Wings of Hope Issue 1-2010

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Wings of Hope Magazine Volume 4 Issue 1


The Pen of a Ready Writer My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the King: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psalm 45:1 (KJV)

Written By: Fay Lamb Fay Lamb is a lifelong resident of Titusville, Florida. She received Christ as her Savior at an early age, but wasted many years before rededicating her life to the Lord in her mid-twenties. She resides in Titusville with her husband, Marc Lamb. They have two married sons, Corey and Ethan, and four grandchildren. She works as a secretary for Faith Baptist Church in Titusville where she also occasionally teaches women’s Bible studies and mentors younger women. Fay’s passion is writing Christian women’s fiction, Christian romance and romantic suspense. She loves to work with and to encourage writers. As a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, she co-moderates ACFW’s large Scribes’ Critique Group and manages smaller groups that form out of the larger group.

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I have a secret—something very few people know. Oh, they understand I’m a writer, but what they don’t know is that I live in two different universes. One is real and the other is a world of my own making. Both places run parallel to each other, but more often than not, the imaginary world is the one I prefer. Since childhood, I cannot remember a time when characters did not play upon the stage of my imagination. I believed everyone invented people and places, as well as stories for those characters and settings for where they lived. I did not recognize that creating a parallel universe and painting it with mere words was a passion bestowed upon me by the Master Creator. Upon realizing this truth, I had to ask myself the following question: Will I be a wise servant, utilizing this Godgiven talent, or will I bury it like the unwise man mentioned in Matthew 25, reaping nothing for my God? When God gave me this talent, He expected me to glorify Him. First Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (KJV) With my talent comes purpose. My responsibility is to glorify God with the written word. All writers practice their craft, preparing for the day when an agent or an editor will take notice. They hone their skills, edit and rewrite. They exude joy in acceptance and mourn over rejection. Why? Both secular and Christian writers want to be noticed, validated for their work. Yet Christian writers should have a deeper purpose. God calls ready pens to evangelize and to teach. They press toward the calling of our great Lord, sometimes never knowing how God uses their offering. Did they reach one or many with their words? Some in the world might think that reaching only one person constitutes failure. This mentality does not give proper value to a soul. Christ died for us, so to reach even one soul for Him turns our talent into gold. For God to use our talents, we cannot bury the priceless gifts He gives to us. What unique talent has God gifted to you? Are you a well-spring of knowledge, an administrator, or a behind-thescenes servant? Could it be that God uses you to encourage others, that He calls you to speak truths to His people? Do you desire to help the sick or the elderly? Some Christians do not equate their passion with God-given talent. I didn’t at first, but God’s word says in 1 Samuel 12: 24, “Only fear the LORD, and serve Him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things He hath done for you.” (KJV) What are you doing with the passion God instilled within you? Are you hiding it away, afraid to bring it forth for fear it will be devalued? If you’re not using what God gave to you, perhaps it’s because you don’t realize the cost of your gift—the value God has placed on you—a value that can only be multiplied when you serve others with what God has freely given. Whatever your passion, unearth it, lift it up to God. Glorify Him with it, and watch it multiply.

Looking to a Brighter Tomorrow Written by: Debbie Button Have you just entered into the New Year with fear and trembling? Or are you overflowing with vigor and excitement? The response lies in your hands. Each of us has the power to make the choices which will characterize how we spend the remainder of this glorious 2010. Right now each of us could argue that we are plodding through the most difficult time of our life. Many people are battling diseases, or struggling to maintain their homes and not be forced into foreclosure, or in fear of their marriages crumbling. These are just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless traumas in many lives. I understand this. But I also understand that we can sit back and be paralyzed with fear or we can fight back by choosing the right attitude. Just like you I have encountered my share of unhappiness and heartache, but each day I make the conscious resolution to search for happiness. Before my youngest son passed away in 2008, his nickname for me was “Pollyanna” from the Walt Disney movie. Some people laughed when he used that name, but I wore it as a badge of honor. I am happy that others recognize that I am choosing happiness over misery. It’s not simple. Just before the most recent presidential election, my husband started watching Fox News and other programs that were focusing on the candidates and the relevant issues. He was surprised that he was hearing about events that the network news was failing to present to us. My husband 3 Wings of Hope

continued to watch this channel after our new president took office and was becoming very interested in political issues. He had never had such an interest in the past. Of course, we always voted but we viewed it as more as a responsibility than a privilege. His interest is waning as time goes by since it’s very difficult not to become depressed by the “news of the day”. Of course, it is rare to see news coverage of extremely happy events and therefore we are being filled to capacity with sad and scary situations. I’m actually happy when he watches a smaller amount of news programs. But then he ends up watching more John Wayne and Gary Cooper westerns. They’re still filled with gunfights and chasing after the bank robbers but usually the good guy wins at the end of the movie. Here are just a few great quotations on choosing the right attitude for 2010. “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” -- (NIV, Ephesians 5:19-20) “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” -- (NIV, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life…the remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change

the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.” -- Charles Swindoll “A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.” -- Patricia Neal “I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” -- Martha Washington “People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” --Abraham Lincoln “Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission.” -- Ralph Waldo Emerson “You can only fail if you give up.” -- Joe Button Are you ready to begin your New Year with an encouraging attitude? Come on, give it a try.

