By: Kalyn Peterson
By:Kalyn Peterson
Once upon a time there lived a momma bird. She was waiting for her last egg to hatch.
Once upon a time there lived a momma bird. She was waiting for her last egg to hatch.
Her other two eggs already hatched and knew how to fly. Their names were Abbie and Kyali.
Finally her a last eggthere was Once upon time hatched and she lived a momma bird. named Birtha. She washer waiting for her last egg to hatch.
Her other two eggs already hatched and knew how to fly. Their names were Abbie and Kyali.
Birtha saw her sisters flying in the sky. They were so beautiful and she wanted to be like them so she stud at the edge of the tree, spread her wings and...
Birtha saw her sisters flying in the sky. They were so beautiful and she wanted to be like them so she stud at the edge of the tree, spread her wings and...
Τhen her mom stops her
from trying to fly and says “No you can’t!! your wings are far to weak for you to fly yet!” “But mom i want to be beautiful like Kyali and Abbie and i know i can fly!” said Birtha.“But you have to wait if you want to fly or else you will injure yourself and if you wait you can be more beautiful than them!”said the momma bird.
So Birtha thought about it and decided to wait and Birtha saw her sisters flying in the sky. They be patient because she were so beautiful and shecould wanted to be like them just see herself so she stud at the edge of the the tree, spread being prettiest birdher in wings and... the sky.
So waited until So Birtha Birtha waited until she washer strong enough fly and wings were to big andshe was the prettiest in the sky!!! Birtha saw her sisters flying in the sky. They strong andbird when she were so beautiful and she wanted to be flew she was the like them so she stud at the edge prettiest of the tree, her bird spread in the sky!!
wings and...