Contact austria Lagergasse 82 8020 Graz tel +4369910754000
Hamburg Spreehafen
wettbewerb 3. preis 2009 entwerfen 4 J. meuwissen, tu graz Staedtebau, architektur, landschaftsarchitektur
Magok Waterfront
competition 2008 Urban design, landscape, model making, photography, documentation
Local Code
Design Studio, rmit melbourne 2009 Urban design, Architecture, landscape
Officer ribbon
Design Studio, rmit melbourne 2009 Urban design, Architecture, landscape
wettbewerb 1. Preis 2009 Deutscher botschaftskindergarten Istanbul Modul design, Material- oberflaechen studien
Exhibtion 15th-25th july 2009 State of design, melbourne project team: prof. tom kovac/martin heide
Design elective rmit melbourne prof. of architecture tom kovac Design, surface, objects
Steinhaus workshop
Tu graz- Sci arc 2008 series on light
plastic futures
Design elective rmit melbourne 2009 dr. Pia ednie brown projecting the future
haus ortis konstruieren 2 2006 F. mosshammer einreichung, polierplanung, detailerarbeitung
Portfolio 2009 Martin Heide
Spreehafen insel Ideen wettbewerb 3.preis hamburg 2009
4 3 2
6 1
Die Insel unterteilt sich in 9 Zonen Zone 1 : Zone 2 : Zone 3 : Zone 4 : Zone 5 : Zone 6 : Zone 7 : Zone 8 : Zone 9 :
draufsicht spreehafen
Parkhaus, Verkehrsknotenpunkt Verdichtete städtische Struktur Aufgelockerte städtische Struktur Schwimmfläche, Liegeflächen Aufgelockerte städtische Struktur Verdichtete städtische Struktur Arena, Freiluftbühne Verdichtete städtische Struktur Temporäres Wohnen
Zonen Verkehr
Straßen & Umlauf
Zone 1 :
Parken Ankommen Verweilen
Zone 4 :
50% Erholung 30% Sport 20% Cafe & Bar
Zone 7 :
10% Kunstraum & Galerien 30% Musikclubs 60% Veranstaltungsraum
Zone 2 :
20% Kunstraum & Galerien 40% Kleinhandel, Boutiquen 20% Cafe, Bar & Restaurants 10% Veranstaltungsraum
Zone 5 :
15% Kunstraum 40% Musikclubs 20% Cafe, Bar & Restaurants 25% Sport
Zone 8 :
20% Kunstraum & Galerien 40% Kleinhandel, Boutiquen 20% Cafe, Bar & Restaurants 20% Lebensmittelspezialitäten
Zone 3 :
15% Kunstraum & Galerien 50% Kleinhandel, Boutiquen 20% Cafe, Bar & Restaurants 10% Veranstaltungsraum
Zone 6 :
20% Kunstraum & Galerien 50% Kleinhandel, Boutiquen 20% Cafe, Bar & Restaurants 10% Veranstaltungsraum
Zone 9 :
60% Hausboote 25% Schwimmzellen 15% Mehrstöckige Hotelanlage
ansichten spreehafen zone 1 zone 4
ansichten spreehafen zone 6 zone 7
ansichten spreehafen zone 9
draufsicht spreehafen
Zone 1 :
Parken Ankommen Verweilen
Zone 2 :
20% Kunstraum & Galerien 40% Kleinhandel, Boutiquen 20% Cafe, Bar & Restaurants 10% Veranstaltungsraum
Zone 3 :
15% Kunstraum & Galerien 50% Kleinhandel, Boutiquen 20% Cafe, Bar & Restaurants 10% Veranstaltungsraum
Magok waterfront Competition 2008
Grundriss Magok Waterfront Zones
Diagramme Magok Waterfront
Zone A : Has an existing 35m highway, no water excess. Proposed new solution for landmark. Zone B : Stores water in rain season. Mainly farm land Proposed access to the river, new park
Built Structure
Hard Materials
Wild Green
Zone C : Farmland Zone B and Zone C is devided by existing road. Proposed leisure park area.
Zone E : Farmland Proposed infrastructure
Zone D : Sewage Treatment Plant. Proposed reduction.
