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Monday, September 9, 2019



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Monday, September 9, 2019

Like grain dealings, Hanson’s car business spiraled downward PAGE 10

RANCHERS ARE ‘TRUE HEROES’ OF GRASSLANDS, CONSERVATION LEADER SAYS Role of cattle in conservation recognized PAGE 12 Jenny Schlecht / Agweek




Lodge’s farm to table dinner showcases area agriculture By Emma Vatnsdal HAVANA, N.D. — Welcoming people from all walks of life and introducing them (or furthering their knowledge of) family farms can be a fantastic notion — especially in learning how food gets to the table and where it comes from. Nowadays, restaurants in cities across the country are embracing the “farm to table” lifestyle more frequently, while new practices are being established to ensure soil health and conservationism. For the Breker farm in southeast North Dakota, operating the Coteau des Prairie Lodge means providing stunning views of the surrounding prairie farms and fields and providing a unique opportunity for farm families and nonfarm families alike to learn a little more about their soil conservation practices and what goes into their food. “Well, obviously North Dakota is a huge farming population,” says Joe Breker, owner and operator of the lodge that offers dining, tours and rooms for overnight stays. “We are as rural as states get and we’ve got a great agriculture tradition. But you don’t have to get too many generations — in fact, one generation — away from the farm to lose track of what you eat and how it’s produced and how it’s taken care of.”

Farm to Table

Featuring locally produced, grown or raised ingredients and expertly-paired beverages, the Coteau des Prairie Lodge’s annual Farm to Table Dinners are a big effort, but the reward is worth it. “There’s a lot of work that goes into planning these events,” says Phillip Breker, director of marketing events for Coteau des Prairie Lodge. “We do other dinners, beer dinners and wine dinners, where most of the food comes off the chef’s truck from the restaurant. But in this case, we go to the work of creating a menu based on ingredients that will be available to us this season.” With a couple dozen sources for ingredients — including beef raised on the Breker’s land and edamame from soybeans harvested just that morning from the Breker’s own fields — showing guests exactly where their food comes from and the care that goes into using fresh local ingredients can make a difference. 2


Emma Vatnsdal / Agweek

Emma Vatnsdal / Agweek

Beginning the Farm to Table Dinner at Coteau des Prairie Lodge in Havana, N.D., was a house-made ricotta alongside salted melon, rye and flax crackers and a microgreen salad. “I think today there’s such a disconnect between the typical consumer and the farmer raising the food,” Phillip says. “There’s a lot of misinformation out there about where your food comes from and it’s so good for people to have the chance to come out on a farm — especially a family farm — so they can connect on a human level with the people who are producing that food. And they can see that there’s people’s livelihood and families behind the food they eat and that the people who are producing that food really care about the food they’re making. It’s important to them.”

Conservation practices

Beyond using local ingredients in their dinner, the team at the lodge treated their guests to presentations on soil and water conservation practices and a new to North America crop used in part of the dishes served. Joe, who has taken it upon himself to dedicate his farm to soil conservation practices throughout his career, says healthy food starts in the soil. “One of the things that we highlight (at the Breker Farm) is that I’ve been involved in conservation agriculture for 40 years,” he says. “When I started farming I thought we should do a better job on our farm on conserving the soil and making it

Dessert at the Farm to Table Dinner at the Coteau des Prairie Lodge near Havanna, N.D., featured a sour cream and apple cake topped with a camelina mousse and toasted wheat caramel. more productive, so for 40 years I’ve done no-till farm, I’ve used cover crops to enhance soil biology and

organic matter. We’ve had very good results in being able to turn our soil around, and now they’re starting to be able to prove that a healthy soil makes healthy food. It’s an interesting conversation to have, too, with people, to ensure them there are ways to grow healthier food.” Phillip, who grew up on the Breker Farm, has seen the measures his dad has taken to continue to preserve soil health and sustainability. “In the beginning when (Joe) started no-till farming, there wasn’t much known about it,” Phillip says. “He started in the early days. Since then, it’s become a practice that’s become widely adopted across the country and more is known about it. Over time, he’s implemented more practices like strip-tilling, cover crops, grazing rotation onto fields with livestock, dual cropping — there’s lots of opportunities that have opened up because of the research and the people who have adopted the methods.” Readers can reach Emma Vatnsdal at 701-241-5517.


Tariffs cost NE ag $1B Market Facilitation Program will offset some losses By Jenny Schlecht Agweek Staff Writer LINCOLN, Neb. — Retaliatory tariffs in 2019 have cost Nebraska agricultural producers $943 million, on top of estimated losses the year before of between $695 million and $1.026 billion, an analysis from the Nebraska Farm Bureau says. Jay Rempe, Nebraska Farm Bureau senior economist, conducted the analysis as a way to provide an assessment of losses independent of Market Facilitation Program assistance. Since taking office in 2017, President Donald Trump has increased tariffs against numerous trade partners, and the U.S. has faced retaliatory tariffs in return. According to an Aug. 29 report from the American Action Forum — the policy arm of the American Action Network, a center-right “action tank” — tariffs and retaliatory tariffs “threaten $660 billion of traded goods annually.” To make up for the trade war-related losses, the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2018 and 2019 instituted Market Facilitation Program payments to agricultural producers. Payments for the 2019 program began Aug. 19, and as of Aug. 26, the Farm Service Agency reported having paid $1.488 billion. The top five states were Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana and Kansas. According to the Nebraska Farm Bureau, Rempe’s analysis used USDA data on how it calculated the 2019 MFP payments to estimate tariffrelated losses to the state’s agricultural producers. Nebraska’s soybean and corn growers are expected to lose $588.5 million and $251.3 million, respectively, this year due to retaliatory tariffs, the analysis says. Also expected to be hit hard are pork producers ($39.6 million in losses), sorghum growers ($26.2 million), wheat growers ($23.1 million),

Erin Ehnle Brown / Grand Vale Creative

A Nebraska Farm Bureau analysis shows the state’s soybean growers in 2019 will take a $588.5 million hit from retaliatory tariffs levied against the U.S. alfalfa growers ($9.6 million), dairy producers ($2.9 million) and dry bean growers ($2 million). The analysis did not include losses of beef, hides and skins, ethanol and other processing byproducts. “Counting tariff losses for beef, ethanol, and other byproducts could easily push Nebraska farmers and ranchers’ collective losses from trade tariffs over the $1 billion mark,” Rempe said in a statement. In addition to ag losses, the analysis also pegged total income loss from retaliatory tariffs to Nebraska’s economy at $1.16 billion. “This analysis shows how important trade is for Nebraska farmers, ranchers, rural communities, and our state. It’s vital we eliminate trade barriers and secure trade deals that allow farmers and ranchers to work freely to capture, develop, and grow international markets. Congressional passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, securing a bilateral deal with Japan, and progress on the China front would be very good places to start,” said Steve Nelson, Nebraska Farm Bureau president. The Nebraska Farm Bureau

analysis was released on Sept. 3, just days after the USDA’s Economic Research Service released its August 2019 Farm Income Forecast showing net farm income is forecast to increase in 2019 by $4 billion to $88 billion. While the number, if realized, would still be below the inflation-adjusted net farm income average from 2000 to 2018, it would be the third consecutive year of growth. However, the USDA report noted that cash receipts in 2019 are forecast to decrease by $2.4 billion overall. The increase in net farm income is predicted to come from direct farm payments, mostly due to MFP payments. The USDA report estimates direct payments will increase by $5.8 billion, or 42.5%, to $19.5 billion, nationwide. “We appreciate the administration’s ongoing support for America’s farm and ranch families through MFP assistance, but this analysis shows just how critical it is that we resolve the prolonged trade conflicts that have created the tariff pressures,” Steve Nelson, Nebraska Farm Bureau president, said Sept. 3. To read the full Nebraska Farm Bureau Analysis, visit


Crop season lags in early September Favorable weather needed By Jonathan Knutson Agweek Staff Writer Warm temperatures and the absence of early frost are always important to Upper Midwest agricultural producers in September. But cooperative weather is critical this crop season, with the wheat harvest and corn and soybean development still far behind normal. The weekly crop progress report, based on conditions Sept. 2 and released Sept. 3 by the National Agricultural Statistics Service, an arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, confirms that both the wheat harvest and overall crop maturity lag their normal rates. That reflects the late spring, which delayed and hampered planting. For example, 85% of South Dakota corn reached the dough stage by Sept. 2. The five-year average for that date was 97%. Widespread rains in late August were a mixed blessing. They helped late-planted, still-developing corn and soybeans, which will benefit even more if September weather cooperates and allows the corn and beans to continue to mature normally. Another positive, at least in some areas: the rains helped to recharge subsoil moisture, bolstering the outlook for 2020 crops. But the late-August rains further slowed wheat harvest, which already lagged its normal pace. Unharvested wheat, especially when wet, can lose quality, leading to discounts, or price reductions. Here’s a closer look at wheat, corn and soybeans, the region’s three major crops:

Spring wheat

Montana: 46% of the crop was harvested by Sept. 2, down the five-year average of 76%. Minnesota: 65% of wheat was harvested by Sept. 2,

compared with the five-year average of 81%. North Dakota: 52% of the crop was harvested by Sept. 2, compared with the five-year average of 73%. South Dakota: 79% of wheat was harvested by Sept. 2, compared with the fiveyear average of 91%.


Minnesota: 84% had reached dough stage by Sept. 2, compared with the fiveyear average of 94%; 55% of the crop was rated good or excellent, the rest fair to very poor. North Dakota: 72% had reached dough stage by Sept. 2, compared with the fiveyear average of 87%; 74% was in good or excellent shape, the rest fair to very poor. South Dakota: 76% had reached doughstage by Sept. 2, down from the five-year average of 92%; 65% was rated good or excellent, the rest fair to very poor.


North Dakota: 97% had set pods by Sept. 2, compared with the five-year average of 98%; 64% was in good or excellent condition, the rest fair to very poor. South Dakota: 85% had set pods by Sept. 2, compared with the five-year average of 97%; 59% was rated good or excellent, the rest fair to very poor. Minnesota: 97% had set pods by Sept. 2, compared with the five-year average of 98%; 58% was in good or excellent shape, the rest fair to very poor.



Tune in to watch Michelle Rook deliver information farmers care about most. We cover the top ag news, markets, policy, politics, weather, technology, trade PLUS deliver stories focused on farm life and the people at the heart of agriculture.



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OPERATIONS MANAGER Orianah Fast 701-451-5728

SALES REPRESENTATIVES GRAND FORKS John Fetsch 701-212-1026 FARGO Alec Winmill 701-367-4773 DICKINSON Fayette Heidecker 800-681-0679 BISMARCK Tamra Heins 701-391-6431

Full episodes of AgweekTV also available on


REPORTERS Mikkel Pates 701-936-0686 Jonathan Knutson 701-780-1111 Jenny Schlecht 701-595-0425



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AGWEEK / Monday, September 9, 2019

Sep. 8-12 — National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, N.M. Sep. 10-12 — Big Iron Farm Show, West Fargo, N.D. Information: bigironfarmshow. com Sep. 10-14 — 54th Annual Potato Bowl USA, Huntsville, Texas.

Oct. 1-5 — World Dairy Expo, Madison, Wis. Oct. 6-12 — National 4-H Week Oct. 17-19 — Rally 2019: National Land Conservation Conference, Raleigh, N.C. Oct. 30 — National Chicken Council Annual Conference

Sep. 18-19 — 80th Minnesota (Livestock) Nutrition Conference, Mankato, Minn,

Oct. 30-Nov. 2—National FFA Convention, Indianapolis, Ind.

Sep. 21 — SDSU Beef Bowl, Brookings, S.D.

Oct. 31-Nov. 2 — SD Stockgrowers Association, 128th SD Stockgrowers Convention and Tradeshow, Rapid City, S.D.

Sep. 21-23 — ND Stockmen’s Convention, Minot, N.D. Sep. 26-27 — Ag Credit Conference, Holiday Inn, Fargo, N.D. Sep. 27-28 — SD Sheep Growers Association, Spearfish, S.D. Information:; Facebook at South Dakota Sheep Growers Association. Sep. 30-Oct. 2— Feed and Pet Food Joint Conference (NGFA & PFI), Kansas City, MO.

AgriGrowth names Murray as Director of Government and Member Relations

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Minnesota AgriGrowth Council (AgriGrowth) named Patrick Murray as its new Director of Government and Member Relations today. Murray is currently the Director of Government Relations for Cooperative Network, a two-state trade association of cooperatives throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. During his time with the Cooperative Network, Murray covered public policy issues for all cooperative sectors and provided direct assistance to member cooperatives on legislative and regulatory issues. Murray earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. His emphasis throughout his career has been in the public policy and government relations arenas with an emphasis on issue areas that include agriculture, cooperatives, energy, Farm Credit, transportation,

Nov. 4-6 — National Milk Producers Federation Joint Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La. Nov. 10-13 — National Agricultural Bankers Conference, Dallas, Texas. Nov. 13-14 — NPGA-Montana Pulse Day, Bozeman, Mont. Nov. 20-21 — Gateway Farm Expo,

Kearney, Neb. Dec. 2-9 — SD Corn Growers Association/ Farm Credit of America Risk Management Meetings. Dec. 3-4 — Northern Ag Expo, Fargodome, Fargo, N.D. Dec. 3-5 — South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association Convention & Trade Show, Pierre, S.D. Dec. 3-5 — Minnesota Milk Dairy Conference & Expo, Treasure Island Resort and Casino, Red Wing, Minn. Dec. 3-5 — South Dakota Cattlemen’s Convention, Pierre, S.D. Dec. 5-6 — CHS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minn. Dec. 10-11 — Ag Horizons Conference, Pierre, S.D. Jan. 7-8 — Lake Region Extension Roundup, Devils Lake, N.D.

and Chegg to commend and recognize individuals who serve their organizations in an exceptional capacity as an intern. Selected by an expert panel and Every time your business thousands of public votes, Toupal was promotes an individual, welcomes chosen from over 500 other applicants a new executive or wins an award, for this award. don’t hesitate to send us an update. Since May of 2018, Toupal has We publish “People” in each issue interned with the South Dakota FFA of Agweek. We love to hear (and Association, serving students withshare!) the achievements of those in the nation’s largest youth orgain the agricultural community! nization. From assisting with office Please supply a paragraph or two management duties, coaching state including your company name, the officers in facilitation and leadership employee(s) being recognized and skills to helping coordinate events that information to serve over 3,000 individuals, Toupal has truly provided support and assistance to ensure success within South and utilities. Dakota FFA. Members across the state Toupal recognized as one of have come to know and love “Alex the Intern” as a friendly face and a help2019’s Top 100 Interns BROOKINGS, S.D. — South Dakota ing hand in whatever they may need. Graduating in December, Toupal has State University agriculture education student Alex Toupal of Kimball, S.D. hopes to remain active within FFA as was recently named one of “Intern he begins a career as an agricultural 100”, an honor presented by Way Up educator.



Reducing food waste would not be a waste of effort


There is a lot of work to do in order to make it happen and we don’t have a single baseline to measure success against. Based on a USDA Economic Research Study in 2010, the EPA states “2010 was selected as a baseline at 218.9 pounds of food waste per person sent for disposal. The 2030 FLW (food loss and waste) reduction goal aims to reduce food waste going to landfills by 50% to 109.4 pounds per person.” The USDA estimates “in 2010 food loss and waste at the retail and consumer levels was 31% of the food supply, equaling 133 billion pounds and almost $162 billion.” Can I cut food waste in half by 2030 personally? Yes. We all can. My kids and husband know we do our best to take home leftovers from a restaurant for another meal, freeze home-cooked leftovers at home, utilize vegetables in soups or sauces and fruit in smoothies or sauces before they spoil. I look for bigger wins towards cutting food waste in half by 2030. This past week, Kroger Co. Zero Hunger|Zero Waste foundation announced their first grants to seven winners in Ohio, North Carolina, Iowa and Tennessee from over 400 applicants from amounts of $25,000 to $250,000 to innovatively address food waste. According

By Katie Pinke Agweek Publisher

ow much food waste is in America? Anywhere from 30% to 40% of our food is lost or wasted. First, this is food that could end food security and hunger. Second, food waste is a huge waste of land use, water, energy and inputs in addition to the transportation, processing, storage, preparation and disposal of wasted food. Food waste seems to be talked about more lately but I’ve been waiting to see more private and public partnerships to tackle solutions. It requires sweeping changes in our grocery stores, big box stores, restaurants, and food service industries. And there is not a single solution that fits all. Change, I believe, starts at a local level with passionate leaders willing to invest time, energy and money to create a system that works in their communities and states, then countries and impact global change. Is there a food waste goal we can all be working toward? The U.S. Department of Agriculture joined efforts with the Environmental Protection Agency and set a goal to cut food waste in the United States by 50% by 2030.

to the foundation, innovators were selected because of their “big ideas, shared vision and collaborative spirit” in reducing waste. Key criteria included “alignment with the program’s mission, potential for positive impact in U.S. communities, ease of implementation, geography, and measurability and scalability.” Outside of the United States, countries are addressing food waste in their own different approaches. In 2016, France implemented a law banning supermarkets from throwing away edible food. It must be donated to food charities. Also in 2016, Italy loosened regulations to allow food to be donated that is past a “sell by” date, made it easier for farmers to transfer produce to charities and made it more socially acceptable to ask for “doggy bags” in restaurants. There is not one person, group, organization, government agency or country that will change food waste alone. But there is a start and a movement making progress. We all can be a part of it. And in my lifetime, I hope to see food loss and waste reduced to so little we truly have zero hunger. Pinke is the publisher and general manager of Agweek. She can be reached at, or connect with her on Twitter @katpinke.

SALFORD INDEPENDENT 4100 (HD EXTREME) HYBRID VERTICAL TILLAGE The I-4100 is the most aggressive machine in the Salford Independent Series. It combines 2 rows of shallow concave disc blades followed by 2 rows of coulters on the same frame. Blades are spaced 7 ½” apart. The front 2 rows of concave blades are spaced 15” apart, and rd o the coulters split that spacing to reduce density New Salf n between the disc blades. The I-4100 performs Units O best as a fall residue management machine and ! d n for incorporating heavy product. The additional Ha tillage action of the disc blades mixes more soil with residue to further accelerate decomposition. For seedbed preparation, the I-4100 does its best work with 2 passes at slightly opposite Coulters and Mounts Finishing Package • Front: 22” dia x 5 mm shallow concave discs (rubber mount) • FlexFinish Hydraulically Adjustable angles to ensure the surface is fully prepared. The Independent Series tools comfortably apply • Rear: 22” dia x 5 mm 8 wave coulter (coil mount) Tines and Rolling Baskets • Boron steel blades • Manually Adjustable HD Tines and ammonia at eight miles per hour, often with the anhydrous meter being the limiting factor. • 5” of vertical travel Rolling Baskets




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“Proudly Built in Hope, ND USA” 320-587-5505 • Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK



Plugging along on cancer treatment, writer on a ‘journey’ to getting well By Jonathan Knutson Agweek Staff Writer pril was a memorable month for me. On April 8, I wrapped up my oneyear term as president of North American Agricultural Journalists by leading our annual meeting at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. I didn’t feel well at all, but being a good North Dakota farm kid, I toughed it out. Returning to North Dakota, the pain and nausea continued to escalate. I hadn’t felt right for several months, but earlier tests hadn’t revealed anything seriously wrong and so I was inclined to wait for the next test on April 30. Multiple days of being unable to eat, drink or sleep, however, finally persuaded even stubborn, foolish me to seek immediate attention. On Saturday, April 13, I went to an urgent care clinic where further tests revealed I had colon cancer. “Well,” I told the doctor, “That explains why I feel this way.” I was immediately transferred and admitted to the hospital. “Oh, no!” I thought, “I can’t


finish writing my next Agweek cover story!” (My hard-working Agweek teammates bailed me out with a different cover.) Three more pain- and nauseafilled days later, I had surgery. The surgeon, who radiated competence and compassion, told me after the operation that he had successfully removed a large cancerous tumor and there was reason for optimism. Over the next few days, I learned that the cancer was treatable and the long-term prognosis was good. I also learned that medical practitioners are fond of saying “journey” and “bumps in the road.” The former refers to the treatment plan and recovery process, the latter to setbacks and detours. My scheduled journey consists of surgery, recovery from surgery, chemotherapy, a short break, radiation treatment, another short break, and then a second round of chemotherapy, with it all finished in late winter or spring of 2020. I’ve just completed six of 12 chemo treatments. (Halfway, yeah!) Though there are of course no guarantees, I’m told the long-

term outlook remains good and that I should finish my journey successfully next spring. So I plug along, which I define as trying to stay positive, patient and flexible, and to remain cooperative with medical staff. There have been more than a few bumps in my road so far, and no doubt there’ll be more. At times, I whined a little, but never for long. I know I’m fortunate to have excellent medical care — and employer-provided health insurance. I’m also fortunate to have my parents and three siblings, who’ve offered unflagging support and encouragement. It’s been said we can’t pick our relatives. But if I could, I’d stick with the ones I have now. And thanks to my Agweek co-workers, especially Publisher/ General Manager Katie Pinke, longtime colleague Mikkel Pates and videographer/producer Trevor Peterson, for their patience and understanding.

Limited at work

I’m frequently frustrated by how the cancer treatment affects my work at Agweek. To a large degree,

my life had revolved around ag, ag journalism and Agweek. Providing useful, accurate stories for readers was my priority. Now my priority needs to be getting well. And I’m simply physically incapable of doing some things on the job that I could before. That bothers me greatly, but I’m forced to accept it. Agweek readers with major medical issues of their own know what I mean. Those of you on a serious medical journey also will agree with this, I think: There’s nothing brave, noble, heroic or edifying in our actions; we’re simply doing what’s necessary. We’re human, all too human, so we worry and grow weary, and sometimes we stagger and stumble. But we plug along nonetheless. If you’re on a journey of your own, best wishes and good luck. I hope you avoid bumps in the road. But whatever happens, keep plugging along. Jonathan Knutson welcomes comments about his column. Mail comments to him at Box 6008, Grand Forks, N.D. 58206-6008. Email him at or call him at 701-7801111. Knutson is a staff writer for Agweek.


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AGWEEK / Monday, September 9, 2019


Tapping a new market for ND ethanol Trade mission visits Brazil By Jonathan Knutson Agweek Staff Writer North Dakota ranks 10th in U.S. ethanol production. Brazil, already the world’s biggest buyer of U.S. ethanol, almost certainly will buy even more in the future. Recognizing opportunity, state trade and ethanol industry officials recently visited Brazil to build relationships they hope will lead to future sales of North Dakota-produced ethanol to the South American country. “It was a valuable trip for North Dakota’s ethanol industry,” said Deana Wiese, executive director of the North Dakota Ethanol Council. “With the significant increases in demand predicted in Brazil over the next decade, we’re optimistic that our companies will be able to help

fulfill that need.” Dakota is North capable of producing 520 million gallons of ethanol annually at five plants. About 10% of that is used in the state. The rest is sent to other Goehring states and exported to several countries, primarily Canada, with none currently going to Brazil, Wiese said. The United States leads the world in ethanol production, with its product made from corn. Brazil ranks second, using sugar cane to make ethanol. Even so, Brazil relies heavily on imported ethanol in addition to what it produces itself. Last year, America exported 1.9 billion gallons of ethanol, 30% of it to Brazil. Now, Brazil has evaluated whether to lift ethanol trade barriers, including a 20% duty on imported ethanol after an annual quota of 158 million gallons is reached. “The Brazilian market is quite

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promising, especially if the 20% duty is eliminated, and this trade mission helped us build mutually beneficial relationships with ethanol industry leaders,” North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, who led the trip, said in a written statement. In early September, according to published reports, U.S. and Brazilian officials agreed to raise the tarifffree quota of imported ethanol from 168 million gallons to 198 million gallons. The 20% tariff remains in place for imports beyond 198 million gallons, according to the reports. From Aug. 5-9, Goehring and officials with Midwest Ag Energy, Red Trail Energy, the North Dakota Ethanol Council, North Dakota State University, the U.S. Commercial Service and the North Dakota Trade Office traveled to the Brazilian cities of São Paulo and Recife. They attended briefings on Brazil’s burgeoning ethanol market and met with ethanol importers and distributors.

The North Dakota Trade Office partnered with U.S. Commercial Service offices in Fargo, São Paulo and Recife and the Foreign Ag Service, on the trip. Lindsey Warner, director of marketing and events for the North Dakota Trade Office, organized the mission and guided the group in Brazil. Brazilian ethanol companies will visit North Dakota in the future, she predicted. Other major corn- and ethanolproducing states, such as Nebraska and Iowa, are closer to Brazil, which conceivably could offer ethanol producers in those states a cost advantage in sending their product to Brazil. But Warner said she doesn’t think that will be the case. Brazil has raised sugar cane since the 16th century, and ethanol from it has been produced for decades. The oil crisis of 1973 encouraged Brazil to develop its ethanol industry, and a variety of government programs has helped to do so.

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SD farmers lead nation in prevented planting, now crop races to maturity By Michelle Rook AgweekTV Anchor MITCHELL, S.D. — 2019 has been a disastrous crop season for South Dakota farmers. The state led the nation in prevented planting acres this spring at a record 4 million-plus acres because of heavy snows this winter and relentless spring rain and flooding. Gary Duffy farms near Oldham, S.D., and says he only got a third of his intended crop planted. “Total for both corn and beans about 35% of our crop was planted this year,” he says. “We’re not sure whether we did the right thing by doing that, but so be it.” Hitchcock, S.D., farmer Jeff Gatzke says they didn’t fare much better during this spring’s planting season. “We had about 50% prevent plant on our ground this year. We have never had this much prevent plant. We tried to get in just about every acre we could possible, but it was a real struggle.” However, the largest amount of prevented plant was in the southeast. Jeff Spieler, Dekalb/Asgrow technical agronomist says, “It goes anywhere from you know 20, 30% prevent plant acres in areas to up to 70, 80% and higher.” Most of the corn that did get planted was after June 1 and now in a race to maturity. The USDA crop progress reports showed as of Sunday, Sept. 1 only 1% of the crop was dented, which is well behind the 53% five-year average. Doug Noem of Bryant, S.D., says the maturity of their crops is lagging. “You know we’re 30 days behind normal we think or 25 anyway.” Spieler says agronomically that makes even a normal frost date a concern for much of the state. “If we get that frost in early October, you know October 1st, in that neighborhood you know we’re going to have some corn that isn’t going to be black layered yet,” he says. Soybean development is in better shape than the corn, with 85% of the crop setting pods, just 12% behind normal. However, the crop is still at the mercy of the first frost date. Bob Metz farms near Peever, S.D., where he says they were fortunate to get most of the crop seeded. However, his growing season is always shorter in the northeastern part of the state. “If we get frost even the second week of September, I don’t know if there will be much to even harvest,” he says. Duffy says they planted a lot of beans on bean ground because those were the 8

AGWEEK / Monday, September 9, 2019

only fields they could put in. “Some of those beans don’t look too bad but we just need time,” he says. As far as yield prospects, with the delayed crops, the top end yield has been taken off both corn and soybeans. “Yield potential for those acres right out of the chute is probably 20% to 35% off what we would normally expect just from a planting date,” Spieler says. Volga, S.D., farmer Scott VanderWal says that will be the case in his operation. “We’ve told the banker you probably better figure on 150 or 160 bushels per acre, which is down 50 bushels from where we were the last two years.” Gatzke says the corn they did get planted caught some heavy rain, from 8 to 9 inches, the early part of August and now that corn has turned brown. So he is just hoping they can get enough of a crop for their livestock. “If we can get 120, 130 on corn I would be very happy, but all of our corn goes to feed so we’re going to get as much of that as we can,” he says. Jeff Thompson farms just north of Sioux Falls near Colton, N.D., and is

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Michelle Rook / AgweekTV

Many fields like this one in South Dakota have areas that didn’t get planted, which will cut into yield. also president of the South Dakota Soybean Association. He had near record soybean yields last year, but is much less optimistic for this fall on his farm and for the entire state. “Average, you know, I’m guessing if I can get 40 I’ll probably be happy on most of my acres.”

And Duffy agrees. “We don’t know on the beans — 30, 35.” Beyond the lagging maturity, corn also is very uneven, so farmers anticipate high moisture levels and increased grain drying. Many have already started lining up propane for this fall, which is just another cost they didn’t need in an already disastrous season.


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One to remember and one to forget T

By Mark Huso Special to Agweek

he 2019 cereals harvest is fast deserving of this headline. When wheat and barley harvest started in early August, reports were coming in quite favorable. Good yield and quality. Barley acres were some of the first to come off and this years’ crop was primarily two-row barley. Two-row barley isn’t new to our region, however, the volume of acres certainly were increased this past winter and spring when decisions were being made and malt contracts looked favorable. Two-row barley carries more risk than traditional six-row such as standability and sprout risk being main factors. Yields are good with the barley this year but quality has become concerning. Many of the tworow acres had harvesting issues with green straw and the barley became quite lodged after too much wind and rain, therefore, the combines were basically crawling through the fields. Some

samples are testing positive for sprout damage and while not at high levels, we are hopeful the end product will still make grade. Wheat had many positive reports as harvest began in the second week of August. We were seeing very good yields, strong test weight and protein levels. Some farms will achieve record yields in hard red spring wheat in our area of northeast North Dakota. Many things contribute to that: Planting date, variety, rainfall, fertility and disease management are all key in high yielding wheat. Farmers that tried to push fertility with feeding the crop with additional nitrogen during the three to five leaf stage are being rewarded. It is difficult to utilize this practice with many crops being raised in our area and spraying often is the main chore during this window. A few farmers were able to utilize timing the nitrogen application in front of decent rainfall and they are seeing more bushels and protein than our standard management practice.

Now wet weather has greatly slowed wheat harvest. Quality and harvest efficiency have become a serious negative issue. Farmers are receiving quality discounts on an already unfavorable market price for wheat and there are still many acres yet to harvest. Because of the market price, farmers are storing the crop in efforts the discounts and lower prices will change. Thus, “the one to forget.” While filling up gas a couple days ago, a farmer came up to me and those were his words, “I can’t wait to forget about this wheat harvest.” Protein has been overall quite good so I’m hoping farmers will see some protein premiums in the months ahead.

When will it freeze?

The next issue facing many of the farmers in the Upper Midwest is frost date. For a strong majority, our corn is much behind the historical average, and even some of the soybean acres in our area are behind in maturity and certainly are exposed to maturity risk

if we see a frost in the next two weeks. The long range forecast is looking promising. The row crops in my area appear good. Edible beans should make maturity with no issues and some of these fields will begin harvesting around the Fordville and Park River, N.D., area. Soybeans are turning mature around Lakota, N.D., as fields begin to change to yellow and tan. But other areas have very green healthy soybeans with pods still developing. Plant date and lack of heat units are the reason these beans could be at risk with an untimely frost. Corn needs time. I don’t watch one field where I’m confident it will make full maturity. Many fields won’t be able to handle a killing frost until sometime in October. That’s an unlikely favor, but nonetheless it’s the favor we are asking for at this time. Mark Huso of Huso Crop Consulting from Lakota, N.D., is a crop consultant who works with farmers in six North Dakota counties. Huso is involved in the production of cereals, canola, corn, edible bean, soybean and sunflowers and can be reached on Twitter @husocrop or by email: husocrop@

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK



Like grain dealings, Hanson’s car business spiraled downward Manager: I never knew about ill-gotten grain By Mikkel Pates Agweek Staff Writer BELCOURT, N.D. — When Hunter Hanson last fall filed for a license to start a used car business at the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, Stuart Medrud was by his side. But Medrud, 54, is adamant he was an employee-manager of the then-21-year-old Hanson — never a true partner or owner in Hanson Motors — and that he didn’t know the money for the business came from ill-gotten grain. The used venture is one place Hanson — North Dakota’s notorious grain marketer — found to pour away money some of the $11.2 million he should have paid to 60 farmers and elevators owed money by his Midwest Grain Trading and Nodak Grain businesses. Hanson was arrested and in jail from April 4. On July 30, he pleaded guilty federal money laundering and wire fraud charges and is to be sentenced Nov. 12. Separately, he faces a court date Sept. 26 in Mountrail County over a $94,000

Mikkel Pates / Agweek

Stuart Medrud, 54, of Belcourt, N.D., managed Hunter Hanson’s used car business, but says he had no idea the 21-year-old had been committing fraud to finance auto purchases for the business that sold 160 cars from the fall of 2018 until Hanson was arrested in April 2019. non-sufficient funds check to United Quality Grain. Medrud is still taking checks from customers who still owe money on cars. Of those, 35 or so have stopped paying because no one — Medrud or any government entity — can

assure them they’ll get a clear title. Medrud estimates car buyers may still owe roughly $200,000 to the defunct dealership. “I’m afraid (officials) are going to come and start taking cars from people, instead

of giving them the titles,” Medrud says.

