/APRIL 2022
Hello Everyone, Happy National Women History Month . March is known as Women’s History Month and was officially designated as such by President Jimmy Carter. The intent was to recognize the progress and contribution women have made to make the world a better place. The accomplishments made by SOTA are like those made by great mountain climbers. Consider these three character traits that we share with mountain climbers. First, mountain climbers don’t measure their success by standing at the top, but how far they had to climb to stand at the top. The same is true for SOTA, the best and most accurate measurement of our success starts with looking at how far we’ve come to get to where we are today. Secondly, mountain climbers don’t stop at the first mountain, they look for the next. Every year SOTA strives to be better than the year before using every resource available. Sprinter Carl Lewis of Olympic fame captured the SOTA spirit best when he said, “when I’m done with this race, I want people to know that I gave it my best and left everything I had on the track.” Lastly, mountain climbers never climb alone…they always climb with a pack of other climbers. In SOTA, we take great pride in helping each other and when one person achieves success, we all achieve success. We never climb alone. I am honored to me apart of this amazing group, I salute you all. Please join me in celebrating National Women’s History Month and celebrating not only the mountain’s we’ve climbed together in the past, but those that are facing our future. Wandra Cain ~ Artifacts Editor
In this Issue On the Cover: Orchid - The Power of Two President's Letter What's Happening at AAM SOTA Stars
SOTA Events SOTA Announcements SOTA Chair Reports SOTA Financial Details
For More information please visit us at www.sotapa.org also follow us on social media facebook and instagram @society_of_the_artslv
Valerie Johnson
It’s hard to believe that my term as SOTA President is coming to an end in just a few months. We will hold the election of our 2022-2024 Executive Board at our General Meeting on March 16. The new board will assume the duties of their offices on June 1. I would like to say thank you and congratulations to everyone who has accepted a nomination to serve on the SOTA Executive Board! As my term as SOTA President winds down I’m looking back at all that has happened during the past two years. Yes, there was a pandemic, and we had to adjust the way we do things but, we didn’t adjust our expectations for doing great things to “cooperate with and further the policies and service programs of the Museum and the contribute to the educational, cultural and social life of the Lehigh Valley.” That is the purpose of our organization that is stated in Article I of our bylaws. Article III of our bylaws says “The control and management of SOTA and its affairs shall be vested in the Board of Directors…” Wow! That’s a lot. Being on the SOTA Board is a great honor and also a great responsibility. I have spent many hours studying our bylaws and I have great respect for the history that has created and adapted them to serve as the framework of our organization. I began the first General Meeting I presided at as SOTA President, in September 2020, with the following quote: “Honor the past, celebrate the present and embrace the future.” This speaks to the heart of what I have tried to do during my time as SOTA President. You elected me to lead the organization and I have done that to the best of my abilities. I have looked to the past and studied the history of SOTA. I have listened to suggestions and concerns that affect the day to day happenings in our committees and our interactions with the Museum. I have reported on all of the wonderful good that we have been able to accomplish, in the present, to you and to the Museum Trustees. Now as I finish my presidency I hope that together, we can accomplish one last thing. Something that is very important for the future of SOTA. I am hoping that we will be able to move forward with a new formal agreement for our Print Fund and make the necessary changes to our bylaws to put us in alignment with the policies of the Museum and honor our purpose as stated in our bylaws. I presented a draft of a new Print Fund Policy that was developed by the SOTA Board at the November General Meeting. If you missed that meeting there were notes from that included in the January issue of Artyfacts. Also a copy of the proposed changes with a stated rationale for the changes was emailed to you on February 13, by SOTA Secretary Marsha Heimann. I have also included notes on those changes in this issue of Artyfacts. The legacy of the SOTA Print Fund and the collection of fine art prints that we have allowed the Museum to purchase with the fund will live on forever; but now, with some adjustments and updates, we can be a driving force in a leadership position, helping the Museum meet their collection goals in the future. If we expand the parameters for the fund to include more durable art such as paintings and sculpture, it’s likely that artwork purchased with the SOTA Print Fund will be on display all of the time. What a great statement that will make about our organization and our impact at the Museum. As good stewards of the museum we also need to be in support of best museum practices. This means that we need to amend our bylaws to align with the Museum’s Policy on how they acquire art through their Collections Committee and their Board of Trustees. We will be voting in our new Executive Board and also voting on proposed changes to Article V and Article XIII of our bylaws at the March 16th General Meeting. All active and professional SOTA members are eligible to vote. I hope to see you at the meeting!
