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MARCH, 2016
Border to host 2018 Deaf Games
CityLife is Wodonga Council’s monthly publication and is delivered around Wodonga.
Albury-Wodonga will host the Australian Deaf Games in 2018, attracting 1000 competitors and delivering an estimated $3 million to the local economy.
Approximately 16,000 copies are printed each month by Border Mail Printing, Wodonga.
The games are run by Deaf Sports Australia and will be held in Albury and Wodonga from January 20 to 27 in 2018, following the Australian National Junior Country Cup basketball event.
CityLife is printed on recycled paper, which is made up of 20 to 40 per cent of recycled fibre from old newspapers. It can also be re-added to newsprint production as a recycled fibre after use. CONTACT US Office: 104 Hovell St, Wodonga Post: PO Box 923, Wodonga, VIC 3689 Phone: (02) 6022 9300 Fax: (02) 6022 9346 Website: wodonga.vic.gov.au CONNECT WITH US /wodongacouncil /wodongacouncil /wodonga council /wodongacouncil wod.city/wodenews
Jamieson Court Preschool opens A major redevelopment providing additional rooms and facilities for Jamieson Court Preschool has been officially opened. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, joined Wodonga councillor Michael Fraser in opening the $506,000 redevelopment completed late last year. The works have enabled the preschool to increase its three-year-old program from 23 to 33 places, and its fouryear-old program from 44 to 66 places. Additional space has been created to provide better
access to family, allied and community support services, and to allow families to interact and become engaged in their community. The redevelopment also made way for the Trudewind Rd Maternal and Child Health service to move to the Jamieson Court Preschool precinct, improving maternal and child health services across the city. Cr Fraser said it was almost 30 years to the day that the original preschool building was officially opened. “It is exciting that today, on the eve of the centre’s 30-year anniversary,
we are celebrating a new refurbishment and expansion,” he said. “This work has enabled us to provide vital early years education to more children in our city.” The redevelopment was jointly funded by the Department of Education and Training ($350,000) and Wodonga Council ($156,000).as part of a six-year program with the Victorian Government that has seen major upgrades of all Wodong’s early childhood centres. The total cost of the program is about $6.5 million.
More than 1000 athletes, plus interpreters, visitors,officials and volunteers from around Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Samoa will attend. Wodonga Council Mayor Anna Speedie said the high standard of the Border’s sporting venues helped the cities win the Games. “Venues including the Wodonga Tennis Centre, Martin Park, Lauren Jackson Sports Centre and Albury Swim Centre, will host 17 sports such as swimming, netball, basketball, cricket and tennis.” The games provide a pathway for athletes through to international competition in the Asia Pacific Deaf Games and Deaflympics. It’s estimated there are more than 1000 deaf and hearingimpaired people in the region.
0417 138 938 aspeedie@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0408 285 930 mbyatt@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0428 321 764 mfraser@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0428 438 129 ekerr@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0409 562 903 lmahood@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0400 956 253 rwangman@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0428 325 377 jwatson@wodonga.vic.gov.au
Council meetings are open to the public and are usually held on the third Monday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for March 21. Meetings are held in the council chambers, level two, city offices, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga and commence at 6pm. Agendas can be downloaded from the council’s website the Friday prior to the meeting.
MARCH, 2016
HAVE YOUR SAY ON HIGH ST SHARED ZONE TRIAL Wodonga Council is asking the community if it supports the idea of trialling a shared zone in High St. The works planned for this section of High St are due to commence in the 2018-2019 financial year which provides the opportunity for the council to create a temporary shared zone so businesses and the community can see and experience how it works.
The Promenade officially opens The Promenade at Junction Place has been officially opened, bringing more life and vibrancy to the heart of the city. The precinct now has some fantastic food businesses including Broadgauge, Bean Station and The Goods Shed Craft Beer Cafe. “Along with the pop-ups in Junction Square, this is becoming a hub for great food and drink in our city,� Wodonga Mayor Cr Anna Speedie said.
The Promenade was officially opened by (from left) Wodonga Council CEO Patience Harrington, Wodonga Mayor Cr Speedie, Places Victoria CEO Mr Gregory Anderson and Places Victoria Chairperson Mr Tony De Domenico.
The $1.25 million project has been delivered by the council, fully funded by the Australian Government through the National Stronger Regions Fund, and Places Victoria. It follows the $1.75 million development of Junction Square which was officially opened in 2015, a project largely funded by the Victorian Government. The opening was followed by a twilight market later that day.
Road reconstruction from Brockley St to Chappel St.
Construction is under way and due to be completed by April, 2016.
New pedestrian bridge
To be constructed over an open drain on Yarralumla Drive, near Castle Creek Rd.
Completion scheduled for May, 2016.
Cycle and footpath renewals
Upgrades to various footpaths and cycle paths across the city.
Work is under way and expected to be completed by April, 2016.
Pedestrian crossing upgrade
Works to improve safety of the existing pedestrian crossing in Pearce St, near Willow Park.
Contract has been awarded and works are expected to start soon.
Pathways solar lighting
Installation of solar lighting along selected footpaths in Wodonga.
Lights have been ordered and the council is awaiting delivery.
New pedestrian crossing
Construction of a new pedestrian crossing on Chapple St, near the Anzac Parade roundabout.
Baranduda Wetlands Nature Trail
Partnership with St Francis Primary School to construct about 500m of gravel path, 40m of boardwalk and interpretative signs through WREN reserve next to school.
