Citylife - December, 2016

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SUMMER 2016-2017

CityLife is Wodonga Council’s monthly publication and is delivered around Wodonga.


Approximately 17,000 copies are printed each month by Newsprinters, Shepparton. CityLife is delivered by Australia Post. CONTACT US Office: 104 Hovell St, Wodonga Post: PO Box 923, Wodonga, VIC 3689 Phone: (02) 6022 9300 Fax: (02) 6022 9346 Email: Website:

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Arts Space Wodonga Cnr Lawrence and Hovell St Mon to Fri, 10am to 5.30pm, Sat 9am to noon

Council meetings are open to the public and are usually held on the third Monday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for December 12. Meetings are held in the council chambers, level two, city offices, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga and commence at 6pm. Agendas can be downloaded from the council’s website the Friday prior to the meeting.

Baranduda Community Centre 3 Sage Court, Baranduda Mon to Fri, 9am to 3pm Belgrade Ave Community Centre 12 Belgrade Ave, Wodonga Mon to Fri, 9am to 3pm Felltimber Community Centre 189 Melrose Dr, Wodonga Weekdays, 9am to 3pm The Cube Wodonga 118 Hovell St, Wodonga Mon to Fri, 10am to 4pm Wodonga Library 126 Hovell St, Wodonga Mon to Fri, 10am to 5.30pm, Sat 9am to noon CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Interested in applying for a position with the council? Register your details at au/vacancies to receive job alerts about current vacancies. SUSTAINABILITY CityLife is printed on recycled paper, which is made up of 20 to 40 per cent of recycled fibre from old newspapers. It can also be re-added to newsprint production as a recycled fibre after use.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF COUNTRY In the spirit of reconciliation, Wodonga Council acknowledges the traditional owners of this land on which it stands, and pays its respects to their Elders past, present and future, for they hold the memories, the traditions and the culture of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. CITYLIFE ONLINE Read and share CityLife online at To subscribe to the online version, register at CITYWATCH Pay any council bill or report a problem online 24/7 with our mobilefriendly service CityWatch:

To contact the CityLife editor, please email


Local artists are showcasing the indigenous heritage of the region by stencilling their artwork along Wodonga’s bike paths. Starting with the bike paths around Sumsion Gardens, the stencils will surprise and delight walkers, joggers and cyclists. Emerging indigenous artist Tamara Murray and local visual artist Linda Fish helped the indigenous

young adults to tell their own stories through their art using traditional and contemporary symbols and designs. The designs will also be printed onto cotton shoulder bags.

“The project allows the young indigenous community to explore their own creative voice and, importantly, to see the final works valued as part of the community’s creative culture.”

“The high visibility of the final artworks as urban street art and on shoulder bags means the community can engage with the works in vastly different ways,” Ms Fish said.

The project is a collaboration between Wodonga Council, Murray Arts, local indigenous youth and local artists. (Pictured: Linda Fish with students Jordon Grant, Cassie Yule and Andrew Gillam).

Lewis’s soccer career takes off At just 17, Lewis Greenwood’s soccer career is taking him places and he already has his eye on representing Australia. Lewis was presented with a Young Achiever Scheme (YAS) Award by Mayor Cr Anna Speedie at the council’s November meeting. This award helps young people in their pursuits to participate at a state or national level for activities, events or competitions. Lewis (pictured with Cr Kat Bennett) and his family were transferred with the Australian Army from the UK to Australia in 2007.

competition level. His determination and persistence has earnt him a regular spot with the senior soccer squad (scoring two goals).

He initially enrolled in Wodonga Panthers (now Wodonga Heart) before moving to Twin City Wanderers, Wodonga Diamonds and now Murray United (national premier league) at the statewide

Last year Lewis received the golden boot award for the most goals scored in the U16s in their inaugural season. Lewis’s achievements highlight the talent in the

Wodonga region, and he has been noticed by several metropolitan clubs. He has been invited to represent Australia in Italy in December 2016 to January 2017. If selected, he may also have the opportunity to play in an Italian team for one or two years, and will bring back with him some significant experience and skills.



SUMMER 2016-2017


REPORT UNSOCIABLE BEHAVIOUR IN PARKS Wodonga residents are urged to report any undesirable behaviour with a recent spate of illegal activities causing damage to hilltops and parks. This includes vehicles doing burnouts, damage to toilets and fences, and the discharge of firearms in public parks. According to Wodonga Senior Sergeant Kate Chamberlain, offenders may be breaking several laws.

The Melbourne Stars and Sydney Thunder are set to play in three games at the Lavington Sports Ground in Albury on Tuesday, December 13, in a landmark deal between the two clubs, AlburyCity and Wodonga Council to bring Big Bash cricket to regional communities. Both clubs’ men’s and women’s sides will be in action as the Thunder hosts the Stars in the first ever WBBL match to be played regionally, while the men play out two BBL|05 Big Final re-matches in preparation for the BBL|06 season. Melbourne Stars CEO Clint Cooper expressed the club’s gratitude for the opportunity

to connect more with regional Victoria through this initiative. “The Melbourne Stars is thrilled to be bringing both our men’s and women’s teams to Albury-Wodonga for what is sure to be a spectacle and a great opportunity for young girls and boys to see their heroes up close,” said Cooper.

WBBL points,” Cr Speedie said.

Melbourne Stars community day

“I urge local sports fans to come along and see some of Australia’s best cricketers in action at the Border Bash.”

As part of the Border Bash coming to Albury-Wodonga, the Melbourne Stars will host a community day on Monday, December 12, from 4pm to 6.30pm at Wodonga’s Kelly Park.

Event schedule WBBL Women’s Match: 10am Sydney Thunder v Melbourne Stars

Wodonga Council Mayor Anna Speedie will be barracking for Melbourne Stars.

