2 0 0 8 N W Wo lf C o n fere n ce Is s u e Tw o S i d e s o f t h e S a m e Co in : J o in in g Urb a n a n d Ru ra l C o m m u n i t i e s in Re g io n a l St e wa rd s h ip
W HAT ’S IN SID E Environmental Stewardship Series Helping People & Predators Co-exist Meet our Fall Intern: Brittney Moe Summer in Review Wolf Store Catalog included!
FALL 2008
organization can operate without a dedicated staff, board of directors, and team of volunteers and interns. The Wolf Center is blessed to have some of the finest and most committed in all those categories. With various backgrounds in business, engineering, wildlife management, and more, we blend personalities together with the hope of serving the mission of the Wolf Education & Research Center.
BO A R D O F D I R E C TO R S Douglas Christensen, Idaho Chairman of the Board Doug.Christensen@wolfcenter.org Roy Farrar, Idaho Board of Directors Roy.Farrar@wolfcenter.org Sally Farrar, Idaho Board of Directors, Secretary Sally.Farrar@wolfcenter.org Sharon Lander, California Board of Directors, Treasurer Sharon.Lander@wolfcenter.org Dennis Olson, Montana Board of Directors Dennis.Olson@wolfcenter.org Dr. Ceidwen Terrill, Ph.D, Oregon Board of Directors CTerrill@wolfcenter.org
WO L F C EN T ER S TA F F Chris Anderson Executive Director Chris.Anderson@wolfcenter.org Jeremy Heft Wildlife Biologist Jeremy.Heft@wolfcenter.org Randy Stewart On-Site Education & Tours Randy.Stewart@wolfcenter.org
(8 8 8 ) 4 2 2 - 111 0 i nfo@ w o l f c e n te r.o rg WW W. W O L F C E N T E R .O R G
The Board of Directors welcomes Dr. Ceiridwen Terrill. Her dedication to innovative ideas of promoting the wolf recovery effort make her a real asset. Please join us in welcoming her and read more about her efforts in the biographies related to the Conference.
Dear Friends,
The Wolf Center continues to explore and better define its future in light of so many factors. With an election cycle and the divisions that come out of that paired with the shake up on Wall Street, it has been a difficult year for many small nonprofits. The Wolf Center is no different. Many of you have remained faithful as we go through the healthy transitions that allow an organization to move forward with confidence. And as we move forward, some values are emerging that you will enjoy reading about. I’ll do my best to abbreviate just ten of our values.
affiliation with Defenders of Wildlife and the Bailey Foundation have influenced us in this direction and we’re grateful to follow their examples. 9. The Wolf Center will adhere to the highest accounting principles. We have enlisted a third party to facilitate and regularly review our finances for efficiency and accountability to you, our most precious commodity. 10. The Wolf Center will strive to honor and serve our supporters and promoters with excellence.
1. The Wolf Center will care for the two remaining Sawtooth Pack: Wolves of the Nez Perce. The duties are lighter but the conviction to care for these animals is no less. 2. The Wolf Center will care for the Owyhee Pack. These wolves have been restored to nature’s intended grandeur, thanks to a team of interns and staff led by our biologist, Jeremy Heft. Their ambassadorship is just beginning as they play a vital role in introducing the public to their wild cousin’s presence in the ecosystem. 3. The Wolf Center will create imaginative and productive educational programs and reach out to the young generation, working toward a new generation of advocates for wilderness. The Education program will continue to improve our Intern Experience with the confidence that they are future leaders of this effort. 4. The Wolf Center Store will create and promote products and brand specific items that help to awaken, educate, and promote the ongoing and tireless Wolf Recovery efforts. 5. The Wolf Center will assess the needs of sister organizations who are struggling during troubled times and reach out to shore up their programs with a conviction that holding each other up is necessary to achieve our collaborative aims. 6. The Wolf Center will partner with small to large corporations, universities, and sister nonprofits to promote effective and meaningful dialogs that unite urban and rural communities for the purpose of greater effectiveness and stewardship. 7. The Wolf Center will explore, create, and promote marketing incentives, wilderness friendly labeling practices, conference coordination and more. As you turn the page of this magazine, you’ll read more about our inaugural event. 8. The Wolf Center will lead through principles that respect all of the region’s stakeholders, working toward solutions through needs assessment, conflict resolution and when necessary, facilitate mediation. Our
These are just ten. If you read our website and quarterly, you know there is significantly more! As you turn the pages of this magazine, however, please join us in our inaugural event, “Two Sides of the Same Coin: Joining Urban and Rural Communities in Regional Stewardship.” I know that you will be well-served and proud to be your ambassador through this event. I hope you can find time to log on during the day on October 25.
And one more thing...a great way to support this cause is to wear Wolf Center gear! You’ll find our complete list of items in the inserted catalog, just in time for the holidays! I’m ever grateful for your confidence in the leadership of the Wolf Education & Research Center. Thank you for your patient and committed support.
Serving You & the Wolves, Chris Anderson Executive Director
The following organizations embody the spirit of stewardship that this conference is esteeming. Their generous willingness to promote or support this conference speaks loudly as we collaborate on behalf of the region’s livestock producers and wilderness groups. We owe them our gratitude.
Defenders of Wildlife defenders.org
Concordia University cu-portland.edu
Hells Canyon Preservation Council hellscanyon.org
Salmon Safe salmonsafe.org
Keystone Conservation keystoneconservation.us
Oregon Cattlemen’s Association orcattle.com
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife dfw.state.or.us
Sheep Growers of Oregon sheeporegon.com
The Marshall Christensen Foundation themcf.org
Owl Brand Discovery Kits obdk.com
Concordia University’s Environmental Stewardship Series & Wolf Education & Research Center Present
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Joining Urban & Rural Communities in Regional Stewardship Urban Schools Outreach Young Stewards Art & Essay Contest Thursday, October 23rd Concordia University 12:00 p.m. Until 4:00 p.m.
NW Wolf Conference Saturday, October 25 Concordia University 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Join the conference online e at www.WolfCenter.org rg
Dear Guests...
elcome to the 2008 Northwest Wolf Conference. The theme of this event is “Two Sides of the Same Coin: Joining Urban and Rural Communities for Regional Stewardship.”
