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BRAATEN See Page 6

PROGRAMS Newsstand price — $1

VOLUME 29, NUMBER 33 / March 17, 2014

Deep divide n

Some farmers say the Red River flood diversion will harm their livelihoods, project supporters disagree

Stories and Photos by Mikkel Pates MOORHEAD, Minn. — Mark Askegaard is one of scores of farmers south of Fargo, N.D., who are using the courts and political influence against a $1.8 billion Red River flood diversion project they say will forever change their lives, land and towns. A fourth-generation farmer south of Moorhead, Minn., Askegaard, 53, says he’d rather be thinking only about planting and marketing crops this time of year, but instead he’s preoccupied with the epic issue. In Askegaard’s mind, the diversion needlessly undermines the productivity of thousands of acres of the Red River Valley’s best and most valuable farmland, and is moving ahead despite no solid solutions for crop insurance in that area. DIVERSION: See Page 9

G Mark Askegaard, 53, and his daughter, Beth, 23, farm south of Moorhead, Minn., near Comstock. They contend the current Fargo-Moorhead Diversion Plan isn’t the most cost-effective option to mitigate flooding and say it will needlessly force them out of organic farming.


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PAGE 2 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK


People and calendar section items can be sent to Agweek, Box 6008, Grand Forks, N.D. 58206-6008; email sadykowski @agweek.com

n Glenna Stucky of Avon was hon-

ored as “Ranching Woman of the Year” by the Montana Stockgrowers Association, during their 129th Annual Convention and Trade Show. Stucky was excited to win the award. Stucky was born and raised in Bozeman, Mont. Her youth consisted of 4-H, sewing, cooking and playing the piano for dances with her dad. Her 4-H years led her to her husband Earl Stucky. In their early years of marriage, Glenna worked at the state 4-H office while she and Earl were 4-H leaders. They raised five kids on the ranch once known as Flying D. While Earl was away at cow camp, Glenna was often home alone with the kids, taking care of all the ranch chores, plus her chickens, milk cows and harvesting a bountiful garden. Her outside passions were passed down to her kids and grandkids. Glenna helped start the Powell County Cattlewomen and is a current member of the district and state Cattlewomen associations. On the ranch, Glenna still keeps books, feeds the hired men and takes care of her five milk cows and a dozen or more orphan calves. An encounter with a hostile heifer during calving, that laid her up for a time, has not slowed her down, and she still takes her checks during that busy season. Caking heifers with her daughter every spring morning and making sure the shelves are stocked with vaccines and medical supplies for the ranch are still some of her daily duties.

MCIA presents awards

n The Minnesota Crop Improve-

ment Association honored several individuals during its 2014 Annual Meeting. Stephen Dahl of Roseau was recognized with the Achievement in Crop Improvement Award. A longtime MCIA member, he has produced certified seed of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, timo-

MARCH 17— Sustaining the Legacy — Estate Planning and Farm Transitions Conference, Watertown and Rapid City, S.D. Information: Heather Gessner at 605-782-3290 or heather. gessner@sdstate.edu. MARCH 18-19 — Western Corn Belt Precision Ag Conference, Sioux Falls Convention Center (S.D.). Information: www.igrow.org. MARCH 20 — Truck-Weight Education and Outreach, Stark County Shop, Dickinson, N.D. Information: Denise Brown at 701-328-9856 or denise.brown.1@ndsu.edu. MARCH 24 — Sustaining the Legacy — Estate Planning and Farm Transitions Conference, Watertown and Rapid City, S.D. Information: Heather Gessner at 605-782-3290 or heather. gessner@sdstate.edu. MARCH 26 — Truck-Weight Education and Outreach, Cass County Shop, West Fargo, N.D. Information: Denise Brown at 701-328-9856 or denise. brown.1@ndsu.edu. MARCH 27-28 — 65th Flax Institute, Fargo, N.D. Information: www.ndsu. nodak.edu/flaxinst/register or contact Lisa at 701-231-7122 MARCH 31— Sustaining the Legacy — Estate Planning and Farm Transitions Conference, Watertown and

thy and small grains. Dahl is a strong supporter of the University of Minnesota, having served in an advisory capacity and on various special committees. He has provided leadership to the Minnesota Canola Council, the U.S. Canola Association and the American Oil Seed Coalition. He also served on the Board of Directors for MCIA and the Northwest Regional Partnership. Retired from farming, Dahl serves as business secretary for RL Growers, a grower group producing and marketing turf grass seed products. Cal Spronk of Edgerton and Tim Backman of Herman received Premier Seedsman Awards. Spronk has been an MCIA member for 34 years. The Spronk family produces and processes soybeans, barley and oat seed. An active member of the agricultural community, Spronk serves as a director for the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association and the Pipestone Soil and Water Conservation District. He has also served on the MCIA board and was a member of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture Seed Program Advisory Group. Backman continues a family tradition of producing certified seed, which began with his father in the late 1950’s. Today. Tim and his wife Marylyn operate Backman Seeds, producing and conditioning soybean and wheat seed. They recently added a state-of-the-art seed treatment facility to their operation. He served six years on the MCIA board of directors including a term as board chairman. Marv Zutz of Red Lake Falls received the Honorary Premier Seedsman Award. Zutz has dedicated 38 years to the barley, wheat and turf seed industry. He currently serves as the executive director for the Minnesota Barley Growers Association and the Minnesota Turf Seed Council. He has been instrumental in securing funding and support for barley and turf grass research in Minnesota.

— Agweek Wire Reports

Rapid City, S.D. Information: Heather Gessner at 605-782-3290 or heather. gessner@sdstate.edu. APRIL 2 — SowBridge Session: Pain Management for Sows, teleconference. Information: Bob Thaler at 605688-5435 or Robert.Thaler@sdstate. edu. MAY 7 — SowBridge Session: Are You Prepared for a Third Party Audit? teleconference. Information: Bob Thaler at 605-688-5435 or Robert. Thaler@sdstate.edu. JUNE 4 — SowBridge Session: Importance of Educating Others about Pork Production, teleconference. Information: Bob Thaler at 605-6885435 or Robert.Thaler@sdstate.edu. JULY 2 — SowBridge Session: Practices to Avoid Antibiotic Residue in Cull Sows, teleconference. Information: Bob Thaler at 605-688-5435 or Robert.Thaler@sdstate.edu. AUG. 6 — SowBridge Session: Advocating Worker Safety on Farms, teleconference. Information: Bob Thaler at 605-688-5435 or Robert.Thaler@sd state.edu. AUG. 22-23 — Potato Days Festival, Barnesville, Minn. Information: Theresa Olson at 800-525-4901 or spudlady@potatodays.com.

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AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 3

Stucky named “Ranching Woman of the Year”

PAGE 4 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK



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Farm bill delivers for ND Bipartisan effort was key n

By Heidi Heitkamp Back in the fall of 2011, I was getting ready to make a big decision. After 12 years of private life, I was trying to figure out how I could best serve the state I love. Heitkamp As I traveled North Dakota, I kept hearing the same thing: Folks were frustrated that politicians in Washington, D.C., couldn’t work together to move our country forward. This was a particular concern for our hardworking farmers and ranchers. They weren’t asking for much. These are men and women who put close to a million dollars into the ground each year, with the hopes of simply making a decent income to provide for their fami-

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lies. All they wanted was some certainty out of Washington, so they could make plans, borrow money from the bank and get on with what they are really good at — feeding the world. But folks in Congress didn’t seem to understand how important agriculture — which supports 25 percent of North Dakota’s jobs — is and couldn’t get a farm bill done. The inability of members to work together in a bipartisan way, to compromise for the common good was my tipping point. It is why I decided to seek this office, and why, since becoming a U.S. senator, my top priority has been to craft a farm bill that works for North Dakotans and get it signed into law. While I was proud to achieve this goal, that is not why I’m so satisfied. I am proud because we were able to work in a bipartisan fashion to give our farmers and ranchers the certainty they deserve and North Dakota’s biggest economic driver the stability it needs. This farm bill is a victory for our state on many levels. First, we were able to modernize crop insurance — North Dakota farmers’

top priority — in a way that makes sure they can survive in difficult times. Additionally, we were able to create a farm program that provides support for growers when they need it the most. We also invested in a permanent livestock disaster program so our ranchers — who produce food enjoyed by millions around the world — are not forced out of business by disastrous events beyond their control, such as the severe snowstorm that hit the Dakotas last October. All of these steps taken in the farm bill put our farmers and ranchers in a position to tackle the risks associated with production agriculture, so they can continue to provide the lowest cost, highest quality food in the history of the world. The law is not just a boost for agriculture producers in our state. It also makes critical investments in so many other crucial parts of North Dakota’s economy. For example, we made a historic biofuels investments, which will help support North Dakota’s already booming ethanol industry. And we pushed to include support for farmers who have lost land to the flood waters of Devils Lake and

help to control flooding in the Red River Valley, and crucial research at institutions like North Dakota State University. As I spent countless hours working to convince other senators — particularly those from states that don’t have much farm activity — about the importance of a farm bill, I explained why it is not just good for North Dakota but for the entire country. One of my top goals was to craft a bill that reduces our deficit. I am proud to say that by reforming antiquated farm policy, we will reduce the deficit by more than $23 billion. At the same time, the farm bill will support 16 million jobs across the nation. With the farm bill, we worked together, Republicans and Democrats, to move our country forward. I will continue to take this approach to debates on the many other issues we are facing. That is what North Dakotans want, and that is why I wanted this job. Editor’s note: Heitkamp is the junior U.S. Senator from North Dakota and a member of the North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party.

that ethanol reduced the price of gasoline in 2011 by $1.09 per gallon nationally. In the Midwest alone, CARD found gas prices were reduced $1.69 per gallon. As for the environment, Argonne National Laboratory, a nonprofit research lab operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy, said in a 2012 study that cornbased ethanol reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 29 to 57 percent depending on the energy efficiency of the plant, or an average of 44 percent. Using Argonne National Laboratory’s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy Use in Transportation model, also known as the GREET model, the Renewable Fuels Association concluded that the 13.2 billion gallons of ethanol produced in 2012 reduced greenhouse gas emissions from on-the-road vehicles by 33.4 million tons. That’s the equivalent of removing 5.2 million cars and pickups from the road for a year. Meeks cited a story by the Associated Press that claimed American farmers last year planted “15 million more acres of corn … than before the ethanol boom.” In actuality, farmers increased acreage in response to drought-ravaged corn

supplies in 2011 and 2012. In fact, as detailed in U.S. Department of Agriculture’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates released in January, the amount of bushels used for ethanol decreased in 2012 to '13 (the marketing year for corn begins Sept. 1). Meeks said “5 million acres of land set aside for conversion — more than Yellowstone, Everglades and Yosemite national parks combined — have vanished under Obama’s watch.” The truth is a little different. Acreage enrolled under the Conservation Reserve Program, has fallen under President Barack Obama but as a result of a lower cap on CRP acreage, as stipulated in the 2008 farm bill, which set it at 32 million acres from 39.2 million previously. As such, in 2009, the CRP acreage was at 33.72 million and dropped to 31.29 million in 2010 and 31.12 million in 2011. In 2012, it was 29.5 million. Meeks added that, “Historically, farmers have used most of the domestic crop to feed livestock. However, in the past three years, the majority of America’s corn was diverted into fuel.” This statement is incorrect. Referring back to USDA’s data, 4.67 billion bushels of corn, or 39

percent of a total supply of 11.93 billion bushels, was used for ethanol and coproducts. These figures refute the idea that corn production for ethanol supersedes production for livestock feed. Moreover, a third of every bushel of corn used for ethanol production is used to produce distiller’s dried grains, which is a high-protein animal feed. Meeks also said ethanol raised food prices, but a study by ABF Economics last year pointed to the strong link between food and crude oil prices. Indeed, one only has to look at readily available data by the U.S. Energy Information Service and the UN’s World Food Organization to see the correlation between crude oil and food prices. High gasoline prices affect the cost of farming and transportation. The bottom line is that ethanol has contributed positively to our economy, both state and national, and it has created jobs, reduced greenhouse gases and saved us money at the pump. Editor’s note: Raman is the communications and education coordinator for the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association based in Minneapolis.

Meeks letter misses the mark Ethanol helps economy, environment

By Ashwin Raman I disagreed with the March 10 commentary, “Ethanol mandate hurts environment,” by Annette Meeks of the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota. How Meeks came to the conclusion that, “Since its inception, the ethanol mandate had made neither economic nor environmental sense,” was unclear. A new report by ABF Economics, a firm that provides consulting services to the ag and biofuel industries indicates the ethanol industry contributed $44.03 billion to America’s economy in 2013 and employed, directly and indirectly, close to 400,000 Americans. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture estimates the ethanol industry contributes $5.03 billion to the state’s economy and supports more than 12,000 jobs. Ethanol also has helped suppress the price of gasoline. A 2012 study by Iowa State University’s Center for Agriculture and Rural Development concluded

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 5


RFS reality check

By Tom Buis

The Renewable Fuel Standard has been so successful that the oil industry now sees ethanol as a major threat to its bottom line. Unfortunately, Annette Meeks’ opinion piece, “Ethanol mandate hurts environment,” recently published in Agweek, shamelessly parroted many of the oil industry’s false claims about ethanol and repeatedly cites skewed facts from an Associated Press story that can only be described as a “hatchet job” against the ethanol industry. Meeks’ op-ed was riddled with errors. It

Ethanol deserves support

erroneously claimed that 5 million acres of land set aside for conservation have vanished. Actually, as U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently noted, the total acreage of conservation programs has increased more than 70 percent in recent years to more than 350 million acres. While land use change in the U.S. is a complex and dynamic process, Secretary Vilsack emphasized that it was unlikely that significant amounts of acreage set aside for conservation in 2012 went into corn production in 2013. Meeks also cited rising food prices, and erroneously shifted the blame onto the

back of the ethanol industry. In fact, a recent World Bank study outlined how crude oil prices are responsible for 50 percent of the increase in food prices since 2004 — a year before the RFS was even enacted. Furthermore, this analysis has been validated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and countless other objective economic studies. Here’s what’s indisputable, however: clean, renewable biofuels are helping cut our dangerous dependence on foreign oil and creating significant economic opportunities here at home. And because

ethanol costs about 60 cents per gallon less than gasoline, it saves us all money at the pump. It’s time to set the record straight on Big Oil’s cynical scheme to stifle American innovation and protect their own profits — no matter the costs to our environment, our economy and our national security. Ethanol and other biofuels are making our country stronger, safer and more prosperous and deserve the steadfast support of our leaders in Washington. Editor’s note: Buis is the CEO of Growth Energy.

blend (B5) to 10 percent (B10) this summer. First, the state law clearly specifies that B10 will be sold only during the warmweather months. In the winter, it’s back to the same B5 blend that virtually all diesel vehicles used during this record-breaking cold winter without problem. So, any concerns that biodiesel might gel in winter temperatures are unfounded. Another concern raised was about bacterial growth in fuel storage tanks. This isn’t just a Minnesota problem; it’s a problem in many other states. It has nothing to

do with biodiesel or diesel fuel — the problem is water. In 2006, the federal government required all diesel fuel to be ultra-low sulfur to reduce the risk of acid rain. But, that sulfur acted as an antibiotic agent in the fuel, and its removal caused some unanticipated issues with microbe growth when the tanks contained enough water for the bacteria to grow. Again, this happens for both biodiesel blends and traditional diesel fuels. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions and practices to elimi-

nate this problem. Minnesota literally wrote the book on handling and storing biodiesel in cold weather. We have the technical expertise and real-world experience to make the B5 to B10 transition smooth and free of drama. Switching to an advanced biofuel that is cleaner-burning, locally produced and performs just as well as petroleum diesel is a win for all Minnesotans. Editor’s note: This opinion appeared March 3 in the Bemidji (Minn.) Pioneer.

Biofuel concerns aren’t justified

Minn. can handle the switch n


By Robert Moffitt Bemidji’s school buses performance during this winter’s harsh weather raised some concerns about biodiesel, and the Minnesota’s plans to increase the required biodiesel blend from the current 5 percent

THE VIEWS EXPRESSED ON THE OPINION PAGES ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF AGWEEK We’d like to hear from you. Email letters to the editor to lgibson@agweek.com or mail to Lisa Gibson, PO Box 6008, Grand Forks, ND 58206-6008.

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PAGE 6 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK

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Editor’s note: Derrick Braaten is a partner in Baumstark Braaten Law Partners of Bismarck, N.D. He welcomes input and comments on his columns. He can be reached at his office at 701-221-2911 or by email at derrick @baumstark braaten.com.

Negotiating easements A better alternative to losing property to eminent domain



n my last column, I discussed eminent domain and the rights of energy developers related to pipeline easements. I explained that there are situations in which developers can use eminent domain authority or other rights related to the mineral estate to force their way on to property. There are also situations in which a private property owner can deny access. In general, however, most developers would rather negotiate an easement with the landowner. More important, landowners are usually better off having a reasonable easement in place than losing rights to the property through eminent domain or other authority. This does, of course, assume that the developer will agree to reasonable surface use provisions in the easement, and will later comply with those provisions once it is on the property. A number of common revisions are made to easement documents on behalf of landowners. Many easements contain warranty clauses, provisions by which the landowner warrants clear title to the land. It should be the developer’s responsibility to check title to land, and this provision should be deleted. Additionally, many easements do not limit the type or quantity of pipelines. If a developer intends to put in a 12inch gas pipeline, for example, this should be specified. The precise property description must be included. N.D. Century Code section 47-05-02.1 requires that “the area of land covered by the easement … shall be properly described...” A plat map or other visual depiction of the easement path is often utilized. This is a ban on what are often referred to as “blanket easements.” If an easement description is not specific enough, it is possible that a North Dakota court would declare the easement void. Developers and landowners alike benefit from a specific description of the easement. Easements for energy development should also usually be “nonexclusive,” meaning the easement holder does not have an exclusive easement to the land. This is important for two reasons. First, an exclusive easement could limit the uses to which the landowner may put the land. While it is reasonable for a developer to require that the landowner not use the land in a way that interferes with the developer’s use of the property, there is no need for the developer to require anything further. Second, an exclusive easement will prevent the landowner from allowing other easements on the same property in the future, even if the additional easements do not directly conflict with the first easement holder’s rights. For example, it might be possible for several pipelines to be placed near each other. This would be prevented if an exclusive easement has already been granted. This is another reason to avoid warranty clauses in easements. A warranty clause in an exclusive easement could potentially subject the landowner to legal action if that landowner granted another easement on the same property. Provisions to protect the land, such as spill or leak liability and reclamation, should always be a part of an easement, especially for energy development purposes. These are just a few of the provisions for a landowner to be aware of in an easement, and as always, it is recommended that landowners have an attorney with the appropriate experience review important legal documents, particularly when the document will impact a piece of property for decades to come. In my experience, most landowners are willing to work with developers seeking access rights, as long as those developers treat the landowner and the land with respect. The use of eminent domain and other authority to obtain access to land should only be used as a last resort.

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 7

LATEST NEWS Black Gold Farms acquires Dawson Farms

n GRAND FORKS, N.D. — Black Gold Farms, an industry

leader in Irish potato production, has recently acquired a significant amount of additional sweet potato acreage. This acquisition includes all facilities and real estate from Dawson Farms, the largest sweet potato grower in the mid-south, located near Delhi, La. While Black Gold Farms has been growing sweet potatoes for four years for the processing industry, this acquisition will allow it to considerably expand its volume of processing potatoes, as well as provide an entrance into the table stock sweet potato arena. The Dawson Farms Delhi team will join the Black Gold Farms Oak Grove, La., team immediately. “This acquisition complements not only our sweet potato acreage we now grow near Oak Grove, La., but it also is a great complement to our red potato production in North Dakota, Missouri, Indiana, Michigan, Florida, Georgia, Maryland and Texas,” says Gregg Halverson, president and CEO of Black Gold Farms.

ND tightens requirements on swine

n BISMARCK, N.D. — North Dakota’s state veterinarian says

additional requirements are now in place to prevent the spread of a deadly virus affecting pigs. “All swine entering the state, except those for immediate slaughter, must be accompanied by an interstate certificate of veterinary inspection,” says Susan Keller. “All swine imported into North Dakota for breeding or feeder purposes must be officially and individually identified.” Keller says the discovery of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv) in North Dakota, industry concerns and the upcoming exhibition season led the State Board of Animal Health to strengthen the existing requirements and to put new rules in place. “Any pigs brought into the state for exhibition must be officially and individually identified by one form of permanent and one other form of approved official use tag,” Keller says. “At the same time, a certificate of veterinary inspection is now required for all intrastate movement of pigs, except those headed for slaughter.”

FUELS Act clears unnecessary regulation

n WASHINGTON, D.C. — The House of Representatives has

passed legislation cosponsored by Rep. Kevin Cramer, R-

N.D., to prevent farmers and landowners from being forced to comply with a costly Environmental Protection Agency regulation. The Farmers Undertake Environmental Land Stewardship Act addresses an Oil Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure rule that requires certain fuel storage facilities to be structurally altered for compliance. The SPCC rule was first published in 1973, but in 2009, the EPA began applying it to farms with fuel tanks as small as 1,320 gallons. The rule requires the farmer or landowner to construct a containment facility, such as a dike or a basin, to retain 100 percent of the fuel in the container. “The FUELS Act scales back the drastic scope of this regulation by raising the exemption level to a more reasonable amount, ensuring small farming operations with above-ground tanks of less than 10,000-gallon capacity won’t be affected,” Cramer says. “It also allows farmers with above-ground tanks between 10,000 and 42,000 gallons to self-certify for compliance instead of paying a third party. Our agriculture producers are more than capable of managing this risk, just like they manage countless others in their daily operations.”

ARS patents enzyme to fight Cercospora

n FARGO, N.D. — U.S. Department of Agriculture scien-

tists in Sidney, Mont., have patented an enzyme to help fight fungal diseases, including Cercospora leaf spot in sugar beets. USDA’s Agricultural Research Service has identified an enzyme, laccase, that attacks the toxin that causes Cercospora. The enzyme is from the fungus Laetisaria arvalis. It is being licensed for potential commercial development through the ARS Technology Transfer Office in Beltsville, Md. To be used by farmers, a commercial company would need to reliably mass produce the virus with sufficient shelf life, says Robert Lartey, who worked on the discovery with TheCan Ceasar-Ton at the Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory. The researchers are working on seed coatings and sprays. Fungal diseases such as Cercospora can cut 30 percent of the value of a beet crop. It’s possible that the good fungi might someday fight diseases in barley, a rotational crop with sugar beets in Montana.

Mechanical failure caused ethanol plant fire

n FERGUS FALLS, Minn. — Investigators determined that a

mechanical failure caused a fire and explosion March 10 at a corn-ethanol plant in Fergus Falls, Minn. A hydraulic pump that controls the damper in the dryer building of the Green Plains Renewable Energy plant failed, according to Fergus Falls Fire Chief Mark Hovland. The failure caused higherthan-normal temperatures in an attached chamber where hazardous emissions are destroyed. A fire started in the chamber, and smoke from the fire was drawn into the dryer building, causing a smoke explosion. The explosion tore apart the building, Hovland says. No one was injured in the fire or subsequent explosion. Green Plains officials are still assessing the damage, which plant manager Anthony Hicks says is “significant,” but no dollar amount was given.

Briefly . . .

n Commissioner candidate: A North Dakota cattle rancher

and former state senator who made an unsuccessful bid for governor in 2012 announced March 13 that he will be running for state agriculture commissioner. Ryan Taylor is seeking the Democratic-NPL Party endorsement. The post is currently held by Doug Goehring, a Republican, who faces a challenge for the GOP endorsement. Taylor writes a column for Agweek. n Farm bill: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says he is pleased with the U.S. Department of Agriculture staff’s efforts to implement the farm bill in the first 30 days since President Barack Obama signed it, but his view of the process will depend on whether farmers and ranchers can sign up for disaster assistance programs on April 15, as he and Obama have promised. Because livestock producers who experienced losses last year when livestock disaster assistance had expired, Vilsack has ordered that those applications be ready on April 15. n Johnson re-elected: The National Farmers Union on March 10 re-elected Roger Johnson, a former North Dakota agriculture commissioner, as its president and elected Kansas Farmers Union President Donn Teske as vice-president.

— Agweek Staff and Wire Reports

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PAGE 8 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK


On the front lines

RRV marketer was in Ukraine during protests


By Mikkel Pates

Agweek Staff Writer

FARGO, N.D. — A Red River Valley grain bin equipment marketing executive was in Kiev, Ukraine, during the deadly riots in mid-February. Martin Tubby says he’ll be going back as early as April to support his friends and clients, despite political unrest. Tubby, 45, of rural Climax, Minn., is an English native and director of International sales for AgriDry LLC of Edon, Ohio, which markets stored crop protection equipment and products. Tubby says he’s been in Tubby Ukraine 12 times since February 2012. Typically, he meets with clients in Odessa or Kiev, the oldest capital city in Central and Eastern Europe. Protests started in late November 2013, when Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych announced the government would abandon an agreement to strengthen European Union ties. Three protesters had died by the time Tubby visited in early February. Tubby stayed where he usually does, in a hotel near Kiev’s Boryspil International Airport on the eastern outskirts of town.

Scary yet peaceful Sergey Palyeugnuk, one of Tubby’s longtime friends and clients, asked if he wanted to go downtown to “see the revolution.” “That’s what he called it,” Tubby says. “I said, ‘Only if you’re comfortable going there.’” So Tubby and Palyeugnuk were in the square at about 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 12. The two walked through around the entrance of the famous Dnipro Hotel near Maidan Square. Tubby was greeted by the specter of destruction — burned-out minibuses, tractor tires, bricks, sticks and stones, garbage cans and oil drums. The protesters lived in tents, set up on a six-lane street, sometimes across the street from high-end retail stores. Riot police were camped out beyond where the burning was done. Tubby was told many of the protesters were from rural areas, not Kiev. “It was like being in a haunted house, where things are dark. Pitch black,” he says. “I didn’t want to attract too much attention. It was the scariest, saddest,

Submitted by Martin Tubby

G Martin Tubby of Climax, Minn., stands in front of protester tents in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, on Feb. 12, the week before the deadly Feb. 18 protests that killed 26 and wounded hundreds. Tubby markets grain storage products and has been to Ukraine a dozen times in the past two years. yet most peaceful place I’ve been to, if that makes any sense,” Tubby says. “It was sad like a funeral and scary like a roller coaster.” Tubby flew out of Ukraine Feb. 18 — the day 26 people died and hundreds were injured.

Selling, inquiring

Tubby sells grain spreaders, mechanical devices placed in the tops of steel bins, or silos as the Europeans call them. The rotating spider-like devices use gravity and centrifugal force to spread grain so broken kernels, grain dust and other trash don’t concentrate in the middle of a bin. “The technology we have is not complicated, but it’s new to them,” he says. “Regardless of how old Ukraine is, they have only had grain bins the past 10 to 15 years. Small to medium farmers to whom we market in the U.S. are as yet unaware of the advantages of grain bin storage, or have a lack of funds to purchase them, or don’t know how to fully use them. There’s some mistrust, or anticipation that we’re trying to sell them something that they don’t need, when in fact they need it.” Some Ukrainians are concerned about regulations the European style of governance under Russian control

might imply. Farmers there often burn straw in the fields, a practice that most European governments have banned.

Unusual RRV figure Tubby grew up about 100 miles northeast of London near Norwich, England. He worked on Drayton Farms where his father and two grandfathers drove tractors before him. The farm is connected to a construction company and produced sugar beets, wheat, potatoes, barley and milk. In 1986, Tubby came to the University of Minnesota-Crookston as an exchange student. He returned to England and later replaced his retiring father as a tractor driver and became assistant farm manager of Drayton Farms. In 2001, he returned to Crookston to finish his two- and four-year degrees. Out of school, Tubby worked for two years on a crop farm for Tom Grabanski of Grafton, N.D., a farmer whose operations ended in a tangle of lawsuits and bankruptcies from North Dakota to Texas. When Grabanski built a grain elevator facility in Grafton, Tubby was hired away as a sales representative by Northern Grain Equipment of West Fargo, N.D., a steel bin dealer. In the

past, Tubby met Ukrainians, mostly through contacts from Amity Technology in Fargo. “In early 2008, everybody was going gangbusters, selling the ‘gold rush,’” Tubby recalls, of the Russia/Ukraine market. Tubby traveled to Ukraine for the first time and hosted Sergey and his brothers at the Big Iron trade show in West Fargo. In May 2009, Tubby left NGE before that company’s collapse. He took a regional sales post for Sioux Steel of Sioux Falls, S.D., and then went to work for himself as Atlas Grain Systems, before adding the AgriDry LLC product lines. Despite the troubles, Tubby says he enjoys the new contacts he’s been able to make there. He expects to stick with his customers, whatever complications arise. “These guys want me back in June for another outdoor farm show,” Tubby says. “My own personal opinion is I don’t want to run from this situation because these guys will do anything for me. If I turn my back and don’t do any business there, I’m going to lose friends, lose respect. It’s up to me to find ways for these guys to continue to do business with me. “How I do that I don’t know.”

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 9


DIVERSION Continued from Page 1

It is billed as the best, most cost-effective way of protecting the existing Fargo-Moorhead and Cass County property from flooding, but he and other critics say they’re suffering the effects of a city simply wanting to develop land in a natural flood plain. Rodger D. Olson disagrees. He’s a Leonard, N.D., farmer, Red River Diversion Authority member and co-chair with Askegaard on an agricultural subcommittee for the project. He says the groups are working toward crop inOlson surance solutions and the priorities for the project are effectiveness and safety. While his own farm isn’t affected by flooding or diversion impacts, some of his family’s land is — his children went to school in Kindred, N.D., which would feel the effects. “I look at it as flood protection of almost 200,000 people,” Olson says. “What is that value? I look at it as protection for a hospital I might need, 40 miles away. I don’t get a direct benefit here at my home. I have an indirect benefit from what’s protected there.”

The Fargo-Moorhead Diversion Authority identifies farmland south of

Fargo as being within the “red box” — an area that would get more than 1 foot of extra water in a 100-year flood with the diversion in place. The red line on the map indicates the area where federal rules would require mitigation compensation for landowners. 0 to 1 feet

1 to 3 feet

Greater than 3 feet


Wild Rice River Clay County

Details of the plan

Askegaard’s great-grandfather came from Norway in 1890 and settled around Hickson, N.D. After a big flood in 1897, the family moved across the river near Comstock, Minn. Askegaard has managed the farm since 1982 and started transitioning to organic in 1994. His daughter, Beth, also is in the operation. The Askegaards are among a handful of farmers in a seven-mile radius who raise some 5,500 acres of certified organic grains. Since the record flood of 40.8 feet in Fargo in 2009, Askegaard says the project has developed in ways he never could have imagined. “We’re sitting above the 500-year flood plain on the Minnesota side here. We never got flooded after that,” Askegaard says. If the diversion goes through as planned, his 900 acres would be within the “red box,” a term for areas that will see more than 1 foot of floodwater. The “original diversion” was discussed as coming onto the Minnesota side, and would have been farther north at the Red River and Wild Rice River confluence. Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., and others protested that because Minnesota’s topography was 5.5 feet higher, and Minnesota communities weren’t suffering as much as Fargo and Cass County. That was scuttled in the spring of 2010. The Red River Diversion Authority contracted with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which settled on new plans

Wolverton Creek

Cass County Red River

Richland County

Wilkin County

Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

for diversions on the North Dakota side, moving the impacts upstream, or to the south (the Red River flows north). The plan called for the project to retain water in a specified area, where the impact would be more predictable. There would be a control structure, a 13-foottall dam on the river, and tie-back levies. When the diversion is used, it could impact 50,000 acres upstream (south) from Fargo with between 1 inch and 8.5 feet of water. Askegaard’s place, 10 miles south of Moorhead, theoretically would have 3 feet of water, a ring dike and some land would be lost to the diversion dike. He says there are no assurances on how

multi-peril crop insurance will be handled in shallower areas flooded by the diversion. Standard crop insurance can’t be used when the damage is manmade. In addition, the Askegaards’ crops wouldn’t be certified organic after being submerged in floodwater.

Compensation plans

In 2013, the Diversion Authority unveiled plans to compensate businesses and communities for impacts from the project. The plan would involve buyouts and “flowage easement” compensations on the 32,000 acres of farmland that would be hit with more than 1 foot of water.

Olson has been a key figure in the discussion because of his position on several boards. To name just a few: Cass County Joint Water Resource District board and the Red River Diversion Authority, as well as its subcommittees on outreach, land management and agriculture. While Olson says he’s aware of the unhappiness of farmers affected by the project, he says the multi-peril crop insurance coverage concern is “one of the important things” on his mind. The Diversion Authority has contracted with Watts & Associates of Billings, Mont., to find crop insurance solutions. About 20,000 acres would see 1 foot of water or less, outside the red DIVERSION: See Page 10

PAGE 10 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK

DIVERSION Continued from Page 9

box area of the most concern. The possibilities for a solution aren’t solid enough for the MnDak Upstream Coalition, which was formed in May 2010. Scott Hendrickson, a farmer from Colfax, N.D., and former chairman of the North Dakota Soybean Growers, is the chairman.

3-foot ‘enhancement’

Hendrickson says the group wants to protect Fargo and Cass County’s infrastructure, but only at a “reasonable” cost, and without inflicting harm elsewhere. He says farmers need answers and think the project is draconian. Project opponents point to


the Halstad Upstream Retention Study, released in late January 2014 by the Red River Basin Commission and funded by the Diversion Authority. It showed that a “distributed storage” project, involving up to 96 retention areas on upstream tributaries, could cut flood volumes on the Red River mainstem by more than 20 percent. Askegaard says that cut would reduce Fargo-Moorhead’s river levels by up to 3 feet in a 100-year event, if other internal levee protections were in place. The peak Red River crest was 40.8 feet in Fargo in the record flood of 2009, so the distributed storage option — coupled with internal protections — could cut it below 38 feet, Askegaard reasons. That’s significant because Fargo will be protected up to

42.5 feet and Moorhead will be at 44 feet with another $6 million of investment. The Diversion Authority, on its web page, labels this criticism as misinformation. Engineering models indicate it would take 400,000 to 600,000 acre feet of retention to replace the 215,000 acre feet in the recommendation. Olson says the retention areas have value to farmers just below them, but less value than diversion opponents think. He notes that if the impoundments were built, most of them would have to be in Richland and Wilkin counties, where opposition is the greatest.

Juggernaut rolls on

While opponents question the rationale and effects, the diversion project continues to

grind forward with support from the North Dakota congressional delegation and the state legislature. Another $6.3 million in federal appropriation was announced for Corps Engineers funding, bringing the total to $40 million. Minnesota’s delegation has favored flood protection for the metropolitan area, but less directly. Minnesota’s Rep. Peterson has made it no secret that he likes upland storage. “Frankly, we’re over-building and spending a bunch of money that we don’t need to spend,” he told a meeting of diversion opponents on Jan. 23, in Comstock. He says impoundment projects are gaining favor, citing the successful North Ottawa Project, 25 miles south of Breckenridge, Minn. In August 2013, the MnDak Upstream Coalition and the

Searching for solutions

FARGO, N.D. — Farm-related opponents to the Diversion Authority plan say they’re uncomfortable with uncertainties about how crop insurance will be handled on some 50,000 acres that could incur collateral damage in a Fargo-Moorhead flood fight. The Diversion Authority says there is only a 10 percent chance of the diversion being used in any given year, with an average of 5.5 days of inundation when it is used. It says the 100year inundation with the project in place is 50,760 acres, of which 32,602 would already flood under existing conditions, without a project in place. Rodger D. Olson, a member of the Diversion Authority and co-chairman of its subcommittee on agriculture, speaks confidently. “There is a very strong commitment to figure this out,” he says, but there are no guarantees yet on crop insurance. The authority has contracted Watts & Associates of Billings, Mont., to study crop insurance alternatives. Among the alternatives so far are supplemental riders to crop insurance policies, or self-insure. “The risk policy will cover preventplant scenarios where project operation would prohibit planting,” the Diversion Authority declares on its website, emphasizing it will be “equivalent crop insurance coverage as growers have today.” Any federal program would have to be approved by the Risk Management Agency. Among the possibilities: the authority could find a private insurer to insure farmers; it could self-insure; or it could use flowage easements only. One hypothetical option is that the Diversion Authority could purchase all the land in the staging area and put an easement on it and resell it.

“Socially, that option wouldn’t fly — to take land away and put it back on the market,” Olson says. He says the solution must be more than flowage easements. “That’s not good enough for us,” he says, adding that the “whole Diversion Authority supports this crop insurance thing,” and are aware that it only covers landowners and “does nothing for the operator that rents that land. That’s what we’re working at protecting.” Scott Hendrickson, chairman of the MnDak Upstream Coalition and a farmer near Walcott, N.D., says if farmland can’t get adequate crop insurance, landowners will be forced to take less for cash rent or some kind of flexible rent deal. He says the self-insurance would have been used in 2009, 2010 and 2013. Farmers are worried because the project is moving forward even though there are no guarantees about prevent-plant policies. Proven yields could go down, which translates to the value of the land. Larger, outside operators might be able to come in and outbid the local owners. The value of land is going to decrease, Hendrickson says, unless the Diversion Authority comes up with proper compensation. Flowage easement values have been discussed at $800 per acre, for a one-time payment, but that would depend on farmland values at the time the easement is acquired, Olson says.

Double penalty

Mark Askegaard, a Moorhead organic farmer, is a member of the MnDak Upstream Coalition and also is a co-chair of the Diversion Authority’s

advisory agricultural subcommittee. He says organic growers are doublypenalized. It takes three years of farming without synthetic fertilizers and crop pesticides to be certified as organic. Organic crops typically bring in twice or three times what conventional crops do. “If you’re in a water staging area, you’re exposed to genetically modified (GM) seed and GM plant residue. It’s floating around in a 50,000-acre pool, so it’s going to come onto your land. I’d either have to farm conventionally or move,” Askegaard says. He says if he lost certification because of the use of a diversion, it wouldn’t be worth it to go through the transition again. Crops grown organically can be rejected for premiums if they include any GM seed or chemical residue. Olson acknowledges that buyouts might be the only reasonable solution for organic producers. Among the other impacts for farmers: n Transportation — Each county road or major highway would have a bridge over the diversion, maybe two to four miles long. Farms’ fields will be cut up into pieces, with parts on either side. n Infrastructure — Township roads could be covered by water from time to time, as they can be in any flood. “If it’s handled like watershed districts projects, then yes, it would provide maintenance on those gravel roads, including gravel and riprap,” Olson says. The maintenance plan isn’t set in stone. “If we cause damage, we need to fix it,” he says. He notes that backup of water in a retention area will be slower than in nature. n Development, tax bases — Some school districts would see their land

Richland-Wilkin Joint Powers Authority filed a lawsuit in Wilkin County, suing the Corps of Engineers and contending the diversion plan violates Minnesota state law that prohibits blocking an outlet or a ditch. Some $250,000 has been raised for legal costs. A hearing will be held April 3 and 4 in Duluth before a state magistrate.

No cooling rhetoric Tim Fox, state’s attorney for Wilkin County and the city of Breckenridge, Minn., who advises the Richland-Wilkin Joint Powers Authority, says Fargo is “morally corrupt” because it allows houses to be built in a natural flood plain, dispersing water to much larger areas DIVERSION: See Page 12

base devalued and expansion opportunities limited. The communities of Oxbow, Bakke and Hickson in North Dakota are set to be surrounded by ring dikes, financed by state money. Olson says the Diversion Authority’s ag committee is pressing for deeper ring dikes for farm operators wanting to stay on the land. Bins and shops could be protected by ring dikes, he says, but access during a flood could be a “limiting factor” in allowing ring dikes. n Sediment, erosion — Farmers in the retention pool will deal with clean-up after a flood — the movement of stumps, branches and other residue, plugging legal drains and field drains. Talk of the project hiring contractors to remove debris has swirled, but opponents are wary. Farmers in watershed drainage projects worry about being assessed costs for cleanouts of legal drains. n Buildings — The project is promising buyouts or ring dikes for farms inside the red box, where water levels are expected to exceed 1 foot. Buyouts are automatic for more than 3 feet. Fox says many existing structures not in ring dikes would have to be removed. No new buildings would be allowed where there is a flowage easement. n Agribusiness — Curt Bjertness, manager of the C-W Valley Co-op, based in Wolverton, Minn., says the diversion would influence farmers not to fall-fertilize and would concentrate input application to the spring. It could cut yields, affecting his company’s grain handling and other income. “You throw in relocating farm headquarters, ring-diking,” he says. “There are so many aspects and whatever happens to my producers happens to my business.”

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 11

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PAGE 12 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK


DIVERSION Continued from Page 10

that don’t flood naturally. He likens it to one farmer wanting to build grain bins draining water onto another farm, just because the neighbor had fewer grain bins. “It’s okay for me to do it, because he’s going to have two grain bins and I’m going to have 50,” Fox says. “I should be able to flood him because I want to be bigger.” The diversion’s flowage easements allow the land to be flooded at any time and for any amount of time, Fox says. He contends the project will block numerous ditches, which will spread water for miles. “It’s the blockage of those outlets that’s going to have dramatic impact on many, many acres far beyond what the scope of this project is,” Fox says, adding that it will have a negative impact on grain elevators, fertilizer plants, implement dealers and the economies as a whole. Perry Miller, a businessman, a former farmer and Richland County commissioner for the past 11 years, is chairman of the

G Perry Miller, a Richland County commissioner from Wahpeton, N.D., says the Fargo diversion project makes more than 30,000 acres of prime Red River Valley cropland ineligible for crop insurance compensation anytime the diversion is used, undermining value. Richland-Wilkin Joint Powers Authority. The JPA includes about 40 taxing entities (townships, fire departments and the like) working to fight off negative effects of the diversion project. Miller contends an easement for water flowage is a much big-

ger deal than a standard, 100foot-wide easement for a gas line. “Because of these flowage easements, you’re done building on entire sections of land, permanently,” he says. “These entire sections of land become a building ‘dead zone.’”

The Diversion Authority says the water staging area will not be a dead zone. Farming will continue in it, and it will “only operate under flood events larger than a 10-year event.” Miller says his constituents tell him to keep fighting to change the project. The farmers live with crop insurance uncertainty, and the Kindred School District has sacrificed its future growth on tens of thousands of acres so Fargo can develop in a flood plain, Miller says. Fargo School district built the $45 million Davies High School in the middle of a flood plain with no vote. Construction started in the fall of 2009 and its dedication was held Aug. 21, 2011. “It’s like, ‘We’re going to win, and you’re going to lose. Here’s a check, you can sit down and be quiet.’ That’s the attitude,” Miller says. “This thing is a wolf of a development plan, disguised in the sheep’s clothing of flood control.”

A ‘reasonable’ cost

The City of Fargo says it’s followed all federal floodplain management and flood insurance program rules and has “actually adopted rules for development that exceed what is required under federal and

state law.” On its website, the Diversion Authority acknowledges only that a “small amount of future development was included in the economic analysis, consistent with Corps policy, based on current growth rates; all future development was assumed to be constructed” above the 100year floodplain, and “represents a small portion of the economic benefits.” Fargo Mayor Dennis Walaker, a member of the Diversion Authority, says a “small, vocal minority in Wilkin and Richland counties are basically trying to stop the project.” He says the soils in Fargo won’t allow protection to the 44-foot level that is needed. He says the city has purchased 500 to 600 homes and has another 100 to go. If the dam were moved farther north, it would take another 250 homes. He says Fargo needs something akin to Winnipeg, Manitoba, which has 700-year protection. As for the crop insurance concerns, Walaker relies on Olson and the ag committee to come up with solution recommendations. “We’ll do whatever we have to,” he says.

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 13

Regional news

CHS drops objection in Anderson Seed case n

Other insolvencyrelated cases move forward

By Mikkel Pates

nipeg, Manitoba, purchased all of the assets of St. Hilaire Seed and some of the assets of Anderson Seed. Christmann says if St. Hilaire prevails in its federal court claims, it would file those against a trust account, which could include a $380,000 bond, if needed. It isn’t clear what

other assets the claims might come from. n The PSC on March 17 will ask Morton County District Judge Donald L. Jorgenson in Mandan to approve a payment plan involving the 2011 insolvency of Mitchell Feed of Hendrum, Minn. There are $1 million in valid claims for payment but only a

$70,000 bond, Christmann says. “That’s a sad case because it means just a 7 percent payout,” Christmann says. In the two years before the insolvency, Mitchell Feed purchased sunflowers from claimants in the communities of Towner, Sherwood, Mylo, Crosby and Glenburn, among others.

Agweek Staff Writer

FARGO, N.D. — CHS Inc., on March 7 withdrew a challenge of the North Dakota Public Service Commission’s assessment of its claim against cash grain deliveries to the insolvent Anderson Seed Inc. Midwest Cooperative, a CHS Inc.-related elevator in Pierre, S.D., is one of the claimants against Anderson Seed. Anderson Seed was based in Mentor, Minn., but had grain receiving stations in Durbin and Selz, in North Dakota. CHS claimed it had delivered $740,140.52 in grain to the North Dakota locations, but the PSC had approved only $45,512 of that claim. CHS attorney Jon Brakke in Fargo says the company had reviewed additional records and determined it couldn’t “tie the additional quantities to North Dakota,” so dropped its objection. Cass County District Judge Wickham Corwin on Feb. 25 ruled on a cash settlement of $965,000 that would cover 43 percent of the $2.23 million in cash claims. Separate credit-sale contract holders will receive 80 percent of valid claims, or a net of about $640,000, from a state indemnity fund. Randy Christmann, the North Dakota Public Service Commissioner with the grain license portfolio, says if there are no appeals, the PSC can start paying farmers by mid-June. Separately, CHS continues a $1.5 million lawsuit against Anderson Seed owners Ron Anderson and his daughter, Stephanie Anderson. That case recently was delayed from an April 2014 court date in Polk County District Court in Crookston, Minn., to January 2015. Brakke says withdrawing the objection in North Dakota has no bearing on the Minnesota case. In other grain company insolvency-related matters: n On March 14, the PSC got approval from Burleigh County District Judge Gail Hagerty to initiate credit-sale contract payments from a state indemnity fund to farmers who’d delivered grain to Falkirk (N.D.) Farmers Elevator Co. There are $279,000 in valid credit-sale claims, so reimbursements of 80 percent, or $223,200, can be paid, roughly on the same schedule as the Anderson Seed case. Separately, St. Hilaire (Minn.) Seed Co. has a federal lawsuit pending against Falkirk Farmers Elevator for $1.7 million, relating to dry edible beans. St. Hilaire claims it purchased warehouse receipts for edible beans from Falkirk, but didn’t receive the beans. At the time of the Falkirk insolvency, St. Hilaire Seed was owned by the same Anderson family that separately owned Anderson Seed. Legumex Walker of Win-

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PAGE 14 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK

from the hill

USDA wants ethanol nationwide

Agency will help dispurse highergrade product


By Jerry Hagstrom

Special to Agweek

SANTA FE, N.M. — Higher grade levels of ethanol need to be available outside the Midwest and the U.S. Department of Agriculture will help make that possible, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said.

“The key” is get more E15, E20, E30 and E85 available nationwide, Vilsack told the National Farmers Union in a question-and-answer session after a speech in Santa Fe, N.M. He noted that most of the gas stations with pumps that consumers can use to buy the higher grades are in Midwest-

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ern states. “It can’t be centrally located in the Midwest,” he said. “It has to be all over.” If higher grades of ethanol are available more broadly, consumers will come to support it, Vilsack said. The petroleum industry succeeded in convincing Congress to forbid USDA from using the Rural Energy for America Program to install blender pumps, Vilsack said, but he pledged to use other USDA rural development programs such as the business and industry loan program to install them. To make the application process easier, he said, he will allow projects to aggregate blender pumps at a number of locations. Vilsack also noted that USDA will promote ethanol exports. The secretary repeated previous statements that he does not know what decision the Environmental Protection Agency will make on its proposal to reduce the volumetric requirements for biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard. Vilsack noted that when Congress created the Renewable Fuel Standard, there was an assumption that U.S. gasoline usage would continue to rise. But when EPA was making its proposal for this year’s volumetric requirements, it was “looking at” the fact that Americans were not using as much gasoline because the economy was not as strong and vehicles have become more efficient. “We have a new reality,” Vilsack said, but he also noted that “things have tipped up a bit in terms of gasoline use.” He said he has made sure EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy is aware of the increase in gasoline use and EPA is also taking the thousands of comments it has received under advisement. “But at the end of the day regardless of what happens with that standard, we’ve got to be more aggressive in this industry in terms of expanding more to get those higher blends,” he said. Vilsack also said ethanol leaders need to reassure people that higher levels of ethanol in their fuel won’t endanger their vehicles or blow up their motors and “get the rest of the world more excited about renewable fuels” and “push back harder on food versus fuel.” The secretary was unrelenting in his criticism of the oil industry for its lobbying to encourage Congress to cut back or repeal the RFS. “We have looked for ways to partner with someone as powerful as Big Oil. I have chosen the Defense Department,” which he noted has battle ships that constantly need energy. USDA, he noted, is working with the Navy on its plans to buy blended fuel while researchers try to develop aviation fuel. “We can’t let this industry wither under the attack of Big Oil,” Vilsack said. “We need to move forward regardless of what EPA does.”

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 15


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PAGE 16 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK

Keeping soil healthy

Grand Forks, ND, conference promotes soil health n


By Jonathan Knutson Agweek Staff Writer

GRAND FORKS, N.D. — Speakers at a Grand Forks, N.D., conference have some suggestions on how farmers and ranchers can keep their precious soil healthy and productive.

The second annual Grand Forks Soil Health Workshop on March 11 drew about 100 agriculturalists, most from northeast North Dakota and northwest Minnesota. A group of local, county, state and federal organizations sponsored the event. “We want to help operators and landlords learn more about what’s going on in




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their soil,” said Paul Bjorg, with the Grand Forks office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and one of the conference sponsors. Speakers looked at issues ranging from saline vs. sodic soil to the role of holistic management practices. Saline soil is a major concern in the Red River Valley of eastern North Dakota and western Minnesota. Roughly $150 million in annual revenue is lost because of saline soil, according to information presented at the conference. Too often, however, farmers and others in agriculture mistakenly lump saline soils (ones with excess soluble salts) with sodic soils (ones with excess sodium), said Tom DeSutter, an associate professor of soil science at North Dakota State University and a speaker at the Grand Forks conference. Sometimes, one or both are referred to “alkali,” when in fact “saline-affected soil” or “sodium-affected soil” is more descriptive. Diagnosing the problem properly — is there too much salt, too much sodium, or both, in the soil? — is essential to dealing with it, DeSutter said. Sodium-affected soil is a major concern in parts of the Upper Midwest, but not the Red River Valley, DeSutter said. Both saline soil and sodic soil can hurt plant growth. Salts decrease water uptake and can be toxic to plants. Sodic soils usually have a dense, root-restricting layer that hurts fertility. Salinity can be tackled in several ways, including drainage and planting crops, such as barley, that tolerate salt relatively well. Nonetheless, “There’s no magic potion” in managing saline soil, DeSutter said. The “soil food web” is vital in soil health, said Hal Weiser, a Jamestown, N.D-based soil health specialist with the NRCS and a speaker at the Grand Forks conference. The term refers to all living organisms in the soil, everything from the tiniest onecelled bacteria to earthworms, insects and plants. The organisms eat, grow and move through the soil, helping to keep it healthy. Weiser and other speakers stressed the importance of keeping a diverse mix of plants on the soil, enhancing the soil food web and soil health. That diversity should include cover crops, or crops grown primarily to improve soil health, not for harvest and sale. “Cover crops are a good starting point” for farmers and others interested in improving soil health, Bjorg said. Using cover crops often is more attractive to producers with both livestock and crops than it is to farmers who raise only crops, said Jerry Doan, owner-operator of Black Leg Ranch near McKenzie, N.D., and a speaker at the Grand Forks conference. His ranch includes both cow-calf and farming. Cover crops can provide forage for livestock, enhancing their value, Doan said. “It’s easier to move your (production) system when you have livestock,” he said. But cover crops also can help cut expenses and increase yields of crops grown for harvest and sale, he said. Agweek’sMarch24coverstorywilltakea closerlookatsoilhealthandthegrowingattentionit’sdrawingacrosstheUpperMidwest.

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 17



Ag industry reports no relief in sight

By Mikkel Pates

Agweek Staff Writer

FARGO, N.D. — Agricultural shippers in the region are still reporting delays, as railroads have continued to feel the effects of cold weather. In a March 14 weekly podcast update, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway vice president John Miller reported a slightly worsening late cars report from the March 6 podcast, and no updated information on shuttle trains, except that velocity of ag train miles per day had increased 14 percent. “Ag trains holding from last Friday to this morning are down 32 percent,” Miller said in his March 14 report. But he says the company has “a long way to go toward achieving stronger, more consistent velocity metrics.” Specifically, he noted: n North Dakota showed 7,305 late cars, up 9 percent from the March 6 report. The average for late days was 22.4, up from 20.8 and 18.6 days the previous two weeks, respectively. n South Dakota reported 1,284 late cars, down 8 percent from March 6. Average days increased to 21.8, compared with 19 days and 18.6 days in the previous two weeks. n Montana had 3,176 late cars, up 9 percent from March 6. Average days late was 23.2, up from 20.5 days and 18.8 in the two previous weeks. n Minnesota reported 1,309 late cars, down 5 percent from the previous week. The cars averaged 23 days late, compared with 20.5 days and 18.8 days in the previous two weeks. The March 14 report (recently changed from Thursday to Friday weekly release dates) did not indicate a new figure for shuttle service. Similarly, Rep. Kevin Cramer, RN.D., released a March 12 report from BNSF that showed 200 sugar cars had been spotted in North Dakota during the week ending March 8, a decline of about 70 cars from the previous week. The dwell time in the north region increased by 2 percent from the previous week, and train speed declined 1.9 percent. In his March 6 report, Miller said the

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No grain shipment improvement Delane Thom, regional manager for Southwest Grain, a division of CHS Inc. in Taylor, N.D., says he’s seen no improvement on grain shipments. The normal expectation is that a shuttle train will be able to make three trips a month to the Pacific Northwest, Thom says. When advised of the two turns to those ports Thom says, “We haven’t experienced anything quite that good.” Thom says he’s seen reports from the congressional delegation, indicating improvement by June. “Things have to happen fast to make that happen,” he says. He says road trucking restrictions were implemented March 12 in his part of the state. “That affects us on the grain we transfer from substation locations into our main terminals,” he says. The restrictions require farmers to quit shipping or ship partial loads, making the transportation uneconomical. “As we sit on Friday, March 14, all of our terminals are sitting full, and have been that way for several days,” Thom says. “The terminal in New Salem — we haven’t dumped a truck all this week.” Thom says he’s encouraged by the railroad’s recent discussions of investments in the rail system, but he says he doesn’t see how increasing maintenance and capital expenditures — however needed — can help the velocity matter. “I don’t see any changes in the operating plan that will help the ag sector at this point,” Thom says. “While oil and coal do not have expiration dates, grain which can’t be delivered can rot in a bin over time,” Cramer says. “With every passing day, these stranded assets lose value and our producers risk losing market share in key export countries and domestic markets, as well. I appreciate the efforts BNSF says it is making, but I am not hearing of any relief from North Dakota farmers who are depending on immediate improvements.”

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company’s 110-car shuttle trains were reporting an average of 2.2 cycles per month nationwide. Turns to the Pacific Northwest destinations were reported at two per month per shuttle.

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BNSF: Rail delays still high in north

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PAGE 18 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK


ND winter wheat survival good

Plants are looking better than expected despite brutal weather


By Mikkel Pates


Agweek Staff Writer

Farm & Commercial Bins

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FARGO, N.D. — At least one factor can be considered an early indication that North Dakota’s winter wheat crop might be surviving better than some people expected, considering the harsh winter, according to Blake Vander Vorst, senior agronomist with Ducks Unlimited. DU has been advocating for the past 15 years for farmers to increase the use of winter-planted crops to help foster waterfowl nesting habitat. Vander Vorst says a group of samples he’s collected have survived almost 100 percent so far in a wide area in western North Dakota. Vander Vorst pulled four winter wheat samples in a drive from Velva to Butte and to Wilton. On Feb. 12, he conducted a test in which the plants are placed in a bag that is filled with carbon dioxide. The plants are trimmed to encourage growth, which can be seen within a few hours. “Our Wilton research site is in canola stubble and had good snow cover and (showed) 100 percent survival,” he says, adding they had green leaves emerging the next day. The other three fields Vander Vorst checked were prevent-plant fields with the samples taken from “dry knobs or wind-swept slopes that all had desiccated top growth and likely open to the winter elements,” he says. He collected 10 to 20 plants at each location. After the overnight bag test, those three samples had 40 percent, 80 percent and 90 percent growth and survival percentages. “That’s way better than I would have expected,” Vander Vorst says.

Weather will be crucial

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None of the prevent-plant field samples had green leaves, so the vigor isn’t as good as at the Wilton site, which was seeded into standing residue cover from the previous crop, Vander Vorst says. He wasn’t immediately aware of the varieties at each location. “The weather over the next three to four weeks may determine the fate, once again, of the prevent-plant winter

wheat with little surface cover this winter,” Vander Vorst says. Vander Vorst says a record-high of 750,000 acres of winter wheat were planted in the fall of 2013, in part because it was a good fit for acres that had been too wet and had preventplant insurance payments in 2013. He says farmers were reluctant to seed as many winter crops in the fall of 2012 because of dry conditions. Only 220,000 acres were planted to winter wheat in 2012, and 205,000 acres were harvested in 2013. The 2013 yield was estimated at 43 bushels per acre, down from the 55 bushels per acre in 2012, with a record-high of 700,000 acres harvested last summer. Some farmers planted winter wheat in the fall of 2013 in part because of a requirement to plant acres at least one year out of four to continue to be eligible for prevent-plant insurance protection, Vander Vorst says.

The key to survival

Brian Fowler, a geneticist at the University of Saskatchewan, says the key indication of survival is if plants with green leaves can regenerate new roots from the crown. “I have seen badly damaged patches in fields ‘green up’ in the spring and then die off in a couple of weeks because the plants were unable to generate new root growth in the spring,” Fowler says. “The leaves grow until the reserves in the crown are depleted and then they essentially starve to death and die off. The roots are the most tender part of the plant and are usually the first part to suffer winter damage.” The leaf green-up followed by plant death is often attributed to late spring frost damage, but Fowler says the crown damage has always occurred in mid- to late-winter and the plants are unable to regenerate new roots in the spring. Waiting a week to 10 days will determine if Vander Vorst’s plant samples can produce new white roots, Fowler says. Bob Fanning, South Dakota State University Extension Service agronomist in Winner, S.D., says bag tests that he and others ran in early February indicated little winter kill. He says winter wheat went into the fall with good moisture, which cuts the soil temperature fluctuations and hydrates plants for good survival. Soil temperatures did not get down to the 5 degrees Fahrenheit that winter wheat typically survives. He says there might also be some spots of winter injury where there was wind erosion.

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 19


Maximize your investment

SDSU Extension Service

BROOKINGS, S.D. — Genetic management can be used to capture added value through the supply chain, according to Lisa Elliott, assistant professor and South Dakota State University Extension commodity marketing specialist. “Management tools and protocols should be coupled with complementary organizational arrangements and market dif-


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ferentiation mechanisms in order to maximize value captured from the investment,” Elliott says. Elliott identified three key components to managing beef genetics: genetic management, organization design and market differentiation mechanisms. The main area discussed was genetic management, what it means and how producers can use it to increase their profitability. What does genetic management mean to producers? Elliott says genetic management is identifying and employing complementary organization arrangements and market


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differentiation that reduces transaction costs and, perhaps most importantly, increase premiums to producers. “Genetic management can be used to capture premiums in the market,” she says. “However, there are challenges to optimizing management of beef genetics when transaction costs exist throughout the beef supply chain.” She explains that price signals that should incentivize producers to manage genetics have been distorted from transaction costs due to market failures. “For example, a producer may bear most of the risk, or cost, in a genetic pro-



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gram. If it fails, the producer could potentially bear large costs, whereas the processor may share little of the cost of genetic improvement,” she says. Vertical integration, Elliott explains, could limit the transaction costs; however, it can also increase other costs in the beef supply chain because of differences between firms. Added value from genetic management can occur from two different sources: value-added premiums for higher quality beef products, and improved segregation of beef production that leads to increases in consistency of products and quality yields.



