The values of social justice and peace are often taken for granted or misinterpreted as mere absence of violence, force and restrictions. Oftentimes, they are seen as utopian concepts that cannot be truly achieved. However, aware of the plight of millions of people who are deprived of their basic rights, we need to recommit ourselves not only to promote a more equal and fraternal society, consciously denouncing and confronting those who violate a person’s dignity, but also to help others grow in their relationships with God and one another. To advocate social justice requires us to go beyond the denunciation of the evils in today’s society. We need to actively live our daily lives in a just and peaceful way, overcoming our egoistic and egocentric mentalities and seeking the common good that not only benefits the interests of a few but of many. Only a heart that beats in peace and seeks what is right and just can contribute to a more humane and better world.