTER PRESIDENTS Alumni chapters help alumni maintain their relationship with W&L; allow for association with fellow alumni; facilitate gatherings of students, faculty, alumni, parents and friends, and represent the University in specific cities or regions. The following law alumni lead chapters in their area. Christine Champlin Adams ’90A, ’93L Louisville Amy C. Balfour ’89A, ’93L Los Angeles Marcus E. Garcia ’93L New Mexico Paul W. Gerhardt ’79A, ’84L Peninsula Nancy E. Hannah ’93L Eastern North Carolina Andrew R. Lee ’90L New Orleans John H. Mahaney ’92L Tri-State William H. Oast III ’71A, ’74L Tidewater J. Andrew Robison ’02L Birmingham Jennifer F. Shugars ’99L Pittsburgh Gerald M. Titus III ’00A, ’03L Charleston, WV Jeffrey L. Willis ’75L Tucson, AZ

* deceased

LAW CHAPTER LIAISONS The following volunteers coordinate with their local alumni chapter events of interest to law alumni, such as a visit by the law dean, a CLE presentation by a favorite professor, or a talk from a local practitioner. Richard B. Adams Jr. ’74A Miami Samuel W. Adams ’89L Westchester Fairfield John R. Alford Jr. ’88L Lynchburg J. Chandler Bailey ’99L Birmingham J. I. Vance Berry Jr. ’79L Jacksonville Roger G. Bowers ’94L Richmond Joseph M. Ciccone ’93L Northern New Jersey Mary Stilts Ciccone ’94L Northern New Jersey Francis C. Clark ’76L Charlotte David R. Cordell ’82A Tulsa Robert A. DuChem ’87L Central Florida Courtney Camp Enloe ’97L Atlanta James J. Ferguson Jr. ’88L Dallas Sandra L. Fischer ’90L Connecticut River Valley Elizabeth M. Formidoni ’96A, ’99L New York Jonathan L. Gay ’90L Bluegrass Raymond W. Haman ’52L Puget Sound William R. Harbison ’87A, ’90L Palmetto Monika Jaensson Hussell ’93L Charleston, WV Theodore M. Kerr ’57A, ’59L West Texas John D. Klinedinst ’71A, ’78L Los Angeles James B. Lake ’90A, ’94L Florida West Coast Denise Y. Lunsford ’90L Blue Ridge Heather K Mallard ’88L Eastern North Carolina Bradford N. Martin ’74A, ’77L South Carolina Piedmont J. Grant McGuire ’84L Tri-State Lawrence L. Muir Jr. ’03L Rockbridge

Christina Gratke Nason ’92L Fort Worth Paul G. Nason ’92L Fort Worth J. David Nave ’86A, ’89L Nashville Tabor R. Novak Jr. ’66A, ’69L Montgomery Thomas P. O’Brien III ’88A, ’91L Louisville William H. Oast III ’71A, ’74L Tidewater Andrew J. Olmem ’96A, ’01L Washington, DC Carrie M. Risatti ’99L Chicago Richard R. Roberts ’91L Mid-South William T. Robinson ’75A, ’82L Pittsburgh David M. Schilli ’88L Charlotte Conway H. Sheild III ’64A, ’67L Peninsula Paula Smith Sherlock ’92L Louisville William M. Toles ’92A, ’95L Dallas Robert T. Vaughan Jr. ’79L Southside Virginia Wilson F. Vellines Jr. ’68A, ’73L Augusta-Rockingham Christopher B. Wick ’97A, ’00L Northeast Ohio Jennifer Buckey Wick ’98A, ’01L Northeast Ohio John A. Williamson ’88L Mid-South John A. Wolf ’69A, ’72L Baltimore Philip H. Yoon ’04L Philadelphia C. Cooper Youell IV ’98L Roanoke

2006-07 DEAN’S COUNCIL The Law School established the Dean’s Council to recognize those donors who lead the way by giving $2,500 or more in a given fiscal year to one or many funds in the Law School. This group of leadership donors is crucial to the ongoing success of the Law School. Michael P.A. Cohen ’90L chaired the Dean’s Council in its first year. Below are the alumni, parents and friends who are the inaugural members of the Dean’s Council. Robby J. Aliff ’91A, ’97L Eric A. Anderson ’82L Blas P. Arroyo ’81L