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Economic value of managing genetics



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PAGE 20 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK

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PAGE 22 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK


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40 years of agricultural experience in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota

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75% of the U.S. production


China GMO research funding slides n

Dipped 80 percent in past 4 years

By Niu Shuping and David Stanway Reuters

ment under a 12-year program launched in 2008. Ke did not say why the funding had fallen. “It depends a lot on leadership: if they have wavered, the funding could have been cut, although we need to verify the data,” says Huang Dafang, a researcher with Biotechnology Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

BEIJING — Chinese research funding into genetically modified organisms (GMO) has fallen by 80 percent in the Spotlight on safety past four years, according to a member The safety of GMO food was in the of a parliamentary advisory body, as spotlight at the annual session of the Beijing faces public unease over a techNational People’s Congress, China’s nology it has been promoting to boost largely rubber-stamp legislature. food security. Agriculture minister Han Changfu The government has urged its sciensays he eats GMO food, given that GMO tists to take a global lead in GMO, alsoy was already in the though it has been food chain. He says, “GMO is a reluctant to commerhowever, the commercialize GMO crops cialization of staple given public concerns scientific issue, but foods would proceed over health risks. with caution and in the it has become Safety approvals first stage only GMO cotfor pest-resistant Bt complicated.” ton and then feed grain rice, as well as phywould be planted. tase corn, designed as Ke Bingsheng Former television a more environmenPresident, China Agricultural University presenter and anti-GMO tally friendly feed for campaigner, Cui pigs, were completed Yongyuan, wrote in a as early as 2009. But proposal to the advisory the world’s largest body, the China People’s Political Conbuyer of imported GMO soy and cotton sultative Conference, that GMO had not has not approved commercial producimproved yields, was unsafe and also tion of GMO grains. threatened China’s food security by handing control over to multinational Delayed imports companies. He called on the government to ban seed firms from doing reIt has also delayed approval of new search and stop commercializing GMO strains of imported GMO corn such as grains. the MIR162 variant developed by SynCui, also a member of the advisory genta. body to parliament, says GMO grains China’s spending on GMO research had been illegally planted in at least has fallen to around 400 million yuan four Chinese provinces, and he says he ($65.38 million) in 2013, down from as has asked the agriculture ministry to much as 2 billion yuan in 2010, accordimprove supervision. ing to Ke Bingsheng, president of the China Agricultural University. Muddled debates Ke says agriculture technology, particularly GMO, was crucial for a rapidly Ke says public debate over the techurbanizing China to increase food pronology had become muddled. “GMO is a scientific issue, but it has duction from its shrinking farmlands become complicated. No countries have and water resources. the same misunderstandings (as China) “GMO technology is extremely important to increase yields and efficiency,” over the issue,” Ke says. Ke says. The agriculture minister says China Beijing agreed to an initial budget of currently only permitted the growing of 26 billion yuan to fund GMO developGMO cotton and papaya.

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 23

Supply and demand

Corn, soybean exports up


Wheat steady

$6.95 per bushel based on recent strength in prices.

Corn, barley and oats


There are no changes to the 2013 to ’14 U.S. all wheat supply and use projections this month. A 15 million bushel increase in projected hard red spring wheat exports is offset by a decrease for soft red winter wheat, with both changes reflecting the pace of sales and shipments. Projected ending stocks for both classes are adjusted accordingly. The projected season-average farm price for all wheat is up 10 cents on the bottom end of the range to $6.75 to

Projected U.S. feed grain ending stocks for 2013 to ’14 are reduced with higher corn exports and lower oats imports. Corn exports are projected 25 million bushels higher on stronger world imports and the rising pace of shipments in recent weeks. Continued strong export sales also support the higher figure. Projected corn ending stocks are down 25 million bushels. Oats imports are projected 10 million bushels lower as Canadian logistical problems reduce the availability of importable sup-

plies. Small reductions in U.S. oats domestic use and ending stocks are projected. The season-average farm price for corn is narrowed 5 cents on both ends of the projected range to $4.25 to $4.75 per bushel. Price ranges are similarly narrowed for sorghum and oats. The barley farm price is up 10 cents on the low end of the range to $5.95 to $6.25 per bushel based on recently higher reported prices for feed barley.


U.S. soybean supply and use projections for 2013 to ’14 include higher imports and exports, reduced crush and reduced ending stocks compared with

U.S. wheat supply/demand Million bushels 2011/12 2012/13

Item Beginning stocks ............. Production........................ Imports............................. Supply, total ..................... Food ................................. Seed ................................. Feed and Residual........... Domestic Total ................. Exports............................. Total use........................... Ending stocks, total ......... Avg. farm price $/bu ........

862 1,999 112 2,974 941 76 162 1,180 1,051 2,231 743 7.24

Source: USDA March Supply and Demand Report

743 2,266 123 3,131 945 73 388 1,406 1,007 2,414 718 7.77

718 2,130 170 3,018 960 74 250 1,284 1,175 2,459 558 6.65-6.95

Beginning stocks ............. Production........................ Imports............................. Supply, total ..................... Feed and Residual........... Food Seed and Industrial 169.9 Domestic Total ................. Exports............................. Total use........................... Ending stocks, total ......... CCC Inventory ................. Free Stocks......................

1,128 12,360 29 13,517 4,557 6,428 5,000 10,985 1,543 12,528 989 0 989 6.22

Source: USDA March Supply and Demand Report

989 10,780 162 11,932 4,335 6,044 4,648 10,379 731 11,111 821 0 821 6.89

2013/14 Estimates Dec. January 821 13,925 35 14,781 5,300 6,400 5,000 11,700 1,600 13,300 1,481 0 1,481 4.20-4.80

Beginning stocks ............. Production........................ Imports............................. Supply, total ..................... Crushings......................... Exports............................. Seed/feed use.................. Residual ........................... Total use........................... Ending stocks, total ......... Avg. farm price $/bu ........

Million bushels 2011/12 2012/13 215 3,094 16 3,325 1,703 1,365 90 -2 3,155 169 12.50

Source: USDA March Supply and Demand Report7

169 3,034 36 3,239 1,689 1,320 89 1 3,099 141 14.40

821 13,925 35 14,781 5,300 6,400 5,000 11,700 1,600 13,325 1,465 0 1,456 4.25-4.75

23.5 369.2 3.0 395.7 140.6 169.6 310.2 45.0 355.2 40.6 0 40.6

23.5 369.2 2.8 395.5 140.5 250 310.1 45.6 355.7 39.9 0 39.9

Million bushels 2011/12 2012/13

Item Beginning stocks ............. Production........................ Imports............................. Supply, total ..................... Feed use .......................... Food/Ind/seed ................. Total domestic.................. Exports............................. Use, total.......................... Ending stocks, total ......... Avg. farm price $/bu ........

89 156 16 261 38 155 193 9 201 60 5.35

60 220 23 304 59 155 214 9 223 80 6.43

2013/14 Estimates Dec. January 80 215 20 315 60 155 215 10 225 90 5.85-6.25

80 215 20 315 60 155 215 10 225 90 5.95-6.25

Source: USDA March Supply and Demand Report

U.S. oats supply/demand

2013/14 Estimates Dec. January 141 3,289 30 3,459 1,700 1,510 87 12 3,309 150 11.95-13.45

27.8 285.8 6.5 320.1 115.5 169.6 275.9 20.7 296.6 23.5 0 23.5

2013/14 Estimates Dec. January

U.S. barley supply/demand

U.S. soybean supply/demand Item

32.3 323.6 2.7 358.6 119.8 160.4 289.7 41.0 330.7 27.8 0 27.8

Source: USDA March Supply and Demand Report

Million bushels 2011/12 2012/13

Beginning stocks ............. Production........................ Imports............................. Supply, total ..................... Feed use .......................... Food/Ind/seed ................. Ethanol for fuel................. Domestic, total................. Exports............................. Use, total.......................... Ending stocks .................. CCC inventory ................. Free stocks ...................... Avg. farm price $/bu ........

Million bushels 2011/12 2012/13


U.S. corn supply/demand Item


U.S. feed grain supply/demand

2013/14 Estimates Dec. January 718 2,130 170 3,018 960 74 250 1,284 1,175 2,459 588 6.60-7.00

last month’s report. Soybean exports are up 20 million bushels to a record 1.53 billion, reflecting continued strong sales and shipments through February. Soybean crush is down 10 million bushels to 1.69 billion, reflecting weaker-than-expected domestic soybean meal use through the first quarter of the marketing year. Soybean stocks are projected at 145 million bushels, down 5 million from last month. Soybean oil stocks are reduced on lower production and increased exports. Other soybean oil changes include reduced use for biodiesel and an offsetting increase for food, feed and other industrial use.

141 3,289 35 3,464 1,690 1,530 87 12 3,319 145 12.20-13.70

Item Beginning stocks ............. Production........................ Imports............................. Supply, total ..................... Feed use .......................... Food/Ind/Seed................. Total domestic.................. Exports............................. Use, total.......................... Ending stocks, total ......... Avg. farm price $/bu ........

Million bushels 2011/12 2012/13 68 54 94 215 82 76 158 2 160 55 3.49

Source USDA March Supply and Demand Report

55 64 93 212 98 76 174 1 176 36 3.89

2013/14 Estimates Dec. January 36 66 95 197 85 77 162 2 164 33 3.55-3.85

36 66 85 197 80 77 155 2 157 30 3.60-3.80

PAGE 24 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK


Aberdeen Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, S.D. Receipts: 7215; Last Week 4666; Year Ago 4919. Steers 600 to 850 lbs sold 2.00 to 6.00 higher except for 700 to 750 lbs which sold 4.00 to 5.00 lower, 851 to 1000 lbs steady with instances 1.00 higher on 900 to 950 lbs and instances 4.00 to 6.00 lower on 951 to 1000 lbs. Heifers 550 to 750 lbs 4.00 to 5.00 higher except 650 to 700 lbs which sold 2.00 to 5.00 lower, 751 to 800 lbs steady, 801 to 850 lbs 4.00 higher. Good to very good demand on this very large offering of good quality cattle. Best demand for replacement quality heifers and value added cattle which qualified for NHTC and Drug Free programs. Steers made up 56 percent of the feeder supply, 44 percent heifers, 94 percent over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 7 389 lbs 250.00; 32 496 lbs 233.26; 24 536 lbs 220.13; 8 508 lbs 239.00 Value Added; 9 592 lbs 209.00; 104 637 lbs 200.37; 6 638 lbs 190.50 Full; 35 621 lbs 214.00 Value Added; 303 678 lbs 189.57; 79 660 lbs 202.00 Value Added; 216 723 lbs 186.91; 177 732 lbs 194.27 Value Added; 624 771 lbs 179.57; 410 829 lbs 171.20; 127 808 lbs 186.00 Value Added; 754 870 lbs 165.61; 4 874 lbs 157.50 Fleshy; 500 929 lbs 161.62; 168 967 lbs 153.74. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2: 21 539 lbs 199.50. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 2: 9 523 lbs 181.00. Feeder Steers Large 1: 110 1033 lbs 152.00.

Dickinson Stockmen’s Livestock Exchange, Dickinson, N.D. Receipts: 2896; Last Week 2868; Year Ago 3205. . Feeder steers traded a lower undertone with limited receipts. Feeder heifers traded fully higher. Demand was good with many strings of replacement quality females in the offering. Feeder steers made up 11 percent. Feeder heifers made up 89 percent. 89 percent over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 11 489 lbs 214.80; 6 528 lbs 230.00; 8 553 lbs 224.00; 17 611 lbs 201.50; 29 660 lbs 194.86; 34 722 lbs 175.94; 28 761 lbs 174.00; 52 832 lbs 168.50. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2: 5 566 lbs 200.00; 43 640 lbs 191.00. Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1: 18 499 lbs 214.00; 65 530 lbs 195.23; 123 582 lbs 192.11; 159 622 lbs 189.99; 228 677 lbs 174.81; 185 672 lbs 186.60 Replacement; 237 733 lbs 167.50; 93 732 lbs 177.54 Replacement; 243 767 lbs 174.61; 77 781 lbs 182.00 Replacement; 30 809 lbs 152.96; 159 800 lbs 163.00 Replacement; 9 854 lbs 151.75. Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2: 54 634 lbs 180.94; 36 688 lbs 168.73; 12 725 lbs 158.00; 85 771 lbs 163.40. Feeder Heifers Medium 1: 21 646 lbs 168.50.

Fort Pierre Fort Pierre Livestock Auction, Fort Pierre, S.D. Receipts: 4169; Last Week 4314; Year Ago 6275. Feeder Steers under 600 lbs lightly tested, 600 to 750 lbs Steady, 750 to 800 lbs 4.00 higher, Feeder Heifers under 750 lbs Steady to 2.00 higher, over 750 lbs 4.00 higher. Good Demand for Several Long Strings and Many Load Lots and Packages of Feeder Steers and Heifers which sold on a Moderate to Active Market. Much of the Supply was in Moderate Flesh Conditions. Today’s Offering consisted of 48 percent Steers, 52 percent Heifers, 92 percent over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 6 396 lbs 253.00; 10 440 lbs 244.00; 17 523 lbs 225.50; 90 587 lbs 207.00 Fleshy; 231 610 lbs 208.62; 265 683 lbs 188.14; 458 732 lbs 188.15; 339 771 lbs 185.42; 198 837 lbs 169.76; 125 892 lbs 161.75. Feeder Steers Large 1: 17 697 lbs 174.07; 16 787 lbs 170.00.

Herreid Herreid Livestock Market, Herreid, S.D. Receipts: 2834; Last Week 813; Year Ago 5055. S’ very light offering: steers 550 to 750 lbs mostly steady with instances 3.00 to 6.00 higher on 650 to 750 lbs, over 750 lbs and under 550 lbs not well compared. Heifers did not have adequate numbers for comparisons. Good demand for this offering of small packages and many load lots. Most cattle in moderate flesh with a few packages in light flesh. Steers made up 55 percent of the feeder supply, heifers 45 percent, 90 percent over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 13 467 lbs 227.84; 5 501 lbs 225.00; 27 574 lbs 204.54; 64 610 lbs 203.25; 32 655 lbs 183.43; 248 725 lbs 183.45; 10 714 lbs 165.00 Fleshy; 87 781 lbs 172.28; 224 832 lbs 171.27; 159 864 lbs 170.15; 302 930 lbs 161.84; 58 931 lbs 169.25 Fancy; 112 966 lbs 161.77.

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Feeder Steers Large 1: 75 1029 lbs 150.95. Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1: 4 376 lbs 214.00; 13 414 lbs 226.00 Fancy; 4 403 lbs 195.00 Full; 41 530 lbs 193.18; 46 501 lbs 205.00 Replacement; 45 588 lbs 179.54; 62 559 lbs 195.12 Replacement; 51 627 lbs 186.69; 219 680 lbs 174.02; 9 651 lbs 159.00 Fleshy; 74 735 lbs 163.52; 71 712 lbs 174.00 Replacement; 103 775 lbs 158.47; 103 808 lbs 159.33; 206 863 lbs 153.59; 95 928 lbs 155.18.

Mandan Kist Livestock Auction, Mandan, N.D. Receipts: 3135; Last Week 2427; Year Ago 4698. Feeder steers were steady with 650 to 700 weight steers 3.00 higher. Feeder heifers were unevenly steady With 500 to 550 lb. heifers 4.00 higher and 650 to 700 weights 2.00 Higher. Moderate demand for today’s offering which consisted of Mostly small lots. 43 percent were steers and 57 percent were heifers. 68 percent of today’s offering were over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 25 432 lbs 258.35; 32 510 lbs 236.15; 59 581 lbs 206.83; 127 619 lbs 202.08; 114 663 lbs 190.34; 58 729 lbs 181.46; 183 767 lbs 173.49; 85 821 lbs 169.24; 105 870 lbs 162.16; 8 919 lbs 157.50. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2: 8 431 lbs 206.00; 20 538 lbs 218.26; 19 623 lbs 192.24; 11 661 lbs 171.00. Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1: 11 336 lbs 215.00; 15 370 lbs 215.86; 56 415 lbs 219.43; 31 464 lbs 201.97; 81 455 lbs 220.15 Thin Fleshed; 198 530 lbs 203.64; 81 585 lbs 191.37; 6 555 lbs 200.00 Fancy; 115 623 lbs 185.43; 13 617 lbs 172.00 Fleshy; 40 613 lbs 194.54 Replacement; 193 672 lbs 172.09; 53 671 lbs 184.93 Replacement; 66 729 lbs 163.67; 11 702 lbs 175.00 Replacement; 94 767 lbs 160.40; 28 792 lbs 183.00 Replacement; 13 859 lbs 154.75; 6 903 lbs 137.50 Fleshy; 8 959 lbs 148.00.

Mitchell Mitchell Livestock Auction Co., Mitchell, S.D. Receipts: 6737; Last Week 4996; Year Ago 5756. Feeder steers under 600 lbs sold steady to firm in a narrow comparison, 600-950 lbs steady to 3.00 lower with the exception of 650-700 lbs 3.00 to 4.00 higher, 950-1000 lbs steady to 3.00 higher. Feeder heifers under 600 lbs mostly steady in a narrow comparison, 600-650 lbs 3.00 to 6.00 lower, 960-850 lbs steady to 3.00 lower. Moderate to good demand, with best demand for light fleshed cattle and replacement quality heifers. Moderately active market with many buyers in attendence. Flesh was a factor this week, with more packages seen in moderate plus flesh than in previous weeks. Several consignments of unweaned fall calves were offered today, along with replacement quality heifers. Cattle flagged Value Added qualify for NHTC or Drug Free programs. The feeder run consisted of 59 percent steers, 39 percent heifers, balance Holsteins; 86 percent of the feeders weighed over 600 lbs. Sale next Thursday March 20th, expecting 3,500-4,000 head. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 16 343 lbs 260.48; 6 378 lbs 250.00; 10 444 lbs 244.00; 5 416 lbs 253.00 Value Added; 65 478 lbs 232.07; 109 543 lbs 220.76; 9 502 lbs 201.75 Fleshy; 24 518 lbs 238.00 Value Added; 65 567 lbs 213.08; 24

580 lbs 196.00 Fleshy; 132 625 lbs 197.88; 38 620 lbs 193.51 Calves; 44 619 lbs 205.00 Thin Fleshed; 21 604 lbs 206.00 Value Added; 157 661 lbs 194.67; 18 688 lbs 177.06 Calves; 60 683 lbs 182.52 Fleshy; 80 665 lbs 210.00 Value Added; 431 739 lbs 180.20; 147 715 lbs 188.96 Thin Fleshed; 236 782 lbs 172.83; 20 796 lbs 165.75 Fleshy; 13 753 lbs 181.50 Thin Fleshed; 45 751 lbs 189.00 Value Added; 550 818 lbs 169.14; 276 878 lbs 162.93; 27 891 lbs 153.00 Fleshy; 319 923 lbs 160.94; 312 970 lbs 157.37. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2: 5 264 lbs 250.00; 24 492 lbs 216.99; 24 452 lbs 237.00 Thin Fleshed; 39 537 lbs 208.87; 79 575 lbs 211.15; 36 642 lbs 191.00; 8 660 lbs 184.00; 26 726 lbs 177.05; 26 783 lbs 166.51; 67 828 lbs 163.05; 7 893 lbs 160.00; 25 909 lbs 153.21. Feeder Steers Large 1: 8 1023 lbs 151.75; 26 1035 lbs 149.75 Fleshy; 60 1050 lbs 153.75. Feeder Holstein Steers Large 2-3: 23 739 lbs 129.75; 70 822 lbs 129.03.

Napoleon Napoleon Livestock Auction Inc., Napoleon, N.D. Receipts: 3615; Last Week 3394; Year Ago 4687. Feeder steers under 550 lbs not well tested in this week’s offering. Feeder steers 550600 lbs steady to 1.00 higher, 600-700 feeder steers 3.00 to 6.00 higher. Feeder steers over 700 lbs remained evenly steady. Steers over 900 lbs not well tested this week for a comparison. Feeder heifers under 550 lbs 3.00 to 7.00 higher, heifers weighing 600-700 lbs steady with an instance of 4.00 higher, heifers 700-800 lbs 3.00 to 5.00 higher. Excellent demand this week for replacement quality heifers weighing over 700 lbs. 74 percent over 600 lbs. 39 percent steers and 61 percent heifers. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 5 395 lbs 250.00; 6 431 lbs 248.00; 5 457 lbs 233.00; 46 476 lbs 243.86 Value Added; 20 504 lbs 241.10 Value Added; 108 574 lbs 209.12; 61 632 lbs 192.81; 167 661 lbs 192.47; 12 665 lbs 184.00 Fleshy; 91 719 lbs 178.89; 82 765 lbs 172.73; 153 824 lbs 166.33; 7 858 lbs 162.25; 109 900 lbs 159.04. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2: 8 489 lbs 220.00; 34 540 lbs 216.07; 21 591 lbs 190.23.

Philip Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, S.D. Receipts: 1764; Two Weeks Ago 3309; Year Ago 3371. No Feeder Cattle sale last week, comparisons made from two weeks ago. Feeder Steers under 650 lbs 3.00 to 5.00 higher, 650 to 700 lbs Steady, over 700 lbs 3.00 to 8.00 higher, Feeder Heifers under 650 lbs 3.00 higher, over 650 lbs Steady. Good Demand for a several Strings and several Packages of Feeder Steers and Heifers which sold on a Very Active Market. 75 percent of Receipts were Feeder Cattle, balance was a Bull Sale and Slaughter Cows and Bulls. Of the Feeder Cattle Offering 51 percent Steers, 49 percent Heifers, 64 percent over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 3 423 lbs 257.00; 27 475 lbs 242.95; 12 544 lbs 227.00; 109 585 lbs 222.97; 105 625 lbs 213.38; 109 657 lbs 196.13; 88 712 lbs 189.36; 144 767 lbs 180.96; 7 805 lbs 175.00; 9 827 lbs 163.25 Fleshy. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2: 5 494 lbs 224.00; 7 649 lbs 187.00.

West Fargo West Fargo Feeder Cattle, West Fargo, N.D. Receipts: 1708; Last Week N/A; Year Ago 2034. Feeder steers under 600 lbs. not tested. Balance of the steers from 650-900 lbs. traded unevenly steady in a narrow range from 1.00 higher to 2.00 lower. Heifers under 500 lb. not tested. Balance of the heifers traded 2.00 to 5.00 higher. Demand remained strong through-out the day. Today’s sale saw some Large consignments with a number of strings of double and triple drafts which resulted in some very attractive loads for those buyers in attendance. Making up today’s sale were 52 percent steers, and 48 percent heifers. 83 percent were over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 3 438 lbs 235.00 Thin Fleshed; 5 461 lbs 227.50; 6 502 lbs 228.50 Thin Fleshed; 8 581 lbs 208.00; 20 612 lbs 203.52; 56 682 lbs 186.39; 29 727 lbs 177.25; 100 771 lbs 168.94; 20 833 lbs 162.11; 165 866 lbs 160.92; 95 931 lbs 156.04; 28 966 lbs 151.07; 17 1029 lbs 149.00; 14 1135 lbs 142.25. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2: 9 538 lbs 219.00; 11 720 lbs 162.00; 10 845 lbs 157.50; 3 896 lbs 142.00. - Agweek Survey and Wire Reports. Information from local sales yards is obtained from yard representatives and has not been confirmed by Agweek Magazine or USDA.

From the hill


NFU discusses 2014 priorities

Johnson: COOL policy is a win

By Jerry Hagstrom Special to Agweek

SANTA FE, N.M. — The National Farmers Union will try to increase its membership and fight for the preservation of country-of-origin labeling for red meat, the Renewable Fuel Standard and fair trade agreements in 2014, NFU President Roger Johnson said during the group’s annual convention in Santa Fe, N.M., which ended March 11. In his address to the membership on March 8, Johnson said the group had achieved its most important goals in the farm bill debate — a commodity program that includes target prices and no congressional action to change the country-of-origin labeling program for red meat. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said he is “proud of the work we have done on COOL.” He also noted that the World Trade Organization has said that the U.S. could label meat by country of origin, but needed to change the labels to comply with WTO standards. “We proved that there is no match for the grassroots power of family farmers and

ranchers,” Johnson said. “The strength of our organization is in our membership — it always has been, and it always will be.” Johnson noted that 14 states had gained membership in 2013, but that NFU’s membership, which has been between 250,000 and 300,000, still went down 1 percent during the year. One key to membership growth, Johnson said, is to increase the number of people who buy insurance through Farmers Union. During the policy development sessions, the delegates also voted to make membership growth the organization’s No. 1 priority for 2014. The delegates also voted to encourage the state chapters to convince members to contribute $1 per person to the national political action committee, which makes campaign donations. Some delegates objected to the pressure to make PAC donations, but others noted that the resolution only said the states would be “encouraged” to increase PAC donations.

Family farming debate

The delegates also passed a special order to promote the United Nations designation of 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming. The special order recognizes “the importance of raising the profile of family farming by focusing the

world’s attention on its significant role in alleviating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition, improving livelihoods, managing natural resources, protecting the environment and achieving sustainable development in rural areas.” But the discussion on family farming also led to a debate over the definition of family farming that reflected changes in the age of members and a broader membership. Some members wanted the definition to state that family members had to supply “a majority” of the labor on the farm, but that led to a discussion of exactly what constitutes labor. A Texas delegate noted that he no longer does the physical labor that he performed when he was younger but he considers his management role to be central to the farm’s operation. The delegates settled on the definition of a family farm as one in which family members provide the “base labor” for the farm and defined base labor as “labor that provides significant support for a farm, business etc., including material day-today operational support.”


Johnson told the membership that the battles over COOL will continue at the WTO and in the courts. “Although we have achieved a victory in

the farm bill, the COOL fight is not over,” said Johnson. “COOL is on the right side of history, but our opponents will keep looking for a back-door win in Congress, and we must remain vigilant.” He also said that the oil industry’s aggressive lobbying campaign against the Renewable Fuel Standard was responsible for the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to reduce RFS targets for quantities of biofuels. Johnson said NFU will continue to monitor trade agreements that the group thinks would be of questionable value for family farmers. A special order expressing dissatisfaction with USDA’s attempts to make changes in the beef checkoff program proved controversial. Delegates from Oklahoma noted that Vilsack has put a lot of effort into analyzing the situation, but delegates from other states said the Beef Industry Checkoff Group set up to deal with the situation appears to be a failure. Delegates also expressed extreme anger with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s role in running the checkoff because NCBA opposed COOL. The vote on the beef checkoff special order, which states that NFU may “seek its own resolutions to these problems,” was 83 in favor to 23 opposed.

Cattle summary


Cattle receipts: 350,600; Last Week 243,000; Last Year 364,700. Feedlot bound feeder cattle (weighing over 750 lbs) sold unevenly steady with slight gains in the farmer-feeder regions of the Northern Plains and slight losses on heavy-weight feeders near the commercial feedlot dominated Southern Plains. Yearling price levels have reached the point that cattle feeders need more time (with cost-of-gains mostly under 1.00/lb) to cheapen feeders into a profit. Feedlots would like to purchase lighter-weight feeders, but competition from grazers has eliminated this option as summer grass pasture can offer cost-of-gains well under .50/lb. Stocker cattle and calves sold 2.00-6.00 higher than last week’s lighter weather interrupted run with the full advance noted in the Southeastern calf markets where orders poured-in as mild weather has finally reached the major grazing regions. It is currently prime time for the stocker market during the narrow window between the end of wintry weather and the beginning of spring planting in the major cattle production areas, soon to be followed by the first cutting of hay. Summer grazers have thrown caution to the high winds as they try to fill their needs early enough to get their stockers assembled and straightened out before turn- out dates and before offerings completely dry up. At the Winter Livestock Auction in Dodge City, KS, a string of 101 head of fully backgrounded 408 lb stocker heifers litup the scoreboard at 250.00. Many backgrounders are facing the realization that they are going to run out of money before their pastures are filled, with stocker cattle roughly 25 percent higher than last year. Cattle growers may be afforded a rare opportunity to lease pastures in the major grazing areas (like the Flint Hills of Kansas) as grazers start to scale-back the number of head they turn-out, either by a lack of capital or a lack of nerve. Bullish signals continue to lead the way in the livestock arena with every level of beef product at all-time highs and pork cut-outs now perched on historic levels from the challenges pork producers are facing with Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv). The air is indeed getting thin at the current market elevation, but summer contracts on the CME Feeder Cattle board and out- front cash sales of yearlings continue to trade at a slight premium to the spot cash market. IOWA 5400. 74 pct over 600 lbs. 39 pct heifers. Steers: Medium and Large 1 400-450 lbs (428) 247.83; 450-500 lbs (476) 233.95; 500-550 lbs (523) 219.35; 550-600 lbs (571) 210.95; 600-650 lbs (631) 197.74; Calves 600-650 lbs (623) 196.04; 650-700 lbs (669) 190.83; Calves 650-700 lbs (674) 185.79; 700-750 lbs (713) 183.56; Calves 700-750 lbs (734) 179.59; 750-800 lbs (767) 176.06; 800-850 lbs (835) 173.70; 850-900 lbs (857) 172.33; 900-950 lbs (934) 164.34. Medium and Large 1-2 500-550 lbs (537) 209.20; 550-600 lbs (578) 193.66; Calves 600- 650 lbs (625) 184.94; 750-800 lbs (786) 164.71. Heifers: Medium and Large 1 350-400 lbs (386) 220.68; 400-450 lbs (427) 205.98; 450-500 lbs (472) 202.62; 500-550 lbs (518) 194.19; 550-600 lbs (568) 185.49; 600-650 lbs (625) 184.01; Calves 600-650 lbs (628) 177.87; 650-700 lbs (672) 178.80; Calves 650-700 lbs (667) 177.32; 700-750 lbs (703) 174.69; 750-800 lbs (783) 167.45; 800-850 lbs (804) 163.83; Part Load 903 lbs 147.10. Medium and Large 1-2 450-500 lbs (478) 187.28; 550-600 lbs (560) 171.98; Calves Pkg 744 lbs 153.50. NEBRASKA 22,700. 68 pct over 600 lbs. 48 pct heifers. Steers: Medium and Large 1 300-350 lbs (314) 301.27; 350-400 lbs (380) 277.72; 400-450 lbs (423) 257.80; 450-500 lbs (476) 243.66; 500-550 lbs (526) 234.68; 550-600 lbs (582) 225.42; 600-650 lbs (620) 213.77; 650-700 lbs (669) 200.59; 700-750 lbs (727) 186.58; 750-800 lbs (773) 180.43; 800-850 lbs (820) 169.67; 850-900 lbs (872) 166.39; 900-950 lbs (931) 158.60. Medium and Large 1-2 400-450 lbs (422) 238.95; 500-550 lbs (541) 227.10; 550-600 lbs (579) 209.95; 600-650 lbs (627) 194.65; 650-700 lbs (676) 188.73; 750-800 lbs (774) 168.61; 800-850 lbs (836) 165.12. Heifers: Medium and Large 1 300-350 lbs (316) 258.18; 350-400 lbs (377) 224.73; 400-450 lbs (424) 234.04; 450-500 lbs (471) 218.50; 500-550 lbs (527) 209.10; 550-600 lbs (578) 197.16; 600-650 lbs (625) 188.87; 650-700 lbs (678) 177.36; 700-750 lbs (727) 168.16; 750-800 lbs (775) 164.82; 800-850 lbs (830) 158.27; 850-900 lbs (870) 155.24; 900-950 lbs (927) 149.41; 950-1000 lbs (994) 152.67. Medium and Large 1-2 400-450 lbs (421) 218.15; 500-550 lbs (531) 197.42; 550-600 lbs (584) 186.25; 600-650 lbs (634) 174.95; 650-700 lbs (672) 175.95; 700-750 lbs (745) 158.56. COLORADO 7500. 56 pct over 600 lbs. 38 pct heifers. Steers: Medium and Large 1 pkg 345 lbs 275.00; 350-400 lbs (362) 262.11; 400-450 lbs (438) 255.88; 450-500 lbs (482) 247.08; 500-550 lbs (525) 233.41; 550-600 lbs (579) 218.14; 600-650 lbs (614) 209.54; 650-700 lbs (665) 190.63; 700-750 lbs (722) 181.63; 750-800 lbs (763) 174.73; 800-850 lbs (816) 163.27; 850-900 lbs (857) 160.46. Medium and Large 1-2 500-550 lbs (525) 223.86; 550-600 lbs (561) 212.74; 600- 650 lbs (628) 202.54; 650-700 lbs (672) 195.49; 700-750 lbs (727) 181.12. Heifers: Medium and Large 1 350-400 lbs (372) 223.21; 400-450 lbs (414) 220.12; 450-500 lbs (473) 214.48; 500-550 lbs (520) 208.01; 550-600 lbs (568) 191.48; 600-650 lbs (620) 185.39; 650-700 lbs (665) 173.66; 700-750 lbs (711) 168.63; 750-800 lbs (757) 163.56; 800-850 lbs (824) 153.72. Medium and Large 1- 2 pkg 435 lbs 212.00; 500-550 lbs (518) 198.44; 550-600 lbs (570) 185.71; 600- 650 lbs (628) 178.05. WYOMING 5300. 62 pct over 600 lbs. 54 pct heifers. Steers: Medium and Large 1 400-450 lbs (437) 264.81; 450-500 lbs (492) 242.29; 500-550 lbs (520) 235.41; 550-600 lbs (570) 217.17; 600-650 lbs (613) 209.52; 650-700 lbs (673) 197.40; 700-750 lbs (721) 188.17; 750-800 lbs (771) 177.40; 850-900 lbs (866) 166.00; 900-950 lbs (924) 161.76. Medium and Large 1-2 650-700 lbs (691) 190.39. Heifers: Medium and Large 1 450-500 lbs (481) 219.59; 500-550 lbs (517) 206.85; 550-600 lbs (587) 197.56; 600-650 lbs (635) 188.66; 650-700 lbs (664) 182.18; 700-750 lbs (738) 171.01; half load 845 lbs 157.00. Medium and Large 1-2 650-700 lbs (676) 170.07. DAKOTAS 32,200. 84 pct over 600 lbs. 50 pct heifers. South Dakota- 20,800. Steers: Medium and Large 1 300-350 lbs (328) 275.99; 350-400 lbs (385)

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 25

Markets 250.69; 400-450 lbs (429) 244.87; 450-500 lbs (479) 234.33; 500-550 lbs (533) 223.93; 550-600 lbs (580) 215.99; 600-650 lbs (620) 204.69; 650-700 lbs (673) 191.38; 700-750 lbs (731) 184.14; 750-800 lbs (773) 178.16; 800-850 lbs (826) 170.16; 850-900 lbs (872) 164.53; 900-950 lbs (928) 160.63; 950-1000 lbs (968) 157.15. Medium and Large 1-2 450-500 lbs (493) 218.20; 500-550 lbs (539) 207.59; 550- 600 lbs (575) 211.15; 600-650 lbs (642) 190.72; 650-700 lbs (686) 184.93; 700- 750 lbs (732) 175.67; 750-800 lbs (781) 165.96; 800-850 lbs (833) 162.72; 900- 950 lbs (909) 153.21. Heifers: Medium and Large 1 300-350 lbs (325) 255.37; 350-400 lbs (375) 227.25; 400-450 lbs (424) 216.78; 450-500 lbs (478) 209.08; 500-550 lbs (527) 197.56; 550-600 lbs (573) 190.37; 600-650 lbs (629) 182.77; 650-700 lbs (679) 174.70; 700-750 lbs (727) 169.46; 750-800 lbs (766) 165.60; 800-850 lbs (822) 157.92; 850-900 lbs (867) 155.05; 900-950 lbs (929) 151.50; 950-1000 lbs (969) 150.30. Medium and Large 1-2 400-450 lbs (426) 201.40; 450- 500 lbs (485) 196.85; 500-550 lbs (537) 185.15; 650-700 lbs (669) 173.71; 750- 800 lbs (738) 159.72; half load 795 lbs 155.00. North Dakota- 11,400. Steers: Medium and Large 1 400-450 lbs (432) 256.35; 450500 lbs (475) 221.91; 500-550 lbs (513) 235.15; 550-600 lbs (575) 208.95; 600650 lbs (621) 199.60; 650-700 lbs (665) 191.04; 700-750 lbs (723) 178.90; 750-800 lbs (768) 172.20; 800-850 lbs (825) 167.22; 850-900 lbs (867) 161.43; 900-950 lbs (915) 157.61; 950-1000 lbs (966) 151.07. Medium and Large 1-2 500-550 lbs (539) 217.18; 550-600 lbs (587) 192.04; 600-650 lbs (635) 191.37. MONTANA 5200. 57 pct over 600 lbs. 68 pct heifers. Steers: Medium and Large 1 400-450 lbs (409) 237.15; 450-500 lbs (478) 230.04; 500-550 lbs (525) 229.63; 550-600 lbs (567) 215.96; 600-650 lbs (624) 213.68; Calves 650-700 lbs (678) 187.04; 700-750 lbs (720) 182.18; 750-800 lbs (773) 179.59. Medium and Large 1-2 400-450 lbs (433) 220.00; Pkg 577 lbs 194.75; Part Load 635 lbs 205.50. Heifers: Medium and Large 1 400-450 lbs (430) 213.92; 450-500 lbs (485) 209.59; 500-550 lbs (520) 203.46; 550-600 lbs (569) 196.10; 600-650 lbs (629) 185.20; 650-700 lbs (669) 175.24; 700-750 lbs (735) 166.10; 750-800 lbs (774) 159.07; 800-850 lbs (829) 154.66. Medium and Large 1-2 600-650 lbs (645) 173.00.


price 166.5 167 167.5 168 168.5 169 169.5 170 170.5 171 171.5 172 172.5 173 173.5 174 174.5 175 175.5 176 176.5 177 177.5 178 178.5

Hog summary Receipts: 59,118; 73,968 last week; 107,830 last year. Early weaned pigs steady to 2.00 lower per head. All feeder pigs mostly steady. Demand moderate for light to moderate offerings. Receipts include 60% formulated prices. All Prices Quoted on Per Head Basis With An Estimated Lean Value of 50-54% Formula Formula Cash Cash Lot Size Head Range Wtd Avg Head Range Wtd Avg EARLY WEANED Pigs 10-12 Pounds Basis: 600 or less 2660 41.00-59.09 45.18 880 81.00-85.00 82.82 600 - 1200 9927 37.25-74.00 52.32 2200 90.00-90.00 90.00 1200 or more 22633 37.50-73.88 52.84 16405 80.00-92.00 86.41 Total Composite 35220 37.25-74.00 52.11 19485 80.00-92.00 86.65 FEEDER Pigs 40 Pounds Basis: 600 or less 850 107.00-120.00 115.03 600 - 1200 2363 111.00-118.00 113.34 1200 or more 1200 116.00-116.00 116.00 Total Composite 4413 107.00-120.00 114.39

Sheep summary Receipts: 39,000; 38,000 last week; 44,000 last year. Slaughter lambs were steady to 10.00 lower, instances 20.00 lower. Slaughter ewes were steady to 10.00 higher, except at New Holland, PA 20.00-30.00 lower. Feeder lambs were thinly tested. At San Angelo, TX 3340 head sold in a one day sale. No sales in Equity Electronic Auction. In direct trading slaughter ewes were not tested; feeder lambs were weak. 5500 head of negotiated sales of slaughter lambs were 1.00-2.00 lower and 9600 head of formula sales of carcasses under 65 lbs were not well tested; 65-75 lbs were 9.00-10.00 higher; 75-85 lbs were 3.00-4.00 higher; 85-95 lbs were 3.00 lower and over 95 lbs were not well tested. 4,521 lamb carcasses sold with 45 lbs and down 80.49 higher; 45-55 lbs 13.65 higher; 55-65 lbs 4.65 higher; 65-85 lbs .25-.44 higher and 85 lbs and up .07 lower. All sheep sold per hundredweight (CWT) unless otherwise specified. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3 90-160 lbs: Ft. Collins, CO: wooled 118 lbs 230.00-235.00; 145-150 lbs 162.50-165.00; 183 lbs 142.50. South Dakota: shorn and wooled 119 lbs 157.00; 130-160 lbs 152.50-155.00. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 1: Ft. Collins: 70 lbs 240.00; 89 lbs 232.50. Direct Trading:(lambs fob with 3-4 percent shrink or equivalent)5500: Slaughter Lambs shorn and wooled 132-167 lbs 140.00178.00 (wtd avg 162.72); 171-189 lbs 150.00-160.00 (wtd avg 156.27. Slaughter Ewes: Ft. Collins: Good 3-5 (very fleshy) 64.00-67.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy)69.00-71.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 61.00-66.00; Cull 1 (extremely thin) 40.0045.00. So Dakota: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 53.00-58.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy)45.0051.00; Utility and Good 1-3 (medium flesh) 43.00-47.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 38.00-44.00; Cull (extremely thin) 11.00-19.00. Feeder Lambs: Medium and Large 1-2: t. Collins: 60-70 lbs 252.50-255.00; 97 lbs 242.50; 100-110 lbs 237.00-237.50; 120-125 lbs 227.50-238.00. So Dakota: 38 lbs 260.00; 60-70 lbs 235.00-238.00; 83 lbs 220.00; 105-110 lbs 165.00-190.00; 110 lbs 161.00. Replacement Ewes: Medium and Large 1-2: So Dakota: bred baby tooth to solid mouth 240.00 per head, others 160.00-170.00 per head.

Strike price 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151

Strike price 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

Live Cattle Options MAR4 7.60 6.63 6.13 5.63 5.15 4.65 4.15 3.68 3.20 2.73 2.28 1.85 1.45 1.10 0.83 0.60 0.43 0.30 0.15 0.08 -


APR4 15.30 14.30 13.33 12.33 11.35 10.38 9.40 8.45 7.50 6.60 5.70 4.83 4.03 3.28 2.60 1.98 1.45 1.03 0.70 0.48 0.33 0.18 -

MAY4 16.45 14.50 12.58 10.70 8.85 7.13 5.48 4.03 2.80 1.85 1.15 0.68 0.43





0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.18 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.73 1.00 1.33 1.70 2.55 3.48

0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.23 0.28 0.38 0.48 0.60 0.80 1.05 1.38 1.75 2.23 2.80 3.48 4.25 5.10 6.95

0.18 0.23 0.30 0.43 0.58 0.83 1.18 1.73 2.50 3.55 4.85 6.38 -

Feeder Cattle Options APR4 8.30 7.33 6.35 5.38 4.43 3.55 2.75 2.05 1.48 1.00 0.68 0.45 0.33 0.23 0.18


MAY4 8.00 7.05 6.13 5.23 4.38 3.60 2.88 2.23 1.65 1.18 0.83 0.55 0.38 0.28 0.23

JUN4 8.20 7.28 6.40 5.55 4.75 4.00 3.33 2.68 2.08 1.60 1.23 0.93 0.70 0.53 0.40


MAY4 23.85 22.88 21.90 20.93 19.95 19.00 18.05 17.13 16.20 15.30 14.40 13.55 12.70 11.85 11.03 10.23 9.45 8.73 8.03 7.38 6.75 6.18 5.60 5.08 4.55 4.05 3.60

JUN4 0.00 24.13 0.00 22.25 0.00 20.40 0.00 18.63 0.00 16.90 0.00 15.23 0.00 13.63 0.00 12.10 0.00 10.65 0.00 9.35 0.00 8.15 0.00 7.05 0.00 6.05 0.00



0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.18 0.30 0.50 0.80 1.23 1.75 2.40 3.20 4.08 4.98

0.15 0.20 0.28 0.38 0.53 0.75 1.03 1.38 1.80 2.33 2.98 3.70 4.53 5.43

0.38 0.45 0.55 0.70 0.90 1.18 1.48 1.83 2.23 2.75 3.38 4.08 4.85 5.65



1.13 0.90 0.73 0.58

3.18 2.80 2.45 2.15

5.13 4.28 3.53 2.90

5.10 5.83 6.60 7.40

5.80 6.38 7.00 7.65




0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.48 0.60 0.75 0.95 1.20 1.48 1.83 2.25 2.70 3.23 3.80 4.43

0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.23 0.28 0.35 0.43 0.53 0.63 0.75 0.90 1.08 1.25 1.45 1.68 1.93 2.23 2.58 2.95 3.38 3.80 4.28 4.75 5.25

0.00 0.33 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.83 0.00 1.10 0.00 1.43 0.00 1.80 0.00 2.28 0.00 2.83 0.00 3.50 0.00 4.30 0.00 5.20 0.00 6.20

• Eliminate high propane costs • No heat • Harvest at 25% moisture • No stirrators or dryers • Retain 2-4 lbs additional test weight • Maximize nutritional feed value

Custom Marketing Company | www.DiscoverCMC.com | info@DiscoverCMC.com | 800.359.1785

0.00 7.25 8.43 9.68

CME BFP Milk Options

price 2075 2100 2125 2150 2175 2200 2225 2250 2275 2300 2325 2350 2375 2400

MAR4 2.54 2.29 2.04 1.79 1.54 1.29 1.04 0.79 0.55 0.30 0.09 0.02 0.01 0.01





APR4 2.91 2.67 2.43 2.19 1.95 1.72 1.50 1.29 1.09 0.91 0.74 0.57 0.45 0.34

MAY4 2.37 2.15 1.93 1.73 1.54 1.36 1.19 1.04 0.90 0.77 0.66 0.55 0.47 0.39




0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.23 0.47

0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.17 0.22 0.29 0.37 0.45 0.57

0.11 0.14 0.17 0.22 0.28 0.35 0.43 0.53 0.64 0.76 0.90 1.04 1.21







Feeder Cattle Futures


Lean Hog Options APR4 22.35 21.35 20.38 19.38 18.40 17.40 16.40 15.43 14.45 13.48 12.50 11.55 10.60 9.68 8.78 7.88 7.05 6.25 5.50 4.78 4.13 3.55 3.00 2.53 2.10 1.73 1.40


124 125 126 127

Mar 14 Apr 14 May 14 Aug 14 Sep 14

Fri. Stlmnt

173.98 175.93 177.00 178.35 177.65

Week High

174.60 177.23 178.30 179.40 178.80

Week Low 172.43 173.38 174.00 175.98 175.63

Cont High

174.43 176.65 177.65 178.90 178.13

Live Cattle Futures

Apr 14 Jun 14 Aug 14 Oct 14 Dec 14 Feb 15

Fri. Stlmnt

143.63 136.88 134.78 138.10 139.03 139.70

Week High

145.25 137.85 135.48 138.88 139.65 139.95

Week Low 142.70 135.55 133.50 137.03 138.20 138.85

Cont High

146.83 138.05 135.40 138.20 139.70 140.00

Lean Hog Futures

Apr 14 May 14 Jun 14 Jul 14 Aug 14 Oct 14 Dec 14 Feb 15

Fri. Stlmnt

118.93 123.20 127.60 124.85 123.10 99.95 89.03 86.25

Week High

119.30 123.80 127.85 124.85 123.10 99.95 89.45 86.35

Week Low 113.78 117.40 120.45 118.13 117.03 96.88 86.00 82.53

Cont High

118.93 123.48 127.98 125.00 123.25 100.70 89.88 87.25

CME BFP Milk Futures Apr 14 Apr 14 Jun 14 Jul 14 Jul 14 Sep 14 Oct 14 Nov 14

Cont Low

149.15 150.95 151.50 158.25 163.63

Cont Low

125.55 121.58 124.20 127.35 127.80 128.85

Cont Low

79.85 85.75 87.03 87.00 86.93 76.53 74.00 77.58

Fri. Stlmnt

Week High

Week Low

Cont High

Cont Low






23.17 21.81 20.19 19.93 19.74 19.60 19.35

23.29 22.37 20.76 20.26 20.05 19.83 19.50

22.65 21.10 19.89 19.68 19.57 19.43 19.21

23.30 21.99 20.52 20.20 19.98 19.70 19.45

16.06 16.05 16.04 16.40 16.72 16.85 16.49

PAGE 26 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK

U.S. cow slaughter (Week ending March 1)

U.S. All cows ................................ Dairy cows............................



116,888 55,720

116,870 63,178

Cattle slaughter (Week ending March 15)

Number of head Week’s total .............................................................564,000 Prev. week................................................................548,000 Year ago ...................................................................606,000


Average weight Week’s avg...................................................................1,332 Prev. week....................................................................1,335 Year ago .......................................................................1,321

Percent cows* Week’s avg.....................................................................20.5 Prev. week......................................................................20.2 Year ago .........................................................................20.7 * Week ending March 1

Hog slaughter (Week ending March 15)

Number of head Week’s total ..........................................................2,024,000 Prev. week.............................................................2,072,000 Year ago ................................................................2,203,000

Fri. Stlmnt

Mar 14 May 14 Jul 14 Sep 14 Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15

679.00 673.75 678.00 686.50 696.25 702.00 703.50 693.50 696.50

Average weight Week’s avg......................................................................284 Prev. week.......................................................................283 Year ago ..........................................................................277

Percent sows* Week’s avg.......................................................................2.5 Prev. week........................................................................2.7 Year ago ...........................................................................2.5 * Week ending March 1

Lamb slaughter

Week Low

690.25 686.50 689.50 697.25 707.50 712.00 712.75 705.00 704.25

643.00 637.00 642.00 652.25 662.50 669.75 678.75 666.00 671.75

Cont High

Cont Low

912.25 878.25 857.75 822.00 865.00 850.00 838.00 800.00 721.75

550.00 553.50 557.25 565.50 577.75 587.25 591.25 586.00 618.00

Fri. Stlmnt

Mar 14 May 14 Jul 14 Sep 14 Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15 Dec 15

730.25 736.75 731.50 737.75 747.00 750.25 741.75 717.50 718.00 724.50

Week High

Week Low

744.00 751.50 745.75 750.50 760.00 762.25 751.50 728.25 730.00 736.50

712.00 707.00 701.25 709.50 720.50 725.00 714.50 680.00 710.00 700.00

Cont High

Cont Low

950.75 890.00 867.00 815.75 821.25 770.00 755.75 750.00 725.00 740.00

607.75 605.00 599.00 608.75 622.00 629.00 629.50 626.00 647.00 649.00

Minneapolis Wheat Futures Mar 14 May 14 Jul 14 Sep 14 Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15 Dec 15

Fri. Stlmnt

751.00 720.50 716.00 714.75 723.00 728.50 723.75 731.50 705.00 722.00

Week High

Week Low

751.00 734.00 727.00 727.00 737.00 744.00 740.75 744.50 705.00 722.00

687.75 683.50 688.75 699.50 706.75 705.50 744.50 671.50 690.00

Cont High

958.00 924.75 890.00 826.50 829.00 790.00 814.75 744.50 705.00 710.00

Chicago Corn Futures Mar 14 May 14 Jul 14 Sep 14 Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15 Dec 15

Fri. Stlmnt

484.25 485.00 489.00 486.00 484.00 491.25 497.00 499.75 488.00 483.50

Week High

Week Low

484.25 488.50 492.00 488.50 486.25 494.25 499.75 503.50 490.00 486.25

468.25 473.25 477.25 474.25 474.00 480.75 488.00 490.00 478.50 473.75

Cont High

671.00 676.50 676.00 625.00 615.00 592.00 585.00 612.25 550.00 600.00

Chicago Oats Futures Mar 14 May 14

Fri. Stlmnt

553.25 440.00

Week High

Week Low

557.75 444.50

464.00 415.25

Cont High

563.75 504.50

Cont Low

595.25 594.50 603.50 612.50 625.00 632.75 640.00 661.00 650.00 653.00

Cont Low

406.25 414.50 421.75 428.25 435.00 445.25 451.00 453.75 449.50 448.25

Cont Low

300.00 300.00

Jul 14 Sep 14 Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15

385.75 338.75 323.25 321.75 326.75 326.75 326.75

393.50 343.25 329.00 323.50 330.25 330.25 330.25

350.50 323.00 311.50 314.00 320.00 -

442.75 366.00 361.75 354.00 335.00 321.00 -

Chicago Soybean Futures Mar 14 May 14 Jul 14 Aug 14 Sep 14 Nov 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep 15 Nov 15

Fri. Stlmnt

1,390.75 1,396.25 1,378.00 1,339.00 1,238.00 1,179.75 1,183.50 1,186.50 1,189.25 1,192.00 1,174.00 1,139.75 1,128.25

Week High

1,419.25 1,418.75 1,394.25 1,350.75 1,247.75 1,189.50 1,192.75 1,195.50 1,198.00 1,200.00 1,182.50 1,149.25 1,139.50

Week Low

Cont High

1,363.50 1,365.50 1,350.25 1,314.50 1,224.75 1,167.00 1,171.25 1,175.00 1,176.50 1,179.00 1,117.25

1,460.00 1,460.00 1,429.00 1,376.75 1,307.00 1,333.00 1,291.00 1,250.00 1,291.00 1,301.00 1,155.50 1,300.00

Chicago Oil Futures

Mar 14 May 14 Jul 14 Aug 14 Sep 14 Oct 14 Dec 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep 15 Oct 15

Fri. Stlmnt

Week High

42.77 42.99 43.07 42.84 42.42 41.80 41.81 41.74 41.66 41.50 41.37 41.21 41.00 39.63

Week Low

43.64 43.86 43.98 43.78 43.38 42.81 42.75 42.58 42.40 42.16 41.99 41.89 41.53 40.14

Cont High

42.10 42.12 42.26 42.08 41.71 41.15 41.16 41.19 41.15 41.10 41.02 42.00 42.00 41.00

54.11 54.46 54.83 55.83 55.00 55.00 54.87 48.26 48.75 52.30 48.75 48.75 48.75 48.75

Chicago Meal Futures Mar 14 May 14 Jul 14 Aug 14 Sep 14 Oct 14 Dec 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep 15 Oct 15

Fri. Stlmnt

Week High

449.60 441.90 430.50 414.40 392.90 367.20 363.60 363.20 364.40 365.50 366.80 364.90 361.80

Week Low

452.70 444.70 433.80 416.90 395.10 367.30 364.20 363.60 364.40 365.50 366.80 365.00 361.80


Cont High

305.00 300.50 282.00 292.00 295.00 312.00 -

Cont Low

1,174.00 1,175.50 1,180.00 1,174.25 1,130.25 1,088.25 1,093.25 1,098.00 1,099.75 1,107.75 1,098.50 1,077.75

Cont Low

36.80 37.13 37.47 37.61 37.67 37.62 37.72 37.90 38.13 38.36 38.70 39.02 39.05 40.07

Cont Low

440.00 431.00 421.70 406.80 386.50 358.00 355.10 354.80 356.00 357.00 359.50 361.60 363.50

486.50 472.90 457.90 433.60 404.40 387.20 387.10 368.90 368.40 367.50 368.90 366.40 365.30

310.50 312.30 326.10 341.50 341.00 339.90 337.10 337.50 338.30 338.20 340.00 344.00 337.70





Number of head Week’s total ...............................................................39,000 Prev. week..................................................................38,000 Year ago………………………………………………....32,000

Millions of pounds

total Weight .....................................................................2.7 Prev. week........................................................................2.6 Year ago ...........................................................................3.1

Spring wheat Minneapolis 13% Minneapolis 14% Minneapolis 15% Pacific NW 14% Pacific NW (cwt.)

Winter wheat

Average weight Week’s avg......................................................................140 Prev. week.......................................................................140 Year ago……………………………………………… .........154

Poultry slaughter

Pacific NW 11% Pacific NW (cwt.)

Chickens Turkeys 1,580 23.24 1,829 1,765 16,028 17,074

Year ago

9.14 9.64 10.19 8.94 14.84

8.85 9.85 10.05 8.65 14.35

9.01 9.01 9.16 9.40 15.60

8.52 14.14

8.76 14.54





Pacific NW Minneapolis #2

nq 4.53

nq 4.55

nq 4.31


(in thousands)


Week ago

8.77 14.58



Feed Minneapolis Pacific NW Malt Minneapolis

Mar. 13

3.90 nq

3.90 nq



5.25 nq 7.10

Minneapolis Cash Illinois

4.55 4.84

4.52 4.87

7.12 7.15

Minneapolis Cash Illinois

13.52 14.90

14.07 14.59

nq 14.42



Week Year ago ago

New crop

Cargill West Fargo Enderlin

20.50 20.80 20.45 20.95

West Fargo




ADM Velva, N.D. West Fargo

19.30 18.60 27.66 19.85 19.30 nq

18.88 18.15




Confections Red River Commodities



Alfalfa – large squares supreme Premium Good

na 180.00 150.00-170.00 160.00-165.00 140.00-142.50 130.00-145.00

Alfalfa – large rounds supreme Premium Good Fair

na 150.00-170.00 125.00-147.50 115.00-120.00

180.00 150.00-175.00 125.00-145.00 105.00-122.50

Alfalfa/Grass – large rounds Good Fair

na 90.00

115.00 85.00

Grass – small squares Premium Good Fair

160.00-165.00 140.00-150.00 na 125.00 105.00 na

Grass – large squares Good Fair Utility

110.00-125.00 na 80.00 na na 40.00

Grass – large rounds Premium Good Fair Utility

170.00 152.50 110.00-120.00 110.00-115.00 77.50-107.50 80.00-100.00 na 70.00

Bedding – large squares Per ton

105.00-115.00 na

Bedding – large rounds Per ton



Bedding – small squares Per bale



Cornstalks – large squares 60.00


Cornstalks – large rounds



Week ago

Alfalfa – small squares


Per ton


(Week ending March 15)

Week ending 1/4 ..................152,421 Average weight ....................6.19 Previous week ......................156,526 this week last year ..............156,135 2014 to date .........................1,526,157 2013 to date .........................1,540,752

Week High

Kansas City Wheat Futures

Millions of pounds total Weight .................................................................431.2 Prev. week....................................................................441.2 Year ago .......................................................................457.0

Rock Valley, Iowa

Chicago Wheat Futures

Millions of pounds total Weight .................................................................450.1 Prev. week....................................................................438.6 Year ago .......................................................................482.3





22.50 20.45 22.50 20.50

32.00 Ask

Per ton

47.50-55.00 40.00-55.00

U.S. weekly grain export inspection (metric tons)

Lst wk prv wk this yr last yr Wheat 429.1 609.9 24,363.0 19,639.9 Soybeans 1,080.0 986.7 37,965.0 31,679.7 Corn 934.0 1,057.1 18,946.6 9,625.9 Barley 0.3 0.0 143.0 132.0 Sunseed 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oats 0.0 0.0 1.9 7.6 Flax 0.0 0.0 7.5 11.3 Rye 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Sorghum 183.1 79.5 1,830.5 1,184.1 TOTAL 2,626.5 2,733.2 83,257.5 62,280.6 For week ending March 6. Crop year begins June 1 for wheat, rye, oats, barley and flax; Sept. 1 for corn, sorghum, soybeans and sunflowers.