Border Bash Men’s B: 3pm Sydney Thunder v Melbourne Stars

“It’s fabulous that AlburyWodonga has been chosen as the venue by the big guns of the BBL for their practice match and we’re thrilled that the Thunder and Stars’ women’s teams will play for

Border Bash Men’s A: 6.30pm Sydney Thunder v Melbourne Stars (Main Match) TICKETS

Activities will include cricket clinics, meet and greet with players, music, face painting, and Ready Steady Go kids activities for those aged between two and six years. Albury-Wodonga cricket will also run a sausage sizzle. This is a free event with no registrations required.

Nominate outstanding citizens for award Do you know an outstanding citizen? Wodonga Council is now calling for nominations for the 2017 Australia Day Citizen Awards to recognise the great work people do in our community. The categories are: Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Organisation of the Year. The winner of these prestigious awards will display a significant contribution to the Wodonga community and / or outstanding achievements considered appropriate by the council. Citizen nominees must be Australian citizens, and aged 16 years or over on ALIVE WITH POSSIBILITIES

Thursday, January 26, 2017. Young Citizen nominees must be Australian citizens, and aged between 16 to 25 years on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The community organisation must be a not-for-profit organisation consisting of four or more members that deliver services within the Wodonga municipality. The awards will be presented at the council’s Australia Day celebrations on Thursday, January 26, 2017. Send in your nominations by Friday, December 9, via the form at or by phoning the customer focus team on

Under hoon laws, vehicles may be impounded regardless of whether a vehicle is used improperly on- or off-road. Under the Firearms Act 1996, people are prohibited from shooting without a licence or permit and in circumstances that create a danger for people and livestock. Under local laws, people are prohibited from using weapons in parks or reserves and from killing flora and fauna. “This is both a criminal issue and a public safety issue,” Senior Sergeant Kate Chamberlain said. Wodonga Council CEO Patience Harrington emphasised that everyone needs to use Wodonga’s hills and parks responsibly, and report any illegal activity. “This sort of unsociable behaviour can be dangerous to members of the public, including residents who live nearby. But it’s also costly and can cause thousands of dollars damage to public assets,” she said.

AUSTRALIA DAY 2017 Celebrate what’s great this Australia Day on Thursday, January 26! Come down to Les Stone Park in Lawrence St between 7am and 10.30am and enjoy a morning of activities and family fun.

We’ll welcome our new citizens and congratulate our worthy Australia Day winners. A barbecue breakfast will be on offer as well as musical performances by some of our amazing local talent.

“Wodonga’s parks are under surveillance, and offenders will be prosecuted.” Police are currently investigating recent illegal activity on local hilltops and parks.




SUMMER 2016-2017

What can be done about all the long grass around town? With heavy rain and warm weather, grass is growing quicker than you can cut it. The council has extra contractors employed to help with the mowing of the grass, as well as our own crews working flat out to make sure it is done. Please either phone us, use CityWatch, our online chat or Facebook, or email to report problem areas to ensure they are brought to our attention and we can tend to them promptly. If you own a vacant block, please mow the grass to deter snakes and vermin. VicRoads has also started its roadside slashing program to reduce the risk of bushfires.

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Have your say at

HILLTOPS WORKSHOPS Residents are invited to have their say on the future of the hills in the next phase of consultation for the draft hilltops strategy. Registrations are now open for the workshops which will be held in February and March next year. The number of workshops will be determined by interest and will include day and evening sessions. Final details will be confirmed in January. HilltopsWorkshops PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SURVEY The Wodonga Physical Activity Strategy 2015-2020 was developed to encourage more people in Wodonga to be physically active. Council plays a lead role in getting more people to be more active through a range of activities.

Make the most of your bins over Christmas by flat-packing cardboard and storing any excess in your garage so you can put some in your yellowlidded bin over a few weeks. On Christmas Day, use a box instead of a plastic bag to pick up all the used Christmas wrap. Separate any polystyrene and drop off at the Wodonga Waste Transfer Station – just make sure it’s dry and without any contamination such as dirt or tape (free for households, not for industry).

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Beat the bite from mosquitoes by wearing loosefitting clothing when outdoors, using mosquito repellents containing DEET or picaridin on exposed skin, and trying to limit outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are about (usually dusk and dawn). Make sure there is no stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed around your home, and when on holidays make sure your accommodation is properly fitted with mosquito netting or screens. And don’t forget the kids – it’s safer to spray or rub insect repellents on their clothes rather than directly onto their skin.

Protect your pet from the noise of New Year’s Eve fireworks by locking them inside: it’s the kind and the safest thing to do. If you’re travelling away from home over the summer period, make arrangements for your pet to ensure they aren’t left unattended and don’t escape.

The Physical Activity Survey is your chance to inform planning around future services, programs and infrastructure improvements. Closes December 16. PhysicalActivityStrategy-2016 YOUTH SNAPSHOT All Australian young people are entitled to have a say in decisions that affect their lives, and Wodonga Council wants to hear from local people about what’s important to them to help draft the Youth Strategy 2018-2021. If you live, work or study in Wodonga and are aged between nine and 24 years, complete the survey and tell us what’s important to you. YouthSnapshot2016 HEALTH AND WELLBEING PLAN



Took a trek to capture the ‘Supermoon’

We are a bit in love with our black and white striped awning!



Have your say on Wodonga’s Health and Wellbeing Plan for the next four years – what issues should be the top priority, and how we can work together as a community to address them. Join one of two Community Conversations at The Cube Wodonga on Tuesday, December 6 at 10am or 6.30pm. Register via the link below.

mhwp-workshop2016. 4



SUMMER 2016-2017

Christmas appeal

Paste-up art puts artists on streets A new form of displaying artwork is putting young artists onto the streets – at least temporarily.

This Christmas UnitingCare and Target are again calling on shoppers to give generously by buying gift tags for $1 or giving an unwrapped gift for families in need this Christmas.

The Paste Up Pop Up project (a collaboration between Wodonga Council, artist Katherine Rattray and Wodonga TAFE photography students) has seen life-size artworks pasted onto various walls around the city.