Modell DRaufsicht
Modell BrueckenAnsicht Schnitt F-F
Modell Ansichten Schnitt C-C
Kanal Ansicht Magok
Magok, located on the Han River Seoul, was the site of an international competition. The task was to enliven the site with recreational and leisure opportunities, provide ammenities for tourists and visitors, situate housing harmoniously with appropriate commercial opportunities, and to respond to the site’s environment with attention to sustainability and ecology. The river itself provides resource for water-related leisure activites and commercial opportunity, taking into consideration its use as both a harbour and its asthetics as a waterway. The design accounts for both the buildings and the landscape in which they stand.
Local code DESIGN STUDIO 2009 RMIT Melbourne PART 1
Local Code City Inner City Area 176 km2 max. Population = 150.000 Density = 852 People / km2 Nabes max. Nabes = 100 Area = 3.7 km2 Radius = 3/4 mile max. Population / Nabe = 1500 Hab Average Inhabitants = 2.5 Number = 60.000 Habs Blue Area of Blue = 30% of the City Green Wilderness = 2 x Habed Area 2 Parkland = 2023 m / Hab Garden = 500 m2 / Hab Agriculture City = 1010 m2 / Citizen Agriculture Outside = 9015 m2 / Citizen Garland Area = 4046 m2 / Citizen in the City
local code rendered plan index
local code statistics
Paris vs. Local Code Inner City Area 105 km2 max. Population = 2.181.000 Districts = 20 Density = 20.696 People / km2
local code rendered plan buildingn index
local code perspektive
Based on the book Local Code by Michael Sorkin, this project was developed with a code for circulation systems (‘gradnets’) including streets, boulevards, water canals and transport systems. Working on an idea without an actual site made me decide to work diagrammatically, justifying the hexagonal shape with its possibilities of limitless rotation, copy and mirroring abilities.
local code piazza perspektive
local code piazza perspektive sektion
Officer Ribbon DESIGN STUDIO 2009 RMIT Melbourne PART 2
officer ribbon rendered plan index
native bush wilderness
introduced bushland
train station
officer ribbon incremental growth
This project seeks the development of an urban environment beyond conventional town planning. Houses can be more than a collection of objects in a city; they can be more than collective aggregations of stacked units. “Officer Ribbon” introduces ribbons which generate topography including all habitations and services for the future town. The town revolves around the existing train station and grows around the proposed Piazza.
Diagonal streets generate the ribbon between the Princess Hyighway and the Pakenham Bypass. These roads will still provide access for cars. The remaining area will be solely pedestrian orientated. All structures will be framed by trees or forest-like conditions. The activity of planting trees will be as important as the creation of inhabitable space. “Officer Ribbon” has no defined edge or limit of growth.
The town grows with the generation of topography. Responding to Michael Sorkin’s Local Code: “...a City has to have at least 25 mountains.” Officer Ribbon not only creates the possibility to change vertical location, it allows for actual inhabitation of the landscape. It also provides a second circulation system above the existing topography, defined by Sorkin as “Second Grade”.
Generating Identity / Economy The Piazza The Piazza functions as the center of the city, providing facilities for leisure, entertainent and information. Eash ‘studio cave’ caters for a multitude of uses and supports opportunities for new ideas from the local community.
These caves may supply local businesses a means to identify with the town but may also give people a reason or place to meet. Beside local businesses, the Piazza should also include places for art galleries, theatres, cinemas, bookshops, libraries, bars and cafes.
The topography of the Piazza invites one to use the studios as public furniture, to sit or lie on, or to present theatre or public speaches upon. Trees have an important role to frame, provide shade and define areas.
officer ribbon piazza generating topography
officer ribbon perspectives
Trainstation The Trainstation will be the entrane to the city. The train operates underground in the area of the Piazza and people have to find their way to the surface. Once arrived, the Trainstation building provides a sheltered introduction to the Piazza from where one might explore the studio caves.
The building complex also includes a concert hall and exhibition space for larger events.
officer ribbon trainstation perspective generating topography
officer ribbon trainstation plan
officer ribbon hab section
officer ribbon ribbon habitation Green Surface Earth (rammed / solidified) Static Structure (wood / metal)
Construction A frame structure (metal, wood) will provide the static requirements for the development of the ribbons. After installing a waterproof layer, earth will cover the frame and the green surface can be prepared. The earch will have different conditions (e.g. rammed earth, fertile soil) depending on its use.
