Summer newsletter 2013 issuu

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HOSIER HOUSE We are excited to announce we will soon be opening a safe house for vulnerable women. The house will be named Hosier House after our late co-founder, Janet Hosier, who had a particular hope that WNHT would one day be able to offer a service of this nature.


Hosier House will provide a safe place for women who have been made homeless for a variety of reasons, including relationship breakdown and domestic abuse.

More than 20% of our service users are female

There is a common misconception surrounding domestic abuse that it is typically a man abusing his partner. However, this is not always the case, and it can occur between any members of a household (e.g. children abusing their mother). Also, domestic abuse is not always physical. It also includes mental and emotional abuse. Sadly, many of the women we support at WNHT have experienced domestic abuse in some form.


According to Women’s Aid, one in four women will experience domestic violence at some point in their lives. Figures from the Home Office show that 10% of emergency calls are related to domestic violence, which has risen from 6.6% in 2011. This is because domestic


>50% More than 50% of our female residents have experienced domestic abuse

70% of female rough sleepers in the UK have experienced domestic abuse ‘Cosy’ image by flickr user spookypeanut, used here under a Creative Commons Licence.




Launching our newest venture - an employment training scheme.

We welcome our new CEO, Matthew Heasman, to WNHT.

A story highlighting that homelessness really can affect anyone.




abuse increases in times of austerity. As the recession continues, it becomes more and more important that we act, now. There is currently no similar service to Hosier House in the Watford area, but there is a recognised need for one. Raising awareness of women’s needs is at the forefront for many local churches, some of whom are supporting this initiative through donated goods to the house. Also, the borough council in which Hosier House will be located is in full support of this muchneeded service. We will work in partnership with Herts County Council, the Watford Women’s Centre, and others to ensure we are supporting vulnerable women in the best possible way. In its infancy, Hosier House will only take women who access other WNHT services and referrals will mostly be made through our Transition Service, where our initial contact with vulnerable women is most common. In terms of the future of this service, one potential challenge is how we help the growing number of women with no recourse to public funds, such as refugees. For such women, the choice is likely to be: stay with an abusive partner or become homeless. We hope to provide an alternative option: Hosier House.



We have amazing news to report! Following last year’s appeal for funding we have received just over £70,000 in financial gifts and pledges to help us launch our new Back to Work scheme. This employment scheme has been named HopeWorks and it opened to our service users on 29th April 2013.

However, we still need quite a bit of help in order to make this scheme a success and get people without homes back into work. If you can give any of the following we would be so grateful to hear from you: •

Can you afford to donate any portable electrical items to the scheme?

Does your community group or place of worship need electrical PAT testers?

• Are you in need of any basic DIY-type Those staying at Hosier House will be help? (e.g. painting, decorating or supported with key therapeutic intervention. plumbing) We intend to provide access to trained trauma counsellors to work with the women • Do you know of anyone who needs their as they come to terms with their experiences house clearing? and cope with life as they move forward. • Can you offer employment to those who have completed the HopeWorks Initially, Hosier House will accommodate course? three women. It will be a safe place for women to support each other, with the space and environment required for healing. Please visit for more information about any of the above. Above all Hosier House will be a home.

The HopeWorks second hand electrical shop, which is located at 87 Queens Road, Watford, will open to the public on 1st June at 10am. Please do come along to support the opening; we would love to see you there. We are particularly grateful for the generosity of the Maurice and Hilda Laing Charitable Trust, Three Rivers District Council, Help the Homeless, the Kingsbury Charity, the Cadbury Foundation and many local individuals for generously helping us to launch this exciting new venture.


Every year the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, through Hertfordshire Community Foundation, holds an awards ceremony at County Hall in Hertford. This year, the High Sheriff invited our very own Polly Odbert to accept a personal award for her voluntary work.

Polly has been volunteering as the Watford shop manager for more than 20 years and has never accepted payment for her hard work. She works full-time, only taking Sundays and, with some persuasion, one weekday off a week. The Watford shop, located on Queens Road, is entirely volunteer-run and it is one of the largest and financially best-performing charity shops in Hertfordshire. Why not pop down to congratulate Polly and pick up a bargain?