According to UnitingCare, all Australian families deserve to experience the joy and excitement of Christmas.

The students developed the artworks from photographs and graphics, and the results are surprising, delighting and intriguing passers-by. According to TAFE teacher Katharine Rattray, the project gives local emerging artists a chance to stretch themselves creatively and respond to real world parameters about developing and supplying art for public exhibition.

One in eight Australians live in poverty and many of these people turn to UnitingCare to put food on the table, buy gifts for their children and provide temporary accommodation over Christmas.

Wodonga TAFE students Loz Adams and Alizah Campbell (top) with artwork at Forrest Mars Ave underpass (absent: Vincent Davide), and Desiree Göhe and Jimmy Shoemark at Wodonga Joinery wall (bottom).

Thanks to the generosity of the Australian community, UnitingCare and Target have collected over 2.1 million gifts in the last 25 years. Gifts can be left at Target stores until December 24, or you can donate online at unitingcarechristmasappeal.

Your rail views sought One of the biggest studies on passenger rail services between Albury-Wodonga and Melbourne is about to get under way and Border and North East residents are urged to get on-board and have their say. AlburyCity, Wodonga, Wangaratta and Benalla Councils have joined forces to fund the research project which will look at both existing and potential demand for rail services, current perceptions of train travel and the social and economic impact of rail on local communities. Wodonga Mayor Cr Anna Speedie said the project would gather extensive feedback over a four-week period from both existing train travellers and the general community. “We need to understand the issues and also the opportunities that could flow from a more reliable, timely and effective passenger rail service,” Cr Speedie said. “Recommendations from the project will be included in a report to inform future ALIVE WITH POSSIBILITIES

“The project demands that artists consider environment, context, and what statements they are making through their works,” Katharine said. “They also experience seeing a project through from concept development to installation. “This is a real investment in our future local artists.” These artworks will remain for three months at the Forrest Mars Ave underpass and Wodonga Joinery wall.


planning and development of infrastructure and services. “It will be used to lobby government and rail authorities for much-needed improvements.” The research project will include face-to-face and telephone interviews as well as an online survey. The four councils are working closely with the Border Rail Action Group which has been advocating for improved passenger rail services between Albury-Wodonga and Melbourne for a number of years. AlburyCity Mayor Cr Kevin Mack said, “I can’t stress how important it is that our communities get behind this project and provide valuable feedback. “I urge everyone to have their say and help ensure the Border and North East has access to a service that it deserves”. SURVEY railpassengersurvey.

Wodonga early years educator Megan Hancock was one of just three finalists chosen from 90 applicants in the 2016 Victorian Early Years Awards held recently.

large preschool. It has been a challenging but rewarding journey for Megan.

Megan, who is Educational Leader of eight staff at Southern Rise Children’s Centre, is passionate about the importance of the early years.

She has guided her team to foster a culture of innovative practice and a belief that anything is possible. The culture and practices of the staff have ensured that all children feel included and have a sense of belonging.

She has worked tirelessly since starting at the centre as a mature-age graduate to develop a preschool program that helps children build strong and trusting relationships with staff. The program also gives them the time and space to explore and play, and ensures their families do not feel that their child might ‘get lost’ in such a

The ‘Early Childhood Teacher of the Year’ award is presented to someone who demonstrates innovation and exemplary practice in early childhood education, and is making a significant contribution to the development and delivery of high quality early childhood education programs that improve outcomes for children. CITYLIFE



SUMMER 2016-2017


14-year-old daughter and we love to walk our hills and ride on the many trails around our great city.

I want to thank everyone who supported, voted and helped me during the election campaign. I was born and grew up in Wodonga, studying and completing a Bachelor of Community Development and Planning at La Trobe Wodonga. I am presently the Early Years Health Promotion Co-ordinator at Gateway Health and also a qualified yoga and meditation teacher. I’ve been on the board of YES Youth and Family Services for nine years and served as the Co-President of the Albury Wodonga YWCA and on the Committee of Management for the Albury Wodonga Volunteer Resource Bureau. In 2012, I was awarded the Local Government Young Achiever award in the Awards for Excellence, and received the Sally Issac Memorial Trust Scholarship which recognises the significant community contribution of women under 30. You might see me out and about with my miniature dachshund Pappi.

CR LIBBY HALL l would like to thank all of the people who voted and supported me in the elections. I am truly honoured and excited to have been given this opportunity to represent all residents. l have lived in Wodonga for over 26 years, raising two children as well as owning and operating a building business with my husband of 28 years. Managing small businesses, you have to be multi-skilled and peopleorientated. We as councillors

I am really excited to see the fantastic changes in our CBD and look forward to working towards creating more jobs and an even more vibrant and progressive city.

need to reflect this, too, as well as being mindful we need to be approachable and accountable to the people we represent. Wodonga is a fantastic place to live, there are some exciting changes happening with the development of our CBD. I am looking forward to being part of Wodonga’s future development as well as working with the Councillors, Mayor, Council Staff and “You” the Wodonga people to take Wodonga forward. Please feel free to contact me.

CR DANNY LOWE I have grown up in Wodonga since I was 14. I was an avid sportsman, playing any sport I could, with a focus on cricket and football. I had a keen interest in snow-skiing and water sports, and this led me to my career in small business in this industry. My No. 1 priority is, and will always be, my wife, Kate, children, Jordan (dec), Millicent, 18, and Tanner, 7. It is my desire to help shape a city in which my family will be proud to call home. I will get to wear many hats (pun intended) while doing my elected duty, all of which

I am excited about. One is to help influence a vision and strategy to improve the city’s economic development. I will always advocate for voices that struggle to be heard. I will form my view and make decisions based on what I think is in the best interest of the broader community. I thank you and look forward to working for you over the next four years.