Source: Agweek, USDA

Minneapolis Wheat Options

Chicago Wheat Options Strike

Calls MAY4


Puts JUN4









































119.00 119.25



114.38 114.75





109.75 110.38





105.25 106.00


100.75 101.75






Chicago Corn Options




AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 27













































































































































































































6.38 105.88 105.88












7.38 114.38 113.75



















11.13 123.13 122.00


























10.00 132.00 130.25












11.50 140.88 138.75

































13.13 149.88 147.38












18.75 159.00 156.00












16.75 168.25 164.75


























23.38 177.63 173.75












21.00 187.13 182.75



















28.75 196.63 191.88



















25.88 206.13 201.00



















34.63 215.88 210.38



















37.75 225.50 225.50












41.13 235.25 235.25



















44.63 245.13 245.13



















48.13 254.88 254.88



















43.75 264.75 264.75



















55.75 274.63 274.63





























Chicago Soybean Options

Kansas City Wheat Options Strike



Puts APR4






106.75 123.13




98.38 115.00







90.25 107.00

































































Puts JUN4




Chicago Oats Options Strike































































































































































































































































































































































92.13 102.50 100.50


















18.00 102.00 111.00 108.25

























16.25 111.88 119.63 116.13


















14.63 121.75 128.50 124.25


















13.13 131.63 137.50 132.63


















11.88 141.63 146.75 141.13


















10.75 151.63 156.00 149.88


















9.63 161.63 165.50 158.75


















8.75 171.63 175.00 167.63


















8.00 181.63 184.50 176.75


















7.25 191.63 194.13 186.00








UNITED STATES—-Shipments (not including imports) 1854*-1863*1906—-The top shipping states, in order, were Idaho, Colorado, Wisconsin, Red River Valley (Minnesota and North Dakota), and Columbia Basin Washington/Umatilla Basin Oregon. The Market News Service survey of over 21,000 retail stores had potatoes on ad last week in 19,034 stores, of which 768 featured organic potato ads (4 percent of total potato ads), a 12 percent decrease from the 21,666 last week’s stores. Diesel prices for the week of March 10, 2014 were $4.02, generally unchanged from the previous week (U.S. EIA). *revised. UPPER VALLEY, TWIN FALLS-BURLEY DISTRICT, IDAHO—-Shipments 734-712-753—-(includes export of 8-4-2)—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading baled and carton 40-50s slow, others moderate. Prices baled slightly lower, Norkotah cartons slightly higher, others generally unchanged. Russet Burbank U.S. One baled 5 10-pound non size A 5.005.50, 50-pound cartons 40-50s 6.50-7.00, 60-100s 8.50-9.00. Russet Norkotah U.S. One baled 5 10-pound film bags non size A 5.00-5.50, 50pound cartons 40-50s mostly 7.00, 60-100s mostly 8.50-9.00. Shipments for week ending March 8, 2014 were generally Russets with 58 percent Burbanks and 35 percent Norkotahs. SAN LUIS VALLEY, COLORADO—-Shipments 254-245-254 (including exports 28-28-20)—-Movement expected to increase slightly. Trading fairly slow. Prices generally unchanged. Russet Norkotah U.S. One baled 5 10pound film bags size A mostly 7.50, 50-pound cartons 40s 7.00-10.00, 5070s mostly 11.00, 80-100s mostly 10.00. U.S. Commercial bulk per cwt 9.50-11.50. CENTRAL WISCONSIN—-Shipments 152-140-141—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading fairly slow. Prices generally unchanged. Russet Norkotah baled 5 10-pound film bags size A mostly 8.00, 50 pound cartons 40-70s mostly 11.00-12.00, 80s mostly 10.50, 90s mostly 10.00, 100s mostly 9.50-10.00. RED RIVER VALLEY (MINNESOTA-NORTH DAKOTA)—-Shipments 118126-134—-Movement expected to increase slightly. Trading fairly active. Prices generally unchanged. Round Red U.S. One baled 10 5-pound film bags size A mostly 10.25, tote bags size A mostly 15.50 per cwt. COLUMBIA BASIN WASHINGTON AND UMATILLA BASIN OREGON—Shipments 129-134-129—-(includes export of 35-40-38)—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading moderate. Prices carton 40s slightly higher, others generally unchanged. Russet Norkotahs U.S. One baled 5 10-pound film bags non size A 7.00, 50-pound cartons 40s 8.0010.00, 50-100s 9.00-10.00. FLORIDA DISTRICT—-Shipments 78-133-120 (including exports 1-8-8)— -Movement expected to increase slightly. Trading Round Red fairly active, Round White and Yellow Type very active. Prices Round Red size A slightly lower, others generally unchanged. Round Red U.S. One 50-pound cartons size A 13.25-14.75. Yellow Type U.S. One 50-pound cartons size A mostly 20.00. Round White U.S. One 50-pound cartons size A mostly 29.00. HEREFORD HIGH PLAINS EASTERN NEW MEXICO—-Shipments 6980*-58—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading moderate. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. MICHIGAN—-Shipments 33*-32*-43—-Movement expected about the same. Trading slow. Prices unchanged. U.S. One Round White size A 10 pound open window sacks loose mostly 1.90-2.20, Russet Norkotah and Goldrush10 pound film bags loose mostly 1.85-2.25. *revised. NEBRASKA DISTRICT—-Shipments 46-45-46—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading slow. Prices generally unchanged. Russet Norkotah U.S. One, baled 5 10-pound film bags size A mostly 7.50-8.00, 50-pound cartons 40s 8.00-10.00, 50-70s mostly 11.00, 80s mostly 10.50, 90-100s 10.00. One large shipper is now using Colorado grown stocks. *revised. KLAMATH BASIN (NORTHERN CALIFORNIA-SOUTHERN OREGON)—Shipments 44-43-43—-(including export 0-3-2)—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading slow. Prices generally unchanged, Russet Norkotah U.S. One baled 5 10-pound film bags size A mostly 7.00-7.50, 50-poundcartons 40-100s mostly 10.00-11.00. KERN COUNTY CALIFORNIA—-Shipments 34-37-36 (including exports 5-3-2) Movement expected to decrease as winter crop supplies wind down. Trading fairly slow. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. NORTHERN COLORADO—-Shipments 26-30-30—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading fairly slow. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. One large Nebraska shipper is now using Northern Colorado grown stocks. NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON—-Shipments 35-13-6 (including exports 2-1-3)Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading slow. Prices generally unchanged. Round Red U.S. One 50-pound cartons size A mostly 16.00; Yellow Type U.S. One 50-pound cartons size A mostly 16.0018.00. **Change in Washington states marketing order for 2013 crop limits availability of shipment information to exports only. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT—-Shipments **-**-**—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading fairly slow. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. **unavailable. IMPERIAL VALLEY CALIFORNIA—-Shipments 0-0-0—-Harvest expected to start the week of March 16. Volume shipments not expected until first week of April. NEW BRUNSWICK CANADA (CROSSINGS THROUGH MAINE POINTS)—-Shipments fairly light—-Movement expected about the same. Trading fairly slow. Prices unchanged. U.S. No. 1 or Canada No. 1 baled 10 5-pound film bags 2 inch or 4 ounce minimum 8.00-9.00, tote bags approx. 2000 pounds per cwt. mostly 12.50-13.00. According to the March 1, 2014 Potato Stocks released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, New Brunswick’s holdings of 6.7 million cwt. are down 6% over 1 year earlier (7.2 million cwt.). Total Canadian stocks of 50.6 million cwt. are up 4% from one year earlier (46.6 million cwt.).

Potatoes for processing IDAHO—-Open-market trading by processors with growers was inactive. MICHIGAN—-Shipments to Chippers 218*-268*-262—-Movement expected about the same. Most movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales to establish a market. *revised. WISCONSIN—-Shipments to Chippers 217-200-211—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Too few open market sales to establish a market. MINNESOTA-NORTH DAKOTA (RED RIVER VALLEY)—-Shipments to Chippers 90-115-99—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Too few open market sales to establish a market. WESTERN & CENTRAL NEW YORK—-Shipments to Chippers 45-5656—-Movement expected about the same. Most movement from pre-season contracts. Too few open market sales to establish a market. FLORIDA—-Shipments to Chippers 0-22-24—-Movement expected to increase as harvest moves north across the State. Too few open market sales to establish a market. PENNSYLVANIA—-Shipments to Chippers 5-8-7—-Movement expected to decrease slightly. Most movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales to establish a market.

PAGE 28 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK



Edible beans

Sugar 11 Futures

Apr 14 Jun 14 Sep 14 Feb 15 Apr 15 Jun 15 Sep 15 Feb 16

Fri. Stlmnt 17.82 18.09 18.46 18.99 18.80 18.53 18.57 18.85

Week High 18.22 18.36 18.64 19.09 18.84 18.54 18.58 18.87

Week Low 17.07 17.45 17.88 18.48 18.30 18.11 18.19 18.53

Cont High

24.10 23.88 23.79 23.00 21.85 21.73 20.78 20.01

Sugar 16 Futures

Apr 14 Jun 14 Aug 14 Oct 14 Dec 14 Feb 15 Apr 15 Jun 15 Aug 15 Oct 15 Dec 15

Fri. Stlmnt 22.05 22.37 22.69 22.99 23.01 23.09 23.23 23.45 23.50 23.63 23.75

Week High 22.08 22.50 22.75 23.10 23.14 23.16 23.27 23.45 23.50 23.63 23.75

Week Low 22.00 22.25 22.25 23.15 22.75 22.80 23.00 23.25 23.35 -

Cont High

26.00 26.00 25.50 24.00 23.50 23.45 23.54 23.60 23.70 23.85 23.85

Winnipeg Canolla Futures Mar 14 May 14 Jul 14 Nov 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Nov 15 Jan 16 Mar 16

Fri. Stlmnt

443.30 456.10 465.00 481.80 488.70 495.40 500.30 505.40 501.60 501.60 501.60

Week High 450.60 461.10 470.10 486.70 493.60 500.30 505.50 510.60 506.80 506.80 506.80

Week Low 442.00 451.60 469.00 475.90 484.00 491.50 492.40 -

Cont High

572.40 564.30 555.90 532.00 531.00 526.60 526.30 520.70 -

Light Crude Oil Futures

Cont Low

14.92 15.24 15.72 16.60 16.72 16.90 17.28 17.83

Cont Low

19.75 20.25 20.66 21.25 21.75 21.50 22.20 22.35 22.55 23.50 23.50

Cont Low

392.80 403.70 413.10 431.50 440.00 447.50 453.20 470.00 -

Mar 14 Apr 14 May 14 Jun 14 Jul 14 Aug 14 Sep 14 Oct 14 Nov 14 Dec 14

Fri. Stlmnt 98.20 97.94 97.36 96.69 96.03 95.34 94.62 93.92 93.24 92.46

Week High

101.12 100.59 99.75 98.86 97.97 97.06 96.14 95.26 94.40 93.43

Week Low

97.55 97.19 96.63 95.98 95.28 94.58 93.94 93.30 92.47 91.85

Cont High

105.22 104.48 110.90 102.27 101.12 99.93 99.41 99.00 141.66 98.05

Heating Crude Oil Futures Mar 14 Apr 14 May 14 Jun 14 Jul 14 Aug 14 Sep 14 Oct 14 Nov 14 Dec 14

Fri. Stlmnt 2.92 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89

Week High

2.97 2.94 2.94 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.92 2.92 2.92

Week Low

2.90 2.89 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88

Cont High

3.13 3.09 3.08 3.05 3.04 3.03 3.03 3.02 3.01 3.00

Cont Low

85.20 85.25 76.00 85.10 85.10 83.80 87.05 81.50 64.56 86.04

Cont Low

2.64 2.63 2.74 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73

Regular Unleaded Gas Futures Mar 14 Apr 14 May 14 Jun 14 Jul 14 Aug 14 Sep 14 Oct 14 Nov 14 Dec 14

Fri. Stlmnt 2.93 2.92 2.89 2.86 2.82 2.78 2.63 2.58 2.56 2.54

Week High

2.97 2.96 2.93 2.89 2.85 2.81 2.65 2.61 2.59 2.57

Week Low

2.92 2.91 2.88 2.84 2.81 2.76 2.61 2.57 2.55 2.54

Cont High

3.05 3.04 3.01 2.97 2.92 2.88 2.73 2.69 2.66 2.64

Small reds

Week Mar. 11 ago

Cont Low

2.63 2.64 2.60 2.61 2.60 2.53 2.46 2.35 2.34 2.41

Year ago

Idaho/Wash. Michigan N.D.

33.00 33.00 33.00 30.00 33.00 32.00


Pintos N.E. Colorado 32.00 Idaho 34.00 E. Wyo./W. Neb. 32.00 N.D./Minn. na Washington 34.00 N. Wyo./S.C. Mont. 32.00

32.00 35.00 32.00 na 35.00 34.00

Great Northerns Neb./Wyo. N.D. Idaho

50.00 na na

50.00 na na

42.00 na na



53.00 na na

50.00 na na




39.00 na

39.00 na

40.00 na

Small whites Idaho/Wash.


Light red kidneys Colo./Neb. Michigan Wis./Minn.

53.00 na na

Dark red kidneys Minn./Wis.

Pinks Idaho/Wash. N.D./Minn.

Flax prices down

WINNIPEG, Manitoba — Flax prices, like those for every other prairie crop, have already come down hard. Prices had been about $15 per bushel a year ago. Supplies were tight and demand was firm. The carryout as of July 2013 was only 71,000 metric tons, which is pretty tight for the world’s largest flax producer. This time a year ago, health food demand was steady, and Chinese buying was strong. Prices starting moving higher and peaked in May at more than $17 per bushel. Since then, prices have been sliding. Today prices are at about $12.50 at processors and $12.15 at elevators. The elevator bid is theoretical because most elevators are full and not taking flax. Movement should open up in April once the Seaway is working and trains are hauling to Thunder Bay. Demand for flax is solid. The biggest buyer is the health food industry and that’s a steady market. The next biggest buyer is China, which is a bit problematic at the moment. The Chinese were aggressive buyers last summer when prices were peaking. Shipping was slow and those big purchases are currently arriving in China and piling up at dockside warehouses. That, of course, is a temporary situation but is mildly bearish at the moment. Europe will be a buyer once the Seaway opens. Most of the European industrial market was lost to Canadian imports and replaced by eastern European production; however that crop, which was supposed to be 900,000 metric tons in 2013 didn’t turn out nearly that good. Canadian flax exports to Europe are gradually becoming important again, and this is positive for prices this spring. Southern Manitoba elevator bids jump to $13.30 per bushel for April delivery. The outlook for new crop is for higher flax acres. Plantings were already higher in 2013 and current price relationships suggest they will be up by an even larger amount this spring. The carryover will more than double from last year to this year and might be even bigger next year. Flax prices are declining and probably will continue to do so if those larger plantings materialize.

John Duvenaud

Duvenaud publishes the Wild Oats Grain Market Advisory. For a free copy, call (800) 567-5671.

One thing that lower new crop prices do for any crop is slow down spot sales. Japan, specifically, at the moment is hand-to-mouth on flax. Nobody — traders or users — is building any position in flax. Flax has a $3 per bushel spot advantage over canola. The current relationship of flax to canola favors a shift to flax plantings, even though the new crop spread is tighter.

Canola supported by soy

Canola values became divorced from the soybean complex given the unique situation in Canada with the large crop and rail backlog. We are now projecting canola prices to move in line with the bean complex for the following reasons. First, the soybean market is functioning to encourage acreage in the U.S., which will support the overall oilseed complex. The Brazilian harvest is more than 51 percent complete and soybean values have not come under pressure as expected. The market needs a sharp year-over-year increase in U.S. soybean production. Secondly, world vegetable oil prices have strengthened from the dryer conditions in the palm producing regions of Malaysia and Indonesia. Enhanced domestic canola crush margins will underpin canola as soyoil remains firm. Finally, it appears that Western Canadian rail logistics will improve, given the recent government intervention. The export pace will improve moving forward, and

Michigan North Dakota

40.00 na na

40.00 45.00 na

40.00 43.00 na

na 39.00

na 39.00

38.00 na

42.00 37.00

42.00 37.00

na 30.00

28.00 na

28.00 na

37.00 na

17.00 17.00 11.00 na 22.00 19.00

20.00 20.00 14.50 na 25.00 25.00

15.00 10.00 16.00

25.00 15.00 18.00

Pea Beans Michigan North Dakota

Garbanzo Wash./Idaho N.D./Mont.

Peas & lentils Idaho/Wash. Green (whole vine) 17.00 Green (upright) 17.00 Yellow (whole) 11.00 Aust. Winter na Lentils (Pardina) 22.00 Lentils (Brewers) 18.50 North Dakota Green (whole) 15.83 Yellow (whole) 10.00 Lentils (richlea) 16.00

the worst is behind us. While the canola carryout is still projected to come in near 3 million metric tons, the market is starting to focus on upcoming acreage estimates and production forecasts. We anticipate a 10 percent increase in acres, but a return to a five-year average yield will cause production to come in near 17 million metric tons in 2014, compared with the 2013 crop of 18 million metric tons. The market is not getting more bearish but rather looking neutral to slightly positive. The market may chop around at these levels but soon the focus will be on yield estimates. Lower production for new crop will support old crop canola values, and the firm bean complex will further underpin canola.

Feedgrain and milling wheat

The corn market has been very resilient at current levels, slowly ratcheting higher since mid January. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been trimming the 2013 to ’14 U.S. corn carryout, and the upcoming acreage appears to be uncertain heading into spring planting. Analysts are looking for a 5 to 10 percent decline in U.S. seeded acreage. If seeded acreage is down 10 percent from last year, we can make the argument that the 2014 to ’15 fundamental structure once again becomes quite snug and similar to the bean complex. While the domestic Canadian wheat market has been isolated from world wheat values because of the burdensome carryout and logistical problems, we are forecasting lower Canadian spring wheat acreage and production for 2014. The U.S. carryouts for soft red winter and hard red winter wheats are also sharply below the five-year average. Similar to canola, the wheat market is not becoming more bearish, but rather looking neutral to slightly positive moving forward. The corn and feedgrains complex will further underpin the wheat market. We don’t feel political uncertainty will undermine the wheat trade from the Black Sea, but the market is nervous. We’ve seen in the past how the market responds to adverse trade from this region, most recently the droughts of 2010 and 2012.

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 29


Wheat surges, soybeans falter Wheat

Wheat had gains last week again, as the Ukrainian situation continues to make traders nervous, and dry weather in the southern U.S. is showing no signs of changing. As of midday on March 14, May Minneapolis had gained 30 cents on the week, May Chicago was up 36 cents, and May Kansas City gained 32 cents. Wheat trade had light gains March 10 with the release of the monthly U.S. Department of Agriculture report. U.S. ending stocks were unchanged at 558 million bushels, while world ending stocks increased slightly from 183.73 million metric tons in February to 183.81 million metric tons in March. Production numbers for Russia and Ukraine were unchanged at 52.1 million and 22.3 million metric tons, respectively. The wheat markets posted big gains March 11 with traders showing concern about dry conditions in the southern plains. While crop condition ratings did improve slightly last week with wheat breaking dormancy, soil moisture is low in much of the hard red winter wheat growing areas, with the two-week forecasts showing little chance for moisture. The wheat markets posted big gains again March 12 with tensions escalating about the Ukraine situation. Dow Jones reported substantial planting delays in Ukraine, attributed mostly to dry weather, but this news served to fuel the fires of concern about Ukrainian production and exports going forward. Around 17 percent of the world’s wheat exports come from the Black Sea region, so the wheat markets are very vulnerable to a change in the situation there. The wheat markets felt pressure from some profit taking March 13 after surging in recent sessions. May Chicago wheat held above its 200-day moving average. Buying interest returned on March 14 with doubledigit gains at midday, as traders do not want to be short ahead of the weekend with the risk for conflict in Ukraine. Western countries are threatening economic sanctions against Russia if it doesn’t agree to hold negotiations. The National Agricultural Statistics Service weekly crop condition reports showed Texas winter wheat at 28 percent good to excellent, up from 15 percent the previous week, but topsoil moisture levels are 76 percent short to very short. The Oklahoma crop is rated at 31 percent good to excellent, unchanged from the previous week, with Kansas at 37 percent good to excellent versus 34 percent the previous week. USDA reported wheat export inspections pace for the week ending March 7 at 15.8 million bushels. This brings the year-to-date export shipments pace for wheat to 895.2 million bushels, compared with 721.6 million for last year at this time. Wheat export sales pace for the week ending March 7 was estimated at 17.5 million bushels, above the 9.4 million needed to keep pace with projections. Shipments of 16.7 million bushels were below the 25.3 million needed.


Corn had mixed trade last week with losses after the monthly USDA report, while support came from strength in the wheat market as political unrest continues in Ukraine. As of midday on March 14, the May contract was down 3 cents for the week, while the December contract gained 1 cent. The corn market traded lower on March 10 with the monthly USDA report. The report showed a reduction in ending stocks because of an increase in exports. USDA increased corn exports by 25 million bushels and left the rest of the balance sheet alone. Ending stocks came in at 1.456 billion bushels, with a stocksto-use ratio at 10.9 percent, compared with last year at 7.4 percent. Brazil and Argentina’s corn production estimates were left unchanged, while global ending stocks were increased 1.17 million metric tons. The

Ray Grabanski

Grabanski is president of Progressive Ag, a Fargo, N.D.based hedge brokerage firm. Reach Grabanski at (800) 4501404.

global stocks-to-use ratio increased to 16.8 percent. The futures did crawl higher on March 11 and 12, as the strength in the wheat complex spilled over from continued turmoil in Ukraine. USDA did lower the U.S. stocks by 25 million bushels on March 10 and that helped the market. Corn also found support as the ethanol futures made new contract highs on March 12 and are creating buying interest from good demand and smaller stocks. The corn market lost some ground on March 13 with the sharp losses in the wheat complex. CONAB (Brazil’s crop agency) also released its estimate for Brazil’s crop at 75.2 million metric tons, down slightly from its last estimate of 75.5 million, but substantially higher than the latest USDA figure of 70 million metric tons. Ethanol production for the week ending March 7 averaged 869,000 barrels per day, down 2.8 percent from the previous week. Total ethanol production for the week was 6.083 million barrels. Corn used in production is estimated at 91.25 million bushels and needs to average 97.82 million bushels per week to meet this crop year’s USDA estimate of 5 billion bushels. Stocks were 15.908 million barrels, down 4.23 percent from the previous week. USDA’s export inspections report was bullish for corn at 36.8 million bushels versus the 34.3 million needed to keep pace with USDA projections. Corn export sales were estimated at 27.1 million bushels, which was well above the 5.2 million needed to stay on pace with USDA’s estimate of 1.625 billion bushels. The shipments came in at 36 million bushels, above the 34.7 million needed to keep pace with USDA projections.


Soybeans slipped lower last week as commercial buying dried up, creating the first downturn in the weekly chart since the end of January. As of the March 13 close, May soybeans were 61.5 cents lower for the week, while the November contract lost 7.5 cents. Soybeans opened the week lower, following slowerthan-expected economic data out of China reported by Dow Jones over the weekend. Weak outside markets with sharp losses in crude oil added pressure ahead of USDA’s March World Agricultural Supply & Demand report, as well. The report pegged U.S. ending stocks at 145 million bushels, down from 150 million last month. This was a smaller decline than expected. World carryout was 70.64 million metric tons, compared with 73.01 million in February. Brazilian soybean production decreased from 90 million metric tons to 88.5 million, while Argentine soybean production was left unchanged at 54 million metric tons. Soybeans traded mixed on March 11 with losses in the front month contracts tied to commercial selling. March 12 saw further losses as bull spreads continued to unwind. Soybean demand appears to be slowing with the slowdown in China’s economy likely responsible. China has accounted for 69 percent of this year’s U.S. soybean exports so far. The South American har-

vest continues to progress and shipments should continue to increase. Dow Jones reported March 12 that CONAB reduced its production estimate from 90 million metric tons to 85.4 million. Soybean futures closed with gains in all months on March 13 with support from another round of bullish export sales. Export sales are currently 6 percent above USDA’s projection for the year with roughly six months remaining. Old crop supplies remain tight, and traders’ concerns about potential Chinese cancellations are diminishing with the majority of the export sales already having been shipped. Soybeans slipped lower again March 14 with profit taking ahead of the weekend. USDA reported soybean export inspections pace for the week ending March 7 at 55.3 million bushels. This brings the year-to-date export shipments pace for soybeans to 1.411 billion bushels, compared with 1.164 billion for last year at this time. Soybean export sales pace for the week ending March 7 was estimated at 4.2 million bushels. This brings soybean’s export sales pace for the year to 1.627 billion bushels, compared with USDA’s demand projection of 1.53 billion bushels.


USDA reported barley export inspections pace for the week ending March 7 at 13,733 bushels. There were no export sales reported for barley. For the week ending March 13, cash feed barley bids in Minneapolis were unchanged at $3.90 per bushel, while malting barley was unchanged at $5.90.


No export inspections or sales were reported for durum the week ending March 7. As of the March 13 close, cash bids for milling quality durum were at $7 per bushel in Berthold, N.D., while the Dickinson, N.D., bid was at $7.15.


As of the March 13 close, May canola futures on the Winnipeg, Manitoba, exchange were $5.90 (Canadian) higher on the week at $456.10 (Canadian). Canola futures traded lower March 10, but closed with gains throughout the remainder of the week. Logistical issues and weakness in Chicago Board of Trade soybean and soyoil futures following the release of USDA’s March WASDE report pressured the market. Speculative buying and limited farmer selling provided support that led to ending the week higher. News that Canada had negotiated a free trade agreement with South Korea provided additional support on March 12. As of the March 13 close, cash canola bids in Velva, N.D., were 60 cents higher on the week at $19.18 per hundredweight.


Soybean oil export sales pace for the week ending March 7 was estimated at 7.1 thousand metric tons. As of the March 13 close, May soybean oil was down $1.33 for the week at $42.99. Cash sunflower bids in Fargo, N.D., were 19 cents lower for the week at $20.60 per hundredweight.

Dry beans

Market activity has been extremely quiet this winter, with processing and shipping efforts hampered by cold weather and transportation logistics. Old crop navy beans are steady at $37, while pintos remain off the board. There are rumors of new crop contracts being offered for pintos sometime before planting, probably in the upper $20 range.

PAGE 30 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK



Friday LocaL cash Grain Prices Sprg

Ayr, N.D. Beach Bismarck Bottineau Cando Cooperstown Edgeley Finley Fortuna Gladstone Grand Forks Hankinson Harlow Harvey Hatton Jamestown Manvel McVille New Salem N.D. Mill Northwood Plaza Regent Rugby Russell Scranton Sheldon Stanley Thompson Tuttle Walhalla West Fargo Williston Brookings, S.D. Chamberlain Huron McLaughlin Philip Redfield St. Lawrence Watertown Billings, MONT. Glasgow Glendive Havre Miles City Alvarado, MINN. Argyle Beltrami Breckenridge Crookston Erskine Fergus Falls Fosston Garfield Kragnes Marshall Morris Pipestone Roseau Shelly Walnut Grove Wheaton Mpls.-Duluth Portland, ORE AVERAGES Cargill Corn: Bid Basis



6.94 6.57 6.54 6.68 6.69 6.65 6.84 6.87


6.69 6.74 7.39 6.59 6.62 6.55 6.64 7.04 6.79 6.59 7.29 6.99 6.65 6.55 6.69 6.54 6.99 6.59 6.94 6.99

6.34 6.05









Wht 12%

No. 1







6.41 6.41 6.05 6.86 6.27


3.86 3.80 4.01 3.41 3.76 3.58 3.81 3.80



6.67 6.55 6.85 6.37 6.45

3.35 3.10 3.35 3.55 3.00

7.00 7.15


6.33 6.52

3.76 3.85

4.02 3.96





6.15 6.62 6.10


4.30 4.25

3.40 3.25 3.30

13.10 13.10 10.30 13.00 13.50





6.50 6.45

2.60 3.90

4.07 4.22 4.02 4.07 3.96 4.07




18.03 17.95

19.25 18.35











18.30 18.20 17.10

12.48 10.84 11.99 11.99 12.21 12.21 10.94


12.22 12.88 12.16 12.29 11.93 12.39 12.21 12.12

10.94 10.94 10.89 11.00 10.73 10.95

11.92 10.75 12.40 10.93



12.82 10.95


3.66 4.01


10.75 12.82 10.95


19.85 6.62

6.94 6.72 6.81 6.79

6.97 6.65


18.70 18.20 18.50


3.97 3.99 4.07 3.85

13.11 12.66 12.72 12.38

4.00 3.97 4.06

12.68 12.63 12.83







8.31 8.81 Apr 3.86 -100

12.60 12.37 10.80 3.86 4.17 3.82 3.86 3.76 3.71 4.25 3.91 4.29

6.79 7.39 9.64 8.94

May 3.86 -100

June 3.91 -100

12.15 12.44


7.19 7.19 7.03 6.90 7.19 7.09 7.46 6.96 6.73

7.19 6.73 7.00 7.19 6.84

Mar 3.86 -100


3.55 3.76 3.66 4.01

7.12 7.29 7.04 6.86 6.91 6.75 7.09 7.14 7.44 6.99 6.84



12.49 10.90

3.87 3.97

3.66 4.01 3.56 3.76 3.77 3.76 3.91 3.71

Canola Sunseeds



3.81 4.41 4.01 4.55

July 3.91 -100

Aug 3.99 -90

Oct 4.12 -75


12.52 13.18 12.38 12.73 12.39

3.56 3.80 3.84

4.05 4.42

12.29 10.72 13.22 11.05 12.83 13.16 11.06


12.17 13.28 12.88 13.52

4.42 4.53

Nov 4.22 -65


Dec 4.25 -62

Jan 4.30 -65

Feb 4.30 -65

Mar 4.40 -55

Apr 4.46 -55


May 4.46 -55

Prices as of close of markets Friday. Prices in dollar per bushel, except sunflower seeds and canola, which are dollars per cwt. Based on an Agweek survey of selected elevators and to-arrive bids reported by the USDA. Wheat prices may reflect milling or terminal. Many of the towns listed have other elevators with prices different from the ones shown. Durum prices are No.1 hard amber. *Delivered Erskine.


Researcher fights rust disease

Fungus has devastating effects

NDSU Agriculture Communication

A driving force behind Maricelis Acevedo’s research is to make a difference. The assistant professor in the North Dakota State University Department of Plant Pathology certainly is doing that. Acevedo specializes in leading research dealing with rust disease in wheat, a fungal infection that can have devastating results on plants. In some parts of the world, the crop-killing fungus is called the “polio of agriculture.” “I’m very passionate about working with rust pathogens, ultimately with a goal of increasing food security in the U.S. and around the globe,” Acevedo says. “I find them very interesting because they are highly diverse, and new virulent races are constantly emerging. That keeps us on our toes and always trying to stay ahead of the pathogen. I love the challenge of working on that type of research project.” Her research emphasizes genetics to build resistance to leaf and stem rust in wheat. The work is especially important for North Dakota because the State Wheat Commission reports about 19,200 farms grow wheat. The state typically ranks second only to Kansas in total wheat production each year. “Working in North Dakota is the perfect place because of wheat’s importance as a commodity, a way of living and its history in the state,” says Acevedo, who joined NDSU’s faculty in 2010. “It’s exciting to be working in an area where agriculture really is appreciated and our research is valued.” Acevedo is becoming an authority in her field of study. She was one of the inaugural recipients of the Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum Early Career Award. In May 2013, she was an invited speaker at the Internal Symposium on Genetics and Breeding Durum Wheat in Rome, and she also presented at the “1st Workshop of Surveillance of Race Ug99 in South America and Breeding for Resistance” in Passo Fundo, Brazil. She recently was one of 16 scientists invited to the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation in Seattle to brainstorm about future needs in wheat research. A native of Puerto Rico, Acevedo earned her bachelor’s degree in biology and master’s degree in agronomy at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez. She earned her doctorate in biological sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Before joining NDSU, Acevedo received postdoctoral training at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service Small Grains and Potato Research Unit in Aberdeen, Idaho. “I like the idea of working with a purpose, to make a difference in people’s lives,” Acevedo says. “I want to apply the research in the field and facilitate getting it to market as prudently as possible. I’d like to provide better information and more understanding of how rust pathogens interact with the plant, so researchers can develop better ways to manage the disease, like new technologies and new chemicals.” Another aspect of her work is serving as a mentor and role model for students. She works in a field where the majority of researchers historically have been men, but that is starting to shift. Half of the graduate students she works with are women from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Acevedo received a 2013 Leap Research Award from NDSU’s FORWARD program, which works for the advancement of women. “I think I bring to the table other points of view and push research boundaries,” Acevedo says. “My lab provides evidence how diversity can provide changes in how we approach science. We try to keep an open mind and a ‘think-outside-of-the-box’ approach on research.”

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 31

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PAGE 32 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK


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But annual sugar beet trade show finds optimism

By Jonathan Knutson

Agweek Staff Writer

GRAND FORKS, N.D. — Kelly Brantner, a fourth-generation sugar beet farmer, has seen tough times before. “But it doesn’t get much tougher than this,” Brantner, a Felton, Minn., farmer and secretary of the Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers Association, said of historically low sugar prices that have crippled his industry’s profitability. Another planting season is nearing, however, and Brantner and others involved in the area’s sugar beet industry say optimism is in order. Brantner attended the 52nd annual International Sugarbeet Institute March 1213 in Grand Forks, N.D. The Red River Valley of eastern North Dakota and western Minnesota is the nation’s leading sugar beet growing region, and the institute is the world’s largest indoor sugar beet trade show. An estimated 3,000 to 4,000 people attended this year, and about 125 companies exhibited their products. Every exhibit had a connection to the sugar beet industry. Bob Cournia, the institute’s longtime exhibit coordinator, died in a traffic accident Nov. 7. Cournia, 67, was a lifetime farmer in Crookston, Minn. His image was displayed on video screens on the walls of the Alerus Center’s exhibit hall. “Bob’s looking down on us,” Brantner said. Cournia was honored in a special presentation at the institute on March 12. The show began in 1963 in Crookston and now alternates between the Alerus Center and the Fargodome in Fargo, N.D. When the event was held in Grand Forks in 2012, sugar prices and industry enthusiasm were high. Since then, record world production and growing Mexican imports have pushed down prices to their lowest levels since the 1980s. Sugar prices, though still low, have risen a bit lately, said Larry Ronsberg, general manager-beet seed division of Moorhead, Minn.-based American Crystal Sugar Co. He helped to staff the cooperative’s booth at the institute. Still, growers are frustrated by the growing import of subsidized Mexican sugar under the North American Free Trade Act, Brantner said. “That just shouldn’t be happening,” he said. To make things worse, prices of other crops grown by Red River Valley farmers also have fallen, he said. Historically, growing sugar beets has helped area farmers overcome low prices for other crops. With sugar prices low, too, that won’t happen now, Brantner said.

Cyclical business

Sugar beets, like agriculture in general, are cyclical. Sometimes beets offer attrac-

tive profits, sometimes they don’t, said Mike Sauer of Wahpeton, N.D.-based Allied Beet Service. Sauer, who has many years of experience in the sugar beet industry, said beet farmers probably will struggle to be profitable this year. He also said he’s optimistic they’ll at least break even. Exhibitors at the institute said it’s too soon to tell how farmers’ spending will be affected by poor sugar prices. Farmers generally have “a wait-and-see attitude,” said Nathan Jutlia, who was exhibiting Wil-Rich chisel plows at the institute. John Noorloos, president of Ropa North America, also exhibited his products at the Institute. His company distributes the Ropa line, which is made in Germany, in Canada and the U.S. One of the Ropa products on display in Grand Forks was a $750,000 self-propelled harvester that Noorloos said can help sugar beet farmers become more efficient. The Red River Valley Sugarbeet Museum, located in Crookston, also had a booth at the institute. In contrast to the big, modern machinery on exhibit, the museum displayed a small combine used to harvest sugar beets in the 1940s.

Planting nears

Spring came late in 2013, and many area sugar beet growers planted their crops much later than they wanted. Ideally, area sugar beets are planted in the last 10 days of April. Favorable weather during the next five to six weeks would allow that to happen this year, said Mohamed Khan, extension sugar beet specialist for North Dakota State University and the University of Minnesota and chairman of the International Sugarbeet Institute. Warm temperatures that would thaw frost in the soil is on the wish list of area beet farmers. The cold winter of 2013 to '14 has put frost deep in most area fields slated for sugar beets this spring. Some crops, such as wheat, can be planted safely before all the frost in the soil is gone in spring. Some crops, including sugar beets, shouldn’t be planted until the frost is gone. Most area fields have enough moisture to help beets get off to a good start this growing season, Khan said. Brantner said the approach of planting makes him hopeful.

Fighting weeds

Glyphosate resistance is a growing concern for area farmers. The popular herbicide often is sold under the brand name Roundup. Sugar beet farmers in the northern Red River Valley generally include wheat in their rotation. That greater diversity helps reduce potential glyphosate resistance, Khan said. Sugar beet farmers in the southern Red River Valley are less likely to plant wheat in their rotations. But those farmers are aware of the danger of glyphosate resistance and are employing other tactics, including the use of other herbicides, to fight it, Khan said.

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 33

Biotech basics


Speaker discusses plant breeding

By Jonathan Knutson Agweek Staff Writer

GRAND FORKS, N.D. — Tom Peters can tell you a lot about biotechnology and agriculture. Peters, University of Minnesota and North Dakota State University Extension sugar beet agronomist and weed specialist, gave the March 12 keynote address at the 52nd annual International Sugarbeet Institute in Grand Forks, N.D. The institute, the nation’s largest indoor sugar beet trade show, took place March 12 to 13. An estimated 3,000 to 4,000 people attended, and about 125 companies exhibited their products. Peters, who grew up on a Minnesota dairy farm, recently retired from Monsanto after 24 years with the company. He worked in biotechnology and the development of products with new traits. His presentation at the institute was, “I have an Idea; Let’s Develop a New Biotech Trait.” He talked about some of the principles of biotech development, using the idea of coming up with a plant that’s resistant to cold.

into the science it is today,” Peters said. In contrast to classical plant breeding, biotech could allow a scientist “to go out and find maybe a microbe in a cold stream in Canada. Or we could go to the oceans to find a gene in a deep-water fish. We could potentially identify those genes” and move them into sugar beets, Peters said.

‘Gene of interest’

Eric Hylden, Forum News Service

3 Brian Clouse of Holly Seed, Fergus Falls, Minn., answers questions from farmers attending the annual International Sugarbeet Institute on March 12 in Grand Forks, N.D. Breeding plants has a long and important role in human civilization. “Classical plant breeding is something that the public accepts, and it’s a very important part of what we can do as scientists,” Peters said.

Classical plant breeding, however, only allows crosses with like crops. “You can’t make a cross into sugar beets with algae. ... You have to make a cross with a sugar beet,” he said. “That’s a limitation. It’s really the reason that biotech evolved

Another shortcoming with classical plant breeding is that it takes time, sometimes a very long time, Peters said. For instance, it took 10,000 years to convert teosinte (a wild relative of maize) into corn. “Over 10,000 years, five different genes evolved as corn evolved,” he said. Traditional plant breeding identifies “a gene of interest” that scientists hope to advance. In working with that particular gene, however, scientists must work with other genes, as well. Peters compared DNA to a string of pearls, with each pearl a different gene. With classical plant breeding, scientists work with,

and advance, all the genes on the string. In contrast, plant biotechnology “advances only the gene of interest,” said Peters, who worked on his first Roundup project in 1993. Monsanto developed the Roundup brand of herbicides

Longer process

Monsanto first became involved in biotech because its leaders thought the regulatory approval process for products developed by biotech would be easier than for products developed by chemistry, Peters said. Over time, however, winning regulatory approval has become more difficult, Peters said. He estimated that developing biotech products costs four times as much and takes twice as long as it did 10 years ago. He also thinks the easiest-toachieve biotech breakthroughs have been achieved. “The easy stuff’s done,” he said. Peters said consumers, not farmers, have the final vote on biotech food. “They do that by buying the finished product in the super market,” he said.

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PAGE 34 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK



Building soil phosphorus

Lower phosphate fertilizer prices prompt interest

SDSU Extension Service

BROOKINGS, S.D. — Lower phosphate fertilizer prices have generated interest among farmers to build soil phosphorus levels. At the same time, the practice is puzzling to some, explains Ron Gelderman, professor and South Dakota State University Extension soils specialist. “Why increase soil phosphorus levels? The answer has to do with the stability of phosphorus and farmers’ desire to save dollars in the future by purchasing this fertilizer at today’s lower prices,” Gelderman says. He explains that soil phosphorus is relatively stable and unlike nitrogen, phosphorus is not easily lost. “In most soils, the phosphate ion will move into more stable forms and be released as the plant requires it,” he says. “Therefore, due to current lower-thanexpected prices, producers want to store the less expensive nutrient on their fields, especially those with lower soil phosphorus tests.”

Building soil test phosphorus levels from low to high, Gelderman says, will increase yield, even if no pre-plant phosphorus fertilizer is applied to those fields. “In long-term studies at SDSU, it was found that low soil test phosphorus levels yielded as well as very high test phosphorus levels when the appropriate phosphorus rates were applied,” he says. Therefore, if a farmer builds soil test phosphorus levels from medium to very high, there is little need to apply additional phosphorus, except for adding a small amount with a starter. “This practice of phosphorus management allows for reducing P rates in those years when phosphorus fertilizer prices are higher than average,” Gelderman says.

How much to use

Research at SDSU and many other Midwestern universities has shown an average of 18 to 20 pounds of applied phosphate fertilizer per acre is needed to raise soil test phosphorus one part per million. The 18 to 20 pound rate is above any phosphorus applied to replace phosphorus removed with the harvested crop. Newly revised phosphorus removal

rates are 0.27 and 0.61 pounds of phosphate per bushel for corn and soybean, respectively. For example, Gelderman says in a corn field that yields 180 bushels per acre, phosphate removal is about 49 pounds of phosphorus per acre; and in a soybean field that yields 60 bushels per acre, there is about 37 pounds of phosphorus per acre removed. “Therefore applying, 120 pounds of actual phosphorus for each of two years in a corn-soybean rotation would raise soil tests about six parts per million. It can be a slow and fairly expensive process to build soil phosphorus tests,” Gelderman says. Are there some soils that will not build or build very slowly? “Yes, unfortunately we don’t have these identified, although we believe there are not many in the state,” he says. “The build rate of 18 to 20 pounds of fertilizer to raise soil test by one part per million is an average of many soils, although most were medium to fine textures.” He says coarse soils with less clay tend to take less fertilizer to raise soil test, whereas heavy clays tend to take more phosphorus to raise soil tests. In addition, higher pH soils (greater than 7.5) especially with free calcium carbonate tend to take more fertilizer

phosphorus to raise soil test phosphorus. “In saying this, we have had studies on high clay soils with free calcium carbonate that have similar build rates as above. For some soils, we just don’t know the phosphorus build rate that is needed,” Gelderman says. “If you have applied extra phosphorus fertilizer above what the crop removed for several years and the field or areas within the field have not changed in soil test, these soils are likely fixing added phosphorus and will not release this phosphorus easily to the plant.” Crops growing on these soils typically respond to band applied phosphorus better than broadcast phosphorus, Gelderman says. He adds that an annual soil phosphorus test should be taken to monitor trends and adjust applications accordingly. “Don’t use just one year’s soil test to make soil test phosphorus adjustments, but at least use two to three test years to determine trends,” he says. The bottom line for increased soil phosphorus test levels is that it can be a slow and expensive process and should only be used if fields are owned, and then only if current fertilizer phosphorus prices are significantly lower than typical prices.

Scout for wheat midge hot spots

ND shows increased levels n

NDSU Agriculture Communication

Soil samples in North Dakota indicate increasing levels of overwintering wheat midge larvae (cocoons) in localized areas for the 2014 season, according to Janet Knodel, North Dakota State University Extension Service entomologist. “Twenty-one percent of the soil samples statewide are moderate to high risk for wheat midge infestation, so scouting is necessary to determine if fields are above economic thresholds and warranted an insecticide treatment to control wheat midge in 2014,” says Knodel. A total of 189 soil samples were collected from 21 counties to estimate the regional risk for wheat midge. The distribution of wheat midge in the 2014 forecast map is based on unparasitized cocoons found in the soil samples collected in the fall of 2013. “The high-risk pocket of 800 to greater than 1,200 midge larvae per square meter are concentrated in some areas in the north-central region of North Dakota, which include Burke, Renville, Ward and Pierce counties,” Knodel says. “Areas with moderate risk of 501 to 800 midge

larvae per square meter include some areas in Burke, Divide, Renville, Rolette and Williams counties.” Wheat midge populations increased four times from last year and ranged from zero to 3,285 midge larvae per square meter, with an average of 140 larvae per square meter in 2013. In contrast, wheat midge populations ranged from zero to 786 midge larvae per square meter, with an average of 34 larvae per square meter in 2012. “The increase in wheat midge populations may be attributed to the increase in soil moisture during spring into June, which favors wheat midge development,” Knodel says. Conditions that favor midge development and outbreaks include high soil moisture in late June, which makes it easier for the wheat midge to emerge from its soil cocoons. Most of the northern counties had a late and wet spring, with precipitation amounts 130 to 200 percent above normal. In the remaining counties, 50 percent of the samples had one to 500 larvae per square meter (low risk) and 44 percent had zero larvae per square meter. “Although these areas with one to 500 midge larvae per square meter are considered low risk, we still recommend field scouting for wheat midge in fields

with low populations because localized environmental conditions can impact wheat midge development and increase population levels quickly,” Knodel says.

Field scouting

A degree-day model is a good predictor of wheat midge emergence and can help time field scouting. For field scouting, examine wheat heads at night when the temperature is greater than 59 degrees Fahrenheit and the winds are calm (less than 6 mph). Scouting should be done during the heading to early flowering crop stages. Plants are susceptible as the head emerges from the boot. The orange adult midge can be seen laying eggs on the wheat heads. The economic thresholds are when one or more midge are observed for every four or five heads on hard red spring wheat or when one or more midge are observed for every seven or eight heads on durum wheat. “The critical time to spray is from late heading to early flowering,” Knodel says. “If wheat scab is a problem due to wet conditions during flowering, most insecticides labeled for wheat midge control can be tank-mixed with a fungicide.” There’s an important biological control agent in fields that works for wheat pro-

ducers by killing wheat midge larvae. It’s the parasitic wasp called Macroglenes penetrans. “It plays an important role in keeping wheat midge controlled naturally during most years,” Knodel says. “The average parasitism rate was 7.6 percent in 2013 and similar to the 2012 level at 7 percent. In 2010 and 2011, parasitism rates were higher at 19 percent and 17 percent, respectively.” Parasitism rates ranged from zero to 100 percent across the state, with the higher rates occurring in areas where midge populations have been high during the past year. The parasitic wasp and wheat midge populations are cyclical. Seventy-nine percent of the larval cocoons had zero parasitism in 2013. The low parasitism rate of 2013 is probably from the low populations of wheat midge observed in 2013. “We need to continue to conserve parasitic wasp populations when possible by spraying insecticides only when wheat midge populations are at economic threshold levels, and avoiding any late insecticide applications to minimize the negative impacts on the parasitic wasps that are active at that time,” Knodel says. The soil samples were collected by NDSU Extension Service agents in the fall of 2013.

AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 35

Week of March 12, 2014

MD;A \DI+)A =AI-=DA #)I+B;IA=)A?

YYYKIF;E+?DEC)=)A?DEK-DF JD 3720, 2007, 728 hrs., 300 CX loader ............................... $26,500 MO JD 4230, 1973, 9556 hrs., 158 loader .....................................$16,500 EL JD 5075M, 2013, 81 hrs., 16 spd. trans..................................$63,253 EL JD 6105R, 2013, 600 hrs., H340 loader................................ $96,500 MO JD 6125M, 2013, 203 hrs., loader ready................................$92,500 MA 4 - JD 6125R, 2013 .....................................................starting at $98,500 4 - JD 6170R, 2012 or 2013......................................starting at $144,500 35@<3854 L 580 <587 <I\\ 'DA =!A) ?!T)? [ ?C)-!'!- DC=!DE? JD 4455, 1990, 8550 hrs., 2WD, PS ........................................$45,000 EL JD 4650, 1987, 7742 hrs., PS, MFWD ....................................$41,500 MA 4 - JD 4720, 2013, cab, hydro ............................................... $38,000 MO JD 4840, 1979, 3750 hrs., 3 SCVs ......................................... $31,500 BE JD 6430, 2011, 2030 hrs., IVT, TLS ....................................... $85,500 MO JD 7200R, 2013, 175 hrs., IVT, TLS...................................... $165,000 BE JD 7215R, 2013, 704 hrs., IVT, MFWD................................. $149,000 BE JD 7230, 2010, 5480 hrs., MFWD, singles............................. $78,000 BE JD 7230R, 2013, 950 hrs., IVT, TLS, 18.4-46....................... $177,000 MO JD 7530, 2011, 1335 hrs., MFWD......................................... $125,000 BE JD 7730, 2007, 3229 hrs., 3 SCVs ..........................................$89,500 EL JD 7810, 1998, 5332 hrs., MFWD........................................... $82,500 BE JD 8110, 2001, 5800 hrs., MFWD, PS .....................................$89,000 EL JD 8200T, 1998, 7443 hrs., 16” tracks................................... $49,500 BE 7 - JD 8235R, ILS, IVT, 2012 or 2013 ......................................... $187,000 JD 8245R, 2010, 2350 hrs., ILS, PST...................................$159,500 MA JD 8270R, 2010, 2166 hrs., MFWD ...................................... $169,000 BE 5 - JD 8285R, 2012, IVT............................................starting at $197,500 3 - JD 8310R, IVT, ILS...............................................starting at $241,500 JD 8310RT, 2012, 277 hrs., weights, IVT............................ $273,500 MO JD 8320R, 2010, ILS, MFWD, 1115 hrs................................ $239,500 BE JD 8330, 2008, 3474 hrs, MFWD, PS ...................................$157,000 MA 12 - JD 8335R IVT or PST, ILS.................................starting at $235,000 JD 8335RT, 2012, 494 hrs., 25” tracks .................................$254,500 EL 5 - JD 8360R IVT, ILS, 18.4-50 .................................starting at $257,500 JD 8360RT, 2013, 385 hrs., 16” tracks ............................... $275,000 MO JD 8410T, 2001, 3907 hrs., 24” tracks..................................$101,000 EL JD 8430, 2007, 3909 hrs., AT ready..................................... $155,000 BE JD 8520T, 2004, 2736 hrs., 30” tracks................................. $135,000 BE Cat MT645C, 2009, 1204 hrs............................................... $112,000 MO CIH 290, 2013, 137 hrs., PS, 3 PTO .....................................$227,500 MA CIH 9270, 1992, 5368 hrs., 12 spd......................................... $59,000 BE CIH 9390, 1997, 7392 hrs. .................................. ....................$79,500 BE W5@SN U@N:QSNW [ 35@SQZ54 Brent 420 grain cart, 20.8x38 tires ......................................... $5,900 BE Brent 470, 1991, grain cart, tarp, 18.4x26 ...............................$9,800 EL Brent 520, 1995, tarp, 500 bu...................................................$8,250 MA Brent 774, 1996, new tarp...................................................... $18,500 BE Brent 880, 2008, tarp, scale................................................... $25,750 BE Brent 1084 grain cart..............................................................$33,000 EL 2 - Brent 1194, 2011, scale, tarp.............................................$52,000 EL Brent 1196, 2013, grain cart w/520 scale ............................ $71,000 MO 2 - Brent 1282, grain cart tarp...................................starting at $39,000 Friesen 375RT, 2011, seed tender ....................................... $20,500 MO J&M 875-16, 2002, 850 bu., scale tarp ................................. $23,000 MO J&M 1108, 2004, 30.5-32, tarp ...............................................$24,500 MA Killbros 590, 1997, corner auger ..........................................$12,900 MA Killbros 1950, 2009, grain cart, tarp .....................................$28,500 MA Kinze 850, 2005, 850 bu. grain cart....................................... $32,000 BE Klugman 30FTHT 30 ft. header trailer.....................................$3,300 EL Parker 737 grain cart, 30.5x31 tires......................................$19,900 MA Parker 938, 2004, 900x32 trell, tarp.......................................$29,500 MA Seed Tender 290SS, 2009, 290 bu..........................................$14,500 EL Unverferth 3750, 2010, seed tender.......................................$19,900 EL Unverferth 9250, tarp, scale, 900/60x32 ............................... $29,900 BE Westfield MK 130X71, 13x71 auger ...................................... $11,750 BE 3SQQ@WZ JD 200, 2003, 39 1/2 ft. crumbler...........................................$11,500 MA 2 - JD 512 disk ripper ................................................starting at $29,500 JD 637, 2001, 37 ft. tandem disk ............................................$32,500 EL JD 726, 1996, 36’ 5 bar harrow ............................................. $16,300 MO

0) Y!\\ -;?=DF!T) I '!EIE-) C\IE =D '!= VD;A E))+?% JD 960, 30-1/2 ft., 3 bar harrow ...............................................$5,950 $5,950 MA 6 - JD 980 fi eld cult. ..................................................starting at $12,500 JD 2200, 2002, 50 ft. 6” spacing............................................ $38,500 BE 4 - JD 2210, fi eld cultivator ......................................starting at $35,500 5 - JD 2410 chisel plows ...........................................starting at $24,500 7 - JD 2700 mulch ripper ...........................................starting at $18,000 JD 2720, 2013, 27’6” disk ripper ............................................$72,653 EL JD 2800 7 btm. onland, coulters, 2 pt.....................................$4,250 MA 3 - JD 3710 9 btm. plows ...........................................starting at $46,000 CIH 730B, 2003, 7x30, cover boards..................................... $19,500 BE CIH 4300, 34 ft., 3 bar harrow................................................$13,900 MA CIH 4900 vibratiller, 44 ft. 4 rank............................................. $8,800 BE CIH 9300 lead shanks, 9 shank disk ripper ......................... $32,000 BE CIH Tigermate, 2002, hitch for crumbler .............................. $36,000 BE 2 - Summers 20 or 24 ft. disk chisel.........................starting at $31,500 Summers Super Chisel, 2012, 34 ft. .................................... $44,000 MO Summers Super Coulter, 40 or 50 ft.........................starting at $55,000 Summer Super Weeder, 2013, 70’..........................................$48,000 EL Wil-Rich 957, 5 shank disk ripper..........................................$19,500 EL 2 - Wishek 862NT disk .........................................starting at $55,000 BE 475@MZ54 2 - JD 4730, 90 ft.......................................................starting at $219,000 5 - JD 4940, 2012, 120 ft...........................................starting at $278,500 Fast 9500, 2008, 90 ft., 1850 gal. tank...................................$24,000 MA Flex-Coil 65XL, 120 ft., 1500 gal...............................................$6,500 EL 3 - Hardi 1100, 60, 80 or 90 ft. boom.................. starting at $16,500 MA Redball 670, 2003, 1200 gal., 90 ft.........................................$21,500 MA Summers 90 ft. boom, 2000, pull type..................................$29,500 MA Willmar 750, 60’, JD engine, Raven 440 ................................$27,000 EL 7Q@N3SNW [ 4ZZ:SNW JD DB44, 2005, 24R22, CCS .................................................$126,000 EL 4 - JD DB60, 24R30 ............................................starting at $172,000 BE JD grass seeder, (2) 10 ft. for 9000 ser................................... $2,100 EL 2 - JD 1710, 12R30 or 16R22 ............................... starting at $28,500 EL JD 1720, stackfold, 18R22 ......................................................$36,500 EL 3 - JD 1760, 12R30 .....................................................starting at $49,500 2 - JD 1770, 16R30 .............................................. starting at $65,000 MA 7 - JD 1770NT 24R30, XP...........................................starting at $59,000 JD 1790, 2003, 16x32 ..............................................................$74,500 EL JD 7100, 1978, wing fold, 1.6 bu., 18R22.............................. $14,500 BE 3 - JD 7200, 8R36 or 16R30 .........................................starting at $7,900 JD 7300, 18R22, row cleaners, ground drive .......................$17,000 MA Case IH 1200, 2002, 24R22”, stack fold................................ $45,900 BE CIH 4006, 1997, 40’, 6” spacing used drill.............................$39,500 EL 4 - Wil-Rich PT2200, 24R22 .......................................starting at $49,500 OS4<K Z62S7OZN3 JD 1508 rotary cutter, 15 ft., small 1000 PTO .........................$6,800 EL JD 1518, 2000, 15 ft. rotary cutter........................................... $9,200 BE 5 - JD 568 baler ..........................................................starting at $24,000 Flexi-Coil 30 ft. coil packer ................................................... $13,500 BE Loftness, 2003, 20 ft. pull type shredder .............................. $9,500 MO 3 - Rockbox .....................................................................starting at $600 4 - Snowblowers, 7, 8, or 9 ft.......................................starting at $1,800 Wil-Rich 220, 2006, 22 ft., 3 pt. hitch .....................................$11,000 EL Woods S20CD, 2008, 2 pt., 4 casters....................................$13,500 MA 4RS: 43ZZ54 [ 23SQS3M 1ZUS<QZ4 JD 326D, 2010, 350 hrs., 76” bucket ......................................$36,000 EL 2 - JD 333D, 2011, new tracks ...................................starting at $51,500 JD 620i, 2008, 110 hrs., G&Y ....................................................$9,900 EL 8 - 825i ........................................................................starting at $11,000 3 - JD 850i, 2012, sport or trail pkg...........................starting at $12,950 Yamaha Grizzly 700, 2011, approx. 700 mi. ..........................$10,000 EL Yamaha Rhino 450, 2000 ..........................................................$5,000 EL

'%% 3)/ #%-,!+% $3/ 53,+ )2.+3.&0+% 6!,+!4", #*&%+0!6%& &%,(/!2+!34, 1 2!(+)/%, >ZN48N P ^HHL&H^L]&*H *,HL^(*L,$.H

380 Atlantic Ave., PO Box 129, Benson, MN 56215 ben@amundsonpeterson.com

ZQ>80 Q@RZ P ^HHL&,(L$^.( ,.^L$^&L((*^

110 2nd St. NE, PO Box 973, Elbow Lake, MN 56531 elb@amundsonpeterson.com

O@:S48N P ^HHL,H.L.](. *,HL&]^L"&"&

516 1st St. E., PO Box 123, Madison, MN 56256 mad@amundsonpeterson.com

O855S4 P ^^^L,(^L,H.. *,HL&^]L,H..

23604 Hwy 9, PO Box 534, Morris, MN 56267 mor@amundsonpeterson.com


U@51Z43SNW OIEV -DFG!E)? #I9) +;I\? IE+JDA 50@ JD 9450, 2002, 1732 sep. hrs. ...............................................$71,500 MA JD 9510, 1998, 2411 sep. hrs., walker................................... $62,500 BE 2 - JD 9550, 2001, walker...........................................starting at $79,000 2 - JD 9600 walker......................................................starting at $35,000 2 - JD 9610 walker, 1998............................................starting at $52,500 3 - JD 9650 STS or walker ........................................starting at $75,000 JD 9660W, 2005, 2044 sep. hrs. ......................................... $110,000 MO 2 - JD 9670 STS........................................................starting at $159,000 2 - JD 9760 STS..........................................................starting at $99,000 3 - JD 9770 STS........................................................starting at $172,500 5 - JD 9860 STS........................................................starting at $109,000 JD 9870 STS, 2008, 1622 sep. hrs. ......................................$192,000 EL 3 - JD S660, STS.......................................................starting at $257,000 8 - JD S670 STS .......................................................starting at $237,000 14 - JD S680 STS .....................................................starting at $279,000 7 - JD S690 STS .......................................................starting at $315,000 CIH 2388, 2005, 1693 sep. hrs. ............................................$125,000 EL 1S4S3 825 0Z>4S3Z 38 1SZ0 825 XQZ/ @N: :5@7Z5 UZ@: QS43SNW4% 6 - JD 608C chopping corn head..............................starting at $46,500 33 - JD 612C corn head .............................................starting at $55,000 9 - JD 615P, 2013, 15 ft. belt pickup plat............................... $23,900 BE 2 - JD 616C, 2013, 16 row 30” corn head ............................$136,000 EL 7 - JD 618C, 2012, 18 row 22” chopping................................... $147,500 2 - JD 625F 25 ft. fl ex ................................................starting at $15,900 11 - JD 630F fl ex heads ............................................starting at $15,500 34 - JD 635F fl ex head ..............................................starting at $14,500 JD 635F fl ex head w/AWS ..................................................... call Morris 2 - JD 635FD, 2013 ............................................... starting at $72,000 EL JD 640D, 2011, JD 40’ draper, pickup reel............................ $47,500 BE 3 - JD 640FD, 40’ fl ex draper ....................................starting at $73,500 3 - JD 643, 6R30 ...........................................................starting at $4,650 JD 893, 2006, 6000 hrs., 8R30 ............................................... $26,500 BE JD Corn Reel, 2011 ...................................................................$6,500 EL 2 - JD Reel, 2008, fi nger reel off 635F .......................starting at $3,000 JD 1293, 2000, 12x30, knife rolls.......................................... $23,500 MO 5 - 930F fl ex head........................................................starting at $9,500 CIH 1020, 2006, 30 ft. fl ex ......................................................$19,000 EL Drago 830, 2004, 8R30 chopping corn head........................ $24,500 BE Drago N8TR, 8R30, chopping, off 9770................................$36,500 MA Drago S16TR, 2008, 16x22 chopping ....................................$89,500 EL Geringhoff 12R22, 2007, off S670......................................... $38,500 BE Geringhoff 630, 2006, 6R30, off 9650 STS ...........................$29,500 MA 2 - Geringhoff 830, 8R30 off 9860.............................starting at $38,500 Harvestec 4308C, 2008, 8R30, off 9770 ................................ $33,000 BE 35@<3854 L (0: JD 9320T, 2003, 3203 hrs., 30” tracks................................. $122,000 BE 4 - JD 9360R, 2013, PS.......................................starting at $215,000 BE 3 - JD 9410R, PS, 4x4...............................................starting at $220,000 2 - JD 9460R, 2012, P/S, 4 SCVs .............................starting at $259,000 3 - JD 9460RT, 30” tracks ........................................starting at $317,500 4- JD 9510R ..............................................................starting at $255,000 JD 9510RT, 2013, 332 hrs., 36” tracks .................................$354,000 EL JD 9520, 2007, 2803 hrs, PS, weights..................................$169,000 EL JD 9520T,2004, 5527 hrs., 36” tracks.................................. $135,000 BE JD 9530T, 2010, 1775 hrs., 30” tracks................................ $249,000 MO 4 - JD 9560R, PS, duals ...........................................starting at $275,500 22 - JD 9560RT, 2012 or 2013..................................starting at $269,000 2 - JD 9620T, 2004, 36” tracks ........................... starting at $155,000 EL Cat MT765C, 2010, 24” tracks, 3886 hrs. ............................$169,000 EL CIH STX 450, 2003, 4050 hrs., duals................................... $119,000 BE Ford 9680, 1995, 5150 hrs., 4x4............................................. $61,000 BE Q8@:Z54 JD H340, 2013, H340 farm loader ........................................ $10,622 MO JD H360, 2013, standard farm loader.................................. $10,633 MO 2 - JD H380 or H380X, MSL loader ....................starting at $12,029 MO 3 - JD H480 ........................................................... starting at $14,500 EL JD 2520, 1971, gas, Koyker loader .........................................$8,000 MA

PAGE 36 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK

world NEwS

Fertilize in small doses Microdosing improves productivity

By Debra Levey Larson URBANA, Ill. — Crop yields in the fragile semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe have been declining as a result of a decline in soil fertility resulting from mono-cropping, lack of fertilizer and other factors. In collaboration with the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, University of Illinois researchers evaluated the use of a precision farming technique called “microdosing,” its effect on food security and its ability to improve yield at a low cost to farmers. “Microdosing involves applying a small, affordable amount of fertilizer with the seed at planting time or as top dressing three to four weeks after emergence,” says University of Illinois agricultural economist Alex Winter-Nelson. “So, instead of spreading fertilizer over the entire field, microdosing uses fertilizer more efficiently and ultimately improves productivity. Our research shows that smallholder farmers’ investment in microdosing has really unlocked the power of chemical fertilizers in some of the low-rainfall areas of Zimbabwe.” Training is the key to adop-

tion of the technique. “About 75 percent of households receiving microdosing training used fertilizer in 2011,” says Winter-Nelson. “This compares to less than 25 percent of households that had not received training. Another way of looking at it is that training in microdosing raised the probability of adoption by 30 to 35 percentage points. Knowledge of microdosing changed people’s attitudes about fertilizer. Those who had training generally disagreed with the common notion that fertilizer is not worth its price or that it burns crops.” Winter-Nelson says there are some hurdles to overcome. “Sustaining and expanding the benefits of microdosing technology will require efforts to ensure that private agrodealers are able to stock the product in a timely manner and package it in a manner that smallholder farmers find useful,” he says. “This is complicated by the financial capacities of agrodealers and by difficulty in projecting fertilizer demand, which varies with rainfall. “We also need to work on extending training to underserved areas and to train extension personnel in low-rainfall areas,” he says. “Female-headed households were significantly less likely to adopt microdosing than others, possibly reflecting labor shortages or difficulties accessing fertilizer. Un-

Teresa Barnes, University of Illinois

G Farm family in Zimbabwe. derstanding the particular constraints that female farmers face and adapting the methods or the training to their circumstances could also help extend adoption of the technique.” The research data were collected via a structured household survey in eight districts in semi-arid areas with additional information about fertilizer availability and demand from key informant interviews with local extension service providers, nongovernmental organizations, and agrodealers. Focus group

discussions were also utilized. The household survey included questions about assets, cropping patterns, agricultural production, training in microdosing, extension techniques, and fertilizer use and adoption, with particular attention paid to management practices and output on cereal plots in the two previous cropping seasons. “What was particularly encouraging from the data is that, when comparing the costs of research, development, and promotion of microdosing in Zimbabwe to the

gains achieved through a 30 percent adoption rate and an estimated productivity effect, the data suggest an internal rate of return on the investment in microdosing of over 40 percent,” Winter-Nelson says. “And that’s a good motivation to continue to try to get more farmers in Zimbabwe to try microdosing.” Editor’s note: Levey-Larson is a news and public affairs specialist for the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois in Urbana.