With the ongoing news of gray wolves, this timely event has special significance for our region. It is co-sponsored by Concordia University’s Environmental Stewardship Series and the Wolf Education & Research Center. The Environmental Stewardship Series is a unique discussion series designed for the purpose of creating collaborative leadership between wildlife and producer advocates. The Wolf Center is best known for gray wolf advocacy efforts that began in the 1990’s and for caring for the Sawtooth Pack: Wolves of the Nez Perce, which have enjoyed a decade of spotlight on the Discovery Channel. This collaboration between the ESS and the Wolf Center is the first step in joining stakeholders from distinct communities who care deeply about stewardship of our region’s resources. Our focus includes introducing innovative marketing concept incentives in industry in partnership with healthy wildlife management practices. The voices of wildlife advocates and industry representatives will be heard in a safe and respectful setting, where opinions are encouraged and mutual benefits explored. This forum cultivates forward thinking that is consistent with the visionary nature of Northwesterners. Through this, we serve the citizens of the region and become an important model for future dialogs between the stakeholders. You are an important part of this conversation and we’re ever grateful for your participation.
Chris Anderson
Dr. Ceiridwen Terrill, Ph.D
Chris Anderson 2008 Northwest Wolf Conference Executive Director, Wolf Education & Research Center
Dr. Ceiridwen Terrill, Ph.D 2008 Northwest Wolf Conference Assistant Professor of English Director, CU Environmental Stewardship Series Portland, Oregon
Conference Agenda 8:00 - 8:15
Coffee, Tea, Pastries
8:15 - 8:30
Opening Remarks, Dr. Ceiridwen Terrill, Co-Chair of 2008 NW Wolf Conference
8:30 - 9:30
OREGON WOLF MANAGEMENT PLAN, Craig Ely, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
9:30 - 11:00 TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN: Joining Urban and Rural Communities for Environmental Stewardship 9:30 - 10:05
Suzanne Stone, Defenders of Wildlife
10:05 - 10:15 BREAK 10:15 - 11:00
Lynn Trupp, Oregon Sheep Growers Association, Michael Colton, Oregon Cattlemen’s Association
11:00 - 12:00 OPEN SPOT 12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH (Provided) Jeremy Heft: Observations of the Sawtooth Pack: Wolves of the Nez Perce 1:15 - 2:15
Eco Friendly Collaborations & Marketing, Dan Kent, Salmon Safe
2:15 - 2:30
2:30 - 4:30
ASK THE PANEL: Q&A Session including: Audience will submit 3 to 5 questions following the presentations for the panel’s consideration. Each panel member will discuss items relevant to the conference theme. Vicki Wares, Double Diamond Ranch, Oregon Greg Dyson, Hells Canyon Preservation Council, Oregon Michael Colton, Oregon Cattlemen’s Association, Oregon Lynn Trupp, Oregon Sheep Growers Association, Oregon Suzanne Stone, Defenders of Wildlife, Idaho Jeremy Heft, Wolf Education & Research Center, Idaho Craig Ely, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Oregon Dan Kent, Salmon Safe, Oregon
5:15 - 7:00
DINNER PRESENTATION Economic Impact of Eco-Tourism in Oregon, Wanderlust Tours
Dr. Ceiridwen Terrill, Ph.D Assistant Professor, Concordia University Director, Environmental Stewardship Series Author of Unnatural Landscapes: Tracking Invasive Species, University of Arizona Press I initially contacted the Wolf Center in Idaho in the spring of 2006 in relation to researching my book on wolf hybrids, titled Inyo, which is the name of the wolf-dog featured in the narrative. Two annual wolf conferences later, I find myself immersed in the political struggle between industry and wildlife advocates with much empathy for both groups. These circumstances compelled me to form Concordia University’s Environmental Stewardship Series (ESS) with a focus on being a part of a solution. The ESS is rooted in CU’s mission to “prepare leaders for transformation of society”. We strive to mediate conflicts and engage in collaborative problem solving between the industry and wildlife advocates with a special focus on uniting urban and rural communities for environmental stewardship. Additionally, our goal is to prepare students to become leaders and environmental stewards and to live as informed and responsible citizens who are committed to collaborative outcomes in their career choices. One of the objectives of ESS is demonstrated by our inaugural project, the 2008 Northwest Wolf Conference, focused on uniting urban and rural communities for regional stewardship. Other aims include educational outreach. Early development of an environmental stewardship ethic is central to our mission. Along with the Wolf Center, ESS is sponsoring a Young Steward Essay & Art Contest. Young participants will submit essays and art pieces that describe and depict how they can be good stewards in relation to healthy ecosystems and innovative enterprise in their own communities. This is an ethic reinforced by the Governor of Oregon in a letter of congratulations written to the winning students. In addition, ESS promotes internships with environmentally focused organizations and companies in order to perpetuate Concordia’s goal of creating strong and effective leaders. The eventual goal is the formation of the Center for Environmental Stewardship, which will recruit and develop internship programs, on and off-site educational outreach, and center themselves in conflict mediation and resolution. It is a goal that transcends the political and social divisions for the purpose of unity.
