Sheldon Williams Worshipful Master
Saturday, May 5, 2018 6:00PM - 10:00PM
HERITAGE BALLROOM 2107 McDade Blvd., Holmes, PA Honorable Malcolm E. Harris, No.58 Most Worshipful Grand Master M.W.P.H.G.L. of Pa
Fraternal Greetings & Congratulations FRATERNAL GREETINGS From& CONGRATULATIONS FROM
103 rd Most Worshipful Grand Master ofOF
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
FREEFree AND ACCEPTED MASONS PENNSYLVANIA and Accepted Masons of OF Pennsylvania S.O.C.I.A.L.
~2~ in ACtive leAderShip” ”Serving our Community
I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of my brothers for the outstanding, and unwavering support, It has been an absolute pleasure to serve as Worshipful Master this year.
Sheldon T. Williams 100 th Worshipful Master of
Light of Elmwood No. 45
100th Annual Banquet Patron’s List Banquet Date : May 5, 2018
Friends oƒ : _________________________ Sheldon Williams 1. ____________________________ Dock Williams
2. Tremayne ____________________________ Scott
5. ____________________________ Gwen Scott Brown
6. Tanisha ____________________________ Scott
3. ____________________________ Earl Gross
4. Artia ____________________________ Scott
7. ____________________________ Sheba
8. Kim ____________________________ Scott Stevens
9. ____________________________ Mike
10. Louis ____________________________ B. Stevens
Williams 13. Dwayne ____________________________
Scott 14. Cadetta ____________________________
11. Pierre ____________________________
Scott 12. Karen ____________________________
Williams 15. Stacy ____________________________ Williams 17. Poly ____________________________ 19. Sheldon ____________________________ Williams
Scott 16. Sharon ____________________________ Williams 18. Marlon ____________________________ 20. God ____________________________
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Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams
On your 100th Year Celebration as well as a successful year Love, Your Son
Sheldon T. Williams, Jr
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams On your 100th Year Celebration as well as a successful year
Kevin Lofton Senior Warden
Light of Elmwood No. 45
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams, and Members of Light of Elmwood No. 45 on your 100th Year Annual Banquet and on a very successful year.
Congtatulation to Recognizees GWP/PM Charles E. Washington and Worthy Matron Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No. 93
Baron Bryant
Junior Warden Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45
God’s Blessings
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams
Officers and Members of Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 on celebrating 100 Years. May God continue to bless each of you with much love, peace and future endeavors!
Kevin L. Warwick Senior Deacon
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 &
Gwendolyn Warwick PWM BTW No.36 ~8~
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams
recognizing GWP/PM Charles E. Washington and WM Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No. 93
and Members of Light of Elmwood No. 45 on a very successful year.
Rich Patterson Junior Deacon
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams
Thank you for your Leadership and Brotherly Love
Hamilton B. Marshmond Senior Steward
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams and Members of Light of Elmwood No. 45 on a very successful year and recognizing
GWP/PM Charles E. Washington and WM Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No. 93
“Thank you for your Leadership and Brotherly Love”
William Washington Junior Steward
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 SP 32° DeMolay Consistory No. 1 Ancient & Accepted Scotish Rite ~11~
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. William
and Brothers of Light of Elmwood Lodge No.45 for a successful year.
Kevin Bostic
Marshall Light of Elmwood No. 45
KB Plumbing
“over 20 years of experience in commercial and residential plumbing� 215.303.6958 ~12~
Thanking God for allowing
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 to celebrate 100 years of service. Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon Williams and his line officers. Congratulations to
G.W.P./PM Charles E. Washington No. 45 and Worthy Matron Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No. 93
Bruce Cain
Senior Master of Ceremonies Light of Elmwood No. 45 ~13~
WM, SW, ,JW, and brothers of
Light Of Elmwood Lodge #45 and honored guests. GWP/PM Charles E. Washington, L.O.E.,#45,and,G.W.P. Of D.G.C.,P.H.A.,PA. and Worthy Matron Jearline Brown,
Queen Alpha Chapter #93, D.G.C., P.H.A., PA.
And most of all you, for being with us for 100 years Our wish for you is PROVERBS 3:5&6
Glenwood Bond
P.W.M., Light Of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 and Dorothy Adams
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams,
and The Mighty Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 on a successful administrative year.
Congratulations to SisStar Worthy Matron Jearline Brown
Queen Alpha No. 93 and my friend and “Great Brother” GWP/PM Charles E. Washington on being the recognizees for the 100th Annual Banquet of our lodge
P.M. Tony “Roam” Early No. 45 Secretary ~15~
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams, and Members of Light of Elmwood No. 45 on your 100th Year Annual Banquet and on a very successful year.
Recognizing GWP/PM Charles E. Washington and Worthy Matron Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No. 93
P.M. Ronald Solomon No. 45 Assistant Treasurer &
P.M. Leon A. Hayes No. 45 Assistant Secretary ~16~
Worshipful Sheldon T. Williams for a job well done this year!
