SOTA ~ARTYFACTS -Jan. Feb. 2022

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Hello Everyone, Happy NewYear

Whew. That is the one word that best describes what we all felt as the clock rolled over to 2022. The previous year was one like none other. We went from shaking hands and hugging to fist bumps and social distancing. Everyone no matter what your background was affected. No one was spared from the negative and painful grip of 2021. As we enter into the new year, I’d like to offer a new word that I intend to use often to replace the previous word…and that word is hope.

There is a well known book that tells its readers that faith is the substance of things hoped for. So following that lead, here are the things that I am hoping for in 2021:

1. I am hoping that we will continue to value our differences. It is impossible to believe that everyone in a crowded room will agree on everything every time. We are all different and have life experiences that are different. Some people may think that our differences have divided us and are taking us in a different direction. It’s okay to disagree but remember it’s our differences that have made us unique. 2. I am hoping that we will continue to work together to progress society forward toward something better. I also read in that well known book that it is good when two or more people travel together because if one should fall, others will be there to pick them up. I am far from being perfect and may even fall in 2022, but I still believe that someone traveling in my direction will stop and pick me up. I am planning to do the same. 3. I am hoping that we will continue to give to others in need. Giving is the most rewarding and satisfying human attribute we have because it’s wrapped up in love. We give out of love to our families and to our friends on a regular basis, but its greatest value is when we give to other people that we don’t know. I remain hopeful that we will give in 2022 to those that need help the most. At the end of 2022, let’s agree to look back over the year and smile that everything that we hoped for came into existence and if we say the word “whew” at the end that it takes on an entirely new meaning…and that is hope.

Wandra Cain ~ Artifacts Editor

In this Issue On the Cover: The Road Ahead President's Letter What's Happening at AAM SOTA Stars

SOTA Events SOTA Chair Reports SOTA Financial Details SOTA Announcements

For More information please visit us at also follow us on social media facebook and instagram @society_of_the_artslv


Valerie Johnson

Happy New Year! I hope that 2022 is a great year for SOTA and the Museum. We have been through a lot since the start of 2020 but we have adjusted and done a remarkable job getting things done. I’ve decided that I’m not going to say anymore that I hope we can “get back to the way things were” or “back to normal”. Do we really want things to stay the way they were? And what’s “normal”? I am firmly committed to moving forward and redefining “normal”. As you may already know, in order to keep everyone as safe as possible we are going to hold our SOTA Board meetings and General Meetings virtually for the near future. That’s a bit disappointing but how lucky we are to have an alternative format via zoom that works pretty well. Our enthusiastic Program Committee is committed to keeping us engaged by providing treats to a few lucky lottery winners and providing interesting programming to keep us learning. This is a part of our “new normal”. I presented a draft of a new Print Fund Policy that was developed by the SOTA Board at the November General Meeting. If you missed that meeting there are notes from that included in this issue of Artyfacts. This is another example of how we can continue to move forward with our mission to support the Museum. The legacy of the SOTA Print Fund and the collection of fine art prints that we have allowed the Museum to purchase with the fund will live on forever but now, with some adjustments and updates, we can continue to be a driving force in helping the Museum meet their collection goals. By the way, if you have not had a chance to view the exhibition “Rembrandt’s Return: A Complement of Prints” be sure to stop in the Kress Gallery soon. You will see a wonderfully curated exhibit which features four prints purchased through the SOTA Print Fund! If we expand our rules for the fund to include more durable art such as paintings it’s likely that artwork purchased with the SOTA Print Fund will be on display all of the time. What a great statement that will make about our organization and our impact at the Museum. We are also moving forward with plans for “Greenleaf”, the SOTA Show House 2022. Thanks to our amazing co-chairs, Jill Stevens and Diane MacConnell, Committee Chairs are in place and the planning meetings have begun in full force. I hope that all of you are ready to get caught up in the energy and excitement that is flowing around this major fundraising effort. We need everyone, yes everyone, to take a part in making this project a success! All Active, Professional and Sustaining members will be asked to participate. Our large class of Apprentices will also be asked to engage in this project. Information will be coming to you soon about opportunities on how you can help. Sponsorship opportunities, and sign ups for work shifts will soon be available. Check you calendar, spread the word and make a commitment to make Show House 2022 a huge success! best always, Val

Allentown Art Museum

What's happening at AAM GET YOUR TICKET NOW click this link - for more information

Exhibitions Ongoing and Upcoming at AAM

Collection Across Cultures: Japanese Textile in the West Rotations through May 2022

Eclectic Collecting: Curiosities from theVault Feb 6 - Sept 18, 2022

Celebrate Africa America art, history and culture in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The celebration includes art making , entertainers, and speakers that will immerse you and your family in the motifs and imagery explored by prominent Africa America artists.