W. Donald Bain Jr. ’49L David L. Baird Jr. ’71L Thomas F. Baker IV ’71L Robert R. Baldwin ’66L Norman L. Balmer Anne W. Banse Larry A. Barden ’82L Kent E. Basson ’01L Donna L. Batten Frederick W. Batten ’73L Peter A. Baumgaertner ’83A, ’86L Kenneth S. Beall Jr. ’61A, ’63L J. I. Vance Berry Jr. ’79L David W. Black ’82L Stacy D. Blank ’88L Karen S. Borda Walter J. Borda ’67A, ’71L Stanley G. Brading Jr. ’79L David F. Brandley Jr. ’80L Thomas C. Broyles ’57L Thomas W. Budd ’61A, ’64L Rudolph Bumgardner III ’66L Matthew J. Calvert ’75A, ’79L Constance Pierce Casey ’85L Susan Hamilton Churuti ’79L Francis C. Clark ’76L John R. Clark III ’80L Nan Robertson Clarke ’76L T. Hal Clarke Jr. ’73A, ’76L John A. Cocklereece Jr. ’76A, ’79L Michael P.A. Cohen ’90L Kevin Concagh ’67L James M. Costan ’74L Charles M. Cushing Jr. ’75A, ’78L Malcolm S. Dorris ’80L Ellen M. Duncan E. Townes Duncan ’78L Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Thomas E. Evans ’91L T. Calder Ezzell Jr. ’74A, ’77L David P. Falck ’78L Sally Pruett Falck ’80L James J. Ferguson Jr. ’88L Charles F. Festo ’74L Doreen Fishwick John P. Fishwick John P. Fishwick Jr. ’83L Samuel A. Flax ’81L Frederick C. Fletcher II ’69A, ’72L Joan M. Gardner ’80L Thomas J. Gearen ’82L A. J. Alex Gelinas ’74L Shawn P. George ’81L Paul V. Gerlach ’82L Judith L. Goldsborough ’82L Betsy Callicott Goodell ’80L William R. Goodell ’80L Fred K. Granade ’75L James T. Graybeal ’49A, ’51L Priscilla G. Graybeal Elizabeth Crane Griffith John L. Griffith Jr. ’72L


Bruce A. Hahn ’82L Raymond W. Haman ’52L Harry R. Harmon ’77L Reno S. Harp III ’54A, ’56L M. Peebles Harrison ’92L Ray V. Hartwell III ’69A, ’75L George E. Harvey III ’00L Lee W. Hendricks Nathan V. Hendricks III ’66A, ’69L Thomas B. Henson ’80L Russell L. Hewit ’74A, ’77L Melba W. Hill William B. Hill Jr. ’74A, ’77L Murray T. Holland ’75A, ’80L James L. Howe III ’63L Charles E. Hubbard ’66L Richard W. Hudgins ’55L James D. Humphries III ’66A, ’69L Robert E. R. Huntley ’50A, ’57L Hunton & Williams Alisa S. Hurley ’88L A. John Huss Jr. ’65L John F. Hussell IV ’94L Monika Jaensson Hussell ’93L W. Henry Jernigan Jr. ’72A, ’75L Charles G. Johnson ’64A, ’66L Lyman & Luanita Johnson Steven M. Johnson ’81L Mary Miller Johnston ’84L William D. Johnston ’82L Timothy S. Jost John R. Kaiser ’55L Nicholas J. Kaiser ’83L James J. Kelley II ’74L David & Betsey Kilmartin Kelly-Erin Kilmartin ’93L Chong J. Kim ’92L Cynthia D. Klinedinst John D. Klinedinst ’71A, ’78L William J. Ledbetter ’50L* Barbara B. Lemon William J. Lemon ’55A, ’59L H.F. (Gerry) Lenfest ’53A, ’55L Marguerite B. Lenfest Joseph D. Logan III ’67L Mary and Daniel Loughran Fnd. Henry W. MacKenzie Jr. ’32L Alexander S. MacNabb ’59L A. Carter Magee Jr. ’79L Heather K Mallard ’88L Mark M. Maloney ’94L Heather L. Marion J. Hardin Marion ’55A, ’58L Ellen F. Martin Everett A. Martin Jr. ’74A, ’77L Isaiah G. Martin III Thomas N. McJunkin ’70A, ’74L Douglas R. McLeod H. Knox McMillan ’89L Susan Appel McMillan ’89L J. Jeffries Miles ’73L Thomas McN. Millhiser ’81L Thomas L. Mitchell ’93L

