The Center for International Education: Annual Report 2021

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Letter from the Director To no one’s surprise, as I wrote this reflection on the operations of the Center for International Education for the 2020-21 academic year, I felt pangs of relief, disbelief and unlimited pride in the staff. COVID-19 presented international education with existential challenges. Would the university open in person? If yes, could we send students to study abroad? Would they be safe and secure if we did? What if the university did not open in person? Such questions punctuated our operation and the operations of our colleagues across higher education. In retrospect, the CIE was as busy as ever. We managed the challenges COVID presented and worked with colleagues across the university to support our international students and those going abroad in ways we never could have imagined. But the nature of our portfolio shifted in many respects. Managing unforeseen, COVID-inspired aspects of risk was a constant preoccupation. Working with our study abroad partners, we found ways to get a small number of students (but, frankly, as many as possible) abroad. With our good friends and colleagues at St. Andrews, we were able to send the first-year international students there for Fall Term. With U.S. consular services backlogged, our students would not have been able to arrive in time for the early start of classes in August. But, the later start in the U.K. and the lack of a backlog in U.K. consular services made it possible for our first-year students to live and study together in person in Scotland. Working with student affairs, we welcomed these students — a unique first-year cohort — to Lexington in January. Meanwhile, the CIE collaborated with the Mudd Center to host an outstanding yearlong speaker program on Global Ethics. The program addressed numerous themes — race, gender, food security, environmental security, migrant rights, epidemics — that cast traditional ethical considerations in a truly global perspective. CIE collaborated with the Politics Department and the Law School to host our Constitution Day speaker, Mary Ann Franks, and several other departments to host speakers on a variety of topics from a variety of perspectives. Finally, we hosted the inaugural International Day of Peace event at which Tolu Olubunmi ’02 was our speaker. On other fronts, COVID provided us with an opportunity to review our procedures and policies and work with colleagues across campus to incorporate the best of what we learned from using classroom technology in our operations. We collaborated with Dean Tammy Futrell to organize a greater presence and more diverse voice for international students across the terrain of student affairs. Amidst all of this, we streamlined the Spring Term Abroad process and worked with campus stakeholders to establish a new relationship with International SOS to ensure that our faculty, staff and students will have access to safety and security services 24/7 while abroad. Looking back, we began 2020-21 with hesitation and ended with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. As we look forward to 2021-22, we do so with confidence and optimism as the world reopens.

Credits: Writers: Mark Rush, Jillian Murphy, Erica Turman, Louise Uffelman, Amanda Minix, Linda Evans

Front Cover: Maya Hernandez ’22

Layout: Billy Chase

Back cover: La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Dr. Florinda Ruiz, Director, W&L Writing Program.

Photos: Kevin Remington

Other photos are courtesy of the students

In early July 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic worsened around the world, international students were unsure whether they would be able to travel to the United States. W&L’s 17 incoming firstyear international students were at a particular disadvantage because they were not going to be able to secure their visas in time for the early start of classes in August. Accordingly, the Center for International Education reached out to the University of St. Andrews in Scotland to create a special opportunity for the incoming international students to enroll there for the Fall term. Thanks to our close relationship with St. Andrews over the last 20 years, staff on both sides of the Atlantic were able to work quickly to enable the students to begin their time at W&L as a cohort in Scotland. “The U.K. travel restrictions were not as onerous as those in the U.S., and their consular services were not as backlogged,” said Mark Rush, Director of the Center for International Education. “We contacted our colleagues at St. Andrews with whom we have a longstanding, close relationship. They offered to host the entire group of international first years, which was wonderful news. We did not want an entire class of international first years to be confronted with the option of either seeking to defer their arrival or having to dial in to remote classes from up to 12 hours away.”