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AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 37

Equipment For The Fertilizer Industry



2000 Ag Chem 854, 5041 hrs, 90’ ...........................................$25,000 SOLD 2005 Ag Chem 1274, 4443 hrs, 100’, Autosteer......................$75,000 2008 Ag Chem 1286, 3050 hrs, 120’, Autosteer....................$125,000 2004 Case-IH 4260, 4800 hrs, 90’, AIM...................................$79,500 2009 Case-IH 4420, 3132 hrs, 120’, AIM Autosteer............. $165,000 2009 Case-IH 4420, 2326 hrs, 120’, AIM Autosteer..............$175,000 2011 Case-IH 4420, 1754 hrs, 90’, Autosteer....................... SOLD $199,000 2011 Case-IH 4420, 1875 hrs, 120’, Autosteer..................... $205,000 2012 JD 4830, 1100 hrs, 100’, Accutrac, Swath”................. $235,000 1995 Tyler XL, 4204 hrs, 80’......................................................$30,000 1997 Tyler 150, 3350 hrs, 75’...................................................$39,500

Manvel, ND ........ "#(*. $-$,))%% ++++*,!((,%!),&)$Hutchinson, MN ... "')(. %!#,&('( ++++*,!((,')!,%!$$ www.agsystemsonline.com


1997 Ag Chem 1803, 3035 hrs, Air Spread, 70’...............$30,000 2002 Ag Chem 9103, 3178 hrs, Air Spread, 70’...............$65,000 2006 Ag Chem 8103, 5091 hrs, Air Spread, 70’...............$79,500 2006 Ag Chem 8103, 3653 hrs, Air Spread, 70’...............$85,000 2011 Ag Chem 8204, 859 hrs. Precision 2, 70’..............$260,000 2005 Case-IH 4510, 2454 hrs, Flex Air, 70.......................$75,000 2008 Case-IH 3520, 2223 hrs, 3-Bin Flex, 70’...............$147,500 2008 Case-IH 3520, 2677 hrs, 3-Bin Flex, 70’...............$170,000 2008 Case-IH 4520, 2603 hrs, Flex Air, 70’....................$175,000 2010 Case-IH 3520, 1357 hrs, Flex Air, 70’....................$199,500 2010 Case-IH 4520, 2060 hrs, 2-Bin Flex, 70’...............$207,000 SOLD 2010 Case-IH 3520, 1395 hrs, 3-Bin Flex, 70’...............$220,000 SOLD 2011 Case-IH 3520, 1380 hrs, 3-Bin Flex, 70’...............$220,000


PAGE 38 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK


Beef cows declining in US n

ND bucks trend

By Tim Petry

For Sale 2013 John Deere 1770 NT 24 row, 30 inch planter w/ liquid fertilizer. Air precision planting, ALWAYS shedded, excellent shape! Call Steve at 701-799-5213 001048547r1

North Dakota beef cow numbers increased for the second straight year, but U.S. numbers continued an eight-year decline. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service released the much-anticipated cattle report on Jan. 31. The report documented numbers for all classes of cattle on U.S. farms and ranches as of Jan. 1, 2013. It was anxiously awaited because the July 2013 cattle report was not issued by NASS because of budget reductions. The good news is that NASS has indicated it will reinstate the July 2014 cattle report. The report confirmed what many in the beef industry expected: another decline in the U.S. cattle herd. The inventory of all cattle and calves was 87.7 million head, down 1.8 percent from one year ago and the smallest total U.S. cattle herd since 1951. But, it should be noted that beef production totaled 25.7 billion pounds in 2013, compared with just 8.6 billion in 1951. The nearly 26 billion pounds in 2013 is just less than the record 27 billion pounds produced in 2002, so the beef industry produces much more beef with the same number of cattle that existed in the 1950s. The makeup of the U.S. cow herd is much different today than it was 1951. In 1951, there were 18.5 million beef cows and 23.6 million milk cows for a total of just more than 42 million cows. In 2014, there are more than 29 million beef cows and 9.2 million milk cows for a total 38.25 million head. The dairy industry also has gotten much more efficient. In 1951, milk production was at 115 billion pounds, compared with 201 billion pounds in 2013. The U.S. beef cow herd had declined to 255,000 head on Jan. 1, which is just 0.9 percent below last year. Contrast that to the 3 percent decline reported on Jan. 1, 2013, and a more than 2 percent decline in 2012, when a severe drought in the southern Plains expanded into much of the U.S. cattle-producing area. Beef cow slaughter declined significantly in the last half of 2013 because drought conditions in many areas improved and feed costs moderated, so herd restocking began in areas where grazing conditions allowed for it. While U.S. beef cow numbers declined, beef cows in North Dakota increased to 943,000, which is up by 21,000 head as of Jan. 1, 2014. This was the second year of increasing beef cow numbers in the state. Beef cow numbers went up 60,000 head as of Jan. 1, 2013, compared with the previous year. U.S. beef cow numbers fell 862,000 during that same

time because of the severe drought conditions in the southern Plains. The 943,000 head in North Dakota in 2014 is the highest since 2005, when there were 947,000 beef cows. Also interesting is that, on Jan. 1, 2013, beef cow numbers in all of North Dakota’s neighboring states also increased. But, by 2014, all neighboring states lost beef cows, so North Dakota’s increase also bucked a regional trend. North Dakota ranked ninth in U.S. beef cow numbers as of Jan. 1, 2014. This is up from 13th place in 2010. In the top 10 beef cow states, cow numbers increased in four and declined in six. The largest decrease in cow numbers occurred in Texas, which is the top beef cow state, because it suffered several years of drought. Texas lost 105,000 beef cows. That, coupled with losses of 550,000 and 460,000 cows in the previous two years, means beef cow numbers in Texas fell by more than 1 million head. Beef cow numbers went from 5.03 million in 2011 down to 3.91 million in 2014. No. 4 Nebraska lost 8,000 cows, fifth-place South Dakota (impacted by a severe October blizzard) declined by 53,000 head, No. 6 Montana lost 30,000 cows, eighthplace Kentucky lost 16,000, and No. 10 Iowa declined by 40,000 head. The largest increase in beef cows occurred in seventh-place Kansas, with an additional 86,000 head. Increases also were recorded in No. 2 Missouri with 63,000 head, third-place Oklahoma at 51,000, and No. 9 North Dakota with 21,000 head. The number of heifers kept for U.S. beef cow replacement, at just under 5.5 million head, was up 90,200 head, or 1.7 percent. This was the third straight year of increasing beef cow replacements and the highest number since 2009. The 2013 U.S. calf crop was estimated at 33.9 million head, which is down 1 percent from 2012. The smaller calf crop, along with increased heifer retention and fewer feeder cattle imports, resulted in a 2.7 percent decrease in feeder cattle outside of feedlots on Jan. 1. Lower inventories are supporting record high cattle prices that could encourage herd rebuilding. But Mother Nature is in charge of the moisture conditions necessary for that to happen. It is very dry in much of the southwest U.S. California is experiencing a recordbreaking drought despite recent rainfall. Much of the rest of the cattle-producing regions, including southwest North Dakota, is less than a year removed from drought conditions, so ample spring and summer rainfall will be necessary for the U.S. beef herd to increase by January 2015. Editor’s note: Petry is a livestock marketing economist for the North Dakota State University Extension Service.


AGWEEK / Monday, March 17, 2014 — PAGE 39

7-Day Forecast for North Dakota








Clouds and sun; not as cold

Rather cloudy

Mostly cloudy

Partly sunny

Mostly sunny and colder


Sunny and cold

H: 32 to 49 L: 16 to 25

H: 32 to 43 L: 14 to 23

H: 33 to 46 L: 19 to 26

H: 33 to 46 L: 13 to 24

H: 32 to 48 L: 17 to 32

H: 26 to 41 L: 12 to 23

H: 31 to 39 L: 17 to 26

Local Almanac

Thirty Day Outlook

Statistics for the week ending March 13

Temperatures over the next 30 days will average 2 to 6 degrees below normal. The reason for this is that shots of cold air will continue to come down from the Canadian Prairies from time to time. However, expect some mild days as well. Precipitation should average close to normal.


Bismarck Grand Forks

High for the week Low for the week Normal high Normal low Average temperature Normal average temp. Temperature departure

62° 12° 37° 13° 37.1° 27.1° +10.0°

48° -9° 31° 13° 23.7° 21.8° +1.9°

trace 0.10” 0.67” 0.33” 30% 53%

trace 0.14” 1.38” 0.39” 36% 95%

trace 1.8” 27.0”

trace 1.1” 46.8”

Trends for the Week Ahead


Regional Summary

Snowfall Total for the week Total for the month Total for the season

AccuWeather.com RealFeel Temperature® 8 a.m. Monday 12 p.m. 4 p.m. 8 p.m.

7° 29° 32° 32°


Much of southern Australia into southern QLD will be drier than normal this week.

Regional Cities Lo 21 15 28 21 18 19 18 21 20

Prcp 0.20 0.21 0.18 0.14 0.13 0.15 0.13 0.23 0.22

City Glasgow, MT Grand Forks, ND Jamestown, ND Lemmon, SD Minot, ND Pierre, SD St. Cloud, MN Thief Riv Fls, MN Williston, ND

Hi 44 36 38 45 38 47 40 36 42


A slow-moving front will bring above normal rainfall to RGS and SC this week. Near- to below-normal rainfall farther north.


Temperatures are the averages for the week of 3/7 - 3/13. Precipication values are totals for the week.

Hi 41 36 50 42 35 35 42 38 38

Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal

International Crop Summary

10° 36° 36° 30°

The patented AccuWeather.com RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body.

City Aberdeen, SD Bemidji, MN Billings, MT Bismarck, ND Crookston, MN Devils Lake, ND Dickinson, ND Fargo, ND Fergus Falls, MN

A storm system will drop south-southeast over the Plains the next few days. A mild start will eventually become cooler and cloudier as the wind shifts to the northwest and allows cooler air to drain down from Canada. It looks like the week should be dry and eventually very cold air will invade the region late in the week and temperatures will take a big tumble. This cold weather should last through the weekend.

Lo 22 18 19 22 21 25 21 18 20

Prcp 0.06 0.16 0.14 0.18 0.15 0.20 0.28 0.16 0.12

The Canadian Prairies will have near- to below-normal precipitation and temperatures this week.

European Union

Some rain in the northeast early this week; dry and mild elsewhere. Turning unsettled across western Europe late in the week.


A parade of fronts will bring normal precipitation to much of western Russia with temperatures mostly above normal.

Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal &&"&%&"#!$"

Total for the week Total for the month Total for the year Normal for the month % of normal this month % of normal this year

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PAGE 40 — Monday, March 17, 2014 / AGWEEK


AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A1


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A2 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014



2013 John Deere 850 Crawler, 6-way blade, 500 hours; $299,000. Also available for lease. 218-637-0100 or 218-563-2007


Cat #70 16.5 ton pull scraper with hyd. push-off to be sold at Larry Pharis Estate Auction on April 3rd. For more information call 605-380-1242 or go to www.thorperealtyauction.com or call 605-397-7375


one of the top agricultural commodities



POWERSCREEN WARRIOR 1800 screen plant 2010 low hours with tracks; $208,000.

1999 850 Galion Motor Grader, 10,000 hours, 14R24 tires, 14ft blade, $36,000. 2006 850 Galion Motor Grader, has 4,900 hours, 14R24 tires, 14ft blade, Falls V plow and snow wing, $89,000. 605-491-2627

FALLS CONVEYOR 24" x 50'grizzly and 4x8 screen with gas engine; $37,000. SUPERIOR CONVEYOR 24" x 80'hyd level water cooled diese; $36,000.

Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920


WANTED: DAMAGED GRAIN We pay top dollar for damaged grain. Trucks and vac's available. Immediate response anywhere!

Pruess Elevator, Inc. 1.800.828.6642

Create Your Own Lakefront Property!

CONVEYOR 36"x45' electric; $7500.

Link Belt 300 series Dragline for sale. Easy to operate. See the Dragline in action on YouTube! Search for "create your own lakefront property" For more information call (320) 760-2131 AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

AGWEEK ADVERTISING RATES To place your ad call 888-857-1920 or email classifieds @classifiedsfcc.com

JOHNSON TILE PLOW with CAT D9G CRAWLER good under/slope system; $55,000. 701-741-2869

INDUSTRIAL/ CONSTRUCTION 2005 New Holland LS180, 1728 hours, 350 hours on new engine, 63HP, foot controls and high flow hydraulics, Cab and heat, 10x16.5 tires, rubber tracks, 72” bucket, block heater, completely serviced, very clean. $20,000 OBO. 218-850-9200 John Deere 772-CH Motor Grader, 2004 6 wheel drive, 7,551 hours, 14R24 Tires, 16’ blade, V-plow, snow wing. 605-880-1406

Gooseneck Now Your Merritt Dealer! Platforms

1976 Pettibone Super 6 High Lift 6,000 lb. lift, 33 ft height, cab, heat, 4x4, all wheel steer, runs good, no oil leaks. Call 402-369-0212

1983 Case 1150C Dozer, 6-way blade, cab with heat, 5.9 Cummins engine, 20" pads. 701-984-2522 or 701-650-8792. JCB 1110T, cab, heat, 1700 hours, new tracks. Call 605-216-7785 110' Howell Grain Leg, 5500 bu/hr. gear drive; 14-hole 10" Gerber Distributor; Parsons Gravity Grain Screener; 300+ ft. of 10" down spouts. Good shape. All complete. $45,000 OBO. Will take down. Call 701-388-2659 or 238-2924. Skidloaders and Attachments 2011 New Holland L220, cab, heat 2 speed, hydraulic detach, new tires, 1200 hours, $29,500. Bobcat 530 with bucket, runs good $4,000. Case 1818 with bucket, 1004 hours, $4,250. New 72 inch Renegade snow blower for skid loader, electric spout control, regular flow hydraulics, $4,750. Used but like new 54 inch snow blower, electric spout control, $2,700. New pallet forks, $700. New bale spears, $400. 605-498-5432 or 605-351-7827

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Used Trailers & Trucks

2014 Jet Hopper 38’ x 96” x 70”, Spring Ride 2014 Jet Hopper 40’ x 96” x 70” Air Ride 2014 Jet Tri-Axle Side Dump 2013 Witzco Detach Tri-Axle 2012 Jet Side Dump Tri-Axle 2004 Red River Live Bottom 42’x102”x78”, 54” Belt, Air Ride, Just Rebuilt 1999 Wilson Hopper 41’x96”x72” Spring Ride 1999 Merritt 43’x96”x80” Air Ride 1987 34’ East End Dump, Tri-Axle 1986 International 2375 Tri-Axle Truck, Box & Hoist Hobbs LowBoy Tri-Axle

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A3

Attachments International

Scoop Rake w/Grapple "Multiple sizes available" 66" Starting at: $1,990 Call 218-863-6444 attintl@loretel.net www.attachmentsintl.com

2011 GEHL CTL85 skidsteer with 526 hrs., heat, a/c, 2 speed, high and low flow hydraulics, a new 84" bucket, power quick tach. This is a nice looking machine in excellent condition. $50,000. Call or text for more details. 605-520-0711 Biggest Skid Steer in its Class! 2012 Mustang 4000V, fully loaded, cab heat, AC, power quick attach, has lift height of 12 feet, full list price $83,000, selling for $58,000. Call 605-216-6417

2012 New Holland L220 skid steer, nice shape, 64HP turbo diesel, 24000 lb lift, cab, heat, AC, radio, power quick attach, 2 speed, new tires, 2700 hours, handy size, $24,800/offer, delivery possible. 701-318-2086 04 Bobcat S185 skidsteer, nice shape, 1240 hours, 56 HP turbo Kubota diesel, 2000lb lift, cab, heat, new tires, new alternator, new battery, good paint, clean, $19,800/offer. Delivery possible. 701-318-2086 02 Bobcat 753G, excellent shape, nice cab, round front glass door, 1850 hours, nice bucket with bold on cutting edge, high flow, Kubota diesel, 1900 lb lift, very clean and well maintained, $13,300/offer, 701-318-2083 delivery possible.

INDUSTRIAL/ CONSTRUCTION 2008 John Deere 770D motor grader with 3700 hours on with Henke wing and snow tires with 70% tread. Logan Township declares it surplus equipment. Asking $145,000. Contact Kevin Brown 605-941-8207

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920



20 kw to 2000 kw. Low-Hour Diesel & Natural Gas/Propane Units. Abraham Generator Sales Co., Cooperstown, ND. 701-797-4766. www.abraham industrial.com

JCB 215 backhoe/loader, 4WD, cah, very good unit; Case 580 tractor loader, diesel, excellent paint and tires; Crown 6 yd scraper, 12 ft box scraper, new; New BIL 16 ft CP blade; new Rust finish trencher Holte Sales holtesales.com 218-861-6181

1996 Rayman 24 ton Fertilizer Tender and Trailer, Stainless Steel, All Hydraulic Drive, Includes Hydraulic Pump, Roll Tarp, 5 Compartment, $29,900 OBO

2005 IH 4600 Semi, 466 Diesel Engine, 7 Speed Transmission, Good Tires and Brakes, with 28 ft Van Body, Roll Door, Nice Shape, $17,500

2005 Volvo VNL64T Semi, Cummins ISX 475, 13 Speed Transmission, Air Ride, Condo Sleeper, Air, Cruise, Tilt, Jake, Air Slide Plate, Aluminum Wheels, $18,500

2003 Great Dane 48x102 Drop Frame Dry Van Trailer, 3 Side Doors, Swing Back Door, Air Ride, $7,500

1999 Utility 28 ft Reefer Trailer, Set Up with 2--1700 gallon Water/ Fertilizer Tanks, 5.5 HP Honda Pump, 30 gallon Chemical Mix Cone, All Hose and Valves, Ready To Go, $9,250

1999 XL Specialized 48 ft Dropdeck, Air Ride, Spread Axle, Set Up with NEW 4-1600 gallon Cone Bottom Water/Fertilizer Tanks, Mix Cone, Honda Pump, Valves and Hose, $27,500

38 ft Flatbed Trailer, Tandem Axle, Spring Suspension, Set Up with NEW 3--1600 gallon Cone Bottom Water/Fertilizer Tanks, 5.5 HP Honda Pump, All Hose and Valves, Field Ready, $15,700

1989 Fruehauf 40 ft Flatbed Trailer, Closed Tandem, Spring Suspension, with 2--1600 gallon Fertilizer Tanks, Honda Pump, Mix Cone, All Hose and Valves, Conveyall BTS 410 Seed Tender, Honda Engine, Drive, 2 Compartment, Roll Tarp, 150 Degree Swing Belt, Down Spout, Ready To Go, $29,900

2006 9200 IHC, ISM Cummins, 10 Spd, New 22’ Box & Hoist, Full 3rd Axle

2008 7600 IHC Work Star, ISM Cummins, 10 Speed, New 22’ Box & Hoist, Full 3rd Axle

2006 8600 IHC, ISM Cummins, 10 Speed, Air Ride, Low Miles

1998 763 Bobcat, 2953 hrs, good rubber & paint, runs excellent, kept in good shape, cabin heat, $13,800 OBO. 605-881-0657 2006 Bobcat S250, enclosed cab with heat, 2 speed, power quick attach, 2750 hours, good tires and bucket, $26,000. 701-432-5645 or 701-361-4141

2009 New Holland L185 skid steer, pilot controls, 1970 hours, heat and AC, excellent condition $24,500. 320-808-0744

2000 Great Dane 48 ft Reefer Trailer, Sliding Axle, Set Up with NEW 4--1500 gallon Water/Fertilizer Tanks, 30 gallon Chemical Mix Cone, Honda Pump, All Hose and Valves, Field Ready, $13,250

1999 Kidron 36 ft Reefer Trailer, Tandem Axle, Set Up with NEW 3--1700 gallon Water/Fertilizer Tanks, 30 gallon Mix Cone, Honda Pump, All Hose and Valves, $13,250

2 - 2007 9200 IHC, ISM Cummins, 10 Spd, A/R, Low Miles, Very Clean Southern Trucks!

D L O S 2 - 1997 9100 IHC,

M-11 Cummins, 10 Speed

2004 Freightliner Columbia, C-12 Cat, 10 Speed, Air Ride

2012 New Holland L218 skidsteer, cab, heat, AC, radio, power quick attach, engine plug in, good bucket, 70% good tires, 2519 hrs, 60hp diesel, 2200 lb lift, $23,800/offer. 701-318-2086. Delivery possible. 02 Bobcat 773G Skidsteer, excellent shape, 56HP Kubota Turbo Diesel, round front door, G style cab, 85% good tires, nice bucket, 2,350 hours. Clean, original paint. Strong loader. $17,800/Offer. 701-318-2086 Delivery Possible.


NEWS 780-1236

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920 Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920



L225 New Holland Skid Steer, 5.6 hours, enclosed Cab, Hydraulic Attachment Mounting System, 2500 lbs Lift, 82 hp, Air Conditioning and Heater, Foot Controls, 2-speed drive, Engine Block Heater, Self Leveling, JHD910 Radio with Speakers. New 84" Bucket with detachable front edge, 12 x 16.5 Tires, Air ride and Heated Seat, Glide Ride. 605-280-6457


2013 34’ Loadline End Dump Trailer, Tri-Axle

2014 Timpte Ag Hopper, 40’x72”, Air Ride


70’ Summers Superweeder, Like New! New Units Also In Stock

3 - 2003 9200 IHC, C-12 Cat, 10 Speed, Air Ride, Southern Trucks! 1 - 1997 9400 IHC Sleeper Truck, N-14 Cummins, 10 Speed 1 - 2006 34’ Timpte Ag Hopper 1 - Used 14’ Box Scraper w/Hyd Tilt

Call For Details!

Call Ron Corrick TM TM

701-454-6174 • Cell 701-520-0187 I-29 Exit 187, Drayton, ND

12’ Rear Mount 3 Pt Box Scraper For Snow

Check With Us For All Your Parts Needs!



A4 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014



Auction Ads Get RESULTS!

Bobcat S250 Skidsteer, Excellent Shape, 73HP Kubota Turbo Diesel, 2500# Lift, Gold Package, Cab, Heat, AC, 2 Speed, Power Bobtach, Radio, ACS Selectable Controls Either Hand or Foot, Front Electrical Plugin, High-Flow, Flat Free Cusion Tires, 90% Good, New 80in Bucket, Clean Original Paint, 2,380 Hours, Very Nice Loader, $27,800/Offer. Call 701-318-2086. Delivery Possible

1-800-477-6572, ext. 1150

2006 Peterbilt 335, ISC Cummins 315 hp, Jake, Cruise, AirTrac Susp., 4:63 ratio, aluminum rims, new 22.5’s, double C frame, new 22’ Reiten aluminum box, dual rear controls, only 89,000 actual miles. Excellent Truck!

2003 Freightliner FL80, 3126 Cat 300 hp, Jake, Cruise, 4:11 ratio, excellent 11R22.5’s, front aluminums, air ride, new 22’x8’x64” Reiten Aluminum Box, Full C Double Frame, Dual Rear Controls, Cat Tune Up, All New Injectors, Fuel Pump, Water Pump, Turbo, & Air to Air, only 114,000 miles. Excellent Truck!

2012 Arctic Cat Prowler. HDX700. 2200 Miles with windshield, roof, radio, and rear window. Call 605-770-5226. If no answer, leave message. 2012 Kawasaki Mule 4010 side by side with extras, 25 hours, burgundy in color, $9000 OBO. 605-929-7038

4 - 2006 International 9400i, ISX 500 hp, Jake, 10 spd, 3:90’s, a/r cab & susp., 211 wb, aluminum front rims, all new virgin 11R24.5’s, 90% brakes & drums, 14,000 lb front, new Head Gasket, Radiator & Tank, Fan Clutch, Turbo, front cover gaskets, Cummins Tune-UP, only 379,000 miles. Good Condition!

2007 Freightliner Columbia, 12.7L 455hp, Jake, 10spd, 3:73’s, a/r cab & susp., a/s 5th wheel, polished rims & tanks, excellent 22.5’s, new clutch & input shaft, ground flywheel, rear main, new cross shafts & bushings, Detroit Tune-Up, only 322,000 miles. Very clean low mileage truck.

For Sale: 95 Cadillac Deville, runs excellent, no body damage, excellent paint, always stored inside, good tires, leather, loaded, $1,750. Hitchcock, SD Call 605-350-3100

2003 Kenworth W900B, 6NZ Cat 475 hp, Jake, 13 spd, dual 120g tanks, Excellent LP24.5’s, AG100 susp, all aluminum’s, Wet Kit, Stainless ½ fenders, new injectors, 751,000 miles. Loaded Southern Truck!

For Sale: 2011 Cadillac SRX, AWD Loaded! Excellent condition! Black, 30K. $29,800. Call 701-797-7549 1998 19ft Crestliner Boat with Shorelander Trailer, 150 Merc Motor, 9.9 Kicker with other extras, Excellent Shape. Call 605-450-0462 or 605-472-2134 Early 1900's antique snooker table excellent condition lots of history--would go well in the farm shop for the boys--asking $4500. Also a Chuck Norris total gym (without Chuck) $300 --605-380-4850 2007 Honda 1100 Shadow Sabre, excellent condition, windshield & saddlebags, 10,286 actual miles, $5500. 605-577-6577 or 605-216-1248 Grand Prix 2007, white, 88,000 miles, runs great, asking $8,000 OBO. Call 308-360-3536

Truckin’ In Style (2)-2001 KW T-800 ISM, 400 HP, 10 spd, autoshifts, 3.90 gears, quad axel, 24’ combo box, tarp, 400,000 miles

2003 Freightliner Columbia 60 Series, 10 spd autoshift, quad axel, 24’ Combo box, tarp ■

2002 Peterbilt 379EXHD, 6NZ Cat 550 hp, Jake, 18 spd, 3:70’s, 244 wb, a/r cab & susp, 90% 11R22.5 Michelins, all alum’s, dual 135g tanks, American Class Interior, full gauges, tool boxes, ½ fenders, & wet kit, only 185,000 actual miles. Extremely clean & hard to find!

2014 40’ & 38.6’ Merritt Alum Ag-Hopper, LED Lights, Spring Susp, 11R24.5 Virgins, Roll Tarp. 2014 40’ PLG Steel Ag-Hopper, LED Lights, Spring Susp, 22.5 Tires, Steel Wheels, Roll Tarp.

KLEIN ’S TRUCK SALES Dennis Klein • Rugby, N.D.

701-776-5922 www.kleinstrucksales.com

2014 Wilson Hopper, 42 x 96 x 72, Alum. Wheels, Air Ride Susp. (5) 2009 IHC Prostar ISX, 10spd Autoshift Dual Lockers, 450k 2007 IHC 9400i ISX, 10 spd, autoshift, new 22 ft. B/L combo box, tag axle 2007 IHC 9400i ISX, Autoshift, 22ft knights box, beet equipped-tag axle 2007 IHC 9200i, ISX, 10 spd manual, 3.90 gears, daycab 2006 Freightliner Columbia Mercedes, 435 HP 10spd 410,000 Miles, 3-73 gears 2006 Freightliner M-2 Business Class, C-7 CAT, 9 Spd, Single Axle, 185k Mi, Daycab (Knaphied Serv Body) 2006-2007 9400I ISX, Cat, autoshift, stickshift, ultra shift, sleeper, daycabs, jake brakes. MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. 2006 IHC 9400i ISX, 10spd Autoshift 22ft Box, Combo Endgate, Tridrive 2006 IHC 9400 I, ISX, 10 spd Auto Shift, 22’ B/L Combo Box, Tarp, Tag Axle. (3) 2005 KW T-800 CAT Eng, 10spd 2 pedal Autoshift, 4:11 gears

2006 Freightliner Century, Merc, 10spd trans, 3:90 gears, 22 ft Combo Box, Tarp, Tag Axle” 2005 Freightliner M2, C7, 6 spd, 22 ft. curtain side van body/tommy gate 2005 IHC 8600, C-12, 10 spd, Jakes, Daycab, 550K 2002 FLD Freightliner 112, C-12 Cat, 10 spd, 4.11 gears, new wet kit 2001 KW T-800 ISM, 400 HP, Auto SO Shift, 21’ Alum Box,LD Pusher Axle, 360,000 miles. (2) Tag axle Trailers, 20,000 lbs, 40,000 lbs, tandem axle, 24 ft. 1996 FLD 112 M-11, 10 spd, 3:90 gears, 22’ Frontier Box, Combo Gate, Tarp, Rear Tag Axle. (2) IHC 9100i Daycab, Detroit 12.7 L, 10 spd, 3:90 gears, 181 WB, Low Miles, ARIZONA TRUCKS. 2006 IHC 9400I ISX, 10 spd trans, Daycab, Wet Kit, Lugger Tires

Older Gas/Diesel Boxed Up Trades

“Custom Built From Truck to Finish”


2005 Peterbilt 378, C13 Cat 380/430, Jake, 10 spd Autoshift, 4:33 ratio, a/r cab & suspension, 85% 11R24.5’s, all aluminum’s, 220 wb, Holland a/s 5th, wet kit, tool box, dual exhaust, only 258,000 miles. Very clean truck!

For Sale: 1972 Beechcraft Baron, high time engines. 1975 Cessna 310R, mid time engines. 1980 Cessna 335, low time engines. All really nice, well equipped aircraft. Reason for selling, moved up to a turbo prop. Donnell Michels 701-872-6704

4375 24th Avenue North, Grand Forks, ND • 218-779-8396 www.BigTrucksbyJimco.net 001042473r1

Wanted: 1972 Grand Torino Sport, running or not. Will pay good money, call Mark 605-467-9749

2011 Canyon Trails 30FBHS 5th Wheel

living room slide, bunk room slide, couch folds out to air-bed, 2 bath, enclosed & heated underbelly, electric awning, surround-sound inside & out, 32” flat screen tv. Call 701-360-5156

Dodge Charger, 2009, SXT, AWD, 4 door sedan, 99,000 miles, 3.5L high out put, exterior is dark titanium metallic, interior is dark slate gray, 5 speed shiftable automatic, $13,500 OBO. 605-380-7005 or 605-216-6698

2008 Polaris Ranger 700, 4x4, Browning package; 2006 42 ft Gulf Stream motorhome, 3 slideouts, 4 TVs, leather furniture, 23,000 miles, 330 Mercedes, 6 sp auto, backup cameras and much more; 2002 34 ft fifth wheel travel trailer, 3 slides, queen bed, very nice condition; '94 Chrysler Lebaron convertible, red, 100K miles, very good condition; 21 ft Palm Beach pontoon, 60 hp Johnson good, sound pontoon. 218-790-1705

Buick Lacrosse CX5, 2005, black, with black leather interior, 140,000 miles, will need tires, $6,500 OBO 605-377-8966 Aberdeen SD area Ford Probe GT, 1994, 75,000 actual miles, 2.5 V6, 5 speed, sun roof, new tires, clutch & struts, well maintained, $2,800. 605-225-1196 Saturn, 2003, L200 Sedan, 122,000 miles, 4 cylinder, auto, FWD, AC, pwr window/locks, 4 door, 30 mpg, new battery & belts, runs good, good condition, $3,450. 605-228-1395

Chevy Reg Cab 3/4 ton 4x4 Diesel. 1992. Automatic. Replaced Engine. Many New Parts. Call for Details. $3800. 605-876-3621 Weekdays before 6pm.

09 Yamaha XVS950 V-Star Tour, 2200 miles, $2k in accessories, silver, windshield, hard bags, & esp. $6995 OBO. 605-216-7601

3208 Cat Reviva Rebuilt Engine. Under 1000 Miles. $2500. 320-839-2579

Pontiac G6 GT, 2009, charcoal/black in color, new tires in front, nice shape, 55k miles, $8,800. 605-380-9522

2005 Kenworth, 13 speed, 825,000 miles, 200,000 on overhaul, new rear end, new tires with a pusher. 2008 corn husker triple axle trailer, electric roll tarp, good rubber. $70,000 or will sell separately. 605-772-4440 or 605-354-0001

Mitsubishi Eclipse GTS, 2004, V6, 5 Speed, 98k miles, Sunroof, Clean Arizona Car, $6,300. Knight Truck & Trailer Sales 605-225-1196 AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

2008 Wilson A Train Ag Hoppers. 605-216-8409 2007 PLG STEEL FRAME TYPE END DUMP SPRING SUSPENSION 34 ft Length x 96 in Width x 5 ft 3 in Height; 63 in Inside Height; Frame; 425/65R22.5 (Super Singles) Tires; All Aluminum Wheels $24,500

1997 Freightliner FLD120 N-14 Cummins Engine 430 hp; 630,000 mi; 10 Spd; Air Ride Suspension; 22.5 Tires; All Steel Wheels; 170 in Wheelbase; Tandem Axle; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle Weight; Drive Side $14,000 2014 Neville Hopper Bottom Spring Suspension; 38 ft 7 in Length x 102 in Width; 11R22.5 Tires; Aluminum/Steel Wheels; Fixed Tandem Axle; Aluminum Composition; 2 Hoppers; Rental Returns Very Nice Trailers AG HOPPERS with Sight windows very little use FET INCLUDED $29,500 2014 Timpte Hopper Bottom Spring Suspension; 40 ft Length x 96 in Width x 5 ft 6 in Height; 11R24.5 Tires; All Steel Wheels; Fixed Tandem Axle; Ag Hoppers $30,500 Qty 5 2009 East Flatbeds (Qty: 9) Air Ride Suspension; 45 ft Length x 102 in Width; Aluminum Floor; 445-22.5 Tires; All Aluminum Wheels; Fixed Tri Axle $15,500 Qty 2 2005 International 9200i ISX Cummins Engine 450 hp; 767,300 mi; 10 Spd; Engine Brake; Air Ride Suspension; 3.90 Ratio; 22.5 Tires; Aluminum/Steel Wheels; 192 in Wheelbase; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle Weight; Drive Side

2005 Kenworth T800 C-13 Caterpillar Engine 430 hp; 638,500 mi; 10 Spd; Engine Brake; Pete Flex Air Suspension; 445-22.5 Tires; All Aluminum Wheels; 190 in Wheelbase; Tandem Axle; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle Weight; $34,500 2015 Neville Stepdeck Spring Suspension; 45 ft Length x 102 in Width; Apitong Floor; 22.5 Tires; Aluminum Outside Wheels; Fixed Tandem Axle; Steel Composition; 45’ X 102”, 11’ TOP DECK, 29’ MAIN DECK, AND A 5’ BEAVERTAIL WITH 3 FOLDING RAMPS, $30,000 1981 Stoughton Step Deck Spring Suspension; 42 ft Length x 96 in Width; Wood Floor; 10-17 Tires;Spoke Wheels; Fixed Tandem Axle; Steel Composition; Hydralic Rold down ramps, $14,000 2000 TYLER Side shooter 16 ton 4 compartament Tender Shurlock Tarp Good Shape for age $12,000 2007 Peterbilt 385 48 in Unibilt; C-13 Caterpillar Engine 430 hp; 742,500 mi; 10 Spd; Engine Brake; Air Ride Suspension; 3.55 Ratio; 22.5 Tires; All Aluminum Wheels; 222 in Wheelbase; Tandem Axle; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle Weight; Drive Side: $32,000

320-239-2677 Starbuck, MN




AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A5

1999 Int’l 9100. Cummins M11 10 Spd. Single Axle. Spring Ride. 250k miles. Excellent Condition. $15,995. 605-751-9100 or 605-751-1377 2009 Wilson Hopper bottom Trailers white in color, 41x66x96 New tarp, Good Tires, New Brakes. Please Call Brian 605-881-2428. Heavy Haul Trailer to Haul Dozer Etc. $2,500. 45ft Dropdeck Trailer, Light Duty with Ramps, 16in Tires, $4,500. Call 605-228-1302 or 605-226-0381 2001 Ford F-250 PowerStroke XLT Package 147,000 miles, Four Door Short Box/Maroon Metallic/Automatic/4x4 knob on dash/PW/PL/AC/Tilt Cruise/sliding rear window. B&W Fifth wheel ball under box/60% on tires/Grille Guard/Stainless Steel Grille Inserts/some rust bottom of rear fenders. Has some service records Asking $13,000 for sale or trade call 605-237-8123 New Effington SD

1999 Transcraft 53x96 spread axle flat bed, alum deck with steel frame, has bale rails, new brakes, sliding winch rails, tool box and almost new tires, $8500. 1972 Fruehauf 24x96 single axle flat bed with 2ft extension and bale rails, excellent tires and brakes, sliding winch rails, has poor deck, $3500. 1998 Timpte 42x96x78 grain hopper, air ride, electric traps, good tarp, excellent brakes and tires, has 1996 Magnum 24x96x78 single axle pup, with single axle dolly, has long hitch for maximum bridge, good tarp, tires and brakes, $25,000 for set. Call 605-840-5088 1983 7x24 stock trailer, 8000 lb axles, new rubber plank floor, $3500. 300 bushel gravity box, goose neck trailer with roll tarp, $3500. 605-439-3587 2011 Thundercreek Fuel Trailer, model 990UB, gas powered motor, hose reel, 40 gallon per minute air compressor/generator with reels. Serious Inquiries Only. No reasonable offer refused. Call 605-770-8192 1997 F250 4x4 club cab with power stroke diesel, excellent condition, Call 605-669-2381 or 605-381-8359

NEW 2014 Maurer Drop Deck Trailer, Spring Suspension; Wood Floor, Steel Composition; 40’+ 5’ Beaver Tail, 24” Pin Setting;Triple Heavy Duty Ramps, LED Light Kit, White Oak Flooring, Sliding Winch Kit; $28,500 2007 Volvo VNL64T780 70” Condo Sleeper; VED12 Volvo Engine 465 HP; 10 Spd; 781,350 Miles; 3:42 Ratio; LP22.5 Tires; Aluminum Wheels; 228” Wheelbase; Drive Side: Left Hand Drive; Double Bunk, Table, Air Ride Front Axle, Air Release 5th Wheel, Skylight. Spotless Inside and Out! $29,500 2004 Freightliner CL12064ST Columbia 120 12.7 Detroit Engine 430 HP; 885,500 Miles; Freedom Line; LP22.5 Tires; Drive Side: Left Hand Drive; 153” Cab to Trunion, 208” Cab to End of Frame. 95% Steers, 75% Drive Front & Rear. Aluminum Rims; $27,500 2014 Maurer Spring Suspension; 34 ft Length; LP24.5 Tires; Steel Composition; LED Lights, Front and Rear Platforms. Just In!; $23,900

2014 Maurer Air Ride Suspension; 38 ft Length x 5 ft 8” Height; 11R24.5 Virgin Tires; Aluminum Composition; Dump Valve and Load Gauge, Steel Wheels, LED Lights, Front and Rear Platforms and Sight Windows. JUST IN! $34,000

2008 Volvo VNL62T300 ISX Cummins Engine 450 HP; 696,974 Miles; 10 Spd; 358 Ratio; LP22.5 Tires; 176” Wheelbase; Drive Side: Left Hand Drive; Very Clean Truck Inside and Out. Jake, Cruise, Tilt and Telescoping, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Heated Mirrors, Air Ride Cab,. 95% of Brakes Remain with 80% of Steer Tires Left; $39,500

2011 Load King live bottom trailer, 63” belt, 42’ long, air ride, with original tires at 50%, Harrold, SD 605-870-3333

5((* 9>! 9;8>= (,M <T7B O!HK!9)I *$N C)T9I (&& 9!=);G &2(+/''

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(218) 773-1009 (800) 428-9033 1422 Gateway Dr. NE • Hwy 2 East • East Grand Forks, MN

Truck Sales, Parts and Service

www.drummersdiesel.com • larry@drummersdiesel.com We service and repair all makes and models of trucks and trailers, minor to major repairs! International, Kenworth, Peterbilt, Mack, Volvo, GMC, Ford, Freightliner


GATEWAY TRUCK SALES Just 2 miles South of Minto, ND

(2) 2009 IHC ProStar, ISX, Cummins 10 spd., 3:70 Ratio, 187 WB, 400K

2005 Freightliner FLD-120, C-13 Cat., 10 spd., 3:70 ratio, 24’ Loadline Uni-Body Box, Quad Axle

2006 International 9200, ISX, 435 HP, 10 spd., 3:70 Ratio New 22’ Loadline Uni-Body Box, Combo Gate, Roll Tarp, 700K

2006 IHC 7600 Workstar, ISM, 350 HP Cummins, 10-C Fuller, 3:70 ratio, 22’ Loadline Uni-Body box, dual wheel tag, tri-axle, beet equipped, 300K

2014 Maurer 40’ Ag Hopper, 1 Air Ride, 1 Spring Ride

(14) 2005 IHC 7600 WorkStar, C-11 Cat, 307/370 HP, 4000 Allison automatic, 5:29 ratio, w/locker, 168” C/T 3/8 frame rails, Air-ride suspension, 350K

Phil 1-218-779-4735 • Paul 1-218-779-9750

Quality You Can Count On.

2013 Mack CXU613

2011 Mack CXU613, Mack MP8, Allison Automatic, 415 HP, Air Ride, DAY CABS CALL!

2010 Volvo VNL64T630, Volvo D13, Volvo I-shift, 485 HP, SLEEPER, CALL!

2013 Mack CXU613 New, MP8, 445 HP, Fuller 10, 3.55 Rears, 191” WB, CALL!

MP8, Fuller 10 spd, 445 HP, 191” WB, Air Ride, Engine Brake, Power Windows/ Locks, Full Gauges, Block Heater, Heated Power Mirrors.

2012 Mack CXU613 Mack MP8, Mack mDrive, 445 HP, DAY CAB. (3) 2006 Kenworth T-800, ISX, 435 HP, 10C Fuller, 3:70 ratio, 175 WB 001048769r1


(320) 795-2827 • Hancock, MN www.kannegiessertrucksales.com

1992 Timpte, 42ft long, tandem, tires are 60%, new tarp in 2011, $11,000. 605-848-0010


McCormick CX105, MFWD tractor, 105 hp, cab air, dual hydraulic, XT RA-shift transmission, front weights, 1680 hours, like new condition $34800, can deliver 605-881-7947 or 605-794-4731 Toronto SD

2009 IHC Prostar, Cummins ISX, Fuller Autoshift, 435 HP, Air Ride, 221” WB

2007 Freightliner Columbia 120, 14L Detroit 500 HP, 10 Spd, 187 WB, 3:70 ratio, 10 Alum., 500K

ON HAND-- 2014 Maurer 40’ Aluminum Ag Hopper Trailers-Air Ride and Spring Ride


1-800-358-0707 • 1-701-775-2591 5315 Gateway Dr, Grand Forks, ND rdotruckcenter.com

Fargo 3401 28th St. S. - 800-342-4643 Bismarck 3020 Vermont Ave 855-389-2447 001042916r1

A6 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014


’93 48 Trinity Tri 41” $23k ’09 Aluminator 4272-54 E/H ’08 Aulick 4670-54-2 E/H ’02 Trinity 42’ 61” Belt ’00 Red River 42’ 41” Belt 35’ Alum End Dumps $15k

Big River Sales 701-261-4130 Dale 701-261-4024 Cory

1993 – 1997 Single Axle & Tandem Tractors 9 & 10 Speeds, Wet Kits Ready To Go, Starting at $9,950

2011 GMC Sierra SLT. Diesel, Duromax 6.6 Liter. 3500 HD 1 Ton. Accessories are full-length running boards, stainless steel bedrails, window luvers, chrome door handles, grill guard, bug deflector, BMW 5th wheel ball and hitch, leather bucket seats, Allison transmission 6 spd. 3470 miles. 605-770-8192

2 1988 International 2574 dump trucks, 14 ft box, L10 Cummins engine, 8LL transmission, live hydraulic, air & electrical for rear & hitch for pulling trailer. 1980 International 2674 dump truck, 8.3 Cummins engine, 13 spd trans, 14 ft box, air & electrical, pintle hitch for pulling trailer. Call 701-984-2522 or 701-650-8792.

1998 Nuvan 53ft by 8ft Curtain Trailer, Near New Paint & All New Curtains, Good Wood Floor, 22.5 Radial Tires on Bud Rims, Trailer & Curtains are Black, Very Good Condition, Call Kim Tschetter at 605-350-4020

2006 Freightliner CL120 Detroit 14.0/455, 10 Spd, Jake, 3:58 Ratio, West Coast Truck $27,900

Single Axle Trucks Auto/Sticks, 24-26’ Boxes, 26-33 K GVWs, 1995 Freightliner 855 Cummins, 10 Spd with 2000 Midland 32’ Ag Hopper Trailer, Spring, Steel, Local Trade Package Price $32,900

2005 Trail King •48 x 102 Dropdeck •Steel/Alum. Combo •10ft Neck 38ft Deck •Air Ride Spread •Good T’s & B’s •Alum. Wheels

1997 Freightliner Conventional Box Truck

Morris, MN 320-287-0179

24' insulated box with side door, stairs and liftgate. Series 60 12.7L Detroit with 890,000 miles, tandem with diff. lock, 65% rubber, serviced and DOT current, 10 speed Fuller. 320-845-4156.

Allison Automatic, Loaded, Running Boards, Hidden 5th Wheel, Tool Box, 201k Miles. Also, 08 Ford 1 Ton Dually Crew Cab, 6.8 Diesel, Twin Turbo 4x4, Fully Loaded, Hidden 5th Wheel, Running Boards, Grill Guard, Tool Box, 167k Miles. Call 605-881-4095

Case IH 30 foot press drill, fertilizer, factory transport, stored inside, good condition. (3) 7ft International model 100 Grain Drills, usable. 2012 F-150 4X4, red, all options and after markets. Dual pipes, Equiboost, 9000 miles. Call 701-742-2413, Oakes, ND.

All State Trailer Sales



Clean, Low Miles,

1990 Ford Service Truck 460 V8, 4 Spd., Excellent Condition, Many Compartments Was: $8,950 NOW: $7,950

2005 IHC 5900i Eagle day cab, Cummins ISX 565, 18 speed, full lockers, 16000lb FA and 46000lb RA, heavy 3/8 frame, 4:10 gears, 230 inch wheel base, aluminum wheels, 315/80R/22.5 fronts, 11Rx24.5 rears, dual 100 gallon tanks, new wet kit, grill guard, cab guard with lockable boxes, dual chrome stacks and air cleaners, chrome visor with lights, beacon lights, full gages, PW & PL, satellite radio, 321,000 miles, lots of chrome and lights, immaculate: 2001 STE 6200 gallon insulated tanker, air ride, aluminum wheels with 11R/22.5 tires, new pump and DOT inspected. 701-947-5349 or 701-302-0612

Lift Gates/Ramps, PRICED TO SELL

THEY’RE HERE 2006 Hino 338 Single Ax Hino 260 HP, Automatic, 189k for Miles, 10 Fr/23 Rears $18,255

2007 Freightliner M-2 Cat C7, 6 Spd, 600 gal Fuel Tank, 11’ Knapiehied Service Body, Low Miles, Like New $39,500

1998 Freightliner 80 3126, Cat 96,


000 actual miles, mint condition, new rubber, ready for a 22’ box and hoist.

9 Flatbed Trucks With & Without Hoists, Cats & Mercedes, Autos & Sticks, Ready to Work, 9’ to 26’ Beds, Starting at $9,950


2012 24’ Cancade, Aluminum, Combo End Gate, Call

Starting at $29,500.00

Volvo Sleeper Truck. $24,500

24 Tandem & Single Axle Freightliners Here and Coming, 2005 - 2007’s, Cats & Dets, 10 Spd & Ultras, Starting at $20,900

2004 Chevrolet Reg Cab

2006 Freightliner Columbia, C-13 CAT, 10 spd, New Henderson Dump Box, Rear Pintle Hitch

1992 Volvo/GMC 9 Spd, 16 Ton Willmar Tender, Excellent Condition, Electric Roll Tarp $28,500

2012 Ford F-150 $30,000

GMC/WHITE VOLVO N-14, Cummins, 10 spd., 21’ Cancade farm body pkg, spring ride, good tarp, good rubber $36,000

1998 Dodge Service Rig $7,500

Welcome to the Fargo Moorhead area’s Premier work truck sales center! www.fmtrucksales.net

White Farm Truck $27,500

Day Cab Tractor

FM Truck Sales LLC

East Grand Forks, MN


2720 2nd. Ave. N., Moorhead, MN • Phone: (218) 236-9341 Evenings: Duane 701-730-2568 Hard time selling your truck? Consign it with us!

2007 MACK VISION, Auto Shift, 388 HP, New Rubber, 500,000 miles, 24’ Cancade Farm Body......$67,900 w/FET

(701)741-0143 RGTRUCKSALES.COM




Farm Truck

M2 FREIGHTLINER Business Class Straight Truck. Would make great water or service truck. Price to sell--- call Ryan

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A7

Haul-All 30’ 4 compartment tender complete with trailer. 1,100 bu with an extension to 1,250 bu available. Scale, electric roll tarp, fully self contained with a 24 hp Honda motor with hydraulic pump, wireless remote control for conveyor on/off, up/down, and pivot, 4 electric trap openers. 28’ x 13” conveyor with 180 degree swing. Trailer is a 2000 40’ triple axle Doresy with 11x22.5 tires. 2,000 gal liquid tank w/ 2” pump and 15 gal inductor cone mounted on neck. $35,000. 701-739-7280 cell or 701-398-3374 shop

Semi Water Trailers; Cone bottom tanks, tanks, pumps, hose reels, cones, etc. Containers; 28' to 53' Semi Storage trailers. New 36' hopper bottom trailer; Semi side dump pup trailer. Delivery available. www.ryd e l l t r a i l e r s . c o m (701) 474-5780

30 Ton Lowboy •2003 Muv-All •48x102 •Hyd. Neck •30 Ton •29ft Deck •Alum. Pull-Outs to 13ft •Air Ride •Call

All State Trailer Sales Morris, MN 320-287-0179


1985 International 2575 Cummins 350, 9 Spd, Tri Axle W/ a rear lift tag, 22' grain box, Shur-loc roll tarp in good shape, 387,638 miles 35,000 OBO. Call Jordan, 218-770-1339

Diesel Tandem Dump Trucks 1984 ICH $13000.00 1986 ICH $13500.00 1989 Kenworth T800 $18500.00 1993 Volvo $18000.00 1989 Ford Bronco 4x4 $2800.00 1995 Chev 3/4 4x4 ecab engine bad $2100.00 1997 Chev 1/2 4x4 ecab $5800.00 24ft tandem dual Felling trailer $5000.00 45C Clark payloader 2yd bucket $19000.00 Call 701-833-6472

For sale: Well cared for 2001 Peterbilt 387 with C15 Cat Engine. It has a 13 speed transmission, pusher axle and wet kit. Odometer: 900,000. $26,000 obo. 1977 Muvall Trailer with 8' step and 28' flat deck with 6' dovetail that has 5' hydraulic ramp too. $14,000 obo. Call Steve with questions: 605-693-3511

Aulick Belt Trailers for Rent/Sale

Grain Trailers for Rent: Wilson & Timpte Ag Hoppers 2007-2011, 40’-43’, Spring Ride and Air Ride available. Call for monthly or yearly rates. H&S Ag Rentals LLC Bridgewater, SoDak Doug 605-360-1027 or Phil 605-360-4630

2011-2014 Tandems & Triples 42'-51' Air Ride Call for Month or Yearly Rates. A & T Sales, LLC Breckenridge, MN. 701-640-4933

Your Authorized Aulick Dealer

2003 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 Quad Cab Short Box. 5.7 HEMI, Auto, 69,500 orig miles. Every option including heated leather seats. New 10 ply Michelins/matching topper. Can email pictures. NO 3RD PARTY CALLS! $15,500 / cash talks - no calls After 9pm CST. 605-760-3968

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SEE OUR INVENTORY AT: www.northstartrucksales.com

2005 GMC 6500 4X4, Service Truck, 2008 Ford F450 Cab and Chassis Venturo 5,000 lbs Crane, Service Box, 2wd, Auto, 6.4 Powerstroke Diesel Air Compressor, 79K Miles, Very Rare Clean Truck 157K Miles for $14,950 Truck $49,500

2000 Ford F750 Ext Cab, Ser- 2006 Ford F450 Ext Cab, Utility 2000 Ford F450 4X4 Utility Truck, vice Truck, CAT Diesel, Auto, Air Truck, V10, Auto, 2wd, Excellent 7.3 Diesel, Auto, Rust Free Truck Brakes, Rust Free Truck with Condition Only 49K Miles for $17,950 with Only 86K Miles for $18,950 Only 53K Miles for $25,950

2007 Chevy 5500 Utility Service Truck, Duramax Diesel, Allison Auto, Air Compressor, Excellent Condition, Only 87K Miles for... $29,500

2004 Ford F450 4X4 V10 Auto, 2004 GMC 2500 HD Ext Cab, 4X4, 2002 Ford F350 Ext Cab Utility 2005 Ford F250 Crew Cab, XLT, 2007 Dodge 2500 Crew Cab, 5.7 V8 2001 Chevy 3500, Utility Truck, 6.0 Flatbed, Very Clean Rust Free Truck Short Box, 6.0 V8, Auto, Rust Free Service Truck, 4X4, V10, Auto, 4X4, V10, Auto, Long Box, Nice Hemi, Auto, 4X4, Long Box, 4 Door, V8, Auto, 2wd, Venturo 2,200 Pound with Only 77K Miles for $16,950 Truck with Only 89K Miles for $13,950 Very Clean Truck, with 113K Truck with 101K Miles for $14,950 Rust Free, 92K Miles for $17,950 Crane, 104K Miles for $12,950 Miles for $13,950

2003 Ford F350 Crew Cab, 4X4, V10, Auto, Service Utility Truck, Rust Free with 82K Miles for $16,950

2939 Hwy. 10 South, St. Cloud, MN




2005 Chevy 2500 HD Crew 2002 Ford F450 4X4, Reg Cab, 7.3 Cab, 4X4, V8, Auto, Utility Diesel, Auto, Very Clean Rust Free Service Box, Rust Free Truck Truck with 157K Miles for $16,950 with 88K Miles for $15,950


A8 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014

(3) 2001 IHC 9400I Daycabs, 180" wheel base, N14 Cummins engine, 375-435hp, 10spd transmission, 411 gear ratio, full locking rear ends, low mileage-only 290,000 actual miles; $17,500/each. Call: 218-784-2961 or 701-430-0067

2005 Kenworth T800 Daycab

For Sale: 2000 Volvo Day Cab, Cummins Motor Auto Shift, All aluminum wheels, Good Rubber, Sliding 5th Wheel, 168” wheel base, very nice looking truck with 535,000 mi. $21,500 OBO. Call 507-360-6057 or 507-847-5700 Lakefield, MN.

2006 Kenworth T800 Daycab

6D.& (*@ #;E .@ 8;+E QAO)E 0G1 !=7):!<:E 6D.* ("@ #;E .@ 8;+E QAO)E *C"@ :A7!<E 9J ."$H L?E A!:8M!+): &7#E 9J*R@ 858;E A!: (@@ 858;E +5AM 87A-O8E .P@H L?E AM5> :!+) -A?E ,,C& 7!:)8 R@NE $,RE@@@ >!M)8E 3587 L#))M8E ,,C& 7!:)8 $@NE ($*E@@@ >!M)8E K:)) 2<57#):= 6AM!'<:=!A 1:5-O% CALL KM))7 FA!=7A!=)+ /)87 6<A87 1:5-O% CALL

2009 Timpte standard ground clearance hopper 50’x102”x84”, air ride, dual dual lift tri-axle with 10’7” overall spread, aluminum wheels, stainless steel rear end, 2 rows of 9 lights, 90% brakes.

Whether you live North, South, East or West, let me help you with the financing that would fit you BEST!

2008 Wilson Commander Ag Hopper 43’x96”x72”, air ride, aluminum sub frame and king pin, super single tires and wheels, ICC bumper.

Loan or Leases

www.northbranchtruck.com jfricke@cleaninter.net

2005 Freightliner Columbia Daycab

.,C" 4)7:<!7 ((& #;E .@ 8;+E *C"* :A7!<E .$PH L?E A!: :!+) 858;B-A?E A!:8M!+): &7#E ,,C& 7!:)8E $*PE@@@ >!M)8E 3)AM 2#A:; KA-7<:I 4AI-A?% $27,900


Gayle Gayle Hoots Hoots

New and Used Equipment: • Farm Machinery • Grain Bins and Buildings • Construction Equipment • Trucks and Trailers 8 Ag Equity Loans 8 Operating Loans 8 Farm Mortgages

Phone: 701-212-2118 (Cell) Office: 701-764-6668 Email: gayle@tristateequipmentfinancing.com

We Specialize In Truck Stretching • Knights Unified Boxes • Reiten Alum Boxes • Gravel Boxes • Nordic Hoists • Scott Hoists & Boxes

• Shurco Tarps • SRT Tarps • Silent Drive Axles • Frame Work

• Wet Kits • Sandblasting • Painting • Fabrication

2009 Wilson Pacesetter Ag Hopper, 49'x102"x72", air ride tri-axle, aluminum wheels, power tarp. 2010 Wilson Pacesetter Ag Hopper, 49'x102"x72", air ride tri-axle, aluminum wheels, power tarp.


701-331-1695 701-352-4929 Evenings


Grafton, ND

2008 Peterbilt 389 2007 Kenworth T800, ISX Cummins, 485 HP, 10 Spd, Jake, C-13 Cat, 430 HP, 10 Spd, 3.73 Ratio, Cruise, Tilt, All Alum, 63” Aerocab Sleeper, 235 WB, All Alum/New Tires, Jake, 760,923 miles New rods/mains at 586K, $22,000 OH 170K Miles Ago, Tilt, Cruise, New rear brakes at 747K, New DPF at 750K. Fuel Heater, 850,794 Miles $59,900 $52,900

- Hassle Free Hopper Openers -Hassle Free Tarping

• 2007 Freightliner Columbia- Detroit 12.7 L, 425 hp, 10 spd, A/C, P/S, NEW 22 ft Knights Box, Tag, 216 Nordic Hoist, Shurco Tarp, NEW Rubber, All Alumn. • 2005 IH 9200, Cummins ISM 425 hp, 390 ratio 538,110 miles, Super 10 Trans,


PRICES REDUCED! 1327 Dakota Ave. Hwy. 18 • Hatton, ND 58240

701-543-4040 Fax 701-543-4044 NEW Boxes Available!


• 2) 2007 Freightliner Columbia 120, Detroit 455 hp, 10 spd. Call for details.




2008 Peterbilt 386 C-13 Cat, Ultrashift, 430 HP, Jake, 3.55 Ratio, 199” WB, A/Ride Susp, 12,000 lb. FA, 36,000 lb. RA, 359,681 Miles $47,900

!01'.452 3(

%+*0,#5& .$* 10*1 /#5-* )66)"

See our website for more inventory!