COULD YOU BE A CRASHPAD HOST? Our friends at Herts Young Homeless (HYH) need your help. Working with homeless 16 to 25 year olds in Hertfordshire, HYH operates a ‘crashpad’ scheme, which is temporary emergency accommodation for 16 and 17 year olds. At present, there are fewer than 20 emergency beds of this sort for under-18s in Hertfordshire.

Do you have a spare room? Can you provide a bed, food and washing facilities to a young person for a few weeks? If so, you could change the life of a young person in our community.

HYH would love to hear from you. Each Crashpad host receives full support, including on-going training, and will be paid every night a young person stays — up to £4,250 a year tax free! If you can help, please call HYH for more information on 01707 251403.


knowledge and experience from a different yet complementary sector. Specifically, he has a demonstrable track record with regard to negotiating change and the successful delivery of statutory contracts – such experience will prove invaluable to WNHT as we continue to face great turbulence within the homelessness sector.’

GOOD MORNING, MR HEASMAN! On 1st May we were delighted to welcome our new CEO, Matthew Heasman.

In his own words Matthew said: ‘I feel deeply honoured to have been given the opportunity to serve as the leader of this great cause. Leaving the education sector after so many wonderful years has been a tough decision. Yet, for some time now, I have felt drawn to focus completely on an area that was part of my work in schools: helping those who are disadvantaged. I am energised by the great challenges that lie ahead and I believe that the future of Watford New Hope Trust is extremely bright.’

Matthew is a committed Christian and Queens Park Rangers fan (apparently, supporting QPR and praying for miracles go hand-in-hand!). He worships at St Mary’s Matthew joins us from the education sector, Chesham with his wife Jane and their three where he has served for more than 20 years. young boys. For the past decade Matthew has been the Head of a local school, where he led the amalgamation of two smaller schools to form one new large school. He also oversaw the successful establishment of a Sure Start children’s centre and served as an Ofsted inspector.


In welcoming Matthew to his new role, Chairman of WNHT, John Ford, said: ‘From a strong field of 44 applicants it became clear to the Trustees that, over the interview process, Matthew stood out as the ideal person to lead WNHT through our next chapter. Matthew brings a wealth of

CROXLEY GREEN SHOP OPENS On 16th March, we opened our third charity shop, in Croxley Green!

were then drawn back to reveal the interior to the world beyond!

The wet weather failed to put a dampener on the grand opening, which was an incredible success. There was a real festive atmosphere, with live music outside, balloons bobbing and refreshments being passed around.

The shop had an amazingly successful first day, generating more than ÂŁ1,000, and was bustling with customers from opening until closing. Thank you to all who have donated items to the shop, including Costco Wholesale UK, and to those who attended the opening day.

Doors opened at 9.30am, to the relief of those waiting outside in the rain! With everyone inside and warming up Mike Smith (our former CEO) gave a short speech to welcome and thank those who had braved the weather to support us, which he concluded with the Lord’s Prayer. The blinds

For more information on the new shop in Croxley Green, please visit our website at

Image above taken by Pippa Douglas, courtesy of Watford Observer.

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FAREWELL TO A GREAT DOUBLE ACT: SMITH & JONES In July 2007, Watford FC had been recently relegated from the Premier League, Tony Blair had just resigned as prime minister, the UK’s housing market was at its peak since the late 1980s and the recession was really beginning to bite.

At WNHT, demand for local homelessness provision was increasing and the challenging economic climate had meant that a financial break-even point was something of a dream. It was in this month and against this backdrop that Mike Smith took over as CEO of WNHT.