Allentown Art Museum Special Event Procedures were effective will continue For this timeframe, the policy/procedure will be applicable to Special Events with more than 50 guests expected and where food and drinks are being s We remain committed to the health and safety of our patrons, visitors, staff, and broader community at the Allentown Art Museum (AAM) as we continue to navigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The policy/procedures include all visitors, staff, interns, and volunteers in the Museum for all applicable events into 2022 All individuals in the Museum for the Special Events will be required to: Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (also known as SARS-CoV-2) Employees: send proof or display (may be a photo) in-person to Stacy Ross, HR ( prior to working at any applicable Special Event. -ORWill be exempted from vaccine mandate if they provide acceptable proof of a Negative COVID test** within 72 hours of the Special Event: must be submitted to HR. ** Medical and Religious exemptions may be applied for. Please see HR for further exemption information. Any information needed to assist in complying with these Special Event Procedures, please email or call HR. Thank you! Best health, Stacy


November is the month of gratitude. It’s a month to be appreciative of many things. In SOTA we have so much to be thankful for, including friendship and service. We are thankful for our Sustainers who we celebrated at our Wine & Cheese event. For our new members, Sustainers are members who completed at least eight years of service to the organization, including their apprentice year. They are our largest group of SOTA members, numbering 122! At every General Meeting we recognize a member or members who have gone over and above to serve our organization. We have so many hard-working wonderful volunteers, that it truly becomes difficult to decide from a number of choices placed before us. This month we would like to recognize two wonderful Sustainers, who have served on SOTA’s board for 20+ years! Board service is one of the most demanding, yet rewarding volunteer roles, and they have performed it with dedication and grace. They are judicious stewards of our organization. Our Stars have served more than 12 President’s graciously and aided in SOTA’s longevity as an organization. They have mentored many chairs through the years. Their experience, skills, knowledge, education and above all support, has been a key to moving SOTA forward. Our first Star, Debby James joined SOTA in 1989-90 and served on the Board for 11 terms. That is 22 years! Her roles included, VP of General Committee, Admissions for 2 terms, Secretary, Personnel Chair for 2 terms, Historian/Artyfacts Editor, Curatorial for 2 terms, SOTA Programs and Publicity/Webmaster. Debby played a key role for LWTA, despite being unwell and in the hospital, she made sure all things were in order. We miss having her experience on SOTA’s Board. After serving for 22 years, she asked the baton to be handed to newer, younger members. We thank Debby for her dedication and service to our organization.

Our second SOTA Star, joined our organization in 1982-83. She has served on SOTA’s Board for 13 terms. That is 26 years! Her ever smiling demeanor brightens up the room. She is kind and welcoming to everyone. A wonderful docent who has a wealth of knowledge. She always welcomes museum guests with a warm smile and friendly Hello! A former schoolteacher, who enjoys giving school tours to students as well as adults. Many of her fellow docents shadow her school tours to gain experience from this wonderful lady. Her roles on SOTA’s Board were, VP of Education 2 terms, VP of General Committees, Museum Store 2 terms, Field Docents, Admissions 2 terms, Personnel, Docent Chair 2 terms, Nominating Committee and Sustaining Advisor. Our Star has also chaired the museum gala committee and has always been an advocate of the Allentown Art Museum. Please join me in welcoming SOTA Star, our very own Mary Anne Johnson. We are so grateful these Stars served on SOTA’s Board. The consistency of good people in our organization is what makes us special. Thank you for having been a valued member on SOTA’s Board.

Date Save the April 9, 2022

AAM Dinner and Auction to be held on Saturday, April 9, 2022

The AAM's premiere fundraising event is back and will be held on-site in the Museum's beautiful galleries. It will be an unforgettable evening of fine food, auctions and mingling with fellow Museum supporters.

We are very excited to announce Dolores A. Laputka, Esq., as the 2022 Gala honoree. Dolores is a longtime and passionate supporter of the Museum. A leading attorney with Norris McLaughlin, P.A, she has devoted much of her professional and personal time to not-for-profit organizations in the Lehigh Valley. The Museum is grateful for Dolores’s exceptional leadership as a member of AAM’s Board of Directors, Chair of the Board from 2012 to 2018, and now an active Honorary Trustee. Save the Date to join us as we honor Dolores and raise funds to support the Museum’s important work to engage, inspire, teach, and transform audiences throughout the Lehigh Valley community and beyond. ~ Teri Johnson


Personnel Report December/January 2021-22 Happy New Year to all of you with wishes for a happy and healthy 2022! I look forward to the day when we can be together whenever we wish to gather and enjoy each other’s company. That day will be here before we know it. In the meantime, don’t forget to send your personal information changes to me at MEMBER CHANGES/UPDATES: RESIGNATION: Veena Chauhan Attendance General Meeting – Allentown Art Museum and Zoom November 2021 Active – 31 Professional - 5 Sustainer – 17 Non-Resident - 0 Apprentice – 9 TOTAL MEMBERS - 62 Respectfully submitted, Peggy Herman


The Admissions Committee is happy to introduce two new Apprentices to the Class of 2021!

