2 minute read
Moving Forward in an Uncertain Time
Moving Forward in an Uncertain Time
A Note from the Chair of the Friends of the Library
George Ray, chair of The Friends Board, professor of English, emeritus
The worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918 also impacted Lexington and W&L. In his history of the college, Ollinger Crenshaw wrote,
In early October of 2020, however, the duration and severity of the current pandemic, COVID-19, remains unknown. COVID-19 continues to disrupt global life and life in the greater Lexington area.
When the campus lockdown began last spring, the Board of the Friends of the Library (FOL) canceled its annual general meeting and lecture. Despite this setback, FOL is prepared to move ahead. Part of this momentum comes from our new additions to the Friends board. Three new members of the board’s class of 2020-2023 are Dr. Gilbert Smith Jr. ’68, retired from Duke University’s Office of Science and Technology; Joanne Kinney Smyth, journalist and biographer of James Thurber; and Nicole Allaband ’10, an alumna who worked in Leyburn during her undergraduate years. Three members of the board completed their terms this year — Dennis Cross, Pamela Luecke and Gerald Malmo ’79 — all of whom receive our profound thanks for their service. We also welcome as an ex officio FOL board member Dr. KT Vaughan, Hal F. and Barbra Buckner Higginbotham University Librarian. We thank John Tombarge for his previous leadership in that role.
Physical changes are also underway at Leyburn Library, notably on Lower Levels 1 and 2 in preparation for the installation of the Houston H. Harte Center for Teaching and Learning. See KT Vaughan and Elizabeth Teaff’s article “Under Construction: Moving from the Disco Era to the Information Age” (p. 7) to learn more about this project. The Friends eagerly plan to contribute to additional improvement initiatives — specifically updates to Special Collections’ Boatwright Room. We remain grateful to our membership of some 300 loyal Friends for allowing us to take on these important projects. Please continue to support FOL as you are able.
When this pandemic will abate and pass is not clear. Regardless of circumstance, the Friends look forward to uniting at our Annual General Meeting in May 2021 — whether in person or virtual — to celebrate 16 successful years of support!