JUNE, 2016
JUNE, 2016
Funding our sports needs now and for future CityLife is Wodonga Council’s monthly publication and is delivered around Wodonga. Approximately 16,000 copies are printed each month by Border Mail Printing, Wodonga. CityLife is printed on recycled paper, which is made up of 20 to 40 per cent of recycled fibre from old newspapers. It can also be re-added to newsprint production as a recycled fibre after use. CONTACT US Office: 104 Hovell St, Wodonga Post: PO Box 923, Wodonga, VIC 3689 Phone: (02) 6022 9300 Fax: (02) 6022 9346 Website: wodonga.vic.gov.au CONNECT WITH US /wodongacouncil /wodongacouncil /wodonga council /wodongacouncil wod.city/wodenews
With detailed design and planning still needed on the plans, the first excavator would not be on site until the second quarter of 2017.
Hello again, my turn to “chat over the back fence” has come around again, and I thank you for taking the time to “listen” to another councillor one more time. In October last year I talked about our updated sport and recreation plans including master plans for current major sporting hubs, the demands for informal recreational facilities, and plans for our new site at Baranduda Fields. My views on the importance of council’s role in planning and providing recreation and sporting infrastructure has not changed. In fact, I think the priority is increasing the more time I spend on council. In the just released draft budget we have brought forward plans to commence development at Baranduda Fields by allocating funds over the next two years to get construction started on Stage 1. These plans have been brought forward by four years from last year’s timetable and
have been enabled through the work of council over the past 12 months to fund the remaining CBA development projects with Federal Government grants and internal savings, without additional borrowings.
nudging 40,000 and Birallee Park is still the younger ground.
This budget proposes to get Baranduda Fields under way earlier than planned at this stage last year, by using the planned borrowings no longer needed for our CBA.
Today in most of those precincts we are running at or above capacity. I know this because over the two years I have spent many hours trying to find training space for eight new soccer teams, (seven of them juniors), in both Wodonga and Albury.
In supporting this direction I asked myself the following questions: Do we need Baranduda Fields? Most definitely YES. When I moved to Wodonga 30 years ago, the population was 24,600 and Birallee Park was the new sporting ground, on the western outskirts. Thirty years later our population is
Over those years, together with all of our sporting bodies, much has been achieved to maximise the capacity and quality of what we have available.
We need more capacity starting now to support demand and growth to ensure future generations have the facilities they deserve. Do we need to start now and how do we pay for it? I mentioned we are at capacity at the majority of our grounds.
With a 12-month (minimum) construction time, the first ball kicked, hit or thrown would be the winter season of 2018. So the current grounds have to last another two to three years before this new capacity is fully operational.
actively advocate at both federal and state government levels for the remaining funds needed to complete Stage 1, and minimise the ratepayer’s share of the total cost. Providing recreational space and facilities to support the health and wellbeing of our current and future generations is a key responsibility of council, and an obligation of the whole community to our future generations.
Over those years, together with all of our sporting bodies, much has been achieved to maximise the capacity and quality of what we have available I don’t think we can wait any longer to get started. The 2016-2017 draft budget includes a capital spend of $10 million over the next two years, supported by borrowing of $8 million, and a forecast of 4.25 per cent rate rises over the next four years. We will continue to
Our 2016-2017 budget and 10-Year Strategic Resource Plan are out for community review. The commencement of Baranduda Fields is one of the major projects included in this budget. I encourage any community member to provide their views and feedback through the submission process.
0417 138 938 aspeedie@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0408 285 930 mbyatt@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0428 321 764 mfraser@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0428 438 129 ekerr@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0409 562 903 lmahood@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0400 956 253 rwangman@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0428 325 377 jwatson@wodonga.vic.gov.au
Council meetings are open to the public and are usually held on the third Monday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for June 22. Meetings are held in the council chambers, level two, city offices, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga and commence at 6pm. Agendas can be downloaded from the council’s website the Friday prior to the meeting.
JUNE, 2016
NOMINATE NOW FOR STATE SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS Victorians who have shown leadership in sustainability and a commitment to improving the environment are encouraged to enter the 2016 Premier’s Sustainability Awards and share their stories.
Grants boost for local sporting clubs Local sporting clubs are the winners with two Victorian Government grants announced recently. The Raiders’ home ground at Birallee Park will get new change rooms built next to the netball courts after winning a $100,000 grant announced by Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes (pictured above). The new building will include two unisex player change rooms, an officials’ change room, public and accessible
toilets, a storage room and canteen facilities. There are no toilets or change facilities at the netball court, so players have to use the public services on the other side of the ground. Wodonga Council has contributed $20,000 and the Wodonga Raiders Football and Netball Club $70,000, including in-kind support. The building is due to be completed by winter 2017. Wodonga Cricket Club’s
grounds at Martin Park will also benefit with another grant announced by Ms Symes, this time for $70,000 to replace the cricket nets. Four new nets will replace three 20-year-old practice pitches, and should be in place by the start of the next cricket season. The nets will be fully retractable so the area can also be opened up and used for junior football training during winter. Wodonga Cricket Club will contribute $30,000, including
Beware abuse of elderly As part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, join in a discussion on ‘Protecting your rights’ with Ken Humphries from Senior Rights Victoria on Wednesday, June 15.
by their families.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day provides an opportunity for the community to become informed about elder abuse and for seniors to learn how to continue to live with dignity and respect.