A ‘lot of vehicles’ Medrud was finance manager at M.J. McGuire’s, a Ford dealership in Rugby, N.D., when he first met Hanson in

about January 2018. Hanson, at age 20, came in and wrote out a check for $30,000 check to buy a car. Hanson explained to Medrud that his Midwest Grain Trading business, a roving grain buying company, was “doing very well.” An auto salesman indicated Hanson had “money from his grandparents and (he) had invested it very well,” Medrud recalls. Hanson would go on to buy “a lot of vehicles” at McGuire’s in 2018, including a “Raptor,” the top-of-the-line Ford F-150, for perhaps $70,000. At one point, Medrud told Hanson he was going into business for himself, perhaps starting a used car business at his home at Belcourt so he would eliminate a 40-mile drive to work. Surprise: Hanson said he, too, was setting up a car business at Leeds, N.D. Medrud said Hanson told him “‘You should run come to work for me!’”

$500K? No worries

Medrud instead urged Hanson to come look at a rental building at Belcourt. Hanson would pay the rent for the

HANSON: Page 16

Cool temps put soybeans behind in development Will beans mature prior to frost? By Mikkel Pates Agweek Staff Writer FARGO, N.D. — A cool, comfortable late August was good for recreation, but may leave some of the region’s soybeans for “growing degree days” that allow the crops to mature before a frost. Hans Kandel, a North Dakota State University Extension agronomist, in the first week of September said farmers aren’t likely to make up many growing degree days between now and harvest, considering the forecast of cooler temperatures in the next few 10


weeks. Soybeans are behind in development because they were planted late, and then falling behind in heat units, he said. “The good thing about soybean is that the soybean (yield) is made in August and September rainfall,” he said. The weekly National Agricultural Statistics Service crop progress report on Sept. 1 pegged the North Dakota soybean crop at 9% poor, 27% fair, 57% good and 7% excellent. Only 7% of the soybeans were dropping leaves, an indicator of maturity. That’s well behind the 35% last year and the 25% average for the date over the past five years.. In Minnesota, the NASS report said soybeans were two weeks behind, with

only 7% turning color, which was 10 days behind last year and average. “We are behind, but we should be finishing out the season in that Sept. 20 to Sept. 25 area, if you planted the correct maturity and planted at a reasonable time,” Kandel said, adding, “If you planted into June, the maturity is expected in late September.” Typically, the frost date long-term is about Sept. 20 in central North Dakota, while in the past years the frost date has often delayed until October. “With soybeans we try to harvest it directly, close to a storable moisture and you can still air-dry the soybeans,” he said. “Beans need to be mature because immature beans are dockage.

SOY: Page 16

Forum News Service/Agweek/Mikkel Pates

Hans Kandel, a North Dakota State University Extension agronomist, says the region’s soybean crops are behind schedule and at risk of failing to make maturity before frost. Photo taken Aug. 30, 2019, Fargo, N.D.


Palmer amaranth tour news mixed Neb., SD, don’t call it a noxious weed By Mikkel Pates Agweek Staff Writer FARGO, N.D. — A North Dakota State University weed specialist in Fargo says there was good and bad news in a recent tour to Nebraska to gauge the threat from Palmer amaranth. Tom Peters, who holds a joint sugar beet specialist appointment with North Dakota State University and the University of Minnesota, says he has more hope about controlling the infestation, but also is more worried about hay shipments from states that don’t label it a noxious weed. In late August, Peters led a tour to southeast Nebraska, around Holdrege and the North Platte, areas. Palmer amaranth has been described by some as a “super weed.” It’s in the pigweed species, related to the more common redroot pigweed and waterhemp that are more common in North Dakota and Minnesota, Peters says. Palmer amaranth has been confirmed in Grant County, as well as McIntosh, Benson, Dickey, Foster and Richland counties in North Dakota. Palmer amaranth was first discovered in Minnesota in 2016. Recently, Lincoln County became the seventh county to confirm it, after Redwood, Jackson, Todd, Douglas, Yellow Medicine and Lyon counties. Two years ago Peters was “taken aback” by a plant, that can easily get 10 feet tall and 6 feet across. This year tour-goers still saw Palmer amaranth, but also a lot of fields with good control. Service providers and farmers indicated control is possible with crop rotations, layering multiple herbicides during the year. “We need to pull weeds, we need to use cover crops,” Peters said, “but if we put together a system of practices, we can control Palmer amaranth.” Peters studies sugar beets the most, but he frequently talks about controlling weeds across the crop rotation sequence, including soybeans. Sugar beets, as a minor crop, doesn’t have some of the tools.

‘Deja vu moment’

Sugar beet farmers typically use a pre-emergence herbicide right at planting, and use two applications of soil-applied herbicides in a “layby” application — first at the twoleaf stage, and the second at the

six- to eight-leaf sugar beet stage. That’s before waterhemp and pigweed emerges, but after the beet starts to grow. In soybeans, however, the Nebraskans were using a similar formula to control Palmer amaranth, but they followed with a final post-emergence application of dicamba or Liberty herbicide. In Nebraska, farmers will plant soybeans a second year in a row if they felt they weren’t adequately controlling Palmer amaranth in soybeans, because they have better control tools with that crop than some others. They’ll follow with corn and a similar weed control program North Dakota and Minnesota growers use. Dicamba must be applied within 45 days of soybean planting, so farmers must be wary of spraying past that date to stay within the label guidelines. It’s spendy to control Palmer amaranth. The irrigated Nebraska area produces 90-bushel-per acre soybeans yields compared to 45 bushels per acre in non-irrigated North Dakota beans. “One of the (chemical) retailers said if the farmer wasn’t willing to spend $100 an acre (on weed control) he didn’t want to get involved,” Peters says. To compare, farmers in North Dakota might spend $40 to $50, sometimes $60 an acre for Palmer amaranth control. He says farmers need to use all of the tools, including crop rotation and row spacing and cover crops to keep it at bay. There was one new worry from the tour. Peters this time saw “a lot” of Palmer amaranth in alfalfa. This could be a problem because Nebraska designates weeds noxious only if they originate outside of the U.S. Palmer amaranth originated in Arizona and New Mexico. Nebraska alfalfa farmers are on a 35-day “cut cycle” for alfalfa hay. This allows Palmer amaranth to germinate, emerge and produce viable seed heads before farmers cut it again. “If they’re baling that and sending it to producers in other states, that could be a potential way to introduce Palmer amaranth,” Peters said. Similarly, Palmer amaranth is not on South Dakota’s noxious weed list. It is on the lists in North Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa.

Tom Peters, Fargo, an Extension Service weed specialist at North Dakota State University and the University of Minnesota, guides a Palmer amaranth weed tour of southeast Nebraska in mid-August 2019. NDSU Extension

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cover story

A pasture that had a prescribed burn the year prior has more species diversity than a pasture that did not get burned at the Central Grasslands Research Extension Center near Streeter, N.D. ON THE WRAP COVER: Cattle graze on a pasture at the Central Grasslands Research Extension Center near Streeter, N.D. The pasture is part of a study on how prescribed burns affect cattle production, pollinators, birds and more. ON THE COVER: Visitors to Central Grasslands Research Extension Center were impressed with the species diversity on grasslands that had been burned a year prior as part of a research project. The group was touring pastures as part of the America’s Grasslands Conference. Photo taken Aug. 20, 2019. Photos by Jenny Schlecht / Agweek

America’s Grasslands Conference puts focus on the importance of cattle on the land S

By Jenny Schlecht Agweek Staff Writer

TREETER, N.D. — Cattle and conservation haven’t always been natural companions when it comes to how to manage grasslands. Many conservation programs have sought to keep cattle off the land, the thought being that cattle would damage the ecosystem of pollinators and birds and other species that rely on the grasslands. But the philosophy of how to best care for grasslands and the flora and fauna that call them home is changing. “Cattle have historically gotten a bad rap on being bad for the environment, bad for our grasslands. And in the end, they were so wrong,” said Kevin Sedivec, director of the Central Grasslands Research Extension Center in Streeter. “We finally understand the value of cattle in terms of conservation and keeping grass where grass should be at for the value in terms of the whole ecosystem function.” The National Wildlife Federation held the biennial America’s 12


“If we didn’t have profitable ranching operations, we would have lost even more grasslands across the country,” he said. “And I think some of our greatest grassland conservationists are our ranchers.”

Research focus on future policy

Kevin Sedivec, in tan, is director of the Central Grasslands Research Extension Center near Streeter, N.D. Here, he shows how different intervals of cattle grazing affected grasslands. Grasslands Conference Aug. 20-22 in Bismarck, and part of the focus was on the interplay between grazing and grassland health. “We’re here to try to build partnerships with landowners, with ranchers who really are the true heroes in this because they’re the ones that are maintaining these

grasslands, conservation groups, state agencies, federal agencies, really talking about restoring this worldclass resource,” said Collin O’Mara, president and CEO of the federation. Profitable ranches are important in keeping grasslands from being plowed under or otherwise degraded, O’Mara said.

At the Central Grasslands Research Extension Center, scientists are studying the effects of disturbance on grasslands. On Aug. 20, a couple dozen grasslands enthusiasts from across North America stomped through pastures, looking at the difference between a pasture that had been burned last season and one that had not. The tour at the research center was one of several that scattered that day across North Dakota, exploring grasslands management on working ranches, public lands and more. On the pasture that had not been burned, the grass, mainly nonnative brome grass, was plentiful, but species diversity was not. Across the fence, in the previously burned pasture, the tour participants were excited to find sunflowers, purple

cover story prairie clover, purple coneflowers, a variety of forbs and any number of other flora species. Sedivec and other researchers pointed out various points on the landscape — the various species of plants and the purpose they serve, the bare areas where cattle had grazed more heavily, the wetlands and the weeds. They also explained how the different management decisions had affected the rate of gain of cattle; early results have shown cattle gaining better on the previously burned pastures that offered more diversity. The tour also looked at areas where researchers had used cattle, rather than fire, as a form of disturbance on the land, grazing at a heavy stocking rate last year with a rest this year. Like the area that had been burned the year prior, the area where cattle had been used featured more species diversity, leading to more pollinator species and bird species on the land. Dannele Peck, director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Northern Great Plains Climate Hub, attended the tour in Streeter. Research into the importance of grasslands has found the biome valuable for water infiltration, erosion control, carbon sequestration, habitat and providing open spaces, she said. Research also has looked at how grazing impacts the ecosystem. Peck said the results show that cattle can be valuable tools on the landscape. For instance, some birds that use the grasslands as habitat prefer short grass and others prefer long grass. “So we use cattle on that landscape to achieve these different habitat outcomes,” she said. Sedivec explained that the projects he and other NDSU scientists are

The America’s Grasslands Conference included tours that visited ranches and other grasslands sites, including the Central Grasslands Research Extension Center near Streeter, N.D., on Aug. 20, 2019.

working on are focused on scientifically determining “good, sound management on our grasslands,” so that policies related to land management, endangered species and more can be based on science rather than anecdotes or emotions. Grasslands, Sedivec said, cover about a third of the U.S. and half of the world. The importance of properly managing the resource, building soil health and incorporating cattle on the landscape has begun to make it into discussions and debates far beyond the world of agriculture. “It is good to see that there’s been a lot of publicity, and I think it’s been well-deserved publicity, on the value of our soils and the value of our soils and our grasslands,” Sedivec said. “They feed the world. They really create our carbon sinks. They protect our soils, they protect our waters.” At Streeter, the research focuses on ways to profitably raise cattle while keeping the grasslands healthy for all of its other responsibilities. “When managed properly, cattle are a really good thing in terms of producing really good grasslands. Plus the recycling aspect of it. The biology that that back end of a cow gives you is very beneficial to our grasslands as well as our environment,” Sedivec said. The profitability of ranchers goes hand in hand with conservation, O’Mara said. “At the end of the day, if we don’t have a sustainable habitat that’s also profitable, there’s a lot of places that we’ll lose. So having cattle that’s responsibly managed can not only provide a great product for market but can also provide this amazing resource that it needs to thrive,” he said.

Jed Rider of Alexander, N.D., spoke Aug. 21, at the America’s Grasslands Conference in Bismarck, N.D., about how he has created grasslands on former irrigated cropland. Jenny Schlecht / Agweek

RANCHER FINDS PROFITABILITY IN CREATING GRASSLANDS ON CROPLAND By Jenny Schlecht Agweek Staff Writer BISMARCK, N.D. — Jed Rider grew up on an irrigated sugar beet farm, but he always wanted to be a cowboy. He and his family toiled for years on the irrigated farm in northwest North Dakota, harvesting crops that didn’t quite pay off in the end. Still harboring his cowboy dream, Rider began reading about holistic management, sustainable agriculture and grazing. He wanted to run more cows than he could on his native pastures near Alexander, N.D., and in 2008, he talked his father-in-law into letting him switch 400 acres of cropland back into grasslands. Rider, told the crowd on Aug. 21 at the America’s Grasslands Conference in Bismarck about how he has created grasslands on former crop ground. Even with cropland rental rates, it’s paying off. “It’s way more profitable,” he said. Rider’s first planting, in 2008, consisted of a mix of grasses. That pasture has little resilience and “little margin for error,” he explained. In a 2012 planting, he incorporated more diversity, adding native species like purple prairie clover, purple coneflower and maximilian sunflower.

That did better, but not good enough, he said. “There’s not near enough color out in that pasture,” he said. In 2018, he added more diversity, because, he said, “Desperate soils call for desperate measures.” The ‘18 planting was 65% forbs and legumes, like alfalfa, cicer milkvetch and clovers, and 35% grass species. “I think it’s going to work,” Rider told the crowd. “I’ll tell you in 15 years whether it does.” Creating grasslands, Rider said, wouldn’t be possible without careful management. He practices bale grazing in the winter, as a way to “import carbon” onto the land. He uses high stocking density of cattle to get the maximum impact across the land while giving the land plenty of rest and recovery time by using short durations of grazing on each piece of land. “You can go onto my ranch and 5,000 acres of it are without cattle,” he said. Rider wants people to know that land can be returned to grass and still be profitable. He encourages others considering the move to talk to others who have done it. Rider is a mentor for the North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition, and he said he is open to sharing his successes and difficulties.

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK


HANSON From Page 12

building just east of the Skydancer Casino. Medrud would manage the Hanson Motors half of the building. Medrud later would rent the other half when he got a separate auto car Hanson parts store going. “I said ‘Do you have the money?’” Medrud remember asking Hanson at the start. “You’re going to need at least a half-million to make this run right if you want a nice dealership.’ He said, ‘Don’t worry about the money.’” Medrud says Hanson showed him a bank account on his smartphone that held more than $700,000, but Medrud later estimated he’d spent much less — as little as $200,000 — on the car business. Medrud says he coached Hanson to buy vehicles for $5,000 to $10,000 wholesale, to match the Belcourt used retail market. Hanson went on trips to car auctions in Phoenix or Las Vegas, an area “smothered” with low-mileage rental fleet cars — without the rust from northern states. After Hanson made purchases, five or 10 cars a week, the auction would email Medrud, who would send payment from a Hanson Motors account in a local area bank.

Making the news

The car biz seemed to go well until Hanson’s grain failures started making the news. Public Service Commission regulators started hearing complaints Nov. 9, initially suspecting non-payment of $2 million from Hanson’s businesses. When Hanson was on the cover of Agweek in Dec. 3, the area

SOY From Page 12

Physiological maturity for soybeans means that 95% of the soybean pods have a mature color. “When you get an early frost, typically we get some of the beans that do not mature completely. You may get green beans into your bin,” he said. For the past two years, 14

Forum News Service / Agweek / Mikkel Pates

The Hanson Motors signs have mostly disappeared and the Medruds call the building The Farm, with a furniture and hardware store. banks pulled out from financing car deals. “He had us believing he was not guilty, it was all going to pass,” Medrud says. But the bad court news and criminal charges kept coming. Hanson began buying cheaper vehicles locally, but sometimes selling them at a loss, much like his grain dealings. When the Hanson Motors checking account dipped dangerously low, Hanson would go and sell a car or

NDSU has offered farmers an online computer model for soybeans. The model takes 1) planting date, 2) variety maturity, 3) and data from the nearest North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network weather station. “It will predict the day it might mature,” as well as the first frost-date long-term, and the first killing frost of 28 degrees Fahrenheit. The model works best if the crop is planted within May.


pickup to generate cash. “It was his money, his business,” Medrud says. “All I could do was advise him, as the old guy. ‘That isn’t smart business,’ But it didn’t seem to matter to him. If he needed 20 grand today to buy a Bobcat attachment, he’d go sell a vehicle he had somewhere and get his 20 grand. Didn’t care what he lost on it, whatever.” The auto auctions in early August

Similarly, a killing frost can stop the maturing of a corn kernel toward harvest, indicated by black layer in the kernel. NASS pegged North Dakota corn at 74% in good to excellent condition, but only 72% was in the dough stage, well behind the 95% last year and behind the 87% average for the date. Only 8% was dented, behind last year’s 67% and the 44% five-year average.

suspended Medrud’s dealer purchase privileges because of his association with Hanson, even though he wasn’t an owner. One auto auction thinks Medrud is somehow responsible for $73,000 that Hanson owes them. “I’m not Hanson Motors, I was an EMPLOYEE,” he says, adamantly. But he also acknowledges his role: “He couldn’t have done this car business without me. He knew that; I knew that.”







AccuWeather® 7-Day Forecast for North Dakota Monday







Cloudy with afternoon showers

Cloudy; a couple of showers

Low clouds

A chance for showers

Mostly cloudy; rain possible

An afternoon t-storm possible

A couple of showers possible

H: 60 to 65 L: 48 to 55

H: 61 to 69 L: 50 to 53

H: 64 to 69 L: 50 to 55

H: 62 to 68 L: 44 to 52

H: 64 to 69 L: 47 to 53

H: 63 to 71 L: 46 to 51

H: 65 to 72 L: 46 to 51

Local Almanac

Agriculture Report

Statistics for the week ending September 4

Monday will be cloudy with showers around, mainly later in the day. Wind southeast at 8-16 mph. Afternoon relative humidity will drop to around 70 percent. It will be cloudy with a couple of showers possible Tuesday. Wind east-northeast at 7-14 mph. Afternoon relative humidity around 70 percent.


Bismarck Grand Forks

High for the week Low for the week Normal high Normal low Average temperature Normal average temp. Temperature departure

82° 45° 79° 50° 62.4° 64.8° -2.4°

77° 40° 76° 50° 58.8° 63.1° -4.3°

0.06” 0.06” 18.90” 0.26” 23% 134%

0.48” 0.46” 14.68” 0.31” 148% 94%

7 44 1962

7 27 1794

Precipitation Total for the week Total for the month Total for the year Normal for the month % of normal this month % of normal this year

Growing Degree Days Yesterday Month to date Season to date RealFeel Temperature® 8 a.m. Monday 12 p.m. 4 p.m. 8 p.m.

50° 58° 55° 54°

48° 58° 59° 50°

Prcp 0.39 0.52 0.22 0.28 0.45 0.31 0.24 0.48 0.52

City Glasgow, MT Grand Forks, ND Jamestown, ND Lemmon, SD Minot, ND Pierre, SD St. Cloud, MN Thief Riv Fls, MN Williston, ND

Monday will remain rather cool across the area. A storm system approaching the region will bring considerable amounts of clouds along with showers, mainly later in the day. A steadier rain will move through the area Monday night. Tuesday will remain cloudy and cool with a couple of showers possible. Clouds will continue to persist across the area on Wednesday. Thursday will be mostly cloudy with a chance for showers.


Much of southern and eastern Australia will be drier than normal with temperatures near to above normal.

Brazil RGS to Parana can have near-normal rainfall, while the rest of eastern Brazil will be drier than normal.


Temperatures are the averages for the week of 8/29 - 9/4. Precipication values are totals for the week.

Lo 48 47 50 48 48 51 43 50 51

Regional Summary


Regional Cities Hi 75 68 76 75 72 71 74 73 72


International Crop Summary

The patented RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body.

City Aberdeen, SD Bemidji, MN Billings, MT Bismarck, ND Crookston, MN Devils Lake, ND Dickinson, ND Fargo, ND Fergus Falls, MN

Trends for the Week Ahead

Hi 75 72 73 77 72 79 73 71 74

Lo 47 47 47 49 48 52 49 48 45

Prcp 0.16 0.36 0.38 0.23 0.25 0.32 0.60 0.52 0.18

Much of the Canadian Prairies will have near- to abovenormal rainfall with temperatures near to below normal.

European Union Rainfall will be near normal in the United Kingdom, northern Germany, Italy and eastern Europe. Drier than normal in southwest Europe.

Russia The Baltics to western Ukraine can have normal rainfall this week, while areas farther east will be drier than normal.

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019



September 10-12, 2019


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MODEL 13-325SC


MODEL 14-430SC


MODEL 14-530SC




Mon-Fri: 7am - 5:30pm Sat: 8am - 5:30pm (Williston Sat: 8 -2) We reserve the right to correct errors, limit quantities and terminate any offer at any time. Sale pricing valid during the show only unless otherwise noted or while supplies last. © Acme Tools 2019.

Bring a picture of your pressure washer working or not and receive a $ 1,500 Instant Trade In. In store pick up.


Plus Many More!

MODEL CPS110-2018 • 24.4 Hp Kubota D902 Tier 4 diesel engine e • 100 PSI (7 bar) rated pressure • Single axle trailer design

Includes FREE Blow Gun and Hose Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK



AGWEEK / Monday, September 9, 2019

BUY A PRE THE MESO IS FREE WITH HEFTY BRAND CORN!! Take 3 simple steps to SAVE big-time money on your farm this coming season! 1. Order 3 different varieties of Hefty Brand Corn by September 20, 2019. 2. Purchase a qualifying HPPD corn herbicide AND a qualifying pre-emerge corn herbicide by June 30, 2020. 3. Receive a rebate in August 2020 that is equivalent to the current, total cost per acre of the full rate of mesotrione. That means your net cost for mesotrione is $0!



If you are a Hefty Brand Corn or Hefty Brand Soybean customer, you may qualify for special pricing through September 20 on Roundup and Durango bulk herbicides!


This will absolutely be the lowest price you will ďŹ nd anywhere for the 2020 growing season!






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Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

INDUSTRIAL/ CONSTRUCTION FOR SALE Bobcat T-250, gold package, good tracks and sprockets, 80” bucket, 2,424 hours, nice low hour machine, $22,000; 701-361-4141 or 701-432-5645 Grain Bin Jacks. 12 “T” Style jacks, heavy duty with aircraft cable. Gold Foundry 2-speed winches, Extra winches and back legs. Center Jack also. $10,000. Jim 701-361-5821

Chevrolet Cruze 2013, excellent miles per gallon, new tires, 80,000 miles. $7,500 OBO. 605-281-1583 RARE FIND!!! Don’t miss this opportunity!! Headed south for the winter and need an RV that is totally handicapped accessible! 2000 National Dolphin RV 37 foot. Customed-installed wheelchair lift. Pictures available! 29,000 miles, runs great, good condition, 2 full slides, PRICED TO SELL. $19,000 OBO!!! (605) 280-0904

Chevrolet Corvette 1999, 48,000 miles, AT, removable top, red in color, $14,500 or best offer. (605) 237-5034

Cadillac DTS Platinum 2011, 68,000, show room condition, Black on black, 4.6 V8, loaded, heated/cooled seats, navigation, always garaged. 605-351-3593 No texting.

2000 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Classic F.I., 28,000 miles, saddle bags, windshield, $2,500 obo. 605-380-5434

2010 Monaco 26,000 miles, (605) 848-0303

Camelot, like new.

2009 Timpte Hopper Bottoms Ag hoppers, 40 foot, 96” wide, 72” sides, Aluminum wheels, Air ride, Very low miles. $22500.00 See at F & M Transport 314 15th Street NW West Fargo ND 58078 Call Lance Moen 701-282-0476 2007 53x102 Wilson drop deck trailer, (605) 670-2250 For Sale: 2012 Heavy Duty ¾ ton Chevy crew cab shortbox, sprayed grey bed liner, dark grey exterior and dark grey cloth interior, 6.0 liter engine, 410 rear end, 5th wheel plate, low mileage, excellent shape inside and out. 701-430-3189 2002 Wilson Tri-Axle Cattle Pot Excellent condition, well-maintained, floors 50%. Asking $26,000. (605) 881-2760

2089 Acres • Scenic Ranch & Farm Land Offered in 3 tracts & as an entire unit



OCTOBER 2, 2019 •


Only 12 miles north of Rapid City (off Haines Ave, watch for signs) 2 Running Creeks ~ Views of Black Hills & Bear Butte ~ Contiguous & Adjoining, along Tilford & Elk Vale Roads ~ Wells ~ Springs ~ 9+ Stock Dams ~ Electricity ~ Deer & other Wildlife ~ Hunting ~ Beautiful Vistas ~ Tall, lush grass ~ Alfalfa, intermediate, green needle, western, & other grasses scattered across the Meadows ~ Clean Pastures ~ 683.87 acres designated FSA cropland, now in grass, hay & oats ~ Barn/Arena: 306 ft x 134 ft ~ Excellent sites for your dream home! Sec. 5 in T3N-R8E, & Sec. 28, 29, 31, 32 & 33 in T4N-R8E BHM in Meade County, SD Broker Participation Owner: Larry Henderson Auctioneers represent Seller

Piroutek & Arneson Auction Services -- 605-685-4556 - or, 605-798-2525

LARGE ANTIQUE & HOUSEHOLD MOVING AUCTION LOCATION: 1019 Lakewood Drive, Detroit Lakes, MN On west side of Long Lake


BOAT, LIFTS, ATV Alumacraft Classic deluxe with 40hp Johnson. Minnkota trolling motor. Trailer. EZ-Roll aluminum pontoon lift with canopy and electric lift. Shore station aluminum lift with canopy and electric lift. 2001 Polaris sportsman 400 4x4, only 2579 miles. LAWN AND GARDEN ITEMS JD Model X360, 48” deck, bagger and snowblower, only 326 hrs. 2-wheel trailer with ramp. Lawn carts. Fimco Lawn sprayer. Wheel barrow. Garden tiller. Electric ice auger. Dog house. Jeri cans. Lawn spreader. Cast iron bench. Rods and reels and some fishing items. Concrete deer. Stihl leaf blower. FIREARMS Browning AS Lightweight 12ga. Browning BPS 10ga. Browning 3644 Belgium. Plus Gamar Pellet gun. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES KC wood box. Gate legged table. Sewing rocker. Stereo scope with pictures. Oval picture frame. Mantel clock. Cedar chest. Hutch from Denmark Cherry wood. Table Made in Scotland. Pabst clock. Army Air Force WW11 Fighter Pilot coat Marked on inside. Arctic cat snowcat suit. Tree coat umbrella holder. Green depression. Noritake china. Plus other fancy glassware. Norwegian Sea captains trunk (unique). Hudson Bay blanket. Banded bowls. 6 gallon Red Wing crock. Solid Butternut wood dresser. High chair. School desk. Red dial phone. Copper boiler. Schlitz beer clock. Horse collars. Old Flat goose decoys. HOUSEHOLD Washer and dryer. Refrigerator. 17 cu.ft. Chest freezer. Dressers. Night stands. Glass top table. Small cabinets. Desk. Queen size sleep number bed. Couches and hideabeds. Leather couch. Dehumidifier. Bar stools. Small electric range. Occasional chairs. Large LG flat screen TV. Love seat. Lazyboy chair with electric controls. Dining room table, 6 chairs. Hutch. Microwave. Creek vac. Eureka vac. Patio furniture. Homecraft glider. Portable bar. Twin beds. Plus more general household items. ART WORK AND MOUNTS JA Kirkpatrick painting. Sharing the season Redlin. Les Kouba prints. Pheasant mount. Large Canadian goose mount. DU Decoys. Deer horns. Some walleye & bass fish mounts. Very old Lion picture from 1840’s.


CHECK THE WEB AT or or e-mail us TERMS: Cash or your good check, nothing removed until settled for, Lunch served. AUCTIONEER: BILL BERG AUCTION SERVICE PO BOX 62, HALSTAD, MN. 56548 218-766-6797

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

Grain Trailers for Rent: Wilson & Timpte Ag Hoppers 2012-2015, 40’-50’ (50’ have triple axle), Spring Ride and Air Ride available. Call for monthly or yearly rates. H&S Ag Rentals LLC Bridgewater, SoDak Doug 605-360-1027 or Phil 605-360-4630 Chevrolet C-70 1980, 48,000 miles, 5 & 2 transmission, twin screw, 16’ steel box, roll tarp, $7500 or best offer. (605) 237-5034 32ft End Dump 1990 Benson, tandem axle, spring ride, brakes are 70%, air trip gate. $13,000 obo. (605) 360-5687 No Telemarketers. For Sale: ‘97 International, 10-spd, wet kit, tandem twin screws, Cummins engine, nice older truck. Call 320-632-8950

‘98 Ford Louisville, single axle, PTO, 8.3 Cummings engine, automatic, air brakes, 248,634 miles. Call 320-632-8950 1996 T-600 Kenworth, sleeper, 550hp Detroit, 13 spd, 70% tires, recent overhaul, has wet kit. 2000 YMS triple axle side dump, 70% tires. 2002 drop deck, implement trailer, top deck 13’, 32ft main bed w/hydraulic drop ramp, hydraulic winch, tool boxes, over all length 47’, 102” wide. Tschetter Farms (605)350-4020 Dodge Ram 2004, 2500 Laramie, 5.9 Cummins, automatic, 4 door, long box, 57,000 miles, black with gray leather, one owner, never had a 5th wheel ball and has never pulled a trailer. Like new. Immaculate condition. $32,000. Call for pictures, (605) 454-2487

Dodge Ram 2001, 3500 SLT, dually, 5.9 Cummins, automatic, quad cab, 192,000 miles, 5th wheel hitch, black with gray interior, $10,500. Call for pictures, (605) 454-2487 2007, International 9400 C-13 Cat engine, 10 speed transmission, good rubber, 800,000 mile truck, runs good. Also 2005 International 8600, day cab, good running truck. 1988 Kenworth W900, 3406 Cat engine, 13 speed transmission, pusher axle, wet kit, long wheel base. Call 605-216-9468.

Hopper Trailers for Sale: 2005 Wilson 43x102x78 spring ride, $11,500. (2) 2006 Wilson 43x102x78, spring ride, $12,250. 2006 Timpte 43x102x78 spring ride, $13,250. 2007 Timpte 42x102x78, air ride, $14,000. All are standard hoppers, 2 speed openers, call Jeremy 605-881-7084 Lake Norden, SD Hopper Trailers for rent, tandem $1000/month, tri-axle $1500 per month, Call Jeremy 605-881-7084 Lake Norden, SD

For Sale: 2013 XL 70 Detach trailer with a flip axle. Well taken care of, good floor with pull outs, tires and brakes, asking $40,000. Can send pictures, call (605) 769-2513, Tolstoy, SD. 2011 Wilson cattle pot FOR SALE, 53ft, triple axle, floor 50-60%, tires new, brakes good, all around excellent trailer, NO telemarketers, $45,000. Garry Bultje, 605-680-4267

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920





For further info: Todd@ 605-281-1330 For further info: Todd@ 605-281-1330 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 @ 10:00 AM Location: 12170 319 Ave, Java, SD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 @ 10:00 AM

Directions: From Eureka; 10 mi S. to cty rd 16, 8 mi W.: From Bowdle; 12 mi N. to cty road 16, 8 mi W.