Suzanne Stone Defenders of Wildlife Two Sides of the Same Coin: Advocacy Perspectives: Wind River Project
Areas of Expertise: Wolf conservation, wildlife conflict management, compensation and nonlethal techniques for reducing wolf/human conflicts Suzanne Asha Stone has worked in wolf restoration in the northern Rockies since 1988, and oversees Defender’s programs for wolf conservation and restoration in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Suzanne currently administers Defenders’ wolf compensation and proactive conservation programs in the northern Rockies, supervising the Northern Rockies Associate and Wolf Guardian field activities and she works directly with ranchers and farmers to provide compensation for wolf-related livestock losses and helping livestock owners devise and implement strategies to reduce wolf depredation conflicts. Suzanne is one of the founders of the annual North American Wolf Conference and she also developed Defenders’ Livestock Producers Advisory Council. Before coming to Defenders, Suzanne started her career as the public outreach intern for the Central Idaho Wolf Recovery Steering Committee, the assistant director of the Wolf Education and Research Center and then director of Idaho’s Wolf Recovery Foundation. She has presented on wolf conservation and nonlethal conflict management methods at conferences and seminars, including Oxford University, the First Diversitas International Conference on Biodiversity, the World Wolf Symposium and the Montana Wool Growers Annual Convention. Suzanne holds a Masters degree in Wildlife Conservation and Conflict Management from Prescott College in Arizona and has received numerous awards for her work, including the “Alpha Award,” presented by her peers at the 2005 North American Wolf Conference. Contact Information Phone: (208) 424-9385 Email: suzanne.stone@defenders.org
Jeremy Heft Wolf Education & Research Center A Decade With the Sawtooth Pack: Wolves of the Nez Perce
Jeremy has shared life and the territory of the Sawtooth Pack since 1997. In December of that year, Jeremy moved into Wolf Camp as an intern, studied the Pack for the next six months under Megan Parker and Keith Marshall and then assumed management of the Pack in September of 1998. Before the Wolf Center, Jeremy taught Coastal Ecology in Virginia and Mountain Ecology in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Jeremy received a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology from the Kutztown University near him home town of Quakertown, Pennsylvania. During his limited free time away from Camp, Jeremy occupies his time with the duties of the Assistant Fire Chief and Emergency Medical Technician in Winchester, Idaho. Jeremy lives just outside the Pack’s enclosure with his girlfriend and their two cats, Jager and Rhundi, in a rustic cabin devoid of electricity, plumbing, and phone service. The Sawtooth Pack has taught Jeremy endless lessons of behavior, survival, life, and death.
Lynn Trupp Oregon Sheep Grower’s Association Two Sides of the Same Coin: Industry Perspectives
In 1965 Mr. Trupp received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science at Oregon State University. From 1966 to 1968 he was a County Extension Agent at Montana State University. From 1968 until the present Mr. Trupp farmed and ranched on Sauvie Island; sheep, cattle, potatoes, corn, grain and hay. Since 2007 he has been the President of the Oregon Sheep Growers Association. He was also a past President of the National Romney Sheep Association. . Lynn shares, when I was six years old my Grandfather gave me three ewes and I have been raising both commercial and purebred Romney sheep ever since. Presently, I have over 300 ewes and 100 beef cows on my Sauvie Island farm.
Michael Colton Oregon Cattlemen’s Association Two Sides of the Same Coin: Industry Perspectives
Mike is a fifth generation rancher in Baker County. Currently operating a cow-calf business with his wife and parents. He was born and raised on the family ranch and then became involved in the business in 1990. The Colton’s have been in the livestock industry in Baker County since the late 1800’s with mostly sheep until 1973 and then switched to cattle. As with any livestock operation, predators have been a challenge in the Colton family for over a 100 years. With that background Mike became very interested in the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan in 2004. Mike has testified at several Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission Hearings and has testified to the Oregon State Legislature regarding how wolves should be managed in Oregon. Mike is a past president of the Baker County Livestock Association and is currently on the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association Wolf Task Force.
Greg Dyson Executive Director Hells Canyon Preservation Council Q & A Panelist
Greg is formerly the Ecosystem Defense Coordinator for HCPC, holding that position for two years, from 2003 to 2005. All told, he has 15 years experience advocating for forests and wildlife. He is founder and former Executive Director (and Campaign Director, Staff Attorney, Development Director and Volunteer Coordinator) of the nonprofit forest advocacy group Bark, in Portland, OR. He has traveled much of the Hells Canyon, Wallowas and Blue Mountains area on foot, mountain bike, skis and snowshoes. He holds a J.D. from the University of Cincinnati and a B.A. in Political Science and Economics from Indiana University, and is an active member of the Oregon Bar. Greg participated extensively in the formation of the Oregon Wolf Management Plan and can answer questions about its implementation.
Dan Kent Salmon-Safe Managing Director Eco Friendly Collaborations & Marketing
Dan Kent is Salmon-Safe’s managing director. Dan led the development of Salmon-Safe at Pacific Rivers Council from 1995 to 2001 and also served as that organization’s communications director for five years. A native of the Pacific Northwest, Dan was raised on a small farm in the Palouse Hills of eastern Washington state. Dan has an undergraduate and graduate degrees in business and marketing, as well as corporate marketing experience in the banking industry in California. Dan also serves on the board of directors of the Wild Farm Alliance, a California-based organization working to integrate sustainable agriculture and the conservation of native biodiversity.
Keystone Conservation: Helping People & Pedators Coexist Keystone K Ke yssto ysto t ne e Conservation Con onse serv se rva rv attio tio on pioneers p on pi onee onee errss solutions ssol olut utio io ons ns that th ha at help people and predators coexist. Based in Bozeman, Montana, Keystone designs and implements practical tools for coexistence with those who live, work and recreate where wideranging predators roam. Together with community partners, the group saves a place for America’s keystone species.
Keystone Conservation, formerly known as the Predator Conservation Alliance, has journeyed from its years as an advocacy organization to fill a different niche: working in partnership with rural residents to achieve conservation goals. For over 13 years, the organization led regional efforts to protect native carnivores by influencing policy. Since 2003, the group has explored ways to protect carnivores from one of their primary threats: human-caused mortalities. Stemming from the overwhelming response to early efforts on coexisting with predators, a growing need in the U.S. and around the world, Keystone Conservation adopted coexistence as its overarching strategy in 2005. Range Riders While the return of the wolf to the northern Rockies and beyond is one of the greatest conservation success stories of our time, the biological success of the wolf has not been easy for those whose livelihoods depend upon shared habitat. As wolves expand beyond protected areas, ranchers and outfitters have faced income losses and a steep learning curve for dealing with new and difficult neighbors.
