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VOLUME 30, NUMBER 6 / September 8, 2014


Fighting for survival n

ND nursery copes with declining shelterbelt sales By Jonathan Knutson Agweek Staff Writer

BISMARCK, N.D. — Brian Johnston wanted a challenge. He got one: Rescuing the faltering Lincoln-Oakes Nursery in Bismarck, N.D., which had been “hemorrhaging cash for years” and was close to closing, he says. It’s too early to declare victory. But results so far are encourarging. “We’re still losing money,” Johnston says. “But we’re getting to where it isn’t such a big loss and we’re able to stay in the game.” The veteran entrepreneur was named CEO of the North Dakota Association of Soil Conservation Districts in late 2011. His mission was to restore profitability at Lincoln-Oakes Nursery, owned and operated by the association. The nursery, which raises and sells many of the trees planted in Upper Midwest shelterbelts, had been hammered by years of poor business practices and declining interest in shelterbelts. In 2002, the nursery sold about 5 million trees. The number fell steadily to about 1.5 million in 2013, a 70 percent drop. It’s uncertain if sales will stabilize or continue to decline — and whether Lincoln-Oakes can remain economically viable if sales keep dropping, Johnston says. NURSERY: See Page 8

John Brose, Special to Agweek

G Brian Johnston is CEO of the North Dakota Association of Soil Conservation Districts, which owns and operates Lincoln-Oakes Nursery in Bismarck. The veteran entrepreneur was brought in to rescue the nursery, which was in financial trouble.


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CHS approves final plans for $3 billion ND fertilizer plant. See Page 26

PAGE 2 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 3

North Dakota State University Hettinger Research Extension Center as a research weed scientist for western North Dakota. Dalley’s focus at the Hettinger REC will be to build a new research program evaluating herbicide efficacy, weed control in crops and rangelands, and cultural weed control practices. Dalley earned his bachelor and master of science degrees in plant science from Utah State University. He received his Ph.D. in crop and soil sciences from Michigan State University. His work at Michigan State focused on weed control in glyphosate-resistant corn and soybeans. Before coming to NDSU, Dalley spent 10 years as an agronomist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service Sugarcane Research Unit in Houma, La. While with the unit, Dalley’s research focused on evaluating weed management in sugar cane.

Young honored for work

n MANDAN, N.D. — After serving

on the National Sunflower Association’s board of directors for the past 14 years, Sully County, S.D., farmer Tom Young was honored for his service. Young was recognized at the NSA’s annual Summer Seminar held in Deadwood, S.D., earlier this

SEPT. 9 — Southeast Research Farm Fall Tour, Beresford, S.D. Information: Peter Sexton at 605-563-2989. SEPT. 9-11 — Good Agricultural Practices workshop, Bozeman, Mont. Information: Lynn Paul at 406-994-5696 or lpaul@montana.edu, or Brent Sarchet at 406-447-8346 or bsarchet@lc countymt.gov. SEPT. 9-11 — Big Iron, West Fargo, N.D. Information: www.bigiron.com. SEPT. 10 — South Central Minnesota Ag Professional meeting, Lake Crystal. Information: Beth Colway at beth.col way@farmintelligence.com or 507225-0667. SEPT. 10 — Truck Weight Education workshop, Pipestone, Minn. Information: College of Continuing Education at 612-625-2900 or cceinfo@umn.edu. SEPT. 10 — Soil health field tour, Dakota Lakes Research Farm, Pierre, S.D. Information: Ruth Beck at 605773-8120 or ruth.beck@sdstate.edu. SEPT. 10-11 — 2014 Minnesota Crop Insurance Conference, Wireless Center, Mankato, Minn. Information: www. cffm.umn.edu. SEPT. 16 — Truck Weight Education workshop, Wahpeton, N.D. Information: Denise Brown at 701-328-9856 or denise.brown.1@ndsu.edu. SEPT. 16 — Soil health field tour, Brookings, S.D. Information: Anthony Bly at 605-782-3290 or anthony.bly@ sdstate.edu. SEPT. 16-18 — Grazing School, Chamberlain, S.D. Information: Judge Jessop at 605-280-0127. SEPT. 17 — Truck Weight Education workshop, Owatonna, Minn. Information: College of Continuing Education at 612-625-2900 or cceinfo@umn.edu. SEPT. 17 — Truck Weight Education

SD beef ambassadors selected

n PIERRE, S.D. — The South

Dakota Beef Ambassador Contest winner is Kathryn Loewe from Lennox and the junior winner is Shelby Riggs, from Mitchell. Riggs enjoys showing cattle and horses, as well as competing in rodeos. She is active in 4-H and FFA. Riggs says she is proud to represent the beef industry and looks forward to her year as the 2014 South Dakota Junior Beef Ambassador.

Minn. Poultry Prince and Princess named

n MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — Tyler

Amick from Austin and Hayley Carlson from Motley won the fifthannual Minnesota Poultry Prince and Princess Contest. The contest took place Aug. 21 to 24. Runners up included Andrew Gathje of Stewartville, Joseph Surerus of Donnelly, Mary Sarah Sauber of Motley and Mariah Huberty of Harris in Chisago County.

— Agweek Wire Reports

workshop, LaMoure, N.D. Information: Denise Brown at 701-328-9856 or denise.brown.1@ndsu.edu. SEPT. 20 — North Dakota State University New Shepherds clinic, Hettinger Research Center, N.D. Information: Reid Redden at 701-2315597 or reid.redden@ndsu.edu. SEPT. 23 — Truck Weight Education workshop, Bottineau, N.D. Information: Denise Brown at 701-328-9856 or denise.brown.1@ndsu.edu. SEPT. 24 —Truck Weight Education workshop, Bemidji, Minn. Information: College of Continuing Education at 612-625-2900 or cceinfo@umn.edu. SEPT. 24 — Truck Weight Education workshop, Cavalier, N.D. Information: Denise Brown at 701-328-9856 or denise.brown.1@ndsu.edu. SEPT. 29 — Gear-Tech Training, Fargo, N.D. Information: Linda Hauge at 701-231-7964 or linda.hauge@ ndsu.edu. SEPT. 30-OCT. 2 — Noxious Weed Management workshop, Bozeman, Mont. Information: Noelle Orloff at 406-994-6297 or noelleorloff@gmail. com. OCT. 1 — SowBridge Session: Making Fixed-Time AI Work, teleconference. Information: Bob Thaler at 605-6885435 or robert.thaler@sdstate.edu. OCT. 1 — Truck Weight Education workshop, St. Cloud, Minn. Information: College of Continuing Education at 612-625-2900 or cceinfo@umn.edu. OCT. 10 — All breeds cattle tour, Jamestown, N.D. Information: www. ndstockmen.org. OCT. 14 — AG CEO FSA Borrower Training, Winner, S.D. Information: Shannon Sand at 605-394-1722 or Heather Gessner at 605-782-3290.



People and Calendar section items can be sent to Agweek, Box 6008, Grand Forks, N.D. 58206-6008; email lgibson @agweek.com

Dalley joins Hettinger REC

n Caleb Dalley has joined the

summer. Young joined the NSA’s board in 2000, representing the South Dakota Oilseed Council. In 2007, he was named second vice president and first vice president in 2009. Young served as NSA president from 2011 to 2013. He was most recently chairman.

Flourishing throughout the decades


PAGE 4 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK

Is there room for improved farm production efficiency?



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Traditionally, farmers and other business managers use a measure of production, cost or profit to evaluate overall economic progress. Even though reducing cost and increasing profit are common measures of business success and economic growth, has the firm reached its maximum efficiency? Is the firm operating on its theoretical production frontier? Generally, firms or farms maximize production and profit and minimize cost. But, assessing production, cost and profit efficiency helps realize economic growth by efficiently using natural resources for long-run sustainability. It is important to evaluate if the firms and farmers are on the theoretical production, cost and profit frontiers. Advancing computer models are offering new opportunities to analyze business performance. In a study conducted by a team at the North Dakota State University Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department, “Bureau of Economic Analysis,” county-level data on labor, capital (repair and operation of machinery, depreciation, interest, rent and taxes),

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Many factors to consider

By Saleem Shaik

Dickinson Fayette Heidecker (800) 681-0679 fheidecker@agweek.com Fax: (701) 225-0518

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farm-produced inputs (feed, livestock and seed purchases) and manufactured inputs (fertilizer, and lime and petroleum products) are used to evaluate if counties in North Dakota are achieving production efficiency in producing crops and livestock. Even though some of the management, growing conditions and soil productivity variables are yet to be incorporated, the analysis is a first step in that direction. If the firm or farm is on the theoretical production frontier, it will have a score of 1 (maximum efficient use of input resources to produce output). If the entities are not on the theoretical frontier, the score will be less than 1. In this study, the theoretical production frontier is defined each year by several counties with the highest production efficiency that year. No county, through time, always is on the theoretical production frontier, so each county has an efficiency of less than 1. Production efficiency was calculated for each of the 53 counties in North Dakota from 1969 to 2011. Average production efficiency was computed for six business cycles in the general economy: n The first business cycle (BC1) covers the period from 1969 to 1975 and involves two recessions and a boom period. n The second business cycle (BC2) involved a boom period from 1976 to 1979. n The third business cycle

(BC3) was from 1980 to 1982 and involved two recessions (January 1980 to July 1980 and July 1980 to November 1982) and a boom in between. n The fourth business cycle (BC4) involved a boom from 1973 to 1989. n The fifth business cycle (BC5) involved a boom and recession from 1990 to 2006. nThe sixth business cycle (BC6) involved a boom and recession from 2007 to 2011. The average production efficiency for North Dakota counties came out highest (0.9) in the first and fifth business cycles. This is in spite of two recessions during BC1 and one recession during BC5. What does 0.9 mean? This number indicates that agricultural producers employed their inputs with 90 percent efficiency relative to theoretical maximum production efficiency. In BC2 and BC4, the average production efficiency was 1 percent lower at 0.89, even though the business cycles were “booms.” Similarly, BC3 saw a lower average production efficiency at 0.88. The hardest hit was the most recent cycle, BC6. The average production efficiency, dropped to 0.87. This suggests the agricultural producers achieved an 87 percent efficiency relative to a theoretical maximum production efficiency. Even though the overall North Dakota agricultural production efficiency suggests a

decline during the business cycles, comparisons across individual counties reveal a different story. This could be from the wide difference and changes in the use of inputs and output mixes across individual counties during the six business cycles. The estimated production efficiency data is available on state maps for the six business cycles at www.ag.ndsu.edu/pro duction-efficiency/. The map displays average production efficiency for each North Dakota county for the six business cycles since 1969. Map users can compare the production efficiency number across the six business cycles by clicking on the county of their interest in each of the six maps. Future research from my department will study the inputspecific production efficiency. For example, what efficiency are producers in Barnes County achieving in the use of their labor, capital and farmproduced or manufactured inputs? Likewise, future research will attempt to incorporate growing conditions into the analysis, as well as evaluate specific output production efficiencies. For example, is crop or livestock production realizing higher production efficiency? Editor’s note: Shaik is an associate professor at the North Dakota State University Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department.

Chesapeake Bay, EPA and agriculture

Long history of ecological problems

By Darryl E. Ray and Harwood D. Schaffer

In late July, Washington Post reporter Darryl Fears wrote an article, “Alarming ‘dead zone’ grows in Chesapeake” that summarized the concern of Virginia and Maryland officials

who “said the expanding area of oxygen-starved water is on track to become the bay’s largest ever.” A dead zone is created when excess nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus enter a waterway in quantities sufficient to lead to the rapid growth of algae, competing with other aquatic life for the available oxygen. As Fears puts it, “dead zones suck out oxygen from deep waters and

kill any marine life that can’t get out of the way.” The water quality problems in the Chesapeake Bay have a long history. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture June 2014 Economic Research Report Number 166, “An Economic Assessment of Policy Options To Reduce Agricultural Pollutants in the Chesapeake Bay” by Marc Ribaudo, Jeffrey Savage and Marcel Aillery, the situation in 1976 was such that “Congress di-

rected the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to undertake a comprehensive study of the Bay’s condition and what measures would be necessary to restore it to its former health.” Despite 30 years of work to improve the water quality, “a 2007 evaluation concluded that insufficient progress was being made toward load reductions.” As a result, the “U.S. EPA established a Total Maximum Daily

EPA: See Page 5

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 5


EPA Continued from Page 4 Load for the Bay…. It sets emission limits for nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment across the Bay jurisdictions that are believed necessary to meet applicable water quality standards in the Bay and its tidal rivers and embayments.” According to the USDA report, “Agriculture is the largest contributor of nutrients and sediment to the Bay. Crop production and animal operations contributed about 38 percent of total nitrogen loads, 45 percent of total phosphorus loads and 60 percent of total sediment loads in 2007.” A report by the Environmental Integrity Project — DC Office, “Poultry’s Phosphorus Problem” says, in Maryland’s Eastern Shore watersheds, the contribution of agriculture is even greater than for the Chesapeake Bay basin as a whole. In the report, EIP

writes, “agriculture is the source of 60 such as industrial plants and municito 73 percent of the nitrogen and 68 to pal wastewater treatment plants can 84 percent of the phosphorus in the be regulated by the EPA, agricultural Eastern Shore watersheds.” Much of discharge of water is exempt from regthat comes from the 1,339 chicken ulation by the EPA. In general, agrifarms that call the cultural activity is a Eastern Shore home. nonpoint source of In general, These farms generate pollution. Water com“over 1 billion pounds agricultural activity ing off agricultural of manure containing land can, however, be is a nonpoint an estimated 30.2 milregulated by the lion pounds of phossource of pollution. states, thus the lawphorus in Eastern suit against the curShore watersheds.” rent process by which In late 2013, a couthe EPA sets the limits ple of farm-related orfor the affected states ganizations and a which the states then home builder associaallocate among poltion filed an appeal of a ruling by the luters, including agriculture. Some in 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in the agricultural community believe Philadelphia that the EPA was operatthe appeal of the Philadelphia Court’s ing within its legal authority to work decision questions the authority of the with the states contributing water to EPA to effectively determine where the Chesapeake Bay to set limits on farms can operate and homes can be the discharge of nutrients and sedibuilt. ments into the bay. Whether or not the appellants preWhile point sources of pollution vail in the legal courtroom, they are

likely to lose in the court of public opinion when John Q. and Jane Public read about the extent to which agriculture contributes to the pollution of the Chesapeake Bay, the Mississippi River, and the Gulf of Mexico. A change in public opinion could lead to action by Congress that would eliminate agriculture’s exemption under the Clean Water Act. A better solution would be for agricultural organizations to get out ahead of the problem by designing and implementing programs and systems that will enable agriculture to meet increasingly stringent nutrient and sediment discharge limits. This likely will require public financial support, but with a proactive strategy to solving pollution problems that affect everyone, the chances of gaining that support are enhanced. Editor’s note: Ray is the director of the University of Tennessee’s Agricultural Policy Analysis Center. Schaffer is a Research assistant professor at APAC.

THE VIEWS EXPRESSED ON THE OPINION PAGES ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF AGWEEK We’d like to hear from you. Email letters to the editor to lgibson@agweek.com or mail to Lisa Gibson, PO Box 6008, Grand Forks, ND 58206-6008.

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Sports legends


PAGE 6 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


(PR) 2010 NH 88C 36’ Flex Draper w/Transport..................$39,500 (R) 2009 NH 88C 42’ Draper Header w/Transport...............$45,000 (PR) 2010 MacDon FD70 35’ Header..................................$54,500 (R) 2009 MacDon D60 Head & Trans..................................$52,500 (R) 2009 MacDon D60 Head, trans, cross auger, hyd f/a, Gleaner adpt, fits anything..........................................$39,500 (PR) 2005 MacDon 973 Rigid Draper Head.......................$39,500 (PR) 2010 JD 630F Header ...................................................$35,000 (R) 2010 NH H8040 Windrower w/30’ Draper & 16’ Hay Head...............................................................................$105,900 (PR) 2008 NH 1431 Pull Type Windrower..........................$20,000 (R) 1998 Case 8825 Windrower w/25’ Draper & 14’ Hay Head….$ 29,100 (R) 2011 NH BR7090 Baler, wide pickup, bale push,1000 pto.........$32,980 (R) 2012 NH BR7090 Baler, auto-wrap..................................$31,300 (R) 2013 NH H7460 Discbine, 2 pt swivel hitch, rubber rolls, 15’ 7”....$32,900 (H) 2004 NH 1475 16’ Mower Conditioner........................$16,500 (H) 1997 NH 1475 16’ Mower Conditioner.......................... $9,900 (R) 2012 NH H8060 Swather w/36’ Draper, Prairie Special, Rotoshears....................................................$122,900 (PR) 2011 Rowse D9 18’ Mower ..........................................$14,000 (PR) 1990 Woods 10’ Batwing Mower.................................$ 5,900 AUGERS & GRAIN VACS (H) 2010 REM 3700 Grain Vac.............................................$26,500 (H) 2004 Brandt 5000 Grain Vac .........................................$16,900 TILLAGE, SEEDING & MISC. (H) 1999 Case Concord 4010 40’ Air Drill, w/3400 TBH Air Cart ................................................................ $35,000 (H) 2011 Summers 40’ Supercoulter, 3 Bar Harrow, Rolling Basket, 1 Season..................................................................$61,900 (H) 2010 Flexicoil ST830 60’ Floating Hitch CP, FC Heavy Harrows.....$ 58’500 (H) 2005 JD 37’10” Disk, 22” Fronts, 23” Rears, Nice .$39,500 (PR) 2002 JD 30’ 650 Disc ................................................$39,500 (H) 1995 Summers 32’ Diamond Disc .................................$28,000 (PR) Case IH 20’ Disc Ripper................................................ $18,500 (R) JD 680 35’ Chisel Plow, Summers 3 Bar Harrow.......$16,900 (PR) Wilrich Quad X 50’ Cultivator....................................$25,500 (PR) Krause 40’ Excelerator VT ..................................................CALL (PR) Krause 8300 37’ Disc Harrow............................................CALL (PR) Krause 8300 34’ Disc Harrow............................................CALL (R) 2011 NH SP275R Rear Boom Sprayer, rear duals, 120’ Booms, 400 hrs...................................................................................$229,300

Editor’s note: Ryan Taylor welcomes comments about his column. He can be reached at 1363 54th St. N.E., Towner, N.D. 58788; email: cowlogic@nda k.net. Taylor, who ranches near Towner, is a columnist for Agweek.


TRACTORS & SKIDSTEERS (R) 2010 NH T9060HD, 587 hrs, 800x38 duals.....................$274,500 (PR) 2008 NH T9060, Trimble 500 screen, 800 metrics, wt pkg, 4 remotes, high cap draw bar................................................$212,600 (PR) 2010 NH T9040, 4WD, 1596 hrs...................................$195,000 (H) 2010 NH T9020, 4x4, PTO, 1653 hrs, 38x54 duals .........$189,000 (PR) 2007 NH TG305 MFD, cab 3070 hrs, 380x54 duals ....$140,300 (H) 1989 NH 946, 9785 hrs, engine/trans done at 5500 hrs....$37,500 (R) 2003 Buhler 2145 Genesis, MFD w/loader & grapple, Supersteer, 2358 hrs .................................................................................$79,400 (PR) 2011 Versatile 435, 4WD, 800x38 tires.......................$196,600 (R) 2002 Versatile 2425, 4WD, 750-65, 5151 hrs...............$103,000 (H) 1980 Versatile 935, 4x4, 24.5x32 tires ............................$17,135 (PR) 1983 JD 8450, 4WD, 10,614 hrs.....................................$23,500 (R) 2004 Agco RT135 w/loader, MFWD, 1900 hrs ...............$69,900 (H) 1987 Case 2594, 2WD, Cab, 5890 hrs.............................$20,600 (PR) 2002 Buhler Versatile 2425, 710/70R38 triples, 4446 hrs, autosteer, CLEAN UNIT..........................................................$103,000 (PR) 2003 Buhler Versatile 2425, 710/70R38 triples, 4230 hrs, autosteer, CLEAN UNIT..........................................................$112,500 (PR) 2004 Buhler Versatile 2425, 710/70R38 triples, 5171 hrs, CLEAN UNIT..........................................................................$110,000 HARVESTING & HAYING (R) 2010 NH CR9080, 860 sep hrs, 620/70R42 duals..........$258,000 (PR) 2010 NH CR9070, 650 sep hrs, Nice............................$258,000 (PR) 2010 NH CR9070, 790 sep hrs, small grain .................$247,600 (PR) 2009 NH CR9070, 795 sep. hrs, 977 ac.....................$247,000 (PR) 2009 NH CX8080, long auger, 779 sep hrs...................$210,500 (R) 2008 NH CR9070, 820 sep hrs, long auger ....................$213,700 (R) 2007 NH CR9070, 900/60R32 tires, 1689 hrs ................$145,000 (PR) 2006 NH CR970, Small Grain, 1661 hrs .......................$169,700 (PR) 1996 JD 9600, 2WD, corn and bean ...............................$32,000 (H) 1994 JD 9600 Combine, 4WD, 6137 hrs .......................$35,000 (R) 2010 NH 88C 36’ Flex Draper ........................................$42,900 (PR) 2008 NH 99C 8 Row 30” Chopping Head.................$53,900 (PR) 2009 NH 74C 35’ Flex Head.........................................$28,500 (PR) 2004 NH 94C 39’ Rigid Head.......................................$39,000 (PR) 2004 NH 94C 39’ Rigid Head.......................................$37,500 (R) 2008 NH 94C 40’ Draper, CR/CX, hyd fore/aft, double-knife, hyd tilt,transport.................................................$53,000

Little-known athletes from little-known places n


OWNER, N.D. — Somewhere along life’s path, I became a runner. I’m not exactly sure why, but I suppose there are worse habits that I could’ve picked up when I was a kid. Running was a sport that I could do without driving to town for most of the practices. I could just lace up my shoes and run down the gravel roads and trails around our ranch. I’d go to town for some of the speed work, and on weekends, I’d get on the bus with my track teammates for the meets around the area. I never won a 3,200-meter or 1,600meter race that I entered, but I could usually place and get a ribbon. It felt good to push myself and then see what I’d have left for the last lap and the finish. I kept up the habit later in life and found myself running full marathons in Chicago, New York City and Fargo, N.D. (one of these things is not like the other, as the children’s preschool exercise would say). I ran plenty of 5K and 10K races, and a few half marathons, too. Like I said, it’s a relatively healthy addiction, and it helps clear your head when you’re out on the trails putting one foot in front of the other. As a runner, it makes a person pay a little closer attention to the track events in the summer Olympics, and admire some of the legends of those events. Our children were given the book “Bright Path,” a nice book that tells the story of Jim Thorpe, an Oklahoma Native American athlete who went to the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden, and won gold medals in the pentathlon and decathlon. It tells a nice story of humble beginnings in the Indian Territory, as they called Oklahoma, and triumphant victories across the sea with accolades given to him by kings and czars. Our kids like the story. I felt like a kid myself recently when I got to meet a living hero in the world of competitive running, Billy Mills. Like Thorpe, Mills came from humble beginnings, an Oglala Lakota from Pine Ridge, S.D. He went to the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo as a first lieutenant in the Marines, and an unknown to the stage of world running when he stepped up to the starting line of the 10,000-meter race. In an amazing upset, he surged past the two leaders in the final lap to win the gold medal. You can still watch the race on YouTube, and it’s a challenge not to choke up a bit when the young Lakota Marine from Pine Ridge makes his move and the announcer shouts, “Look at Mills! Look at Mills!” as he sails across the finish line. The man who now makes his home in California still comes back to the Dakotas, and that’s where I got to shake his hand, right there at the United Tribes Pow Wow by Bismarck, N.D. I’m not the biggest follower of sports, and like many, I feel like the word hero is used pretty loosely when it comes to some of the highly paid athletes of today. But there are some good ones out there who set a good example for the next generation. The 76-year-old gold medal Olympian who shook my hand in Bismarck, who still takes the time to speak to Native American youth across the country about embracing their cultural and spiritual roots as they pursue educational and entrepreneurial goals, is one of them. And 50 years after the world heard “Look at Mills!” broadcast from Tokyo, another generation gets the chance to “listen to Mills” in places like Bismarck about the lessons of a Lakota runner. This Norwegian nonmedalling runner can appreciate the lessons, because as the Lakota say, “mitakuye oyasin,” we are all related.

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 7

LATEST NEWS Cramer, cattlemen object to allowing beef imports from Argentina

n BISMARCK, N.D. — North Dakota’s congressman is objecting to a government agency’s proposal to allow beef to be imported from Argentina despite concerns over contamination from foot-and-mouth disease. U.S. Rep. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., voiced concerns about the proposed rule from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Inspection Service. “Allowing beef imports from the Patagonia region of Argentina would risk the spread of an extremely contagious livestock disease,” Cramer says. “My concerns about this rule echo those of cattle ranchers across North Dakota who want to protect the health and safety of their herds.” The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association also has voiced its opposition to the proposal, citing concerns about “the incomplete and undocumented site reviews USDA conducted to prepare this information and the lack of a quantitative analysis of the data,” according to the release. Cramer asked for an extension of the comment period on the rule, which also would allow beef to be imported from 14 states in Brazil. The public can submit comments until Oct. 28. To comment, visit www. regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;DAPHIS-2014-0032.

Livestock producers urged to enroll in disaster assistance program by Oct. 1

n WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture is

encouraging producers who have suffered eligible disasterrelated losses to secure assistance by Sept. 30, as congressionally mandated payment reductions will take place for producers who have not acted before that date. Livestock producers who have experienced grazing losses since October 2011 and might be eligible for benefits but have not yet contacted their local Farm Service Agency office should do so as soon as possible. The Budget Control Act passed by Congress in 2011 requires USDA to implement reductions of 7.3 percent to the Livestock Forage Disaster Program in the new fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1. But producers seeking LFP support who have scheduled appointments with their local FSA office before Oct. 1,

even if the appointment occurs after Oct.1, will not see reductions in the amount of disaster relief they receive. As an additional aid to qualified producers, FSA has developed an online registration that enables farmers and ranchers to put their names on an electronic list before the deadline to avoid reductions in their disaster assistance. This is an alternative to visiting or contacting the county office. To place a name on the Livestock Forage Disaster Program list online, visit www.fsa.usda.gov/disaster-register.

Zoetis gets conditional license for PEDv vaccine

n CHICAGO — Zoetis Inc. has received a conditional license

from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for its vaccine against a deadly piglet virus and will begin selling it this month in the U.S., according to the company. Zoetis joins a growing push by both the agriculture and pharmaceutical industries to combat the spread of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv), which has killed about 13 percent of the U.S. hog herd in the past year. Company officials did not say how much the vaccine will cost. The new vaccine comes as veterinarians warn that outbreaks of the virus are expected to surge this fall and winter because PEDv thrives in cold weather. Zoetis’ new product means hog farmers now have two PEDv vaccine options. Earlier this year, USDA granted a similar conditional approval to Iowa-based Harrisvaccines for its PEDv vaccine. Merck & Co. Inc.’s animal health unit is also working on a PEDv vaccine. The fast-moving virus has killed an estimated 8 million piglets since it was first identified in the U.S. last year, pushing U.S. pork prices to record highs. The conditional license will allow Zoetis to sell the two-dose inactivated vaccine directly to veterinarians and hog farmers for use on healthy pregnant sows, while the company continues to conduct further tests both in research laboratories and in field tests at customers’ farms.

Storms further delay wheat harvest

n Farmers are sorting out damage from a string of storms that hit parts of eastern North Dakota and west-central Minnesota on Sept. 3 and 4. Some areas were hit with as much 4 inches of rain, leading to flash flood warnings in several counties, sometimes with high winds and hail. In

North Dakota’s Barnes County, where flash flood warnings were issued, “the rain varied quite a bit,” says Monte Peterson, a Valley City, N.D., farmer. He’s heard reports of 3.5 inches in some parts of the county, with other areas receiving relatively little rain. Kurt Krueger, who farms in Rothsay, Minn., in the west-central part of the state, says his farm received about 1.2 inches and small hail. “We consider ourselves fortunate,” he says, noting he’s heard reports of neighboring farms hit with several inches and golf ballsized hail. The storms further delayed the region’s small grain harvest, which has been hampered by repeated rains. As of Aug. 31, only 35 percent of Minnesota’s wheat was harvested, compared with the five-year average of 78 percent, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service. Only 21 percent of North Dakota’s wheat was harvested on Aug. 31. The five-year average for that date is 60 percent. John Kringler, extension agent in Cass County, in east-central North Dakota, estimates about 40 percent of wheat in his county has been harvested, far less than normal for this time of year. Some farmers applied desiccants so they could straight-combine their wheat. Now, with harvest delays, some fields of standing wheat to which desiccants were applied are breaking down, he says. It’s unclear if the Sept. 3 and 4 precipitation will help the region’s corn and soybeans overall. Some areas might have benefitted from the most recent rain, while others, which received too much moisture, were hurt, Kringler says. “Ask me again in November” if the rain helped row crops, Krueger says. “I won’t know until then.”

Briefly . . .

n Honey month: South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard has

proclaimed September as Honey Month in South Dakota. South Dakota ranks in the top five honey-producing states. The state has 225 beekeepers who maintain 324,000 colonies. Last year, more than 14 million pounds of honey were produced in South Dakota, with a value of more than $30 million.

— Agweek Staff and Wire Reports

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PAGE 8 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


Lake Audubon Area of detail

Underwood N

E New shelterbelts, such as this one near Larimore, N.D., are relatively unusual. Farming practices have changed through the years, and farmers generally are less willing to plant trees to protect their fields.

Washburn 36 25







Lake Oahe 6

Agweek graphic

H Piles of demolished shelterbelts, including this one photographed in the spring of 2013 near Harvey, N.D., are common in parts of the Upper Midwest. Most of the trees were planted decades ago and have reached the end of their useful life. H (Bottom) These trees at Lincoln-Oakes Nursery at Bismarck, N.D., have been potted and are ready for shipment.

John Brose, Special to Agweek


Name, mission, location

Continued from Page 1

But the nursery’s outlook is brighter than it had been, says James Kart of Kenmare, N.D., president of the North Dakota Association of Soil Conservation Districts. “We’re on the right track to recover as best we can. It’s hard to predict the future, of course, but we’re doing everything we can think of,” he says. This probably would have been the nursery’s final year in operation without the changes that began with Johnston’s hiring, Kart says. Since taking over, Johnston has made many changes at the nursery. They include: n Closing the nursery’s location in Oakes, N.D., about 200 miles southeast of Bismarck. The main Lincoln location (on the former Fort Lincoln Military Post of Bismarck) continues to operate. Two benefitted employees at Oakes were given a chance to transfer to the Lincoln location, but didn’t accept the offer. The nursery now has eight benefitted employees, the same as before. n Scaling back employees’ health insurance, making it less liberal and more competitive with what other organizations provide. n Discontinuing sales of varieties of trees and shrubs that weren’t popular enough with customers. n Fumigating fields to reduce weeding and labor costs. Fumigation, which is highly regulated and conducted by an experienced company, involves putting plastic over fields and pumping in fumigants to sterilize the soil. n Beginning to plant seedlings in fiverow groupings instead of three-row groupings. This is more efficient. n Reducing the use of seasonal workers and using more daily labor to reduce unemployment insurance costs. n Beginning a year-end sale to the general public of surplus trees that otherwise would be discarded. “We’re bringing in some pretty good cash for stuff that we used to throw away,” he says. n Changing how nursery employees view their jobs.

John Brose, Special to Agweek

John Brose, Special to Agweek

“When I got here, I’d hear (from employees), ‘Well, this is how we’ve always done it,’” Johnston says. “What I’ve really encouraged is taking a fresh look at how we do things.” Johnston’s previous business experience, though extensive, didn’t include trees. “But sound business practices work across the spectrum. If you put them into

practice here, they work,” he says. The transition hasn’t been easy, says Bill Elhard, a 13-year Lincoln-Oakes veteran with an agronomy background who manages the nursery. “It’s been a rough road. Some people fought the change, some people have embraced it,” he says. NURSERY: See Page 9

The Lincoln-Oakes Nursery is owned by the North Dakota Association of Soil Conservation Districts, which says its mission is promoting “sound and practical soil and water conservation practices” in North Dakota. The association does that, in part, through shelterbelt trees raised at, and sold by, LincolnOakes Nursery. The nursery sells some of the trees used in shelterbelts outside the state, including in Minnesota, South Dakota, Montana, Nebraska and Canada. Lincoln-Oakes Nursery has competitors. But if you’ve ever driven past a shelterbelt in the Upper Midwest or the Canadian prairies, odds are the trees came from Lincoln-Oakes. Soil conservation districts — local units of government established under state law to carry out natural resource management programs at the local level — buy many of the nursery’s trees. Some wholesale nurseries in the region are customers, too. For many years, Lincoln-Oakes Nursery operated locations in Bismarck and Oakes, N.D., about 200 miles southeast of Bismarck. The Oakes unit was closed this year in a cost-cutting move. The association now rents out the land to an alfalfa producer. “It wasn’t economically feasible to operate both,” says Brian Johnston, CEO of the North Dakota Association of Soil Conservation Districts. The Lincoln unit, which continues to operate, was launched in the early 1930s as the Mandan (N.D.) Nursery. Mandan and Bismarck are sister cities separated by the Missouri River. The nursery operated under several government agencies and in 1935 moved to its present location, the former parade grounds of the Fort Lincoln Military Post south of Bismarck. In 1953, the state Association of Soil Conservation Districts took over the unit’s operation. Though the Oakes unit is closed, there are no current plans to change the nursery’s name, Johnston says.


AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 9

John Brose, Special to Agweek

G These trees at Lincoln-Oakes Nursery in Bismarck, N.D., have been fumigated and are largely free of weeds. Trees are grouped in five rows. In the past, three rows had been planted in the same amount of space, which is less efficient.

NURSERY Continued from Page 8

Shelterbelt basics

Shelterbelts, also known as windbreaks or tree breaks, once were a big deal on the windy Northern Plains. They help reduce soil erosion, provide wildlife habitat and shield farmsteads and livestock. North Dakota, in particular, is known for its shelterbelts. Since the 1930s, more than 55,000 miles of windbreaks have been planted in the state, according to information from the North Dakota Forest Service. Some people reserve the term “shelterbelt” for windbreaks designed to protect farmsteads and livestock, and use “field windbreak” to describe tree rows meant to protect fields. In common usage, though, “shelterbelt” is increasingly popular as a description for both types. As the name suggests, a shelterbelt consists of one or more rows of trees or shrubs. Typically, each row contains a different type of tree or shrub, with the arrangement designed to benefit wildlife and the environment.

Declining interest

But changes in farming practices, including bigger farm equipment, have made farmers more inclined to remove existing shelterbelts than to plant new ones. Big piles of dead trees, recently removed from existing shelterbelts, are a familiar sight in fields across much of North Dakota. Usually, but not always, the dismantled shelterbelts were at or near the end of their useful life. Nobody keeps track of how many shelterbelts are being removed, and it’s difficult to say how many new and replacement shelterbelts are being planted. But by all accounts, new plantings are down sharply from a few decades ago. One example: North Dakota’s Grand Forks County sometimes is billed as “the

shelterbelt capital of the world.” A 2011 Agweek story found that 120,000 to 230,000 trees were planted annually from 1950 to 1965 in western Grand Forks County. The one exception came in 1958, when 77,250 trees were planted. In contrast to the 1950 to 1965 plantings, an average of about 24,000 trees was planted annually in western Grand Forks County from 1999 to 2006, when many of the trees planted from 1950 to 1965 had reached the end of their useful life. The Western and Eastern Grand Forks County Soil Conservation districts merged in 2006, skewing subsequent annual planting numbers.

John Brose, Special to Agweek

G Lincoln-Oakes nursery, which supplies trees used in shelterbelts around the Upper Midwest, is located south of Bismarck, N.D. Visible in this photo is the North Dakota State Capitol to the north.

Dying market?

Lincoln-Oakes Nursery could break even financially this year, Johnston says. But that would require tree sales to stabilize or even climb a bit, and it’s uncertain whether that will happen. Johnston notes the North Dakota Industrial Commission has approved a $1.8 million grant to the state Association of Soil Conservation Districts for a statewide treeplanting initiative. The initiative will pick up some of the cost of planting trees for people who aren’t eligible for such assistance under other programs. Declining crop prices also could help tree sales, encouraging farmers to plant trees on marginal land instead of cropping it, Johnston says. “I don’t know if you’ll ever see them (tree sales) quite like they were. But there are some places we could see them do better,” he says. Dwight Aakre, veteran farm management specialist with the North Dakota State University Extension Service, doubts shelterbelt tree sales will stabilize anytime soon. “I think they served their purpose, and now their time has passed,” he says. Shelterbelts interfere with increasingly big farm equipment, he says.

John Brose, Special to Agweek

G These trees at Lincoln-Oakes Nursery at Bismarck must be weeded by hand, which is time-consuming and expensive. The nursery has turned to fumigation to reduce labor and costs. Conservation practices such as no- and limited-till farming further reduce the need for shelterbelts, Aakre says. Sales will dictate whether LincolnOakes Nursery remains a viable business, Johnston says. “I can fix the business model. But I can’t fix a dying market. I’m not convinced this isn’t a dying market. It’s definitely declining,” Johnston says. “If we go under 1.1 million or 1 million (in annual trees sales), I don’t know if it’s viable for us to be in this. If the market is staying here (at 1.3 million to 1.5 million), we have a chance.”

If tree sales continue to decline, some wholesale nurseries that also provide shelterbelt trees likely will go out of business. That would benefit Lincoln-Oakes and other survivors, Johnston says. He says his work, though challenging, has been rewarding, too. “I took this job because it seemed like a worthy undertaking. And there’s been a lot to it, a lot of layers,” he says. For now, at least, “the heavy lifting is done. We have to keep fine-tuning. But it (future success) is going to depend on whether tree numbers stabilize,” he says.

PAGE 10 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


STB hearing testimony: Little hope for quick fix

Agency held rare meeting in Fargo, ND, to hear rail concerns n

By Mikkel Pates

Agweek Staff Writer

FARGO, N.D. — The U.S. Surface Transportation Board made history in North Dakota Sept. 4, holding its first field hearing there, and packing in a crowd of testifiers and onlookers concerned about whether railroads can make the trains run on time. STB Chairman Daniel R. Elliott II, a former transportation union lawyer, presided before a cramped meeting room and told the audience some problems in the railroad have gotten worse since an April 10 hearing in Washington about fertilizer shipping. He said he is looking for solutions to allow the shipping of the 2014 crop, even as the agricultural industry ships the 2013 crop. The three-person STB also includes Deb Miller, a former secretary of the Kansas Department of Transportation, which often vies for No. 1 wheat producer with North Dakota. She said the shared network appears to have insufficient capacity for all of its needs, and shippers have a “lack of transparency” and need more information to make decisions. The third member is Ann D. Begeman, a native South Dakotan and graduate of the University of South Dakota in Vermillion. The STB heard from a long list of participants at the hearing, with a showand-tell by railroads, and an expected litany of concerns and warnings.

Nowhere else to go

North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple began the hearing by quoting a recent letter from the Wilton (N.D.) Farmers Union Elevator Co., which says it is fighting for survival, sitting five months behind on rail cars. Dalrymple said the hearing is “about the individual elevators and farmers out there who have no place to go, no recourse, no power over the situation, except for you.” He said the impact of late shipments has been in the “hundreds of millions of dollars” for North Dakota farmers, and the damage is continuing. He noted the North Dakota State Mill and Elevator in Grand Forks shut down 25 times this year because of delays in rail shipments. Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., said Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway has instituted plans to invest in and im-

prove its service, but Canadian Pacific Railway has not provided sufficient information. Rep. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., also criticized CP for lack of transparency and said “bad news” is better than insufficient news. He said he is concerned about impacts of fines imposed on CP by Canada for late cars. Cramer cautioned the STB of “overreliance on emergency powers,” however, saying BNSF and CP should work on the problems without added government regulation. Others who offered testimony later disagreed.

Money, manpower

Stevan Bobb, executive vice president and chief marketing officer for BNSF Railway, said “nothing is more important than restoring the fluidity” of the market. Bobb warned, however, against the suggestions to institute policies allowing other railroad companies or private cars to use BNSF tracks, or to prefer some regions or commodities over others. “It will not create more capacity,” he said “It will reduce capacity and customer volumes will be negatively impacted.” Increasing regulatory pressure to target certain commodities or regions will backfire as “the chosen” commodities move at the expense of all others, he said. Instead, he suggested the STB assess the total volumes the railroads are handling and hold the companies accountable for their capacity to increase the volume. North Dakota represents 36 percent of BNSF’s new growth in 2014. Traffic into North Dakota has increased 51 percent since 2009, and traffic leaving the state has increased 193 percent. BNSF handles roughly 80 percent of the rail shipments of grain out of North Dakota. As of Aug. 31, Bobb said the railroad has added 339 locomotives out of a goal of 500 for the year, and had hired 2,419 employees of the planned 3,000 in its train, yard and engine service, as well as another 2,305 engineering and mechanical staff — exceeding its goal of 2,000 for the year. Bobb noted that historic monthly BNSF agricultural shipments to and from South Dakota, North Dakota and Montana have been topped in the past four months — beating peaks in 2011 or 2010, and said agricultural past-due single-car ag orders have been cut, reducing delays from nearly 30 days in early July to about 10 days at the end of August. BNSF shuttle trains — the 110-car unit trains that handle much of the export grain, with special rates and load time rules — have improved in recent weeks. BNSF has exceeded the 2.5

roundtrip goal to the Pacific Northwest ports in the past three weeks. John Brooks, vice president for bulk market products for CP, pointed out that CP handles only 20 to 23 percent of the region’s agricultural shipping. He said CP has moved 5 percent more than the three-year average. He said there are 6,200 open requests more than 14 days late. Brooks said the company’s new train ordering system has been collaborative, instituted in the past two months because of pressure from elected officials. He said politicians’ allegations and implications that CP has been strong-arming or bullying elevators to cancel orders are not fact-based. “We have not forced anyone,” he said. Brooks said CP will invest $400 million between Canada and St. Paul Minn., and is attempting to hire 400 new employees. He said $150 million will be spent in North Dakota.

‘Sob stories’

Officials are demanding more accountability than they’ve had so far. Lucas Lentsch, South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture, said it’s “incredible the amount of backlog and storage that doesn’t exist.” He said idled ethanol plants will continue to drive profits and grain prices downward. “It doesn’t take too much imagination to see the amount of equity being pulled out” because of inability to move the harvest, Lucas said. North Dakota Public Service Commissioner Randy Christmann asked the board not to listen to the “sob stories” from the railroads about their need to protect information. He said the movement of grain in the nation should be available to the public. Doug Goehring, North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner, said a large harvest is a source of anxiety, trapped in the system in elevators or on farms. “I’m more disturbed when I hear from individuals who have not seen rail cars in months,” Goehring said, speculating the real costs for increased market basis are likely in the $400 million to $500 million range. Just as concerned was Dave Frederickson, Minnesota Agriculture Commissioner, who said a soybean study indicated farmers lost more than $109 million. U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., said there is concern about the fall, but calls of concern have abated some at his offices. He hears the most worry from farmers about market basis — cutting $1 to $1.10 per bushel from their profits. Goehring said farmers won’t be able to store their way into profitability. “They did that last year,” he said. Jerry Cope, president of the South

Dakota Grain and Feed Association, and manager of Dakota Mill & Grain in Rapid City, S.D., said farmers who have been piling grain on the ground risk getting stuck “not losing cents per bushel, but dollars per bushel” because elevators are full and can’t blend or handle it properly.

Calls for change

North Dakota state Sen. George Sinner, a Democratic candidate for Congress, said he’s heard of three CP shippers building on the BNSF because the CP shipping is “so abysmal.” He asked that the STB use its emergency powers to open rail lines to other rail shippers, citing American Crystal Sugar Co.’s problems getting coal into its plants as an example. “We know if we lose those sugar plants in this valley, we have serious problems,” Sinner said. Brian Schanilec, president and manager of Forest River (N.D.) Bean Co., representing Northarvest Bean Growers Association, said the rail shipments for some edible bean growers can be five months behind schedule and is a crisis that threatens ag exports — the “economic backbone of America.” Schanilec asked for the STB to demand more knowledge about CP’s cars in the U.S. fleet, and the disposition of them. “Do we need an emergency service mandate from the STB?” Schanilec asked, adding he hopes enough improvement is made so it won’t be necessary. Terry Whiteside, a Billings, Mont., consultant who represents numerous wheat and barley councils, called the situation an unprecedented “service meltdown.” The situation “eventually will get back to normal,” but not without the STB’s help, Whiteside said. He said he didn’t expect it to get back to normal until 2015 or 2016, and “that’s hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Coal, too

Coal industry and passenger officials talked about their similar issues with the railroad. David J. Wanner of the Western Coal Traffic League said poor rail service has cost its companies money and prevents them from planning effectively. Wanner said his industry can’t plan or implement emergency or countermoves when BNSF suggests backlogs will last a month, but then they last nine months. “We have no choice but to trust, but we appreciate your help in verifying that,” said Steve Tomac, legislative representative for Basin Electric Power Cooperative in Bismarck, N.D.

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 11


Manage water, manage salt Workshop tackles soil salinity n

By Jonathan Knutson

Agweek Staff Writer

CUMMINGS, N.D. — Problems with soil salinity didn’t pop up overnight, and area farmers shouldn’t expect fast or simple solutions, experts say. “You need an integrated approach,” said Nathan Derby, North Dakota State University research specialist in soil physics. “And it will take time. We didn’t get into this overnight, and we won’t get out of it overnight.” Derby was among the speakers at the North Dakota State University Extension Service soil salinity workshop Sept. 3 at the Traill County soil salinity plot near Cummings, N.D. About 75 people registered for the workshop, a good sign that soil salinity is a growing threat. But actual attendance was much lower on a warm, sunny morning that allowed area farmers to resume

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The water evaporates eventually, but the salt remains to hamper plant growth. To make matters worse, salt in the “rooting zone” hurts growing plants just as much as white saline patches on the surface, experts say.

Tactics to consider Managing water is the key to managing salt, Wick said. Presenters at the Traill County workshop suggested several ways to do that. n Measure saline levels in problem fields. An electronic device that does this can be purchased online for $75. n Work with owners of adjacent fields. Salty water often spreads across field boundaries. n Manage salinity around potholes by using perennial grasses that tolerate salt and use a lot of water. n Switch to salt-tolerant crops in salty areas. Barley is particularly tolerant. n Use cover crops to use up water, shade the soil surface, reduce evaporation and lower the water table, re-

ducing the amount of salt rising to the surface. n Allow weeds such as kochia to grow in salty areas, to use up moisture — but don’t let them go to seed. In most cases an integrated approach is needed to manage water and saline successfully, presenters said. Tile drainage is increasingly popular in the Red River Valley. Tiling can be useful in managing salinity, but it’s only part of the solution, said Tom DeSutter, an NDSU soil scientist.

More workshops set Similar extension soil salinity workshops will be held at three other locations in September in eastern North Dakota: n Sept. 9 in Barnes County; the registration deadline was Sept. 6. More information: 701-845-3114, ext. 3. n Sept. 17 in Sargent County. Register by Sept. 15 at 701-724-3355, ext. 5. n Sept. 19 in Grand Forks County. Register by Sept. 16 at 701-780-8229.



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harvesting wheat after a string of rainy days. Saline soil, which hurts plant growth and reduces yields, is a major concern in the Red River Valley of eastern North Dakota and western Minnesota. Roughly $150 million in annual revenue is lost because of saline soil, according to some estimates. About 15 to 30 percent of soil in the southern Red River Valley has problems with salinity, Abbey Wick, NDSU extension soil health specialist, estimated. Salt has always been present in Red River Valley soil, which is relatively young geologically. In the past, most of the salt was deep in the soil. But the region’s ongoing wet cycle, generally judged to have begun in the early 1990s, has brought more salt to the surface and increasingly spreads it across fields. “Salt dissolves in water. Wherever the water goes, the salt goes. As we’ve had water redistributed across more of the field, it (salinity) becomes more of an issue,” Wick said.


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PAGE 12 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


Dakotas’ honey production looks good Wet, cool year helped some producers

ers. Reiners says the Vivian and Winner areas had a thick crop of it, as well as the Cheyenne River valley in northern Stanley and Haakon counties. Reiners doesn’t collect official production information, but gets anecdotal reports Some producers have been concerned about the amount of varroa mites they’ve been seeing. Varroa is an external parasite of the bees that carries various viruses thought to be related to colony collapse. Some producers are anxious to get fall honey harvest complete so they can treat the bees before moving them south and west to states including Texas and California. Reiners says he’s also seen some high counts of nosema, an intestinal disorder that contributes to colony collapse.


By Mikkel Pates

Agweek Staff Writer

FORT PIERRE, S.D. — Josh Dykes was in charge of a crew that was removing hives filled with honey and putting on new boxes for added production in mid-August. “We’re putting more boxes on and they’re Dykes still making honey,” Dykes tells Agweek during a field visit in mid-August. “Nice to get that for a change. The last few years have been down.” Dykes works for a facility in Kimball, S.D., which is part of Adee Honey Farms of Bruce, S.D., widely considered one of the largest honey enterprises in the world. Dykes says, typically, a hive might make 60 to 80 pounds of honey. This year, the hives would average 120 to 200 pounds per hive, he speculates. “Out here, west-River, it was awesome,” he says, of the conditions west of the Missouri River, which runs through Pierre and Fort Pierre. “The clover was awesome, and the moisture held up to keep it good.” Rob Reiners, state apiarist for South Dakota, says last February beekeepers in the state estimated they’d put out

Mikkel Pates, Agweek

G A Kimball, S.D.-based crew from the Adee Honey Farms organization in Bruce, S.D., puts honey boxes on hives at a yard south of Fort Pierre, S.D., on Aug. 13. Production in that area was nearly double normal. 324,000 hives this year — a good number but not much more than average, he says. The ultimate number of producing hives depends on how many times beekeepers were able to “split” or divide strong hives into more than one hive. Reliable figures won’t be available until the National Agricultural Statistics Service makes its report at the end of February. “I’d say colony counts are up a tick,” Reiners says. People like Dykes in the industry have been saying their bee health and production is looking better than last year — cautiously optimistic against a backdrop of colony collapse problems

in the past several years. That’s where more bees than normal die, disappear or dwindle.

Overall, happier “I’d say overall that they were happier (with production), but there have been a few parts in the southeast where they’ve had more rain than they’d like,” Reiners says, citing Minnehaha, Clay and Lincoln counties. A producer in the Canton, S.D., area reported his production had been hurt by 13 inches or more in June, Reiners says. This year’s sweet clover has been heavy in some areas but lighter in oth-

Record in ND

Samantha Brunner has been in charge of the state apiary program for the North Dakota Department of Agriculture since last March. North Dakota broke the 500,000 mark this year, up some from 482,000 last year, she says. Brunner says there are a few more registered beekeepers this year — 221, up from 205 last year. This could be because of the drought that had forced some beekeepers out of California. Beekeepers are trying to recover losses by purchasing more queens and bees. Bee health issues are pretty much the same in North Dakota as they are in South Dakota. Beekeepers are just starting to extract honey and often don’t immediately have a sense of the size of the crop, she says.