International Students Bond Over Unusual Term

Diwesh Kumar ’24, a Johnson Scholar from Pakistan, was one of the “W&L 17” who started in Scotland. “The semester at St. Andrews was challenging, but also a lot of fun in many ways,” he said. “Being away from W&L for my first term gave me fear of missing out despite being as active in college activities as I could virtually, so having classmates who went to the same school allowed me to bond with all of them and go through the entire semester together. I am personally very grateful for my time at St. Andrews because even though it was a virtual term, I had a residential experience.” When the international first years arrived in the U.S. in early January, they quarantined in a hotel in Chantilly, Virginia, before coming to campus. The bonding that began in Scotland continued during quarantine. They took part in a week’s worth of virtual orientation activities that they typically would have experienced during the summer with the rest of their entering class. “First-Year Experience worked closely with International Education and the First-Year Orientation Committee to provide first-year international students with a winter orientation that safely welcomed them to campus and connected them with resources and peers,” said Jason Rodocker, associate dean of students and dean for First-Year Experience. “The newly created winter orientation was primarily virtual information



with some COVID-safe activities coordinated by International Education.” Orientation activities included a virtual welcome banquet, Zoom meetings with campus leaders and a scavenger hunt at the end of the week. “In the end, we all became very good friends and a tight-knit support group for each other,” said Kumar. Despite the unusual start, W&L’s first-year international students were ready to take on the challenge of college life.

Continued Engagement With Davis Projects for Peace

Jamal Magoti ’23

Washington and Lee is a partner school of the Davis United World College Scholars Program and is eligible to receive a Davis Project for Peace grant each year. Projects for Peace was established by the late Kathryn Wasserman Davis in 2007 to provide students with the opportunity to implement peace-building projects. Davis challenges students to bring about a mindset of “preparing for peace instead of preparing for war.” Jamal Magoti ’23 and Julienne de Vastey ’23 are the 2021 recipients of the $10,000 Davis Projects for Peace Grant for their work with Tanzania Rural Health Movement (TRHM), a non-profit organization in the Mwanza region of Tanzania. Under the guidance of the TRHM director, Dr. Marko Hingi, the students worked throughout summer 2021 to raise awareness about the harmfulness of traditional uvulectomies. The uvulectomy is a surgical procedure that cuts or removes the uvula (a drop-shaped organ at the back of the throat)


“Amidst the uproar caused by partisan politics and the pandemic, this was just a wonderful success story,” said Rush. “The Center for International Education, Student Affairs and the Admissions Office worked together to plow through the potential obstacles presented by these unique and uncertain times and organized a tremendous program and experience for this group of students. This has been an effort of which we can be proud and an outcome for which we are thankful.”

Julienne de Vastey ’23

often due to the belief that the procedure will remedy infections or chronic conditions, such as pneumonia or anemia. “We chose the topic of uvulectomies because of how the procedure can cause infection and also how it can delay medical care for the original illness,” de Vastey said in an interview with the Columns’ Erica Turman. “Our project focuses on reaching out to local communities and families, as well as forming connections with other NGOs and governmental organizations in Tanzania.” The students originally hoped to provide logistical and advertising support for informational seminars and an annual health conference offered by Dr. Hingi, who is experienced in the effects and treatments of traditional uvulectomies. But, due to constraints imposed by COVID and worldwide social distancing measures, they instead created a series of electronic resources to further the organization’s

A biology and environmental studies major, de Vastey noted that her father’s experience growing up in Haiti with chronic asthma contributed to her passion for pediatric medicine and public health. “I have always been intensely aware of how birthplace can have long-lasting effects on not only physical health but also the experiences that wellbeing grants children,” said de Vastey. “Our project serves as an opportunity to help parents find the resources to give their families every advantage and every experience in life.”

Magoti, a neuroscience major on the pre-med track, hopes the project will have an enduring impact on Mwanza, the town where he grew up. “We hope that by helping to station trained and certified first responders in these communities, we will ensure that even after the project has ended for us, there will be people in these communities who are ready to assist sh o ul d a uvule c to my happen



area,” he said. The 2020 grant recipient, James Ricks, will launch his photography project with the Oda Foundation in Nepal in the late summer 2021 since it was deferred


mission of spreading awareness about the risks and myths of uvulectomies, while forming collaborative relationships with local governments and health non-profits in the region. The students’ grant also supported the Boda Boda (motorcycle) emergency responder system. “Motorcycles are the most commonly used form of transportation, due to their ability to reach even the most rural areas with poor infrastructure,” said the students in their proposal. “Since 2015, TRHM has recruited bodaboda drivers from local centers to work as first responders.” The recruits are trained and certified by TRHM staff. A portion of the grant went toward equipping three new first responders with first aid kits and other equipment necessary to carry out James Ricks ’21 their duties. As well, the grant supported the creation and dissemination of materials to spread the word on the boda-boda network as a resource.

in 2020 due to travel restrictions. Oda is a nonprofit organization that provides crucial medical and educational support in a remote area of northwestern Nepal. Ricks was also awarded a Fulbright grant for 2021-22 to continue his work with Oda. “The Project for Peace is about magnifying community members’ stories and interactions with the goal of fundraising for the community,” Ricks said in an interview with the Column’s Erica Turman. “The Fulbright is related in that it also concerns healthcare. Nonetheless, its focus is on exploring healthcare choices, points of care and the healthcare landscape of the region.” Ricks’ work, along with Kevin Remington’s (university photographer who traveled to Oda in early 2020) will be displayed on campus this fall.