Written By: Rebecca Bailey Many times in the dark cold nights, I would lay & weep Wishing I had four walls around me, & a mattress where I could sleep I was in torment, & many times I wanted to die I thought my life wasn’t worth living, unless I was getting high I thought the drugs were great, & it was so much fun Until they came one day, & took away my precious daughter and son Then I became angry, as my heart filled with so much sorrow I cared nothing for my life, or if there was a tomorrow

when I had my baby boy Yet I still had no peace, and I still had no joy I heard about that Great Man, in the heavens above But there’s no way I’m the kind of person, He would ever love One day I stumbled across, a wonderful church called Mountain View Right away they began, to guide & help me through They’ve showed me so much kindness, & so much love They would not give up on me, getting to know the wonderful Man above Everyone showed me, Jesus’ love was real Through the people in this church, His love I could truly feel

The drugs no longer took my pain away I tried harder to find peace in them, each & every day

Finally I asked the Savior, “Did you love ME enough to die?” “I’m a sinner, Jesus please forgive me,” & I began to cry

Many nights I slept in my car, or on a cold dark street No place for a home…no food to eat

I felt myself change, from the very start I felt a great peace, filling up my heart

Satan had me convinced, that in my life there was no hope So I lived for him to the fullest, and he found ways to supply my dope

For a long time, I stayed on my knees Asking God to change my life; begging Him “please!”

Each night in misery, I would lay & weep So much pain cutting through my heart so deep I tried so very hard, to ease my life filled with pain I was headed for hell, & my addiction was driving me insane God gave me another chance, 4 Wings of Hope

My life began to change, in such a big way Oh if you knew the person I was, then you’d be amazed today I no longer care for drugs, or for getting high And there is joy behind most, of the tears that I cry I have a nice house, I can call my own And all my burdens & sorrows,

are lifted and gone I feel so much happiness & my heart is filled with joy I am now a better mother, to my little baby boy I know my son is happier, from the smiles he keeps giving I know he loves the new life, we are now living He loves the laughter & the joy that we now share And now the time we spend together is awesome, because Jesus is also there There is no better peace, than the peace that I now feel I’m telling you my friends, His love is very real I never have to look back; no never again Because now my life is better; better than it’s ever been Each & every day, closer to Him I grow And though I was a terrible sinner, He loves me and allows it to show He’s with me when I lay down to sleep each night And in my darkest hour, He brings forth light He’s my guide now; He won’t lead me astray He gives me more to thank Him for, each & every day So if you see me and I began to shout Just know I could hold it in no longer, & had to let it out Yet if you find I’m gone from this world, don’t cry Because I’ll be dancing with Jesus, in my heavenly home in the sky

Ready or Not… How to Ride Out the Current Financial Crunch So many people are scared of what’s to come. The current financial crisis in the United States and indeed within the global community has caught most of us unprepared. Even those who may have felt they were prepared a few years ago have found that those preparations were not as secure as they thought they’d be. Retirement funds had been decimated almost overnight. Home values dropped as much as 35% or more in many areas. And the banks that have not gone bankrupt or been bought out, have made it extremely difficult for anyone, including those with good credit, to borrow money. Just a few years ago many people were secure in their future retirements; those who owned homes were confident that those homes would continue to be their most solid investment, and anyone with over a 700 credit rating could get credit line increases on their existing credit lines, could get new credit lines without even trying, and could borrow to buy almost anything they may have wanted in many cases without even a job verification. Unfortunately, many have been living well beyond their means for far too long. Now that the

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banks have stopped lending so freely, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul so to speak is no longer a viable option. So, is all lost? Well, of course not! With God all things are possible! The first thing we need to focus on is the fact that as always, God is in control. He has promised to supply all our need according to His riches in glory! (Philippians 4:19) Does that mean we should sit back with no accountability and just wait for God to feed us, clothe us, and provide us shelter? Absolutely not! But what we do not have to do is fear like many others are doing. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (1 Timothy 1:7) Now, let’s take this one step at a time. Maybe you are one of those who’s had your retirement fund diminished. It’s a hard pill to swallow but that’s what you’ll have to do. Remember that your treasures are not here but are in heaven. Take whatever you have left and roll it over into something stable like a simple IRA. Scaling back your expenses once you retire may be the way to go. If your biggest investment, your home, has been seriously devalued; you may need to reassess some things. If you’ve owned your property for long enough that you still have equity, count your blessings.

Don’t think that you have actually lost money because you haven’t. Those values were falsely inflated so just be happy you still have positive value. If you bought while values were inflated, you may need to consider how long you will need to apay into your mortgage before you will have positive value. If it’s too long, it may be best for you to pursue offering a short sale. Your credit rating will take a hit but if you can avoid losing tens of thousands of dollars or more, it may be worth taking the hit. And last, but not least, make a plan to pay off your debt if you have any. Start with your credit line with the highest interest rate and anything you have over and above your minimum payments use to pay off that one debt. Once that debt is paid, move on to the next highest interest rate until everything is paid. If you’re not in debt, keep it that way. You can use credit as long as you know you have the assets to pay it off. As with any other downturn in the economy, this too shall pass. The key now is to put yourself in the position to be ready when that upturn comes!

