WINTER SAFETY Caregivers' Checklist Reminders for older loved ones
WEAR SUNSCREEN Yes, it's needed in winter...even when you don't see any bright sunlight. The burning UV rays always come through, so make sure loved ones use at least SPF30 sunscreen.
REMEMBER DE-ICING Double- (even triple-) check outside steps and sidewalks to ensure they're clear of ice. Of course watch carefully walking elsewhere. Falls in seniors can cause truly dangerous fractures.
SHOVEL CAREFULLY It's very easy to develop back strain and even heart attacks from improper hand snow shoveling. Pick up small amounts, bending and throwing carefully. And anyone feeling tired must take a break!
KEEP DUSTING It's about preventing something folks don't think about in winter: allergies! That's right. 'Cept they're indoor allergens, like dust and mites. (The latter means also vacuuming, especially bedding.)
DRESS PROPERLY! Think of everything: thick hat and gloves, truly warm coat and -- especially for ice/snow--boots with protective treads.
LAYER CLOTHING Warmth is great, but whether your loved ones are truly exercising in cold weather (e.g., ice skating, skiing, even walking) or snow shoveling, it's critical to have layers to peel off as we start sweating. (Maybe not this many layers but...:)
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