* deceased

Susan Ballantine Molony ’00L Thomas J. Molony ’93A, ’98L Jessine A. Monaghan ’79L Alan B. Munro ’83L James E. Nicholson ’77L Pamela M. Oast William H. Oast III ’71A, ’74L Christopher J. O’Brien ’88L Erika E. Olsen ’00L James P. Osick ’80L Thornton W. Owen Jr. ’60A, ’63L J. Steven Patterson ’90L Walter & Eva Grace Peak Fnd. William B. Poff ’55L David T. Popwell ’87L J. Ridgely Porter III ’73L Robert H. Powell III ’64A, ’67L Robert L. Powell Estate ’51L Richard M. Preston ’69A, ’76L Laurie A. Rachford ’84L Carrie M. Risatti ’99L C. Edward Russell Jr. ’67L Robert O. Saunooke ’92L Eric H. Schless ’80L Lesley Brown Schless ’80L Richard R. Schnier Jr. S. Gates Shaw ’68A Patricia A. Shean ’85L Conway H. Sheild III ’64A, ’67L Thomas R. Shepherd ’52A Perry G. Shuttlesworth Jr. ’90L John J. Sicilian ’85L Jason B. Sowell Jr. ’54A, ’56L Emma J. Speckman Estate James F. Springfield Douglas G. Stanford ’85L R. Curtis Steele Jr. ’74L Roy L. Steinheimer Jr. Gregory N. Stillman ’74L William F. Stone Jr. ’68A, ’70L Robert E. Stroud ’56A, ’58L W. Hildebrandt Surgner Jr. ’87A, ’94L Lizanne Thomas ’82L Charles B. Tomm ’68A, ’75L James C. Turk ’52L Ronald & Margaret Twitty Patricia A. Van Allan ’80L Stacy Gould Van Goor ’95L Virginia Law Fnd. Andrea K. Wahlquist ’95L Edward B. Walker ’96L William P. Wallace Jr. ’74A, ’77L Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Samuel J. Webster ’77L Richard C. Whiteford ’57A, ’60L John A. Williamson II ’53A, ’56L Christopher Wolf ’80L Ellen P. Wolf John A. Wolf ’69A, ’72L Robert B. Womble ’79L M. Lanier Woodrum ’65A, ’80L Richard T. Woulfe ’76L Anne R. Yuengert ’89L

2006-2007 Law Firm Giving Competition Alumni (undergraduate and law) continue to support Washington and Lee at impressive rates. Here is the list of firms that reached 75% or greater participation in the Annual Fund (undergraduate or law). We thank the law firm liaisons who solicited gifts from their colleagues. We appreciate your support.




Alford Clauen & McDonald


Katherine M. McGinley ’97A, Robert B. McGinley Jr. ’94A

Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll Buist, Moore, Smythe & McGee Clark, Partington, Hart & Hart, P.A. Dechert, LLP Faegre & Benson Fowler White Boggs Banker Goodwin & Goodwin Greenebaum, Doll & McDonald, PLLC Helms Mulliss & Wicker, PLLC Irell & Manella Klinedinst, P.C. Lathrop & Gage L.C. Lightfoot, Franklin & White, L.L.C. Martin, Hopkins & Lemon, P.C. Michie, Hamlett, Lowry, Rasmussen & Tweel Petty, Livingston, Dawson, Devening & Richards, P.C. Schmittinger & Rodriguez, P.A. Spotts Fain Chappell & Anderson Stoll Keenon Ogden West & Moore, L.L.C. Troutman Sanders LLP

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Seyfarth Shaw Kennedy Covington Lobdell & Hickman Baker & McKenzie Jones Walker Patton Boggs LLP Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A. Vinson & Elkins, L.L.P. Crenshaw, Ware & Martin Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Jackson Walker, L.L.P. Stites & Harbison Andrews Kurth LLP Caskie & Frost Gentry, Locke, Rakes & Moore Glenn, Feldmann, Darby & Goodlatte Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell Sidley Austin LLP Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, PLLC Balch & Bingham LLP Arnold & Porter Calfee, Halter & Griswold Christian & Barton, LLP Coates, Coates & Coates, PA Covington & Burling Edmunds & Williams Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C. Frost Brown Todd Hand Arendall, L.L.C. Miller & Martin PLLC Ober|Kaler Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart Tydings & Rosenberg, LLP