Haiti’s Hotel Montana Written by: Brian Raison On January 12, 2010, the earth under Haiti’s capital of Port au Prince shook for roughly fifty-five seconds. The results found over 200,000 residents dead and another two million hungry and homeless. On Friday, January 15, I saw a television interview with Reinhard Reidl, husband of Haiti’s Hotel Montana co-owner Nadine Cardoza-Reidl. He was trying desperately to cling to hope of her survival. Their magnificent and well-known hotel had collapsed in the quake. As I listened to his voice, I couldn’t contain my emotions and tears. What if my wife were lost? What if we’d been in that hotel during the quake? I flashed back to the first of what would become many trips to Haiti, working with humanitarian and faith-based missions. It was October 1995. We drove up to the Hotel Montana to borrow their phone, a luxury item to be sure at that time. Rick Duncan and I went up to the very top floor and out onto the roof to see the view. I remember it like yesterday. All of Port au Prince sprawled out below us. Lights twinkled everywhere. The UN compound and the PaP International Airport stood out in super bright contrast with their many, many lights; but the whole city was generally aglow and simply looked beautiful. The curvature of the bay was evident as no lights extended beyond shore, aside from an occasional lantern on the bow of a boat. We sat perched right on the edge of the roof, marveling, and thanking God for the opportunity to meet so many amazing people on our trip. But we were completely unprepared for what would happen next. In an instant, the entirety of the city of Port au Prince went black. All lights extinguished at once… including the ones at our hotel. We froze. We prayed. What was happening? After what seemed like an eternity, far off in the distance, we heard the familiar rumble of a diesel engine starting… a generator. Then another. Then one much closer… at our hotel. Slowly lights began to reappear. One or two at a time… all across the city. When the UN compound’s generators kicked in, it looked like Chevy Chase’s house in the Christmas Vacation movie! It’s something you just never forget. Early on Sunday morning, Nadine Cardoza-Reidl was freed from the collapsed Hotel Montana, dehydrated, but otherwise alive and well. She, a hotelier, a hospitality giver, a granter of unending smiles, had held on to hope for five days. She trusted in being delivered from this tragedy. And she was. I pray that we may hold on to hope, and trust and work to help the amazing Haitian people rebuild their country and their spirits. May God’s grace rain down and His love pour out on them. And may we maintain hope for the people of Haiti… and around the world.

Traveling America’s “Cross” Roads

Written by: Todd Posey “The Christian Travel Guy” Posey is a tourism industry veteran and leading authority on U.S. Christian tourist attractions and destinations. For Christians, the Cross and what happened there is of central importance. So it should be no surprise that there are several spectacular Cross monuments to be seen by travelers across the United States landscape. And just as the Cross tells a story, each of these memorials have their own history. If you’re looking to add a little faith to your vacation or weekend getaway, here is where to look for some inspiring Crosses. Even better, all of these places are free to visit to the general public.

Photos downloaded from the Hotel Montana’s web site.

The Effingham Cross Each day, 50,000 people pass by a 198 ft. Cross where interstates 57 and 70 meet in Effingham, Illinois. Finished in 2001 and dedicated just five days after the tragic September 11th attacks, the monument is surrounded by plaques engraved with the Ten Commandments. Each plaque has a recorded message teaching the application of each commandment in our modern world. In 2005, a Chapel Welcome Center was added to the site for visitors to enjoy. The Cross was built and is maintained by the Cross Foundation, an ecumenical group of local clergy and community leaders.

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Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ This 190 ft. tall cross located off of I-40 in Groom, TX was the inspiration for the Effingham Cross. Finished in 1995, it took eight months to build. One thousand people stop to visit the cross each day, according to the website. The property has several art works, including bronze sculptures depicting the Last Supper and the Stations of the Cross. There is also a gift shop on site, open daily. The Cross on Dunbar’s Knob Erected in 1950, this 60 ft. steel cross stands 2,480 ft. above sea level in Hopwell, PA. The cross can be seen up to 50 miles away in some places and is also visible in West Virginia and Maryland. The idea for the cross came before World War II. Although funds were raised by many Methodist churches for the project, the construction had to be postponed until after the war due to the steel shortage. Even then, it took a special effort to get the cross raised, as a new road had to be cut into the mountain to transport the cross to its present location. Chapel of the Holy Cross Carved into the side of a 1,000 ft. cliff face in Sedona, AZ, the Chapel of the Holy Cross is a 250 ft. cross monument housing an ecumenical chapel. The Chapel was first conceived of by Marguerite Bruswig Staude back in 1932 after viewing the then newly constructed Empire State Building. When seen at a certain angle she believed she could see the image of a cross in the structure. This inspired her to build the chapel, finally selecting Sedona as the location. Construction took 18 months at a cost of $300,000, finally being completed in 1956. The chapel is open daily from 9am to 5pm, only closing for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter. Fort Jefferson Memorial Cross at the Confluence This 90 ft. cross overlooks the convergence of the Ohio and

Mississippi rivers and like the Cross on Dunbar’s Knob, is visible in three states; Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois. However, its history can be traced all the way back to 1937 when a local community choir erected a smaller wooden cross at what is now the Wickliffe Mounds Research Center in Wickliffe, KY. In 1951 the Cross grew to 35 feet and was lighted for Christmas and Easter. It stood there for 30 years until Murray State University purchased the property. A search for a new location led to a decision to build an even larger cross visible to all three bordering states. The highest point along the river was on Fort Jefferson Hill and so was purchased by the Wickliffe City Council in 1989 for the new site. The cross was finally completed on April 4th, 1999. Bald Knob Cross About 50 miles to the north of the Fort Jefferson Memorial stands the Bald Knob Cross. Finished in 1963, this 111 ft. structure stands at the top of Bald Knob Mountain, one of the tallest of the Ozark Mountains in Southern Illinois. At night, when the cross is lit, it can be seen across an area of 7,500 square miles. The Welcome Center, built in 1981, is the second one to be built on the property. The first one was consumed by a fire the previous year. The Cross in Ballinger It took 50 tons of material to erect the 100 by 70 ft. cross that stands just to the southeast of the town of Ballinger, TX. Built in 1993, the grounds include a Chapel, walkways, and a Shrine to St. Francis.