The forum will provide information about where to go for assistance and support when it occurs.
The United Nations designed this day to voice opposition to the abuse inflicted on older people, most commonly
Learn how you can protect your own rights and also how you can assist others in the community to prevent elder abuse.
Elder abuse can often be a taboo topic. By taking responsibility of becoming informed and raising awareness among neighbours and friends, you can be part of the solution.
in-kind support and Wodonga Council will provide $5000. The new nets will mean more schools and the public will be able to use the grounds. The Les Cheesley Oval is used all-year round by sporting, community groups and the public for a range of sporting and leisure activities. The oval – including the fencing, trees and children’s playground – is regarded as one of the premier cricket grounds in the region and are always well maintained.
Rain reveals art
Let’s make the Wodonga community free of elder abuse. Wodonga’s water tower will also be lit up with purple during the week from June 12 to 18, the official colour representing World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The forum is at Wodonga Senior Citizens’ Centre from 2.30pm to 3.30pm (followed by afternoon tea). RSVP online at elderabuseawarenessforum.eventbrite.com. au or phone Wodonga Council on (02) 6022 9207.
Rainy days are now something to look forward to in Wodonga with the installation of artworks that appear only when wet. A group of young local artists has created about 30 stencils applied with a silicon spray on pavements around the central business area. The artworks form a trail from Arts Space Wodonga entrance to Junction Square. FOR A MAP OF LOCATIONS wod.city/RainyDayMap2016
Entries are now open for state and local government, businesses, organisations, community groups, and individuals who are leading the way in sustainable innovation and practices. Sustainability Victoria chief executive officer Stan Krpan said the awards are a great way of acknowledging groups and individuals that have made innovative developments in reducing their environmental impact, and are contributing to a more sustainable future. The Premier’s Sustainability Awards continue to promote leadership and innovation in sustainability, and encourage a broader adoption of these practices by all Victorians. There are 10 award categories this year: Built Environment, Community, Education, Environmental Justice, Environmental Protection, Government, Health, Innovative Products or Services , Large Business, and Small and Medium Enterprises. The Premier will select two overall winners for the Premier’s Regional Recognition Award and the Premier’s Recognition Award. Entries close Monday, June 27 at 5pm. Head to the website to find out how to enter, key dates and to register to attend an information session. FOR MORE INFORMATION sustainabilityawards.vic.gov.au
JUNE, 2016
Where can I get firewood for my heater at home?
Will I g et mor e kitch
en cad
How can I keep my dog safe during storms?
otice y rates n m t e g I Can ? tronically c le e t n e s
Yes– register for email notices at wodonga.vic.gov.au/roads-rates-rubbish/ rates/register-email/ or phone (02) 6022 9300. Or you can signup for BPAY View through your personal bank and have your rates sent and stored in the same online bank that you use to pay them. Email and BPAY View delivery means you get your bills promptly and reduces the need for paper.
The best place to get firewood for home heaters is to buy it from a retailer as it is generally prohibited to collect wood from council roadsides, as this provides habitat for wildlife. When buying from a retailer, residents should ensure the firewood is proper split logs, not old rail sleepers (usually recognisable with sawn edges) as these are contaminated with herbicides and lead that create toxic fumes when burned. Winter is also a good time to change the battery in your smoke alarm and get your gas heater serviced.
Remember to secure your fences and gates so your dog doesn’t get out during windy weather and storms. If your dog digs holes, fill them in promptly so your loved one can’t escape. Remember to always walk your dog on a lead to keep them and the community safe, and keep your details up-to-date so if they run away or escape, they can be reunited with you.
Fed Hill rainbow @dr.saxonselvey
Yes – a new roll of kitchen caddy liners will be delivererd to Wodonga residents this month - a year after the green-lidded organics bin was introduced (slightly later than Albury residents who got a new roll in April - one year after it was introduced there). For tips on making the most of your three-bin system including what can go in the organics bin, visit halvewaste.com.au
Amazing autumn @amber_evolve_mma
Woke up to this sunrise @jasmine_louise95
Have your say at makewodongayours.com.au DRAFT BUDGET 2016-2017 Now is the chance for you to have your say on items included, or not included, in the draft budget for 2016-2017 as well as the updated Council Plan. At the May meeting, councillors passed motions to endorse these documents for public exhibition. The documents are available to view in
dy line
hard copy at the city offices in Hovell St, community centres and Wodonga Library, or online at the council’s website. Only submissions received by council by 5pm on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 shall be considered. Please note that copies of submissions (including submitters’ names and addresses) will be made public as part of the consideration process.
Any person who has made a written submission to council may request to be heard at a special meeting at 9am on Monday, June 20 at the council offices. A report to the council on the result of the public submission process, including a summary of any submissions, will be provided to the June council meeting.
JUNE, 2016
Awards cheer on all volunteers Volunteers representing the breadth and depth of Wodonga were applauded for their outstanding contribution to the community at the inaugural Wodonga Volunteer of the Year Awards held recently during National Volunteer Week. Wodonga Mayor Cr Anna Speedie said the awards were not just about picking the best volunteer, but about recognising all volunteers and the power of work they do actively supporting vital services and programs.