Location: 12170 319 Ave, Java, SD

From Eureka; 10 mi S. to cty rd 16, 8 mi W.: From Bowdle; 12 mi N. to cty road 16, 8 mi W. REALDirections: ESTATE: 60 Acres w/Farmstead REAL ESTATE: 60 Acres w/Farmstead

Sells Sellsatat12:00pm 12:00pm

REAL ESTATE: 60 Acres w/Farmstead

• GSI 10,000 & 4,000 bu bins GSI 10,000 4,000 bu bins • • 40x80 machine&shed •Sells rubber water tanksshed at 12:00pm • 540x80 machine • Web water •• • GSI 10,000 & 4,000 busystem bins 5 rubber water tanks Pole barn w/working •• 40x80 ofmachine trees shed • Lots Web water rubber water tanks 60A of SW1/4 (W 990’) – Sec 21,125-74 •• 5LEGAL DISCRIPTION: • • Web Physical address: 12170 319th Ave, Java, SD 20% down day of Polewater barn w/working system balance in 30 days or upon closing. All fees to be split • sale Polewith w/working system Lotsofbarn oftrees trees between buyer & seller. Ulmer Auction is representing the seller. • • Lots • • LEGAL DISCRIPTION: 60A60A of SW1/4 (W 990’) 21,125-74 LEGAL DISCRIPTION: of SW1/4 (W– Sec 990’) – Sec Physical address: 12170 319th Ave, Java, SD 20% down day of 21,125-74 Physical address: 12170 319th Ave,toJava, SD sale with balance in 30 days or upon closing. All fees be split between buyerday & seller. Ulmer is representing theupon seller. 20% down of sale withAuction balance in 30 days or

This Week?

TRACTORS & SKID STEER ATTACH. • 2002 JD 8220, MFWD, 3hyd, PTO,between Duals RW8220 closing. All fees be split buyer & seller. P00616 TRACTORS &torepresenting SKID STEER • 2002 JD Auction 8110 MFWD, 8281 hours, RW8110 Ulmer is the seller. P014726 w/JD840 self leveling loader w/grapple ATTACH. • JD 4640 3pt, QR, 3hyd

TRACTORS & SKID STEER ATTACH. ������� • IHC 24’ vibra shank

•• 2002 JD 3hyd, PTO, DualsAC, RW8220 2012 NH8220, L220 MFWD, Skid steer, super boom, heat, P00616 enclosed cab 2002steer 8220, MFWD, 3hyd, Duals ••• 2002 JDJD 8110 MFWD, 8281 hours, PTO, RW8110 Skid MTS rotary mower w/JD840 self leveling loader w/grapple • P014726 Rhino skid steer mount hyd mower RW8220 P00616 •• JD 4640 Rock fork3pt, QR, 3hyd ••• 2012 NH steer, super heat, 2002auger JDL220 8110Skid MFWD, 8281boom, hours,AC,RW8110 Post enclosed cab • Rock Knabber P014726 w/JD840 self leveling loader w/ •• Skid steer Pallet fork MTS rotary mower Rhino skid steer mount hyd mower grapple •• Post pounder • Rock fork JD 4640 •• Post auger3pt, QR, 3hyd •• Rock Knabber 2012 NH L220 Skid steer, super boom, AC, Wilson • 97 Pallet fork 42’ grain hopper, elect tarp heat, enclosed cabdeck w/hay rack • 2009 Manac 53’ drop Post pounder •• Meridian 400MTS SLD rotary tender trailer Skid steer mowerw/gas motor, gooseneck w/roll tarp •• 2012 Load Trail flip down trailer 16’ Rhino skid steer mountcarhyd mower bed car trailer elect 7000#tarp axle Load Trail tilt •• 97 Wilson 42’ grain hopper, RockManac fork 53’ drop 2000 Featherlite stocktrailer 30’ alum • 2009 deck w/hay rack ••• Specialty mfg 2wh ATV trailer w/drop Post auger Meridian 400 SLD tender trailer w/gasdown motor,ramp • Sturde 22’ bale trlrtarp gooseneck w/roll Rocktrailer Knabber ••• 2012 Bale 22’ homemade (14trailer bales)16’ Load Trail flip down car •• Load tilt bed car trailer 7000# axle PalletTrailfork • 2000 Featherlite stocktrailer 30’ alum Post pounder •• Specialty mfg 2wh ATV trailer w/drop down ramp • Sturde 22’ bale trlr • Bale trailer 22’ homemade (14 bales)

• IHC 8 bottom reset plow

MISC EQUIPMENT������������������� VEHICLES ������������������������������������������������� VEHICLES • 2000 Freightliner, 10spd, Push axles diesel,

• 2000 Freightliner, 10spd, Push axles diesel, 60 series Detroit eng, 22’box, tarp,22’box, Silage endgate 60 series Detroitrolleng, roll tarp, Silage • 2000 Western Star, 13spd conventional, 60 series Detroit endgate • 2011 Ford F350, 4 door, loaded, 129,800 miles, 8’box FordWestern F150 extend cab, • 2006 140,400 miles • 2000 Star, 13spd conventional, 60 • 2000 10spd, Push axles diesel, 60 series 2014 Freightliner, Polaris Ranger 900 EFE 3680 miles series Detroit Detroit eng, 22’box, roll2600 tarp,miles Silage endgate • 2015 Polaris 1000 ATV, • 2000 Western Star, 13spd conventional, 60 series Detroit • 2011 Ford F350, 4 door, loaded, 129,800 • 2011 Ford F350, 4 door, loaded, 129,800 miles, 8’box miles, 8’boxextend cab, 140,400 miles Ford F150 • 2006 • 2014 Polaris Ranger EFE 3680 • 2006 Ford F150900 extend cab,miles 140,400 miles •• 2015 Polaris 1000 ATV, 2600 miles Vicon 6whPolaris rake • 2014 Ranger 900 EFE 3680 miles • Vermer 18 wh V rake w/kickers • 2015double Polaris 1000 ATV, • Rowse 9 mower w/IHC2600 head miles • 2008 Frontier MC1216 haybine 16’ • Haybuster 2650 bale shredder (like new) •• JD 567 round baler mega wide, net wrap (count Vicon 6wh6wh rake rake • Vicon unavaible) •• Vermer 18 whfeed V rake w/kickers Knight 3042 wagon w/scale •Lahman Vermer 18 wh V rake w/kickers •• Rowse double 9 mower w/IHC head 97 Wilson 42’ grain hopper, elect tarp 10 rail stack mover •• 2008 Frontier MC1216 haybine 16’& neck • Rowse double mower w/IHC head Foremost hyd chute9w/pelp cage squeeze 2009 Manac 53’ drop deck w/hay rack •• Vern Haybuster bale shredder (like new) creep 2650 feeder w/cages • 567 2008 Frontier haybine 16’(count IHC 8 row 30” folding 3pt cultivator •• JD round baler MC1216 mega wide, net wrap Meridian 400 SLD tender trailer w/gas motor, Asst’d wind break unavaible) IHC 30 chisel plow • Metal bunks • Haybuster 2650 bale shredder (like new) gooseneck w/roll tarp •• Sturde Knight bale 3042feeders feed wagon w/scale Flexi coil 12 sec harrow (doubles) • JD baler mega wide, net wrap JD 1590Load 20’ no till drill •• (2) Lahman 10round rail stack mover Calf567 shelters 2012 Trail flip w/markers, down car trailer 16’ drill fill & fert •• ATV Foremost hyd chute w/pelp cage & neck squeeze calf catcher (count unavaible) Load Trail tilt bed car trailer Landoll 20’ disk w/harrows Model7000# axle • Assorted Vern creep feeder w/cages portable panels 6230 IHC 8 (like row new) 30” folding 3pt cultivator • Knight feed wagon w/scale • Asst’d break Lg asstwind bale3042 feeders 2000 IHC 24’ vibra shank 30 Featherlite chisel plow stocktrailer 30’ alum Metal bunks • Feed bunk tires • Lahman 10 rail stack mover IHC 8coil bottom reset plow Flexi 12mfg sec harrow Specialty 2wh ATV trailer w/drop down • Asst’d SturdeTbale feeders (doubles) posts JD 1590 20’ no till drill w/markers, • Foremost hyd chute w/pelp cage & neck Wood • (2) Calfposts shelters ramp drill fill & fert Verns loading chute • ATV calf catcher squeeze Landoll 20’ disk w/harrows Model Sturde 22’ bale trlr Real Tuff pens • Assorted portable panels 6230 (like new) warmer • Vern creep feeder w/cages • Calf Lg asst bale feeders Bale24’trailer 22’ homemade (14 bales) IHC vibra shank • Feed bunk tires break • Asst’ d wind IHC 8 bottom reset plow • Asst’d T posts • Metal bunks • Wood posts • Verns loading chute • Sturde bale feeders (doubles) • Real Tuff pens • (2) Calf IHC 8 row 30” folding 3pt cultivator • Calf warmershelters




See it online at


• Wood posts HAYING LIVESTOCK SHOP & MISC HAYING &&LIVESTOCK ���������������������������� • Verns loading chute • Real Tuff CONSIGNOR pens GUEST TRAILERS������������������������������������������������� • •JDCalf 8450, 9290 hrs, 3 hyd ser#005052 warmer • • Farmhand 810 Feed Master grinder mixer • 2003 Komatsu WA180 payloader w/grab tech bucket • TILLAGE SHOP & MISC &GUEST grapple fork, 4500hrs, Ser#A88115 CONSIGNOR ••• •GUEST IHC 8 row planter 38” row CONSIGNOR • Lorenz 8’ snow blower • 8450, JD 8450, 3 hyd ser#005052 • JD 92909290 hrs, 3 hrs, hyd ser#005052 • •• 1999 Freightliner w/auto shift, cat eng, new rubber, •lotsFarmhand 810 Feed Master grinder mixer Farmhand 810 Feed Master grinder mixer •• of new parts, 932,000mi •• 1998 2003 Komatsu WA180 payloader w/grab tech bucket TILLAGE • 2003 Komatsu WA180 payloader w/grab Timpte 42’x102”x84” reconditioned •• & grapple fork, 4500hrs, Ser#A88115 • JD 630 flex head • bucket grapple •• 200 IHCtech 8Round row planter row fork, 4500hrs, Bales & of38” straw •• • Lorenz 8’ snow blower • 26’Ser#A88115 Lahman stack mover ••• 914 JD pickup head • 1999 Freightliner w/auto38” shift, • • IHC 8 row planter rowcat eng, new rubber, • 843 JDnew Corn Head steel lots of parts, 932,000mi • 16 liquid fertilizer openters for Kinze planter 1998 Timpte reconditioned • Lorenz 8’42’x102”x84” snow blower •• • JD 630 flex head MISC EQUIPMENT • 1999 Freightliner w/auto shift, cat eng, • 200 Round Bales of straw •• • 26’new Lahman stack lots mover rubber, of new parts, 932,000mi • • 914 JD pickup head SHOP & MISC ������������������������������������������ • 1998 Timpte reconditioned • 843 JD Corn Head42’x102”x84” steel • 16 openters for Kinze planter • liquid JD 630fertilizer flex head TILLAGE ��������������������������������������������������� • 200 Round Bales of straw MISC EQUIPMENT • • 26’ Lahman stack mover • ATV calf catcher • IHC 30 chisel plow • 914 JD pickup head • Assorted portable panels • Flexi coil 12 secMore harrow photos and additional info at: • 843 JD Corn Head steel • JD 1590 20’ no till drill w/markers, drill fill & fert • Lg asst bale feeders • 16 liquid701-321-2444 fertilizer openters for Kinze planter • Landoll 20’ disk w/harrows Model 6230 (like • Feed bunk tires RANDY: • Lic #271 • Asst’ d T posts new) SD Real Estate #13467 Email: More photos and additional info at: BRENT: 701-329-1838 • Lic #917 Email: RANDY: 701-321-2444 • Lic #271 SD Real Estate #13467 Ulmer Clerking Service #249 Email: LUNCH WILL BE SERVED | WHAT IS SAID DAY OF SALE TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER PRINTED MATERIAL | NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS BRENT: 701-329-1838 • Lic #917 Email: Ulmer Clerking Service #249

Did You Miss



Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK






Kevin Pifer



Professionally Serving North Dakota for over 25 years

Office 701-952-3351 Jamestown, ND Agricultural Auctioneers Since 1971!


525 Main St., Cando, ND Larry Swenson 701-968-4224

000989312r1 001820712r1


To be included in the 2019 Auctioneers Directory, call 701-451-5708 or email today!

Equipment Land ■ Decades of Knowledge ■ Steady Innovation ■ Top Results ■




All times are in central standard time unless otherwise noted. CLOSES Mon., Sept 9 — AgIron Sioux Falls Event Online Auction, Larchwood, Iowa. Steffes Auctioneers. OPENS Mon., Sept 9 - CLOSES Mon., Sept 16 — Farm Retirement Auction, Geroge, Iowa. Merline & Jacqueline Groen Family Trust. Steffes Auctioneers. OPENS Mon., Sept 9 - 8 a.m. - CLOSES Tue., Sept 10 - 12 p.m. — Polk County Land Online Auction, Fisher, Minn. Steffes Auctioneers. Mon., Sept 9 - 11 a.m. — Complete Dispersal Auction, Sunburg, Minn. Teddy-Bear Holsteins, Owner. Steffes Auctioneers. Tue., Sept 10 - 12 p.m. — Quality Tested Hay Auction, Litchfield, Minn. Steffes Auctioneers. OPENS Tue., Sept 10 - CLOSES Wed., Sept 18 — Equipment Online Auction, Harvey, N.D. Lautt’s Rental Center, Inc, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. CLOSES., Wed., Sept 11 — Online Steffes Auction, Upper Midwest Locations. Steffes Auctioneers. CLOSES., Wed., Sept 11 — Construction & Woodworking Auction, Fargo, N.D. Steffes Auctioneers. Wed., Sept 11 - 10 a.m. — 3 Party Moving Sale & Farm Auction, Ada, Minn. Berg Auction Service. Wed., Sept 11 - 10 a.m. — Farm Retirement Auction, Edgeley, N.D. David & Debbie Scallon, Owners. Orr Auctioneers. Wed., Sept 11 — Farm Equipment Online Auctions, Purple Wave Auction. OPENS Thu., Sept 12 - CLOSES Thu., Sept 19 — Collector Farmall Tractor Auction, Mayville, N.D. Steffes Auctioneers. Thu., Sept 12 - 10 a.m. — Farm Machinery Consignment Auction, Ashley, N.D. Ulmer Auction. Thu., Sept 12 - 10 a.m. — Farm Retirement Auction, Norwood Young America, Minn. Mesenbring Farms, Owners. Steffes Auctioneers. Fri., Sept 13 — Fall Equipment Consignment Auction, Jamestown, N.D. Orr Auctioneers. Sat., Sept 14 10 a.m. — Estate Auction, Emerado, N.D. Leonard Deleski Estate. Schuster Auctioneering. Sat., Sept 14 10 a.m. — Quality Shop Equip. Recreational, Lawn & Garden & Furniture Auction, Warren, Minn. Robert Peterson estate & Paulette Peterson. Mick Rapacz Auctioneers. Sat., Sept 14 10 a.m. MT — Farm Auction, Vida, Mont. TLS Ranch, Owners. RK Statewide Auction. Sat., Sept 14 - 11:03 a.m. — Richard Bjerke & Consignors Auction, Hatton, N.D. Heinze/Trottier/ Parkman/Berdal Auctions Sat., Sept 14 — Farm Equipment, Vehicles. Trailers, Guns and Livestock Equipment, Hatton, N.D. HEINZE/TROTTIER/PARKMAN/BERDAL Auction Service. Sun., Sept 15 11 a.m. — St. Hilaire Machinery Auction, Local Farmers, Dealers & Secured Lenders, Owners. Ron McKercher Auctions. CLOSES Mon., Sept 16 — Farm Retirement Auction, Page, N.D. Johnk Farms Inc, Owner. Steffes Auctioneers.

OPENS Mon., Sept 16 - CLOSES Tue., Sept 24 — Hobby Farm & Land Auction, Ogilvie, Minn. Steffes Auctioneers. Mon., Sept 16 - 5 p.m. — Farmstead Auction, Cooperstown, N.D. Dean & Cheryl Michaelson and Gary L. & M. Ihry Estate. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. Tue., Sept 17 - 10 a.m. — Farm Equipment Auction, Gary, Minn. Keith Chisholm, Owner. Steffes Auctioneers. Tue., Sept 17 - 5 p.m. — Polk County Land Auction, East Grand Forks, Minn. Laurie Kleven Henke, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. Tue., Sept 17 - 11 a.m. — Stutsman County Land Auction, Jamestown, N.D. Richard J. Beresford Trust. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. OPENS Tue., Sept 17 - 8 a.m. - CLOSES Tue., Sept 17 - 12 p.m. — Cass County Land Auction, Fargo, N.D. Steffes Auctioneers. Wed., Sept 18 - 10 a.m. — Farm Retirement Auction, Forbes N.D. Mike & Valerie Martin, Owners. Steffes Auctioneers. Wed., Sept 18 - 10 a.m. — Traverse County Land Auction, Breckenridge, Minn. Deborah Porter, Owner. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. Wed., Sept 18 - 2 p.m. — Richland County Land Auction, Hankinson, N.D. Marie, Richard & Herbert Prochnow, Owners. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. OPENS Thu., Sept 19 - CLOSES Thu., Sept 26 — Greg Walton Inventory Reduction Auction, Englevale, N.D. Steffes Auctioneers. Thu., Sept 19 - 11 a.m. MT — Dewey County Land Auction, Dupree, S.D. Bernie & Judy Anderson, Owners. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. Thu., Sept 19 10 a.m. — Steele County, ND Land Auction, Hope, N.D. Steffes Auctioneers. Thu., Sept 19 - 11 a.m. — Farm Retirement Auction, Faulkton, S.D. Brad Paul, Owner. Steffes Auctioneers. OPENS Fri., Sept 20 - CLOSES Wed., Sept 25 — Online Steffes Auction, Upper Midwest Locations. Steffes Auctioneers. OPENS Fri., Sept 20 - CLOSES Mon., Sept 26 — Farm Equipment Auction. Rolla, N.D. Ryan Sharbonneau, Owner. Steffes Auctioneers. Fri., Sept 20 - 10 a.m. MT— Fall 2019 Western Dakota Ag & Construction Equipment Auction, Bowman, N.D. Multiple Parties. Pifer’s Auction & Realty. Fri., Sept 20 - 10 a.m. — Farm Equipment Auction, Harvey, N.D. Jerrold Fix Estate, Orr Auctioneers. Fri., Sept 20 - 10 a.m. — Antique & Household Moving Auction, Detroit Lakes, Minn. Bob Mullikin, Owner. Berg Auction Service. Fri., Sept 20 - 10 a.m. — Farm Equipment Auction, Borup, Minn. Norman Dahl Estate. Steffes Auctioneers.

Agweek Magazine 701-451-5708 | Toll Free: 888-239-4089 | Email:

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

Kenworth T270 2018, with cooler/freezer body, 24ft, automatic transmission, Pacar diesel engine, 27,000 miles. 605-380-8854 or 605-380-9353

International 9900 I 2000, has a N14 Cummins with 13 speed, good mechanical shape, make an excellent farm/ranch truck. 605-770-6453.

Kenworth truck 1994 with 18ft box, new hoist, silage end gate, 3176 CAT engine, 9 speed, air ride. 20ft truck box with hoist and silage end gate. (701) 522-3464


Farm Retirement

Page, ND Page




Tappen, ND




LOCATION: 3350 37th Ave SE, Tappen, ND 58487. From I-94 Exit 214, Tappen, ND, 3 miles north to 34th Street, 2 miles west, 1/2 mile north. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Major equipment begins selling at 10:30 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at



OPENS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 LOCATION: 13905 17th St SE, Page, ND 58064.

2009 JOHN DEERE 9770

PREVIEW: September 6 - September 16 / LOADOUT: September 16 - September 21

INCLUDES: Tractors, GPS Equipment, Harvest Equipment, Tillage Equipment, Semi Tractor, Trailers, Grain Bins, Aeration Fans & Tester, Augers & Conveyors, Other Equipment, Farm Support Items

1994 JOHN DEERE 9600 2013 CHALLENGER MT565D 1997 NEW HOLLAND 8670

1997 PETERBILT 337 2008 JOHN DEERE 8230

Steffes Group, Inc. | 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND


INCLUDES: MFWD Tractors & Loaders, 4WD Tractor, Harvest Equipment, Grain Cart, Drills, Tillage Equipment, Semi Tractor, Trailers, Pickup, Bailers, Other Hay Equipment, Forage & Feeding Equipment, Livestock Equipment, Grain Handling Equipment, Other Equipment, Van & ATV, Tanks & Farm Support Items, Shop Equipment

SteffesGroup. com Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Avenue East, West Fargo, ND

Scott Steffes ND81

JEFF & JUDI HINTZ | 701.320.3896 or from Steffes Group, Brad Olstad, 701.237.9173, 701.238.0240 or Tadd Skaurud, 701.237.9173, 701.729.3644

Brad Johnk, 701.668.2977, or 701.261.5676

or Brad Olstad at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240 Complete terms, lot listings & photos at

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer. Brad Olstad ND319

Thinking of Selling Land? Contact Your Local Steffes Rep Today.

UPCOMING CLOSINGS Sept. 11 Sept. 25 Oct. 9


40,000 acres sold since January 2018. On track to sell over 50,000 acres by December 2019.

Agriculture & Construction Equipment, Recreation, & More!

UPCOMING LAND AUCTIONS View all upcoming auctions at

Polk County, MN - 356± Acres* Wilkin County, MN - 144± Acres* September 10 / 12PM September 24 / 12PM Henry County & Lee County, IA Kanabec County, MN - 145± Acres* September 24 / 3PM Land & Real Estate - 489± Acres September 12 / 10AM Ron & Mary Lou Bussmann Retirement Des Moines County, IA - 121.02 Acres* Land Auction - 627± Acres Grey Eagle, MN September 12 / 4PM September 25 / 1PM Cass County, ND - 235.5± Acres* Bottineau County, ND - 320± Acres* September 17 / 12PM November 5 / 12PM Steele County, ND - 480± Acres September 19 / 10AM *Timed Online Auctions

2000 Main Avenue East, West Fargo, ND 58078 | 701.237.9173 Scott Steffes ND81,

Photos shown may not depict actual equipment. Scott Steffes ND81, MN14-51

North Dakota | South Dakota | Minnesota | Iowa | Missouri | Wisconsin | Nebraska MN14-51


Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK


Ford F-150 1990, Pickup w/topper, 6 cyl., 67k mi., bought new, mostly road miles, inside like new $2,050. (605) 225-1288 2015 Cornhusker Grain Trailer, triple axle, new tarp, Shurco electric tarp & traps, $34,000. (605) 380-3128

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

455 +/- Acres • Dunn County, ND

Freightliner Columbia 2007, day cab, Mercedes MB400 engine, 435 HP, 10 spd, 174 WB, 600k, runs great, $12,000. 507-995-9345 Freightliner Cascadia 2012, CA125 day cab, DD13, 10 spd, 174” WB,450 HP, 650K, southern, no rust, $24,900. 507-995-9345 2017 DCT 32ft goose-neck trailer, tool box, tandem axles with duals, used twice $7500. (605) 421-1704 leave message


AGWEEK Deadline

......................................... The deadline for farm ads to run in AGWEEK is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following Monday edition.

LAND AUCTION Tuesday, September 24, 2019 – 7:00 p.m. (MT)

Semi Van Water Trailers; Spray Parts; Semi Van Storage Trailers; Ramp; Containers; T/A converter dolly; 930 Flex header. (701) 474-5780

WANTED TO BUY WANTED: 1028 small tractor tires (605) 284-2702 Old coins or coin collections. Please leave msg. 380-1739

AUCTION LOCATION: Grand Dakota Lodge (Ramada) - Dickinson, ND

• • • • • •

363.33 +/- Crop Acres. 71.18 +/- Pasture Acres. Parcel 1: SW¼ 31-144-93. Parcel 2: NE¼ 1-143-94. Parcel 3: NW¼ 6-143-93. Hunting Opportunities.

Werner, ND Halliday, ND


97th Ave.

Ford F-450 2014, Super Duty, Gas Food Truck w/8900 actual miles, cooking area 18’ total length, 2 15,000 watt ACs or heat, 65” flat TV screen, 20kw generator. Also, can be used w/a power cord, has 200 amp service. Loaded w/all new equipment: refrigerators, fryers, etc. Power awning, exterior LED lights. Must see to believe. Operation ready. Everything like new, used very little. 320-760-8906




OWNER: Lois M. Wetsch Trust

Land Auction

11th St. SW



12th St. SW

Excellent Red River Valley Cropland!

3 13th St. SW

2,414.63 +/- Acres • Dunn County, ND Tuesday, October 8, 2019 – 11:00 a.m. (MT) Auction Location • Grand Dakota Lodge & Convention Center - Dickinson, ND

Pifer ’s



• 109.96 +/- Crop Acres.

Thursday, October 3, 2019 – 5:00 p.m. (CT)

• Ranch Headquarters - Parcel 1.


AUCTION LOCATION: Cobblestone Inn & Suites - Bottineau, ND



OWNER: Fettig Ranch

Parcel 2 Parcel 3 CONTACT: Kevin Pifer • 701.238.5810

All personal property is not included in the sale including, but not limited, to corral panels, wind-break panels, hopper bins and fuel tanks. The seller reserves all subsurface minerals including but not limited to oil, coal and gas. Parcel3issubjecttoa“TrailLease”withTheLittleMissouriStateParkthroughNovember21,2021. This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction Company, Kevin Pifer, ND #715.


Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK


Souris, ND

101st St. NW

2 5th Ave. NW

Killdeer, ND

103rd St. NW

Roth, ND

• East of Hwy. #22 - Parcel 3. 1


322 +/- Acres • Bottineau County, ND

• Beautiful Views of the Badlands. • 2,292.67 +/- Pasture Acres.

Parcel 1


Parcel 1

100th St. NW

Bottineau, ND Approx. 20 Miles

4th Ave. NW


CONTACTS: Kevin Pifer • 701.238.5810 or Steve Miller • 701.471.3288 This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction & Realty. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The seller reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids. Pifer’s Auction & Realty, 1506 29th Ave S, Moorhead, MN 56560. Kevin Pifer, ND #715. Subject to prior sale.


• • • •

285.63 +/- Crop Acres. Parcel 1: NE¼ 17-162-78. Parcel 2: W½W½ 8-162-78. Soil Index of 65!

OWNER: Knoepfle Revocable Trust

(abbrev. legal)

Parcel 2

CONTACT: Steve Dalen • 701.893.8517 This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction & Realty, Kevin Pifer, ND #715. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials.







160 Acres 284.31 Acres

156.09 Acres

October 8-11 • 2019


BOWMAN 463.95 Acres 80 Acres





440 Acres


1,280 Acres



Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hampton Inn • Williston, ND Williams County, ND – 5:00 p.m. (CT)

KC Hall • Mott, ND Hettinger County, ND – 10:00 a.m. (MT)

203 +/- Acres • Thomas A. Layon, etal

Wednesday, October 9, 201 19 Beulah Civic Center • Beulah, ND Mercer County, ND – 10:00 a.m. (CT)

160 +/- Acres • Allen Scheurer

Mercer County, ND – 10:00 a.m. (CT)

1,280 +/- Acres • Kenny Johnson

CALL 877.700.4 09 TO GET YO 9 UR CATALOG!

Pifer’s Regional Office • Bowman, ND Adams County, ND – 4:00 p.m. (MT)

4 440 +/- Acres • Uhler Family Partnership Slope County, ND – 6:00 p.m. (MT)

37.97 +/- Acres • Kevin Pifer

284.31 +/- Acres • Paul Reinhardt & Deloris We ells

Bowman County, ND – 6:00 p.m. (MT)

Mercer & Oliver Counties, ND – 10:00 a.m. (CT)

463.95 +/- Acres • Robert Peterson Family 4

320 +/- Acres • James Tysver & Judy Tysver

Friday, October 11, 2019

Oliver County, ND – 12:00 p.m. (CT)

320 +/- Acres • Norma J Lahren Wruck Irrevocable Trust & Ross Lahren

On Site: 16006 Lyle Road • Hettinger, ND Perkins County, SD – 10:00 a.m. (MT)

Grand Dakota Lodge & Convention Center • Dickinson, ND Stark County, ND – 4:00 p.m. (MT)

80 +/- Acres • Robert Opheim

156.09 +/- Acres • Ashley Nelson

Beach Community Center • Beach, ND Golden Valley County, ND – 4:00 p.m. (MT)

Stark County, ND – 4:00 p.m. (MT)

915.72 +/- Acres • Hasselstrom Family

960 +/- Acres • Gutenkunst Farms, LLLP

OWNER: Allen Scheurer



Tuesday, October 8, 2019

OWNER: Thomas A. Layon, etal

320 Acres

960 Acres

37.97 Acres

Adams, Bowman, Golden Valley, Hettinger, Mercer, Oliver, Slope, Stark & Williams Counties in ND & Perkins County, SD!


320 Acres

OWNERS: Paul Reinhardt & Deloris Wells

OWNERS: James Tysver & Judy Tysver

OWNERS: Norma J Lahren Wruck Irrevocable Trust & Ross Lahren

OWNER: Ashley Nelson


OWNER: Gutenkunst Farms, LLLP

OWNER: Uhler Family

OWNER: Kenny Johnson

OWNER: Kevin Pifer

OWNER: Hasselstrom Family

OWNER: Robert Peterson Family

OWNER: Robert Opheim

View Full Auction Information at : Some of the Best Properties Offered in The Dakotas!

These sale are managed by Pifer’s Auction & Realty. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The sellers reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids. Pifer’s Auction & Realty, 1506 29th Ave S, Moorhead, MN 56560. Kevin Pifer, ND #715 • SD #12782

Pifer ’s


877.700.4099 Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

WANTED TO BUY Wanted to buy, Swather Head for a John Deere 2320. Hay head with a conditioner, Model#240 or 300. Also want to buy John Deere Haybine model #1380,1424, or 1525. Call 320-444-3833 Leave a message.

Wanted: old machinery, junk cars, combines, tractors, steel bins, wire, pivots, tin, appliances, batteries. Will haul and clean up with skidsteer. Farm clean up services and insurance claims welcome. Call 605-770-9211

WANTED TO BUY Custom baling

Looking for custom haying acres can do everything from cutting to raking to baling. Have 2 5x6 round balers one netwrap other twine only competitive rates will do anything from alfalfa to straw to cornstalks/ bean stubble. Will travel anywhere for right amount of acres Will work with any situation from shares to buying out of windrow to start custom. Call Samuel Krause for more info and rates 605-880-2071

MISCELLANEOUS 700 model International plow, automatic reset, 718 pull type, repainted, new lays, field ready, $4,500 OBO. (605) 999-3503 2510C John Deere strip till applicator, 16R 30”, front coulter gangs, row cleaners, spring cushing fertilizer shanks, dual paddle rolling basket. Less then 3000 acres on machine, excellent condition! Always stored inside, $79,000 OBO. (605) 380-4763 Bin run 2019 oats, $3.50/bushel (605) 520-3098



90ft Grain Bin for sale, roof ,rafters, and 326 bin sheets taken down oiled on pallets with bolts. (605) 880-5170 2008 Model 1218 GSI Grain Dryer, single phase, LP gas, has vision control and watchdog. (701) 710-0534 No Telemarketers.