Footprints & Spotlight:

Deb Antignano

Written by: Sheryn Buckingham As a daughter, wife, and mother, Deborah Antignano is very committed to serve her family but in addition, she is also passionately committed to serving God. Being gifted with a desire and ability to sing since she was a small child, Deborah’s parents watched her blossom into a talented singer. However, before Deborah developed an extreme “love of the word of God,” He first had to remove the bonds of false doctrinal teaching she learned in her youth. Today she uses her musical talent to glorify God, sharing Biblical truth through a blossoming music ministry. She says of her talent, “it’s all about worship and how the Lord chooses to use the gift He has given me to minister unto others.” Before venturing on a mission for God, Deborah spends “time alone with the Lord.” She wraps herself in the Word of God to seek His will, offering herself as a sacrifice to be used for His glory. Being alone with the Lord, Deborah prepares to worship Him with the beautiful voice He bestowed on her. She hopes to always honor God, “encouraging the body of Christ,” while sharing the message of God’s “redeeming grace and love” through Jesus Christ. Important in Deborah’s life is scripture from Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV) which reads, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.” She shared with me that “this verse has always spoken to my heart. It’s not about a religion! It’s not about an organization! It’s not even about me! It’s all about Jesus Christ and the shedding of His blood on the cross of Calvary. It’s all about Him! Being saved is because of what Jesus did in my life by forgiving me of my sins. It’s all about His finished work of the cross and I am forever, eternally grateful to Him. It’s all about His redeeming grace and no “organization” could ever do that; no person, no religion, no one but Jesus Christ can redeem a soul and offer them eternal life. Having a voice like an angel, Deborah Antignano pours out her passionate love for God on her freshman release, A Matter of the Heart. Writing every song on the album, Deborah weaves together a series of powerful words that transport listeners to a place of fellowship with the One True God. By adding beautiful melodies that captivate your senses, Deborah is able to 8 Wings of Hope

Shooting Star: Group 1 Crew Written by: Sheryn Buckingham

connect hearts to Biblical truth. Each song has also been created to have its own unique style, keeping audiences listening attentively. Feeling led to be a worker of God “for a Soul Harvest,” she diligently composes music so “that many souls would be saved” by Jesus Christ. An immensely riveting song on her first project is titled “Captives be Free.” It reaches into the hiding places where humanity locks secrets away that painfully expose dreams shattered, hope lost, and fairy tales long ago faded. The words “you feel the need to be set free” cry out from hearts devastated by the ugly of the world, as peace seems just out of reach. As the song continues with the words, “the Lord says, captives be free. Just come to me.” We can be free from shame, blame, and pain, wrapped in the loving arms of our Creator. Adding to the emotional impact of the song is a spectrum of sound that accompanies these words, not only embracing the searching spirit but releasing the chains that bind to allow abandoned adoration of the King of Kings. Deborah Antignano is living proof of God’s grace, mercy, and love! He continues to gift her with new music and ministry opportunity that includes having a sophomore project on the horizon. I am sure the new album will be a blessing to all. In addition she can be found performing or ministering in nursing homes or at other events “with the Full Soul Christian Dance Studio” when possible. As the Lord continues to lead Deborah, His presence and favor continues to be poured out on her life. To keep current with Deborah Antignano, be sure to visit her website at

The first time I heard the music of Group 1 Crew was at a summer festival in 2007. They only had time to perform a few songs, but that was more than enough to pique the interest of those within listening range of the stage. People began running like ants going to a picnic, curious to know who was performing. In a matter of moments, a large crowd had gathered at the stage. After their brief performance, Group 1 Crew sold every CD they had brought with them. I know this because I managed to purchase one of the last copies directly from Manwell Reyes & Pablo Villatoro. Today, Blanca Reyes, Manwell Reyes, and Pablo Villatoro, otherwise known as Group 1 Crew, are continuing to experience increased popularity in the Christian music industry. Having released two EP’s (I Have a Dream and No Plan B) and two full length studio albums (Group 1 Crew and Ordinary Dreamers) to date, this group from Orlando, Florida is definitely experiencing God’s favor. They even had a song featured on the television show “One Tree Hill.” Kudos to Fervent Records who made a great choice when they signed such talented musicians. Having their own individual styles, life experiences, and powerful vocals, Blanca, Manwell, and Pablo together, compose life changing songs able to reach beyond Church walls. With powerful lyrics, their ministry breaks down boundaries that can keep individuals from experiencing freedom found in Jesus Christ. Keeping this in mind, it’s interesting to 9 Wings of Hope