Shortly after Mike Smith’s arrival, he was joined and supported by another Mike, who had taken on the mantle as Chairman of the Board – the Revd Mike Jones. For almost six years Mikes Smith and Jones worked together to ensure that, through choppy waters, WNHT remained on an even keel. Under their leadership, WNHT has enjoyed many great successes. A select few are as follows: countless people have been given the hope of a rebuilt life; following six years of financial deficit, WNHT has enjoyed three small surpluses since 2009; an emergency homelessness helpline was launched to the local community; our emergency accommodation services have increased by six beds; our support from the local community has increased, particularly during Harvest season; our Market Garden has been transformed and now incorporates the wider community; two new charity shops have been launched; and the ground has been prepared for the launch of our new safe house for vulnerable women and a new HopeWorks employment scheme. Sadly, in April, we said a fond farewell to both of these great servants to WNHT, as both retired to make way for two new leaders. Mike Smith is replaced by Matthew Heasman and Mike Jones is replaced by WNHT’s former Vice-Chair, John Ford. From all of us, THANK YOU Mike Smith and Mike Jones for your many years of leadership.


Our very own Yordan Zhekov, Assistant Manager of New Hope House, Alpha Court and the Manse, had his book published in February!

The new book, Conscience in Recovery from Alcohol Addiction: Exploring the Role of Spirituality in Conscientious Transformation, is the write-up of Yordan’s study to analyse the relationship between conscience, spirituality, and recovery from alcohol addiction. Sara Crean-Muir, WNHT’ Strategy Director, said: ‘This book is an awakening of the dynamics between conscience and addictions and of the skills we need to address the spiritual issues that lead to true recovery.’

Yordan holds a Doctorate in Theology and three Masters’ degrees: in Theology, Biblical Studies and Addiction Psychology and Counselling. He is currently continuing his studies in developing conscience therapy while working for us at WNHT. Dr Zhekov’s previous book, Defining the New Testament Logia on Divorce and Remarriage in a Pluralistic Context, was published in 2009. Conscience in Recovery from Alcohol Addiction is available to buy at a discounted price from:



‘I went from a situation where I thought I’d be sleeping in the park, to being welcomed into a room, with food to eat and people to talk to’. I was working for Three Rivers District Council, living locally, and everything seemed to be going OK. Then I lost my job and started to claim benefits. However, the housing benefit didn’t cover my full rent, so I started using my savings to pay the rent. When my savings ran out, I used my Jobseeker’s Allowance to keep the roof over my head, but then I couldn’t afford to pay for my food or bills. So I had to leave my flat and I stayed with different friends, on their sofas, for about a year. Throughout this time, I didn’t think of myself as homeless. But last August bank holiday, I felt I had imposed on too many people and ran out of places to stay. I did not know where to turn.


I went to the local council for help and they sent me to Watford YMCA. I filled out application forms but was told the processing of the form would take two weeks. I was then told about the WNHT Day

Centre. I made my way there and spoke with Dave, the manager. After spending some time chatting with the staff, I was referred to the WNHT Night Shelter and was so thankful to be given a room for that night. I went from a situation where I thought I’d be sleeping in the park, to being welcomed into a room, with food to eat and people to talk to. After three months, I was successful in getting work and on the day I started my new job I moved into the WNHT Cluster Flats. My life has turned around. I have found myself paid employment and the opportunity to do voluntary work for WNHT. Life is a million times better. I have a secure place to live, with support there when I need it, which has completely changed my outlook. I had preconceptions of homelessness that have changed. I now know it can happen to ‘normal’ people. I can’t think of the words to fully describe the support I’ve had from WNHT. For his own protection we haven’t used Pete’s real name.




On Friday 1st February, 49 freezing fundraisers braved a night outside to raise funds and awareness for homelessness in Watford. WNHT teamed up with Watford YMCA to run the event, which took place in Charter Place.

Around £2,500 was raised and there was a real buzz on the night, despite the cold! The Sleepout also helped participants to think about the realities of homelessness. Zoe Porter, who took part in the Sleepout with fellow members of the Cream Tea Brigade for motorcyclists, said: ‘Sleeping out brings home just how difficult it would be to get up and go to work or for an interview; I was lucky that I was able to come home, have a hot shower, and catch up on some sleep.’ Highlights of the evening included inspiring talks from the Elected Mayor of Watford, Dorothy Thornhill, and a former WNHT service user.