best always, Val
SOTA- Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws The following bylaw amendments to Article V and Article XIII will be considered at the General Meeting on March 16, 2022. The full document with this information was emailed to all members on February 13, 2022. The section on rationale has been edited for space and gives highlights of the pertinent information. Current Bylaw: Article V - Committees Section 2, Section 9 Section 2. The Standing Committees shall be divided into two categories, Educational and General, with specific designations to be determined at the outset of an administration and subject to deletions and additions at the discretion of the President. The President may appoint the Chair of each Standing Committee for a two-year term. Members will be assigned to the committee and may be limited to the actual number needed. Committee Chairs may call upon any member for specific assistance whether or not a member has been assigned to the particular committee. Section 9. The SOTA Print committee shall be a good steward of the SOTA Print Fund and of the prints identified as being acquired through the SOTA Print Fund. Print Committee members share an interest in and enthusiasm for the SOTA prints. The committee is charged with interacting with the Museum regarding Print Fund purchases, Print Fund balances and print collection plans. Serving on the committee shall satisfy the educational committee service requirement. The chair shall be appointed by the President and shall serve on the Collections Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Allentown Art Museum. The President, Vice President – Educational Activities, the Executive Vice President, and the Allentown Art Museum President and CEO or designated representative shall be ex-officio non-voting members of the committee. Proposed Bylaw: This is how bylaw will read if changes are approved. Article V - Committees Section 2, Section 9 Section 2. The Standing Committees shall be divided into two categories, Educational and General, with specific designations to be determined at the outset of an administration and subject to deletions and additions at the discretion of the President. The President may appoint the Chair of each Standing Committee for a two-year term. Members will be assigned to the committee and may be limited to the actual number needed. Committee Chairs may call upon any member for specific assistance whether or not a member has been assigned to the particular committee. Section 9. The SOTA Print committee shall be a standing educational committee and shall function as other standing committees as described in Article V, Section 2. Rationale for proposed changes: This proposed amendment clarifies a change that was made in May 2012. The Allocation Review Committee proposed that the SOTA Print Fund committee become a standing educational committee called “The SOTA Print Committee”. That change was approved by a vote of the SOTA membership. The requirements and goals of the committee should be spelled out in the “Committee” section of the yearbook with all of the other Educational and General Committees.
SOTA- Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws These proposed changes additionally bring our bylaws into alignment with the Museum’s policy on acquisitions and with best museum practices. As stated in the Museum Board of Trustees Policies “The Collections Committee of the Board of Trustees, in addition to board members, may include up to five (5) additional community members, collectors, scholars, etc. as deemed appropriate by the Chair of the Museum Board of Trustees, the President and CEO, and the Chair of the Collections Committee.” Members of the Collections Committee contribute their expertise in formulating and reviewing a collection plan and providing oversight for collection management issues, including storage, conservation, and registration. The SOTA Print Committee Chair is a 2-year rotating position appointed by the President of SOTA. The person holding that position is not required to have any expertise in art, collection management, or extensive knowledge of the Museum’s permanent collection. Therefore, the Print Committee Chair would not meet the charge of the Collections Committee in knowledge or expertise. The Museum Policies also address The Collections Management Plan under Section III B 3 Conflict of Interest: “In acquiring objects for the collection and in its dealings with donors, dealers, galleries, and other collecting individuals and institutions, the Museum shall take all precautions to avoid any activity that may be construed as a conflict of interest. It will take reasonable steps to ensure that no individual uses his or her position in the Museum for personal gain or the benefit of an associate.” The Print Committee Chair represents the interest of SOTA by way of the SOTA Print Fund versus the interest of the Museum. Having a representative of a donor fund sit on a committee that votes to approve the use of its donated monies is a conflict of interest and could potentially put into jeopardy the Museum’s accreditation.The Museum is among only 3% (1,070 out of the nation’s estimated 33,000 museums) that are currently accredited by The American Alliance of Museums (AAM). AAM peer review standards state, “There is a clear and formal division of responsibilities between the governing authority and any group that supports the museum, whether separately incorporated or operating within the museum or its parent organization.” It is the priority of the Board of Trustees and the Staff of the Museum to maintain all best practices and procedures to ensure this accreditation. AAM guidelines on ethics and best practices require a separation, which precludes SOTA Print Committee from having an approval role. The SOTA treasurer tracks the SOTA Print Fund and SOTA Education Endowment balances and provides updates of that information to the SOTA membership in Artyfacts and at General Meetings. It is not necessary to have additional oversight within SOTA.