know that the path to becoming Group 1 Crew appears to be Biblical in nature. In Matthew 18:20 (KJV), Jesus spoke saying, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them.” Jesus keeps His promises! So when Manwell and a friend began a Bible study for musicians, Jesus was in the midst. The study created accountability for all involved, while developing an environment appropriate to birth Group 1 Crew. Being blessed with an opportunity to speak with Group 1 Crew, we discussed the inspiration behind their music. Blanca, Manwell, and Pablo expressed how they “go with what we know, whatever the subject is.” Each song is crafted from “Real Life” experiences that have in some way affected the members, including those associated with the Bible study. “On the spot” situations can happen in life where “one of us believes it would make a great song” that “people would want to hear.” Their music is genuine, coming “directly from the heart.” This writing style has allowed Group 1 Crew to take emotions from daily living, developing them into ministry opportunities through song that could possibly change the lives of someone listening. With a pending tour, “Modern Day Heroes” and a new record in the works, 2010 is proving to be a very busy year for this issue’s “Shooting Star.” Our prayers are with Group 1 Crew, as God continues to provide new and exciting opportunities for these music pioneers to make a difference in the world today.

Cornerstone: David Crowder Band

I am the Alpha and Omega

Written by: Kathryn Ferrante

The David Crowder Band is a six-piece Christian electronic and worship band from Waco, Texas. David Crowder himself was for several years the Music and Arts Pastor at University Baptist Church in Waco, Texas where he lead worship and encouraged the students to come out to worship and participate in the local church. This ministry continued to expand as The David Crowder Band leading worship as a ministry which encourages and uplifts the audiences around the world. Since then The David Crowder Band has become one of the most popular Christian music groups around. One of the elements that make the DC Band so popular is their unique style, especially in the realm of electronic and programmed music, with its layering of loops and synth parts. The music this band creates has such a wide variety of styles, such as a piano ballads complete with programmed loops and violin descant to techno and hip-hop style beats and a unique brand of rockin’ acoustic worship. During a recent concert I attended they went from a traditional worship song that we can relate to from our past to modern pop and rock with elements of folk, bluegrass and even gospel spiritual. They even have songs incorporating both techno and hip-hop style beats. There was one song that sounded like a modern Rock Opera. This was one of the most amazing bands I’ve seen. Aside from the typical instruments (guitar, bass, keyboard and drums) there was a robot drum they referred to as Steve3PO, as the backup drummer (and gave an impressive dem10 Wings of Hope

onstration). There was also a violinist (electric) and several electronic keyboards and computers devices. The technology on the stage was impressive. Last but not least is the lyrics and the interaction between the band and the audience. Between songs David and the other members would speak to each other and to the audience causing moments of laughter and moments of praise. As the audience sang along or responded to the message the house was filled with God’s praise. This band brought the rock, the dancing, and the worship to the house. The DC band has made an impressive contribution to the body of hymns and songs believers have sung for years with songs like “He is our King” or “Oh Praise Him”. This band has won several awards and it’s most recent recording “Church Music” continues to be another outstanding compilation of music which is a blessing to the Christian community and others. This band performs all styles of music in a unique way which will be able to reach out to those they may not have been able to reach with the traditional styles but the message within is the same. That God’s grace is for all. When the David Crowder band comes to your community don’t miss it and bring a friend. You will all be blessed.

The words, “We are not musicians but missionaries” will always reverberate within my heart. These Christian “musical missionaries” from “I Am the Alpha and the Omega” very openly shared their testimonies during an interview, revealing their immense faith and trust in Jesus Christ. On or off stage the members from “I Am the Alpha and the Omega” desire to “be invisible.” They acknowledge they’re nothing and can do nothing without the strength, hope, mercy, love and the fulfillment of God. “Through the Holy Spirit anything is possible” and indeed the testimonies the band members shared can confirm that quote. Ilya Fish’s testimony is the product of science cooperating with faith. Ilya Fish grew up in a Jewish culture that lacked a religious backbone. That sparked within Ilya a scientific interest that lead him to so much more. “Prove it to me” seemed to be the only four words he knew until a wise scientist took the challenge to prove God to Ilya. Through the combination of his influence along with hours of scientific research, Ilya found “all the proof I was looking for.” At the age of eighteen he dedicated his life and his guitar abilities to the giver of all life, Jesus Christ. A life in Jesus Christ did not seem likely with the teenaged Peach Hardy who was “living in my own authority”. A tragic car accident was God’s wake up call, but Peach’s empty lifestyle only left him asking why. With his friend Eric dead and stitches patching his cracked head, Peach did not comprehend how “God could be all-powerful and loving.” It was not until an attempt at suicide that Peach opened his heart to God. April 15, 2005 is the day Peach questioned, “why are You keeping me around, I don’t want to be here anymore. The words were really simple; I want to know why I am still awake.” God revealed Himself to Peach in a way he will never forget. Every person, every event, “even credit card companies” revolve around one day: December twenty-fifth. Peach realized in the best way he could God’s power, feeling compelled to learn more of Jesus through the gospel according to Matthew. He left his old friends and lifestyle behind to pursue a passionate relationship with Jesus. “I challenge anyone listening, wherever [these words may] go,” take one week and “learn about Jesus as I did.” Start in Matthew and once you comprehend Him the “letters will hit you so hard you’ll fall to your knees.” Peach is now the drummer for “I Am the Alpha and the Omega,” preaching God’s 11 Wings of Hope