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As around the A ssocieties ocie oc etit es e coexisting coe o xi xist stin ing g with w tth wi h wildlife w world make evident, the cowboys of yore have an integral role to play in minimizing conflict where carnivores roam. Yet, because of the slim profit margins in ranching, the mom and pop operations of today can rarely support dedicated riders. For the past five years, Keystone Conservation has ensured that Range Riders patrol Montana’s open range on horseback to deter conflicts with wildlife before they arise. Range Riders keep wolves and livestock safe through use of telemetry, herding, keen observation and non-lethal hazing techniques. Few conflicts have occurred in the presence of the riders, despite growing wolf numbers. The Madison Valley Ranchlands Group, Boulder Watershed Association, and state and federal officials are key partners in Range Riders success.
Range Riders Jim and Marilyn Powers, Antelope Basin
For the past four field seasons, long-time cattle hands, experienced trackers, and extraordinary outdoors people, Jim and Marilyn Powers have been in the saddle at the Antelope Basin project site, part of the migration corridor for wolves from Yellowstone National Park. The Powers relish spending their summers on horseback,
attuned to the rhythms of wildlife, following the area’s top predator. They have pursed their primary task of keeping wolves and cattle apart with tremendous acuity. By combining the power of careful observation with a devotee’s understanding of wildlife and livestock behavior, the Powers have honed their role into a craft.
are successfully raising bees in bear country, pastured poultry near coyotes and owls, and sheep and cattle in areas where wolves are expanding. Having innovated practices that fit locations from the Cascades to the Shenendoahs, these farms and ranches are a unique and important resource for anyone interested in proactive, non-lethal deterrent techniques.
While animosity has been a hallmark of wolf expansion, the Range Riders have pioneered a path for cooperation between long-time ranching families and wolf conservationists. As rancher Bill Brownlee of the Boulder Watershed Association puts it: “We realize the wolves are here to stay and we’ve got to find a way to operate under these conditions.” By supporting new rider efforts through active mentoring and helping transfer experience from its field sites, Keystone Conservation is changing the understanding of livestock husbandry where wolves roam. Predator Friendly® Certification Predator Friendly certification expands upon Keystone’s on-the-ground work in the northern Rockies to recognize wildlife stewardship on farm and ranch lands across the nation. Through pasture management strategies, guardian animals such as dogs and llamas, and vigilant observation, certified farms and ranches reduce the risk of conflict between livestock and wildlife. Predator Friendly grew out of a conversation between a sheep rancher and a conservationist. Each recognized the keystone role of native predators and farms in conservation. Why not let consumers know about farms practicing wildlife stewardship? In 1991, a coalition of ranchers, conservationists and clothing manufacturers began to certify wool growers using Predator Friendly practices. In 2003, Keystone Conservation took the program on and expanded certification to producers of meats, eggs, honey and more. Today, certified Predator Friendly producers in states from Washington to Pennsylvania
To make it easier to share expertise, Predator Friendly hosts a listserv to help producers scattered across the country to share ideas. “Sometimes it’s just the smallest thing that comes out of conversation,” says Becky Weed of Thirteen Mile Lamb and Wool in Belgrade, Montana, “that gives you an idea for something that might work at your place.” When Sally Scholle of Creekside Sheep and Wool near historic Gettysburg lost 30 sheep and lambs to coyotes, Sally overcame her disinterest in livestock guardian dogs. Used for centuries in Europe, livestock guardian dogs were bred to protect sheep from wolves and bears. “[W]e still have to outwit Mr. Wile E.” describes Sally. “He has no natural enemies except disease and he’s comfortable living just about anywhere he can find food. But we don’t expect the dogs to solve the problem. We sit in pastures, enter the fields from various approaches and occasionally move the sheep into a secure paddock for the night. Observing FALL 2008 / WOLF CENTER / 14
natural cycles is also part of what we do.” Predator Friendly producers abide by the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to living with wildlife. Rather, by learning the habits of area wildlife and varying practices to fit changing conditions, a wide range of producers have found means to succeed. Predator Friendly practices include: • Using guardian animals such as llamas, donkeys and dogs to keep livestock safe • Scheduling pasture use when predation pressure is low • Grazing cattle with smaller livestock to protect sheep, goats and calves • Timing calving and lambing to avoid predation risk • Lambing in sheds, secure fenced lots or protected pastures • Making frequent and unpredictable patrols in pastures • Protecting vulnerable animals by fencing out predators • Learning the ecology and habits of area wildlife Certified Wildlife FriendlyTM Just as Predator Friendly® producers are pioneering means to coexist with a host of wildlife predators in the U.S., farmers, herders, and harvesters around the world face similar challenges producing where wide-ranging species roam. Through interaction with programs such as Tiger Friendly of the Russian Far East, Snow Leopard Enterprises of Central Asia, and Cheetah Country Beef of Namibia, Keystone staff and supporters realized the merit of bringing these far flung efforts together. With the generous support of the Leonard X. Bosack & Bette M. Kruger and Alex C. Walker Foundations, Keystone Conservation gathered related efforts of marketing and branding experts to discuss means to enable better market access in March 2007. Representatives of eight countries and 26 entities attended the Summit on Wildlife Friendly Enterprise. Despite the tremendous variety 15 / WOLF CENTER / FALL 2008
of places, economies, societies, and wildlife described during Summit sessions, common themes were readily apparent. At the Summit’s conclusion, participants established the Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network to develop an umbrella brand and label, create a system of project peer review and verify best practices. The Network sets the global standard for wildlife friendly enterprise and assists members to reach new and dynamic markets. The Network is unveiling the first products bearing the Certified Wildlife FriendlyTM label this month, at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Barcelona. Summary Because those who live closest to wildlife are its de facto guardian, a long-term, on-theground presence and commitment to individuals and communities living alongside wildlife are essential to conservation success. The work of Keystone Conservation and our partners provide real world examples of successful coexistence on lands where people work, live and recreate. As a small nonprofit with big ideas, Keystone responds to changing opportunities. Yet, the organization has already had an impact that belies its size. For more information about Range Riders, please visit www.keystoneconservation.us. To learn about the certification programs, please check www.predatorfriendly.org and www. widlifefriendly.org.