Habitation The introduced ribbon will service all forms of living, working & communal activities. Depending on the slopes, more than 90% of ribbons will be walkable. Gardens / Agriculture Each Habitation will have an area for gardens and small scale agriculture. Access to light is essential.
Cemetery Areas of increasing life need solutions for their dying parts. These cemeteries suggest being the final display for each citizen of Officer Ribbon. Rather than being a cemetery on accessed by family members and friends, the cemetery allows the city to honor their citizens in public. The boxes of representation get filled chronologically. The cemetery becomes a democratice timeline for the life of the town.
Embedded in the native and regrown bushland, these places retain the possibility for intimate experiences with the past.
officer ribbon cemetery
officer ribbon cemetery perspectives
spiElLaNdSchaFt realisierungs wettbewerb 1. preis deutsche botschaft IsTAnBUl 2009
spiElLaNdShaFt gruNdRiss
spiElLaNdShaFt gruNdRiss
Sehen, Balancieren, Schwingen, Hören, Klettern, Bauen, Verstecken, Entspannen…
scHNiTt Elf Module sollen dem deutschen Botschaftskindergarten zur Verfügung stehen in denen wir den Kontrast und das Überschneiden gegensätzlicher Qualitäten nicht nur überlagern sondern ins Blickfeld rücken. Höhlengänge und Lochausstiege erlauben ein abwechslungsreiches Hin und Her-Klettern Kriechen und Rutschen, Verstecken oder Zeigen, zwischen innen und außen, oben und unten. Die Grenzen zwischen glatten und rauen Oberflächen werden betont und steigern die sensorische Aktivität.
Guckloch Verzerrungseffekt durch Krümmung einer intergierten Linse Vakuumgeformter Kunsstoff EPS Formmaterial
Tauschlade Kugelgelagerte Holzschatulle Interaktion und Kommunikation den massiven Teil der Wand
MODUL 230cm*100cm*250cm
1200cm*250cm*250cm 11*vorfrabizierte Module +1 Modulvolumen Packund Stauraum
RUHEN KriechSchlafSpiel
Die Wände werden als Kommunikationsflächen eingesetzt, die durch das Ausblenden einiger Sinne die anderen hervorheben. Verbunden durch ein Polokalrohr kann mit dem anderen Ende der HörHöhle(7) Kontakt aufgenommen werden und wichtige Informationen ausgetauscht werden. Im SpechtlDampfer(1) erhalten die Ereignisse ihre nötige Beobachtung und wenn es darum geht Waren auszutauschen können diese in der SehTauschKriechwand(4) durchgedreht werden… In die Spiellandschaft eingebettet gibt es Sitz- und Ruhezonen die den Betreuern oder Eltern gute Sicht auf die jeweiligen Aktivitäten der spielenden Kinder ermöglichen ohne selber ständig in Bewegung sein zu müssen. Im vorderen Bereich befinden sich ein Gerätelager und eine Sitzgelegenheit, die den unmittelbaren Zugang zum Vorplatz im Falle einer temporären Nutzung zugänglich machen.
spiElLaNdShaFt axonometrie
aNFErTIgUnG Alle Module (Ständerholzkonstuktion verkleidet mit Holzlatten, CNC gefrästes Polystyrol) koennen in den Werkstätten der Universität erzeugt werden und der Zukauf von Materialien beläuft sich auf Kleinigkeiten( z.B. Polokalrohre, Seile, Pflanzen).
Tower Exhibition, state of design 15.-25. july 2009 melbourne
Detail Tower FAcades
Plan Tower
The Tower was generated and developed from geometry studies of Alessi products. All objects evolve from one Base-Geometry. This project considers the role of architecture as national jewlery. Architecture which presents itself in the city as an object, reference point and center of attention, entirely rejecting and purely selfsufficient.