message through his talent, faith, and deeds. Cory Boston’s story begins in the Church where he was a “pretty good kid.” He never sought after trouble but always longed for a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father. “I can’t even comprehend” how “[I have] grown a lot from friends.” He has “come so far” and knows he is “still growing.” Although Ryan McDavid grew up in the Church, he did not act as if he had. He continuously rebelled against school resulting in being “kicked out.” He recalls the day “God revealed [Himself] to be real through crazy stuff” and “grabbed hold of my heart.” He advises all listeners to never “sit on the fence.” Jesus is always the Way, the Truth and the Life. Similar to his brother, Peach Hardy, Tommy Hardy was eighteen “running wild, drinking, and drugs” all the while “chasing the corporate world.” His wife reminded him that he was “making decisions without God.” Realizing the truth, Tommy forfeited his job at a cigar industry to be “ministry minded and serve the kingdom as purely as possible everyday.” The band and their mission has been a catalyst for his spiritual growth and continues to be God’s voice through their music’s truthful lyrics. This hardcore Christian band will be releasing a very anticipated record in the Spring of 2010. Keep a look out for it!


The Virtual World is a stage for performers in the real world as we have seen in the past few articles. As I explored the entertainment fields that are opening doors for real opportunities online, I came across a media that started online prior to entering the Virtual World. I met an individual who runs a Christian Radio station in Second Life. The owner is West Habercom. The radio is Bigloo Christian Radio, founded by West (Louis Rivera) in 1999. He shared with me how the name of the station came about which is rather humorous… “Well, I was the webmaster for the group 4Him. I was at a 4Him concert in Indiana in 1999 and mentioned to the guys that I was going to start an internet station. Kirk Sullivan would always call me “Big Lou”, and suggested I call it “Big Lou Radio”. Andy Chrisman chimed in and said “yeah but be different, call it “bigloo”, igloo with a “b” in front of it.” So I took the name and used it. It took me three years to remember that a “loo” is also known as a toilet in England”. Though the name started as a joke it was a blessing. West stated: the name stuck, people became curious and listened. West started in radio with the traditional radio (Terrestrial Radio) in 1979. “I fell into radio when a dj asked me to work with him as a “gopher”. That is when he began to learn. Within 6 months he sent demos to several stations and landed a 12 Wings of Hope

few offers. I asked him how he transitioned into internet radio “I came across a website called Live365. It was free and started it as a hobby to listen to music. Live365 was just a place one can upload music files and listen, basically on an account basis. I started to get a listener base. Later I rented a few ShoutCast servers, contacted the industry about fees and thus began what is today –

Bigloo Christian Radio.” So why Christian radio? I asked about his faith in God. West Habercom: I was raised in a Catholic home. We went to church every Sunday... even wanted to be an altar boy, but never did it. I fell away from my faith in my late teens. One Sunday night (in my late 20’s) I was late getting home from work. I always wanted to watch Star Trek before going to bed... and I was about 10 minutes late. I turned on the TV, and it was on Channel 2. Star Trek was channel 11. I could have turned the dial backwards to

get there quicker but instead I moved forward. When I got to channel 9, the Jimmy Swaggart program was on and for some reason, my hand would not move the I watched him preach. Then he asked that people repeat a prayer. I figured ok why not... so I did. I closed my eyes, repeated each word and began bawling my eyes out. When the program was over, I picked up a dusty bible and said “Lord, I do not know how to read this book... but if you are really there... point me to something that I can relate to” I closed my eyes... flipped the pages and placed my finger on a page to read … St. John Chapter 3 is what came out. The very next day after only 3 hours of sleep, I went to work and the Director of the bureau, who was a Jesuit Priest, stopped me. I will never forget his words to me, he said... “Oh look as if the resurrection has entered you”, and he held me and prayed. I later went upstairs to the office and everyone just sort of stared at me and even though I only had a few hours of sleep... everyone said I had a glow about me. West returned to his faith in God in his late 20’s and today his ministry is through internet radio. As God reached him through technology, West has a ministry of radio which is reaching others about God’s grace and Salvation. Bigloo Christian Radio is non-profit and is brought to you out of love. Bigloo Christian Radio is a professional internet radio station. Tune into BiglooRadio. com. You will be blessed.

13 Wings of Hope

Holiday Issue 2009

email: At “Palabra De Dios Bookstore”, you will find music, books, Bibles, special seasonal gifts, attire that speaks of your faith (t-shirts, ties etc.). This issues spotlight is on Gary Wianer who is 58 years young. Gary has been saved for 50 years. He currently resides at the Lemonade House in Hopkins, SC. He has always lived in SC and once had to move because a freeway was being built right through where his house was. His favorite place is Charleston. His greatest accomplishment is studying the Bible. The Bible is the infallible word of God. He knows that God will make a way for you to get through. His favorite Bible character is Jesus. He likes everything about Jesus. He is flawless. He completes the Trinity. He also looks up to Jesus. Jesus is the only perfect high priest. Jesus is fully like God. He knows that Jesus teaches us that we can do anything through faith, Mat 17:20 says, “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”(KJV). He is 100% certain that he is going to heaven

There is also an environment open to minister to others. You can fellowship with others, someone will pray with you or just chat with you.

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You’ll come out of this store with your purchase and a blessing. It’s not just a store, it’s a ministry.