SOTA member Karen Hittinger was doing some Interior Design work for client Sandra Bieber and noticed that she had some interesting art in her home. As a fellow art enthusiast, Karen told Sandra about SOTA and piqued her interest. After acquiring all of the information she needed about our organization, Sandra has decided to join SOTA as a Professional Member and will serve on the Fundraising Committee.

She has also volunteered to be on the Publicity Committee for the upcoming SOTA Show House. Sandra is the Executive Director of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter and will also begin teaching at Muhlenberg College as an Adjunct Professor this Spring . She and her husband Matt are raising their two young sons Matthew and Alexander and their Golden Retriever Rosie at their home in Schnecksville.

Susan Vengrove ran into SOTA President, Val Johnson at the Museum Store one day, and they chatted about meeting at some past Lehigh University events where Val’s husband Pat and Susan were colleagues. Susan asked Val if she happened to know anything about SOTA, and the rest was history! Susan recently retired from her career as the Development Director at Lehigh University and she is interested in volunteering to help advance programs at the Allentown Art Museum. She is joining SOTA as an Active Member and will be on the Docent Committee and the Fundraising Committee. Susan has also volunteered to be on the SOTA’s Attic Committee for the 2022 Show House. Susan has a special interest in performing and design arts and is currently practicing water color painting. At the beginning of December, several of our Apprentices were treated to an Allentown Art Museum Tour led by Docents Terri Bartholomew and Molly Faust . After the tour the apprentices enjoyed a casual launch and time to socialize and kick off the holiday season .


" 2022 SOTA Show House Greenleaf "

Things are moving along nicely with the Show House. The Show House will be held at the beautiful home of Marsha and Martin Heimann located at 2713 West Greenleaf Street Allentown, Pa. The house will open starting April 30 and will close May 15th. A preview party is in the works, so please stay tuned for dates and times for the party. All of our designers are in place and have beautiful plans for their spaces. The special events committee is planning a luncheon and fashion show and an array of other events, so stay tuned for some exciting information about those events in the works. We will have a SOTA's Attic and information about dropping off your pre-loved treasures will be coming soon. Sponsorship information will also be on it’s way to you soon. Please watch for all of this exciting information, you will soon have the opportunity to sign up for shifts for house sitting and hosting. Please watch your emails as the information will arrive to you this way

Please consider helping us! Jill Stevens and Diane McConnell

"SOTA CHAIR'S REPORTS" 2021-2022 FINANCIAL Report Jill Weinhold

12/31/2021 Print Fund Balance $68,064.89 12/31/2021 SEE Fund Balance $247,359.39

"SOTA CHAIR'S REPORTS" Nominating Committee Chair Corliss Bachman Nominations Being Accepted for SOTA's 2022 - 2024 Officer Slate

As the second year of the current SOTA Board's tenure draws to a close, the Nominating Committee is at work developing a proposed slate of Executive Officers for the 2022 - 2024 SOTA Board. The committee encourages the engagement of all SOTA members in the nominating process. SOTA members have the privilege and right to participate in carefully considering and suggesting worthy candidates for SOTA leadership.

The Executive Officer positions include: President Executive Vice President Vice President—Educational Activities Vice President—General Activities Secretary Treasurer

As a member of SOTA, you may submit names of fellow members to be considered for nomination to any Executive Officer position on the next SOTA Board. To be considered, the nominee must be an Active member in good standing who has a working knowledge of the SOTA Board and SOTA’s history.

Nominations must be submitted in writing or via e-mail by January 28, 2022 to Corliss Bachman, Nominating Committee Chair. The Nominating Committee will consider all suggestions brought forth by the membership. As required by the SOTA by-laws, the Nominating Committee will present a written slate of Executive Officers to the membership no less than 10 days prior to voting. At the March 16, 2022 General Meeting, the election will be held for the proposed slate of Executive Officers, voted upon by SOTA Active and Professional members. Other Board positions, such as committee chairs, are not part of the election, but will be subsequently appointed by the incoming President.