WODONGA VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR 2016 CATEGORY WINNERS Community Service: Megan Pearce and Geoffrey Smith (joint winners) – for Megan’s contribution to Foodshare, Midnight Basketball, headspace, and Meals on Wheels, amongst others. And for Geoffrey’s enormous contribution to the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust, and to St Stephen’s Uniting Care. Sport and Recreation: Kyle Brereton – for his significant involvement with Wodonga Hockey Club in various roles since its inception. Environment, Science and Technology: Don Grant – for his contribution across multiple groups and causes including Rotary, Friends of Willow Park Group, Meals on Wheels and more.
Program a push start for our young musos Do you enjoy live music? Then come along to the FreeZA Push Start competition on Friday, June 10, from 6pm till late at The Cube Wodonga. The competition will feature young local musicians from all genres including soloists, duos and groups. It is an all-ages, drug and alcohol-free event – with tickets $5 (at the door only). And if you would like to help organise the next FReeZA competition or any of Wodonga’s youth events, why not join the committee? If you’ve ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of an event or would like to learn new skills, share your ideas and see them become reality - now is your chance! The only requirement is that you live, work or study in Wodonga and are aged 14 to 24. Meetings are each Monday ALIVE WITH POSSIBILITIES
“For the first time we ran the Wodonga Volunteer of the Year Awards and I’d like to congratulate every individual and group that was nominated. Volunteers truly do make the world go round,” Cr Speedie said. The overall Wodonga Individual Volunteer of the Year Award went to Sarah Negrin for her contribution
as the Chairperson of headspace Albury Wodonga Reference Committee and for her role at WayOut – Wodonga’s Youth Action Group. Sarah volunteers across Wodonga in a number of organisations including Wodonga Dog Rescue, Anxiety Support Group, Alphabet Crew and Speak Up Toastmasters. The 2016 Wodonga Volunteer Team of the Year Award went to Wodonga Storm Junior Rugby League’s Sal Kaiwai and Ryan Dodd (pictured). This powerhouse couple were nominated for their commitment and passion for developing not just rugby skills, but creating respectful, disciplined sportsmen and women. They encourage boys and girls of all abilities and are great role models for clubs, parents and teams. The awards were announced during the Volunteer Fair at The Cube Wodonga.
Open galleries add colour outdoors
from 4pm to 5pm. You will be mentored, receive training and have the opportunity to travel to Melbourne to meet other young people who form the FReeZA committees around the state. Members of the current committee have found the experience to be hugely rewarding. “You get to learn all about events but if there is something specific that you’re interested in – whether it’s to liaise with bands or to manage the budget – you get to pick your role and can focus on that,” Sophie Gleeson said. If you want to know more, get in touch with Youth Events Officer, Sam Lampe at slampe@wodonga.vic. gov.au or via phone (02) 6022 9232. Thanks to YES Optus Wodonga, the major sponsor for the FReeZA Push Start competition.
Winter is now a little bit more colourful with a series of brilliantly coloured images on display on the outside of the Wodonga Library wall, facing The Cube Wodonga Courtyard. As part of Wodonga's dynamic public art program, 'Open Galleries' provides three light boxes for local artists to exhibit their art. Local 16-year-old artist Suzy Plummer is the first to exhibit her art, and drew the stunning digital images using her passion for colour. “I get inspired by other
artists,” said Suzy, who did two of the three artworks as part of Wodonga Library’s Manga Anime club. “The first artwork (the girl in the purple dress with the bubble) was difficult – I couldn’t finish the whole thing on my own little computer so had to move it to my mum’s computer. The second and third were easier,” she said. “The story I’m telling in the artworks is the first girl is happy in her bubble. “The second girl (or boy – it’s
an androgynous character) didn’t like drowning. “The third one, the boy, has made peace with his water, his creativity and what he could do. “I never thought I’d have my art on a wall. I actually really like showing my artwork, but at the same time it scares me.” Suzy’s artwork will be on display until September. Artists can contact Arts Development Officer Elise Armitage on earmitage@ wodonga.vic.gov.au CITYLIFE
2016-2017 DRAFT BUDGET
JUNE, 2016
Delivering today and Wodonga Council will continue to deliver on community priorities while planning for its future growth with its 2016-2017 draft budget. Wodonga Mayor Cr Anna Speedie said much had been achieved and this budget would ensure the finalisation of this council’s plans while positioning the new council to continue to take the city forward. “We’ve seen long-term key projects take shape during this council’s term with the revitalisation of our city centre, the development of Logic and the building of the rail terminal, and improvements at Bonegilla Migrant Experience,” Cr Speedie said. “As well, we’ve seen the delivery of infrastructure in every neighbourhood with upgrades to preschools and community centres, improvements to community facilities and our recreation precincts, as well as continuing work on renewals of our roads and paths across the city. “This council has delivered on the community’s aspirations from what they told us in the Wodonga 2033 vision, what their priorities were. We checked back in with them in revisiting that vision last year and also through the process of master planning our recreation precincts. “We now look to the future with a focus on recreation, sustainability and economic growth for our city
$3.1m start of Stage 1 at Baranduda Fields
$150,000 public toilet program
KEY POINTS n Rate rise of 2.5 per cent n $5.2 million in renewals including roads, car parks and pathways n Budget fully funds renewal program n B orrowings have been deferred for the past four years and stand at $25.5 million at the end of 2015-2016 n P rovision made for $2.5 million in borrowings in the 2016-2017 year n $ 1.3 million in savings achieved in 2014-2015 n 1 4 per cent productivity improvement through efficiencies, service reviews and lower costs compared with 2007-2008 and to allow the council to leverage continued private and public investment to create jobs, boost our economy and ensure we continue to enjoy a great quality of life.” The draft 2016-2017 budget includes funding for the continued CBA development, pedestrian safety, upgrades for recreation facilities and the switch to LED street lighting. The council has also included provision for the start of works at Baranduda Fields, identified as the city’s major sporting precinct more than 10 years ago. Stage one of Baranduda Fields – which will be the largest multifunctional regional sports and recreation precinct between Melbourne and Sydney - consists of two ovals for Australian Rules
$1.2m LED street light changeover
football and cricket, two netball courts and associated amenities, and will support growth in junior and female participation. “This is a major long-term project of the council and comes after extensive consultation and investigation locally and at state and national level,” Cr Speedie said. “Baranduda Fields has been part of the discussion as we undertook the master planning of all our sport and recreation precincts.” The council is committing $3 million in this budget to start construction of the $20 million stage one and will look to other levels of government and sporting bodies for financial support.