GMC 2011 1500 Sierra SLT package. Crew Cab 6.2 4x4, clean and well maintained. 25000 miles, lots of extras. $34500 OBO. 605-769-0668 ‘05 Kenworth T600, 746K Miles, 10 Spd Trans, $27K ‘95 Tempte Trailer, 42', Air Ride, Elect. Roll Tarp, $18K OR PKG $45K Cell - 605-880-4262 2008 Trail King Belt trailer, 40ft ,64 inch sides, 24 inch belt, tandem axle, air ride, $42,500 OBO. 605-380-0627 2006 Donahue 9ftx28ft implement carrier, steel floor, tires in excellent condition, rolling hitch, asking $6000. 605-589-3232 ext 3 For Sale: 1996 Ken worth T800. Tri-Axle Dump Drump with 15’ Aluminum Box. C12 Motor. 13 Spd. 390 Gears. Will Sell w or w/o triple axle Cornhusker Pup. 712-548-3553 FOR SALE 1995 Fontaine, Hydraulic Detachable 3 Axle w/ Self-contained Honda Powered Units $37,000 Call 605.770.9679 FOR SALE 1996 Trail Tech DCT320, 3 Axle Combine Trailer, 53’ $16,000 Call 605.770.9679 1996 Chevy 3/4 Ton Extended Cab 4x4 AT Diesel, New Engine, New Tires, Brakes & Much More Replaced, $6,000. Call Weekdays before 6pm 605-876-3621


#)-*"!"&)- $,++' ! 100 or 1300 Gallon Models ! With or Without Tote Deck

Distributed by: Serving the valley since 1939


ARRIVING SOON! (8) 2006-2007 Kenworth T800 Daycabs w/Autoshift. Call for more Information


Call 1-800-798-2002 www.wilsontrailer.com

Tested. Trusted. Guaranteed.

• 2005 IH 8600, ISM Cummins 410 hp, Mil:465,085, White

All Alumn.

2011 Wilson Pacesetter Ag Hopper, 50'x96"x72", Tri-Axle with rear lift, air ride, aluminum wheels, loaded, stainless front and rear, aluminum king pin.

1998 MIDLAND Belly Dump tri-axle, excellent shape. Phone 701-840-1220.


• 2006 Sterling, AT9500, Detroit 12.7, 450 hp, Jake Brake, 10 spd, 390 ratio, LOW

2009 Timpte standard ground clearance hopper 50’x102”x84”, air ride, dual dual lift tri-axle with 10’-7” overall spread, aluminum wheels, stainless steel rear end, 2 rows of 9 lights, power tarp, 90% brakes.

WANT TO BUY: Older Tractors and Trucks, running or needing minor repair. Prefer Cummins Diesel, will consider others. Want IH 1066 or 1086 and pickup snowplow with adjustable V blade. Items must be reasonable in price. 701-446-7942 leave message.

www.valleybrake.com • 701-360-2229 or 701-352-0622


800-325-2412 • 218-773-1194 Business Hwy 2 East Grand Forks, MN

*-#7. #5 &)+ $(/. !10%42 3' "6,86

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AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A9

Chevy 2000 1/2 Ton fold down gooseneck ball, CD, receiver hitch, 4x4, club cab WITH 4 doors. Good condition. Higher miles but serviced every 3000 mi. $6900. OBO. Text/call. 605-396-7578

CAT C12 410 Single Turbo Jake Brake, 10sp 3.90 Ratio

2004 Frt’l Columbia CL120

CAT C12 410 Single Turbo Jake Brake 10sp 3.73 Ratio

(3) 2005 Frt’l Columbia CL120

Series 60 14L 490/515 HP All have Jakes 10sp 3.73 Ratio

2005 Peterbilt 385 ISM

2009 Loadmax, 5th wheel, 26ft, dove nose trailer, good condition, good brakes, lights, toolbox, winch plate, spare tire rack, black in color, $5100 OBO. 605-380-2126

'06 & '07 International 8600

1984 Kenworth cab over. 1989 Kenworth Conventional with pusher axle. New tires on both trucks. 1-605-848-0646

(3) 2006 Frt'l Columbia CL120

‘99 Ram 1500, 93,000 mi, new tires, new front end, $4500. 605-216-1067

370/410 HP Jake 10sp Flex Air Aluminum Wheels ISM 410/425 HP Jake 10sp 3.7 Ratio Aluminum Wheels Series 60 490 HP Jake 10sp 3.73 Ratio 176 & 183 WB

2007 Frt’l Columbia CL120

Series 60 490 HP Jake 10sp 3.73 Ratio Aluminum Whls.

FARGO TRUCK SALES 4101 38th St. SW. West I-29 Frontage Rd 800-865-4147 • 701-364-3600 www.fargotrucksales.com

Nice truck! 2005 Sterling, 375-400 hp, 10spd transmission, air ride cab & suspension, 380,000 actual miles, new 20' box, hoist & roll tarp; $42,500, FET tax included. 218-784-2961 or 701-430-0067

*** WET KITS ***

Installing wet kits, frame stretches, box mounts and other truck and trailer repairs. Call 701-371-9052 1965 Ford two ton grain truck with drill fill, 300 bushel box. Asking $2500. Call Tim Jones, 701-439-2764 or cell 701-640-2444 85 Ford F150, 4x4, regular cab, does not run, Price $700. 73 International 4x4, 3/4 ton pickup, does not run. $550. 712-461-2397

Ford F350 XLT Super Duty, 2000, 7.3 power stroke diesel, 4x4, 4 door, short box, white, auto trans new in 2012, 4x4 knob on dash, pwr windows, pwr locks, AC, tilt, cruise, sliding rear window, chrome grill guard and running boards, all new bearings in front and rear drive shaft in 2012, excellent condition inside and out, 605-645-8396 or 605-732-4429

2002 International 9200 I Eagle, 470 Detroit, 13 Speed, Midroof Sleeper, Current DOT, Very Nice Condition, Excellent Truck, $17,500. Call 605-881-0314

For sale: 2005 GMC C5500 Crew cab dually Duramax, 4x4 automatic, 12ft aluminum flat bed, bed lift, 5th wheel hitch, bumper hitch, 59,000 miles, $27,500. 605-662-7007 after 7pm.

FOR SALE: 2013 Timpte Hopper, 50x96x72, Triple Axle w/ rear lift, 10'8" spread. LOW MILES LIKE NEW. $45,000 OBO. Call 605-880-2006 2005 Freightliner Century Class auto shift. 14 litre Detroit with fresh overhaul. 22’ Aulick grain/silage combo Box. $50,000. 1993 Peterbilt 377, N14 Cummins, 10 spd, 800,000 miles, 24’ Aulick Silage/Grain box with 1 season of use. 605-695-9687 Liteguard grille guard for 9200i or 9400i Internationals, freightliner Columbia’s, Volvos paid 1200.00 new $300.00ea if you buy four or more 250.00 ea. please call 1-800-456-2193 ask for matt Dawson MN For Sale: 72 JD 4 inch gauge wheels with new tires, 701-626-1118

1993 Peterbilt 377 with 24ft. Aulick silage box, 1014 Cummins with 10-speed trans. Only used 1 season. $40,000; 1980 Mack with 20ft. silage box, $14,000. Call 605-695-0992 1990 42ft Merrit alum. hopper in good shape with roll tarp, good brakes, road ready. $12,000 OBO. Call 218-643-1400. 2005 T800 KW, Cummins ISX, 450 hp, 10 speed, 3:70 rearends, 38 inch bunk, 2 line wet kit, good brakes & drums, rebuilt front pins & bushings, full alignment, $37,000. Connect Express Inc., 701-331-1120. 2006 Peterbilt 379, Cummins 475 HP, 63 inch flat top sleeper, 18 speed, 255 inch wheel base, 3.55 ratio, 528,000 miles, $84,900. 471-529-8850 vbreitag@tlgtrucks.com

Water trailer for sale: 1979 Fruehauf tandem axle flatbed 30 ft w/3 ft lower deck added on rear, 3 - 1550 gallon poly tanks, 30 gallon mixing cone, Honda pump, all 2" plumbing, ready to use this Spring. Call 701-840-2185.

Liquid side dresser - $16,000 (Colfax, ND)

16 row 30 inch liquid sidedressing toolbar with Yetter parallel linkage coulters with injection nozzles, manifolds and rear hitch to hook to a liquid cart. Call 701-640-3654 01 Merritt Millennium Hopper bottom. This is the smooth sided model. Has close to new tires, brakes and drums. Air ride with dump valve and gauge. Electric roll tarp. Trailer is in excellent condition. 43 foot with 68 inch sides. Call 605-359-6709 1995 Timpte, 42x96x66, air ride, standard hopper, roll tarp. 1989 Timpte 42x96x78 spring ride, standard hopper. Move Master four wheel header trailer. 605-994-2382 or 605-994-7001 or 605-994-7002

2005 Peterbilt 379 Flat top, 48 inch sleeper, 475 CAT, 13 speed, 3.70 ratio, 650,000 miles, $72,500. 417-529-8850 or email vbreitag@tlgtrucks.com 1999 Kenworth T800 Day Cab, C12, 400 horse, 720,000 miles, 5,000 miles on new motor, Asking $32,000. 605-940-4568 07 Timpte Grain Trailers, Main 43ft, 102in Wide, 72in Sides, Pup 21ft, Air Ride & Air Gauges, Super Singles, Call 605-204-0254 in Miller, SD Ford F250 Lariat, 2012, diesel, gray, 12000 miles, 5th wheel hitch, tail gate step, chrome grill guard, running boards, like new, $45,000. 605-769-0321 05 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel, excellent shape, full crew cab, extra clean inside and out, box cover, B&W flip up ball, 6.6 Duramax diesel, 128K miles, clear title, loaded, very sharp. $22,500/Offer. 701-318-2086

of Minnesota

2012 Wilson cattle pot trailer, 102x51, tandem axle, air ride, like new, $54,000 OBO. 605-380-0627 Chevy 2003 Suburban 125k miles, leather, heated seats, sunroof, 6 disc cd changer, good condition, $9800. 605-354-3268 Chevy Reg Cab 3/4 ton 4x4 Diesel. 1992. Automatic. Replaced Engine. Many New Parts. Call for Details. $3800. 605-876-3621 Weekdays before 6pm.

2005 – 2006 Volvo 5 in Stock ISX Cummins, 10 Spd, 385 to 500 HP, 230K to 365K Miles… $38,000

2005 International 7500 HT570 340 HP, 10 Spd, 40,000 lb Rear Suspension, 16,000 lb Front Axle, 52K Miles…. $39,000

2005 International 4400 DT530 3060 P Allison Auto, 285 HP, 174 C to T, 12 Front, 40 Rears, 192K Miles…. $35,500

2006 GMC Duramax Diesel Tire Truck, 5,000 lb Crane, Lift Gate, Air Compressor…. $28,000



FOR SALE 1995 Fontaine, Hydraulic Detachable 3 Axle w/ Self-contained Honda Powered Units $37,000 Call 605.770.9679 OEM hood for 1997 Kenworth W900, in primer, ready to paint, $3500 OBO. Can paint for $1000. Call 218-329-7660

Truck & Trailer Sales • Full Service Shop • Parts Sales Tire Sales • Appraisals • Truck & Trailer Repair

2006 International 4400 DT466, 285 HP, Allison Auto, 174 C to T, 40,000 lb Rears, 12,000 lb Front, 212 K Miles..............................................................................................................................CALL FOR PRICE 2000 378 Peterbilt ISM Cummins, 4560 Allison Auto, Wet Kit Grey, 412K Miles ..............................$45,000 2001 Freightliner FLD120 1270 Detroit, 430 HP, Jake Brake, 10 Spd, 330 ECM Miles.....................$21,000 2007 Ford F-550 Super Duty 4x4, Auto, 6.0 L Diesel, with Air Compressor, 241K Miles .................$12,500 2004 Ford F-550 Super Duty 4x2, Auto, 6.0 L Diesel, Service Body, Air Compressor, Lincoln Welder Generator, 198K Miles ..........................................................................................................................$15,000 2002 International 440 Twin Screw, DT530, 275 HP, 3060P Allison Auto, 174” C to T, 282K Miles..............................................................................................................................................$58,000




600 E 60th St • Sioux Falls, SD www.tristatetrucksalesnd.com

2014 TIMPTE AG HOPPER $35,500


2009 PETERBILT 365 $56,850

NEW 2013 HMI END DUMP, $37,968


(2) 2003 Frt'l FLD11264ST

For Sale: 2- F550 Ford, F450 Ford, 2- F350 Ford, 7.3 diesels, all 4 wheel drive. Also have 4 F350 coming; 1997 and 1999 Subaru, AWD. 320-491-6855

For Sale: 2012 Kubota RTV900 side by side utility vehicle, diesel, like new, 19 hours, $10,500. 605-662-7007 after 7pm.

218-281-6300 001048793r1


FOR SALE 1996 Trail Tech DCT320, 3 Axle Combine Trailer, 53’ $16,000 Call 605.770.9679

635 Marin Avenue Crookston, MN 56716 Fax 218-281-6301

of Minnesota



A10 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014

WANTED TO BUY 2006 Wilson cattle pot, 53x102, tandem axle with air ride lift axle, floor 70%, 3/4 doghouse, tires and brakes 50%, $41,000 OBO. Call 605-460-1647 for more information and pictures. 18ft Aluminum Fruehauf End Dump, frame type, 3 axle with 2 axle turntable dolly, long tongue, $5,750. Carrier Phoenix Ultra XL Refrigeration Unit, Kubota Powered, 404 refrigerant, 2003 Model, $2,250. 605-216-4863 For Sale: 2012 & 2013 belly dump, triple axle, 25 yd capacity, spring suspension, hub meters, gate stop, rear push block, roll tarp, sprayer, quarter fenders, front flaps, ready to go to work. 605-623-4454 or 605-880-1835 20ft heavy flat bed trailer with ramps, (2) 10,000lb axles, completely rebuilt, air/hydraulic brakes or electric/hydraulic brakes. Pintle hitch. 605-881-0464 2004 Dodge Durango, 85,000 miles, Hemi motor, excellent condition, asking $10,000 OBI. 1984 Larson boat with EZ Load trailer, in good condition. Asking $3000 OBO. Call 605-881-0904 GMC Yukon XL SLT, 2005, fully loaded, leather, 3 rows of seats, 2nd row captain chairs, electric windows, new tires, DVD player, 150,000 miles, $9500. 605-354-2127

2007 Kenworth T600, ISX Cummins 500HP, 13spd, Engine Brake, Triple Axel, Miles….791,000 Price: $39,000 2009 Cornhusker, 53’x96”x79.5”, Air Ride, 24.5 tires, Triple Axel w/lift, 2 Hoppers, New tarp (Oct. ’13), New brakes, Virgin tires@ 50%+, Extra lights $38,000 Call: Josh Wiebesiek 605-310-5958 SD

48 inch Aluminum drop deck, spread axel with water tanks, excellent shape. Inquire at 605-382-5685

1999 Wilson Pace setter, 49x96x66, tri-axle, air lift tag. Also 1987 Wilson, tandem axle, 43x96x66 spring ride, good condition. 402-369-0212

2008 Peterbilt 389 flattop. ISX Cummins engine with 18 speed. 730,000 miles. 3.70 rear ends with 85% 11R22.5 rubber on all aluminum. 280” wheelbase. Maroon. Very nice truck. $80,000/obo. Call Cory at 605-999-8993

2002 Peterbilt Model 379 extended hood, 6NZ C-15 Cat engine, 472hp, 13 spd, air ride, hydraulic wet kit, standup sleeper. New virgin rubber, 417,000 actual miles. Loaded. Second Owner. Nice. 402-369-0212 2000 Dodge 3500. Cummings 5.9 Diesel. Automatic. SLT. Dually. Long box. 4x4. 146k actual miles. 1 owner. Very good condition. 402-369-0212 For Sale: 7.3 4x4 Ford F250F350-F450-F550’s from SW U.S. 12am MON-11pm SAT by appt. 320-491-6855 1987 GMC 7000 truck with Willmar 10 ton fertilizer tender. Good working condition. 701-290-6889


2000 Freightliner FLD112, ISM Cummins, 10 Spd OD, 4:11 Ratio, Cruise, Tilt/Wheel, Excellent rubber, 170’’ WB, Air Ride, Nice condition, checked over and DOT inspected. Ready to work! Looks Good, Runs Good

2005 Volvo VNL w/ wet kit Cummins ISX 450 HP, Jake Eaton 16210C trans, Air ride, Air conditioning. Clean tractor SUGAR BEET EQUIPPED

Sales Lot: 1265 E. Main Ave. West Fargo, ND Cell: 701-306-8398 Office: 701-281-1850 (2) - 2004 Freightliner 120 Columbia Daycab, Cat C-12, 10 spd, 3:73 ratio, Jake, cruise, tilt/tel wheel, air ride cab & susp, new cap tires, excellent steer rubber, new brakes, 170 WB 2005 Freightliner Columbia, Daycab, 14L Detroit 490 HP, Jake 10 spd, OD 3:70 cruise, 170” WB, 100 gal. alum. tanks, clean southern lease, Truck is Immaculate.

ON THE LOT 2007 Freightliner 120 Columbia Daycab, 12.7 Detroit, 445 HP, 10 spd. Autoshift, Jake, cruise, tilt/tel wheel, air ride cab & susp, new cap tires, excellent steer rubber, new brakes, 22’ Reiten Alum. Box, Tri-axle

2013 Timpte triple axle with lift. Ag Hoppers. 50x72x96. Black in color. 60% rubber on all aluminum. Air Ride suspension. SSFC and Rear. 2 rows of 5 LED lights. $40,000/obo. Call Cory at 605-999-8993. 1989 F450 Rollback wrecker, low miles, very good condition, rebuilt motor, $7200. Call weekdays before 6PM 605-876-3621 For sale; 2005 Travalong stock trailer, 7ftx20ft, all aluminum, good condition, $9,250 OBO. 320-808-4577 Diamond D stock trailer, 2002, 22’ long, rubber floor, torsion axles, $6500. 605-649-7732 or 605-850-8076 2006 Neville drop-deck spray trailer, 53 ft. triple axle w/out riggers, 3250 gal. tank, 3 in. plumbing with Honda pump, 2 inductor cones, plumbed for connections to 3 bottom unload mini-bulks, comes w/Chem-traveler pump, $37,500, call 605-426-6108 2012 Timpte Ag hoppers, 42 ft, brakes and tires very good; 28 ft van trailer, rear platform, roll up door; 2001 Volvo day cab, 425 hp, 13 sp, wet kit, aluminum wheels, good tires, very nice truck; 1993 L9000 daycab, Cat, 9 sp, good tires; 2004 F550 4x4, diesel, auto crew cab, utility body, very good condition; '95 GMC 6000 Cat diesel, 6 sp, long flatbed with side boxes, good service unit. Holte Farm Sales holtesales.com 218-861-6181 1996 F350 with service body & 8 ft box, 4x4, 7.3 Power Stroke, auto, new tires, AC, well maintained, $5000 obo. 218-849-8909.


Custom Harvester Looking for Wheat & Fall Crops to Harvest. Call Tim Rudebeck, Sterling, KS at 620-204-0444


Excellent group of Sterling day cabs, 14 L, Jakes, Air ride, 10C trans, A/C, Ready to work.

2011 Peterbilt 389 flattop. ISX Cummins engine with 18 speed. 450,000 miles. 3.36 rear ends with 95% 11R22.5 rubber on all aluminum. 280” wheelbase. Non DEF! Super sharp BLACK flattop!! $105,000/obo. Call Cory at 605-999-8993.


WANTED IH 14 OR 16 BOTTOM PLOW 419-630-7549

Gallagher electric fence wire unroller to use on the big rolls. Electric fence wire winder, to make the big rolls made by Mohr fencing, hydraulic driven. Small sprayer, 100-150 gallon tank, 25-30ft booms, 3 pt or pull type. Small heavy duty disk, 14-16 ft would consider an offset disk. All must be in good condition, please call 605-204-0365 Lambing pens, 605-586-4166 or 605-480-0104 WANTED: Used John Blue piston pumps Call Mike at 701-739-0500. Wanted: ATV: Honda or Polaris 4x4, Batwing 15ft mower and a bale processor. For Sale: 12 row 22 inch Wic vacuum planter, corn, bean, sunflower plates stored inside, great for small acres or food plots. Make an offer. Call 701-265-2590

Scrap Metal Wanted

Prepared Steel $180, #1 Cast $240, #2 Cast $180, Unprepared $140, Cars $200 each. Also buying rail, large equipment, machinery and manganese. Aluminum, brass, copper, electric motors, lead, insulated wire, stainless & almost everything else. 701-361-5821 www.bernathconstructioninc.com

Junk Batteries

30¢/lb for all lead-acid batteries from ATV to telecom & locomotive. 30¢/lb steel case, Average car $12, truck $18. Most other metals also. 701-361-5821 www.bernathconstructioninc.com

WANTED: A good used Case International 2016 or 3016 pickup head for 7010 or 8010 combine. Call 605-272-5834 evenings or leave message. Antlers Needed Looking to buy Deer, Elk, & Moose Antlers. Paying Cash! 605-360-3749 Young farmer looking for pasture in NE SD for 80-100 head, also farm land. 605-290-0858 Wanted, older 80-90HP tractor (4020 JD or what have you), with or without loader, needs positive lock rear end. 605-673-2258 Wanted- Wheat acres in Onida-Pierre area. 2 JD combines. 34 years experience. Farmer is retired. References Available. 605-228-2590 WANTED: Melroe 1000 series plow, 9-12 bottom. Also wanted late model Melroe drills, any size. Call 701-327-4436 or 701-400-1154. Marker arms and cylinders for 30ft. John Deere drill. Call 218-835-6421.

WANTED TO BUY Wanted: Used taylor-way disc. Size or condition not important. 701-321-1093 9350 JD 30' press drill with markers & transport, with or without grass seed attachment. Must be in good condition. 218-253-2306 evenings WANTED: JD Flex header 15' to 18', in good working order, to fit JD 4400 combine. Call: 701-787-8632


Commercial Nursery & Greenhouse, Shop

Beautiful, modern residence & 11 plus acres located within 45 miles of F-M area, Retail & Wholesale - w/ equipment. Management Training may be provided.

For additional information and details contact Terry Skjerseth at tskjerseth@pifers.com 701-261-1144 Pifer's Auction and Realty www.pifers.com or 877-700-4099.

Mycorrhizal Seed Inoculants Sale:

Save $100.00 on every bottle of Mycorrhizal Liquid Endo – for all your corn and soybean. Farmers you select the best seed each year – but forget about the seed before you plant it. Why not select the best seed inoculants for it. Call Now 1-866-546-9297 Healthier crops means using the best highest quality products on the market, Lithovit – a nano technology micro fine calcium like no other on the market today. This unique product brings in natural elements into the plant like no other. It utilizes cell structure within itself to keep the plant healthier in a drought or under high stress levels like no other on the market today. Check it out at www.lithovitusa.com and let me know. Increasing yields for the past 5 constant years and saving crops when others product fail.

Snowblowers New & Used Lorenz Hitchdoc, All-Way, Wild Cat, PTO & Skidsteer. Call 320-284-2281 NEW IRRIGATION PUMP 36,000 GPH. Armstrong Pump, Model # 5X4X10L 4600W 600 Gallons Per Minute. Head Pressure 30' rise.7.5 HP Super-E Baldor 3 Phase electric Motor 200Volts $8000 New, Looking for best offer. MOPAR 915 Heads (1967) $500 520 BOBCAT HYDRO recent Overhaul new tires/rims new seal. $4100. Call for details, 701-282-0308.


If you are interested in precision farming products to increase crop yields, long distance lubricants, energy efficient building products, drug free animal products, concentrated cleaning products, becoming a sales manager, then call Marten Kruger for a free catalog! Ph# 507-920-9386 or email: martenkruger@gmail.com FOR SALE: 8ft Loftness Snowblower with Hydraulic Spout & Spare Gear Box, $1,500. Call 320-815-6082 FOR SALE: Model 2010 16 row Westgo row crop cultivator, $1500. 1984 22 ft Prowler RV bumper pull. Nice older trailer. $2400. 180 JD N238334 9" cultivator shovels, new. 75% of sale price. $1500. Could possibly deliver. Fred 701-650-8936. Kearns Fencing For all your fence contracting needs, Call Paul 308-360-3536. Ebel Trucking now hauls grain as well as doing flat bed work. Please call us at 605-377-3019 FOR SALE: Forklift CAT V40D 4000lb Lift, Pneumatic Tires, Triple Stage Mast with Over 14ft High Lift, 42in Forks, Side Shift, Lights, Propane Fuel, Low Profile Will Fit in 7ft High Door, Good Condition, Pictures Available, $7,750 OBO. Service Body for 3/4 Ton or 1 Ton Pickup Wood Work Great for Field Service Unit, Multiple Side Doors, Enclosed Center with Back Doors or Could Be Removed for Open Center, Pictures Available, Good Condition $850 OBO. Rock Digger 3pt Hookup, Double Tine, Built by Scheer Mfg., Works Great, Located at Farm Power in Aberdeen, $775 OBO. Call 605-769-2309, Ask for Rich or Call 605-769-8869, Ask for Chad Raven Envision Pro/Epro II gps (WAAS), Smarttrax Controller kit, with Hyd Kit for Agco 7660 Spra Coupe, Accuboom combo node with harness and Can/Pwr Tee cable 12' long. Bought new in 2012. Asking $8,500. Switched to Agleader to match other equipment. 320-394-2480 FOR SALE: 2 JD Diesel Power Generators, 1 4cyl, 12KW w/pto, 1 6cyl, 150 KW. 701-710-0987 Nichols Fencing Desmet, SD Take old fence out & put in all types of new fence. Call: 605-695-4743 or 605-860-8886

Propane Tanker

8100 gallons, good rubber, new lights, been used only on a farm since the 80's. 701-789-1554

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A11

For Sale: Schulte SM300 front snowblower attachment frame, accommodates tractors 151-211 inches, large 1,000 PTO. 218-639-1486 For Sale: Pacific Industrial 7500 Watt Generator. Diesel Powered. Brand New with Warranty. 605-354-3178 or 605-599-2216 FOR SALE: New Generator, PTOs, Diesel, LP, 30KWLP. Used Kato Lights, 105KW, Diesel. 80KW Perkins Diesel. 160KW Perkins Diesel. Call 701-239-1799. Please Leave Message WANTED: Liquid propane tank, 1000 gallon or bigger, in good usable condition, please leave a message 320-760-4108 GENERATORS: 20 kw to 2000 kw. LowHour Diesel & Natural Gas / Propane Units. CAT, Cummins / Onan, Kohler, Detroit Diesel & More Abraham Generator Sales Co., Cooperstown, ND Ph. (701) 797-4766 or (701) 371-9526 www.abrahamindustrial.com COMPLETE INVENTORY ONLINE!

MISCELLANEOUS Custom Planting Acres wanted. 30 inch and 20 inch row spacing available. Liquid Starter fertilizer, row shutoffs and GPS mapping. References available. 605-467-0350 White Feterl 8”x55ft portable auger, pto driven. 5 sticks of 6”x40’ long H beams. Irrigation Hose cart and reel with 6” hose. 605-680-0176 18 foot glass tron boat. 120 HP. Evinrude Outboard Trolling Motor. Depth finder. $3500. ‘79 Cadillac. 2 Door Coupe Deville. $1750. ‘98 Ford F150 Ext Cab. $1750. 605-881-1841 You cut or damaged that expensive Combine, Tractor or Floater Tire or Track! Call us before you replace it. We have Cold Vulcanizing Repair Kits, do it yourself or we can come out & fix it. Red River Coatings, Argyle, Mn. 218-686-8453, www.redrivercoatings.net FOR SALE: 510 Farm Fans, grain dryer with 5" blower & piping. Thundercreek fuel trailer, electric jack, 40 gallon minute pump, hose reel, 110 gallon def. tank, electric pump. 990 gallon fuel tank. Mikkelson jump auger to bolt on hoppers of semi trailer. 701-739-9569



Berkeley Vertical Tailwater pump, 6", 800 6PM, 5hp Baldor motor, like new, 1 PH Tw3m1-5 series long colum 12' with electric controls. 507-583-7787 330ft. of 10" Neco U-Trough with 110ft like new four gear box drives; 60ft. of 8" UTrough with two gear drives; Approx. 150ft. of 8" flighting with hanger bearings, like new; Many feet of U-Trough floor drops for Neco unloading system. All to be sold at Larry Pharis Estate Auction on April 3rd. For more information call 605-380-1242 or go to www.thorperealtyauction.com or call 605-397-7375 Will transport equipment with de-tach low boy within 500 mile radius of Watertown SD 605-520-5316

2006 Freightliner Detriot 455 HP, Ultra Shift Transmission, Air ride, Air Slide, Jake, 22.5 Rubber, Aluminum Outers, 600k Miles, 173” WB

2007 Volvo, VED-12 465 HP, 10 Speed, Jake, Air Ride/ Slide, New Tires, Aluminum Fronts, 185”” WB, 300K Miles,

2005 Peterbilt 385 Day Cab, CAT C-13 380 HP, 10 Speed, 530K Miles, Air Ride/Slide, New Rubber, Aluminum Fronts, 195” WB

2004 Freightliner Day Cab, 430 Detroit, 10 Speed, Jake, Air Ride. Slide, 22.5 Rubber





8&&+ AJKCHFE<C#KJ (9$ *96) ,1? ,(=2 4-2 @G+ ;>EI:HFDJE+ /2%A 0D>KH+ 8:AK+ 1DI CD"K&B>D"K''' %53)&&& 481 8&&- AJKCHFE<C#KJ (9$ *96G) 422 )KEI#DEH+ =% B!KK"+ 8:AKH+ 292A 0D>KH+ =-7$ 5.''''''''''''' %5&)&&& 481 8&&- AJKCHFE<C#KJ *K#EJBJ$ (9$ *96G) ,(=7 ,:EH+ =% B!KK"+ 8:AKH '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %8+)0&&

AC#9#"C#H /@9C<96<K

8&&+ 7!<@! (9$ *96 7D((=9 4/2@G+=% B!KK"+ 8:AK+ =*2$ 5.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %8')0&& 8&&0 7!<@! (9$ *96 7D((=9 4/2@G+=% B!KK"+ 8:AK+ =*2$ 5.+ 2*=6 0D>KH''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %8-)0&& 8&&5 .9"? 7CGC!#) 7*% @G+ =% B!KK" '''''''''' %;')0&& 8&&- '8&&C (9$ *96) <B3+ 492@G+ =% B!KK"' %83)0&&

Chokio, MN 320-808-3492


Cooperstown & Horace, North Dakota 1-800-446-0316


AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

• Great For Corn and Barley! • Cleans fine materials out of your crops! • 2 Models Available up to 3500 bu/hr.

Introducing Batco’s 2435 Field Loader! • 14” Tube • 23.5” Belt • Electric, gas and hydraulic drive options • Standard with weather guards • Capacity rated up to 14,000 bu/hr Ideal for load out into trucks and trailers

Distributing high quality, reliable agricultural products to local farmers.



A12 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014





FOR SALE: Hydraulic hoppers for semi trailer - Bolt on underneath hopper and come together to one spot and can run off of wet kit or your air seeder; (24) Martens spike-tooth closing wheels 1 year old. Call 701-730-6113 anytime.

COLLECTIBLE FARM TOYS 25th Ann. Big Buds 747 Toy Farmer 1/32 scale, set of 2, 900hp & 760hp, very detailed $450. 4 Toy Farmer: 370, 370 bafus blue, 440 w/triples & 500, $98 ea. or full set for $349, year made 1996. 747 1/16 scale Big Bud Toy Farmer 900hp or 760hp, $750 ea. 1/16 scale Farmall SMTA wide front end, Collector Edition 1991 $75. 1/16 Case 1170 Black Knight Collector Edition w/duals $99. 1/16 International Crawler 340, metal tracks, 1993 Collector Edition $99. International 1/16 scale Gold Demonstrator Collector Edition 826. 1026 &1456 made in 1995 $99. ea. Big Bud Toy Farmer 747 1/64 scale 900hp &760hp $95 ea. Toy Farmer KB-5 1/16 truck w/flatbed, 1st in Series $130. All toys and boxes in mint condition, never displayed. Jake Wipf, Gillette, WY 307-660-5079


For Sale: 1445 Diesel John Deere Mower with 72” Flex Deck, Only 50 hours on the machine, just like brand new. Can email pictures. Reason for selling it is too big. $19,900 Firm. 701-680-9888 Cogswell, ND For Sale: 2013 JD 997 diesel zero turn mower with 72” deck /32.5 hours/Lights/seat suspension/24 mo left on full warrant/like new (is new). Snapper ZF2501KH 61" zero turn mower/400 hours/lights/joy stick control/single or double wheel on back/Kohler command engine/very good unit. 612-669-0608. FOR SALE: 40ft Storage Container, $3,500. Can Deliver. Call Mike Brosnan in Huron, SD at 605-352-7728

(7) 832 Radial Goodyear Tractor Tires, 50-60% tread. 406-567-2632 or 406-350-2266

MISCELLANEOUS VSS Quadview V cam kit. 9 inch monitor, remote control, 2 of them. V cam, weatherproof color cameras, night vision, 2 .4 G receiver, 2 long distant antennas, all cords and cables, use for calving barn or machinery . Call if interested . 605-382-5685 For Sale: Rims for JD 380 90/R 46 (or 14.9/46) tires. Tires may be included. (701)899-0465 C&M Painting Interior, Exteriorr, Residential, Light Commercial Painting Call 701-540-8159 .........................................

AGWEEK Deadline

......................................... The deadline for farm ads to run in AGWEEK is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following Monday edition.

AGWEEK ADVERTISING RATES To place your ad call 888-857-1920 or email classifieds @classifiedsfcc.com

Nitro Sprayer

New Equipment for 2014! Tebben Landroller

FarmKing Side Dresser


• 2004 JD 1730 24 Row Pull Type Planter

• 2005 12 Row Artsway

• 2007 24 Row Monosem Planter • 2001 24 Row Monosem Planter

• 2004 8S Row DLifter OLWic

D • 1997 12S Row Monosem Planter OL

D Lifter • 1998 6SRow OLWic

• 1994 12S Row Monosem Planter D OL

• 2011 8 Row Wic Defoliator

• 2009 110’ Summers Sprayer

DDefoliator • 1995 8S Row Wic OL

• 2010 8030C One Step

3057 North Washington, Grand Forks, ND (701) 775-5585 15065 Highway 17, Grafton, ND (701) 352-2302



AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A13

SECURE STORAGE SOLUTIONS If you need a storage solution that is secure, portable, water/rodent resistant we have the answer: SHIPPING CONTAINERS! They are available in 8 x 20 ft, 8 x 40 ft, and 8 x 40 ft high cube (extra foot of ceiling height), and will meet all your storage needs. Made of 100% steel, raised wood floors, they are the perfect fit for your budget and your space. Shipping containers are portable and are the perfect way to store your valuables out of the elements, as well as keeping them secure from theft. Some common uses are: storing vehicles, farm equipment and feed, household items, and we've even had a customer modify one into a home! They are versatile and convenient. Used containers may have a few dents and surface rust but are cargo worthy and could still be used by the shipping lines. If you need something that looks brand new we also offer one trip containers, call for current prices as they are a bit higher due to supply and demand. Used Prices: 20 ft $3,500 or two for $6,500 if purchased at the same time. 40 ft $4,200 40 ft HC $4,500 We offer FREE delivery within the Aberdeen, SD area. 701-220-3888 GLENN


2012 John Deere R 450 with New Header. $79,850. Brand New. 605-933-0879 or 605-999-3784 *Morris maxiam air seeder 49.5 ft hoe type 7.5" spacing steelpackers single shoot 240 bu. TBH cart twin tank, meter boxes and hose replaced low acres. *1998 Freightliner classic xl daycab 12.7 Detroit super 10sd new tires aluim wheels 35000 miles on overhaul runs great. *2000 Freightliner FLD120 midroof 475 cat 18sd 358 rears 24.5 lowpros aluim wheels 245" wb tires 60% runs great. *CIH field cultivator model 4900 54' 5 ranks 9" shovels good 3 bar CIH harrows good tires good. *CIH 7120 MFD tractor w/ case 890 loader bucket and grapple 3 pt 2 pto 3 outlets near new tires serviced. Call Vern @ 605-280-4858 NO TELEMARKETERS CIH 8910 Magnum, 6176 hrs, 2WD, 14.9R46 rears with duals, NICE, $50,000. IH 800 cornhead, 12 row, 22 inch, poly, $16,000. 3 800 row units, misc. parts, $1700. 3 10' IH 620 drills with Erskine style transport, $2000. Lockwood 603 Acumatic 6 row potato planter, $2000. Call 701-331-1427.




Fast Sprayers & Applicators Selling new sprayers and applicators take advantage of cash discounts on new orders.


1997 379 Peterbilt Quad Axle Farm Truck, 24' box, recent major and trany overhaul, 13 spd, 470 horse 60 series Detroit, 4:11 gears, roll tarp and beet equipped. 218-686-7930. Generator for sale, Limamac 75kw, generator with JD 4045T-250 motor, 3 phase and 480 volt out put, motor has 3580 hours, generator has 275 hours, mounted on a tandem trailer, installed power line so generator no longer needed. 701-242-8221 or 701-640-0712 For Sale: Dawn 3004 Single Disk Fertilizer Openers with single trash wheel. 10ft Grouser Dozer with hydraulic angle and tilt to fit large frame John Deere MFWD 50-60 series. Call 701-710-0534 No Telemarketers

NEW APPLICATORS: 8200 series sidedressers in 36 row 22'' and 24 row 30'' in stock. 8300 series in 16 row 30'' and 24 row 22'' sidedressers in stock with great lease rates available. USED SPRAYERS: NYB 3pt 100' hyd fold boom, 800 gallon tank, Raven controls $8,500; (2) Summers 90' 1500 gallon tank, Raven 450, $14,000; Elmers 90' 1000 gallon tank Tee Jet controls, $12,500; Ag Chem 750 66' Hyd fold, Tee Jet controls, $7,750; Fast 120' 1600 gallon tank Raven 450, $14,500; Summers 80' or 120' 1000 gallon tank, $14,000; 2013 Fast 9518T 132' 1800 gallon tank, Raven 450, $65,000. We have a large selection of poly storage tanks and sprayer parts available. We are also scheduling liquid fertilizer kit installs for planters this winter.

New JD 740 loader, grapple fork, 7000 mounts, $11000, can deliver, 605-239-4524 leave a message.

Please call Vince at Gorder Ag Supply, 701-553-8734 anytime.

WANTED TO BUY: IH grain drill press or end wheel with fertilizer unit, 12-24 ft, must be in good condition. 218-639-0315.

3500 bu. per hour stainless steel grain leg with tower and platform. Like new! Call Mike at 701-652-2886 for details.


jbfarmsales.com 701-541-5796

Prices listed are “Buy it Now” prices, “Best Offers” will be considered

Feed Equipment 1. Bale Processors a) Vermeer BP 7000, Like New. b) DW 5 Bale Mover/Haybuster Processor Unit. c) Highline 6800 d) Haybuster 2620 2. Feed Wagons a) H&S 7+4. b) Gehl 970 c) Gehl 7190 d) Numerous Gravity Wagon Boxes e) 3 Bale Slant Bar Feed Trailer 3. Tractor Loaders a) Numerous Applications & Brands b)MDS Brand Grapples/Buckets/ Spears/Pallet Forks On Hand c) Grabtec Grapples on Hand d) Skidsteer Bucket/Grapple Combos-Pallet Forks, Bale Spears Photos at RennerEquip.com FarmForum Equipment.com Call Corky @ 605-848-1013 AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920



JD 714A & 716A Chuck Wagons with JD gears, been shedded, excellent condition. Bunk feeding extension. JD 125 Chuck Wagon. SAC 4400 Maximixer mixer wagon with scale International Super M Wide front, like new tires. FarmKing 960 8’ Snowblower w/ Hyd Spout. 24’ Portable Bale Ground Hay Feeder. Case IH 496 28’ rock flex disc with 3 bar mulcher. Danuser Post Hole Digger with 12” bit. 1975 International Grain truck 16ft box, hoist, single axle. 4 rail hydraulic bale stack mover with tandem axle. J&M 350 bushel gravity box w/ truck tires. EZ Flow 260 bushel gravity box. 12’ Landleveler Box Scraper. All in Nice Condition. 605-527-2425

Summers Diamond Disks

For Sale: 2011 Models – Sizes are 28’ & 38', complete set of harrows. The disks are in nice condition & have been serviced & field ready. Lautts Rental 701-324-2289.


Tractor was purchased new has only 2000 hrs very clean, has 4 remotes, 20.8-46 Firestone deep tread tires 70-80%, manual trans. Asking $140,000. Call 701-640-0299

WPeerless PTO roller mill 24", stored inside. W2008 New Holland LM5040 PLUS Telehandler Manitou built for NH 7700lbs 20 Nice clean Shuttle shift air ride seat a/c heat remote hyd. Crab all wheel or front steer. 120 HP turbo diesel. Square bale spears/silage fork with grapple/material bucket w/grapples. Txt for pics. Call Bob @ 701-320-6359, Wimbledon, ND.


2108 Business Highway 2 - East Grand Forks, MN 56721 • www.mayomfg.com


• LIKE NEW Chevy 3500 LTZ 4X4 HD Crew Cab (350 miles): 2012 purchased new in spring 2013 and stored inside. 6.0 Liter Engine (gas/ flex fuel); Long Box; Dually; 5th Wheel Hitch; LineX Spray on Bedliner; Heated Leather Seats...............................................................$42,000


• 2011 Unverferth Seed Runner 3750................................$16,900 • 2008 Great Plains YP2425 Planter 36 Row 20” Spacing; Row Shut Off; Precision 20/20 Monitor (does down pressure and variable rate); Front Fold; Bulk Fill Seed Hopper; Trash Wipers; Corn and Soybean Meters .................................................................................. $79,000 • 2006 Case IH SDX 40 Air Drill with Pull-Behind ADX 2230 Tank; 7 ½” SOLD Spacing.......................................................................................... $52,000 • Case IH 5500 Minimum Till Drill; 30 ft; 7 ½” Spacing.....$19,000 • Case IH 5400 Soybean Drill; 20 ft; 3 pt; 10” Spacing; Markers.. $9,000


• 2004 Salford; 50 ft............................................................ $55,000 • 2004 Wilrich Quad X Cultivator; 52 ft.; Double Spring ...$45,000


• 2010 Challenger 765C – 570 Hours; 3 pt; 5 Remotes; 1000 PTO; 16” Track; Premium Cab with Leather Seats...........................$192,000 • 2012 Case IH Steiger 400 HD – 1295 Hours; 4WD Drive; Luxury Cab with Leather Seats; 4 Remotes; HID Lights; Dual Tires; Goodyear 620/70R42..................................................................................$185,000 • 2002 Case IH 450 Quad Track; 3351 Hours; Power Shift; PTO; 5 Remotes; Luxury Cab with Leather Seats; Ag Tractor (no scraper use) ...............................................................................$165,000


MORE TO COME at www.jbfarmsales.com

• Self-load Conveyor Available on SS400 and SS500. • Green or Red • Dual Poly Tanks • Wireless Remote Standard • For Pricing Call



A14 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014

FARM EQUIPMENT 2008 fuel tank 2,000 gallon single wall with HD pump $2,000. 2013 John Deere High Volume Global Carrier Bucket. 108” Wide, .2750MM Part #BW16004. Brand New. List Price $3011.00 Will Sell for $2600 FIRM. 605-769-1096 Gettysburg

FARM EQUIPMENT 2011 8303 Terragator, 1200 hrs. twin bin, Trimble Autosteer, 70' booms kept in shed, excellent condition; $230,000. 1997 1803 Terragotor, 5143 hrs, 60' booms, kept in shed, great condition; $30,000. Please call Grant 701-521-0409

Chandler Fertilizer & Lime Spreaders There are a limited number of CHANDLER SPREADERS available for next season. ORDER NOW!

Model 45 PTT - Up to 20 Tons

1-Used Mobility 600 Hi-Crop Spreader ON HAND!

FARMERS Don’t wait for your local co-op to have your fertilizer applied! Call me now for the cost effective solution to your application needs!



This Unit Is Like New, Save Thousands Compared To A New Unit!!


For more info: Contact Marv @ 701-368-2052

FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale: 45 ft DMI crumbier, $7000. 1300 gallon chemical or fertilizer caddy, ground driven pump, $3000. JD 5 belt pick up head, $1200. 18ft 400 Versatile swather, cab and air, $1200. Two 18x42 10 hole dual rims, $750. Four 20.8x38 band duals and hardware, $500. Four 31x15.5x15 inch high floatation tractor tread tires and rims, $500. Cylinder slow down kits for 9000 series JD combine, $200. 150 bushel feed hopper bin on skids, $350. Pride of the farm hog feeders, $50 each. 701-640-4290 FOR SALE: Drago corn header adapter for IH combine. 2009 Westfield 10x71 LP-swing hopper auger w/reverser; $8500. IHC 5600 41' chisel plow w/harrow; $23,000. 2004 Cat Lexion 830 Corn head; $22,000. Dixon 5421 ZTR commercial grade mower; $1500. Anhydrous super cooler tower, control and shut-off valves, 2 manifolds, NH3 hitch; $2500. Kevin: 701-269-6466


Precision Planting E Set disks for corn and sunflowers, standard soybean disks, Yetter trash whippers, Keeton dual tube Seed Firmers, markers, dual liquid systems with 2-200 gallon tanks, variable rate planting, Call 701-388-5923

KELLY DIAMOND CHAIN HARROW This tool is ideal for stubble management shallow tillage, weed control, seedbed preparation, leveling, surface drying & warming, herbicide and manure incorporation and seed incorporation.



QUIT FARMING •'08 8010 4WD Combine, 30' flex draper; $200,000. •'11 Massey Swather, 36', 9260 big cab with swath roller; $65,000. •'08 STX 430 4WD, new tires; $160,000. •(2) '05 IH 9900I Hyway tractor, C15 Cat, 13spd., 4 way lockers, 72" sleepers, $30,000/ea. •'03 Advance superior B grain; $28,000. •'95 Super B Flat; $10,000. •'11 13x85 Farmking auger w/ hyd. swing & lift on swing; $18,000. •3320 IH Sprayer; $200,000. •'12 Conveyall tender unit; $10,000. •'10 41' Salford, as new; $70,000. •Tor-Master heavy Harrow, 70ft., new tines; $16,000. •'13 8x30 Gearinghoff corn chopping head, 8 row 30" with row stampers; $80,000. •(2) 105 white rebuilt; $7,000. •Hutch master Tandem; $8,000. •10x70 Farmking; $6,000. •Roadrunner Header hauler; $8,000. •30' Macdon drape head; $20,000. •Tandem with duals trailer, to haul sprayer; $5,000. •IH 4240 Tractor with 15' mower; $12,000. •16x30 Westco cult; $3,000. •16x30 band sprayer; $3,000. •'06 320 Cat excavator, 10,000 hr, nice; $60,000. •'98 T-800 Kenworth, N-14 Cummins, 18 spd 4 way lock-ups stainless steel paving Box, 30" live belt; $33,000. •'04 Chev 4x4, 4dr. with 8' deck, new tire, new safety; $6500. •18 yard Reynolds push of scraper; $30,000. MacGregor, MB Call: 204-871-0925

2012 - 32FT - notched blades (new 20") these are 19" - main frame-truck tires, 5/8 x 30" harrow tines. Very good condition (low acres) serviced & field ready. 2010 - 32' - new 20" notched blades - tires good, 5/8 X 30" harrow tines w/chrome tips, good condition - 701-324-2289

Gates Coulter Disks

IH 7200 hoe drills, 28 ft, excellent. 1964 Dodge 500 truck, good box & hoist, new roll tarp, 14 ft box, low miles. Cub Cadet GT 1554 lawn mower, 54 in deck, new blades, spark plugs, 27 hp Kohler engine, 210 hours, excellent. Everything always shedded. 701-341-1676 Fessenden, ND.

Wishek Discs

Tightline DRAINAGE

For sale, 2008 Model - 862 sizes are 14' & 22''. The discs are in nice condition & have been serviced & are field ready. Lautt's Rental 701-324-2289.

Tile Installation, Rotary Ditching, Excavating, Surface Drainage. Call for your Quote TODAY!! 701-640-2354

•2012 JD 8360 RT Tractor, 243 hrs, loaded, deluxe cab, 3pt, pto, weights. •2012 616C Chopping Corn head. •Michels drill fill augers for under semi trailer. 701-462-3569

Liebrecht Tile Plows, Rotary Ditchers, GPS and Laser Systems. Call us for ALL your DRAINAGE Equipment needs!!! 701-640-2354 or 701-640-4933

For Sale: Bunker silo with walls and stands, two sections walls 66ft long 10ft high, $3000. Call LeRoy Gross 605-352-5232 or 605-350-6748

For Sale: 42ft JD 1850 single disc drill w/230 bu. 787 cart, Haukas markers, $42,000; Also 41ft Salford 5 section RTS, weight package, grease banks, good blades. $48,000. Call 701-741-7957

NEW PRICES For Sale: Dakton Gravity Box with 720 John Deere running gear. Has 9.00-20 truck tires,green $1850.00,OBO. WinPower PTO Generator Model 80/50PTCDF/T3 540rpm, 80inter. 50kw cont(208 watts)volts 120/240,on trailer with 14" wheels, used 3 times $5800.00 like new.OBO. Call 605-467-1492 2004 Kuhn 3150 commercial reel feedwagon. Also, New Holland 1069 self propelled small square bale picker. Both good condition. Call 605-491-0326

Used Grain Dryers

2007 Grain Handler 2424 3PH, 2009 Grain Handler 2416 3PH, Mid 90's 1075 MC Grain Dryer 3PH. Call 701-371-5315 or 701-788-8925 for pricing. Ask for Chad.

For Sale: 1982 555 Versatile with PT and 134 A/C 986 WIC 6 row beet harvester Alloway 6 row beet topper Wanted: Set of 16.9x38 band duals

Tile Plows

6" FFI Air System, 60hp air pump, air lock, over 1100 ft. of pipe, 2 distributors, dead heads, etc. Used 1 year. Like new! Call Mike at 701-652-2886 for details. FOR SALE: Wilrich 3400 41ft. Field Cultivator, $11,000; John Deere 1780 Planter, 24R-22", 3 bu. boxes, liquid fertilizer, $60,000; 1993 Ford Versatile 976 4WD tractor, 6,616 hours, $45,000. 701-261-2557 or 218-268-4558. Two Case 4890, 4WD, 307 HP, tractors, $18,000 OBO each J & J grasshopper machine carrier, 12ft wide, 46ft long, $2500 OBO. 69 Rokon Trail Breaker motorcycle, excellent condition, $3000 OBO. 605-685-6850


Equipment Financing & Equipment Leasing

You See the Big Picture...We’ll make it happen!

Melvin Stahl 605-999-3503

Professionally located at: 2537 South University Drive, Suite 101 Fargo, ND 5813

“see it work on our website” www.stahldistributing.com

Our lease programs offer potential income tax savings and an option to purchase your equipment at the end of the lease. Leasing machinery offers 100% equipment financing, manageable repayment options, competitive lease pricing and great buy-out plans at the end of the lease.* *Consult with your tax advisor to determine your potential income tax savings.

Daniel Stahl 605-421-5500



Business: 701-356-3002 Toll Free: 888-356-3002 Dave Dietz

Cindy Downs 001043219r1

For Sale: Two sheep herder wagons, one on rubber tires ($4500) and one on old wooden wagon wheels, ($5000) both restored. 218-634-1922 2008 Wilrich 50’ QX2 field cultivator with basket, very good. 2011 Brandt 882 grain cart with tarp, scale and camera, like new. JD 7300 1622 planter with many options. Call 507-360-9800 For Sale: 72ft heavy duty Summers Super Harrow with hydraulic adjusting teeth angles, less than 500 acres, like new, call 320-269-8719 or 320-226-0296

Propane Tanker

8100 gallons, good rubber, new lights, been used only on a farm since the 80's. 701-789-1554

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A15

For Sale: Firestone 18.4 R38 Tire. 95% Tread. $1000 OBO. White 6524 24 row 20” planter. $32500 OBO. White 6138 10 Row Wide Planter. $6250 OBO. Must Sell One. Int’l 1460 Combine Parts. 605-934-3594 6601 JD combine, shedded; 14ft JD 100 chisel plow; 8 row cultivator and shields; 780 JD propelled swather, Wisconsin engine; 18.5ft vibrashank; (2) 12ft older JD drills with hitch; (3) 7ft older JD drills with hitch; 5/16 JD and 5/16 Melroe automatic trip plows. Call 701-294-2188.

2011 STEIGER 385

Case IH Steiger 385. 954 hours, 520R-46 triples, 16 sp powershift, 1000 PTO, Full Autoguide with Pro 700 display, Hi Cap Hyd Pump, 5 remotes with large return line, Diff Lock, HID Lighting, Beacon and Extremity lights, Electric mirrors, Deluxe cab. Like new condition. $189,000. 701-640-0993 or 701-640-0500 2007 Summers 90' sprayer. 1500 gal tank. 450 Raven controller. 14.9x46 tires. Low acres. Like new condition. 2001 40' Summers Super Coulter, 3 bar 104 harrow, smooth front blades, 13 wave blades on rear. Nice. JD 39' 610 chisel plow with NH3; 3 bar 104 harrow. Nice. 701-840-1382

1996 New Holland 9482

JD Universal autosteer, 24.5R32 duals, 4 hydraulics, rear weights, new muffler & exhaust pipes, new air conditioning pump, always shedded, 5700 hours, excellent condition. $67,000. 701-212-8743. FOR SALE: 1996 Ag Chem Floater, 1804, 60ft Booms, Cummins with Allison Automatic, Excellent Shape, Call Mark at 701-321-1557 Pair of 30.5.32 implement tires, 60%. 1953 Ford tractor, nice condition. 2 story farm house, built in mid 40’s, has lots of updates, to be moved. 701-321-0629 AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

FARM EQUIPMENT Haul-Al Seed Tender that works great on JD Air Seeder Drill. Two compartments, holds 550 bu. total. Side door in each hopper for unloading into hopper auger. Mounted on 1978 Mack Dsl Truck. Runs Great but body rough. Always Shedded. Make Offer 605-397-7088 For Sale: Black grapple fork, bolt on like new, year round cab for 56 series International. Allis Chalmers 1957 D17 Gas, new motor serial number 1520. 1954 WD 45 good rebuilder, wide front. 1947 WC with fender, runs good. 2 AC mowers for parts. Call 605345-3090 leave name & number. JD 280 QuickTach Loader with 8ft QuickTach Bucket, Mounts for 4000 Series JD. JD 740 SL Loader with 84in Bucket & Grapple Fork, Mounts for 4000 & 7000 Series Tractor. JD 725 Loader with 84in Bucket, Mounts for 4000 & 7000 Series Tractor. Great Plains 40ft Turbo Till with Rolling Harrow & Rolling Basket. Call 605-352-0463 or 605-350-1138 Ask for Joel.

Bourgault 3310 phd 55ft

2009 55ft 3310 phd drill with raven anhydrous and 2006 6450 cart $200,000. 701-974-3938 FOR SALE: •DMI Tiger Mate Cultivator, 50', 3-bar harrow, rear hitch. •Summers 50' wing type coil packer. •New Holland Corn head 12R22" fits newer Case & New Holland Combines. WANTED: 12 or 24 row 22" liquid side dresser & tandem axle nurse trailer. 218-689-4494 Cat 55 1999 30" tracks 4700 hours. Complete smart box system for DB44 3 years old. 721 Case IH Swather with crop lifters. 8210 Case IH Swather with crop lifter & finger reel. 4000 IH Swather 19½' self propelled. 1000 gallon fuel tank, new paint. 701-741-0318


862N 14 ft Wishek Disk

2009 Wishek Disk. Excellent Condition. Used very little. $25,000. Call 701-315-0064. WANTED: Used Transport for (2) 10' 9350 John Deere press drill, in good condition. Call: 218-386-1252 or 218-469-1142

BEET EQUIPMENT 2012 Artsway 12 row beet harvester, field ready, $140,000 or best offer. 701-739-2481.

COMBINES 840 Kinze Grain Cart. $14,000. Good Shape. 605-290-3281 For Sale: NH 985 Combine. Working Order. Has Ford Gas Engine. Been Stored Inside its entire life. 605-380-7002. 6620 JD combine, good condition, many new parts, new rubber, call 605-680-6211 2010 JD 9870, 1295 eng hrs, 989 sep hrs, SLS, 4WD, 650/85R35 duals, Contour Master, $170,000. Call 605-226-0695 and ask for Matt

Combine For Rent

John Deere 680's & 670's. Also, Hopper Bottoms For Rent. 218-637-0100 or 218-563-2007 2004 JD 9660 STS 1575 Separator hrs. New front tires. Excellent condition. Used on Grain and Soybeans only. Two sets of concaves. $105,000. 2004 JD 630F Flexhead. Single point hookup. $10,000. 30 ft. header trailer. $2,000. Sell all together for $110,000. Kent Gronlie Northwood ND 701-587-5074 or 218-779-3810 2010 JD 9770 STS, rear wheel drive, pro drive 5 speed feeder house, duals, loaded, 1350 separator hours, $164,500. 605-661-6090




1998 9610 JD Combine, Really Good Shape, $39,500. JD 6 Row Corn Head, GVL Poly, Excellent Shape, $6,900. 630 HydroFlex Head,New Sickles, Set Up for the 9610 Combine, $14,250. Header Trailer, New Tires $3,900. Would Like to Sell with HydroFlex Head. Or Will Sell Whole Package Deal for $61,000. 605-290-3281

FOR SALE: 1985 5288 MFWD, 700 Hours on New Motor, Axle Duals, New Rubber on Front, 3 Remotes, Excellent Condition. 1985 5488 MFWD, Axle Duals, New Rubber on Front, 3 Remotes. Choice $34,000. 10ft Degelman Dozer that Mounts on Either of These Tractors. Call 605-448-2491 or 605-470-0508

IH MXM 155, FWA 2003, with LX162 Loader/Grapple 2007, 18 speed, power shift, left hand reverser, joystick, suspended cab, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point, 3 remotes, new 18.4-42 inside rears, duals 80% on new rims, 4042 hours, very clean, tight tractor in heated shop since bought new, $65,000. Also, 29x13 PTO stack mover, walking tandems, 8 nearly new tires, $7,500 OBO. Rutland, ND 701-724-3665 shop 701-680-1301 cell

JD 4560 2WD, P.S., 3hyd., 18x42's w/duals at 40%, 4300hrs, 2nd owner, planter tractor, very nice; $46,000/obo. 952-240-2193

1095 Westward Sunmaster, good condition, 8 row narrow, with or without J&M header trailer, $26,000. 8 row narrow Harvest Tec sunflower head with trailer, $7500. Both heads will fit 50-70 series JD combines. 605-680-1584 or 605-894-4185

JD 9300 2001 model with 4923 hours, Firestone 710/70/R42 tires, good rubber, 24 speed transmission, differential lock, decel switch, 4 SCVs, comes complete with auto steer in it, brown box, ITC receiver and SF1 card activation. $95,000 obo. Any questions give me a call or txt, 701-899-1230.

FOR SALE: 1998 JD 9610, 3814 engine hrs, 2505 sep hrs, nice tires, good condition; $42,000. 2001 JD 9750 STS Combine, 3162 engine hrs, 2202 sep hrs, nice shape, two sets of concaves; $60,000. Both always shedded. Call 701-741-0941. FOR SALE: JD 930 Rigid head with finger reel; $8,000. JD 912 Pickup head, 6 belt, big tires; $5,000. 2004 JD 630 Flex head with Crary air bar; $25,000. All nice shape and always shedded. Call 701-741-0941.

(2) 1993 7120 MFWD Magnum with 4 Way Degelman Dozer, 5,000 Hours, 2 Hydraulics, 540 & 1000 PTO, Nice Clean Tractor, $54,900/ea OBO Call 316-648-8339 800 Versatile Series II, 7500 Hrs, Cummins Engine, Auxiliary Pump, Good Paint, Good Tires, Always Shedded, No Telemarketers. Call 605-769-0166 Case IH 7220 Magnum MFWD with duals. Also, Great Bend 860 Loader mounted on it with Joystick. Dual ptos, 3 hydraulics, 18 forward speeds, 4 reverse speeds, power shift, 3 pt, cab, air, radio, 3,900 hours. Call 605-770-8192

6430 JD, 2009, excellent condition, with 640 loader and 8ft bucket, call 605-680-6211 2011 John Deere 8285R, with IVT, ILS, high flow hyd, 50 in. Tires, leather int. less than 400 hrs. Call 605-848-1601

TRACTORS FOR SALE: 1996 Case-IH 9380 tractor, 6950 hours, 24 speed synchro shift, 4 remotes, new 710 metric tires, new paint, recent overhaul, sharp tractor that runs great. Asking $92,500. Call 218-790-1731. For Sale: 2009 JD 7330 Premium MFWD 18/4/42 Rubber. 3543 hours. Has E-Range. 3 Hydraulics. 740 Loader. 5 Tine Grapple. Call 605-770-5226, if no answer, lv message. 2010 JD 8295 RT, 1650 hours, 18" tracks; $195K. 218-779-3073

• Thousands of Satisfied Customers • Transferable Warranty • Licensed-Insured MN License #20542636 ND License #35770


For Sale: JD 4630 tractor, is in very good condition, 605-354-2612 or 605-266-2838

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A16 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014



'02 Challenger 765, Cat C-9 Engine, 4293 Hours, Powershift 16F/4R, PTO, 3-pt w/ QH, 25" Ag Belts @ 120" spacing, Nightbreaker Lights, 20 Front Weights, Autosteer Ready, Excellent Condition, Asking $125,000, Call 605-659-4783

John Deere 5410 Diesel Tractor, 80HP, dual hydraulics, 3 point, 1,580 hours, 9-3-speed transmission, nice condition, $15,800. New Holland TC34DA Boomer Tractor, Diesel, hydro transmission, 3-point quick hitch w/240-TL Loader, quick tach buckets w/grapple fork, bale spear, pallet forks, 260 hours, like new, $19,800. Can Deliver. 605-881-7947 605-794-4731 Toronto, SD

JD 8650 Four Wheel Drive, New Overhaul, Only 300 Hours on Overhaul, New Starter, New Oil Cooler, New Engine Clutches, New Radiator, Cab Reconditioned, Tires are at 95%, Hydraulic System is 100%, Call 605-649-6456 or 605-848-2117 NEW HOLLAND TJ-325, 3200 hrs, 4 remotes, 24 speed, nice clean tractor. Also, JD 960 cultivator, 44 ft, new bushings, new tires, hoses, nice shape. Call 218-766-2083. 1999 Case IH MX240, 4872 hours, 14.9/30 front duals, 14.9/46 rear triples at 80%, 5 hydraulics, big pump, heavy duty draw bar, auto steer ready, clean tractor, $72,000. 320-894-5846 2011 JD 4520 Tractor with Cab, Air, Radio, & a Model 400 Loader. Also with a JD 673 Rotor Tiller, JD MX6 Rotary Mower, & Front Tier GM 1072E Grooming Mower. Like New, 167 Hours. Call 605-770-8192. Serious Inquiries Only. No Reasonable Offer Refused.