CWB completes purchase

Great Sandhills Terminal includes grain facility and shortline railroad n

By Jonathan Knutson Agweek Staff Writer

CWB, formerly known as the Canadian Wheat Board, has completed its acquisition of Great Sandhills Terminal near Leader, Saskatchewan. The $17.4 million acquisition includes a grain-handling facility near Leader, as well as a majority stake in Great Sandhills Railway, a shortline railroad that operates 197 kilometers

(122 miles) of track between Swift Current and Burstall, Saskatchewan. Great Sandhills Terminal shareholders recently voted unanimously to approve the transaction, according to CWB. “The result of the Great Sandhills Terminal shareholder vote is a resounding affirmation of farmers’ level of confidence in CWB’s strategic direction, and in our ability to be a strong and viable competitor in the Western Canadian marketplace,” CWB president and CEO Ian White says. “This deal strengthens our presence in western Saskatchewan with the addition of another large-capacity grain terminal and officially puts us in the shortline railway business.” Shortline railroads are a fundamental component of Canada’s rail network,

feeding and delivering freight relatively short distances to and from the country’s two dominant railroads, Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway, according to the Transport Canada website. CWB says the agreement with Great Sandhills Terminal complements its recent acquisition of Prairie West Terminal. Prairie West Terminal’s head office is located between Dodsland and Plenty in Saskatchewan. It operates grain handling facilities in Plenty, Dodsland, Luseland and Kindersley. Earlier this year, CWB announced plans to build two “state-of-the-art” elevators, as well. CWB markets crops such as wheat, durum, barley, canola and peas to customers around the world. The organiza-

tion, which lost its marketing monopoly on Canadian wheat and barley in August 2012 as part of mandated privatization, has been relying on grain-handling facilities owned by rivals. The Great Sandhills Terminal acquisition is another step in CWB’s push to develop its own network. “CWB continues to build a strong network throughout the grain marketing supply chain through the purchase and construction of assets in the country and at port,” White says. “As CWB continues to grow, we become more attractive to farmers looking at the potential long-term benefits of choosing to deliver to CWB.” As part of its privatization, CWB will provide farmers who deliver grain to it with an equity interest in the organization.

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 13


American Crystal beet pre-pile starts

FARGO, N.D. — American Crystal Sugar Co. started its pre-pile harvest on Sept. 2, with a harvest now projected at 23 tons per acre. Prospects are much better than they were several weeks ago, says Brian Ingulsrud, American Crystal vice president of agriculture. The company’s official projection, of 23.4 tons per acre, is lower than an initial projection of 23.8 tons. Pre-pile harvest had gone well through Sept. 5, with unofficial reports from shareholders indicating yields were “generally more positive than they thought yields would be,” Ingulsrud says. Rain had shut down harvest in the Moorhead, Minn., district, but all of the factory districts farther north continued to harvest. Ingulsrud says yield is difficult to project.


Mikkel Pates, Agweek

G Bob Nyquist tops sugar beets for his son, Mark Nyquist, near Moorhead, Minn., in anticipation of pre-pile harvest for American Crystal Sugar Co.


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By Mikkel Pates

Agweek Staff Writer

“The reality is that the weather you get at the end of the season has so much of an impact,” he says. “Those yield projections can change pretty quickly.” Tom Knudsen, vice president for agriculture at Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative in Wahpeton, N.D., says his company’s pre-pile harvest is expected to start Sept. 17, which is about “middle of the road” for the starting date. Full-scale harvest starts about Oct. 1, he says. On Sept. 4, the company upgraded its yield projection to 22.5 tons per acre — up from 20.5 tons per acre. Knudsen says more plentiful rain and continued field-checking has confirmed it. “Things are looking rather fantastic for the rotten start we had,” Knudsen says. Recently, the northern end of the Minn-Dak region received 2 to 4 inches of rain, while Wahpeton picked up only a half-inch. “Nobody’s suffering from a lack of rain,” Knudsen says, adding the “next scheduled rain would be welcome in April” 2015.

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Contracting 2014 Crop

Confection Sunflowers ◆◆ Oil Sunflowers Safflower ◆◆ Yellow Peas




Minn-Dak expects Sept. 17 start n

PAGE 14 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


Mitchell Mitchell Livestock Auction Co., Mitchell, S.D. Receipts: 2869; Last Week 1651; Year Ago 4843. Feeder steers 750-800 lbs 5.00 to 10.00 higher, 900-950 lbs 5.00 to 10.00 higher on a narrow comparison, 950-1000 lbs 2.00 to 3.00 higher. Feeder heifers 700-750 and 800-850 lbs 4.00 to 6.00 higher, 750-800 lbs mostly 2.00 to 4.00 higher with instances to 6.00 higher. Good to very good demand for all weights, with best demand for light fleshed cattle off grass. Several large consignments of cattle offered in load lots today. Market was active with many different buyers today. The feeder cattle supply was consisted of 44 percent steers, 53 percent heifers, balance Holsteins. 99 percent weighed over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1: 118 688 lbs 250.41; 10 746 lbs 230.00 Fleshy; 61 776 lbs 236.44; 98 841 lbs 217.36; 72 842 lbs 226.75 Thin Fleshed; 16 875 lbs 218.75; 81 907 lbs 216.11; 171 924 lbs 218.56 Thin Fleshed; 190 984 lbs 206.26; 58 956 lbs 219.00 Thin Fleshed. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2: 12 488 lbs 258.00; 13 632 lbs 243.00; 22 799 lbs 225.00; 13 827 lbs 223.50 Thin Fleshed; 15 936 lbs 209.00. Feeder Steers Large 1: 102 1045 lbs 194.50; 150 1085 lbs 190.53. Feeder Steers Large 1-2: 6 1033 lbs 189.50. Feeder Holstein Steers Large 3: 80 771 lbs 195.00. Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1: 56 633 lbs 235.68; 56 626 lbs 247.00 Thin Fleshed; 4 652 lbs 232.50; 258 739 lbs 222.24; 300 765 lbs 217.85; 30 750 lbs 227.50 Thin Fleshed; 328 831 lbs 209.89; 8

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819 lbs 220.00 Thin Fleshed; 13 874 lbs 206.70; 88 871 lbs 213.21 Thin Fleshed; 41 928 lbs 208.16; 200 964 lbs 199.58. Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2: 6 545 lbs 230.00; 12 623 lbs 222.43; 10 675 lbs 213.00; 5 960 lbs 192.00. Feeder Heifers Large 1: 16 1039 lbs 187.50.

St. Onge Sheep: Receipts: 1724; Last Week 2079; Year Ago 2185. Feeder Lambs 3.00 to 5.00 higher, Slaughter Ewes mostly 5.00 higher. Very Good Demand for Several Long Strings and Many Packages of Feeder Lambs which sold on a Very Active Market. Good Demand for a String of Replacement Ewes which sold on a Very Active Market. Today’s Offering consisted of 81 percent Feeder Lambs, 3 percent Open Replacement Ewes, 16 percent Slaughter Ewes and Bucks. Slaughter Lambs Shorn Good and Choice 2-3: 8 136 lbs 142.00. Slaughter Lambs Wooled Choice and Prime 2-3: 11 131 lbs 163.50. Slaughter Ewes Good 2-3 (Fleshy): 113 168 lbs 58.00. Slaughter Ewes Good 3-4 (Fleshy): 7 227 lbs 59.00. Slaughter Ewes Utility 1-2 (Medium): 77 141 lbs 59.50. Slaughter Ewes Cull 1 (Thin): 25 130 lbs 44.00. Feeder Lambs Medium and Large 1: 106 91 lbs 216.00. Feeder Lambs Medium and Large 1-2: 64 46 lbs 247.00; 35 56 lbs 238.00; 45 69 lbs 230.47; 17 62 lbs 224.00 Full; 133 76 lbs 222.93; 419 85 lbs 218.60; 275 98 lbs 198.96; 65 104 lbs 193.34; 5 102 lbs 151.00 Short Docks; 24 122 lbs 169.19. Feeder Lambs Medium and Large 2: 21 73 lbs 217.00. Feeder Lambs Small 1-2: 17 59 lbs 157.50. Feeder Lambs Large 1-2: 24 107 lbs 183.00; Open Replacement Ewes Medium and Large 1-2, Whiteface: 159 lbs 140.00. - Agweek Survey and Wire Reports. Information from local sales yards is obtained from yard representatives and has not been confirmed by Agweek Magazine or USDA.

Regional news

A time to plant Sow Upper Midwest winter wheat in September n

By Jonathan Knutson

Agweek Staff Writer

Upper Midwest farmers are battling showers to harvest their spring wheat crop. But September also is the time to plant winter wheat, a crop that’s drawing more attention than unusual this fall in North Dakota and northwest Minnesota. “There’s going to be quite a bit of winter wheat,” says John Lukach, an agronomist at North Dakota State University Research Extension Center in Langdon. Farmers in Montana and South Dakota generally have considerable experience with winter wheat, raising it in a regular rotation with other crops. Winter wheat is planted in the fall and harvested the following summer. But many farmers in North Dakota and northwest Minnesota raise winter wheat only in special circumstances, and this fall could be one of them. The unusually wet spring led to a large number of unplanted acres, many of which could be seeded to winter wheat this fall. That’s what happened in 2013, when the wet spring, especially in northern North Dakota, led to a record 800,000 acres of winter wheat planted in the fall. Another 45,000 acres were planted last fall in Minnesota, where 30,000 to 40,000 acres of winter wheat annually is common.

Less than a year ago By all accounts, fewer acres will be planted to winter wheat this fall in North Dakota and northwest Minnesota than a year ago. Farmers generally planted longer and later this spring, hoping for favorable summer and fall weather that would produce good crops of spring wheat, soybeans and corn, ag officials say. “Demand (for winter weed seed) is down from a year ago. It’s not near what it was last year,” says Hugh Hunt of Hallock, Minn., who sells winter wheat and grows it, too. Even so, “Winter wheat is a good fit for PP (prevented-planting acres),” he says. Planting winter wheat early, by Sept. 1, is usually best. Doing so gives winter wheat plants more time to establish themselves before going dormant during the winter, Hunt says. Winter wheat seed is still available, though supplies are getting tighter, he says. Generally, northern North Dakota and northwest Minnesota farmers should plant winter wheat no later than Sept. 10 to 15, with farmers farther south in North Dakota usually having another week or so to plant, Lukach says.

Tips for growers Joel Ransom, NDSU Extension Service agronomist, offers these tips for farmers interested in planting winter wheat: n Plant into standing stubble when possible. The stubble will help collect snow, giving winter wheat more protection from the cold. n Plant a winter-hardy variety, especially when not planting in standing residue. n Apply phosphorous, which can in-

Wither winter wheat? Winter wheat acreage can vary greatly in North Dakota. The wet spring, which prevented many fields from being planted, could lead to more winter wheat acres this fall. Winter wheat is planted in the fall and harvested the following summer. So, the 2014 crop was planted in the fall of 2013 and is being harvested now.

North Dakota winter wheat acres 800,000

750,000 400,000 220,000 2011




To be determined 2014


Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service

crease winter hardiness. n Plant about 1 to 1½ inches deep. n Seed about 1 million seeds per acre. n Break the “green bridge” by destroying all green vegetation that can provide a host for the wheat curl mite, which spreads the virus, causing wheat streak mosaic. n Avoid varieties that lack high resistance to scab, a crop disease that’s hurt some winter wheat harvested this fall.

Regular role? Lukach says more North Dakota and northwest Minnesota farmers should consider winter wheat grown to be regularly, not just in special circumstances. The crop fits well in rotation with canola, of which North Dakota is the nation’s leading producer, he says. Winter wheat also can be attractive because it spreads out growers’ workload, giving them less to do during the spring, he says.

Cattle summary Cattle receipts: 150,900; Last Week 206,100; Last Year 179,800. Coming back after a long Holiday weekend and a very bumpy three weeks of feeder cattle trading lower, feeder cattle broke out of their recent downturn. Yearling feeders sold mostly 5.00-8.00 higher with instances up to 10.00 higher, while calves on light trading sold fully steady to mostly 5.00 higher. Feeders this week traded at some of their highest levels since early August. Labor Day caused many Monday auctions to be closed, including the Oklahoma National Stockyards and Joplin Regional Stockyards. Plus a number of Tuesday salebarns operating on light receipts. But, a number of salebarns kicked off the start of the fall season with some very impressive sales. The Torrington, WY Livestock Commission Company held their annual Labor Day Special on Monday with nearly 5500 head on offer. Included in their long list of impressive sales, over 300 head of 750-800 lb yearling steers with a weighted average weight of 787 lbs sold with a weighted price of 232.26 and 450-500 lb steer calves averaging 478 lbs traded with a weighted average price of 319.78. In Bassett, NE on Wednesday at the Bassett Livestock Auction 300 head of 920-940 lb steers averaging 928 lbs sold with a weighted average prices of 224.76. In St. Joseph, MO on Wednesday at the St. Joseph Stockyards 235 head of 700-750 lb steers with a weighted average weight of 722 lbs sold with a weighted average prices of 244.92. Then in Valentine, NE on Thursday at the Valentine Livestock Auction sold 278 head of 820-850 lbs steers averaging 834 lbs sold with a weighted average price of 236.84. Over the past several weeks it’s been hard and often uncomfortable to discuss the price retreat from all-time record highs and wondering if we had hit our highs for the year. But it’s also the law of nature that prices would fall back after this awesome run that feeder cattle have had. Coming back after this Labor Day Weekend, cattle buyers came out in full force and very aggressive to purchase large strings of yearling cattle on offer this week. Live and feeder cattle futures have had strong triple digit gains the past several trading sessions since late last week and continuing this week. If the futures markets continue their rally to the upside this could get very interesting. This was greatly influenced by the strength in cash prices paid late last week for slaughter cattle which traded mostly 2.00-3.00 higher. Strength in the fat cattle market carried over this week as sharply higher futures put feedlot managers in a bullish frame of mind as fat cattle prices exploded higher with trade in Kansas on Friday 8.00 higher than last week at 163.00 live. In Nebraska some early sales on Friday traded 5.00-7.00 higher than last week at 162.00-163.00. Boxed Beef is also coming of two solid weeks of very good to heavy volume movement. There is simply a large desire to own levels of feeder cattle as the shear tightness in supply have buyers scrambling to purchase additional numbers of feeder cattle. With corn yields looking very good and cheaper cost of gains many of these big yearlings in the Northern Plains have good weighing conditions and a purchasing fury to own these good cattle. Reported auction volume included 49 percent over 600 lbs and 40 percent heifers. IOWA 1400. 55 pct over 600 lbs. 44 pct heifers. Steers: Medium and Large 1 350-400 lbs (371) 345.79; 400-450 lbs (419) 329.56; 450-500 lbs (487) 293.60; 500-550 lbs (516) 278.76; 550-600 lbs (585) 266.95; 600-650 lbs (626) 262.98; 650-700 lbs (665) 262.13; 700-750 lbs (724) 234.10; 750-800 lbs (774) 234.35; 800-850 lbs (815) 221.51; 850-900 lbs (877) 219.78; 900-950 lbs (907) 205.69. Medium and Large 1-2 400-450 lbs (433) 296.71; 450-500 lbs (481) 263.56; 550- 600 lbs (567) 253.48; 650-700 lbs (672) 246.19; half load 865 lbs 209.25. NEBRASKA 10,300. 95 pct over 600 lbs. 53 pct heifers. Steers: Medium and Large 1 half load 360 lbs 392.50; 550-600 lbs (573) 267.52; 650-700 lbs (667) 250.27; 700-750 lbs (727) 244.99; 750-800 lbs (780) 238.30; 800-850 lbs (831) 230.73; 850-900 lbs (877) 221.46; 900-950 lbs (925) 221.73; 950-1000 lbs (979) 215.34; 1000-1050 lbs (1005) 212.22. Medium and Large 1-2 800-850 lbs (834) 222.89. Heifers: Medium and Large 1 pkg 300 lbs 365.00; pkg 350 lbs 369.00; 400-450 lbs (422) 305.64; 500-550 lbs (527) 254.89; 550-600 lbs (580) 258.65; 600-650 lbs (625) 252.58; 650-700 lbs (677) 232.43; 700-750 lbs (732) 228.41; 750-800 lbs (786) 218.80; 800-850 lbs (822) 213.25; 850-900 lbs (866) 212.57; 900-950 lbs (917) 206.37; 950-1000 lbs (976) 205.20; 1000-1050 lbs (1015) 201.33. Medium and Large 1-2 pkg 670 lbs 211.50; load 750 lbs 215.50. COLORADO 1400. 27 pct over 600 lbs. No heifers. Holsteins: Large 3 200- 250 lbs (220) 265.76; 250-300 lbs (262) 256.61; 300-350 lbs (314) 244.34; 350- 400 lbs (366) 241.12; 400-450 lbs (436) 219.11; 450-500 lbs (474) 215.71; 550- 600 lbs (586) 189.16; pkg 605 lbs 000.00; 650-700 lbs (661) 179.84; 800-850 lbs (812) 171.34. WYOMING 7100. 80 pct over 600 lbs. 45 pct heifers. DAKOTAS 2900. 99 pct over 600 lbs. 52 pct heifers. South Dakota2900. Steers: Medium and Large 1 650-700 lbs (688) 250.41; 750-800 lbs (776) 236.44; 800-850 lbs (841) 217.36; 900-950 lbs (907) 216.11;

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 15

Markets 950-1000 lbs (984) 206.26. Medium and Large 1-2 pkg 800 lbs 225.00. Holsteins: Large 3 load 770 lbs 195.00. Heifers: Medium and Large 1 600-650 lbs (633) 235.68; 700-750 lbs (739) 220.24; 750-800 lbs (765) 217.85; 800-850 lbs (831) 209.89; 900-950 lbs (928) 208.16; 950-1000 lbs (964) 199.58. North Dakota- There were not enough feeder cattle sales to report. MONTANA 1100. 85 pct over 600 lbs. 55 pct heifers. Steers: Medium and Large 1 450-500 lbs (486) 291.52; 950-1000 lbs (976) 206.84. Medium and Large 1-2 850-900 lbs (841) 214.67. Heifers: Medium and Large 1 750-800 lbs (786) 214.83; 850-900 lbs (891) 206.75; 900950 lbs (929) 205.46; 950-1000 lbs (975) 202.39. WASHINGTON 1600. 40 pct over 600 lbs. 56 pct heifers. Steers: Medium and Large 1-2 pkg 430 lbs 286.00; 500-550 lbs (511) 258.23. Heifers: Medium and Large 1-2 pkg 425 lbs 261.00; pkg 490 lbs 245.00.

Hog summary RECEIPTS: 75,234 LAST WEEK: 79,886 LAST YEAR: 85,529 Early weaned pigs 1.00 per head higher. All feeder pigs 2.00 per head higher. Demand moderate for moderate offerings. Receipts include 47 percent formulated prices. All prices quoted on per head basis wiith An Estimated Lean Value of 50 to 54 percent Formula Formula Cash Cash Lot Size Head Range Wtd Avg Head Range Wtd Avg EARLY WEANED Pigs 10-12 Pounds Basis: 600 or less 1646 42.69-48.70 45.54 1425 56.00-63.00 58.63 600 - 1200 7261 39.99-53.54 46.07 7370 48.00-62.00 55.19 1200 or more 25889 37.50-51.92 44.59 19093 56.00-62.00 60.19 Total Composite 34796 37.50-53.54 44.94 27888 48.00-63.00 58.79 FEEDER Pigs 40 Pounds Basis: 600 or less 2950 67.00-83.00 75.37 600 - 1200 1000 70.07-70.07 70.07 3100 80.00-81.50 80.81 1200 or more 5500 80.00-84.00 82.91 Total Composite 1000 70.07-70.07 70.07 11550 67.00-84.00 80.42

Sheep summary Compared to last week slaughter lambs were firm to4.00 higher. Slaughter ewes were steady to 5.00 higher. Feeder lambswere steady to 10.00 higher. At San Angelo, TX 3268 head sold in a one day sale. No sales in Equity Electronic Auction. In direct trading slaughter ewes were steady and feeder lambs were firm. 5200 head of negotiated sales of laughter lambs were firm and 1900 head of formula sales of carcasses under 75 lbs were not well tested; 75-85 lbs were 1.00-2.00 higher and over 85 lbs were not well tested. 5,023 lamb carcasses sold with 45 lbs and down 23.85 lower; 45-55 lbs 1.83 lower; 55-75 lbs .44-.94 higher and 75 lbs and up 2.21-2.76 higher. All sheep sold per hundred weight (CWT) unless otherwise specified. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3 90-160 lbs: South Dakota: shorn and wooled 125-160 lbs 159.00-163.50. Direct Trading: (lambs fob with 3-4 percent shrink or equivalent) 5200: Slaughter Lambs shorn and wooled 127-185 lbs 140.00-163.85 (wtd avg 155.64). MT: 1200: Feeder Lambs 90-95 lbs 200.00. SD: 800: Feeder Lambs 110-120 lbs 167.00-174.00. Slaughter Ewes: So Dakota: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 58.00-63.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy) 51.00-58.00; Utility and Good 1-3 (medium flesh) 44.00-51.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 40.00-59.50; Cull 1 30.00-44.00. Feeder Lambs: Medium and Large 1-2: So Dakota: 46 lbs 247.00; 56 lbs 238.00; 65-70 lbs 226.00-235.00; 70-80 lbs 216.00-227.00; 80-90 lbs 210.00-225.00; 90-100 lbs 196.00-209.00; 100-110 lbs 190.00-195.00; 115-125 lbs 164.00169.50. Replacement Ewes: Medium and Large 1-2: So Dakota: open baby tooth to solid mouth 140.00 per head. - Agweek Survey and Wire Reports. Information from local sales yards is obtained from yard representatives and has not been confirmed by Agweek Magazine or USDA.

Strike price 211 212 215 216 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 239

Strike price 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167

Strike price 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112

Live Cattle Options SEP4 14.93 13.95 11.10 10.15 7.48 6.65 5.85 5.10 4.40 3.78 3.20 2.68 2.23 1.83 1.48 1.18 0.95 0.78 0.53 0.35 -


OCT4 28.55 26.60 24.65 22.73 20.80 18.90 17.03 15.20 13.43 11.70 10.08 8.55 7.13 5.85 4.73 3.73 2.90 2.23 1.73 1.33 1.00 0.60

NOV4 29.25 27.33 25.40 23.50 21.60 19.75 17.93 16.15 14.43 12.75 11.15 9.65 8.25 5.78 4.73 2.43 1.48 1.15 0.73

SEP4 0.18 0.20 0.33 0.38 0.63 0.75 0.93 1.13 1.38 1.68 2.05 2.48 2.95 3.50 4.10 4.75 5.45 6.23 7.05 8.80 10.63 12.53


OCT4 0.18 0.23 0.28 0.35 0.43 0.53 0.65 0.83 1.05 1.33 1.70 2.18 2.75 3.48 4.35 5.35 6.53 7.85 9.35 10.95 14.40

NOV4 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.58 0.68 0.83 1.00 1.23 1.50 1.83 2.23 2.73 3.33 4.85 5.80 9.50 12.55 15.98

113 114 115 116 117

Strike price 2200 2225 2250 2275 2300 2325 2350 2375 2400 2425 2450 2475 2500 2525


OCT4 6.70 5.88 5.05 4.40 3.80 3.20 2.65 2.18 1.78 1.43 1.15 0.93 0.73 0.58

DEC4 8.03 7.30 6.60 5.93 5.30 4.73 4.20 3.70 3.25 2.85 2.48 2.15 1.85 1.58

SEP4 0.05 0.10 0.23 0.45 0.75 1.45 2.18 0.25 1.25 2.25 3.25 4.25 5.25 6.25

Lean Hog Options OCT4 13.85 12.88 11.90 10.95 10.03 9.13 8.28 7.45 6.65 5.90 5.18 4.50 3.90 3.35 2.88 2.45 2.10 1.78 1.50 1.25 1.05


DEC4 15.93 15.03 14.15 13.28 12.43 11.60 10.80 10.03 9.28 8.55 7.88 7.23 6.60 6.00 5.45 4.93 4.45 4.00 3.60 3.23 2.88

FEB5 0.00 14.38 0.00 12.73 0.00 11.18 0.00 9.73 0.00 8.38 0.00 7.15 0.00 6.05 0.00 5.08 0.00 4.23 0.00 3.48 0.00

OCT4 0.20 0.23 0.25 0.28 0.33 0.40 0.50 0.65 0.83 1.03 1.28 1.55 1.88 2.28 2.73 3.25 3.83 4.48 5.15 5.88 6.63


OCT4 0.78 0.95 1.13 1.30 1.65 2.05 2.45 2.90 3.43 4.03 4.68 5.40 6.18 6.98


DEC4 0.40 0.48 0.58 0.70 0.83 0.98 1.15 1.35 1.58 1.83 2.10 2.43 2.78 3.15 3.55 4.00 4.48 5.00 5.55 6.15 6.78

DEC4 1.85 2.10 2.38 2.68 3.03 3.38 3.80 4.28 4.78 5.33 5.93 6.55 7.20 7.90

FEB5 0.68 0.00 0.95 0.00 1.30 0.00 1.75 0.00 2.30 0.00 2.95 0.00 3.73 0.00 4.63 0.00 5.65 0.00 6.80 0.00 8.05

2.55 2.28 2.03 1.80 1.58

2.85 0.00 2.33 0.00 1.88

7.43 8.25 9.10 9.98 10.90

7.43 8.10 8.83 9.58 10.35

0.00 9.43 0.00 10.90 0.00

CME BFP Milk Options SEP4 2.28 2.03 1.78 1.53 1.28 1.03 0.78 0.54 0.33 0.17 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.02


OCT4 1.63 1.45 1.26 1.09 0.94 0.79 0.66 0.55 0.46 0.38 0.30 0.24 0.19 0.15

NOV4 1.73 1.55 1.37 1.21 1.06 0.92 0.79 0.68 0.58 0.49 0.41 0.34 0.28 0.23


SEP4 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.14 0.29 0.49 0.73

OCT4 0.16 0.21 0.28 0.34 0.42 0.52 0.62 0.74 0.88 1.04 1.21 1.38 1.57 1.77

NOV4 0.19 0.24 0.31 0.38 0.47 0.57 0.68 0.80 0.94 1.09 1.25 1.42 1.60 1.79


Feeder Cattle Futures

Feeder Cattle Options SEP4 5.75 4.75 3.75 2.75 1.75 0.75 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

0.88 0.73 0.60 0.53 0.45

Sep 14 Oct 14 Nov 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 May 15

Fri. Stlmnt

223.80 222.00 221.00 215.23 215.38 214.98 214.55

Week High

225.73 224.38 222.93 216.55 216.23 215.50 215.38

Week Low 219.23 217.38 215.70 210.50 209.95 210.00 210.00

Cont High

225.15 224.35 223.53 217.30 216.38 216.38 216.05

Live Cattle Futures

Oct 14 Dec 14 Feb 15 Apr 15 Jun 15 Aug 15 Oct 15

Fri. Stlmnt

157.05 158.50 156.70 155.75 148.55 147.00 148.50

Week High

159.75 160.93 159.20 157.55 149.50 147.40 149.25

Week Low 151.75 154.18 155.00 154.43 146.25 145.00 147.38

Cont High

160.75 160.80 159.75 158.85 150.10 148.48 150.50

Lean Hog Futures

Oct 14 Dec 14 Feb 15 Apr 15 May 15 Jun 15 Jul 15

Fri. Stlmnt

102.65 92.45 89.05 88.28 89.50 91.55 89.50

Week High

105.63 95.45 92.10 92.40 93.00 95.75 93.55

Week Low 98.75 91.15 87.98 88.08 89.30 91.10 89.50

Cont High

118.35 105.50 100.00 97.70 96.00 97.63 95.28

CME BFP Milk Futures Oct 14 Nov 14 Dec 14 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15 Jun 15

Cont Low

163.63 163.73 165.00 167.40 171.80 176.75 190.43

Cont Low

127.35 127.80 128.85 130.20 129.43 130.50 137.73

Cont Low

76.53 74.00 77.58 79.90 85.00 86.53 87.00

Fri. Stlmnt

Week High

Week Low

Cont High

Cont Low






24.22 22.63 20.74 18.55 18.05 17.94

24.28 23.19 21.11 18.67 18.27 18.13

23.97 22.13 20.37 18.40 17.97 17.85

24.33 23.36 21.25 19.62 19.00 18.75

16.49 16.39 16.29 16.00 17.19 17.09

PAGE 16 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


U.S. cow slaughter (Week ending Aug. 23)

U.S. all cows ................................ Dairy cows............................



98,420 54,474

114,535 58,743

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Kaler Farms Corn Stalk Guide -the aftermarket attachment to aid in the combining of your corn.

(Week ending Sept. 6)

Week’s total .............................................................518,000 Prev. week................................................................584,000 Year ago ...................................................................551,000

Premium Good Fair Utility


Agweek Live and this page sponsored by Kaler Farms NEW CORN STALK GUIDE www.kalerfarms.com

Hog slaughter Week’s total ..........................................................1,780,000 Prev. week.............................................................1,979,000 Year ago ................................................................1,970,000

Millions of pounds total Weight .................................................................378.3 Prev. week....................................................................421.3 Year ago .......................................................................400.1

Sep 14 Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15 Dec 15 Mar 16 May 16 Jul 16

Percent sows* Week’s avg.......................................................................2.6 Prev. week........................................................................2.5 Year ago ...........................................................................2.5 * Week ending aug. 23

Sep 14 Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15 Dec 15 Mar 16 May 16 Jul 16

525.25 530.25 550.00 562.75 571.50 583.50 599.25 610.00 609.50 603.25

Week High 543.50 555.00 573.50 584.00 591.00 600.75 616.00 625.25 624.50 619.75

Week Low 519.50 527.50 547.25 559.00 567.50 579.50 594.75 613.00 611.50 605.50

Cont High

822.00 865.00 850.00 838.00 800.00 762.00 772.00 768.00 765.75 732.00

Fri. Stlmnt 608.25 620.25 628.50 631.75 621.50 633.00 648.50 658.25 662.50 640.75

Week High 619.75 632.50 640.50 644.75 635.00 646.00 661.75 667.50 671.75 650.00

Week Low 600.25 615.25 623.50 628.25 617.00 630.50 647.75 660.00 650.00

Cont High

857.25 862.00 862.00 850.00 820.00 815.00 824.25 779.00 742.00

Minneapolis Wheat Futures

Lamb slaughter (Week ending Sept. 6)

Number of head Week’s total ...............................................................34,000 Prev. week..................................................................36,000 Year ago .....................................................................36,000

Millions of pounds

total Weight .....................................................................2.2 Prev. week........................................................................2.4 Year ago ...........................................................................2.4

Sep 14 Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15 Dec 15 Mar 16 May 16 Jul 16

Week’s avg......................................................................131 Prev. week.......................................................................284 Year ago ..........................................................................135

Poultry slaughter (in thousands)

Chickens Turkeys 1,824 20.62 1,961 1,901 62,420 63,517

Fri. Stlmnt 622.25 608.00 622.25 632.25 641.00 648.75 662.50 673.75 738.00 674.00

Week High 626.25 622.75 635.50 645.25 652.50 659.25 672.00 688.75 740.00 674.00

Week Low 615.00 605.00 620.00 630.25 639.00 648.50 661.00 738.00 -

Cont High

826.50 829.00 834.50 834.75 829.00 790.00 799.00 788.00 -

Chicago Corn Futures

Average weight

Week ending 8/30 ................166,613 average weight ....................5.84 Previous week ......................163,662 this week last year ..............166,672 2014 to date .........................5,467,644 2013 to date .........................5,495,658

Fri. Stlmnt

Kansas City Wheat Futures

Average weight Week’s avg......................................................................283 Prev. week.......................................................................284 Year ago ..........................................................................271

Good Fair Utility


Futures Chicago Wheat Futures

Number of head

125.00-135.00140.00-145.00 na 110.00-115.00 105.00-107.50 92.50-105.00 na 55.00-90.00

115.00 na na

90.00-95.00 82.50-85.00 60.00-62.00

Alfalfa/Grass – large squares

* Week ending aug. 23

(Week ending Sept. 6)

125.00 120.00-125.00 100.00-115.00 95.00-100.00 80.00-92.50 80.00-85.00 na 72.50-77.50

Alfalfa/Grass – large rounds

Percent cows* Week’s avg.....................................................................16.5 Prev. week......................................................................16.7 Year ago .........................................................................19.3

Week ago

Alfalfa – large rounds

Fits most Poly Corn Heads Ask about yours!

Millions of pounds

Week’s avg...................................................................1,331 Prev. week....................................................................1,330 Year ago .......................................................................1,301

sept. 4

Alfalfa – large squares

Number of head

Average weight

rock Valley, Iowa


Cattle slaughter

total Weight .................................................................420.5 Prev. week....................................................................473.5 Year ago .......................................................................436.5


Sep 14 Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15 Dec 15 Mar 16 May 16 Jul 16

Fri. Stlmnt 335.75 346.50 359.50 368.25 375.50 383.00 392.00 401.00 407.25 410.50

Week High 355.75 363.75 376.50 384.75 391.50 398.25 405.75 414.00 419.75 422.75

Week Low 333.25 343.75 357.00 365.50 372.75 380.00 388.50 398.00 404.00 407.25

Cont High

625.00 615.00 592.00 585.00 612.25 550.00 600.00 512.00 513.00 582.75

Chicago Oats Futures Sep 14

Fri. Stlmnt 364.25

Week High 370.00

Week Low 360.00

Cont High


Cont Low

518.50 527.50 548.00 561.00 570.00 582.75 598.00 613.00 611.50 602.00

Cont Low

600.25 615.25 623.50 628.25 618.50 630.50 647.75 660.00 641.75

Cont Low

601.25 605.00 620.00 630.25 639.00 648.50 653.00 677.75 738.00 -

Dec 14 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Sep 15 Dec 15 Mar 16 May 16

Cont Low


346.75 333.25 324.75 323.00 325.75 322.75 322.75 322.75

337.25 326.50 320.00 319.50 322.00 -

361.75 354.00 335.00 325.50 325.00 322.00 -

Chicago Soybean Futures Sep 14 Nov 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep 15 Nov 15 Jan 16 Mar 16 May 16

Fri. Stlmnt

1,064.25 1,003.25 1,010.75 1,018.50 1,025.00 1,031.50 1,032.75 1,023.50 1,019.50 1,024.00 1,027.00 1,029.75

Week High

1,097.25 1,032.00 1,039.75 1,047.00 1,052.75 1,057.50 1,056.75 1,046.75 1,041.75 1,046.25 1,049.25 1,051.00

Week Low

1,064.00 1,001.25 1,008.75 1,016.25 1,023.25 1,029.50 1,031.25 1,022.00 1,016.25 1,022.00 1,025.75 1,034.75

Cont High

1,337.50 1,333.00 1,291.00 1,287.50 1,291.00 1,301.00 1,272.50 1,227.25 1,300.00 1,209.25 1,210.75 1,132.25

Chicago Oil Futures

Sep 14 Oct 14 Dec 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep 15 Oct 15 Dec 15 Jan 16 Mar 16 May 16

Fri. Stlmnt 31.97 32.00 32.21 32.48 32.77 33.02 33.26 33.39 33.49 33.54 33.69 33.94 34.19 34.40

Week High

32.35 32.30 32.50 32.77 33.06 33.27 33.48 33.62 33.76 33.54 33.94 33.94 34.20 34.64

Week Low 31.60 31.57 31.75 32.02 32.30 32.56 32.83 33.02 33.09 33.26 32.72 33.75 34.00 34.56

Cont High

55.00 55.00 54.87 48.26 48.75 52.30 48.75 48.75 48.75 48.75 48.75 41.50 41.50 41.00

Chicago Meal Futures

Cont Low

333.25 343.75 357.00 365.50 372.75 380.00 388.50 398.00 404.00 407.25

341.00 329.25 320.75 319.75 325.75 322.50 322.50 322.50

Sep 14 Oct 14 Dec 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep 15 Oct 15 Dec 15 Jan 16 Mar 16 May 16

Cont Low

1,064.00 1,001.25 1,008.75 1,016.25 1,023.25 1,029.50 1,031.25 1,022.00 1,016.25 1,022.00 1,025.75 1,034.75

31.60 31.57 31.75 32.02 32.30 32.56 32.83 33.02 33.09 33.26 32.72 33.75 34.00 34.43

Week High

Week Low 429.50 350.40 341.20 337.80 335.00 334.60 335.80 336.20 335.80 332.10 332.50 333.00 338.00

451.00 414.80 411.40 410.30 410.70 409.60 409.30 404.60 398.10 389.50 388.80 372.40 351.50

341.00 339.90 337.10 337.30 335.00 334.60 335.80 336.20 335.80 332.10 332.50 333.00 338.00






450.10 372.20 360.00 355.90 352.00 349.20 349.30 349.30 347.40 344.00 345.40 345.80 347.10

Cont Low


Alfalfa/Grass – small squares Good



Grass – small squares Premium Fair

105.00 80.00

na na

Grass – large squares Premium Utility

155.00 na

na 60.00

Grass – large rounds Premium Good Fair Utility

95.00-110.00 125.00 na 100.00-112.50 80.00-90.00 77.50-90.00 35.00 50.00-75.00

Bedding – large squares Per ton

Cont Low

Fri. Stlmnt

431.40 350.90 341.50 338.30 335.30 334.90 336.40 336.70 335.20 331.60 333.30 333.40 334.50

Cont High

282.00 292.00 295.00 307.00 295.00 -




Bedding – large rounds Per ton

75.00-105.00 85.00-100.00

Cornstalks – large rounds Per ton



U.S. weekly grain export inspection (metric tons)

Lst wk prv wk this yr last yr Wheat 773.0 578.9 6,533.3 9,309.5 Soybeans 37.4 145.2 43,399.9 35,717.1 Corn 873.2 1,102.7 46,824.2 17,682.7 Barley 1.7 1.1 35.9 27.7 Sunseed 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 Oats 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.0 Flax 0.3 0.1 1.5 0.5 Rye 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sorghum 158.4 240.7 5,138.7 1,802.2 TOTAL 1,844.0 2,068.7 101,933.7 64,540.8 For week ending Aug. 28. Crop year begins June 1 for wheat, rye, oats, barley and flax; Sept. 1 for corn, sorghum, soybeans and sunflowers.

Source: Agweek, USDA


price 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 525 530 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 600 605 610


price 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 640 645 650 655 660 665 670 675 680 685 690 695


price 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 600 605 610 615 620


Chicago Wheat Options OCT4 75.50 70.50 65.63 60.88 56.00 51.38 46.75 42.25 37.88 33.75 29.75 26.13 22.75 19.63 16.88 14.38 12.25 10.25 8.63 7.25 6.00 5.00 4.13 3.50 2.88 2.38 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.13


NOV4 76.25 71.50 66.88 62.38 58.00 53.75 49.63 45.63 41.88 38.25 34.75 31.50 28.38 25.50 22.88 20.50 18.25 16.25 14.50 12.88 11.50 10.13 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.25 5.50 4.88 4.38 3.88 3.50

DEC4 77.25 72.63 68.25 64.00 59.75 55.75 51.75 48.00 44.38 40.88 37.50 34.38 31.50 28.63 26.13 23.75 21.63 19.63 17.75 16.13 14.63 13.25 12.00 10.75 9.75 8.75 7.88 7.13 6.50 5.88 5.25





0.25 0.38 0.50 0.63 0.75 1.13 1.50 2.00 2.63 3.50 4.50 5.88 7.50 9.38 11.63 14.13 17.00 20.00 23.38 27.00 30.75 34.75 38.88 43.13 47.63 52.13 56.75 61.50 66.25 71.00

1.00 1.38 1.75 2.13 2.75 3.50 4.38 5.38 6.63 8.00 9.50 11.25 13.13 15.25 17.63 20.25 23.00 26.00 29.25 32.63 36.13 39.88 43.75 47.75 51.75 56.00 60.25 64.63 69.13 73.63

2.00 2.50 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.50 6.50 7.75 9.13 10.63 12.38 14.13 16.25 18.50 20.88 23.50 26.38 29.38 32.50 35.88 39.38 43.00 46.63 50.50 54.38 58.50 62.63 66.88 71.13 75.63

Kansas City Wheat Options OCT4 -


NOV4 -

DEC4 85.75 81.13 76.63 72.25 68.00 63.75 59.75 55.75 52.00 48.38 44.88 41.50 38.38 35.38 32.63 29.88 27.38 25.13 23.00 21.00 19.13 17.50 15.88 14.50 13.25 12.00 10.88 9.88 9.00 8.13 7.38







2.25 2.63 3.13 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.25 7.25 8.50 9.88 11.38 13.00 14.88 16.88 19.13 21.38 23.88 26.63 29.50 32.50 35.63 39.00 42.38 46.00 49.75 53.50 57.38 61.38 65.50 69.63

Minneapolis Wheat Options DEC4 70.00 61.13 52.75 44.88 37.75 34.38 31.25 28.38 25.63 23.13 22.63 20.38 18.25


MAR5 78.25 70.25 62.63 55.50 48.88 42.63 39.88 37.13 34.63 32.25 29.88 27.63 25.75

MAY5 81.88 74.38 67.25 60.50 54.13 48.25 45.50 42.75 40.25 37.88 35.63 33.50 31.38

DEC4 2.00 3.13 4.75 6.13 8.88 11.38 12.25 15.38 16.38 18.63 21.13 25.50


MAR5 6.25 8.25 10.63 13.50 16.88 17.75 22.88 25.13 27.63 26.75 32.88 32.13

MAY5 9.88 12.38 15.25 18.50 19.00 26.25 28.50 27.63 33.25 35.88 38.63 41.50

625 630 635 640 645 650 655 660 665 670 675 680 685


16.38 14.50 11.50 11.50 8.88 8.88 6.75 6.88 6.00 5.25 4.63 4.00 2.88

23.75 21.88 20.13 18.50 17.00 15.75 14.25 13.38 11.88 11.13 9.88 9.25 8.25

29.38 27.50 25.75 24.13 22.50 21.00 19.63 18.25 17.00 15.88 14.50 13.75 12.75

26.75 29.88 33.00 38.50 39.88 45.88 47.38 53.75 55.38 62.25 63.75 68.00 72.50

38.63 38.00 44.88 48.13 51.63 51.25 58.75 62.50 66.38 70.25 74.13 74.13 82.25

44.38 47.38 50.50 53.75 57.13 60.50 64.00 67.63 71.25 75.00 78.88 78.88 86.75

Chicago Soybean Options

price 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170


price 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315

OCT4 151.88 142.00 132.13 122.25 112.50 102.75 93.13 83.63 74.38 65.38 56.75 48.63 41.00 34.00 27.63 22.00 17.13 13.13 9.75 7.13 5.13 3.63 2.63 1.88 1.38 1.13 0.88 0.75 0.63 0.50 0.38


NOV4 152.75 143.00 133.50 124.00 114.75 105.63 96.75 88.13 79.75 71.75 64.00 56.63 49.75 43.25 37.25 31.75 26.75 22.25 18.25 14.88 12.13 9.75 7.88 6.25 5.00 4.00 3.13 2.50 2.00 1.63 1.38

DEC4 151.50 142.25 133.13 124.00 115.13 106.50 98.00 89.88 81.88 74.25 67.00 60.00 53.50 47.38 41.63 36.38 31.63 27.25 23.25 19.75 16.75 14.00 11.75 9.75 8.13 6.75 5.63 4.63 3.88 3.25 2.75





0.38 0.50 0.63 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.63 2.13 2.88 3.88 5.25 7.13 9.50 12.50 16.13 20.50 25.63 31.63 38.25 45.63 53.63 62.13 71.13 80.38 89.88 99.63 109.38 119.25 129.13 139.00

1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.25 4.13 5.25 6.63 8.25 10.25 12.50 15.13 18.25 21.75 25.75 30.25 35.25 40.75 46.75 53.38 60.63 68.25 76.38 84.75 93.50 102.50 111.63 121.00 130.50 140.13

3.25 4.00 4.88 5.75 6.88 8.25 9.75 11.63 13.63 16.00 18.75 21.75 25.25 29.13 33.38 38.13 43.38 49.00 55.00 61.50 68.50 75.75 83.50 91.50 99.88 108.50 117.38 126.38 135.63 145.00

Chicago Corn Options OCT4 76.13 71.13 66.13 61.13 56.13 51.13 46.25 41.38


NOV4 76.38 71.50 66.63 61.75 56.88 52.13 47.38 42.75

DEC4 76.50 71.63 66.75 62.00 57.25 52.63 48.13 43.75





0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.25

0.38 0.50 0.63 0.75 0.88 1.13 1.38

0.50 0.63 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.63 2.13

320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430


36.63 32.00 27.38 23.13 19.00 15.25 12.00 9.25 7.00 5.13 3.75 2.63 1.88 1.38 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.38 0.25 0.25 0.13 0.13 0.13

38.25 33.88 29.75 25.88 22.25 18.88 15.88 13.25 10.88 8.88 7.25 5.88 4.63 3.75 3.00 2.38 2.00 1.63 1.38 1.13 0.88 0.75 0.63

39.50 35.38 31.50 27.88 24.38 21.25 18.38 15.75 13.38 11.38 9.63 8.13 6.88 5.75 4.88 4.00 3.38 2.88 2.38 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25

0.38 0.63 1.00 1.38 2.13 3.00 4.25 6.00 8.25 11.00 14.13 17.75 21.63 25.88 30.38 35.00 39.75 44.50 49.38 54.25 59.25 64.13 69.13

1.75 2.25 2.88 3.75 4.88 6.25 7.88 9.88 12.25 14.88 17.88 21.25 24.88 28.63 32.75 37.00 41.38 46.00 50.63 55.38 60.13 64.88 69.75

Chicago Oats Options Calls

price 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 335 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480

OCT4 95.13 85.13 75.13 65.13 55.25 45.25 35.50 26.00 17.50 13.75 10.50 5.75 3.00 1.63 0.88 0.63 0.38 0.25 0.25 0.13 0.13 -




NOV4 -

DEC4 155.13 145.13 135.13 125.13 115.13 105.25 95.25 85.38 75.50 65.75 56.25 47.00 38.25 30.13 23.00 16.88 12.00 8.38 5.63 3.88 2.63 1.88 1.38 1.00 0.75 0.63 0.50 0.38 0.25 0.25



0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.50 3.75 5.50 10.75 18.00 26.63 35.88 45.63 55.38 65.25 75.25 85.13 95.13 -

0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.25 0.25 0.38 0.50 0.75 1.25 2.00 3.25 5.13 8.00 - 11.88 - 17.00 - 23.38 - 30.63 - 38.88 - 47.63 - 56.88 - 66.38 - 76.00 - 85.75 - 95.63 - 105.50 - 115.38 - 125.25




- 135.25

Cash Fri

Week ago

Minneapolis 13% Minneapolis 14% Minneapolis 15% Pacific NW 14% Pacific NW (cwt.)

6.86 9.07 12.37 8.36 13.88

7.29 8.64 11.04 7.99 13.26

8.02 8.42 8.72 8.22 13.64

Pacific NW 11% Pacific NW (cwt.)

7.23 12.00

7.27 12.06

8.01 13.29




Pacific NW Minneapolis #2

nq 3.75

nq 3.75

Spring wheat

Winter wheat Durum Oats


Feed Minneapolis Pacific NW Malt Minneapolis

Year ago

nq nq 3.81

2.25 nq

2.00 nq

3.95 nq




2.75 3.50 4.38 5.50 6.88 8.38 10.25 12.38 14.75 17.38 20.38 23.63 27.13 30.88 34.75 38.88 43.00 47.38 51.88 56.38 61.00 65.75 70.50


Minneapolis Cash Illinois

3.29 3.56

3.42 3.66

5.48 4.89

Minneapolis Cash Illinois

10.01 10.20

13.04 10.24

14.51 14.28



Week Year New ago ago crop

Cargill West Fargo Enderlin

17.00 17.35

17.00 20.50 17.00 17.10 20.65 17.59

West Fargo





ADM Velva, N.D. West Fargo

16.50 17.58

16.89 17.18

22.76 nq

16.38 17.41

Red River Commodities










Potatoes UNITED STATES—-Shipments (not including imports) 1604*1909*-1864—-The top shipping states, in order, were Idaho, Columbia Basin Washington/Umatilla Basin Oregon, Big Lake Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Nebraska. The Market News Service survey of over 21,000 retail stores had potatoes on ad last week in 17,116 stores, of which 2,332 featured organic potato ads (14 percent of total potato ads), a 25 percent increase from the 13,721 last week?s stores. *revised. UPPER VALLEY, TWIN FALLS-BURLEY DISTRICT, IDAHO—2014 CROP—-Shipments 168-470*-642 (includes export of 0-2-3) —-Movement expected to increase seasonally. Trading cartons 90-100s moderate, others fairly active. Prices cartons 90-100s slightly lower, others generally unchanged. Russet Norkotah U.S. One baled 5 10-pound film bags non size A mostly 4.00; 50-pound cartons 40-70s mostly 7.00-7.50, 80s 7.00-7.50, 90-100s 6.007.00. *revised. COLUMBIA BASIN WASHINGTON AND UMATILLA BASIN OREGON—-Shipments 272*-214*-317 (includes export of 72*-49-66) — -Movement expected to increase seasonally. Trading moderate. Prices generally unchanged. Russet Norkotah U.S. One baled 5 10-pound film bags non size A 3.50-4.00, 50-pound cartons 40-80s mostly 7.00, 90-100s 6.00-7.00. *revised. BIG LAKE and CENTRAL MINNESOTA—-Shipments 152-202*207—-Movement expected to decrease slightly as harvest starts to wind down. Trading moderate. Prices generally unchanged. Round Red U.S. One size A: baled 10 5-pound film bags 9.00, Tote bags approximately 2000 pounds, per cwt mostly 14.00, 50-pound sacks Mostly 8.00. *revised HEREFORD HIGH PLAINS EASTERN NEW MEXICO—-Shipments 197*-174*-155—-Movement expected to decrease seasonally. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. Lack of overall demand for the crop is backing up the harvest effort. *revised CENTRAL WISCONSIN—-Shipments 81-152-148—-Movement expected to increase seasonally. Trading moderate. Prices Russet Norkotah baled slightly lower, others generally unchanged. Russet Norkotah U.S. One baled 5 10-pound film bags size A mostly 7.007.50, 50-pound cartons 60s-80s 11.00-12.00, 90s-100s mostly 10.00. Round Red U.S. One baled 5 10-pound film bags size A mostly 8.50-9.00, 50-pound cartons size A mostly 9.00-9.50, size B mostly 13.00-13.50, 50-pound sacks size A mostly 8.00-8.50, size B mostly 12.00-12.50. Round White U.S. One 50-pound sacks size A mostly 7.00-7.50. Yellow Type U.S. One 50-cartons size A mostly 12.00. NEBRASKA DISTRICT—-Shipments 13*-136*-117—-Movement expected remain the same. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. Lack of overall demand for the crop is backing up the harvest effort. *revised KANSAS DISTRICT—-Shipments 89*-62*-54—-Movement expected to decrease seasonally. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. Lack of overall demand for the crop is backing up the harvest effort. *revised STOCKTON DELTA DISTRICT—-Shipments 54-53-56—-Movement expected to decrease sharply as one shipper remains in the deal. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. UPPER VALLEY, TWIN FALLS-BURLEY DISTRICT, IDAHO—2013 CROP—-Shipments 286-218-39 (includes export of 1-2-0) — -Movement expected to decrease seasonally. Supplies insufficient to quote. SAN LUIS VALLEY, COLORADO—-Shipments 102-57-3 (including exports 17-9-0) —-Movement expected to increase seasonally. Trading fairly slow. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. The old crop supplies are behind us now; with new crop shipments to start reporting for Tuesday September 2, 2014. *revised SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT—-Shipments 24-42-38—Movement expected to Decrease seasonally. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. *revised. DELAWARE—-Shipments 16-28-33—-Movement expected to decrease slightly. Trading fairly slow. Prices unchanged. U.S. One 50 pound sacks Round White size A 7.00, Chef 10.00, Yellow size A 11.00. NORTHERN COLORADO—-Shipments 17-20-23—-Movement expected to increase. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. INDIANA DISTRICT—-Shipments 15-20-13—-Movement expected to remain about the same. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. LONG ISLAND NEW YORK—-Shipments 5-8-6—-Movement expected to increase slightly. Too few sales to establish a market. Expect FOB Shipping Point prices later in the period. NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON—-Shipments 0-0-0—-Movement expected to increase sharply with harvest now underway. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market. FIRST REPORT. CENTRAL MICHIGAN—-Shipments very light—-Movement expected to increase as growers begin harvest of storage varieties. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market.

Potatoes for processing MICHIGAN—-Shipments to Chippers 196-229-224—-Movement expected to increase slightly. Most movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales to establish a market. WISCONSIN—-Shipments to Chippers 81-86-118—-Movement expected to increase as more growers begin harvest. Too few open market sales to establish a market. WESTERN AND CENTRAL NEW YORK—-Shipments to Chippers 55-61-70—-Movement expected to increase. Most movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales to establish a market. PENNSYLVANIA—-Shipments to Chippers 20-43-39—-Movement expected to increase slightly. Most movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales to establish a market. MINNESOTA-NORTH DAKOTA (RED RIVER VALLEY) —-Shipments to Chippers 0-15-21—-Movement expected to increase as more growers begin harvest. Too few open market sales to establish a market. AROOSTOOK COUNTY, MAINE—-Shipments to Chippers 6-1317—-Movement expected to increase. Movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales to establish a market. MASSACHUSETTS—-Shipments to Chippers 0-28*-31—-Movement expected to increase slightly. Movement on pre-season contract. Too few open market sales to establish a market. *revised.