SOTA- Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws Current Bylaw: Article XIII, Section 1, 2 and Memorandum of Understanding ARTICLE XIII SOTA PRINT FUND AND PRINT COMMITTEE, SOTA EDUCATION ENDOWMENT, SOTA DISCRETIONARY FUNDS Section 1. The profits from SOTA fundraising events will be disbursed annually. Net profits will be allocated as follows: 50% for the SOTA Print Fund; 10% for the SOTA Education Endowment; and 40% for SOTA discretionary funds. Prior to allocating fundraising profits, the SOTA Board of Directors, with a majority vote, may withhold funds from the net profit as fundraising reserves for subsequent fundraising events. Section 2. SOTA Print Fund. The funds allocated to the Allentown Art Museum, designated as being contributed to the SOTA Print Fund, will be used for the purchase of prints identified as acquired through the SOTA Print Fund. Use of money from the SOTA Print Fund for other print-related expenses as proposed by the AAM will also be considered, subject to approval by the SOTA Board, as stipulated in the Memorandum of Understanding mutually agreed upon by the AAM and SOTA in May 2012.* SOTA Print Committee. The committee, a SOTA standing education committee, will be the steward of the SOTA Print Fund and prints identified as being acquired through the SOTA Print Fund. The committee members will monitor the following: print acquisitions, print and Print Fund education, print-related financials and ancillary educational materials. The chair of this committee will be appointed by the President and sit on the Board of Directors. The SOTA Print Committee shall also include the President, Executive Vice President, the Vice President – Educational Activities, and the Allentown Art Museum President and CEO or designated representative as non-voting, ex-officio members. *The SOTA Print Fund Memorandum of Understanding can be found in the Members section of the SOTA website under History/Archives/Charter. **The SOTA Education Endowment Fund Policy can be found in the Members section of the SOTA website under History/Archives/Charter. Proposed Bylaw: This is how bylaw will read if changes are approved. ARTICLE XIII SOTA PRINT FUND, SOTA EDUCATION ENDOWMENT, SOTA DISCRETIONARY FUNDS Section 1. The profits from SOTA fundraising events will be disbursed annually. Net profits will be allocated as follows: 50% for the SOTA Print Fund; 10% for the SOTA Education Endowment; and 40% for SOTA discretionary funds. Prior to allocating fundraising profits, the SOTA Board of Directors, with a majority vote, may withhold funds from the net profit as fundraising reserves for subsequent fundraising events. Section 2. SOTA Print Fund. The funds allocated to the Allentown Art Museum, designated as being contributed to the SOTA Print Fund, will be used for the purchase of prints and other works of art as described in the SOTA Print Fund Policy**, identified as acquired through the SOTA Print Fund. Section 3. SOTA Education Endowment. The funds allocated to the Allentown Art Museum, identified as being contributed to the SOTA Education Endowment, will be used as stipulated in the SOTA Education Endowment Fund Policy made with the Allentown Art Museum in 2012.*
SOTA- Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws Section 4. SOTA Discretionary Funds. SOTA will accept written proposals from the Allentown Art Museum, as well as suggestions from the general membership, for the use of SOTA discretionary funds. By majority vote, the SOTA Board, will approve use of these funds according to the needs of SOTA and the Museum. Section 5. The allocation shall be reviewed at six year intervals by a committee including the following requisite members: the Vice President- Educational Activities, the Treasurer, the Print Committee Chair and a Past President designated by the President. Additional members may be appointed at the discretion of the President. Recommendations by said review committee need to be approved by vote of the SOTA Board of Directors and the SOTA membership. The next six-year review shall be completed by May 2024. *The SOTA Education Endowment Fund Policy can be found in the Members section of the SOTA website under History/Archives/Charter. **The SOTA Print Fund Policy can be found in the Members section of the SOTA website under History/Archives/Charter. Rationale for proposed changes: Article XIII, spells out how SOTA Fundraising dollars are allocated. Section 1 specifically spells out the percentages and the following sections describe show how the funds in each of these areas will be used. The mention of the Print Committee in this section is inappropriate and confusing. As a standing educational committee the definition of that committee and its requirements should only be listed in the Committee Section of the yearbook and not be included in the bylaw section. The reason for the elimination of the specific roles of Print Committee activities regarding fund management and acquisitions are addressed under the rationale for changes to Article V, Section 9, earlier in this document. The addition of allowing purchases with SOTA Print Fund to include other works of art beyond prints expands the purchasing power of our fundraising dollars and allows SOTA to become a leader in the Museum’s plan to expand their collection of works by under-represented artists and to diversify the collection within a more global context. If more durable artworks such as paintings or sculptures are purchased it will also allow SOTA Print Fund purchases to be on display for longer periods of time, also raising the impact and profile of SOTA. (Works on paper, such as prints can only be on display for about 3 months and then need to rest in storage for about 3 years.) Sections 3, 4 and 5 remain unchanged are are shown here for clarity in understanding the complete Article XIII. Reference to the Memorandum of Understanding which allows the Print Fund to be used to support needs related to maintenance and display of the art procured by the fund was eliminated because the spirit of this agreement has been incorporated into the new Print Fund Policy.
