WLUW eighty-eight seven fm
the LOVE LETTER to SUMMERTIME I had a conversation with a friend recently about the summertime. They hated the heat; they thought the fashion was terrible; and they much preferred the festive nature of winter. Maybe it was my fiery Aries ego activating in that moment, but I was compelled to defend what I saw undoubtedly as my favorite time of year. When I got to thinking about it, why do I love the summertime so much? Was it the movies telling me that I should? Was it memories from my childhood painting it rose colors? Was it the fantasy? It’s plausible. But the summer offers things that are so much more worthwhile than the fleeting love of films and the promise of sleeping in. Some of my favorite moments in the summer are when I get to sit in the grass, in the sand, in my bed with
the sun peering through the blinds and listen to an album front-to-back and absorb every note and word. I could do this in any other season to a degree but theres a freedom that comes with summer, a clearer freshness in the air, an interesting way that friends seem to find their way to your place more frequently, a carelessness of posture and purpose each moment of the day. This is without a doubt a romantic view, but this is my love letter, folks. Maybe your view of summer is different. Maybe you sweat a lot, or maybe you find yourself bored or lonely. I respect that you are different than me. But just know when winter comes around and I am without a festival to go to, or I am bundled up inside my own apartment, or I have no energy from the day to work on myself, I will be cursing the gods that control the Earth’s rotation. Love,
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