CR RON MILDREN I grew up in Wodonga and am honoured to now be representing the community as a councillor. I would like to thank all those who supported me through the election campaign and those who gave their support through their vote. Returning to the area several years ago, I look forward to participating in the shaping of the future direction of our city and its people. Over the years I’ve been involved in local sporting and community organisations and boards and anticipate being able to bring my knowledge, expertise and feedback from these groups to the council table.

I look forward to talking and listening to the community over the next four years and continuing to hear what’s important to the people of Wodonga.

CR TIM QUIILTY I am an accountant and have been working in that field since 2007. I’m married to my lovely wife Olga (also an accountant) and have two children – Fred (4) and Mikhail (9 months). We moved down from Wagga in 2012, but I’m originally (and always at heart) a farmer from Adelong. I’m a big supporter of people helping themselves and each other. I was a volunteer firefighter in NSW for many years and was on the board that brought a community bank branch to Adelong. I’d rather have a meeting over a beer than a coffee. I believe being honest is more important than being tactful. I will work to deliver on what I stood for and what I believe the community wants.

CR ANNA SPEEDIE I have had the great privilege of serving as a councillor for the past 11 years. I have a

One of my favourite things about Wodonga is how friendly, welcoming and passionate about their city our residents are. Thank you for entrusting me once again with the honour of representing you.

CR JOHN WATSON To all the community of Wodonga firstly thanks for the support and trust you have shown in me to re-elect John Watson for another term as your councillor, along with the new team which I look forward to working with and taking Wodonga along the journey to make Wodonga a liveable city for the future. I can say I am very much now adjusted as a town resident after moving from the farm some 5 ½ years ago and when I am not working for the city and day job, I love to relax in the garden and sharing my produce with friends and neighbours. My newest venture for 2016 is beekeeping and have successfully built a bee hive in my brother-in-law’s garage with the help of all the families. So if you see a councillor running very fast around Wodonga, you know I have upset the bees. I look forward to four years of continuing to deliver for all of our community and region.





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COUNCIL MEETINGS Council meetings are open to the public. Meetings are held in the council chambers, level two, city offices, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga and commence at 6pm. Agendas can be downloaded from the council’s website the Friday prior to the meeting. 6


What's on in Summer D EC E M B E R TO F E B RUA RY 2 0 1 7



Australia Day Thursday, January 26 7am to 10.30am Les Stone Park, Lawrence St, Wodonga Celebrate what's great about the nation this Australia Day by joining in a morning of activities and family fun. Wodonga will welcome its new citizens and congratulate its worthy Australia Day winners. A barbecue breakfast will be on offer, as well as musical performances by some of the region’s amazing local talent.


Fridays on My Mind January 6, February 10, March 3 5.30pm to 8.30pm The Cube Wodonga Courtyard Relax and Unwind. Have you got Fridays on your mind? Be entertained with live music, performance, talks and art while enjoying gourmet food and wine.

Enquiries: (02) 6022 9281 Cost: Free

Enquiries: (02) 6022 9300 Cost: Free



Learn more about all the events at closer to the date or follow us on facebook

Drawing the Labyrinth: Jacqui Stockdale A NETS Victoria touring exhibition Friday, December 16 to Saturday, March 4 Gallery opening times Arts Space Wodonga Jacqui Stockdale’s Drawing the Labyrinth comprises more than 100 metres of drawings presented in a fold-out concertina sketchbook set out on tables and configured in the form of a labyrinth. Official opening: Friday, December 16 at 5.30pm Artist floor talk: Saturday, December 17 at 10am Workshops: Throughout January and February Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600 Cost: Free


The Summer Reading Club: Heroes and villains Thursday, December 1 to Friday, January 27 Wodonga Library Unleash your imagination as you discover heroes, villains, sidekicks and more in this year’s Summer Reading Club. Enquiries and bookings: (02) 6022 9330 (bookings essential) Cost: Free



What's on in Summer


Summer 2016 WORKSHOP

Christmas craft Wednesday, December 7 10am Wodonga Library EVENT

A special Christmas craft session for preschool-aged children to celebrate the last Story Time for 2016!

Summer at Bonegilla

Enquiries and bookings: (02) 6022 9330 Cost: Free

Monday, December 26 to Sunday, January 29 Site open from 10am to 4pm Tours at 11am daily Bonegilla Migrant Experience


Christmas Art at Wodonga Plaza

Take the suitcase trail and explore activity stations to learn and discover what life was like for new arrivals at the Bonegilla Migrant Reception and Training Centre.

Friday, December 16, Saturday, December 17 and Sunday, December 18 11am to 2pm Wodonga Plaza Shopping Centre Come along and get creative making festive decorations. No bookings required.

Enquiries: (02) 6020 6912 Optional Tour: Adult $11, child $9 and family $25

Enquiries: (02) 6022 9300 Cost: Free


'Travel' to Italy Wednesday, January 18 and Friday, January 20 10am to 1.30pm Bonegilla Migrant Experience 'Travel' to Italy these school holidays as Letizia Gavioli takes you on an Italian

journey of role play, food and games. Learn to make pasta and take the finished product home to share. Please bring an apron, own lunch and container to take home the pasta you make.


Wodonga Carols by Candlelight 2016 Sunday, December 18 7.30pm to 9.30pm Willow Park, Pearce St, Wodonga

Enquiries: (02) 6020 6912 Bookings: (02) 6022 9311 Ages: Seven to 13 years Cost: $20 each


Summer fun in the gallery Fridays, January 6, 13, 20 and 27 10am to noon Arts Space Wodonga

Join other creative holiday makers and discover the Wonders of the Labyrinth and the National Gallery of Victoria’s Kids on Tour. All ages welcome, with children to be accompanied by an adult.