His favorite Bible verses are Mat. 18:19 “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven”(KJV). Mat. 19:21 “Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times?”(KJV). Mat. 21:22, “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (KJV). He also likes Matthew 17 because it shows Jesus’ deity.

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He describes his childhood as, “pretty good”. One testimonial of his is that “God has lead me this far. Looking through the valley, there are good times ahead. Already been chastised by God to be more faithful. I’m entering into rare times now.” He has never seen anything that he could not explain. He had an illness recently and knows that God has blessed him in giving his health and mind back. He will continue to push ahead in 2010. God continues to bless. If he could meet anybody, it would be, Billy Graham. He heard one sermon on the prodigal son that he really enjoyed. His favorite musician is Eric Clapton. He believes that he is a skilled guitarist. He also believes that he is one of the greatest guitarists that ever lived. His favorite sport is football, he likes the way it flows and it is like a chess game.

14 Wings of Hope

Open from: Monday-Saturday 9:00 am- 6:00 pm

15 Wings of Hope

Practical Tips & Information For a Safety-First Approach To Keeping Kids Safe Online Written by: Mary Kay Hoal Every new year brings the tradition of making a resolution. I’ve learned over the years as a Christian wife, mother of five and business professional, that the best way to keep a resolution is to: * Keep it simple, keep it realistic, keep it positive. This year as I write for WOH my resolution is: * To help provide you the education, tools and information you may need to actively put the online safety and well being first of those children in your lives whom you love and care for first. Whether a parent, or someone that simply cares about children, understand that the most important thing you can do to put the online safety of children first, is to apply the same level of standards you do in their life when there isn’t a computer or other digital device in front of them. You know, and agree to their activities, interactions, know friends, see what they read, watch or listen to, know the places they go. When the same level of standards aren’t applied to our kid’s online lives they are exposed to content, a culture and people, that if you took the computer away, the exoisyre is either illegal, immoral or unethical. Consider: * Over 100,000 registered sex offenders have been on MySpace and thousands more on Facebook. * 1 in 25 children are aggressively sexually solicited online.* * Instances of human trafficking have reportedly occurred on Facebook. * 1 in 25 youth are solicited to take sexual pictures.* * 70% of 12 – 17 year olds are bullied; only 10% tell an adult about it.** * 25% of teens have created a profile with a false identity.** * 37% of teens have used sites to make fun of others.** *Crimes Against Children, NCMEC 2005. **UCLA CNet news ***Common Sense Media , 2009 How to implement a safety-first approach? Simple. Through choice, education and dialogue. Choice. The choice I’m referencing to is to make time (just a few minutes a week) to help keep kids safe online. While we don’t need to become tech savvy, we must become more familiar with technology. Education. In order to effect positive change we need to become aware of the issues and be active selfeducators. Dialogue. Not just talking to or at, but engaging with, kids and teens about internet safety is critically important.

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Your first steps if you’ve made the choice: 1. learn what the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Means - COPPA. This federal law is to protect your children. 2. go to the computer the your children use; check the browsing history, preferably with them. Talk to them about the sites they visit. 3. go to each site and start the sign up process so that you can see first-hand what the Terms of Service are in regards to the minimum age a child must be. Most of the popular sites (Facebook, MySpace, Xbox live, etc. say: ‘We don’t want children on our site; this is not a place for them’ by requiring that the child be 13 or older to use the service.) 4. if no membership required, still spend time on the site looking around. 5. realize that if your child is under the age of 13, and you have not given your permission to their participation on the site, then the site is breaking the COPPA law. 6. consider the message you are sending and teaching to your child under the age of 13 if you allow them to lie about their age just to become a member of a site. 7. consider what it means to our children and what ultimately a site is telling us about themselves when they say: we don’t want children here. (Irregardless of whether our children are 13, or younger, ask yourself, do you really want your children spending time in a place that they aren’t welcome from the get-go.) About Mary Kay Hoal. Mary Kay Hoal is a Christian mother of five and founder of, the social-network for kids and teens that puts safety first.

I dream of a day where you can dance alone and release yourself into the clouds and dance into heaven whether you’re a good dancer or not no one will EVER laugh or shame you. I live in a world where the worst sin you could possibly commit is frowning because a smile, yes, yours, could make someone’s day And even that sin, frowning, is forgiven no matter what. In my world, a person’s only ambitions might be to smell a rose or to give and not receive or maybe even to NOT live up to everyone’s expectations.

17 Wings of Hope

Now, wouldn’t that be nice? I want for the world: a way. The right path to shine brightly so you know which path to take. But of course taking a wrong path is nearly impossible because this is my world. And you’d just end up frowning but I will be there to cheer you up forever and ever, time and time again depending on how many times you frown of course. And come join me in this world so that you may do the same for me. I am incredible. But WE are invincible. Written by: Caitlin Craig

Written By: Doug Townsend

Gen 1:26-27, And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (KJV)

About Me I was born in a small town in upstate New York. I have been a born again Christian for 21 years. Gideon Tomsen is a pseudonym that I use in the virtual world known as Second Life. In Second Life and in Real Life I write for Wings of Hope Magazine.