Predator Friendly Producer Sally Scholle and her guardian dog, Miska
The Wolf Center is proud to introduce our Fall Intern to you you. She comes from Minnesotta bringing distinct personalities and interests to our program. We hope you’ll have the opportunityy to o meet Brittany this Fall. She is a great asset to our effort and another example of how your support iss ch hanging the lives of people in a myriad of ways. INTERN APPLICATION DEADLINE: Spring 2009 - November 28, 2008
Brittany Moe, Fall Intern
Brittany Moe is a 22 year old Minnesota native who graduated this last May with a bachelors’ degree in Wildlife Ecology and Management from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP). During her time at UWSP she was involved in many projects through the Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society. She also volunteered through the Sandhill Wildlife Refuge under the guidance of noted Wildlife Biologist Dick Thiel. Brittany is thoroughly enjoying her time here at the Wolf Center. She has also had a deep passion for wolves and is grateful for the opportunity to learn from her fellow colleagues and interact everyday with the members of the Sawtooth and Owyhee packs. She is also grateful for the opportunity to be able to share that passion by helping to educate visitors.
Emma Holabird 2ND PRIZE
Ashlea Fiske 1ST PRIZE
Elizabeth 3RD PRIZE
A tough decision was made from an excellent field of artists in this summer’s Coloring Contest. 1st Prize goes to 6 year old Ashlea Fiske from San Antonio, Texas. Her colorful depiction of the wolf head literally glows. Emma Holabird, age 7, receives 2nd Prize with an amber eyed beauty that would make any Alpha wolf proud. And third prize goes to Elizabeth, age 6, from Sandy, Oregon who contributed a howling wolf that was entirely hand drawn. See the winning submissions in more detail on our website at www.wolfcenter.org.
Summer Wolf Head Coloring Contest Results
Brittany has been passionate about wolves since a very early age. She hopes that her time here with the Wolf Center will lead to acceptance into graduate school to continue her passion of working with wolves. Her lifelong goal is to work with the gray wolf in a research and/or conservation capacity. She hopes that her time here with the Wolf Center will give her the experience and knowledge that will help her achieve this lifelong goal.
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Young people can have a big impact on saving wolves! From raising money for programs to writing letters to politicians, your help is needed today! Learn more at www.WolfCenter.org.
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SNARL J Heft, WERC’s Resident Wolfman
As we enter into the scary season of Halloween, wolves are often portrayed as ominous creatures of the night. Werewolves are a popular myth (or reality, depending on who you ask) that surfaces during this season of the living dead, supernatural creatures, and other dark auras that seem to peak our senses in a peculiar way. Images of wolves this time of the year are usually expressed in aggressive postures, especially snarling. A snarling wolf, or one who has tightened their lips in a manner to expose their teeth, is surely a figure most people would wish to avoid. And rightly so, as this is exactly what the snarling wolf intends. A snarl among wolf facial postures is a display that could have several different motivations; however all possess a common theme: a greatly disturbed wolf. The basis behind a snarl is to display the teeth, which in many species is known as a posture of threat or defense. Bears, large cats, and even some sharks are commonly known to perform a type of snarl when confronting potential danger. Wolves will snarl for both aggressive and defensive reasons. A dominant wolf may snarl toward a submissive wolf during an elevated dominance display, or a submissive wolf may snarl in return as a sign of defiance against a dominant wolf. The position of the lips and teeth are the same in both cases, however the eye and body position is much different. A dominant or aggressive wolf has an elevated body posture with eyes staring directly at the submissive wolf, where a submissive wolf has a lowered body posture with an averted gaze. Yet, both aggressive and defensive snarls inform the counterpart that the snarling wolf is highly antagonized and is ready to become physically engaged with the other soon if necessary. While handling social captive wolves, this is a posture we obviously wish to avoid, while wild wolves will likely never exhibit such a posture toward humans. The only possible exception to this is if a human would surprise a wolf when near food. Wolves are highly defensive of their food and will FALL 2008 / WOLF CENTER / 20
WOLF BEHA VIOR 101 growl and snarl at most anything that approaches it. Submissive wolves will even snarl at dominant wolves when food is present, which usually causes the dominant wolf to avoid the situation. A snarl is commonly used by dogs in both aggressive and defensive scenarios just like wolves. Although a snarl appears dangerous, it is a posture that is actually meant to avoid a physical confrontation by serving as a final warning before attack. When wolves snarl they rarely become involved in aggressive encounters, hence the behavior serves as a communication tool rather than a sign of war.
are known in legends of most world cultures. The werewolf became popular again during the Bubonic Plague as wolves were occasionally seen leaving the mass graves by moonlight. The people of the time believed the dead were transforming into wolves (under a full moon of course) to leave the mortal world behind.
Furthermore, snarling has no basis in predatory behavior, subsequently wolves never snarl at prey. So during this season of Samhain, always remember that a snarling wolf simply means to warn you---not necessarily eat you. A werewolf snarling, on the other paw, may mean something profoundly more evil, so BEWARE! OTHER HALLOWEEN TRIVIA: Did you know why wolves have a strong background in Halloween lore? There are many reasons wolves are connected to the powers of darkness, beginning with the Bible. In several passages the wolf is associated with the devil and demons, possibly due to livestock depredations at the time? Werewolf literature dates back to nearly the same time as the Bible, and wolf/human shape shifters
Finally, wolves have strong ties to vampires as well. A wolf is one of the shapes a vampire may assume (the other common shapes being mist and a bat), and the great Count Dracula adored wolves. The Prince of Darkness referred to them as the “Children of the Night” and “…what sweet music they make”, he said of their howling. With such history, it is no wonder how wolves have become an iconic symbol of Halloween. I guess everyone, even the powers of darkness, have something to enjoy and celebrate about wolves. Have a great Hallow’s Eve everyone!