The trail is now open and signs will be finalised soon.
New car park
Car park with 12 spaces plus one disability space to be constructed at Belgrade Ave Community Centre and preschool.
New school crossing
New school crossing in Pearce St, near Hungry Jacks, to cater for increasing demand.
New floodlighting for Gayview Park will allow the baseball/softball club to train at their homeground throughout the entire year, and will provide opportunities to accommodate the training needs of other sports during winter.
Works have commenced and are due to be completed by April.
A shared zone is a road area shared by vehicles and pedestrians in which pedestrians have priority and motorists must give way to pedestrians. The proposed shared zone would run from the post office to Sesame Lane, about 100 metres in length. The temporary shared zone would see: nT he pedestrian crossing with traffic lights at the post office turned off; nT he centre median removed; n Pavement markings put down to differentiate the zone; nT he installation of kerb ramps to aid pedestrian movements; decrease in the nA speed limit to 20kmh; and, n The installation of signage and hard infrastructure including seating, gardens and trees to further activate the space. Cost to the council for the trial is minimal as works would either need to be done as part of the road reconstruction and elements can be reused. The project is the result of the Australian Government National Stronger Regions Funding. MORE INFORMATION wod.city/SZtrial
s in the What goe (waste)?
MARCH, 2016
d red-lidde
What g oes in the gre (organ en-lidd ics)? ed b
What goes in the yellowlidded bin (recycling)?
• Nappies, medical waste • Soft plastics like food bags, plastic bags, cling films, foam and polystyrene • Coated packaging (coffee/hot food containers that have a heat/leak lining) • Old clothes
• Glass, long-life milk and juice cartons, bills/letters and papers • Metal like tins, cans, aluminum foil • Food scraps (fish, meat/bones, coffee (scrunch up into a ball so it can be grounds, teabags, cooked foods) sorted later) • Garden waste (prunings, grass • Most hard plastics (use the crinkle test clippings, sticks, weeds, flowers) – if it doesn’t stay scrunched up, put it • Tissues, newspaper, paper towel, in the yellow-lidded bin) shredded paper, pizza boxes • Packaging with plastics and cardboard – separate plastic and cardboard and recycle both.
Never give up giving up!
#WFOMM you were so much fun
Menacing ...
Have your say at makewodongayours.com.au BARANDUDA PRIMARY SCHOOL SPEED ZONES
Wodonga Council is seeking feedback from the community on proposed changes to the speed zone around the Baranduda Primary School. The expansion of the residential area bordering the school has resulted in Verbena St being extended, requiring the existing 40kmh permanent speed zone to be extended to all streets fronting the school (and nearby Sage Court) to make it safer for students and parents.
Wodonga Council is asking the community if it supports the idea of trialling a shared zone in High St. A shared zone is a road area shared by vehicles and pedestrians in which pedestrians have right of way. The proposed shared zone would run from the post office to Sesame Lane and help revitalise the heart of the city by making it safer and more appealing to shoppers.
Amendment to Wodonga Planning Scheme on exhibition Wodonga Council has prepared Amendment C123 to the Wodonga Planning Scheme which affects all land in the municipality. The amendment proposes to implement recommendations of the Wodonga Planning Scheme Review Report 2013 by introducing a revised Local Planning Policy Framework and referencing relevant council strategies. You may inspect the amendment,
any documents that support the amendment and the explanatory report about the amendment, free of charge, at: • During office hours, at the office of the planning authority, Wodonga Council, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga; or, • Online at delwp.vic.gov.au/ public-inspection Any person who may be affected by the amendment may make a submission to the planning
authority about the amendment. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make. Details of submitters are required for the council to consider submissions and to notify of the opportunity to attend council
meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions. A copy of every submission is available for two months after the amendment comes into operation or lapses. The closing date for submissions is Friday, March 18, 2016. MORE INFORMATION wod.city/Planning-Amend
MARCH, 2016
JOIN IN AND GET ACTIVE THIS APRIL TO LIVE WELL All Wodonga residents are urged to join in and get active next month as part of Premier’s Active April. Grab others at your school, workplace, club or in the wider community and register to take part. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity a day - it’s free, it’s fun and it’s part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to get more people active and healthy. Use the online Activity Tracker to log your daily activity and track your progress throughout the month. Plus, you can create and join teams, compare the progress of team members, discover events near you and win awesome prizes!
HOW DOES IT WORK? Anyone can participate in Active April – friends, students, families, workmates or individuals. The 30 minutes of activity can be made up of any
sort of physical activity, including incidental activity. You can accumulate your 30 minutes (or more) throughout the day by combining a few shorter sessions of activity of
Recharge at the library Chargebars for phones and mobile devices (both iPhone and Android) are on their way to Wodonga Library! You will be able to charge your device while you recharge your mind and body with a good read in the library – chargebars are free but at the user’s own responsibility. The library also continues to offer free wifi, and visitors can book public
access computers and meetings rooms. Visit wodongalibrary.com.au to find out about upcoming events and other activities at your local library.
All cats and dogs above three months must be registered with renewals due April 10 each year (this date is not set by Wodonga Council). It is the owner’s responsibility to renew their animal registration each year under the Domestic Animals Act 1994 with a $303 fine for those who don’t comply. You also need to tell us if you transfer ownership of an animal. To register online or find out about fees (including reduced rates), microchipping, desexing, off-leash dog areas and more, visit bit.ly/RegisterAnimal
Just by registering every participant gets 10 free passes to a participating YMCA and a chance to win some great prizes including entry into the draw to win tickets to the 2017 Australian Tennis Open Finals,
Calling all young aspiring leaders Are you aged between 18 to 24 years and based in Wodonga?