Crop Input Financing Seed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, rent, etc. Based on Crop Insurance and other collateral We can also buy your equipment or land and lease to you. Visit us at Call 402-536-9770 Email

1959 Ford Retractable. John Deere tractors - (1) 60, (1) 70, (1) 720, (1) 530, (2) 630, (1) 730 diesel ES, (1) HIC Super M, (1) 1964 706 approx 400 hours. (605) 222-0219

WANTED Used Oil, 200 gallon minimum, free pick up service within 200 miles of Sioux Falls, SD, Toll Free 1-866-304-6070

MISCELLANEOUS Studebaker pick up body parts: hood, front fenders, top, dash board and other stuff, (605) 534-3138 1975 Ford F750 tandem, V8, 19ft frontier box, 5/2 speed, lift tag. J20636 Westfield auger, 5HP electric motor. McKee 7ft single auger snow blower, hydraulic spot. Category II quick hitch. All items are shedded, Russ Bellin, Ligerwood, ND (701) 640-1245 Triticale for Sale: For hay & storage. $7/bushel bin run. Call Paul at (605) 899-2202


David & Debbie Scallon

& 1 September ve Onsite LiWednesday, At Online Bidding om .C rr dO Bi

Auction Auctio on

10:00 a.m. • Wednesday, September 11, 2019 Auction Location: South Edge of Edgeley on Highway 13 • Edgeley, ND 58433 coMBinE

2005 John Deere 9760 STS, only 1,981 separator hours, 2,880 engine hours, Green Star Ready, 20.8 R38 duals, sn. 711381


2000 John Deere 9300 4WD, 6,657 hours, 710/70R38 metric duals, excellent, PTO ready, 4 hydraulics, steering wheel auto steer, sn 30803

1999 John Deere 8300 MFWD, 3,862 actual hours, power shift, 18.4 R46 duals, PTO, 3 point quick attach, 3 hydraulics, sn. 27046

1980 John Deere 4020 Diesel, 7,014 actual hours, side council, Cozy cab, 18.4-34 rear tires, Farmhand, F258 loader and bucket, PTO, 3 point, 3 hydraulics, sn. 237772R

John Deere 4650 MFWD, 7,916 hours, power shift, 480/ 80R 42 duals, PTO, 3 point quick attach, 3 hydraulics

John Deere 4020 Diesel, 6,752 actual hours, 18.4-34 rear tires, 3 point, PTO, single hydraulics


1998 John Deere 9300 4WD, 5,487 hours, 710/70R38 metric duals, excellent, wheel weights, 4 Landoll 6230 cushioned tandem hydraulics, steering wheel auto disk, 36 ft. with full 3 bar harrow, steer, sn. 10649 low acres

Also selling will be an extremely nice lot adjacent to Hwy.13.Lots 12 - 15 Block 44 Mils 6 addition. 4 total lots sold as one parcel. Each lot is 50 ft. x 142 ft. zoned commercial or residential. Lot location and auction location 4th St. & Hwy. 13 John Deere 980, 38 ft. field cultivator, single point depth control, 3 bar John Deere harrow

GuiDAncE EQuiP. John Deere 2600 screen with JD Auto Trac Activation John Deere StarFire 3000 receiver John Deere StarFire ITC receiver

Please Note. No small items. 15 Auction lots only. Please be on time. ThankYou! For more information contact owner David Scallon at 701-830-0607

David & Debbie Scallon Owners Phone: 701-830-0607 For more information and more pictures on this auction and other upcoming Orr Auctions please visit our website: Orr Auctioneers: 4154 Highway 281 Southeast • Jamestown, ND 58401 701-952-3351 • North Dakota Auctioneers License #10 N

TERMs: Cash or approved check on day of sale.

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK







“In today’s changing world you can not afford to let your under utilized equipment sit around and age. Bring it to the Orr Auctioneers and turn your non producing equity into productive income!”

CALL TO CONSIGN! 701-952-3351

ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE AT BIDORR.COM Combines: 2012 John Deere S670, 1,837 separator hrs. 2,704 engine hours, Green Star Ready, 520/42R duals, contour master, 26 ft. unload auger, big top hopper extension, chopper, variable speed feeder house 2008 John Deere 9870 STS, 2,213 separator hours, 3,223 engine hours, 520/85 R42 duals, Contour Master, duals, 5 speed feeder house, high capacity unload, hopper extensions, sold with JD 2630 screen 2005 John Deere 9760 STS, 2,835 separator hours, Contour Master, HD variable speed feeder house, 20.8 x 42 duals, 28L x 26 rear, HID, touch set 2004 John Deere 9660 STS, 3,548 separator hours, Contour Master, HD variable speed feeder house, 20.8 x 42 duals, DHC, touch set 2002 John Deere 9750 STS, straddle duals, Contour Master, 3,500 separator hours, 5,100 engine hours, chopper/spreader, integrated auto track system, ITC globe and JD brown box, 2 sets of concaves 1998 John Deere 9610, straddle duals, 2,800 separator hours, 3,900 engine hours, hopper extensions, new feeder chain 1996 John Deere 9600, 3,752 separator hours. 5,020 engine hours, 30.5-32 tires, Mauer hopper extensions, rear hitch 1998 Gleaner R62, Cummins engine, 2,512 separator hours, 3,459 engine hours, Sunnybrook rotor with new half set cylinder bars, chopper 1982 International 1480 Axial Flow combine, 5,750 hours 1979 International 1480 Axial Flow combine, 24.5-32 tires John Deere 8820 Tittan II, 4,200 hours, 200 on concaves Tractors: 2003 John Deere 9520 4WD, 7,201 hours, 710/70 R42 metric duals, power shift, 4 hydraulics, Greenstar Ready, sold with globe and brown box 1995 Caterpillar C35, 7,452 hours, 18 inch tracks, 4 hydraulics, 1,000 pto 1988 John Deere 4555 2wd, 18.4 R 42 duals 7,565 hours, 1,000 pto, 3 hydraulics, 3 point Ford 9700 2wd with Woods 255 loader, 9,200 hrs. 3 point, pto, 2 hyd. 18.4-38 duals, bucket extensions, front weights Versatile 835 4WD, very good tires, rebuilt engine, rebuilt transmission, new kingpins, updated AC, 4 hydraulics Versatile 855 4WD tractor, good 20.8-38 duals, approx. 7,800 hours, 3 hydraulics 1972 IH 1066, cab, pto, 2 hyd. with Great Bend quick attach loader

International 1486, showing water in oil Case 400 diesel tractor, pto, 2 hyd. International Hydro 86, cab, Farmhand loader John Deere 7020 4wd, pto, 3 point hitch, 18.4 x 34 like new duals w/ Degelman 12 ft. dozer John Deere 4520, 20.8 x 38 rear tires, Cab, adjustable front end, new batteries Headers: 2014 John Deere 608C, 8 row 30 inch chopping head, row sensors. Knife rollers 2013 John Deere 608C, 8 row 30 inch chopping head, row sensor, HH, hydraulic deck plates, always stored inside 2013 John Deere 640 FD, 40 ft. flex draper head 2012 John Deere 640FD, 40 ft. Flex Draper Head, Crary Wind System, AHHS, sn.746250 2010 John Deere 635 Hydra Flex, HH sensors, rigid height sensors 2010 Agco 8200, 35 ft. flex head. Crary air real. New auger, new sickle field ready 2009 John Deere 612C, Stalk Master 12 row 30 in. chopping corn head 2005 John Deere 625 Hydra Flex, finger reel, single point, auger has wobble, sn.711213 2007 John Deere 635 Hydra Flex, 35ft. flex head w/ Crary Air reel, new sickle and guards, sn.721868 2009 John Deere 635 Hydra Flex, HH, for/aft, single point hookups, new sickle, sn.731628 2004 Gleaner 7000, 25 ft. rigid head, finger reel, standard cut, multiple point hookup 2004 John Deere 630F, 30 ft. flex header, Crary Wind System, fore and aft, multi-point hookups, sn.706647 2002 Gleaner 800, 25 ft. flex head with Crary Wind System, brackets for level land and single point hookup 2005 John Deere 630 Hydra Flex, 30 ft. flex header w/ Crary Air Reel, sn.711857 John Deere 924 flex head with finger reel Gehringhoff 8 row 30 inch chopping corn head, 1 row unit needs work 2006 John Deere 630 flex head, finger reel, sn.716391 John Deere 635F, 35 ft. flex head with CWS, Cray Wind System, low DAM, single point hookups John Deere 914 pickup head with JD 7 belt, 1996 model John Deere 930 flex and rigid headers John Deere 843, 8 row 30 inch corn head, single point hookups, poly snouts, new deck plates last year International 883 8 row 30 inch corn head International 810 30 ft. rigid head International 810 pickup head Tillage:

2013 Summers Super Chisel, 34 ft., floating hitch, front dual caster wheels, single point depth control, one owner, very low acres 2012 Landoll 6230, 36 ft. tandem disk, 10 inch blade spacing Summers Diamond disk, Series 10, double fold Summers Diamond disc, Series 10, 38 ft. with full 3 bar Summers harrow John Deere 980 field cultivator, 43 ft. with 3 bar harrow John Deere 980 field cultivator, 44.5 ft. double fold, single point depth control, 135 lb. shanks, JD harrow John Deere 680 chisel plow, 40 ft. w/ Summers 3 bar harrow John Deere 610 chisel plow, 40 ft. w/Summers 3 bar harrow 2006 John Deere 638, 38.5 ft. tandem disk, rock cushioned Will-Rich 4400, 35 ft. chisel plow/ 3 bar harrow 1999 John Deere 512, 22.6 ft. disk chisel, 9 shank 30 inch spacing, 11 inch disk spacing, single point depth control Salford RTS 570, 40 ft. vertical tillage machine, 3 bar harrow, rolling knife baskets Will-Rich Excel series field cultivator, 40 ft. edge on double spring shanks, 4 bar Will-Rich harrow Rite Way 8100 Jumbo harrow, 68 ft. hydraulic adjustable 26 inch tines Will-Rich 41 ft. chisel plow, double spring shanks Case IH MT, 40 ft. rotary hoe, folding White 271 tandem disk, 24 ft. Will-Rich 2500, 45 ft. field cultivator w/ 3 bar harrow Grain Carts: Kinzee 1050 Row Crop grain cart, straddle duals, electronic scale, electric roll tarp Brent 772, 750 bushel grain cart, roll tarp, pto or hydraulic drive Unverferth 4500, grain cart with extensions, roll tarp, 2 cameras and display Grain Handling: Westfield MK130/114, 13 inch x 114 ft. hydraulic swing auger, hopper walker WestfieldMK130/111, 13 inch x 111 ft. hydraulics wing auger, hopper walker Westfield MK130/91, 13 inch x 91 ft. hydraulic swing auger Westfield MK130/91, 13 inch x 91 ft. hydraulic swing auger with hopper walker Westfield MK 130/71, 13 inch x 71 ft. swing auger Westfield 8x36 10 hp electric auger, 3 phase Batco113 in. x 50 ft. belt conveyer Brandt 8 in. x 40 ft. pto auger

Cheyenne Westgo 8x50 auger, 24 hp gas Cheyenne Westgo 10 x 36 auger Westfield 8 in. x 51 ft. pto auger Harvest International FC 1545, 15 inch x 45 ft. belt conveyer, completely self-contained, mover, new condition Wheatheart 8 inch x 51 ft. completely self-contained, self-propelled auger Other varieties of augers Semi-Tractors: 2011 International Pro Star Premium day cab semi-tractor, 348k miles, deleted Maxforce DPF/EGR, 430 hp, 10 speed, 3:42 gears 2004 IH 9200i, C-13 Cat 10 speed transmission, tilt wheel, cruise, jake brake, air dump valve, air slide, 5th plate, 2 fuel tanks 2004 IH 9200i, Cat C-13, 10 speed, air, cruise, tilt, jake brake, 717,000 miles, air slide 2003 IH 9200i, Cat C-12, 10 speed, Jake brake, cruise control, air slide, tilt wheel, 771,000 miles Semi-Trailers: 2015 Wilson 42 ft. hopper trailer, 72 inch sides, 96 wide, air ride, standard hopper, SS back, pintle hitch, damaged title 2005 Norris lowboy, 39 foot, 30 foot bottom deck, Beaver tail, tool box 2001 Timpte 40 ft. hopper trailer, 96 in. wide, 72 in. sides, electric roll tarp 1998 Fruehauf 48 ft. x 102 in. flatbed trailer, sliding tandems, steel wheels, good rubber 1996 Jet 42ft hopper trailer, 66inchsides, all steel, roll tarp, spring suspension Fruehauf 40 ft. spray trailer, 2- 2,500 gallon poly tanks, pump, hoses 1998 Trailmobile 53 ft. reefer trailer, sliding axles, nonworking reefer unit 1987 Trail King, 45 foot, air spread, all steel winch track BoCats 20 ft. grain pup trailer, extensions, roll tarp Jantze pintle hitch sprayer/combine trailer 24 ft. single axel van trailer Trucks: 1998 Volvo box truck, hydraulic lift gate, only 20,836 miles 1997 Ford F800 single axle bucket truck, High Range 55 ft. reach boom, Cummins Diesel, 69k miles 1976 Chevy tandem axel truck, tag with 20 ft. box, new clutch 1975 Chevrolet, 42k miles, box, hoist, roll tarp 1974 IH 1800 Loadstar, tandem axel, only 24k miles, 20 ft. steel box, roll tarp 1972 Chevy C60 single axle truck, 366 eng. 5x2 speed, 15 ft. steel box and hoist, roll tarp, 68k miles

1971 Chevy C60 tandem axle truck, steel box and hoist, 427 engine NH3 - Fertilizer Equipment: DMI Nutri Placr 5300, 40 ft. NH3 applicator w/ coulters, hyd. shut off, hydraulic winch 2- B&B double 1,000 gallon running gear trailers with NH3 tanks, lights, flotation tires 8- 1,000 gallon NH3 nurse tanks Willmar 4 ton fertilizer spreader, dual beater Force 1,600 gallon liquid fertilizer caddy 2,700 gallon big wheel liquid fertilizer caddy Other Equipment: John Deere 567 large round baler, mega wide pickup, net wrap, monitor, approx. 19k bales New Holland BR780 large round baler, twine tie, monitor Haybuster H-106 rock picker, high lift Meyer 3954 R, V Max tandem axel 540 bu. manure spreader, hydraulic slurry end gate, 3rd auger Balzer manure spreader, hydraulic floor chain Tyne type rock pickers 24 ft. flatbed hay trailer, flotation tires Torque 8 yard pull type scraper, by Stieger Mfg. Ashland pull type scraper Case IH 2350 loader, bucket, grapple, 86 series mounts Pallet forks for CIH 2350 loader Farmhand F11 loader, bucket, grapple Case 9030 excavator, water damaged, with hyd. thumb Huskee and Parker gravity wagons 2004 Frontier MC1216, 6 ft. moco, rubber rollers Degelman tine type rock picker Gehl 120 grinder-mixer, long auger, digital scale Brent 450 gravity wagon, flotation tires Parker 4000 gravity wagon, double door Layman 15 ft. x 25 ft. stack mover Meyerink 12 ft. pull type blade, hydraulic tilt Loftsness 240B stalk chopper Degelman trailing type rock nabber Great Bend 760 loader, bucket, grapple, JD mounts Sprayers: 2004 Marflex mounted on 2001 Freightliner FL70, 380/90R46 duals, 251k miles, Cat 3126, 9 speed, 103 ft. aluminum booms, 1,350 gallon tank, EZ steer/guide w/ terrain compensation, Raven 440 controller Melroe 116 spray coupe Vehicles: 2009 Chevy regular cab, 4wd, new transmission 2002 Chevy crew cab, 4wd, 6.0 engine 1998 Dodge Ram 3500, 1 ton dually, Cummins

diesel with flatbed 1995 Chevy 3500, 4wd dually, 98k miles, Knaphied flat bed, fifth wheel ball, 6.2 ltr. diesel, auto 1995 Ford F150 extended cab 4wd, 123k miles, 302 engine, automatic, Eddie Bauer edition 1993 Corvette, LT-1 350 engine, 5 speed, removable top, Flow Master mufflers, MSD ignition 1990 Mercury Sable, 4 door, 48k miles, front wheel drive, automatic Trailers: 2005 Loadmax 30 ft. gooseneck trailer, triple axel, 7k lb. axels, ramps 1994 Keifer Built gooseneck stock trailer 1993 Fourstar aluminum triple axel stock trailer, 36 ft. P&J 16 ft. car trailer, beaver tail, 2 x 7k axels Heavy Duty tandem axle dual wheel trailer New and used header trailers Misc. Items: Crary Wind Bar System, 35 ft. complete (CWS) Bearcat GX 390, 4.5 inch wood chipper New and used Building tin 8 used 710/70R38 Titan tires Unused manual tire changer Unused Eagle Equip. generator, power washer, air compressor, trash pump Unused feeder chain for JD 9600 and 9650 1,000 gallon vertical fuel tank w/ Gas Boy electric pump Miller 250 wire feed welder Lots of shop items Livestock Working: 80 Unused 6 bar by 20 ft. continuous fence panels 2015 Orion sports utility vehicle, only 490 miles, 5 speed manual, street legal 40 unused 5 ft. by 10 ft. portable panels 16 unused heavy duty free standing panels Large selection of unused well pipe/sucker rod free standing panels 6 Unused 24 ft. bottomless feeders, 4 ft. wide 4 unused Real Tuff skirted hay saver bale feeders 48 ft. well pipe hay rack w/ headache rack, like new Powder River portable hydraulic squeeze chute Big Valley Squeeze Chute, auto head gate, palpation cage Portable corral panels (25) with transport Phoenix portable creep feeder w/ gates Several Hundred unused T posts 160 unused wooden posts Large selection of various size cattle gates Approx. 800 unused t posts

Unused Action hay saver bale feeder Common Sense 20 ft. bottomless feeder Many unlisted livestock items Skid Steer: Melroe S185 skid steer loader, 2,650 hrs. Power Bob Tach, high flow, enclosed cab with heat Unused Skid Steer Attachments: Approximately 20 unused Hawz skid steer attachments 10 Unused skid steer material buckets 8 Unused KC snow pushers Unused Redline skid steer attachments 2-Unused Forklift/skid steer man baskets Other various unused skid steer attachments Huge selection of unused skid steer weld on plates Recreational: 82015 Orion sports utility vehicle, only 490 miles, 5 speed manual, street legal 2013 John Deere 825 XUV, 4wd, gas, 1,385 miles 2002 Hornet by Keystone Park Model travel trailer, 33 ft. with 12 ft. and 6 ft. slide outs, patio door 2005 Suzuki 4 wheeler 2004 Harley Davidson 883 Sportster, 21k miles, soft bags Lawn & Garden: 2017 John Deere Z997 R, zero turn mower, hydro, 115 hours, 37 HP diesel, 60 inch deck, seat suspension 2016 John Deere Z930 R, zero turn mower, gas, 137 hours 2012 John Deere 997 diesel lawn mower, 72 inch deck, 420 hours John Deere 317 lawn tractor, 46 in. deck, 16 HP New Built Sheds: 9 ft. x 10 ft. shed with 3 ft. porch 6 ft. overhead door 8 ft. x 8 ft. shed with 2 ft. porch 36 inch walk in door 9 ft. x 10 ft. shed with 3 ft. porch 36 inch walk in door 6 ft. x 6 ft. insulated hunting blind Grain Dryers & Bins: 2007 American 2424grain dryer, 450 bushel automatic batch, only used 3 seasons on less than 50k bushels, auto moisture control, 3 phase or converter possible CMS 10E Farm Fans dryer, 1 PH. LP gas, all new motors in the last 3 years, new gates, new burner boards, located off site American 2340 grain dryer, 1 PH. Batch dryer, 350 bushel, located off site 1,800 bushel galvanized hopper bins w/ takeout augers, located off site

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK




Oil Field Related Equipment, Trucks, Trailers, Tools Auction

Saturday, September 21st, 2019 @ 9 AM MT Killdeer, ND - Driving Directions: 3 ½ mi NW on Hwy 22, ½ mi W. on 1st ST NW

Owner: Environmental Driven Solutions, L.L.C.


2012 Caterpillar 272D XHP Skidsteer, C.A.H., 2231 Hrs., 2 Spd. Trans., w. 78” Dirt Bucket & Rear Weights 2005 John Deere 210 CW 4x4 Mobile Excavator (Needs Hyd. Work) 2003 John Deere 270C LC Hydraulic Excavator, Runs Good, Needs track maintenance & needs new temp gauge 2002 John Deere 624H w. Forks & Bucket, 13,454 Hrs., May need Hyd. work Grove RT 58D 20 Ton Rough Terain Crane Good Rubber @ 90%, Crab Steering VIN 4HFJ1643 1982 John Deere 772A Motor Grader, Engine is Sound, Controls are finicky, needs tires GP 46” Excavator Bucket, LAG 46” Excavator Bucket, JB Bucket for Pay loader 104”W x 52”H Felco Plate Compactor for Excavator 3’x6’ 2002 Genie S-45 4x4 Man lift, Diesel Eng., 2313 hrs., (May need nylon fly-wheel)


2013 Dodge Ram 1500 316,909 mi. Power windows, Auto trans., Crew cab, 5.7 Hemi gas, 4X4 2012 Ram 3500 SLT Model, Crew Cab, Cummins Turbo Diesel, Auto Trans., 4x4, Tuned & Deleted, 236,714 mi. 8’ Bed 2012 Ram 3500 Crew Cab, Trades Man Edt., 6.7L Cummins Diesel Eng., Dually, 99,183 mi., Tuned & Deleted w. Roustabout Bed 2012 Ram 3500 Tradesmen Edt., Crew Cab, Auto Trans, 6.7L Cummins Diesel Eng., Dually, 123,170 mi. w. Roustabout Bed 2012 Ram 3500 Tradesmen Edt., Crew Cab, Auto Trans, 6.7L Cummins Diesel Eng., Dually, 109,546 mi. w. Roustabout Bed 2012 Ford F150 Cracked windshield, Power Windows, Auto trans., Crew Cab 4X4, Gas 5.0, 266,735 mi. 2011 Ram 3500 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup, Auto Trans, 6.7L Diesel Eng. Dually w. Roustabout Bed (Needs New Batteries, Turbo, Air Filter, Dip Stick & Radiator Cap) 2008 Ford F-350 XLT Crew Cab Dually w. Aluminum Rims, Auto Trans., 6.8 L Diesel Eng., 209,394 mi., (Hail damage on left side & hood) w. Welding Bed (Welder NOT Included) 2008 Ford XL F350 Auto., Powerstroke Diesel 6.8 L Eng., 4x4, mi NA, (shows some rust) w. Slip Tank 2008 Ford F350 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup, Auto Trans., Diesel Eng., 8’ Box (For Parts) 2005 Ram 3500 Dually Crew Cab, 172,280 mi., 6 spd. Man. Trans., 5.9 Diesel Eng. Roustabout Bed 2003 GMC Sierra C2500/K2 Extended cab 4 door, Auto trans, 4X4, Power window/locks, Cracked windshield, 249,413 mi.,8.1 L gas motor 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 V8 Mag, Club Cab Pickup, 4x4, Auto Trans., (Needs eng. & trans)


2007 International 9400i, Cummins Eng., 42” Sleeper, 697,000 mi 2007 Peterbilt 379, w. Cummins Eng. (Blown Head Gasket) 1,466,000 mi., 31, 195 Hrs. 2006 GMC C5500 Mechanic Truck, Duramax Diesel, Auto. Trans., 204,681 mi., Service Box

equipped w. JD Air Compressor w. Honda GX390 Motor & Complete w. Lube System 2005 Freightliner 16M, Cat C7 Diesel Eng. w. Allison Auto. Trans. W. Pressure Washing Unit w. Honda Eng., Hotsy needs service & repair, 24’ Box 2003 Chevy Dump Truck, no engine, 2wd, Dump bed with hydraulic sander, snow plow attachment, (can’t verify mileage) 2001 Freightliner Fld, w. Cat Eng., 1, 396,000 mi., 4800 Hrs, 42” Sleeper 2000 Peterbilt 379 w. blown Detroit 60 eng., Conventional Truck w. 78” Sleeper, 1,571,000 mi. 2000 Peterbilt 379, w. Cat C12 eng., Blown head gasket, New rubber, Million + mi., Good running rig 2000 Peterbilt 378, Cummins Eng. Mod. 455 B, (Not Running) 1996 Ford AeroMax Detroit 50, Day cab, Needs new clutch, Not road ready. 1995 Freightliner Fld, w. Unilux Boiler Unit (Mod. 2F800W), 601,000 mi., 25’ Box, No MBH available 1990 Mack CH613, L7-400 Engine, 400 HP, Day Cab, 1,489,000 mi. 1984 Peterbilt 362 Boiler Truck w. Cummins NH/ NT 855 Eng, Cab over w. Sleeper, 795,214 KM, Dupree Boiler


2009 Volvo D13 VHD Hydrovac, 86,607 mi., Deckett Water HeaterVIN# 4V5KC9EJ19N275463 2005 International 7600 (Motor is blown) Good Rubber, w. Vactor Hydrovac VIN# 1HTWYSBT15J186500


2012 Monster - 130 Barrel

1991 Stoughton 48’ Dry Van 1988 Site Van Trailer 1981 LowBoy Hydrodrop 60 Ton 1974 Heil Trailer 1966 Trailmobile 8250 gal. Trailer (Not for salt water) 56” x 10’ Trailer Frame, Dbl. Axel, Heavy Duty, Pintle Hitch 56” x 12’ Magnum Trailer Frame, Dbl. Axel, Heavy Duty w. Brakes, Good Rubber, Spoked Rims, Pintle Hitch Playcraft 82” x 16’ Flatbed Trailer, Dbl. Axel, Brakes, No Ramps, Some Fender Damagae, Good Floor (No Title)

LOCATION: From Vida, MT-Take Highway 13 South for 2 miles, turn West on Sand Creek Road for 12 miles. From Circle, MTTake Highway 13 North for 28 miles, turn West on Sand Creek Road for 12 miles. Roads will be marked.



TODD 406-525-3344 ranch, 406-702-0610 cell. Lunch will be available . FARM MACHINERY


Clemco Sand Blaster, Classic Blast Machine w. Air Dryer, Air Filter, Hood, Apron, & Hoses (Good Condition), Cat XQ 350 Portable Generator (Motor is Blown), Sullair 185 Air Compressor 49 HP, Portable, 683 Hrs., Ser.# 201302040044, Miller Bobcat 250 CC/CV, AC/DC Welder w. 11,000 Watt Generator, Miller Millermatic 211 Wire Feed Welder, Metal Sheets, Metal Pipe, Angle Iron, Welding Tables, Several Different Tools, Pallets of Floor Dry, Blue Def, Light Plants (2) Allmand Night-Lite Pro, (1) Magnum, (1) Ingersoll Rand (Will need to check ballast & bulbs), Ingersoll Rand Portable Air Compressor (Needs Work), Stamford Generator 7237 hrs. w. JD Diesel Eng. - Lg Good Unit, 1995 Cummins Generator Mod. NTA-855-G3, Ser.#33046 (Condt. Unknown), Very Lg. Electric Motor (May need work), 73’ Rockwell Scale Mod. 70100, 100 Ton cap. (Bought 4 yrs. ago - Never used) No Scale Head, Excellent Cond., Cement pads not included, (2) Lg. Hopper Bin on Stands, Dirt Burning System: Includes Control House, Trommel Screener & Burner, Bag House, After Burner w. Exhaust Stack, Bucket Elevator to Silo, Dirt Burning Unit A.K.A. Cracking Unit (Partial), Est. 57’x29” Conveyor System, Ext. 35’x26 “Hyd. Driven Portable Conveyor Belt w. Oct. Shaker, Marco ~ 45’x24” Conveyor System, Marco 70’x24” Conveyor Belt w. Electric Motor, Marco 130’ Conveyor 42’x24” Conveyor Belt w. TecWeigh Conveyor Scale, (2) Misc. Mud Pits, (23+) 400 bbl. Upright Tanks on Skids, (8) 500 bbl. Frac Tanks

2012 32’ PJ Flatbed Trailer, Reinforced over the Wheel-Wells, Dove Tail w. Ramps, Est. 13,000 lbs. Axels, Badlands Trailer Wells Cargo 40’ Trailer, Tandem Axle, Cargo Door & Side Entrance, Wired, Little Use Galyene 130 bbl. Tanker, Good condt. 2011 Magnum- generator trailer Bumper Hitch 2010 Mag Bumper Hitch Trailer VIN# 5AJGS1611AB0017892009 Dragon Trailer 130 bbl., Challenger Pump, Good Rubber 2008 Troxell- on the fence line 120 bbl., Tanker w. Challenger Pump 10’ x 20’ Conex Metal Building, Heavy Duty, Troxell-Hooked to Red Ford Semi Portable Dragon 130 bbl w. Challenger Pump (2) 20 Unit, 4 - Piece Man Camp Trailers, Jack & Jill Wells Cargo Trailer Bathrooms 2007 Dragon 2007 Magnum- generator trailer Bumper Hitch 20’x36’ Stick Built Building, 3 Doors, Partially Insulated, Wired, Steel Roof, OSB Siding, (Lots Trailer of Potential) Dragon - 130 bbl. CMAC Charmac Job Trailer, 8’x24’ w. Drop Door, Wired for Lighting 2005 Travelaire Enclosed Trailer/Rescue Trailer Troxel 120 bbl. Trailer, No Pump, Missing Landing Gear Jerry James Trailer 80” x 16’ w. Pull Out Ramps, Dbl. Axel 2001 Cusco 140 bbl. Dump Trailer - Good Unit 1993 Dorsey Trailers Dry Van with boiler parts, 48’ 1993 Presvac Black Dumping Vac Trailer


Call John @ (406) 465-1798 for information on Equipment

SHANE WOLFF • LIC. NO. 326 701-983-4573 • 701-870-9090 (CELL) HEAD CLERK: PAULA JO WANNER • LIC. NO. 664 •701-870-1406 (CELL) • ARMON WOLFF • LIC. NO. 306 Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

SATURDAY, SEPT. 14, 2019 • 10 A.M.


