Losing Weight VS Body Fat Reduction One of the confusions that are always many people, so ignorant but also various nutritionists who are not specialized in fitness, is confusing weight loss process at burning fat. The two processes may overlap only if the weight loss is not through a strict diet but through a balanced diet style, only slightly hypocaloric plus a fitness program. And mean fitness for cardiovascular exercise leads to weight loss but muscle threatening and always fails to burn enough fat. Most people take sole indicator of their physical shape weight indicated by the scale. This attitude is quite damaging, and at least as many disadvantages as advantages. How do you make drastic diets to lose weight fast If you rely only on scales to assess progress you're an easy victim to various specialists that promote quick and drastic diets. For example diets containing very low carbohydrate remove water from the body resulting in a loss of 1-2 kg from day diet. If at first you'll be excited / D sight of two pounds less, joy will not last long. As soon as you start eating carbs or your diet and return to normal weight will return, even in greater numbers. It is physically impossible to follow the body to burn two kilograms of fat in one day or even a week. Maximum amount of body fat that can burn human body is 0.8 kg / week, and this threshold is reached only for athletes who have for years eating clean and a good training program in place. Actually showing scales Bones and organs - Fixed an adult or a weight that varies very little. Depending on how the bone structure is built, a person's weight can vary widely. Two people of the same height, which seem so weak that same percentage of muscle mass and fat can have different weights depending on the skeletal system they have. Therefore personal assessment procedure should include measurements of joints, hips and shoulders. Water and intestinal contents - together they weigh even four or five pounds. Belts extreme detox, diuretics, laxatives, diet which completely exclude carbohydrates and salt offers great results on the scales first days as the body eliminates water or intestinal contents. These extreme methods of weight loss may endanger the health and often causes nutritional deficiencies, digestive disorders and malnutrition. Fat - is divided into two categories: visceral fat (fat on organs) and body fat. The only way that fat can be burned is to create a caloric deficit: to ingest fewer calories than you consume throughout the day. The best way to create this deficit is to have a healthy and balanced diet, daily caloric intake to equal your basal metabolic rate and the deficit is created through work. During a onehour workout, are burned about 500-800 calories. Five workouts each week will create a caloric deficit enough to burn a pound of fat. Muscle - a muscle mass means a faster metabolism. Two people with the same height and weight may be different depending on their body composition (fat vs. one percent of one percent of their muscle mass). While people with a high proportion of muscle mass and fat than athletic look and tone is the other person who has a high percentage of fat will be loose skin and muscles, several
inches in the waist and visible fat deposits in certain areas . This is why weight may not be an effective single indicator in assessing body remodeling process. Not only can not be a single indicator, it should not even be an indicator of priority. What methods can be used to measure progress rather than the scales 1. Centimeters during the remodeling process body may be times when your weight to stall but fat percentage and decrease the muscle to grow. Even though in this case will weigh less, you'll look more athletic and progress can be easily monitored by measurements with centimeter of main muscle groups: waist circumference, hip, thigh, arms, chest. 2. Measuring body fat percentage - either using an electromagnetic wave scales or measuring the pinched skin and fat from the abdomen. With body fat percentage you can set goals and you can evaluate the progress closely. Fat percentage of an athletic man is around 12%, while a man who has six-pack has 7 or 8% fat. A woman looks pleasing to the eye, in my opinion, about 20 percent fat and has a very defined musculature to 15% fat. A percentage of body fats are essential fats. These fats are extremely useful for maintaining body balance. Even some vitamins are assimilated if this percentage is lower than it should. Essential fats are 5% for men and 13% for women. 3. Old clothes - when you start doing sports, and it shapes the whole body, muscle tone gain, fat is burned. Most times you will realize the progress made wearing old clothes. Choose a favorite piece of clothing that fits you now hard and propose you a period of time in which you stand as cast. The satisfaction you will feel when you reach that point it is worth the effort. 4. Notice how you feel with the new lifestyle - when you give your body all the nutrients it needs and you do have training intensity and duration of your body right, you will feel refreshed. You have a higher energy level, you'll think more clearly, you'll tire harder and you will feel healthier. And general health is a criterion that one should not ignore even temporarily. So leave aside for now and do not scale up on it more often than once a month, once every two weeks maximum. Perhaps it is an important tool when you make purchases or when you prepare meals, but certainly this is not the way to measure the progress your body reshaping process. http://www.weightlosswindow.com/