icket nformation
No tickets are required for Winter 2021 streamed performances. Lenfest streamed performances can be found at https://livestream.com/wlu, unless noted.
We appreciate our patrons’ patience and understanding during this uncertain time, and as a gift to the W&L and surrounding communities all performances will be
streamed at no cost. Streaming access information will be provided in a timely manner prior to each event. For up-to-date information for upcoming attractions, please refer to the W&L Lenfest website at mywlu.edu/ lenfest-center or contact the Lenfest Center Box Office at boxoffice@wlu.edu.
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ffice nformation
Winter term Box Office hours are Tuesday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
hesitate to contact us at boxoffice@wlu.edu and we will be happy to assist.
Currently, we are only able to assist W&L faculty, staff, and students in person at the Lenfest Center Box Office. If you are not part of the WLU community, please don’t
The Box Office is CLOSED during undergraduate breaks.
Please visit the website for date changes and updates at http://my.wlu.edu/lenfest-center. Box Office 540.458.8000