Register pets by April 10
around 10 to 15 minutes each. Exercise can come from everyday activities such as housework, gardening and walking to the shops. Every little bit helps!
Are you passionate about creating positive change within your community? Would you like the knowledge and resources to make a real difference? Then Wodonga Council’s 2016 Youth Leadership Program may be for you. Now in its eighth year, the program focuses on developing leaders through skills sessions, guest speakers, training opportunities, creating individual development plans, one-on-one mentoring, community projects and developing new networks. It will help you develop your leadership skills especially around decision-making, leading others, conflict resolution and much more.
The program consists of six months of structured individual and group learning opportunities, including a four-day retreat from April 28 to May 1. As the group may include people involved in employment, training or education, participation will occur outside of business hours and in your own time. It requires a commitment of about eight hours per fortnight. All reasonable costs are covered by Wodonga Council. Applications close April 1. Contact Wodonga Council’s youth services officer Anthony Nicholson on (02) 6022 9300 or anicholson@wodonga.vic. gov.au for more information.
MORE INFORMATION wodonga.vic.gov.au/ylp
REGISTER AT activeapril.vic.gov.au
a $1500 bike voucher or a GoPro Camera. Terms and conditions for all prizes and offers apply. As well as regular exercise, you can improve your health and wellbeing by practicising mindful eating. It’s simply being more aware of your eating habits and the flavours and sensations you experience from eating. You don’t need to follow any recipes or menus, just adopt a mindful eating approach to your regular eating habits. Over time, being mindful in the way we eat gradually increases our awareness of what, why and how much we want to eat, and we naturally begin to choose foods that satisfy genuine needs and wants.
GRANTS OPEN Individuals and community groups in Wodonga can apply for funding to grow ideas creatively to ultimately improve the city through Wodonga Council’s Community Impact Grants. The grants offer up to $500 for an individual, or up to $5000 for an organisation (or workplace, or individual auspiced by a community organisation) and aim to build stronger communities, support a sustainable environment, and celebrate arts and culture. The grants aim to celebrate and support our community, by funding ideas and initiatives that aim to strengthen social outcomes for all. Applications close the second Tuesday of each month (March 8, April 12, May 10). MORE INFORMATION wodonga.vic.gov.au/cigp
MARCH, 2016
Collection Calendar 2016 Please note that a new Collection Calendar for 2016 is now available (the previous green 2015-2016 calendar that finishes in March had an error from February onwards).
Please cut out this calendar and use as a reference for the weekly schedule, or you can download a copy from the council’s website at wodonga.vic.gov.au under the purple tab.
Alternatively, go to the Halve Waste website at halvewaste. com.au/organics/collectionschedule/ where you can enter your street address and check the schedule.
Wodonga January
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• Bins are collected by a truck with a mechanical arm • Face wheels away from the kerb
1 metre
• Keep clear of overhanging branches and power lines • Place your bin out the night before your collection day • Please leave at least one meter between bins and other objects, including fences and vehicles.
To find out more call
Organics will be collected on the same day every week.
Garbage will be collected on alternate weeks to your Recycling day.
Recycling will be collected on alternate weeks to your Garbage day.
on 13 13 39 or visit our website halvewaste.com.au
What can go in the caddy?
Want more information?
Food scraps including peels, fruit and vegetables, meat scraps and bones
Dairy products
Shredded paper
Leaves and garden prunings
Grass clippings and weeds
Tissues and paper towels
30cm small branches
Residents are advised to visit halvewaste.com.au for detailed fact sheets, tips and frequently asked questions. Halve Waste is an initiative of Albury City Council, Wodonga Council, and the Shires of Towong, Greater Hume, Corowa and Indigo. The goal of Halve Waste is to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by 50% by 2020.
Litter hygiene tips There are a number of ways the community can get involved in keeping Wodonga looking great and litter free. This can start at home with you and your weekly bin collection days. By keeping bin lids closed, you can reduce the spread of litter down the streets and into the city’s open spaces through the wind blowing. This can also stop birds, cats and rodents getting into the bins and spreading litter around. If too much rubbish is preventing the lid closing, litter may spill
out when the truck is emptying the bin. By removing bins after rubbish is collected, you can have a beautiful looking street of green grass and flowering trees and plants to look at instead of rubbish bins. By keeping bins clean, the bin can look as good as it can. A clean bin also reduces nasty smells and also helps control flies and bees being attracted to them. Let’s get smart about rubbish collection. This will allow everyone to enjoy the surrounds without it being interrupted by litter.
Tips for using caddy liners Residents have been thanked for embracing the introduction of organics recycling. Here are some tips to getting the most out of the compostable binliners that are used in the kitchen caddy. • The roll of compostable lime green kitchen caddy bin liners should last for 12 months based on using two to three liners per week. • The liners are designed for kitchen scraps only. • For pet waste, perhaps wrap waste in newspapers or place directly in the green-lidded organics bin. • Lawn clippings and garden material should be placed directly in the bin. • If preparing meals for a large group, consider putting all scraps into newspaper, wrapping and placing in the green-lidded organics bin. • If preparing meals with shellfish which can create bulky waste, consider wrapping them in newspaper.