PAGE 18 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK



Edible beans

Sugar 11 Futures

Sep 14 Feb 15 Apr 15 Jun 15 Sep 15 Feb 16 Apr 16 Jun 16 Sep 16

Fri. Stlmnt 15.13 17.29 17.83 18.17 18.65 19.27 19.26 19.17 19.31

Week High 15.82 17.73 18.15 18.39 18.79 19.34 19.31 19.25 19.36

Week Low 15.00 17.16 17.74 18.05 18.52 19.13 19.15 19.07 19.21

Cont High

23.79 23.00 21.85 21.73 20.78 20.13 20.00 19.89 19.98

Sugar 16 Futures

Oct 14 Dec 14 Feb 15 Apr 15 Jun 15 Aug 15 Oct 15 Dec 15 Feb 16 Apr 16 Jun 16

Fri. Stlmnt 25.37 26.37 27.00 26.99 26.68 26.64 26.48 25.88 26.04 26.00 26.00

Week High 25.60 26.53 27.13 27.29 26.86 26.64 26.50 26.20 26.05 26.00 26.00

Week Low 25.25 26.25 26.99 27.22 26.85 26.10 -

Cont High

26.99 27.00 27.50 27.30 27.00 26.99 26.79 26.50 26.00 -

Winnipeg Canola Futures Nov 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15 Nov 15 Jan 16 Mar 16 May 16 Jul 16

Fri. Stlmnt

413.30 418.90 424.50 428.90 433.30 431.10 437.00 440.80 440.80 440.80

Week High 424.50 430.70 436.40 439.20 441.60 439.10 445.00 448.80 448.80 448.80

Week Low 410.70 416.50 422.30 426.50 430.30 429.70 440.50 -

Cont High

532.00 531.00 526.60 526.30 525.00 515.00 481.30 -

Cont Low

15.00 16.60 16.72 16.90 17.28 17.83 17.92 17.90 17.93

Cont Low

Light Crude Oil Futures Sep 14 Oct 14 Nov 14 Dec 14 Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15 May 15

94.45 93.71 93.25 93.06 92.93 92.81 92.64 92.47 92.29

Week High

95.54 94.68 94.16 93.91 93.74 93.60 93.42 93.26 93.08

Week Low

92.68 91.89 91.51 91.41 91.38 91.32 91.49 91.30 90.90

Cont High

105.55 104.44 141.66 102.53 101.33 100.54 99.53 98.87 98.22

Heating Crude Oil Futures

21.25 21.75 21.50 22.20 22.35 22.55 23.50 23.50 24.40 -

Sep 14 Oct 14 Nov 14 Dec 14 Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15 May 15

Cont Low

Sep 14 Oct 14 Nov 14 Dec 14 Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15 May 15 Jun 15 Jul 15

410.70 416.50 422.30 425.80 425.40 413.20 440.50 -

Fri. Stlmnt

Fri. Stlmnt 2.84 2.84 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.84 2.82 2.82 2.81

Week High

2.87 2.87 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.87 2.85 2.84 2.84

Week Low

2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.81 2.81 2.79 2.79 2.79

Cont High

3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.08 3.06 3.03 3.01 3.00

Cont Low

87.05 81.50 64.56 86.04 85.65 85.28 84.94 84.89 76.75

Cont Low

2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.75 2.79 2.79 2.75 2.74

Regular Unleaded Gas Futures Fri. Stlmnt

Aug 15

2.60 2.56 2.53 2.52 2.53 2.55 2.72 2.72 2.71 2.69 2.66


Week High

2.62 2.58 2.55 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.75 2.75 2.73 2.71 2.69 2.65

Week Low

2.54 2.51 2.48 2.48 2.49 2.51 2.69 2.69 2.68 2.67 2.64 2.61

Cont High

2.90 2.85 2.81 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.95 2.93 2.91 2.88 2.84 2.81

Cont Low

2.46 2.35 2.34 2.41 2.42 2.47 2.56 2.66 2.64 2.62 2.60 2.57


NE Colorado Idaho E Wyo/W Neb ND/Minn. Washington N Wyo/SC Mont

Sep 2

Year ago

Idaho/Wash Michigan ND

na 34.00 na 28.00 34.00 na

na 34.00 na 28.00 34.00 na

42.00 40.00 42.00 40.00 40.00 40.00


na na na

Small whites Idaho/Wash


53.00 na na


Idaho/Wash ND/Minn

IGC cuts global durum production The International Grains Council has cut the size of the global 2014 durum crop to 33.7 million metric tons on smaller crops in Algeria and Turkey. This is the lowest production since 2001. The 2014 to ’15 carryover will be 5 million metric tons, the lowest since 1999. Bottom line: No. 1 and 2 durum will be hot markets this winter.

Russian sanctions and wheat The U.K. plans to propose blocking Russia from SWIFT banking transactions, which would cut off Russian businesses from the rest of the world. This could have a major influence on wheat and all commodities of Russian origin because this is the network for major financial transactions. The situation in Ukraine is deteriorating, and the wheat market has been factoring in larger-than-expected production from the Ukraine and Russia. But if these sanctions go through, the wheat market could face a sharp rally. Sometimes, just the fact that these sanctions are on the table could cause wheat markets to incorporate a risk premium and

John Duvenaud

na 34.00

na 34.00

40.00 36.00

30.00 na

30.00 na

35.00 na

14.00 14.00 11.50 25.00 25.00 23.00

16.00 16.00 na na 28.00 26.00

12.50 9.17 22.00

15.00 11.33 18.00

Peas & lentils

53.00 na na

50.00 na na

na na

na na

na na

The long-term downward trend in canola remains intact. Farmers selling of old-crop supplies and the

42.00 37.00



Canola trends lower

na 39.00



cause buyers of Russian wheat to look at other origins. This is a major factor to watch in the next couple weeks. Adverse rains continue to plague the Southern Canadian prairies and a larger part of North Dakota. Cooler temperatures have delayed the maturing process and harvest progress in Western Canada. Basis levels are improving in an effort to get the farmer to deliver old-crop stocks. The wheat market has potential for a seasonal rally in late September and early October, once the harvest pressure has subsided in the Northern Hemisphere. The potential for lower Russian wheat exports could enhance this rally. Stay close to our recommendations because we will want to sell into this market strength.

na 39.00



Duvenaud publishes the Wild Oats Grain Market Advisory. For a free copy, call (800) 567-5671 in Western Canada and North Dakota. All others call 1-204-942-1459.

na na na

Pea Beans

Wash/Idaho ND/Mont

Idaho/Wash Green (whole vine) 14.00 Green (upright) 14.00 Yellow (whole) 11.50 Aust. Winter 25.00 Lentils (Pardina) 25.00 Lentils (Brewers) 23.00 North Dakota Green (whole) 12.50 Yellow (whole) 9.17 Lentils (richlea) 22.00

Harvest moving

WINNIPEG, Manitoba — Finally, now that we’re into September, there’s some serious combing being done. Most crops are ripe but few are dry. Quality is an issue, with mildew the biggest concern. There’s not much No. 1 Canadian Western wheat. Fusarium does not appear to be a big issue.

na na na

45.00 na na

Dark red kidneys Minn/Wis

na na na

na na na

Light red kidneys Colo/Neb Michigan Wis/Minn

Michigan ND

Michigan ND

Great Northerns Neb/Wyo ND Idaho

Small reds

Week ago

anticipation of harvest pressure continue to weigh on the market. Softer cereal grain prices will cause farmers to sell more canola for cash flow. Spillover pressure from the bean complex is becoming more evident now that the crop is closer to harvest. U.S. soy oil supplies are expected to swell, pressuring domestic canola crush margins. Palm oil values are also trading near five-year lows, and lower Chinese demand for vegetable oils is setting a negative tone on the world market. Later in winter, expect canola to divorce from the major oilseed complex because the canola fundamental structure for the 2014 to ’15 crop year is significantly tighter than in 2013 to ’14. Next spring, the canola market needs to encourage acreage through higher prices.

Weaker corn pressures barley Lethbridge, Alberta, feedlots are buying barley around $170 per metric ton delivered, down $6 from the previous week. Harvest is slowly progressing in Southern Alberta, weighing on the feed grains complex. Second, U.S. corn is starting to flow into Southern Alberta at $176 per metric ton delivered. More feedlots are starting to switch over because corn deliveries are more reliable during low prices and there are higher feeding efficiencies. The delayed wheat harvest is also setting a negative tone. There are limited homes offshore for feed wheat, which will cause supplies to flow into the domestic market if adverse weather continues.

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 19


Conditions increase pressures


Wheat traded lower last week. For the week ending Sept. 4, December Minneapolis lost 21.75 cents, December Chicago lost 33.25 cents and December Kansas City lost 22.5 cents. Following the Labor Day weekend, wheat contracts opened the week with lower trade on Sept. 2 as tensions between Ukraine and Russia have lessened somewhat. Strength in the U.S. dollar led to noncommercial selling and talk of better-than-expected wheat in Europe provided additional pressure. There are growing concerns about rain sapping quality and reducing the availability of milling wheat. Sept. 2 export inspections were strong, coming in above the amount needed to keep pace with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s projection. The crop progress report showed spring wheat condition ratings down 3 percent, while the harvest lags well behind the five-year average at only 38 percent complete. Wheat trade was mostly lower Sept. 3 and 4, with the December Chicago contract setting a new low each day. Sept. 4 trade did see small gains in the Kansas City market. Chart selling and spillover from corn and soybeans pressured wheat, as did the generally favorable near-term forecast. On Sept. 4, DTN reported sales of 66,000 metric tons of milling wheat to Japan and 26,100 metric tons of milling wheat to South Korea. As of Aug. 31, 38 percent of the nation’s spring wheat crop was harvested, compared with 27 percent the previous week and 65 percent for the five-year average. Spring wheat conditions were estimated at 63 percent good to excellent, 29 percent fair and 8 percent poor or very poor.


The corn market broke out of its recent sevenweek range to the downside last week. USDA will release its monthly supply, demand and production numbers on Sept. 11 and traders are expecting larger numbers. The private estimates released last week were also bigger than what USDA posted in its August report. Crop conditions are also at a 20-year high and the early harvested crop in the south is exceeding expectations. As of the Sept. 4 close, the September contract was down 23.25 cents for the week, while the December contract lost 18.25 cents. The corn futures struggled to start the week on Sept. 2 and there was good rain over the weekend throughout much of the country, but too much in some areas. Traders were also looking ahead to the Sept. 5 crop condition rating and expected them to be stable with the previous week, while seasonally, they drop. The report raised the conditions another 1 percent last week in the good to excellent category. The corn market was sharply lower on Sept. 3 and posted new contract lows. Selling pressure came into the market with another improvement in the Sept. 1 crop conditions report. This year’s crop is now the sixth-highest rated in history for the calendar week and the best since 1994. Sept. 4 was another down day and the futures posted new lows. Private estimates continue to predict record yield and production numbers, along with trade talk that big crops get bigger. The dollar was also sharply higher as the European Union lowered its interest rate, which can affect export sales. Some forecasts show a chance of frost in the North-

Ray Grabanski

Grabanski is president of Progressive Ag, a Fargo, N.D.based hedge brokerage firm. Reach Grabanski at (800) 4501404.

ern Plains late this week and the forecast will be closely watched as we start the week. Ethanol production for the week ending Aug. 29 averaged 921,000 barrels per day, up 0.88 percent from the previous week. Total ethanol production for the week was 6.447 million barrels. Corn used in production the week ending Aug. 29 is estimated at 96.71 million bushels and needs to average 167.619 million bushels per week to meet this crop year’s USDA estimate of 5.075 billion bushels. Stocks were 17.673 million barrels, up 2.06 percent from the previous week. The crop progress report has the corn rated at 74 percent good to excellent, 19 percent fair and 7 percent poor or very poor. Ratings were 56 percent, 28 percent and 16 percent, respectively, one year ago. Corn in the dough stage is at 90 percent versus 82 percent one year ago and a five-year average of 89 percent. Corn dented is at 53 percent versus 39 percent one year ago and a five-year average of 59 percent. Mature corn is at 8 percent versus 4 percent one year ago and a five-year average of 16 percent.

Soybeans As of the Sept. 4 close, November soybeans were 21 cents lower for the week. At 10 a.m. Sept. 5, November soybeans were trading 4.5 cents higher. Soybeans traded higher Sept. 2, following the long Labor Day weekend. Old-crop demand supported light buying, while short profit-taking provided additional support. The weather forecast remains nonthreatening for the soybean crop. The Sept. 2 crop progress report showed maturity near the five-year average and a 2 percent increase in crop ratings. The Sept. 2 increased crop ratings led to lower trade Sept. 3. The market set a new contract low close, as the outlook remains fundamentally bearish with record production still expected. The near-term forecast is nonthreatening for soybeans. The November contract set another new low on Sept. 4, as the market remains focused on the upcoming harvest, despite some bullish demand factors. Traders continue to expect record production, with the crop rating at its highest in 20 years. The forecast remains nonthreatening near term, though a potential cold snap this week could excite the market. Soybeans setting pods were at 95 percent, compared with 90 percent the previous week and the five-year average of 95 percent. Soybeans dropping leaves were at 5 percent, compared with the fiveyear average of 7 percent. Conditions for soybeans were up 2 percent at 72 percent good to excellent, 22 percent fair and 6 percent poor or very poor.


Barley harvested was estimated at 58 percent,

compared with 43 percent the previous week and the five-year average of 68 percent. Barley crop conditions were rated 52 percent good to excellent, 34 percent fair and 14 percent poor or very poor. For the week ending Sept. 4, cash feed barley bids in Minneapolis were up 25 cents to $2.25 per bushel, while malting bids were at $5.70.

Durum As of Aug. 31, 90 percent of North Dakota’s durum crop was turning color, compared with 94 percent last year and 93 percent for the five-year average. Mature was at 59 percent. Durum harvested was at 14 percent, compared with 17 percent last year and 37 percent for the five-year average. Durum crop conditions were rated 79 percent good to excellent, 19 percent fair and 2 percent poor or very poor. For the week ending Sept. 4, cash bids for milling quality durum were unchanged at $8.75 per bushel in Berthold, N.D., while the Dickinson, N.D., bid was unchanged at $8.85.

Canola For the week ending Sept. 4, canola futures on the Winnipeg, Manitoba, exchange closed lower, with the front month November losing $6.50 to $413.30 (Canadian). Canola followed Chicago Board of Trade soybean futures last week, higher on Sept. 2 and lower Sept. 3 and 4. Continued uncertainty over the size of this year’s crop provided support, as did wetter forecasts for the next two weeks. As of Aug. 31, 96 percent of North Dakota’s canola crop was turning color, compared with 92 percent last year and 96 percent for the five-year average. Canola harvested was at 18 percent, compared with 35 percent last year and 44 percent for the five-year average. Canola crop conditions rated at 88 percent good to excellent, 11 percent fair and 1 percent poor or very poor. For the week ending Sept. 4, cash canola bids in Velva, N.D., decreased 41 cents to $16.25 per hundredweight.

Dry edible beans As of Aug. 31, North Dakota producers (37 percent of the nation’s crop) had 98 percent of their dry beans setting pods, compared with 97 percent last year and 99 percent for the five-year average. Dropping leaves was at 50 percent, compared with 27 percent last year and 37 percent for the five-year average. The harvest was 2 percent complete, compared with 6 percent for the five-year average. Crop conditions were rated 66 percent good to excellent, 25 percent fair and 9 percent poor or very poor.

Sunflowers As of Aug. 31, North Dakota’s sunflower crop was 97 percent in bloom, compared with 97 percent last year and 98 percent for the five-year average. Flowers dried was at 34 percent, compared with 25 percent last year and 42 percent for the five-year average. North Dakota’s sunflower crop was rated 83 percent good to excellent, 16 percent fair and 1 percent very poor. For the week ending Sept. 4, soybean oil futures were 1 cent lower to $32. Cash sunflower bids in Fargo, N.D., were unchanged on the week at $17 per hundredweight.

PAGE 20 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK



Fargo gets genotype lab

Friday LocaL cash Grain Prices Ayr, N.D. Beach Bismarck Bottineau Cando Cooperstown Edgeley Finley Fortuna Gladstone Grand Forks Hankinson Hannaford Harlow Harvey Hatton Jamestown Manvel McVille New Salem N.D. Mill Northwood Plaza Regent Rugby Russell Scranton Sheldon Stanley Thompson Tuttle Walhalla West Fargo Williston Brookings, S.D. Chamberlain Huron McLaughlin Philip Redfield St. Lawrence Watertown Billings, MONT. Glasgow Glendive Havre Miles City Alvarado, MINN. Argyle Beltrami Breckenridge Crookston Erskine Fergus Falls Fosston Garfield Kragnes Marshall Morris Pipestone Shelly Walnut Grove Wheaton Mpls. - Duluth Portland, ORE. AVERAGES Cargill Corn: Bid Basis

Spring Now 5.57 5.35


Winter Wheat

Durum Barley No. 1 Malt



5.27 5.42 5.24 5.31 5.46 5.55 5.53 6.01 5.46 5.57 5.51 5.52 5.86 5.52

4.89 4.39 4.64 5.18 4.86 5.10 5.01


5.26 5.52 6.01 5.42 5.53

4.88 4.92



5.37 5.62 5.55 5.42 5.72

4.88 4.77 5.04


1.85 1.85 2.00



2.06 2.61 2.44 2.61 2.66

Oats Now


2.41 2.84 2.71 2.56 2.56 2.52 2.56

2.25 2.25

2.56 2.50



2.61 2.42

8.75 8.75


2.00 2.20







Flax Now

Canola Sunseeds Now nuSun

12.00 11.50

15.30 15.94






15.70 15.83

10.25 11.30






16.45 15.00

Agweek Staff Writer

FARGO, N.D. — Fargo, N.D., has been selected by the National Corn Growers Association to receive a National Agricultural Genotyping Center. Operations are expected to start in October. The North Dakota Corn Growers Association organized the bid. The other finalist was Decatur, Ill. Richard Vierling, NCGA research and development team head, says the research facility will involve some up-front investment, but will bring millions of dollars to the community. The new lab is supported through a public-private partnership involving the NDCGA, as well as the Los Alamos National Lab and the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Mo. “This is a first-time-ever, huge step for a farmer-led association that gives growers more influence on research agendas,” Vierling says. “This can help growers increase production and lower costs. We’re really excited about Fargo and the commitment from the many forward-thinking people involved in this project. The commitment from North Dakota State University, North Dakota Corn Growers, Gov. Jack Dalrymple, the state’s congressional delegation and many others really helped sell the plan to our team.”

9.21 9.03




5.26 5.81 5.41 5.30 5.41 5.41 5.76 6.21 6.04 6.06


5.57 5.66 5.77 5.81 5.41 5.74 5.81 5.57 5.82 5.67 5.96







5.41 5.87

NA Sept 2.81 -75




15.15 15.10



2.73 2.26 2.46





9.32 9.11 9.52

16.21 17.58

15.75 17.00


2.93 2.70 3.03 2.60 2.71 2.90 2.73 3.02


8.97 Nov 2.96 -60

9.22 9.15



5.24 5.45 5.50 5.58 5.38 5.15 5.20

6.98 7.28 5.17 Oct 2.91 -65


4.11 Dec 3.01 -68

2.08 Jan 3.06 -63

2.42 2.46 2.76 2.91 2.76 2.66 2.76 2.95 2.81 2.78 3.21 2.88 3.04 2.72 3.14 2.84

2.68 Feb 3.14 -55

14.50 15.25




2.80 2.95

2.96 3.11

2.80 Mar 3.22 -55

2.60 Apr 3.22 -55

9.23 9.19 10.51 9.61

On campus

10.21 9.81 11.51


11.58 May 3.22 -62

15.92 June 3.29 -55

15.36 Jan 3.41 -60

9.40 9.47 9.51 9.46 9.61 9.51 9.42 9.22 10.71 9.38 11.81 9.51 11.90 9.41 12.11 11.01

9.74 Feb 3.51 -50

NDCGA delegation pushed NDSU, ARS advantages

By Mikkel Pates

9.56 11.01 9.42 9.31 9.42 9.30 9.47



SoyNow 9.42

9.27 9.14 9.31 9.36





5.46 9.06 8.36 5.71 Aug 2.99 -57

Corn Now 2.69 2.75

9.49 9.56

The center will be on the campus of North Dakota State University. The community’s advantages include NDSU and the Agricultural Research Service Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center, which together host 14 public crop breeding programs. NDSU has built an extensive new greenhouse, and is completing construction and certification for its greenhouse lab, which will be used to study the most high-security crop diseases. Greg LaPlante, research manager for NDCGA, says the lab would probably involve three to seven employees in the first couple of years, but would ramp up after that. He says it would lease lab space in a U.S. Department of Agriculture ARS facility on the north side of campus, and perhaps expand into other facilities. The genotyping center would create tests that would allow farmers to monitor and detect corn diseases in one test. Current tests allow labs to identify only one or two of about 18 corn diseases at a time. The mobile test kits would allow farmers and agronomists to take a leaf sample and identify diseases before symptoms are visible to the human eye, according to the proponents of the center. Other tests developed would apply to other crops, as well as animals, with food safety applications.

Food safety issue 9.53 Mar 3.54 -47

Prices as of close of markets Friday. Prices in dollar per bushel, except sunflower seeds and canola, which are dollars per cwt. Based on an Agweek survey of selected elevators and to-arrive bids reported by the USDA. Wheat prices may reflect milling or terminal. Many of the towns listed have other elevators with prices different from the ones shown. Durum prices are No.1 hard amber. *Delivered Erskine.

Doug Goehring, North Dakota agriculture commissioner, says the impact of the center will be “felt throughout the nation and around the world.” He says food safety will be enhanced by this new test, which will provide fast tracking of rapid test methods for pathogens in packaging. It also will provide avenues for research in animal agriculture, he adds. U.S. Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., who promoted the Fargo site, hailed the state, federal and private collaborations. He says the kind of tests that will be available through the center would have been of great value in the peanut butter contamination episode several years back in the southern U.S. NDCGA executive director Tom Lilja says North Dakota’s bid was more than $2 million. The major pieces of that are $1 million from the North Dakota Corn Utilization Council; $200,000 from the North Dakota Soybean Council; $100,000 from the Agricultural Products Utilization Council; and an $800,000 request through the North Dakota State Department of Agriculture. Lilja says it involves state support, and key legislators have committed to working toward that in the 2015 legislative session.

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 21


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Newest Varie@es


ND1406HP Soybean (Released Spring 2014) ND1406HP is a conven^onal (non-GMO) type intended for the specialty high protein, tofu, or soy milk markets. However ND1406HP performs very well as a conven^onal soybean. In these areas it presents be\er yields and be\er quality than other NDSU varieties, while also performing very well as a conven^onal soybean. ND1406HP has purple flower color, gray pubescence, yellow hila with dull seed coat luster, and brown pod color. ND1406HP is a variety of 0.6 maturity that would be best adapted to North Dakota coun^es such as Traill, Cass, and Richland along with Minnesota coun^es such as Norman, Wilkin, and Clay. Gold ND Yellow Flax (Released Spring 2014) Gold ND is a yellow-seeded variety with very high yield poten^al. Gold ND has good oil content and oil drying quality. This variety has blue flowers and medium seed size. Gold ND is resistant to rust and has good tolerance to wilt. It is adapted to the north-central flax-growing region. Gold ND founda^on seed will be available in the spring of 2015.




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PAGE 22 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK

Blue works Bl u e w o rk s

Vis it u Bo s at B oth ig W2 Iron 2


Dayton against diversion plan Warns not to ‘kick sand in the face of Minn.’

ies and statements by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is building the project. They say the flooding of farmland would devastate affected areas. As part of the diversion, the Diversion Authority has started construction of a ring dike around three By Adrian Glass-Moore communities — Oxbow, Hickson and Forum News Service Bakke. The communities south of BRECKENRIDGE, Minn. — Gov. Fargo are within the diversion’s proMark Dayton had strong words for the posed staging area, which would be incontentious $1.8 billion Fargo-Moortentionally flooded during major head flood diversion project at a meet- floods to hold back water before it ing Sept. 2 with local and state moves through the channel. officials that attracted a large public Dayton has urged the corps to stop audience in Breckenridge, Minn. its work on the diversion until the MinDayton listened as commissioners, nesota Department of Natural Remayors, state regulators and farmers sources completes an environmental voiced their fierce opreview. position to the 36-mile Perry Miller, chair“You don’t induce channel that would man of the Richlanddivert major floodwadamages on other Wilkin Joint Powers ters around FargoAuthority, which has Moorhead. It would people when you sued the Diversion submerge huge over the build protection.” Authority swaths of farmland project, said the diversouth of Fargo and Cliff Barth sion is a way for Fargo Moorhead. Mayor, Breckenridge, Minn. to pass its flooding “You don’t induce problem onto others. damages on other “This is a means of people when you relocating the probbuild protection,” lem,” Miller said. said Breckenridge Mayor Cliff Barth, He said the diversion would devasseated next to Dayton at the front of a tate the tax base in affected areas and crowded room at the courthouse. flood some fifth-generation farms for The governor’s words were no less the sake of protecting Fargo and land strong. south of the city that could prove ripe “If you’re going to kick sand in the for expansion. face of Minnesota,” Dayton said, “... it “This is an expansion plan for will come back to haunt you. I’m cerFargo,” Miller said. tain of that.” During public comment, one Dayton called for balance on the landowner in North Dakota’s Richland nine-member Diversion Authority, County bemoaned the makeup of the which has just two Minnesotans — a current Diversion Authority. number he called “absolutely unac“The authority is made entirely of ceptable” for there to be “a process proponents,” Leah Rogne said. “We that’s supposed to represent the interhave no real dialogue.” est of both states.” At the end of the hourlong forum, Longtime activists against the proDayton cautioned that a sour relationposed diversion thanked Dayton for ship between the two states could recently deciding to speak out on the jeopardize federal funding for the conissue, turning up the heat on the Diver- gressionally approved project. sion Authority. “I served six years in the U.S. SenNo one from the Diversion Authority ate,” Dayton said. “Authorization and or the city of Fargo was at the table appropriation are very different matwith Dayton. ters.” Officials and members of the public Without regional cooperation, he told the governor there was a lack of said, “you’re not going to get the dialogue and inconsistencies in studmoney.”



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AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 23

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):5 .552@< ):5 77- . 552@< 605 hrs, hrs, HID, HID, IVT, PTO PTO #389 335hp, IVT,

):5 hrs, HID, HID, ):5 77- ,2:*@ ,2:*@ 426 hrs, Leather #616 Duals, Leather 510hp, Duals,




):: 1:8/ ):: 77- 1 :8/ 12R30 Stalkmaster 12R30 S talkmaster #264

1:8/ )):* :* 77- 1 :8/ 12R30 Stalkmaster 12R30 S talkmaster #673

)*, 1:8/ )*, 77- 1 :8/ Knife Knife Rolls, Rolls, 12R30 Stalkmaster Stalkmaster #162 12R30





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):8 77- =1,* =1,* H ID, 861 s ep / ):8 HID, sep s, 4WD 4WD #156 1230 eng hr hrs,

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):5 sep ):5 77- =10* =10* STS, STS, 549 s ep / 817 eng hrs, hrs, HID, HID, 2WD 2WD #105


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):5 ,21*@ hr hrs, s, HID, ):5 77- , 21*@ 1227 hrs HID, CVs, Duals Duals #546 560hp, 5 S SCVs,




s, 560hp, ):5 77- , 21*@< 227 hr ):5 ,21*@< hrs, trim #716 tracks, Leather Leather trim 36” tracks,

):5 77- = 1.* STS, STS, P RW D, ):5 =1.* PRWD, sep / 292 eng hrs, hrs, HID, HID, 212 sep RWA, E lec folding folding ttank, ank, #457 RWA, Elec

):8 sep ):8 77- =10* =10* STS, STS, 540 s ep / 685 eng hrs, hrs, Auto Auto RS RS #436


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PAGE 24 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK

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AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 25

Counting cattle n

ND numbers up; US hits 40-year low

By April Baumgarten

Forum News Service

DICKINSON, N.D. — While the U.S. continues to lose cattle, North Dakota is moving up to the head of the herd. A U.S. Department of Agriculture study released in July revealed a nationwide cattle inventory of 95 million as of July 1. Those numbers were down 3 percent from the 2012 count of 97.8 million. This count was the lowest for July since the series began in 1973. “Beef cow slaughter is down,” says Tim Petry, a livestock marketing economist for North Dakota State University Extension Service. “We are placing less heifers on feed.” There were no 2013 numbers to compare since the government shutdown affected USDA. The cattle inventory for July has been on a downward trend since 1994, when the U.S. had almost 114 million. Producers saw an upward trend from 2004 to 2006, but then the numbers fell. The January numbers were also down 1.8 percent from last year at 87.7 million, the lowest since 1951. Six out of the top 10 beef cow states lost cattle this year. The January numbers show Texas, the country’s top producer of cattle, lost 105,000 cattle. That is a slight decrease, compared with losing 550,000 and 460,000 in the past two years, bringing Texas’ total three-year loss to more than 1 million cattle. Drought played a large part in decision-making for ranchers in the south, says Julie Ellingson, executive vice president of the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association. “There was major, major liquidation that happened a

couple of years ago in Texas and Oklahoma particularly,” Ellingson says. “That diminished our numbers.” No. 4 Nebraska, a state also impacted by drought, lost 8,000. No. 6 Montana lost 30,000, No. 8 Kentucky dropped 16,000 and No. 10 Iowa gave way to North Dakota by losing 40,000. But possibly the most devastating loss was South Dakota. The No. 5 producer was hit by a record blizzard in October, killing 60,000 cattle. While ranchers got relief through donations, the state still ended the year with 54,000 fewer head. There was some good news for North Dakota. Producers expanded the state’s inventory to 943,000, the highest since 2005. This helped North Dakota jump in rank from the 13th producer of cattle to ninth. “(The numbers) have gone up the last two years, mainly a result of saving replacement heifers,” Petry says. “The last two years we have increased beef cow numbers opposite of the U.S.” The uptick in numbers for North Dakota can be attributed partly to additional precipitation. “Looking across the United States, for the most part — and, obviously, there are exceptions to the rule — we have been the moisture mecca in comparison to places like Texas and California,” she says. While states in the south were in drought, North Dakota had some of the best precipitation in years, helping cattle to switch hands from the south to North Dakota, Ellingson says. North Dakota was also heading into a liquidation mode after a year of drought in 2012, but that turned around mid-2013. “South and western North Dakota has turned into a very lush (area) in the last year,” Petry says. “Actually, you are

April Baumgarten, Forum News Service

G Cattle, like the ones shown here on Sept. 1 west of Dickinson, N.D., are seeing a comeback in the state. North Dakota producers have helped rank the state ninth in the nation.

getting more rain than eastern North Dakota, which is kind of unheard of.” Range conditions are also better, especially in western North Dakota, Petry says. Record beef prices also might be persuading ranchers to keep cattle back, he says. With heifer calves at high prices, ranchers want to keep their cattle for production. People looking to buy have to either pay a high price or forego expanding their herds. “Unfortunately, whether it is in cattle or grain, in agriculture someone’s loss is another person’s gain,” he says. “In North Dakota, we have already expanded, and we can sell more cattle this fall at record-high prices. It seems like when times are good, they are all good.” The industry is cyclical,

Ellingson adds. The industry switches between the liquidation and expansion phases, and experts predict the selling phase could come to an end in the upcoming years, she says. “Reports from Cattle Fax ... were that we are starting to see the changeover from liquidation mode to an expansion mode,” she says. “It will be slow, depending what the weather is, but experts think we might see a slight change in the tide with numbers overall across the country.” Petry agrees the numbers could see a slight increase, if not stay steady. The problem with the cattle industry is that a turnaround takes time. Cattle have a nine-month pregnancy period and often only produce one calf. Petry says for every 100 cows, a

producer gets approximately 90 calves and half are heifers. “If we keep heifer calves back this year ... we breed them next year and have a calf the next year,” Petry says. “In order for us to show much increase in the beef cow herd, it’s gonna take at least a year or more.” The 2014 calf crop is expected to be about 33.6 million, down 1 percent from 2013 and 2 percent from 2012. Conditions are improving in the southern states, but Mother Nature will have the last say if the beef industry turns around. “We need to get significant rains in the Texas-Oklahoma areas into the west to California,” Petry says. “Then we will see expansion. “There are signals there that it is starting, and some could happen, but it is going to be a slow process,” Petry says.

PAGE 26 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


52 reasons why farmers and ranchers

CHS resumes fertilizer plan

choose Agweek.

Plant will use oilfield natural gas n

Today’s farmer needs complete and up-to-date ag information. That’s why they turn to Agweek.

By Mikkel Pates

Agweek Staff Writer

Agweek is the region’s only weekly ag publication. For over twenty-eight years, we’ve been delivering the most current and comprehensive news and information to farmers our-state area and ranchers across the four-state ear. each week - 52 times a year.

FARGO, N.D. — North Dakota farmers say they’re happy CHS Inc. has decided to re-engage in a proposed $3 billion fertilizer project in Spiritwood, N.D. It is the single largest private investment project in North Dakota history, and the largest for CHS. CHS, the nation’s largest farmerowned cooperative, announced Sept. 5 that the board approved the plant, which will convert natural gas into nitrogen fertilizers. In April, CHS had announced it was delaying what was then projected as a $2 billion plant because of increased construction costs. “With this decision, CHS is taking an important, strategic step on behalf of its membership owners by ensuring them with a reliable domestic supply of nitrogen fertilizers essential to help farmers raise healthy, profitable crops,” CHS CEO Carl Casale says. The Spiritwood plant is planned on a 640-acre site, to the east of the Spiritwood Energy Park. It is designed to produce more than 2,400 tons of ammonia daily in the forms of urea and urea ammonium nitrite (UAN) liquid fertilizer. The plant is expected to be up and running in the first half of 2018 and is expected to employ 160 to 180 people.

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Mark Watne, president of the North Dakota Farmers Union in Jamestown, says his organization started looking at the feasibility of this kind of plant three years ago and soon brought in CHS, which took the project over because of its size and expertise. Watne says he didn’t learn about the 50 percent increase in the cost of the project until Sept. 5. He suspects it is because CHS increased its production goal from 2,000 tons per day to 2,400 tons per day and added diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) to its production plans. DEF is an additive to improve diesel exhaust emissions. “I’m just as excited as heck,” Watne says, adding farmers who purchase the products can receive dividends. Mike Clemens, a Wimbledon, N.D., farmer and member of the North Dakota Corn Growers Association board of directors, says the Spiritwood plant is “great for the state to give us an avenue for taking the gas that’s being

flared off and use some of that gas to make fertilizer.” He says it’s also great for the farm community to have another source of fertilizer, in light of the rail car shortages. “It can be nothing but great news for farmers in the area.”

‘Historic investment’

North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple says, “…The CHS plant complements our continued efforts to utilize and add value to the abundant supplies of natural gas produced in western North Dakota.” Dalrymple and the North Dakota Department of Commerce have worked to assist the project since CHS started studying its feasibility in 2012. U.S. Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., called the plant good news for the state and for farmers. He says the plant is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 592,000 tons per year. Rep. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., called the project a “historic investment that will shape the future development of North Dakota agriculture and energy.”

No impact on NPN plant

Darin Anderson, chairman of Northern Plains Nitrogen LLP, says the CHS announcement has no impact on his company’s plans for a 1.5-million-ton fertilizer plant in Grand Forks, N.D. Northern Plains Nitrogen is working on completing preliminary feasibility studies. Originally, the two plants were discussed as being roughly the same size and scope, but the Northern Plains Nitrogen project is estimated at $1.85 billion. The company could start moving dirt in the fall of 2014, with production starting in 2018. Anderson says the CHS announcement is no surprise because the region could have three plants of that size and still import nitrogen fertilizer. He says the near “catastrophe” this spring for co-ops and others bringing fertilizer into the state underlines the benefit of regional production. The Grand Forks city Planning and Zoning Commission on Sept. 3 approved the company’s plans, including annexing 340 acres for the facility. The plans also must be approved by the city council. “If both plants were built, it would mean more fertilizer in our areas for producers,” says Larry Hoffman, a Wheatland, N.D., farmer and secretarytreasurer for the project. “The area can absorb the fertilizer from more than two plants. It’ll give us something we never had before — production in the area.”


AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 — PAGE 27

7-Day Forecast for North Dakota








Some sun, a t-storm in spots

Cooler with a passing shower

A couple of showers possible

Clouds and occasional sunshine

A little rain in the afternoon

Partly sunny


H: 76 to 80 L: 46 to 56

H: 58 to 68 L: 38 to 47

H: 50 to 56 L: 32 to 41

H: 49 to 54 L: 32 to 38

H: 59 to 65 L: 34 to 40

H: 58 to 62 L: 45 to 50

H: 71 to 77 L: 51 to 55

Local Almanac

Agriculture Report

Statistics for the week ending September 4

Monday will bring clouds and some sunshine with a thunderstorm in spots. Winds will be from the south at 10-20 mph. The relative humidity will drop to 60 percent in the afternoon. Tuesday will be variably cloudy with a shower in spots. The relative humidity will drop to 55 percent in the afternoon.

Bismarck Grand Forks

High for the week Low for the week Normal high Normal low Average temperature Normal average temp. Temperature departure

84° 45° 79° 50° 63.6° 64.8° -1.2°

82° 48° 76° 50° 64.1° 63.1° +1.0°

0.53” trace 12.79” 0.26” 0% 91%

0.27” 0.12” 20.97” 0.31” 39% 135%

15 63 2094

14 58 1874

Precipitation Total for the week Total for the month Total for the year Normal for the month % of normal this month % of normal this year

Growing Degree Days Yesterday Month to date Season to date

AccuWeather.com RealFeel Temperature® 8 a.m. Monday 12 p.m. 4 p.m. 8 p.m.

52° 69° 75° 67°

Prcp 0.39 0.52 0.22 0.28 0.45 0.31 0.24 0.48 0.52

City Glasgow, MT Grand Forks, ND Jamestown, ND Lemmon, SD Minot, ND Pierre, SD St. Cloud, MN Thief Riv Fls, MN Williston, ND

Hi 75 72 73 77 72 79 73 71 74

Much of Australia will be drier than normal this week, but a slow-moving system will bring normal rainfall to southeast Australia.


A slow-moving front will bring near- to above-normal rainfall to southern Brazil. Below-normal rainfall farther north.


Temperatures are the averages for the week of 8/29 - 9/4. Precipication values are totals for the week.

Lo 48 47 50 48 48 51 43 50 51

Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal


Regional Cities Hi 75 68 76 75 72 71 74 73 72

A storm system emerging into the Plains will bring a warm day on Monday with clouds and some sunshine along with a thunderstorm in spots. Cooler air will move in behind the front on Tuesday with more clouds than sunshine along with a passing shower. As high pressure continues to dig into the Plains, Wednesday will be a chilly day with clouds and sun along with a couple of showers possible. It will remain chilly on Thursday.

International Crop Summary

52° 68° 75° 67°

The patented AccuWeather.com RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body.

City Aberdeen, SD Bemidji, MN Billings, MT Bismarck, ND Crookston, MN Devils Lake, ND Dickinson, ND Fargo, ND Fergus Falls, MN

Regional Summary

Lo 47 47 47 49 48 52 49 48 45

Prcp 0.16 0.36 0.38 0.23 0.25 0.32 0.60 0.52 0.18

A front will bring the opportunity for showers to the Prairies early next week followed by cool weather late in the week.

European Union

Dry and mild in western Europe early in the week, then turning wet again late week. Scattered rains are possible in the east this week.

Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal


Much of the western FSU will be drier than normal this week, but normal rainfall is likely from western Ukraine to the Baltics.

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2014


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PAGE 28 — Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK

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AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A1

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A2 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014


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800-325-2412 • 218-773-1194 Business Hwy 2 East Grand Forks, MN

A4 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014

INDUSTRIAL/ CONSTRUCTION FOR SALE: 2009 Side Dump Trailer, Sidump’r, High Cube, 36ft Tub, Triple Axle, Very Good Condition. 2013 CAT 930K Loader, High Lift, with Grabtec Grapple, Low Hours. Call 605-770-2528 06 Bobcat S250 Skidsteer, Nice Shape, 73HP Kubota Diesel, 2500lb Lift, New Tires, Good Paint, Cab, Heat, 2800 Hours, Sharp, $23,300/Offer. Call 701-318-2086. Delivery Possible. 1994 TB-50 Fontaine low-boy, 50 ton, detachable neck, triple axle, $27,500. 605-520-2878 or 605-785-3191 No Telmarketers.

INDUSTRIAL/ CONSTRUCTION 2010 Bobcat S630 Skidsteer, Excellent Shape, 74HP Diesel, Cab, Heat, AC, Power Bobtach, ACS Selectable Controls, Hand Only or Hand & Foot Controls, New Tires, 2200 Hours, Good Paint, Extra Clean, $28,300/Offer. Call 701-318-2086. Delivery Possible.

76' Jeep Rock crawler w/rollcage, 360 V8, AT, twin stick & terra low kit, 38" tires, winch. Runs great. $2,900 OBO call 605-380-6394

For Sale: 1983 Sylvan boat. 16 ft long, 50 hp Mercury motor, Lowrance Elite 5X depth finder, 12 v. trolling motor, good condition. Asking $2250. Call (507) 829-1944. 1991 Lund 1650 with 75 HP motor. 1992 roller trailer. New 80 LB I-pilot. New batteries, tires, and bearings, $6000. 605-380-5810 leave message Chrysler 02 Concorde LXi, 146K mi, good condition, black leather interior, green exterior, $3000. 605-626-1122 1999 Holiday Rambler Endeavor 38ft Diesel motor home. Checked over by Interstate Power Systems in Sioux Falls. Always shedded. Very nice. Call 605-860-0126 or 605-860-0307 Cadillac 1987 Allante. Very nice condition, asking $4900 OBO. 605-252-0226 1997 Honda Goldwing SE, excellent condition, very well maintained, new tires & alternator, dark blue color with pin stripping, 55,000 miles, asking, $5,500. Call after 6PM 605-649-7978

2004 INT’L 4400, NEW 21’ Loadline box & steerable axle, DT530, ALLISON NEW 2012 & 2013 DAKOTA 43’ BELLY AUTO, 5.29, 318,000 mi, equipped for DUMP TRAILERS, 25 yd, triple axle, beets, DRIVES LIKE A PICKUP! $65,900 have latest factory updates, BLOWOUT PRICED@$35,000+FET

Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920

1999 INT’L 9400, N14@460hp!, 10 spd, 1980 GMC 7000, 427, 5+4, 19’ box, 3.70, new clutch, rebuilt trans, wet kit air brakes, 79,000 mi, excellent tires & for end dump, good brakes & tires, exbrakes, DRIVES NICE! $13,500 cellent paint, DRIVES SUPER! $28,900

2 - 2007 IH 8600, Cummings power, 10 spd, New 22’ Loadline box, beet eq., all alum wheels, lift axle, 400k miles & under $64,900

2008 LOADLINE 32’ END DUMP, tan2003 LOADLINE 32’ END DUMP, dem super singles on alum. wheels, tandem on duals, roll tarp, floor liner, floor liner, roll tarp, very good tires & very good tires & brakes, $14,000 less brakes. $25,900 than a new one! CALL FOR PRICE

Ford 2005 Focus, new battery, starter, good paint, body, interior, good tires, needs work, salvage title. Make offer. 174,000 miles. Call 605-450-9997 Mazda 2005 RX8 6 speed 64K miles. Need to sell, moving. Excellent condition, $8,000 OBO. 605-265-0233 2001 Class A WinnebagoItasca, 35ft, 2 slides, new tires & TV, 7000 watt generator, 49,500 miles, asking $27,000. 605-472-1108 or 605-460-0946 Pontiac 2004 GTP super charge 3.8 V6, 124,000 miles, sunroof, automatic, clean Southern car, $4700. Knight Truck Sales 605-225-1196 Toyota COROLLA LE 2010 4 dr sedan, ONE owner, Remote start keyless entry, 59,520 MILES, power windows/locks, cruise, tilt, GOOD TIRES, minor dings, $11,750. 605-290-9859 Ford F450, 2011, Lariat Package, 15,800 miles, & Loaded with 4WD, FX4 pkg, Trailer Tow pkg, 25000# fifth wheel hitch and more. Call 605-228-3311 Crew Cab 02 Chevy S10, 4.3, V6, Tonneau Cover, 130k, Good Condition, $6,900.

Ford 2008 F250 Crew cab, Power Stroke 4X4, runs and drives good, body good, clean and reliable truck. $19,900 OBO 605-351-1077

Dodge Durango SLT Plus, 2002, 147k, Leather, 3rd Row Seat, 4x4, Clean & Sharp, $4,450 OBO. Call 605-380-6016

2006 Crossroads (Paradise Point) M-33RK 5th wheel camper. Beautiful Deluxe model that is very clean and maintained. Price Reduced for fast sale. $26,500. 605-880-3414 or lorisfts@yahoo.com

For sale: 1994 4x4 Chevy 1/2 ton pickup, runs good, 15,000 miles, $1,200 OBO. Call 605-880-7098 if no answer leave a message. Hazel, SD.

10' Polaris 800 RAZR 4 seater - Winch, Roof, Windshields, Lock n go storage & rack, push bar w/lights, stereo, & street legal. 2550 miles $11,999 call 605-380-6394 Chevy 2007 2500HD Crew cab4X4 Duramax Diesel Auto Black, Leather, Loaded 71,000 Miles. $30,500 Summit SD 1-605-881-6912 2004 Gulfstream Innsbruck 31ft, Slideout, sleeps 9, bunks, tub/shower, awning, excellent condition. $9,000 call 605-228-2549 or 605-262-0903

See more units at www.titanmachinery.com

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

2008 Peterbilt 389 ISX Cummins, 485 HP, 10 Spd, 255” WB, All Alum, 63” Unibilt Sleeper, 761,043 Miles $54,900

1986 General, Tri-Axle, 855 Cummins, 9 Spd, 22’ Loadline $28,500

2007 Kenworth T800, C-13 Cat, 430 HP, 10 Spd, 804,488 Miles, Overhaul at 501,000 Miles, Wet Kit, AG 400, 3.90 Ratio $44,900

2008 Kenworth T800 ISX Cummins, 485 HP, 18 SP, AG 460 Susp, 3.70 Ratio, 256” WB. Full Locking Rears, 46,000 lb. Susp. 14,600 lb. Front, lift axle, 573,238 Miles $68,900

1995 42’ Timpte Hopper, 24.5 rubber on steel, nice tarp $13,500

Just 2 miles South of Minto, ND




Phil 1-218-779-4735 • Paul 1-218-779-9750



1983 Theuer, 40’ Tri-Axle Flat Bed $9,500


Dodge 1 ton 3500 dually, 2004, 130,000 miles, Hemi motor, 4WD, excellent shape, runs good, 701-680-1507 or 701-724-3486


Grafton, ND “Serving The Area Since 1991” See our website for more inventory!

www.valleybrake.com • 701-360-2229 or 701-352-0622


500 Ingersol Ave. • Crookston, MN 800-552-4668 • 218-281-4668

605-291-9223 or 605-291-9239

Honda 2014 CRV E X-L, Maroon w/gray leather interior, like new, 8,075 miles, AWD, htd leather seats, rear camera, below blue book $27,500. Call 605-380-5846

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

IN STOCK-NEW PRECISION UNIBODY END DUMPS, 34’ triple axle w/ new NEW 2014 DAKOTA alum. hoppers, 41’ super singles, equipped for beets, X72”, air ride, virgin tires, inside steps, urethane primer, paint & quality endgate, windows, Shurco tarp. $31,600 + FET BEAUTIFUL BLUE! $36,500 + FET 1974 Flowboy, Strong chain $5,800

For sale in Watertown, SD 1994 Newmar Kountry Star Motorhome, 8.3 liter Cummins Class A Diesel Pusher, 2 roof top air and heat units, electric awning, Awnings on all windows, 15ft push out extended living area, built in generator, Under 100,000 miles, Asking $26,000.

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

1989 Load King Tri-axle $18,000

We are a Dakota, Loadline & Precision Trailer Dealer!

701-778-7611 or 701-269-9687.

2008 CADILLAC CTS-4 AWD 3.6 DI. Thunder Gray all avail option incl. Lthr/Panoramic Sunrf/Nav/Bose. Cooled Seats, Drives like new! Prem, Lux II & Performance Pkg. Book $21,000, $15,900. Call 605-228-2976

2003 Witzco Detach Lowboy, Pony motor, tri-axle, outriggers. $26,000

1998 Red River 42’ Alum Hi-Lite, 36” belt, 455 tires. $27,500

FOR SALE: 2006 Dodge Ram 3500, 4 wheel drive, crew cab, automatic transmission, aluminum flatbed. Call

AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A5

NH TG255 Tractor, MFWD with Brand New Duals on Front & Back, 4300 Hours, Great Shape. ALSO: Self Propelled Kemper Head Parts. Kemper Head Adapter to JD. Call 701-321-9065 or 701-321-2911 FOR SALE: 2006 KW T600 72" AC AD Herd guard 475 Cat 18sp 3.55 AG380 775k Very nice. $38,900. 2002 KW W900L 86" AC AD Herd guard 550 6NZ w/ 4yr CAT Warranty 18sp 3.55 AG200 780k Cali truck in premium condition $63,900. PH 605-450-1117 1994 Wilson 48x102 livestock combo 4-3-2, Good Floors and the gates all swing, 11Rx25.5 tall tires, excellent brakes, California side doors, solid trailer ready to go. 605-515-0113 93 Freightliner FLD 112, 160” wheel base, daycab, L10 Cummins, 330HP, good rubber and brakes, good condition. $7,000 OBO. 605-480-1319


2005 Kenworth T800B (Qty 5), Cat C-13, Jake, A/R Susp, Dual Alum Fuel Tanks. CALL

2007 Kenworth T800B, (Qty 10) Cat C-13, 378,000 Miles, Ultra shift, Jake, A/R Susp, Alum Wheels, 180” WB. CALL


2007 Freightliner Columbia 120, Cat C13, 430 HP, Jake, A/R Susp, 3.42 Ratio, Alum Wheels, Front Steerable Pusher, Full Locking Rears, New Rubber, DBL Frame, New 21ft Load Line Box&Hoist, Combination Gate, Roll Over Tarp, Rear Hoist Control. Very Nice!! $64,900



Office: 701-282-2260 3004 Thunder Road South Fargo, ND

GRAIN TRAILERS FOR RENT 2012-2015 Timpte Grain Trailers Call for monthly, seasonal or yearly rates. Taking reservations for 2014 harvest rentals. T-n-T Trailer Rentals Mitchell, SD 605-940-7318 605-999-8800 2008 Elite stock trailer 7x30 triple axle. 701-710-0482

1994 Volvo, small sleeper, Cummins diesel, 9 spd trans, need radiator. 605-994-2382, leave message or after 8, 605-994-7001 or 605-994-7002 1995 Timpte 42x96x66, air ride. 1989 Timpte 42x96x78, spring ride. 605-994-2382, leave message or after 8, 605-994-7001 or 605-994-7002 1993 Templeton Grain Trailer, 40ft, new tarp, brakes good, $9,000 OBO. 701-830-1889

2007 Freightliner 120, Cat C-13, 10 Spd, Jake, A/R Susp, Alum Wheels, 180” WB. $28,900

620,000 MILES

1998 Peterbilt 385, Cat -C12, 10 Spd, Jake, A/R Susp, 3:70 Ratio, Alum Wheels, Double Framed, New Frontier 21’ Box and Roll Tarp. $54,900


2005 Peterbilt 357, Cat C-15, 475 HP, 18 Spd, Jake, 198” WB, Alum Wheels, 590,000 Miles, 2 Spd Rear End, Dbl Framed, Lowboy Ramps, Dual Steering. Dual Exhaust/Air Cleaners. California Rust Free!