QUICK QUIZ! See how well you know us! All the answers are somewhere in this newsletter. 1.

Which anniversary have we just celebrated at WNHT?


Including our safe house, how many beds do we provide to those who are homeless every night?


Which football team does our new Chief Executive support?


What’s a yurt?


How many volunteers support our work each year?

Send in your answers to: for your chance to win an ‘I Heart WNHT’ t-shirt or a copy of Entertaining Angels.


challenge the thinking and stereotypes around homelessness.

23RD ON THE 23RD! On Saturday 23rd March, supporters, staff, service users and volunteers joined together to celebrate our 23rd birthday.

To mark our anniversary, we held a Celebration Service at the Wellspring Church Centre, the home of Watford Community Church. Our theme for the service was ‘Homelessness. It’s Not Always Who You Think’ – a theme which seeks to

WHAT’S A YURT? A yurt is a semi-permanent, portable, nomadic dwelling, made from highly durable and weatherproof material.

Yurts are traditionally found in the steppes of Central Asia, but we’ve now got our very own here in Watford at the WNHT Community Market Garden! WNHT staff and service users worked together to build the structure, which was funded as part of the generous grant given by the ASDA Foundation. We hope the yurt will be a creative and therapeutic space for those in our services, as well as those from the wider local community.


Throughout the service we had a great time of worship as we reflected on God’s faithfulness throughout this last year. There was a poignant time to remember the 12 service users and two members of staff who have passed away during the previous year. The programme also included a ‘thank you’ to Mike Smith, looking back on the achievements he facilitated during his six years as our CEO. Tim Roberts, Watford Community Church’s Senior Minister, shared an important message which reminded us of the importance of collective working and inspired us to believe in a fruitful future for Watford. We are so grateful for all those who joined us and celebrated our birthday with us. It was a wonderful evening and a real joy to come together and praise God for all He has done through the Trust over the years. We look forward to meeting and celebrating again next year on Sunday 23rd March, 2014 – put the date in your diary!

Then there are our amazing volunteers who cook and serve food in our hostels and Day Centre, and those who help us during our busy Harvest season by driving around the town delivering food and goods to our service users and shops. Also, there are volunteers who befriend, train and support our service users. All of these much-needed people save WNHT tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of pounds each year and they also add immeasurable value to our work. We are grateful to every one of them.


Without our volunteers, quite simply, WNHT would not exist. We began with volunteers and, 23 years later, the number of volunteers serving here continues to outweigh the number of paid employees. WNHT is served each year by around 70 paid staff and more than 200 volunteers – more than 100 of these serve on a regular basis.

Our Queens Road charity shop continues to be entirely volunteer-run and more than 50 volunteers serve at this service alone, which generates an incredible c.£200,000 each year for those without homes.

In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that we must do more to recruit, support and show value to the incredible asset that are our volunteers. Therefore, with the financial support of the Sylvia Adams Charitable Trust, we are fortunate to be able to announce that we now have a dedicated volunteer manager, Rebecca Palmer, who will be responsible for looking after our volunteers and our volunteer programme across our ten locations. Also, Rebecca will be overseeing the development of our flourishing Community Market Garden, as this project relies upon the help of the local community, particularly volunteers. To find out more about volunteering at

the Trust, visit call Rebecca on 01923 210 680.

SERVE ON OUR FRONTLINE We’re looking for volunteers to come and work at our frontline service, the Haven Day Centre. We need kitchen volunteers to help serve breakfast, lunch and hot drinks to our service users. Looking ahead, we also need volunteers at Harvest. If you’re interested in either of these roles, or other opportunities at WNHT, visit










For more information about any of these events, visit our website at

COMING SUMMER 2013 To request a copy of our Annual Review,

01923 227 132 or email

please call us on

For more information about our work, visit our website at

ADDRESS Watford New Hope Trust 67 Queens Road Watford WD17 2QN

phone 01923 210 680 web


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