The council did not seek a rate cap variation in 2016-2017 from the Essential Services Commission and the budget includes a rate rise of 2.5 per cent. In line with its 10-year Strategic Resource Plan, the council does propose to seek a variation for the following four years from 2017-2018 for a rate rise of 4.25 per cent to ensure it can continue to maintain services and fund the new infrastructure necessary for a growing city. The council is encouraging residents to have their say on the draft budget. There will be a community dropin session at Wodonga Library on Wednesday, June 8 from 3pm to 4.30pm, as well as the opportunity to provide feedback via the council’s online portal at makewodongayours.com.au
The council has identified
$40,000 for solar lighting
$1.95m $40,000 seating and drinking fountains on shared paths
operational savings of $1.3 million from the 2014-2015 financial year. In addition there has been a 14 per cent productivity improvement since 2007-2008. Council continues to drive future savings through the investment in LED street lighting and other initiatives that will see longterm reduction in the operational spend.
$155,000 Chapple St footpath
$100,000 playgrounds
recreation facilities and management
$150,000 hilltops including trails, barbecues and shelters
$118,000 Klings Hill mountain bike tracks
spent with council contribution, state and federal funding and fees on preschools, children’s centres, early learning programs and maternal and child health services
MORE INFORMATION wod.city/DrftBudgt16-17
$130,000 tree planting program
$330,000 community projects including grants, programs and events
Support for
$5.8m maintaining parks, gardens and playgrounds
Wodonga Chamber of Commerce, Wodonga Historical Society, Wodonga Brass, Senior Citizens
2016-2017 DRAFT BUDGET
JUNE, 2016
dplanning for tomorrow Where do your rates go? For every $100 the council spends
Now is the chance for you to have your say on items included, or not included, in the draft budget for 2016-2017 as well as the updated Council Plan. At the May meeting, councillors passed motions to endorse these documents for public exhibition. The documents are available to view in hard copy at the city offices in Hovell St, community centres and Wodonga Library, or online at the council’s website. Only submissions received by council by 5pm on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 shall be considered.
5 $2.5 .78 $2 4 .6 $3
$6.23 $6.31
Please note that copies of submissions (including submitters’ names and addresses) will be made public as part of the consideration process. Any person who has made a written submission to council may request to be heard at a special meeting at 9am on Monday, June 20 at the council offices. A report to the council on the result of the public submission process, including a summary of any submissions, will be provided to the June council meeting on Monday, June 27. There will also be a community drop-in sessions with councillors and staff to discuss the budget at Wodonga Library on Wednesday, June 8 from 3pm to 4.30pm.
HOW TO MAKE A SUBMISSION ONLINE: makewodongayours.com.au MAIL: Chief Executive Officer, Wodonga Council, PO Box 923, Wodonga, VIC 3689 IN PERSON: Deliver to: City offices, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga EMAIL: info@wodonga.vic.gov.au
$12.76 $9.62 $9.70
Building and assets (asset management, plant and fleet operations, maintenance and depreciation) Administration and governance (finance and IT, governance and human resources) Community development (community centres, preschools, youth services and volunteer services) Parks and play (parks and gardens, reserves and environmental land) Waste management and recycling (Waste Transfer Station, kerbsite collection and waste management) Health, safety and well-being (maternal and child health, health promotion, health inspections and immunisations) Arts and culture (Wodonga Library, The Cube Wodonga, Arts Space Wodonga and events) Roads and infrastructure (roads maintenance) Information and communication (customer service, communications and marketing) Planning (statutory and strategic planning) Debt servicing Tourism (visitor information, Bonegilla Migrant Experience and Gateway Village) Economic development (investment attraction) CITYLIFE
JUNE, 2016
Next city bus tour already filling fast
Well on our way to halving waste by 2020 Centres have bin for batteries There are now five new recycling collection points around Wodonga where you can dispose of batteries (both household and computer), mobile phones (including cords and chargers), light globes, and used ink cartridges - for free.
Numbers are filling fast for the council’s next ‘From bullrushes to boom town’ bus tour on Tuesday, August 9. Join Wodonga Mayor Cr Anna Speedie on a tour of the city to learn more about current projects and the future direction of Wodonga.