IF YOU RUN OUT OF LINERS • Consider lining your kitchen caddy with newspaper. • At meal times, all scraps can be placed in newspaper, wrapped up then placed directly in the green-lidded organics bin. • Scraps can be gathered in a bowl and dropped directly into the green-lidded organics bin. • Additional rolls of the suitable 25 lime green kitchen caddy bin liners can be collected from your local council. • Please ensure that you do not purchase bags labelled as ‘biodegradable’, these do not meet the strict requirements of being compostable for the organics collections service and are considered contamination. • A new roll of compostable bin liners for your caddy will be delivered to your home every 12 months.
MARCH, 2016
A new youth festival featuring live bands, DJs and activities will be held in Wodonga on Friday, April 8. Coinciding with National Youth Week from April 8 to 17, SoundOut16 will include performances by The Northern Folk, Vee and Josh, and Riot Kingdom. Organising committee member Jye McBurnie will be MC for the evening and said SoundOut16 was Wodonga’s biggest youth event in the 2016 calendar thus far. “There will be four bands hitting the stage from local,
state or national areas, and a DJ will also be bringing the dance floor alive,” he said. “We have also plenty of activities to keep you entertained and a great deal of giveaways. “So make sure you lock April 8 in, because you’re not going to want to miss this.” One of the highlights will be a performance by Melbourne hip hop/R and B unit, Vee Syjongtian and Josh Faragher, better known as Vee and Josh. Vee and Josh have seen great success with
their debut release reaching number four with their first single Rain, which features international sensation from the Philippines FMD Xtreme in the music video, No. 2 with their follow up single Perfect and No. 6 on the iTunes album charts with their self-titled album. SoundOut16 will be held at Birrallee Park in Emerald Ave from 4pm to 8pm. It is an all-ages, drug, alcohol and smoke free event, with all bags will be searched prior to entry. The Wodonga Raiders canteen will be open, selling food and drink.
Join the 11am guided tour or take the suitcase trail and self guided tour. Activity stations throughout will keep the children busy and happy.
Get the kids involved in creating a beautiful mosaic masterpiece. Participants will learn the basics of splitting tiles, gluing and designing pieces to create an artwork. Materials are supplied but participants are more to welcome to bring their own item to mosaic.
Our ‘Kids Cooking Club’ program is aimed at school aged children who have a passion for cooking or would like to learn new skills. Our qualified Chef Kylie Doherty will assist.
When: Saturday, March 26 to Sunday, April 4 from 10am to 4pm daily Where: Bonegilla Migrant Experience Cost: Free entry Bookings: (02) 6020 6912 TIE DYING SHIRTS Get your groove on and have fun expressing yourself in your clothes. Warning: This can get messy!
When: Friday, April 1 from 10.30am to noon Where: Felltimber CC Cost: $5 Bookings: (02) 6043 4550
When: Thursday, April 7 from 9.30am to noon Where: Baranduda Sports Pavillion Cost: $10 Bookings: (02) 6020 8643.
Also, more fun in the kitchen baking cupcakes and decorating them. When: Friday, April 1 from 9.30am to 1pm Where: Belgrade Ave CC Cost: $25 Bookings: (02) 6020 8643. ALIVE WITH POSSIBILITIES
PAPER PLANES AND ORIGAMI Have some fun making your own unique paper plane and objects and see who takes home the paper Plane Challenge awards!
When: Thursday, March 31 and Wednesday, April 6 from 12.30pm to 3pm Where: Belgrade Ave CC Cost: $10 Bookings: (02) 6020 8643.
Make your own turtle and express yourself in some exquisite rock art.
When: Tuesday, April 5 from 10am to 12.30pm Where: Felltimber CC Cost: $20 per child ($15 per additional sibling) Bookings: (02) 6043 4550
Tailored for ages seven to 12 years teaching the basics in first aid management and response. Certificate of attendance supplied.
Spend the afternoon in the kitchen making some delicious treats to take home and share with your families.
When: Monday, April 4 from 10am to 2pm Where: Baranduda Sports Pavillion Bookings: (02) 6020 8643.
When: Thursday, April 7 from 12.30pm to 3pm Where: Baranduda Sports Pavillion Cost: $15 Bookings: (02) 6020 8643.
FISH-A-THON The Fish-a-thon is a community event held at the Felltimber Community Centre lake and funded through Fisheries Victoria. All members of the community are welcome. A free barbecue is provided by the Vietnam Veterans and fishing rods, hooks and bait are provided, or you can supply your own. If you are already a keen fishing person or would like to learn more there will be experienced fishing volunteers on hand. So come down and enjoy a relaxed morning and hopefully catch a fish! When: Saturday, April 9 from 10am to 1pm Where: Felltimber CC Cost: Free Bookings: (02) 6043 4550.
MARCH, 2016
John Pimm was presented with an Eagle Award by Wodonga Mayor Cr Anna Speedie at the February council meeting.
John received the Eagle Award in recognition of his enormous contribution volunteering to various community organisations from the Wodonga Apex Club to the Albury Wodonga Yacht Club, Wodonga Hockey Club,
3rd Wodonga Scouts, Carols by Candlelight and Guide Dog Victoria. John, a life member at Wodonga Apex Club, was able to have a defibrillator installed at the club. The Eagle Award recognises people in our city who, through their volunteer work, are making a difference to the community.