90% 89% 88% 86% 86% 86% 85% 83% 83% 83% 83% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%


James E. Nicholson ’77L Heather Brock Parkinson ’90L William C. Mayberry ’91L John D. Klinedinst ’71A, ’78L Lee M. Hollis ’86A

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 96%

Robert L. Brooke ’81A, Grady C. Frank Jr. ’75L Whitney Goodwin Bouknight ’04L

James D. Humphries III ’66A, ’69L Theodore J. Craddock ’68A G. Michael Pace Jr. ’84L Michael P. Peck ’71A

80% 80% 80% 78% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75%

Heather K Mallard ’88L

David D. Redmond ’66A, ’69L Derron J. Blakely ’01L

John A. Wolf ’69A, ’72L

75% 75%


WaysTo ToGive Give Ways G e o r g i a S u l l i v a n H a gg e r t y ’ 9 3

p r e f e r s t o w o r k b e h i n d t h e s c e n e s , a n d t h at

characteristic was again reinforced with her recent bequest to



memory of her husband, t h e f o c a l p o i n t , ” sh e

Chris ’92. “I’m not someone who likes to serve as said. But her quiet exa mple speaks louder than words.

The idea behind the Christian E. Roberson Memorial Law School Scholarship began with his classmates. “They suggested establishing a fund in his honor,” explained Haggerty. “At the time of his death, I wasn’t ready to think about it—emotionally or financially. Raising enough to endow a scholarship will take a minimum of $100,000, and I knew that if I wanted the project to come to fruition, I needed to look at my personal options. I decided to use my 401(k) from my days in private practice as a bequest to the Law G e o r g i a S u l l i va n H a g g e rt y ’ 9 3 , w h o s e r v e d a s a n School. Even if enough money isn’t raised editor on the W&L Law Review, said, “I think Chris would be so happy to know that his friends thought now to get the scholarship started, my 401(k) highly enough of him to establish this scholarship.” will ultimately fund the endowment.” She and Roberson met while students, “which is one of the reasons this place is so special to me,” she said. “And of course I truly value the degree I hold from W&L. When I talk to people who went to law school elsewhere, I’m struck by how fortunate I was to have had professors of such high caliber who cared so Undistributed assets in your qualified retirement plan may be an ideal source for charitable giving. much for us as individuals.” Since these assets are not reported on a decedent’s final personal Now a judicial law clerk to the Hon. income tax return, the tax laws require that they be subject to Virginia Emerson Hopkins, United States income taxes after death. Leaving surplus retirement plan assets District Court, Northern District of Alabama to individual heirs can incur combined income and estate taxes in Birmingham, Haggerty has remarried. Her of as much as 75 percent or more. husband, Jimmy Haggerty, is a history buff, It is possible to avoid some of these pitfalls by directing your retirement assets to the School of Law after your lifetime. Simply and the two have returned to the campus to name the Law School as a beneficiary on your retirement plan visit Lee Chapel. She said, “It was great to forms. Another alternative is to leave the assets to a charitable be back and to introduce Jimmy to a place trust designed to pay an income to a loved one for life and the that is so important to me.” remainder to the School of Law thereafter. If you are interested in pursuing this, we would be happy to work with you. Please contact Elizabeth Outland Branner, associate director of Law School Advancement, at (540) 458-8191 or brannere@wlu.edu.

The Washington and Lee University S c h o o l O f L a w L e x i n g t o n,

Vi r g i n i a


w w w. l a w. w l u . e d u

No n P r o f i t O r g. U. S . P o s t a g e





P e r m i t N o. 508 N o r f o l k, Va

P h o t o s b y P a t r i c k H i n e l y ’ 7 3 A

While on campus to deliver the Powell Centenary Celebration Lecture, Linda Greenhouse, Supreme Court reporter for The New York Times, visited the Powell Archives. She took the opportunity to study Justice Powell’s papers on Plyler v. Doe—the focus of her lecture the next day. For more about the Law School’s weeklong celebration of Justice Powell’s 100 birthday, check out the inside front cover or visit the Law School’s Web site at law.wlu.edu/powell.

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