A powerful aid in fighting health problems
7/4/09 10:18 PM
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A powerful aid in fighting health problems Password: Remember me on this computer
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By Wendy J. Meyeroff
THE ERICKSON TRIBUNE Experts agree there is nothing like swimming for overall health benefits. "Swimming uses virtually every muscle in the body, more than almost any other exercise. Much more than jogging, for example, where you don’t use your upper body," says Gary Scheiner, M.S., C.D.E., president of Integrated Diabetes Services in Pennsylvania. Scheiner is a diabetes educator and exercise physiologist who has been teaching the benefits of swimming (and other aquatic therapies) for over 14 years. Specific benefits
"If I had to choose one word to describe the benefits of swimming I would use ‘buoyancy,’" Scheiner says. With water support, you have less joint stress. "You weigh half of what you do on land," Scheiner says. "If you are jogging or even walking, your weight is going to be on your bottom half— ankles, hips, and feet. But in the water, they don’t feel the weight," says John Spannuth, president of the U.S. Water Fitness Association. Spannuth is 73 and has been involved in aquatics programming and administration since 1956. Swimming provides an extra benefit that other aerobic exercises don’t. "It is lowimpact, making it great for people with arthritis," says Elliott Kroger, M.D., Erickson Health® physician at Sedgebrook, an Erickson community in Illinois. "Because swimming is lowimpact, injuries are rare," Scheiner adds. Swimming can also fight diabetes. "The root cause of type 2 diabetes— which is most cases—is insulin resistance; that is, the body is not utilizing its insulin effectively. Muscle use helps improve insulin sensitivity and there are very few exercises that use as many muscles as swimming," says Scheiner, who himself has diabetes.
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Swimming has a major impact on diabetes treatment. "If you weren’t taking any medicine going in, swimming may help you avoid medications. If you are using oral medicines now, it can prevent your need for insulin injections later—and it might help you cut back on the medicines you are taking. People already on insulin may significantly reduce their doses," he says.
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A powerful aid in fighting health problems
7/4/09 10:18 PM
Kroger emphasizes swimming won’t eliminate all medications, for diabetes or anything else. "There are still medications you will want to take for prevention, based on your doctor’s recommendations," he says. Breathing properly is critical when swimming and good swimming instruction should include proper breathing techniques. Older techniques focused on breathing on one side but that isn’t good—especially if you are older. Balanced lung action is key to getting the maximum benefits from swimming. Proper technique is critical
"Work with a swim coach to get your overall technique correct, otherwise it can lead to serious injuries," Scheiner says. For example, swimming with your head up out of the water puts stress on your spine and back. A few warnings
"People with osteoporosis need to understand that swimming shouldn’t be their only exercise. They usually also need weight bearing exercises (in which you do feel your weight on your joints), to strengthen their bones," Kroger says. Scheiner sometimes suggests starting with another water exercise, like waterwalking, especially if you have never been a swimmer or are out of shape. "Every YMCA and health club offers a variety of exercises. Look for a group class designed for your level," Scheiner says. Choose your pool
"A lifeguard isn’t necessarily certified to teach swimming," says Spannuth. Hibbs notes that Greenspring’s lifeguards are required to have professional lifeguard training, CPR, and first aid. Look for someone who has certifications from places like the YMCA, SwimAmerica, Red Cross, or U.S. Swim School Association. Also look for someone who works with older people. "Most pools are focused on teaching kids five or younger, but children that age are less than 10% of the population. Pool overseers really need to focus on people of all ages," Spannuth says. "So ask, ‘What age(s) do you work with?’" If there is a lot going on in the pool at one time—water aerobics, kids classes, therapy—look for an aquatic staff trained in keeping groups separate. Look for special accommodations for older adults. "Some older people have trouble getting into the pool. Now there are pools with zero entry—no steps; it is like walking into the ocean. Some pools have lifts to get you in and out, while others have graduated steps, so you don’t have to climb ladders," Spannuth says. It is never too late
"Anyone can learn to swim, no matter what their age," Spannuth concludes. If you are afraid of swimming, there are experts to help you. And remember: "The water is very friendly. I have a friend with cerebral palsy who says a pool gives him his independence," Spannuth says.When you are ready to start swimming, there are things to look for both in the pool itself and in the personnel. "There are some states that don’t require a lifeguard at a pool," says Brad Hibbs, Erickson Health wellness manager of Greenspring, an Erickson community in Virginia. "Any time a pool is open (except for a backyard pool) there should a certified lifeguard on duty," Spannuth says.As with any exercise, swimming requires caution before starting. "I suggest a stress test first—not just for swimming but for any water exercise. This is especially true for someone older, who often has multiple risk factors for heart disease," Scheiner says.That means not holding your breath—something a lot of male swimmers do. They see being able to swim the length of the pool without breathing as a competitive strength. It really isn’t a good for your health though.Swimming is a total body exercise. Physically, it enhances flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and strength training, while mentally it helps you stay focused and relaxed. Copyright Erickson Retirement Communities. All rights reserved. Read by more than 6 million people every month, The Erickson Tribune is a popular and trusted resource for individuals looking to live life to the fullest. For additional information on Erickson and our commitment to serving you, please visit www.erickson.com. The information contained in this article is not intended to provide advice on personal medical matters, nor is it intended to be a substitute for consultation with a medical professional.
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A powerful aid in fighting health problems
7/4/09 10:18 PM
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