A 13-year-old ballet dancer was awarded the Young Achiever Support Scheme from Cr Speedie for her commitment and success in ballet. Indianna Drew has been selected to compete at an international ballet competition in Florida at the end of March. She will be showcasing the
outstanding dance talent in the Wodonga region. Indi trains at the Regional Academy of Performing Arts in Wodonga for an average of 25 hours per week. The YASS award helps young people in Wodonga pursue their interests at a state, national or international level across a range of disciplines.
EASTER RECYCLING TIPS With the Halve Waste Schools Education program visiting some Wodonga schools, many children know how to use the red, green and yellow-lidded bins properly. But with Easter fast approaching, did you know you can recycle all the foil from your Easter eggs into the yellow-lidded bin? Scrunch it up into a ball first – that way it won’t get missed when the blowers sort the recycling. Watch a video on: n What goes in each bin at wod.city/3-binFAQs n What happens once your recycling is collected from your kerb at wod.city/ IHeartRecyclingrecyclingweek
YASS recipient Indianna Drew with Cr Speedie
Eagle Award winner John Pimm with Cr Anna Speedie and Cr Eric Kerr.
FOR MORE INFORMATION halvewaste.com.au
Birallee hosts food swap Be prepared to weather storms Backyard gardeners are invited to take part in a new weekly food swap at Birallee Park Neighbourhood House. Excess produce from the neighbourhood house community gardens, along with plants propagated by volunteers, will be available at the swap. Residents are encouraged to come along and see how the neighbourhood house runs its gardens and perhaps leave
any produce that they may not be able to use. At the end of the day, nothing is wasted as the neighbourhood house uses the food in its emergency food relief program, which distributes more than 400 meals a week. The food swap is held from 11am to 1pm every Thursday out the front of the neighbourhood house in Emerald Ave, Wodonga.
Storms are more common from October to May and Wodonga residents are being urged to always be prepared for wild weather. According to the SES, storms cost Victorians an average of $28 million each year and can cause significant damage to homes, businesses and community infrastructure.
What to do before a storm:
What to do during a storm:
What to do after a storm:
n Check that loose items such as outdoor settings, umbrellas and trampolines are safely secured.
n Stay indoors and away from windows.
nC heck your home and property for damage.
n If outdoors, shelter away from drains, gutters, creeks and waterways.
nK eep clear of damaged buildings, powerlines and trees.
n Be prepared for power outages.
e aware of road hazards nB such as floodwater, debris and damaged roads or bridges.
n If it is safe to do so, check gutters, downpipes and drains are not blocked. n Park your car undercover and away from trees. FOR MORE INFORMATION ses.vic.gov.au
n Floodwater is dangerous – never drive, walk or ride through floodwater. n Never play or swim in floodwater.
nD o not drive through affected areas unless it is necessary.
MARCH, 2016
Event to celebrate 45 years of the Valiant Charger
Wodonga Council is able to issue rate notices via BPay View directly to your personal internet banking portal. Register through your internet banking site.
To ensure the smooth sale or purchase of a property, consider building permits and how they impact you.
If you register before the notices go out then you will receive the notice directly into your internet banking site and will receive a notification either via SMS or email to say it is available for viewing.
If you purchase a property that has illegal building works, you as the current owner of the property are liable for those works.
RATES NOTICES EMAILED The facility is available for the council to issue rate notices as a pdf document to the nominated email address provided by any ratepayer. If you wish to use this method and not have your notice posted, please contact the customer focus team on (02) 6022 9300 to provide the email address. E-NEWSLETTERS Wodonga Council has a range of e-newsletters to keep you up-to-date with events and happenings on things that interest you. Sign up via the link below. wod.city/enews ALTERNATE ROUTES Motorists can cut their travel time and avoid traffic congestion by using the ring road network. wod.city/ AltRoutesMarch2015
This year's Chryslers on the Murray gathering will celebrate 45 years of the Valiant Charger. The southern hemisphere’s biggest annual Chrysler expo – Chryslers On The Murray – is expected to be even bigger this year with special events to mark the 45th anniversary of the Valiant Charger. Some 700 vehicles are expected at Gateway Lakes on the Lincoln Causeway for the 24th annual Chryslers On The Murray from Saturday, March 19 to Sunday, March 20. Of those vehicles, more than 200 will be Valiant Chargers which will also take part in a photo shoot at the Ettamogah Pub on the
Saturday afternoon and a charger seminar at the SS&A Club in Albury on Saturday night. The seminar will include presentations by Charger race car drivers and engineers. Event co-ordinator Brett Saggers said up to 9000 visitors were expected over the two days, with people travelling from all over Australia, including Perth. “The show has grown from humble beginnings in 1991 when the newly formed Albury Wodonga Chrysler Club held its first one-
day show, with 28 cars on display,” he said. “Since then it has increased by about 25 per cent every year. “We are one of the smallest Chrysler clubs in Australia, with 23 members, yet we have the second biggest Chrysler show in the world (the biggest is in America).” All models of Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth, Valiant and AMC will be on show. It will include vehicles manufactured from the early 20s to current models. A show and shine will be held at 9am on Sunday.
As a preventative measure prior to purchase, it is recommended your real estate agent ask for permission from the owners to access the building file at the council to ascertain that all works on the property have a building permit and an accompanying final certificate or occupancy permit. If you are selling a property, any illegal building works on your property will generally be discovered at contract stage and you will be required to submit an application for illegal works. This application has a penalty built into the application fee of 150 per cent. A note about swimming pools and spas. If you are buying a property with a swimming pool or spa, ask for a swimming pool certificate/compliance inspection to ensure the safety barriers comply with the regulations.
