Embark on a journey into the captivating realm of WODEN's 'Autumn Elegance' campaign, where images spring to life through exquisite and timeless design. Our focus on unique design features and weatherproof elements creates a visual narrative that captures the essence of the season..
What's inside?
Worksof Denmark.
It’snotjustaboutcreating anothershoe.Wefocuson craftsmanship,functionalityand thatperfectfit.
Autumn Elegance
AutumnElegancewasinspiredbythedesertair—areminderoftheEarth'sfragile balance.Itenvelopsyou,makingyouacutelyawareofitsharshness.Thearidair servesasapoignantreminderoftheneedtoexploreresponsiblepaths.AtWODEN, weembodyastrongcommitmenttoagreenerfootprint,weknowtheimportanceof preservingourplanet'snaturalbeauty,andwecontinuetodosoonecollectionat thetime.
This overview showcases the styles we’ve captured in our latest campaign material.
WL970 Merle Ballerina WL770 Molly Mule Black WL770 Molly Mule Silver Mink WH132 Iris Track Leather Whisper White/Silver Lining WL904 Magda Track Waterproof Black WL904 Magda Track Waterproof Forest Green WL904 Magda Track Waterproof Dark Olive WL957 Siri Waterproof Black WL957 Siri Waterproof Grey WL957 Siri Waterproof Dark Olive WL968 Isa Lace Waterproof Black WL965 Irene Waterproof Dark Olive WL965 Irene Waterproof Storm WL965 Irene Waterproof Black WL957 Siri Waterproof Silver Mink Camouflage WL961 Silje Glitter MultiSyleOveriwsneakers
This overview showcases the styles we’ve captured in our latest campaign material.
WL646 Bjork Mix Botanical Blanc de Blanc WL645 Bjork Blanc de Blanc WL740 Ronja Dark Forest WL740 Ronja Ice Blue Multi WL740 Ronja Ballerina Multi WL740 Ronja Algae Multi WL740 Ronja Fudge WL044 Ydun Suede Zipper Dark Navy WL042 Ydun Icon Glitter Multi WL041 Ydun Icon Animal Leopard WL591 Sif Reflective Whisper White BotanicalWL904 Magda Track Waterproof
Forest Green
WL970 Merle BallerinaDownloadallimageson:
woden spysystem dk
WL970Merle Ballerina
Afterawhile,youbecomeonewiththedesert.Ittransformsintoyourhome,where AutumnEleganceresides.Thedesert,withitssilentbeauty,becomesyour sanctuary.Thegentlewind,likethewhispersofourcampaign,caressesyour senseswithitssoothingrhythm.Inthislandofmystery,ancientcitiessleep beneaththesands,theiruntoldrichesechoingourtimelessdesigns.Amongstthe talesofnocturnalbeasts,our'AutumnElegance'campaignunveilsitsownmagic.In thiswondrousdesert,theallureofeleganceknowsnobounds.
WL041 Ydun Icon Animal LeopardWeloveocraft campaignsthat breathelieinoyour socialmediapersona, onestunninglookata time.
Facebook, instagram, webshop, stories, post, giveaways and much more.
@wodenofficial WL645 Bjork Blanc de Blanc