1979 JD 4240, 9000 hours, power shift, very good rubber, 2 outlets, $22,400. 1996 JD 3640 MFD, 3800 hours, excellent rubber, #400 Quaker quick attach loader with joy stick, bale fork and bucket, $24,600. 1967 JD 3020 gas, very good rubber, hours unknown, 3 pt with 2 outlets, my raking tractor, $7,200. 605-940-7140 FOR SALE: CaseIH DX33, MFWD Tractor. Hydro, Diesel & Full Set of Tire Chains, Includes 5ft Loader & Snowblower, 386 Hours, Excellent Condition, Always Shedded. Phone 605-228-3456 2012 JD 7130 with H340 Loader, 24 Speed, MFWD, 125 Hours, Warranty Until October 2014, Standard Cab, Weights, Fenders, Mirrors, 3 SCVs, Extra Lights, 8ft Bucket, Joy Stick, $89,900. Call 507-273-2055

1989 CIH 9180 4 wheel drive, 7,772 hours, 12 speed power shift, 1500 hours on rebuilt transmission, auxiliary hydraulic pump for air seeder cart, 3 pt. , tires are 60%. Also, have 16ft 3 way dozer mounted. 701-226-8036 or 701-522-3360


Inland 46’ Harrow Packer........$5,500 BIL 16” PTO Pump...................$7,800 16R30 Elmers Cult..................$14,000 8R30 Elmers Cult......................$6,500 Rem 2700 Grain Vac..............$16,000 60’ Flexi-Coil Harrow Packer ...$16,000 Farmall 95 .......................... $44,000 946 Versatile1990 ..............$42,000 Convey-All 1826 Drive Over$7,500 960 Farm King .....................$1,500 DA102 Inland .......................$1,000 Convey All BTS290..............$9,000 70’ Powermatic Harrow.......$3,500 14’ Woods Batwing .............$6,000 42’ Riteway Land Roller ....$40,000 1460 Farm King Applicators in Stock

Altona Farm Service


Does your Versatile shift hard? Give us a call, we have a solution for you. We also have piv-ot pins and bushings for you center hinge, Series I, II, III Versatile. Call Big Tractor Parts 1-800-982-1769

1983 IH 5488 with 8722 hours, 14.9x46 tires, 3 remotes, large 1000 pto, $18,000 or best offer. IH 6200 press drill, factory markers & transport, all seed, no fertilizer, good condition, $3000 or best offer. 701-741-5092

ATTENTION FARMERS! Get your new Steiger tractor parts at a 10-20% discount. American made parts!

Big Tractor Parts

1-800-982-1769 We also rebuild axles, differentials & transmissions with 1 year warranty. FOR SALE: 2006 JD 9620, 800 x 38 FS duals 85-90%, 3800 hours, Auto Track, 4 SCV, Deluxe cab, Performance monitor, Active seat, Instruction Seat, Xenon Lighting, Wts. 4 1500, 10 450, 6 165, Suit case package on rear. SERVICED NEW OIL AND FILTERS CHANGED. $149,900. Can send pictures. 612-669-0608. AG DRAINAGE TILE PLOWS Cat D8H with Zor plow, very nice. Also Wedge plow only. WANT TO BUY: Cat Challenger 875,865,855. 319-240-1263 1086 International with cab, 358 Farm Hand loader, 11,000 hours on it, duals and weights. 8ft Farm King 960 Snowblower for sale. 320-598-7760 2006 7520 John Deere tractor, has 3500 hours, power quad transmission, left hand reverser, 3 remote, new tires in the front 75% in the rear, excellent condition, $74,500. 605-929-6982 McCormick CX75 Tractor with L140 Loader & grapple fork. MFD, Pto 1,000 & 540, Joystick loader control, 5,000 hours. Tractor is in excellent condition. Asking $35,000 OBO. 701-710-1189 Wanted, older 80-90HP tractor (4020 JD or what have you), with or without loader, needs positive lock rear end. 605-673-2258 JD 2010 9430 Track, 1001 hours, 30 inch track, loaded with warranty, $195,000. 605-661-6090

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Paul Overby • 701-656-3654 • paul@verdi-plus.com

Altona, MB Canada

TRACTORS MX 215, 2640 Hours, with LX780 Loader,Front Wheel Assist,Duals Front&Back,Joy Stick for Loader, Used to Pull Planter,All Set Up& Ready to Go, Excellent Shape, $115,000. 2010 Case International 1250, Early Rise Planter, 16Row,Center Fill,600 Acres on Complete Rebuild, New Discs,Updated Closers, Excellent Shape,$87,000. Would Like to Sell as Combo if Possible.605-290-3281 Case IH 9330 Row Crop 4WD Tractor. PTO. 3 Pt. Hitch. Nearly New 18.4x38 Michelin Duals. 7440 Hours. Service Records. 14’ Degelman 6 Way Blade. Will Separate. $70,000. 605-881-0314 FOR SALE: 2008 Case IH JX 95 Diesel Tractor, 1,125 Hours, Front Wheel Assist, Shuttle Drive, New Koyker Loader 445, Bucket & Grapple Fork, Cab, Air, Always Inside, $48,500. Call 605-873-2769 or Cell 605-881-1080 Wanted: International IHC Super A that is in restorable condition or has been restored. 701-730-1263 FOR SALE: Int’l 5088 Tractor, 7,800 Hours, 3 Hydraulics, 540 & 1000 PTO, 18.4R38 Tires at 90%, 1100x16 Front Tires at 80%, New Batteries, New Fluids & Filters, Recent Fuel Injection Pump Rebuild, Remanufactured AC Compressor, Paint-Excellent, Interior-Good, $17,500 OBO. Also Will Consider Trades. Field Ready. Call 605-934-3594 1978, 8440 JD, 215HSP, 5900 Hours. 4WD, Excellent Condition, $20,500. Call 605-941-8078 For Sale: 1997 JD 9300 4WD, 24 spd, 4 scvs, rear weights, HID lights, AutoTrac & Greenstar Ready, good 710/38s, well maintained, clean tractor. 5880 hrs, $95,000 OBO. Can email pics. Spencer, Park River, ND 701-331-9385 FOR SALE: Used Oliver tractor parts for most models. Parts include: running motors, blocks, crankshafts & heads, also 2 & 3 speed units, transmission parts, hydraulic parts, wide fronts, tires & rims. 218-564-4273 or cell 218-639-0315.

TRACTORS 1999 JD 7810

MFWD, powershift, quick hitch, 4 hyd outlets. 6000 hrs. Call 701-640-1069 JD 8760 SN# 3212 5100 hours, starfire guidance, nearly new 20.8-38 tires, 12-speed transmission, 3 hydraulics, excellent shape, stored inside; $55,000 OBO; 2002 MacDon 1920 swather 25' with roto steer SN150464; 1984 Versatile 4400 Swather 24' SN210618. Rugby, ND 701-771-2193 FOR SALE: 8640 JD, 3700 hours on major, new crankshaft, new batteries, new starter & alternator, (8) brand new 23.1-34's, PTO, new lower cab kit included, 3 hyd. $15,500. 701-265-2220 FOR SALE: 1968 4020 3pt PTO, power shift, roll bar, good rubber, just installed 148 JD loader; $14,500. 701-265-2220 840 John Deere loader with grapple, $8,500. 605-715-7770

TRACTORS 02 JD 8520 MFWD, 3,894 Hours, ILS, Power Shift, Active Seat, Rock Box, Front & Rear Duals, $110,000. Call 507-277-5679 IHC 1206 diesel, runs good, has hydraulic leak, average condition, Also, John Deere 4230, quad range, 7600 hours, runs good. 402-369-0212 FOR SALE: 2008 JD 8130 MFWD Tractor, 2,652 hours, power shift, 380/90R50 rear duals, 380/85R34 dual front tires, auto track ready, 60 GPM hydraulic pump, 15 front weights, 540/1000 pto, radar, quick hitch, 4 remotes, 1 owner. 701-430-0277 TWO 20.8x38 tractor tire duals, radials about 30%, $900. Rock box for late model JD 4 WD tractor, $1000. 218-945-6336 or 218-686-9245. 2001 JD 7810, 4300 hours, MFWD, 16 speed power quad, right hand reverser, axle duals, new tires, with JD 740 classic loader, 8ft bucket, 2 function joystick, no grapple, excellent condition, 651-338-6861

1989 Case IH 9170, 350 HP, 20.8 R42 duals, 6500 hours. 1988 Steiger Wildcat 1000, Cummins, 18.4/34 duals at 80%, pto, 3 remotes with Case drain, 6000 hours. 605-994-2382 or 605-994-7001 or 605-994-7002

FOR SALE: XT 190 Allis Chalmers Diesel Tractor, 3pt, cab, power steering, wide front, low hours. Call: 320-815-8611

WANTED: Minneapolis Moline 670 or G900 or G1000. Call 605-520-0617

(4) MT 865C (1) MT 855C SOLD (1) MT 675C Low Hours, Extended Warranty, Financing Available. Nice machines. Please call 218-498-2800.

2001 6405 MFWD Tractor, 2550 Hrs., Dls. $36,000. 320-226-5321 1997 JD 8400T, Excellent Condition, Good Tracks, 8,715 Hours. 1998 JD 8400T, Excellent Condition, Good Tracks, 8,888 Hours. $55,000/ea. Call 701-320-0151 or 701-709-0254 or 701-493-2562 For Sale: Ferguson TO30, 4 new tires, 12V, 3pt, overdrive, 605-938-4160 Versatile 835, 8300 hours, radials, 4 remotes, air seat, very clean, $18,000. Ken Nelson, 605-641-6466

Thief River Falls, MN 56701 218-681-8221 • 1-800-950-9917 Email: sales@trsalvage.com Website: www.trsalvage.com

New and Used Ag Parts

5 CAT Tractors For Sale

For Sale: JD 9400T 24 spd, 30” tracks, wide swg drawbar, greenstar ready. 6,085 hrs. Tracks, track tensioner bushings, all mid rollers & idler wheels refurbished at 5,510 hrs; JD 8960 24 spd. 20.8 R42 duals 90%, 4 remotes, diff.lock, pto. 8,200 hrs. (701)899-0465 1988 876 Versatile Designation 6, went through shop inspection 2012 spent $5600, 8441 hours, always shedded $30,000. 605-268-0223 '04 MX230 MFWD, front and rear duals (380R/50) at 80%, 3500 hrs, autosteer ready, 5 scv, very good condition; '00 CIH MX270 380/34 front duals, 380/50 rears all at 80%, deluxe cab, heavy duty draw bar, 5 scv, good condition, priced to sell; Versatile 855, 20.8/38, 8600 hrs., good condition. Holte Farm Sales holtesales.com 218-861-6181 FOR SALE: CIH 1990 7140 MFWD, 8426 hours, 14.9x46 rear duals at 75%, 14.9x28 fronts at 75%, pto, 3pt & 4hyd. 701-370-0053



For sale: JD 750 no till drill, 20ft wide with extensions, 10 inch spacing, SI meters, $14,750. 605-580-1111

Yetter All Wheel Steer Fertilizer Carts On Hand! 1600 Gal, GRN & YLW: $16000 2000 Gal, GRN & YLW: $17000 Northstar-ag.com or 701-361-4790

For Sale: 36 Dawn screw adjust residue cleaners, 605-480-0285 2007 White for Sale. 8500 16 Row. Row cleaners and pro-stitch closing wheels. Hydraulic Drive. Central Fill. Asking $58,500. 605-933-0879 or 605-999-3784 DB60 JD corn planter, 2007, MudSmith gauge wheel, floating Dawn row cleaner, PP air controller up and down, e-sets, Total Tubular fertilizer with John Blue pump, cruiser closing wheels, row command, pneumatic down force, 600 gallon fertilizer tank, 605-233-0362 2007 JD 770NT 16R30 Planter 3 Bu. Boxes. $65000. 320-226-5321

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For Sale: 4012 Concord Air Seeder with Tow Between 2400 tank, with markers, trip C-Shanks with dutch openers. Also a 3212 Concord with Prosco 75-55. 2 wheel cart, trip. C-shanks with cutter gangs. JD 7000 8-30 planter. Set up for no-till liquid fertilizer. 605-439-3432 2005 JD 1770 NT CCS planter, 16 R30, precision e-sets with 20/20 monitor, air force with hydraulic compressor, clean sweep on Martin row cleaners, hydraulic driven, Pro Shaft, Pro XP row units, Totally Tubular fertilizer, always shedded, call for more info 605-458-2688 2007 JD DB80 32 row 30 inch CCS, esets, air force with up and down air bags, Martin row cleaners with cleansweep, 2020 monitor, rowflow with sure-vac shut offs, hydraulic drive, $165,000 OBO. 507-360-8655 FOR SALE: J & M Seed Tenders, 375 Unit, New & Used in Stock. Also, Grain Carts on Hand and 1 Used 1325 Track Cart. Call 605-350-3225

24 Row 15in Planter, Hiniker Air Unit w/ Int’l 950 Planter Row Units, Monitor & AccuRate Drive, $8,500. 600 Bushel Seed Tender, 2 Separate Hoppers with Air Vac Unit with a new Honda Engine, Tarp, & a Heavy Tandem Trailer, $4,900. 8 Yetter Row Cleaners, JD Mounts, Like New, $200/ea. (2) 12 row fertilizer squeeze pumps, $250 each. Call 605-480-3299 John Deere Heavy Duty Adjustable Center Down Pressure Springs off of 2008 1770NT planter; excellent condition. 8 rows; $1000 John Deere 1535 6/11 row corn and bean planter 15and 30 inch row spacing. 3point hitch with 1570 cart hitch. Well cared for. Has a computer trak 250 monitor also with it. Call Mark Loeschke at 605-695-4459 in Milbank

PLANTING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: 1996 Lodeking 18' Drill Fill w/185 & 269 bushel compartments & 7" hyd. augers w/brushed flighting, excellent condition. Always shedded; $3500. 701-265-2777 1996 7200 JD, 16 Row, Variable Rate, Row Shut Off, Eset Meters, Totally Tubular, Red Ball, Yetter Floating Shark Tooth, 3 Bushel, Curved Tine Closing Wheel, Loaded, Nice Planter, $34,000 OBO. 605-881-5393 Brand New 2014 30 foot 1890 Air Seeder with 1910 270 bu tow between cart. All run blockage. Extended wear boots. Call 605-848-1601 Q160 Wilrich air seeder, 32’, 7.5” spacing. 605-365-6460

FOR SALE: Case IH 8500 Air Hoe Drill, 33' with all run monitor and Honda powered fan. Also, 600 dual manure spreader with top beater, good condition. Call Tony: 701-423-5567 FORCE 4 wheel trailer, 1600 gallons, all wheel steer, 18.4X24 tires, 30 inch rows, $14,000. 701-229-3227.

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AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A17

A18 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014



Brand New 2014 1770 CCS corn planter, 16 row 30 in spacing, with dawn GFX trash whippers, and liquid starter fert. Call 605-848-1601 FOR SALE: Single Disc Dry Fertilizer Openers, Includes Manifolds & Hoses for JD 1770 16 Row CCS Planter, $9,600 OBO. Wallace 605-520-4223



2012 John Deere 42’ 1990 CCS drill, 7 1/2 or 15” spacing, front rank lock-up, all run monitor, extended wear boots, 3 sets feed rolls, scale, fill auger, less than 4000 acres, always shedded, excellent shape. $120,000. 605-750-0385

FOR SALE: 38 1/2 Foot JD 980 Field Cultivator. 6” Spacing. 7” Shovels. $21,500. 2002 670 Red Ball Pull-Type Field Cultivator. Green w/ Yellow 1200 gallon Tank. 80’ Booms. Four Shutoffs w/ foamers. Raven 450 Monitor. Call 605-770-2233 or 605-770-3105

For Sale: John Deere 2012 1790 Planter, 24 row, 20 inch spacing. 701-320-6278

North Dakota State University 2013 Corn Test Plot Results

Starter Fertilizer and KICKSTART 180 160

Corn Bushels Per Acre






149.08 127.75










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White 8500 24R22” Center Fill Planter, Hydraulic Drive, No-Till Coulters, Corn/Bean Plates, Markers. Like New (6000 Acres) Stainless Steel Liquid Fertilizer System, SN# HUS2400120 Call 605-848-1344 or 605-848-1066 JD 455 Drill, 30’, 10” spacing, marker arms, electric clutch seed shutoff, converted to SI belt meters, seed population monitoring capable, liquid fertilizer squeeze tube pump, 300 gallon liquid tank with front and rear load. $22,500. (605) 222-1171 For Sale: 06 JD 1770 NT 24 row 30" CCS planter w/draw bar style hitch, Precision 20-20 monitor with Row Command, E-sets, trash whippers, markers, excellent. $96,000; Also 09 Blue Jet 24 row 30" liquid side dresser w/1850 gallon tank, $33,000. Call 701-741-7957 Scale-Tec DigiStar scale system for White Center Fill Planter. Bought new in 2010 and never put it on planter. Paid $1900 for it, will take $1750. 320-394-2480 1995 Morris Maxim Air Drill, 29ft. 7180 tow-behind cart, 6000 acres total on machine. Looks like new! Price reduced to $25,000. Call 701-341-0345. CONVEY-ALL BTS 290 Seed Tender. $10,500. Call 701-439-2919


2013 64-12 SeedMaster SXG 424 Tire/Tire, Dual castering 1st, 2nd, Viper Pro, Hyd. Hoist bagger, Bin sensor, 4 camera system, Section control...NEW ................................................................................$261,000 2012 64-12 Compact SeedMaster TXB...NEW ................ $143,500 2013 70-12 SeedMaster TXB 40 Bushel Canola Tank...NEW.....................................................$221,300 2013 66-12 SeedMaster TXB...NEW.............................................$179,000

2002 5710 Bourgault 47’ w/5350 Cart Raven NH3 kit….USED ................................................................$75,000 Meridian Fuel Trailer…990 gallon Diesel Tank and 110 gal DEF tank…NEW……………………………………Call for Pricing Large Selection of Augers from 7” to 16” FarmKing, Meridian, Westfield, Wheatheart...…Call for more Info

2013 5250 Amity Cart...NEW........................................................$128,000 1995 Flexi-Coil 5000 45’ w/2320 Tow Between Cart, NH3, Exactrix Piston Pump Dempster controller, 7.2 Spcaing/Atom Jet Opener...USED ..........................................................................$45,000

)!'"('%(& '$#


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2006 JD 1890 Air Drill, 10" spacing, 430 bushel cart, has conveyor, excellent condition; $70,000/obo. Can deliver. 701-653-5961 For Sale: 24 row 22" 800 International planter. Liquid fertilizer, 2pt lift assist, vertical fold, row cleaners, willing to trade for 30-35ft disk or what have you. $10,500 OBO. Call 218-766-9575 ATTENTION: Owners of CNH 1200 Series Planters: Are you having any of the following problems with your meters? · Loss of vacuum in meters resulting in long skips · Excessive seed disc wear · Inconsistent plant spacing · Seed bridging in meter · Warped meter covers We can fix these problems and get your meters to perform like they were designed to. Please call Kyle at 605-396-7418 For Sale: 3 pt fork lift, 3 stage, works good. Rock Naber, new, with stand. 320-769-4785 Kinze 2600 16-31, 30in with InterPlant, MudSmiths, Hopper Extensions, Dawn Coulters, & Trash Wheels, Bean Meters & Monitor, Can Be Set to Plant Twin Rows, $38,000, Sisseton, SD. Call 605-698-3809 or 605-880-3735

2010 Case International 1250, Early Rise Planter,16Row,Center Fill,600Acres on Complete Rebuild, New Discs,Updated Closers, Excellent Shape,$87,000. MX215, 2640 Hours,with LX780 Loader, Front Wheel Assist, Duals Front&Back, Joy Stick for Loader, Used to Pull Planter,All Set Up& Ready to Go,Excellent Shape, $115,000. Would Like to Sell as Combo if Possible. 605-290-3281 24 Brand New Row Mounted no till coulters for John Deere Corn Planter. 36 Used Row Mounted No Till coulters. 605-467-0350 FOR SALE John Deere 7000 12r 30in planter with dry fertilizer, front fold, disks are 2 years old, fertilizer cross augers, yetter row cleaners, john deere 200 monitor asking $12,500 OBO 605-848-1338 01 Kinze planter, model 3700, 24 row 30”, corn/soybean meters, fertilizer, Martin row cleaners, new blades in ‘13. Also, ‘10 JD 9770 Combine, 6:50 duals, CM, power tail board, yield monitor, auto steer, loaded. Both items ready to go! 605-380-8322 or 605-216-0428

FOR SALE: 12R22" John Deere 1730 Vacuum Planter with liquid fertilizer tanks, good shape. 218-779-0578

Big Mac III Rockpicker Built tough enough to be the last rock picker you’ll ever have to buy. Buy Manufacture Direct and Save!!

Ph: 320-748-7183 Graceville, MN


Murphy Sales LLC


2005 JD 1770NT CCS Planter, 16R30. Precision E-Sets with 20/20 monitor, Air Force with hydraulic compressor, CleanSweep on Martin row cleaners, Rawson drive or ground drive, Proshaft, Pro XP row units, TruCount row clutches, JD 300 gal liquid tank, TTubular, clutching and hyd drive harness for Ag Leader, can be adapted to other display. $72,000. Call 605-380-4458. Case IH 900 12 row 30 inch, 3pt., trash whippers, insecticide, corn & bean drums, Early Riser Monitor, shedded, excellent condition, $4,950. 507-220-6450 For Sale: John Deere 7300 8 row 30 vacuum planter, good shape, 605-290-3323 or 605-225-5040 JD DB2422 CCS Planter w/liquid fertilizer, like new condition, low acres, 2012 model; $145,000. 218-779-3073 Pro 600 monitor w/card $1000; Cyclo drums corn and edible bean - six row and eight row $100 each; 2-10x16 single rib tractor tires mounted 8-hole rims $100; 10,000 gal fuel tank w/pump $2000. 701-680-9955 WHITE 6108 8 row 30 planter, pull type, dry fert. w/single disk openers, corn & bean, markers, 4-drive tires, 700 acres on new disk openers, and population monitor, $12,000. JD 695AN 6 row 30 planter, pull type, $495. 701-640-8119. 2010 JD 1770NT 16-row planter, single disc fertilizer openers for dry or liquid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer in-furrow, variable seed rate, trash whippers, pneumatic downpressure, PTO pump, 1800 display, fertilizer frame, set up to pull Concord cart. Excellent condition. Will sell with Concord cart, $89,900. 701-640-8954 or 701-439-0058. JD 7200 16-row planter with dry fertilizer, liquid fertilizer in furrow with rebounders and splitters, precision planting plates, cross auger for fertilizer, PTO pump, $19,500. 701-640-8954 or 701-439-0058. JD 7200, 12 row 30 inch, pull type, liquid fertilizer, precision row units, $9500. 605-421-2000

FOR SALE: 2003 1820 JD Airseeder 52' C Shank 2 Bar Harrow, Rubber Press Wheels, Rock & Mud Scraper, All Run Monitor, Single Shoot Gen Openers. 1910 JD 350 Bushel Cart, 12" Conveyor, 20.8x38 Duals Rear, 16.5Lx16.1 Front Tires, Vari Rate Meters. Always Shedded. Call 605-530-0405



1995 7200 conservation 16 row John Deere corn planter, precision planting update, liquid fertilizer tanks and plumbing always shedded, $20,000. 605-268-0223 White 6100 12 row, 22 in vacuum planter, residue managers, liquid fert, markers, lift assist, corn plates; CIH 8600 air drill, good condition, priced to sell; 12 row 22 in Nodet Gougis vacuum planter; new Seed Shuttle seed tenders, trailer and skid models; 2013 Meridian 240 Seed tender on tandem trailer, like new. Holte Farm Sales holtesales.com 218-861-6181

Quad Steer Liquid Fertilizer Carts


All disks have big coil springs, that provide cushion against rocks. Good for disking CRP, corn ground & weeds.

24 row 30 inch Kinze rear fold planter with computer trac 300 monitor. Planter has Yetter openers, also includes Kinze brush meters for soybeans and precision finger pickups for corn. 605-770-8217 or 605-935-6335

2009 Case IH SDX 40 Drill w/3430 precision air cart with 932 trelloborg tires, 7½ spacing, double shoot, full run blockage, low acre machine, good scrapers & blades. Call: 406-350-2266 or 406-567-2632


Gates double coulters, coulter harrows, Magnum harrows. Good for residue management.

FOR SALE: 2006 DB60 JD Corn Planter, 36 Row 20in, Fertilizer Tank on Planter, 420 Gallons, New Disc Openers, New Coulters, Excellent Condition, Field Ready, Call 605-281-1457

2013 UNVERFERTH 3750XL seed tender-8"x21' conveyor roll tarp, bumper hitch, scale pkg. JD 7000 front fold planter w/12-30-N 4/4 80 gal. tanks and bean cups, JD 4020 syncro 1 hydraulic complete motor & PTO overhaul 100 hrs ago. 3 pt, no cab, 12/large 12/small finger units, complete assembly for 7000 planter Dempster SNA-2 fert. ground drive pump for 7000 planter. 218-779-4460.


Please visit www.resourceauction.com for full details or call: 701-757-4015

JD 1710 Planter

Very nice John Deere 12R 30" 1710 loaded with Martin trash whippers, Sunco 2x2 fertilizer openers, 400 gallon fertilizer tank mounted on frame, totally tubular in row fertilizer tubes, mud smith gauge wheels all the way threw, one spike copperhead Ag closing wheel and one standard wheel. Schaffert dual dispensing fertilizer system liquid fertilizer system with rate controller for both 2x2 and in row. New wiring harness, seed sensors, and seed tubes one year ago. This is a very nice planter absolutely field ready. Disc openers, scrapers, and gauge wheels all less than 400 acres on. Over 20k invested just before last season. $23,000 obo. 701-653-5904.


Wishek 862NT disk, 34 ft, 13" spacing, 29" disks, very nice, $46,500 OBO. 701-351-0399.

Lloyd Anderson, Valley City 701-845-2108 Glenn Anderson, Bismarck 701-255-7560 Diamond Disc, 34 ft with 28" discs at 12" spacing worn to 26 1/2", $32,000. Chisel plow, 44 ft Herman with flexicoil shanks, $14,000. Sumers harrows 60 ft with heavy new sections, $12,000; 70 ft regular, $7000. Dan Herman, 701-351-4820. Wishek 38ft 742NT disk for sale. 11 inch spacing, front gang measures 23.75 in, and the back 24 in. Gates heavy two bar harrow. Call 605-730-0880 For Sale: Case IH Model 1830 Cultivator. 12 Row 30 Inch Spacing. Very Good Condition. Stored Inside. 605-380-7002 Sunflower 1434 Disk, 36ft, Hydraulic leveler with Harrow. $26,900. 605-310-0666

Case IH 4300 field cultivator, 44.5” double fold, 3 bar harrow, one owner, no welds or breaks, excellent condition. 320-583-5808 M & W rotary hoe, 28ft always shedded, 605-955-3581 or 605-848-1875 510 JD ripper, 7 shanks, good condition, $9,500. 2008 935 hydroflex bean head, just got out of the shop, all redone, good shape, single point hookup, Comes with Mauer Header Trailer. $14,000 OBO. Call 605-772-4440 or 605-354-0001 2011 Blu-Jet Legacy Strip Till w/ Montag 9 ton H.O. Twin Bin Cart, 12R 30", Raven +NH3 Applicator w/ N-Serve Tank, Sunco Trash Whippers, 20" Fluted Coulters, Mole Knives and VTA Blades, $2000 in Spare Parts, Scale, Winch, Camera, Excellent Condition, Asking $85,000. 605-659-4783 24’ Sunflower Disk #1232 with Harrow. Very nice. Always been stored inside. IH Field Cultivator 4600. 30’ with Harrow. 605-228-1454 FOR SALE: •Blue Jet AT4010 15R30 Liquid Sidedresser, John Blue pump, 1,400 gallon tank. •Blue Jet AT4010 23R22, Liquid Sidedresser, John Blue pump, 1,400 gallon tank. 701-866-9864

JD 230 disc 20 ft with harrow. Parker 250 bushel gravity wagon , call 605-680-6211 For Sale: 2010 Salford RTS570 41’ truck tires on main frame, excellent condition, $60,000. 701-678-2813

JD 2210 40.5 ft, 3 section posi-stop depth control, floating hitch, 11L tires, 3 bar harrow, $30,000. 701-229-3227

Tandem Fertilizer Spreader in nice condition. 701-430-3189

International 700 plow 8-18” nice condition, 320-769-4785

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FOR SALE •7431-33 VT Vertical Tillage, Rolling Baskets, 3 yr. warrenty - NEED TO MOVE. •Landoll 2410 7 shank disc ripper, Auto Reset, 24" shank spacing, 10 1/2" disc spacing, 3 yr. warrenty. NEED TO MOVE. 701-866-9864

Riteway 45ft Landroller. Very low acres, in very good shape. 712-230-0502 or 712-756-4388 No telemarketers.

&?" #C CF7C &#>$@ 5##& "FA?B$


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AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A19



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1/&)(*., '"+*$0+ ! 20-200 Gallon Stand-Alone Tanks ! Chemical Injector ! Chemical Processor ! Recirculating Batch Master (SH (SHOWN)

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TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 2012 Salford 570RTS, 41ft, heavy duty harrow and roller basket, main frame truck tires, weight kits, single point depth control, new blades, $69,000. Call 605-226-0695 and ask for Matt Used 60 Dutch 1714 4” Talon, 1/2 price of new. 57 Dutch boots with spikes, 1525, 1/2 price of new. 7 boots with no spikes. Also for sale: 46 foot folding Yetter rotary hoe, 3 point, $2200. Call 605-439-3630 or cell 605-380-4396 37 ft John Deere 637 disc, nice. 41ft John Deere 1640 chisel plow with one year old Ron’s wavey coulter kits. 605-380-4898 John Deere Model 331 Disk, 30ft with harrow, good condition, excellent tires, works excellent in high residue conditions. 605-842-1939 or cell 605-840-4332 NO Telemarketers! WANTED TO BUY: JD 856, 875, 885, No till cultivator. Tub grinder. Small square baler. JD 7000, 7100 Planter. JD 1610 Chisel Plow. JD Mounted Field Cultivator. Lilliston Cultivator. Miller Offset Disc. Call 605-665-4753 2007 John Deere 726 Field Finisher, 24 ft 9 inches, 10 inch sweeps, 5 bar coil tine harrow, hydraulic gang lift, factory rear hitch with hydraulics, single point depth control, walking tandems, excellent shape, $25,000. 605-770-0129 44 ft Wilrich quad 5 model 2800 field cultivator with 4 bar harrow, $7500. 605-586-4166 or 605-480-0104 Kongskilde Triple K 3500 40'. Call: 701-371-8211 Horsch Joker RT300, 30ft, 2500 Acres, $69,000. Call 712-579-1825

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For Sale: Geringhoff Rota Disc 16R 20", shedded, very low acres, recently serviced, HHS sensors, JD row sense. $58,500. 701-351-0399.

For Sale: Geringhoff corn chopping head. 12R 22” variable gear drive, row sense, 3 height sensors, 4 chompers (701)899-0465

2006 1293 Corn Head with new hydraulic deck plates, chains and sprockets, excellent condition. $24,500. 2001 893 Corn Head with knife rolls, new hydraulic deck plates, chains and sprockets, $20,500. 701-423-5557

New Holland 116 haybine, $3,000. 605-268-0223

USED DRYERS 7 year old 2424 Grain Handler Dryer 3 phase

1998 JD 893 Corn head with regular rolls, pto drives, $13,900. Also, JD 843 Corn Head, very good mechanically $8,950. 701-423-5557 2009 Westfield MK-13x71-Plus, Low profile swing hopper, poly snout, very low bushels. $11,000. 2008 Westfield WR 8x41 with 13 HP Honda, with poly cleanout hopper, like new. $3,000. 2008 Westfield MK-10x71 low profile swing hopper, poly snout, very low bushels $7,000. 605-769-1096 Gettysburg, SD Case IH 2208 corn head, hydraulic deck plates, poly, $22,000. Case IH 1020, 30ft flex head with crary air reel, $10,000. Clarke 8225 corn head, poly, 8 row 22 1/2 inch, $6000. Case IH 820, 20ft flex head, $1000. Case IH 810, 25ft w/sunflower pans, $2500. 605-994-2382, 605-994-7001 or 605-994-7002 2010 J&M 875 grain cart, 875 bushel capacity with roll tarp, adjustable spout, 30.5 tires, 18 inch auger, stored inside, very low acres, excellent condition, can help with delivery, Northwood ND $27 ,500. 218-779-7546

Call for pricing, 701-371-5315

SPRAYING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Red Ball Pull-Type Sprayer. Model 670. 2004. 90’ Boom. 1250 gallon tank. Raven 450. One Owner. Excellent Shape. Always Shedded. $14,000. 605-928-7981 or 605-505-0390

For Sale: 3 pt Summers Sprayer, hydraulic pump, Raven Control Box, 300 gallon tank, nice condition. 701-430-3188

For Sale: New Schaben 1315 gallon extended frame nurse trailer, with plumbing and pump. 1 left. Triple cone bottom 9000 gallon portable storage trailers. 1600 gallon 4 wheel steer nurse trailers, great for behind the planter. Order two 5000 gallon flat bottom tanks and get Honda pump free. Lowest prices in area, call for details, Schmidtco Ag Services 605-625-3456 or 888-556-4535

(2) 600 65R38 new Firestone radial tires with rims. Fit 4830 JD sprayer. Can help with delivery. $7900 OBO. Northwood, ND 218-779-7546 2010 Top Air 120' Sprayer, 2400 gallon tank, tracks, chemical inductor, raven auto boom height, touchdown wheels, fence row nozzles, three way nozzle bodies, rinse tank, tracks, command center, stored inside. Call 701-799-9101 leave a message 2009 AgShield 120' suspended boom sprayer with automatic boom height control. 1500 gallon tank, 80 gallon rinse tank, chemical induction tank. 3405 microtrac rate controller with GPS speed sensor. Redball flow monitor, 18.4x38 dual tires, very good windscreens, shedded and in very good condition Located near Chester, Montana For more info call or text 406-265-0858




Thunder Creek Fuel Trailers • 750 & 990 Gallon

Gentle handling while you’re planting


, 5>>" 3>%">=; , 6=079:& .#( 08<>=; , 3=8$4*'#8%: :092<0:> 08<>=; , -9% 8%2#0" 08<>=; , 3=0%;!#=: 08<>=; 001017569r1

available in 5”, 6”, 7”, 9” & 12” flighting diameter for augers up to 13”

DALE HOFF . . . .(218) 281-7133 K & D Enterprises, Crookston, MN

Mid 90’s 1075 MC Grain Dryer 3 phase


2000 Western Star 4964, IG-' 87AA!@;H U ;>*FH W&&HCCC A!S(;FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF$20,000 1979 Kenworth 800, Quad Axle, ++K :M0 ,S(D@ FF$25,000 New Neville 40’ Alum. Ag Hopper, spring ride FFFF$34,500 New Neville 40’ Alum. Ag HopperH D!= =!*( FFFFFFFFFFF$37,500



5 year old 2416 Grain Handler Dryer 3 Phase


New 2013 JD 2623 'CKWL .(=9!,DS 0!SSD%( 0??SH & ;(,9!?@; PE=?SS!@% BD;T(9; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $85,000 37 1/2’ Sunflower Field Cultivator, ) BD= #D==?PFFFFFFFFFFF$8,000 New 62’ Salford HD Field CultivatorH ) BD= #D==?P PE=?SS!@% BD;T(9; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF IN STOCK 2008 41’ Salford 570RTS Coulter FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF COMING IN 3 - 2010 50’ Salford 570 RTS Coulters FFSTART AT $82,500 2013 41’ Salford 2100 CoulterFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF$94,000 2012 Salford 41’ HD XT (4100) FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFV94,500 2011 & 2012 41’ Salford 570 RTS Coulters FFFFFFFFJUST IN 2011 41’ Salford 570 RTS Coulter PEIM)FFFFFFFFFFFV87,500 2010 41’ Salford 570 RTS Coulter w/NH3, low acres FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF$99,500 2008 50’ Salford 570 RTS Coulter, @(P BSD*(;H 9=7,T 9!=(; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $65,000 2012 44’ Summers Series 10 Disk FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF COMING IN 2011 47’ Summers Series 10 Disk FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $72,000 2011 38 1/2’ Summers 2510 DiskFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCALL 2013 34’ Wishek 842LNT Disk, like new ...JUST TRADED 42’ Wishek 5 Section Disk w/harrowsFFFFFFFF Nice $70,000 34’ Wishek 840NT Disk PE#D==?P; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $46,500 2013 50’ Summers Supercoulter Plus, ) BD= #D==?PH =?SS!@% BD;T(9; PE;,=D>(=;FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $82,500 2 - 2010 50’ Supercoulter Plus PE) BD= #D==?P R =?SS!@% BD;T(9; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF$60,000 QD,#


Raven Envision Pro/Epro II gps (WAAS), Smarttrax Controller kit, with Hyd Kit for Agco 7660 Spra Coupe, Accuboom combo node with harness and Can/Pwr Tee cable 12' long. Bought new in 2012. $8,500. Switched to Agleader to match other equipment. 320-394-2480 90ft 3200 Spray Air sprayer 800 gallon tank, excellent condition, $8800. Call 701-341-0345 For Sale: Set of Four 620/70Rx46 Goodyear STR Tires on 4930/40 John Deere Sprayer Rims, New, Never Run, $13,000. Marshall, MN 507-530-0353

2010 40’ Summers Supercoulter Plus, ) BD= #D==?PH =?SS!@% BD;T(9;FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $35,000 2010 40’ Summers Supercoulter Plus, ) BD= -C& #D==?PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $32,000 2010 35’ Summers Supercoulter Plus, 3 bar harrow, rolling baskets..........................................JUST TRADED Summers 44’ Chisel Plow w/106 harrowsFFFFFF COMING IN Summers 36’ Chisel Plow PE-C$ #D==?P;H 3D6(@ <,,7/?P IM)FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF COMING IN IH 31’ 5500 Chisel Plow PE#D==?P FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $5,000 40’ Morris 740 Chisel PlowFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $10,000 Brandt 70’ Contour Commander HD Harrow w/hyd tine angleFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF COMING IN Sunflower 4411 Disk RipperH S?P D,=(;FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $17,000 84’ Summers Superharrow Plus PE#N* 9!@( D@%S( $28,000 60’ Summers Superharrow Plus HD Harrows FFFFF $18,500 60’ Summers Superharrow FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $6,500 Farmking 1385 Auger PE#N* 4?P(=;P!@% FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $13,500 Westfield 13x71 SA AugerFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $6,500 2006 Westfield 13x71 SA AugerFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $10,000 2009 JD 568 Megawide Baler, @(9P=D>H /?9F 9!=(;FF$28,000 2007 JD 568 BalerH @(9 P=D>H $&CC BDS(; FFFFFFFFFFF $24,000 JD 535 Baler, T!,T(=FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $5,000 Vermeer 605L Baler PET!,T(= FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $9,000 Vermeer 505 Super IFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $3,500 New Vermeer 605 Super M Balers FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCALL 2010 Vermeer 605 Super M w/netwrap.........COMING IN 2004 NH BR780 BalerFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $10,000 1996 Haybuster 1100 Tub GrinderFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $21,000 2006 Haybuster 1100 Tilt Tub Tub Grinder .......$42,000 2012 Rowse D9 Mower w/NH heads FFFFFFFFFFFFFF COMING IN M&W 400 bu *?7BS( ,?A>D=9A(@9 %=D6!9N B?OFFFFFF $2,995 New Rowse D-9 MowersFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCALL 2 - 90’ Summers Ultimate Sprayers, -CCC %DSFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF29D=9!@% D9 $15,000 New Bergen Pull Type Rock DiggerFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $12,500 Melroe 210 Spray Coupe, PE9=D!S(=H ,S(D@FFFFFFFFFFFFF $4,500

Ag Resources

701-438-2851 • 1-800-257-5684 Maddock, ND Your Connection to Agricultural Needs & Equipment Sales

Sprayer extensions, used Boyd Ag 30ft aluminum extensions, converts your 90ft JD sprayer boom to 120ft. 605-473-5605 or 605-730-2699

1997 Rogator sprayer, 800 gallon SS tank, 30 gallon SS foamer, 80’ boom, new turbo with one season on it, new air conditioning pump and components, 4200 hours, very nice, $51,000. 701-680-1220


D=7? ,#A +<,'



%10" *0,#' . '&()*"('

New J&M 375 & 500 Speed Tenders IN STOCK! Over 40 New & Used Conveyors & Augers On Hand - Call





AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A21




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A22 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014





For Sale: 2006 Pull type summers ultimate Super Sprayer, 90ft booms, 1,000 gallon tank, 200 gallon rinse tank, triple nozzle bodies, hydraulic boom height, tip lift and fold. Foam marker and Raven 450 Monitor. 14.9x46 tires set up for 30” rows. in Very good condition. $16,500 OBO. Call 605-845-2504 if no answer please leave message.

For Sale: Wilmar 765 HT Air Ride Sprayer, 3609 Hours, Air Conditioning, 72ft boom, 440 Raven Moniter, New 9.5x42 Tires, Foam Marker, Trimble Lightbar, Very Good Condition. 218-686-4584.

1996 Willmar 765 HT Air Ride Sprayer with 60ft Booms, Has Cab, Air, Heat, AM/FM Radio, CD, Air Ride Seat, Also Has Raven 440 Monitor, 600 Gallon Poly Tank, 3,225 Hours, Like New 12.4-42 Tires, Runs & Works Great! Always Shedded, $30,500/Best Offer. Coats 30-40A Tire Machine, $875. Call 605-999-5482

FOR SALE: 650/65R38 radial tires & rims. Fit 4730 JD sprayer. 100 hours use or less on them. 701-680-0377 or 701-427-5887.

Call 507-530-0353

2013 Fast 9518 Pull Type Sprayer 1800 gallon tank with 3" fill, 120' booms with three body nozzles, Raven auto boom 3 sensors and touch down wheels, Raven controller, 60' boom option (additional booms to allow spraying at 60' wide) 480/85/R50 tires, Green and yellow; $65,000. 701-899-1439

1998 Loral fertilizer spreader, 60ft booms, $30,000 OBO. Contact 701-522-3464

Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920

FOR SALE: Set of four 380/90Rx46 Goodyear FTR Tires on 4730/40 JD Sprayer Rims, New Never Run, Will Separate, $8,800. Marshall, MN.

FOR SALE: Rogator Tires & Rims, 2 Sets, 10 Bolt Hole Pattern, Titan Radials 75%. 8 Bolt Hole Pattern 50% Call 605-380-7413


This JD 4940 Sprayer will be Sold at our MARCH 26 ALERUS CENTER AUCTION in GRAND FORKS

Livestock Producers

Full Time Farm Help

Compensation based on experience. 5 minutes from EGF. M-F 9-5 Call 218-773-2661 or email brucedriscoll@ invisimax.com Rosen’s is seeking Class A CDL seasonal. Must be able to pass drug & DOT physical. Hazmat & tanker required. Competitive wage. Call 701-252-0137. Farm help wanted, to start spring 2014 in Watertown SD area, with operating newer larger equipment, pay based on experience, 605-881-0281

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920



Please visit www.resourceauction.com for full details or call: 701-757-4015

CUSTOM FARMING Horsch Anderson JOKER For Rent or Custom Hire. Great in Corn Stocks & Heavy Residue. Also, Makes Great Seed Bed. Lining up acres now! Call: 701-331-2030

Sunflower Planting Needed

Someone to plant 1,000 +/acres. Southwestern ND at Regent. 701-220-3662. LOOKING for air drill to seed 620 acres of wheat, with starter fertilizer near Ayr, ND. Pay top dollar per acre. 701-668-2423 or cell 701-541-0689, ask for Bruce.

Full time position on small grain and row crop farm in southeast ND. Wages depend on experience, benefits included. Call for more details. Mike 701-680-1147 or 701-683-5931 Help Needed Farm, Feedlot, and Cow/Calf operation is looking for a dependable person to help in a positive team environment. Duties may include spraying, hauling grain, fertilizer, or livestock, general maintenance, and all aspects of a cattle operation. Housing is available. Pay is based on experience. Please call Jeremy 605-450-0265 or Dean 605-450-6041 for more information. Driver needed, bulk cement haul in 3 state area. Must have Class A CDL w/Tanker, clean driving record, able to pass drug test and 2 years over the road experience. Call: FSP Transport Milbank, SD 57252 Bob: 605-432-6865 Cell: 605-291-9892 Stephen: 605-270-1183

Lubbers Farms a progressive grain farm in South Central South Dakota is looking to add another member to our team. Looking for a motivated individual who takes pride in what they do. We run new JD Equipment and KW and Peterbilt Trucks. We provide a competitive salary and benefits package. Application experience is preferred, but not necessary. If you are looking not just for a job, but for a career with a successful family-based farm with the potential to rise up in the operation, we may be the opportunity you have been looking for. If interested, please call 605-830-8782 - Lee 605-830-1921 - Terry www.lubbersfarms.com


Full time Farm Help Immediate Opening

For Sugar Beet, Potato and Grain farm. Located in Minto, ND, 30 miles N of Grand Forks, ND Brad Narloch 701-520-8341 or 701-248-3782 Tyler Narloch 701-520-8148 bradnarloch@hotmail.com Help Needed! Center pivot operation is looking for a dependable person to help in a positive team environment in NE Nebraska. Duties may include spraying, hauling grain and fertilizer, general maintenance, and all aspects of center pivots. Housing is included. Pay is based on experience. Please call Cathy at 402-340-0223 or 402-338-5377 for more information. ✮✭✮✭✮✭✮✭✮✭✮ Looking for owner operators and company drivers. Dedicated lanes, home weekly, great pay, late model equipment. 605-546-2107 ✮✭✮✭✮✭✮✭✮✭✮

Lange Knives...Better Design, Better Results

Call today for complete information on how Agweek can work for your production sales!


C-240 Chisel Plow Knife with Dry Fertilizer Boot

C-260 Field Cultivator Knife

Two Part Dry Fertilizer Boot • Bracket bolts to the back of the shank with knife mounting bolts

• Places fertilizer 1” above anhydrous in a pillaring column • More efficient and economical than broadcasting dry fertilizer


Fits all makes of Cultivators. Narrow Profile and Induction hardened tip for longer wear. Made from Carbidic Austempered DI

CC-240 Chisel Plow Knife

Universal adapter accepts 3/8” or 1/2” NH3 hoses.

Proven maximum sealing for anhydrous ammonia regardless of soil conditions.

8652 60th St. NE, Webster, ND 58382 • (701) 395-4335


For years, regional livestock auction markets have successfully reached their customers in the pages of Agweek magazine. As you plan for production sales, put your advertising in the region’s only weekly agriculture magazine that gets read cover to cover.

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A23

Farm Equipment Salesperson Wanted Send resume to: Puthoff Repair Sales & Service Phone 605-425-2018 [9] PO Box 490 Salem, SD 57058 Since 1961 Wheelco has been the industry leader in truck/trailer parts distribution and repair. We are a growing, teamoriented and fast paced company. We currently have full-time employment opportunities for the following positions. SIOUX FALLS LOCATION ✸ Truck & Trailer Service Techs ✸ Parts Counter Sales Associate ✸ Bookkeeper WATERTOWN AND MITCHELL LOCATIONS ✸ Parts Delivery Person Must be able to meet and maintain insurable driving status and pass a pre-employment drug test. Applicants must have a strong work ethic, a positive attitude, a commitment to provide excellent customer service, excellent communication skills, a drive to succeed in the position and safety minded work habits. We offer a stable working environment, competitive wage with full benefit package including group health, dental and life insurance, paid vacation and holidays & 401k pension plan. E-mail resume to: m.solberg@wheelco.com Mail resume to: Wheelco Truck & Trailer Parts 4904 W 12th Street Sioux Falls, S.D. 57107 Attention: Human Resources or Apply on-line www.wheelco.com Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920




The Hunter Grain Company is currently looking for a Sales Agronomist/Seed Manager. Duties would include scouting fields & collecting tissue & soil samples, planning, maintaining & evaluating test plots, planning & conducting grower meetings, sales of fertilizer & chemicals, managing seed sales & seed plant. The desired candidate should possess good communication skills, ability to interact with other people, ability to work unsupervised & a strong desire to succeed in the position. A valid driver's license is required. Preference will be give to experienced CCA's but will consider recent agriculture graduate.


Farm Help Wanted

Pieper Farms LLC located near Williams, MN has full and part time positions available, looking for individuals who can operate equipment, trucks, and tractors. Mechanical skills a plus and a driver’s license required for job. Offering flexible hours and competitive wages. Call 218-434-3024 or 218-783-6610 for more information. Wanted: Combine grain cart drivers and truck drivers starting June through November. Room and board paid with bonuses. 701-351-0252 or 701-798-2188 AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

CHS Ag Services

Is seeking a Seasonal Truck Driver for the upcoming spring season in our Grand Forks location. Must possess or have ability to obtain a CDL. Please call Chris at 701-746-1911 for more information. Central SD farm family is seeking a dependable person to help on our farm/ranch. This is full time position. Call 605-224-6743 or cell 605-280-4413.

Contact Paul or Randy at Hunter Grain Company 701-874-2112 or email hgrain@polarcomm.com


Application of crop nutrients & crop protection products. Preference giving to candidates with CDL license and a commmercial applicators license. Will help if necessary to get licenses. Competitive salary + acre incentive. Healthcare & 401K benefits. Contact Paul or Randy at Hunter Grain Company 701-874-2112 or email hgrain@polarcomm.com

Outside Laborer Galesburg Coop

Competitive wages and benefits including health, dental, vision, paid vacation, sick leave & retirement.

Call Now For Pre-Season Discounts!

A&S Ag Sales

Argyle, MN Travis Anderson (218)-201-0782 Reece Setterholm (218)-280-5890

Call Tom Boeka 800-269-1524

Hope Electric Farm - Commercial - Industrial Wiring

• Grain Bin Sites • Farm Shops • PLC Controls • VFD Phase Converters




• Grain Bin Fan Controls • UL 508A Control Panels • Computer Automation • Ag Plants

Offices in Hope, Valley City and Fargo - 1-800-950-5792


1-800-336-7480 001041147r1

13209 HWY 17 • Park River, ND 58270

Five Day Work Week, Full-Time Position available with farming (late model equipment) and registered cattle operation in north central South Dakota. Competitive wages, insurance, retirement, paid vacation. Lazy TV Ranch 605-649-6262 or 605-848-0421

EMPLOYMENT Grain Farm Near Huron, SD Seeks Permanent Full Time Employee to Work in a Team Environment. Experience in Planting, Spraying, Harvesting, or Equipment Maintenance is Required. Must Have References. Pay Depends on Experience. Call 605-354-2875


A24 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014


1-Volvo L90E, 1900 HRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119,000 3-Volvo 120E, A/C, ride, QT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120,000 1-Volvo 120C, A/C, 3rd Valve, QT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$65,000 1-Volvo L110E, 7000 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$89,000 1-Volvo 110F, 6000 hrs, 3rd valve, ride, QT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$110,000 1-Volvo L50C 3rd valve, grapple fork, QT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,500 1-Volvo L60E, 3rd valve, A/C... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 1-Volvo L60E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,000 1-Volvo L60F, 3rd valve, AC, coupler, ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $82,500 1-Volvo L70E, 3rd valve, coupler, a/c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$79,500 1-Volvo L90C, Coupler, 3rd valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$49,500 1-Volvo L90E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,500 1-Volvo L90, 3rd Valve, QT, a/c, new motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,500 1-Volvo L90F, Ride, 3rd Valve, a/c, Coupler, High lift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98,000 2-Volvo L70F, 3rd valve, ride, quick tach, A/C .. . . . . . . . . . . . $95,000 1-Ford A64, 3rd valve, grapple fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$17,500 1-JD544, 3rd valve, grapple fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,500 1-JD 544D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,500 1-JD 544E 3rd Valve, grapple fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,500 3-JD 544G 3rd Valve, grapple fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,500 1-JD 544J Coupler, 3rd Valve, Ride, A/C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95,000 1-JD 544J 3rd Valve, A/C, grapple fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,000 2-JD 544J 2007s, QT, 3rd Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,500 1-JD544K, high lift, A/C, ride, QT, 8000 Hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110,000 1-JD 544G’S, Coupler, 3rd valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000

1-JD624G, QT, bucket & forks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 1-JD 624J A/C, Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85,000 1-JD644G, 7,200 Hrs... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000 1-JD644J, 3600 hrs, QT, A/C, ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$115,000 1-645B Allis 3rd valve, grapple fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,500 2-Case 621B, 3rd valve, grapple fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,500 1-Case 621B, 3rd valve, grapple fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,000 1-Case 621D, QT, 3rd Valve, Coupler, 4000 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,500 1-Cat 938G, high lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000 1-Int TD14 Dozer .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 1-Massey 33, 3rd valve, grapple fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500 Misc. loader buckets & tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call


1-JD310E extendahoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,500 1-JD410D, 4x4, extendahoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,500 1-JD510D, extendahoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,500 1-120C Excavator 3500hrs, hyd thumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,500 1-Case 580 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500 Parting Out-Case W14 Feedlot Special, W9,W7, W24, JD 644B, JD 544A, B, C, E, L70D, 645 Fiat Allis, 966A Cat, Hough 60, 545 Allis, FR12 Allis, Michigan 35, 45 & 85, TL14 470 Massey, 3rd valve & grapple, $5,900 Have Rebuilt Allison Transmission In Stock


1-Lull Shooting Boom Forklift Model 644D-34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,500


25 Ton Hitch Pull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 1-Volvo A25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 01 Trail King Machinery Trailer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$35,000 07 Trail King TK70 48x102 Air Ride Machinery Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$52,500


Lease finance to qualified buyers available.


Herreid & Aberdeen We Specialize in 4RW Loaders • New Location West Hwy. 12 Shop: 605-225-7464 | Archie: (after hours) 605-437-2476 www.mitzelandsons.com | email: mitzelandsons@nrctv.com

SINCE 1973 001023172r1

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A25

West Plains Inc with locations in Beach, Bowman, Dickinson, and Hettinger.

Border Plains Equipment with locations in Williston, ND, Stanley, ND and Glasgow, MT www.borderplains.com” Free Delivery to any I-94 Exit in ND and many locations in SD & MN


35 on the Lot and they gotta go!



#1 DEALER IN THE U.S. !2010-2011-2012-2013!

A26 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014

2010 Case 4520, Viper Pro, Smart Trax, 200570’ Case 4510, 1100 hours, boom $223,000 70' flex air, 4000 hrs, $129,000

2001 Case 4300 ‘97 Ag Chem, 70’ AirCase Spread ............$38,000 2005 4510, Cummins, Auto, Flex-Air system $69,000 70' flex air, 4000 hrs, $129,000

2003 Sterling L8513, Cat 3126, auto, AgForce FL3024 SS 13' dry spreader box, Raven SCS660 monitor, 4987 hours, $83,000.00

Two - 2004 Rogator with AirMax bed, 5,500 hours, new paint $63,000 & $66,000

2006 Case FLX 4510 allison auto, cummins, Viper controller, 7000 hours, $102,000

2001 Case 3300 3-Wheel, Cummins, Auto, Flex-Air system $63,000

2004 Loral C13 Caterpillar, Automatic, Air Max 1000 $96,000

2003 Loral 4000 Cummins, Max 2009 International GVM 4 Auto, WheelAir Drive, 1000, Chemical Bins, Hours $89,000 1000 hours, GVM3347 Box, $129,000

1986 Kenworth, Cummins, 7 speed, 16 ton Tyler Tender..........................$29,500

‘07 FTL, 485K Miles, Cat w/Autoshift 16 Ton Wilmar w/Extensions...........$66,000

(20) 1450 gal. NH3 nurse tanks...............$4,500

1994 GMC TopKick, 3116 Cat, auto, New Leader

12,000 Gallon Propane Tank with data 2) 6000good Gallon NH3 plate $26,000 holding tanks $12,000 ea. 18,000 Gallon 8500 Gallon NH3 Holding Tank Propane Tank $40,000 $20,500 2005 Agchem Sprayer 2403 hrs, Cat eng, 2001 Case 4300 ‘97 Ag Chem,1064 70’ Air Spread ............$38,000 1100 gallon tank, 90’ Cummins, Auto,stainless Flex-Airsteel system $69,000 booms......$109,000

2007 Timpte belt tender, $39,500.00 (in SD)

1987 Ford 4 axle, with 20T Rayman vert auger, $43,000 001048910r1

54,000 Gallon NH3 Holding Tank


98 Willmar 24 ton side shooter

2001 Rayman tender withsemi SPREAD Axelw/vertical $39,500 auger w/ spread axle........................................$38,000

24 ton Wilmer $36,000

1993 Ford 16TRayman tender.............$33,000

15,000 Gallon NH324Portable 250 psi, two 98 Willmar ton sideTank, shooter semi Single tenders Axle, 2” 34’ Pump long........................$48,000 $36,500 apiece

2008 Adams 24 ton SS dry semi trailer, Deutz 2008 Adams ton SS dry semi$39,500 trailer, Deutz power24 unit self-contained power unit self-contained ....................$38,000 24 ton Adams, not self-contained $34,000

02 International Silver Wheels, DT466, automatic, L2020 2000 Newbox, Leader G4, 3100 dry GMC spreader Raven2020 controller ..$34,500 hours, $52,500 2300 hours, 10 ton stainless bed, Raven $58,000

2000 gallon NH3 tank on truck susp. (like Cat trax) 265 psi ........................................$26,000

10 Propane tanks-in test- From 1997 up- 3000 gallon tanks with hose reels and meters $16,000- $33,000

w/2000hours................. .............$15,500 2000 Wrangler w/2000hours $18,500 1992 Wrangler with $15,500 with 4700 4700hours hours............ ........$13,500

1995 Ford LN8000, Cummins, auto, 15Ft New Leader L7020, New Leader Controller ..$47,500

A28 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014




Regional Director of Maintenance Primrose Retirement Communities, LLC is looking for a full-time Regional Director of Maintenance to provide ongoing support to the maintenance staff throughout all Primrose communities across the country. Must have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in leading maintenance and or plant operations for multiple properties, sites, or locations. Strong background in HVAC, electrical, mechanical, constructions, and building trades beneficial. Ideal candidate will have a working knowledge of building codes and regulations. Must be available to assigned communities 24/7 and open to travel at least 40% of the time. Apply online at www.primrose-careers.com

Looking for a dependable dry fertilizer applicator for spring work. Must be willing to travel to SD, ND & MN. Must past drug testing. Willing to train right person. A good wage and per diem will be paid. Call Jason 701-370-9129

Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920 AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920


STEEL BUILDING SALES EVENT •40x62 •50x83 •68x100 •70x150 •80x200 •100x200 *Protect your machinery investment *Cheapest grain storage available per bushel $0 down, lease financing with HUGE tax savings. SAVE BIG Call for details: 1-800-931-7858 GRAIN STORAGE PROBLEMS? We have the solution! Cost storage per bushel as low as 15¢. Financing Available. Limited supply, call now! 1-800-931-7858

Henry Building Systems 80x154x18 steel building (length can be changed). Retail $170,000, Sale $119,000 218-863-6445 ATTINTL@LARETEL.NET For your Ag Building Restoration and New Building Construction needs call Don Christiansen at Elite Construction 1-816-806-2343 (cell) 1-605-598-6626 (home) David O’Daniel 1-605-450-9926 Faulkton, SD AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920


Unbeatable pricing, with all money transactions guaranteed. 20' to 250' wide clear span. We always answer the telephone. Ethics and honesty is our commitment. Your satisfaction is our advertising. Buying a building shouldn't be a painful experience. Call, you will be pleasantly surprised. 701-282-5129. Grain Bin Service Bin repair, air floors, concrete work. Also, used & new grain bin sales! 218-671-3394

Call for Preseason Discounts!

Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920


✪✪✪✪✪ OVERHEAD & BIFOLD DOORS We will remodel your building to fit the door H C DOORS 605-225-3631 or www.holtey.com ✪✪✪✪✪

FEED, SEED & HAY AND RELATED EQUIPMENT #%')( $!* &)"' '&,+!%!&( 2-,( *&( ).,!/$ #"&-+0

HAY FOR SALE: Round or large square bales alfalfa, straw or grass hay. Delivery available by semi. Ose Hay Farm, Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy at 218-689-6675

TAME AND NATIVE GRASS SEED MIXES FOR SALE including but not limited to Alfalfa, Clover, Brome, Wheatgrasses, Bluestem, Grama, Pubescent, Intermediate, Green Needle, Switch, Sideoats, Western, Slender and Forbes. Will mix to order. Chesak Seed House, Bismarck. 701-223-0391. For Sale: Large round wheat straw bales. 605-886-6676

With a Shivers computerized Drying System that you can dry your crops as fast as you can combine. Whether your drying needs are 2,000 or 20,000 bushels a day, Shivvers has a system that’s right for you.


with your operation!


Hwy. 200 East, Carrington, ND • 701-652-2886 • 1-800-859-2032

1. CompuDry Command Center 2. Circu-Lator 3. Drying Floor/Steel Supports 4. Blue Flame Dryer 5. Transfer Auger 6. Grain Spreader


Drying System... that

Jeremy Krieger Embden Grain 701-261-3745 or 888-238-6623 jeremy@embdengrain.com

CERTIFIED SPRING WHEAT: Advance, Barlow & Select. OATS: CERTIFIED Goliath, Morton. FLAX: CERTIFIED Carter Golden Flax & York Brown Flax BARLEY: CERTIFIED Conlon, Hayes & Haybet. PEAS: CERTIFIED Frontier Chickpeas, CERTIFIED Alma Chickpeas, CERTIFIED Daytona Green Peas, Commander Yellow Peas & 4010 Forage Peas. MYCOGEN and NK Brand Seed Corn, Soybeans & Sunflowers. Also booking Cover Crop seed for 2014. If we don't have what you are looking for, we will help you find it. #SM-14018

Call Howe Seeds Inc. McLaughlin, SD 57642 605-823-4892

at (888) 530-0734

Horace, ND

The Original In-Bin Continuous Flow

Embden Grain will be the exclusive dealer for Cover Crop Solution which is home to the Tillage Radish & TillageMax Mixes. Embden Grain also handles Dekalb/Asgrow, Peterson Farms Seed, Integra & Dahlman, plus all your small grain seed needs.

#(& +."*)*'*$ #(& -,'".!%*$



PM AG Sources, Inc. 866-588-7624 R001894245


AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920



New Reg. Elgin and Linkert, and Cert. WB-Mayville and Vantage. Reg. and Cert. Rollag, Prosper, Norden, Faller, Barlow, and Oklee Wheat. AGRIPRO VARIETY SY SOREN and SY ROWYN. ALL THUNDER ROUNDUP AND CONVENTIONAL VARIETIES OF SOYBEANS AND SEED CORN. Ask about early order and seed treatment discounts. Also, clear hilum conventional soybean contracts available in different maturities and seed sizes. Cert. Lacey, and Tradition Barley. Cert. Souris oats. CRP mix and lawn seed. All seeds available in bulk, mini-bulk, or bags. Custom cleaning available. Call today for your high quality seed needs. Cole VanderLinden or Steve Tobolt, Tobolt Seed, 1334 50th St. S. Moorhead, MN 56560. 218-790-5167 or 218-287-2904 with 84 years of experience. For Sale: Golden German Hay Millet Seed. 89% Germination. No Weed Seeds. Cleaned, bagged and ready to plant. Delivered to your farm at no charge. Great income potential. 2013 crop made 50+ bushels per acre plus over 1.5 tons per acre of hay after harvesting grain. Book your seeds now. 75 cents per lb. Discounts for larger orders. (Only costs around $15 per acre to plant @20lb rec rate) Call Mike Authier @ 605-683-6411 or 605-280-4098

CAPISTRAN SEED CO. Reg. & Cert. Wheat SY Jenna, SY Rowyn, SY Soren, LCS Iguacu, LCS Albany, LCS Powerplay, LCS Breakaway, WB Mayville, Linkert Barley Rasmusson Legend Corn, Soybeans, Sunflower, Batco Conveyors & Seed Shuttles 218-281-7840 or 218-289-7840 SEEDS FOR SALE: Elgin, Barlow, Prosper HRSW; Agassiz, Jetset, Thunderbird yellow pea; Innovation barley; NuTech corn, soybean, sunflowers; salt tolerant Rugged alfalfa and Saltlander grass; full line of cover crops. FINKEN SEEDS 701-529-4421 Cleaned Bulk Seed: REGISTERED Advanced, Forefront, Prosper, Brick, Select, RB07; CERTIFIED Advanced, Forefront, Prosper, Select, Brick spring wheat. Convenient State inspected scale. Frey Seed - 605-762-3326, 605-762-3280, 888-350-7704 Mobridge, SD. SP-14011 For sale: Oat hay. Oats cut in the milk to dough stage. Bales weight approximately 1725 lbs, net wrapped. $120/ton. Call 605-354-1463 for more info. FOR SALE: J & M Seed Tenders, 375 Unit, New & Used in Stock. Also, Grain Carts on Hand and 1 Used 1325 Track Cart. Call 605-350-3225 Certified Spring Wheat Seed for Sale. Advance Select & Briggs. Call Nagel Farms Gettysburg, SD. 605-769-1967 SP-15016

&'*!' %"#/0 )$.''' -+0(,#0 -$(( +&.$% )&# "#,!,'*

Call for more information on all the systems!

K & D Enterprises (218) 281-7133


Premium small square, clean, tight, warm seasoned grass bales. Never rained on. $8/bale. Loaded out of our shed and on to your trailer, quantity pricing and delivery available. Same great grass in 1000 lb 4x5 round bales. Loaded out of the field. $65/bale. Cavour, SD. 605-350-1796

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A29



Birdsall Grain & Seed, LLC "A Farmers Seed Company"

Available for Spring 2014 at Howe Seed Farms: Reg & Cert Albany. Reg Prosper. Reg Elgin-ND. Reg & Cert Barlow. Cert Breakaway. We also offer Proseed corn and soybean varieties. Jim and Michael are ready to help you this planting season and look forward to serving your seed needs at our facility NE of Casselton, ND 701-347-4879 or 701-238-1285 Buchholz Seed Farm is offering the following for sale: Reg. Elgin ND wheat. Reg. and Cert. Barlow and Cert. Prosper wheat Cert. Tradition barley, Reg. and Cert. Sheyenne soybeans. TS4062NRR2Y soybean 0.6 maturity, cyst nematode resistance, TS4060 0.6 maturity excellent yield and disease resistance, TS4080 0.8 with very good yields. Casselton, ND 701-347-4058 FOR SALE: Seed Buro, 1200D Digital Moisture Tester with Ohaus Triple Beam Balance, $950. Call 320-815-6082 2008 JD 7850 w/ 1300 engine hours and 1000 cutter head hours. Front Wheel Drive. JD Harvest Flap. Auto Root System. Also has JD 688 Rotary Forage Head. 605-770-6828 300 corn stalk bales for sale, net wrapped, for more information call 605-870-1314 Large Round Bales of CRP Hay. 1300lb bales, net wrapped or twine. Nice short, stemmed Native style hay. Starting at $30/bale. Will load. Ellendale, ND 701-710-0371 614 Deluxe Walinga Ag Vac, good condition, asking $5,500. 605-999-7484


Elgin-ND has a medium to strong straw strength similar to Glenn and Faller with conventional height. Medium to early maturity. High grain protein with average test weight. Good milling and baking characteristics. Medium resistance to scab. $14.30/bu. Call Richland County Crop Improvement Assn. at 701-642-7793.

Land Wanted for

2014 Potato Crop

% Randy, Drayton ND Office 701-454-6122 or Cell 701-520-0043


Good quality ground wanted for potatoes (MPCI rated area 4 or better) in Pembina, Walsh or Grand Forks county for 2014, single year or multiyear contract.


Seed Available for Spring 2014


YCertified CDC Meadow yellow peas YCertified CDC Treasure yellow peas YCertified Mystique yellow peas YCertified CDC Striker green peas YCertified DG Max durum YCertified Divide durum YCertified Tioga durum YCertified VT Peak durum YCommon York flax YCertified Mott HRSW YCertified Glenn HRSW YCertified Barlow HRSW YCertified Prosper HRSW YCertified SY Soren HRSW YCertified SY Rowyn HRSW YCertified Velva HRSW YCertified LCS Breakaway HRSW

-----------------------------Call for the best variety & pricing Information direct from a grower to you. ------------------------------

Mark Birdsall or Blake Inman Plant: (701) 453-3300 Mark's Cell: (701) 240-9507 Blake's Cell: (701) 240-8748 For Sale: 2nd cutting round bales of net wrapped alfalfa, RFV 145, protein 20, Timber Lake SD 605-865-3773 800 Corn stalk bales, net wrapped, dry, put up right, priced to sell and will load. Watertown, SD. 605-880-9564

FEED, SEED & HAY AND RELATED EQUIPMENT For Sale: Certified Wheat Seed. Certified Select, Certified Brick, and Certified Advance. SP14045 Contact Tim Zabel at 605-649-7845 or cell at 605-848-1485 or Gene at 605-848-3058 For Sale: 4000 tons of haylage, delivery available, 605-949-2132 For Sale: Grass and Grass/Alfalfa mix hay in heavy, large round, net wraped bales. No rain. Will load. Delivery possible. 605-999-2409 For Sale: 300 big round bales, mixed CRP and grass, $75 a ton. Please call Mike at 605-280-4098 Vivian SD area (central SD) 2006 Krone 1270 Big Pack Baler Always Shedded, Excellent Condition, Approx 10,000 Bales. Makes One Big Bale or Bale with 9 Individual Bales. Call Seth 605-491-0326 750 tons of 2012 Silage. Innoculated and pile has never broken into. Tests done and very high feed value. Priced to sell and negotiable. Just south of Wagner, South Dakota. Call Lynn @ 605-491-0325 WANTED: Damaged or Wet Feed Grain. Will pick up. Northwood, ND. Call: 701-587-6042 or 701-587-5433 or 218-779-5640

FEED, SEED & HAY AND RELATED EQUIPMENT CURRENT AND NEW CROP YELLOW PEA CONTRACTS Dakota Dry Bean, Inc. is contracting current and new crop yellow peas. Licensed and bonded in North Dakota. Quick pay.

Please call Dakota Dry Bean at 701-746-7493 or 701-398-3112. Hay and straw, large round bales for sale, 78 straight grass bales, 92 alfalfa mix bales, tied with plastic twine, bales weight 1650-1780lbs, also 30 straw bales, call 605-865-3169, please no Sunday calls.


Wide variety of tame and native grass seed mixes, corn, sorghum, sundangrass, millet, alfalfa, clover, brome, wheat grasses, other species.

CHESAK SEEDS 701-223-0391 ""#"#%"!!$#




HAY FOR SALE 50 bales of 2nd cut alfalfa, net wrapped, 1300 lbs. 19.2 protein, 149 RFV, asking $105 per bale; 150 bales of wild grass hay, mostly net wrapped, asking $45 per bale; 150 bales of CRP hay, 1200 lbs, plastic twine, asking $35 per bale. 10 miles N of Cooperstown, ND. Hauling available. Call 701-797-7086

Wheat - Reg & Cert Barlow, Soren, Rowyn (New) Cert Albany, Breakaway, Faller, Jenna & Powerplay Barley - Certified Tradition STEIN SEED CO. McVille, ND 701-322-4350 866-322-4350


Legs • Conveyors Catwalks • Complete Grain Handling Systems



Contact: Bjorlie Construction Cell: (701) 317-0963 Toll Free: 800-355-4531

A30 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014

FEED, SEED & HAY AND RELATED EQUIPMENT Reg. & Cert. Seed For Sale: Wheat: Prosper, LCS-Albany, LCS-Iguacu, Agri Pro-SY-Soren, Sy-Rowyn, Jenna. Barley: Lacey. Oats: Rockford. Bulk or Tote Bags, Delivery Available. Nelson Farms: 701-741-4901 701-599-2080

FEED, SEED & HAY AND RELATED EQUIPMENT Walinga Agri Vac 714 Deluxe. Super chrome vac, $13,000. 650 Bushel grain cart. Sheep. 605-546-2437 Registered & Certified Prosper Wheat. Registered Faller Wheat. Registered & Certified Lacey Barley. Germination range from 93-98%. Call 218-874-3713 or 218-689-2946.



Howard Farmers Co-Op

Seed For Sale Certified Tradition Barley Seed. Cleaned with state seed certificates, 95-98% germ. T-T Ranch Call Justin: 701-307-0408

is a dealer for Cover Crop Solutions, which is home to the Tillage Radish and Tillage Max Mixes. We also handle DeKalb/AsGrow, Croplan, Peterson Farms Seed, Dahlman & Prairie Brand Seeds. Don't Buy your small grain, grass or cover crop seed without checking with us. We will find you what you need with the best knowledge & service you will find anywhere. 800-808-0859or 605-579-0302 or 701-552-1300 clee@howardcoop.com

Large Round Hay Bales 1500 #'s each - nylon twine. Fresh prairie hay, Grand Forks Area. 701-740-1850 Organic hay 250 big round alf/grass bales net wrapped approx 1400#. $90 per ton, call 605-462-6497

Round bales (avg. 1360 lbs.) and 3x3x8 soy bean straw. Mix with better hay or beet pulp or just bedding and let them pick. Call 218-766-9575 Seed For Sale: Registered Glenn HRSW seed in bulk, 95% Germ, 13180 seed/lb. $10.50 per bushel, delivery may be available. Karl Jodock, Northwood ND. Call cell 218-779-6498 Alfalfa Hay for Sale. Alfalfa & Tame grass mix, Prairie grass, and CRP grass hay. Plastic twine. 1300-1400 lbs. Pius Black, Karlsiuhe, ND. 701-626-1743 or 701-525-6741 WANTED: Brown & Gold Flax, non defecated 4010, Arvicka, Tucker, Leroy Peas. Premiums paid. Please call: 701-482-7865



Big Round Bales of Alfalfa, Straw and Grass Hay. Alfalfa & Grass Hay $70/bale & Straw $35/bale. Mitchell area, SD. 605-770-5649 or 605-770-1841

Lake Hay for sale: $25 per bales. Straw $15 per bale. 605-848-1875 or 605-955-3581

Seed for Sale Certified Spring Wheat Prosper, Velva, Faller, Briggs, Glenn, and Select Soybeans - Dairyland 0404R2Y, 0747R2Y, 0904R2Y, and 1215R2Y Corn - Dairyland 83 to 100 day Alfalfa - Dairyland - Salt tolerant - Hybrid - Multi Root LaMoure Feed & Seed, Inc. Hwy 13 East P.O. Box 585 LaMoure, ND 58458 701-883-5755 or 1-877-883-5755 WHEAT STRAW for sale. Large round bales. Havana, ND (701)724-3038 Large round grass/alfalfa bales, grinding alfalfa bales, corn stalk bales, all net wrapped and not stacked, in Huron area. Call Ben 605-354-1026 or Don 605-354-7070

Top Notch Seed For Sale Wheat - Reg. Linkhart, Forefront, Prosper, RB07 & Norden. Cert. Prosper, Faller, RB07, Glenn & Norden. Barley - Reg. Lacy & Cert. Lacy. Also, Cover Crop Barley. $10.50 Certified, $11.00 Registered Varieties. Selected Varieties differ. WM Chisholm 218-850-0245, Delivery available, if needed. Native Grass Seed We are growers of local origin Big bluestem and Indiangrass with over 20 years of tallgrass prairie experience. Competitive pricing, quantity discount considered. If you are looking to establish quality grassland, give us a call. 612-280-8331 or visit us online at www.bigbluestemprairie.com MN permits 20112985, 20114444, SD permit SP-12683, ND permit 16219

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A31



TOP SEEDS FOR 2014. NEW: LCS Iguacu-Very high yields, strong straw and disease package responds well to intensive wheat management. Breakaway-High yields and protein, good disease package. Albany-Very high yields, tillers well, good disease package. NEW Agripro SY-RowynHigh yield and medium high protein, good disease package. Conlon barley -2 ROW, Early, Good yields and quality. All are Registered or Certified. Delivery available. Nettum Seeds LLC call or text 701-430-1149 .

Seed Oats - Cert. Shelby 427, Horsepower, Goliath, Everleaf-126, Stallion. Also, Jerry, Reeves & Morton. All Cleaned & ready to drill. High Quality! Call for price, Bulk or bagged.


2ND AND 3RD CUT, UNDER COVER, LEONARD, ND. CHRIS 701-261-5568, LEAVE MESSAGE OR TEXT. Cornstalk bales for sale. Dry net wrapped. Will load. Located South Central SD off I-90. Call 605-894-4368 or 605-680-0537 Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920

DAKOTA'S BEST SEED PLATTE, SD 605-337-3318 640 big round bales, Brome and Alfalfa and other grasses, good hay, twine wrapped, located 1 miles of south Amerada. 701-425-9390 or 701-943-2524 For Sale: 2010 Meridian model 1412 hopper bin, aeration fan, only used once, $9000 firm. 605-943-5554 or 605-840-0553, Please call in the evening. Hay Millet for Sale, net wrapped. Not stacked. Also, have Silage for sale. 605-350-2516 For sale 20 Round Alfalfa bales, net wrapped. 2013 bales. Call 605-730-5634

FEED, SEED & HAY AND RELATED EQUIPMENT Ahrens Bin Sales Located near Redwood Falls, MN Largest supply of Used Grain Equipment in the upper Midwest. Bins from 4,000 Bu.- 50,000 Bu. 507-697-6133, please leave message. www.usedbinsales.com For sale: grass alfalfa mix hay in large round bales, net wrapped, nice hay, put up green in June, no rain, 605-281-0797 Mystik Field Pea Seed, 4x4 and 4x5 high protein sorghum sudan, sudan and forage baleage will deliver sorghum 5x6 STRAW bales net wrap barley 1200 lbs,5x6 grass hay 1400 lbs. Call Bob @ 701-320-6359, Wimbledon, ND. Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920


AGWEEK Deadline

FEED, SEED & HAY AND RELATED EQUIPMENT (6) 3,000 bushel Butler hopper bins on Skids. No rust, in excellent condition. 1/2 the price of a new hopper. Call 605-397-7375 or 605-380-1242



52 reasons why farmers and ranchers choose For over twenty years, Agweek has been delivering the most current and comprehensive news and information to farmers and ranchers across the four state area each week -52 times a year. Advertise your business in the source they turn to, depend on and trust-

......................................... The deadline for farm ads to run in AGWEEK is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following Monday edition.

Grand Forks • Fargo • Dickinson • Sioux Falls


AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A33

A34 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014

REAL ESTATE/ AG STOCK LAND FOR SALE 160+/- acres in Pembina County, ND SW1/4 of Section 14, T160 R55

- Currently enrolled in CRP - Available for 2015 farming season For details, contact: Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293 or JMenke@FarmersNational.com Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 or AGudajtes@FarmersNational.com




39.03+/- acres and 41+/- acres in Brandenburg Township, Richland County - Separate owners; sold as two tracts - Tracts are located two miles SW of Great Bend - Good quality, level farmland - 41 acre tract is drain tiled - Sellers reserve 100% of all minerals including oil and gas rights For details, contact: Loren Staroba at (701) 640-4707 or LStaroba@FarmersNational.com Norris Braaten at (701) 640-0775 or NBraaten@FarmersNational.com



Pasture for rent north central McPherson County 60 miles NW of Aberdeen SD. Approx 600 Acres. For bids/questions and legal descriptions please email sd19756@yahoo.com or call 605-228-1080

Farm: Barnesville, MN, 217 acres, mile north of golf course. 86 acres CRP (9-30-15). 94 acres CRP (9-30-18). 12.5 acres gravel pit. $3,450 per acre ($749K). Call 218-205-0819

309+ ACRES FARM LAND FOR SALE BY SEALED BIDS Rendsville Township Stevens County, Minnesota Sealed bids will be accepted until 5:00pm on March 20, 2014, at the law office of David G. Velde of Velde Moore, Ltd., 1118 Broadway, Alexandria, MN 56308. The land to be sold consists of one parcel containing just over 309 acres and is described as follows:

LAND FOR SALE! 30 acres to 3,000 acres throughout ND and MN. Quality land with good returns. Steve Link, Broker Pifer's Auction & Realty, 701.361.9985 stlink@pifers.com www.pifers.com

Restaurant/Bar for Sale in Pierpont SD, priced to sell, serious inquires only call 605-298-7220

Minnesota Lake Properties Huge Selection - Visit

www.cormorantrealty.com Ag Real Estate Loans Wanted! Financing for Real Estate purchases & refinancing with low rates and flexible terms with long term fixed rates. www.agmortgagecompany.com or call: 320-293-0352 Ask for Bill

For Lease or sale; 6400 sqft insulated building with office and warehouse space located on 24 acres along with 2 out buildings. Acreage is located next to Edgeley ND along highway 13 and near to highway 281, rural water and utilities. Locate your business on this prime location. Call 701-709-0365

BEAUTIFUL 165 acres wooded land with one room cabin on 50 acre lake, six miles north of Atikokan, Ontario. Great hunting, Grouse, Ducks, Geese, Bear, Deer, Moose. Awesome ATV and snowmobile trails. International Snowmobile Trail goes right by property. Great Fishing. Building site with driveway already in place! $125,000. 1-218-736-2843.

“A Farmers Seed Company”

Thinking about some soybeans this year? Call Birdsall Grain & Seed, LLC.

The bids must contain the purchase price for the entire parcel (no per acre bids) as well as the bidder's name, address and telephone number. Bids will be opened privately on March 20, 2014 and the top bidders will then be notified that they have qualified to participate in oral bids. Oral bidding shall be held on April 2, 2014 at the law office of David G. Velde. The successful bidder will be required to immediately provide earnest money in the form of a cashier's check, certified check or money order payable to Velde Moore Ltd Trust Account in the amount of $50,000.00 and enter into a Purchase Agreement, with the balance of the purchase price to be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of the Purchase Agreement.

Kittson County Land 1825 Acres, Davis Township. Sections 8, 16, 17, 18, 20 & 30. $1500/acre. Will lease back. 218-637-0100 or 218-563-2007 Land for rent in Hill Township, Kittson County, Minnesota for years 2014 & 2015. Farm 1: NE1/4 SEC 1 Approx 155ac Farm 2: SW1/4 W1/2/SW1/4 Lots 6&7 SE1/4 Lot 1 N1/2 W1/2/NW1/4 Approx 700ac


Terms: Cash rent payable April 15th - 30th, 2014, and March 1st, 2015. Buildings included, but owner retains all hunting rites. Bids will be accepted for each farm no later than March 28, 2014. Owners reserve the right to refuse any and all bids. Please send bids to: thebearatthebearsden@yahoo.com OR Snail mail: Jerry Bernath 305 Cherry Court West Fargo, ND 58078

If the closing of the sale transaction is delayed, the successful bidder shall execute a 2014 crop lease, with the lease payment being applied to the purchase price. Buyer will pay all of the real estate taxes due and payable in 2014 and will receive all 2014 income from the property. The property is sold "as is" without warranty as to total acres. Mail or deliver bids to the law office of David G. Velde. Please include a return address and a daytime telephone number. More detailed information and informational packets may be obtained from the law office of Velde Moore, Ltd. (telephone 320-763-6561). Seller reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any or all technicalities or irregularities in the bidding process. Announcements on the day of bid opening shall take precedence over previous announcements.

5th generation farmer looking to rent land long term in Cass, Clay, Norman and Becker counties. Fixed cash rent or flex cash rent with bonus option. Will be good stewards of your land. 701-367-9978. 10 ACRE farmstead across from Maplewood State Park. Nice setup for horses. 218-790-3724.

We have the best varieties for your area from Asgrow, Mycogen & Croplan.


Also, treat and inoculate your seed with our new computerized seed treater.

ANYWHERE We buy damaged grain any condition -wet or dryincluding damaged silo corn TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks CALL HEIDI OR LARRY ''"'!%!$&#"

Mark Birdsall or Blake Inman Plant: (701) 453-3300 Mark’s Cell: (701) 240-9507 Blake’s Cell: (701) 240-8748

For Lease or sale; 6400 sqft insulated building with office and warehouse space located on 24 acres along with 2 out buildings. Acreage is located next to Edgeley ND along highway 13 and near to highway 281, rural water and utilities. Locate your business on this prime location. Call 701-709-0365

The E1/2 of Section 17, Township 126 North, Range 42 West, EXCEPT the lands described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 17; thence northerly along the East line of said Section 17 a distance of 2623.5 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence continuing northerly along the east line of said Section 17 a distance of 646.0 feet; thence due West a distance of 652.0 feet; thence due South a distance of 646.0 feet; thence due East a distance of 652.0 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. Containing 9.67 acres more or less.



REAL ESTATE/ AG STOCK Farm Land for Cash Rent KITTSON COUNTY HILL TOWNSHIP SECT-05 TWP-162 RANGE-050 S1/2NW1/4 & LOTS 3 & 4 & LESS WLY 82 FT OF THE NW1/4 FOR ROAD R/W + KITTSON COUNTY ST VINCENT TOWNSHIP SECT-31 TWP-163 RANGE-050 S1/2 & LESS ELY 80 FT OF THE S1/2 FOR ROAD R/W Conditions: 2 year lease beginning 2014. Bidding will close on or before April 5, 2014. Signed contract within 15 days. 382+/- tillable acres. Wayne Berge 722 Harvey Mtn Rd Barnet, VT 05821 or harveyslakerentals@gmail.com 802-751-5905

American Crystal Beet Shares available for joint venture, 80 shares. 701-520-2910

REAL ESTATE/ AG STOCK 625 Acres of Pasture for Rent near Mitchell, SD. All new 5 wire fence with cross fencing for rotation. Also, feedlot for rent. 6 bunk lines, cement bunkers, and working area with hyd chute. Please call 605-310-5083 PRICE REDUCED 1950’s 3 Bedroom Ranch style house to be moved, hardwood floors, all new windows, large entry way, single stall attached garage, furnace and AC units includedreasonably priced. Wilmot, SD Area. 605-882-8902 Sheep Pasture Wanted 2014 and Beyond. We like Spurge. Ewes/No Lambs. References available. Reputable Operation. 507-640-0465 Auction Sale of two 80 acres Parcels of Highly Productive South Central ND Land southeast of Lehr, ND, April 11, 11:00am, at The Shed, Ashley. Pifer’s Auction & Realty www.pifers.com, Alan Butts 701-400-8858.

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AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A35


Estate Farm -;%(;6%+?& +<82, 0 ! 3#+*

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A36 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014



Acreges For Sale: 37690 171st Street: 10 Acres, 5BR House, 2258 SF, Vinyl Windows, Nice Woodwork; 5,760 SF Steel Building, Pole Shed. $175,000 16946 372nd Avenue: 10 Acres, 3BR Mobile Home, 2,352 SF Pole Building. WEB Water, Septic System, Good Drainage. Only $65,000 Lutter Realty, Inc. 605-472-2311 www.lutterrealty-redfieldsd.com


LAND FOR SALE NORMAN COUNTY Flom Township, Sec 26 315.2 AC/247 $1,200,000 NO CONTRACT FOR DEED Serious Inquires Only Contact Gerald Sather ABC Realty Detroit Lakes


Farm Reduction

LAND FOR SALE LAKEVILLE TOWNSHIP GRAND FORKS COUNTY SW¼ Sec 7-153-52 4 mi E of Gilby on Hwy #33 CRP through 2017 $1,270/acre

REAL ESTATE/ AG STOCK LAND FOR SALE! 30 acres to 3,000 acres throughout ND and MN. Quality land with good returns. Steve Link, Broker Pifer's Auction & Realty, 701.361.9985 stlink@pifers.com www.pifers.com

John Botsford RED RIVER LAND CO Grand Forks ND 701-757-1888


21(9$ ;&+1&9

Want To Buy: ACSC Beet Stock. 218-280-0446

6I/4=;I1) "/)1/ $-.'-*% (&#, (*'+%!+, 0(

OPENS: Sunday, March 16 CLOSES: Wednesday, March 26 Preview: By Appointment Loadout: Thursday, March 27 - Friday, April 4, 2014


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REAL ESTATE/ AG STOCK FARMLAND FOR SALE RICHLAND COUNTY, IBSEN TOWNSHIP, ND The North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N ½ NW ¼) of Section Twenty-one (21), Township One Hundred Thirty-three (133) North. Range Forty-nine (49), West of the Fifth Principal Meridian. Consisting of approximately 73.7 tillable acres. TERMS: 10% Earnest Money upon acceptance of bid. Cash balance due within 30 days. Written bids stating the bidder's name, mailing address, day time telephone numbers and total bid will be received until 11:00 A.M., Thursday, April 10, 2014. Please send bids to Christian M. Anderson, Attorney at Law, 824 Second Avenue North, Wahpeton, ND 58075. The top 3 bidders will be contacted for oral bidding which will take place on April 17, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. at the above address. For additional details call (701) 642-5539. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 11 Acre Farmstead with 07’ Ranch house 5 Bedrooms, 4 Bath, 2 Door heated Garage Full finished Basement, Various floor coverings, 5 buildings in yard, Young trees around property, Hwy access $365,000, Available immediately 701-899-1439

REAL ESTATE/ AG STOCK For Sale: Man Cave on Missouri River, 15 mile west of Gettysburg, SD on Hwy 212 at Bob’s Resort lot 685. 3 Bedroom home w/1 bathroom, Knotty pine walls & ceiling in great room. 864 sq ft built in 2012. 1 mile from public boat ramp. Call Lee at 605-480-3444

ANTIQUES AND CRAFTS Antique shop for rent. Approximately 3600 sq ft, beautiful old bank building, located Elizabeth, MN between Detroit Lakes & Fergus Falls on Hwy 59. Ready to move into. Former tennant retired. For info call 701-269-9545.


Estate Farm



J>-B8!>?T ."A*& 7>6?8M 1+C .AE I>><)8>?E H5 >< P<>@ LD,V RO!8 ,$ G5Q!%#8E H5FE . @!S) Q):8C

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,0)31=*::7(4 *=3:& 6/;.7;  45; 7!;$3./3%;" 9;843/3%;8 !/.$;(;&4 ;:23!(;&4) +#74 (.1#8 !3;$;7 5.0; -;;& 74#8;" 3&73"; .&" .8; 8;."' 9#8 45; *;/") 4IF& GI( D'577D. '5=#F IH?@!'I%A DI77D 5A 66,2+ 0/- -95@ #$29$@ .9""9$< #$ %/6#> @?89!%@$;- >IE@DAF5A@#%. AIF'D. ) "IA5@7D 5A :AIGGID;F#?!-$#'-

720 JD gas with factory wide front and 3pt hitch, $3500. Farmall 100, $2500. Super W6 IHC, $1900. 605-586-4166 or 605-480-0104 For Sale: 1954 International Super H with loader, nice tin, runs good. Ford NAA tractor, lots of new parts, runs excellent. One set of wide International Wheatland fenders for 1206, 1456 or others. 701-316-0048 Call us to place your ad. AGWEEK FARM AD DEPT.


Listing# 8429 Near Strandqusit, MN 120 ac Hobby farm with 80 ac tillable, 2 Bedroom home on full basement, attached 2 car garage 10’ &12’ doors all built in 2004. Newer out buildings: machine shed, equipment shed, lean to, barn, grain bins. Some equipment is also included in this sale for $327,000.00

Listing# 8452 Turnkey beef operation near Badger, MN. 3 BR, 3B home with numerous updates: roof, windows, furnace, flooring, water heater & softner, appliances. Beef operation offers 3 fenced pastures w/ water and power, a calving pen w/calf barn, 40x60 shop, 6-annex grain elevator w/ 44,000 bushel capacity. There is a sleeping setup for calving and much more. Priced @ $388,000. Listing# 8452 B 1.8 ac with 45x 75 Morton Machine shed with concrete floor. New electrical to Be hooked up. Can be part of the Beef operation listed above. $24,900. Listing# 8452 C Additional 8.6 ac with 40x224 insulated cattle shed or turkey barn. Has a well and electricity $24,900. Can be part of the Beef operation listed above. Greenbush, MN 218-782-2141 Matthew Williamson, cell 218-689-5329 (call/text) matt@agassizmn.com www.agassizrealty.com Gary Trangsrud, Broker 001043197r1


AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A37

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A38 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014





HORSES 16.1 hands, well matched, Belgian team half brothers, 10 & 11 years old, traffic safe, done weddings, trail rides, been at several different towns, mowed hay, hauled manure, fed cows, they are broke and sound, 701-471-1348

01,53%(<& (85-) + 2 ..('

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For Sale: Registered Norwegian Fjord Mare team, 11 years old. Well Broke, easy to harness, hitch and drive. 605-949-1653 FOR SALE: Registered miniature horses, 3 stallions, 9 brood mares. For info call: 701-947-2590 17 year old registered palomino gelding for sale. Has been used in 4-H Horse/Rodeo and HS Rodeo (barrels/poles/showmanship/pleasure)for past 11 years (kids grown & gone now). Probably not for beginners. Qualified for many state finals. $5,000. Please call for more info (605)539-1036. 10 ACRE farmstead across from Maplewood State Park. Nice setup for horses. 218-790-3724. FOR SALE: Real Nice Well Broke 9 Year Old Bay Gelding, Stands 15 Hands, Real nice gentle family horse. $1,500. Call 605-770-8189 Salem, SD

HORSES SD Horse Council is sponsoring a Horse Clinic in Brookings, SD at the SDSU Animal Science Arena April 5, 2014, 9 am. Jim & Sandy Jirkovsky are demonstrating on Showmanship, Horsemanship, Judging and Roping Techniques. Also included will be a 4-H Horse Safety Program. Adults $10, 7-18 $5 and under 6 free. More information contact Brandon Kinney 605-695-0132 or Mike Olson 605-690-9992. POAs (Pony of the Americas) All Ages and Stallions, Mares and Geldings Starting at $200 and up. Phone 605.881.4380 Wanted to Buy: Registered or Grade Quarter horse or Quarter horse type Geldings. Also, draft cross type saddle horses. Must be well broke. Will consider other prospects. Gene Jorgenson 320-305-1578

LIVESTOCK For sale- 35 mostly Rambouillet ewes bred Suffolk or Dorset, start lambing Feb 15th. $150 each. 605-237-8423

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A39

FOR SALE: Registered polled Hereford bulls, coming 2 year old bulls, range raised, reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. ALSO FOR SALE: RWF, BWF & BLK Replacement Heifers.

HOFFMAN HEREFORDS, Leola, SD- Offering Polled and Horned Hereford bulls yearlings and 2 year olds for sale by private treaty. For catalog, go to www.hoffmanherefords.com or call Colin at 605-216-7506 or 605-439-3623. Stop by anytime to view the cattle.

701-996-3300 or 701-996-3111 or 701-302-0254

FOR SALE Red and Black Gelbvieh and Red and Black Balancer bulls. Moderate birthweights, high performance, good disposition, reasonably priced. Bailey Gelbvieh Ranch Towner, ND, 701-537-5538, 701-537-3004, 701-537-5775 or 701-537-3319. CHAROLAIS and ANGUS YEARLING BULLS. Performance tested with calving ease, growth, and quiet dispositions. Fertility tested. Guaranteed breeders. Delivery possible. Call for information. Starr Charolais/Angus. Bisbee, ND Phone 701-656-3292. Artz Angus Selling Private Treaty 20 Registered Angus Bulls Great disposition, stout made, rugged design, and have growth and performance. Sire include: Chisum, Mogck Bullseye 691, SAV Networth, Final Answer, New Look 7935 Contact 605-216-7622 Wanted: Slaughter cattle, lame and thin. Also, foundered, bad eyed, and Lump Jaw. Will pay cash. Also, buying good slaughter cows and bulls. 320-905-4490 HOFFMAN HEREFORDS, Leola, SD- Offering Polled and Horned Hereford bulls yearlings and 2 year olds for sale by private treaty. For catalog, go to www.hoffmanherefords.com or call Colin at 605-216-7506 or 605-439-3623. Stop by anytime to view the cattle.

For Sale Private treaty yearling Angus bulls, Sires include Final Answer, Final Product, 9969, Heritage, Bismarck, 6807, and BC Lookout. Bulls developed on grass and hay only no grain. go to our Website www.knutsonangus.com to view some of the bulls. 605-627-9400 or 605-690-1685 Registered Red Angus Yearling Bulls for sale. Good selection of heifer and growth bulls. Sires include GMRA Peacemaker 1216, Hust Chief Sequoya R336, Bieber H Hughes W109, Bieber Sequoya X361. Performance tested, Carcass tested, and Semen checked. Delivery available. Please contact us or visit our website for a complete sale list. Mud Creek Reds LLC, Bill Schreurs, 712-470-2992, www.mudcreekreds.com For Sale: 200 home raised bred heifers, 1150 lbs, all aged and sourced. Black, red, and buckskin Simmental cross, 45 day breeding period, all shots, Call Leo Vilhauer 605-216-8033


POLLED HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE Top quality 2 year old bulls in April-May, on grass over summer. Guaranteed, Semen tested, P.I. tested and delivery available.

Winter Hereford Ranch 701-884-2424 or 701-884-2417 Goodrich, ND

Polled Hereford Yearling Bulls

Semen tested and halter broke. Breed leading EPD's. Yardage and delivery available. For complete weights, carcass data and pictures see

Haybuster bale processors, stretch forage and bedding supply. Dryer & healthier livestock. Used 256 2 pt. $5,900. Used 2100 2 pt’s $8,100. 256+II $7995. New 2650 pull type in stock $19,650. Used H1100 tilt tub grinder $37,000, new 3106 rock picker coming. Consider tractor, bale processors, rock picker trades. Can deliver. 320-543-3523 For Sale: 70’ Bunker Silo and 120’ Fenceline Feedbunk. 605-228-1454

How would you like your classified ad to reach

2 year old and yearling Simmental & Sim Angus Bulls for Sale. Most are ET Bulls. Ford Farms, Bruce, SD 605-690-4721 or 605-690-5614 BLACK HEREFORD BULLS for sale. Yearlings & 2 year olds. EPDs, DNA & Performance Information. Call 218-435-1223. JR Kroening Registered Black Herefords.


Fertile, MN 218-945-6213


Blacks & reds, high performing, excellent dispositions, semen tested, volume discounts, free delivery. Bulls are backed by 49 years of performance testing & A.I. For complete performance data & EPD's call 701-439-2531 or 701-640-8957 Woodbury Stock Farm, Wyndmere, ND. 22 Registered for Commercial Hereford Cows. 3-5 Years old. Start calving May 1st. $2000/head. 701-866-1649

Want to put yourself on the GRID with choice to prime grades? AKAUSHI Red-angus/ AKAUSHI CROSS HEIFERS. 1/2 BLOOD: Due late March-April calving 3/4 BLOOD: Due late March-April calving SimAngus with AKAUSHI calves: same calving dates Black Angus-AKAUSHI 1/2 bloods: Due in April Call 701-710-0144




Since 1953 Midway Polled Hereford's


farmers and ranchers in North Dakota South Dakota, Minnesota and Montana?

Saturday, March 29, 2014 at 11am/mt

Location: 3 1/2 miles East of Dunn Center, ND to 97th Ave. then 1 1/2 miles South SELLING: Tractors & Skidsteer- Trucks, Pickup & Wilson Cattle Trailer Haying & Harvesting- Tillage & Seeding- Grain Augers- Other Farm & Ranch Equipment Cathy Trampe- owner 701-548-8150 See full auction listing in March 3rd Agweek or visit our website at: www.wolffauctioneers.com


Shane: 701-983-4573 Cell: 701-870-9090 wolffauctions@yahoo.com


Armon: 701-983-4233 wolffauction@westriv.com Paula: 701-983-4521 wolffclerking@gmail.com

ND Shipping Availabl Call Tim Andee rs Granville, ND on 701-626-1612

For a list of upcoming consignments or market reports visit www.perhamstockyards.com


Cow Country Calf Table with Alleyway. Call 605-850-3624


SAT., MAR 21 – 1:00 PM/CT Scherbenske 38th Annual Bull & Female Sale, Mobridge Livestock. Mobridge, SD. TUE., MAR 25 – 5:00 PM/CT Hager Cattle Co. 8th Annual bull Sale, Kist Livestock . Mandan, ND.





TUE., MAR 25 – 5:30 PM/CT C-B Charolais Annual Production Sale, Napoleon Livestock. Napoleon, ND. THU., MAR 27 – 12:00 PM/MT Vermilion Ranch Spring Performance Heifers Sale, Vermilion Ranch’s South Pryor Development Center. Billings, MT.

Safe. Secure. Smart.



2007 Featherlite Wkndr 2-H 2007 Featherlite 3-H - F/R Tack 2007 Sundowner 4-H LQ w/ slide out 2003 Sundowner 4-H LQ w/ mangers 1994 Trailman 6-H Front DR R/T 1998 Sooner 6-H w/Midtack R/T

FRI., MAR 28 – 11:00 AM/MT Vermilion Ranch Spring Performance Bull Sale, Public Auction Yards. Billings, MT. SAT., MAR 29 - Lund’s Bar Angus Ranch Annual Bull Sale, The Bull Palace. Baker, MT.

2010 Featherlite 7x30’ 2 Gates 2013 Featherlite 7.6x30’ 2 Gates 2013 Featherlite 7.6x24’ 2 Gates 2004 Featherlite 7x24’ 2 Gates 1999 Featherlite 7x24’ 2 Gates 1998 Featherlite 7x24’ 1 Gate/Rollup 1994 Featherlite 6x20’ 1 Gate/Rollup 2003 Exiss 7x24’ 2 Gates 1988 4 Star 7x24’ 2 Gates 1994 4 Star 7x24’ 2 Gates

SAT., APR 5 – 12:00 PM/CT Annual Brooks Ranch Chalky Butte Angus Sale, Bowman Auction Market. Bowman, ND. TUE., APR 14 – 6:00 PM/CT Diamond J Angus 3rd Annual Production Sale, Kist Livestock. Mandan, ND.

Fayette Heidecker • fheidecker@agweek.com

ext. 1150 or


Circle Diamond Ranch Supply

Grand Forks • Fargo • Dickinson • Sioux Falls



Stock Trailers • Horse Trailers • Cargo Trailers • Car Trailers • Snowmobile Trailers 701-663-0634 • Mandan, ND 58554 www.featherlitend.com • email: bob@featherlitend.com



To find out how you can be listed on this calendar call:

NEW: Aluminum Trailers - Call For Quote

Place your classified ad in Agweek.


A40 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014



For Sale by Private Treaty: Yearling Simmental Bulls, 14 purebreds and 2 3/4 bloods. Sires include: ES Ridgerider, Hart the Factor, Hart Eclipse, NT Way Cool, CCC Magical Moment, WLB Roughneck, KNH Chisum, ASR Final Sort, and AJE/HS/MBCC Outlook. Bulls are structurally sound, moderate framed,with depth and great disposition. For prices and more information, call Hart Simmentals, Justin 605-216-6469 or Travis- 605-252-0894

Wanted cattle to feed: 3500 head feedlot in NE North Dakota wants to feed your beef cattle. New pens with modern feeding equipment and breeding facilities. Backgrounding/Finishing or Heifer development. Competitive feed costs with beet pulp, corn silage, hay and processed potatoes. We have fed over 20,000 dairy heifers in last 8 years. Call Russ at 701-520-2027

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Angus High Quality Yearling & 2 yr old bulls for sale. View at www.dakitchfarms.com. Sired by Patron, Brand Name, Iron Clad. Thick & powerful free, keep til April 1st, semen checked. 701-799-7690. dakitch@arvig.net Dakitch Angus Farms Polled Hereford yearling & 2 yr old bulls for sale. Top of the line performance genetics. View bull listing at www.dakitchfarms.com. Best set of bulls in 55 years. Dakitch Hereford Farms, 701-799-7690. dakitch@arvig.net. Free keep til April 1st. 160 Bred Heifers mostly black a few baldy. Weighing 1100-1150 lbs. Bred to start calving March 22nd for 60 days. Heifers bred in 2 week intervals. Bred to easy calving Fulton bulls, Cake broke. Call 605-769-4259 or 605-948-2213

LIVESTOCK Uriell Red Angus Annual Bull Sale April 1st 1pm at Lake Region Livestock, Hwy 2 E Devils Lake ND. 17 Yearling Red Angus Bulls and 5 2 year old Red Angus Bulls. From Top AI Sires, Semen tested. For catalogs or more information call Jim at 701-247-3383 Valnes Ranch Red Angus Annual Production Sale. New Sale Date Monday April 14th, 1 pm. New Sale Location at the Ranch 12310 447th Ave Eden SD. For more info call Emit 605-228-8857 or David 605-698-7300. Oswalt Mixer Wagons, 1000 PTO, 2 Readouts, 750 Cu Ft. Stored Inside. Real Good Shape. 320-760-9296 For Sale by Private Treaty. Red & Black Simmental bulls. 1 and 2 year olds. Heifer bulls available. For more information, call 605-448-8391 or visit www.hansen-ranch.com to view videos



2008 Four Auger 4142 model Kuhn Knight Votech Ruffage Maxx Mixer Wagon, EZ 200V Scale, 3 auger discharge, 400 cubic foot, 336 bushel, unit weight 10,430 lbs., nice condition $21,800. Can Deliver. Kuhn Knight 1140 Tandem Spreader. Hydraulic Drive. Top Beater. Double Apron. Nice Condition. $11,500 605-881-7947 or 605-794-4731 Toronto, SD

For Sale: cattle working equipment to be removed from building, tub, pens, runalley, squeeze chute, headgate located at Edgeley, ND $9200, call 701-709-0365

2004 Titan Livestock Trailer, 7x24, Fifth Wheel, Used Once a Year, Call 605-955-3581 26 Bred Black Heifers, Bred to Easy Calving Black Bulls, Start Calving April 1st for 45 Days, $1875/head. Call 605-212-2370 For Sale: cattle working equipment to be removed from building, tub, pens, runalley, squeeze chute, headgate located at Edgeley, ND $9200, call 701-709-0365 Shoeler 4½ft x12 ft high lift feed wagon, $900. 605-586-4166 or 605-480-0104

Red Angus Bulls. No creep feed. Excellent growth numbers and very quiet disposition. Low birth weights and quality assured. Down payment will hold until later delivery. Private treaty sales. Give us a call. You will be impressed. Rusty Spur Red Angus 701-845-3020 or 701-840-8674. Bulls For Sale: Blk & Red Angus. Also have some Blk Semental. All bulls have a good disposition. Can deliver. Call: 701-947-5508 or 701-302-0981 Yearling Gelbvieh Bulls, born January & February, reds & blacks, weighing 1200-1400 lbs, using Decade, Pure Power & PopA-Top bloodlines. Raising Bulls For 15 Years. Felton, MN, 701-371-3972

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FAX to: (701) 780-1216 • E-Mail: agweekclass@gfherald.com Mail to: Farmads, P.O. Box 6008 • Grand Forks, ND 58206-6008 Phone : (701) 780-1150 or Toll Free: 1-800-477-6572 ext. 1150 (ND, SD, MN, MT only)


Faxing, be sure to include your name, address and credit card number with expiration date.


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AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A41

Registered Angus bulls for sale, most of the bulls are suitable for use on heifers. Bulls are developed on a high roughage ration to ensure longevity, all bulls come with first year breeding season guarantee. Since the beginning of our program focus on carcass has been important, ultrasound data available, semen tested and delivered to your farm or ranch. Call Troy at 605-880-7009. For Sale: 150 head Red Angus/Red Simmental cross replacement heifers. Solid red in color, all from one raising, no replacement kept back, no brands and no implants, bangs vaccinated and poured, average weight is 700-725lb’s, guaranteed open and breedable, call 701-883-5733 or 701-678-4621 For Sale: Black Angus bred heifers, bred Black Angus, due April 1st. Red Angus/Red Simmental bred heifers, bred Red Angus, due April 1st. Heifers weight 1150lbs, call for details, 701-883-5733 or 701-678-4621


SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE: Red, polled, low birth wt. bulls with excellent dispositions bred with the commercial cattleman in mind. Westridge Shorthorns Ray 701-840-2538 or Mike 701-840-2539

Tremendous Charolais Bulls with Calving Ease, Major Performance and Built-in Feed Efficiency From Eggleston Charolais. Monday, April 14, 2014 At Bales CC, Huron, SD. You can count on Eggleston Bulls. 605-883-4602 www.egglestoncharolais.com

FOR SALE: High performance 2 year old red Angus bulls, range raised, with moderate birth weights. Also, JD 700 grinder mixer. In very good condition, always shedded, 1,000 pto drive. Contact Larry Kinev at 701-220-6102 days or 701-327-8205 evenings For sale Almost new Arkfeld water fountain, stainless steel and used wood bottomless feed bunks 605-955-3581 or 605-848-1875 19 Show Cap producing cows, AI bred to Monopoly, Walks this Way, Man among boys. Calve April 1st. Clean up bull with Heat Wave 13. Pasture exposed. 605-350-7520


Attention Red Limousin Buyers FOR SALE: Home raised, gentle, bred red limousine heifers weighing over 1000pounds to calf after April 5th. All had their Scourbos4, Virashield6/VL5 shots, and poured. Bred to easy calving low bw red limo bulls. Also For Sale: Red limousine 650-800# replacement bangs vac. heifers with Pyramid5, TSV-2 shots and poured. Both groups have a few blacks. Call 605-284-2544 or 605-649-6323, leave message.

For Sale: 12 head pure bred Angus heifers, to calf 2nd week in April, bred to Son of Thunder, Gen-X very low birth weight bull, heifers weight 1250-1300lbs, had all shots and scour guard, $2250 per head, 605-520-4264 Northeast SD

GPS Guidance

100 White and Speckle faced ewes due April 5 to Siremax Rams. Aged 2 to 6 years. OPP and Footrot free. Call Chad 320-815-5185


TeeJet Matrix

BLACK HEREFORD BULLS for sale. Yearlings & 2 year olds. EPDs, DNA & Performance Information. Call 218-435-1223. JR Kroening Registered Black Herefords.



Untampered Extra Chunky Hereford Bulls for Sale w/ 2 year replacement warranty. Reasonably priced & volume discounts. Call PWB Herefords. All low birth weight calving ease bulls. 701-351-3247

Vostad Angus has Registered Angus Cows for Sale - 8 first calf heifers, 18 bred cows, 5 cow/calf pairs. Contact Dave at (605)690-3713 or email at vosangus@hotmail.com


Orr Auction Center - 4.5 Miles South Of Jamestown, ND On US HWY 281

In today’s changing world you can’t afford to let your under utilized equipment set around and age. Bring it to Orr Auctions and turn your non producing equity into productive income. Call today and discover the advantages of marketing your equipment on an Orr Auction! Online bidding available at BidOrr.com

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You Might As Well Have the Best!

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BULLS FOR SALE: Reg. 18 mo old Black Angus bulls sired by GDAR Game Day, Cole Creek Black Cedar, OCC Eureka, OCC X-Pansion. Priced from $2750-$4000. Elston Lone Tree Ranch, 701-490-6810 ask for Wes.




A42 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014- 9:00 AM LOCATION: Indoors at the Alerus Center, 1200 S. 42nd St, Grand Forks, ND (Just off I-29)

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The auction will take place in the Alerus Center ballroom by huge video screen & photographs. All units will be on hand for inspection on the Alerus Center Lot- go outside to “look & touch” come inside to “bid & buy”. Running inspection from noon to 5pm March 25th and 8am to 10am auction day. Please be prepared as there will be two auction rings. SPECIAL NOTES: All items must be removed by April 2 at 1pm- loading dock on site. Alerus Center is equipped with hotel & restaurant facilities. We will accept absentee bids until 6pm March 25th!

ONLINE BIDDING: Please register in advance to bid live online by visiting www.resourceauction.com

IMPORTANT NOTICE: THIS IS A VERY PRELIMINARY LISTING! AS THIS AD WENT TO PRESS WE WERE ADDING MANY UNITS & GATHERING NUMEROUS SPECS. PLEASE SEE www.resourceauction.com FOR ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS & CHANGES TO DESCRIPTIONS! FOR MORE PHOTOS, INFORMATION & UPDATES- VISIT OUR WEBSITE WHICH WILL BE UPDATED OFTEN UNTIL AUCTION DAY!!! FINANCING AVAILABLE: Nearly ALL of our late model combines, tractors and heads are eligible for low or no interest financing to qualified U.S. buyers. Please call in advance for details on specific units or visit our website for breakdown. WHILE LISTED ITEMS ARE COMMITTED, WE EXPECT MANY MORE UNITS- THIS IS A VERY PRELIMINARY LISTING! AS THIS AD WENT TO PRESS WE WERE ADDING MANY ITEMS & GATHERING NUMEROUS SPECS. PLEASE SEE www.resourceauction.com FOR ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS & CHANGES TO DESCRIPTIONS! FOUR WHEEL DRIVE & LARGE BELTED TRACTORS: *2012 JD 9560RT belted ag tractor, deluxe cab, inst seat, 560hp, 18/6 power shift trans, 4 hyd, 36” tracks, Auto Trac ready, ground radar, 2600lb front weight pkg, only 382 hrs, remaining warranty, SN#901885 *2012 Case IH 550Q Quad Trac, dlx cab, power shift, 1000 PTO, 30” belts, diff lock, hi-cap hyd pump, 4 hyd, auto guidance ready, cold weather pkg, HID lights, 936 hrs, local ag tractor, SN#ZBF128940 *2012 Challenger MT865C belted ag tractor, power shift, deluxe cab, 5 hyd, 59 GPM pump, auto guidance ready, HID lights, front weights, 30” belts, 1099 hrs, SN#HCNKG1003 *2012 Challenger MT865C belted ag tractor, power shift, deluxe cab, 5 hyd, 59 GPM pump, auto guidance ready, HID lights, front weights, 30” belts, 1658 hrs, SN#CCNOG1007- Matched pair from one local farm *2009 Case IH STX385Q Quad Trac, deluxe cab, auto guidance ready w/ GPS Sat nav & Ag Leader Insight display, 30” belts, 4 hyd w/ motor return, 1528 hrs, SN#Z9F113243 *2013 JD 9410R 4WD, deluxe leather trim cab pkg, inst seat, 18/6 power shift trans, 4 hyd, hyd flow control, diff locks, Auto Trac ready, 7” color display, HID lights, 710/70-42 drivers & duals, only 480 hrs, remaining warranty, SN#6556 *2011 JD 9630 4WD, deluxe leather interior, active seat, inst seat, elec mirrors, 18/6 power shift, 4 hyd, mega flow hyd, hyd flow control, diff locks, radar, HID lights, Auto Trac ready, 800/70-38 drivers & duals 90%, 2800 lb front weight pkg, 4800 lb rear weight pkg, extended warranty available, only 839 hrs, SN#25133 *2011 New Holland T9.450 4WD, 450hp, air ride seat, cab susp, inst seat, power shift, 4 hyd, GPS Sat Nav, AFS Pro 600 monitor, CIH 372 GPS antenna, 800/70R38 duals 90%, only 392 hrs, SN#ZBF214212 *2010 JD 9330 4WD, deluxe cab, 18/6 power shift trans, active seat, inst seat, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd, hyd flow control, diff locks, Auto Trac ready, rear weight pkg, 620/70-46 drivers & duals- 90% rubber, only 926 hrs, SN#18860 *2008 JD 9630 4WD, deluxe comfort pkg, active seat, inst seat, power shift, diff lock, 4 hyd w/ filtered return line, 48 gpm pump, xenon lights, weights, Auto Trac ready, 800/70R32 duals, 2955 hrs, SN#RW9630P002448 *2010 JD 9430 4WD, deluxe cloth interior, active seat, inst seat, 18/6 power shift trans, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 1000 PTO, 5 hyd, mega flow hyd, diff locks, radar, Auto Trac ready, HID light pkg, 710/70-42 drivers & duals- 50%, front & rear weight pkg, 3569 hrs, SN#17485 *2009 JD 9430 4WD, deluxe leather trim cab pkg, inst seat, 18/6 power shift trans, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 4 hyd, hyd flow control, diff locks, ground radar, Auto Trac ready, Xenon light pkg, 620/70-42 drivers & duals50%, front & rear weight pkg, 3969 hrs, SN#11401 *2007 Case IH STX480 4WD, luxury cab, inst seat, 480hp, 16 spd power shift, 4 hyd, mega flow hyd, diff lock, GPS Sat Nav, Outback guidance system, 520/85R46 Goodyear triples, 3229 hrs, SN#Z6F100060

*2006 Case IH STX480 4WD, luxury cab, inst seat, 480hp, 16 spd power shift, 4 hyd, mega flow hyd, diff lock, GPS Sat Nav, Outback guidance system, 520/85R46 Goodyear triples, 3556 hrs, SN#Z6F105096- Matched pair from one local farm *2006 Challenger MT835B belted ag tractor, 350hp, inst seat, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 1000 PTO, 5 hyd, diff lock, Trimble EZ Steer, CIH FM750 monitor, 3328 hrs, SN#AGCMT835JBAM60673 *2004 Buhler Versatile 2425 4WD, 425hp, 12 spd synchro trans, 4 hyd, performance monitor, 710/38 tires & duals, 5110 hrs, SN#300929 *1992 Cat 75 belted ag tractor, deluxe cab, 325hp, 24” tracks, 4 hyd, 8280 hrs, SN#4CJ00543 *1983 Steiger CM325 4WD, 325hp, 20 spd std trans, 5 hyd, 24.5-32 duals 40%, 12271 hrs, SN#12303057 *1980 Versatile 875, Firestone 20.8-38 radial duals 75%, complete engine OH @ 1200 hrs, approx 6000 total hrs, kept indoors, SN#055353 *JD 8650 4WD, CAH, QR, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd, duals, less than 100 hrs on trans work, engine OH, radiator & oil cooler ROW CROP TRACTORS: *2013 Case IH Magnum 340 MFWD, lux cab, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 6 hyd w/ power beyond, front weights, front fenders, hiflow hyd system, HID lights, auto guidance ready, 380/80R38 front duals, 380/90R54 rear duals, 847 hrs, SN#ZDRD02911 *2011 JD 8285R MFWD, deluxe cab, inst seat, 16/4 power shift trans, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd, hyd flow control, mega flow hyd, diff locks, Auto Trac ready, color display, DB radar, HID lights, front fenders, front & rear weight pkg, 480/80-46 rear tires & duals, 420/90-30 fronts, only 1250 hrs, remaining warranty, SN#42627 *2011 JD 8235R MFWD, IVT, ILS, prem cab, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 1000 PTO, 5 hyd w/ power beyond, front weights, auto trac ready, HID lights, 380/80R38 front duals, 380/90R54 rear duals, only 677 hrs, single owner, SN#47222 *2011 Case IH Magnum 210 MFWD, inst seat, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd, auto guidance ready, 380/85R34 fronts, new 480/80R46 rubber- rears & duals, 112’ bar axle, front & rear weights, only 954 hrs, SN#Z9RH06656 *2008 Case IH Magnum 215 MFWD, deluxe cab, inst seat, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd, GPS Sat Nav, Pro 700 monitor, front fenders, 320/85R38 fronts, 320/90R54 rear duals, only 1292 hrs, SN#Z8RZ05556 *2008 Case IH Magnum 245 MFWD, deluxe cab, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, guidance ready, 380/85R34 fronts, 480/80R46 duals, 2659 hrs, SN#Z7RZ06125 *2006 Case IH Magnum 245 MFWD, deluxe cab, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd, front weights, front fenders, 380/80R38 fronts, 380/80R54 rear duals, 1465 hrs, SN#Z6RZ05464 *2006 Case IH Magnum 245 MFWD, deluxe cab, cloth seat, inst seat, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, front weight frame, 58 GPM Pump, 380/85R30 fronts, 380/90R46 duals, 4950 hrs, SN#Z6RZ02260 *2006 JD 8530 MFWD, IVT trans, ILS front, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, Auto Trac Ready, 320/80R54 duals, 320/85R34 front duals, front weights, 4321 hrs, SN#5959