Trail bike riders warned stay safe, ride legally Trail bike riders are reminded to ride safely, stick to legal riding areas, and steer clear of rail trails and walking tracks – especially in the upcoming school holidays. “Complaints about noise and safety from motorbikes riding in council reserves and on footpaths peak during school holiday periods,” Wodonga Council’s Natural Resources Co-ordinator Andrew Griffiths said. “Riding in council reserves is not allowed. “We urge everyone using motorbikes to stick to
formed roads, and if they are riding on private land to be considerate of nearby neighbours,” Mr Griffiths said. According to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), trail bike riding is increasingly popular in the Hume Region, but riders must remember that in forests and parks motorcycles can only be used on formed roads and vehicle tracks. The department advises that it is an offence in forests and parks to ride off-road on informal tracks and the natural terrain because of
the environmental damage it causes. In addition, if you are unlicensed or your bike is unregistered you are only allowed to ride on private land or at motorcycle club tracks. Riding a motorcycle off formed roads, damaging public land, unlicensed riding and using unregistered minibikes on public land are all serious offences with fines potentially exceeding $1000. FOR MORE INFORMATION delwp.vic.gov.au
MARCH, 2016
@ THE LIBRARY Sister act: Festival of Small Halls back to Bonegilla Migrant Experience LEGO CLUB Build and create in this afterschool group for master builders. Join the club every fortnight to imagine around a new theme.
Bonegilla Migrant Experience will once again host the Festival of Small Halls on Thursday, March 31 at 7pm. Festival of Small Halls is a tour dedicated to taking world class music through rural and regional areas of Australia and into intimate and beloved spaces like the traditional town hall. Produced by Woodford Folk Festival and National Folk Festival, it takes an Australian act and an international act and taking them into towns and venues that so often miss out.
When: Tuesday, March 15 and Monday, April 11 from 4pm to 5pm Age: Eight to 12 years Cost: Free Book: (02) 6022 9330 MANGA AND ANIME Canadian Acadian trio Vishtén (twin sisters Emmanuelle and Pastelle Le Blanc from Prince Edward Island, and Pascale Miousse from Isle de Madeleine) are joined by Australian folk duo The Little Stevies (sisters Byll and Beth).
Support Greatest Shave Wodonga residents are being asked to accept the hairy challenge of getting sponsored to shave or colour their hair to help people with blood cancer this month. From small beginnings in 1998, World’s Greatest Shave is now the Leukaemia Foundation’s most important fundraiser, providing a fun way to lessen the impact of blood cancer in the community. Anyone
interested in taking part in the fundraiser can join in the head shave at Wodonga Plaza between 11am to 4pm on Friday, March 11. Just Cuts will help with the shave, while coloured hair spray will also be on offer for the big and little kids. A raffle will be drawn at 2pm. FOR MORE INFORMATION worldsgreatestshave.com
Tickets are $25 ($20 for students and members of The Cube Wodonga) at festivalofsmallhalls.com and thecubewodonga.com.au/ tickets or (02) 6022 9311. Food, beer and wine will be available to purchase.
This fan group meets monthly to discuss their favourite manga and anime. When: Thursday, March 17 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm Age: High school Cost: $4 for pizza
Local films showcased
Get creative and have fun making your own Easter gifts this year. Join in a craft morning at the Wodonga Library When: Wednesday, March 23 from 10am to 11am Age: Three to five years Cost: Free Book: (02) 6022 9330 TECH SESSIONS IN THE LIBRARY - WINDOWS 8.1 IT classes are on the first Friday of the month. Come along and be willing to learn something new. This session will focus on Windows 8.1.
Short films created by local filmmakers will go on display on The Cube Wodonga Big Screen on Friday, March 11. Friday Films will run from 9.30am to 4.30pm, showcasing the creative, diverse and exciting world through the lens of the region’s filmmakers. Friday Films will also be held on April 1 and April 8.
When: Friday, April 1 from 10am to noon Cost: Free Book: (02) 6022 9330.
FOR MORE INFORMATION wodongalibrary.com.au
Workshops offer chance to brew Food and wine festival beer and shape some sausages returns to city square Bonegilla Migrant Experience is adding to the excitement of the North East Food and Wine Festival with beer brewing and sausage making workshops on Sunday, March 20.
The North East Food and Wine Festival will this year be held in Junction Square with more stallholders and a wider variety of food, produce and wines. The festival on Saturday, March 19 is an opportunity browse the region’s offerings, meet some of its top producers and enjoy a relaxing day out.
The Art of Beer Brewing will be led by the brewers of Cheeky Peak and will give you the knowledge and confidence to get into brewing yourself. Or you can learn from the masters about meat smoking and making and tying sausages with the chance to sample your creations afterwards. The Art of Beer Brewing workshops cost $35, or $30 for The Cube Wodonga members, and will be held
from 10.30am to 12.30pm, or from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The Art of Sausage Making and Meat Smoking workshops cost $50, or $45 for The Cube Wodonga members, and will be held from 10am to 12.15pm, or from 1pm to 3.15pm.