These recycling bins are at: •
The free bus tour leaves from Wodonga Council offices at 104 Hovell St at 9.30am for a two-hour tour, finishing with a morning tea (gold coin donation). RSVP at bullrushesboomtown-august16. eventbrite.com.au Another bus tour will run in September.
• • Albury-Wodonga residents have embraced the new three-bin system and reduced waste by 33 per cent since it was introduced just a year ago. More than 80 per cent of waste has been diverted away from landfill in the past 12 months, so the region is well on its way to achieving the goal of halving waste by 2020. Some tips to make the most of your three bins. •
Reduce odour in your green-lidded bin by lining the bottom with newspapers, or place a layer of garden waste over food waste. Make more room in your yellow-lidded bin by
squashing containers and flattening cardboard. Free up space in your red-lidded bin by checking if you can recycle some plastics instead. Some hard plastics even without a recycling symbol can be recycled – use the scrunch test … if it holds its shape, it can be recycled (f it’s soft and you can scrunch it in your hand, it should stay in the red-lidded bin).
You can also upsize any of your bins (charges apply for yellow and red-lidded bins). With the red-lidded garbage bins being collected fortnightly instead of weekly, here are some tips
for dealing with disposable nappies. • Seal nappies tightly in plastic bags (use two bags or scented bags) before placing in the garbage bin. • Store the garbage bin in the shade and out of direct sunlight if possible. • Consider using general odour-neutralising products in your bin, including cat litter, crystals or bicarbonate of soda.
Council offices – 104 Hovell St, Wodonga; Belgrade Avenue Community Centre (batteries only); Felltimber Community Centre (phones, light globes and batteries); Baranduda Community Centre (phones, light globes and batteries); and, Wodonga Library – 126 Hovell St, Wodonga (batteries only). FOR MORE INFORMATION wodonga.vic.gov.au
Halve Waste have a range of fact sheets available or ask for a home visit for more tips on maximising your bins. FOR MORE INFORMATION halvewaste.com.au
Wodonga Planning Scheme Rewrite Amendment C123
The amendment updates the Wodonga Planning Scheme following a review and will introduce a revised local planning policy framework and reference recently adopted council strategies.
Council resolved to appoint a planning panel to consider submissions at the April ordinary council meeting. The Directions Hearing was scheduled for May and it is anticipated that the Panel Hearing will be held on the week commencing June 6, 2016.
CBA Revitalisation Plan Implementation – Proposed Activity Centre Zone Amendment C124
The amendment applies to all land within the Central Business Area of Wodonga. The amendment will implement the adopted Wodonga CBA Revitalisation Plan and Wodonga CBA Revitalisation Design Guide and replace the multiple land use zonings in the CBA with a single zone for better clarity, simplicity and certainty for the community.
Council resolved to appoint a planning panel to consider submissions at the May ordinary council meeting. It is anticipated that the Directions Hearing will be held in the week commencing June 6, 2016 and the Panel Hearing will be held in the week commencing June 27, 2016.
The Leneva-Baranduda growth area is a long standing strategic direction for Wodonga Council. The Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) in conjunction with the council is preparing the precinct structure plan (PSP) for the Leneva-Baranduda PSP area. A PSP is a ‘big picture’ plan that sets the vision for developing new communities and is the primary plan for guiding urban development in growth areas. It identifies broad transport networks, employment and activity centres, residential areas and a public space network.
The MPA is currently collating a number of background technical studies to better inform the future urban form of the precinct. The PSP and its supporting documentation and plans will be placed on formal exhibition to seek comment from stakeholders and the community in mid-2016.
As one of the fastest growing regional cities in Victoria, Wodonga is expected to double its population within 25 years. The Wodonga Growth Strategy is a key guiding document that seeks to respond to the challenges and opportunities this population growth presents.
Following a community engagement process in late 2015, the Wodonga Growth Strategy was adopted at the May ordinary council meeting. A planning scheme amendment will follow to implement the growth strategy in the Wodonga Planning Scheme.
Leneva-Baranduda Precinct Structure Plan
Wodonga Growth Strategy
JUNE, 2016
IN BRIEF CITYWATCH MOBILEFRIENDLY Did you know that you can pay any council bill or report a problem online 24/7 (whether it’s a pothole, barking dog, damaged footpath or any other issue). If you’re on a smartphone you will automatically be redirected to our new mobile-friendly service CityWatch, which allows you to track your requests and see other issues that have been lodged. LISTEN ONLINE People who are sightimpaired, or who prefer to listen rather than read online, will benefit from technology adopted across council’s websites. ReadSpeaker technology converts text to speech and now appears across the websites for Wodonga Council, The Cube Wodonga, Wodonga Library, and Bonegilla Migrant Experience. It is also used across many local, state and federal government websites. By simply clicking on the ‘Listen’ button at the top of each webpage, people can choose to listen rather than look at information online. ALTERNATE ROUTES Motorists can cut their travel time and avoid traffic congestion by using the ring road network. wod.city/ AltRoutesMarch2015 VENUE GUIDE If your organisation has a space or venue which you hire out for functions and events and would like to be included in the free Wodonga Venue Guide, Wodonga Council would like to hear from you. This book contains information and contact details about venues around Wodonga, and is a valuable guide for those planning an event in Wodonga. Download it from wodonga.vic. gov.au and email any contributions to kmiller@ wodonga.vic.gov.au
Support for small business Looking to start a small business? Want to develop your existing small business?