Doan Bui, Celine Okome, Kathryn Fagan, Maria Kisker Not pictured in the group photo: Xinxian Wang. Photographer: Kevin Remington

Five Seniors Receive the Certificate of International Immersion Despite the challenges posed to international study as a result of COVID, five determined seniors received the Certificate of International Immersion in recognition of the quality and depth of their international academic experiences during their time at W&L. To be eligible for the certificate, students must spend at least 14 weeks abroad. The application entails a written essay demonstrating significant commitment to and understanding of global education and a public presentation to the International Education Committee. The students completed rigorous academic programs. Doan Bui, who spent a summer in Berlin and a semester at Bayreuth University in Germany, challenged herself to take a course on contemporary Berlin literature entirely in German. “In the beginning, I was nervous and shy in sharing my opinions and thoughts, but this quickly transitioned to giving a 30-minute presentation about Bertolt Brecht in German by the fourth week,” said Bui in her reflective essay. The students’ cocurricular activities were equally rich — Xinxian Wang worked part time in an Asian food store in downtown Oxford connecting with coworkers from around the globe over a shared love of Asian food. Maria Kisker played on the Bayreuther


Bears lacrosse team, while Kathryn Fagan found a love of dancing the traditional dance of Ceilidh with the Celtic Society during her semester in Scotland. The quality of their experiences is testament to their individual motivation and the diverse study abroad opportunities offered at W&L. A key aspect of the certificate is how students draw upon their experiences abroad to enrich campus and the wider Lexington community. Presenting at Family Weekend, serving as international student orientation leaders, and working with the Languages for Rockbridge program (which provides opportunities for elementary and middle school students to take non-credit language classes) are just some of the ways that students engaged with the community. Upon returning to W&L, Celine Okome collaborated with Professor Radulescu on a documentary film discussing concepts of home and belonging through the experiences of African migrants in France. Okome drew from her experience interning in Toulouse, where she translated nuanced subtitles for a film about a 2016 protest in Paris. “Even though ways of translating exist, one is sometimes unable to capture the full meaning of words when you translate them to other languages,” said Okome. “Some languages are more contextual than



Doan Bui

IES Berlin Summer Language Program, Germany Bayreuth University term, Germany

Kathryn Fagan

W&L Spring Term Abroad Scotland, UK University of St. Andrews term, Scotland, UK Tomodachi Kakehashi Inouye Scholars Program, Japan Volunteer Gallery assistant, Australia (Johnson Opportunity Grant)

Maria Kisker

Bayreuth University term, Germany Virtual summer internship, U.S. Department of State in Hamburg, Germany Critical Language Scholar for Chinese (completed virtually)

Celine Okome

AIFS summer program in Prague, Czech Republic W&L French Internship Program in Toulouse, France JYF in Paris in Paris, France IES semester in Sydney, Australia

Xinxian Wang

Mansfield College Oxford Partnership Program Academic Year, UK


others, while many have phrases, or idioms, that make no sense if you were to directly translate them. To know more languages is to have more access to people, and the full breadth of their stories.” We salute the 2021 CII recipients and look forward to following their post-graduate careers!

