Wolverhampton School of Art : Department of Visual Communication
MAKE A DIFFERENCE Design a winning poster to promote organ donation that has special appeal to young people for Promoting Organ Donation UK.
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2 Promoting Organ Donation UK // MAKE A DIFFERENCE // Promotional Posters
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The academic team from BA (Hons) Graphic Design are delighted to present work produced for a collaborative project with the Promoting Organ Donation UK Group. This publication documents key engagements and opportunities within the project, and presents student work designed in response to the brief.
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Assignment Brief for Project Contents Interfaith Conference Programme Interfaith Conference Engagement Client Presentation / Critique Introduction to the Posters Almas Mukadam Ethan Bayton Gary Cartlidge Chris Cooper Andre Howe Danielle Poole Billy-Dean Lawrence Fabian Lacek Sophie O’Dwyer Georgia Cox Carlene Davis Sam Chambers Josh Hinkins
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n olverhampto W f o y it rs e e Univ tion with Th In collabora and
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9.30 10.00 10.10 10.20 10.25
4 Promoting Organ Donation UK // MAKE A DIFFERENCE // Promotional Posters
From left to right: Josh Hinkins, Prof. Magi Sque, Course Leader Marc Austin, Georgia Cox, Billy-Dean Lawrence, Chris Cooper
Interfaith Wolverhampton, working in partnership with the University of Wolverhampton’s Institute of Health, and supported by funding from Near Neighbours and private donations, held a conference on the 18th November 2017, about ‘Organ Donation’, at the Gujarati Centre in Wolverhampton. The conference was opened by the Deputy Mayor Phil Page. The day consisted of a keynote address, ‘Organ donation: A distinctive gift’, by Dr. Dale Gardiner, Deputy National Clinical Lead for Organ Donation, followed by presentations from different faith leaders i.e. Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh. Two organ recipients and a donor mother spoke of their experiences of organ transplantation and donation. Prof. Magi Sque also shared some of her research in this field. Sixty-three delegates attended, including Graphic Design students from Wolverhampton School of Art with their Course Leader Marc Austin. The students are working on a competitive design project to produce a poster promoting organ donation with special appeal to young people. MAKE A DIFFERENCE // Promotional Posters // Promoting Organ Donation UK 5
On the 7th December, Professor Sque joined us in the design studios to share some further insights about organ donation with the student cohort responsible for creating promotional artwork. This included a screening of the poignant, award winning ‘Life Lines’ by Homegrown Films, the content of which is a result of Professor Sque’s research for the University of Wolverhampton’s Institute of Health and the Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust.
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Following her presentation, Professor Sque reviewed the project progress and engaged in discussion with Graphic Design students about their approaches to promoting organ donation. This enabled further discussion and critique, enabling students to respond to comments with a deeper understanding of the brief from the client perspective.
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Professor Sque, pictured in the right of this image, making notes about student responses to promoting organ donation.
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Clockwise from front left: Professor Magi Sque Georgia Cox Carlene Davis Andre Howe Billy-Dean Lawrence Chris Cooper Fabian Lacek Gary Cartlidge
Sam Chambers Ethan Bayton Josh Hinkins Jaseera Douglas Sophie O’Dwyer Almas Mukadam Lennie Finch Danielle Poole Jeff Leak
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Following an intensive preparatory phase during which students generated and developed ideas in response to the problem, we are pleased to share:
THE POSTERS including integrated concepts for the redesign of the POD UK logo.
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THIS PAGE (AND LEFT): ALMAS MUKADAM Almas uses a combination of word-play and supporting visual language to suggest the multi-faceted issue of organ donation. Stylised representation of major organs suggests the tangible physical gifts that may be donated, likening them to gemstones.
Ethan considers the broader impact of organ donation, visualising a network of connected individuals – highlighting organs donated, or having potential for donation in relation to the central ‘disconnected’ figure.
Gary discusses the time-sensitive nature of organ donation, the visual metaphor of the departure board works on different levels, and contains the hidden message ‘donate’ in the colour treatment of individual characters.
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LEFT: CHRIS COOPER Chris uses photographic metaphor in conjunction with a visually interesting concept, extolling the simplicity of agreeing to donate organs, and suggesting the potential for new life beyond donation.
THIS PAGE: ANDRE HOWE Andre addresses the issue through a direct message centred on the heroics of donation. Visually reinforcement of the theme sees the superhero cape suggesting the familiar heart-shape.
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THIS PAGE: DANIELLE POOLE Danielle uses familiar visual devices, word substitution and phraseology to make connections between common card suits and the potential for organ donation.
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THIS PAGE: BILLY-DEAN LAWRENCE Billy-Dean focusses on the simple act of discussing organ donation, reinforced with statistical data, whilst using colour to signify the gift of donation from one anonymous individual to another.
Fabian uses dark humour with abstracted organ shapes to construct his commentary on the wasted opportunities to engage with organ donation. The realignment of the central issue challenges the audience to engage in discussion.
Sophie adapts familiar and direct language to convey the value and significance of the gift of donation. The combination of image and message are juxtaposed to reveal the number of healthy organs ‘tied up’ and not available for donation. MAKE A DIFFERENCE // Promotional Posters // Promoting Organ Donation UK 23
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THIS PAGE: GEORGIA COX Georgia considers the physicallity of the poster in this innovative three-dimensional, interactive design. In creating a poster that requires physical engagement, she is able to reinforce the message of ‘perspective’ beyond simple text and image relationships.
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THIS PAGE: CARLENE DAVIS Carlene utilises contemporary ‘Emoji’ vernacular in a thought-provoking yet thoughtful way. The central message ‘time to give a s**t’ is softened through the selfcensorship of pictographic language, and clearly aligned to a Millennial audience.
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THIS PAGE: SAM CHAMBERS Sam’s ambitious solution for the project humanises the potential recipients for donations, overlaying cut-lines in the physical location of organs. Physical interpretations used actual cut-outs to enable viewing of additional information.
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THIS PAGE: JOSH HINKINS Josh generated a range of responses based upon intertextuality and popular culture references. The typographic approach engages the viewer to consider the context of each statement in relation to both organ donation and the song/film/character etc.
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