For enquiries, contact the Bonegilla Migrant Experience on (02) 6020 6912. Bookings essential via The Cube Wodonga box office on (02) 6022 9311 or online thecubewodonga.com.au/ tickets
There will be two popular local bands, Grooveyard Hammond Combo and Tree of Strings, playing throughout the day with plenty of shady area to sit and relax while indulging in a selection of different cuisines including Indian, gourmet burgers, pizza, Paella and tacos. This will be the fourth annual
food and wine festival and is organised by Wodonga TAFE in collaboration with an experienced team of industry professionals. It is shaping up to be one of the region’s premier food and wine events, with more than 6000 people attending last year. The festival this year will be held between 10am and 4pm on Saturday, March 19.
MARCH, 2016
SANKOFA Presented by Asanti Dance Theatre
RETURN BY FIRE Featuring art works by Frank Burgers, Return by Fire includes works produced from Frank’s time spent in Tasmania at Kings Bridge Cottage, Cataract Gorge, Launceston, artist in residence program, 2014. Proudly presented by Arts Space Wodonga, visitors will be reminded of the high quality and professionalism this consistent, successful local artist delivers.
Exhibition: Friday, March 4 to Thursday, March 24 Artist’s floor talk: Saturday, March 12 at 10am Drawing workshop: Saturday, March 12 from 11.30am to 1.30pm. Work with pastels and charcoals. Cost: $30 per person, materials included. Bookings: The Cube Wodonga box office on (02) 6022 9311 or thecubewodonga.com.au/ tickets Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600
Vaccaro plays Echoes Arts Space Wodonga and Murray Conservatorium present Arts Space Echoes featuring Nathan Vaccaro with easy listening jazz guitar. Come and enjoy live classical music in the gallery followed by a light morning tea. Bookings essential. When: Monday, April 4 at 10.15am Cost: $8 Bookings: The Cube Wodonga on (02) 6022 9311 or thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets
Art Buzz for little hands
Join Asanti Dance Theatre for an unforgettable experience of African music, dance and culture with a contemporary edge. Follow one man’s journey through the centuries and into the unknown, all the time under the watchful eye of the ancient Adrinkra symbol Sankofa. Sankofa teaches that before one can move forward, one must look back to the past. MY DOG HAS STRIPES Depression, in its many forms, is one of the most common of all mental problems. My Dog has Stripes casts a spotlight on the topic with warmth and humour. It addresses depression, mental illness and touches on anxiety, eating disorders and suicide which, if talked about more openly, would help reduce the stigma often associated with them. A question and answer session will follow the play. When: Tuesday, March 8 at 2pm Where: The Cube Wodonga Cost: $10, includes afternoon tea Bookings essential: The Cube Wodonga box office on (02) 6022 9311 or at thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets
In 1915 soldier and surgeon Sir Charles Ryan captured the Australian experience on Gallipoli via a series of candid photographs. Ryan’s sensitivity, his empathy with those on both sides, and his eye for the remarkable – and the remarkable in the everyday - are apparent in his photographic work. Please note, this exhibition contains content that might be confusing or upsetting for children. Exhibition: Friday, April 1 to Saturday, April 30 Opening: Saturday, April 2 at 10am
When: Saturday, March 12 at 7.30pm Where: The Cube Wodonga Cost: $28, members $25 Bookings essential: The Cube Wodonga box office on (02) 6022 9311 or at thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets WORKSHOP A drumming workshop is also on Saturday, March 12, at 10am in The Cube Wodonga Courtyard. Entry is free but please register on (02) 6022 9311. carrot launcher, the Disguise-o-matic 5000 and even a Ninja Snail Training Academy! The team behind the hit adaptations of The 13-Storey Treehouse and The 26-Storey Treehouse have come together one last time to bring Andy Griffiths’ and Terry Denton’s bestseller The 52-Storey Treehouse to life on stage. When: Tuesday, March 22 at 10.30am Where: The Cube Wodonga Cost: $24, The Cube Wodonga member $21 Bookings essential: The Cube Wodonga box office on (02) 6022 9311 or at thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets LAH-LAH - SING IT LOUD! Sing it Loud! is the brand new live musical extravaganza from Lah-Lah’s Big Live Band featuring the stars from ABC Kids. Meet Mister Saxophone, Squeezy Sneezy the piano accordion, Tom Tom on drums, Buzz the Bandleader, Lola the Dancing Double Bass and the ever loveable Lah-Lah as they share their love of making music and their wonderful musical instruments.