Wodonga Brass presents the free community Christmas event for families and friends. Bring a chair, relax, have a picnic and sing along while you enjoy this traditional outdoor concert. Pre-carols entertainment and food available for purchase from 6pm. #wodongacarols Enquiries: (02) 6024 4458 Cost: Free

Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600 Cost: Gold coin donation EVENT WORKSHOP


Drop In and Draw

Calling all poets

Throughout January Gallery opening hours Arts Space Wodonga

Throughout January and February Arts Space Wodonga

This all-ages event invites you to drop in to Arts Space Wodonga and add your creative piece to the community Labyrinth. Inspired by the exhibition of the day, Drawing the Labyrinth by Jacqui Stockdale. Instagram it and share it with the world. Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600 Cost: Free

Write your piece of poetry or prose in the quiet cool surrounds of Arts Space Wodonga during summer. Be inspired by the exhibition opening on Friday, December 16, Drawing the Labyrinth by Jacqui Stockdale. The most creative pieces will be published on Facebook, followed by an evening of sharing to celebrate the end of a fantastic exhibition over summer on Friday, March 3 at 6pm.

Wodonga New Year’s Eve Family Fireworks Spectacular Saturday, December 31 6pm Birallee Park, Marshall St, Wodonga An evening of food stalls, free live music and family entertainment. Strictly no BYO alcohol. Enquiries: (02) 6059 1811 or Cost: Free entry

Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600 Cost: Free














Art Buzz EVENT

Story Time Finishes Friday, December 9 Wodonga Library Wodonga Library’s super popular Story Time sessions return on Monday, February 13 at 10am. All sessions are free and bookings are not required.

Preschool: Mondays from 10am for three to five-year-olds.

Every Friday in Victorian school terms 10.30am to 11.30am Arts Space Wodonga

Creative visual art workshops for little hands that relate to the current exhibition. Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600 Ages: Three to five years and their parents or carers Cost: $5 per family

Toddler: Wednesdays from 10am for 18 months to three-year-olds. Cuddles: Fridays from 10am for newborns to 18 months. If your child missed Story Time, or would like to read their favourite book again, catch up on youtube. com/user/storytimeanytime

Thursdays, except during exhibition installations and public holidays 10am to 10.30am Arts Space Wodonga Calling all young art lovers and their parents, grandparents and carers. Join Arts Space Wodonga Education Officer, Leisa Whyte, for each exhibition as she shares literacy through art. Have fun together exploring colours, shapes, form and objects in the artworks. Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600 Ages: Zero to three years Cost: Free


Bingo and Beer at the Library

Just Paint

Thursdays, February 9 and 23 Eyes down at 6.30pm Wodonga Library Come along to the Wodonga Library and join us for lots of fun with Bingo and Beer. Bingo books and nibbles supplied. Beer can be purchased on the night, no B.Y.O. alcohol. 18+ event. Bookings essential. Bookings and enquiries: (02) 6022 9330

Young at ’art


Wednesdays, during school terms 3.30pm to 4.30pm Arts Space Wodonga


Get creative with a variety of painting mediums and tools at Arts Space Wodonga. Drop in after school to paint!


Tech sessions in the library


Tinker Team - Term 1 Mondays, February 13 and 27, March 13 and 27 Wodonga Library Get hands-on with technology and learn new skills in the library’s afterschool maker space. Develop the techniques to start creating your own projects. Over the term you will learn about programming, robotics, design and electronics. Bookings essential.


Manga and Anime Club Thursdays, December 15, January 19, February 16 5.30pm to 7.30pm Wodonga Library A monthly meet up for teen fans of Japanese pop-culture. Join other enthusiasts to discuss your favourite shows and books. No bookings required.

Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600 Bookings: The Cube Wodonga Ages: Primary and secondary school students Cost: $10 per session

Enquiries and bookings: (02) 6022 9330 Ages: 10 to 15 years Cost: Free

Wodonga Library IT classes are held on the first Friday of the month. Check out the library website for topics and go along with the willingness to learn something new.


Is your love of the library one for the ages? A morning tea will be held to celebrate Library Lover’s Day on February 14.

Friday, February 17 10am to noon – Book in for a one-on-one 20 minute session. Enquiries and bookings: (02) 6022 9330 (bookings essential) Cost: Free


Library Lover’s Day Tuesday, February 14 10.30am Wodonga Library

Friday, February 3 10am to noon – Introduction to tablets.

Young Writers You never know, your romance could go down in history. More information at au closer to the date. Enquiries: (02) 6022 9330

Returns Thursday, February 23 4pm to 5pm Wodonga Library Want to write? Young Writers invites students of all abilities and interests to take part in some fun based writing challenges. Through creative writing activities they can practice their writing skills and build confidence in their own ideas. Ages: 10-15 years Cost: Free, no bookings required

