Collecting Antique Furniture

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Collecting Antique Furniture With an old piece of furniture with me began the general passion for collecting old things good. I was a student in Frankfurt and was the flea market on the River Main in the early 70s it already. A friend and fellow student selling regular old stuff, earning his degree. I helped him now and then in the sale, beginning with the time to enjoy the atmosphere of this specific market. Eventually it was time that I. At home in the attic of my parents' house, a half-timbered house in the Hessian town looked, what could I offer at the flea market The attic was how many floors the time, but still well filled with a number of old furniture and many interesting small objects, old toys , tins, advertising articles , inflation paper money was so weiter.Es yes so that when new furniture kept in a household collection , the old used not as bulky for today arrived, but were stored in the attic, the attic. Maybe they were needed again. Were stable on this furniture, made of solid wood and high quality craftsmanship, - very different than today's disposable furniture. We had stored several old pieces of furniture in the attic, they still came mostly from my grandparents, but also of the greatgrandparents. I opted for a small one-door for its small size and very heavy cabinet. In him we had stored our canned fruit. The piece then moved to the flea market at least three times its owner before he landed with an antique dealer. In a roundabout way, I later learned that a good piece is made from bog oak and is trading at a price quite ansehlichen. So I am on this old piece came to me gradually antiques zuzulegen, especially furniture. Today, my taste has changed a bit, the pieces, mostly from the early days , had me from the dark wood but her and I have separated as a result of them gradually. Today I prefer furniture made of teak, as they were made in the 50s and 60s in Denmark. This coincides then with my favorite era, the '60s , which I care but very sentimental memories. The collecting of antique furniture is also different, in my view, fundamentally different from the gathering of old objects. The passion for collecting is already limited by the size of the exhibits. An old shaft cabinet is easy to even now a little more complicated than a postage stamp or a coin . Not only the size of the individual pieces restricts the collection, but also the available space. If the rooms are decked out with old furniture sufficiently eventually, the end of the collection is in sight. Now maybe once looked at the quality of the stock and parts exchanged against Most significant. Usually confine themselves well to a period in order to avoid a hodgepodge style. According to their function, there is a very wide range of collectible furniture. Starting with cabinets of various shapes from large multi-door cabinet to narrow triangular broom closet enrich desks, sideboards, chest with a drawer, chairs, armchairs, sofas and chaise lounges, sewing table, sideboards, bookcases, tables, kitchen furniture, living room furniture, bedroom furniture, cabinets or buffets the amplitude, this represents only a small selection. Many kinds of furniture can be different eras assign, for example, is the buffet or Vertiko typical of the early days from 1870. Also, the types of wood can be used to the different style periods

assign, but also the social status of their owners. Such were and are furniture from conifers more is present the basic and average households, furniture from expensive woods such as oak or teak or rosewood even more households in the intellectual and financial elites. For me, especially when dealing with furniture always interesting to see which households the various periods of time at all covering. We know that the furniture in Baroque and Rococo served quite unilaterally mansions. Of the Ausstaffage normal, poorer households of those times we know very little on the other side. The furniture of the epochs of the Biedermeier or the early days reached over long decades, not the average normal household. The cherry was there frequently used for normal household also quite prohibitive. Nevertheless, the latter periods have long been treated generally derogatory and not as " epoch "recognized. I can even remember the very '70s, when we for the furniture of the average worker and employee household at the end of the 1st World War were overlooked relatively contemptible. A good example is the furniture at flea markets that were to be found not at that time. They were considered unmarketable and stuffy. A certain amount of appreciation they have learned only from the 90s.

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