• Vermeer R23A Hay Rake • Farmhand 5-bale Mover • Valvetal twin-screw Mixer & Scale, model 900 • JD 750 Grinder/Mixer • (4) Portable Creep Feeders • (5) 30’ Bale Feeders (Circle Machine Works) • (12) Grain Feed Bunks • (7) Round Bale Feeders • (7) Mineral Feeders • Misc. 10’ Portable Panels • Light-duty Water Tanks • (4) 24’ sections of Easy-way Adjustable Alley • Portable Loading Chute • Squeeze Chute & Palp Cage • Horse & Calf Table


• JD 9610 Maximizer Combine, GPS, 1600 hours & 930 Rigid Platform • JD 930 Flex Head w/Height Controller • (2) Header Trailers • Brandt 1084 Grain Cart w/Scale • Brandt 1 O”x70’ Swing-a-way Auger • Brandt Grain Vac, model 5200, 104 hours • Sakundiak 8’x38’ Auger w/Onan motor


• JD 9400 4-wheel drive Tractor, 7500 hours • 1985 Ford F250 Pickup, 4-speed & Sprayer, • JD 8640 4-wheel drive Tractor & 14’ Blade 40’ booms, Honda motor • 1985 GMC ¾ • NH 17190 MFWD Tractor w/855 TL Frontton Pickup, 350-engine, auto & Overhead end Loader, bucket & grapple, 2,000 hours Pickup Camper (nice) • 1978 Ford F250 • Case IH MX130 MFWD Tractor w/LX162 Pickup & Feeder • 1985 GMC 7000 Truck, Front end Loader, bucket & grapple • CAT 18’ box & hoist & (2) 1,000- gallon tanks Motor Grader • JD 40’ Toolbar, model 1610 w/Honda motor & water pump • 1982 • Flex-i-coil Air Seeder, 9” shovels, acu points Chevy Truck, 14’ box & hoist w/roll tarp, & 2320 Triple Tank • Phoenix 60’ Rotary Hoe new engine • 1993 Temple 40’ Aluminum w/Valmar Spreader, model 3255 • Flex-i-coil Hopper Bottom Trailer w/roll tarp • Duraline 90’ pull-type Sprayer • Intl. 20’ Vibra Shank 20’ Gooseneck Stock Trailer • 16’ Car Trailer • MF 18’ Offset Disc, model 40 • Intl. 20’ Disc • Intl. 14’ Double Disc Drill, 7” spacing • JD Ground-driven Rock Picker • Rodweeder, 14’ • Cockshut Corn Planter • JD 8’ Box Grader • Kelly 3pt Back Hoe & 2-Buckets • JD 3pt Mower, model 503 ATV’S, PUMP & SHOP • Danuser 3pt 8’ Back Blade • Degelman 3pt • Polaris 700 Sportsman ATV • Polaris 425 Post Driver • 3pt Post Hole Digger ATV • Crisafulli 1 O” Pump & 100’ of tubing • Emerson Ditcher • 3pt 8’ Tool bar • (2) Trimble GPS’s • Large Aluminum Toolbox on wheels, model CSP • Lincoln AC/DC Arc Welder • Lincoln SP130T Wire Welder • Plasma Cutter, model 1371 • AC Unit w/bottle • Cutting Torch • 3-ton Axle Jack Stands • Large Parts Washer • Coleman 2500-watt Generator • Walker 2 ½ ton Air Jack • Engine Stand • 2-ton Cherry Picker • Welding Table • 10-ton Porta Power • Torque Wrench • Misc. Tools • Pipe Wrenches • Water Extinguisher’s • Poulan Chain Saw • 100# Propane Bottles • Many New Hydraulic Hoses • Stihl Blower • Homemade Oil Barrel Mover • Calipers • Extension Cords • Misc. Bolt Bins, Bolts & Nuts • Ford Ignition Parts • Misc. FM Radios • 120-gallon Pickup Tank w/12 volt pump • Propane Heater • Iron Bed • Matching Vanity Dresser & Chest-of-Drawers


Todd and LouAnn have decided to lease out their ranch/farm and will be offering their full line of equipment at auction. There is a nice line of equipment and lots of good-working livestock equipment at this auction. We hope to see you September 14th! ~Rick

Circle, Montana


(406) 485-2548


Rick Kniepkamp (406) 485-2548 or cell (406) 939-1632

All infonnation is from sources deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed by the Sellers or the Auctioneers. Offering is subject to error, omission, and approval of purchase by owner. We urge independent verification of each and every item submitted to the satisfaction of any prospective buyer. It is every potential bidder/purchasefs sole responsibility to accomplish his or her due diligence in whatever manner he or she deems advisable. Announcements made sale day take precedence over any printed materials. The items sell “As is-Where is.” R·K Statewide Auction Service and its auctioneers are acting solely as auctioneers for the Sellers. ELK RIVER PRINTING• SIDNEY, MONTANA




SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 • 10:00 A.M.

LOCATION: From Glendive, MT-Take Hwy 200 W towards Circle for 3.3 miles, turn left on Pleasant View Road 238 for 5 miles. OWNERS: BENNETT FARMS INC. GARY 406-687-3384, 406-939-2227 cell. Lunch will be provided by Buffalo Rapids 4-H


Eliminates Squeaks, Frees Rusted Bolts, Parts, Locks, Valves, LUBRICATES and PROTECTS. A little goes a long way. Foaming action, no drying out or gumming up! No water byproduct.

NOW AVAILABLE AT ALL RUNNINGS LOCATIONS!! - FARM MACHINERY •JD 8650 Tractor, 4-wheel drive, 800 hours on new out of frame engine overhaul & GPS •Degelman 14’ Dozer •MF 55 Gas Tractor, PTO •Allis Chalmers WD45 Gas Tractor, wide front (consigned) •Shaver Post Pounder, model Hd10 •Flex-i-coil 39’ Air Seeder, model 5000, 9” spacing, 2320 pullbetween Cart •Krause 31’ Tandem Disc •Krause 20’ Offset Disc •JD 10’ Disc •Flex-i-coil 40’ Tool bar & 40’ of Harrows •Frigstad 40’ Toolbar w/Falmar 3255

- SHOP & MISC. -

•Miller Bobcat 225G Welder/ Generator, 8000 watt, 85 hours •Acetylene Welder w/cart •Alkota Steam Cleaner •Portable Air Compressor w/Honda motor •(2) 13 hp Gas Motors (new) •(3) 100# Propane Bottles •(2) Pickup Tool Boxes •(2) L-shaped Pickup Fuel Tanks •(2) Pickup Fuel Tanks w/pumps •Port-a-Power •Electric Fence Charger •Lots of Chains •Tires & Rims (some new) •Gustafson Seed Treater

- SPRAYERS & LIVESTOCK •JD 14’ Toolbar •Graham Holme 12’ Tool bar •Phoenix 45’ Harrow, model H17 •JD Manure Spreader (old) •Rhino 3 pt. Back Blade •3-bottom Plow & Packer •(2) Pony Drills •2-row Corn Planter (old) •Horse-drawn Plow •JD 7-wheel Hay Rake •(2) Buck Rakes •V Rake •9-wheel Hay Rake •Vermeer 605J Round Baler

•JD Tractor Weights •Cement Mixer w/electric motor •4-ton Floor Jack •Walker 2 ½-ton Air Lift Jack •Saws, Picks, Axes, Shovels •Fence Stretcher •Bolts, Nuts & Misc. •(2) Crank Cream Separators (1-electric, 1-hand) •Many items too numerous to mention

•NH 130’ pull-type Sprayer w/1500-gallon tank •Flex-i-coil XL67 pull-type Sprayer w/1500-gallon tank •NH Grinder/Mixer, model 354 •(6) MK Portable Creep Feeders •(2) Truck Hay Racks (fits 18’ box) •(4) Square Bale Feeders

•Powder River Calf Table •Powder River Squeeze Chute •PTO Jet Wire Roller •Air Steel Post Pounder •(2) Steel Feed Bunks •Portable Misc. Panels •Al Gate •Pickup Stock Rack

- SKID STEER, COMBINE, AUGERS & HOPPER BINS w/13 hp engines •NH LX885 Skid Steer, turbo, •Sakundiak HD6-41’ Auger w/13 hp bucket & pallet forks Honda engine & Hydraulic Drag •JD 9600 Combine, 3552 sep. •Weed Heart Transfer Auger hours & 930 Header •(2) Lorrich Lined Hopper Bottom •Brandt 8”x60’ Auger w/26 hp Bins (1-54 ton fertilizer & 1-62 Kohler engine ton fertilizer) •(2) Sakundiak HD7-1600 Augers

- PICKUP, TRUCKS & TRAILERS •1996 Ford F250 Pickup, 4x4, 4-speed •1996 Mack Semi Truck, 13-speed •1992 GMC TopKick Truck, CAT engine, 6-speed, 21’ box & hoist, roll tarp, pusher axle, 317,750 miles •1972 Chevy 2-ton Truck, 4 & 2, 16’ box & hoist, 63,000 miles •1969 GMC 2-ton Truck, 4 & 2, 16’ box & hoist, 35,775 miles •1984 Timpte 40’ Grain Trailer, electric chutes & roll tarp •1994 Jet Pup Trailer, w/roll tarp •2014 Load Max Gooseneck 28’ Flatbed Trailer, tandem axle dually

~ AUCTIONEER’S NOTE ~ Gary decided to retire from farming and has leased out his property. The trucks and tractors have always been shedded. Nearly all his equipment is field ready. We h􀀅􀀅􀀅e to see you .on September-21st! ~Rick

CONNETICUT Putnam MINNESOTA Austin Baker Benson Canby Hutchinson Litchfield Marshall Montevideo Monticello Moorhead New Ulm Red Wing Redwood Falls Springfield Willmar Worthington MONTANA Glendive Windom NEW HAMPSHIRE Claremont Hinsdale NEW YORK Brockport

Canandaigua Gloversville Liverpool Lockport Malone Plattsburgh Rome NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck Carrington Dickinson Hettinger Jamestown Mandan SOUTH DAKOTA Aberdeen Belle Fourche Brookings Gregory Huron Milbank Mobridge Parkston Pierre Rapid City Watertown Winner

Manufactured and Distributed by:

GW ENTERPRISES LLC Dickinson, ND 701.290.0190 • Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

MISCELLANEOUS -- Farm King 7ft single auger snow blower. -- 1952 Chevy 2 ton grain truck, restorable. -- 2 bottom roll over MM plow on rubber. -- Cab off a IH combine. MM 445 propane tractor, wide front, restorable. -- 1000 gallon water tank on 4 wheel tandem trailer. -- MM 4 bottom plow, hydraulic lift, 16 inch, throw away lays, 2 new tires and MM hydraulic cylinder. -MM side delivery rake on steel. -- IH vibra shank field cultivator with 2 bar harrow, 12ft. Call (701) 678-2781 leave message if no answer.

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: 18ft. & 20ft. MacDon finger reel, like new; 2 row smaller Lockwood potato wind rower with side unload, excellent condition; JD 222 rigid head with finger reel; JD 1020 corn head with master drive, straight knife rollers, Clark polly snouts with dividers; JD 643 8 row 22” corn head converted to GVL poly snouts; JD 215 pickup head with 15ft. Pickett finger pickup, screen pan, JD single hookup. 701-587-6093

DUNN COUNTY FARMSTEAD AND LAND AUCTION Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 @ 6:00 PM MT

Auction conducted at the Dodge Community Hall, Dodge, ND



Business Building with furnished 3 bedroom apartment located on Grand Crossing/Highway 12 in Mobridge, SD Formerly Great Plains Family Restaurant (we moved). Perfect Potential for any business. Within walking distance to banks, grocery stores, downtown shopping area. For sale by owner. Call Johnny for more information at 605-848-0311. Please leave message if no answer. Serious inquiries only. Cottonwood logs for some dry, some (701) 529-4424

sale, wet,

Online Auction, 9/25/19: JD 300 Cornpicker, 3 RN very nice. JD 343 3RN Cornhead w/adapter plates for earlage. Allis 545B Payloader. Wilridge 6600 5 Shank Disc Gripper. NH 258 Hydraulic Drive Rake. Coop Surplus: IH Water Truck, IH Feed Truck, ‘03 GMC Fuel Truck. 72” 4-in-1 Bucket & 80” Brush Bucket for Skidsteer. Homemade Meat Smoker. (605) 941-5904

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920



REGISTER TO BID ONLINE: At in advance INSPECTION SITE: From JCT HWY 10 & 410th Ave west of Britton, South Dakota- 2 miles south on 410th Ave & ½ mile east; or from Claremont, South Dakota- 6 miles north on 410th Ave & ½ mile east; Tractors and telehandler can be viewed September 19th, 24th and 26th from 9AM to 5PM or by calling John at 605-216-3474. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Some units are in need of repair. Details of that to the best of our ability will be posted with each unit in the online bidding catalog. Items are available for inspection as detailed above.

axle alum gooseneck stock trailer w/ 3 compartments, sliding & swing out rear gate, side door & 235/85R16 tires *Hillsboro 7’ x 24’ tandem axle livestock trailer w/ 2 compartments, sliding & swing out rear gate, side door & 235/85R16 tires

till, 3 sect fold, 10” spacing, 18” wave coulters, cushion gang, walking tandems around, rolling spike attachment & adj tongue, SN#1316NN

TRAILERS: *2012 Maurer 4222 42’ x 96” alum semi hopper bottom trailer, ag hoppers, 68” sides, 285/75R24.5 tires, steel disk wheels, front & rear ladders & roll tarp- Potential Title Delay- call auction company for details *Merritt Cattle Drive 7’ x 24’ tandem

2018 Taxes: $744.98 Seller: Larry Zarr

For more information call John C. Fischer, Auction Rep: 605-216-3474

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK



Farmstead: House & Outbuildings: Est. 1978 Ranch style home, 26x40 w/20x26 attached garage, 160ft well (services house and farmstead); Full finished basement, 4 Bdrm, 2 Full Bath, Propane heat w/ 1000 gal. tank, masonite siding, steel roof in 2016, - Needs some updating; 24x26 stick built garage, wired for 220; (2) Barns: 1- 30x40 Pole Barn style shed, 1- older barn.

SHANE WOLFF • LIC. NO. 326 701-983-4573 • 701-870-9090 (CELL) HEAD CLERK: PAULA JO WANNER • LIC. NO. 664 •701-870-1406 (CELL) ARMON WOLFF • LIC. NO. 306


BIDS OPEN SEPTEMBER 24th, 2019 at 1:00PM & CLOSE SEPTEMBER 30th, 2019 at 1:00PM

Pasture Land: Includes a spring fed dam, 90 acres of tame grass, well managed, and healthy.

Tillable Acres: 90.69 Acres Pasture Land & Farmstead: 429.31 Acres



TRACTORS, LOADER & TELEHANDLER: *2004 JD 7520 MFWD, IVT trans, 3pt, 1000 PTO, 3 hyd, loader ready, front fenders, rear wheel weights, 380/85R30 fronts, 480/80R42 rear tires w/ dual hubs, sells w/ JD 741 self- leveling loader w/ bucket & 4-tine grapple, 7581 hrs showing, SN#RW7520D053913; loader SN#W00741C010810 *1995 JD 7200 MFWD, power quad, 3pt, 1000 PTO, 2 hyd, sells w/ 740 loader, control & bucket w/ 4 tine grapple, 420/85R28 fronts, 20.8R38 rear tires, 4413 hrs showing, SN#RW7200H003470 *1993 JD 7800 MFWD, power shift, 3pt, 1000 PTO, 3 hyd, 380/85R30 fronts, 480/80R42 rear duals, 4452 hrs showing, SN#RW7800P004874 *1981 JD 8440 4WD, CAH, quad range, 1000 PTO, 3 hyd, 18.4x38 duals, 16799 hrs showing, SN#8440H004146RW *JD 3400 telehandler, ROPS, heat, A/C, 4 spd trans, coordinated and crab steer, 80’ boom, grapple bucket & 48” forks, front & rear fenders, 15.5/80-24 tires, 9890 hrs showing, SN#AFTHRDA002404

Offering 520 Total Acres


HAY & FEEDING EQUIPMENT: *Schuler 5020 vertical mixer w/ 1000 PTO, hyd control, LH discharge PLANTERS & SPRAYER: conveyor, Avery Weigh-Tron IX *JD 1760 12R30 wing fold vacuum digital scale & 445/50R22.5 tires, planter, MaxEmerge Plus units, SN#11J0912234 flex frame, ground drive, 3BU *Jiffy 920 bale processor w/ left boxes, manual down pressure, hand discharge & bale loader, Dawn trash whippers & 2) 225 gal SN#JSB20030838 liquid tanks w/ ground drive pump, *Meyer model 3516 feed wagon, LH SN#H01760F670318 discharge, 2 spd system, hyd control, *JD 7200 MaxEmerge 2 6R30 Digistar scale, 11R22.5 tires, XT1600 pull type vacuum planter w/ 1.6BU tandem trailer, SN#09T5265 boxes, herb/insecticide, 3) 70 *JD 567 round baler w/ net or twine gal tanks & Yetter no till coulters, wrap, spliced belts, Mega Wide pkp & SN#A07200E203266 bale kicker, SN#E00567X315745 *Summers 80’ Super Sprayer suspended boom sprayer w/ 1000 gal *JD 946 13’ disc bine mower flail/ tank, 3-way nozzle bodies & 18.4-38 conditioner w/ 1000 PTO & swing tongue, SN#E00946T310519 tires, SN#Y0048 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: *2016 JD 2623VT 40’ 8” verticle tillage tool, 5 sect fold, 7” spacing, 22” disks, cushion gang, rolling baskets, rear rib coulters, walking tandems around, wing gauge wheels, floating tongue & depth control, nice condition, SN#1N02623VKC0750436 *Case 3900 disk, 3 sect fold, 9” spacing, blades measure 19 ½”, cushion gang, 3 bar Summers harrow, dual wheels on wings & mainframe, SN#JAG01848094 *Great Plains 2200 22’ turbo

Some of these tanks are old stock as enduraplas changed their corporate green color, others are factory seconds or cosmetic rejects, but all are useable units that will hold water. If the tank only has cosmetic damage, it may also hold liquid fertilizer. Please visit for full details, including: • Tank conditions, size and • Bidding procedure type descriptions • Load out information • Inspection opportunities

ENDURAPLAS LLC, OWNER – Neche, ND AUCTIONEERS & CLERK: Resource Auctions, Dennis Biliske- Auctioneer, 2702 17th Ave S, Grand Forks, ND 58201, ph & 701-757-4015, fax 701-757-4016, AUCTIONEERS CLERK: Resource Auction, “Decades of Knowledge-Steady Innovation-Top Results” Dennis Biliske ND Lic 237, ND Clerk Lic 624,



Dennis Biliske- Auctioneer, 2702 17th Ave S, Grand Forks,

CANADIAN BUYERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. Please furnish a letter of credit for registration. Some purchases require ND payment wire. Most units move easily 58201, phby701-757-4015, fax 701-757-4016, across the border, feel free to ask in advance for document assistance if necessary. Dennis Biliske, Auctioneer

Website: Email:

LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & OTHER ITEMS: *Leon 585 manure spreader w/ double rear horizontal beaters & hyd gate, HD tandem axle w/ 425/65R22.5 tires, SN#580507136 *Titan West portable crowding tub & chute, 18’6” x 10’ tub, 13’ midsection & 7’ chute on transport trailer *Titan West “OK Corral” portable corral system w/ transport kit- 4) approx. 24’ & 4) approx. 18’ panels *Lorenz 96” twin auger 2 stage 3pt snowblower w/ 1000 PTO & hyd chute, SN#884586


Office 701-757-4015

AUCTIONEERS & CLERK: Resource Auction Dennis Biliske Auctioneer, 2702 17th Ave S, Grand Forks, ND 58201 PH: 701-757-4015 FAX: 701-757-4016 Dennis Biliske ND Lic 237, ND Clerk Lic 624 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

TERMS: Cash, cashier’s check, wire transfer, approved check in US funds. All sales final. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. Document fee on vehicle titles will apply & vehicle titles will be mailed to buyers. SD sales tax laws will apply.

Follow us on Twitter @agweekmagazine

MISCELLANEOUS Operating Loans, Crop Insurance as security, up to 100% financing, private company, $500,000 minimum, also land loans, bridge loans for stressed farms. 701-799-4754

MISCELLANEOUS 20’ & 40’ New or Used Shipping containers for Sale or Rent. Delivered. Secure, wind, water & rodent proof. D a ko t a Containers, 605-884-5500

MISCELLANEOUS Rowse double 9 mower, Caterpillar GP40K forklift with 8000 lb. lift, side shift, 460 hours, like new. Vern’s creep feeder. Meyerink 3612 12 foot box scraper with tilt cylinders. ‘81 International diesel truck with 18 foot Rugby box, hoist, automatic tail gate, cheater axle, runs great. Summers 45 foot land roller. JD 222 straight head with header trailer. New Holland 660 big round baler, Rowse 9 foot mower. H & S 16 wheel V rake. New Holland 7 foot mower. JD 716A chuckwagon. H & S 7+4 16 foot chuckwagon. Miller Pro 18 foot chuckwagon. Richardton 12 foot high dump. JD 2630 diesel tractor, wide front rear fenders, runs great. Quik Kleen grain cleaner. Top Air pull type sprayer with booms. Notch 24 foot portable hay feeder. 2 300 bushel gravity boxes. All in nice condition,. (605) 999-5482 200+ 5 1/2ft used steel posts, 100 7ft steel posts, 35 10f t steel posts, (605) 216-0465 Sitting on 4 $139,000 Acres, perfect for Hunting & Fishing, views of Lake Oahe. 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 2 Car Garage, New Appliances, 2 Decks ! MOBRIDGE, SD $165,900 Deadwood Investment Property, walking distance to downtown, off street parking! Upper & Lower Units, 2 Bed 1 Bath Per Unit, Updated Features! Motivated Sellers! 605-641-5848 Your Black Hills Realtor: Kevin Schilling


MISCELLANEOUS Don’t lose the Farm Stop Foreclosures. Keep your land. Save you livelihood. n Problem loan resolution n Bankruptcy analysis/reorganization n Divorce settlement negotiation n Court Room Testimony “Im JT Korkow, from Broadus, MT. As a former bank president, certified mediator and agricultural economist, I’ve been able to help people with their financial difficulties for over 20 years” JT Korkow, Consultant CALL FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION TODAY! Northwest Financial Consulting Phone: (406)554-3123

Owner: James C. Nelson – 701-230-4622

Auctioneers Note: James was a long-time well-liked farmer/rancher from Oberon. Due to health reasons, he will sell his entire line of machinery, tools, antiques, and all personal property. Everything is full, we do not know what we will find. Plan today to attend and plan to spend some time. Lunch will be served! TRACTORS - 900 Versatile, 5729 hrs. - 4430 JD w/ cab & 725 JD loader, 8091 hrs. - 1086 IH w/ cab, 3 pt., 5267 hrs. - UB MM w/ loader - JD A

FARM & LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT - 40’ Wilrich chisel plow - 18’ & 20’ Versatile 400 swathers - 1973 Hale stock trailer - Tonutti T9 wheel rake - Other items not listed

TRUCKS, PICKUPS, CAR & BUS - 1971 C50 grain truck - 1948 Chevy truck - 1991, 1978, 1973 & 1962 ½ ton Ford pickups - 1985 Chrysler LeBaron - Dodge school bus

CAMPER, GATOR & SNOWMOBILES - 2009 Mallard 26’ camper, like new - 2011 JD Gator 625I - 2003 Bombardier4-wheeler - (3) 1973-1980 SkiDoo snowmobiles


Visit our websites at or or

Dakota Auctioneers

Dakota Auctioneers, Larry Swenson, (701) 968-4224 Office or (701)-303-0379 Cell find us on

Auctioneer’s note: Partial listing. We will accept consignments until full. Some 218 owners ph. # are listed. Check for complete listing & pics.

TIRES UNUSED 22.5 & 24.5 RECAPS; NEW 14 & 16”; 2-18.4 x 26” on rims; 36” TRACKS ( 9400 J.D. 4WD) ; 1-20.8 X 42”; 2-18.4 34” ON RIMS; 2-18.4 X 34” & 38” BAND DUALS ; 8-9:00 X 20” ON OPEN RIMS; 2-18.4 x30” RICE 10 HOLE; 8-L.P 22.5 ON BUDDS FORAGE & LIVESTOCK CASE IH LBX 331 SQ. BALER, 3’ x 3’, 36, 834 bales; N.H. 499 SWINGER HAYBINE; 9’ N.H 488 HAYBINE; GEHL # 8335 TMR FEED WAGON, 6- HAY RACKS; NEW HOLLAND 7’ 455 SICKLE MOWER; NEW HOLLAND # 56 SIDE DELIVERY RAKE; 6’X 20’ GOOSENECK STOCK TRL.; 5’ x 16’ BUMPER hitch STOCK TRL. N.H SUPER 717 FORAGE CHOPPER w PICK UP HEADER & 2-2 ROW 30” CORN HEADS; 2-REAR UNLOAD FORAGE BOXES ON 4 WHEELED TRLS.; CREEP FEEDER w/ gates, gd. cond.; 50 T POSTS; J.D. # 200 HYD. STACKMOVER; 6’ X 20 HMDE’ T.A GOOSENECK STOCK TRAILERS 1996 TIMPTE 96”X42’X78” AL. GRAIN HOPPER, ph. 686-2043; 2004 GREAT DANE 50’ DRY VAN; 1980 45’ UTILITY DRY VAN; 1978 45’ FREUHAUF DRY VAN; 2000 PACEMAKER 8X24 X6 ½’ G.N. ENCLOSED TRAILER, ph:218-289-3248; 8’X20’ BUMPER HITCH FLATBED, beavertail


SPRAYERS, & STALK CHOPPER 20’ J.D. 2018 BATWING ROTARY MOWER; 20’ BUSHHOG 2620 BATWING ROTARY MOWER; 132’ KELLER 750 GAL. P.T. TOOL BAR SPRAYER; 90’ BRITONNYA 2 PT. 800 GAL SPRAYER; 22’ LOFTNESS STOCK CHOPPER MISC. 20’ J.D. 9350 GRAIN DRILLS; 71/2’ LOFTNESS SNOWBLOWER; DUAL 100 LOADER (Jubilee Ford); 2016 MAGNUM 4000 GAS POWERED HOT WATER WASHER; VALMAR CM 2420 3220 IMP. MT. HYD. GRANULAR APP; NH3 EQUIP; 18’X36”X ½” PIPLINE PIPE (land roller); PORT. HYD. WOOD SPLITTER; 3-500GAL FUEL TANKS; SEVERAL SERV. TANKS; 19’ BARN STEEL; I BEAMS; HAND & POWER TOOLS TRUCKS 1975 FORD 8000 T.S. w/ 19’ GRAIN BOX, Cummins, 10 spd.; 1974 CHEV. C-65 TAG TANDEM w/ 22’ GRAIN BOX, Reman 427; 1982 FORD 9000 T.S. w/ 12’ GRAVEL BOX, 855 Cummins, 10 spd., ph. 689-2670; 1974 IHC 1800 T.S.w/ 19’ STEELBOX, silage & graini endgates; 1968 IHC S.A. w/ 14’ STEEL BOX; 2002 FORD F-350 CREW CAB LONG BOX 4WD, V-10, auto, 233k, ph. 686-4651 VEHICLES 2010 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 4WD, 5.4, 176K, ph. 289-1499; 2002 PONT. BONNEVILLE SLE, 3.8, 212K, auto start ph. 686-7604; HONDA 1000 GOLDWING; 1997 CADILLAC ELDORADO


FOR SALE: Elmer single header trailer; JD 925 flex head with finger reel, Crary guards, poly bottom, multi point hookup; 30ft. Parker 4-wheel header trailer; JD 10 row 20ft. corn head, contour master drive, straight knife rollers, Clark poly snouts & dividers. 701-587-6093

Location: Oberon, ND – ¼ mile North of Oberon

Location: St. Hilaire, Mn (6 miles south of Thief River Falls on St. Hwy 32)


For Sale: 3 Pt. Pocket Gopher Machine, also have bait. 12” x 72’ Feteral Hydraulic Lift Grain Auger, swing hopper, white color. 4 tires, 520-85/538 on rims off of 9770 JD Combine. JD M Tractor w/loader, restored. WD45 Ellis, restored, wide front, new tires. Box of old license plates. (701) 640-2023


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 2019 - 11:00 A.M. SHARP!!!!!

TRACTORS, PAYLOADER, & SKID LOADER 2002 CASE IH MX150, 18.4 R 42” duals. 5,094 hrs.; 1966 J.D. 4020 D., cab syncro, 2 hyd. 3 pt. 12V, 18.4 x 38”( 95% ); DAVID BROWN 990 SELECTAMATIC DIESEL, 2 hyd., 3 pt.., QH, new 16.9 x 30”; 1960 MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE G-VI DIESEL , I.H. W6 GAS w/ F-10A FARMHAND LOADER ; FORD 8N; 2-J.D B’S , not running; JCB 190 ROBOT SKID LOADER, Perkins diesel; 2300 hrs. , SN. 1134225; CASE W 20 B PAYLOADER,. ph. 289-4919


Your North Central North Dakota Auction Leader


LOCATION: Starkweather ND – 8721 73rd St NE DIRECTIONS: From Starkweather ND - 4 miles East on 72nd St, 1 mile North, 1¼ mile East

OWNER: Ed Werner Estate - 701-351-4055 (Lee)

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: With the passing of Ed, the family has decided to sell his nice farmstead along with all of his belongings. Take note of the farmstead with a beautiful home, 2015 Chevy pickup, JD utility tractor, boat, guns and all the hunting/fishing items, also selling will be nice furniture and antiques. Very nice auction, one you won’t want to miss. Plan to spend some time! Lunch will be served!

REAL ESTATE - 7.08 acre farmstead located in SW ¼ SW ¼ 27 158 63 (S/S) in Royal Township. Included on farmstead is a 3008 sf home. The original structure was built in 19651966 located on a spacious farmstead w/ mature trees for an excellent windbreak. In 2014 the house had the following improvements: new windows, new shingles, new siding, central air added, new furnace, new exterior doors, and a bathroom was added in the basement. Additionally, a new addition was added that included a new master bedroom and bath, utility room, family room, remodeled kitchen and a heated 1344 sf

three car garage. Electric heat, well w/ rural water available, septic tank/drain field. The outbuildings include a 30x70 metal Quonset w/ full concrete floor, (2) 3500 bu. grain bins and (1) 4000 bu. grain bin. Terms and conditions will be announced the day of sale. Real estate will sell approx. at 2:00 pm. TRACTOR, ATTACHMENTS & SCRAPER - JD 4720 Utility tractor w/ 400X loader & bucket, 3 pt., PTO, 390 hrs., near new - 3 pt. pallet fork attachment - 3 pt. mower - 3 pt. Frontier snow blower - 5’ Disk attachment - Smart Shield 8’2” Power V XT

blade for vehicle - 2½ yd. Eversman scraper VEHICLES & ACCESSORIES - 2015 Chevy Silverado Z71 1500 LTZ, 5.3 l engine, new tires, 61,653 miles - 1999 Suburban, new engine, transmission, & transfer case within last 5000 miles, 250,900 miles - Set of 4 new 121/118R BF Goodrich tires on rims BOAT, RECREATIONAL & TRAILERS - 2007 Lund 18’ 8” aluminum boat w/ Mercury 150, S/N LBBDA525K607 - 2013 Polaris 800 EFI 4x4 side by side w/ tilt box - Tracks for Polaris - Polaris 4 wheeler

- Aluminum dock on wheels - Fish house trailer w/ bunk, nice - Single axle enclosed trailer, used for hunting - Polaris Indy Classic snowmobile - Antique Husky snowmobile - 12’ aluminum single axle trailer w/ ramps - 8’ x 22’ flatbed tandem axle trailer w/ windbreak FUEL TANK, SHOP & FARM ITEMS LARGE AMOUNT OF HUNTING, FISHING & RECREATIONAL ITEMS LAWN & GARDEN ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD 32 GUNS, GUN SAFES & AMMO - See websites for complete list and pics

Visit our websites at or or

Dakota Auctioneers

ST. HILAIRE, MN. ph. 218 686-2048 (Ron) | 689-7304 (Amber) | 964-5548 (office)

Dakota Auctioneers, Larry Swenson, (701) 968-4224 Office or (701) 303-0379 Cell find us on Your North Central North Dakota Auction Leader!


