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A Note from the University Librarian
A Note from the University Librarian
Welcome to our Fall 2020 issue of Folios! It was tempting to start my first introductory letter with some platitude about how unusual 2020 has been for the Washington and Lee University Library, but as a friend and supporter you are already aware of that. Instead, let me simply say how excited I am to be joining you, the faculty, staff and student employees of the library and the greater Washington and Lee community as your new Hal F. and Barbra Buckner Higginbotham University Librarian.
In this issue you will read about just some of the work that the library’s faculty, staff, student workers and Friends have been doing over the last year. This includes, of course, how we have worked to pivot our services, spaces and collections to the pandemic paradigm. Beyond that uniquely 2020 need, however, you will also find information about the new Library Student Advisory Board, renovations to Leyburn Library in preparation for welcoming the Houston H. Harte Center for Teaching and Learning (formerly called CARPE) in summer 2021, student worker Kit Lombard ’23, and lots of library and Friends programs.
Even with all of the restrictions on access and social distancing, we have a lot going on in the library this fall. None of this is possible without the hard work and support of all of you, from the newest Friend to the most seasoned staff member. I hope you enjoy this issue of Folios. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, comments or suggestions.
Dr. KT Vaughan
The Hal F. and Barbra Buckner Higginbotham University Librarian
Fast Facts about KT Vaughan
KT comes to the University Library after serving as the associate dean of libraries at James Madison University. Learn more about KT:
Bachelor’s degree in biology, Harvard University Master of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Doctor of Education in Leadership and Innovation, Arizona State University
Professional Service
President-elect, Virginia Library Association
Research Interests
The future of libraries
Building inclusive and equitable library environments for people with disabilities
Scholarly and digital communication in resource-constrained contexts
Career advancement and professionalism of library staff and faculty
Recent Publications
Vaughan, K. T. L., & Warlick, S. E. (2020). Accessibility and disability services in Virginia’s four-year academic libraries: A content analysis of library webpages. Virginia Libraries, 64(1), 2. https://virginialibrariesjournal.org/ article/10.21061/valib.v64i1.600/
Vaughan, K.T. (2020). Evaluating the single service point using the Person-Environment-Occupation Model. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 20(2): 361-379. https://doi.org/10.1353/pla.2020.0018