Allentown Art Museum Visit HOURS & ADMISSION Thursdays 11AM-4PM Adult $12 Fridays 11AM-4PM Senior (60+) $10 Saturdays 11AM-4PM Student $10 Free Sundays 11AM-4PM Children 6 & older $10 Third Thursdays 11AM-8PM Children 5 & under Free Members Free Sunday (all visitors) FreeThird Thursdays (4-8pm) Free RESERVE TIMED TICKET Advance reservations are not required but are recommended. Wearing a mask in the Museum is encouraged. If you are not feeling well, please visit another day. Thank you for doing your part to help protect our community.
Information Wearing a mask in the Museum is encouraged. If you forget to bring a mask, complimentary face masks are available. If you have a fever, any COVID-19 symptom, or possible exposure, please plan your visit for a future date. Please practice social distancing throughout the Museum. We encourage visitors to maintain a safe social distance of six feet or more between groups. All public and office spaces of the Museum have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and will be maintained frequently, with high-touch surfaces being cleaned continuously. Hand sanitizer stations have been established throughout the Museum. Visitor capacity is limited. Reserving timed tickets guarantees a two-hour visit. Walk-ins are welcome as capacity allows. Plexiglass shields have been installed at the front desk, Store, and Café. The cleanliness of our restrooms will be maintained continuously, and frequent hand washing is encouraged. Visitor traffic patterns have been revised to promote safe distancing. Any information needed to assist in complying with these Special Event Procedures, please email or call HR. Thank you!
Allentown Art Museum
What's happening at AAM GET YOUR TICKET NOW click this link - http:www.allentownartmuseum.org for more information
Exhibitions Ongoing and Upcoming at AAM
Eclectic Collecting: Curiosities from the Vault February 6 through September 18, 2022
Rembrandt’s Return: A Complement of Prints November 19, 2021, through April 3, 2022
SOTA Star Our January Star is an enthusiastic, friendly, and hardworking SOTA member. A lady who never shies away from a challenge and believes that a job worth doing, is worth doing well. When called upon mid- year to take over the position as Development Assistant Chair, she graciously agreed. Val Johnson says, our Star didn’t miss a beat getting mailings organized and delivered to the bulk mailing center. She continues to work with the museum staff and her committee to run Development Assistants smoothly. Our Star is also a member of the Docent Committee and has patiently waited over two years to get her training completed. The pandemic and other situations have put many obstacles in the way of the training program, but our Star regularly attends all docent meetings and has taught herself about artwork at our museum and beyond. I truly feel fortunate to work alongside this amazing lady. This docent-in-training gave a wonderful Zoom presentation to the Docent Committee, which we are proud to present to all of you this morning. Our superstar has also been a part of the Fundraising Committee where she has actively participated in all fundraising efforts and helped SOTA through the pandemic. Our Show House Chairs recently requested she chair the Sponsorship Committee and as you can imagine, she graciously agreed and has hit the ground running. A team player and meticulous organizer, she gives attention to every detail. Jill & Diane feel so fortunate to be working with our conscientious star! In 2014, after retiring as a Dean of the College of Academic Life, our Star decided to join SOTA. An eloquent speaker, who has published many books and articles. She brings a tremendous amount of professional experience and knowledge to our organization. With her background in gender studies, she enthusiastically offered to be a part of our newly formed Diversity Task Force. Docent Training, Development Assistants, Diversity Task Force & Sponsorships! What a great contribution to our organization and the museum! Please join me in congratulating our January SOTA Star, Carol Shiner Wilson!