Global Learning Leadership Award The Center for International Education staff voted unanimously to recognize Kathryn Fagan '21 (New Orleans, Louisiana) as the 2021 recipient of the prestigious Global Learning Award. The award is presented each year to a senior who demonstrates unwavering commitment to international education and global service.

played a crucial role in the implementation of the global interactive installation art exhibit, Hostile Terrain 94, which is part of the Undocumented Migration Project, directed by UCLA anthropologist Jason De León. The exhibit raises awareness of the “perilous path migrants face when crossing the Sonoran Desert of Arizona." Sociology and anthropology professor Allison Bell, ESOL, Throughout her four years at W&L, Fagan studied and other W&L community members brought abroad extensively, served as the treasurer the exhibit to campus after over two years of and president of the Chanoyu Tea Society, planning and delays due to COVID 19. In addition and worked as an to the art installation orientation leader (hosted in Leyburn for the incoming Library through fall of international 2021) Fagan and Taylor student class. She organized a series of volunteered with speakers consisting W&L’s English for of artists, activists, Speakers of Other and W&L professors, Languages (ESOL) expanding on themes organization on of immigration and c a m p u s , se r vin g indigenous narratives. as its co-chair of This dedication to International Projects service work and global and Trips (alongside issues exemplifies the Kathryn Fagan ’21 and Mark Rush, Director for the Center of Tina Taylor '21) this International Education. Photographer: Kevin Remington spirit of the global past year. As part learning award. of this work, Fagan



Faces and Places



Top page 8: Stephanie Sezen ’21, Reggie Zhao ’21, Xinxian Wang ’21, Brooklyn Oliveira ’21 Snow Day on the Colonnade!; center left page 8: Andy Wong ’24 wearing Zhongshan Suit for WLU Virtual Fashion Show; center page 8: Midha Ahmad ’21 Graduation photo by Madeline Bussett ’21; bottom left page 8: Diwesh Kumar ’24 and Danesh Bohkari ’24 International Student orientation; bottom right page 8: Xinxian Wang ’21 and Amelia Lancaster ’22 Collaborative Grant, China 2019 Top page 9: Studying abroad in Iceland (Maya Hernandez ’21); lower-left page 9: SAIL Holi Festival Celebration (Otice Carder ’23 Photography); right page 9: Kushali Kumar, London School of Economics



2021 Summer Grant Recipients from the Center of International Education Ongoing travel restrictions prevented most grant recipients from traveling internationally. We are pleased to announce the following grant recipients, who represent a mixture of in-person experiences, virtual language study, and meaningful virtual internships with global companies.




Chen, Guangpu

API Virtual Internship: Cultiva Environmental NonProfit Organization Santiago, Chile

The Goldman Sachs Fund for International Student Experiences

Donahue, Grace

API Virtual Internship: InterActing S.L Education and Theatre Company Madrid, Spain

The Erik T. Woolley Fellowships for International Internships

Johansen, Lane

American Councils Overseas Professional and Intercultural Training Program: USUkraine Foundation Kyiv, Ukraine

The Kelly and Jeffrey Robert Brown ’81 Summer Learning Endowment

Kyiv, Ukraine

The Kelly and Jeffrey Robert Brown ’81 Summer Learning Endowment

The Rusty ’86 and Rene Johnson Endowment for Experiences Abroad

Jontz, Jordan

Coral Bleaching Research in Belize

The John M. Evans Fund for International Experiences

Kumar, Diwesh

API Virtual Internship: Impakter UP sustainabilityfocused business platform London, UK

The Erik T. Woolley Fellowships for International Internships

Gallardo, Jillian

API Internship: with Z1 Digital Product Studio Sevilla, Spain

The Anthony F. Lotruglio Endowment for Study Abroad

Mott, Lily

API Virtual Internship: News Over Audio Dublin, Ireland

The Goldman Sachs Fund for International Student Experiences

Petsinger, Lillian

Coral Bleaching Research in Belize

The John M. Evans Fund for International Experiences

Stankewich, Alessandra

chool for International Training Internship: Public Health in the Tropics Internship, Jinga, Uganda

The Kelly and Jeffrey Robert Brown ’81 Summer Learning Endowment

Tu, Angela

American Councils Taiwan Intensive Summer Language Program Chinese

The M. Daniel Miller III and Phoebe T. Miller Endowment

Wise, Kierstyn

American University of Beirut Summer Language Program Arabic

The Rusty ’86 and Rene Johnson Endowment for Experiences Abroad

We Thank Our Benefactors The generosity of our benefactors allows the Center for International Education to support a diverse portfolio of summer grant work undertaken by our students. It is a pleasure and honor to thank our benefactors: ■ The John M. Evans Endowment for International Experiences ■ The Goldman Sachs Endowment for International Experiences ■ The Rusty and Rene Johnson ’86 Endowment ■ The Daniel Miller III and Phoebe T. Miller Endowment ■ The Eric T. Woolley Fund for International Internships ■ The Anthony F. Lotruglio Endowment for Study Abroad ■ The Kelly and Robert Jeffrey Brown, ’81 Summer Learning Endowment




On September 17, 2020 Dr. Mary Anne Franks delivered the annual Constitution Day address. Franks’ talk drew upon her 2019 book of the same title, The Cult of the Constitution: Our Deadly Devotion to Guns and Free Speech (Stanford Press). Franks is a University of Miami School of Law Professor, author, president and director of legislative and tech policy for the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, a nonprofit dedicated to fighting online abuse and discrimination.