Fuel Tanker 1989 TrailMaster MC306, 9,000 gallon, 4 compartment, Scully bottom load, last tests BK & IP due 2010. 605-880-9149 Rick FOR SALE: 1999 Int’l 9200 Semi with N14 Cummins, 10 Speed, ProSleeper (Flat top), 810k miles, Blue, Nice truck, $18,000 OBO. Call 605-380-4898 2012 Timpte hopper, 50x72x96, triple axle, black, stainless rear. 303-503-8696 No Solicitors

1993 7x24 Wilson aluminum Stock trailer, never hauled cattle. $10,500 Call 605-880-3998 Grain Trailers for Rent: Wilson & Timpte Ag Hoppers 2007-2015, 40’-42’, Spring Ride and Air Ride available. Call for monthly or yearly rates. H&S Ag Rentals LLC Bridgewater, SoDak Doug 605-360-1027 or Phil 605-360-4630

Ryan Gregoire 2506 Business Hwy. 2 East Grand Forks, MN 56721 701-741-0143


2006 Kenworth T800B, (Qty 5) Cat C-13, Jake, A/R Susp, Hydraulic Power Steering, Air Conditioned, Chrome Bumper, Dual Alum Fuel Tanks, Dual Chrome Stacks. CALL

2007 Volvo 3 Pedal Auto Shift, 400hp, Virgin Rubber, Aluminum Rims, 630,000 Miles, Very Clean Truck. $33,500

1998 Dodge Serive Rig $7,500


White Farm Truck $27,500

2005 Peterbilt 385 3:93 Rear Ends, Auto., C-13 Cat, Alum. Rims, 430 Hours, Wet Kit & Rear End Dump $41,500

2005 CL-120 Freightliner Colombia, 12.7 liter Detroit, 10 speed, 3.73 rear ends, 303,000 miles, new rubber on rear, new rims, new box and hoist, all new hydros $58,000.00 with F.E.T.

2014 Merritt Grain Trailer, 42’ long, 68’’ side height, 8’ wide, Ag hoppers $35,500 with F.E.T.

2014 Ford F-250, with Alum-Line Flatbed. Call for more details.

1998 FLD112 Freightliner, 10 Speed, 60 Series Detroit, 686,000 Miles, Well Maintained $21,000

2007 M-2 Freightliner C-7 CAT 6 Spd., 500 Gallon Tank, Work Bench Bumper, 14’ Service Body, All New Equipment, Pintle Plate. CALL

2007 Volvo, ISX Cummins, 10 speed, NEW rubber, 400 horse, 330,000 miles, MINT condition, New 22’ box and hoist, new tag axle, beet equipped, all new hydro components, $68,500

2006 CL-120 Freightliner, 14L Detroit, 10 spd, 455 HP, 650K, Tilt, Jake, 3:93 Rear Ends, $31,500



590,000 MILES

2006 International 9400i, Cummins ISM, 400 HP, 10 Spd, Jake, A/R Susp, 3:90 Ratio, 22.5 Tires, Alum Wheels, 187” WB. $28,900

2007 CL120 Freightliner, 430HP, ultrashift, jake, cruise, air ride cab & suspension. All aluminum, Service records. IH 9900 Eagle, 450 Cummins ISX, 51” pro sleeper, 10 speed, autoshift, 240”WB, air ride, cab & suspension, jake, cruise, tilting & telescoping. Service Records. IH 9200 430 HP, 10 speed, auto shift, 201”WB, all aluminum, air suspension, cruise, jake, prosleeper, 5800 miles on new motor, service records. 1 ton dually Service Truck, 400 gallon fuel tank, 6000lb auto crane, excellent rubber, nice inside and out, service records. 701-693-2371

1999 International 9100, Cummins N14, Jake, A/R Susp, Tandem Axle, New Rear Bumper, Easton Fuller FRO-15210B. $24,900


2006 Peterbilt 357, Cat C-15, 475 HP, 18 Spd, Jake, A/R Susp, Alum Wheels, 511,460 Miles, 196” WB, 2 Spd Rear End, Dbl Frame, Lowboy Ramps, Dual Steering. Rust Free California Truck!

435,000 MILES

2006 Peterbilt 379, Cat C-13, 470 HP, Jake, 13 Spd, Air Trac Susp, 226” WB, Alum Wheels, Wet Kit, Dual Exhaust. Rust Free Truck! CALL





Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920

3208 Cat Reviva Rebuilt Engine. Under 1000 Miles. $2500. 320-839-2579


Have for sale a 1994 Ford F-250 extended cab long box pickup. Has 7.3 IDI turbo diesel engine. E4OD automatic trans. 3.55 gears in rear end. 197500 miles. 2000 miles on the following: Rebuilt engine from professional builder, New lift pump, fuel injection pump, fuel injectors, glow plugs and auxiliary electric pump in fuel line. Overhauled transmission with shift kit and big trans cooler. Custom built air intake, custom built exhaust w/3 in downpipe and 4 in out the back. New batteries and serpentine belt, new water pump, new AC compressor/accumulator. Rebuilt front end(wheel bearings, brakes, lockouts, etc). Firestone RideRite air bags in the rear, Good year Unisteel 8R19.5 tires @ 90% on new heavy duty aluminum wheels. Sells w/toolbox, bed liner, fold-over 5th wheel ball, bed rail protectors, and grillguard. Excellent original red paint, glass and interior. Can text or e-mail photos. $8500.00/ Offer Call or text Greg @ 605-941-1453

A6 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014

1974 Peterbilt, model 359, very restorable, 13 speed, air ride, Cummins motor, 22.5 rubber, 605-994-7773

1994 Peterbuilt 359, 3406 Cat, 18-speed trans, lift axle, new 20' box & hoist; $38,500. 406-939-0411 2001 Merritt pup ag hopper, 26x96x72, tandem axle, spring ride, steel wheels, good condition, new brakes and seals. Home made tandem axle dolly. Asking $23,000. Call 605-769-9742 in Gettysburg, SD

2006 Timpte, standard hopper, 42’ long, 78" sides, 102" wide, air ride, aluminum wheels, $22,500. 605-228-1302 or 605-226-0381 1985 Peterbuilt 359, Cummins, 9 spd, 18' box & hoist; $25,000. 406-939-0411

1988 Western Star, 3406 Cat, 15 spd, 24" tires, 20' box & hoist; $28,000. 406-939-0411 1-2000 379 Ext. Hood Peterbilt with 600HP ISX 18 Spd. 63” Stand Up Unibuilt Sleeper, American Class Interior, 3:55 Ratio, 265” Wheelbase 975,000 Miles, $32,000. 1-1989 T400 Kenworth with a 22’ Grain Box & Tarp, Crysteel Hoist, Air Ride, L10 Cummins, 9 Spd. 467,000 Miles, $25,000. Call 605-380-7900

2006 Timpte, standard hopper, 42’ long, 78”sides, 102” wide, air ride, aluminum wheels, $22,500. 605-228-1302 or 605-226-0381 1996 Jet 43ft grain trailer, new paint, new tarp, good rubber, excellent condition 605-940-7318 or 605-770-0176 29'x10' Double Tube Donahue Trailer w/tandem axle & quick hitch, mostly new planks, bearings & frame excellent condition; $1500. Near GF. Call: 701-739-3890 GMC '12 1/2 ton pickup, 5.3 motor, 48,000 miles, black leather interior, 4 door short box, $27,000. Call 605-252-0377

28'-53' Semi storage trailers, some with side doors. 48' flat bed trailers with poor wood, good for hay trailers. 36' hopper bottom trailer. 7', 20', & 40' containers. www.rydelltrailers.com (701) 474-5780

Chevy 1992 reg cab, K2500, replaced turbo diesel engine, auto, no rust. Nice looking truck, $3800. 605-876-3621

Hopper Grain Trailers 68” Sidewalls Fully equipped, ready to go

Dodge 1993 Dakota 4x4, Salvage title, for parts or fix up. Make offer. Call 605-450-9997

2010 CornHusker Ultralite 43ft, ag hopper, 11R22.5 virgin rubber, excellent shape, $29,500. 507-381-9778 2005 Wilson Commander hopper bottom, Ag hoppers, 43', excellent shape. Good rubber, new brakes, $25,000. Will email pics. 507-381-9778 2001 GMC HD 3/4 ton extended cab, SL, 8.1L, Allison transmission, dual power seats, good condition, 110K, $8,400/trade. 605-225-4115

2006 F250 Super Duty Crew cab XLT, low miles 90K, 6.0 power stroke, good condition, $18,500, OBO/trade. 605-225-4115 STARLITE Motors 1998 IH 4900 DT466 motor, 7 spd transmission, air lift tag axle, 26' van, nice truck. Asking $7000 OBO. 218-731-1797 2006 Kenworth T800, factory daycab, CAT, 435HP, 505,000 miles, 10 speed, 220 W/B, cold AC, very clean, $36,500. Knight Truck and Trailer Sales 605-225-1196

See all of our trucks at: www.mjtrucksalesinc.com www.mjtrucksalesinc.com

End Dump Trailers

Body width of 8’ 32’, 34’, or 35’ lengths available

2007 Freightliner Columbia, 14L 455 Detroit, 10 spd. ultrashift, Jake, 787K miles ...............$25,500

See Us At...

Other Sizes Available

2007 Freightliner Columbia daycab. Detroit 455HP, ultra shift trans, 640K mi, 170 WB, aluminum outside. New rubber, excellent shape, $32,500. 2007 Freightliner daycab, Detroit 455HP 580K mi, 10speed, 170WB, new rubber, excellent shape, $29,500. 2006 Freightliner Century daycab. Mercedees engine 450HP, 730K mi, 190WB, 390 rears, 10 aluminum wheels. New rubber, will email pics, $21,500. 2005 International Harvester IH8600 daycab, C13 Cat, 10 speed, 170" wheel base, 644K, new rubber, chrome bumper, like new, $23,500. 507-381-9778 FOR SALE: 2011 Timpte hopper, 78x42x102, air ride, new tarp, $29,500 OBO. 605-380-0627

Peterson Truck Sales 701-238-5898

Ford 2001 F-150 King Ranch short bed 4WD, good condition, 162K mi, tow pkg, power chip, green, $9500. 605-626-1122

Available in lengths ranging from 14’- 24’ Side heights available in 58 1/2” or 66”

Chevy 2000 Silverado, 106,000 miles, $5,400 OBO. 605-226-4929 or 290-7226

*2001 Kenworth T600, C15 Cat, 13 spd, aerocab. *2007 T600 Aero Cab, 600 hp Cat, 13 spd, $23,000. *2006 Freightliner Columbia, 450 hp Mercedes, 10 spd trans, 200,000 miles since major overhaul, new clutch, rebuilt trans., new tires, $16,000. *2001 Sterling M11 Cummins. *1999 FL 11 L. Detroit 375 hp. w/20' Reiten Aluminum box, model #FLD210, new red paint, fresh engine overhaul. *(2) 45 ft flatbed trailers, spring ride, ideal for tanks or hauling hay. *1993 Towmaster pintle hitch trailer, air brakes, 20 ft deck with beaver tail & ramps, 40,000 lb capacity, $7,900. *Several pintle hitch tilt bed trailers, dual tandems.

1991 Timpte 21' Pup Trailer, spring ride, 24.5 rubber, roll tarp, tires 40%, brakes 70%, 12' drop tongue; $9800/obo. 218-280-0228

LCG Grain Body

1978 IHC S2200 Tandem, rebuilt Detroit 6V92 diesel, 5x2 trans, 20ft steel grain box, hoist w/roll tarp. Comes w/400 bushel 2 compartment hydraulic drill fill and floor plank system for hauling gravel. This dependable truck has plenty of power, good shape, and can haul a lot of grain, $15,000. 701-320-0447

(4) 2002 & (3) 2003 IHC 9200i Eagle, C-12 410 Cat, 10 spd., 3.90 ratio, air ride, 600K miles Starting at $19,900

2005 Freightliner Freightliner Columbia 12.7L 445 Detroit, 10 spd., Jake, 604k miles


Booth #603

Toll Free 844-233-3313

701-642-6656 Fax: 701-642-6658 P.O. Box 668 Wahpeton, ND 58074

www.frontiermfg.com 001136405r1

2008 Volvo Volvo VNL, ISX 425 Cummins, 10 spd., daycab, alum. wheels, 705K miles


(6) 2006 Kenworth T800 ISX 450 Cummins, 10 spd, daycab, jake, 600k - 750k miles Starting at

2 - 2005 IHC 9200i, ISM 370 Cummins, 10 spd, air ride, daycab ...... $21,900/$23,900 2002 IHC 9200i, ISM 370 Cummins, 10 spd., air ride, daycab ........$19,900 2001 Volvo Volvo VNL, N-14 425 Cummins, 10 spd., daycab, 798K miles ...............$16,900



Highway 13 W • Wahpeton, Wahpeton, ND Email: jay@mjtrucksalesinc.com

(701)642-9155 • (800)796-9155


1974 C60 Chevy 16ft Omaha combination standard box, 350 4 speed/2 speed, power steering, new steering tires, single axle, with silage end gate, 63,000 miles, $4000. 605-270-1263 Madison SD.

AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A7

2001 Wilson cattle pot, 50ft by 102in. Has air ride, close tandem axle, center gates on top and bottom, dog house, decking for the nose and lighted sign. Floors are 60-70%. $28,000. 701-320-0146 2007 Kenworth T600, 475HP Cummins ISX, 9 speed convertible transmission, 336 gears in the rear end, 1,027,744 miles, $24,900. 605-338-3433 or cell 605-360-1183 1999 Peterbilt 379, 475 Cat, 13 speed. 2003 IH 9900, 475 Cat, 13 speed. 605-870-1200 2010 Timpte 42x78x96 grain trailer, black, air ride, aluminum wheels. 2011 Wilson, 42x66x96 grain trailer, air ride, aluminum wheels, & ag hoppers. call 605-870-1200

Ford F350 King Ranch, 2009, crew cab, long box, 4x4, black, 79,000 miles, $24,900. Aberdeen, SD 605-377-5572 2000 Mac Quad Axle Truck, 460 engine, 18 speed trans. CL713, 681K miles. $34,000. 715-556-9090 or 715-632-2319. Ford F880 tag tandem, 534 gas, 5&2 spd, 20' body, roll tarp. $5,000 OBO. 701-430-1487 2004 Volvo, VNL64T, Vin #4V4NC9GHX4N363254, 660,000 miles, deer guard, bug screen, rear wheel fenders. 218-346-4420 or 701-261-0320. 996 IH 8100 twin screw, steerable pusher, 10 sd., M11, 228,000 miles, 20' steel box, hydraulic end gate, roll tarp, silage liner, air controls. $30,500. (can email pictures) 1993 Wilson 48' cattle pot, counter balanced door, above average floor, good tires. $13,500. 605-770-2383 or 605-527-2366 Van trailer 28ft single axle, great for storage, $3,500. 605-228-1302 or 605-226-0381

FOR SALE: 2014 Timpte Hopper Trailer, 96in Wide, 78in High, 50ft Long, 3 Axles, Back Axle is a Lift, New Tires & New Tarp. Call 605-261-0237 For sale: 1994 C60 Truck with motor, runs, but no box. Make an offer. If no answer please leave message. Hazel, SD 605-880-7098

GRAIN TRAILERS FOR RENT 2012-2015 Timpte Grain Trailers Call for monthly, seasonal or yearly rates. Taking reservations for 2014 harvest rentals. T-n-T Trailer Rentals Mitchell, SD 605-940-7318 605-999-8800

1998 28.5ft Jaunts Combine Transport, Good Shape, Call 605-845-7411 or 605-845-8472 1998 Reitnouer 48ft all aluminum drop deck trailer, spread axle, dump valve, water tanks, aluminum wheels, excellent shape. Cell 605-382-7373 or home 605-382-5685

1987 IH 2300, L10 Cummins, 7 Speed, Tandem Axle, Twin Screw, 18 ton Rayman Stainless Steel Fertilizer Box, 4 Compartments, Hydraulic Drive and Controls, $15,900

2014 Wilson Ag Hopper, Air Ride, Aluminum Wheels, Electric Roll Tarp, LIKE NEW, $36,100

2015 Wilson Ag Hopper, Spring Suspension, Steel Wheels, Roller Gates, Roll Tarp, $33,250

1999 Talbert Dropdeck Trailer, 48x102, Air Ride, Spread Axle, $15,250

Fruehauf Fuel Tanks, 50 gallon Aluminum, $100

1975 Dodge 600 Grain Truck, Gas Engine, 5 & 2 Transmission, 16 ft Steel Box, Roll Tarp, NICE SHAPE, $4,900

TM120 Truck Crane, Gas Engine for Truck, Call for Price

1985 Timpte Hopper Trailer, 42x78x96, Air Ride, Steel Wheels, Roll Tarp, 2 Speed Traps and Dollys, Front and Rear Ladders and Catwalks, $11,250

Chrysler Town and Country, 2009, 82,535 miles, new tires, heated leather, 2 DVD players, rear back up camera, very clean & well taken care of , maroon, 3.8 V6 motor, stow-n-go. $14,500 OBO 605-380-2126

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

New Holland TV140 Bi-Directional Tractor, 7614 Loader and Grapple, Front and Rear 3 Point Hitch, PTO and Hydraulics, Engine and Hydraulic Block Heater, Tires 80%, $54,500

1999 Kidron 36 ft Reefer Trailer, Tandem Axle, Set Up with NEW 3--1700 gallon Water/Fertilizer Tanks, 30 gallon Mix Cone, Honda Pump, All Hose and Valves, $13,250


Ford F250, 2005, XLT, 4x4, crew cab, 100,000 miles, original owner, 5.4 gas engine with cloth interior, Luverne grill guard and tonneau cover, good condition, asking $14,000 OBO. 605-216-1559 John (Selby SD)


TIMPTE TRAILERS Order ro Your Specs ★★★★★★★★★★★★


2014 TIMPTE 33'X72" 2014 TIMPTE 42'X66" 1991 TIMPTE 45'X78" 2002 CORNHUSKER 34'X71" 1995 MERRITT 41'X68" 1993 TIMPTE 42'X66" 1997 TIMPTE 42'X66" 2007 WILSON 41'X66" ----------------------

2007 9400 IHC, ISX Cummins 10 Spd, 453 HP

2007 8600 IHC, Cummins ISM, 385 HP, 10 spd, air ride, 708,213 miles

2006 9200 IHC, ISM Cummins, 10 Spd, New 22’ Box & Hoist, Full 3rd Axle

2008 7600 IHC Work Star, ISM Cummins, 10 Speed, New 22’ Box & Hoist, Full 3rd Axle

2007 9200i IHC, ISM Cummins 10 Spd, 385 HP

2010 IHC Prostar Premium, ISX Cummins, Autoshift, All Aluminum Wheels

14’ BIL Box Blade, with dual wheels & tilt

2015 Loadline End Dump, 34’ tri-axle, super singles, red

New 2014 BIL 14’ Angle Blade w/Hyd Tilt

2014 Meridian Fuel Trailer, 990 Gallon w/def fluid & hose, White

FINANCING AVAILABLE *Trailer Rental *Trailer Delivery ----------------------



FOR SALE: 1986 Wilson grain trailer, tandem axle, 42' long, 78" sides, electric roll tarp, 2 speed traps, 11Rx24.5 tires, farmer owned, good trailer, $12,500. Call 605-350-3100

Chevy K1500 Pickup, 1998, white, extended cab, 163,000 miles, good condition, $3500 OBO. Call 605-470-0286 or 605-470-0281 5-18' car trailers 16'+2' dovetail, $1900 to $2250. 2002 S&S Dura-line 7x16 stock trailer, $1800. Jens 6x12 Bobcat trailer, $1950. Aberdeen, SD 605-377-5572

2004 Freightliner Columbia, C-12 Cat, 10 Speed, Air Ride

1994 45’ Fontaine Flat Bed Trailer with or without water tanks

Call Ron Corrick


701-454-6174 • Cell 701-520-0187 I-29 Exit 187, Drayton, ND www.helmenterpriserc.com

Check With Us For All Your Parts Needs!


1998 Intl 4700 walk-in refrig van, medium temp cold plates, 7.3L V-8, 5-spd trans, 350K miles, maint records, $3000 OBO. 605-395-7144

A8 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014

Qty 3 2007 Kenworth T800 C-13 Caterpillar Engine 430 hp; 10 Spd; Diesel; Engine Brake; Pete Flex Air Suspension; 3.70 Ratio; 22.5 Tires; All Aluminum Wheels; 172 in Wheelbase; Tandem Axle; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle 535000 miles nice trucks $39,500 •2015 Timpte 40x96x72 Air Ride ; 40 ft Length x 96 in Width; 72 in Inside Height; 11R24 Tires; Aluminum Composition; Summer Order Trailers we can customize any order to your spec trailers are august delivery Starting at $33,000 •2015 Neville Built Aluminum Hopper Spring Suspension; 38 ft 6 in Length x 102 in Width; 11R22.5 Tires; Aluminum/Steel Wheels; Fixed Tandem Axle; Aluminum Composition; 2 Hoppers; Rental Returns Very Nice Trailers AG HOPPERS with Sight windows very little use FET INCLUDED; $31,000 •2006 Kenworth T800 C-13 Caterpillar Engine 430 hp; 517,400 mi; 10 Spd; Engine Brake; 8 Bag Air Ride Suspension; 3.90 Ratio; 11R24.5 Tires; Aluminum/ Steel Wheels; 210 in Wheelbase; Tandem Axle; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle Weight; Drive Side $41,500 • 2007 Sterling LT9500 MBE4000 Mercedes Engine 430 hp; 605,000 mi; 10 Spd; Engine Brake; Air Ride Suspension; 3.90 Ratio; 22.5 Tires; All Steel Wheels; 170 in Wheelbase; Tandem Axle; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle Weight; Drive Side:

320-239-2677 Starbuck, MN



of Minnesota

2005 INTERNATIONAL 9400i, CUMMINS, ISM, 370 HP, AIR RIDE, AIR SLIDE, JAKE...............................................$28,750


2007 Freightliner with 10 speed, Kann aluminum box, 22 ft with 68 in sides, factory long frame. Roll tarp, air controls, tri-ax, empty weights around 20,500. 701-238-6745.

COMING IN! 2006 & 2007 Freightliner Columbia, 12.7L 455 hp, 10 spd, Jake, a/r cab & suspension, excellent 11R22.5’s, low mileage. 2 - 2001 Freightliner FLD120SD Factory 3rd axles, N14 525 hp, Jake, 13 spd, heavy fronts & rears, full lockers, low mileage.

2005 Ultra Light Corn Husker 800, 42ft Long, 76in Sides, 96in Wide, Aluminum Subframe, Air Ride, 11R22.5 All Aluminum Rims, $26,000. 1995 Doonan Grain Pup, 21ft Long, 93in Wide, Hitch is 17ft 3in, 11R24.5 All Aluminum Rims, $13,750. Would Like to Sell as Unit, But Would Consider Split. Call 605-310-0746

BELT TRAILERS / PARTS SILAGE / BEET TRAILERS ’12 Aulick 4270-54 E/H Ext. 97 42’AR Red River 41” Belt ’10 Alum 48’ 54” Blt Tri E/H ’11 TK 4272-64 Elect Tarp ’08 Trail King 4584-48 AR ’11 39’ Frameless End Dump ’93 48’ Tri Trinity 41” Belt ’07 StrongBox 42’ 50” Belt

2005 Peterbilt 379, ISX 475 hp, 10 spd, Jake, 220 wb, a/r cab & suspension, Holland a/s 5th, 11R24.5 Virgins, 90%, dual cleaners & exhaust, full gauges, only 25,000 miles. Like New!

Big River / Trailer Sales Dale: 701-261-4130 Cory: 701-261-4024

2006 Peterbilt 379 factory tri-axle 36” flat top, C15 Cat 475 hp, Jake, 18 spd, 16,000 lb front, 46,000 lb rears, full double frame, 4:30’s, air ride cab & susp., all new 11R24.5 Virgins, 2007 Kenworth W900L, C15 Cat wet kit & headache rack, beacon, 475 HP, Jake, 13 spd, 3:70’s, 235 only 433,000 miles. wb, all new 11R24.5 Virgins, alum’s, Excellent heavy hauler. a/s 5th, full gauges, 4 bag Hendrickson, full gauges, full lockers, Headache rack, only 241,000 miles. Very clean & sharp.

For Sale: 1998 Globe 50 ton NGB, triple axle, air ride. 218-289-5868 or 701-238-7136. For Sale: 2009 Wilson Hopper bottom 50' air ride, 96"w x 72" sides; 48x102 Tri-axle air ride double drop trailer. 218-289-5868 or 701-238-7136. Toyota 1987 pickup, 165,900 miles, 2WD, manual trans, 30mpg, dependable, $900. 605-380-7554 1979 Chevy fuel truck, 5 compartments, 2000 gallons, dual pumps, good dependable fuel truck for farmer or construction business. $6500. Phone 605-354-3539

1998 IH 8200 tandem axle grain truck, pusher axle, 20’ stock box and hoist, roll cover, 375hp M11 Cummins engine, 10 speed trans, wired and plumbed to pull a pup, brand new tires from front to rear. Excellent running condition. Matching pup trailer available. Will Accept Trades. Call 605-216-0270 2003 Sterling A9500 with Master lift 5,000 Forklift, 300HP Cummins, 10sp Eaton Fuller transmission, extended controls to reach to the back of the truck, 512,674 miles, 11x22.5 tires, forklift is built in a 5500 capacity 14ft lift. Fork spacing is 13”, 26”, 38”, 52” all center to center. Truck is located in Watertown, SD. Asking $30,000. 605-291-9223 or 605-291-9239 2005 Western Star. 14 liter Detroit, 515HP, 13 speed, Steerable 3rd axle, extended hood, flat top, straight pipes, excellent shape, lots of repairs have paperwork, $45,000. 605-228-1302 or 605-226-0381 1988 Timpte Aluminum Hopper Trailer, 42' X 78" sides X 96" width. Brakes and tires 90%. Roll tarp. $9800 OBO. Call 701-865-4134 evenings, or 701-331-0176 cell. Gooseneck Trailer 20' Flatbed w/tandem axle's, includes 3' beaver tail ramps, 2 loading ramps, 2 connector hitches, spare tire & wheel, rated 14,000 lbs., used twice, like new; $4900. 218-686-1320 Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920

(2) 2006 STERLING 9513, TANDEM AXLE DAYCAB, 450 HP, JAKE, AIR RIDE, AIR SLIDE, WET KIT ..............................$25,750


2007 MACK CXN613 VISION, 427 HP, AIR RIDE, 10 SPD, JAKE .......................$35,000

2) 2006 VOLVO VNL, Cummins, ISX, 450 HP, Eaton-Fuller, Man, 10 Spd................$32,500

2008 TIMPTE HOPPER, Tandem, Air Ride...........................................$30,000

2012 TIMPTE HOPPER, Tandem, Spring Suspension.....................................$30,950



2014 40’ & 38.6’ Merritt Alum Ag-Hopper LED Lights, Sring and Air Ride Susp, 11R24.5 Virgins, Roll Tarp. 2014 40’ PLG Steel Ag-Hopper, LED Lights, Spring Susp, 22.5 Tires, Steel Wheels, Roll Tarp.



2005 Peterbilt 378, C13 Cat 380/430 HP, Jake, Automatic, 4:33’s, excellent 11R24.5 Virgins, all aluminum’s, dual exhaust, new 22’ Reiten aluminum box, dual rear controls, rear hitch, only 258,000 miles. Excellent Condition!

2006 Kenworth T600, C15 Cat 475 hp, Jake, 10 spd, air ride cab & suspension, Holland a/s 5th, 185 wb, all aluminum’s, dual exhaust, excellent 22.5’s, Low Mileage!

DROP DECKS Direct Trailers: (1) 53’ Drop deck w/beaver tri-axle & front lift axle (1) 53’ Drop deck w/rear slide axle (1) 53’ Drop deck tri-axle w/front lift axle Maurer: (1) 2014 53’ Drop deck w/beaver tail Neville: (1) 2014 48’ Drop deck (1) 2015 53’ Drop deck w/beaver tail GRAIN TRAILERS Maurer: (1) 40’ Steel Grain Trailer (2) 40’ Steel Grain Trailers – (1) Red Tarp, (1) Blue Tarp Neville: (4) 2015 40’ Steel Grain Trailers (2) 2015 38.5’ Steel Grain Trailers (1) 2015 40’ Alum. Grain Trailer Timpte: (1) 2014 50’ Tri-axle Silver Grain Trailer (1) 2015 40’ Tandem White Grain Trailer USED Grain Trailers: (1) 1990 Wilson 41’ Grain Trailer (1) 1992 Timpte 42’ Grain Trailer

KLEIN ’S TRUCK SALES Dennis Klein • Rugby, N.D.

635 Marin Avenue Crookston, MN 56716 218-281-6300 Fax 218-281-6301


2004 Peterbilt 385, Single Turbo Cat 475 hp, Jake, 13 spd, 3:70’s, 205 wb, all alum’s, 80% 22.5 Virgin Michelins, a/r cab & suspension, dual 80g tanks, dual exhaust, 583,000 miles. Very well taken care of.

701-776-5922 www.kleinstrucksales.com



• 2000 Peterbilt 378SB 12.7 Detroit Engine 430 hp; ALISON AUTOMATIC ; Air Suspension; 5.29 Ratio; 22.5 Tires; All Aluminum Wheels; 172 in Wheelbase; Tandem Axle; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle 335000 miles nice trucks $34,500 • 1989 Freightliner FLD120 3406B Caterpillar Engine 430 hp; 850,000 mi; 9 Spd; Diesel; Engine Brake; 4 Bag Air Ride Suspension; 3.70 Ratio; 24.5 Tires; Aluminum/ Steel Wheels; 190 in Wheelbase; Tandem Axle; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle Weight; Drive Side $ 11,500 • 1985 Chevrolet Brigader 3208 Caterpillar Engine 250 hp; 185,000 mi; 5+2 Spd; 4 Spring Suspension; 20 ft Length; 24.5 Tires; Budd Wheels; Tri Axle; 12,000 lb Front Axle Weight; 40,000 lb Rear Axle Weight; Drive Side: Left Hand Drive; Older truck lots of work done new $15,000 • 2015 Timpte 40x96X66 Spring Suspension; 40 ft Length x 96 in Width; 66 in Inside Height; 11R24 Tires; Aluminum Composition; Summer Order Trailers we can customize any order to your spec trailers are august delivery; Starting at $31,500

Freightliner 2007 Midroof. Detroit 14 liter. 455 to 515 HP. 10 speed smart shift w clutch. 226” wheel base. New drive tires. $24,500. Knight truck sales. 605-225-1196

Hwy 22 South • Dickinson, ND 58601 Kurt Wanner, President

701-483-4369 • 800-743-2934

AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A9

2012 Timpte, 66x96x42, ag hoppers, very good condition; '89 Wilson hopper 72x96x43, very clean; 2010 Magnum 40 ft live bottom super singles, tri-axle; '93 L9000 day cab, 3176 Cat, 9 sp, $5000; '79 C70 single axle, 4&2, V8, 14 ft box, roll tarp; '75 C65 twin screw, 427, 5&4, roll tarp, good tires, current DOT; '74 C60,single axle, Frontier box,350, 4&2. Holte Farm Sales holtesales.com 218-861-6181

WANTED TO BUY Wanted to buy: Farmhand tub grinder, JD 885 cultivator, small square baler, JD 8300 and IH 510 grain drill, IH 75 swather, mounted chisel plow. 605-665-4753

WANTED: SHEEP EQUIPMENT Squeeze chute/tilting table, waterers, feeders, fencing, sorting equipment, loading chute, lambing jugs, hoop barn doors and vents, feeding equipment. SAMS sheep. 605-630-0487 WANTED: JD 2 row 30" corn chopper head to fit a 3800 chopper. Call 701-489-3433 or 701-368-8928. WANTED: New or Used in excellent condition, plunger & stationary baler knives to fit an Int’l Model 440 square baler. Models 430, 435, 428, 445, 47, & 37 are supposed to be the same & will work. Contact Steve at 605-794-2991 Nights or 605-690-6960 Days WANTED: 4 row 30" corn head to fit Case IH 8730 or Hesston 7165 corn chopper. 701-663-7123

See Us At Big Iron Booth #’s 200 & 203!!



WANTED: Corn Picker, any size, make or model with 30" row head. Contact Db 605-228-0471 Wanted: Older 2 row potato windrower. 701-445-7315

Wanted To Buy: Alfalfa sieves for L Gleaner. 605-490-7666 Wanted To Buy: 22' Finger Reel for 4750 Versatile Swather. 701-337-6459


***WANT TO BUY*** Small horse or livestock barn. Approx. 20x40 701-360-3075, 701-248-2096 WANTED: Sturdy fine bale rack, 605-577-6654 Looking for: Low profile hopper to fit 10 inch Westfield auger. 605-999-2393 6r30, 8r30,12r30, Lee-way, Ray-mac header attachments w/wo header CIH, JD. 620-886-1199 Want to buy Case or Case IH 90 94 or 96 series. 2 WD MFWD or 4 WD tractors for parts or in need of repair. 605-934-3594

1996 John Deere GT 262 lawnmower, 48 inch cutting deck, 17 hp, 6 speed transmission. Runs and mows great! $600 obo. Call 701-640-2161 For Sale: 12 New 40' Galvanized roof steel. 26 gage. $80 a sheet. 605-380-8399



For Sale: Ronk phase converter, 100 hp, complete with disconnect box, like new condition, 605-480-0285 For Sale: 2012 FarmKing 13x85 auger. Low profile, swing away hopper, mechanical drive. Like new condition - used only one season. $14,950. 320-284-2281

SunnyView Grain Bagging Custom Grain bagging, store your grain right in the field. New Loftness bagger. Unloading available also. For more info call 605-695-5120 Used tires for sale, all sizes. Fedora, SD 605-770-2766


Tested. Trusted. Guaranteed. - Hassle Free Hopper Openers -Hassle Free Tarping Distributed by: Serving the valley since 1939

Durability, Versatility, Reliability For Any Load!

Used Trailers & Trucks


t In


2015 Witzco Detachable Triple Axle Air Ride 2015 Jet Hopper, 42’ x 96” x 70”, Air Ride, Black 2015 Jet Side Dump Tri-Axle 2015 Jet Hopper, Spring Ride, 40’ x 96” x 70” 2014 Jet Hopper 38’ x 96” x 70”, Spring Ride 2014 Jet Hopper 40’ x 96” x 70” Air Ride 2014 Jet Tri-Axle Side Dump 2013 Jet Hopper 40’ x 96” x 70” SOLD 2013 Witzco Detach Tri-Axle 2012 Jet Hopper 40’ x 96’ x 70’ Spring Ride 2012 Jet Side Dump Tri-Axle 2004 Red River Live Bottom 42’x102”x78”, 54” Belt, Air Ride, Just Rebuilt 1999 Merritt 43’x96”x80” Air Ride 1997 Timpte Hopper, 42’ x 96” x 78” 1994 Walton Tri-Axle Step Deck w/ Beaver Tail & Ramps



Witzco Tri-Axle Detachables



800-325-2412 • 218-773-1194 Business Hwy 2 East Grand Forks, MN

Semi Trailer Sales and Rentals Stephen, MN • 218-455-3341


SEE FOR ALL OF YOUR COMMERCIAL VEHICLE NEEDS! CHRIS PAGNAC 70170 17 74 41411 71 7 83 3 701-741-7183

Highway 75 North, Hallock, MN

Highway 89 South, Roseau, MN

Toll Free: 1-888-722-3673

Toll Free: 1-866-214-5095

OPEN: Mon-Fri 7 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.



OPEN: Mon-Fri 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.



AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A11

New poly kit for JD 930F head ½ price of new. New 12" sweeps for WilrRich Chisel plow ½ price. New NH3 shovels for 5300 DMI; $30/ea. JD 9870 rear beater speed up kit; $100. Torpedo hitch for NH3 tanks; $400. 701-763-6254 For Sale: 12" & 9" aeration tubes that lay on top of floor for grain bins. Call 701-739-6188

FOR SALE: 2013 JD 569 Premium Baler Cover Edge pickup gauge wheels, 1000 pto flotation tires. Also, 2010 new leader 3220G4-11 twin spinner box for JD 4930 power unit. 1994 JD 893 cornhead, 8 row, 30". Phone 218-639-2931.


MISCELLANEOUS 2003 Case 521D 6000 hrs. ACS cuppler, 3 yrd Bucket. Cab air, RC, 50% tires, $63,000. 605-350-1325

SD Trappers Association Fall Rendezvous Yankton, SD September 12 & 13 NFAA East Yankton Archery Complex 800 Archery Lane, Yankton, SD aghermanson@gmail.com

FOR SALE: 972 30' MacDon rigid head, like new trans port, JD hookup, 2 Kenwood UH7 radios, less than 2 years old. 701-331-2791


*12' TALL X 8' WIDE - 23 SECTIONS, CORNERS - 8' TALL X 5'X5' WIDE - 2 PIECES. PRICE: $24,000 FOR ALL 25 PIECES. *8' TALL X 8' WIDE - 16 SECTIONS, CORNERS - 8' TALL X 5'X5' WIDE - 3 PIECES. PRICE: $7,900 FOR ALL 19 PIECES. *CALL: 320-894-5415 320-995-6581 320-212-8751

Whether you live North, South, East or West, let me help you with the financing that would fit you BEST!

Loan or Leases

8380 haybine. Case IH, John Deere 158 Loader, New Idea Corn Picker, Schwartz 180 feed wagon, John Deere 35 salvage cutter, good gear box. 605-532-3176 or 605-881-5833 FOR SALE: Some new or used steel sheeting & foremost calf working chute, $400. Heavy duty wheel grinder, 16", 3 hp, 220V, old, $150. 7-400 watt luminous lights M59-H33, best offer. 218-779-5640 or 218-779-7546.

2014 MAURER Air Ride Suspension; 42 ft Length x 68” Height; 11R24.5 Virgin Tires Tires; Aluminum Composition; Dump Valve and Scale. LED Lights, Sight Windows. Front and Rear Platforms, Flip Down Ladder and Double Ridge 2005 MACK VISION CXN613 AC Mack Engine Strap. Rental Return; $31,000 427 HP; 602,276 Miles; 10 Spd; Air Ride Suspension; 3:73 Ratio; 11R22.5 Tires; 182” Wheelbase; Drive Side: Left Hand Drive; Jake, Cruise, Tilt and Telescoping, Power Windows, Power Locks and Power & Heated Mirrors. Air Ride Cab New Air Slide 5th Wheel, Air Dump, Load Gauge and Air Ride Seats; $31,500 2015 MAURER Air Ride Suspension; 40 ft Length x 5 ft 8 in Height; 11R24.5 Tires; Aluminum/Steel Wheels; Aluminum Composition; 2 Hoppers; 2 Sight Windows, LED Lights, Dump Valve with Scale, Electric Tarp with Remote. Double Ridge Strap and Front & Rear Platforms; $37,250 2014 MAURER Spring Suspension; 45 ft Length; All Steel Wheels; 40+5 Closed Drop Deck, White Oak Floor, LED Lights. $28,500

Gayle Gayle Hoots Hoots

New and Used Equipment: • Farm Machinery • Grain Bins and Buildings • Construction Equipment • Trucks and Trailers 8 Ag Equity Loans 8 Operating Loans 8 Farm Mortgages

Phone: 701-212-2118 (Cell) Office: 701-764-6668 Email: gayle@tristateequipmentfinancing.com

2015 MAURER Spring Suspension; 40 ft Length x 5 ft 8 in Height; 24.5 Low Pro Recaps Tires; Aluminum/Steel Wheels; Aluminum Composition; 2 Hoppers; Two Sight Windows, Front and Rear Platforms and Double Ridge Strap with LED Lights. $29,700

2008 VOLVO VNL64T300 ISX450ST Cummins Engine 450 HP; Automatic; Air Ride Suspension; 3:58 Ratio; 275/80R22.5 Tires; 175” Wheelbase; Drive Side: Left Hand Drive; Excellent Condition Inside and Out! Jake, Cruise, Tilt and Tele, Power Windows, Power and Heated Mirrors, Air Ride Cab, Air Slide 5th, Air Dump, Air Ride Seats; $42,000 LEASE & FINANCE OPTIONS AVAILABLE


Tires & Rims for Sale *4 inside & 4 outside rims and 800/70R38 tires of 9410 JD tractor. *Kirseliner duals w/800/70R38 *Goodyear Optitrac DT830 tires off JD 5690 combine. *Two Firestone Floatation 23%DT 1250/45-32 tires and rims off JD 5690 combine. *Two Firestone 750/65R26 tires & rims off JD 5690 combine. *Two inside 38"x800 rims and two 800/70R38 tires & rims for duals on 8530 JD *Two 480/80R50 tires & rims for 8530 JD *Two sets of 30" spacers for triples on 8530 JD *Four Goodyear 620/70R46 tires & rims off JD 4930 sprayer. *Four used Firestone 20.8x42 radial tires. *Johnson mtd tile plow on Challenger 865C. *10,000 bu per hour drive over belt conveyor w/6' high discharge. 605-880-5170


(320) 795-2827 • Hancock, MN www.kannegiessertrucksales.com



SEE OUR INVENTORY AT: www.northstartrucksales.com

2001 Ford F450, Utility Service Truck, 2000 Ford F550, Utility Service Truck, 2008 Ford F250 Ext Cab, 4X4, Auto, 2006 Ford F450 Crew Cab, 4X4, V10, 1999 Ford F450, Cab and Chassis, 2006 Ford F450 Ext Cab Utility, 2wd, 2wd, V10, Auto, Rust Free, Nice Truck 2wd, V10, Auto, Excellent Condition, No 6.4 Powerstroke Diesel, 143K Miles, Auto, Utility Service Box, Welder Plat- V10, Auto, 2wd, 110K Miles, Nice Truck V10, Auto, Rust Free Truck Excellent Condition with Only 63K Miles for Great Condition, for $17,950 with 133K Miles for $12,950 Rust, 101K Miles for $13,950 form, 114K Miles for $19,500 for $9,950 $21,500

2001 Dodge 3500 Flat Bed, V10, 2004 Ford F550 4X4, Utility 2011 Ford F250 4X4, Crew Cab, Long 2011 Ford F250 4X4 Reg Cab, 6.2 V8 2000 Ford F450 Bucket Truck, 2wd, 2008 Ford F350 Crew Cab 4X4 Dually, Auto, 2wd, Rust Free with 98K Miles Truck, 6.0 Powestroke Diesel, Box, V8 Gas, Auto, Very Clean Truck Gas, Auto, Excellent Condition with 82K V10, Auto, Hi Ranger Man Lift, 95K V10, Auto, 48K Miles Very Clean Truck for $8,950 for $25,950 6 Spd Transmission, Clean with 72K Miles for $26,500 Miles for $21,500 Miles for $23,500 Truck, 98K Miles for $16,950

2001 Ford F750 Ext Cab, 3126 2008 Ford F250, Ext Cab, Long CAT Engine, Allison Auto, Excellent Box, 2wd, V8, Auto, Clean Truck with Condition with Only 74K Miles for 127K Miles for $11,950 $22,500

2939 Hwy. 10 South, St. Cloud, MN




1996 International 2554 with 2,000 gallon Water Tank, DT466, Allison Auto, Excellent Condition with Only 68K Miles for $29,500


A12 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014



Is your A/C working efficiently? Do you have rooms that are too hot or cold? Are indoor allergies bothering you? Do you want to save money on your utilities? New Technology! For your Ag Building Restoration and New Building Construction needs call Don Christiansen at Elite Construction 1-816-806-2343 (cell) 1-605-598-6626 (home) David O’Daniel 1-605-450-9926 Faulkton, SD Watson Chalin 12000 lb pusher axle, with aluminum rims and tires, model WCAL-1128, $3000. 605-785-3191 or 605-520-2878

MK 130-71GLP Westfield............ $8,000 13 x 85 TMR Farm King.............. $5,500 13 X 70 Farm King............................... $5,500 16104 Farm King.............................$20,000 10 x 80 Farm King..............................$6,500 REM 1026..........................................$5,500 3 YD Soilmover..................................$2,800 Convey-All 1826 Drive Over........ $7,500 70’ Powermatic Harrow .............. $3,500 TF8051 c/w SP Kit 20 hp............ $7,500 42’ Riteway Land Roller.............$40,000 46’ Inland Harrow Packer............ $5,500 7’ V-Ditcher.................................. $2,500 750 Demco Cart........................$18,000 Demco 1050 Grain Cart..................NEW 20’ Woods Batwing...................$14,000

Batco 1515 Conveyor, 9HP gas engine, like new. Westfield 60’x10” grain auger, 100HP electric motor, 3 phase. 400 International Cyclo planter, 8 row, 30” spacing. 1996 Cat Challenger 75C, 36” tracks, 3400 hours, Balderson dozer blade mounts. New Holland TV140 bidirectional, 5,000 hours, 7614 Loader with grap fork, 18.4x34 tires. Case IH 564 Round Baler, net & twine tie. NYB 80’ mid mount pickup sprayer, 500 gallon tank. John Deere 853A all crop head, 22” spacing. A+L 600 bushel grain cart. 701-626-1799 1993 International 8100 Truck, Cummins L10 motor w/Willmar 16 ton fertilizer tender, $5,750. 1979 International S1800 Truck, 466 diesel, Air lift, tag axle, $3,450. (2)Gehl 970 16’ forage boxes on tandem trailers, $2,900 each. JD 1600 31’ Chisel Plow $3,250. JD 2800 5 bottom plow, spring reset w/coulters, $2,750. 320-769-2756 For Sale: 2002 Westfield 13x111’ auger, hydraulic swing drive hopper, excellent fighting, $13,000. 605-680-4075


1 19,000 gal horizontal diesel. 1 6000 gal horizontal diesel. 1 6000 gal horizontal gas. 1 3000 gal vertical water. 1 2000 gal horizontal water. 701-370-9526.

Altona Farm Service

3 Delta Variable Frequency Drives/ Phase Converters and a 400 Amp Panel with Breakers. Converts from Single to 3 Phase. Runs 30HP & Smaller Motors. Previously Used on a CMC Grain Bin. Used only 4 seasons. Will Separate. Call 605-750-0068 in Hurley, SD For Sale: 1975 Chevrolet 80 series truck for parts. Complete except for engine. 24' box, hoist, pusher axle, good tires. Call 218-684-4830 or 218-681-3870.

Brake Press Vertical Saw Plasma Cutting

892 NH chopper, 824 corn head, 880W hay head, new gathering chains, recutter screen and electric controls. Large round net wrap 12-1300 lbs. brome grass, June grass NG mix grass. 78bales, 2014 90-2013 Call 605-380-8799 or 605-493-6634 For Sale: Fuel Tank 10k gal. (very nice) $7000. Rail road ties and fence posts. Make an offer. 2005 1200 Supreme vertical mixer wagon $35,000. Portable 8x12 central city scale. $5000. 605-228-8786

Protective Coatings

Grain Bin Sealing Spray Foam Insulation

•Residential/Industrial •Interior/Exterior •Houses/Barns •Fuel Tanks/Hoppers •Asphalt/Seal Coating •Hot Rubber Crack Filling •Licensed/Insured

701-381-1589 or 218-779-7850 001114465r4

3 - GP10, 1800 HP, 124 Ton 2 - SD40-2, 3000 HP, 6 Axle

Priced from $148,000 to $250,000 Lease Rates From $220000 to $375000 Mo. • Leases with Maint.


Ph: (763) 434-4661 • Fax: (763)-434-0017 E-mail: ilsloco@qwestoffice.net Website: www.ilsloco.com P.O. Box 79, 21 Main Street, N.E., Bethel, MN 55005

John Deere AMS precision farming components, SF1 activation, 2630 display, new 2013, $10,500 OBO, David Christenson Britton, SD 605-252-0847

All Types of Painting

LOCOMOTIVES FOR SALE OR LEASE 2 - NW2, 1000 HP, 125 Ton 1 - SW1200, 1200 HP, 124 Ton

For Sale: JD model 331 disk, 30ft wide, with 3 bar harrow, 9 inch spacing, in good shape. JD model 454 row crop head, 4 row head, 36 inch row spacing, always been shedded, field ready. NO TELEMARKETERS 605-842-1939 or 605-840-4332

•Flat Roofs •A-Frame •Metal

Tig and Mig Welding Heavy Plate Fabrication Product Assembly

Call For Details 701-356-2157

Bourgault air seeder, closing wheels, standard size 13x2. 1100 Hay buster unloading belts. Sun pick up header belts. Call 605-380-4796

Spray Foam Roofing

Full service welding and an fabrication shop

Forming Shearing Plate Shear

Tapco Pro 19 10’6” metal break with accessories. $1200. 605-216-1229

•Houses •Pole Barns •Quonsets


Just a few of our services




For Sale: Sudenga drive over conveyor with hydraulic drive. Int. 1100 9 foot sickle mower. CIH 986 tractor with Great Bend 760 loader with joy stick.1978 Chevy C-65 truck, 18 foot steel box with cheater axle with grain/silage end gate. 18’ offset disk. Demco 365 bushel gravity box with cement truck tires. JD 714A 716A Chuckwagon w roof, JD gears, bunk feeding extension. JD 3RW Green cutter head. Richardton 700 silage dump box. 75 Dodge Grain truck 16ft steel box and hoist. 1975 International Grain truck 16ft. box Danuser post hole digger. W/12" bit. J&M 350 bushel gravity box. 6ft rotary mower. New Landleveler 10' and 12' box scrapers. INT. 490 25ft. disk with 3bar mulcher. Schwartz mixer wagon. 4 wheeler fence crossing ramp. 8 to 12 ft. tire water tank. JD 510 7 shank Disk ripper. 605-527-2425

We can take your projects from proto-type to finished product. Over 20 year’s experience. Can handle orders of any size.