Great Utility Vehicles

ALL trucks are equipped with full functioning cab and 3cyl gas engines. IN STOCK: 1991 Honda 4WD $4,950 1991 Suzuki Firetruck $6,200 2010 Suzuki Firetruck, less than 500 miles $12,500 1996 Daihatsu Front & Rear Hitches 4WD $5,850 2019 Suzuki Carry Jumbo Cab AC, PS, PW, DL, HL $17,900 2003 Suzuki Carry HL, $7,700 1994 Daihatsu HiJet DL, HL $5,750 2007 Suzuki Carry AC, PS, HL, DL Dump $10,700 2018 Daihatsu HiJet AC, PS, HL, DL $15,900 2003 Suzuki Carry HL, DL $7,700 2005 Suzuki Carry PS, HL, DL $8,200 MORE COMING! Located in Bemidji, MN Call: Arlen at (763)234-9118 FarmKing 6640 grain vac, 6” hoses with clean up kit, very good capacity, low bushels, nice, stored inside, $9,500. 701-351-0399 For Sale: 202 acres of pasture land & 45 acres of farmland near Lake City, SD. 605.268.0861 For Sale: Clarke 1820 Corn Head, 30’ 20” Rows, John Deere Gear Boxes and Knife Rolls, Hydraulic Deck Plates, Automatic Height control with sensors. Put together at Clarke Machine in 2014. 3 seasons on the head. Located near Aberdeen, SD $25,0000 (605) 380-0166 Ephraim Crested Wheat Grass Seed for sale, $3.50/lb, bulk discounts available. -Alfalfa seed for sale. (605) 515-0858 NEW & USED shipping/storage Containers for sale 20’x8’x8.5’ & 40’x8’x8.5’ Wind, Rain, Snow & Rodent proof. Delivered. Call (605) 216-1317

Pressure Washer Central Inc. Sales & Service Aaladin Pressure Washers - Service on most major brands! Factory Cat Floor Scrubbers & Sweepers West 6th Ave, Aberdeen, SD (Next to Perkins) 605-226-4095 (800)733-2967 www.pressurewasher

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK


Ford 9N tractor with Frontier box scraper. Wood chipper for large HP tractor. (507) 829-7591



Fargo Scheels 298-2918 Pasture for Lease on Bids South Central, SD. 200 acres +/- will show property to interested buyers until December 1st, 2019. 3 year contract. Contact for further information 605-220-4617


ATTENTION SAWMILL OWNERS: (120) Red cedar wood power polls 12”-20” diameter, 16’-20’ long, also (24) red cedar 6x6x24’, (30) 6x6x22’, also some 6x6x18’. #1 fur planks 9.5”x3.5” 18’-30’ length. Buyer needs to load. 218-512-0323 or 701-429-8950

Common Winter Rye Seed For Sale -- Uncleaned -Cleaned Contact Sheridan Larson 605-354-2127 Email: swensonshop@

GENERATORS: Used, LowHour, Diesel, Propane, & Natural Gas, 20kW 2000kW, (701) 371-9526

Common Cereal Rye seed for sale, germ tested & purity tested. Mobridge area. Call 605-762-3437


AU C T I O N Location

Hatton, ND. 1 mile West of Hatton, 1/2 mile South

Date & Time SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th, 11:03 am

Selling 1968 David Brown Tractor, 3 pt, pto, one owner Dettson 3pt 6ft snowblower, 1949 JD model “A”, nf, showroom cond IH 560 D Tractor, 3 pt (Estate) 1992 Chrysler New Yorker, loaded, 61,000 miles Showroom cond, 1981 Chev #30 TravelCraft motorhome, 71,000 miles 350 eng, auto, showroom 1986 Royal Prowler 28ft camper, bumper hitch, sharp, 2019 Vern’s 6X16 stock trailer, bumper hitch, used once, WW 6X16 stock trailer, new paint, sharp, 1994 Cadillac, Livestock equipment, Lots of brand new tools & misc, new in boxes LOTS & LOTS MORE!!!

Go to for full listing and pics

HEINZE/TROTTIER/PARKMAN/ BERDAL AUCTIONS ND lic #301 • Northwood, ND 58267 701.238.0763

Gonvick, MN

Saturday, September 14, 2019 9:00am sharp

Pipe and sucker rod for sale, 3 1/2, 2 7/8 & 2 3/8th sucker rod. Also, guard rail available. Delivery available. Call for pricing 701-400-4534




Visit for searchable online inventory.

Over 60 acres of heavy truck salvage, many late model units including used engines and rebuilt trasmissions available. We buy salvage trucks.

2016 30ft 3020 CIH flex head, double drive Crary air reel, 3” knives, in cab cutter bar suspension, auto height controls, asking $37,500. Used very little and in good condition. Header trailer for additional cost. Joel 701-226-3633. Located N. of Bismarck, North Dakota.

New inventory arriving daily!

6.0 cu yard & 10.5 cu yard, electric over hydraulic pick up slide in dump containers with lid kits. Also, 1990 F800 with 20 yard garbage compactor, 39,000 miles on factory rebuilt, gas, pictures available, $3,000. (605) 670-0240

Full service repair shop available!

60ft long Reach Excavator. Link Belt 3400 Quantum, very good condition, Call Doug at 605-765-4513 1967 Chevelle 300, V/8, stick, restoration project, all new parts included, $8,200. More information at (605) 290-8173 Wanted: Cottonwood Shelterbelts, will cut & remove trees. No yard trees. Robert Christofferson at 218-467-3441 | 800-874-4107 | Highway 59 | Winger, MN

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

2019 Loadline 34’ Tri-Axel End Dump Trailer

2008 Summers Diamond Disc 28.5 ft LIKE NEW!

2019 Load Line 34' End Dump Tri-axle More New End Dumps Coming!

2009 Prostar ISX Cummins. Priced to sell!

(2) 2014 ProStar IHC, ISX Cummins - 10 spd

2009 International ProStar ISX Cummins, New 22' Box & Hoist, Low Miles

2014 Freightliner ISX Cummins 10 spd Air Ride

2011 Volvo ISX Cummins 10 Spd Air Ride

14’ BIL Box Scraper with Tilt

2001 9200 IHC, ISM Cummins, New 22' Loadline Box, Tri-Axle

Quilts • Crafts • New & Used Furniture Antiques • Collectibles • Farm Machinery Sporting Goods • Much More! Lunch will be served by the Amish Ladies


From Clearbrook: 1 mi. So. on #92, then right (W) on Cty. Rd. #6 for 5½ mi. (right side of road). From Gonvick: 5 mi. So. on Cty. Rd. #7, then right (W) on Cty. Rd. #6 for 1½ mi. (right side of road). CALL FOR INFORMATION TO CONSIGN ITEMS OR QUESTIONS Jake Mullet | 218-776-2084 44344 Cty. Rd #7 Clearbrook, MN 56634

Edwin Gingerich | 218-487-5302 48275 N. Pine Lake Rd Gonvick, MN 56644

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

Ron Corrick Office: 701-454-6174 Cell: 701-520-0187 I-29 Exit 187, Drayton, ND



MISCELLANEOUS For Sale: Cam bearing installing tool kit. OTC engine sleeve puller, manual. Pipe cutting and threading equipment. Monarch turning lathe, older unit. Tire machine with bubble bouncer and wheel weights. Call for more information (701) 709-0129 between 8am-7pm Ashland 3.5 yard scraper divot mount, Swather Transport, 1000 gallon fule tank. 10x10 glass overhead door, hood for 8000 30 series JD Trelleborg tires 850/60/38. 701-484-5645.

MISCELLANEOUS Rare Allis Chalmers 1944 War Tractors WC, aluminum combine, aluminum corn picker #33. Working round baler, PTO rake, 4 row planters, sub soil, plows, and cultivators, lots of parts. Horse drawn equipment parts. (605) 360-9823 Lennox, SD

New Holland 96C 8 row corn head. Gehl high throw silage blower with pipes. 75 Ford F-600 silage truck. 76 Ford F-600 silage truck. (605) 949-0940

Trucks and Trailers for Harvest!






Rent, Lease or Lease to Purchase at end of Lease

Numerous Ag Trailers and Trucks Discounts for Early Deposits!!

Reserve Now!

1997 Western Star Stock #7449 N-14 Red Top Cummins Engine 525hp, 3:58 Ratio; Tandem 2000 Freightliner FL70 Stock#5256 Axle, new radiator, shocks, front diff and all u 308,569 miles, 215 Horsepower, Cummins, Manual, 5 spd, Air Ride, Single Axel win PTO, pump meters, joints, cruise, tilt+tele, PW, brakes and drums are 70-80%, one steer new, one at 50%, front drives hose reels, 2” hose on reels, brownie tank 500 are 75%, rear drives are 60%. CALL 500 - 400 - 300 - 300, steers are 60%, drives are 85%, new brakes and drums. $11,500

2009 IH Prostar Tractor Fleet Truck new clutch, very good condition 465 hp, 10 spd. w/ 2015 Mauer 40”

New PLG and Used Timpte Trailers Use for storage or ATV’s, UTV’s or Cars. Ramp door, 6’ open.


AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

2013 CHALLENGER MT945C 1950 hours, 5 Remotes, 710/42 Duals, Ag Tractor, $135,500 2014 MACK PINNACLE CXU613 , Mack MP7, 405 HP, Automatic, mDrive, Air Ride Suspension, All Aluminum Wheels, 194 in Wheel Base, 753,500 miles, $32,500

1984 STEIGER PANTHER 1000 KP1325, 14,000 hrs, 325 HP, 4WD, Diesel, Very Clean, $32,500

2002 FORD F450, 4x4, Auto, Service Body, Welder Aux Fuel Tank, 103,500K, No Rust, $27,500

2006 INTERNATIONAL 9200i, 475 HP, Cummins ISX, Manual, 13 Speed, Air Ride, 6x2, 172 in WB, Steel Wheels, 463K Miles, $28,500

2005 INTERNATIONAL 9200i, Cat C-13, 410 HP, 10 speed, Air Ride Suspension, 6x4, 170 in Wheelbase, 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight, 40,000 lb Rear Axle Weight, 591,133 Miles, $24,500

2020 TIMPTE 4066, 40’x96”x66”, Spring Ride, Ag Hopper, Elec Tarp, FET in... $CALL

2013 KENWORTH T660 Paccar, MX13, 405 HP, Ultrashift, 10 Spd, Automatic, Air Ride Susepension, 620K Miles...$30,000

2007 KENWORTH T800, Cat, C-13, 430 HP, 13 Spd, Aluminum Wheels, Air Ride Suspension, 515k Miles, $33,000

2012 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA 120, Detroit, 430 HP, Manaul, 10 Speed, Air Ride, 174 in WB, 669,000 Miles.$23,000

2018 CAMSO 601913D1 Rubber Tracks, 25”W, 359” track length, Removed from MT738/40/43, Fits To: CHALLENGER / MT738, MT740, MT743, Call for price

320-244-0226 Starbuck, MN

2019 Timpte Ag Hopper Stock #3282 40’x96”, Tandem Axle, DEMO, Electric Tarp, SS Front Corners and Rear, Sight Windows, 3 Rows of 5 Bullet Lights, Virgin Bridgestones. $37,600

Like New!

Look 20’ Car Hauler


2000 International 2674 Stock #4357; Hendrickson Suspension; Tandem Axle; Drive Side: Left Hand Drive; Yes Engine Brake; ISM Cummins Engine 350 hp; 16,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 58,000 lb Gross Vehicle Weight; 4:88 Ratio; LP 22.5 Tires; 265 in Wheelbase; All Steel Wheels; jake, cruise, double framed, new steers, front drives 50%. $16,500

$5660 Special


Powerful and safe cleaning agent that does the work for you! USED TRAILERS & TRUCKS

2005 Kenworth T300

Cummins Engine, 10 spd. Low miles, 21’ alum. bed. Bee Haulers.


2017 Maurer Stock #0143 New 2017 38’ Spring Ride Hopper with Deluxe Light Package. Electric Tarp with Remote. Double Ridge Strap, Front and Rear Plateforms. 11R24.5 Tires with Aluminum Rims. $33,900

1987 Peterbilt 377 Stock#1224, 786,399 mi, 20x102x60 box, roll tarp, head lift hoist, 3 way swinging gate, box & hoise about 4 years old, clean, 300 hp, Cummins, manual, air ride, tires 95%. $24,000


Your trusted dealer for 20 years!

(320) 795-2827 • Hancock, MN

Kurt Wanner (Owner) 1-800-743-2934

2015 Timte 43x102x78, Air Ride, Hopper 2019 Jet 42’ x 96” x 70”, Air Ride, Hopper, Black 2019 Witzco trailer with tri axle detach, air ride 2019 Jet Tri-Axle Side Dump 2018 Jet hopper 40x96x70, Spring Ride, White 2018 Jet Tri-Axle Side Dump 2015 Jet 40’ x 96” x 70”, Spring Ride, Hopper 2014 Witzco Detachable Tandem Axle 2008 Jet Step Deck, 53 x 102, Spread Axle, Beaver Tail and Ramps 1994 Walton Tri-Axle Step Deck w/ Beaver Tail & Ramps 42’ Header Trailers NEW Jet hoppers coming in! NEW Jet side dumps just in!

Witzco Tri-Axle Detachables LET DTE BUILD ONE FOR YOU! YOU! LET DTE BUILD ONE FOR Hwy 22 South ND Hwy 22 SouthDickinson, Dickinson, ND

Semi Trailer Sales and Rentals Stephen, MN • 218-455-3341 Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK


MISCELLANEOUS Wilkin County, MN Farmland for Sale Atherton Township NE 1/4 7-136-46 Excepting Farmstead. This parcel contains approximately 146.74 tillable acres. Terms: 10% earnest money upon acceptance of bid, cash balance due within 30 days. Written bids stating the bidder ’s name, mailing address and daytime telephone number and total bid will be received until 10:00am Tuesday, October 15th, 2019. Please send bids to Christian M. Anderson, Attorney at Law, 824 Second Ave North, Wahpeton, ND 58075. the top three bidders will be contacted for oral bidding which will take place on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, at 10:00am at the above address. For additional details call 701-642-5539. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids.


Henke feed wagon model H14, chain discharge, good shape. Kools silage blower model KB60. Equipment always shedded. 605-546-2139 or 605-354-0193 DeSmet SD area 2010 Horsch Anderson PS 6015 Air Seeder, variable rate, 500 bushel tank, has been kept inside, (605) 228-3456 FOR SALE: IHC 983 830 corn head; Case IH 1020 22.5ft. flex head with 3” cut & manual PA stark dividers; IHC 1010 25ft. rigid head with finger reel; IHC 1010 20ft. rigid head with Sun pickup; 701-430-3188

WANTED Used Oil, 200 gallon minimum, free pick up service within 200 miles of Sioux Falls, SD, Toll Free 1-866-304-6070 For Sale: IHC 2388 Combine, has recently been through Titan shop, 4,855 engine hours, good condition. Also, Macdon 35ft flex draper head. Priced reasonable. 605-225-5427 or 605-380-0887 2002 JD 9750 STS combine with 635 hydra-flex, contour master, bin extension, duals, long auger, good machine, $40,000 OBO (605) 460-1770

FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale: John Deere 9600 Combine, one owner, 3,500 separator hours, 4 wheel drive, always shedded. Very well maintained, excellent condition. Comes with 2001 930 Flex head. Call (605) 228-2720

40’ & 45’ Batco belt conveyor, 28” fan and burner. 18’ grain bins, some with air floors. Bobcat walk behind trencher. PJ 26’ gooseneck trailer. MF1190 FWD tractor. 9’ & 10’ ag baggers. 320-760-1634 For Sale: SD drain computer & control valve for ditching. 218-779-0833 Minto, ND.


For sale: John Deere 9870 2010 model, 1500 separ hrs, 20.8-42 tires, 4 wheel drive, 26” unloading auger, 5 speed feederhouse, chopper, excellent condition. Through a John Deere shop 47 hrs ago. Front & rear tires excellent. Has all the options. Farmer owned. (605) 216-4888 Mina, SD

DEMCO 850 Cart...................$33,000 Woods BW1620X ....................$16,500 Toreq 13000 NEW..................$38,500 Wesfield W70-36 ......................$1,000 Wesfield J208-36 .....................$1,000 REM VRX .................................$14,600 Farmking 836 C/W 10hp Elec .. $2,150 Farm King 1035 Belt ................$5,000 Farm King 1370...................$6,500 Farm King 1370................. $12,500 Farm King 1336 35hp .........$6,500 Conveyall TCH1070 PTO....$5,500 Conveyall TC1065 PTO .......$3,500 Riteway 45’ Roller.....................$14,000

Thief River Falls, MN 218-681-8221 • 1-800-950-9917 Email: Website:


Case International 1688 Serial no. 02800007, 3,150 hrs. 605-290-5804

John Deere 9600 combine, always shedded, 2300 hours, retired. Call 605-530-0004


2003 R65 Gleaner, 2322 engine hrs, 1629 separator hrs, 150 hrs hrs on rebuilt cage and rotor, duals, 330 bu. bin, power ladder, $98,000. Madison,SD 605-480-0473


2009 OTHER DAKOTA HOPPER BOTTOM 2009 DODGE 5500 4WD 1 TON TRA HOPPER ....................Call for price PICKUP TRUCK................... $29,875

Altona, MB Canada Just 7 miles north of the border

204-324-5523 1994 WHITE-GMC WCA64T GRAIN - 2000 OTHER PPM/P&H CN-115 ROUGH SILAGE TRUCK ................... $26,500 TER ALL TERRAIN CRANE ......$33,750

Geringhoff 12 row 22 inch roto-disc header, knives and discs good condition, field ready, John Deere mounts and drives...$31,250

2009 Cornhusker... $Call for price

2005 IH 9200i semi tractor, factory day cab, ISX Cummins, 10 speed, 1967 Chevrolet, tandem axle, twin 1972 GMC, 366 engine, 5-2 transmis- 2006 Doonan, 50x102, aluminum air ride, steel wheels, 2 fuel tanks, screw, gas engine, 5&4 transmission, 18 sion, tag axle, 19 foot Westgo box, combo, air ride, spread aaxle, tool box770,000 miles...$19,900 foot box, hoist, roll tarp...$9,000 hoist...$3,900 es...$17,000

1974 Chevy C65, 427 engine, tilt hood, 5&4 transmission, 2 gas tanks, twin screw, 94,000 miles, 19 foot Westgo box, hoist....$3,900

l’s a d u a M

2020 Wilson Ag Hopper, 41x66x96, aluminum wheels, air ride, stainless rear, 2 rows lights, electric roll tarp, approximately 2500 miles, LIKE NEW, FET has been paid...$38,900

Vaughn Maudal, Owner Wheaton, MN

Truck and Trailer Sales

2018 Lemken Rubin 12, 20 foot, leveling blades, harrow, rear roller.... $61,500

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

2009 Mac Don 974 Flex Draper, 30 foot, John Deere mounts, newer sickles and belts, always shedded...$25,900


Days and evenings | Cell 320-760-9833


2009 STERLING 9500 TANDEM 2019 LOADLINE TRI AXLE END DUMP AXLE DAYCAB .................... $19,750 END DUMP TRAILER.......Call for price

FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere HX15 batwing mower, very nice, stored inside, $14,500. John Deere MX10 batwing mower, 540 PTO, draw bar hitch hookup, super nice, $6500. 701-213-0769

For Sale: Hutchinson drive over dump, hydraulic drive. 701-640-1016 2009 9870 John Deere combine STS, rear wheel drive, feeder house enhancement kit, 2,533 engine hours, 1,697 separator hours, went through John Deere shop last winter, very good condition. Pictures available. Leave message, 605-354-1746 or 605-458-2475 6620 John Deere Turbo Combine w/hydrostatic drive, 3,490 hrs, runs good, field ready, $5,200. 1981 F-700 Ford tandem grain truck w/20ft steel box, 6ft side walls, roll tarp, $5,000. 1972 International Truck with hoist and grain box $1,700. 605-228-5655 or 605-577-6543




2006 John Deere 9760 STS For Sale: 2002 John Deere Combine, bullet rotor, con9650 Combine, 2483 separtour master, 2-speed HD ate hours, 3545 engine feeder house, small wire conhours, 630F Hydraflex headcaves, extended wear, auto er, 212 pickup attachment, trac ready, 1995 separator Header trailer for the 630F, See us at Machine hours, duals, big top hopper been updated to Iron - Sept extension, long Big auger. In- 10-12 run a hydra flex header, Sinspected annually. In West excellent Fargo, ND gle point hook up, Machine condition, always stored inand headers always, been side. Retired. 605-380-9290 shedded, well taken care of, retired farmer (701) 872-3425 For Sale: New Holland Model 791 Manure Spreader with 1 2006 JD 9760 STS, 1 owner, beater. Also, New Holland purchased new, immaculate 676 Manure Spreader with 2 condition, always shedded, beaters. Both in good work700 original hrs, duals, all oping order. Also, Hesston tions, with or without JD 630 30A Stack Hand. header, $110,000 OBO. (701) 368-1568 (605) 380-0887

2006 Gehl 4840 E series, hand, foot controls, one owner, 900 hour machine. Cab, with heat and AC, excellent condition, asking $24,000 or best offer. Call 605-216-9468. Meyers 2550 Manure Spreader. Brandt BSF Bale Processor. 3 Verns Creep Feeders. 3 Blue Tag Creep Feeders. 605-382-7784 or 605-350-5076 For sale: New Portable tub and alley with chute. 10ft tub, 11ft alley, chute with Foremost head gate, cattle can enter from both sides of the tub. Call (605) 881-7631



FOR SALE: Case IH 1020 30’ flex header with trailer, mint condition, very little use; Case IH 2142 35’ draper header, attachment for 2388 or 2588 combine, also excellent condition. 701-400-6075

For Sale: 2007 Krause Dominator 4850, 18.5ft, $25,000; John Deere 930F platform, SN 702233, $8,000; John Deere 930 platform, SN 635951, $5,000; NH 1431 discbine, 13.ft. center pivots, SN Y6B230643, $12,000. 701-261-2557

For Sale: 2005 Case IH SDX 30 air drill and ADX 2230 air cart, new disk, only planted wheat, bought new, always shedded, not used since 2015, retired. (605) 769-0166

WIC Beet Harvester, 6 row 22 in., 1998 model; Also WIC topper, 6 row 22 in. 701-866-3523


See us at Big Iron Sept 10-12 West Fargo, ND See us at Big Iron - Sept 10-12 West Fargo, ND

Stop by our booth #1060 and ask about our show discounts on:

PTO DRIVEN FLOOD PUMP • Pumps up to 4,000 GPM • Adjustable swivel on the hitch • Electric Option • Operates at 540 or 1,000 RPM • 12”x50’ hoses with ring lock ends

2013 John Deere S690 2WD Combine, 1816 engine hrs, 1252 sep hrs, ProDrive Transmission, 5 Speed, Lateral Tilt Feeder House, Power Bin Extension, Power Cast Tail Board $152,000 (605) 413-9968 28 Berg milking stanchions, never been used, make offer, 605-380-7510, Groton, SD

DRAIN TILE LIFT PUMP • 8” & 12” Size • 500, 1,000 & 1,500 GPM Models • VFD or Standard Starter • Custom Lengths • Any Style Discharge

• Post Hole Diggers • Calf Corrals • Stack Mover (15x32 or 9x36) • New Bale Accumulator • Seeder Weeder or Minimum Tiller for the Folding Press Drills The corral can be custom built to fit any ATV or utility.



See us at Booth #906-907 |

OAKES, ND 58474 | 701-742-3223 WWW.DYNAFLOPUMP.COM


Trimble 3D GPS Drainage Equipment: Survey, Design, Install Reader Service No. 6043

08-23-2019 Harvest Fall Reader Service No. 6043

08-23-2019 Harvest Fall

We Take Trades on Laser and GPS Equipment! GPS & LASER DRAINAGE EQUIPMENT

Authorized Trimble Water Management Dealer.

Trade Up To


Laser & 3D GPS Drainage. Tiling, Land Forming, See us at Big Iron Ditching & Land Leveling

Booth 207

Contact Dave Broten 4320 Main Avenue, Fargo, ND 701-364-2115 | 800-437-2924 | Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

FARM EQUIPMENT Free standing livestock panels 24ft long, 6ft high $275. Located in Elgin, ND and delivery available. Call Damian Urlich 701-209-0313 Forever posts 4”x7’, 4”x8’, 5”x8’ plastic fence posts, can be stapled, screwed or pounded, won’t rot, Bridge Timbers 10’-18’ lengths, $2.75ft 2 7/8” heavy pipe 30ft lengths #2 railroad ties 8 1/2’, good quality, $13 ea. #1 railroad ties $18 ea. Steel storage containers Watertight and rodent proof, 8’x20’ $2,800, 8’x40’ $3,800. Take off pick up beds Call for your make and model. We Deliver Haensel Distributing Call Clint 605-310-6653 or John, 605-351-5760. I90 exit 387 Hartford SD. New WWExpress Standard portable corral, easy on-,am set up, capacity to efficiently work 80-100 head of cattle, all panels chain down securely for transport, high speed highway hubs on each unit, custom pre-galvanized tubing and has a solar charging system ----$14,500. Call Dave at Clarke Machine, Howard, SD 605-772-4164 or 800-658-4568 For Sale REDUCED PRICE: restored IH Axial Flow 2366, 1998 model, new engine completely restored, new tires, excellent shape, always shedded, must see to appreciate. -5 Star Electric Scooter, 3-wheeler, brand new. Will sell for what I paid for it. 605-472-2307 or 605-460-1649 60ft long Reach Excavator. Link Belt 3400 Quantum, very good condition, Call Doug at 605-765-4513 2019 WILSON Foreman 26’ x 7.5’ Gooseneck Livestock Trailer. Low miles and little use. Very well taken care of. No accidents or damage. One center swinging divider gate with a inner swinging walk thru gate. One full swinging rear gate with a Left hand roll up gate. One fold down nose gate. Upgraded to 8k axles with 16”, 14 ply tires. Upgraded with ATV/UTV Side Access Door 54.25” wide. Upgraded with Extra Full Length Height Increased to 6’10” (Increased height for large horse head room and UTV Height loadability). Upgraded with Spray in POLYLAST SurfaceGuard with Microban Antimicrobial Technology, Floor Liner. Upgraded with full walk around Running Board/Step/Bumper Rail. Upgraded with Extra Rear Gate Hinge(so there will never be any sag). Upgraded with rear panel/gate tie points. Upgraded with extra rear gate pin lock. Upgraded with Aluminum Dual Sorting Stick Holder. Upgraded with rear LED utility Lights and Extra Interior LED Lights. Cost over $28k new. Asking $23,900.00/obo Trailer located in Woonsocket, SD but can deliver to Rapid City, SD. (605) 490-0700 Used feed mixer trucks and trailers of all types and sizes, new and replacement parts. Priced at WHOLESALE! Visit Your only stop!



JD 9400 Combine. 5554 Engine Hours. 3778 Separator Hours. Grain extensions. 85% tires. With 6-30 corn head,22 ft bean head. Always shedded. Goes through JD shop every other year. Field Ready. $23,500 All To Go. Retiring. (320) 894-0651 2013MF 8690 370hp 867hrs, luxury cab, cab suspension, front suspension. 3PT quick hitch, PTO, Guidance HID lights.Front and rear weights. Front and rear duals. 420/85R34 480/80R50. 5Hyd valves.CVT transmission. $209,900 OBO. 35’ Summers Super Colter Plus $32,000 OBO. 34’ Sunflower Disk $20,000 OBO. 701-302-0966 Goodyear low side wall 1400 combine tires on Case IH rims, $20,000. (605) 421-5500 2006 8010 CIH Axial Flow Combine, HAJ 106844 w/4525 Engine Hrs, 3116 Sep Hrs;Black Top, Snflwr Chimney; 2062-36 CIH Flex Draper, Pickup Reel, Crary Cutting System, Low Speed Transport; 1974 Chevy C65 Tandem,600 Bu Box, Hoist, Rolltarp; 427 ReMan, 5x2, Solid Tandem, Pintle Hitch (701) 376-5981 Hidewood Fencing and Welding -- Heavy Duty Feed Rings -- Windbreaks and Gates -- Portable Calving Shelters & Sheds -- Steel Buildings -- Pipe fence Construction -- Bud boxes, Alleys & Load Outs -- Wire Fencing -- Commercial/Residential Chain Link -- Silt Fence Installation -- Creosote Post Sales Can Travel. Call Kirk at 605-520-9759 2015 Bobcat S650 Skidsteer, nice shape, 821 hrs., cab heat/AC, power bobtach, 2 sp. 78hp turbo diesel, 2800 lb. lif t, $31,000/offer. 701-318-2086 Delivery possible. 2014 Bobcat Toolcat, excellent shape, 1020 hrs., cab, heat/AC, 2 sp., power bobtach, hiflow, power dump, radio, comes with good bucket & forks, extra clean inside & out, no rust. Always stored inside. $42,500/offer. 701-318-2086. Delivery possible. John Deere 772 BH all wheel drive motor grader, 1 owner, only 4700 hours, front scarifier, all around very nice condition, $37,800. John Deere 310 G tractor loader backhoe, 4x4, only 3100 hours, extend hoe, new tires, good condition, only $36,800. Can deliver. (605) 881-7947, Toronto, SD.

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920


AGWEEK Deadline

Farmall M tractor, 1944, 12 volt converted, like new rear tires, wheel weights, runs good, owners manual, $2,100. Call 605-753-1645 if no answer, leave a message. Case IH 140 Maxxum 640 hrs, 750 loader excellent condition.(605) 670-2250

John Deere DN345 Fertilizer spreader 2014 John Deere Fertilizer spreader capable of spreading commercial fertilizer as well as lime. Machine has spread 8,000 acres. it pairs with 2600 screen and is capable of variable rate spreading. Everything works as it should. Holds 10 ton of Urea. 218-686-8222

BEET EQUIPMENT 2012 Alloway 12 row folding roto beeter; 2005 Alloway 12 row rigid roto beeter with scalpers, used very little. Pictures available. 701-361-0627

COMBINES 2005 Gleaner R75 combine with Cummins engine, duals, lateral tilt, enclosed rotor with sweeps, stainless steel accelerator rolls, fine cut chopper, hydraulic straw spreader, Field Star II, 2-speed hydro, single-point hookup, auto steer, HID & LED lights. Comes with 2012 MacDon 35ft. flex draper head & tandem axle Frontier header trailer. 1,535 sep. hours. 701-290-2363 2011 J&M 875 grain cart, scale and camera, like new. Stored inside; Case IH 1015 header with 8belt Melroe pickup head. 701-430-1472


8820 parts. Complete combine or what you need minus the engine. Grain tank extension, $1,000. Axel adaptors for duals, $750. Belts, shafts, etc., you disassemble, 1/2 of new price. 701-430-0901

2005 JD 9760

2005 JD9760 2460 sep hrs. Duals,22.5’ high capacity unload, integrated auto steer, 70 series feeder house chain, hid lights, general purpose chaffer, TouchSet sieve and chaffer adjustment very clean field ready machine $57,000, 701-361-2212, 701-238-7842

......................................... The deadline for farm ads to run in AGWEEK is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following Monday edition.

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK


2010 Case 6088 Combine, 1,645 engine hours, 1,241 sep. hours, 18.4x42 duals, 28L26 rear tires, RWA, hyd. fold-out ext. hopper, rock trap. $90,000. 701-739-5749

For Sale: --1997 New Holland 9482, 310hp, synchro shift, 4 SCV, no pto, 4700 hrs, Good, solid Tractor $45,000. --John Deere 100 series pickup head, small auger, 4 belts, stored inside $300. (605) 881-7716 Case IH 9150 **Grain Cart Special** L-10 Cummins engine w/ less than 3000 hours on major. Rebuilt fuel injectors & 12 speed power shift transmission w/ (1) year warranty. Tires are 90% w/ duals, PTO, very clean. $50k OBO (605) 228-3572 1984 John Deere 4240 quad range, 3 remotes, category 2, 3pt, 18-4-38 tires & duals, 4,481 hours, one owner, excellent condition, $35,000/obo. Wahpeton, ND area. 701-640-8015 For Sale: Hub City Model 390 PTO Speed Converter. 540 Female, 1000 Male. Contact Roy Rasch at (701) 748-2346

TRACTORS Are you tired of adding or running out of DEF fluid? We have a chip to install which will completely delete it; it doesn’t affect the engine at all and leaves no footprint on the computers. Modules for series B engines coming soon! Off road equipment only. Call Larry 701-710-0887 JD 4630 power shift, cab, air, 3pt, 1000 rpm pto, duals, tires good, glass is good, runs good 3 hydraulics, looks good, retiring not longer needed. Also 1965 GMC truck, 1 1/2 ton, box and hoist, 70,000 actual miles, looks good, runs good. 1955 GMC truck, 1 ton, box and hoist, running, restorable, 6 cylinder. (605) 436-6221 if no answer leave message I will get back to you 2096 Case, good tires and mechanical shape, excellent haying or chore tractor. 605-770-6453. John Deere 3010 diesel, wide front, good tires, paint. Call Bill 605-354-8193, Alpena, SD. 2011 JD 9430 with 2,500 hours, 1,000 PTO, AutoTrac ready, 4WD, PS transmission, duals with factory hub, hi-flow hydaulics with 5th valve, front & rear wheel weights, very clean tractor. Asking $150,000/obo. Call 701-238-2812

John Deere 7930 Tractor

2014 CIH Magnum 235

Powershift, Luxury Cab, Buddy Seat, Cab Suspension, 4 Valves, Big Pump, 3PT, Quick Hitch, All 3 PTO’s, Factory Guidance Ready, HID Lights, Front Weights, 480/80R50 Rear Duals, 380/80R38 Front Singles, 1 Owner, 339 Actual Hours, Absolutely Like New, Financing Available, $134,900. Call Troy @ 218-849-1926

Does your Versatile shift hard? Give us a call, we have a solution for you. We also have piv-ot pins and bushings for you center hinge, Series I, II, III Versatile. Call Big Tractor Parts 1-800-982-1769

ATTENTION FARMERS! Get your new Steiger tractor parts at a 10-20% discount. American made parts!