Tolu Olubunmi ’02 was the inaugural speaker for Washington and Lee’s first observance of International Day of Peace on September 21st, 2020. Olubunmi has established and led numerous NGOs and campaigns focused on education, migration, economic inclusion, youth engagement, and climate change, and has held a special appointment to the United Nations

Franks challenged the audience to consider the scope and definition of constitutional rights in an era of social media. Cyber-technology amplifies the capacity of Constitution Day 2020 guest lecture: speakers to The d o i r re p a r a b l e of the damage to fellow citizens. Franks therefore argues that no reasonable interpretation of free sp eech or Sep. 17 the marketplace 5:30 PM Webinar registration info at: of ideas should Dr. Mary Anne Franks University of Miami provide First School of Law Amendment protection to predators’ use of revenge pornography. Similarly, she argued that extremist, antiquated readings of the Second Amendment have prevented the government from taking reasonable steps to protect society from gun violence.

Cult Constitution

Co-sponsored by the Center for International Education, the Williams School, the Office of the Provost, the Washington and Lee School of Law, and the Roger Mudd Center for Ethics.

Constitution Day, celebrated annually at institutions of higher education, recognizes the signing of the constitution on Sept. 17th, 1787. Dr. Franks’ lecture was co-sponsored by the Center for International Education, the Williams School, the Office of the Provost, the Washington and Lee School of Law, and the Roger Mudd Center for Ethics. Franks’ second book, Fearless Speech, is forthcoming in 2022.

In h er le c ture, “Peace on Earth: International from Platitudes Day of Peace to the Practicality Public Talk Sept 21 o f t h e P e a c e 5:30 PM Agenda,” Olubunmi Webinar registration info at: encouraged the audience to confront the TOLU OLUBUNMI '02 current turmoil and tragedy b ro u g ht o n by the pandemic and use it as a springboard for transformational change. She advocated using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a blueprint for progress and peace.

Peace On Earth FROM







Visiting Speakers and Scholars 2020-2021





Co-sponsored by the Center for International Education, the Office of the Provost, Africana Studies, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Roger Mudd Center for Ethics.

Olubunmi left her audience with these parting words: “What is at your core? What moves you? Move towards what moves you and you will find a way to be incredible and useful and a resource not just to your community, but very likely to the world” The United Nations officially recognized International Day of Peace in 2001, as a day devoted to non-violence and peace-building. This year’s talk was sponsored by the Center for International Education, the Provost’s Office, Africana Studies, Williams School of Commerce, Mudd Center for Ethics, and the Office of Inclusion and Engagement.



Co-Sponsor Speakers and Scholars 2020-2021 JOCELYN BIOH – THU., MARCH 18 “SCHOOL GIRLS; OR, THE AFRICAN MEAN GIRLS PLAY”

associate professor of English and critical social thought at Mount Holyoke College and faculty member in the Five College Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program.

Winner of three Lucille Lortel Awards and a Drama Desk Award, “School Girls; Or, The African Mean Girls Play” explores the universal similarities and glaring differences facing teenage girls worldwide. Bioh joined us for a virtual discussion of her off-Broadway comedy, which addresses societal problems including colorism, classism, and bullying.


A Ghanaian-American writer, performer and co-producer from New York City, Bioh is under commission with the Manhattan Theatre Club and the Atlantic Theater Company and is a resident playwright at LCT3.