Altona, MB Canada Just 7 miles North of the border




2012 Central Plains tool and fuel trailer, 990 gallon, 5.5hp pump, 100 gallon def with pump never used. Chrome wheels. Trailer used very little and like new, $16,500. 605-881-0109



FOR SALE •1995 Wic 946 6 row beet lifter, rear scrub chain delivery; $5,000. •1997 Wic 956 6 row beet lifter, rear scrub chain delivery; $6,000. •6 row Alloy beet topper, scalpers, very good condition; $4500. •2002 90' spray air sprayer, model 3400, 800 gallon tank, stainless steel booms; $5,000. •Case IH 1015 dummy head w/Melro model 388 7 belt pick up; $3,000. •H&S 30 ton beet cart, 300 gallon water tank w/pump, 35.5Lx32 Firestone tires; $59,000. •1988 white Volvo tri-axle, 22' Rietan aluminum box, roll tarp, Cummins L10, 9 spd.; $25,000. •1967 C-50 Tandem Axle Truck, 327 Chevy, 19' box, runs great, has 16' twin compartment seed tender, hydraulic drive, good shape; $6500. •Case IH 6200 Grain Drill, 36', markers, has dry fertilizer; $4500. •Westfield 10"x70' auger, swing out hopper, used very little; $6,000. •2 Versatile 400 Swathers, 18' & 20', both have McDon reels; $750/each. •21' Case IH pull type swather; $1,000. •21' Massey Ferguson pull type swather; $1,000. Call: 701-371-9630

8870 John Deere 4WD tractor. 13x71 Westfield Auger with walking swing hopper. 10x71 Westfield swing hopper. 7800 John Deere front wheel assist. 9500 John Deere combine. Small Farm Fan continuous grain dryer. 90ft Top Air Sprayer TA600, has duals, can work on 20 or 30” rows. 80 bushel Lorenz feed grinder. 1200 Gehl silage hopper with dump box, 30” rows. 32ft dump rake with all the teeth. John Deere field finisher about 26ft. 605-470-0560

For Sale: XL 1140 Farmhand loader with IHC mounds in Excellent cond. 605-285-6556 or 605-281-1241 5ft 3pt rotary mower. NH square bale stack liner 1033. Two S&H power wagons. NH 327 manure spreader. 605-228-1613 FOR SALE: 1961 Ford F600 Truck with 14ft grain & livestock box and hoist, excellent condition. 2 Schiltz Cleanout Bin Augers, with sweeps. Will work in 24ft diameter bins. Complete with hydraulic Orbit motors. Also, have several used 16ft cattle & combination panels. Make an offer. Call 605-887-3726 or 605-228-0045 Mellette, SD

16” Tracks off JD $850 605-880-3998


For sale: Used Ditch Witch SK 350 walk behind skid steer. In great shape, it works great for cleaning out stalls and barns. Only 340 hours, comes with a bucket, and an auger attachment that fits regular size bits.call 605-380-3130 For sale: JD924 straight head, 25000 watt pto Winco generator on 2-wheel cart, 18.4-38 axle duals with hubs, 8' JD scoop with bolt-on cutting edge and has 700 series quick-tach mounts. 605-350-2720 Tandem Fertilizer Spreader in nice condition. 701-430-3189 JD 40 series corn head frame, 6 row 22 inch, with GLV and tin snouts, $1500. Lindsay 36 ft 3 bar harrow, $500. Noble 21ft 2 bar harrow, $300. Pair of liquid saddle tanks, 225 gallon capacity each, $400 for pair. 605-270-1263 Madison SD For Sale: Two JD 1293 corn heads, $17,500 each. Two 8400T JD tractors excellent shape, $50,000 each. 97 model had 8716 hours, 98 model had 8889 hours. STX 530 HD quad track, 2007 model, 3616 hours, new engine at 2800 hours, $185,000. STX 450 quad with pto, 2005 model with 5963 hours, $135,000. Call 701-320-0151 or 701-493-2562

AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A13



Tractor Loaders Plus! NEW KOYKER and LEGEND 640 & 740’s NEW MILLER P12 - G&M Series NEW MDS Attachments GRABTEC Skidsteer and Loader Grapples NEW MILLER 10’ Hydrualic Swivel Blades +INVENTORY ON HAND ●John Deere - 840> 4+7+8K mts 746>7820 mts/740>4+6+7K mts 725>4K mts/563>5+6K mts 175>2640 mts/148> 3+4K mts 265>4K mts/H380>7K+R series H360>7K+R series mts ●Miller - GL30 & PL3> All mts P12> All mts/PL4>8k mts PL5>8K+8430-8650 Articulated mts ●Others - Leon 910> All mts Great Bend 760>JD mts CIH LX172>MXM 120-190 mts Buhler Allied 2895S> All mts Dual 3100 & 3000>JD+Allis mts Woods 3150>2290+ 94 mts New Woods 156> IH 1086 mts Allied 894 & 895>Magnum & Case 90-94 Series mts/ Westendorf XTA 700> 8670-90 Supersteer mts ● Attachments on Hand: For All Apps Joysticks. Pallet Forks. Grapple Forks. Bale Spears. Buckets Looking to buy loaders, brackets, and attachments. Photos at RennerEquip.com Call Corky @ 888-492-2417 2 8x61 Westfield electric augers, 1-10hp, 1-7.5hp, $2,950 each. 30ft highway style header trailer, like new, $4,450. 3600 JD 5 bottom spring reset plow, $2,250. 701-367-8398.


FOR SALE: Picket one step, center delivery, lots of updates, $9500. 1978 Brigadier 22' box & hoist, tri-axle, combo gate, roll tarp, fresh MN DOT. 1981 Steiger Cougar ST-280, good rubber, cab & AC redone, excellent running tractor, $15,000. JD 360 swinger disk, 28 1/2', blades 21", $5000. 218-841-8697, 218-640-1795. SELLING: New grain augers; 12"-72'-82'-92'. Also new 12x34 Ele. swing hoppers with or without power wheels. Feterl, Farm King parts on hand. Call for your auger size. L. Sand, Clifford, ND. 701-488-2751, 701-430-0568. Melrose spray coupe, 115. 3950 JD 4H Harvester with 2 row head, pick up and electric controls. 7720 combine with heads. GMC 2 ton truck with Tobin silage liner. JD 10ft one way plow. Farmhand 9 wheel rake. 1990 Dodge 3/4 ton pick up, 4WD, power steering. 605-216-8507 or 605-281-5010

2009 J & M 1051-22T

Grain Cart for sale. 2009 J & M 1051-22T for sale. 22 inch auger with hydraulic spout control, scale and GRIPTRAC 36 inch track system. Excellent condition.701-640-0993 or 701-640-0500

2009 J & M 1051-22S

Grain Cart for Sale. 2009 J & M 1051-22S. 22 inch auger with hydraulic spout control, scale and 900-60R-32 singles. Excellent condition. 701-640-0993 or 701-640-0500.

20ft Aluminum Grain Box & Hoist, Roll Tarp, Excellent Shape, $8,450. 20ft Omaha Standard Steel Grain Box with Like New Scott Hoist, $3,250. Call 507-920-9619

Summers Diamond Disk

Several Units Available!

For Sale: 2011 Model – 38' width. Complete set of harrows. Nice condition, serviced & field ready. Lautts Rental 701-324-2289.

Wishek Discs

For sale, 2008 Model - 862 sizes are 14' & 22''. The discs are in nice condition & have been serviced & are field ready. Lautt's Rental 701-324-2289. For Sale: Mayo 575 Bin Piler, 36” wide, with remote, $30,000. Call 218-779-6447. For Sale: IH-C 10x18 Plow, black spring, full set of coulters. Call 320-760-4210, 320-424-0246 2012 Ear corn adapter for John Deere cutter to a John Deere combine corn head. Also, Late model 44 1/2 ft John Deere field cultivator, in very good condition. 605-770-2528

Cooperstown & Horace, North Dakota 1-800-446-0316



Cooperstown & Horace, North Dakota 1-800-446-0316


For Sale: New and rebuilt silage cutters and new and used parts for Hesston, Field Queen, and IHC Hesston, also headers and used silage high dump boxes, Richardton and others. One tandem axle 950 cu. ft. dump with side chain, unload on the go capable. Ph. 605-760-7528. Buhler 13" X 70' swinghopper auger, 540 PTO, hydraulic lift, mechanical drive hopper, excellent condition, pictures emailed on request, $9500. 218-739-2908.

Full Bin Alarm

STOP climbing bins!

For your Safety and Convenience Alarm sounds when bin if full!


14! NEW FOR 20 U O T for ORANGE SP lity at bi si better vi o tw & t nigh alarms

Introducing Batco’s 2435 Field Loader! • 14” Tube • 23.5” Belt • Electric, gas and hydraulic drive options • Standard with weather guards • Capacity rated up to 14,000 bu/hr Ideal for load out into trucks and trailers

• Great For Corn and Barley! • Cleans fine materials out of your crops! • 2 Models Available up to 3500 bu/hr.


• Ideal for Fall Tillage and Spring seedbed preparation making it an all around tillage tool

* TWO loud 12V Alarms sound when bin is full * Helps prevent overfilling * Simply mounts on virtually any auger and conveyor * Available for 10, 13, and 16 inch augers * Operates on tractor electrical, no batteries needed * Only ONE Never Spill Spout needed for most farms * Installation in 20 minutes * Enclosed Diaphragm Sensor * Proven Design since 2003 If you don’t like it, send it back after harvest for a refund

• Enclosed Greaseless Hub


Never Spill Spout Inc. John and Angelika Gehrer: Niverville MB Toll Free: 1-866-860-6086 www.neverspillspout.com


• Higher Speeds of 10-15 mph allowing for maximum acres per hour

1) Complete auger spout with “No Snag Spout” 2) Full bin alarm-NEW- 2 Alarms 3) Night Light

Includes all parts shown

Ashland Scraper - I-130XL, front tires - 21.5x16.1, 10 ply, rear tires, 18.4x26, 12 ply, bought new, one owner, excellent. Ashland Scraper I-950, front tires, 16.5x16.1, 10 ply, rear tires, 16.9x24, 8 ply, bought new, one owner, excellent. One Laser cart. 701-741-4749 or 701-739-7379


Distributing high quality, reliable agricultural products to local farmers. 001132469r1

A14 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014


1988 Case IH 1896, 7800 Hours, Near new 18-4-38 Radials, Good Cab, air, heat, 3PT, 95HP. Nice Tractor. $20,000 OBO. Call Dave @ 701-331-0327


2000 IH 9100 Daycab single axle. Cummings ISM. 370HP, 10 Speed. New front Tires. 970k miles. $6,500 OBO. Call 701-331-0327



Goodyear 76x44/32 12 ply floatation tires and rims, will fit 88 series combines or grain carts, 85% tread, $7500 for the pair, can make rim fit any series of combine. Have other floatation tires available also. 605-480-4010

JD 612C Corn Head

John Deere 612C Corn Header, 12 Row, 20" Spacing, AHHC, Stubble Lights, non-chopping, very low acres, header is in excellent condition, delivery available. $65,000 Ph. 204.228.3420 (3) 36" New Holland portable drying fans, no burners. One PTO, one 7.5HP electric, one motor mount only. All 3 for $2500 or $1000 for choice. Were used for cooling livestock. Could be used to dry grain or hay. Call 320-894-4489 JD and Kory 10 ton running gears, $400-$950, 7 to choose from. Farm King 620 rotary mower, 6ft used less than 10 hrs, $1,150. 20 Implement rims & tire, 10.00-15 FI, $100 a piece. Several used implement rims $25 a piece. Aberdeen, SD 605-377-5572



2012 Horsch Anderson 4440, Panther, 40ft, 500I cart, 7000 acres, asking $205,000 OBO. 2011 Summers disc chisel, 2510, 2000 acres, $45,000 OBO. 2012 Fast sprayer, 90ft booms, 1200 gallon tank, fits on 7 series CAT tractor, $25,000 OBO. Fordson Major diesel, $3500. Kinze 3 pt, 12 row planter, $8000 OBO. 2004 Sand Piper 30ft, 5th wheel camper, $14,000 OBO. 5850 Case digger, 41ft, new Summers harrow on it, $10,500 OBO. 2013 Kuhn Krause accelerator 8000, 3000 acres, $85,000 OBO. Brantford 8ft flatbed, like new, $2000. 605-377-3065 FOR SALE: 2013 Horch Joker RT-370, very low acres, like new, kept in shed. DMI 4200 50' anhydrous applicator, Raven rate controller, vertical dams, harrow, always shedded. Climax, MN. 218-280-0707 FOR SALE: Heavy Duty Dan User. Post hole digger. 12" and 6" augers. 550 gal. Fuel tank with gas boy pump. Call 605-887-7565

QUIT FARMING •'08 STX 430 4WD, new 620-70-42 tires; $150,000. •'08 8010 4WD Combine, AWD, will go as far as a track machine in mud, 30' flex draper; $200,000. •'13 8x30 Gearinghoff corn chopping head, 8 row 30" with row stampers; $70,000. •2-105 white rebuilt engine; $7,000. •Roadrunner Header hauler; $8,000. •30' Macdon drape head; $20,000. •IH 4240 Tractor with 15' mower; $12,000. •16x30 Westco cult; $1500. •16x30 band sprayer; $1500. •34' EZ-on tandem disk, cushin gangs, very nice shape; $25,000. MacGregor, MB Call: 204-871-0925 John Deere Silage Head, 2, 3, & 4 row narrow, 2 row wide, 10’ Temper head, John Deere 3970 cutter. 3970 for parts. Cat 18 row 20” corn head. New skidsteer attachments, rock bucket with grapple & root bucket. Post hole digger. Choice for $2000. 605-941-5904


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• Self-load Conveyor Available on SS400 and SS500. • Green or Red • Dual Poly Tanks • Wireless Remote Standard • For Pricing Call


AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A15


525/50 Big Bud 1981, 200 hrs on $39,000 OH, outback auto steer, $85,000. (2) 1253A JD all crop heads, $32,000 each. (3) Lexion 580S field ready $100,000 each. 585 Lexion field ready, $110,000. (3) 42ft Honey Bee draper heads, $38,000. 1982 IH tandem truck, 22ft flatbed, $3,500. (2) 97 Loreal dry spreaders, Airmax 5, $28,000. (3) CAT G30 ridged heads with Lucke sunflower pans, $10,000 each. 1475 Hydro swing, $4500. DB 90 36 row 30 in spacing precision monitor with electric drive, sectional control, $85,000. Horsch Anderson Maestro 24 row 30in planter, $175,000. JD 1610 59ft chisel $10,000. 2012 84 Seed Hawk, 12in, 800bu, tow behind, sectional control, Raven viper, $365,000. 1990 IH tandem truck, 12,000lb knuckle boom, 18ft flatbed, $12,000. 2700 24 30 Kinze planter, precision monitor, $45,000. 2010 3800 2430 Kinzy liquid fert $65,000. 1981 DW-1 Eagle Ag plane, sat lock guidance, SS booms, C.P. nozzles, 5400 T.T., 400 SMOH, $90,000. 2012 1300 Rogator, 120ft boom, 15in spacing, FRT load, kem inductor, 5 way nozzle, 800 hours, Raven viper, bought new, choice of 3, $295,000. Call Travis at 605-515-3607



*always stored in shed *used 2 seasons on my farm only *excellent shape *$97,000 for both *can deliver CALL: 320-894-5415 320-995-6581 320-212-8751 FOR SALE: JD 7000 planter soybean cups with forage sorghum cups and also sunflower fingers for JD 7000 planter and seed hopper extension for 7000 planter. 496 IH disc, cushion gang parts. Several JD hydraulic cylinders. Feeder house ear saver guards for International corn head. 5 HP gas motor. 605-448-8435 WANTED: Grain Cleaner for Fines & Bee’s Wings, Quick Clean or Similar Type, Must Be in Good Shape, Call 507-822-7048


07 Summers 42ft Super Chisel with Summers 106 harrow, $25,900. 07 JD 635 Flexhead, single point, low dam, $10,900. 35ft tandem ax head critter, like new $4,250. John Deere 608C stock master chopping cornhead, excellent condition, $36,750. John Deere 7800 MFW tractor, PQ, 18.4x42, 3 point, QH, $37,900. JD 566 Round baler, hydraulic pickup, bale kicker, twine tie, $5,900. 02 Case IH 1020 30ft flex head, 3" cut, nice, $6,900. 320-769-2756 JD 3950 2 row 30 inch corn chopper, includes hay head, new belts, bearings and knives. Also Richardton dump wagon, all in very good condition. JD 653 row crop sunflower header. WANTED: 1253A row crop head in good condition. 701-212-3346 or 701-428-3703 FOR SALE: 4 Farm Fan 18in Fans with Control Docks, 3 Phase, Like New. ALSO: LB White Heater, 250,000 btu. Call 320-269-8719 or Cell 320-226-0296

JD 9610 combine, 18.4x38 duals, chaff spreader, 1993 separator hrs, $34,900. 18.4x42 10 bolt combine duals off 9750 $3,900. JD 893 8x30 Corn head, knife rolls, PTO drive, $13,900. Unverferth 7200 750 bushel grain cart, 16 auger & tarp, $13,900. Case IH 5600 39ft Chisel plow with Summers harrow, $7,450. 320-769-2756 For Sale: 6.5 yard Toreq push off scraper. Call 218-684-1396.

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See us @ Big Iron #C89


FOR SALE: 1610 JD chisel plow, tandems all around, 27 ft, 106 Summers drag; 212 JD pickup head, $2500; IHC 503 Hydro Combine, $1500. IHC 810 17 1/2' rigid head equipped with 9" sunflower pans, $750. Tires: 13/80/20 on Dayton rims, 20.8x38 tires on JD double beveled rims. 218-596-8626. For sale: John Deere 35 Silage Cutter. 2 row wide, hay pickup head, electrical controls, spout extension, been reconditioned, new knives & shear bar, field ready.

605-481-1596 or 605-384-5158

Doug Kokesh, Wagner, SD

For Sale: 2003 PJ Gooseneck 30ft. $6500; DMI 5-shank Ripper; NH 355 Grinder mixer $4500; IH 5500 29ft. Chisel plow $3000 obo. 218-849-5901 08 JD 635F header. HHS in rigid. Crary air bar. $26,000/obo. 930 straight head bat reel $1,500/obo. 701-351-5128


Gauge Wheel

Time to update your worn tires & wheels with MudSmith gauge wheels improving productivity & timeliness. Plant when you need to plant. Dramatically reduces plugging and bent rims. Heavy Duty construction throughout. Modular design means all parts are field replaceable. Uses standard bearing and tire. Greatly enhances visibility of and access to inside of wheel. See Us At Big Iron Booth #919!!

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A16 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014


FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Seedburro 1200D digital moisture tester and Ohaus triple beam balance, $900. Call 320-815-6082 2012 Farm King auger, 16x104, excellent condition, 605-329-7810 or 605-380-1016

Grand Forks, ND (701)775-5585 BEET EQUIPMENT

1992 JD 2360 swather with 25ft 160 draper platform, 2148 hrs, has not been used for several years and always kept in a shed 701-797-7674.


Neco 1680D Grain Dryer. Single or 3 phase. Propane or natural gas. Hear it run! Contact Bruce at 605-216-8891

• 2011 12RW Amity/Wic Beet Lifter • 2009 12RW Folding Alloway Beet Defoliator • 2014 New Pickett Twin Bean Combine • 2012 12RW22 Pickett One-Step • 2010 8RW30 Pickett One-Step MISC

• 2014 36RW Fast Side Dresser • 2012 24RW Farm King Side Dresser • 2011 24RW Farm King Side Dresser • 2013 Farm King Cart • 2014 6000 Hardi Sprayer 132' Boom • 2013 4000 Hardi Sprayer 132' Boom • 2012 6600 Hardi Sprayer 132' Auto Boom • 2014 New 5345 Miller Self-Propelled Sprayer 132' Boom • 2014 New Artex Lime Spreader • 2014 New 24RW Monosem CCS Planter • 2013 New Demo 48RW Monosem CCS Planter • 2013 New 45' Tebben Land Roller • 2013 New 45' Tebben Land Roller

Visit Us At Big Iron Booth #1602

BEET EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: 786A 6 row Artsway Topper, good condition. 218-779-0578 For Sale: H&S 30 Ton Beet Cart. 300 gallon water tank with pump. 35.5L x 32 Firestone tires. Excellent condition! Call 701-371-9630

COMBINES FOR SALE: JD 7720 Turbo combine, hydro, variable drive, many new parts, chopper, air, cab, 8 peg lights, 20' sund pick up & 7 belts. Also, 3 MF Combines, (2) 760's & (1) 860, wind & fire damage. (2) 24' header's & (1) 20' header. (2) Melroe pick ups. 701-370-9526

COMBINES '08 8010 4WD Combine, 30' flex draper, AWD, AWD, will drive as far as a quad machine in mud; $200,000. 204-871-0925 (3) 2013 John Deere S690 combines, 250-390 sep. hours, RWA, Pro Drive, power tailboard, HID lighting, Command Touch, multispeed drive, complete Extended Wear package, Sidehill package, Perforated Elevator boots, doors & trough. Lateral tilt feeder house, guidance ready, 2 year John Deere Link/Powergard warranty remaining until 9/2/2016. Excellent condition! Call for individual pricing; 2013 640FD Flex Draper, excellent condition, low acres. Call for price. 218-779-1710 JD 9610 with 3200 separator hours, duals, chaft spreader, Mauer tank extension, dial a speed, dial omatic, GreenStar with display, 930 flex head, 843 corn head with poly, pto shaft drives for contour master, with hydraulic deck plates, $42,500/offer all to go, will seperatate. 605-360-6740 For Sale: •595R LEXION Combine on tracks and rear wheel drive. Loaded with every option. Good condition and maintained well. Only 1200 sep hours. Priced to sell at $145,000. •512 Lexion chopping cornhead $37,000. •540 Lexion flexhead $16,000. •Linn cattle tub with crowding gates. $10,500. •80 bushel hopper bin. Call 605-216-6784



3-1995 Case IH 2188 Combines, Separator hrs range from 3500 to 4500. All 3 are equipped with Ag Leader Insight, Duals, Unloading Auger Extender, Grain Tank Extension, Heavy Duty Lowen Corn & Small Grain Concaves, Heavy Duty Air Foil Chaffers, Heavy Skin Rotors with Excellor Kit. Well Maintained and Shedded. $30,000/ea. 3-1995 Case IH 1020 30’ FlexHeads with Crary Air System, $7,500/ea. 1-2009 Case IH 2608 Chopping Corn Head, $40,000. 2-2000 Geringhoff 8Row30” Chopping Corn Heads, 25,000/ea. 3Case IH 810 Pickup Heads, $1,500/ea. Call 605-380-2742 For sale: 1994 JD 9500 combine, serial #657205, 2012 separator hours, 2884 engine hours, chaff spreader, Mauer extension with tip ups, Green Star equipped with console, extremely sharp machine, new tires 20.5x32, $33,500 OBO. 605-464-1718 or 605-260-0314 For Sale: 1998 JD 9610 Combine 2200/3300 hrs, 20.8 x 38 Duals, long auger, level land, thorough shop all work done, field ready, Heads available Can deliver 507-430-5144

JD 8820

Long unload auger, shedded, used on wheat and soybeans. Recent cylinder bars, concave, elevator chains, feeder house floor, major drive belts. R-134 A/C, 30.5 X 32 tires, 4481 hours. $12,000/offer. Also, JD 925 flexhead, recent guards, clips and wear plates, plastic good, extra sickle. $2500/offer. 218-849-1100 or 218-849-1124. For Sale: Set of 3 concaves for Case combines (2388), small wire for wheat or barley. Like new! Call 701-371-9630 FOR SALE: 1999 Case IH 2388 Combine, 2635 sep. hrs, 1 year old Mud hogs on back wheels, crop monitor included, always shedded, hopper extensions, field ready; $50,000. Ayr, ND Call: 701-541-0689. 2005 JD 635 hydro flex, in good shape, ready for the field, $11,500. Call Todd 605-680-9900 2008 Drago 12 row 22" chopping cornhead, head sight, single point JD hookup, field ready. Call 507-530-7007

98 JD 9610, 4993 engine hours, 3315 separator hours, RWA, $48,000 OBO 701-349-3760 or 701-535-0144

FOR SALE: Case IH 25ft 1020 flex header, 1 year on new Crary cutting system, Field Tracker & header trailer included, $4,900. ALSO: Header adapter for 2388 combine to a 5308C Harvest Tech Header, $1,200. Call 320-226-5453

1998 John Deere 9510, 2555 separator hrs, 3549 engine hrs, field ready, good tires, chaff spreader, rock trap. 893 John Deere Corn Head, hydraulic deck plates, poly snouts, recently rebuilt. 30ft Case IH 1010 rigid header with finger reel. 701-522-3360 or 701-226-8036

1990 JD 9600 Combine, big top extension, chaff spreader, good tires, poly in grain tank, went through the shop last fall. Ready to go. Set up for head sight control for 600 series heads. Can also use 900 series heads, 5600 hours, $22,000. Bill Ford, Mellette, SD 605-228-1791 No Scalper Calls!

1989 Case IH 1680 combine, good condition, 2875 engine hours, $12,000. 701-220-0023.

Massey Ferguson 550 combine, gray cab, hydro, chopper, 1144 corn head, field ready, $4,000. 605-999-3555

Check Out The Complete Line Of CHANDLER SPREADERS. Best In The Field!



Chandler Products national representative Michael Sosebee will be on hand to answer questions and offer helpful advice!

COMBINES JD 9860 STS, 3646 engine hours, 2349 sep hours, recently reconditioned through JD shop, deluxe controls, 2 sets of concaves, 800 metric tires. Auto steer, Green Star ready, $94 ,900. 930F Flexhead with Crary air system, new sickle, $19,900. 608C 8 row John Deere corn head, nice condition, header height control, $39,900. 6 belt 212 Pickup head, 60 series shaft drive, $3,900. Call 605-850-9396 FOR SALE: 1990 Case IH 1660, Cummins engine, 3900 hours, specialty rotor, chopper, rock trap, hopper extension with 2004 1020 25ft flex head. Excellent shape, field ready. $30,000 for package. 605-530-5303 JD 9860, 1800 hours, duals, 4WD, contour master, 500 bushel hopper, GreenStar ready and more, excellent condition. Also 2008 635F head, single point hook ups, excellent condition, $10,000 OBO. 320-583-5895 LOOKING FOR: Bean head for John Deere combine 30ft flex head. 605-852-2799, 605-870-1593 or 605-870-1594 FOR SALE: 4 Firestone 710/70R38s, rims & tires for JD 9770 STS combine, 95%. $16,500 OBO. Call 507-530-2577 2001 JD 9650 Walker, 2229/3186 hours, 20.8/38 duals, green star, yield & mapping ready, Serial# H09650W690968, $64,000. 1996 JD 9600, 2842/4210 hours, 18.4/38 duals, Serial# H09600X665785, $28,000. JD 630F Header, Serial# H00630F721305, $18,900. Can help with delivery. Northwood, ND. Call 218-779-7546 or 218-779-5556 WANTED: Late model John Deere 7721 combine, John Deere 6-belt pickup in excellent condition. Leave message with details at 605-237-0801 01 JD 9650 STS CM, duals, hopper extension, yield/moisture with GPS, 2861 engine hours, 2136 sep hours, $62,500. 701-430-0745.

John Deere 9660 STS

2004 JD 9660 STS, single point hookup, ContourMaster, Touchset controls, JD Auto Steer, yield and moisture, 2 sets concaves, lots of new parts, 30.5 X 32 tires @ 80%+. Very nice condition. FIELD READY! Price reduced. Jim @ 701-430-1099 Mayville, ND.

8820-9500-9600-9650STS Model 35 PTT & 20 PTT On Hand

AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A17

FOR SALE: Complete adapter plate for a Mac Don draper head to a Gleaner combine, $1250. Call 320-815-6082. 1986 860 Massey combine, also pickup header straight header, 22' flex header and sunflower header. Call 218-474-1112. 1979 IH 1460 w/844 Corn Head, 3897 hrs, chopper, rock trap, air foil, sieve, rebuilt hydro & pump, alternator & replaced chains; $5,000. 1984 M2 Gleaner w/318 series 3 flex head, gone through flex head last year, rattler chains in combine, alternator, good shape; $4500. 218-439-6715 82 JD 8820 RWA, Hopper Ext, Long Auger, chaff spreader. 650ac on new bars and concave, 550ac on new chaffer. Also 930 JD flexhead sell as package, or split. $16,500 for all. 701-367-8398. 98 JD 9610 3787 separator hrs, fine cut chopper, dual chaff spreader, inspected yearly. $37,500. 701-367-8398 9600 JD RWA 3800 eng hrs, 2700 sep hrs, long auger. $27,500. 701-367-8398 2010 JD 9770 STS, Bullet Rotor, Corn Soybean Machine, Green Star with No Screen, Duals, Premier Cab, Power Tailboard, Crary Bin Extension, Chopper, 328/831 Hours, Nice Machine, Its Auto Guidance Ready, Round Bar, Concaves, & Many Other Options. Call 605-840-1187 or 605-842-3605, Ask for Roger 2010 9670, 511 Hours, Loaded, Like New, $174,000. Call 712-475-3946 or 712-348-3486 FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2007 JD 9760 STS, 2023 Sep, 2WD, Singles, Extended Wear, Bullet Rotor, HS Unload, Loaded, Meticulous Care By Owner, You Will Find a Cheaper Combine, But You Won’t Find a Better Combine, $131,500. 2003 JD 9550, 1807 Sep, 2WD, Duals, Chopper, Bin Extensions, Shedded, Very Nice, $76,000. Call Alan 979-758-4521 For Sale: 2004 JD 9560 Walker corn soybean combine, 240/273 engine HP, 2707 engine hours, 2156 separator hours, GreenStar yield and moisture display, 30.5/32 & 16.9/26 tires, crary bin extension, crary twin chaff spreaders, contour master, service light package, new filers and batteries, new concave last year, second owner, well cared for and shedded, $85,000. Also 2004 JD 625 flex bean head, high dam, excellent $10,900. JD 224 straight head with 60 series adaptors, $2,500. Drago 6 row 30 corn head, 2006, green poly, excellent, $25,000. 605-770-1682 For Sale: 914 combine, air foil sieve, like new tires, Melroe picker, 701-452-2693



1995 Massey Ferguson 8570 Rotary Combine. 240 HP, 3210 engine hrs, 2540 sep. hrs. New corn/bean concaves, newer air foil sieve, small grain concaves and sieve. New unloading and bubble up augers. Chaff spreader, auto header height, feederhouse and rotor reverse. JD header adapter. Through the shop less than 500 acres ago. $32,500 OBO. Contact Dennis for more info @ 605-680-1198

1 24 ft MF rigid straight head with transport. 1 20 ft MF flex head with Hume finger reel. 701-370-9522.

For Sale: 2006 John Deere 9860 with PRWD, hopper extensions, electric roll tarp, custom cutter package. Call 218-289-5868 or 701-238-7136 For sale: 2005 CIH 2388 combine, AFX rotor, field tracker, 2 speed hydro, rock trap, chopper, hopper ext., duals, extended wear rotor, end cone, yield monitor, 1,805 engine hrs, 1390 sep hours, used only on wheat and sunflowers, one owner, shedded since new. Field ready, excellent condition, $105,000. 701-422-3436 • 2013 JD 670 Combine w/power folding grain tank, power tail board, long auger and duals, 224 separator hours $260,000 • 2013 JD 670 4 wheel drive, power tail board, power folding grain hopper, 270 separator hours $260,000 • NEW 2014 Model JD 640 FD head $79,000 • NEW 2014 Model MacDon FD 75 40' Flex Head $69,000 • 2005 JD 8320 MFD Tractor w/2700 hours $100,000 • NEW 2014 Model J&M 1401 Grain Cart w/duals, scale and tarp $55,000 • 2011 JD 612C 12 row, 30" Corn Head w/knife rolls $50,000. 605-770-3163 or 605-292-0316

6913776 2013 JD S670, 440 Hrs., GS3 Color Monitor, CM W/Hi-Torque Rev., 20.8X42's, Chopper, PowerGard Warranty $249,500 6914229 2012 JD S670, 616 Hrs., GS3 Color Monitor, CM, Command Touch 5-Spd.Rev., 20.8X42's, Chopper, PowerGard Warranty $219,500 Call 320-848-2496 320-894-6560 For Sale: 1992 CIH 1680 combine with rock trap, chopper, specialty rotor, fully loaded, always shedded, excellent shape, 4500 engine hours with 1020 flex & pickup heads. Call 701-324-2520. FOR SALE: 2000 2388 Case IH, 2783 engine hours, 2198 sep. hours, chopper, rock trap, hopper toppers, lots of new parts. No corn or beans, very clean machine. Call: 701-782-4204 or 701-391-8838 2007 JD 9760 STS, bullet rotor, Y&M monitor, touch set, heavy duty reverser, contour, power tailboard, 42" duals, 28" rears, 2000 engine hours, 1400 sep hours, been through shop. 701-230-9403

TRACTORS 2001 John Deere 9300, 5287 hours, 360HP 4 wheel drive with 12 speed Power shift transmission, 4 hydraulics, return hydraulic line, 710-70-38 tires 60% tread, solid tractor, Asking $85,000. 605-492-3521 Case JX95 diesel, MFWD tractor, 93 HP, only 550 actual hours, 12F-12R shuttle transmission, dual hydraulics, 34 rear 24 front tires, 540/1000 pto, folding ROPS, very nice condition, can deliver and may take trade, $27,800. 605-881-7947 605-794-4731 Toronto SD NO TELEMARKETERS For Sale: 1370 Case. New batteries, good tires, asking $5200.00 Call (507) 829-1944 JD 7410 with a 740 loader, grapple with 8 ft bucket and joy stick, MFWD, excellent condition, $52,500. 712-461-0964 2006 MT765B Challanger. 3 PT/1000 PTO, 4 Remotes, Trimble auto stear w mapping, Full Front end Idler weights, Extensive Service records w Butler Cat. Green Star ready. Tracks 80%. Excellent Cond. $82,500 605-380-0022 For Sale 3010 John Deere w 340 duel loader, recent work done, $8000 Call Brandon 701-422-3366 1987 Steiger 1000 Wildcat (CIH 9130), 1000 PTO, 18.4-34 duals 70%, 3 remotes with return. 605-994-2382, leave message or after 8, 605-994-7001 or 605-994-7002 For sale: Case 535 quad. 2100 hrs, 110 gpm hydraulics with 7 remotes, excellent tracks with clear caps, full case pro 700 autosteer. Call/text 605-690-6428 For Sale: John Deere 2032R MFWD diesel tractor with 32HP, front wheel drive, turf tires, 3 point PTO, 72# mower with 17 hours on it. Very good condition (hardly used). Call 701-320-0405 1997 John Deere 7400 w 740 loader. 3 hydraulics, 1982 4440 John Deere triple hydraulics, quad range, weights on front and back, 20.8R42 tires both tractors in excllnt cond. Very clean. 701-320-9279 2013 JD 9360R, 1500 hours, pto, 5 hydraulic, HID lights, 620 duals at 70%, warranty, 507-530-5505 FOR SALE: 2003 Great Bend Loader with 4 tine grapple, 102in bucket with 7120 Magnum mounts, excellent condition, $9,000 OBO. Call Todd at 605-432-6266



John Deere 7810 MFWD, 3900 hours, new Firestone tires, axle duals, weights 540/1000 PTO, 3 remotes, very sharp. 651-338-6861 JD 9520T, 2004 model, 4900 hours, very good shape. 1984 Ravens 32/34 aluminum end dump trailer. 218-784-8494 239 John Deere 110HP diesel motor, Complete on skid plus radiator. 5000 hrs. $4500 605-341-7442 or 605-209-7043 2003 John Deere 8320, 2871 hrs, auto steer. 2005 John Deere 1770 NT 16 row planter, 3 bu. boxes, liquid fertilizer w/1600 gal tow behind cart. 1994 Dakota steel hopper trailer. Call 605-765-2583 or 605-769-1793 FOR SALE: JD 4455 MFW with 265 JD Loader, Joy Stick, 42in Tires, New Interior, All New AC Parts, 9860 Hours, Asking $44,000. Located in Hitchcock, SD. Call 605-350-9744 Ford TW 35 Series 2, MFWD, Excellent Shape, Excellent Rubber, Axle Duals, 4,300 Original Hours, Front Weights & Rear Weights, $27,000 OBO. ALSO: Ford TW 25 Series 2, MFWD, 6,000 Hours with a Weak Clutch, $16,000 OBO. ALSO: JD 2630 RTK AutoSteer System, Comes With 2630 Screen with all the Activations & 3000 Receiver with all the Activations, Like New, $16,500. Call 605-770-0246

Flexicoil 62’ 820 CP w/4 bar harrow......................................$26,500 1997 JD 9600..................................$25,500 1992 JD 9600..................................$20,000 2009 MacDon M200, Draper Ready..$39.000 MacDon 9352 w/25’ 962 PU Reel..$39,000 MacDon 9300 .................................$26,500 2008 16’ MacDon A40D Auger Head.........................................$14,000 2009 MacDon D-60 30’ PU Reel w/2388 adpt .............................$37,500 MacDon D-60 - D 25’ PU Reel.....$30,000 30’ MacDonSOLD 972, No Adpt .............$13,000 16’ MacDon 922 w/cond................$12,500 JD 936D ..........................................$19,000 SOLD 2002 JD 930F....................................$6,900 25’ Agco 700 Rigid PU Reel ...........$2,500 5 - 1015 PU Heads............................CALL Big 12 1200 bu. Cart........................$9,000 JD 4640, 3 pt ....................................$8,800

Rice Farm Eq. 701-547-3888 Fessenden, ND


2009 JD 7330 tractor, MFWD, 741 self-level loader, only 1264 hrs, 160 H.P. Loaded up 3 hyd., 2 PTO's, IVT trans., cab loader suspension. Extras: wheel weights, auto steer ready. Only $99,900 OBO. 701-490-1078

JOHN DEERE 8650 4 WD, 20.8R-38 tires 90%, quad range transmission, air conditioning switched to new system, tractor in very nice condition, no PTO, always shedded, 9288 hours. Felton, MN. 701-371-3972.

Rust Sales, Inc. is at Big Iron Sept. 9-11! >DD=$ "?d /I-+M/I-% b /I/-N ?D;=$ D( 4.$DccJE,*A 7J9!cc!DEL Stop by and check out our Big Iron specials!


2014 Demco Grain Carts are in stock! Ask about our 10% down lease option. -I/) :*F.D //'IN `K?.Jc*N &A**EN /I'IK'I6+- =!A*?........................................$52,500 -I/) :*F.D /I'IN A*, b &A**EN fIIK%I6+- =!A*? ..............................................$36,400 2014 Demco 750, red, 30.5 x 32 tires .................................................................$26,800 R*` -I/+ :*F.D //'IN `K?.Jc*N A*,N E*` /I'IK'I6+- =!A*?............................$49,900 New 2013 Demco 750, red, new 30.5 x 32 tires.................................................$25,900 2?*, -II/ V!ccHAD? SD,*c /gIIN =JACN fII H;?$*c.............................................$17,900 2?*, V!ccHAD? SD,*c )fIN )fI H;?$*cN .DAE*A J;&*AN ADcc =JAC......Consignment $8,500


R*` 1*?=5*c, /%\ SV0 /%I 4*A!*?N g'XK/I'XK/-'X................. Available to Order R*` 1*?=5*c, /+\ SV0 /+I 4*A!*?N #)XKf)X !E ?=D.eG g)XK//)X J9J!c.......$16,000-$26,000 R*` 1*?=5*c, /I\ SV 4*A!*?N %/XK#/XKg/XN TFX-2 & WR model avail ...$8,700-$10,800 2?*, 1*?=5*c, /+\ ^ f/X SV @;&*A `K[DCC*A 1Jce*A [-...................... $13,800


New Kuhn Krause Excelerator, 40’ Vertical Tillage System...........................$103,000 New & Used Kuhn Krause Dominators, 21’-18’................................. $87,000-$47,000 Used Summers Supercoulter Plus, 50’-40’......................................... $77,000-$29,000 New Kuhn Krause Landsaver 4800, 28’.............................................................$59,900 New 2013 Flexi-Coil ST-820 Chisel Plows, 44’ & 41’.......................... $59,400-$57,000 New 2013 Wil-Rich 5830 Chisel Plow, 37’, heavy harrows...............................$52,900 Used 2012 Wil-Rich Quad X2, 50’ Cultivator.....................................................$52,000 Used 2010 Krause Dominator 4850-21, 21’........................................................$49,000 Used 2011 Krause Dominator, 18’......................................... Previous Rental $47,000 Used 2010 Krause 4820 Coulter Chisel, 28’......................................................$44,000 Used Flexi-Coil ST-820, 41’, harrows, used 2 seasons....................................$39,000 Used Case ET 730B 7-Shank Disc Ripper.........................................................$19,800 Used 1997 John Deere 980 38.5’ Cultivator.......................................................$14,500


R*` @?$cJE, 4.AJC*A? !E /g Q,N /#M/K- Q,N /+ Q,N b fM/K- Q, 4!Z*?.. Many in Stock R*` 3DA*B 4.AJC*A? !E /g Q,N /+ Q,N //M/K- Q,N b f Q, 4!Z*?............. Many in Stock R*` >LYLUL S(&L <*E=*A 7!9D= >D^ >cJ,*N SD,*c <7/-+-....................................$8,900 -I/+ @?$cJE, YM/#'0U- /#M/K- Q,L 4.AJC*A........................... Previous Rental $63,000 2?*, @?$cJE, YM/gI34 /g Q,L :!A*.= SD;E= 4.AJC*A........................................$39,900 Used Eagle Rotary Ditcher .................................................................................$12,800 Used Ashland 6 Yd. Scraper.................................................................................$5,800 2?*, S!,cJE, Sg% g Q,L :;FC 4.AJC*A..............................................................$5,800 New Liebrecht 7’ or 6’ Tile Plow, =!c=N =!c* (**,*AN )\N %\N b g\ HDD= ................. $31,500-$25,970 R*` -I/) <AJA] #X DA %X 3!c* 7AD 3!c* 7cD`N `K)\N '\N 86 %\ HDD=.......$29,720-$23,630 2?*, -I// 1J]E*X? %X 3!c* 7AD 3!c* 7cD`N )\N %\ b g\ HDD=?N $], (**,*A ........$31,000 P-O 2?*, 1J]E*X? %X 3!c* 7AD 3!c* 7cD`N ?=**AJHc*N 5=? E*` W: 3AJ.e .............$21,500 2?*, -I/- 1J]E*X? %X 3!c* 7AD 3!c* 7cD`N )\ HDD=, 60 acres .......Consignment $21,000


3 - CIH 1083 Corn Head ........$4,000 & Up



Up to $4,000 D(( E*` sprayers at Big Iron!

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RUST SALES, INC. www.rustsales.com

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Sept. 9, 2014

Mobile-Friendly Inventory Search

A18 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014

TRACTORS 2011 JD 6430 Premium Tractor, 115HP, MFWD, Only 130 Hours, 16 Speed Power Quad, 540 & 1000 PTO, 3 Remotes, Plastic Still on Seat & Foot Pedal Throttle, All the Right Stuff with 673 JD Quicktach Self Leveling Loader, Quicktach Bucket & Bale Spear, Like New, $89,900. Possibly Take Trade. Call 605-881-7947 or 605-794-4731 in Toronto, SD. Can Deliver. No Telemarketers. CIH 7120 MFD, 8000 hours, 20.38, four reverse, $33,000. CIH MX135 6800 hours, 20.42, MFD, $35,000. 605-941-6516 1966 JD 4020 diesel, great bend loader, 3 point, 1 hydraulic, 7,400 hours, $7,000. 701-678-3084 2013 1750 KMW/Great Bend Loader, 8ft Bucket & Grapple, Fits JD 4230 thru 55 Series Tractors. Still on Crate. Call 701-452-1345 or Cell 701-321-2477 1984 5020 Allis Chalmers 2 cyl diesel engine, 28 hp, Turf tires, 3 pt, big 540 pto shaft, 5 ft factory Simplicity deck, runs, drives, works good, 1 owner, purchased new, now has 1074 hours, $4800 obo. 1942 B Allis Chalmers that is parade ready in everyway, new motor, tires, paint, radiator, etc. $2900. 218-289-2511. 1993 JD 7800 MFWD tractor with 740 SL loader, joystick controls, 3 hydraulic, 540/1000 PTO, new inside rear tires, $42,000. 28 ft Donahue flatbed trailer, $1000. 701-361-6279. For Sale: 8320 J.D. 6477 hrs, 4-remotes, 380/54 w/ duals, big hyd. pump, very clean. $82,500 or offer. 7 0 1 - 3 6 1 - 8 3 3 9 , 701-361-5546. 2012 JD 8285R, 1,000 hrs, power shift, deluxe cab, 50" rubber, bag hyd pump, excellent condition, always shedded, $155,000. 712-348-0439 3010 diesel, 3 point, 1 hydraulic, motor overhauled 100 hours ago. New Holland 2004 TC45, Woods loader with grapple, 3 point, PTO, FWA, diesel. Call Randy at 605-881-2204 FOR SALE: 1941 B John Deere Tractor. New rear tires, wide front. It runs good and is in good shape. 218-843-1521 FOR SALE: 2004 JD 6420, MFD, 3500 engine hours, IVT transmission, 3 hydraulics, 3pt, Deluxe cab, AutoSteer, new tires, $58,000. Call 605-216-4875

TRACTORS Case IH 9330 row crop 4WD tractor. PTO, 3 pt hitch. Nearly new 18.4x38 Michelin Duals. 7440 hours, service records, $57,500. 6 way Degelman dozer available. 605-881-0314 FOR SALE: 4840 Massey Ferguson, 5610 hrs, good, clean tractor, $10,000. 701-710-0565 1990 Case International 9150, 6950 hours, 90% Firestones, excellent shape for its age, $40,000 OBO. 605-351-5087

Does your Versatile shift hard? Give us a call, we have a solution for you. We also have piv-ot pins and bushings for you center hinge, Series I, II, III Versatile. Call Big Tractor Parts 1-800-982-1769

ATTENTION FARMERS! Get your new Steiger tractor parts at a 10-20% discount. American made parts!

Big Tractor Parts

1-800-982-1769 We also rebuild axles, differentials & transmissions with 1 year warranty. 2011 John Deere 8235R Power shift. 380/38 front 380/54 rears. Duels, Good Year tires, 7" display. 60GPM hydraulic pump, 4 remotes, 1280 hrs. 1RW8235RABP041773. Can help with delivery. $146,000. Northwood, ND. 218-779-7546 IHC 450 1955 hrs, $2800 Aberdeen, SD 605-377-5572 For Sale: CHEAP HORSE POWER 1994 Cat 65C 7652 Hrs. 4 hyd wide swing drawbar 30 inch tracks 40% nice shape Ag tractors it whole life $32000 Also 1998 Cat 75E 10350 hrs 4 hyd, wide swing drawbar, cast spoke drivers 30 inch tracks in poor condition, undercarriage is good, runs great; $29,500. Ask for Chuck 320-239-2677 770 Oliver wide front, super 88 diesel narrow front, Humboldt loader, super 77 diesel narrow front has repaired block, super 77 gas wide front, 77 Oliver standard, 66 Oliver does not run. 218-346-4420 or cell 701-261-0320. For Sale: 1941 Allis Chalmers C model tractor. 3 point hitch, 72" mower deck, excellent shape. $3,500 OBO. Mapleton, ND. 701-238-8743

FOR SALE; 2008 JD 9630, auto steer, 2440 hours, 520/85/R46 triples, HID lighting, weight package; $165,000/obo. 701-520-9231

JD 7130, cab, MFWD, 2012, 400 hours, 24 speed, axles, weights, fenders, mirrors, extra lights, three remotes, H340 loader, 8ft bucket, joystick, perfect condition, $87,500. 507-273-2055

2009 Case IH 210 Magnum MFWD, 900 hours on it, 4 hydraulics, 540/1000 PTO, Auto Guide Ready, 380/90/50 rear duals, 380/85/34 front, front weights, asking $120,000. 605-268-0795

1965 International Tractor, 706 gas, narrow front. Heavy duty red buggy type umbrella that goes with it. Completely restored from front to back. Parade ready. 605-881-1080 or 605-873-2769

TRACTORS For Sale: 460 IH wide front, recent in frame overhaul, good tires, straight tin, fast hitch, $2500. For Sale: 770 Oliver wide front, has 77 engine, good tires, good tin, $1200. Call 605-460-3477 Used '14 STX550 wheeled, 24 month lease, 300 hrs/yr $26K/yr, 600 hrs/yr $31K. 2013 CIH 3230 Sprayer, 36 mon lease, 300 hrs $29,500/yr. 605-380-1120 3010 John Deere with loader. Ford TW30 2 wheel drive. Bushnell 165 bushel grain cart. 605-228-1613 IHC model H, one owner. 1949 with loader, snow bucket and dirt bucket. Always kept inside. Painted three times. 701-435-2518 International 826 Diesel Hydro, Cab-Heat, 3pnt, 540 & 1000 PTO, Dual Loader with Grapple, New Batteries, Good Rubber, Runs Excellent, $13,750 OBO. Call 605-380-6016 FOR SALE: John Deere Model 70 tractor Rollomatic Gas 3 point, like new tires, good paint, runs excellent, asking $4700. Phone 218-435-1355. For Sale: 1992 JD 4255 MFWD tractor, serial # RW4255P011317, 12,500 hours, tires 50%, 3 hydraulics, extra lights, $34,000. 605-680-4075 For Sale: 1995 Case IH 9230 row crop special, 7800 hours, 4 remotes, PTO, 3 pt, heavy drawbar, new rubber, axle duals, excellent shape. Will Accept Trades. 605-216-0270. Can Deliver 2005 JD 7920 front wheel assist, IVT trans, left hand reverser, 4 hydraulics, 3pt, PTO, auto steer ready, duals, 5500 hours, very nice tractor. Will Accept Trades. Call 605-216-0270. Will deliver. JD 4760, regular front, 8000 hrs, new 18.4x46 insides, nice shape; $32,000. 701-430-0965 Farmall Super M wide front. Tires rear 90% Tires front 85%. Power stealing. Runs and works great! $2,200 OBO. 605-380-2126 For Sale: John Deere 4440, 2WD, brand new 18.4x42" Firestone tires, 10,200 hours, very good condition & appearance, $25,000. Also John Deere Model 3600 618 moleboard plow, pull type with on land hitch, $3000. 605-225-5427 John Deere 7520 MFWD Front Suspension 741 loader, 550 hrs, auto, quad, plus transmission, left hand reverser, rear wiper, 3 SCVS 380/85R30 front 480 80R rear 450 weights inside & out, 8' bucket, excellent shape; asking $102,500. 218-686-0032 For Sale: Minneapolis Moline tractors. 1969 Jet Star III Super. Live PTO 3pt, runs good. 1961 4 Star. 3pt live PTO runs good. 1962 GVI. Good straight tin needs injection work. 12ft. Reiten Plow Packer. Good shape. Call Fred, 701-650-8936.

TRACTORS 2009 T8020 NH FWA, 1600 hours. Rear Dual Tires 380-54. Fronts 380-38. 16 speed Power Shift. 4 remotes with extra returns. Full Auto Steer with Field Manager Display. Excellent Condition, 1 owner service records. $117,500 OBO. Call 701-865-4134 evenings, or 701-331-0176 cell. 2008 JD 4720 MFWD, 65hp., 3 pt., 2 hyd, cab, air & heat, new rubber; $26,000. 701-351-0399 CIH 2294 cah, 3pt, 18.4/38, duals, 540/1000 pto, 6900 hrs; White 2-155 cah, 2wd, 7900 hrs; JD 4240, quad, cah, 3pt, 540/1000 pto, new 18.4/38 tires, 6400 hrs; Oliver 1755 gas, 3 pt, 540/1000 pto, 18.4/34 (80%), loader with hyd bucket, new paint, excellent condition. Holte Farm Sales holtesales.com 218-861-6181

PLANTING EQUIPMENT 2012 Case IH 1250 Planter, 16 row, bulk-bill, variable drive with row clutches, row cleaners, markers, new HD openers, used on only 3400 acres, field ready, excellent cond. Stored inside. Aberdeen 605-380-1110 Force 400/1600 Liquid Cart, Four Wheel Steer, $13,500. Call 701-710-0499 Force 400/1600 Liquid Cart, Four Wheel Steer, $13,500. Call 701-710-0499 12 New MaxEmerge XP row units. Units have Proshaft with elec. shutoff (RowCommand), Walking Gauge wheels, 3 bushel hoppers, and Pneumatic downforce springs. Units are about $2900 (less discount) at John Deere, make me a reasonable offer. Call 605-299-6352 or 605-491-1917 Flexicoil 2320 air seeder tank, rear pull. 23.1-26 rice cane tires, 8 secondary manifolds controller; $7500/obo or trade. 06-YR Convey-all BTS290 seed tender, scale, new conveyor belt, wireless remote control, lights, no running gear; $9250/obo. 320-269-6840 or 320-979-4156


Wilrich 4400 31 ft chisel plow, 3 bar harrow; JD 610 39 ft chisel plow, harrow; JD 630 28 ft disk with harrow; Summers diamond disk, 38 ft, good blades; JD 630 28 ft tandem disk with harrow; JD 230 22 ft tandem disk w/ harrow; Kent 24 ft coulter chisel, 104 harrow, good shape; 2008 Summers Supercoulter 40 ft, 3 bar harrow, front and rear 8 wave blades. Holte Farm Sales 218-861-6181 JD 610 chisel plow, 41 ft, Summers 106 harrow, $14,500. 701-351-0399.