Cost: $5 for pizza Age: High school




What’s on in






W H AT ’ S O N




Young at ’art

Thursday, December 8 Returns January 5

10am to 10.30am

Arts Space Wodonga

Calling all poets

Throughout January and February

Gallery opening times Arts Space Wodonga

The Summer Reading Club: Heroes and villains

Thursday, December 1 to Friday, January 27


Wodonga Library

Fridays on My Mind

Friday, January 6 and February 10

5.30pm to 8.30pm

The Cube Wodonga Courtyard

Art Buzz

Friday, December 9, February 3, 10 and 24

10.30am to 11.30am

Arts Space Wodonga

Tech sessions in the library

Fridays, February 3, and 7

10am to noon

Wodonga Library

Christmas craft

Wednesday, December 7


Wodonga Library

Just Paint

Wednesday, December 7

3.30pm to 4.30pm

Arts Space Wodonga

Manga and Anime Club

Thursday, December 15, January 19 and February 16

5.30pm to 7.30pm

Wodonga Library

Christmas Art at Wodonga Plaza

Friday, December 16, 17 and Sunday, December 18

11am to 2pm

Wodonga Plaza Shopping Centre

Drawing the Labyrinth: Jacqui Stockdale

Friday, December 16 to Saturday, March 4

Gallery opening times Arts Space Wodonga

Drawing the Labyrinth: Jacqui Stockdale offical opening

Friday, December 16


Arts Space Wodonga

Drawing the Labyrinth: Jacqui Stockdale artist talk

Saturday, December 17


Arts Space Wodonga

Wodonga Carols by Candlelight 2016

Sunday, December 18

7.30pm to 9.30pm

Willow Park, Pearce St, Wodonga

Summer at Bonegilla

Monday, December 26 to Sunday, January 29

Site opens 10am

Bonegilla Migrant Experience

Wodonga New Year’s Eve Family Fireworks Spectacular

Saturday, December 31


Birallee Park, Marshall St, Wodonga

Drop In and Draw

Throughout January

Gallery opening times Arts Space Wodonga

Summer fun in the gallery

Friday, January 6, 13, 20 and 27

10am to noon

Arts Space Wodonga

‘Travel’ to Italy

Wednesday, January 18 and Friday, January 20

10am to 1.30pm

Bonegilla Migrant Experience

Australia Day

Thursday, January 26

7am to 10.30am

Les Stone Park, Lawrence St, Wodonga

Bingo and Beer at the Library

Thursday, February 9 and 23


Wodonga Library

Tinker Team - Term 1

Monday, February 13 and 27

4pm to 5.30pm

Wodonga Library

Story Time - Preschool

Monday, February 13


Wodonga Library

Library Lover’s Day

Tuesday, February 14


Wodonga Library

Story Time - Toddler

Wednesday, February 15


Wodonga Library

Story Time - Cuddles

Friday, February 17


Wodonga Library

Young Writers

Returns Thursday 23 February

4pm to 5pm

Wodonga Library


Your community centre

Holiday program and 2017 term one preview




BYG Nights 2016

Kids Yoga

Self Defence


Breathe and Bend Yoga

Baranduda Twilight Cinema


February 8 to March 29 10am to 12pm

NEW IN 2017

Wednesday, January 18 10am to 12.30pm $20, $15 for each sibling

February 3, 17, March 3 and 17 6pm to 8pm $10 each

Tuesdays 6pm to 7.15pm

Disco in the ‘Duda

Friday, January 20 5.30pm to 9.30pm $10 each, bookings essential Pre teen 5.30pm to 7.30pm Teens 7.30 to 9.30pm

Fridays, February 17 to March 31 4pm – 50 minute sessions $10 each

Saturday, April 8

TAI CHI FOR HEALTH AND RELAXATION Tuesday, January 24 10am $10 each

Mondays, February 6 to March 20 4.30pm to 5.30pm

Mondays 9.30am to 11.30am

TAI CHI for health and relaxation

Defence Family Expo

Boys in the Hood - Cooking Class

Cultural Picnics

Weekly sessions during school terms

February 10 4.30pm to 6.30pm

For more information on any of the programs please contact the Baranduda Community Centre, at 3 Sage Crt, Baranduda, from 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday, or by phoning (02) 6020 8643, or emailing, or visit the Baranduda Community Centre page on Facebook. Baranduda Community Centre will close at 3pm on Wednesday, December 21 and reopen on Monday, January 16 at 9am. ALIVE WITH POSSIBILITIES




Boxing for Fitness

Create your own masterpiece

FUSION water party

ECHO bongo sessions

Monday, January 16 9am to noon $5 per child 9am to 10am (5 to 8yrs) 10am to 11am (8 to 12yrs) 11am to noon (12 to 16yrs)

Kids Cooking Club Tuesday, January 17 10am to 12.30pm $20 per child/$15 additional sibling

SUMMER 2016-2017

Circus with the Fruit Flys

Thursday, January 19 10am to noon $30 per child Max 21 kids


Bongo Beats for Adults

Relaxation Meditation

Laughter Yoga

Scrabble Club

Kids Fishing Fun and Fish-a-thon


Mosaic Creations


TAI CHI beginners

TAI CHI level 2

Community Cooking

Cooking Creations

Closing the Gap on IT returns in 2017

Grandparent Knowhow returns in 2017

Grandparent Playgroup

NDIS information sessions

Gardening Gurus

Photography for beginners

Cultural Picnics

Resilience and Anti-bullying sessions

Thursday, January 19 1pm to 3.30pm $15 per child

February 1 to March 29 School term only

Friday, January 27 5pm to 7pm Gold coin

February 2 to March 23 8 weeks every term commencing first week of term

February 17 and March 17

Febuary 22 to March 18

Thursdays, 10am to 11am $10 per session

Craft ‘n’ Cuppa Friday, February 3 to March 31 School term only

NEW IN 2017

Thursdays, 11am to noon $10 per session

February 2 to March 30 9.30am to 10am

Monday, February 20 to March 6 9am to noon or 1pm to 4pm, $80 full program

Wednesday, February 1 to March 29

February 1 to March 29 School term only

February 2 to March 16 (1st and 3rd Thursday of the month)

Tuesdays, 5.30pm to 6.30pm $10 per session

Friday, February 10 to March 21 $5 per session

Wednesday, Febuary 1 to March 29 $3 and food to share Belgrade Ave Community Centre

For more information on any of the programs please contact the Felltimber Community Centre, at 189 Melrose Dve (cnr Melrose Dve and Felltimber Creek Rd), Wodonga, from 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday, or by phoning (02) 6043 4550, or emailing or visit the Felltimber Community Centre page on Facebook. Felltimber Community Centre will close at 3pm on Wednesday, December 21 and reopen on Monday, January 16 at 9am. 12 CITYLIFE WODONGA


SUMMER 2016-2017





The council has begun inspecting properties for fire hazards. If you own or rent a property that’s overgrown or contains derelict cars, buildings or other rubbish which constitutes a fire hazard, please clean them up as soon as possible. Fire risk will be high this summer due to prolific growth of grass and expected dry conditions. Following inspections, the council will issue Fire Prevention Notices (where necessary) that require hazards to be removed within 14 days. If you don’t comply, the council may have to do the work at your expense. The penalty for non-compliance is now a $1555 infringement notice. Prepare now for the oncoming fire season for a safe summer. RESILIENT TIPS The Resilience Project returned to Wodonga in December following soldout sessions in July to teach young Australians how to be mentally healthy. For tips on how to practice mindfulness, gratitude and empathy, visit theresilienceproject. OVERDUE RATES As the second instalment of the 2016-2017 rates and charges was payable by Wednesday, November 30, final notices will be issued for certain properties this month. Properties that have instalments outstanding may be referred to the council’s commercial debt collection agency in January 2017 for legal proceedings if payment is not made, or an acceptable payment arrangement put in place. RATES NOTICES EMAILED Would you prefer to receive your rates notice via email instead of by post? Just request this by emailing info@ or phoning our Customer focus team on (02) 6022 9300.