Alessi design elective 2009 prof. tom kovac rmit melbourne
Base Geometry
Perspektive Evolution
Eggcup/small egg Animation Sequences
eggcup/big egg Animation Sequences
Eggcup/small egg Section Sequences
eggcup/big egg Section Sequences
Eggcup/Shell holder
eggcup/Plate Views
eggcup/Plate Views
fruit bowl generation
fruit bowl Genration
fruit bowl generation
fruit bowl Genration
fruit bowl generation
fruit bowl Genration
Steinhaus Workshop Tu Graz-SCI ARC Steinhaus 2008
Light Series
Light material
Light refraction has a distinct ability to transform the perception of spatial relationships. That is, we have the ability to turn light into a dynamic material through the interaction between light cast upon a surface, or through a series of surfaces. The transformative qualities of these dynamic interactions of light and material become a means by which we are able to enter a dialogue between space and light. In this sense, the house becomes both the projector of light and a screen upon which that light is
projected. Capturing, rerouting, bouncing, refracting, reflecting, absorbing, shattering, plowing become the operations by which we manipulate both light and surface. Light: Refraction,Reflection,Absorption, Intensification, Capturing, Rerouting, Bouncing Shattering. We have the ability to turn light into a dynamic material.In this sense, the house becomes both the projector of light and a screen upon which that light is projected.
PALS Plasticity and Autotrophic Life Society. A group of emergentists working with potential. In an increasingly biotechnological era, what might life become? Are we developing new *understandings* in response to the question ‘What is Life?’ Or are we actually changing what constitutes life itself? Are we, in fact, redesigning life? Is the practice of design itself evolving in related terms? Is design a key activity in guiding us into the future? Or, is design redundant as we shift the gears from more mechanistic paradigms into what is called ‘emergence’, as the basis for evolutionary unfolding? If we assume that this gear shift is simply an evolution of design, rather than its demise, what role might aesthetics play in our evolutionary unfolding? How is this linked to ethics, and our ability to participate in the best possible futures? The main aim of this group is to discuss these questions, but also to develop and refine these questions (and new ones) about the relationships between life, architecture, design, ethics and aesthetics in what promises to be an increasingly biotechnological future. Our goal is to use this to make a documentary in which these questions play a role. In other words, this group is an important part of a design process. Pipa.Rownindeed
Plastic Futures design elective 2009 prof. Pia ednie brown rmit melbourne
between 10 and 50 years. Some of the buildings I did in Europe, I am quoting the client now, were meant “to stay forever”… Our approach today seems slightly different. First of all we suggest thinking about architecture in terms of systems rather than objects. Second a healthy system is not defined by the stability of use, rather it is defined by the stability of constant change. If we look at the behaviour of common building materials like bricks and concrete the ability to respond to adaption, change in density or volume is nearly impossible. Damages and disfunctions often led to complete destruction or removal. Today we transform material from one substance to another. The feedback of developing conditions has become far more Interview with She at the Biennale 2049 accurate that way. She, you are an architect and scientist, how do The way we look at Architecture now resembles you experience the work you are doing for PALS how we conceive autotrophic organisms. and for Future_City_Prototyp? Is your role more as an architect or a scientist? Is it even possible In that sense the border between architecture and science has become even more blurred. to distinguish those two anymore? Not long ago science and design were excluding Well indeed my work as an architect has changed each other, scientific presentations had to be a lot. In the beginning of my architectural career without design elements in order to be considered we used to do competitions about planning ‘serious’, and design that included science was buildings for very specific uses. Museums, considered as ‘dangerous’. That has changed Residential, Shopping, maybe the last two because science has stepped out of its limited seemed to grow together already, especially field of analyzing and explaining how the parts come logically together. Science has reached a Rem Koolhaas tried to push it that way. Mostly the expected longevity of buildings was point where it can put them together.
About Me
fruit bowl generation
Architecture as a tectonic discipline has always been about “the composition of parts”,(G. Semper). Eventhough architecture employed science for its static and physical needs the ability to actually use science to create architecture that becomes a living organism has been a revolution. And still all these possibilities have been around us a long time before. Autotrophic life has been occurring for billions of years (Thrombolites), the only difference we have today is that we are able to understand and make use of it. Can you explain to us a little bit more what autotrophic life is about? Autorophic life is a self-sustaining or selfnourishing organism. An autotroph is an organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules using energy from light (by photosynthesis) or inorganic chemical reactions. Autotrophs are fundamental to the food chains of all ecosystems. They take energy from the environment in the form of sunlight or inorganic chemicals and use it to create energyrich molecules such as carbohydrates. This mechanism is called primary production.