Gates double coulters, coulter harrows, Magnum harrows. Good for residue management. Disks have big coil springs, that provide cushion against rocks. Good for disking CRP, corn ground & weeds. Lloyd Anderson, Valley City 701-845-2108 Glenn Anderson, Bismarck 701-255-7560 3900 Case 36ft, $10,000. Call 605-994-7774 For Sale Brandt Contour Commander Model 7000 Heavy Harrow 70Ft. Exclnt cond. 605-948-2563 or 605-769-1178 Wishek 742NT disk. 38ft with two bar Gates harrow and 24in blades, $34,500. Call 605-730-0880. For sale: Case 1250 planter. Hydraulic drive, factory liquid fertilizer, floating trashwhippers, pneumatic downpressure, 1 yr rebuild on entire planter with HD openers, have both hitches 2-pt and drawbar whichever a person wants, and always cleaned off and store inside. Call/text 605-690-6428 For sale: Case 5310 16/30" nutriplacer strip till bar. Has lead coulters, floating trashwhippers, new dual placement tips with 1 1/2" dry and 3/8" liquid tubes and rolling baskets. Also comes with 1 year old 9 ton/high output/variable rate Montag dry cart with scale and do have a Raven ISO node controller if interested. Call/text 605-690-6428 M & W Model 1165 5 shank disk ripper, New front disks. $5500. 605-345-4777 after 6pm. John Deere 610 Chisel plow, 32ft with Wilrich vertical tillage blades, new harrow teeth, 701-710-0499 For Sale: 2013 Case IH ECOLO-TIGER 870 Disk Ripper, 22ft. 11 shank, Summers heavy duty 4 bar drag, 700 acres, like new, $77,000. Call 701-261-1702 For Sale: 50' Wilrich Field Cultivator with heavy duty drag, $2500. 701-371-9630 43' JD 2400 Chisel Plow w/Summers 106 harrow; $22,500. Also, 30' JD 650 disk, 11" spacing, single pt depth; $18,500. Call: 701-741-7957 2700 JD Disk ripper 7 30's 2010 model used one year shedded since $30,000.00 or BO. JD 910 Sub Soiler 5 shank $2,500.00 or BO. 507-829-8447

TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 2003 John Deere 512 disk ripper, 7 shank, 1 year on blades. Also, 610 Chisel plow, 23ft, flap fold, 1 year old Summers harrow. Call 605-949-4516 For Sale: 2008 Case IH 530C Disk Ripper. Excellent condition! Call 507-381-5781. FOR SALE: 2013 JD 637 rock flex tandem disc, 45', 9" space, 24" blades, hyd adj heavy duty center walking tandems, tandems across weight package used on 1500 AC. 1994 JD 893 cornhead, 8 row, 30". Call 218-639-2931. 12-30" Reaper Strip Till, 500 Elk Creek Caddy, 6 ton Montag dry fertilizer tank with stainless steel meters and Electronic Scale. Great condition. $70,000 Jerry 507-820-1515 CASE-IH 5310 strip till with ADX 3380 air cart. Floating residue managers and rolling baskets. Air cart has updated wiring harness for prescription variable rate application. Call 605-680-4860 19.5' cushion disk chisel plow with harrows; IH 480 24' disk. 218-289-5868 or 701-238-7136 FOR SALE: Disk ripper build by Steiger, 15', 11 shank, will ripp down about 16". 701-398-3866

2010 WISHEK 862NT

2010 Wishek Disk Model 862NT. 30 foot, 30 inch disks, low acres. All ready for fall and spring use. $52,000 Call or Text: 218-689-7774 2013 Summers disc chisel, 32ft, rolling chopping baskets, wing weights, large wing cylinders, used on 300 acres. Cell 605-382-7373 or home 605-382-5685 35' Landoll disk used on 750 acres. Call 701-489-3543 or 701-320-2300 JD 637 Disk, 45' double fold rear harrow, very nice; $55,000. 701-351-0399 For Sale: 2011 Soil Warrior, 12 row 22 inch, low acres. Call 701-520-1099.


FOR SALE: 2009 Clark 618C 20in Cornhead, $69,000. Call 605-228-8786

2007 2062 36ft Case Flex Draper Head, Finger Reel, F/A Skid Plate, Single Knife Drive with Transport, $36,000. Call 605-994-7774 2014 12 row John Deere 612C, never used. 605-685-3986 Soybean Head For Sale: Case IH 1020 25' Flex Header with finger reel. Reel & bushing's good, auger & floor good. Dual drive. Ready to go; $7,000. Call 218-790-0236

AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A19


2012 JD 6 row stalk master corn head, row sense, new knives, excellent. 33ft JD 1600 chisel plow, 3 bar drag, set up for anhydrous now with hitch, good condition. 20ft coil packer with long gooseneck hitch. 701-640-0136 For Sale: Neco corn dryer, model 1680, 3 phase, propane, excellent condition, 605-480-0285 For Sale: Kinze 1050 grain cart on tracks, Digi-Star scale, with extension, holds 1,200 bushel, $60,000. 605-480-0285 For Sale: Three augers with electric drive, Feteral 10x66, Westfield, 10x61, Farm King 8x51. 605-480-0285 FARM EQUIPMENT ESTATE SALE 1 Month Only John Deere 7700 combine w/3 heads, Versatile 20ft swather, feed wagons, augers, chisel plows, 6 bottom plows w/drills, drills, rake, trucks, Heavy Duty pickups, antique rakes, thrashing machine & others, fuel tanks, water tank, Pick-up sprayer, 16ft Rawhide stock trailer, 851 NH Baler and much more! Call 701-258-8881 Also 17 CLASSIC CARS! CLIP AND SAVE 2001 Honeybee 42’ rigid draper head with pickup reel, canola roller and transport. Good shape, $20,000 OBO. 701-263-5329



1994 Gleaner R62, rotor, separator & vanes and chopper all new, with 36’ MacDon rigid draper head with trailer. $23,000 OBO. Will separate. 701-263-5329

FOR SALE: Case IH 1015 Dummy Head with 6 belt Case IH Pickup. Always shedded. $2,500. Call 701-669-2344 or 701-320-9290

2004 Case IH 12 row corn head, Model 2212, hydraulic adjustable deck plates, auto header height, for 80 series combine. $30,000 OBO. 701-263-5329

Richardton Dump Wagon For Sale: 701-246-3506

6450 Hesston 21’ cab, air, swather.$7500 605-426-6532 or 605-380-7776 2011 Macdon FD70 40ft Flexdraper slow speed transport, single drive, Case IH hookup, Excellent condition $55,000 Also 120 gallon horizontal propane tank $250 605-695-0904 New Holland 25ft 74C Flex head with Crary air reel, 1 season on New Holland 3” cutting system, approx. 3500 acres on head, in excellent condition. 218-557-8534 or 701-640-0577 MC600E Grain Dryer, 3 phase electric, 1 season on new burner, good working condition. 218-557-8534 or 701-640-0577 For Sale: 2001 John Deere 693 Corn head. Manual deck plates. Very nice shape. Call 605-350-6274 or 605-354-2600 2006 8010 Sunflower silage dump wagon, 2 wheel, pull behind, SPFH, $8500. Call Todd 605-680-9900

New & Used Equipment 2013 5250 Amity Cart...NEW........................................................$128,000 1995 Flexi-Coil 5000 45’ w/2320 Tow Between Cart, NH3, Exactrix Piston Pump Dempster controller, 7.2 Spcaing/Atom Jet Opener...USED .......................................................................$45,000 Meridian Fuel Trailer…990 gallon Diesel Tank and 110 gal DEF tank…NEW...............................................................Call for Pricing Large Selection of Augers from 7” to 16” FarmKing, Meridian, Westfield, Wheatheart................Call for more Info Check out our newest item – Auger Hog…. World’s Greatest Hopper, Adjustable in height, eliminates spilling, spitting and blowing, Compatible with 8”-13” augers. Prices starting at $1200

2009 Drago 1220 Chopping Cornhead, 12R20", self adjusting deck plates, ear savers, grain poly, JD adapter, heavy gathering chains, used on 4000 acres total, excellent condition; $65,000. 701-640-5279


FOR SALE: 693 JD Corn Head with Hydraulic Deck Plate, Very Nice. Westfield 7x41 Motor Drive Auger. Westfield 7x51 Electric Motor Drive Auger. Versatile 8x51 PTO Auger. 10ft Box Scraper, New. 3pt Bale Spear. 2-Firestone 17.5x25 Payloader Tires at 50%. Call 605-880-8811 or 605-881-5843

We are now a Loftness Dealer, which provides the highest quality grain bagger on the market.

WHETHER IT’S... GBL10, 20” auger, loads 10’ bags, 8’x8’ Hopper, $26,500

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Check us out for your Grain Storage Needs

Power Through The Snow!!!

Meridian Bins - Currently in stock: GM3000, GM4000, GM5000 & 1620 Multipurpose Bin............................................................ Call for a Quote Grain Bags: 9x300, 9mil. ....................................................................$870 10x300, 9mil. ......................................................................................$950 12x500, 9mil. ...................................................................................$1,500

There is no better built snowblower on the market! Backed by a 2 year limited warranty! EZ Cover Remote Bin Cap No more climbing grain bins to open or close the cap!

Grain Vacs New & Used

• Cable operated spring loaded latch and hinge • Comes Complete with 30’ of 1/8” cable and hardware • Can be set in vent position for aeration fans • Heavy mounting rings makes installation very easy • Four sizes available 18” - 24” - 27” - 32” Rock Lift (2 Models Available) Clear your land of those buried rocks that break up your expensive equipment. • Heavy duty 3pt. hitch • Fits CAT III & III N quick hitch, CAT II pins also available • Jack stands • 2” X 6” Teeth • 1 1/2” X 4” Hook • 2 1/2” x 8” Cylinder • Horse power rating, 100 - 275 • Tooth length 32” • 10” between teeth • Working depth 24” Rock Lift Now Available for Payloaders!

Rem Vac 2500, USED. ..................................................................$12,5000 Brandt Vac, USED. .........................................................................$15,400 Rem Vac 3700, USED. ....................................................................$21,000 Rem Vac 2700, NEW. .........................................................Call for Pricing Rem Vac VRX, NEW. ..........................................................Call for Pricing



Farmers Union Oil Company - Mohall – Sherwood 701-756-6814 or toll free 1-888-391-6814 Andy Undlin: 263-1309 Mike Duckett: 263-1426 www.mohallcenex.com


New Holland 96C corn head. 12 row 20 inch. Hydraulic deck plates. Header trailer included. $12,750. Call-605-354-4058




Glenfield, ND 58443 Phone: 785-2555 www.tough-t.com 001133134r1

A20 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014


JD 925 flex head. 18ft McDon finger reel. 3.9ft heavy duty 3 angle blade. JD 185 hydro static lawn mower. New bean knives for Speeder or UFT knives. Round crary V knives. Single miniature pony show harness. 2 row PTO potato digger. Lift guards for swather. 3pt wood S106 ditch bag mower. 3000-4000 Chief grain bins. Double cylinder air compressor like new. JD 185 42inch hydro static lawn mower. 3pt 4ft Woods finishing mower, category 1. Call 701-430-3189 2009 Unverferth 16” Discharge 8250, Scale, Printer. $24,000 605-450-8705

cargo containers

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John Deere 893 corn head, 2002, hydraulic deck plates, row sense, new chains and sprockets, center hood, excellent condition, stored inside, head cart for head available. 605-310-0666 2004 CIH 1020, 30’ flex, crary air reel 3” cut. 2005 CIH 2208, 8R30, poly good condition, hydraulic deck plates. CIH 820 22 1/2’ flex. CIH 810 25’ sunflower pans. Clarke 8225 8R22 1/2 poly, end savers, fits CIH or CAT. 605-994-2382, leave message or after 8, 605-994-7001 or 605-994-7002 FOR SALE: 2013 612C Stock Master Corn head on 22" rows. Used on 300 acres. Has stock stompers & many other extras. Always shedded. Priced to sell! 218-843-3408.


6 IHC 810 combine headers one 20' w/19' Sund pickup, one 20' w/2 9' Sund pickups, one 20' sunflower head w/reel, one 12' Melroe pickup, one 12' IHC pickup, one 20' dummy head. Three small wire concaves like new for 1480 IHC. 1988 Ford Bronco, red/white, 4x4, nice shape. Call 218-779-4460. 1992 JD 5830 SPFH W/ Keper 4500 15' Rotary head. 4900hrs, $20,000+ of work done to this machine in the last couple years. We upgraded machine so we no longer need this one, $50,000. Call 605-682-8429 For Sale: 1660 IHC combine, excellent shape, 25ft soy bean head, 6 row 30 inch corn head, call 605-228-2088

Grain Systems

PM AG Sources, Inc. 866-588-7624 Booth See us @


Horace, ND


For Sale: 1995 Case IH 2166, engine hrs 4900, sep hrs 3606, speciality rotor, reverser, Cummins, 30.5x32, grain loss monitor, rock trap, shedded, chopper, went thru Titan shop in Aberdeen 5 out of last 6 years. 1998 Case IH 1020, 25ft, flex head with Cary air reel shedded. 1984 Versatile 4400 22ft double swath, cab, air, always shedded. Case IH 8480 baler, one of the last one made, shedded, nice, R23A Vemeer rake, 605-437-2370 or 605-848-8404 3970 silage cutter with long tongue, newer 3 row narrow head, in good condition, $9000 OBO. Also adaptor plate for 5758 series cutters for 693 corn head. Also cracker plate for same cutters. 605-881-9656 Lilliston 6200 Bean Combine with return. 8 row pickett one step, double swath option. 22ft Universal head with 20ft Sund pickup. 701-710-0499 For Sale: Case IH 1020 Flex head, 2002 Model with CWS, Good condition. $10,000. 701-680-1632 OR 701-724-3648

Complete Storage, Drying & Handling



Harvest Equipment ●4 Grain Carts 450-800 bushel ●Westfield 13x91 Auger ● 2009 Shieldag Drive Over Belt Hopper Auger ●Several Gravity Boxes 2-500 bushel ●Row Crop Heads JD 653 All Crop - 843 & 1293 ●JD 3R Narrow Silage Head ●Brandt Grain Vacs ●Richardton 14’ Silage Dump box ●Loftness 20’ Multi-Crop Shedder with Windrow Attachment ●3 Pull Type Crop Sparyers 40-90’ Photos at RennerEquip.com Call Corky @ 888-492-2417 1243 12RN John Deere corn head with poly, field ready. 605-360-5687 NEW CASE IH 8220 swather, 25 ft, finger reel, shedded, $9,500. Premier 1900 swather, finger reel, rear hitch, low acres, shedded, $4500. 701-351-0399.


HARVEST EQUIPMENT NEW IDEA UNI’S 803C with 6200 chopper with NH 4 row narrow chopper head and hay pick up. 800C power unit, w/839 husker, 6506 corn head. Richardson 960 dump wagon. New Idea 767 chopper w/768, 3 row, W/N head, 767 hay pick up. Call 605-310-4960

FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT: 2013 JD 612C 12R30” STALKMASTER CHOPPING CORNHEAD Auto Header Height Control, Contour Master, Stubble Lights, End Row Shields, Only 1500 Acres, Like New. Call: 701-778-7611 or 701-269-9687

2009 635F Flex Head, under 4,000 acres, excellent condition, $14,900. Brent 640 Wagon, green, excellent condition $10,000. 507-220-6450

•30' Case IH MacDon Flex Draper Header, Model 6220, off 8010 Case IH Combine; $46,000. •'13 8x30 Gearinghoff corn chopping head, 8 row 30" with row stampers; $70,000. 204-871-0925

Wanted JD corn head for JD silage cutter, 3 row wide, 605-848-1328

2 2010 John Deere 635F Flexheads. Always shedded, excellent shape. One has HHS in rigid mode - $23000, the other does not - $22000 o.b.o. Sitting on Wemco HD 36 ft. header trailers also available. (218) 779-6764 or (701) 543-4090 FOR SALE: 608 JD Cornhead, Hydraulic Deck Plates, Knife Rolls, HHS, $37,500. ALSO: 893 JD Cornhead, Hydraulic Deck Plates, $14,500. JD 853A All Crop Head, PTO Drives, Sunflower Sides, $5,900. Call Mike at 701-391-2934 2005 John Deere 635 flex head, low dam, good condition, shedded, $10,800 OBO. 2008 John Deere 612C nonchopping corn head, very good condition, shedded, $37,500 OBO. Valley City, ND 701-840-2330 or 701-840-0248 NO TELEMARKETERS New Holland FP244 Forage Harvester, 3PN corn head, 29P hay head, Metalert 3, crop processor, hydraulic tongue, tandem axles, vertical and horizontal spout extension, excellent condition, always shedded. Asking $42,500. 605-261-4911 FOR SALE: JD 2360 Diesel Swather with Reconditioned 21ft Header and 920 Auger Header MacDon Hayhead. ALSO: JD 843 Cornhead, Reconditioned AND 10x71 Westfield Auger, Great Shape. Call 701-321-9065 or 701-321-2911 2012 JD 618C 22" Chopping Corn Head. All updates, just through the shop. Field ready. 3000 acres and like new. Must Sell. $135,000 701-308-0744

For Sale: JD 1293 Corn Head 12R-30", 1997, poly snouts, hyd deck plates, knife rolls, new chains and sprockets 1 year ago ..... $18,000 JD 1222 Corn Head 12R-22", poly snouts, hyd deck plates, new chains and sprockets 2 years ago......$13,000 Can deliver 507-430-5144 For sale: 2012 640FD hydraulic flex draper, like new with less than 1,000 acres of wheat cut with it. $72,500. Call 605-350-0314 Parker 938 Grain Cart, 1,000 Bushel, 18in Auger with Tarp, Call 402-369-2196 Gehl 1250 forage chopper, walking tandems, electric over hydraulic, 3038 head, $1950. 984 IH 8 row 36” corn head, high back tin, good condition, with Bish adaptor to fit on 70 Series John Deere combine, $6800. 1084 IHC 8 row 36” cornhead, high back, black tin, water pump bearings, nice, $9000. John Deere 7000 8 row 36” corn planter with Kinze fertilizer openers. Call 605-590-0615 Edible bean equipment: Harrison 8 row mid mount kniver. Pickett 6-30 machine. John Deere 20ft header with 20ft Sund pickup. (2) John Deere 912 head with 11ft Sund pickup. 605-532-3726 or 605-237-6825 FOR SALE: JD 9600 combine, 6000 engine hours, 4800 separator hours, engine has 3000 since major, $18,000. 643 JD cornhead, oil drive, $4250. 701-943-2465.

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AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A21



•Grain Cart: WECO 600 Bu. 23.1x30 tires, very good shape, 2 year old Agri cover trays. •IH 810 20' 8 row sunflower header. •IH 810 Pickup Head with 7 belt Melroe 389. •IH 883 8R30" Cornhead. •Case IH 1010 30' rigid head with 2-14' sundpickers, for dry beans or pea's, very nice shape. 701-351-4180 or 701-739-6156 JD 612C Stock Master Chopping Corn Head, 2011 model, 12R30", HHS sensors, hydraulic deck plates, excllent; $57,500. 701-351-0399 2005 Picket Double Master Plus Edible Bean Combine. 1998 Picket One Step with cushion shanks, 8 bar pick up, semi end delivery. 1996 Orthman Knifer w/a front mount 3pt hitch for JD R Series Tractor. Call: 701-680-0377 or 701-427-5887 2 - new never used 2013 JD 612C chopping corn heads, 12 row, 22". Warranty, auto header height & row sense. All factory PIP'S & updates dealer completed. 218-779-0479 or 218-779-1728. Auger For Sale: 13"x111' Wheatheart , use once to fill bin then we got grain leg up; $17,900. SA1000 SuperB grain dryer: 3 phrase, reclaims heat - heat cool rated at 1000 bu/hr; $17,500. Call: 701-640-3434


For Sale: Jackson Swather Trailer for self propelled swathers. Call 701-371-9630 893 John Deere 8 row 30 inch cornhead. Knife rolls, always shedded, field ready, nice condition. 701-645-2593 or 701-388-2681. Stalk Chopper For Sale on IQBID.COM. 2008 Alloway WR20 pull type. 20' with windrowing option (can be used for windrowing or regular chopping), very low acres. Bidding closes September 10th. For more info go to www.IQBID.com or call 701-265-2327 FOR SALE 12 row 22" 2 sets of knives Series II Drago Chopping Corn Head: 1 year old, only 1400 acres on the machine, always shedded. $88,000. Call 701-541-0689 '06 Pickett 12R30" one-step or can be set to 16R22", hyd. adjust gauge wheels, 8-bar pickup, rock flex; $23,500. Also, 2 late 90's Harriston onesteps, 8R22" or 6R30", lots of extras; $8500 for the pair. Call: 701-741-7957 '97 Killbros 700 bushel model 1200 grain cart, always shedded, 1 owner; $9250. Also, late 90's JD 930 rigid header w/transport, always shedded, excellent; $6800. Also, '98 36' MacDon Model 962 draper head w/JD hookups, excellent condition; $13,500. Call: 701-741-7957

30' front dolly type heavy duty header trailer, new; $3500. 701-351-0399 For Sale: Geringhoff RotaDisc 16R 20", shedded, very low acres, recently serviced, HHS sensors, JD row sense. $52,500. 701-351-0399. Kinze 450C conveyor cart, 450 bushel, roll tarp, all hydraulic drive, paint faded but mechanically good. Shedded, great for seed, edibles, unloads fast, new paddles. 320-394-2121 FOR SALE: 2013 Loftness GL10 grain bag loader, brand new, with some bags, will deliver. Call 605-769-1178 or 605-948-2563 JD 3970 Silage Chopper 3 row 30" green head. Several new parts & field ready. $8,500 or BO. 507-829-8447 FOR SALE: All kinds & sizes draper belts for McDon, Versatile, IH & JD swather or draper heads. Call 605-380-4796 FOR SALE: 2009 Case IH 2606 chopping corn head, hydraulic deck plates, field tracker, can be run nonchopping, 88 series hookups, $36,000. 701-538-4420



Kinze 1500 Grain Cart on tracks with scales & tarp. Kinze 1300 on tracks with scale & tarp. Both in excellent condition. Call 712-579-1825 FOR SALE: 781 Case IH 2 row silage cutter, priced reasonable. ALSO: 675 Parker grain cart, $8,500. Call 605-690-1468 FOR SALE: New Holland FX60 Silage chopper, Kernel processor, 8 row Kemper corn head, 15’ hay head. Sharp and field ready. Financing Available. Inwood, IA 605-366-1728 Used J&M 750 cart with scale and tarp, nice. Also new J&M grain carts and seed tenders. JD 8 row 22 inch cornhead. Friesen 240 seed tender. 605-350-3225 FOR SALE: John Deere 630F flexhead. Call 605-237-2233 or 605-880-2912 FOR SALE: New Idea 708 Uni with 838 Husker Bed, 3400 hours with or without 6 Row 30in cornhead, shedded, nice condition, ready to go. $6,500. Located in Norther Kansas. Call 785-389-5111 or Cell 785-282-0439 Case IH 1020 25ft Flexhead, Near New Cutting Parts. Call 605-880-0667

WANTED: New Idea 2 row corn pickers with shellers or will buy just the sheller. John Deere 300 corn pickers. International 80 & 82 pull type combine with 6ft head. Also, John Deere 42 combine. 812-444-9708

FOR SALE: ATI track system with Case IH 8010 mounting system. All brands of mounting systems available. Excellent for harvesting in wet & muddy conditions. Contact Steve 406-374-3231 or 406-350-2700.

2007 J&M 750 Grain Cart, holds 800+ bushels, 18.4x42 duals, fits 22in or 30in rows, rebuilt auger & gear box, good condition, $17,900 OBO. Call 320-212-5380

JD 930 30' flex head w/air reel, field ready; $5500/obo. 218-686-8222

Westfield MK 13/81 plus, excellent; $12,500. Wheatheart 1381 flex, like new; $16,500/obo. 701-351-0399

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Argyle, MN Travis Anderson (218)-201-0782 Reece Setterholm (218)-280-5890


A&S Ag Sales


FOR SALE: New & used hopper bins, 900-6000 bushels on skids with aeration fans available, call now for good price. Also New and Used bean tenders. Inventory on stock, immediate delivery. 12,000 or 15,000 gallon fuel or liquid fertilizer tanks. 701-830-8000 ask for Fred

HARVEST EQUIPMENT JD & Geringhoff cornheads, 6R30, 8R22, 8R30, 12R20, 12R22, other sizes available, new & used. Will also do reconditioning different row spacing or complete rebuild on JD cornhead. We offer full warranty on any JD gear box we rebuild Sales, Service & Rental MW Cornheads, Inc. Hillsboro, ND 701-430-CORN (2676)

A22 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014

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JD field grain cart, 500, roll tarp/ JD flex head, 218. Case IH 496 disc, 19 1/2 ft. 605-495-4234

Case IH 721 swather, 21ft, hydraulic fold, good condition. Call 605-397-2417 or 605-380-7510 Groton, SD

2010 JM 1000 Grain cart, scale, tarp, 900x60 size tires, excellent cond, $35,500. 2007 42' Dakota aluminum hopper trailer, Ag hoppers, air ride, new tires, new brake, DOT inspected, great condition, $24,000. 605-660-0152

Gleaner corn head, 8 row 30 inch, model A830, will fit R Series. Not a hugger. $1500 OBO. 605-985-5984 or 605-515-0040

FOR SALE: 970 Gehl box and gear. Feterl 10" hydraulic corn screener. JD 1064 running gear. Danuser post auger. Call 605-203-0836 FOR SALE: John Deere 8 row wide Cornhead, 36" row spacing, recent rebuild, Model 844, will fit 9000 series combine with Contour Master Feederhouse. $6,000 OBO. 605-203-0302 2009 Case IH 2608 Corn head. Folding corn head to 4 row with chopping knives. Spiral augers on end. Field tracker, $44,000 OBO. New Caldwell Centrifugal Aeration fan, Model C30-2532, 25HP, 3 Phase, $3,000. Call 701-640-1223

Hwy 210 East Fergus Falls, MN

FULL F INSTALLATION CREW!! Shop: 218-739-6388

Justin’s Cell: 218-849-3021 Steve’s Cell: 218-770-3933

•2009 12R30 Geringhoff Rota Disc complete rebuild; $61,000.00 •CaseIH 2208, 8R30 Cornhead, Hyd. Deckplates, Knife Rolls, Header Height; $15,000.00 •CaseIH 1083 8R30 Cornhead, NEW, knife rolls, gathering chains, top and bottom sprockets; $9000.00 Will Deliver NO TELEMARKETERS Call Steve 701-430-2676 Farm Fans CMS-420J Dryer. Single phase, LP. Fill leg & take away auger also available. 701-430-0738

For Sale: 2013 JD 612C 12R22" Chopping corn head we bought new low acres row sense, lights always shedded; $87,500. Ask for Chuck 320-239-2677 001121044r1

- GSI Grain Bins Hopper Tanks & Dryers - Grain Legs & Grain Pumps - Conveyors & Accessories - Towers & Cat Walks

John Deere 1220 corn head, $10,000 OBO. Located Claremont, SD. 605-448-8054

FOR SALE: Farm Fans 1000H stacked dryer. 2000 bu per hour at 5 points removal. Totally refurbished 4 years ago. Yearly maintenance since. This dryer is ready to go. Also has the upgraded moisture-matic plus controller. $35,000 with 100 hp 3 phase converter or $30,000 without. Kevin Anderson, Verona, ND. 701-710-0525.

Sales, Construction & Repair of Grain Handling Equipment See us at Big Iron Booth L-35

FOR SALE: Tobin 16ft silage liner and Schuler BF175 feed wagon, both in good shape. 605-448-8435

FOR SALE: 36 New JD Knife Rolls Off a JD 600 Series Cornhead. ALSO: Like New Soucy Tracks for JD Int’l Combine, Used One Season. Call 320-269-8719 or Cell 320-226-0296

In-House Design & Millwrighting for All Your GRAIN HANDLING Needs

HARVEST EQUIPMENT JD 443 low tin oil drive Corn Head, good clean head; $3600. '01 Balzer 2000 Semi mounted 20' stalk chopper, dual lift assist, good hood, runs smooth; $4750/obo. 320-269-6840 or 320-979-4156 2006 Brent Avalanche 1084 grain cart, 36" track, tarp, $39,500. Call 715-556-9090 or 715-632-2319 2013 JD 608C 8R30" Stalkmaster Chopping Cornhead, Auto Header Height Control, Row Sense, Stubble Lights, End Row Shields, Hydraulic Deck Plates, Covered 700 Acres, Purchased New, 1 Hour from Williston, ND. $68,500. (406) 765-8234. FOR SALE: 843 JD Cornhead, 8 Row 30in, Oil Drive, Regular Rollers, JD Poly Snouts, Good Shape, $6,800 OBO. Wallace, SD. Call 605-520-4223 Rear wheel assist for IH combine, fits 2188, 2388, 2588. 605-237-3976 2008 Westward Sunmaster head, 12x30, $65,000. 2009 Westward Sunmaster head, 12x30, $75,000. 2012 Westward Sunmaster head, 12x30, $85,000. Call Lynn at 605-853-3025 or 605-870-1472 JD Conventional Combine Owners. I have a slow down kit for your clean & return grain systems reducing speed by 50%. Easy installation, dramatic improvement of seed coat checks in dry beans & grain quality in soybeans & canola. Works on all 9600, 9610, 9650, 9660 conventional combines. Call 218-779-4501. For Sale: Case IH 2408 Corn head, 8x30, knife rolls, ear savers, hydraulic deck plates, very nice, shedded every night, low acres. Fits 8010 & newer. $25,000. Call 701-320-3829 or 701-368-1948. For sale: 2008 JD 612C Corn head, knife rolls, hydraulic deck plates, height sensors, $31,000. 605-280-8369

HARVEST EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: BALER - 2 HESSTON 4900'S 1 W/ACCUMULATOR & 1 W/CHUTE BALED 2014 CROP 4X4 BALES BALED STRAW ONLY 1994 & 1995 701-642-8286 FOR SALE: Bean conveyor for combine, made by JR Welding, Minto, ND. Came off 9860 JD but will fit others; $4,000/obo. 701-265-2816 JD 612 corn head with knife rolls, hydraulic deck plates, single point hook up, excellent condition, $33,000. Also 608 JD corn head with knife rolls, HHS, hydraulic deck plates, field ready, $29,500. Call Mike 701-391-2934 For Sale: 2012 618C Stock Master 18 row 22” corn head, head is loaded with Row Sense, 18 stock stoppers, lights, 2500 acres, new knives, very nice and is in the shed. $147,500. Call 320-212-3201 FOR SALE: 2009 Loftness 20ft Stalk Chopper with Wind Row Attachment, New Bearings & Fails, Asking $15,000. Call 605-280-6520 25 Gleaner Heads Corn, Flex, Rigid, Majority reconditioned. Also, Harvesting wanted: Corn, Milo, Beans, etc. Duffek Implement Seward, NE Call Dave at 402-643-3290 www.gleanerheads.com For Sale: 9024 Massey Ferguson rigid combine head 24'. $1750 OBO. 1859 Massey Ferguson rigid combine head 24'. $750 OBO. Both heads have the heavy duty wobble box and orbit drive reels. For more info call Dennis @ 605-680-1198 FOR SALE, TRADE, or RENT: 612C 2013. 12 row 30”. Knife Rolls, Hydraulic Deck Plates, Sensors, Chopping Head, Low Acres. 2008-2013 JD 608 C, Stockmaster 8 row 30”, Hydraulic Deck Plates, Knife Rolls, Sensors. Also Some with Chopping Heads. 2008-2013 model. JD 893 Cornhead. 8 row 30”. Hydraulic Deck Plate & Knife Rolls. JD 635 hydro flex, 35 foot with Crary air reel, 2013 and 2012. Older JD 635 without air reel. Also got JD 6603 approx. 900 hours, MFD, heat and air, 3 point, 100 HP. Call 701-778-7611 or 701-269-9687

FOR SALE: (2) John Deere 212 pickup headers. Call 218-289-5868 or 701-238-7136. For Sale: 1999 Wilson pace setter grain trailer, 43x96x66, air ride, electric roll tarp with wind straps, ag hoppers, tires and brakes 60%, $19,000. 605-680-4075 13x91 Westfield swing hopper auger, good condition $11,000. 605-864-1159


Carrington, ND: 701-793-3871 West Fargo, ND: 701-281-9418

Carrington, ND: 701-793-3871 West Fargo, ND: 701-281-9418

For Sale: 2005 Drago 8 row 30 inch chopping corn head, green poly, head sight, row sense, JD single point hook up. No Friday night or Saturday calls please

701-783-4419 or 701-710-0841

A24 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014

Harvest help wanted. Looking for CDL truck drivers and grain cart operator for fall harvest. Call Dustin 605- 448-8237

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

Full time or Seasonal Employment on Family owned Seed Production/Grain operation in NE South Dakota. Duties: general farm work, monitoring seed mills, operating and maintaining all equipment. Experience preferred but will train motivated and dependable individual. Pay DOE. Webster, SD 605-345-3169



HELP WANTED on large grain farm for harvest. PT, possible FT. Job will include all aspects of harvest (combining, trucking, and tillage work) Must be self motivated, dependable, and work well with others. Experience required. Wage DOE. Call 605-534-9826 or 605-530-4114

Truck Drivers for Sugarbeet Harvest. Modern farm equipment and newer trucks. Starting October 1st. $22/hour. Call 701-289-0087.

Immediate Openings

Slominski Harvesting looking for experienced truck drivers, combine & grain cart operators. Call Danny at 701-330-0105 or Dylan at 701-520-9451


“A Farmer’s Seed Company” ,38# :<<8"= ' 0*%5. /-1'11%% ,3;7 +8;!9366 )=66 ' 0*%5. 2/%'&-%* +637= 4#$3# )=66 ' 0*%5. 2/%'(*/(

LAND FOR SALE 293.38+/- acres North of Oriska

Call Today For Pricing

Tract #1: SE¼ of Section 20 (less site), T142 R56 Tract #2: SW¼ of Section 21 (less site), T142 R56 Productive Barnes County Farmland Available for 2015 crop year Contact Brent Qualey, Dale Weston, or Kyle Nelson

ANYWHERE We buy damaged grain any condition -wet or dryincluding damaged silo corn TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks CALL HEIDI OR LARRY


(701) 237-0059


Semi Driver, Truck Driver, Equipment Operator, General Laborer, and Mechanic

Phone: 701-352-2074

Certified Accipiter winter wheat Certified Decade winter wheat Certified Peregrine winter wheat Certified AC Radiant winter wheat Certified Ideal winter wheat Certified SY Wolf winter wheat Onsite treating available

See Us @ BIG IRON!! Booth E23


Potato, sugarbeet, bean & wheat farm near Grafton, ND. General farm/ mechanical experience preferred. Camper sites available.

(/44 32% +2 -22! +$' +21 %"3+'. %$'/+ */."'+"', &2. %"3+'. $/.)"3',, 0 #"'4)

40x80 Holds 26,000 bushels


CHS Ag Services

Is looking for seasonal drivers. CDL required. 701-746-1911 ask for Chris. 2002 N Wash. St. Grand Forks, ND 58203. EOE NEED a Truck Driver for soybeans and corn harvest. Needs to have trucking experience. Great pay and will not have to work late. CDL is preferred, but not mandatory. Call Keith at 701-261-3549 or call Dylan at 701-261-2909. 20 miles NW of Fargo, ND

Truck Drivers Wanted

for Midwest grain & feed hauling. Must have good driving record. Competitive wages, vacation, and health benefits. Call Todd at L & O Acres Transport, 605-380-2133.

LAND FOR SALE 320+/- acres in Cavalier County - Near Munich - Hunting appeal Contact Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293 or Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305

The Original In-Bin Continuous Flow Drying System...that Grows with your operation! With a Shivvers computerized drying system you can dry your crops as fast as you can combine. Whether your drying needs are 2,000 or 20,000 bushels a day, Shivvers has a system that’s right for you. Call or stop in today.


K & D Enterprises


LAND FOR SALE 80+/- acres near Tower City Cass County, North Dakota

- Pasture adjacent to Maple River - Has USDA base acres - Available for 2015 Contact Brent Qualey, Dale Weston, or Kyle Nelson

(701) 237-0059

For More Information






Help Wanted: Overnight farrowing attendant. Jerome Mack Farms LLC Leola, SD. Call 605-439-3229 or 605-252-2200 for an application and details.




AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A25


Can be single or married, additional opportunities for spouse. 200 head cow/calf operation, larger than average grain farm, good salary and benefits, chance for ownership of cows. Good housing available. Western ND.

Stevens Harvesting is looking for machine operators and CDL Truck Drivers. Located in Faulkton, SD Top Pay for Top Hand! Contact Tim at 605-216-6860 Truck Drivers & Machine Operators for fall & beet harvest Start around 10/1 701-242-7430 HELP WANTED Ranch help for cattle operation. Housing, salary, utilities, etc. Must be dependable, self-motivated, and able to ride well. Must be able to drive a semi, operate haying equipment and have calving experience. Long-term employment available. Isabel SD. Call 605-290-1016

Immediate openings for Farm Laborers & Truck Drivers for Potato, Grain & Sugarbeet harvest. Grafton area. Possible year-round employment. Cindy,701-520-0127 Looking for (2) Full-time Drivers with Class A CDL to run hopper bottom in MN, ND, IA and possibly Canada. $500 sign-on. Pay depends on experience. Call 218-473-2425 or 218-261-0916 Sugarbeet Truck Drivers Wanted. Also looking for help for fall harvest season starting immediately. Near Hillsboro, ND. Please call 701-799-3032.

GPH Enterprises is hiring combine operators, grain cart operators and CDL truck drivers. We are harvesting in North and South Dakota. Housing provided. Positions start ASAP and run till November/December. email resume and references to cshawng@gmail.com or call Shawn 701-425-8400. TRI-AXLE DRIVERS for Sugarbeet Harvest. Close to Grand Forks. Drees Farms, 701-772-2509 or apply online dreesfarms.com

Wheat For Sale

We offer premier & custom cover crop and forage mixes. We blend all mixes in our warehouse to ensure we provide you with the most excellent quality seed. Chose from a broad variety of cool and warm season broadleaves, grasses, and legumes.

Forages: Rye, Tri"cale, Barley, Oat, Winter Wheat, Ryegrass, Pea, Alfalfa, Millet, BMR Sorghum/Sudan, Sorghum/Sudan, Piper Sudangrass, Te!grass Cover Crops: Alfalfa, Barley, Buckwheat, Clovers, Flax, Oat, Pea, Len"l, Rapeseed, Radish, Sugarbeet, Sunflower, Turnip, Vetch.. And much more!

Dealer Inquiries Welcome! Toll-Free: (888) 530-0734 www.pulseusa.com


Certified Hard Red Spring Wheat: (888) 530-0734

Send application and references to PO Box 2599, Bismarck, ND 58502. Call 701-586-3681 for more information.

Auctions • Real Estate Evaluations • Exchanges Closings • CPA

Experienced farm worker wanted for full time or seasonal position on a family operated grain/seed farm in North Central South Dakota. Duties include planting, harvesting, driving truck, and general maintenance. Must be able to operate modern equipment and have mechanical ability. Having a CDL is preferred but not mandatory. Hourly wages are dependent upon experience. Applicants must be hardworking, honest, and dependable. Call Chris or Jonas Lynch McLaughlin, SD 605-823-4892

See Us @ BIG IRON Booth #1505

Auctioneer’s 951, Clerk’s 644, MN RE 40288892, ND RE 2830


Ranch Hand Wanted on Family Ranch in Western SD Need someone to help with the day to day operations of a cow/calf ranch. Willing to train the right person. Wages depend on experience. 605-490-7666


EMPLOYMENT Beet Truck Drivers

Must have exp & drivers license. Call 218-230-3443 or 218-745-5891.

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

LAND FOR SALE ON BIDS Sheyenne, North Dakota Grandfield Township — Eddy County

Needed for beet harvest starting October 1st. $22/hour. Mileage reimbursed. Experienced drivers ONLY for semi/triaxle on day shift. Hillsboro area. 701-289-0315.

255 Acre Parcel Southwest of Sheyenne, ND Well Suited to Wheat / Beans / Corn / Sunflowers

Wanted: Truck driver for Fall Harvest in the Eureka, SD area. Valid CDL required. (507) 430-5144 Full Time Truck Driver or Grain Cart Operator for Fall Harvest. Excellent Wages. Call 605-397-7375 or 605-380-1242

LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL SW¼,DESCRIPTION W½SE¼, and SE¼SE¼ Section 28 T150 N R67 W, except Auditor’s Lot 1 SW¼, W½SE¼, Section 28 T150 N R67 W, except Auditor’s Lot 1 (180.0 tillable /and 65.0SE¼SE¼ ac pasture) (180.0 tillable / 65.0 ac pasture) BIDDING PROCEDURE BIDDING Written PROCEDURE bids will be received by Red River Land Co, LLC until 12:00 noon on Written bids will be received Red River Land the Co, ten LLC highest until 12:00 noon Tuesday, September 23, 2014.byThose submitting written bidson Tuesday, September 23, 2014. Those tenheld highest written bids will be notified and invited to attend thesubmitting oral biddingthe to be on Thursday, will be notified invited to attend thethe oralmeeting biddingroom to be at held Thursday, September 25,and 2014 at 11:00 am in theonEddy County Courthouse25, in New September 2014Rockford, at 11:00ND. am in the meeting room at the Eddy County Courthouse in New Rockford, ND. TERMS OF SALE AND CLOSING The terms of the saleCLOSING are cash. A 10% earnest money deposit will be required of TERMS OF SALE AND theterms successful on cash. the date of sale, with the balance due will in full 30 days.of The of thebidder sale are A 10% earnest money deposit beinrequired Sellers will provide an the updated abstract of title evidencing the successful bidder on date of sale, with the balance duemarketable in full in 30title. days. Sellerswill reserve the right to reject any and allofbids andevidencing to waive any irregularities. Sellers provide an updated abstract title marketable title. Sellers reserve 100% mineral rights. Sellers reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities. For a detailed brochure bid formrights. Sellers reserve 100%and mineral contact John Botsford at: For a detailed brochure and bid form contact John Botsford at:

Bremer Bank Building 3100 South Columbia Road Grand Forks, ND 58201 Phone: 701-757-1888 www.redriverlandco.com


449± Acres • Barnes County, North Dakota Tract 1: SW¼ of Section 19, T139 R59 Tract 2: SE¼ of Section 19, T139 R59 Tract 3: NW¼ of Section 30, T139 R59

Tuesday, September 23, at 10:00 AM

at the AmericInn Lodge and Suites in Valley City • Offered in three separate tracts • Productive cropland available for 2015 For property details, contact:

Brent Qualey, Agent

Fargo, North Dakota Phone: (701) 238-0725 BQualey@FarmersNational.com Fargo, North Dakota Phone: (701) 237-0059 DWeston@FarmersNational.com

Kyle Nelson, Agent

Fargo, North Dakota Phone: (701) 238-9385 KNelson@FarmersNational.com

Auctioneer: Dale B Haugen • License Number: 198 For more information, visit our web site at


Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Appraisal Insurance • Consultation • Oil and Gas Management • Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • Lake Management • FNC Ag Stock


Can-Do Auction & Real Estate, Corporate Office: 416 Main St, Cando, ND 58324

Fall harvest help wanted with potential for full time employment. Modern line of equipment. Pay DOE up to $20 per hr for a highly qualified individual. Smokers need not apply. Housing and transport available. Call 605-881-1224 or 605-520-4143


Dale Weston, Agent

If you’re in the market to buy or sell land, give us a call for a free market evaluation! Book your upcoming auction with us!



Nichols Fencing Desmet, SD Take old fence out & put in all types of new fence. Call: 605-695-4743




TNT Transportation is looking for driver to run local routes in central South Dakota hauling hay. CDL required, will train, job can be seasonal or full time. Call Tim 605-281-1300

WINTER FORAGE SEED FOR SALE Willow Creek winter wheat, winter rye & winter triticale. LCSinformation Breakaway please For more contact aLCS sales representative. Powerplay




Ranch Hand Wanted on Family Ranch in Western SD

Need someone to help with the day to day operations of a cow/calf ranch. Willing to train the right person. Wages depend on experience.

605 490 7666


47-years experience, licensed and insured, most all types of bins and tanks. We specialize in grain bin moving. Compare our rates! BRODERICK MOVERS Rock Lake, ND 701-266-5577 Bismarck, ND 701-550-0444 (2) 3700 bushel grain bins with air tubes for sale to be moved. $1,200 for both. Near Carthage, SD 605-354-2138


2 Columbian bins 3500 buschel, 2 Sioux Bins 4000 buschel, 4 Columbian bins 2500 buschel to be moved. 9 Mi. S of Hankinson 701-403-9571 6 grain bins to be moved by this fall. Accepting offers. Bins are in great shape with no rust or wrinkles. 4 are Sioux government bins (2500 bu) with narrow corrugation and 2 are the newer style Sioux (3000 bu) with the wide corrugation. All bins have air floors and some have fans. Bins are on pads and easy to move. Located approximately 10 miles south of Andover, SD. For more information please call 605-216-4852. No telemarketers please!! Grain Bin Service Bin repair, air floors, concrete work. Also, new & used grain bin sales! 218-671-3394 2-3300 Bushel Coop Bins with Schlitz Hydraulic Sweeps. 1-3300 Sioux Bin. Best Offer. 605-203-1086 or 605-485-2239




Steel Buildings Special Limited Advertising Deals Most All Sizes Make Offer or Bid For Best Deal Photo Gallery Available to Choose www.gosteel.com Source 18X 701-214-4671

Cost storage per bushel as low as 15¢. •Standard capacity from 2300-120,000 bushels. •Add a tarp to the system for protection from rain, snow and wildlife. •Financing Available. 100% Tax Deductable. -Lease Program Behlen Industries Lp. Limited supply, call now! 1-800-931-7858

Meyer Grain Dryer For Sale Model 450, natural gas, 500 BPH. Call: 701-371-8211 2005 American Grain Dryer Propane, single phase, automated moisture control, $25,000. 1993 American Grain Dryer Propane, single phase, automated moisture control, $8,000. Delivery Available. Call 701-490-0824

12,000 bushel Butler bin, no floor, $2,000. 605-864-1159

.com Legs • Conveyors Catwalks • Complete Grain Handling Systems



Ahrens Bin Sales Located near Redwood Falls, MN. Largest supply of Used Grain Equipment in the upper Midwest. Bins from 4,000 Bu - 50,000 Bu. 507-697-6133 Please leave message. www.usedbinsales.com

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920




Wheat For Sale HARD RED WHEAT Certified HardWINTER Red Spring Wheat: FOR SALE LCS Breakaway LCS Powerplay


(888) 530-0734

TAME AND NATIVE GRASS SEED MIXES FOR SALE including but not limited to Alfalfa, Clover, Brome, Wheatgrasses, Bluestem, Grama, Pubescent, Intermediate, Green Needle, Switch, Sideoats, Western, Slender and Forbes. Will mix to order. Chesak Seed House, Bismarck. 701-223-0391. COVER CROP SEED Secure your seed supply. Radish, Turnip and more. Custom mixes to suit your needs Unbeatable prices Can deliver DAKOTA BEST SEED 605-337-3318 www.dakotabestseedllc.com

30 minutes from Fargo


40 years of agricultural experience in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota

Steven Johnson Farm Land Sales Johnson Auction and Realty LLC

steve@johnsonauctionandrealty.com www.johnsonauctionandrealty.com 701-799-5213

Certified Performance System

Safe. Secure. Smart.


All Grain Drying Systems are NOT Created Equal...

2010 Featherlite 7x30’ 2 Gates 2013 Featherlite 7.6x30’ 2 Gates 2013 Featherlite 7.6x24’ 2 Gates 2004 Featherlite 7x24’ 2 Gates 1999 Featherlite 7x24’ 2 Gates 1998 Featherlite 7x24’ 1 Gate/Rollup 1994 Featherlite 6x20’ 1 Gate/Rollup 2003 Exiss 7x24’ 2 Gates 1988 4 Star 7x24’ 2 Gates 1994 4 Star 7x24’ 2 Gates

The Shivvers Performance System is designed for maximum Grain Quality and Efficiency. And with weekly capacities available of over 100,000 bushels this system can keep up. Shivvers is so sure of this that they will certify the performance of your system in writing.

NEW: Aluminum Trailers - Call For Quote


Circle Diamond Ranch Supply Stock Trailers • Horse Trailers • Cargo Trailers • Car Trailers • Snowmobile Trailers 701-663-0634 • Mandan, ND 58554 www.featherlitend.com • email: bob@featherlitend.com

is for sale!

House, Grain Storage,& Buildings Barn set up for dances!

1-800-355-4531 Cell • (701) 317-0963

2007 Featherlite Wkndr 2-H 2007 Featherlite 3-H - F/R Tack 2007 Sundowner 4-H LQ w/ slide out 2003 Sundowner 4-H LQ w/ mangers 1994 Trailman 6-H Front DR R/T 1998 Sooner 6-H w/Midtack R/T

605-397-7375 or 605-380-1242

Farm Fans Corn Dryer, Model CF/AB-190 with 1,500 Wet Tank for $9,500 OBO. Call 605-480-1432

johnson barn

amous f e h T



Super B-SE500, single phase/LP dryer. Super BSE375, single phase/LP dryer. Two 10 inch - 12 inch 25 degree up with 7 1/2 HP single phase motors. 10 inch -12 inch 25 degree up with 5 HP single phase motor. 4 inch DMC air system with control panel, 15 HP single phase with piping. 5 inch air system 20 HP 3 phase with piping. Two 10,000 bushel bins. 14,000 bushel bin with floor and unload. New 30 HP 3 phase motor, $400. 507-697-6133 www.usedbinsales.com

24" Cadwell Grain bin heaters with thermostats $500. 24" Sukup 5-7HP axial fan, $700. (Both used one season.) 6" Brock air system with 50HP 3 phase blower, and 1HP air lock, 200 plus feet of pipe, $9,500. 701-710-0754

BARNS • HOUSES • SHOPS GRAINERYS • CARPENTRY WORK Edward 701-215-9662 George 701-381-1589

FOR RENT: 10 or 4,000 Bushel Grain Bins, $.125 per Bushel per Month. Call

FOR SALE: 1 white Lorenz 1000 bushel hopper bin, $2500. Call 605-395-7870.



★★★★★ OVERHEAD & BIFOLD DOORS We will remodel your building to fit the door H C DOORS 605-225-3631 or www.holtey.com ★★★★★

Used, taken down, 100,000 bushel Butler bin, asking $30,000 OBO. 605-537-4871 or 701-640-0803

GRAIN STORAGE PROBLEMS? We have the solution!






A26 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014

Hwy. 200 East, Carrington, ND • 701-652-2886 • 1-800-859-2032

AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A27

Embden Grain will be the exclusive dealer for Cover Crop Solution which is home to the Tillage Radish & TillageMax Mixes. Embden Grain also handles Dekalb/Asgrow, Peterson Farms Seed, Integra & Dahlman, plus all your small grain seed needs.

Embden Grain 888-238-6623 embdengrain@ictc.com

For Sale about 4k Ton of first cutting haylage. 900 Ton of first and second cutting 3x3 hay bales. trucking avlb or will load on your truck. Call Scott 605-949-2132 For Sale: 2014 wheat straw behind walker combine, can bale it for you. 605-848-1875 or 605-955-3581 For sale round bales approx. 1,500 lbs. 1/3 Wheat grass, 1/3 Brome grass, 1/3 Alfalfa. Some are net wrapped and some are plastic twine. Mott, ND 701-928-0298 or 701-824-2485 1994 JD 3970 Forage Harvester with long tongue, 3 row corn head, hay head, Richardson Dump wagon. Knives used one yr, inoculate applicator, rebuilt, excllnt cond, field ready Contact Dan Lemler Gettysburgh 605-769-1105



For Sale JD 3960 silage cutter with 2 row narrow head low acres, stored inside, 1000 pto. Electric controls. $5500 OBO Fedora SD 605-770-2766

WANTED: Small square or round bales of Orchard Alfalfa or Pure Orchard. 563-542-3659

2006 Sukup 6” pneumatic system, reman air lock, 75HP electric motor. 8x61 Westfield Auger with 3 phase 15HP motor. 701-710-0499 1998 New Holland 900 Chopper with walking tandems. It has metal alert, Kernal processor, Hay head and corn head, Tank for uninoculant and a set of knives and cutting bar for it. 605-637-5267


44th Annual Production Sale Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014 1 p.m. CT Held at Froelich Ranch • Selfridge, ND 48 miles south of Mandan, Nd on Hwy. 6 or 30 miles north of McLaughlin, SD

Selling Ranch-Raised Weanlings Many are Roans Few Broke Ranch Geldings WEANLINGS LIKE THIS WILL SELL

Excellent quality, Lrg squares 3x4x8 Grass / Alfalfa mix hay. No rain. Also forage oats hay 3x4 square bales. Western SD. Trucking avlb. 605-641-1293 Spring Wheat Straw For Sale, Net Wrap, JD 568, Round Bales, Forbes ND Area, 605-216-2642 Order Now 2014 1st & 2nd Cutting Round Up Ready Alfalfa, big square bales, great color, stored under hay shed. Have scale on farm & will load. 701-830-8000 Ear corn for sale. Located near McLaughlin, SD. Contact Db at 605-228-0471 For Sale: Convey-All Conveyors. Model TC 8X18 w/motor and transport $2,500. Model TC 10X35 w/motor and transport $5,000. Call 60five-38zero-775two. For Sale; 150 Round net wrapped. Feed value 175. 605-203-0711 300 grass hay bales. Put up dry. 701-320-9279 For sale: 500 Round Bales of grass hay (400 ton) Netwrapped and/or twine tied. $90 per ton 605-770-2766 Fedora SD

“Horses with disposition, color and confirmation

Complimentary Lunch Served at 12 Noon

FEED, SEED & HAY AND RELATED EQUIPMENT Winter Forage Seed For Sale Willow Creek Winter Wheat, Winter Rye, & Winter Triticale For more information, please contact a Pulse USA Sales Representative at (888) 530-0734.