Follow these tips to reduce odours and pests in your bins over the summer period.

larger bags tend to be more difficult to fit everything into your bin.

Red-lidded bin Make sure you sort your waste and put all food scraps into the green-lidded bin to be emptied weekly.

Ask everyone in your house (including visitors) to sort their waste inside the house (for example, collect recyclables in a box).

Double-bag nappies and medical waste with scented liners and close tightly.

If you’ve sorted as much as possible into your green and yellow-lidded bins and it’s still overflowing, you can upsize your red-lidded bin (phone Customer focus).

Rinse any polystyrene and soft plastics. Use the ‘scrunch test’ – if something stays scrunched, put it in the red-lidded bin. If it holds its shape and springs back, put it in the yellow-lidded bin. Use several, smaller garbage bags instead of a big one –

Green-lidded bin Meat, bones, fish, shellfish can be very smelly. You can wrap these in newspaper or a compostable liner and freeze until your bin is due for collection.

With both red and greenlidded bins, keep the bin lid closed – replace any cracked or broken bins by phoning our Customer focus team on (02) 6022 9300 or going online to the mobile-friendly service CityWatch. Flies can enter very small gaps in a lid, so put a brick or something similar on top of your bin to prevent flies from getting in. You can also tie an old stocking leg to the handle of your bin with bicarb or other odour-reducing product inside. FOR MORE INFORMATION

Keep cool over the school holidays Need some fun for the children these summer holidays? WAVES and the Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre have plenty of activities planned for kids during the summer break to keep them active and cool over those hot summer days. There’s no better way to occupy the kids than by bringing them down to try out the refurbished splash pad (water play area) at WAVES, the toddler pool and the 50m pool.

Intensive swim lessons at WAVES If you don’t want the kids to miss out on their swimming lessons, book them into the intensive swim program at WAVES for two weeks in January. When: Week 1 starts Monday, January 9; Week 2 starts Monday, January 16 Time: 45 minutes/lesson (all morning lessons) Price: $60/student per week (5 lessons per week) Where: WAVES outdoor pool Book: Phone the Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre on (02) 6058 2555.

Pool inflatables Both WAVES and Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre also have pool inflatables. At WAVES the giant pool inflatable is available for private bookings and will also be open for the general public at various times over the summer period. For more information phone WAVES on (02) 6056 2066. The Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre will have its inflatable up on the following Tuesdays in January: 3, 10, 17 and 24, from noon to 1.30pm.

Inflatable and above ground swimming pools are becoming increasingly popular with families as initially, they appear to be an inexpensive alternative for swimming entertainment especially for toddlers and young children. Consumers need to be aware that any pool capable of holding 300mm (30cm) of water requires a building permit and must be designed, constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with building regulations and the Australian Standard (AS 1926.1-2007). This means they must have a suitable and effective barrier placed around them. Hazards associated with inflatable and above ground pools include the following. • Drowning - in the past 12 months in Victoria alone there have been seven toddler deaths as a result of drowning. • Smaller paddling pools are often not regarded as dangerous because they are not very deep. Children can drown in as little as a few centimetres of water. • Children can become ill as water is often left untreated for long periods of time.




SUMMER 2016-2017

ACCESS ALL AREAS FILM FESTIVAL Left: A still from the short film A Boy Named Su

Carols by candlelight This year marks 40 years since the first non-denominational Carols by Candlelight was held in Albury Wodonga, in 1976.

Wodonga Council is hosting the 2016 Access All Areas Film Festival Shorts Program on Thursday, December 8, to celebrate last week’s International Day of People with Disability.

“This year’s festival includes the perspectives of people with disability in many of the films and emphasises the importance of including everyone,” Festival Director Jacqueline Cosgrove said.

This beautifully curated, free program of award winning short films, screens with accessible features.

“When a woman invites a man with disability to dinner we cringe at her wildly inappropriate efforts to make him comfortable, we delight in the infectious passion of a man who shows us part of his collection of 10,000 light globes and share the joy of a man who secured his dream job, despite fears that he would never be accepted.

A festival for all ages, The Cube Wodonga welcomes the whole community to join people with disability to celebrate the many contributions they make to Australian life. Get involved and help challenge myths, improve awareness and take positive action to change inclusion and accessibility for people with disability.

“From the courage of five-year-old Su who is determined to get his red ball back from thieves, to the story of a woman who had to flee from her country, Access All Areas 2016 will delight and inspire.”

Access All Areas Festival Shorts Program 2016 is a proud partner of Don’t Dis My ABILITY

Event details Access All Areas Film Festival comes to The Cube Wodonga Thursday, December 8, 6pm (duration approximately 70 minutes) Register your interest by phoning The Cube Wodonga Box Office on (02) 6022 9311 Accessible features: Open Captions and Audio Loop This event offers wheelchair access, chill out zone, fully accessible toilets, and signage for people with low vision. Left: A still from the short film Woody

from a combined 70-voice choir and Wodonga Brass, the event is not to be missed.

Organised once again by Wodonga Brass, this free community event will be held on Sunday, December 18, at Willow Park in Pearce St, Wodonga, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm (with food and entertainment from 6pm). To mark the 40th year, the event will be streamed live via as well as via the regular 1494 2AY broadcast.