IYKO DAY – TUE., MARCH 30 “ANTI-ASIAN RACISM AND SETTLER COLONIAL RACIAL CAPITALISM: A RESPONSE TO THE ATLANTA SHOOTINGS” Day spoke to the W&L community in the aftermath of the 2021 Atlanta Spa shooting. In her virtual remarks, Day examined the rise in attacks against Asian Americans during the pandemic, as well as the longer history of anti-Asian p ath o g e n ra cism , sexualized criminalization of Asian migration and U.S. militarism across the Pacific. Day is an


Tu y e t L e i s a n advocate and activist based in Chicago who joined Dani Roberts, assistant director of inclusion and engagement, for a Fireside Chat on May 6, 2021. The pair had a conversation about the increase in anti-APID sentiment and violence in the past year and what community members could do to actively advocate against hate, racism, and discrimination. Additionally, Le and Roberts delved into common experiences APID people face in communities that do not have significant APID populations, understanding, or influences and how that could impact a person’s identity and personal development. Le is an independent consultant for nonprofits and government agencies. Previously, she served as executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice|Chicago for 19 years.

Black Lives Matter: An International Moment Reuben E. Brigety Sept. 24, 2020

Renewing the Promise of America Anne-Marie Slaughter Oct. 15, 2020

Ethical Problems in Public Health Practice Jonathan Wortham Jan. 28, 2021

Africa’s Youth and Agrifood System: Pathways for Job Creation and Economic Transformation Felix Kwame Yeboah March 15, 2021

Cultural Norms and the Export of the W&L Honor System Thomas H. Speedy Rice Oct. 19, 2020

Ethical Issues in the Context of COVID-19 Erin Taylor & Dr. Ralph Caldroney Feb. 2, 2021

Feminist Internationalism Revisited Katrina Forrester March 25, 2021

Climate Change and Its Impact on the World Order Elizabeth Kolbert Oct. 29, 2020


Global Ethics in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities CIE/Mudd Center 2020 – 2021

The First Political Order: How Sex Shapes Governance and National Security Worldwide Valerie Hudson Feb. 15, 2021

Understanding the Politics of Migrant Life and Death along the U.S./Mexico Border Jason De Leon May 4, 2021



GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON HONOR While there are many defining aspects of the Washington and Lee experience, few would question that the honor system is one of the most if not the most important of them. The very first words of the White Book demonstrate that W&L’s honor system remains unique among the many other models of academic integrity across American higher education and around the world: The students of Washington and Lee reserve to themselves alone the authority to hold their fellow students accountable for failures of their duty of honor. Any breach of the community's trust is considered an Honor Violation, punishable by a single sanction: removal from the University. Inevitably, this causes observers from other universities and countries to pause. Many are surprised by the single sanction. Even more are stunned that the students administer and oversee the system and are the final authority in all cases. Creating an environment of trust in which an honor system can function is no small challenge as W&L Law’s Thomas H. Speedy Rice* can attest. Speedy has been a powerful presence in the global conversation about controlling and preventing corruption. He has taught courses on honor and corruption in the Ukraine and conducted numerous in-person and hybrid practica in which students from our law school join with law students overseas to discuss how to combat corruption. In October 2020 Speedy reflected on these experiences in a public lecture titled “Cultural Norms and the Export of the W&L Honor System”


as part of the speaker series on Global Ethics in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities sponsored by the Mudd Center for Ethics and the Center for International Education. This was followed in November by a virtual three-day anticorruption education workshop in collaboration with law faculty and students from the University of Tirana, Albania and the Beruit Arab University and La Sagesse University Facilities of Law in Beirut, Lebanon. In discussing his experiences, Speedy commented on the challenge to developing honor systems in universities. The great challenge is to get all stakeholders—faculty, students, and administrators—on board. [O]ne of the most important things that affects honor codes and honor traditions, but seems to transcend national boundaries (this seems to be a human issue as opposed to a national issue), is that while things are changing all the time, structural change is very difficult and actually very rare; people readily will repair or paint or fix up their house, but they seldom tear down a whole section of it and rebuild it. But, says Speedy, people do prefer to operate in environments of trust. Society functions better and the cost of doing business is lower. The great challenge is getting those stakeholders to take the first steps towards creating that sense of common trust. *Recently retired 30 June 2021




International student countries: EGYPT





































Center for International Education Staff Mark Rush Director, Waxberg Professor of Politics and Law

Cindy Irby Assistant Director and Study Abroad Advisor

Patrick Sheridan Operations Manager, Kenneth P. Ruscio Center for Global Learning

Hunter Swanson Associate Director and International Student and Scholar Advisor

Jillian Murphy Study Abroad Coordinator

The Center for International Education 204 W. Washington St. Lexington, Virginia 24450


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