2022 AAM Gala Dinner and Auction
Please join us as we honor Dolores A. Laputka, Esq. at the 2022 AAM Gala Dinner and Auction Saturday, April 9, 2022 6:00 Cocktails…7:00 Live Auction…7:30 Dinner All proceeds directly benefit Museum operations Don’t miss this very special evening Invitation RSVP due April 1 Tickets are limited, purchase yours today at allentownartmuseum.org Can’t attend in person and still want to support the event? Gala live and silent auction items will be available online for view and bidding a week before the event. Look for further details in the coming weeks and follow the link at allentownartmuseum.org.
AAM Dinner and Auction to be held on Saturday, April 9, 2022 The AAM's premiere fundraising event is back and will be held on-site in the Museum's beautiful galleries. It will be an unforgettable evening of fine food, auctions and mingling with fellow Museum supporters.
Are you ready to arrive to the "2022 Galaxy " in Style
C.E. Roth has a special for you !! This year they are offering a tuxedo/suit (anything in stock) for $85. That includes the coat, pants, shirt, tie, vest, suspenders and jewelry. The shoes are an additional $20. If you have any questions please contact Susan Harris 610-730-9309
"SOTA CHAIR'S REPORTS " Nominating Committee Chair Past President Corliss Bachman
Nominating Committee Announces 2022-2024 Executive Officers Slate In preparation for the election that will take place at the March General Meeting, the Nominating Committee announces the following slate of executive officers for the SOTA Board for the 20222024 term. This notification to all SOTA members, no less than ten days prior to voting, is made in compliance with the Society of the Arts Bylaws Article IV, Section 6. President- Priti Merchant Executive Vice President- Karen Hittinger V.P. Educational Activities- Chris Forsthoefel V.P. General Activities- Peggy Herman Secretary- Mary Zegarski Treasurer- Sarah Montano All SOTA members of Active and Professional status are eligible to vote in the election. Additionally, the Nominating Committee has fulfilled its duty of appointing two persons each to fill openings in the Admissions and Nominating Committees, to replace those individuals who are rotating off after a two-year term. The new terms will begin in June 2022. No election is required to ratify these appointments. Admissions Committee- Wandra Cain Cynthia Estabrooks Nominating Committee- Maryann Dattilio Maureen Fernbacher I thank the members of the Nominating Committee for their diligent commitment to selecting qualified and dedicated individuals to provide capable leadership for SOTA during the coming term. Peggy Herman, who was a member of the Nominating Committee during 2021-2022, asked to step down from the position in January 2022. The Bylaws direct that in the event of a vacancy, the President shall appoint an Active member to fill the unexpired time. President Val Johnson appointed Lynn Noll to fill the vacancy. Nominating Committee members are: Teri Johnson, Barbara Traupman, Ellen Johnson, Lynn Noll.
"SOTA CHAIR'S REPORTS" Chair Person Publicity ~Webmaster Ashley Ford
Have you visited the new sotapa.org? If not, you are missing out! We have all the latest news and events, plus pictures from all the various SOTA goings-on. If you have not already done so, please sign up to be a member of the site. The Members Only area hosts a lot of important information and sign ups. Confused about how to log in? Follow these simple steps: Visit sotapa.org and click on any page under the Members Only Tab. You will be directed to a Sign Up page. If you haven't already signed up, please enter your email and password. The SOTA webmaster will approve your request and you will be given full access. If you are already a member of the site, Simply click the Log In link just below the Sign Up headline
Forgot your password? No problem . Click forgot password ? " and the system will generate a reset link for you.
"SOTA CHAIR'S REPORTS" We are still missing a lot of beautiful faces for the SOTA Members Directory ,Please send me a picture at sotawebmaster123@gmail.com
Finally , do you follow SOTA on Facebook and Instagram? It's very important that our members interact with our social media, more engagement means more exposure! Make sure you are following SOTA on Facebook and Instagram and when you see a post - like it , share it, comment something !!!