Help is on the way with the Victorian Government’s Small Business Bus coming to Wodonga on Tuesday, June 28, 2016. The Small Business Bus offers free mentoring throughout the day with an experienced business professional who can assist well as tools and tips to help you start or grow your you in taking your small business. business to the next level. On board the Small Business Bus you will find information on Small Business Victoria’s programs and services as
Bookings are essential for the mentoring sessions, so reserve your place now at business.vic.gov.au/sbb or
If you are planning to construct a shed or garage, you need to be aware of and comply with the following.
call 13 22 15. The Small Business Bus will be located at The Cube Wodonga Courtyard (118 Hovell Street, Wodonga), between 10am and 4pm.
Time to start thinking about preschool IT’S that time of year for those of you with young children who are thinking about preschool in 2017. Wodonga Council will be offering three-year-old (three hours) and four-yearold (15 hours) preschool programs from six sites in 2017. To help you decide which preschool to send your child, why not come along to the preschool open days? This will give you an opportunity to see the preschool programs, view the facilities and have a chat to staff before making your final deision.
July 31, 2016. Application forms are available at the council offices, maternal and child health and community centres or alternatively on the website wodonga.vic.gov. au and follow the children’s services link. For further enquiries please feel free to contact the Early Years team on (02) 6022 9300.
Parents and children are welcome to visit the centres on the open days between the hours of 9.30am and 11.30am. Enrolments are now being accepted for places with first round offers closing on
• Tuesday, June 14, 2016 for Southern Rise Children’s Centre • Wednesday, June 15, 2016 for Jamieson Court Preschool and Southern Rise Children’s Centre • Thursday, June 16, 2016
If you are building a shed or garage with a floor area of 10m2 or greater, you will require a building permit. If the building work, including supply, installation and labour costs are more than $5000 and you are not building it yourself, you must use a registered builder and if the works are valued at more than $12,000, the builder is required to provide builder’s warranty insurance. You may nominate yourself as an owner builder. If the value of works exceeds $12,000 as an owner builder, you will be required to register with the Building Commission.
at Baranduda Preschool, Belgrade Ave Preschool and Felltimber Children’s Centre (please note that open day for Baranduda Preschool will be conducted at the Baranduda centre) • Friday, June 17, 2016 at Stanley St Preschool
FOR MORE INFORMATION wodonga.vic.gov.au/preschool
Important note: Easements Written approval from the relevant authority is required if you intend to build part or all of your structure over an existing easement. For example, building over a sewer easement requires approval from North East Water and building over a stormwater easement requires approval from the infrastructure department at Wodonga Council. An easement may contain both sewer and stormwater. FOR MORE INFORMATION wodonga.vic.gov.au
Home doctor service Residents in the AlburyWodonga region now have access to the National Home Doctor Service (NHDS). The NHDS is a network of doctors that provide after-hours medical care to patients in their homes and in aged care facilities. On the Victorian side of the border, the areas covered include Wodonga, Leneva, Baranduda, Bandiana and Killara.
The service is available to everyone (families, singles, the young and seniors), is bulk billed, and the doctors act on behalf of the patient’s regular GP afterhours. To make contact simply call 13 SICK (7425) or book at homedoctor.com.au The call centre is open weekdays from 4pm, Saturday from 10am, all day Sunday and public holidays.
JUNE, 2016
The Bonegilla Migrant Experience will serve up a delicious program of events this winter including meat smoking, truffle making and Sunday roasts.
TECH SESSIONS IN THE LIBRARY – ALL THINGS ANDROID IT classes will be held on the first Friday of the month. Come along with the willingness to learn something new. This session will focus on all things Android, smart phone and tablets.
THE ART OF SAUSAGE MAKING AND MEAT SMOKING The traditional skills of smoking meat, and making and tying sausages will be the subject of a hands-on workshop to be held from 10am to 12.15pm on Sunday, June 5.
When: Friday, July 1 from 10am to noon Cost: Free Bookings required: (02) 6022 9330
Learn from master continental butchers, exBonegilla resident Lutz Peters, and Doug Butt, as they show you the finer points of making gourmet sausages in the original kitchens of the migrant training and reception centre.
LEGO CLUB Build and create in this afterschool group for master builders. Join the club every fortnight to imagine around a new theme. When: Mondays, June 6 and June 20 from 4pm to 5pm Age: Eight to 12 years Cost: Free Bookings required: (02) 6022 9330
The fee of $50 includes tastings and refreshments, as well as your own sausages to take home. TANTALISING TRUFFLES From 10am on Wednesday, June 29 the Bonegilla Migrant Experience will host a workshop in “tantalising” truffles. The region’s master chocolate maker, Maree Roberts, will show you how to create your own melt-inyour-mouth truffles, with participants leaving with a bag of sweet treats.
Cost is $15 per child, while non-participating parents are free. SUNDAY ROASTS CHRISTMAS IN JULY Winter is also the perfect opportunity to enjoy a traditional Aussie roast.
The cooler weather of the Australian winter brought memories of Christmas for many migrants who came through the migrant centre.