Gideon’s Well

written by: Robert New

God In My Life

Lately, my life has taken what I will call a strange new direction. My car has died and I don’t believe it is worth repairing. Not to mention the fact I currently don’t have the funds to repair it. This leaves me with no choice but to take the bus back and forth to my job five days a week except for the rare times when I successfully beg a ride one way or the other. I have had a bit of a hard time accepting this change. The bus ride adds at least half an hour to my travel time in addition to standing out in the cold, temperatures here have not gotten above 20 degrees very much and when I leave in the mornings they are often in single digits. I take two busses to work, the #1 and the #24. Yesterday the #1 was late which means I missed the #24. On the way downtown the #1 bus the driver called the dispatcher and told him about me and another passenger that would miss their connecting busses and they said they would send someone to take us where we had to go. No one came. Now I was presented with a problem: should I go back home and wait for the next #1 hoping it will be on time to meet the #24 this time or wait downtown for another two hours in single digit temperatures with a wind chill below zero until the next #24 was due? I chose to go back home and take the next #1. Apparently it was the right choice because the #1 was on time and I met the #24 without incident. Also on weekdays I have to walk about ¼ to ½ mile from where the #24 drops me off to where I work. This takes about 15 or 20 minutes. Now, you may think I am feeling sorry for myself but I can clearly see God at work in this. He has shown me His love in the people that have given me rides when I have asked for them (I don’t have to ask very often). When I missed the #24 yesterday He gave me a place to get out of the wind while I was waiting for the next #1. This wasn’t in a bus shelter either; those things don’t shield you from the wind. I found a place in a doorway where I could get behind a wall and the wind couldn’t get at me. When the #1 came by again to take me home it was the same driver who was late and he allowed me to ride home for free. When I got back on the #1 to go back downtown and meet the #24 again it was the same driver who let me ride home for free and again he allowed me to ride downtown for free. So I got two bus rides without paying a cent. I have also gotten a lot of exercise I would not other wise get. People in my church have given me rides back and forth to services for a week. I believe the Lord is telling me He wants me to exercise more. I also believe He is giving me a chance to see His love in my life by showing me how He provides for my every need. The Lord is giving me a chance to see all that He does in my life and I need that because I take far too much for granted. I go through my daily life and expect everything to go smoothly. When it doesn’t I get upset. God is giving me the chance to learn how to walk in faith, to mature as a Christian and a person and how to understand the ways that He works in my life and I’m sure in everyone else’s as well.

18 Wings of Hope

Twitter: Try It, You Might Be Surprised Over the next couple of issues I’d like to introduce you to some social media sites that I have found to be very beneficial to be members of. Some you may be familiar with and some may be new territory to you. This month we will start off with one that almost everyone has heard of and most people have an opinion of either good or bad, Twitter. Twitter is a free social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read 140 character messages known as tweets. We are all familiar with what a social network is, think Facebook and MySpace. But you may not be familiar with the term microblogging. Microblogging is really just what it sounds like, a mini-blog. So, you may ask, what is the difference between a text message and a microblog. Well a microblog encompasses forms of communication including text messaging, instant messaging, sending links to articles and photos, etc. Text messaging is usually associated with sending a brief message to one person. Microblogging is basically publishing a brief message or link to a group of people, making it public. Before I get into the benefits of Twitter, let me just say the most common argument I hear from people who do not understand Twitter is “I don’t want to read about people eating a ham sandwich for lunch.” I have been on Twitter for quite some time and yes, I will say there are a lot of people tweeting about such things. It is like anything else, you get from it what you want. I don’t stop reading the newspaper because there is a weekly article about how to play bridge, I just choose not to read that article and go on. I choose not to play games on Facebook, but I still use it (I’ll save that for another article). There are many reasons you should be using Twitter, but I’m going to touch on two from different perspectives. Everyone knows that we have become a society where we are always connected. We all remember desktop computers that we used to access information from our office or in the evenings from home. We checked our email, maybe played a little game, then went and watched television to find out what happened in the world. Then we progressed to laptops and notebooks. These were once expensive portable machines reserved for executives or people in sales. A few years ago they became the norm and we could suddenly access our data from coffee shops and libraries while on the go. We now had the ability to access information at just about anytime throughout the day. But now we are in the age of smartphones and we have all the data of the internet in our pocket. This technology though now makes it possible to not only receive data from the internet, but to post it, whether we are at our desks, walking to a meeting, or sadly driving on the interstate (that is not an endorsement of texting and driving by the way). Enter Twitter. You can post brief messages about anything, yes even what you are having for lunch if you so desire, but most importantly about events, meetings, news, anything you want. And people who choose to follow your Twitter feed can receive them instantly. You can also receive feeds from people you choose to follow, choosing being the key word. If you start following someone and end up not finding their posts interesting or beneficial, simply unfollow them. No harm done. Recently there have been events in the world where people right there on top of breaking news tweeted about it. People who followed them saw it and re-tweeted it to their followers who did the same. News of the China earthquake last year spread around the world before the major news agencies had a chance to respond. Another big event was the uprisings after the Iranian election last year. Messages went out from cell phones inside Iran to the world and the government struggled in vain to stop them. But it was too late. Also last year during hurricane evacuations the Red Cross used Twitter to send out shelter information to evacuees. Now almost every news source is using Twitter to send out headlines and links to articles and videos. Organizations are sending out updates and information. Schools are using it to send out notices to students. I urge you to log on and make an account. Try it out for a month, after all it is free. And you can follow me at http://www. I find Twitter an invaluable resource in keeping up with my news and interests. Next month I will go in to the second reason for using Twitter, promoting yourself and your business. 19 Wings of Hope

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