The Nominating Committee is also responsible for appointing two new members each to the Nominating Committee and Admissions Committee, who will begin their duties in June 2022. These appointees will replace senior members who are rotating off the committees. No vote by the membership is needed for these appointments.

The Nominating Committee will meet in January and February to fulfill their responsibilities. Your nominations are welcomed.

"NOTES FROM NOVEMBER GENERAL MEETING" New Policy for the SOTA Print Fund Val Johnson A copy of the proposed Policy for the SOTA Print Fund was emailed to everyone in mid-November prior to the General Meeting. The following additional information was presented at the November General Meeting. For those of you who were not able to attend I would like to bring you up to date on what has been happening so far. Why now for a new policy? It came to my attention about the time I became president that there was no formal policy in place regarding the management of the SOTA Print Fund. The museum only had a draft of a policy from the early 1990’s which was never formally adopted. You may or may not know that our museum is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. Only 3% of museums in the country to have this designation. It’s a big deal. It was also brought to my attention that during the last reaccreditation review the museum was flagged “for concern regarding donations made to the Museum from a close affiliate of a voting member of the collections committee.” This is seen as a conflict of interest and does not align with best museum practices. Having the SOTA Print Committee part of the decision making process was seen to be a similar conflict. In conversation with the museum about how they have used our fund recently it became evident that the purchase of prints is not a critical part of their collection plan. They are currently focused on the collection with art which allows a more inclusive and global perspective. So, the purpose of this new policy is: Define the purpose of the fund. “support the purchase of art, not limited to prints, to expand and diversify the Museum’s collection in accordance with the collection plan of the Allentown Art Museum (“Museum”) as well as maintain the current works purchased by the Fund.” Expand the purchasing power of the fund while directly supporting the collection plan of the museum. “to purchase art, with an emphasis on, but not limited to, works by under-represented artists, to expand and diversify the Museum’s Collection in accordance with its collection plan.” Define and clarify the decision making for purchases. “The final responsibility to authorize and incur expenditures rests with the Museum Board of Trustees. As part of that process, the selection of specific works of art for recommended purchase rests solely with the Collections Committee of the Museum” As good stewards of the museum we want to be in support of best museum practices. Also, by expanding the scope of art that can be purchased with our fund this puts us in a leadership position in support of the current collection plan of the museum. I sincerely hope that you all will support this very important step forward.

DRAFT 10/15/21

SOCIETY OF THE ARTS PRINT FUND Purpose: The purpose of this Fund is to support the purchase of art, not limited to prints, to expand and diversify the Museum’s collection in accordance with the collection plan of the Allentown Art Museum (“Museum”) as well as maintain the current works purchased by the Fund. Policy: This Policy shall supersede any prior policies or agreements regarding the SOTA Print Fund (“Fund”). Policy Statement: The SOTA Print Fund strategy will be to purchase art, with an emphasis on, but not limited to, works by under-represented artists, to expand and diversify the Museum’s Collection in accordance with its collection plan. Funds may also be directed to support other needs specifically related to the works purchased by the Fund. Purchases from this Fund shall be designated “Purchase: SOTA Print Fund” in all of the Museum’s documents and labels. Gifts to the Fund: SOTA currently donates a percentage of its fundraising dollars to the Fund. Individuals may also make donations directly to the Fund by sending donations made payable to the Allentown Art Museum with the designation “SOTA Print Fund.” Management of Funds: Funds donated by SOTA to the Museum shall be invested in short-term securities to provide the highest yield possible while retaining sufficient liquidity to purchase art. For accounting purposes, SOTA Print Fund donations will be segregated from other acquisition funds in the general ledger of the Museum. Financial information, investment results and balances shall be provided quarterly to the SOTA Treasurer by the Museum. Use of Funds: The final responsibility to authorize and incur expenditures rests with the Museum Board of Trustees. As part of that process, the selection of specific works of art for recommended purchase rests solely with the Collections Committee of the Museum. Once a purchase is approved and executed, a detailed accounting of the SOTA Print Fund will be provided to the SOTA Board of Directors. Amendments and Revisions: This Policy may be amended and revised upon a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors of SOTA and approval of the Board of Trustees of the Museum.

Peter and John at the Gate of the Temple

Title: Peter and John at the Gate of the Temple Artist: Rembrandt van Rijn Artist Bio: Dutch painter, draftsman, and printmaker, 1606-1669 Year: 1659 ID Number: 2007.001.000 Purchase: SOTA Print Fund, 2007.

31 North Fifth Street Allentown, PA 18101

SOTA General Meeting Wednesday, January 19, 2022 ZOOM


9:15 a.m Reunite with fellow SOTA Memebers

9:30 a.m. Meeting begins Presentation by SOTA Docent Carol Shiner Wilson

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