*2006 JD 8130 MFWD, power shift, 3pt, 3 PTO’s, 5 hyd, front & rear weights, front fenders, 480/70R30 fronts, 480/80R46 duals, 3610 hrs, SN#2963 *2003 NH TG255 MFWD, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd, front weights, 14.9x34 front duals, 380/90R50 rear triples, 6342 hrs, SN#JAW128335 *2003 Case IH MX255 MFWD, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 5 hyd w/ power beyond, auto guidance ready, front weights, 380/90R50 rear triples, 380/85R34 fronts, 4670 hrs, single owner, SN#JAZ125753 *1995 Case IH 7250 MFWD, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd, front weights, wired for Trimble auto guidance, 14.9x30 fronts, 380/90R46 rear duals 90%, 7901 hrs, new batteries, SN#60761 *1994 JD 7800 MFWD, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, 3 hyd w/ power beyond, fenders, 14.9R46 duals, 14.9R30 fronts, 10400 hrs, SN#RW7800P008352 *1994 JD 7800 MFWD, power quad, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd, 14.9-46 tires & duals, front weights, 12200 hrs *1995 Case IH 7240 MFWD, power shift, 3pt, PTO, 3 hyd, 20.8x42 rear duals, 16.9x28 fronts, excellent Michelin rubber all around, 6800 hrs, sells w/ 2006 Allied 895 QT loader w/ bkt & joystick, tractor needs hi-range clutch pack, has many recent repairs, (loader used very little) SN#JJA059062 *1992 JD 2755 2WD utility tractor, standard cab, 88hp, partial power shift, 3pt, 540 PTO, SN#G744346 *1982 Case 2290 2WD, CAH, power shift, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, 2 hyd, recent clutch & rebuilt fuel pump *1980 JD 4840 2WD, CAH, power shift, 3pt, 1000 PTO, 2 hyd, 20.8-38 rear tires *AC 190XT, cab, diesel, 2pt, PTO, 2 hyd, 18.4-34 tires, runs & works good COMBINES: *2012 Case IH 9230T track combine, 2 spd RWD, lateral tilt w/ rock trap, auto guidance ready, long perf auger, fine cut chopper, Power Plus CVT drive, elec self leveling sieves, Y/M w/ logging, large color touch screen, HID lights, corn-grain-bean machine, 515 sep, 751eng hrs, SN#YCG215457 *2012 Case IH 8230 combine, lateral tilt feeder, leather seat, rock trap, long perf unloading auger & elevators, Y/M, large color touch screen, elec self leveling sieves, fine cut chopper, auto guidance ready, Power Plus CVT drive, HD planetary w/ diff lock, HID lights, 600/65R28 rear, 520/85R42 duals, 414 sep, 602 eng hrs, SN#YCG216216 *2011 Case IH 8120, lateral tilt, var spd fdr house, rock trap, fine cut chopper, Y/M monitor Pro 600, elec self leveling sieves, 28LR26 rear tires, 900-32 drivers, only 492 sep hrs, 689 eng hrs, long auger, auto guidance ready, SN#YAG210763 *2011 JD 9870 bullet rotor, contour master, var spd rev feeder, rock trap, touch set- round bar concaves, chopper, power tail board, F/A, auto reel spd, auto height sensor, bin ext, Y/M, elec sieve adj, chaff spreader, only 572 sep hrs, 862 eng hrs, corn-grainbean, SN#740244

*2010 Case IH 8120, lateral tilt fdr house, var spd, auto reel spd, dual cyl spd, auto pilot, reversible fdr, chopper, rock trap, chaff spreader, AHHC, F/A, Y/M monitor, grain loss monitor, grain bin ext, elec self leveling sieves, 24’ unloading auger, Pro 600 color monitor, Auto Guidance ready, 1250 logger tires, 28L-26 steering, weight pkg, 1150 sep hrs, 1650 eng hrs, corn-grain-bean, SN#YAG209517 *2009 JD 9770 bullet rotor, contour master, HT var spd rev feeder, rock trap, Y/M, touch set- round bar concaves, AHHC, auto reel spd, F/A, chopper, chaff spreader, power tail board, bin ext, 20.8-42 duals, 28L-26 rears, only 722 sep hrs, 1094 eng hrs, corngrain-bean, SN#732809 *2009 Case IH 8120, lateral tilt, var spd fdr house, rock trap, fine cut chopper, Y/M monitor w/ mapping, elec self leveling sieves, long auger, leather, color touch screen Pro 600, auto guidance ready, 540/65R30 rear tires, 900-32 drivers, 1192 sep hrs, 1429 eng hrs, SN#Y9G207380 *2007 Case IH AFX7010 combine, lateral tilt feeder, rock trap, var spd feeder, deluxe cab, perf unload auger, Y/M, self leveling sieves, chopper, 540/65R30 rear, 20.8-42 duals, corn-grain-bean, only 844 sep, 1142 eng hrs, SN#HAJ201234 *1994 AC Gleaner R62, 8.3L Cummins, new style AHHC, numerous rotor, cage & feeder house updates- work performed by Hurtt Equipment, all components & electronics in great working order *2012 Agco Gleaner S77 combine, 800/32 drive tires, chopper, power fold bin ext, yield/moisture, corn/ grain/bean machine, only 639 sep, 813 eng hrs, SN#S7700BHTV7536- last minute addition- visit website for more details HEADS & HEADER TRAILERS: *2011 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper, finger reel, 3” cut, F/A, slow spd transport, AFX/CR adapter, SN#YBZN15403 *2011 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper, finger reel, 3” cut, F/A, slow spd transport, AFX/CR adapter, SN#YBZN14582 *2012 Mac Don FD70 45’ flex draper, 3” cut, F/A, Lexion adapter, no transport, SN#227677 *NOTE: We will have a good selection of CIH & MacDon flex drapers for current combines, numerous standard & chopping corn heads, wheat drapers, standard flex & rigid heads for above combines & others. Please visit www.resourceauction.com for complete listing *JD 930R rigid head w/ F/A, pick up finger reel & full finger auger *4) Unused America 435 35’ 6-wheel header trailers *3) Unused America 430 30’ 4-wheel header trailers *Unused America 425 25’ 4-wheel header trailer *2008 Unverferth 36’ 6-wheel high spd header trailer w/ torsion susp & lights, used very little *Double 30’ header trailer w/ hyd fold *2) 36’ header trailers FARM TRUCKS: *2005 IH 9200i tri-axle, Cummins ISX 430hp, Eaton Fuller 10 spd, 3:90 ratio, good 11R24.5 rubber on alum wheels, full 3rd lift tag, new 24’ Load Line box, hoist, roll tarp, comb 3pc end gate, beet equipment & rear controls

*2005 IH 9200i tandem, Cummins ISX 430hp, Eaton Fuller 10 spd, 3:90 ratio, good 11R24.5 rubber on steel disk wheels, new 20’ Load Line box, hoist, roll tarp, comb 3pc end gate & rear controls- red & white in color *2005 IH 9200i tandem, Cummins ISX 430hp, Eaton Fuller 10 spd, 3:90 ratio, good 11R24.5 rubber on steel disk wheels, new 20’ Load Line box, hoist, roll tarp, comb 3pc end gate & rear controls- gray & white in color *1991 IH 9400 triaxle, Cummins NTC 855 300hp, air up/air down tag, 24’ Logan live bottom box, roll tarp, elec over hyd drive, wet kit, 275/80r22.5 tires, 361360 miles showing, VIN#2HSFHBXR8MC045261 *1989 Kenworth T800 quad axle, 3406 Cat engine, 9 spd trans, 48” flat top sleeper, full 3rd tag, steerable 4th pusher, very good rubber, 24’ Reiten alum box, hoist & roll tarp *1976 Ford Louisville 9000 tri-axle, Detroit 6V93, Allison auto trans, 10.00-20 tires, lifting 3rd axle, 22’ Double L live bottom box w/ PTO wet kit unloader & roll tarp *1976 Ford Louisville 9000 tri-axle, Detroit 6V93, Allison auto trans, 10.00-20 tires, lifting 3rd axle, 22’ Double L live bottom box w/ PTO wet kit unloader & roll tarp *1971 Ford single axle grain truck w/ Knapheide box & roll tarp *1964 Ford single axle w/ 12T Sudenga feed body SEMI TRACTORS: *2007 IH 8600 day cab, Cummins ISM 385hp, 10 spd, jake, air ride susp, 3:90 ratio, dual tanks, 165 WB, 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, only 304726 actual miles *2007 IH 8600 day cab, Cummins ISM 385hp, 10 spd, jake, air ride susp, 3:90 ratio, dual tanks, 165 WB, 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, only 355583 actual miles *2006 IH 8600 day cab, Cummins ISM 370hp, 10 spd, jake, air ride susp, 3:90 ratio, dual tanks, 165 WB, 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, only 209372 actual miles *2006 IH 8600 day cab, Cummins ISM 370hp, 10 spd, jake, air ride susp, 3:90 ratio, dual tanks, 165 WB, 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, only 263316 actual miles *2006 Freightliner FTL120 Columbia day cab, Cat C-13 410hp, 10 spd, air ride susp, 3:55 ratio, dual tanks, 171 WB, 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, only 373291 actual miles *2006 Volvo day cab, Volvo VED12 365 hp, Eaton Fuller auto shift, 4.11 ratio, 153 WB, dual alum tanks, good 11R22.5 tires on alum wheels, 723,000 miles- clean *2005 Volvo day cab, Volvo VED12 365 hp, 10 spd trans, 3.73 ratio, 161 WB, dual alum tanks, good 295/75R22.5 tires on alum wheels, 754,000 miles- clean *2005 Kenworth W900, studio sleeper, Cat C-15 550hp, 13 spd Eaton Fuller trans, twin turbo, air slide 5th wheel, like new virgin 11R22.5 tires, 797477 actual miles

Continued on Next Page


“Decades of Knowledge - Steady Innovation - Top Results”


Dennis Biliske ND Lic. 237, ND Clerk 624

AUCTIONEERS & CLERK: Main Resource Equipment Auctions, Dennis Biliske- Auctioneer, 2702 17th Ave S, Grand Forks, ND 58201 ph 701-757-4015, fax 701-757-4016, email- info@resourceauction.com, website- www.resourceauction.com


For more information call 701-757-4015 office, 701-215-2058 Dennis, 701-317-0418 Mark

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A43


*2004 Freightliner Columbia flattop sleeper, 60 Series Detroit , 3 pedal autoshift w/ clutch, air ride cab, air susp, twin alum tanks, 295/75-22.5 tires, 4 alum wheels, 745400 miles showing *2002 Sterling AT 9500 day cab, Cat C-12 380hp, 10 spd trans, dual alum tanks, air ride susp, 11R22.5 rubber, new steer tires on polished alum wheels, 683000 miles showing *2001 Mack CX613 Vision, 42” flattop sleeper, Mack E7 380hp, 10 spd, 3:73 ratio, 1 yr old wet kit, 212 WB, 11-22.5 low pro tires, alum wheel, 865000 miles showing *2000 Mack CH613, 70” dbl bunk high rise sleeper, Mack 460, 13 spd, 1700W inverter, fridge & microwave, diff & trans fluid changed in 2013 w/ synthetic oil, valves adjusted 9/13, new exhaust system & other work- approx $15000 in 2013, 1293000000 miles showing, single owner *2000 Freightliner FL112 *2000 Peterbilt 377, 63” sleeper, C-12 Cat, 10 spd, 1122.5 tires 95%, 943000 miles showing *1994 White GMC sleeper, good rubber *1975 Kenworth COE, 855 Cummins 400hp, 15 spd Fuller trans, 10.00-22 tires HOPPER BOTTOMS, END DUMPS & OTHER SEMI TRAILERS: *2012 Timpte 42’ x 66” x 96” alum hopper bottom semi grain trailer, ag hoppers, 11R24.5 tires, air ride w/ scale & roll tarp, very clean *2012 Timpte 42’ x 66” x 96” alum hopper bottom semi grain trailer, ag hoppers, 11R24.5 tires, air ride w/ scale & roll tarp, very clean *2012 Timpte 42’ x 66” x 96” alum hopper bottom semi grain trailer, ag hoppers, 11R24.5 tires, air ride w/ scale & roll tarp, very clean *2013 Renegade 40’ x 72” x 96” alum hopper bottom semi grain trailer, ag hoppers, 11R22.5 tires, alum outside, air ride, elec tarp & traps, demo unit, new condition *2013 Renegade 40’ x 72” x 96” steel hopper bottom semi grain trailer, ag hoppers, 11R22.5 tires, alum outside, air ride, elec tarp & traps, demo unit, new condition *2007 Wilson hopper bottom trailer, standard w/ air bag, air ride *2004 Loadline 34’ x 8’ tandem end dump ag trailer, 11R22.5 rubber on steel disk wheels, roll tarp, rear controls w/ quick down, comb end gate & beet equipment *1999 Loadline 30’ x 8 ½’ tandem axle end dump ag trailer, 11R22.5 rubber on steel disk wheels, roll tarp, rear controls w/ quick down, comb end gate & beet equipment *2006 Trail Blazer triple axle belly dump gravel trailer, air ride, new cams, brake drums & canisters- $4000 last fall, hand crank tarp, 3rd lift pusher axle, brake liners 50-60% *2002 Jet 40’ steel hopper bottom semi grain trailer, 68” sides, 96” wide, ag hoppers, air ride susp, 11R24.5 tires, steel disk wheels, roll tarp *2000 Corn Husker model 800 28.5’ alum hopper bottom, single hopper, alum wheels, good rubber, roll tarp & rear pintle, good condition *1997 Corn Husker alum hopper pup trailer, 5th wheel turntable dolly, roll tarp, good rubber & alum wheels- teamed w/ above unit *1991 Farmbed Trinity 40’ live bottom tandem axle ag trailer w/ 24” belt, new brakes, 11-22.5 low pro tires, 10000 lb empty weight *1992 Timpte 42’ aluminum hopper bottom trailer w/ 66” sides, spring ride, Shurlock roll tarp & steel rims *1987 Timpte 42’ Super Hopper bottom trailer, 78” sides, roll tarp, 285/75R24.5 tires *1982 Timpte 42’ grain trailer, new brakes & king pin, tarp & tires in good condition, tags good through Dec 2014 *1988 East 34’ alum end dump, tri-axle w/ single wheel air up/down pusher, poly liner & beet gate *1979 Summit 28” alum end dump, tandem axle w/ poly liner & beet gate *1978 Doonan hopper trailer *2003 Zierke 53’ triple axle semi combine/sprayer trailer w/ 3rd lift axle & 255/85R22.5 tire *Wabash 53’ reefer van SPRAYERS, FLOATERS & CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT: *2013 JD 4940 SP sprayer, 1200 gallon SS tank, 120’ 11 section boom, Buddy seat, JD 5 Sensor Height control, 2630 Display with swath control and SF2 autotrac activations, 5 way nozzle bodies, 380-105-50 tires, only 190 total hrs, SN#1N04940XHC0023694 *2004 Ag Chem Rogator 1064 self propelled sprayer, 80’ booms, 20” nozzle spacing, 1000 gal stainless tank, 380/90R46 tires 90% rubber, raven controller, well equipped, 3494 hrs *2002 Ag Chem Rogator 854, 90’ booms, 20” spacing, 800 gal SS tank, rinse tank, Raven SCS 661, foamer, triple nozzle bodies, 320/90R50 tires- 80% rears, 3547 hrs, SN#850460202

*2001 Case IH SPX3185 self propelled sprayer w/ 90’ rear fold booms, 5 way nozzle bodies on 20” spacing, 750 gal poly tank & monitor, Aim control, Trimble EZ boom, 12.4x42 tires, only 1115 total hrs, SN#JFG0002449 *2010 TopAir 2400 pull type sprayer on tracks w/ 132’ suspended boom, hyd boom leveling, 2400 gal poly tank w/ hyd pump drive, 5-way nozzle bodies, fence row nozzles, 2 sensor sonar & touchdown wheels, autoboom, Raven flow meter- no monitor, 6 section plumbing, chemical inductor, 16” belts, SN# B26090107 *1999 Loral Turbo Easy Rider 3000 floater, IH chassis, 8.7L engine, Allison auto trans, 60’ booms, Raven light bar, foam marker, granular boxes, elec tarp, Mid Tech 6500 box control, 2600 eng hrs, VIN#1HTGBADRXH628256 *1996 Loral Turbo Easy Rider 3010 floater, IH chassis, 8.7L engine, Super 10 trans, 60’ booms, Raven light bar, foam marker, elec tarp, Mid Tech 6500 box control, 3400 eng hrs, VIN#1HTGBADROTH240083 *Ag Chem Terragator 1903 dry fert floater, Cat 3176 engine 400hp, 18 spd Eaton Torque Boost trans, Ag Chem 6 bin box, 70’ booms, Falcon 2 controller, new trans when purchased- less than 250 hrs, 6631 total hrs *Ag Chem Terragator 1803 dry fert floater, Cummins 8.3L engine, 18 spd trans, Tyler box, 60’ booms, Dickey John controller, EZ Steer GPS, 3920 hrs *Ag Chem Terragator 1603T dry fert floater, Cat 3208 engine w/ Turbocharger, 10 spd trans, Ag Chem box, 60’ booms, Dickey John controller, 4939 hrs *1995 Tyler Patriot wide track self propelled sprayer, 90’ booms, 750 gal Spherical tank, Raven 440, 185 JD, 320/90R42 tires, 3860 hrs, SN#E40160U *1996 Ag Chem Rogator 664 self propelled sprayer, 14.9x46 tires, auto guidance ready w/ receiver & controller, stainless tank, 90’ booms, 4920 engine hrs, SN#6400393 *2008 Hardi 6600 pull type sprayer on tracks w/ 132’ suspended booms, 3 way nozzle bodies, 15” traction belts, PTO pump, 1800 gal tank, touch down wheels & accessories, SN#66-0072 *2008 Hardi 1500 Commander pull type sprayer w/ 132’ booms, 1500 gal tank & 270/95R48 duals, SN#8775-08 *2007 Summers 90’ suspended boom sprayer w/ 1500 gal tank, 200 gal rinse tank, Raven 450 monitor, foam markers, remote boom shut off, 3 section boom shut off & hyd drive, kept indoors, low acres *River Bend 110’ pull type suspended boom sprayer w/ 1500 gal tank, Micro-trak 3405 controller, boom screens, triple nozzle bodies, 14.9-46 tires, adj axles & touchdown wheels *River Bend 90’ suspended boom sprayer w/ hyd fldg boom, 1200 gal tank, adj row spacing, Teejet sprayer controls, 3 section boom shutoff, hyd pump, walking tandem axles & 16.5-16.1 bar tires *1999 Hardy Commander 1200 sprayer w/ 100’ boom, foam marker & chemical inductor *Spray Aire 3600 Signature Series w/ 90’ Trident booms & straddle duals *Spray Aire 3290 90’ air assist suspended boom sprayer w/ 800 gal tank & controls *Spray Aire 3200 90 air assist susp boom sprayer, 90’ w/ Raven 440 monitor & 13.6x38 tires *2004 Spray Aire 3600 132’ air assist susp boom sprayer, 1250 gal tank, 200 gal rinse tank, duals set at 22”, adj axles, Raven 450 control, SN#36147 *Summers 88’ 2pt sprayer w/ 500 gal tank & hyd pump *Melroe 215 spray coupe w/ 56’ booms, foam markers, hyd lift & recent OH SEED TENDERS & NURSE UNITS: *New unused 2012 Parker 3620 seed chariot, 360 unit capacity, Honda engine, roll tarp, scale, triple axle trailer, unloading conveyor, SN#056840374 *Strick 30’ flatbed water trailer w/ 2- 2000 gal Enduraplas tanks, Banjo Venturi System, 3” Honda pump, rear pintle hitch, rear light outlet, air brakes plumbed to rear *Willmar Load Runner 16T fertilizer tender on Trailmobile 5th wheel tandem semi trailer, SN#F25682 *2) 8000 gal alum tanker trailers used for water, tandem axle w/ pumps & discharge hoses *Step deck semi water trailer w/ 3) 2000 gal poly tanks, pump, hose, mix tank & accessories *4500 gal water trailer w/ pump *1991 Haul All 18’ drill fill w/ slide in box *Conveyall 20’ drill fill w/ 2 compartments & 7” hyd augers *Westfield tailgate drill fill AIR DRILLS & SEEDERS: *2010 New Holland P2050 (Flexicoil) 46’ air drill, 10” spacing, single shoot, 5.5” rubber press wheels, 5 fold bar w/ wing gauge wheels, SC430 430BU 3compartment TBH tank, ISO, hyd fan drive, fill auger, variable rate control, Intelliview II display, single tine harrows, Raven NH3 kit w/ tank winch, Stealth paired row seed openers, full run blockage, very well equipped, Drill- SN#Y9S003546

*Bourgault 8810 40’ air drill, 10” spacing, rubber press wheels, Mid Row banders for NH3 @ 20” spacing, single shoot, covering disks, Bourgault 3225 2-compartment TBH tank, hyd fan drive, fill auger, Dickey John NH3 kit w/ tank winch, DrillSN#823857 *Amity ST250 Fargo Aire 200BU TBH air system, adj rear axle from 120”-132” for row crop, hyd fan drive, fill auger, very good condition, SN#AS813908 *Case IH ATX400 46’ air seeder, 10” spacing, single chute, 5.5” rubber press wheels, 5 fold bar w/ dual wing gauge wheels, Knock-On openers w/ adj spread boot, single tine harrow, full run blockage, 2330 2-compartment TBH tank, 330BU cart, ISO variable rate control, Pro 600, hyd fan drive, fill auger, Raven NH3 w/ tank winch, SN#Y85003209 *2006 Case IH SDX40 40’ no till single disk air drill, 7 ½” spacing, Bourgault 4350 3-compartment TBH tank, 140/140/70, hyd fan drive & fill auger, tank stored inside *2000 Flexicoil 7500 50’ air seeder w/ 7.25” spacing, no tank, excellent condition *JD 730 44’ air disk drill, field cultivator seeding tool w/ double disk openers, 6” spacing, 787 TBT tank, 230 BU, hyd fan drive, tank- SN#N00787X000726 (call for final availability) *Case IH 8500 45’ air hoe drill, rubber press, single tine harrows, very clean unit *1993 Case IH 8500 45’ air hoe drill w/ fill auger, monitor & steel press wheels TILLAGE EQUIPMENT & DRILLS: *2013 Summers 40’ Super Coulter Plus w/ 8 wave coulters, harrows, rolling basket, notched blades & extra weight package, only 1000 acres *2013 JD 2210 50’ 5 section fold field cultivator w/ walking tandems around, wing gauge wheels, depth control, round bar basket, 2 bar harrow, approx 1000 acres, like new, SN#IN02210XJC0750112 *2012 Harms 45’ land roller, used on less than 1000 acres *2012 Summers 2510 DT 38.5’ Diamond Disk, cushion gang w/ 3 bar harrow, 6-340/65x18 all on main frame with large hubs *2009 Case IH T200 60’ 5 section fold field cultivator w/ walking tandems around, wing gauge wheels, depth control, ACS round bar rolling baskets & pivoting stabilizer wheels, excellent condition, kept indoors, SN#JFH0058744 *2006 Wishek 826NT 38’ heavy duty spring cushion disk, 3 section fold, heavy tine Gates harrow w/ carbide tips, SN#12050638 *Late model JD 2410 52’ 5 fold chisel plow, soil management depth control, front casters, Summers heavy tine 3 bar harrow, low acres *2008 Summers 40’ Super Coulter, 13 wave coulters, heavy tine harrows & weight kit, good blades *2003 Summers 84’ Super Harrow Plus, auto fold, hyd depth control, SN#C0918 *Summers 40’ Super Coulter w/ wave coulters, Phoenix harrow & weight kit, SN#I1169 *DMI 4545 45’ trailing folding crumbler *DMI Tigermate II 44 ½’ field cultivator w/ 3 bar harrow *DMI Tigermate II 50’ 5 section fold field cultivator w/ 3 bar harrow, rear hitch & good shovels *2001 Phoenix 50’ harrow, low acres, kept indoors *Case IH 5600 30’ chisel plow w/ Summers harrow, walking tandems main frame *JD 1060 60’ field cultivator w/ black shanks, 5 fold, walking tandems around, 3 bar harrow & wing gauge wheels *2) JD 1060 41’ field cultivators w/ 3 bar harrows, 1 w/ Flexicoil harrow, 1 w/ Summers harrow *JD 1050 50’ field cultivator w/ walking tandems around, knock on’s, 5 section fold, wing gauge wheels & 3 bar harrow *JD 980 41’ field cultivator, 5-section fold, walking tandems around, wing gauge wheels, 3 bar harrow & single point depth control *White 445 18’ conservation disk chisel, 18 shanks, ind front disks, walking tandems & leveler bar *Flexicoil 800 45’ field cultivator w/ new 9” sweeps & main transport tires *Flexicoil 36’ folding trailing coil packer *Summers 40’ trailing folding coil packer *JD 230 30’ cushion gang disk w/ black gangs & fldg wings *Landoll 22’ disk chisel w/ harrow *IHC 32’ vibrashank cultivator *JD 9350 40’ (4-10) 6” press drill w/ markers, black rubber press wheels & factory transport *JD 9350 30’ (3-10) 6” press drill w/ markers, yellow rubber press wheels & factory transport *JD 9300 20’ (2-10) 6” press drill, small grains or plug for every other row for soybeans, wheel track spikes, 450 acres on new disks & scrapers *Haybuster 30’ (3-10’) no till drills w/ end transport, low acres

PLANTERS, SUGAR BEET & ROW CROP EQUIPMENT: *2013 JD DB88 48R22 CCS planter, central fill, Row Command, 5 Frame, hyd VRT drive, 3 motors, Pro Shaft, Active Pneum Downforce, 2-500 liquid fert tanks with flow meter and pump, controlled by JD 2630/2600 display, HD scrapers, 4 vacuums, approx 4000 acres, SNs#750353, 750110 *2011 JD 1770 CCS 24R30 front fold vacuum planter, central fill, vari rate hyd drive w/ row command vacuum meters, air down pressure, DB markers, dual wheel residue managers, very nice unit, SN#740451 *2009 JD 1770 24R30 front fold vacuum planter, vari rate hyd drive, 3bu hoppers, markers, pneumatic down pressure, 2600 ready, electronics less display, population monitor, SN#A01770C730150 *2007 JD 1770 CCS 24R30 front fold vacuum planter, central fill, vari rate hyd drive, markers, ½ shutoff, pneumatic down pressure, row cleaners, SN#A01770E720355 *2009 Monosem 24R22 wing fold vacuum planter, liquid starter kit w/ 2- 200 gal tanks, Rawson variable rate drive, disk closers, Accu-rate population monitor, hyd fan drive, markers & large seed boxes, corn seed plates, SN#09A831 *2006 JD 24R22 Maximerge XP vacuum planter, 3 bushel hoppers, plumbed for fertilizer, John Blue pump w/meter, markers, depth wheel scrapers, mounted on KNM vertical fold bar w/ lift assist, kept indoors *1999 JD 1780 MaxEmerge Plus vacuum planter, 12R30/ 23R15 front fold pull type interplant unit, front fold, trash eliminators, 3 bu boxes & monitor, SN#680119 *IH 900 8R30 Cyclo planter w/ full run monitor, no fertilizer, kept indoors, good condition *JD 7000 8R30 Maximerge pull type planter *IH 800 12R22 planter w/ list assist, monitor, liquid fert, new pump, rebuilt drive units, corn/bean/ beet plates *2004 Artsway 6812 12R22 beet harvester w/ full equipment, SN#AW681204002 *Alloway Topmaster 12R22 beet topper, SN#27207 *Alloway Topmaster 12R22 beet topper *2006 Alloway folding defoliator, SN#2770 *Alloway 2070 8x30 flatfold row crop cultivator w/ removable side shields *Mayo 18” single ph elec planter filler *Mayo 36” x 25’ long potato grader w/ double stinger unloader, single ph elec GRAIN CART, SWATHERS, AUGERS, LIVESTOCK & SMALLER IMPLEMENTS: *Brent 672 grain cart, roll tarp, front corner auger, 30.5-32 tires *1998 Macdon 3000 25’ pt auto fold swather w/ bat reel, kept indoors- excellent condition *1991 Case IH 825 25’ pt auto fold swather w/ bat reel, kept indoors *2007 Farm King 1385 13x85 grain auger w/ swing hopper, SN#21903927 *Alloway 1410 10x60 swing hopper auger, mech drive, 540 PTO *Westfield J208-51 grain auger w/ elec start 20hp Kohler engine *Grain Master 18”x35’ covered belt conveyor w/ 10hp single ph top drive *Vermeer 605K round baler, hyd tie & gathering wheels, kept indoors *NH H6740 8’ 3pt disk mower, new blades & new swathboard kit, SN#YBN140001 *Allied 795 quick attach loader w/ light material bucket & JD 30/40 mounts *2) Unused America hay feeders *2) Unused America silage feeders *24’ & 26’ corral panels *IHC 4500 3pt utility cultivator *King Cutter 72” 3pt utility cultivator *IH 12’ tandem disk w/ hyd wheel carrier *Farm King Allied model 72 6’ rotary cutter w/ 3pt & 540 PTO, SN#9760272 OTHER TRUCKS, PICKUPS, TRAILERS & TRUCK ACCESSORIES: *2001 IH 4900 tandem, 466 turbo/diesel, 9 spd Fuller trans, tilt wheel, cruise, a/c, heated mirrors, fog lamps, canvas side flatbed w/ rear doors on box *1997 IH 4900 service truck, 466 diesel, 6 spd manual trans, generator/welder, 540 gal fuel tank w/ commercial pump & air operated hose reel, good tires, 348560 miles showing *1989 Chev 3500 service truck, 6.2L diesel, 4 spd manual trans, generator/welder, air compressor, air tank, 150 gal fuel tank w/ pump, good tires, 91893 miles showing *1997 IH 4700 low profile truck, DT466E 200hp, 5 spd manual, new clutch, air ride, 22’ enclosed flatbed w/ new paint & canvas sides & roll top, individual stalls, 19.5 rubber 75%, 275281 actual miles, excellent condition

*1996 IH 4700 single axle, T44E diesel, EZ loader w/ tilt tail implement bed & winch, clean *Load Max 30’ car hauler style gooseneck trailer w/ 8’ x 8’ upper deck, 2’ dovetail w/ spring assist ramps, 3- 7000 lb axles & elec brakes, excellent shape, never used in winter *16’ car trailer w/ 3500 lb axles & ramps *1973 Ford L-850 COE driving tandem van truck, Eaton 15 spd- 5 plus 3 spd, 24’ plus 4’ extension over cab, 2- 1500 gal water tanks, set up for water hauling, 10.00-22 tires *Fibertech full rear fenders for Peterbilt 379 tandem CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, SKID STEER & ATTACHMENTS: *Miskin SP-17C 17yd pull type dirt pan scraper w/ hyd push off, S/N#20471 *2005 Case 440 skid steer, diesel/ hydro, ROPS, 2200lb lift, hand controls, dirt bkt & grapple, only 385 hrs, SN#JAF417219 *2012 Model RL-10025 scraper laser w/ wireless remote, tower, mast & control valve *3) Unused Lowe 750ch hyd augers w/ various 9”, 12” & 15” bits & skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout HDU72 brush/grapple bucket w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout HD72 rock/brush/grapple open end combo bucket w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout HD72 rock bucket w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout HD72 rock/grapple bucket w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout HD72 grapple bucket w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout SG13R stump grinder w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout 84” material bucket w/ double cut edge & skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout receiver plates; Unused Stout regular skid steer plate; Unused Stout solid skid steer plate *2) Unused Stout walk through 48” pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused Stout full back 48” pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused 48” pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused 48” 5500 lb walk through pallet fords w/ hyd shift & skid steer quick attach *2) Unused 48” 5500 lb walk through pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach *2) Unused receiver plates *2) Unused quick attach plates *Unused 75” rock/grapple bucket w/ skid steer quick attach *Unused HD bale spear w/ skid steer quick attach *1950’s Davis mini dozer, 52” x 74”, 46” high, 2 cyl Wisconsin motor, unique OTHER EQUIPMENT, TOOLS & MISC: *New Unused Fabwurx FT750 fuel trailer, 750 gal capacity, tandem axle, electric pump, DEF storage, SN#1A9AHA23C1931005 *Woods 2162 14’ single wing rotary bat wing mower, weight kit, chain kit, 1000 PTO, SN#945888 *8600 gal fuel tank *2010 EZ60 golf cart, 48V, canopy, windshield, charger & bag cover *4) Unused 12’ pull type box blade/killifer *4) Unused 10’ pull type box blade/killifer *2) Unused 10’ 3pt pull type box blade/killifer *2) Unused 9’ 3pt pull type box blade/killifer *Tahoe 7000LXH 7000W diesel generator w/ remote start, 120V/240V, used very little *Tahoe 8000LXH 7000W gas generator w/ elec start, low oil shut down & 50 amp plug, used very little *Unused Case IH 96BI Work EZ 8’ box blade, 3pt, scarifer teeth, SN#Y9WBQ8486 *Dakon pull type rock digger *Pull type rock picker *Land Pride DTM55 3pt rotary tiller w/ 1000 PTO *Buddy Lube w/ 2- 70 gal tanks & 2- 35 gal tanks & big valves *Coleman 4000W generator *Emglo/ Honda air comp *Trimble EZ Guide 250 light bar *Honda 2” 4hp trash pump *Good selection of tools, shop & construction items too numerous to list- see website for details TIRES: *4) New 520/85R38 Michelin agri rib tires mounted on 10 hole rims to fit Rotagators *Firestone 23.1-26 tires on 8 hole rims from 854 Rogator, 95% *4) 230/95R48 tires & rims for 854 Rogator *Pair of Firestone 14.9-30 FWD radials- 30% *Pair of Goodyear 14.9-46 radials- 30% *Many other farm, truck, tractor & imp tires too numerous to list

Please Note Additions From March 10 Issue Are in Blue Type



TERMS: Cash, cashier’s check, wire transfer, approved check in US funds. All sales final. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. ND Sales tax laws may apply on some construction & consumer units. Document fee on vehicle titles will apply & vehicle titles will be mailed to buyers. Canadian buyers are always welcome, please furnish a letter of credit for registration. Some purchases require payment by wire. Most units move easily across the border, feel free to ask in advance for document assistance if necessary.

“Decades of Knowledge - Steady Innovation - Top Results”



Email: info@resourceauction.com

A44 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014



Tremendous Charolais Bulls with Calving Ease, Major Performance and Built-in Feed Efficiency From Eggleston Charolais. Monday, April 14, 2014 At Bales CC, Huron, SD. You can count on Eggleston Bulls. 605-883-4602 www.egglestoncharolais.com

2 RED SIMMENTAL Bulls, 2 yrs old, used both last year, will service a lot of cows. One is from the TNT Simmental Ranch the other is from Wilkinson Simmentals, only selling because I am switching to black bulls. Felton, MN. 701-371-3972.

Yearling Simmental Bulls, born January & February, weighing 1100-1400 lbs, reds & blacks. Sired by Shear Force, MCM Top Grade, Beef Maker, Gunner & High Roller. Raising Bulls For 15 Years. Felton, MN, 701-371-3972

FOR SALE: Registered Shorthorn beef bulls. Gene Robben, Verndale, MN. 218-924-2337. Livestock panels for sale. Powder River, Real Tuff, High Qual and many more. Too many sizes to list, call for more details. 605-848-3573



Custom Fencing

Buskohl Livestock Fencing, We install and remove all types livestock fencing. Barbed Wire, Woven wire, Electric Hi-tensile, and Continuous Fence. We are a licensed and insured company. Spring work filling up fast, call Cody today, 701-640-7869 Bunker Cattle Company Annual Bull Sale Sat March 22, 2014 12pm Madison Livestock Auction, Madison SD. Selling 18 - 2 yr old bulls & 35 yearling bulls & 30 registered heifers. Contact Brad Bunker at 605-530-6404 Brad@bunkercattle.com www.bunkercattle.com

Southern Valley Ag & Equipment Consignment Auction SATURDAY, MARCH 29TH • 10:00 AM

LOCATION: YOHhHK/M #'Q(K./ [iQKHK(ea Yge_ FFa Yi/IK/)./a Rj

This is a partial listing.

AUCTIONEERS: Helbling Auctioneers LLC.

(701) 428-3184; 321 Hwy 46 Kindred, ND, 58051 State Hwy 11 Hankinson, ND, 58041; Bob Helbling JR. ND Lic. 285, MN Lic. 14-084, John Kuchera ND Lic. 547, Clerk Lic. 390. Website: www.midwestauctions.com click on Helbling Auctioneers


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HO&OH g^(*K,.P - M*iPO )(iIO c/Oga /O&O* ')OPb$ !*iN()0i/ g.*I hO/QL - (..H h.fO)$ 7O&O*iH ).QIO( )O()$ W0,iQ( g*O/QL$ #K* L.)O$ \f(O/)K./ Q.*P)$ 3OHPO*$ 3OHPO* Q.*P)$ YeP_ JiQI)$ !LiK/)$ T.() .N Li/P (..H)$ !L., )ig$ 7L., &iQE)$ "i* QHi0,)$ :H') 0i/e 0.*O OfQOHHO/( )L., (..H) ,1.< ) -/(% 9@78!'A%:* 564 C]] )KPO he )KPOa D3ja Qiha P'0, h.f g^N*./( ,')L hi*$ V.L/ jOO*O T# FC] T - Z (*iQ(.* g^ POQI$ 7gK)LO* :6 @]G %/K)LK/M 0.gO*a F>_A L,_ "-7 O/MK/Oa OHOQ(*KQ )(i*($ 6*.e "KH( *Oi* (K/O (KHHO*$ Y./Pi "KM 8OP #64

TERMS: Cash or Check, All items must be paid for day of sale. Statements made auction day take precedence over printed material. A $25.00 fee will be assessed on titled vehicles purchased. Titles will be mailed.

BLACK ANGUS Bulls both 2 year old and Yearlings. Very good selection. Good growth, moderate birth weights. Performance available. Yearling Heifers, black, ready for someone's herd. Contact Jordan Angus Farm, Rugby, ND Phone 701-776-2228 or Cell 701-208-1094


For Sale: Good selection, tame, reasonably priced. Vaccinated for Anthrax, Pink Eye & Foot Rot. Free delivery. Can hold until you need them. 701-845-0683 early mornings to midnight or leave a message, we'll call back. Jerry Hieb, Valley City.

Yearling Black Angus bulls for sale. Developed on grass only. No grain or creep. Kill data on 442 hd of Knutson Angus sired calves for a producer in Ellendale, ND: 441 graded Choice and Prime; 1 Select. This equated to a $240/hd premium. This producer has been using our genetics for several years. There is a difference in bulls. Sires include: Final Answer, Final Product, 9969, Heritage, Bismarck, 6807, and BC Lookout. For more info contact Knutson Angus @ 605-690-1685 or 605-627-9400 www.knutsonangus.com

For Sale: IH 540 manure spreader. Nice shape, good working condition. Clutches recently replaced, beater in good shape, no holes in floor or sides, 540 pto. (11) used 24' continuous cattle panels. 6 bar, square inch tubing. One panel cut to 8' and 16'. Excellent shape. Come with connecters, hanging clips, and end caps. Call 701-680-2200. Milnor, ND.

For Sale: Red or Black Angus, Simmental or Simi-Angus coming 2 year old bulls, AI breading, and ET, excellent dispositions, growth and maternal, only the best stay bulls with quality bred in, not fed in, priced reasonably. Ketterling Brothers Wishek ND 701-452-2596 or 701-452-2141

Polled Hereford Bulls

LIVESTOCK For Sale: Registered Black Angus Bulls. Private Treaty, good selection of heifer and growth bulls. All bulls from A'Id sires. Sires included are Connealy Confidence, SAV Harvester, SAV Iron Mt., SAV Prosperity, AAR Ten-X, SAV Networth. Will keep until April 1st. Anderson Angus Ranch, Chaffee, ND. Call 701-238-1064 anytime. For sale: 195 New Holland Manure Spreader, tandem axle, slop gate, nice shape, $12,650. 712-348-0664

CHAROLAIS BULLS for Sale: Performance tested yearlings Great dispositions, calving ease, Polled and semen tested. Carcass tested sires. Complete Performance records and EPD's available. Jensen Charolais Ranch. Scott and Kim 605-847-4755 Lake Preston, SD

AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A45

Weisbeck Red Angus Bull & Heifer Sale April 9, 2014 at 1:00 pm Herreid Livestock, Herreid, SD 43 Registered Yearling Red Angus Bulls, 30 Registered Red Angus Yearling Heifers and 20 Purebred Red Angus Yearling Heifers 605-845-6170 evenings mweisbeck@valleytel.net For sale in the country and on order at the sale barns. Bred Cows/Pairs Bred Heifers Heifers Calves 3 & 4 year olds 5-7 year olds Solid MouthlShort TermlLate Fall Calvers Prices vary on breed of cows, size and quality. For complete livestock listings see: www.kelivestock.com EICHLER LIVESTOCK Licensed & Bonded 605-228-7433 28-black cross-bred 2nd calvers bred Angus Starting March 1st 60 Days.** 47 black cross bred 2nd calvers bred Hereford starting March 1st 60 days. $2300. 9 black cross bred 2nd calvers bred Hereford starting April 25/45 days $2150. All Have been poured, Scour Bos 9, Virashield 6+VLB5 HB, Valbazen Suspension. Will Deliver up to 150 miles 605-261-2379 Purebred Commercial Black Heifer Pairs, Ranch Raised, docile, fancy. 605-233-0800



For Sale: 2006 Roto-Spread 326-12 Manure Spreader. Two high-speed vertical beaters with spinners, flighting, and kickers. Hydraulic end gate. 1000RPM. Oscillating Tandem Axles w/ Four 8000 lb spindles. Remote electric flow control kit. Very good condition. Asking $15,500. Call 605-530-5106 or email for pics brnix@gwtc.net Murdo, SD

305 Patz TMR Mixer Wagon, Augers are 80%, 3ft conveyor new belts, serviced and gone through. 605-690-8929

Black & Red Simmental and Sim Angus Bulls for Sale Private treaty. All bulls are polled some will work on heifers. Sired by TNT, Final Answer, W215, DCR, Mr. Moonshine, MCM Top Grade, & others. They will be semen tested and can be delivered. Hieggelke Simmentals, Lisbon, ND. Call Jerry at 701-680-2061 or Dave 701-680-1431 Thank you Coming 2/yr natural Hereford Bulls, pics on request private treaty sale will hold till needed. Call Bob @ 701-320-6359, Wimbledon, ND.

Location of Auction: Alexander, ND - 2 south on Highway 85, 5 south on Highway 68, gravel west 6-1/2 on 22nd Street. From Sidney, MT - east on Highway 68 to marker #12 (150th Ave.), gravel 4 north, 1/2 east, 1/2 south.

THURS., MAR. 20, 2014

Starting at 11:00 a.m. CST • Lunch Served! In case of inclement weather, auction will be held Thursday, March 27th AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Very clean line. Most items are 1 owner, always shedded and well taken care of. Lots of items look new. Plan on attending. All buyers must have a proper I.D. to obtain a bidding number. Out-of-state buyers must arrange bank letter of credit or bank name prior to auction date. All statements made by auctioneer day of auction take precedence over printed sale bill. TRACTORS & LOADER

With cancelling our February sale all our 2 year old bulls will be in our May sale.

Boeckel Angus Ranch Bull Sale

2002 Cat 95E tractor, CAH, 2249 hrs., always shedded, super clean unit (1 owner)

May 3, 2014 1:00pm/ct Kist Livestock- Mandan, ND.

60 coming 2 year olds, 10 coming 3 year olds & 40 yearling bulls.

Watch for our upcoming advertising.

Volume buyer discount.

!Lincoln welder !Some shop tools !Water tanks !Tires !Sheep equipment !Wood & steel fence posts !Electric posts !Wire, woven & high tensile wire !Some scrap iron

!Degelman Strawmaster harrow, 70 ft. w/ newer curved teeth !Wilrich 47 ft. chisel plow !IH 24 ft. chisel and 14 ft. chisel plow !36 ft. & 48 ft. rod weeder !Oliver 24 ft. tandem disk !20 ft. packer, homemade !1985 MF885 swather 21 ft. grain head & 13 ft. hay head !MF-665 swather for parts w/Chrysler slant 6 engine



80% of these bulls should work on heifers.

Bulls will be semen checked & guaranteed the first 90 days of breeding.

!Blumehart 67 ft. sprayer mounted on 3/4 ton pickup, 4x4, 4 spd. !Ag Shield 70 ft. sprayer !Chief #450 grain dryer !Quick Klean 7 tube cleaner !Alloway swing auger 10”x70 ft. PTO !(2) 7”x35 ft. grain augers, new gas engines, drag augers and self walking motors





! Ashland 8 yard scraper !John Deere 510 baler, hyd. tie 28 ft. bale rack 1991 Ford New Holland 8730 tractor, !(New) DT 710 14.928 Goodyear tire FWA, CAH, 3 pt., hub duals, 5020 hours, !9 wheel rake always shedded (1 owner) with SKID STEERS Farmhand !2003 Cat 252 B skid steer w/cab, Melroe 1140 loader, joy stick Bobcat 610 w/cage


.'*-% (-')!'0 1+&,1$/,"#$+ !1980 John Deere 4 wheel drive tractor 8640, CAH, PTO, 20.8x38, syncro, 7400 hours, 800 hrs on 50 series engine, shedded !AC WD 45 tractor, wide !3 Trimble GPS units


!1978 Ford 9000 tri-axle w/400 Cummins engine, 13 spd., 22,000 miles on engine overhaul, 22 ft. box & hoist, roll tarp, pintle hitch !1980 Reitan 20 ft. alum. hopper bottom pup !1976 Ford 900 twin screw truck, 477 eng., V-8, 10 spd., Road Ranger, cab over, 20 ft. grain box, roll tarp !1975 Chevrolet twin screw, 427 eng., 10 spd., Road Ranger, 20 ft. alum. box, roll tarp

2002 Lexion 470R combine, CAH, 1730 eng. hours w/P-13 pickup, G30 auger head, MacDon 36 ft. draper head, 1 owner, always shedded (super clean unit)

2006 Delta 30 ft. flatbed, 23,400 GVW, dual tandem


!2005 Summers Ultimate 100 ft. sprayer w/dual booms & pumps (1 owner)

2004 Bourgault 5710 seeder 47 ft. w/ 5350 tank, midrow banders, 1 owner (clean unit)


!1978 Dodge 1 ton truck, V-8, 4x2, auto, 5th wheel, flatbed !1990 Ford 1-1/2 ton dually, diesel, 5 spd. !1961 GMC pickup V-8, 4 spd. (collector) !1956 IH 1 ton truck w/mounted DK vacuvator !1946 Chev. truck w/box & hoist

MF swather


Visit Us Online At

Doug & Carolyn Nenow

PHONE 701-828-3554 • 14962 22ND ST. NW, ALEXANDER, ND

Farm Equipment/Real Estate/Estates




3529 HIGHWAY 52 BYPASS, JAMESTOWN, ND 58401 701-320-4050 • EMAIL: nenow@daktel.com AUCTIONEERS: ROGER NENOW, LIC. NO. 132 • CHAD MACK, LIC. NO. 819 CLERKING NO. 207

A46 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014



Talebar Cattle Company has BWF, Red Angus, and Buckskin Replacement Heifers for sale. All Vet checked breed-able,shots. Many home raised.700-800#. $1500 each. Videos and individual selection available. 605-285-6302. 2002 Aluminum Wilson Gooseneck Livestock Trailer. 7x22, sling and slide gate, excellent condition, low miles, 320-305-1578

Registered purebred Angus bred cows & hfrs for sale. Moderate frame, easy fleshing females AI bred to maternally efficient bulls. Heifers will start calving in late March, cows will calve in April. Jauer Dependable Genetics call Kurt 712-253-8710, www.jauerangus.com Penta 6710 TMR, 2005 model, new knives, scale, nice shape, $22,000. 320-808-0744

LIVESTOCK WANTED: Replacement Heifers to develop and breed. AI Services available. Also backgrounding & finishing available for feeder calves and butcher cows. Bred cattle & pairs also welcome. References available. 605-520-3182

After 40 Years We’re Still Raising Galloways and Have For Sale Black 2 Year Olds. Call for Details 701-252-4251


Shorthorn bulls for sale. Private Treaty. Developed on ruffage for soundness and longevity. Great dispositions. Solid ETDs. Delivery Available. Selected for function- NOT the latest fad. Will keep until Spring. Bulls fertility tested prior to delivery. Open and bred heifers available. Millvale Shorthorns Bob - 1-800-807-6944 (H) 701-331-1153 (C) Berta- 701-331-4203 (C)

FOR SALE: 39 Black Heifer Pairs, A.I. Calves, 1150# Heifers, $2,700/Family. Call 605-690-3622

Pasture wanted for 25-40 pairs. Rodney Strand 605-680-7628

ESTATE AUCTION SUNDAY, MARCH 23 AT 11:00 AM LOCATION: HALSTAD, MN This is a very partial list as we still have one estate to pick up. SCOOTER/WHEEL CHAIR - Golden electric Scooter/Wheelchair. it was only supposed to have been used a month. looks new. SPORTING GOODS - 50 + Die cast cars. other toys. Cajun electric smoker. bean bag games. bats, balls. Brand new Arnold Palmer golf clubs ($500) set. Ladies new golf clubs. HOUSEHOLD - Dining room table and chairs. Couches. love seats. Chairs. Glider rocker. Apt. size fridge. Window AC, Dressers.Bar stools. Linens and bedding and fancy work. TV’S vcr’s/ DVD and much more. FIRE PLACE AND CABINETS - Double sided wood fireplace. very nice white cabinets. corner cabinets. plus more MISC ITEMS - Gas grills. Excercise equipment. Stacking tool box on wheels. Seasonal decorations. lots of boxes of unkown items to be unpacked yet.

AUCTIONEER AND CLERK: BILL BERG AUCTION SERVICE, PO BOX 62, HALSTAD, MN. 56548, 218-766-6797 MN. LIC. NO. 54-12-03, ND LIC. NO. 367. TERMS: Cash or your good check, Nothing removed until settled for. Master Card and Visa accepted when Possible. LUNCH SERVED CHECK OUT WEBSITE AT www.bergauctions.com or email bergauct@aol.com


Consignment Auction Wednesday, March 19th, 2014 • 9:30 AM


Classified ads are updated daily.

125 Gehl Grinder Mixer. 125 bushel, 540 PTO, excellent condition. 701-693-2806.

SANDHILL BORDER COLLIES Pups & ready to start dogs Red/black, short/medium hair. Delivery can be arranged (701) 859-3682 sandhillbc@yahoo.com AKC lab puppies. Black and yellow. Parents are excellent hunters and great family dogs. $600. Ready March 17th. Call forpictures or info. 605-850-9089

AUCTION SALES Farm Acreage 41546 113 St., Amherst, SD 1 story ranch home, pole bldgs, grain bins, BDM water, excellent shelterbelts, 13.75 acres. All bldgs in excellent condition. Bid deadline Mon., March 17, 2014 by 12:00 noon. fax, email or mail bids to Vold Auctioneers & Realty, 10511 425th Ave, Britton, SD 57430. fax 605-448-2575 email: oldauctioneers@britonsd.com www.voldrealty.com

Your Seed to


Now booking Adult Spring Hens and Adult Roosters. Very good condition. Please call 605-680-6211

Early Consignments - J.D. 9560RT-2013-788 hrs.-P S-Comoplast 5500 Belts-Weights, 8360R-2013-425 hrs.IVT-ILS-Leather-Weights-480/80R50w/Duals, 8335R-2012-395 hrs.-P S-ILS-Leather-Weights-480/80R50w/ Duals, 8770,6400-2 Wheel-Cab/Air-New Rubber, 2840 w/148 loader, 4630 w/ Very Good 18.4R46, Case I.H. MX 180 MFWD-2011-695 hrs.- 18.4R42, 7230 MFWD, Planters Including- White 6100 12 Row 30” w/ Dry Fert., C.I.H. 900- 4 Row 38” w/ Liquid Fert.- J.D. 1 Row w/ 7000 Unit, Tillage Including Sunflower 19 ½’ Soil Finisher, J.D. 9 Shank Mulch Tiller, Kent 23’ Disc o vater, Kewannee 181/2’ Disc, J.D. 960 15’ Field Cult., Case I H 2388 Combine, Several New Skid Loader Buckets and Attachments, Arnold Schleusner Farm Line Including Case I.H 7140 MFWD-1990-9711 hrs.-w/ Like New 480/80R42 w/ Duals, A.C. 6080 MFWD-1981-w/ Westendorf TA 26 Loader-New Sleeves - Pistons & Clutch Approx.. 100 hrs ago- and a Complete New MFWD Axle Approx.. 500hrs. ago., Vermeer 605 Super F Baler, J D 640 Rake w/ Dolly Wheel, Gehl 99 Blower, J D 714 A Chopper Box, M C 12 E Rotary Scythe, Hesston 10 3pt Stak Mover, Gehl 325 Spreader, I H 710-O. L.H. 6X A.S.R. Plow, J D 1350/1450 5X Plow, J D – RM 830 Cult., Plus several other pieces of farm machinery, farm related items and vehicles.


Items Wanted: Guns, boats, campers, vehicles, 4-wheelers, snowmobiles, sporting memorabilia, what have you?

Consign Items by March 20th for Sale Bill Listing.


Term loan lease financing available through Ag Star financial, all other items cash or good check day of sale.

FOR SALE: Shorthorn & Shorthorn cross Red Angus bulls, yearlings & 2 year olds. Polled & mostly red, many will work on heifers. Pictures & videos of these bulls can be seen at: www.galbreathfarms.com Ryan Galbreath Enderlin, ND 701-799-4568

For Sale: Purebred Border Collie Puppies. 2 females, 4 males. Working parents. Lake Norden, SD 605-520-3255

Live Online Bidding Available On GehlingLive.com

Box 250 Preston, MN 55965 AUCTION, INC.

SCHMIDT ANGUS RANCH Has For Private Treaty Sale Starting February 1st ----------------------------(85) Yearling Angus Bulls (10) Two Year Old Bulls ----------------------------•Top AI Sire & Herd Sires used •All Home Raised •Excellent Dispositions •No Creep Feed •Free keep of bulls until April 1st •Performance Information Available 100 Replacement heifers will sell @ Kist Livestock, Wednesday, February 19th •We Have Been Selling High Performance Angus Breeding Stock For Over 35 Years. Contact Doug & Lisa Schmidt & Girls Solen, ND 701-445-3429



Sale Site: Gehling Implement and Auction Company, Preston, Minnesota Loan / Lease Financing Available

Complete listing and photos will be on our web site, for more information call Gehling Auction Company 1-800-770-0347 or go to www.gehlingauction.com




Call Magnus Auction Service to Consign Items: Elton: 701-345-8481 or email yemag@polarcomm.com

Harley J. Camperud


Northwood, ND 58267 Ph: 701-587-5269 or 1-800-675-5269, Cell 218-779-1526 www.globalauctionguide.com



2702 17th Ave. So., Grand Forks, ND 58201





www.gehlingauction.com email: gehling@gehlingauction.com

701-303-0392 amy@candoauctions.com

2732 6 Ave. NE

Box 250 Preston, MN 55965 AUCTION, INC.

“We’ll Set It Up and GET IT DONE RIGHT ®”

Auctioneer, Realtor

Auctioneer & Clerk

Arlyn Askim, Park River, ND Home (701) 284-6881 Cell 701-360-4512 Ryan Askim, Lankin, ND 701-593-6286

1-800-477-6572 701-780-1230 fax: 701-780-1188

Amy Nikolaisen

Office 701-952-3351 Jamestown, ND Agricultural Auctioneers Since 1971!



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877.700.4099 Kevin Pifer, Auctioneer 701.238.5810


1506 29th Ave. S. Moorhead, MN 56560

2000 Main Ave. E. West Fargo, ND 58078 (701) 237-9173 - Phone (701) 237-0976 - Fax SteffesGroup.com




AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014 A47

Real Estate • Farm & Ranch • Construction www.wolffauctioneers.com Armon Wolff • 701-983-4233 wolffauction@westriv.com Shane Wolff • 701-983-4573 wolffauctions@yahoo.com

Contact these reputable auctioneers for all of your auction needs.


Contact your auctioneer to have your auction included on our calendar

Opening TUE., MAR 18 & Closing FRI., MAR 28 – IQBID Evergreen Equipment, Warren, MN. Steffes Group Inc. TUE., MAR 18 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Bagley, MN, Clearwater County, MN. Steve Thompson, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. Opening WED., MAR 19 & Closing THU., MAR 27 – IQBID Estate Toy Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN. Steffes Group Inc. WED., MAR 19 – 9:30 AM/CT Consignment Auction, Preston, MN. Gehling Auction Company. CLOSING MAR., 20 – IQBID Dan Hoffman Toy Collection, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN. Steffes Group Inc. THU., MAR 20 Farm Retirement Auction, Alexander, ND. Doug & Carolyn Nenow, Owners. Nenow Auction Service. THU., MAR 20 – 10:00 AM/CT AgIron Litchfield Event, Litchfield, MN. Steffes Group Inc. SUN., MAR 23 – 11:00 AM/CT Estate Auction, Berg Auction Center, Halstad, MN. Berg Auction Service. MON., MAR 24 – 12:00 PM/CT No Reserve Internet Auction, Inventory Reduction, Purple Wave Auction. WED., MAR 26 – 9:00 AM/CT Grand Forks Area Equipment & Truck Auction, Alerus Center, Grand Forks, ND. Dennis Biliske, Auctioneer. WED., MAR 26 – 10:00 AM/CT Farm Retirement Auction, Hankinson, ND. Chuck & Cheri Haus, Owners. Steffes Group Inc.

WED., MAR 26 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Garrison, ND, McLean County. Dale Berg, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. THU., MAR 27 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Erskine, MN, Red Lake & East Polk Counties, MN. Randy Kroeplin, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. SAT., MAR 29 – 10:00 AM/CT Southern Valley Ag & Equipment Auction, Hankinson, ND. Helbling Auctioneers. SAT., MAR 29 – 10:00 AM/CT Retirement Farm Auction, Williston, ND. Triple A Farms, Art & Ann Anderson Owners. Northern Auction Inc. Opening TUE., APR 1 & Closing WED., APR 9 – IQBID April Auction, Upper Midwest Locations. Steffes Group Inc. TUE., APR 1 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Grand Forks, ND, Traill County, ND. Walter Vleck, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. TUE., APR 1 – 11:00 AM/CT Farm Estate Auction, Michael Pikarski Estate, Mooreton, ND. Steffes Group Inc. WED., APR 2 – 10:00 AM/CT Large Farm Equipment Auction, Sharon, ND. Thomas M. “Mickey” Snortland, Owner. Steffes Group Inc. WED., APR 2 – 1:00 PM/CT Land Auction, Dickenson, ND, Stark County, ND. Tamra Luhman, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. WED., APR 2 - 5:00 PM/CT Land Auction, Bowman, ND, Harding County, SD. Mark Mollman, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty.

THU., APR 3 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Moorhead, MN, Becker County, MN. The Mikulecky Family, Owners. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. THU., APR 3 – 11:00 AM/CT Farm Retirement Auction, Larimore, ND. Kevin & Arlene Knudson, Owners. Steffes Group Inc. THU., APR 3 – 1:30 PM/CT Land Auction, Casselton, ND, Richland County, ND. Patricia K Conley, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. FRI., APR 4 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Becker County, MN. The Mikulecky Family, Owners. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. SAT., APR 5 – 10:00 AM/CT Tractors, Trailers, Tools, Antiques Auction, Drayton, ND. Pete Marciniak, Owner. Jason Rominski Auctioneers. TUE., APR 8 – 11:00 AM/CT Seibold Farm Retirement Auction, New Rockford, ND. Steffes Group Inc. TUE., APR 8 - 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Polk County, MN. Loe Family, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. TUE., APR 8 – 12:00 PM/CT Farm Auction, Lew Holland, Owner. Hauglands Action Auction. WED., APR 9 - 2:00 PM/CT Land Auction, Ward County, ND. Sandra Bostow, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. THU., APR 10 – 9:30 AM/CT Indoor Iron Spring Equipment Auction, Red Horse Ranch Arena, Fergus Falls, MN. Aasness Auctioneers Auctions & Real Estate. THU.,APR 10 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Devils Lake, ND. LaNita Bolton, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty.

FRI., APR 11 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Ashley, ND, McIntosh County, ND. Wayne H. Kranzler & Glenn A. Kranzler, Owners. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. SAT., APR 12 – 9:30 AM/CT Huge Multi-Party Farm Equipment Auction, Leeds, ND. Dakota Auctioneers, Larry Swenson & Associates. SAT., APR 12 – 9:30 AM/CT 10th Annual Spring Equipment Auction, Drayton, ND. Mick Rapacz Auctioneers. SAT., APR 12 – 10:00 AM/MT Construction & Machinery , Consignment Auction, Bowman, ND. Multiple Parties, Owners. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. SAT., APR 19 – 11:00 AM/CT Hunting, Fishing, Recreational Consignment Auction, Community Center, Lakota, ND. Magnus Auction Service. SAT.,MAY 3 – 10:00 AM/CT Construction & Machinery Consignment Auction, Bowman, ND, Bowman County, ND. Multiple Parties, Owners. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. SUN., MAY 4 – 12:00 PM/CT “Repair The Fair” Benefit Auction,Warren,MN. Call Fred 218-745-5535 to Donate/Consign. Jason Rominski Auctioneers. SUN., MAY 4 – 12:00 PM/CT Moving Household Auction, Remer, MN. Mike Doro, Owner. Berg Auction Services. TUE., MAY 20 - 5:04 PM/CT Estate Auction, Hatton, ND. Le ‘Anne Solberg, Owner. Heinze, Trottier, Parkman Auction Service. MON., JUN 30 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Casselton, ND, Cass County, ND. Wayne Wadeson, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. THU., JUL 17 – 10:00 AM/CT Langdon Area Machinery, Truck, & Farm Equipment Auction, Langdon, ND. Diseth Auction Service.

Agweek Magazine • 701-780-1238 • Toll Free: 800-477-6572 ext 238 • Fax: 701-780-1188 • Email: ofast@agweek.com


A48 AGWEEK/Monday, March 17, 2014

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