ARTYFACTS REPORT February/March 2022- Personnel Report I’m sure we’re all looking forward to spring and warm, sunny days. I’m also looking forward to seeing many of you at our March General Meeting at the museum. It will be wonderful to enjoy the company of fellow SOTA members in person. In the meantime, please send personal information changes to me at peggycherman@gmail.com. MEMBER CHANGES/UPDATES: ADDRESS UPDATE: Jacqueline Sellers 103 South Chestnut Street Bath, PA 18014 PHONE UPDATES: Harriet Hauff – cell phone change: 484-561-0489 Mali Kline – home phone change: 610-899-2522 Judith Kramer – drop home phone add cell phone: 484-347-1024 Sarah MacGowan – add home phone: 610-419-0201 Andrea Olmsted – cell phone change: 610-841-0061 MEMBERSHIP CHANGE: Jacqueline Sellers – move to Active member RESIGNATION: Lauren Bradley Attendance General Meeting – Zoom January 19, 2022 Active – 32 Professional - 4 Sustainer – 14 Non-Resident - 1 Apprentice – 9 TOTAL MEMBERS - 60 Respectfully submitted, Peggy Herman
" 2022 SOTA Show House Greenleaf "
SOTA took possession of “Greenleaf” on March 1st! A coffee reception was held for Designers, Landscapers, Press and the Honorary Committee on Friday, March 4th. Beginning on March 7th , Designers and Landscapers will begin to work their magic to transform the empty house into an unforgettable Show House! Don’t forget to purchase your tickets on our website at SOTApa.org or you can purchase at the door. There will be many special events such as the Show House Preview Party to be held on Friday, April 29th at the Hyatt in Trexlertown. Tickets to this event will include a sneak peak of “Greenleaf” for partygoers before it opens to the public the next day. There will be a luncheon and fashion show on Saturday, May 14th at Lehigh Country Club. Tickets to the Fashion Show will also include tickets to the Show House. Other special events will include a craft beer tasting night, container garden demonstration and a Historical lecture and much, much more. The Boutique in the alley, formerly known as SOTA’s attic will have many fun treasures for your buying pleasure! Stay tuned for for more info on the website and via email. Jill Stevens and Diane MacConnell Show House co-chairs
"SOTA CHAIR'S REPORTS" Vice President Priti Merchant
Show House 2022 Scheduling Sign-ups for this year’s Designer Show House are filling up fast, but a few slots are still open on weekends and in the evenings. Grab them before they are all gone! You will see open slots on the website. Sign-up genius link is: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0949AFA62FA1F94-show Hostess Shifts, Ticket Sales and Boutique Shifts will be from April 30 through May 15. The shift hours are: Monday & Tuesday: 9:30am-1:00pm and 12:45pm-4:00pm Wednesday: Show House will be CLOSED Thursday & Friday: 9:30am-1:00pm; 12:45pm-4:15pm and 4:00pm – 8:00pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:30am-1:00pm and 12:45pm – 5:00pm. If you elect to work at the ticket desk or in the Boutique, credit card training is required. You will be notified about the scheduled dates for training. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Priti Merchant at 484-241-1114 or Patti Romig at 610-730-4094.
The SOTA Program Committee has had a very busy year so far arranging for speakers and presenting refreshments for the quarterly General Meetings. We’ve negotiated the changing Covid regulations by offering both in person and virtual meetings. Refreshments have been enjoyed both at home and at the Museum. Our general membership has listened to interesting and informative presentations by Max Weintraub and Carol Shiner Wilson. The Committee has also welcomed Laura Polt and Jessie Snyder, new Apprentices, who have already generously given their time and talent to our activities.
Thursday Oct 6th at Lehigh Country Club Books and Authors will be announced in May Books will be for sale at the May Luncheon. Wine & Words dates are: June 22 July 20 August 17
LWTH Chair Diane Macconnell
"SOTA CHAIR'S REPORTS" 2021-2022 FINANCIAL Report Jill Weinhold
31 North Fifth Street Allentown, PA 18101
SOTA General Meeting Wednesday, March 16, 2022 AAM 9:15 a.m Reunite with fellow SOTA Members
9:30 a.m. Meeting begins Election of Executive Board 2022-2024 Bylaw Amendment Vote