This event is presented by Wodonga Brass with support from Wodonga Council, Riverside Estate, Metricon, Jacob Toyota, Hume Bank, Bing Lee, Wodonga Plaza and more. Entry is free, with the proceeds from candle sales and any donations going to Albury Wodonga Health’s Community Rehabilitation Centre.

With 25 singers leading the program of 22 carols with support

ARTISTS SOCIETY EXHIBITIONS Albury Wodonga Artists Society presents the ‘Little Gems Exhibition’ from Tuesday, December 6, until January 31 at Garden Café Gallery in Wodonga Plant Farm, Huon Creek Rd, Wodonga. Society members will present a variety of attractive and desirable

paintings all priced under $150 that will make an ideal ‘different’ Christmas presents for appreciative friends and relatives.

NYE FIREWORKS Wodonga New Year’s Eve Family Fireworks Spectacular is on Thursday, December 31, from 6pm to late at Birallee Park, Marshall St, Wodonga. Come along to enjoy free live music and family entertainment (strictly no BYO alcohol). Enquiries: or phone (02) 6059 1811.

Treat yourself and others this Christmas Buy a membership from The Cube Wodonga for $44 – benefits include discounted tickets and drinks and VIP function access. A membership card also gives you online access to membership pricing and special offers. Check out The Cube Wodonga website for the full list of benefits. Available at The Cube Wodonga box office or online at thecubewodonga.

If you’re looking for Christmas gifts, browse through the Gallery Shop in Arts Space Wodonga to choose something that’s beautiful, unique and made by local artists.

Or choose from the range at the Visitor Information Centre including woodworks, local produce and wines, stubby holders, and tea towels. The Visitor Information Centre is on Hovell St, Wodonga, and is open seven days a week from 9am to 5pm.

Support your local community by shopping locally for Christmas gifts – and share with others where you found the best treasures at #shopWodonga



SUMMER 2016-2017

ARTS SPACE WODONGA: DRAWING THE LABYRINTH Lots on at Arts Space Wodonga On offer in Arts Space Wodonga over summer is Just Paint on Wednesday, December 7 (the last one for 2016), from 3.30pm to 4.30pm – join in and get creative with a variety of painting media and tools. Drop in after school for an hour and just paint! All ages welcome; cost is $10. Or join in for the last Art Buzz for 2016 – the creative visual art workshop for little hands on Friday, December 9, from 10.30am to 11.30am. Cost is $5 per family, and ideal for ages three to five years (and their parents or carers).

Lastly, the final Young at ’art for 2016 is on Thursday, December 8, from 10am to 10.30am for zero to three years. This free event calls all young art lovers and their parents, grandparents and carers to come inside and enjoy the treasures in Arts Space Wodonga. Join Education Officer Leisa Whyte for each exhibition as she shares literacy through art! Have fun together exploring colours, shapes, form and objects in the artworks.

Drawing the Labyrinth: Jacqui Stockdale (a NETS Victoria touring exhibition) Jacqui Stockdale’s Drawing the Labyrinth comprises more than 100 metres of drawings presented in a fold-out concertina sketchbook set out on tables and configured in the form of a labyrinth. This continuous length of drawings reflects the artist’s intimate journey over a 12-month period, variously depicting moments spent travelling across Europe, and incorporating a diverse array of portraits such as friends, family members, self-portraits, anonymous people on trains, teenagers in their

Stockdale’s labyrinth evokes the unfolding, serendipitous nature of experience and the ways that we share and comprehend existence as a series of intersecting observations and evolving narratives. On until Saturday, March 4, 2017. Official opening: Friday, December 16 at 5.30pm Artist floor talk: Saturday, December 17 at 10am Workshops: Throughout January and February. Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600 Cost: Free

WOODLOCK TO HEADLINE IN JANUARY Woodlock (pictured right) has just spent the last year playing soldout shows all over the country, and will headline the next Fridays on My Mind event on Friday, January 6, from 5.30pm in The Cube Wodonga Courtyard. The past year also saw the band release the acclaimed single ‘The Only Ones’, followed by another stellar single titled ‘Something Broke That Day’. On a recent trip to perform in China, Eze was inspired by a comic book he was reading that involved a love triangle and subsequent murder. Co-written, produced and mixed again by Lindsey Jackson, the single is a massive leap away from their usual uplifting songs. Travelling seems to have long been part of the Woodlock story. Zech, Eze and Bowen formed a strong friendship after


classrooms, a live band on stage – even a woman giving birth.

meeting whilst travelling overseas and from there, Woodlock was born. Kiwi brothers Zech and Eze Walters are on guitar and vocals, and their mate Bowen Purcell is on percussion. Now based in Melbourne, the boys have gained some great recognition and created a strong following from tirelessly busking on every corner of the Melbourne CBD. Woodlock have always focussed on developing strong, creative and energetic live performances, to take their shows to the next level. Fridays on My Mind are popular, free music events held during the warmer months, with activities for the whole family inside The Cube Wodonga, Arts Space Wodonga and Wodonga Library. Upcoming dates are February 10 and March 3.

Visit your local library to catch the last Story Time sessions for the year on 10am Monday, December 5 (preschool), 10am Wednesday, December 7 (toddlers), and from 10am Friday, December 9 (newborn to 18 months). If you miss a session, catch up on storytimeanytime Story Time will resume on Monday, February 13. The monthly meet-up for teen fans of Japanese pop-culture Manga and Anime Club will meet Thursdays on December 15, January 19, and February 16 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm (cost $5 for pizza).

Build and create in our after school group for master builders with Lego Club on Monday, December 12, from 4pm to 5pm (for ages 8 to 12). The next Tech session in the library is on Friday, February 3, from 10am to noon (introduction to tablets) and is free but please book. Come along with the willingness to learn something new. The popular and free Young Writers group for 10 to 15 year olds returns Thursday, February 23, from 4pm to 5pm. For more details or to book, phone Wodonga Library on (02) 6022 9330.



The Cube Wodonga




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