Interview of She Looks Members of Pals
I am a 47 year old BioMed Architect and member of the PALS (Plasticity and Autotrophic Life Society). At the moment we are developing the Future City Prototype, which is evolving close to Mandurah in Western Australia. Similar to Thrombolite organisms which live near our site, our city is dependent on water nutrition. The growth or the waning of the City represents a symbiotic relationship shared with the Thrombolites. Being responsible for the health of a system makes me realize how important it is to work together with other people. A movement like PALS provides the structure to progress on various levels of society and to ensure longevity for our environment. Aldou Shuxledores
Sri-Mata Anitananda
Yun Bettergoods
You Looked
Other organisms, called heterotrophs(humans, animals), take in autotrophs as food to carry out functions necessary for their life. Let me come back to Future_City_Prototyp. It has experienced a huge acceptance. What is your current involvement and how big are you expecting it to grow?
(Smiles) This question had to come but I’ll give you a hint. Right I would say she has probably the opposite character than me. And no I haven’t seen her for decades Would you like to interview her?…Haha Haha… Thank You She for the interview
My work contains the coordination of growth in Future_City, including the management of the water nutrition as well as the life of the Thrombolites which are the indicators of health in our city. Depending on our own ability to produce nutrition we expect to inhabit 5-7 million people in 2100.
Generating City Thoughts What if the future city employs these possibilities? What if the future city becomes bridgelike? Rather than being the center of an aggregated population of excluded and included, the City-Bridge could function not only as connector,
“Sea City”, Haus Rucker, Ortner & Ortner
passageway or transfer zone, it would be inhabited space, like a Ponte Vecchio with different climate zones. A bridge without its banks, a bridge which doesn’t connect or separate destinations. A bridge as a bridge not for what it does but what it is. A City-Bridge, not a city’s bridge…
How would you call yourself if I asked your profession? Well, maybe a ProBioMedTopophericist Haha, got it. One last question: How is your relationship to your sister You Looked? She seems to have a different temper than you. Are you still in contact with her? You Looked beeing “charming”
......”Had a great time at the Biennale. It was very enjoyable to present the developement of our research on Future_City_ Prototype and to exchange ideas for further developements. I am still amazed how many people know about our project and would like to join us”.....
Interview She Looks at Biennale 2049
“Sea City”, Haus Rucker, Ortner & Ortner
Earth some 350 to 650 million years ago. They grow at an average of 1mm a year. The Thrombolite structures reach heights of up to 1.3m. Mangrove Trees Mangroves are halophytic (salt loving) trees, shrubs and other plants growing in brackish to saline tidal waters.Nutrients uptake Rotavirus_with_antibody Prop root systems allow mangroves to take up Thrombolites gases directly from the atmosphere, and various other Stromatolites and Thrombolites are created by nutrients, like iron, from the algae and represent the earliest record of life on earth. Thrombolites are formed when the micro-organisms photosynthesise. During this processs they are able to precipitate calcium carbon
Mangrove Trees, East Coast, Australia
inhospitable soil. Gases are quite often stored directly inside the roots and processed even Thrombolites, Lake Clifton, Western Australia when the roots are submerged during high tide. In harsh environment, mangroves have evolved ate from the waters of the lime-enriched lake to a mechanism to help their offspring survive.The form the rock-like structures. Thrombolites and seeds can produce its own food via photosynstromatolites were the only known form of life on thesis.
Generating a future city Members of Pals
Aldou Shuxledores
Sri-Mata Anitananda
Yun Bettergoods
You Looked
Future City_Prototyp Future City Prototype, has its center of grwoth in the former area next to Lake Cliftionclose to Mandurah in Western Australia. Similar to Thrombolite organisms which live near the site, the city is dependent on water nutrition. The growth or the waning of the City represents a symbiotic relationship shared with the Thrombolites. The city takes nutrition from the water but produces also its own nutrion including the food for the inhabitants. Besides autotrophic abilties of the citystructure itself, agriculture will be based on aeroponic and hydroponic systems to ensure the wealthfare of the city. The expected population growth fom 2040 to 2100 will be between 5-7 million people.
Future City prototyp
city growth Animated growth/functions 2050 2075 2100
Future City provides an adaptable structure for evolving uses. Depending on the need of the citizens, each single part has to adjust, grow, decrease and transform whenever change is necessary. No area in the city will be dedicated to a specific use.
City Growth
City Growth
Contact austria Martin Heide Lagergasse 82 8020 Graz tel +4369910754000