FOR SALE: Large round net wrapped straw bales that were put up behind a JD 9500 combine. Eureka, SD. 605-281-0792 605-228-9620 for more info.

Winter Wheat Seed For Sale LCS T-158 For more information, please contact a Pulse USA Sales Representative at (888) 530-0734.

Animal Feed Opportunities Pressed and Dry Sugar beet pulp and other commodities. Please call Amber at 303-990-0878

2804 87th St., Selfridge, ND 58568 email: froelich@westriv.com

Visit our website at: www.froelichranch.com 001135911r1

Approximately 10,000 bushel of malting barley at Brookings SD. Contact Dick Halstead, 605-695-15185

For Sale: 720 IH silage cutter, 2 row corn head set on 30” rows, can go to wide rows, have new spare parts and service manuals. Always shedded, one owner, $2500. Java, SD, 605-845-6103 or 605-845-6114

Winter Wheat SEED Cert AP503CL2 HRW Cert SY-WOLF HRW AgriPro Associate grower. Seed was grown on our farm. Seed Permit # SP-14002 Karlen Ranch, Reliance SD 605-473-5605 Big Round Net Wrapped Wheat Straw for Sale. 605-870-0616

Mixed grass and alfalfa hay for sale. Big round bales, net wrapped, approx 1400 pounds. Put up dry. Taking orders for second cutting alfalfa square bales. Call Wade 320-808-6066 or Troy 605-329-7350

Auctions! • Listings! • Bid Sales!


SALE PENDING! • 160+/- acres, Norman County Near Lockhart. A-18753 Eric Skolness (218) 233-1333 • 160+/- acres, Pipestone County Located on Highway 75. L-1400795 Mike Cooper (507) 820-0820


• 159+/- acres, Walsh County Near Forest River. L-1400547 Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293, Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305, Jim Ivers (218) 779-2295 • 624.73+/- Acres, Grand Forks County Northwest of Mekinock, L-1300651 Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293 or Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 • 160+/- acres, Pembina County Near Hensel. L-1400299 Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293 or Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 • 25.78+/- acres, Prime Development Land in Grand Forks Excellent visibility along 42nd Street and from Interstate 29. L-1400224 Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 or Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293 • LAND AUCTION! 449+/- acres, Barnes County Tuesday, September 23. Southwest of Valley City. L-1400686 Brent Qualey, Dale Weston, or Kyle Nelson (701) 237-0059 • 64.6+/- acres, Development Land in Bowman County Located along US Highway 12, one mile east of Bowman. L-1400707 Brent Qualey, Dale Weston, or Kyle Nelson (701) 237-0059 • 80+/- acres, Cass County Southeast of Tower City. L-1400708 Brent Qualey, Dale Weston, or Kyle Nelson (701) 237-0059 • 293.38+/- acres, Barnes County North of Oriska. L-1400747 Brent Qualey, Dale Weston, or Kyle Nelson (701) 237-0059 • 196.87+/- acres, Steele County Near Finley. L-1400694 Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293 or Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 • 40+/- acres, Richland County South of Wyndmere. NEW log home and shop located on 40+/- acres. L-1400719 Dale Haugen (701) 680-2395 • 320+/- acres, Cavalier County Near Munich. L-1400786 Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293 or Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 • 463.19+/- acres, Cavalier County Near Alsen. L-1400820 Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293 or Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305

YOUR LOCAL FARM REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS – CALL US TODAY! Terry Longtin • Andy Gudajtes Jayson Menke • Jim Ivers

Froelich Quarter Horses Kelly Froelich (701)422-3636



Grand Forks ....... (701) 780-2828

For more information or catalog, call or write


Fargo .................. (701) 237-0059 Dale Weston • Kyle Nelson Brent Qualey Neil Qualey (701) 261-8815

Downtown Fargo (701) 232-6376 Roy Wasche

Glyndon .............. (218) 233-1333 Eric Skolness

Lisbon................. (701) 973-2106 Dale Haugen

Hankinson .......... (701) 242-7055

Cooperstown...... (701) 797-3276 Rob Loe

Norris Braaten Loren Staroba (701) 640-4707

Over the last five years, Farmers National Company has sold over $2 billion of property – 3,500 farms, 1,000 sold at auction Serving America’s Landowners Since 1929



Visit our website for information on all of our landowner services.


Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Appraisals • Insurance • Consultations Oil and Gas Management • Lake Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock • Forest Resource Management

A28 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014







Birdsall Grain & Seed, LLC "A Farmers Seed Company"


Certified IDEAL HRWW, WILLOW CREEK Forage HRWW, Winter Triticale, Full Line of Cover Crop Seed, Custom Mixes Available. Proso Millet, Sorghum-Sudangrass, Radish, Turnips, Rapeseed, Forage Kale, Annual Ryegrass, Fescue, Clover, Lentils, Forage Peas. Certified On-Farm Scale. #SM-14018 Access to many other varieties of winter wheat, please call for more information.

Call Howe Seeds Inc. McLaughlin, SD 57642 (605) 823-4892

For sale: 220 large bales of new seeded Alfalfa hay. 166 RFV. 21% Protein. Baled with JD 568 and net wrapped. $125/bale. Delivery Available. Call 701-238-4362 or 701-796-8434 Wheat straw for sale 5x6 rounds good clean straw, also John Deere 535 baler call 701-219-0677 FOR SALE: 90 round bales 2nd cutting Alfalfa, net wrapped, tested. Fedora, SD 605-770-2766

Winter Wheat Seed High-yields + 2 gene Herbicide Tolerance Don Hardy, 701-218-0400 Mark Hardy, 701-218-0084 Beach, ND Hay For Sale: Small square bales, mixed hay with clover, 60-70lb bales, no rain, $1.50 each. 20 Large round bales $50 each. Available for pick up. 605-380-2874 Seed Wheat for Sale: Certified Lyman & Certified Wesley. 62+ lb. Test Weight. Kennebec, SD Call 605-280-5330 FOR SALE: Grass and Grass/Alfalfa mix hay in heavy, large round, net wrapped bales. No rain. Will load. Delivery possible. 605-999-2409 WANT TO BUY: Baled straw or pore hay & damaged or wet feed grain in surrounding area of GF. Will pick up. Northwood, ND. Call: 218-779-5640 or 218-779-7546.


YCertified Accipiter winter wheat YCertified Decade winter wheat YCertified Peregrine winter wheat YCertified AC Radiant winter wheat YCertified Ideal winter wheat YCertified SY Wolf winter wheat Onsite treating available


Call now to book the top winter wheat varieties for winter hardiness & yield


Mark Birdsall or Blake Inman Plant: (701) 453-3300 Mark's Cell: (701) 240-9507 Blake's Cell: (701) 240-8748 2014 Field Inspected 3x3x8 wheat straw bales. Baled behind JD conventional combine. Casselton, ND. 701-361-9921 or 701-347-4058 2014 field oats for sale. 34-36 test weight. $ 3 . 0 0 / b u s h e l . 701-595-2143 For Sale: Grass hay round bales, call Bill 605-770-8496

Dakota Dry Bean, Inc. is contracting current and new crop yellow peas. Licensed and bonded in North Dakota. Quick pay.

Please call Dakota Dry Bean at 701-746-7493 or 701-398-3112. BUCKWHEAT WANTED Immediate Delivery Harvest Space Available - contact Cole or Randy at 701-282-8222 or 1-800-264-5744 www.specialtycommodities.com

Land for Rent in Lee Township, Nelson County Accepting bids for approximately 1,250 tillable acres of farmland near Kloten, ND beginning with the 2015 growing season. The farmland is located within a 5 mile radius. Some details are below: Legal land description: Township 149 Range 58


Y NE ¼ Sec 8 Y NW ¼ Sec 9 Y S ½ Sec 10 Y SW ¼ Sec 11 Y E ½ Sec 12 Y N ½ of NW ¼ Sec 13 Y NE ¼ Sec 15 Y SW ¼ Sec 17 Y E ½ S of RR Sec 17 Y 1,247 FSA cropland acres of farmland Y This total includes 184 acres in section 12 that will come out of CRP 10/1/2014 and will be able to be worked this fall. Landlords will spray these acres with Roundup September 2014. Y Written bids for lump sum amount need to be postmarked by September 25. No per acre bids will be accepted. All bids will be considered final. 10% of payment will be due once the highest bid is determined with the remaining rent due 3/1/2015. 2-year contract will be available which will be discussed between the renter chosen and the landlords. Y The landlords do reserve the rights to reject or accept any and all bids. Y Copies of FSA maps to be provided upon request. Y 60,000 bushels of grain bin storage available for rent at an additional cost. Any questions or inquiries can be made to Jodi (701)265-2409. All written bids should be mailed to:


Naas Farms, LLP C/O Shawn Naas 405 11th St Mt. Lake, MN 56159 Each bid must identify the name of the potential renter, address, and phone number for contact information.

A30 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014



For Sale: Legends Bar in Breckenridge, MN. Dance floor, stage, and game areas. All equipment & inventory is included and is ready to go. Has outside patio area in the rear of the building. Contact Guy Miller of Miller Realty. 218-643-5505

FEED LOT Located near Bansville. Approximately 16 acres. 50x208 feeding shed. 4 pens all with water. (2) 42x100 Protect vinyl roof hay sheds. 60x80 feed shed, 4' on center construction with tongue & groove lined interior walls, 4' of back wall cement. Property also includes high fencing. Call Tanya at 701-371-4770 or Emmy at 701-238-9290. Advantage Realtors, 701-235-1750

For Sale: Wakeside Bar & Grill on Lake Elsie, Hankinson, ND. Bar, banquet rooms and lake side service for full food & bar facilities. This business also includes Nancy B’s Potato Salad business. Contact Guy Miller of Miller Realty. 218-643-5505. Ranch and Hunting Land for Sale at Auction. 840 acres in Perkins County. Native grassland, hayland, cropland and rugged hunting habitat. Deer, antelope, turkeys, and pheasants. Sale date: October 1, 2014. Contact Crane Roseland Hardy, PC, PO Box 99, Mott, ND 58646, 701-824-2591, amymcrhlaw@ndsupernet.com.

Young farmer looking for pasture for 2015 and beyond. Located in SE North Dakota. 701-640-4916

Minnesota Lake Properties Huge Selection - Visit

www.cormorantrealty.com 265 acres, Grant County, 247 tillable. $2.6 million investment Sanborn county, excellent return, good land. 100 acres Grant County. Call Kemink Land Co. Watertown, SD 605-880-2112 www.keminklandco.com

REAL ESTATE/ AG STOCK Ag Real Estate Loans Wanted! Financing for Real Estate purchases & refinancing with low rates and flexible terms with long term fixed rates. www.agmortgagecompany.com or call: 320-293-0352 Ask for Bill


196.87+/- Acres in Steele County, ND

•Excellent Soils •High quality farm •Available for 2015 Farming Season Contact: Jayson Menke (218) 779-1293 or JMenke@FarmersNational.com Andy Gudajtes (218) 779-7305 or AGudajtes@FarmersNational.com



REAL ESTATE/ AG STOCK For Sale: 1117+/- acre hunting preserve includes lodging lots of building storage, dog kennel, good habitat, food plots, CRP acres, and tree belts. Hunting includes pheasants, ducks, and deer. Located 25 miles from Mitchell SD. For more info call Duane DeBoer 1-605-680-2412 Broker associate/auctioneer Mitchell Realty LLC Mitchell, South Dakota

Farmland for Rent ND, Cass County, Gardner Township

150 Acres SE 1/4 8-142-50; 158 Acres NE 1/4 17-142-50; 160 Acres SE 1/4 17-142-50; 158 Acres NW 1/4 16-142-50 for a total of 626 acres. This acreage is out for bids for a 1 year contract starting on 1/1/15 with rent payable by 1/15/15. Bids are due by 12:00 pm October 31, 2014. Owners have the right to refuse any bids and you will be notified by November 7, 2014 if you were granted the bid. There will be an option to buy by open bid the acreage on 8-142-50 and 16-142-50 in 2016. Questions and bids may be sent to: Ronald Brauckmuller 29242 70th Ave S Hawley, MN 56549 (218)532-7660 rvbrauck@rrt.net

The Leader in Sugarbeet Brokerage Since 1994* *Based on Previous Acquisitions

Jayson Menke Nick Watson - Andy Gudajtes (701) 780-2828 www.fncagstock.com

Vacation Home, 2 stall garage in Lake Country, Alexandria Area-Miltona, MN. 16'x68' Mfg home, shingled roof, vaulted ceiling, 2 bedroom, good condition. Large lot, city water & sewer. 24'x24' nice garage to store boat or other toys. $33,000. 320-815-9898

ANTIQUES AND CRAFTS For Sale John Deere GP restored Serial # 213973. John Deere A Engine is stuck Serial # 470048. John Deere 720 Diesel, 2136 hrs. Very nice, runs good. Serial # 722815. Cell 605-769-1178 or 605-948-2563

220 Acre Land For Rent

Approximately 4 miles SE of Thief River Falls, MN. Out of CRP Oct. 1, 2014. Good land. Call Northland Realty Co. 218-684-4942

Call us to place your ad in AGWEEK class. 888-857-1920 AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920


Cars for restoring. Three 1959 Edsel’s. 1961 Mercury, 1960 Ford F250, no box. Three 1969-1970 Lincoln Mark III. 1975 T-Bird. 605-426-6787 or 605-228-7498

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

156.55 +/- ACRES


L AND AUCTION Monday, October 6, 2014 - 11:00 a.m. (CT)

Featuring 156 +/- acres with cropland potential in Tanberg Township (117.6 acres currently in CRP contracts), with a 15 acre farmstead, near State Hunting Land!

LOCATION: Pifer’s - 1506 29th Ave. S. – Moorhead, MN PARCEL 1 Acres: 15 +/- acres (Farmstead) Legal: 15 acre farmstead in NW¼ NW¼ 5-135-45


Acres: 141.55 acres +/Legal: NW¼ 5-135-45, less 15 +/acre farmstead in NW¼ NW¼ CRP: 117.6 total acres 4 acres @ $89.84/ac - EXP: 2019 113.6 acres @ $93.97 - EXP: 2022 Note: Lawndale Trout stream flows through this parcel. CONTACT AGENTS:

Lindsey Brown - 701.371.5538 (OR) Steve Dalen - 701.893.8517

30 1 9


108 2



Rothsay, MN

OWNER: Wallace Ladwig Estate, PR Curt Ladwig This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction & Realty. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The seller reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids. Pifer’s Auction & Realty, 1506 29th Ave S, Moorhead, MN 56560. Kevin Pifer, MN-#14-106.




AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A31

Show or Parade Cars 1965 T-Bird Landau, $8500. 1972 Rolls Royce, Silver Shaddow, low miles, $18,500. 605-228-7498

1947 CJ2A Willys Jeep, partial restore, 29,000 miles, complete original parts, stored inside, photos on request, in family since late 1940’s, $5,000 OBO. 605-380-6117



THIS IS A VERY LARGE COLLECTION OF HARD TO FIND STANDARD OIL CO. ITEMS. THERE IS ALSO SOME NICE HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUES ON THIS SALE STUDEBAKER: 195? Studebaker car 4 door.,195? Studebaker pickup,1948 Studebaker truck was used in parades in Adam. STANDARD OIL AND GAS STATION MEMROBILLIA: Standard oil globes to include. Gold. Red, White crowns. Red Flame. Red Crown. Oil bottle rack with bottles. LDO oil can rack with cans. Amoco clock. As you travel ask us sign. Large standard oil lighted signs. Standard oil porcelain double sided sign. Polarine sign. 2-visable gas pumps. 3-visable pump glass. Polarine thermometer. Lots of old cans and standard oil wood boxes. Other old signs. Plus lots of Standard oil toy tankers. Trucks. Pickup and toy autos. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: RCA Vic111 table top phonograph. Ice cream chairs. Dry sink. Caned top table. Red Wing crocks. Lanterns and kerosene lamps. Occupied Japan pieces. Wrought iron bed. Old dry sink. Plus more. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: New LG French door refrigerator. New LG front load washer SS/grey. Maple dining room table and chairs. China closet. Twin bed. Plus other normal household items. SNOWCAT AND MISC ITEMS: 1997 Arctic cat 440 snowcat with only 550 miles and reverse. Some tools and some lawn and garden items. This is only a partial list check web site for updates.



AUCTIONEER AND CLERK: BILL BERG AUCTION SERVICE, PO BOX 62, HALSTAD, MN. 56548, 218-766-6797 MN. LIC. NO. 54-12-03, ND LIC. NO. 367. CHECK OUT WEBSITE AT www.bergauctions.com or email bergauct@aol.com










LOADERS: This is a partial list of loaders Allied models 895, 2795, 2596 self leveling. 2595, 2395, 2895 self leveling 2795, 2895. Plus 5 black prototype loaders. Complete like new loader for Versatile Genesis Model 3995 with mounts and bucket. SNOWBLOWERS: This is a partial list Skid steer quick tach snowblowers. Farm king 96” 3 pt. snowblower. Farm king 84” 3pt. snowblower. Plus others. AUGER: 10X85 New belt auger with side belt hopper. PTO drive. Plus other various augers parts and flighting. BALE LOADER: Hayliner Model 4500 tandem wheel Large square bale loader. MOWERS: Several Farm King 3 pt mowers. Model 620. And more. SHOP ITEMS: 8 Hole multi head drill press. Large single hole drill press. Large belt grinder. Toyota 4000lbs hard tire fork lift. TIRES AND SPRAYING EQUIPMENT: 21-Sets of 520/85xR38 Wheel and tire assemblies. 6 sets of 380/90xR46 wheel and tire assemblies. 1600 gallon Elliptical sprayer tanks. Misc. SX275 sprayer parts. Several pallets. Pallet of 185/70-15 tires on rims. Pallet of 11L 15 tires. Pallet of 205/75-15 tires on rims. MISC ITEMS: 25+ various size buckets for loaders and skid steers from 60-96” some quick tach. New manure buckets. A frame for forks and pallet forks. Large quantity of various loader mounts. Boxes of Hyd hose kits for loaders. Misc strip tillage parts including tires and wheels. Misc PTO shafts. Assortment of hardware items including bolts, nuts various sizes and grades. Westfield Bin rings. Pictures posted will be subject to change. Please view web site for updates and any changes or additions. LATE ADDITION: Grain Cart: New Demco Model 1350 grain cart with walking tandems, scale and roll tarp. 1350 bushel cart.

TRACTOR AND HOBBY FARM ITEMS: JD Model 855 Hydro with JD Model 70A loader and 72” mower deck. Bush Hog 62” chain drive rototiller. JD Model 70 units 3 row corn planter. Wood Cadet M-5 mower. 8 ft S tine cultivator. Inland Model SA-60 3 pt rearmount snowblower. 3 Pt. Blade. Pull type lawn sprayer. 3 pt quick tach TOOLS: Metal turning lathe with 2 jaws and tooling. 16 speed drill press. Power Metal cutting band saw. Tool cart. Metal welding table with vise on wheels. Parts washer. Cherry picker. Century Model 225 amp wire feed welder. Mig 100 wire feed welder. Air hose reel. Large vertical tank air compressor with 5 hp electric motor. Jack stands. Sand blaster. Bench grinder. Painting supplies. Floor jacks. Lots of auto parts and specialty tools. Good selection of hand tools and small power tools. Rockwell table saw. Disc/belt sander. Ryobi 12” wood planer. B&D power mitre saw. Small electric cement mixer. Bolt bins. Metal auto cabinets. Organizer cabinets. 9000lb winch. 2-Craftsman rolling tool boxes. Plus more. OUTDOOR ITEMS: Aladdin Model 1321 hot water pressure washer with hose reel. 5HP Bearcat chipper. Winco 25KW pto generator. Dr push trimmer with blade and weed whacker heads. GARDEN WATERING ITEMS: 1550 GAL Black poly tank. Electric sprinkler pump. 210 Gal aluminum water wagon. Plus other misc tanks and hose. PALLET RACKING/SHELVING: Nice selection of Pallet racking with cross members and sheeting. Plus other shelving and metal cabinets. AUTOS: 1979 Bonneville 51908 miles power window power locks am/fm stereo red interior 4.9L engine 301 car was built in canada, 4-door sharp car. 1984 Ford Bronco 4x4. 1982 mercedes benz 300D. 1986 dodge pickup 150. 1989 ford bronco. 1984 ford bronco. 1991 ford 150. 1979 ford 150. 1986 S10. 1994 ranger DOES RUN TRAILER: 2014 Hull car hauler 2-3500 lbs axles with underneath ramps. brand new trailer. MISC ITEMS: Hot Dawg propane shop heater. 2-wheel trailer. Wood furnace. Misc steel fence posts and barb wire. Lawn and garden ornaments.



All Items sell absolute. List is subject to additions and deletions. Call to make sure a specific item is on sale. SPECIAL TERMS: All buyers who are not paying cash or credit card must have a letter of credit from there bank before any checks are accepted. No exceptions.



CHECK OUT WEBSITE AT www.bergauctions.com or email bergauct@aol.com







CHECK OUT WEBSITE AT www.bergauctions.com or email bergauct@aol.com

A32 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014




1953 John Deere 70 gas, power steering, roll-o-matic narrow front, tachometer, 3 pt hitch, $4200. Iron Age one row potato planter on steel, $100. Peerless roller miller, pto, $100. 1965 Chevelle 4 door, $2500. 605-236-5404

OPENS: Friday, Sept. 5 CLOSES: Tuesday, Sept. 16 PREVIEW: Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM LOADOUT: Wednesday - Tuesday, September 17 - 30, 8AM - 4:30PM Any items not removed by September 30th will be Location: 62105 MN charged $25 per day lot rent and shop rate to load. 1&# %", /!+*$)'0(, .-

HORSES Team For Sale: matched set of 9 year old Haflinger geldings, rubber tired wagon, old Model K manure spreader, and old chariot. Will sell separately or as a package deal. For information Call 605-748-2454 early mornings or in the evening. AGWEEK ads cover 4 states and bring results. Call 888-857-1920

Buckskin Horses For Sale: We will sell 8 horses on Sept 20th at Corsica. They include 1 yearling buckskin stud, 1 four year old buckskin mare, exposed to a red roan stud, 4 buckskin 2014 stud colts, 1 black or grulla 2014 stud colt, and 1 bay 2014 philly. Pictures can be seen at www.haiwickranch.com. They have a lot of driftwood in their background. Gary Haiwick, Highmore, SD. 605-852-2507 or 605-870-1604 Large Ranch Horse Auction Sept 13th 1pm. Melstone, MT Excellent bloodlines, all ages, colors & broke horses. All different sized saddles selling off the horses. Bring your trailers, all paved, 10 miles NE of Melstone, MT. Make plans to attend such a great event! All coggins. Excellent Sale! 406-855-5555

Household, Collectible & Real Estate Auction TRACK TRACTORS Powertrain warranty until 2005 JD 8120T track Sept. 21, 2014, tractor, 18” tracks, 2,421 S/N1RW7200RCBA001842 hrs., S/NRW8120T905193 2006 JD 8430, MFWD, 5,258 2010 JD 9630T track tractor, hrs., S/NRW8430P001967 36” tracks, 2,205 hrs., 2012 JD 4720 compact S/N1RW9630TLAP912537 utility, CAH, diesel, E-hydro trans., 3 hyd., 4WD TRACTORS 3 pt., PTO, includes JD 2013 JD 9460R, 719 hrs., Basic warranty until June 15, 400CX loader w/quick tach 2015, Powertrain warranty bucket, 1,014 hrs., S/N1LV4720HKCH945561 until June 14, 2016, S/N1RW9460RCDP008232 GPS EQUIPMENT 2013 JD 9460R, 860 hrs., JD AMS original brown Basic warranty until June 29, box display w/processor 2015, Powertrain warranty JD AMS original brown until June 29, 2016, box display w/mobile S/N1RW9460RLDP008185 processor 2013 JD 9560R, 1,025 hrs., JD AMS original brown Basic warranty until Dec. 20, box display w/mobile 2014, Powertrain warranty processor until Dec. 20, 2015, 3) /.: "B>A>$58 :?5B,BC S/N1RW9560RHCP006160 receiver, S/N233950 2012 JD 9560R, 485 hrs., 3) /.: "B>A>$58 :?5B,BC S/N1RW9560RHCP003131 receiver 2011 JD 9430, 2,210 hrs., 2009 JD Greenstar II 2600 S/N1RW9430PJBP024102 display JD Greenstar II 2600 MFWD TRACTORS display 2013 JD 8285R, MFWD, JD Greenstar II 2600 395 hrs., Basic warranty display until August 18, 2015, Powertrain warranty until WHEEL LOADER April 17, 2016, 2006 JD 544J wheel loader, S/N1RW8285RHDD071554 CAH, 4WD, ride control, 2011 JD 8285R, S/NDW544JZ604172 MFWD, 1,385 hrs., SKID STEER S/N1RW8285RABP042421 LOADERS 2013 JD 6170R, MFWD, 755 & ATTACHMENTS hrs., Basic warranty until 2011 JD 323D track skid June 20, 2015, Powertrain steer loader, 76” bucket, warranty until June 20, 2017, cold weather pkg., 13” S/N1RW6170RPDA008070 tracks, 811 hrs., 2011 JD 7200R, MFWD, S/N1T0323DBVA0194344 loader ready pkg. w/JD 480 2006 Caterpillar 236B skid self-leveling loader, 96” steer loader, 72” bucket quick tach bucket, 900 hrs., w/bolt-on cutting edge,

12-16.5 tires, 4,474 hrs., S/NCAT0236BLHEN01884 2005 JD 328 skid steer loader, cab, 3,490 hrs., S/NT00328B109245 Virnig manure bucket, 72” 2012 Walco blade, 96” COMBINES 2012 JD S680, STS, Contour-Master, PRWA, 357 sep. hrs., 490 engine hrs., S/N1H0S680STC0747359 2013 JD S670, STS, Contour-Master, 208 sep. hrs., 275 engine hrs., Basic warranty until Oct. 2, 2014, Powertrain warranty until Oct. 2, 2015, S/N1H0S670SED0758175 2010 JD 9870, STS, Contour-Master, PRWA, premium cab, 814 sep. hrs., 1,035 engine hrs., Ext. Powertrain warranty until Feb. 7, 2015, S/N1H09870SPA0736184 2011 JD 9770, STS, Contour-Master, bullet rotor, deluxe controls, PRWD, 816 sep. hrs., 1,046 engine hrs., S/N1H09770SPB0743351 2003 JD 9750, STS, Contour-Master, deluxe controls, 1,857 sep. hrs., 2,689 engine hrs., S/NH09750S700954 2011 Case-IH 8120, axial 32%0 +"# /2,2/0 4$' .(1hrs., 990 engine hrs., S/NYBG212416 CORN & FLEX HEADS 2007 Geringhoff RD chopping corn head, 16x22”, S/N919371622/B

Auctioneer’s Note: JD Financing Available. Call Sales at 320.235.8115 for pre-approval.

/",*$)'2( . %&+-!0%-&#%1 Willmar - 320.235.8115

2012 JD 618C chopping corn head, 18x22”, AHH, S/N1H00618CCCC745216 2012 JD 612C chopping corn head, 12x22”, S/N1H0612CCCA0735698 2009 JD 612C chopping corn head, 12x22”, AHH, S/NH0612CC730115 2009 JD 612C chopping corn head, 12x30”, AHH, S/NH0612CC730222 2008 JD 612C corn head, 12x20”, AHH, S/NH0612CC725411 2009 JD 608C chopping corn head, 8x30”, AHH, S/NH0608CC730168 JD 444 corn head, 4x36”, S/N516641 JD 443 corn head, 4x30” 4''1 3) -2'< *C& @C5!, AHH, fore/aft, S/NH00630F707028 GRAIN CARTS 2011 Killbros 110 grain cart, 1,100 bu., 1000 PTO Brent 420 grain cart, 450 bu., small 1000 PTO PLANTER 2010 JD DB90 planter, 36x30”, front fold, CCS, S/NA0DB90X735143 DISC RIPPERS 2011 JD 2700 disc ripper, 9 shank, 24” spacing, S/N1N02700XLB0740163 2002 JD 2700 disc ripper, 5 shank, 30” spacing, S/N02700X000928 2000 JD 512 disc ripper, 17-1/2’, 7 shank, S/NN00512X000574 1999 JD 512 disc ripper, 22-1/2’, folding, 9 shank, 30” spacing, S/NN00512X000180 DMI 530 disc ripper, 5 shank, S/N522488

OTHER TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 2011 JD 637 disc, 35’ 2004 JD 2410 chisel plow, 28’ 1998 JD 680 chisel plow, 41’ JD 1610 chisel plow, 24’ Salford RTS41 residue tillage system, 41’ JD 230 disc, 24’ ).6 9>ACB%5?C 66 ,C8! cultivator, 49’, 6” spacing 7((0 3) (+' ,C8! #=8?>;5?"B, 38-1/2’, 6” spacing SPRAYERS 2008 Redball 670 pulltype sprayer, 90’ boom, S/N0670006-120216 2006 Hardi Commander 4400 pull-type sprayer, 132’ boom, 1,200 gal. tank, S/N013866 Hardi Commander 1200 sprayer, 100’ boom, 22” rows, 1,200 gal. tank, S/N7829 SEED TENDERS 2011 Convey-All BTS290SP seed tender Friesen 375 seed tender OTHER EQUIPMENT Sukup pull-type stalk shredder, 20’ JD material bucket, 72” Kubota B2006 blade, 5’ Virning skid loader manure bucket, 72” SNOWBLOWERS Loftness 961 snowblower, 96”, S/N53-H-79 2010 JD 1028E walkbehind snowblower, 28”, 10 hp. 2009 JD 522E walkbehind snowblower, 22” cut, 5 hp.

1993 JD TRS32 walkbehind snowblower, 32”, w/enclosure LAWN & GARDEN 2009 JD 997 zero turn lawn tractor, 31 hp. diesel, 60” deck, 26 hrs. 2011 JD X500 lawn tractor, 25 hp. gas, 54” deck, 217 hrs. 2009 JD X724 lawn tractor, 27 hp., 62” deck, 340 hrs. 2008 JD X534 lawn tractor, 25 hp., 48” deck, 429 hrs. 2006 JD X534 lawn tractor, 25 hp. gas, 54” deck, 393 hrs. 2005 JD X475 lawn tractor, 23 hp. gas, 54” deck, 726 hrs. 2005 JD GX345 lawn tractor, 20 hp. gas, 54” deck, 1,338 hrs. 2003 JD GT235 lawn tractor, 18 hp., 48” deck 2010 JD L120 lawn tractor, 22 hp., 48” deck, 260 hrs. 2005 JD L118 lawn tractor, 22 hp., 42” deck, 620 hrs. 2000 JD 335 lawn tractor, 20 hp., 48” deck, 887 hrs. 1999 JD LX279 lawn tractor, 17 hp., 48” deck 2009 Kubota T2380 lawn tractor, 23 hp., 48” deck 2011 Craftsman walkbehind mower, 20”, bagger JD pull-type lawn sweeper, 42” JD cab0 .2&, *22/.0 5,. !)

or Ashley Huhn of Steffes Group, 701.238.1975

Complete terms, lot listings & photos at SteffesGroup.com IQBID is a division of Steffes Group, Inc., 24400 MN Hwy 22 S, Litchfield, MN Ashley Huhn MN47-002, Eric Gabrielson MN47-006, Randy Kath MN47-007, Scott Steffes, ND81 | 320.693.9371 | SteffesGroup.com

Saturday, September 13, 2014 • SALE TIME 11:00 A.M. • LUNCH SERVED

LOCATION: Lakota ND. 503 Hwy 1, Watch for Signs.

REAL ESTATE SELLS AT 11 AM AT LOCATION. Legal Description: West 113 ft. of Lots 3 and 4, Block 3 of Sheets Addition, Lakota ND; Physical Address 503 Hwy 1 N. 1979 Art Craft 14’x70’ mobile home w/12’x31’ addition & 8’x12’ sun room, New Air Flo propane furnace full 500 gal. propane tank, central air. Out Buildings: 16’x24’ insulated propane heated garage 200 gal. tank 8’x7’ overhead door, walk door, concrete floor, 10’x20’ garage, 8’x7’ overhead door & walk door, wired, concrete floor, 12’x16’ insulated shop wired, 6’x7’ overhead door & walk door, wood floor, 8’x12’ yard shed wood floor, wired, 4’x6’ swinging doors. Real Estate Terms: Successful bidder is required to pay at least 10% down the day of the sale to Real Estate7, this is non-refundable, the balance is to be paid within 30 days. If you are the successful bidder you will be required to complete and sign a standard Real Estate purchase agreement. An appointment date will be made at close of Auction for the closing. Buyers failure to close the sale by closing date will result in the forfeiture of the earnest money deposit. At the time of the Auction the Auction Company and Owners assume the bidders have inspected the property and are satisfied this Real Estate is being sold as is where is condition. Seller reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Closing conducted by Real Estate 7 Broker Al Freidig (Lic #2069) Devils Lake ND. Phone 701-662-7171. Any questions call Diseth Auction at 701-351-8981. To inspect property call Paul and Judy at 701-247-2887 or 701-270-0465. BUILDINGS TO BE MOVED: 7’x8’ barn yard /shed wood floor, 8’x8’ wood yard shed wood floor, Playhouse 4’x6’ w/2’x6’ front deck, Playhouse 4’ x 4’ w/2’ x 4’ front deck, Poly shed 4’ x 6’ VEHICLES–ATV–TRAILER: 1999: Ford Ranger 130,345 miles AT, 4x4 super cab, new tires, spray bed liner, tool box, 2000 Ford Focus 171,468 miles 4 cyl. AT runs good, 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 4 wheeler only 386 mi. w/winch 4’ blade & extra set of grip tires, Utility trailer 5’ x 8’ w/lift gate ramp, 4 Good Year Wrangler P 235 75R 15 tires good. LAWN AND GARDEN TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: Craftsman GT 6000 lawn tractor 2 yr. old 26 hp Kohler eng. 54” mower deck never used, 42” snow blower, wheel weights tire chains & comfort cover, Troy Built 30” walk behind snow blower elec. start 357 cc eng.like new, Craftsman 42” snow blower, Husqvarna big wheel push mower, w/bagger, Wheel barrow, 1750 psi pressure washer, Portable wheel scaffolding 1 unit, 75000 btu Buddy pro fuel heater, Craftsman 125 psi 1 hp. 12 gal. compressor, New Craftsman 16” 38 cc chain saw, Poulan 16” chain saw, Schumacher battery charger w/200 amp. booster, Task Force 12” compound miter saw, w/laser guide, Craftsman 200 mph 430 CIM leaf blower, 2 elec. weed trimmers, Handy man jack, 2-20 ton tube jacks, Lawn cart, Moving cart, 16’ alum. ext. ladder, 8’ alum. step ladder, 6’ alum. step ladder, 4’ alum. step ladder, Car ramps, Saw horses, Halogen shop light, Master force brad nailer, Tool shop air stapler, 3/8 pneumatic impact wrench, 1/2 “ elec. drill, Grinders, Skill saws, B & D saws all, Sump pump, 6 & 12 volt battery charger, Shop vac, Hand tools too numerous to mention, Yard ornaments: sheep, calf, horse, pig, chicken, deer, raccoon, doe and fawn, skunk, donkey w/cart, large wolf, eagle w/ flag pole, Galvanized tub, Plastic tub, Bird baths & houses. HOUSEHOLD: White & blue couch, Brown recliner, Wicker furniture 3 pc.Suncast patio bench, 55”flat screen TV w/ Sony blue ray disk player-JVC recorder & player w/stand, Super Scan 10 ½” flat screen TV, Magnavox 50” flat screen TV w/Sony, receiver, Dining room table w/ 4 tell city chairs, China hutch, Corner china hutch, Plant stand, Glass top bird table, Wood roll top desk, Kitchen table, Primo water cooler, 3 mirror vanity, Howard Miller 7’ Grand Father Clock, Kenmore high efficiency washing machine white new, Kenmore clothes dryer white new, Kerosene heater, Portable air cond. 7000 btu, Frigidaire window air cond, 2’x6’ folding table, 4’ folding table, Bathroom sink, 8 mm camera & projector, Kenmore microwave, Cow cookie jars, Malted milk machine, Kitchen utensils. COLLECTIBLES: Crank telephone, Large toy car collection, Large John Wayne collection, Large porcelain doll collection, Lots of troll dolls, Horse collection, Humming Bird collection, 1965 JD LGT peddle tractor w/trailer, 3 guitars - Roy Rogers and Trigger, Gene Autry, Hopalong Cassidy, and Topper, Poly resin figurines – Cat collection, Boyd and Truman Bears, Last Supper picture, Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy, truth is sometimes stranger, than fiction, 2 oil lamps, Speed Queen ringer washer, Metal beds, Outdoor metal ornaments.

OWNER: Paul and June Schall Sale Professionally Conducted by

Diseth Auction Service, Edmore, ND Donavan Diseth, Auctioneer, Lic. #98; Clerk Lic. #46 PO Box 176, Edmore ND • 701-644-2296 - Cell 701-351-8981 GUEST AUCTIONEER: DEAN BOATMAN LIC. #426


Any statements by owners, clerks, or auctioneers, take precedence over any and all advertising. Not responsible for accidents, errors or omissions in listing. Owner reserves right to refuse any or all bids.


AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A33

HORSES Percheron horses for sale. 2014 stud colts, two breeding stallions, bred mare, 701-226-3412 Team of matched Black & White Quarter horse type Mares 7 & 9 years old. 712-986-5455

LIVESTOCK Purebred Suffolk rams for sale. Lambs, yearlings and two year olds. 605-228-9852




Rambouillet and Dorset rams, ready for service now, not over fed, raised with a commercial sheep man in mind. Also May born Rambouillet and Rambouillet Dorset cross lambs for sale at later date. Call for more information 605-852-2233

Degelman Dozer Model 5700 16 ft. 2 way action silage screen. Mounts will fit MX 180-200-220-240-270. $9000. 605-228-1484

For Sale: 20 summer calving cow/calf pairs, young cows, Black & Black Baldie calves. 605-933-0224

Bred black HFRs, start calving march 23, 70 day calving Bred to pure bred black angus, all shots done, bangs vac Will keep until dec 1 Call or text 218-639-5034



CONSTRUCTION ITEMS: 1998 JD Model 310E Backhoe 4WD with C,A,H. 0nly 5400 hr and new tires., 1979 Cat Model D-3 5 way blade, new steering clutches and only 300 hrs on overhaul.Very good undercarriage., Cat Model T-4 track loader, MF Model 220 3pt backhoe with 3 buckets., New Holland Model 425 Skid steer., IH Model T-6 with dozer (gas) runs good. TRUCKS AND TRAILERS: 1990 Kenworth T800 350 hp Cummins, 9 speed. Tri-axle lift tag with 21 ft box, 3 piece endgate and sugar beet equipped including plastic sleeve. Very good rubber., 1982 IH Model S-1900 Gravel truck with 6 yard box and 3208 cat engine 5x2 Trans., 1974. IH Model 1800 twin screw with box and hoist and only 70,000 miles, 2014 Hull 18 ft 14,000 lbs tilt bed trailer with 10 ply tires (new), Trail Eze 24 ft Triple axledeckover trailer 24,000 lbs., 1950 Chevrolet 6400 truck with box and hoist and cattle rack., 21 Ft Deck over tandem dually trailer with 4 ft beaver tail., 30 ft Header transport with front dolly., Donahue 32 ft trailer. Neumann 8.5x10 aluminum snow sled trailer., Gooseneck stock trailer. 4 wheel hay trailer no rack., Plus several smaller two wheel and yard trailers. TRACTORS: 1984 White Model 2-110 MFWD with only 4513 hrs showing. 20-8x38 rubber with C,A, H, 1964 JD Model 4020 with cab and heat.3 pt. dual hyd. PTO and 16.9x38 rubber and duals. With 9630 hrs overhauled at 5300 hrs. Sharp tractor., JD Model 60 with Loader., JD Styled Model A., Case Model 970 tractor with Farmhand Model 235 loader. C,A,H. 3pt and only 6159 hrs showing., , JD Model 4010 with Cab, 3 pt. 2-hyd.And PTO., , AC Model B with 6 ft woods mower., IH Model 454 Tractor with loader. 3pt. sharp tractor., IH Model H NF recent overhaul., JD Model 1050 utility tractor. FARM EQUIPMENT: DMI Tigermate II Field cultivator 44.5 ft. 5 sections with 3 bar harrow set up with spray boom MT3405 spray controller and 1000 gal tow behind tank with track buster., JD Model 930 Flex head with Cary Air Reel and very good plastic., 28.5 ft Hutch Master Tandem disc Model 7600, 32 ftWilrich cultivator with 3 bar harrow., 26 ftMelroe chisel plow with 4 bar flex coil harrow., , 200 bus Gravity wagon and trailer used just a few times like new., Loftness 8ft 3 ptsnowblower., Alloway RTS 24.5 ft., Versatile Model 400 18 ftspswather with Cab and air., Dahlman Model PP650 6row potato planter., Eversman 70 ft 14 ft wide land plane., JD Model 100 16 ft chisel plow with 3 bar summers harrow. New IH Model 480 20 ft tandem disc., 20 ft U11 finger reel., MF 14 ft Sunflower header., Melroe 130 spray couple on trailer., 17 Ft White disc chisel., JD 12 ft chisel plow 3 pt., OTMA 3 pt wheel rake Model RP-4., JD Model 510 Round baler., 60 Ft Melroe boss harrow steel sections. Nice. JD 494 4 row planter., JD Side delivery rake on steel. 6 ton tandem axle fert sprayer 1000 gal tank 50 ft booms. JD Number 8 sickle mower 7 ft bar. 3 pt cement mixer. 1000 gal NH3 tank and trailer., 3pt equipment including Box scraper.5 ft woods mower.Erskine V snowblower. SPORTING GOODS: Polaris trail snowmobile with reverse and showing 2072 miles., 14 ft aluminum boat motor and trailer., Polaris Model 400 4x4.Honda Mini 50 bike., 1994 Arctic cat 440Z with only 1700 miles., Dolphin Paddle boat., Honda Fourtrax 250 cc 4 wheeler., Evinrude 5.5 hp outboard.Elgin 5 hp outboard. 7.5 HP Mercury outboard just tuned up. SPRAYERS AND AUGERS: Like New Sudenga Drive over dump, 7500 bus hr. with 7.5 hp 3ph high voltage motor., GT 8x28 auger with 7.5 hp electric motor., Cenex 10x60 auger with hyd side dump., 1947 Chevy made into Hillbilly sprayer. Great for parades., 1978 Chevy K2500 4x4 with 400 engine and transmission with 60 ft FS sprayer 300 gal tank foam markers, MT3000 spray controller. FARM MISC ITEMS: 2000 and 1000 gal fuel tanks with pumps.560 gal fuel tanks with pump. 16.9x38 tires some with rims. 14.9x46 tires.11.25x28 mono rib tires and rims.2-200 gallon saddle tanks. 18.4x26 turf tires on rims. 18.4x34 tires some with rims. 19.9Rx28 tires. 18.4x42 tires on CaseIH rims. 750x18 monorib.600x16 monorib. Various truck tires. MOWERS: Woods Model RD7200 3 pt finishing mower., JD 112 and 111 both run and look good., Troybuilt 25-46 riding mower.Troybuilt 21” pushmower. SKID LOADER ATTACHMENTS: New Lowe skid mount Hyd auger with 12”auger., Skid loader Grapple and bucket 60”, Skid steer forks. 2-5x60” forklift forks. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT: SS gas grill on stands. Hobart Food Processor.Deep Fryer wit 2 baskets.220volt. ANTIQUE ITEMS: 1 ½ hp IH Stationary engine., 1964 VW bug Not running but good body., Windcharger 6 volt generator. Big circle saw on stand. MISC ITEMS: Lincoln welder generators.2750 watt generator.1 ton Sears central AC. Propane furnace. Cab for 4020 JD tractor. Bobcat LP tanks.123 LP Tanks.Appliance cart.Cenex 4-60 gal Lubestor with filler pump.5 hp water pump. New dog house. Cattle stanchions. Power floor vac. 3pt forklift.Pressure washer.Stihl chain saw. 9HP Cub cadet snowblower with cab.Log splitter.Porta power.471 Detroit engine.Lawn sweeper. Fence posts. Floor jack.Parts washer. KEITH DALE AND OTHERS-OWNER

AUCTIONEER AND CLERK: BILL BERG AUCTION SERVICE, PO BOX 62, HALSTAD, MN. 56548, 218-766-6797 MN. LIC. NO. 54-12-03, ND LIC. NO. 367. TERMS: Cash or your good check, Nothing removed until settled for. Master Card and Visa accepted when Possible. LUNCH SERVED CHECK OUT WEBSITE AT www.bergauctions.com or email bergauct@aol.com

WANTED: calf roping chute. Call 605-395-7870

For Sale: Targhee Yearling Rams. Call (605) 350-2215 or (605) 690-7271.



Scheel Livestock club lamb brood ewes for sale. Ages range from ewe lambs to 6 yr. olds. 60 head total, will sell all to go or in packages. Call Jim for more info. 605-545-1521

WANTED: Slaughter cattle, lame and thin. Also, foundered, cancer brands, and Lump Jaw. Will pay cash. Also, buying good slaughter cows and bulls. 320-905-4490

AUCTION OPENS: .#5;9*CMF 0(=7(@A(; --


CLOSES: .#5;9*CMF 0(=7(@A(; -S AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: J4 /?C?,!?% C3C!QCAQ(F ,>?7C,7 *(CQ(;9#!= '>; *(7C!Q9 P =;(EC==;>3CQD LC5Q!?% !9 C3C!QCAQ( ,CQQ *(CQ(;9#!= '>; C <5>7( C7 $B&DRRRD++&+D

4WD TRACTORS 2010 JD 9630, deluxe comfort pkg., active seat, powershift, 6 hyd., 48 gpm pump, AutoTrac ready, front & rear diff lock, rear HID lights, Michelin 520/85R46 triples, 1,590 hrs., S/N1RW9630PJAP017031 2009 JD 9330, deluxe comfort pkg., active seat, 24 spd., 4 hyd., 48 gpm pump, AutoTrac ready, (8) rear wheel weights, 205 kg, 710/70R82 duals, 2,174 hrs., S/NRW9330H011088 1995 JD 8870, 24 spd., 4 hyd., return 4F[O - E?MO D=!0_ $!?0$O ?FE ^!G_O 1JJJ PTO, diff lock, 20.8-42 duals, shows 5,579 hrs., S/NRW8870H003007 1993 JD 8870, 24 spd., 3 hyd., return 4F[O :=?IK0_ B=?F6CK0O 6> .C!;,O radar, JD 14’ dozer, 20.8-42 duals, shows 5,538 hrs., recent engine work, S/NRW8870H001374 MFWD TRACTORS 2012 JD 6170RO QZ3<O EC,H!=H 0KIO 20 spd. Auto Quad Plus Eco trans., left hand reverser, 4 hyd., 3 pt., 540E, 1000, 1000E PTO w/power assist, GreenStar ready, premium lights, JD H380 loader, joystick control, grapple, 380/85R34 front tires, 480/80R46 rear tires, 1,137 hrs., 7LP183&1#J8>>BJJ1(/& 2009 JD 8430, MFWD, 16 spd. powershift, deluxe comfort pkg., 4 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, AutoTrac ready, plug and play, 420/85R34 front tires, 480/80R46 duals, 3,750 hrs., S/NRW8430P040512 2003 Caterpillar Challenger MT635, MFWD, 20 spd., left hand reverser, + $W.MO - E?MO 96:O >$K^^,G',C QR`` loader, joystick control, grapple, 14.9R30 front tires, 480/80R42 duals, 6,322 hrs., S/N67645

PREVIEW & LOADOUT: 8M C==>!?7@(?7D O<5!=@(?7 !9 Q>,C7(* !? 3C;!>59 *(CQ(;9#!= Q>,C7!>?9 !? 04 C?* K:D 1Q(C9( 9(( 07(''(9N;>5=D,>@ '>; 9=(,!/, Q>,C7!>? !?'>;@C7!>?D

COMBINES 2012 JD S680O 767O >FG?F=CNQKA?,CO EC,H!=H 0KIO .,^=Y, 0FG?CF^AO 9CF .C!;,O >FHHKG. 6F=0$ ( AE.M ),,.,C $F=A,O S<R!G_ C,K.WO !G?,'CK?,. AutoTrac, GS3 2630 display, high cap. =G^FK.!G' K=',CO EF[,C0KA? ?K!^IFKC.O 5G, 0=? 0$FEE,CO VT< ^!'$?AO %7" 7,C!,A cleaning shoe, small wire concaves, 520/85R42 straddle duals, 750/65R26 rear tires, 757 sep. hrs., 962 engine $CAMO 7LP1VJ7&aJ7S>J#+&(/+ 2012 JD S670O 767O >FG?F=CNQKA?,CO EC,H!=H 0KIO .,^=Y, 0FG?CF^AO V< ;KC!KI^, AE,,. ),,.,C $F=A,O !G?,'CK?,. AutoTrac, GS3 2630 display, tri-stream rotor, high cap. unloading auger, EF[,C0KA? ?K!^IFKC.O 5G, 0=? 0$FEE,CO VT< ^!'$?AO %7" 7,C!,A 0^,KG!G' A$F,O HID lights, 520/85R42 straddle duals, 750/65R26 rear tires, 385 sep. hrs., 528 ,G'!G, $CAMO 7LP1VJ7&#J7>@J#+((/a 2009 JD 9770O 767O >FG?F=CNQKA?,CO EC,H!=H 0KIO .,^=Y, 0FG?CF^AO V< ;KC!KI^, AE,,. ),,.,C $F=A,O !G?,'CK?,. AutoTrac, high cap. unloading auger, 5G, 0=? 0$FEE,CO VT< ^!'$?AO /JMaN+/ A?CK..^, .=K^AO /aRN/& C,KC ?!C,AO 995 sep. hrs., 1,407 engine hrs., S/NH09770S731714 2009 JD 9570O 767O >FG?F=CNQKA?,CO EC,H!=H 0KIO .,^=Y, 0FG?CF^AO V< ;KC!KI^, CK?, ),,.,C $F=A,O XC,,G7?KC ready, high cap. lift cyl., high cap. 22’ =G^FK.!G' K=',CO 5G, 0=? 0$FEE,CO 18.4-38 straddle duals, 18.4-26 rear tires, 874 sep. hrs., 1,130 engine hrs., S/NH09570S730225 2002 JD 9650O 767O R,;,^ RKG.O <B7O BVV>O ;KC!KI^, AE,,. ),,.,C $F=A,O XC,,G7?KCO QK=C,C $FEE,C ,Y?MO 5G,


Mike Plooster 605.999.2252

cut chopper, 18.4R42 duals, 16.9R26 .LLM D2 .,L* -;9< #)@+O 1/Y-J"O singles, 2,161 sep. hrs., 3,335 engine >FG?F=CNQKA?,C IK0_ A$K)?A ] $KCG,AAO hrs., S/NH09650S695837 $W.M .,0_ E^K?,AO A?=II^, ^!'$?AO 2008 NH CR9060, PRWD, Intelliview 4=?,. CF[ =G!?AO EF^W .!;!.,CAO Plus II, Terrain Tracer, rock trap, 7LPVJ1/`-2&#(`&# chopper, dual chaff spreader, GRAIN CART 600/65R28 rear tires, 620/70R42 duals, ,??L 6@KF)9 5@<+)= @HK) %9@!< -@95, 1,332 sep. hrs., 1,782 engine hrs., 1O((J I=MO 7$=CNRF_ CF^^ ?KCEO 0KH,CKO S/NHAJ111254 1000 PTO, Michelin 900/60R32 tires, FLEX HEADS 7LPXR1(1Z7-/&76P ,??L D2 $*&I 0)H #)@+, 35’, hyd. AIR DRILL )FC,LK)?O )=^^ 5G',C K=',CO EF^W IF??FHO ,??( D2 .ML& @!9 +9!KKO +-*O 1J" AEK0!G'O A?=II^, ^!'$?AO A!G'^, E?M $FF_=EO - CKG_O +" 'K=', [$,,^AO A?,,^ EC,AA S/NH00635F731524 wheels, full run monitor, JD 1910 tow,??& D2 $*&I 0)H #)@+, 35’, hyd. I,$!G. -(J I=M 0KC?O -N0FHEKC?H,G?O )FC,LK)?O )=^^ 5G',C K=',CO EF^W IF??FHO I,^?,. ^FK.!G' 0FG;,WFCO ,Y?M [,KC E_'M A?=II^, ^!'$?AO 7LPVJJ&-(Z#1J`1& FG A,,. KG. ),C?!^!U,C IFF?AO ,Y?,GA!;, ,??& D2 $*&I 0)H #)@+, 35’, hyd. [FC_ FC.,CAO 0KC? 7LPBJ1`1J2#1J1-1O )FC,LK)?O )=^^ 5G',C K=',CO EF^W IF??FHO .C!^^ 7LPBJ1a`(2#1J1J` A?=II^, ^!'$?AO 7LPVJJ&-(Z#1111/ ,??& D2 $*?I 0)H #)@+, 30’, hyd. fore/ OTHER EQUIPMENT K)?O ^F[ .KHO A?=II^, ^!'$?AO >CKCW K!C .LL" 4@7)AEG M($&8 9;3<+ >@K)9, system, S/NH00630F711498 gathering wheels, 540 PTO, C,0,G? I,^?AO 7LP>ZVJ1//-/` CORN HEADS ,??M /)751)K+ BC.*?A... @3%)9, hyd. ,?., D2 $.,4 -#;::!<% -;9< #)@+, hopper drive, hyd. lift, PTO, S/N193993 1/Y-J"O _G!), CF^^AO $W.M .,0_ E^K?,AO F=?,C 'K?$,C!G' ,Y?MO A?=II^, ^!'$?AO A!G'^, 2001 JD 425 lawn tractor, gas, power A?,,C!G'O K^^ [$,,^ A?,,CO (+" .,0_O 9F[,C E?M $FF_=EO 7LP1VJJ&1/>>>2#+(`#& Z^F[ IK'',CO 7LPQJJ+/(@JaJ&11 ,??L D2 $?M4 -#;::!<% -;9< #)@+, ,??& D2 I",& '9;<5A=;3<5 =;J)9O (+" aY-J"O _G!), CF^^AO $W.M .,0_ E^K?,AO .,0_O (#/ $CAMO 7LP6>Z#/(21(J+/( A?=II^, ^!'$?AO 7LPVJ&Ja>>#-J-&/ JD X340 lawn tractorO $W.CFO (+" .,0_O 2012 JD 612C non-chopping corn #)@+O 1/Y-J"O $W.M .,0_ E^K?,AO A?=II^, 7LPQJ2-+JBJ+#/(J 2011 JD 825i Gator XUV, 4x4, lights, outer gathering ext., single pt. dual overhead cam, $FF_=EO 7LP1VJJ&1/>\>2#+(`#( 7LP1QJa/(X76@QJ1aJ-` 2008 JD 612C non-chopping corn #)@+O 1/Y-J"O $W.M .,0_ E^K?,AO F=?,C 'K?$,C!G' ,Y?MO 7LPVJ&1/>2#/(+&/

>; 6#;!9 8C!; >' 07(''(9 N;>5=F $B&D+"-D"")B

IQBID is a division of Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Avenue East, West Fargo, ND Scott Steffes ND81 | 701.237.9173 | SteffesGroup.com SD Sales Tax laws apply. See complete terms, lot listings and photos at SteffesGroup.com!

