Utrasound: Next Generation

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Ultrasound: The Next Generation | March/April 2000 | Imaging Economics

10/19/2007 06:17 PM

Issue: March/April 2000

Ultrasound: The Next Generation

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by Wendy Meyeroff In order to have the widest possible impact on patient care, the increasingly sophisticated modality of ultrasound must find an appropriate level of reimbursement. Ultrasound's changes are incremental, not revolutionary," says A. Thomas Stavros, MD, medical director of ultrasound and noninvasive services at Radiology Imaging Associates in Englewood, Colo. Technological change, nonetheless, is transforming the landscape of ultrasound, and many of its practitioners believe that further breakthroughs are on the horizon. New contrast agents, advances in harmonics, and real-time imaging are expected to be solidly established in the field within 3 to 5 years, leading radiologists into diagnostic and even treatment areas unimagined not so long ago. Shadowing the modality's advances, however, are concerns that the rising cost of equipment and tightening reimbursements will thwart the promise of state-of-the-art technology.

REAL TIME, REAL ADVANTAGE One advance that is already here (although not fully utilized) is reliable, real-time, compound imaging. Real-time imaging, which is as different from the old B-scanners as movies are from still pictures, has been available for more than 20 years, according to Christopher R. B. Merritt, MD, professor of radiology, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. Radiologists who remember the old scanners acknowledge that the change came with a downside: clarity of image was sacrificed. Adding compounding to the equation now gives the radiologist the best of both worlds: clarity plus numerous angles (Merritt says as many as nine), providing better definition of margins of lesions. "The compound concept has been around for years, but it was not possible to truly implement it because of the intense computational ability needed," Merritt says. "With ultrasound, unlike other imaging technologies, a huge amount of rapid calculations have to be made to process images. That is why ultrasound has been particularly suited to expand its [diagnostic] capabilities as computer technology not only speeds them up, but the cost of such speed continues to come down." He acknowledges that real-time compound imaging is presently limited to viewing fairly superficial structures. That means areas two to three inches beneath the skin, such as muscles and ligaments in the wrist and ankle, or the thyroid gland. "We already do ultrasound on the Achilles and patella tendons," Stavros notes, but adds that it is feasible to do because those tendons are large and easy to read.

BETTER BREAST DEFINITION The real excitement, in terms of compound imaging having a significant impact on a large number of patients, is in evaluating breast tissue. It is an area, Merritt says, in which compound imaging will have a powerful impact. Ultrasound technology that has been available for about 15 months already offers radiologists better definitions of margins of masses found within the breast, which in turn is helping to define treatment modalities, Merritt says. "Compounding reduces artifacts and noise that previously would have confused evaluation of masses that contain fluids, like cysts." Today, radiologists can feel much more confident in determining that masses even less than 1 cm are benign, Merritt asserts. One area in which compounding's usefulness is still to be proven is in examining small calcifications within the breast. There is some evidence, first being explored, that "compounding reduces speckle in imaging," says Merritt, who notes that identifying calcifications in certain masses will further allow radiologists to be much more accurate in deciding the probability that those masses are malignant.

PENETRATING ISSUES Advances in high frequencies offer another step forward in further diagnosing breast cancers. "The big shift I have seen is in high-frequency (10-15 mHz) transducers," comments Beverly Hashimoto, MD, section head of ultrasound, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle. "Just 3 years ago, people were very hesitant to make a diagnosis of breast cancer with ultrasound. We did not have the kind of high-frequency transducers we needed to see the breast clearly. Now radiologists with newer training and up-to-date equipment are more confident in diagnosing cancer." According to Stavros, there are still penetration problems even at high frequencies, including artifactual echoes and clutter artifacts. That is why he believes real-time compounding needs the addition of coded harmonics. "The two are not mutually http://www.imagingeconomics.com/issues/articles/2000-03_06.asp?mode=print&

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