Have a canine behavior you are curious about? Send possible future Wolf Behavior 101 topics to jeremy.heft@wolfcenter.org. 21 / WOLF CENTER / FALL 2008
DONATE GIFTS IN KIND M ak e a Gre a t e r I m p a c t i n Yo u r Gener ous Giving Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________________ Item Description(s): ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ SUBMIT THIS FORM TO: Wolf Education & Research Center • 3909 NE MLK Blvd, Suite 202 • Portland, OR 97212
You Could Save a Species with What’s in Your Attic The Wolf Center understands that you would like to give as much as possible to all of your favorite charities and outreaches. We would like to introduce some unconventional ideas to you that will help you make the most impact in your giving. While cash donations are critical, there are other ideas that can also have tremendous impact. Relics and Artifacts hidden away for safe-keeping. Those items that are too precious to drop off at The Salvation Army or Goodwill and have too much sentimental value to simply give away to our children or friends. The items in our attics. One productive method of giving to your favorite charity or outreach is to donate that item to the organization in exchange for a “Gift in Kind” receipt. This receipt recognizes the donation of an item that you determine the marketable value for and the charity can choose to put into use, use in an auction, or sell the item through an online auction. Items that may be sitting in your attic are possibly only accruing dust but with a Gift in Kind, you can add value to your existing commitment. For more information on how to donate Gifts in Kind, contact GIK@ WolfCenter.org. We’ll contact you to fully inform you about the benefits of giving generously. At the Wolf Center, we’re committed to serving you and the Species.
Please consult your tax specialist for specific limitations. FALL 2008 / WOLF CENTER / 22
ADOPT A WOLF Help keep the Wolf Center in the forefront of the fight to preserve Wolves around the region and world by supporting the Wolf Education & Research Center and the effort to provide public information and research by:
Adopting a Wolf .........................$25 Annual Donation Adopt one of the remaining Sawtooth Wolves: Motoki or Piyip OR Adopt one of the five Owyhee Wolves: Wolf A, B, C, D or E (Refer to Page 3) Adopting the Sawtooth Pack or Owyhee Pack ........... $50 Annual Donation Both Donations Include: • • • •
Adoption Certificate 8.5” x 11” Image of Wolves Quarterly Sawtooth Legacy News Bumper Sticker
* adoptions auto renew as memberships after first year
Quarterly subscription to the Sawtooth Legacy News Unlimited Admission for Member or Family Personalized Member packet that includes an 8.5” x 11” image of each member of the Sawtooth Pack Discounts on Merchandise
Quarterly subscription to the Sawtooth Legacy News Free Unlimited Admissions for you and your guest Personalized Member packet including an 8.5” x 11” image of each member of the Sawtooth pack Two Wolf Education & Research Center T-Shirts (4 for Sawtooth Legacy Family) Discounts on Merchandise Limited quantity print of the Elder Eight
SAWTOOTH LEGACY LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP In addition to the Alpha Membership items, a Legacy Membership recognizes your investment in the future of WERC and our ability to expand our educational programs and role in Wolf Conservation in Idaho and the World. This membership includes a customized plaque recognizing your shared investment in our ability to carry out our mission. This membership includes unlimited visits for the Member and up to 5 guest per year.
Your generous tax-deductible donation is critical as the Wolf Center continues our efforts to fight for the survival of the species. Please mark the choice you are able to give to this effort. ____I would like to make a donation of $_______ to help protect gray wolves. ____Please renew my ____Sawtooth Pack General ($75) or _____Sawtooth Pack Family Membership ($150). ____Please renew my ____Sawtooth Pack Alpha ($150) or _____Sawtooth Pack Alpha Family Membership ($250) ____I would like to make a Legacy Lifetime Gift of ___$1000 ___$2500 ___$5000 ___$10,000 to sustain the Wolf Education & Research Center in their efforts to protect gray wolves. Name_______________________________________*Email___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________Phone_______________________________ City State Zip_____________________________________________Mobile_______________________________ *Email correspondence allows us to update you immediately when there is news related to our efforts and promotes greater financial stewardship. By checking here, you signify you would like to receive the quarterly in PDF form via email. ____No ____Yes
Changing of the Seasons, the 2008 Summer at WERC As we see the he white-tail fawns f losing their spots, the poults (young turkeys) getting bigger, and the Chickaree chipmunks gathering pine cones, we notice that it isn’t summer anymore. And as many of you are asking yourself, where did the summer go? After the past winter that didn’t want to end, our summer season has come and gone. And once again, winter is just around the corner. Although the outlook at the beginning for this past summer may have looked bleak due to the general economic situation, especially the high cost of travel, we enjoyed an increase of 5.2 percent in summer visitation over last year. As our staff and three summer interns welcomed many first time visitors from across the United States, we again had a number of visitors from countries overseas who traveled here specifically to enjoy the presence of wolves from both the Sawtooth and Owyhee packs. We also welcomed back many past local visitors who had heard about the new wolves and had to come and see them. The summer interns stayed busy with Visitor Center operations and tours. Additionally, all three went through formal Interpretive Training presented by Marc Blackburn, Chief of Interpretation, National Park Service at the Nez Perce National Historic Park. This was the second year that interns had been provided with this training. It enabled the interns to improve upon their presentation skills here at the Wolf Center and will provide a basis for future interpretive opportunities they may pursue. Interns also conducted twenty-three outreach programs at Winchester Lake State Park with an attendance of 419. This was slightly below last year’s program attendance. Many of the families that came up to the Wolf Center from the State Park did so after seeing one of those programs. Towards the end of summer, several volunteers spent a few days each working on projects that the staff and interns hadn’t completed or had time to start. And in the next month or two, volunteers along with the staff and interns will be working on replacing the old wooden boardwalk. The Wolf Center again thanks those volunteers for all of their contributions. Although summer is now mostly a memory for the majority of us, the fall, winter and spring seasons are often the FALL 2008 / WOLF CENTER / 24
best time to see the wolves. Because wolves enjoy the cold and snowy weather, typically their activity level increases which improves the possibility of viewing them. This includes the breeding season which is typically in the December and January
The Wolf Center is excited to promote Gary Ferguson’s visit to Idaho and the Everybody Reads program. Authors like Mr. Ferguson are critical to the effort of educating the public about wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains and thanks to your generosity, we can be part of this effort.
Everybody Reads Claudia Jones, Pray River Library District.
