Many would have not heard of Yugal Kishor, the chef who graced the household kitchens and cooked for the Indian Prime Minister and President. Hailing from Himachal Pradesh, the northern Indian state in the Himalayas. Spending most of his childhood with his grandmother and mother, they passed on their passion for food to Yugal. His belief is “If you love food and cook, then why not make it a career out of it by becoming a professional chef” and so he did by getting his culinary diploma and started with Indian cuisine. Over time, he learnt to cook other cuisines, using different styles of cooking under different chefs and today his style of cooking is very simple and different. He follows the basic thumb rule of cooking the old fashioned way with lots of love. He runs one of the most successful gastro pub kitchens in Dubai - Reform Social & Grill, the city’s first true gastropub and family-friendly restaurant based on one of London’s most vibrant venues. Located in The Lakes, Emirates Living District, featuring a restaurant, a beverage lounge, and idyllic garden and lakeside setting with a first-class British menu.