Creative visual art workshops for little hands, relating to the current exhibition return to Arts Space Wodonga. For ages three to five years and their parent or guardian. Bookings essential. When: Friday, March 11 and 18 from 10.30am to 11.30am. Cost: $5 per family Enquiries: (02) 6022 9600
A Camera on Gallipoli
THE 52-STOREY TREEHOUSE Andy and Terry’s world-famous everexpanding treehouse has 13 new storeys and is filled with more fantastic inventions than ever: a rocket powered
When: Thursday, March 31 at 10am Where: The Cube Wodonga Cost: $25.50, 12 months or under free Bookings essential: The Cube Wodonga box office on (02) 6022 9311 or at thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets
FOR MORE INFORMATION facebook.com/ArtsSpaceWodonga
WHAT’S ON Sunday Talk and Tour By appointment
Tuesday Reading Buddies 1 Tuesdays to March 2, 3.40pm to 4.30p, free FCC
Clean Up 6 Australia Day 9am to 11am, free Jack Perry Reserve Acoustic in the Square 1pm to 3pm, Junction Square
Friday Friday April 8 April 8
4pm toto 8pm 4pm 8pm Birallee Park,
Birallee St, Park, Marshall Marshall Thursday St,
Wodonga Wodonga FREE entry
Class Clowns 3 Wodonga Heat Workshop 4pm to 6pm, 7pm performance, free The Cube The Northern Folk Echo Theand Northern Folk First third Fridays, 3.45pm to 4.45pm, $5, school aged FCC
14 Resilience and 15 Mindfulness for Youth Anti-bullying 6.30pm to 8.30pm, $5 4pm to 5pm, $2 per family BCC Lego Club March 15, April 11, 4pm to 5pm, free, ages 8 to 12, free WL
The Art of Beer Brewing 20 10.30am to 12.30pm, and 1.30pm to 3.30pm, $35, members $30 BME The Art of Sausage Making and Meat Smoking 10am to 12.15pm, and 1pm to 3.15pm, $50 or members $45 BME
The 52-Storey Treehouse21 6pm, $24, members $21 Cube Tinker Team 4.30pm to 6pm, free, ages 10 to 15, bookings required WL Felltimber Community Centre AGM 6pm, followed by light supper FCC
Friday Films 11 March 11, April 1 and 8 9.30am to 4.30pm The Cube Craft’n’Cuppa Weekly, 12.30pm to 2.30pm, gold coin FCC World’s Greatest Shave 11am to 4pm, Wodonga Plaza
Drawing workshop 12 11.30am to 1.30pm, $30 pp, $20 students ASW Drumming workshop 10am, free The Cube Sankofa 7.30pm, $28, members $25 The Cube Return by Fire artist floor talk 10am, free ASW
16 Manga and Anime 17 March 17, April 21 FCC 5.30pm to 6.30pm, $4 for pizza WL
FUSION 18 5.30pm to 7.30pm, gold coin, 13 to 18 years FCC
Chryslers on the Murray 19 March 19 and 20 9am to 5pm, $5 Gateway Lakes North East Food and Wine Festival 10am to 4pm, Junction Square First aid for parents and carers 10am to 2pm, $35 BCC Wodonga Show 9am, Wodonga Racecourse Hume Bank Earth Hour Picnic 7.30pm, free Sumsion Gardens
FREE entry Featuring Featuring VeeVee& Josh & Josh riot kingdom riot kingdom Woodlock Woodlock
25 Easter School 26 Holiday Program March 26 to April 24, 10am to 4pm, free BME
The Little Stevies at The Festival of Small Halls 29
30 The Festival of
12 A Camera on 13 Gallipoli - torchlight tour and talk* 7pm to 9pm, free ASW
WL - Wodonga Library 126 Hovell St, Wodonga p: (02) 6022 9330 wodongalibrary.com.au facebook.com/ WodongaLibrary Open: Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm; Saturday 9am to 12pm. Open for programs as scheduled
Small Halls 6.30pm, $25, member $20 BME Lah-Lah - Sing It Loud! 10am, $25.50, under 12 months free, bookings essential Cube
5 A Camera on 6 Gallipoli drama workshop* 10am to noon, $15, $25 per family, ages 10 years and above ASW
A Camera on Gallipoli ASW - Arts Space Wodonga Cnr Lawrence and Hovell streets p: (02) 6022 9600 facebook.com/ ArtsSpaceWodonga Open: Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm; Saturday 9am to 12pm. Open for programs as scheduled
Saturday 5
The 52-Storey 22 Easter Craft 23 Treehouse 10am to 11am, free 10.30am, $24, WL members $21 The Cube
3 Arts Space Echoes 4 2016 10.15am, $8 ASW
Friday Art Buzz 4 Fridays, 4, 11 and 18, April 15, 10.30am to 11.30pm, $5 per family ASW Return by Fire Until March 24, opening hours ASW Tech Session in the Library 10am to noon, free WL
Resilience & Anti-bullying 2 workshop 1pm to 3pm, $5 per family FCC Cirque Africa Until March 13, Gateway Island Square Dancing March 2, 16, 23, April 6, 13, 7.30pm to 9.30pm, $5 Wodonga Senior Citizens’ Centre
Friday Films 7 My Dog has Stripes 8 Hook, Line and Sinker9 4.30pm to 6pm, 2pm, $10 The Cube 5pm to 6pm, free, free, ages 10 to 15, FCC school aged bookings required WL
Dye Hard Fun Run 13 10am Gateway Lakes
MARCH, 2016
1 A Camera on Gallipoli* April 1 to 30, opening hours, free ASW Tech session – Windows 8.1 10am to noon, free, bookings required WL Premier’s Active April activeapril.vic.gov.au
2 A Camera on Gallipoli official opening* 10am, free ASW
7 SoundOut16 8 8pm to 4pm, free Birralee Park
*This exhibition contains graphic photographs that children may find confusing and upsetting.
The Cube - The Cube Wodonga 118 Hovell St, Wodonga p: (02) 6022 9311 w: thecubewodonga.com.au facebook.com/ thecubewodonga Open: Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 5pm; Saturday from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
BCC - Baranduda Community Centre 3 Sage Crt, Baranduda p: (02) 6020 8643 facebook.com/BarandudaCC FT - Felltimber Community Centre 189 Melrose Drive p: (02) 6043 4550 facebook.com/FelltimberCC
BME - Bonegilla Migrant Experience 82 Bonegilla Rd, Bonegilla p: (02) 6020 6912 bonegilla.org.au Open: 10am to 4pm daily
FULL LISTING OF EVENTS wodonga.vic.gov.au/whatson