What if everybody in the LC Valley and across the Palouse read the same book? What if those readers had multiple opportunities, both formal and informal, to talk to each other about the book? This fall, people all over the Valley and the Palouse are reading Decade Of The Wolf: Returning the Wild to Yellowstone by Gary Ferguson as part of the annual Everybody Reads celebration.
time frame. Although it may be cold and wet for us, if you dress appropriately, you can enjoy this unique opportunity. By contacting us at least 24 hours in advance, we can schedule a guided tour for you which would last about two hours. You can schedule between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM (PST), 7 days a week excluding holidays. And, although this summer flew by, it isn’t too early to start planning for next year’s summer vacation which hopefully includes a visit to Winchester, Idaho and the Wolf Education and Research Center.
Home of the Sawtooth Pack: Wolves of the Nez Perce & recently rescued Owyhee Pack
Everybody Reads is a region-wide community reading event that started in 2001 in the Lewiston/Clarkston Valley. In 2005, Palouse area libraries, schools and bookstores joined in expanding Everybody Reads throughout southeastern Washington and North Central Idaho. To facilitate the community discussion of Decade of the Wolf, the book’s author, Gary Ferguson is slated to give multiple presentations and booksignings across our area. On Monday, November 10th, Gary will be signing books at Kling’s Bookstore from 1-3 pm. That evening, he will present “An Evening With Gary Ferguson” in the Lewiston High School Auditorium at 7pm. Wednesday, November 12th, Gary will appear at On Wed Clarkston High School at 9:30 am for “A Conversation Clarksto with Gary Ga Ferguson”. At 7 pm that evening, he will pres“Returning the Wolves to Yellowstone” at the Pi-Neeent “Ret Community Center in Lapwai. All presentations Waus C are free and open to the public. Then on November 13th and 14th, Gary will be giving multiple presentations and booksignings on the Palouse.
Open Weekends 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Call 888-422-1110, ext 3 or visit us online: WolfCenter.org *Weekdays by appointment
24 / WOLF CENTER / FALL 2008
Everybody Reads is excited to bring our 8th author to the area and to continue our tradition of reading and community discussion. Stop by your local library to check out a copy of the book and make plans to participate in one of the presentations in November. The discussions sparked are sure to be interesting!
Great gifts for anyone on your list. Great introductions to friends who don’t know the Wolf Center. Promote your favorite protector of wolves. Simplify your holiday shopping and share your appreciation for wolves.
Find Wolf Gear, Books, DV D’s, Animal Tracks, Jewelry, Merchandise and more.
HATS Youth Little Paw Hat Help Little Paw help wolves by sporting this great cap for kids. LPHat-B Brown Hat $12.50 LPHat-K Kahki Hat $12.50
Wolf Center Hat Support the center by wearing a “Wolf Center” cap. WCHat-B Brown Hat $15.00 WCHat-K Kahki Hat $15.00 WCHat-G GrayHat $15.00
SWEATSHIRTS Wolf Center Adult Sweatshirt Want something a little warmer? Wear this great fleece sweater with the Wolf Center logo. Available in Adult sizes (S, M, L, XL, XXL). SWC-I Indigo Blue $39.95 SWC-C Chocolate Brown $39.95
Little Paw Hoodie Hooded fleece with the Little Paw logo. Available in Youth (S, M, L, XL) and Adult (S, M, L, XL, XXL) SLPY-B Youth Brown $29.95 SLPA-B Adult Brown $39.95
T-Shirts Little Paw Youth T-Shirt Little Paw adorns this great t-shirt for kids, inviting people to “Help Little Paw Help Wolves”. Available in youth sizes (S, M, L, XL) TLP-B Brown $12.95 TLP-W White $12.95
Running Wolves T-Shirt Wear a piece of Wolf Center history with our original design that supported the Sawtooth Pack: Wolves of the Nez Perce outreach and care. Available in Youth (S, M, L, XL) and Adult (S, M, L, XL, XXL). TRWA-M Adult Maroon $15.00 TRWA-B Adult Blue $15.00 TRWA-G Adult Green $15.00 TRWY-M Youth Maroon $12.95 TRWY-B Youth Blue $12.95 TRWY-G Youth Green $12.95
Sawtooth Pack T-Shirt Sawtooth Pack T-Shirt. Available in Adult sizes (S, M, L, XL, XXL) Only available in black. TSP-B Black $15.00
Many Wolves T-Shirt Portrait T-Shirt. Available in Adult sizes (S, M, L, XL, XXL). Only available in black. TMW-B Black $15.00
Wolf Center Ringer T-Shirt Celebrate the future of the Wolf Center by wearing the t-shirt that reads “Protecting Wolves Since 1992” and sports the new logo of the Owyhee Pack. Available in Adult sizes (S, M, L, XL, XXL). TRW-M Maroon $15.00 TRW-B Blue $15.00 TRW-G Green $15.00 Save time! Order online at wolfcenter.org/store
$7.95 each
This is a comprehensive book series for kids about animals. These books engage children while providing accurate, detailed photos and information about a wide variety of animal life. Each book has a “fun facts” section! Softback, each 48 pp. Ages 6-12
BOWW-F Falcons
Black Bears
Polar Bears
BOWW-P Polar Bears
BOWW-C Cougars
BOWW-S Seals
BOWW-E Eagles
BOWW-W Wolves
Animal Tracks
$9.95 each
Beaver Track
Bobcat Track
Coyote Track
Young Black Bear Track
Deer Track
Mountain Lion Track
Fox Track
Find other limited quantity jewelry online at wolfcenter.org/store
DVD’s Wolves: A Legend Returns to Yellowstone This National Geographic video invites you to run with the wild pack in Yellowstone National Park.
Nature: Bears Showdown at Grizzly River and Walking with Giants. DVD-NB $19.95
DVD-WY $17.95 Bears IMAX Discover the world of bears and their experiences in the full glory of their natural habitats.
Journey of Sacagawea This sensitive documentary examines the truths behind the legend through historical journals.
DVD-BI $12.95
DVD-JS $23.95
Eyewitness Bird Stunning photographs and graphics depict the diversity of bird life.
Nature: Yellowstone The first gray wolves were transported from Alberta, Canada to Yellowstone National Park, to repopulate the sprawling landscape.