Congratulations to the recognizees
GWP/PM Charles E. Washington No. 45 &
Worthy Matron Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No. 93
Fraternally Yours,
P.M. Charles Miller Recording Secretary
Light of Elmwood No. 45 MWPHGL of PA On this, our 100th Year Celebration
May the Supreme Architect of the Universe continue to guide and bless our lodge as we continue to do his work
PM Robert L. Ximines Jr
Chaplain Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 Director of Library & Archives MWPHGL of PA And the entire Ximines Family ~18~
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams, and Members of Light of Elmwood No. 45 on your 100th Year Annual Banquet and on a very successful year.
Recognizing GWP/PM Charles E. Washington and Worthy Matron Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No. 93
PM James T. Counsel Treasurer
Light of Elmwood No. 45 ~19~
Congratulations and Best Wishes
PM Charles E. Washington
Light of Elmwood No. 45 Grand Worthy Patron D.G.C. O.E.S, Inc. and to
Worthy Matron Jearline M. Brown
Queen Alpha No. 93 On being recognized for your hard work and dedication to the principles of Deborah Grand Chapter O.E.S, Inc Prince Hall Adopted Commonwealth of PA. May your good work continue and much success on your future endeavors. And to
WM Sheldon T. Williams No. 45
on your 100th Year Anniversary Continued success to you and the lodge. May the evening bring you much joy and happiness. Fraternally Yours,
PM George E. Showell
Light of Elmwood No. 45 On 100 Years Of Success Thank You For Starting Me On This Wonderful Journey! The Best Is Yet To Come!
Herman E. Hall, Sr Past Master
Light of Elmwood No. 45
C o ck t ai l H o u r F r e s h G ar de n S al ad P as t a S al ad R oa s t e d R e d B l i s s P o t atoe s V e ge t abl e M e dl e y D ij o n C r u s t e d S al m o n B a k e d S t u f f e d C hick e n B re a s t B e e f B u r gu n d y N e w Y o r k S yl e C he e s e ca k e Rolls & Butter Coffee C as h B ar $ $ $ $
Program Master of Ceremonies. . .........................SMC Bruce Cain
Processional National Anthem. . ....................... Audience Participation Invocation...................................... PM Robert Ximines Welcome Address.........................SD Kevin L. Warwick
Chat & Chew Recognition of Dignitaries................. PM Leon A. Hayes Presentation of Honoree...................... JW Baron Bryant Remarks to Honoree.. ............ Family and Friends (2 Min) Remarks..................... GWP/PM Charles E. Washington ..................................... Worthy Matron Jeraline Brown ................................................... Queen Alpha No. 93 Introduction of Worshipful Master........SW Kevin Lofton Remarks..................................... WM Sheldon Williams Remarks........................ MWGM Malcolm E. Harris #58 Benediction.................................... PM Robert Ximines
Light of Elmwood #45
On your 100 Year Anniversary! Wishing You Much More Continued Success! Thank You for allowing me to be a part of such an Illustrious Fraternal Family!
Brother & Mrs. Melvin R. Floyd, Jr. Light of Elmwood #45
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams on your Successful Year! Many Blessings to
PM Charles E. Washington
Grand Worthy Patron, DGC, OES, PHA &
Jearline Brown, Worthy Matron Queen Alpha #93
PM Bruce Thomas
Light of Elmwood #45
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams on your Successful Year!
Light of Elmwood Lodge #45 F. &A.M., M.W.P.H.G.L. of Pa.
Celebrating our 100th year in the Prince Hall Family Recognizing our own
GWP PM Charles Washington No. 45 &
WM Jearline M. Brown, Queen Alpha No. 93
On having a very successful year as our Worshipful Master for the Masonic year 2018 I wish you much success in your future endeavors. May God continue to bless you and your family. From Your Senior Deacon!
Brother James F. Tate Jr.
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon Williams Celebrating 100th Year Anniversary Recognizing
GWP PM Charles Washington &
Worthy Matron Jearline M. Brown from
Widows Committee Light of Elmwood #45
Brothers: James Tate, PM Herman Hall Sr, Al
Brooks, Bradley Fulcher, PM Bruce Thomas Mario Lyles Norman Martin, PM Charles Miller, PM James Williams PM Robert Ximinies, Brothers Kenny White, Billy Thompson, Mike Matthews Ron Woods ~29~
Congratulations to
Light of Elmwood #45
for being in existence for 100 yrs . can’t say congrats without Thank you to our Father...... Thanks Mr. Prince Hall Fraternally Yours,
Bro. William J. McLeoud
Congratulations to
WM Sheldon T. Williams No. 45 and the offivers and members of
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 Success will let you move forward. Keep up the good work! and to
PM Charles E. Washington
Light of Elmwood No. 45 Grand Worthy Patron D.G.C. O.E.S, Inc. and
Worthy Matron Jearline M. Brown
Queen Alpha No. 93 May the work you’ve done so shine before men that it will be glorified in heaven. Fraternally yours,
Past Master James Williams ~31~
Congratulations to
WM Sheldon T. Williams No. 45 and the offivers and members of
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45
for 100 years of Service to men, the community and the order.