Big Tractor Parts

1-800-982-1769 We also rebuild axles, differentials & transmissions with 1 year warranty. Looking for Case IH 9270 or 9280 tractor transmission or tractor with good transmission, bad motor. Call Pete, (605) 695-2624


2007 John Deere tractor 2680 hours, IVT transmission left hand reverser, ILS front axle, buddy seat nice looking good running tractor. New batteries. 218-686-8222 IHC 656 gas hydro static drive, new 15.5x38 rear tires, 3 point, 2 hydraulics, with Koyker loader runs off of hydraulics. Also, IHC 1066 Diesel Tractor, 6500 hrs., factory cab, axle mount duals, 2 hydraulics, 3 pt., good condition. (605) 380-0887

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

2014 CIH Magnum 260

Powershift, MFWD, Deluxe Cab, Buddy Seat, Cab Suspension, Front Axle Suspension, 5 Valves, Big Pump, 3PT, Quick Hitch, All 3 PTO’s, Factory Guidance Ready, Front Weights, Rear Weights, 480/80R50 Rear Duals, 380/80R38 Fronts, 1,761 Hours, Clean Tractor, Financing Available, $109,000. Call Troy @ 218-849-1926

For Sale: Steiger 430 Case IH, power shift, tire size 710/70/42 w/duals, second owner, 2092 hrs., excellent condition, $119,000. 320-226-5453 For Sale: IH 1086, about 3,000 hrs. on complete overhaul, 90% tread on rear tires, runs good, cab is rough. (701) 376-5719 IH 756 Gas, wide front, rubber is good, tin is good, fenders front & back, motor needs work, $2,450. (701) 321-1093

PLANTING EQUIPMENT Salford I-1100RTS 41’ 2014, new 20” 8-wave blades, 3bar leveling harrow, flat bar rolling basket, weight package, 22.5” main frame tires, kendel grease only, has very few acres, $48,500. 701-213-0769

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920 AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

2013 Salford RTS Model I-1100, 41’, 305/70 x R22.5, main frame tires, weights, rollers, new 8 wave blades. Call 701-636-5692 2012 Landoll disc, 6230x36ft with harrows, very clean machine. 2012 Summers DT2510 46ft disc with rolling harrows. 605-380-8853 Horsch 270 27ft high speed disk, good condition. Horsch 230 23ft high speed disk, good condition. 712-579-1825 Horsch-Joker, HD20, high speed disk, 2015 model, only 160 acres, 20’ working width, 24” disks, 5” spacing, 3 section fold, priced at $40,000. Call David Baumler at 701-361-4142 Amenia, ND 2013 Wishek 862 LNT 38’ Disc 30” blades low profile transport hydraulic leveling very low acres rotary scrapers, $45,500. 701-351-0399 John Deere 512 disk ripper, 9 shank, 22 foot, 6 inch, used on only 2500 acres, extremely good condition, $22,500. Call for pictures (605) 454-2487

2017 Salford I-5100

22FT Wide Vertical Tillage Tool, Hyd Fore & Aft Leveling System, HD 3-Bar Harrow, Rear Hyd Baskets, Mud Shield, Dual Wheel Truck Tires on Main & Wings, 1,500 Acres Use, Like Brand New, Loaded w/ Options, Financing Available, $65,000. Call Troy @ 218-849-1926

FOR SALE OR RENT WISHEK DISCS 12’-38’ Have big coil springs that provide cushion against rocks. Great for discing CRP, old alfalfa & hayground, cornstalks, overgrown preventative plant acres & weeds.

GATES COULTER DISCS 24’ - 56’ COULTER HARROWS 32’ - 84’ HARROWS 32’ - 84’ *Excellent for residue management*

ANDERSON RENTALS & SALES INC. Glenn Anderson, Bismarck 701-255-7560

2004 JD 41’ Chisel Plow. 3 Bar Harrow, new points, 1 seasion on harrow teeth. $21,000. 701-261-2850 2011 Great Plains 40ft Turbo Till New blades, & new bearings (701) 710-0499

TILLAGE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE JD 680 chisel plow, 41 ft summers 3 bar harrow. Two arms per section on the harrow. No welds field ready new 4 inch spikes. (701) 709-0173, (701) 685-2466 FOR SALE: JD 335 28ft. tandem disk; Also Parker 500 grain cart; Case IH 1010 25ft. sunflower head with 9” pans; 1991 Case IH 1680 combine, 5,400 hrs, ready to go. Everything stored inside. 701-866-9628 Gardner, ND CIH 5800 chisel plow. 37’, 4 bar drag, set up for NH3 with knock on knives and raven NH3 rate control. Stored inside. (701) 680-0558 FOR SALE: Glencoe 4450 disc chisel 19.5ft. $6K. 2004 1410 Westgo swing out auger, 540 rpm, 10”x 60 ‘ $1500. Call 701-793-7503. Leave a message 24ft White disk, cushion gang, 20” blade. DMI Ripper, subsoiler, 3 shank. 28ft Wilrich digger with mulcher. Ford 9N with small box scraper. Call or text (507) 829-7591 For Sale: Will-rich 357 in line ripper, zone builder. 5 unit, 2 offset 1 foot, coulter openers and double disc closers, shin guards and gauge wheels. 3 pt. Mount, $8,000. 507-829-6270

HARVEST EQUIPMENT Two 2412 American Automatic batch dryers. 230 bushels each with vaporizer. Fair shape. Also Westfield WR80-61 8x61 PTO auger. Like new. (701) 883-5745 For sale: CIH 8820 Swather, 25ft shift-able header, CAH, diesel engine, it’s working now. $11,000. CIH 1063 corn head, working condition, $500. Flexicoil 67 wheel boom sprayer, 100ft booms, $500. Located in Central ND (701) 650-1185 Temporary Grain storage 71ft Corn Bunker holds 50,000 bushel, 2 rings high. Never been used, tarp and air included. (701) 640-0637 2003 Gleaner 800 flex head, (605)268-0256 2017 Nardi Sunstorm 12 row 30” sunflower head, only used on 800 acres. Hookups for John Deere Combine. Also, 2016 Timpte 50ftx102” wide x90” tall triple axle hopper trailer with 3 hoppers. Black in color with power tarp. (605) 467-0350 FOR SALE: JD 215 head with 15ft. Sun pickett fingers, screen pans, JD single point hookups; JD 8-22 643 corn head, connector DGVL, poly snouts, excellent condition; JD 643 corn head; JD 215 pickup head. 701-430-3189 2010 40’ Case IH Draper Head. Always been kept inside when not in use. Excellent condition. Call for price. (507) 829-3450

HARVEST EQUIPMENT 2014 Brent 1596 Grain Cart with Tracks. Excellent condition. Always been kept inside when not in use. Call for price. (507) 829-3450 JD 36” Combine Tracks, used 3 seasons, good shape, $43,000. (605) 695-1511 JD 9650 Walker combine, 2002 model, 2414 sep hrs, 3385 eng hrs, single pt hook up, chaff spreader, Maurer hopper extensions, field ready, has been shedded, with JD 212 pick head, 605-881-8628 or 605-881-8629 Hayti, SD FOR SALE: NEW CONCEPT HOPPER BINS. New & Used Hopper Bins 900-7500 Bushel. Used 4 & 5 thousand bushel bins. On hand for immediate delivery. Also, Convey-All Bean Tenders & Belt Conveyors. Lower prices on hopper bins & leasing available. We Also Move Hopper Bins & Fuel Tanks. Call Fred: 701-830-8000 John Deere 640D 2013, 40’ draper head, dual knife drive, hydro float, slow speed transport, low acres, very nice, $28,500. 701-351-0399 McDon 25’ finger reel pulltype swather, excellent condition, stored inside, $4000. 701-351-0399 Two 8 rowl 30 all crop heads set up for Case combine, easily back to John Deere. Also two canola rollers. 218-478-4679

Super B Grain Dryer Model P1200 Serial #96860 Good shape, ready to go. Call Dennis at 218-252-8724 9610 John Deere combine, Contour Master, duals, bin extension, long unloading auger, Inspection and work done at John Deere in Mitchell, SD. $29,500. 930F Bean Head, new sickle, $6,500. 893 Corn Head, hydraulic decks, poly, wedge kit, $8,500. Insite controller $1,500. (605) 770-0676 John Deere 5830 self propelled forage harvester, model 666, 6 row narrow head, also pick up head, new knives & sheers bar last year. (701) 210-0302 630 John Deere forage pickup header, 10 foot, with drive line. Been thru shop, field ready. Fits 6000 and 7000 choppers. $4500 OBO. Call Josh (320) 212-4859 Unverferth 8200 grain cart, scale, tarp, 30.5Lx32 tires, good condition, $16,000 OBO. (605) 380-5313

HARVEST EQUIPMENT For Sale: 2007 John Deere 9760 STS with duals, 3,950 eng. hrs, 2,850 sep. hrs. Asking $60,000; Also 936 draper head. Asking $10,000. 701-870-2639 Westfield 13x91 Auger with or w/out Pit Express Driveover. Brent 772 Grain Cart tarp & scale. Edible Bean Equipment 8 row 30 Picket 20’ Sund Pickup Willston Combine (701) 710-0499 2 John Deere 800 swathers with 18 foot heads. (605) 849-3441 or 605-354-7680 FOR SALE, TRADE, or RENT: JD 608 8R30”, hydraulic deck plates, knife rolls, Call 701-778-7611 or 701-269-9687 694 John Deere Corn Head, poly, 6 row, 36” spacing, $4,500 obo. Call (605) 380-5937 leave a message. 2008 John Deere 9770, PRWD, extended wear package, 520 duals, Contour Master, high torque variable speed, Zenon lights, 2360 engine, 1770 separator hrs, excellent shape. Also, 2008 635 flex head, full fingered auger, has rigid sensors and spare sickle. Excellent shape. Both always stored inside. Call Ron Schoenfelder (605) 505-0201

For sale: 2013 2162 40’ flex header w/transport and 38’ Series 10 summers disk. Call 701-331-1856 Grain Bagger For Rent



For Sale: J&M 1050-20D Grain Cart, 1000 bu., walking tandems, hydraulic spout, scale & tarp, green in color, real good shape, $33,500 OBO. Call or Text: (605) 380-3871 Webster, SD 2012 JD 612C non chopping corn head. Knife rolls. Contour Master. Hydraulic adjust deck plates. Row sense. Stubble lights. $32,000. (605) 377-8251. For Sale: 2015 Amity 30 Ton Beet Cart w/ Tracks and Scale. Excellent Condition. Field Ready. Call 320-212-8751 or 320-894-5415. For Sale: 12 Row, 22 inch, Cornhead, 2017, very low acres, $25,000. 701-680-1507 or 701-724-3486 NH 996 8 row 30” Cornhead, hydraulic deck plate, poly single point hook-up, $10,000. (605) 397-8358 or 605-380-6804 Groton, SD

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920 AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920


AGWEEK Deadline

......................................... The deadline for farm ads to run in AGWEEK is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following Monday edition.



WHETSTONE AG SUPPLY, INC. WILMOT, SD 57279 605-938-4709 NEW AUGERS WESTFIELD: WR 8x31 thru 71 TFX2 10x31/36/41 MKX GLP 10x73 MKX GLP 13x64 & 74 WHEATHEART: X GLP 13x84 13” EMD Drive Over Hopper Heavy Hitter Post Pounder NORWOOD SALES: 1838 EMD FL Kwik-Belt FARMKING: 13x70 Swing Hopper Auger 9’ Disc Mower 540 RPM 12 Wheel Bi-Fold Rake 14 Wheel Easy-Rake 16 Wheel Super Star Rake 18 Wheel Super Star Rake Model 2450 Bale Carrier 6” Grain Vac Model 360 Grain Cleaner 1600 Gallon 4WS Liquid Supply Trailer (DEMO) Model 1200 90’ Boom Sprayer Model 1360 Grain Cart Model 2460 Fertilizer Applicator (DEMO) LOFTNESS: 20’ Stalk Chopper/ Windrower HUTCHINSON: Trac-Masster Pile Mover USED AUGERS WESTFIELD: WR 80-61 EMD MKX 130-74 GULP MK 13x91 GLP MK 13x111 GLP WHEATHEART: 13x81 Swing Hopper FETERL: 10x76 Swing Hopper 14x96 Swing Hopper HUTCHINSON: 8x53 PTO 24” Drive Over Conveyor BATCO: 2500 Series PitStop DriveOver 20” x 100’ PTO Drive Standard Hopper 24” x 120’ PTO Drive Standard Hopper BRANDT: 13x70 Swing Hopper FARMKING: 10x70 Swing Hopper UNIVERSAL: 2200 Series Drive-Over Call for best pricing on all new augers. All swing hoppers are available with hydraulic or electric hopper movers. Both Hopper Walker and Auger Jogger electric movers available. More augers are coming in. If we don’t have it, we can get it! Also full line of Westfield parts and accessories in stock. Possible financing available.

Pro grain bagger, bags 10’ bags, can bag direct from cart or trucks. 701-640-3476

35 ft. 9” Pans, Original System ................... $6,740

Westfield auger, MX plus 13x81 swing hopper, in good condition, $12,000. (701) 640-0637

35 ft. 9” Pans, Advanced System ................... $8,240 FOR THE LARGE SUNFLOWER GROWER


JD 9660 STS combine, 3100 separator hours, 18.4x42 duals, Mauer hopper extension, $34,900. 02 JD 893 8x30 corn head, hydraulic deck plates, single point pto drives, $9,750. JD 4440 tractor, PS, 3 hyd., 18.4x38, 11,000 hours, $15,750. Brent 876 grain cart, 30.5x32 tires, tarp and scale, $15,900. New Horst 36 foot all wheel steer HD head trailer, $4,450. (320) 769-2756

All sizes available


Call 1-800-735-5848

Lucke Manufacturing

Minot, ND

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

AGWEEK Deadline



The deadline for farm ads to run in AGWEEK is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following Monday edition.

FOR SALE: Lockwood/Innes 15’ Windrower, like new, $1500. Heath Bean cutter 6-8 row, 30’ very good, $1000. JD 220 head with 19’ Sund pickup, $1200. 9’ Sund Pickup, $650. JD 843 Corn Head, oil drive, very good $5500 701-640-1550 Superb Energy Miser Grain Dryer 250VSD. Purchased in 1996. 600 BPH. Only 702 hours, Propane, Single Phase, Very Clean and in Excellent Condition. Call 605-880-4416. Retired from Farming. $20,000 New Holland 74C, 35ft flex head, completely rebuilt, $15,000. JD 148 loader with 8ft bucket. JD 84” bucket, like new. (605) 350-1138 ask for Joel

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

Lots cleaned, piles removed, (3) 650 bushel truck mounted spreaders, 3 yard loader, no pits. Carlson Enterprises 218-686-2574

EMPLOYMENT Looking for full or seasonal help for corn, soybean, cattle, and haying operation. Seasonal combining truck driver. Competitive wages. Call 605-380-4655 Looking for Wheat Harvest help in Western South Dakota. Truck Drivers, CDL preferred. Clean driving record a must. Experienced Combine & Grain Cart Operators. Some mechanical skills needed. Pay $15 - $18 plus per hr. depending upon experience. Housing & some meals provided. Call Larry at 715-577-1555 or Debbie at 715-215-0482. Meier’s Custom Farming CIH 100ft boom sprayer. Looking for custom wheat corn, soybeans, sunflower harvesting for the 2019 season. Call Matt for pricing and availability 605-999-4496 Looking for the right individual to drive cattle truck. Gone 2 nights/week, work 4 days total. Home 3 days/week. Willing to train the right individual. Competitive pay. Midwest Ag Services, LLC Lake Norden, SD 605-520-2225 Perrion Custom Services Small Grain/ Cover Crops- JD air seeder with variable rate technology great for fall applied fertilizer Forage Harvesting- We can chop haylage, silage, and earlage with all the support equipment and bagging services also available. Hay Grinding550hp Mighty Giant truck mounted grinder with grapple fork We specialize in prompt professional custom services. Lance Perrion Ipswich, SD 605-216-2918 Please contact to schedule Manure Piling & Hauling Services Feed Lot Cleaning Pay Loader Ser vices 701-710-1108

Farm & Harvest Help

Work to begin now and last through November, must have agriculture or truck experience, valid driver’s license required. Must be willing to travel, work will be in MN and ND, housing is provided. Call Chad 218-686-9496 Looking for Wheat, Soybeans, Sunflowers and Corn to harvest. Available now with reasonable rates. Call 701-220-3405

Year round and seasonal positions available in SE North Dakota. Farm experience and mechanical ability preferred. Call 701-640-2160


Beet Truck Drivers & Rotobeater Operators - Hillsboro, ND area. Call Kevin or Derek at 701-430-0965 or 701-289-0087. Must have some experience.


On grain & beef cattle farm in SE North Dakota. Paid vacation after 1 year. Call for details, 701-361-1833. SUGARBEET HARVEST HELP Looking for two drivers to work 2AM - 2PM Shift. Driving semi with 30 ft enddump. Also, looking for an experienced Lifter Operator & Topper Tractor Driver. Ulen, MN area. 701-371-6678 or 218-280-1722


Truck Drivers and Equipment Operators Hong Farms Buxton, ND 218-779-0366; 218-779-6025 or 218-791-1267 Looking to do custom haying for 2019 and beyond. Willing to buy shares, buy the hay or rent the land. Can cut, rake, & bale. Have newer John Deere net wrap balers, New Holland self propelled cutter, trucks and loaders to get the job done right! For more details call: 605-270-1667 Position on a farm/ registered cattle operation located in Northeast South Dakota Excellent pay depending on experience, new housing available. This is a great opportunity for long term employment. Please call 605-470-0555

Fall Harvest Help Needed Grafton Area

Truck Drivers for bean & sugarbeet harvest now thru freeze-up. Bonus at end of season. Call Wayne Lessard at 701-520-2860 or Austin at 701-520-3238 Truck Drivers Wanted looking for Class A CDL Professional Drivers with 2 years of experience or more to join our team. 46 cents per mile. Full benefit package. Paid vacations. $25 per load dumping bonus. Year end bonus. Call Todd at L & O Acres Tr a n s p o r t , 605-380-2133 or Chris at 605-216-2216. Office 605-226-0732, ask for Chris.

Sugarbeet Drivers

Looking for drivers for fall harvest to start October 1. Call Todd at 218-693-1460.

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

Bullseye Custom Application is seeking custom spraying acres for pre, post & burn down application, variable rate air flow spreader available for cover crop seeding on prevent plant acres or post harvest. Call John at 605-695-9871 Elite Construction For your Ag Building Restoration and New Building Construction needs call Elite Construction David O’Daniel 1-605-450-9926 (cell) 1-605-598-6626 (home) Faulkton, SD Ristvedt Trucking Family Oriented Trucking Company looking for over the road truck driver to pull flatbed and step deck trailers. Must have a good work ethic. Need CDL with good driving record and 2 years truck driving experience, must be 25 and older to apply. 605-886-8981.

Join Our EXCEPTIONAL Harvest Team!

Clean modern equipment. Auto shift, tri-axle & semi. Drivers & Operators Wanted. Overtime & Bonus for returning help. Only 5 minutes from GF. Driscoll & Driscoll, Inc. Call 218-773-2661, 9-5, Mon. thru Fri.

Wanted Sugarbeet Harvester Operator For sugarbeet campaign starting Oct. 1st. Top pay for experienced worker. Night shift. East Grand Forks area. Good John Deere equipment.

701-741-0014 Beet Truck Drivers & Topper Operators

Start October 1! Tri-axle] positions & Semi Drivers. Experience preferred. All shifts available. $27/HOUR! Hillsboro, ND area. 701-289-0315 Looking for acres to custom harvest, in MN, SD, ND for wheat fall harvest. Call or Text James Sitter for more information and rates 320-305-3265 GERARD KADLEC Feedlot Cleaning 5-20 Ton Trucks, Mounted Spreaders & 2 Payloaders to Handle all your Feedlot Cleaning needs. 20 yrs Experience. 605-290-3786 Immediate opening on a family owned cow/calf operation, must have valid driver license, will feed and care for cattle, calf out cows, operate and service equipment, welding capabilities necessary, experience necessary, horses not used on ranch, located north central SD, benefits include health care reimbursement, 3% IRA fund match, call 605-216-8033

EMPLOYMENT Experienced farm equipment operators needed for large commercial agricultural enterprise headquartered in Aberdeen, SD. Must be selfmotivated, responsible and willing to work long hours, as needed. These are full-time, year-round positions with a starting salary of $30K+, and including health insurance, benefits and bonus. Please fax resume to 605-226-0729 or call 605-226-0695 for appointment

Truck Drivers for Sugarbeet Harvest - NE ND Tri Axle and Semi Trucks. Must be reliable and self motivated. Harvest starts September 30th. Wages depend on experience, some housing provided. Call 701-520-3400 for more info.




For Sale: Silage Bagger, Roto Pack, 9’x250’ Truck Dump, excellent shape, bags fast, stainless steel teeth on the drum. Also, 2 - 16’ hydraulic live floors for trucks. Also have 630 JD HydraFlex Header. 701-321-9065 or 701-321-2911

Late model JD 5830 self propelled chopper, rear wheel assist with Kemper 4 row small drum head, 8ft JD pickup head, also many parts, many repairs too numerous to list, very good condition, SD machine, $50,000. (605) 645-2269

Beet Truck Drivers & Topper Operators for October 1st. Casselton & Amenia area. Please call Jeff at 701-261-1635

Protect Your Investment!


Straight Walls • Commercial Buildings

1-800-931-7858 001828538r1

4Custom Manure Spreading



GRAIN BIN MOVING: 52-years experience, licensed and insured, most all types of bins and tanks. We specialize in grain bin moving. Why pay double? Compare our rates! --------------------------BRODERICK MOVERS Rock Lake, ND 701-266-5577 Bismarck, ND 701-550-0444

FUEL TANK & HOPPER & GRAIN BIN MOVING Up to 28 feet in diameter or 12,000 bushel; Hopper bins up to 5,000 bushels. Also move grain dryers and vertical fuel tanks up to 25,000 gallons. First, Fast & Friendly. Licensed & insured. 55 years of satisfied customers! We can get your bins & tanks moved within days of your call. We have two trucks ready to serve your needs. Call us for a quote!

Hwy. 200 East, Carrington, ND • 701-652-2886 • 1-800-859-2032

PM AG Sources, Inc. Your Dealer for... Grain Systems

GROTTE MOVING Finley, ND 701-238-2992 701-524-2323 701-238-9382

FEED, SEED & HAY AND RELATED EQUIPMENT ALFALFA, mixed hay, grass hay & feed grade wheat straw, medium square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose: 218-689-6675 2001 New Holland FX58 Forage Harvester, Forage Head & Pickup Head, in good running condition. 3,178 hrs. Kim Ulmer 605-845-8700 or Mike Rath 605-645-9163


Custom Litter and Lime Spreading Spinner boxes mounted on terragators with floater tires. We are quick, accurate and affordable. Volkmann Custom Spreading. 218-770-2422


Complete Storage, Drying & Handling


PM AG Sources, Inc. 866-588-7624 Horace, ND





2005 7300 JD silage cutter, 1600 cutter hrs, 2100 motor hrs, 345 temper 6 row corn head and 10ft hay head, always shedded, well kept, $105,000. 605-350-3314, 605-350-6563 or 605-350-6698

For Sale: 2005 Kemper 345 6 row small drum forage header, will fit 6000 & 7000 series John Deere Cutters. $19,000. Call 605-881-0762 or 605-881-8937

Pit Express drive over hopper, model 313, $5,000 OBO. 605-949-1740

Gartner Seed Farm 701-663-7731 Pintail Winter Wheat An awn-less forage winter wheat Very winter hardy Hazlet Rye Common Leggett Oats

JD 3955 Corn Chopper, 2 row, 30” in. wide, 7’ Hay head. Low acres on machine. -- Gehl 980 Forage Wagon, 16’ w/tandem axle. (701) 883-5832 For Sale: REM 1026B Grain Vac with all the attachments. (605) 845-6633

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920



Call us to place your ad. AGWEEK FARM AD DEPT.

Find your next home at


cargo containers

FOR SALE 8’ x 20’ y 8’ x 40’ farm/ranch y home/cabin construction y business

218-821-5794 storage where and when you need it!



BOXMAN Portable Storage


36 each large round bales of prairie hay (no rain), $90/each. Call Curt 605-228-2000


FarmAll H, narrow front, with draw bar mounted 7ft John Deere m o w e r, 605-225-5427 or 605-380-0887


For Sale: Case IH 162 16ft HydroSwing, excellent condition. (605) 670-2250


FOR SALE; 142 bales of first cutting Timothy Grass. 99.9% weed free. bales weigh 1500 lbs. $120.00 a ton. (605) 949-2206 Dairy Quality Wheat Straw, 3x4x8 square bales, over 1,000 tons available. Call or text 320-226-0189 for pricing. For sale: Large round bales of 2019 2nd cutting alfalfa. Net wrapped and no rain on them. (605) 380-5313 2018 & 2019 Solar wrapped twine round Alfalfa bales. $90 per ton. Located in Roscoe, SD. Call Doug 605-281-1426

J.E.S. Farms Partnership, 18 miles north of Pierre, SD has many thousands of acres of irrigated winter wheat that is being put up for hay prior to beard. Feed analysis will be provided for each group of hay bales. Put up in net wrapped round bales by John Deere baler. Certified scale on property. Irrigated alfalfa hay in 3x4 big square bales. Feed analysis will be provided for each group of hay. Also thousands of acres of round 2019 corn stalk bales will be put up in the Fall of 2019. Net wrapped round bales by John Deere baler. Book early for maximum discount. We can also graze cows for fall and winter grazing. Fields are fenced with water. We also have a feed lot available with corn silage and grain & hay. J.E.S. Farms Partnership 605-224-4732, ext. 3, lv message. Chris 605-209-3934 605-264-5401, ext. 3, lv msg, Brad 605-280-4997

If we don’t have it, we would be happy to help you find it.

Call: (605) 823-4892 or Email: info@ Howe Seeds Inc. McLaughlin, SD 001672513r1

Net wrap 67x9000, 13 rolls, $230 per roll. Vermeer baler 605M, field ready. 605-380-0777

Call us to place your ad. AGWEEK FARM AD DEPT.



For Pre-Season Discounts! 001541923r1

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Grain Storage, Handling, and Drying Steel Bins, Hopper Bins, & more!


Alfalfa, grass and hay, reasonably priced, Okaton, SD 605-530-0659


ANYWHERE We buy damaged grain any condition -wet or dryincluding damaged silo corn TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks CALL HEIDI OR LARRY




Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK



Alfalfa, alfalfa mix, 2nd cutting alfalfa, millet hay, some mostly grass, no rain, big rounds, net wrapped, 605-530-0471 Quality Wheat Straw over 2,000 tons, large rounds. Reliance, SD Call (307) 359-5533 Alfalfa & Grass Alfalfa hay for sale, 1600 lb 3x4x8 square bales. West River Hay (605) 515-0858 300 acres of Sudan Grass, 500 acres of oats. Planted July 24. You can Chop or Bale it, your choice. Would like to sell it standing in the field or by the ton. Ready for harvest Sept. 1. Milbank and South Shore area. 320-444-3833 Leave a message if no answer. Hay for Sale Priced from $70/ton to $130/ton, approx 2000 bales on hand, grinder alfalfa, prairie grass, top quality alfalfa, everything in between. 605-220-4617 Trucks available Wanblee, SD 273 New Holland Small Square Baler, good shape, parked inside. Call David after 8pm (605) 216-1072

Grass hay, small square bales, stored inside, $4.50/each. (605) 354-1463 New Holland haybine 495 12ft good condition, always shedded, 605-840-8034 Hay for sale: Forage barley and 2nd cutting alfalfa, located near Aberdeen, SD. Feed analysis can be provided. Call 605-228-1393. (605) 226-1393 2016 John Deere W235 with R500 head. 520 hours. Fully loaded. Starfire 3000 with 2600 screen. Excellent condition. Asking $135,000. Call 701-400-1000 for more information. Wanted: Heston Hay head and/or conditioner for 6450 swather, in good condition, call Bill at 701-572-2267

Ear corn for sale, 605-228-0471

call DB at

Alfalfa Grass & Hay Millet for sale. Contact Kyle at (605) 280-5707 for more information and pricing.


Wanted land to rent 2020 and beyond. Willing to pay competitive rates. Grand Forks, Steel, and Traill counties. Ben Sobolik (701) 741-1320 or (701) 847-2334.


Non-GMO contracts available New CS2600


A TruFlex canola hybrid with clubroot resistance and straight-cut potential. TM

ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, an active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Agricultural herbicides containing glyphosate will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Roundup Ready®, Roundup® and TruFlex™ are trademarks of Bayer Group.


SECLUDED 151 ACRE GETAWAY 1/2 MILE BEAUTIFUL RED LAKE RIVER FRONTAGE Hunting, fishing, birds, giant northern, whitetail bucks. 112 acres CRP. Pays $8,890/yr. Thief River Falls, MN area. $1,995/acre OBO. Northland Realty Co. 218-684-1521

SALE PENDING: Richland County Farmland 156.99+acres of excellent land SE of Mooreton, ND.

Minnesota Lake Properties Huge Selection - Visit

FOR SALE: Wilkin County MN Farmland 80 acres, West Campbell Township, SE of Fairmount, ND. Excellent quality. 40 years of agricultural experience in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota

Call us to place your ad. AGWEEK FARM AD DEPT.


For Sale: 29547 270th Ave SW, Crookston, MN. 10 acres, 1.5 mi. from town on paved road. 40’x60’ steel heated shop with air conditioned office, 60’x120’ steel storage buildings, semi truck rated driveway, livable house with new well, excellent business or building site. Motivated seller. Reasonable offers considered. 218-280-6335

Phone: 701-799-5213

Steven Johnson R.E. Broker Auctioneer Lic# 976

Call us to place your ad. AGWEEK FARM AD DEPT.


Voller Ag., Inc.

Voller Ag is the Superior Choice for Storage at the Most Economical Price! • Experience and expertise – 1000s of bins placed across the Midwest – 30 years of use at our own farm • Complete range of sizes • Aeration and bean ladders • 10 year structural guarantee • Aeration fans—call for sizes and pricing

Inexpensive Anchoring System and Leasing Available

NOW AVAILABLE-Meridian Seed Tenders and mechanical drive & swing away grain augers

Available from:

Voller Ag., Inc.

6250 7th Ave. SE • Hazelton, ND 58544 701-782-4368 • Call Tom, anytime. •


Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK





2019 hay for sale, large round bales, high quality grass hay, alfalfa, and other forage types are available. Call or text for pricing and availability. 605-380-0022

Hay for sale, 165 bales ditch hay, 1300-1400lbs $45/bale, NE of Leola, SD 605-380-2943 or 605-439-3694 For Sale: Wheat & Rye Straw Bales -- Bales are 1300 lbs -Triple mesh wrapped with JD Baler Trucking Available! Contact Sheridan Larson 605-354-2127 Email: swensonshop@


REAL ESTATE/ AG STOCK WILKIN COUNTY, MN, FARMLAND FOR SALE ATHERTON TOWNSHIP NE 1/4 7-136-46 EXCEPTING FARMSTEAD. This parcel contains approximately 146.74 tillable acres. TERMS: 10% Earnest Money upon acceptance of bid. Cash balance due within 30 days. Written bids stating the bi.dder’s name, mailing address and daytime telephone number and total bid will. be received until 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, October 15, 2019. Please send bids to Christian. M. Anderson, Attorney at Law, 824 Second Avenue North, Wahpeton, ND 58075. The top three bidders will be contacted for oral bidding which will take place on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, at 10:00A.M. at the above address. For additional details call (701) 642-5539. Owners reserve the right to reject any and all bids.