A workshop to teach the basics of humanoid robotics and designed for beginners. School holiday program for children aged 10 or over (adults encouraged to attend).
Today, the Christmas in July event is a popular one. Join a communal table at Bonegilla Migrant Experience from 12.30pm on Sunday, July 24 with a second Sunday Roast event on September 4. Cost is $30 for adults, $20 for children. A guided tour will be offered from 11am at a cost of $10 for adults, $8 for children and families $25.
Bookings for all Bonegilla events are essential via The Cube Wodonga on (02) 6022 9311 or thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets
YOUNG WRITERS Wodonga Library’s Young Writer’s Group meets fortnightly to discuss and workshop their writing.
When: Two sessions on Monday, July 4 from 10am to 12.30pm, or 2pm to 4.30pm Cost: Free Bookings required: (02) 6022 9330
When: Thursdays, June 9, June 23 and July 14 from 4.30pm to 5.30pm Age: 10 to 15 years Cost: Free MANGA AND ANIME This fan group meets monthly to watch, draw and discuss their favourite manga and anime. When: Thursday, June 16 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm Age: High school Cost: $5 for pizza
FOR MORE INFORMATION wodongalibrary.com.au
JUNE, 2016
Exhibition: Bushranger
All blurb Aussie Adventure Tour
Nina Machielse Hunt, SpringWoolshed Valley (detail), 2015, Oil, wax on linen
A collection of recent landscape paintings and works on paper by artist Nina Machielse Hunt. In response to her immediate surroundings within the Woolshed Valley of North East Victoria, Machielse Hunt presents a new body of work which explores the rich history of the region and its stories
of the gold rush and bush ranger heritage. Completed en plein-air and in the studio, these semi abstract works are a direct response to this rugged bush terrain which still speaks of the historical chapters the region is famous for. Exhibition: Friday, June 3 to Saturday, June 25 Opening: Friday, June 3 at 5.30pm Artist floor talk: Saturday, June 4 at 10am
Just Paint: YES!!! Any Wednesday afternoon this winter join Education Officer Leisa Whyte at Arts Space Wodonga. Get down and get creative with a variety of painting media and tools each week. Drop in after school for an hour
A little bit night club, a little bit vaudeville, frequently funny, generally charming, occasionally odd. With a gorgeous live band thrown in. What more could you ask for? Oh right, well there’s also delicious supper and libations to procure at this starry soiree. When: Saturday, July 2 from 7.30pm Where: The Cube Wodonga Cost: $28, The Cube Wodonga members $25| Bookings essential
When: Wednesdays, June 8, 15, 22 and 26, July 6 and 13 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm Cost: $10 per session Bookings: (02) 6022 9600
Inga Hanover, Farawayistan, 2013, Installation view of ‘Home’, digitally printed wallpaper and fabric, embroidery on linen, cut and folded paper sculptures, artists’ books of daily drawing project, size variable.
OUT OF THE BOX FOR KIDS Pint-sized kapow in a “kabaret” for kids!!! Why should the adults have all the fun? In fact many adults do both shows. Clever things. When: Sunday, July 3 from 11am Where: The Cube Wodonga Cost: $21, The Cube Wodonga members $19 Bookings essential
An installation of new works by Inga Hanover. Using childhood stories and the theme of play, Hanover delivers an installation of recent work, dealing with the current realities and imaginings around the themes of home, identity, alienation and homelessness.
When: Thursday, June 30 from 6.30pm to 9.30pm Where: The Cube Wodonga Cost: $44 Bookings essential: The Cube Wodonga box office on (02) 6022 9311 or at thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets
and just paint! All ages welcome.
Next exhibition: Home
Exhibition: Friday, July 1 to Saturday, July 23 Opening: Friday, July 1 at 5.30pm Artist floor talk: Saturday, July 2 at 10am
Metalcore When: xxxoutfit Parkway Drive hit the road for Where: their xxx Australian East Coast regional tour, Tickets: All Aussie xxx Adventure, with special guests Bookings: Make The Them Cube Suffer. Wodonga box office, on (02) 6022 9311 or online at thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets OUT OF THE BOX FOR ADULTS
A powerful and moving film about a little boy willing to do whatever it takes to bring his dad home from World War II alive. The heart-warming story will capture your heart and lift your spirits as it reveals the indescribable love a little boy has for his father and the love a father has for his son. Set in the 1940s, Little Boy is an instant cinematic classic that captures the wonder of life through the eyes of an eight-year-old little boy. When: Wednesday, July 6 at 6.30pm Where: The Cube Wodonga Cost: Free
Bookings: The Cube Wodonga box office on (02) 6022 9311 or at thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets THE CUBE WODONGA WOULD LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE OUR 2016 SEASON SPONSORS
FOR MORE INFORMATION facebook.com/ ArtsSpaceWodonga
JUNE, 2016
JUNE Sunday
Rainy Day June - ongoing, when it rains, Wodonga
Wodonga Life Activities Potential members can attend three events before they have to join. Phone Sandra McIntosh, President Wodonga Life Activities, on 0402 302 210.