Bruce Cain
Realtor De & Pa -MilRes Certified
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services 267-679-0130 (cell)
Congratulations to
G.W.P/PM Charles Washington No. 45 &
WM Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No. 93 Bruce Cain No. 45 Andria Cain BPN No. 84
Congratulations to
WM Sheldon T. Williams No. 45 and the offivers and members of
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45
for a great and successful year and adminisstration. Good luck on your future endeavors!
Bro. Brad Fultcher
Light of Elmwood No. 45
Security Consultant
“Security With a Touch” (215) 333.3292
Congratulations to
WM Sheldon T. Williams and
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45
on a very successful year. It has been our pleasure to Serve you!
WDDGM Glenn T. Pembleton No. 8 1ST Masonic District
M.W.P.H.G.L. of PA
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon Williams, Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 on a successful administrative year.
From the Past Masters’ Council of Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 P.M. Marlon J. Williams - President P.M. Sean D. Milligan. - Vice President P.M. Jeffrey V. Austin - Treasurer P.M. George E. Showell Jr. - Recording Secretary P.M. Dotson H. Carter Jr - Financial Secretary P.M. Grover Benson - Chaplain
Past Masters
Public Relations Director
Past Master Michael B. Roepel No.45 Congratulations to Officers and Members of
Light Of Elmwood Lodge #45 Sheldon Williams Worshipful Master On your
Annual Scholorship Banquet Recognizing two outstanding Prince Hall Family Members
GWP/PM Charles E. Washington Light of Elmwood No. 45 And
Worthy Matron Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No.93 ~36~
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams and Brothers of Light of Elmwood No. 45 on having a successful year
Alfred Donelson
and The Donelson Family
With our God’s Grace and Mercy we are celebrating our 100th Year Anniversary. Congratulations to Our
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams
and to our Light of Elmwood No. 45 brothers near and far....God Bless!!! Light of Elmwood No. 45
Road Warriors
Congratulations to
WM Sheldon T. Williams No. 45 and the offivers and members of
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45
for a great and successful year and adminisstration. Good luck on your future endeavors!
Jay M. Dempsey
Light of Elmwood No. 45
Gil Cosby
Light of Elmwood No. 45
Kyle Cosby
Light of Elmwood No. 45
Congratulations and Best Wishes To Light of Elmwood No. 45 As you celebrate your 100th Anniversary From the Officers and Members of Queen Alpha Chapter No. 93 Elected Officers
Worthy Matron Jearline M. Brown Associate Matron Yvette R. Cummings-McKoy Conductress Loure Ann Daniels Associate Conductress Cheree M. Brown, PWM Secretary Sharion D. Fletcher, PWM Treasurer Emeritus Janice Jones Recording Secretary Vanessa C. Gaston, PWM Assistant Secretary Delores Ferguson Three Year Trustee Bernadette Tomlin-Martin, PWM Two Year Trustee Helennia C. Huggins-Warner, PWM One Year Trustee Carol Hinton, PWM Appointed Officers Adah Pamela Logan Ruth Wanda Guess Esther Tasha Plaza Martha Catherine Bradford, PWM Electa Raegen Selden U.S. Flag Kristine Hightower, PWM OES Flag Chivan Bordley Christian Flag Kim Forchion Chaplain Khary Selden Warder Karemah Butler Sentinel Herman Hall Marshall East Linda Miles Marshall West Pamela Harrod-Smith Deborah Grand Chapter Officers Charles E. Washington, PWP Grand Worthy Patron Leon A. Hayes, PWP Past Grand Worthy Patron Emmett Gallashaw, PWP* Past Grand Worthy Patron George E. Showell, Jr. PWP District Lecturer Bernice Palmer, PWM Grand Administrative Assistant to GWP Barbara Morris, PWM Grand Soloist Mamie Benson, PWM Grand Christian Flag Bearer Carol Chatman-Ruiz, PWM Grand Co-Chairperson – Credentials Committee Sharion D. Fletcher, PWM Grand Editor – Deborah News Vanessa C. Gaston, PWM Grand Chairperson – GWM Special Project Cheree M. Brown, PWM Grand Mother Advisor – RMTGYD *Denotes deceased
Congratulations to
WM Sheldon T. Williams No. 45 and the offivers and members of
Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45
for a great and successful year and adminisstration. Good luck on your future endeavors! Fraternally Yours,
Kevin and Susan Lofton
Congratulations to
Worshipful Master Sheldon T. Williams,
recognizees GWP/PM Charles E. Williams and WM Jearline Brown Queen Alpha No. 93, and Members of Light of Elmwood Lodge No. 45 On having a very successful year as our Worshipful Master for the Masonic year 2017-18. I wish you much success in your future endeavors. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Fraternally Yours,
PM Marlon J. Williams
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