************************** 2006 WILSON 41X66 2007 WILSON 41X66 2009 WILSON 41X66 2016 WILSON 41X66 2017 WILSON 41X66 2018 WILSON 41X66 2018 WILSON 43X66 2019 WILSON 41X66 __________________________


AGWEEK Deadline

Your Clearinghouse For ACS Beet Stock

John Botsford Chris Griffin





Selling or Buying Farmland in the Valley?

Call Andy Westby @ 701-239-5839

The deadline for farm ads to run in AGWEEK is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following Monday edition.


North Dakota

195.61 acres north of Badger, MN

80 acres WRP south of Joliette, ND

853.48 acres near St. Vincent, MN - Bid Sale

77.99 acres west of Grafton, ND • (218) 779-1293

Kittson County, Minnesota 853.48 +/- Acres in St. Vincent Townships

Kittson County, Minnesota

LIVESTOCK & PETS AND RELATED EQUIP Registered Hereford Herd for sale. Buy all or buy a few. Rich Rausch 605-447-5888


241± Acres • Nelson County, North Dakota

For property details, please contact:

Rob Loe, Agent


Dale Weston, Agent

Cooperstown, North Dakota Fargo, North Dakota Business: (701) 261-3355 Business: (701) 237-0059

BID DEADLINE 1:00pm (Central Time) Tuesday, September 24, 2019 Parcel #1: E1/2SW1/4 (less RY) & SE1/4 of Section 33, T164 R50 (lying north and east of railroad tracks, subject to survey) Parcel #2: E1/2SW1/4 (less RY) & SE1/4 of Section 33, T164 R50 (lying south and west of railroad tracks, subject to survey) Parcel #3: NW1/4 of Section 4, T163 R50 Parcel #4: SW1/4 of Section 5, T163 R50 Parcel #5: SE1/4 of Section 6, T163 R50 Parcel #6: NE1/4 of Section 6, T163 R50

853.48 +/- Acres in St. Vincent Townships

Call us to place your ad. AGWEEK FARM AD DEPT.

Dairy Equipment for sale: 1000 gallon Mueller Milk Tank with washer receiver pump (brand new) 4 BouMatic Milkers, 4 OMNI Detachers. 2017 7.5 H.P. vacuum pump (Sutorbilt), low hrs. Call 701-763-6150

• CRP land with additional water bank acreage • Excellent income opportunity from CRP and Water Bank Programs • Great hunting and habitat features

Jayson Menke 218.779.1293


Registered Angus Dispersion Due to health reasons, we are going to disperse our registered angus cow herd. Will sell as whole herd or in age groups. Also have yearling bulls for sale. Isaak Angus Ranch Ron and Jackie Isaak 701-891-9999 or 701-983-4458





Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management Appraisal • Insurance • Consultation • Oil and Gas Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock

LAND FOR SALE BY BIDS 160± Acres • Divide County, North Dakota

Map data ©2019 Google, Imagery ©2019 TerraMetrics

BID DEADLINE 1:00pm (Central Time) Tuesday, September 24, 2019

LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel #1: E1/2SW1/4 (less RY) & SE1/4 of Section 33, T164 R50 (lying north and east of railroad tracks, subject to survey) Parcel #2: E1/2SW1/4 (less RY) & SE1/4 of Section 33, T164 R50 (lying south and west of railroad tracks, subject to survey) 4200 James Ray Drive, Grand Forks, ND 58202 Parcel #3: NW1/4 of Section 4, T163 R50 Parcel #4: SW1/4 of Section 5, T163 R50 Parcel #5: SE1/4 of Section 6, T163 R50 Parcel #6: NE1/4 of Section 6, T163 R50 TERMS No oral bidding. Cash sale. No Contingencies. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject all offers and modify bidding requirements. SUCCESSFUL BIDDER REQUIREMENTS Signed Purchase Agreement. Ten (10) percent earnest check.


| (218) 779-1293 |

Bids due Wednesday, September 25, by 12:00 PM

WRITTEN BIDS ONLY! Farmers National Company 4050 Garden View Dr. Suite 103 • Grand Forks, ND 58201 For property details, please contact:

CLOSING Balance due within 30 days after fully executed Purchase Agreement. Seller will provide Warranty Deed and updated abstract(s) of title evidencing marketable title.

Andy Gudajtes, Agent Grand Forks, North Dakota

Business: (218) 779-7305

L-1900472 • (218) 779-1293


Realtor and Auctioneer ND-1056, MN-14-037 1711 Gold Dr, Suite 130, Fargo ND 58103

AGWEEK Deadline

The deadline for farm ads to run in AGWEEK is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following Monday edition.

AGWEEK Deadline

The deadline for farm ads to run in AGWEEK is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following Monday edition.


......................................... .........................................

Call us to place your ad. AGWEEK FARM AD DEPT.

888-857-1920 .........................................


......................................... 701-757-1888




Jayson Menke Broker

Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management Appraisal • Insurance • Consultation • Oil and Gas Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK



Holstein heifers due Sept 1st, sold herd 36 years AI Petrone and Epic sires bred Montross sexed semen, 701-883-5832 (701) 883-5832

35 Black/Red cows, calving Aug/Sept, vaccinated, poured, $1,500. Call or Text (701) 318-1642

For Sale Private Treaty yearling purebred Simmintal bulls sired by the highest calving ease, growth and performance herd sires in the industry. Our bulls are developed for functionality and longevity with complete performance testing, many bulls homoblack and homopolled. Call Justin Hart 605-216-6469 or Travis Hart 605-252-0894 Purebred Great Pyrenees Pups, parents are good guard dogs. $300 each. (507) 841-2638 HAVE BULL, WILL TRAVEL Lease your quality bulls from HEIM BROS. BULL LEASING and enjoy the advantages of renting. We buy superior bulls from breeders and rent them to you for the season. Avoid the hassle of buying and keeping bulls. Save Money. Call 701-320-1195, Edgeley, ND. Purebred Australian Shepherd puppies, farm raised out of working dogs, red & blue merles, red tris, and black tris. Ready June 1st. 1st shots given, excellent family dogs. Call 605-234-6851 Suffolk ram lambs for sale. Selected for growth and muscling for commercial herds. Fedeler Suffolks. (605) 270-0663

MILLVALE SHORTHORNS For Sale: Red & Roan Bulls ready for service and some herd bulls. Bred females and also 2018 heifer calves. We deliver. For information give us a call. Robert Miller 800-807-6944 c. 701-331-1153 Roberta c. 701-331-2403 6010 Hwy 32, Fordville, ND Wanted: Fall calving cows on calf share or calf share arrangement, 1-3 yr contract preferred, (701) 680-0738 Polypay & Polypay Sam ram lambs & Polypay ewe lambs. Va n We l l Po l y p a y s 605-881-6574 For Sale - Yearling Purebred Hampshire Rams, long, deep bodied, heavy muscled, large boned, fast gaining rams. Also have pure bread Hampshire registered yearling ewes for sale. Production records available. Mike & Betty Brink, Redfield, SD 605-450-0768, 605-450-0769 or 605-472-0769 325 AI fancy Red Angus bred heifers, weighing 1050-1100 lbs. plus, October 1 delivery. Also 180 Black Angus heifers, AI bred, 50 F-1 Black Baldy Heifers, AI bred. Come from 1 large ranch in Nebraska and three registered Red Angus Ranches in Montana. Heifers are all current on all vaccinations. Call (307) 761-6022


Farm and family raised. Vet checked, 1st shots & wormed. Exp. breeder, quality original style Collies, M & F Sable, White, Tris & blue merles, $500. See Graceville Collies on Facebook for pictures. 2 older females ½ price.

320-748-7460 or 320-305-4332

200 ewes for sale. Western and cross bred ewes, 2-4 year olds. Peever, SD (402) 659-7428 Bucks for sale, Suffolk & Suffolk hamp cross buck lambs, weighing 160-180lbs, Feb/Mar born, $400. 605-770-0853 or 605-770-1931 Good selection of Hampshire ram lambs, rugged and ready for heavy service, Peterson’s Lemmon 701-376-3115 For Sale: Ile de France Rams & Ewe Lambs, OPP Free & Footrot Free Flock, NSIP Member, View on website: w w w. h a s b a r g e n l a n d c a t, Call Chad 320-815-5185 Wanted to buy horses: Most all classes. Saddle horses broke or unbroke. Registered or grade. Young prospects and all other types considered. Also, could use a few draft cross type saddle Horses and Draft type brood mares. Gene Jorgenson 320-305-1578

FARMLAND FOR SALE Auctions! • Listings! • Bid Sales!

“Over the last five years, Farmers National Company has sold over $2.44 billion of property 3,878 farms, 1,200 sold at auction” MINNESOTA

• SEALED BID SALE! 253.5+/- acres, Fossum Township, Norman County Bids due Tuesday, September 24 by 3:00 PM. L-1900585 Dale Weston, Brent Qualey, Kyle Nelson (701) 237-0059. Tract 1: 20+/- acres in Section 11, Tract 2: 80+/- acres in Section 15, Tract 3: 78+/- acres in Section 14, Tract 4: 75.5+/- acres in Section 21. Offered in four tracts or as a whole unit. • AUCTION! 160+/- acres, Yellow Medicine County Tuesday, September 17 at 10:00 AM. Offered in two 80 acre tracts. L-1900598 Darwin Thue (763) 360-9432 • Kittson County Grain Elevator in Donaldson. Fully operational. L-1900302 Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 or Hugh Hunt (218) 843-1139


• SEALED BID SALE! 160+/- acres, Divide County Bids due Wednesday, September 25 by 12:00 PM. L-1900472 Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 • 64.6+/- acres, Bowman County Development land along US Highway 12, one mile East of Bowman L-1400707 Brent Qualey, Dale Weston, Kyle Nelson (701) 237-0059 • 6.38+/- acres, Grand Forks County Rural site West of Thompson. L-1700189 Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 • 241+/- acres, Nelson County South of Petersburg L-1900563 Rob Loe (701) 261-3355 or Dale Weston (701) 361-2023


• 60.88+/- acres, Codington County Development land North of Watertown. L-1800382 Scott Huether (701) 793-6789 or Darwin Thue (763) 360-9432

YOUR LOCAL FARM REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS – CALL US TODAY! Grand Forks.............(701) 780-2828 Terry Longtin • Andy Gudajtes Jim Ivers • Nick Watson Fargo.......................(701) 237-0059 Dale Weston • Kyle Nelson • Brent Qualey

Cooperstown.........(701) 797-3276 Rob Loe

Glyndon...................(701) 238-2727 Eric Skolness

Lisbon.....................(701) 793-6789 Scott Huether

Visit our website for information on all of our landowner services.

Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Appraisals

• Insurance • Consultations • Oil and Gas Management • Lake Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock • Forest Resource Management

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK




For sale: Registered Dorset rams from b-ovis free flock. Moderate framed, RR, production oriented rams ready for breeding season. Can provide performance data and pics upon request. (701) 883-4212

Tri-State Bird & Animal Auction Saturday, Sept 14 starting at 9:30 AM Ottertail County Fair Grounds West 1812 Pebble Lake Rd, Fergus Falls, MN. Expecting usual run of poultry and hoof animals. For more information call Chuck at 605-884-6309 or Wayne at 701-238-6820

Buying or selling your Cattle Give us a Call 605-228-7433 Bred Cows/Pairs Bred Heifers Heifers Calves Feeder Cattle n 3 & 4 year olds n 5-7 year olds n Solid Mouth n Short Term n Late n Fall Calvers Prices vary on breed of cows, size and quality. For complete livestock listings see: EICHLER LIVESTOCK Licensed & Bonded 605-228-7433

For Sale: Registered Polled Dorset Ram and Ewe Lambs Dagel Polled Dorsets (605) 520-0235 Managed Grazing and Hay Bales For Sale Native and improved grasses and legumes. Rural water and dams. Barbed and electric fences. No herbicide. Daily management. $1.50/1,000 lb./day. Also 2019 First Cutting Grass/Alfalfa Mix Hay Bales. 1325 lb. net wrapped big rounds. Dean Lockner Ree Heights, SD 605-870-3978 For Sale: 100 purebred Angus heifers, Available with or without registration papers. Sires are natural and AI. Heifers are highly maternal and will have all their Fall shots with booster and Bangs. May view at Erdmann Angus Ranch, Leola, SD. Daniel 605-439-3744, cell 605-380-2195. Joseph 605-439-3550, cell 605-380-1607. Albert 605-439-3321, cell 605-252-2181 SANDHILL BORDER COLLIES Pups & ready to start dogs Red/black, short/medium hair. Delivery can be arranged (701) 859-3682 For Sale: 6yr old grey TB gelding, tall, strong even tempered. Two years off the track. (605) 848-1246 Corgi Puppies, UTD shots and worming, tri and red/white, AKC registered, dewclaws and tails docked, can email pictures, 605-680-2314 CUSTOM CATTLE FEEDING Located 5 miles from Ringneck Energy ethanol plant. Reliable staff and affordable commodities. Please call VOORHEES CATTLE COMPANY, LLP Onida, SD at 605-973-2471 or 605-280-8019.

Tri-State Bird & Animal Auction Saturday Sept 21st starting at 9:30am. Fair Grounds 610 Prospect St, Lisbon, ND Expecting usual run of poultry and hoof animals. For more info call Chuck at 605-884-6309 or Wayne at 701-238-6820 SUFFOLK RAMS that combine growth, structure & performance in one package. We have a large selection for your inspection. These are the ultimate terminal sires. 28 years in the business! Volume Discounts & Delivery available! (605) 770-1095 Rambouillet ram and ewe lambs Roger Regehr Marion, SD 605-648-3737 or 605-360-9418 AKC registered Red Lab puppies, ready Labor Day weekend, $500. (701) 650-1543 Dakota Breeders ClassicQuarter Horse Production Sale. New Date: Thurs. Sept. 19th, Mobridge Livestock Market. Five Arrow Quarter Horses, Broken Heart Ranch, Eselinger Ranch, Booth Quarter Horses, Valnes Ranch, Buffalo Lake Ranch, & Houck Ranch. Call 605-850-8995 for catalogs or online at & Ramoulett and Dorset rams, good selection available now, both falls and yearling, mostly twins, bred and fed for the commercial producer in mind, both horned and pulled, breeding stock available. Can Deliver. Call Now (605) 852-2233 Three started Lab hunting dogs, 15 months old, ready to hunt this fall, 2 black and one chocolate, male and female, $1500. 605-354-2044 Call us to place your ad. AGWEEK FARM AD DEPT.


Make your job search simple.


Midwest corn, soybean harvest a long ways off Wheat

The wheat market finally saw some buying this week after heavy deliveries pushed contracts to multi-year lows. Based on longer term nearby monthly continuation charts, the Kansas City market hit its lowest point since January 2006 and Minneapolis hit its lowest point since September 2009. For reference, the same continuation charts showed the U.S. dollar trading around $89 in January 2006 and $77 in September 2009. Matif wheat futures also set new contract lows at $158.25 per metric ton for September. The U.S. dollar set a new contract high of $99.33. On the charts, the $98 level would be considered support with resistance now at $99.33. Wheat export inspections were in line with expectations at 526,000 metric tons (19.3 million bushels). Cumulative exports of 241 million bushels are running 25% ahead of last year’s pace. Spring wheat harvest is 55% complete compared to 78% average. Spring wheat conditions declined 2% to 67% good to excellent. North Dakota experienced showers over the Labor Day weekend. Stats Canada will issue its quarterly grain stocks report Sept. 6. Wheat stocks are anticipated to be 5.2 million metric tons for the period ending July 31. This compares to 5.9 million metric tons last year. Trade guesses range from 4.2 million to 6.3 million metric tons. The Canadian dollar was very erratic this week dropping to 0.7473 before blasting higher to 0.7582 before retreating. For now the 0.7500 level seems to be holding. There was a report out by Reuters stating that Australia’s wheat crop estimates could decline by more than 10% due to ongoing drought. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s current estimate is 21 million metric tons, but there are some estimates that it could match last year’s short crop of 17.3 million metric tons. Argentina released its first estimate of its recently planted wheat crop at 21 million metric tons, slightly above USDA’s current 20.5 million metric tons estimate. For the week ending Sept. 5, September contracts for Minneapolis wheat were up 8 cents at $4.845, up 12.75 cents at $4.64 for Chicago wheat, and up 3.75 cents at $3.82 for Kansas City wheat.

RAY GRABANSKI Grabanski is president of Progressive Ag, a Fargo, N.D.-based hedge brokerage firm. He is an attorney and provides markets, legal and crop insurance direction to all Progressive Ag firms. Reach Grabanski at 800-450-1404.


FC Stone estimates U.S. corn yield at 168.4 bushels per acre, up 1 bushel from its previous estimate. They estimate 13.809 billion bushels of production. Allendale estimates a 13.755 billion bushel crop compared to USDA’s current estimate of 13.901 billion bushels. The International Grains Council increased global corn crop size by 8 million metric tons to 1.1 billion bushels. Brazil reports August exports of corn at 7.653 million metric tons, up 171% from last August’s total of 2.826 million metric tons. U.S. weekly export inspections were below expectations at 14 million bushels. Inspections are running 18% below last year’s pace. Corn sales are tracking roughly 50% below last year. The lack of demand bears are currently in control of pushing prices lower. Weekly ethanol production declined sharply to 7.091 million barrels, 6.81% lower than last year and a 21-week low. This puts implied use of corn for ethanol down 8% from the previous year as the marketing year concludes or 5.365 billion bushels versus the USDA estimate of 5.425 billion bushels. Stocks as of Aug. 30 were 23.801 million barrels, up 4.84% versus last year. Ethanol stocks are at record high levels for the late August timeframe. U.S. gasoline calendar year demand is tracking 0.2% below the previous year. Weather forecasts are showing a warmer 16 to 30 day pattern. In the shorter term, Hurricane Dorian seems to have pushed or at least shielded any colder air from coming into a majority of the Corn Belt. The weather bulls are nowhere to be found, as delayed maturity is losing its argument based on warmer forecasts and non-threatening frost in the near term forecasts. Corn at the dough stage is 81% versus 93% normal. Corn dented is 41% versus 63% normal. Corn mature is at 6% versus 13% normal. Corn conditions improved 1% as the trade was expecting. With the recent sell off in corn futures, we have seen a widening of

the price spread for E85 under E10 to 49 cents in the Fargo, N.D., market. The spread was running 35 to 40 cents for much of the spring and summer. The spread has also widened from premium 91 octane to E10 to 50 cents under after being 40 cents under for much of the past year. Unleaded 88 octane (E15) has consistently run a nickel under 87 octane (E10) through this entire timeframe.


Soybean futures started off the holiday-shortened week with some decent gains, but gave them all back on Aug. 5. China and the United States have agreed to hold high-level talks in early October in Washington, but that didn’t give the market a boost. There is not much optimism that the two sides will be able to come to an agreement as both sides continuing to say their economies will be fine if they don’t come to an agreement. With the world’s eyes on these trade negations, neither side wants to appear weak and that they have given up too much if they come to a deal. Enrollment for Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage is now open for 2019. Enrollment is open for the 2019 crop year and farmers have until March 15, 2020, to sign up. Farmers can enroll for the 2020 crop year starting Oct. 7 through June 30, 2020. USDA announced if you wait until Oct. 7 for signup, you can enroll in both the 2019 and 2020 crop years. If you signed up for a supplemental coverage option crop insurance policy, you have to sign up for PLC for that crop. As of Sept. 1, 14% of the U.S. soybeans still haven’t set a pod, which is more than 10 million acres. 4% of the nation’s soybeans weren’t even blooming by Sept. 1 and we are now in September with cool temperatures. Crop ratings were unchanged at 55% good to excellent compared to 66% good to excellent last year. The crop is rated 32% fair and 13% is rated poor. Average analyst estimates were expecting steady conditions to

an increase of 1%. A few private firms came out with updated estimates this past week. INTL FC Stone puts the soybean crop at 3.661 billion bushels with a 48.3 bushels per acre yield. Allendale puts the soybean crop at 3.499 billion bushels with a 46.1 bushels per acre yield. The funds have been steadily net short in soybeans since June 2018, when the trade war started. As of Aug. 27, the funds were net short 76,000 contracts, 4,000 more than the week prior. Major resistance is at $9.3125 on the weekly chart. On the daily charts, resistance is $9.365 and then the five-month high of $9.48 for new crop soybeans that was set June 18. November soybeans are still trending downwards and filled the trade gap that was made in May. This gap was at $8.58 to $8.645 set May 25. New support is $8.525 that was the recent low set on Aug. 28. The November contract low of $8.155 set May 13 recovery is major support after this.


For the week ending Sept. 5, November canola was down $2.70 and was at $445.30 Canadian per metric ton. The Canadian dollar was at 0.7557. This brings the U.S. price to $15.27 per hundredweight. ► Velva, N.D., $14.05 per hundredweight, November at $14.23. ► Enderlin, N.D., $14.06 ► Hallock, Minn., $14.41 per hundredweight, November at $14.75. ► Fargo, N.D., $14.40 per hundredweight, November at $14.50.


Cash feed barley bids in Minneapolis were at $3, while malting barley received no quote. Berthold, N.D., bid is $2.75 and CHS Southwest New Salem, N.D., is at $3.


Cash bids for milling quality durum are $4.50 in Berthold and $4.60 in Dickinson, N.D.


Cash sunflower bids in Fargo were at $18.30. October bids were at $17.40. For the week ending Sept. 5, soybean oil was down 18 cents at $28.46 on the October contract.

Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK




UNITED STATES Shipments 1,514*-1,372*-1,543 —- The top shipping states, in order, were Idaho, Columbia Basin Washington, Big Lake Minnesota, Wisconsin and Hereford Texas. The Market News Service survey of over 30,000 retail stores had 15,039 ads for potatoes last week, which is significantly higher from last weeks ads of 6,897. (* revised) UPPER VALLEY, TWIN FALLS-BURLEY DISTRICT IDAHO 2019 CROP Shipments 93-300-611 (Includes exports 0-2-9)—Movement expected to increase as more shippers receive new crop potatoes. Trading Moderate. Prices bales, and carton 60-100s lower, others generally unchanged. Russet Norkotah U.S. One baled 5-pound film bags non size A mostly 6.50; 50—pound cartons 40-50s mostly 21.00, 60-70s 19.00-21.00, 80s 15.5016.00, 90s mostly 12.50-13.00, 100s mostly 11.00-11.50; U.S. Two 6 ounce minimum mostly 11.00, 10 ounce minimum 18.00. COLUMBIA BASIN WASHINGTON AND UMATILLA BASIN OREGON 2019 CROP Shipments 256-222*-259 (Includes exports 54-58*-60)—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Trading Carton 50-70s active, others moderate Prices bales and carton 90-100s lower,others generally unchanged. Russet Norkotah U.S. One baled 10 pound film bags size A mostly 5.006.00, baled 5 pound film bags size A mostly 6.00-7.00; 50 pound cartons 40s mostly 16.00-17.00, 50-70s mostly 18.00, 80s mostly 14.00-15.00, 90s mostly 12.00, 100s mostly 10.00; U.S. Two 50 pound sacks 10 ounce minimum 8.00-11.00. (* revised) BIG LAKE AND CENTRAL MINNESOTA 2019 CROP Shipments 144-140-134 (Includes exports 1-1-1)—- Trading Moderate. Prices Red U.S.One Size A and B slightly lower. Red U.S. One Creamers, U.S. Two Size A, and Yellows lower. U.S. Two Size B about the steady. Round Red U.S. One baled 10 5-lb film bags Size A mostly 16.50-17.00. 50 lb cartons Size A mostly 16.50-17.00, Size B mostly 17.00-18.00, Creamers 3/4-1 5/8” 30.00-35.00. 50 lb sacks Size A mostly 15.00-15.50, Size B mostly 15.50-16.50. Tote bags approx 2000 lbs Size A mostly 27.0028.00, Size B mostly 28.00-30.00. U.S. Two 50 lb sacks Size A mostly 10.00-11.00, Size B 12.00-15.50. Yellow Type U.S. One 50 lb cartons sz A mostly 13.00-15.00, sz B 12.00-16.50. Tote bags approx 2000 lbs Size A mostly 20.00-24.00. CENTRAL WISCONSIN 2019 CROP Shipments 27-75-119 —- Movement expected to seasonally increase. Trading Moderate. Prices Round Red size B, lower, others generally unchanged. Russet Norkotah U.S. One baled 5 10-lb film bags size A mostly 9.00-10.00, baled 10 5-pound film bags size A mostly 10.00-11.00; 50 pound cartons 40s-70s mostly 20.00-22.00, 80s mostly 18.0019.00, 90s mostly 13.00-15.00, 100s mostly 13.00-14.00. Round Red U.S. One baled 10 5-pound film bags size A mostly 16.7518.00 50 pound cartons size A mostly 16.00-17.00, size B mostly 14.00-15.00; 50 pound sacks size A mostly 15.00-16.00, size B mostly 13.00-14.00. Yellow Type U.S. One baled 10 5-pound film bags size A mostly 15.00-17.00, 50 pound cartons size A mostly

15.00-16.00, 50 pound sacks size A mostly 14.00-15.00. HEREFORD-HIGH PLAINS TEXAS Shipments 151-125*-104 —- Movement expected to remain about the same. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. (* revised) UPPER VALLEY, TWIN FALLS-BURLEY DISTRICT IDAHO 2018 CROP Shipments 459-194-81 (Includes exports 12-1-1)—Movement expected to decrease seasonally. Remaining supplies in too few hands to establish a market. LAST REPORT. SAN LUIS VALLEY COLORADO 2019 CROP Shipments 125-109*-52 (Includes exports 12-36*-8)—- Movement expected to increase as the 2019 season gets under way. Trading Moderate. Prices Higher. U.S. One baled 5 10-lb film bags sz A mostly 9.00, baled 10 5-lb film bags sz A mostly 10.00; 50 lb cartons 40-70s 20.00, 80s mostly 18.00-18.50, 90-100s mostly 16.00. (* revised) MICHIGAN Shipments 0-0-25 —- Movement expected to increase. Initial light harvest of Round Whites and Russet varieties underway. Expect first FOB Shipping Point prices later in the period. FIRST REPORT. KERN DISTRICT CALIFORNIA Shipments 23-28*-24 —- Movement expected to remain about the same. Remaining supplies in too few hands to establish a market. (* revised) NORTHERN COLORADO DISTRICT 2019 CROP Shipments 0-0-22 —- Harvesting has begun with an increase coming in the next few weeks. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. MINNESOTA-NORTH DAKOTA (RED RIVER VALLEY) 2019 CROP Shipments 0-15-20 —- Movement expected to increase as shippers receive new crop.

Potatoes for processing MICHIGAN Shipments 155-204*-262 —- Movement expected to increase slightly. Most movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales to establish a market. (* revised) PENNSYLVANIA Shipments 59-52-56 —- Movement expected about the same. Most movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales to establish a market. AROOSTOOK COUNTY MAINE Shipments 16-60-54 —Movement expected to increase. Most movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales t establish a market.

Week Year Blacks Fri ago ago Michigan ND/Minn. Pintos NE Colorado 20.00 21.00 20.00 Idaho 23.00 23.00 21.00 Pea Beans E Wyo/W Neb 21.00 21.00 20.00 Michigan ND/Minn. 21.00 21.00 22.00 ND/Minn. Washington 23.00 23.00 20.00 N Wyo/SC Mont na na na 27.00 na 21.00 na na na na na na

Small whites Idaho/Wash

na na na

Light red kidneys Colo/Neb Michigan Wis/Minn

35.00 na 35.00 na na na 34.00 34.00 33.00

Dark red kidneys Minn/Wis

35.00 35.00 33.00

Pinks Idaho/Wash ND/Minn

na na na na na na

Small reds Idaho/Wash Michigan ND/Minn.

na na na na na na na na na

Minneapolis 13% nq 4.87 5.59 Minneapolis 14% 5.27 4.97 5.74 Minneapolis 15% nq 4.97 5.89 Pacific NW 14% 5.81 6.08 nq Pacific NW (cwt.) 9.64 10.09 nq

Pacific NW 11% Pacific NW (cwt.)

5.04 8.37

5.02 8.33

nq nq



Garbanzo Wash/Idaho ND/Mont

Oats Pacific NW 3.63 3.63 3.48 nq nq 2.63 Minneapolis #2

Idaho/Wash Green (whole vine) 9.00 9.00 11.50 Green (upright) na na na na na Yellow (whole) na Aust. Winter na na na Lentils (Pardina) 16.00 16.00 20.00 Lentils (Brewers) 16.00 16.00 22.00 North Dakota Green (whole) 8.33 8.33 7.50 Yellow (whole) 6.25 6.67 7.50 Lentils (richlea) 12.00 12.00 12.00

nq 17.65 18.40 17.65

17.30 17.25




15.38 17.15

15.24 16.15



West Fargo nq

Feed Minneapolis 2.50 3.00 2.10 Pacific NW nq nq nq Malt Minneapolis nq nq 4.70

Canola ADM Velva, N.D. 13.97 14.13 West Fargo nq nq


Sept 6

Week ago

Supreme Premium Good Fair Utility

na na na na na na na na na na

Supreme Premium Good Fair Utility

na na na na na na 75.00 75.00 na na

Alfalfa – large rounds 16.00 17.00 21.00 13.00 13.00 18.00

Peas & lentils

A26 Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

Cargill West Fargo nq Enderlin 17.30

Minneapolis nq nq nq

Alfalfa – large squares

na na na 21.00 21.00 22.00

Minneapolis Yellow 3.10 3.23 2.94 Illinois 3.52 3.72 3.66

Minneapolis Cash 8.25 8.10 7.40 Illinois 8.56 8.74 8.45 Week Year New Fri ago ago crop

Alfalfa – small squares 28.00 28.00 28.00 23.00 23.00 26.00

Corn Soybeans

Winter wheat

Rock Valley, Iowa

Neb/Wyo ND Idaho

Spring wheat

MINNESOTA-NORTH DAKOTA (RED RIVER VALLEY) 2019 CROP Shipments 7-2-52 —- Movement expected to seasonally increase. Too few open market sales to establish a market.


Great Northerns

Week Year Fri ago ago

Supreme na na Premium na na Good 120.00 - 140.00 120.00 - 140.00 Fair 90.00 - 115.00 90.00 - 115.00 Utility na na

Alfalfa/Grass – large rounds

Premium na na Good 132.50 - 140.00 132.50 - 140.00 Fair 72.50 72.50 Utility 60.00 60.00

Alfalfa/Grass – large squares Premium Good Fair Utility

na na na na 67.50 67.50 na na

Alfalfa/Grass – small squares Supreme Premium Good Fair Utility

na na na na na na na na na na

Grass – small squares Supreme

na na


na na


na na


na na


na na

Grass – large squares Supreme

na na


na na


na na


na na


na na

Grass – large rounds Premium Good Fair Utility

na na 120.00 - 140.00 70.00 - 105.00 40.00 - 60.00

120.00 - 140.00 70.00 - 105.00 40.00 - 60.00

Cornstalks – large rounds Per ton

60.00 - 77.50

60.00 - 77.50


na na


na na

Cornstalks – large squares Per ton



Bedding – large squares Per ton

72.50 - 90.00

72.50 - 90.00

Bedding – large rounds Per ton

72.50 - 117.50

72.50 - 117.50

Bedding – small squares Per bale



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Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

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Monday, September 9, 2019 / AGWEEK

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