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Improve circulation with Newspapers in Education
If you don’t have a Newspapers in Education program going, it is a good way to introduce young readers to your paper and boost your circulation at the same time. Here is some frequently asked questions on NIE programs that can help you get started.
What qualifies as an NIE copy? For most copies, the basic rule requires that the newspaper be used in a “classroom setting.” That has been defined as grade level kindergarten and above. Day care centers and nursery schools do not qualify as classroom settings. To qualify, an educational program must be accredited by either a state or national govern- ment. Home schools may qualify if they are accredited.
How much must I charge for an NIE copy?
To count as paid circulation, the newspaper must be paid at least 25% of the base rate for the newspaper. For a single day delivery, the base rate would be the cover price. A single copy rate of $.50 would mean the NIE copy must be paid at a minimum of $.13. ($.50 X .25 rounded up.) For more than one delivery the home delivered rate may be used. Following the example already quoted, the home delivered price might be $.37 so the NIE minimum price would be $.10. ($.37 X .25 rounded up.)
How can school copies be funded? There are many ways the newspaper that is delivered to a classroom may be funded but the rules about third party funding are very precise. Direct sales to schools or teachers do not need any special rules other than setting the basic price as listed above. However, many NIE programs have chosen to solicit funds from third parties so newspapers can be delivered to the schools at no cost to the school. When soliciting funds from others, keep the following in mind:
• All donations to the NIE program must be voluntary and must be above the cost of any good or service that is involved. Many newspapers add the opportunity to donate to their regular subscription billing provided that the donation to the NIE program is over and above the normal cost of the subscription, is voluntary and is listed separately as a donation. Your current subscribers already believe reading newspapers is important, and so they are some of the best people to ask to support the program.
• Corporate/business sponsors: Sponsor donations must be over and above any other business transaction and must be independent of outside influences. If tied to an advertising contract, the donation must be over and above the regular cost of advertising and must be voluntary.
• Vacation donation programs: Subscribers going on vacation may donate the money associated with the vacation term to the NIE program, provided the subscriber specifically permitted the money to be donated at the time the subscriber calls in the vacation stop and records are maintained to verify this election.
What about credit balances? Frequently a subscriber’s account may have a credit balance left after delivery of the newspaper has stopped. The customer may have cancelled the newspaper, moved or died. It is acceptable to contact the subscriber, or the estate, and ask if the money may be donated to the NIE program. The subscriber must be given an opportunity to have the money returned to them. There must be a positive response from the subscriber before the money can be used for NIE. If the subscriber cannot be found then the unrefunded liability laws of Washington determine what happens to the money.
Some commercial services offer content to be used specifically for NIE programs, as supplements to your newspaper and as online websites. An internet search of NIE lesson plans will reveal a number of different sources, free and paid, that provide NIE materials.