DVD-EB $12.95
DVD-NY $15.95 Great Indian Leaders & Nations Comprehensive history of six great Indian nations, dramatically filmed on location. DVD-GI $19.95
Wolves IMAX Take a journey into the world of WOLVES with intimate and rarely seen footage of one of North America’s greatest predators: Canis Lupus. DVD-WI $15.95
I Will Fight No More Forever Re-enactment of the story of Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé Indians.
Spirit of Animals Collection of films including: Gift of Whales, Spirit of the Eagle and Winter Wolf.
DVD-IW $19.95
DVD-SA $9.99
Living With Wolves (2 Vol) Join the Dutchers as they share their experiences living with the Sawtooth Pack: Wolves of the Nez Perce in this Emmy-nominated film.
Nature: Raptor Force Eagles, hawks, and vultures are among that graceful and deadly group of birds known as raptors.
DVD-LW $17.95
DVD-NR $19.99
Merchandise Choose from these memorable selections of wolf tags, buttons, and magnets that pay tribute to the Sawtooth Pack members. These are limited supply and will not be remade.
Bag Tag - Motomo
Pin - Piyip
BTM $3.00
PP $3.00
Keychain - Wahots Keychain - Matsi
MP $3.00
KM $3.00
Keychain - Amani KA $3.00
Magnet - Matsi KM $3.00 Wolf Poster POSTER $9.95
Bumper Sticker Paw Print BSP $2.50 Wolf Photos Sawtooth Pack Bumper Sticker Little Paw BSLP $2.50
PHOTOS $4.95
Jewelry Jewelry featured in this section of the Wolf Center Store is unique. First, we do not purchase it. It is generously donated by individuals who have creatively sought out additional ways to give to Wolf Recovery through us. We’re very grateful for the imagination and creativity of these supporters. From time to time, you can return to the site and read about our feature artist. But if you see an item you like, don’t hesitate because it is limited to first come first serve. Thank you for supporting the Wolf Center by purchasing from the Wolf Center Store. I am a former elementary school teacher who now teaches at Elizabethtown College, a small private institution in south central Pennsylvania. I first learned of the Sawtooth Pack through the Discovery Channel program and knew this would be the perfect way to teach my elementary students the truth about wolves. Of course, all they really knew was what they had learned from folk and fairy tales, so I began to develop lessons and eventually a curriculum focused on wolves and their essential contribution to the ecosystem. The extended message in these lessons helps students learn not to make misinformed judgments about people as well as wolves.
M a rla Jon e s
While researching the Sawtooth Pack I found that they were in Winchester and made it a goal to someday travel to see them. When my husband and I planned a trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons I insisted we also include the Wolf Center. My dear husband made all the arrangements to go hundreds of miles further so I could see the wolves I knew so much about from afar.
th ambassador wolves from Mission Wolf twice before our state made it illegal to Feature Contributing Artist I had seen the have “wild animals” uncaged even for educational purposes. The only other wolves I had seen an were, sadly, in zoos. Coming to the Wolf Center was a dream come true. There is a special spirit there and I plan to come back someday. I have been teaching with the video, Wolves at Our Door, for the past nine years both at the elementary level and in college. There is a powerful message there that touches all my students who, in turn, will go out and teach their future students the truth about these magnificent animals. I wanted to be a contributor to the incredible work the Wolf Center does regarding education and research. I share bits of information at every opportunity. I share the basic information and the video with everyone who comes by my office (decorated with pictures of the Sawtooth Pack, of course). People are always asking me about my wolf pictures and how I got interested in wolves and why I like them so much. People are fascinated and intrigued because most people’s impressions are based on fiction. Through education there is power. Ignorance and prejudice of all kinds are eradicated through the truth. My daughter, Emily, is very creative and made me a beautiful necklace for my birthday with a wolf pendant on it. I thought about how we could somehow support the Wolf Center and asked her to teach me how to make the jewelry. We sat together this past summer and created the jewelry together, a wonderful mother-daughter bonding experience. Although I support a limited number of organizations in other ways, my plan is to focus on supporting the Wolf Center with my annual membership and the jewelry as long as possible. The Wolf Center has a special place in the history of preservation, education and research with wolves. I would encourage people to be a contributor in any way possible to this pristine place that has been preserved for this important purpose. I am honored to be even a small part of this important work. Blue & Silver Bead Necklace with Wolf Pendant - NBS
Green & Silver Bead Necklace with Wolf Pendant - NGS
Green & Wooden Bead Necklace with Wolf Pendant - NGW
Green Bead Necklace with Wolf Pendant - NGB
Necklaces $39.00 each
Green Rock Necklace with Wolf Pendant - N NGR GR GR
Red & Green Rock Necklace with Wolf Pendant - NRG
Order Form
For quickest delivery, order online at www.wolfcenter.org/store OR Mail this form along with a check or credit card information to: Wolf Center • 3909 NE MLK Blvd, Suite 202 • Portland, OR 97212
SEND TO: (if different than billing address)
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SHIPPING $4 minimum or 9%, whichever is greater eater Orders will ship within 7-10 days.
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n i d e v l o v n ! I y r t e e v G o c e R f l o W
October 12 -18, 2008
Don’t forget
Wolf Awareness Week Other upcoming Events
Elk-bugling and Wolf-tracking Tours, New Mexico. October 17, 18 and 19, 2008. Application fees are $8. Successful applicants will be charged $74 for a tour. For more information about GAIN or how to apply for the tours, please contact Clint Henson (575) 445-2311.
Wildlife handling and chemical immobilization for wildlife professionals, Washington. November 4-6th, 2008, FEE: $500 ($575 after October 1st, 2008) Location: Lectures in Tumwater, Washington. Labs held at Wolf Haven International in Tenino, Washington. Taught by Mark Johnson, DVM of Global Wildlife Resources, Inc. Contact Wolf Haven for more information.
Wolves Among Us: A Glimpse at History, Behavior and Recovery Efforts, Washington. South Puget Sound Community College, Saturdays, November 15 & November 22 from 9:00am to 1:00 pm. For registration information please visit SPSCC online at www.spscc.ctc.edu.
WOLF EDUCATION & RESEARCH CENTER 3909 NE MLK Blvd, Suite 202 Portland, OR 97212
Sawtooth Legacy Conference Issue