Washington and Lee University Lenfest Center for the Arts Winter 2021

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S G taniar

LEIGH ANN BEAVERS: RECONCILIATION If you are unable to visit the gallery in person, please watch the Staniar Gallery website for a link to a virtual tour of the exhibition: https://my.wlu.edu/staniar-gallery/currentseason/leigh-ann-beavers


Exhibition: January 19–February 18, 2021 Lecture Zoom Meeting: Wednesday, January 27 5:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://wlu.zoom.us/j/99281337801

Studio, Raphine, Virginia; photo documentation; 2020 Links to the Zoom artists’ talks and virtual gallery tours can be found at https://my.wlu.edu/staniar-gallery/current-season/leigh-ann-beavers

In her post-sabbatical exhibition, W&L art professor Leigh Ann Beavers will present recent work from her mixed-media project that is a creative expression of reconciliation ecology, a branch of conservation biology seeking to preserve biodiversity in the midst of human development. Stemming from an urgent, personal imperative to recognize each individual species in her immediate environment, Beavers’ drawings, prints, collages and installations draw attention to the myriad forms of life on the edges of our backyards, fields and roadsides. In her statement, she notes: “We are but one

of 8.7 million species sharing this planet. As many conservationists have pointed out, no one will work to save what doesn’t have a name, what they don’t know exists.” Beavers teaches drawing and printmaking at W&L. She holds her MFA from University of Wisconsin Madision. She spent portions of the past eight summers in residence on Aughinish Island in Ireland working on this project, which has been exhibited at Courthouse Gallery (Kinvara, Ireland); Roanoke College (Salem, Virginia); and Winthrop University (Rock Hill, South Carolina).

Please visit the gallery website for date changes and updates http://go.wlu.edu/staniar.



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