Community Cooking, 1 5pm to 7pm, FCC Movies that Matter: Linsanity 6.30pm, free Cube Bushranger Now until June 25, free ASW
Relaxation Meditation 2 7.30 to 8.30, free FCC Echo Music Program 4pm to 5pm, $5 FCC Young at ‘art 10am to 10.30am, free ASW
BYG Nights Youth Group 3 5.30pm to 7.30pm, $10 BCC Community Cooking 12.30pm to 2.30pm, FCC Art Buzz 10.30am to 11.30am, $5 ASW Bushranger Official opening 5.30pm ASW
Foster and Allen 40th 4 anniversary tour 7pm, from $54.90 Cube Artist talk: Nina Machielse 10am, free ASW
The Art of Sausage Making5 Closing the gap on IT and 6 Grandparent Know How and Meat Smoking 10am to 12.15pm, $50 BME 2.15pm to 3.05pm, $5 FCC Lego Club 4pm to 5pm, free WL
Community Cooking, 8 5pm to 7pm, FCC Just Paint 3.30pm to 4.30pm,$10 ASW
Relaxation Meditation 9 7.30 to 8.30, free FCC Young Writers 4pm to 5pm, free WL Young at ‘art 10am to 10.30am, free ASW
Community Cooking 10 12.30pm to 2.30pm, FCC FREEZA Push Start Comp 6pm, $5 Cube Art Buzz 10.30am to 11.30am, $5 ASW Wodonga Life Activities Cards night 7.30pm, $2 at FCC
Wodonga Life Activities 12 Closing the gap on IT and13 Sunday Lunch Grandparent Know How 12.30pm, at Peards Nursery 12.15pm to 2.05pm, $5 FCC Albury
Community Cooking, 15 5pm to 7pm, FCC Just Paint 3.30pm to 4.30pm,$10 ASW Wodonga Life Activities Members Night 6:30pm, at Goods Shed
Relaxation Meditation 16 7.30 to 8.30, free FCC Echo Music Program 4pm to 5pm, $5 FCC Manga and Anime Club 5.30pm to 7.30pm, $5 WL Young at ‘art 10am to 10.30am, free ASW
Community Cooking 17 12.30pm to 2.30pm, FCC Art Buzz 10.30am to 11.30am, $5 ASW
Closing the gap on IT and20 Grandparent Know How 2.15pm to 3.05pm, $5 FCC Lego Club 4pm to 5pm, free WL
Mindfulness Meditation 22 Workshops 7.30pm, gold coin entry BCC Community Cooking, 5pm to 7pm, FCC Just Paint 3.30pm to 4.30pm, $10 ASW
Relaxation Meditation 23 7.30 to 8.30, free FCC Young Writers 4pm to 5pm, free WL Young at ‘art 10am to 10.30am, free ASW
Community Cooking 24 12.30pm to 2.30pm, FCC Art Buzz 10.30am to 11.30am, $5 ASW
FReeZA Crew 26 Want to join the FReeZA Crew? Aged 14 to 24 years. Email youth@wodonga.vic.gov.au
Just Paint 29 3.30pm to 4.30pm,$10 ASW Tantalising Truffles 10am to noon, $15 BME
Parkway Drive 30 All Aussie Adventure Tour 6.30pm, $44 Cube Young at ‘art 10am to 10.30am, free ASW School Holiday Activities at Wodonga Library - Game Play 2pm to 4pm, free WL
Home 1 Now until July 23, free ASW Tech Sessions in the library 10am to 12pm, free. Bookings required. WL
Little Boy 6 NAIDOC Week Celebration 7 10.30am, free ASW 6.30pm, free Cube Play house 11am to 2pm, $25 ASW Just Paint 3.30pm to 4.30pm, $10 ASW
Pom Pom Patch 10 July and August, 10am to 5pm, free ASW
Art Buzz 15 10.30am to 11.30am, $5 ASW
Out of the Box for Kids! 11am, $21 Cube
NAO Robotics Workshop 10am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4.30pm, free. Riverina Trail Running Series Bookings required. WL - McFarlanes Hill, 10am
ASW - Arts Space Wodonga Cnr Lawrence and Hovell streets p: (02) 6022 9600 facebook.com/ ArtsSpaceWodonga Open: Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5pm; Saturday 9am to noon. Open for programs as scheduled
WL - Wodonga Library 126 Hovell St, Wodonga p: (02) 6022 9330 wodongalibrary.com.au facebook.com/ WodongaLibrary Open: Monday to Friday 10am to 5.30pm; Saturday 9am to noon. Open for programs as scheduled
Just Paint 13 Young Writers 3.30pm to 4.30pm, $10 ASW 4pm to 5pm, free WL
Cube - The Cube Wodonga 118 Hovell St, Wodonga p: (02) 6022 9311 w: thecubewodonga.com.au facebook.com/ thecubewodonga Open: Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 5pm; Saturday from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
BCC - Baranduda Community Centre 3 Sage Crt, Baranduda p: (02) 6020 8643 facebook.com/BarandudaCC FCC - Felltimber Community Centre 189 Melrose Drive p: (02) 6043 4550 facebook.com/FelltimberCC
Refugee Week Family Fun Day 11am to 2pm, free Cube Courtyard
Home artist talk 10am, free ASW Out of the Box 7.30pm, $28 Cube
BME - Bonegilla Migrant Experience 82 Bonegilla Rd, Bonegilla p: (02) 6020 6912 bonegilla.org.au Open: 10am to 4pm daily
FULL LISTING OF EVENTS wodonga.vic.gov.au/whatson