A34 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 Randy Kopp Randy Kopp LAND UCTION LANDAAUCTION

638 Land w/scoria w/scoria pit pit 638 +/+/- acres acres Morton County Land Friday, amCT CT Friday, September September 19, 19, 2014–10:00 2014–10:00 am Doc’s Saloon-Glen Saloon-Glen Ullin, ND Doc’s ND S25 T138 R89 S2 & W2 NW4 & W2 E2 NW4-438.26 ACRES-TX $686.09 S25 T138 R89 NE4 & E2 E2 NW4 - 200.00 ACRES-TX $287.24

PROPERTY LOCATION: 5 mi S of Glen Ullin on Hwy 49 REAL ESTATE TAXES: Prorated to sale date. PROPERTY FEATURES: Farmstead includes 2 BR 1 Ba home, garage, corral (approx. 10 acre). Great Location. Easy Access. Approx. 30 +/- acre scoria pit. 277.65 Acres crop. Balance pasture. Spring, SW water. TERMS: Successful bidder will pay 10% earnest money

down day of sale (Non-Refundable) & Payloader pay in full day of sale. Balance due at closing October 3, 2014. Mineral Rights reserved. Surface Rights including the scoria go with the land. Have financial arrangements secured before bidding. Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material. Possession: Given when 2014 leases are up with updated abstracts. Property sold as is where is. For inspection of property call Ross Glass 701-878-4001/701-290-4001.

LIVESTOCK Fore Sale: 225 Hereford bred heifers bred to Edgar Brothers calving ease angus bulls. Start calving March 1 2015. 100 Chix Angus Bred Heifers bred to Bieber calving ease Red Angus bulls also start calving March 1st 2015. All will be ultra sound and grouped. Redlin Herefords Frank A Redlin 605 881 2479 For Sale: John Deere 7820 with duals & 746 loader, very clean, excellent shape, MFWD, 6700 hrs., 3 remote hydraulic, Left hand reverser, 70% tires, always shedded. 06 Kuhn Knight 5055 twin vertical mixer with 8” extensions, 600 cubic feet, Weightronix 615XL scale, 48” chain and slat discharge with magnet, 1,000 RPM, 15.00x22.5 truck tires. Very good shape. 605-770-6097 48 used Westalia/Surge Meditron 12 090 takeoffs, $300 OBO. 700+ rubber free stall mats. Call 605-228-8786 For Sale: 200ft cement fence line feed bunks, made by JD Concrete, good condition, 605-493-6612


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH, 2014 • 10:00 AM LOCATION: Barney, ND 58008

AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Complete liquidation of Braun Welding & Repair Shop. Excellent offering of welding equipment, hand & power tools.

WELDING SHOP REAL ESTATE: 50’ X 60’ Henry steel building, built in 2000, floor heat, 18’ sidewalls, 24’ X 16’ overhead door; 13’ X 26’ wood building (old post office), located on and includes: Block 1, Lots 7 and 8 Barney, ND 58008. FARMSTEAD: 8.85 acre Farmstead at 16355 78th St. SE Barney, ND. Includes 4 bedroom home built in 1955 with new bathroom, new drain tile, new septic tank and field, new electrical breaker boxes, recently replaced vinyl windows, forced air heating and air conditioning with electric heat pump and propane; 26’ X 26’ two stall garage, floor heat, built in 2011; rural water, several outbuildings; mature trees; shelterbelt. Farmstead is located 1 mile north and 1/8 mile east of Barney, ND. WELDERS AND EQUIPMENT: Thermal Dynamics Professional 102 plasma cutter, 3 phase or 220 volt, 1 ½” capacity; Miller 225 AC/DC stick welder; Miller 300 wire welder with Miller S-22P12 portable unit, 3 phase; Lincoln 250 wirematic welder with aluminum spool gun, 220 volt; Century 5 star AC/ DC welder; Blackhawk floor drill press; Jet bench grinder; Brown and Sharpe milling machine and accessories, including square key, half moon and internal keyway cutters, 3 phase; Turn-Nado 17” X 60” lathe with 3 and 4 jaw chucks and accessories; 75 ton Large post press, 3 phase; Puma upright air compressor; Large floor mounted pedestal grinder, 3 phase. HAND TOOLS: 10 ton Pulling porta power; 30 ton Electric porta power; Porta power chains; Large porta power jaws; 6” vise fits in receiver hitch; (2) 36” pipe wrenches; Universal knuckle press; Pipe taps; Crescent wrenches; Pipe wrenches; Welding vise and C clamps; Large and small taps and dies including #10 and smaller; Numerous sockets, ratchets, & wrenches up to 2”, Metric sockets, wrenches and crow feet wrenches; 6” Bench vise; 10 ton porta power; Large assortment of drill bits up to 1 ½”; Posi-Lock puller; High lift and floor jacks; Pry bars; Wrecking bars; 1 ½ ton Chain jacks; Pipe clamps; Slide hammers; Bar clamps. ELECTRIC AND PNEUMATIC HAND TOOLS: 3/8”, ½”, ¾” & 1” Impact wrenches; All sizes of impact sockets; Die grinder; DeWalt 4 ½” and 9” angle grinder; Millwaukee drill; Dust collector; Amy disc blade sharpener with 5 1/2hp Honda; Evolution 14” steel blade chop saw; ½” Air hose. INVENTORY AND WELDING SUPPLIES: Misc. set screws, cotter pins, welding tips and parts; Oxy/Acetylene torch sets, 4 ½” and 9” Grinding wheels; (5) 5-Drawer steel cabinets; (4) Steel saw horses; 125# Anvil; Several pallets of misc. iron; Bolt rack and inventory; Blocking; Large welding table on wheels; Assorted steel sheeting, (some stainless), from 16 gauge to 1”; Expanded metal; Large assortment of new steel; Roller stands; Misc. oxygen and acetylene tanks. FORKLIFT, VEHICLE AND OTHER EQUIPMENT: Clark 5000lb. forklift, 3 stage mast with auxiliary hydraulic equipped with pioneer ends; 1997 Dodge 1500 Club Cab, short box, 4X4 360 engine, 202,000 miles; Shop built gooseneck trailer w/gravel box & hoist; (2) Heavy duty steel bunks; New skid steer bale spear.


(701) 428-3184; 321 Hwy 46 Kindred, ND, 58051 State Hwy 11 Hankinson, ND, 58041; Bob Helbling JR. ND Lic. 285, MN Lic. 14-084, John Kuchera ND Lic. 547, Clerk Lic. 390. Website: www.midwestauctions.com click on Helbling Auctioneers


AUCTIONEERS: Helbling Auctioneers LLC.

TERMS: Cash or Check, All items must be paid for day of sale. Statements made auction day take precedence over printed material. A $25.00 fee will be assessed on titled vehicles purchased. Titles will be mailed. Not responsible for accidents.

AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A35







Custom Fencing

Buskohl Livestock Fencing, We install and remove all types livestock fencing. Barbed Wire, Woven wire, Electric Hi-tensile, and Continuous Fence. We are a licensed and insured company. Call Cody today, 701-640-7869


Arts Way 5165 Grinder Mixer, Scale, All Hydraulic. Call 605-880-0667


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 | 11:00 AM

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Major equipment begins selling at 11:15 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at SteffesGroup.com. LOCATION: 8241 72nd St NE, Starkweather, ND 58377. From Starkweather, 1/2 mile north, 1/2 mile east.

Mechtel Farms, Inc. offers for sale the following farmland property located in Cass County, North Dakota: Parcel 1: Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 141, Range 54 (Ayr Township) (160 acres) Parcel 2: Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 141, Range 54 (Ayr Township) (160 acres) Parcel 3: Southwest Quarter, less site, Section 24, Township 142, Range 54 (Rich Township) (152.58 acres) (subject to a Right of First Refusal) Parcel 4:Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 142, Range 55 (Lake Township) (160 acres) (155.5 CRP acres) (2014 Farm Bill contains an opt out for one year in 2015 if the land owner qualifies) TERMS AND CONDITIONS:

The above-described property is offered for sale on a closed bid process. Upon a successful bid, ten percent (10%) earnest money deposit is required of the successful bidder within 72 hours of being notified of the successful bid. The remaining balance will be due at closing. Mechtel Farms, Inc. will furnish marketable title at the time of closing. Mechtel Farms, Inc. reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive any irregularities. BID PROCEDURE: Confidential written bids will be received at Anderson, Bottrell, Sanden & Thompson, Attn: Gregory L. Thompson, 4132 30th Avenue South, Suite 100, P.O. Box 10247, Fargo, ND 58106-0247 until 5:00 p.m. on September 15, 2014. All bids should be on a per parcel basis as described above. This is a one time closed, written bid procedure. There will be no oral bidding on the properties. Bidders should not rely upon any oral statements. For specific property information and a bidding form, contact Vanessa Bruley at (701) 235-3300, or at 4132 30th Avenue South, Suite 100, Fargo, ND 58104, or at vbruley@andersonbottrell .com

TRACTORS 2012 JD 9510R, deluxe cab, buddy seat, leather, powershift, 4 hyd., return 3G_P :b>&OSO:bL[ !H@+&DL@+- L>@G B@++DP (DGH@ a D+LD _$++b _+!&$@BP R.KQ D+LD B>!@/LB+ _+!&$@BP 1+HGH b!&$@BP ^!D+B@GH+ gKKM#K9,g ->LbBP 'e. $DBNP B+/GHG_H+DP 8MS092e'0K9`?:KK0,*e 2008 JD 9630P FG_+DB$!(@P ^!+b- ;(5/+P * $[-NP D+@>DH 3G_P :b>&OSO:bL[ !H@+&DL@+L>@G B@++DP FG_+D I!DDGDBP 1+HGH b!&$@BP (>bb (DGH@ a D+LD _$++b _+!&$@ Fd&NP R.KQ D+LD B>!@/LB+ _+!&$@BP T!/$+b!H '.KMg'9*% @D!Fb+BP .P,gg $DBNP B+/GHG_H+DP 8MS92e%,K:KK.g%* 2004 JD 8420P T^2=P -+b>]+ /LJP J>--[ B+L@P ^!+b- ;(5/+P * $[-NP FG_+D J+[GH-P D+@>DH 3G_P , F@NP E>!/d $!@/$P BILbb a bLD&+ 0KKK :7;P \D++H8@LDP !H@+&DL@+- L>@G B@++DP I!DDGDBP (DGH@ (+H-+DBP R.KQ (DGH@ B>!@/LB+ _+!&$@BP \GG-[+LD ,gKMeK9'* ->LbBP \GG-[+LD ,gKMgK9,g ->LbBP 'Pg0. $DBNP 8MS92g*.K:K.#%%, 1964 JD 4020P -!+B+bP FG_+DB$!(@P . $[-NP , F@NP '*KM0KKK :7;P (+H-+DBP _$++b _+!&$@BP 0gN*9,* @!D+BP ,ee $DBN GH G<+D$L>bP FLF+D_GDd L<L!bLJb+P 8MS*K.K.7#%*e0 2009 JD 2305P *2=P Z87P FG_+D B@++D!H&P , F@NP (DGH@ a D+LD :7;P .KK?1 E>!/d @L/$ bGL-+D RH+<+D >B+-QP %." `-&+ +]@DL IG_+D -+/dP .'g $DBNP B!H&b+ G_H+DP 8MSU4.,K'Z'.K*g0

HARVEST EQUIPMENT 2010 JD 9870P 878P A>bb+@ DG@GDP \D++H8@LD D+L-[P !H@+&DL@+- L>@G B@++DP ' BF++- (++-+D $G>B+P 7G>/$8+@P ?GIILH- /+H@+DP .g) >HbGL-!H& L>&+DP ?DLD[ $GFF+D +]@NP FG_+D @L!bJGLD-P />B@GI />@@+D Fd&NP 1+HGH b!&$@BP ?DLD[ L!D D++b /GH@DGbBP *gKM#K9,K D+LD @!D+BP '.KMg'9*. B@DL--b+ ->LbBP %KK B+FN $DBNP g.* +H&!H+ $DBNP B+/GH- G_H+DP 8MS0ZKeg#K8VCK#,'g,0 4(74 3) .10= *G' AG5!P (GD+ML(@P bG_ -LIP B@>JJb+ b!&$@BP (>bb /GIFGB!@+ 5H&+DBP ?DLD[ ?28 L!D D++bP 5H&+D D++bP %KM#K 8+D!+B B!H&b+ F@N $GGd>FP B+/GHG_H+DP 8MS0ZKK%,'^:AK#*',.% 2011 JD 615P pickup headP CZZP _!H&>LD-P %K 8+D!+B B!H&b+ F@N $GGd>FP B!H&b+ G_H+DP 8MS0ZKK%0':CAK#*0,,0 GRAIN CART Brent 1194 grain cartP .0" (DGH@ L>&+DP -G>Jb+ B!&$@ _!H-G_BP DGbb @LDFP C&?LI B!-+ a D+LD /LI+DLBP bLD&+ 0KKK :7;P _Lbd!H& @LH-+IBP '.KMg'9,g @!D+BP 8MSA.,#.K00% AIR DRILL 2013 JD 1890C air drillP *.)P #O0M." @G 0'" BFL/!H&P -G>Jb+ B$GG@P <LD!ODL@+P FD!ILD[ JbG/dL&+ IGH!@GDP @LH-+I _$++bBP W= 0e0K @G_OJ+$!H- /LD@P 0'KM.KK J>N @LHdP _Lbd!H& @LH-+IBP 0." J+b@ /GH<+[GD _!@$ 3!F +]@N (GD $GFF+D JG@@GIP JbL/dM&D++HM[+bbG_ DGbbBP GPS EQUIPMENT #0KM#K9,g @!D+BP 0P0KK L/D+BP B!H&b+ JD 2600 displayP 8^0P 0P'*0 $DBNP G_H+DP /LD@ 8MS0Cg0e0KZ4?^#'K*'.P 8MS:?\6.%Z.K00g* -D!bb 8MS0Cg0geK?:?^#'K,., JD 2630 displayP 97VP .%0 $DBNP PLANTER 8MS:?\6.6=*,e00g 2003 JD 1790 CCS vacuum planter, JD ITC globeP 8MS:?\7K0?*0,**. 0%],0" BFb!@ DG_P I+/$LH!/Lb -D!<+P JD SF3000 RTKP 8MS:?\7K0?,,g,e% 7D>O4++ GF+H+DBP 8++-8@LD IGH!@GD b+BB TELEHANDLER screen, rubber press wheels, heavy duty 2002 Manitou MT523 telehandler, 4x4, -G_H FD+BB>D+ BFD!H&BP . F@N $!@/$P (DGH@O ,O_L[ B@++DP ,D- $[-NP E>!/d @L/$ (GDdBP (Gb-P 6H<+D(+D@$ J+b@ /GH<+[GDP 9+-JLbb \GG-[+LD 0.N'MgK90g @!D+BP 8MS0#*,., b!E>!- (+D@!b!Y+DP 'KK &LbN (+D@!b!Y+D @LHdP


Dean, 701.740.7774 or

Tadd Skaurud of Steffes Group, 701.237.9173

U!b 7$>IF+D F!B@GH F>IFP C//>/G>H@ B+HBGDBP $[-N (Gb- ILDd+DBP /GDH a J+LH FbL@+BP 8MSCK0#eK?#KK0,, (16) Pinto bean plates for planter (16) Sweet corn plates for planter TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 3) 44(( ,G8! #>8@?;5@"EP %K)P #" BFL/+P 'OB+/@!GH (Gb-P C//>=+F@$P 3GL@!H& $!@/$P _Lbd!H& @LH-+IBP W= dHG/dOGH L-LF@+DBP HG B$G<+bBP W= ,OJLD $LDDG_P 8MSS;..KK1KKK%g% JD 2410 chisel plowP ''P 0." BFL/+P C//>=+F@$P _Lbd!H& @LH-+IBP *" BFL-+BP ,OJLD $LDDG_P 8MSSK.*0K1KKK.gg Summers Super CoulterP *K)P DGbb!H& JLBd+@BP _+!&$@ Fd&N GH _!H&BP ,OJLD $+L<[ ->@[ $LDDG_P 8MSWK#g0 Brandt Contour Commander heavy harrowP #K)P $[-N L-fN -G_H FD+BB>D+P 'Mg"].%" @!H+BP 8MS#g*g.K' SEMI TRACTORS 2004 Kenworth T600P %K" C+DG/LJ Bb++F+DP ?0' ?L@P *#' $FNP 0K BF-NP fLd+ JDLd+P L!D Bb!-+ '@$P /D>!B+P -!(( bG/dP 4X7 !H@+D!GDP ->Lb FG_+D _!H-G_BP ->Lb Lb>I!H>I @LHdBP ,c'' DL@!GP 0.PKKK bJN (DGH@BP *gPKKK bJN D+LDBP .e'M#'9..N' @!D+BP Lb>I!H>I D!IBP B$G_B e%KP%'K I!N 1998 Peterbilt 379P %K" B@LH->F Bb++F+DP 'KK ?>II!HBP 0, BF-NP fLd+ JDLd+P L!D D!-+P L!D Bb!-+ '@$P /D>!B+P ;DLH&+ ?GN ?$GFF+DB />B@GI /$DGI+ -LB$P 88 3GGDP [+bbG_ a &D++H !H@+D!GDP ->Lb Lb>I!H>I @LHdBP @_!H B@L/dB LH- L!D /b+LH+DBP .g'M#'9.*N' @!D+BP Lb>I!H>I front rims, steel inside & aluminum G>@B!-+ D+LD D!IBP 0P'0eP,'0 I!b+B 1991 Kenworth T600P -L[ /LJP ,0#% ?L@P 0K BF-NP L!D D!-+ /LJ a B>BFNP _+@ d!@P 8L(O7O:>bb $!@/$P .e'M#'9..N' (DGH@ @!D+B GH Lb>I!H>I D!IBP .e'M#'9..N' rear tires on steel rims PICKUPS 2006 Ford F350 Lariat Super Duty duallyP *O-GGD /D+_ /LJP %NK b!@+D :G_+DB@DGd+ -!+B+bP *2=P %O_L[ FG_+D B+L@P b+L@$+DP CB@DG8@LD@P FG_+D _!H-G_B a bG/dBP e) ?T B@++b 3L@J+-P $+L-L/$+ DL/dP '@$ _$++b JLbb $!@/$P D+/+!<+D $!@/$P @G_ Fd&NP >H-+DJG-[ @GGbJG]+BP

TGH@+Y>IL B@++b &LH& JG]+B /GIFb+@+ _!@$ Bb!-!H& -DL_+DB a !H<+H@GD[ G( JGb@BP $LD-_LD+P +@/NP *O-DL_+D *g" -++F @GGbJG]P L!D $GB+ a D++bP .,'MgK90# @!D+B GH Lb>I!H>IP g%P'KK I!b+B 2010 Dodge Ram 2500 heavy duty, * -GGDP ?>II!HB -!+B+bP L>@GIL@!/P A!& ZGDH `-!@!GHP *2=P /bG@$ !H@+D!GDP FG_+D _!H-G_B a bG/dBP BL@+bb!@+ DL-!GP ',PKKK I!b+BP B!H&b+ G_H+D 2006 Dodge 1500P * -GGDP 'N# b!@+D Z+I!P *2=P /bG@$ !H@+D!GDP FG_+D _!H-G_B a bG/dBP @G_ Fd&NP H+D( JLDBP J+- b!H+DP U7.%'M#K90# @!D+B GH Lb>I!H>I D!IBP 0*gPKKK I!b+B 1989 Chevrolet 1500 SilveradoP %N. b!@+D -!+B+bP *2=P bGL-+-P /bG@$ !H@+D!GDP 0KK &LbN B+D<!/+ @LHdP @GGb JG]+BP .0.PKKK I!N TRAILERS 2009 Timpte Super Hopper hopper bottomP *.)]0K."]#." B!-+BP L!D D!-+P DGbb @LDFP +b+/@D!/ $GFF+D GF+H+DB _MD+IG@+BP JbL/d B!-+BP 88 D+LD a /GDH+DBP (DGH@ a D+LD bL--+DBP R.Q DG_B U`= b!&$@BP L!D B/Lb+P 009.*N' @!D+BP R*Q Lb>I!H>I a R*Q B@++b D!IBP B!H&b+ G_H+D 2000 Utility reefer trailerP ',)P >B+- LB BFDL[ @DL!b+DP R*Q 0P#'K &LbN FGb[ @LHdBP R.Q %K &LbN LH- R0Q ,K &LbN I!] /GH+BP D!HB+ JLB!HP b!&$@BP (D+B$_L@+D $GB+P ZGH-L ' $FN ." F>IFP 'K) $GB+P +b+/@D!/ D++bP JG@@GI G>@B!-+ 5bb /GHH+/@!GHB _!@$ G<+D3G_P DGGI (GD @G@+B a FLbb+@BP 009..N' @!D+BP R*Q Lb>I!H>I D!IBP HG D++(+D >H!@ 6$;GEFGE@A <"5!E>$$GE @5$!G& 5'8G header trailerP ,g)P @GDB!GH L]b+BP b!&$@ Fd&N /5>EGE C?$D8G 5'8G AG5!GE @E5?8GEP ,K)P *O_$++bP @GDB!GH L]b+P b!&$@ Fd&N 4(7( B3 @5$!G& 5'8G D""CG$G#: @E5?8GE, .g) _GG- -+/dP *) J+L<+D@L!bP 3!FO>F DLIFBP FGFO>F I!--b+ J+@_++H DLIFBP U`= b!&$@BP .,'MgK90% ->Lb _$++bB -8>G 35% C?$D8G 5'8G >@?8?@% @E5?8GE, %O0M.)]0.)P *) 3!FO>F DLIFP 0'" @!D+B 9A>$!GE +EGG: @5$!G& 5'8G F>G8 @E5?8GE, #'K &LbNP Aa8 %O0M. $FN +b+/@D!/ B@LD@ F>IFP 'K &FIP 'K) $GB+P D+@DL/@LJb+ D++bP .,'MgK90% @!D+B GH aluminum rims

Steffes Group Inc., 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND 58078 Scott Steffes ND81, Brad Olstad ND319, Bob Steffes ND82, Ashley Huhn ND843, Eric Gabrielson ND890, Randy Kath ND894 701.237.9173 | SteffesGroup.com

SPRAYER 2012 JD 4730 self-propelled sprayer, 0KK) JGGIP 'OHGYYb+ JG-!+B _MR*Q B+@B HGYYb+BP gKK &LbN 88 @LHdP W= C>@GJGGI _M#OB+/@!GH B$>@OG((P W= .%,K -!BFbL[P 8^0 _M.'% $DBNP 8_L@$ :DGP W= X7? &bGJ+P 1+HGH b!&$@BP ^!D+B@GH+ ,gKMeK9*% @!D+BP ,#. $DBNP 8MS0SK*#,K1U?KK0e#*. Tridekon Crop Saver crop dividers Set spacers & 46” duals for 4730 sprayerP B+@ L@ ,K" OTHER EQUIPMENT Brandt 1370 augerP #K)]0,"P B_!H& $GFF+DP $[-N b!(@P '*K :7;P $[-N $GFF+D b!(@P 8MS#.K#eK. <G?@5$ 2"' 285!GP 0K)P _+!&$@ JG] GH rear axle Boss V-plowP g)P _!@$ IG>H@B (GD ?$+<DGb+@ AbLY+D SSR water pumpP 0."P 'K) -!B/$LD&+ $GB+P '*K :7; JD AC28G mobile air compressor with upgraded compressor & Honda GX390 gas engine Miller Bobcat 250 welder generator, 0KP'KK _L@@BP 'K) _+b-!H& b+L-BP .g0 $DBN Multi-Power MPD67 portable generator, diesel power, maximum %N' d_P S+_ Multi-Power 25G portable hot water washerP U: $+L@P ZGH-L FG_+D _M$GB+ a _LH-P S+_ Multi-Power portable air compressor & hoseP ZGH-L FG_+DP S+_ Set small wire concaves for JD 70 Series combine SUV & CAR 1987 Chevrolet Blazer SilveradoP . -GGDP L>@GIL@!/P *2=P bG/d!H& $>JBP ,,O0.N'K90'U7 @!D+BP B@++b BFGd+ _$++bB _Mb!(@ d!@P S+_ ,'K ?$+<DGb+@ IG@GD a FGB!ObG/d D+LD +H2005 Cadillac Sedan DevilleP *N% b!@+D 4gP L>@GIL@!/P FG_+D B+L@BP bG/dBP a _!H-G_BP ;H8@LDP b+L@$+D !H@+D!GDP 00.PKKK I!b+B

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer.

A36 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014


As always this will be an exciting and very large auction. We will be offering farm equipment, construction equipment, vehicles, recreational items, collector vehicles, vintage tractors and much more. This is always the most anticipated auction of the fall months. Contact Orr Auctioneers today and we will help you turn your excess items to cash!

COMBINES •2009 John Deere 9770 STS, 800x38 tires, 1057 Separator hours, 1552 engine hours •2008 John Deere 9770 STS, 800 metric tires, extended wear package, 1750 separator hours, 2350 engine hours •2001 John Deere 9750 STS, 480x42 duals, Contour Master, New Bullet rotor, 3,450 separator hours, 4648 engine hours •2000 John Deere 9650, walker machine, 30.5x32 tires, 4,000 engine hours, 2,990 separator hours •1993 Gleaner R62, 3,177 engine hours, single rotor 2 speed, 300 bushel tank, straw chopper •1998 John Deere 9610, 30.5x32 tires, 5793 engine hours, 3734 separator hours •1998 John Deere 9510, rear wheel assist, header height control, DAM, 20 ft. unloading auger •1995 John Deere 9600, 1350 separator hours, 18.4x42 duals, 20 ft. unloading auger •Massey Ferguson 850, 4,955hrs. w/ all heads to sell seperate ROW CROP HEADERS •2012 John Deere 612C, 12 row 30 in. non chopping corn header, knife rollers, hydraulic deck plates •2011 John Deere 612C, 12 row 30 in. non chopping corn header, knife rollers, hydraulic deck plates •2010 612C, 12 row 30 in, Stalkmaster chopping corn header •2010 John Deere 608C, 8 row 30 in. non chopping corn header •2009 Deere 612C, 12 row 20 in. chopping corn header, row sensors •2009 John Deere 608C, 8 row 30 in. non chopping corn header, knife rollers, hydraulic deck plates •2009 Case IH 2208, 8 row 30 in. corn header, hydraulic deck plates, knife rollers •2008 John Deere 612C, 12 row 20 in. non chopping corn header, knife rollers, hydraulic deck rollers •2008 John Deere 608C, 8 row 30 in. non chopping corn header, hydraulic deck plates, knife rollers •2008 John Deere 612C, 12 row 30 in. chopping head

•2005 Case IH 22408, 8 row 30 in. corn header, hydraulic deck plates, knife rollers •John Deere 1293, 12 row 30 in. corn header, knife rollers •2002 John Deere 893, 8 row 30 in. corn header, regular rollers, header height control, hydraulic deck plates, cm shaft •2001 Clark 1220, 12 row 20 in. corn header, regular deck, regular rollers, poly snouts •1998 John Deere 893, 8 row 30 in. corn header, knife rollers, PTO drive, sn. 675871 •Clark 1220, 12 row 20 in. corn header, GVL poly, CM drives, row sensors •Case IH 1010, rigid head w/ Bonco sunflower pans, finger reel •John Deere 930, rigid head w/ See Eater 9 in. sunflower pans, both reels •Case IH 1083, 8 row 30 in. corn header •John Deere 843, 8 row 30 in. corn header •2-John Deere 853, 8 row 30 in. all crop headers •John Deere 853A, 8 row 30 in. all crop header •John Deere 1293, 12 row 30 in. corn header, hydraulic deck plates, single point hookups GRAIN HEADERS •2007 John Deere 635F, 35 ft. flex header, finger reel •2- 2006 John Deere 635F, 35 ft. flex headers w/ Crary Air Wind Systems •2006 John Deere 635F, 35 ft. flex header w/ finger reel, wheat lockups •2006 John Deere 630F, 30 ft. flex header w/ finger reel •2004 John Deere 635F, 35 ft. flex header w/ finger reel •2004 MacDon 963, 36 ft. draper header w/ finger reel, transport, JD single point hookups •2004 John Deere 630F, stored inside, single point, 1,000 acres on guards and sickle •1997 Case IH 1020, 30 ft. flex header w/ finger reel •1997 John Deere 930F, 30 ft. flex header, stuble lights, CM, FH •1995 & 1996 JD 930, 30 ft. flex headers w/ finger reels

•John Deere 635F, 35 ft. flex header, finger reel, good poly, sn706571 •Honeybee SP-30, 30 ft. draper head w/ Gleaner adaptor hookups •2- John Deere 930, 30 ft. flex headers w/ finger reel, 50 series hookups •Gleaner 800-30F, 30 ft. flex header w/ Crary Air reel, fore and aft, DAS, poly •John Deere 924, 24 ft. flex head •John Deere 224, 24 ft. flex head •Case IH 1010, pickup head w/ Westward pickup •John Deere 925, 25 ft. flex header •John Deere 224 flex header, metal snouts, good poly •John Deere 224, 24 ft. rigid header, bat reel, •John Deere 212, pu head w/ Melroe 212 7 belt pickup •Case IH 810, pickup head w/ IH pickup •Case IH 810, pickup head w/ Westward pickup •Case IH 810, pickup head w/ Melroe pickup GRAIN CARTS AND WAGONS •2004 Parker 938, grain cart •2003 Balzer 1250, 1250 bushel triple axel grain cart •Kinze 1040, 1,000 bushel grain cart, roll tarp, row crop duals •Brent 974, lite foot wagon, scale, roll tarp, take out augers •Kill Bros 690, corner auger grain cart, roll tarp •UFT, 500 bushel grain cart, 18.426 tires •UFT, 400 bushel grain cart GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT •3-Westfield 13 in. x 110 ft. swing augers •2011 Westfield MK Plus, 13 in. x 91 ft. swing auger, hopper walker, like new •Westfield, 13 in x 81 ft. swing auger w/ hopper walker •2011 Brandt, 13 in. x 90 ft. hydraulic swing auger •2006 Brandt, 10 in. x 70 ft. swing auger, auger jogger, electric winch •Brandt TL, 13 in. x 90 ft. hydraulic swing auger, nice •Brandt, 85 ft. conveyer, 540 pto, hydraulic lift, BN1827

•Brandt, 10 in. by 70 ft. pto auger •Brandt, 8 in. x 47 ft. auger, electric motor mounts •Brandt, 8 in. x 35 ft. pto auger •Brandt 1545, grain belt conveyer, 45 ft. 3phase electric and gas engine drive •Brandt, 7 in. x 45 ft. auger w/ Kohler 12 hp. gas engine •Feteral 10 in. x 120 ft. hydraulic lift/ swing auger •Feteral 12 in. x 120 ft. hydraulic lift/ swing auger •Feteral 14 in. x 120 ft. hydraulic lift/ swing auger •Feteral 8 in. x 30 ft. pto auger •Feteral 10 in. x 71 ft. swing auger •Westgo 10 in. x 81 ft. pto auger •Westgo 13 in. x 71 ft.pto auger •Westgo 13 in. x 71 ft.pto auger •Adrian 15 in x 35 ft. pto auger, like new •Freisen TO1075, 10 in. x 75 ft. conveyer, pto or 20 hp. 3 phase electric •2- Batco 2500PS, drive over belt pit conveyers •Neuero 744, grain vac, no hoses •DMC 54, Hi Cap rotary grain cleaner, screen •Conveyor grain vac •Wallinga 510, grain vac w/ all accessories •Behlin, 500 bushel batch dryer, PTO •Kwik-Kleen 7 grain cleaner •Several other grain augers CHISEL PLOWS -FIELD CULTIVATORS-PLOWS •2008 John Deere 637, tandem disk w/ 3 bar harrow •2008 John Deere 2410, 33 ft. chisel plow, true depth, single point depth control, JD harrow •2003 John Deere 2410, 33 ft. chisel plow, 32” true depth, accu depth control, 3 bar JD harrow •1997 John Deere 685, 60 ft. 5 section chisel plow, single point depth control, JD harrows •John Deere 1060, 41 ft. field cultivator •WillRich 2500, 30 ft. field cultivator w/ 3 bar harrow •WillRich, 47 ft. chisel plow, 9 in. spacing •WillRich, 46 ft. field cultivator w/ harrow •WillRich, 40 ft. field cultivator

•WillRich, 24 ft. field cultivator w/ harrows and Gandy applicator •DMI Tiger Mate II, 36 ft. field cultivator w/ 3 bar harrow •Hinniker, 16 row NT cultivator •Melcam 9330, 39 ft. chisel plow w/ 3 bar Summers harrow •Case IH 5600, 47 ft. chisel plow w/ 3 bar harrow •John Deere 1600, 25 ft. chisel plow, walking tandems •John Deere 40 ft. Field cultivator •John Deere 30 Ft. field cultivator •Flexi Coil 300B, 40 ft. chisel plow •Morris, 49 ft. field cultivator •International Vibratiller, 54 ft. field cultivator w/ 3 bar harrow, granular applicator •International 55, 30 ft. chisel plow w/ Noble3 bar harrow •International 800, 12 bottom plow DISKS - HARROWS- VERTICAL TILLAGE •2007 Salford 570, 41 ft. vertical tillage machine 3 bar harrow and rolling knife baskets •2001 Great Plains, 30 ft. turbo tiller w/ harrow •Bourgault 7200, 84 ft. heavy duty late model harrow •Great Plains, 40 ft. turbo tiller w/ harrow, weight kit •AerWay 25 ft. true vertical tillage machine w/ 3 bar harrow •John Deere 330, 30 ft. tandem disk •John Deere 235, 30 ft. Dura Cushion disk •Amco F-15, 35 ft. tandem disk w/ 3 bar Morris harrow •Amco, 39 ft. tandem disk •Krause 4990, 34 ft. tandem disk, all new front gangs •Steiger, Trail-R- disk, rock cushion •Morris 45 ft. chisel plow •Flexi Coil 340, 33 ft. harrow •Gates, 84 ft. harrow •Summers, 70 ft. harrow •Herman, 98 ft. harrow w/ 1,000 gallon poly tank •Herman, 84 ft. harrrow •Herman, 50 ft. harrow •Summers 49, coil packer •WillRich 6600 sub soiler SPRAYERS - SPREADERS •2008 John Deere 4930, selfpropelled sprayer, 2,089 hours, 120 ft. booms, boom trac

•1996 Ag Chem 854 Rogator, selfpropelled sprayer, 4,500 hrs., 80 ft. booms, poly tank, Raven controls •1987 Lorral, 60 ft. dry spreader, IH 466 w/ Allison transmission •2005 Summers Ultimate, 80 ft. pull type sprayer, 1,500 gallon tank, triple nozzles, Raven 440 •2002 Summers Ultimate, 1,500 gallon, 100 ft. booms, 200 gallon rinse-mix and fill, 450 Auto Rate, 480/80R tires, triple nozzles •2000 Summers Ultimate, 90 ft. booms, 1,500 gal. tank, 14.9x46 tires •Willmar 4100, self- propelled sprayer, 90 ft. booms, 20 in. spacing, guidance ready, stainless steel tank •Fast 936, 80 ft. 3 point sprayer boom system, very nice, 8 lb. to 80 lb. same pattern nozzles •Summers CT 1000, 90 ft. pull type sprayer •John Blue, 24 row band sprayer, 3 point •Melroe 115, spray coupe •2003 Dodge Diesel w/ 750 gallon mounted sprayer, 60 ft. booms, Outback guidance system •Tyler, 4 ton fertilizer spreader, soft top •Marflex, 60 ft. pickup mount sprayer, 500 gal. tank, Honda engine •Several other smaller tillage pieces TRACTORS •2013 John Deere 6125R MFWD, only 648 hours, IVT transmission, TLS front suspension, 3 hydraulics, premium cab, 460x38 tires, cold weather start, factory warranty till Jan. 2015 or 2,000 hours •2013 Case IH Magnum 235 MFWD, only 437 hrs. factory warranty to 4-30- 2015, 480/46 duals, weight package, 3 –pto, 3 point quick attachment •2012 Case IH Steiger 600 Quadtrac, one owner farmer tractor w/ only 1,051 hrs., Pro 700, Nav II, 372 receiver, 6 hydraulics, PTO, 30 in. tracks, luxury cab •2012 Case IH Magnum 340 MFWD, one owner farmer tractor w/ only 998 hrs., front duals, rear



710R42 duals, 4 hydraulics, PTO, Pro 700, Nav II, 372 receiver, deluxe cab, leather •2005 John Deere 8320 MFWD, 5,756 hrs. 380x54 duals, 1,000 PTO •1995 John Deere 8300 MFWD, 8,193 hrs., excellent tires, 380/90R 46 duals, 3 point quick attach, pto •1993 Case IH 9280 4WD, 6,500 hrs., 12 speed power shift, 4 hydraulics •Case IH Puma 165 MFWD, 2,300 hrs. w/ Case IH L177 loader, grapple •1987 John Deere 4850 MFWD, one owner tractor, only 5,990 hrs. power shift, 380/R30 front tires, 380/90 R46 rear duals, 3 point quick attachment, pto, clean tractor •Case IH JX95 MFWD, only 886 hours, cab, 3 point, pto •Cat Challenger 75, Outback guidance system, pto, 30 in. belts, 12k hours •John Deere 4440, power shift, pto, sn.049266R, 3 point not working •John Deere 4630, 20.8-38 duals, quad range, 2 hydraulics, 14,518 hrs. •John Deere 4430, quad range, 3 point, pto, 3 hyd. •John Deere 4020, diesel, 3 point, synchro w/ JD 58 loader, grapple •John Deere 4010, pto, 3 point, very good running order, good paint •John Deere 4020, diesel. 3 point, synchro, new engine overhaul •John Deere 60, very nice wide front w/ new paint •Ford 901, wide front utility tractor w/ Dual loader, 3 pt., pto, hydraulics •Case 770, w/ case loader and bucket, 3 point, pto, 18.4-34 tires •Farmall A, wide front, pto, excellent tires, nice •Farmall H, wide front, pto, very good tires, good runner




AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A37

RECREATIONAL ITEMS •2010 Arctic Cat 550S, one owner, 1,300 miles, PS, winch and racks •2009 Honda TRX500 FE, 4x4 electric shift, 4,650 miles •2007 Polaris Ranger 700, side by side, 5,700 miles •1996 Honda TRX 300, 4x2 ATV •1974 Highland, 30 ft. 5th wheel camper •Lake and Shore, 8 ft. pop up pickup camper, self-contained •Club Car, electric golf cart 3 new batteries •8 ft. x 10 ft. snowmobile trailer HAYING EQUIPMENT •2007 H&S BF18HC, 18 wheel bi fold rake •2005 John Deere 272, 3 point finishing mower •2001 Rowse D-9, 9 ft. double sickle mower w/ IH heads •1994 H&S, 16 wheel bi fold rake •Hesston 7140, w/ 2 row 30 in. chopping head and 6 ft. hay head •International 1300, 9 ft. 3 point sickle mower •MF 6 wheel finger rake •Hesston 1160, 14 ft. conditioner LARGE ROUND BALERS •2010 Case IH RB 564, wide pick up, net wrap, bale kicker, 1,000 pto, 14l-16 tires, hyd. pu lift, 5,000 bales •2007 New Holland BR 780, bale wrap, auto tie, 1,000 pto •2007 Vermeer 605M, regular pick up, twine, 14.1L-16 tires •2005 New Holland BR 780, regular pick up, twine wrap, 11k bales, 1,000 pto, new belts and gear box in 2011 •2004 John Deere 567, regular pick up, ble kicker, 1,000 pto, hydraulic pu, variable core valve, 20k bales •2004 New Holland BR 780, regular pickup, auto tie, bale kicker, 1,000 pto, •2001 Vermeer 555XL, regular pickup, 540 pto, gathering wheels, Acubale tie, 7k bales •1999 John Deere 566, Mega Tooth, bale kicker, new wrap and tie, 16k bales, 540 pto

•1994 New Holland 660, auto wrap, hydraulic pick up, new belts, hydraulic pickup •1993 Case IH8480, regular pickup, twine, 1,000 pto •New Holland 660, auto wrap baler •John Deere 375, round baler •Vermeer 605G, large round baler, stored inside, gathering wheels SEEDING EQUIPMENT •Flexi Coil 5000, 45 ft. air drill, 9 inch spacing, rubber press wheels w/ 2320 tow between cart •Case IH 950, 12 row 30 in. Cyclo planter, Dawn row cleaners, new closing wheel, hyd. drive SELF-PROPELLED AND PT WINDROWERS •2005 Challenger 115B, 2,087 hrs. 16 ft. hay head w. steel conditioner and 25 ft. draper double swath, 115 hp Cat engine •1999 Case IH 8825, 1,758 hrs. 30 ft. double swath •Premier 1900, 25 ft. pull type windrower w/ finger reel •Case IH 8220, 25 ft. pull type windrower w/ finger reel •Case IH 725, 25 ft. pull type windrower w/ finger reel •Premier 1900, 30 ft. pull type windrower w/ bat reel •John Deere 590, 25 ft. pull type windrower w/ finger reel SKID STEER & LIFTS •Melroe 743, diesel Bobcat skidsteer loader •Toyota, 4,000 lb. propane fork lift •Sky Jacker 8831, diesel rough terrain lift, 31 ft. self-propelled •Lull 644 Highlander II, 4x4x4 telehandler MISC. EQUIPMENT •Hurricane Model 24, rotary pull type ditcher, very nice •Meridian 375, seed tender, triple axel trailer, scale •John Deere/ Lima Mac, 100 kw generator, w/ 100 hp. JD 6068T diesel engine, 4,000 hrs. on engine overhaul •Haybuster Rock Ezee H-106, high dump rock picker •Summers 700, reel type rock picker

•John Deere 120, corn stalk shredder •2- Industries America 155, 3 point adjustable blades, unused •2- HD9H 3 point adjustable blades, unused •Degelman, reel type rock picker, chain drive •Degelman, tine type rock picker •2010 Woods, 9 ft. 3 point snow blower •Arps, 8ft. 3 point snow blower, 1,000 pto •2- 1,000 Gallon NH3 nurse tanks •4- F10, 10 ft. box scrapers, unused •4- F12, 12 ft. box scrapers, unused •Sky Jack 8831, 4WD all terrain diesel lift •Gehl 6011, Back hoe attachment, cat II 3 point •FHM 8 ft. 3 point spreader/ grader box scraper •Tough-T, 3 point rock nabber •Allied, 3 point blade •Frontier, heavy duty adjustable 3 point blade •8 ft. skidsteer snow bucket •8 ft. material bucket for NH TV140 – 9030 •3 point blades •Spray coupe trailer •2 John Deere collector plows •Many other misc. equipment pieces TRUCKS •2006 Mack, 450 hp, 10 speed, flat top sleeper, 505k actual miles, 5 speed automatic transmission •2004 Freightliner, tandem axle grain truck w/ new Loadline 20 box and hoist, roll tarp, all aluminum wheels, Detroit diesel, very nice sharp truck •1999 International 9200, twin screw flat top semi, Cummins N14, 10 spd. Wet kit, good truck, 810k miles •1998 Kenworth T600, sleeper, 295 in. wheel base, Cummins 375 HP., steel wheels •1989 Ford L8000, 3.5 ton single axle diesel truck w. flat bed, fuel tank and tool box, tach shows 84k miles, 6 speed •1985 Freightliner, day cab semi, wet kit

•1984 Chevrolet C70, Twin screw, only 17,259 actual one owner miles, 20 ft. steel box and hoist, Eaton 5x2 air shift, Hendrickson walking beam, extremely nice truck •1980 GMC, twin screw truck w/ 21 ft. steel box and hoist, new roll tarp, 427 eng. 5x2 Eaton transmission •1979 GMC, 2 ton single axle truck, only 49,660 original miles, one owner, tip tops, steel box and hoist, 4x2 speed •1977 International 4300, day cab semi, 400 hp Cummins, new batteries and compressor, good runner •1977 Peterbilt, conventional semi, sleeper, wet kit •1987 International 1900, twin screw truck w/ 375 unit Unverferth seed tender, 466 diesel, 7 speed •1976 International1600, tandem axle truck w/ 16 ft. steel box and hoist, roll tarp, 345 engine, 5x2 trans. TRAILERS •2007 PJ, 32 ft. gooseneck trailer, 102 in. width, very nice trailer •2- 1997 Wilson Pacesetter, 28 ft., spring ride, roll tarps, very nice w/ connecting dolly •1997 Big Tex, tandem axle dual wheel gooseneck trailer, dove tail, ramps •Doonan, triple axel semi trailer, roll tarp, drill fill augers •Stoughten, hopper bottom grain trailer, roll tarp, drill fill augers •2- Donahue tandem axle dual wheel combine trailers •2001 Trav A Long, 24 ft. stock trailer, 5th wheel, center gate •1998 Wilson, 43 ft. aluminum cattle pot. 96 in. wide, tandem axle •Dorsey 40 ft., flatbed semi trailer w/ hay sides •1984 Ditchwitch, 21 ft. approx. HD deck over bumper trailer, tandem axle, dual wheels, beaver tail and ramps •1997 WW, 16 ft. bumper stock trailer •Several smaller trailers UNUSED HEADER TRAILERS •Stud King Mega Stud, 38 ft. heavy

duty trailer, torsion axles, loaded, unused •3- Wemco, 36 ft. header trailers, lights, brakes, unused •2- Wemco, 40 ft. header trailers, torsion axles, lights, unused •3- Industries America 430, 30 ft. header trailers, unused •4- Industries America 435, 35 ft. header trailers, unused •Johnson other used misc. header trailers VEHICLES •2007 Chevrolet, Duramax diesel, ¾ ton 4x4 extended cab •2004 Chevy Suburban, 4x4 fully loaded, leather, 20k miles on new transmission •2003 Ford F250 XLT, 4x4, long box extended cab, 17k on rebuilt motor, •2002 Ford F250, 5.4 ltr. Diesel, extended cab, 2 wd. 189k miles •2002 Chrysler Seabring, only 57k miles •2000 Dodge, half ton extended cab, 4 door short box, 200k miles •1999 Ford F350, 4 door crew cab 4x4, 7.3 diesel, auto, loaded, 217k, sharp truck •1999 Chevrolet, 1 ton dually, diesel, good running order •1997 Chevrolet, 4x4 extended cab, rebuilt engine/transmission •1993 Buick Regale, 4 door, 166k miles •1992 Chevrolet, 4x4 ext. cab, 350 engine, 5 spd. 108k miles •1992 Cadillac, 170k miles, very good condition •1989 GMC, ¾ ton 4x4 pickup, 4 speed •1988 Chevrolet, ¾ ton pickup •1988 Chevrolet 1500, 4x4, 2,500 miles on new transmission, 35k on rebuilt engine •1983 Ford F150, regular cab 4x4, 4 speed •1981 Chevrolet, ½ ton 4x4, regular cab, rebuilt engine •1981 Chevrolet, 1 ton pick up •1979 Chevrolet, 1 ton dually service truck, 350 gallon service tank w/ electric pump, only 12k miles on rebuilt engine, good running unit •1979 Ford F150, 4x4 short bed, 351 auto, rust free

•1972 GMC, 2 wd., 52k actual miles, repainted, sharp CATTLE EQUIPMENT •Knight Kuhn 1150, manure spreader like new •2010 Stur-D, portable cattle gathering tub, alley and chute •2 Industries America feeder wagons, unused •2 Industries America Silage feeder wagons, unused •2 Industries America 625, 16 bale wagon transports, unused •3,000 ft. unused panel gates, 150 x 20 ft. 6 bar, bundled in 10 •Dual 400, Silage trailer •Apache, portable creep feeder w/ gates •Dual loader w/ grapple •Mighty Handy squeeze chute •Large selection t posts, wire, fencing items •Metal cattle gates, hog panels •Foremost 450, squeeze chute w/ palp cage •Cattle head gate •20 ft. calf shelters •Enclosed cattle scale •many other cattle pieces MISC. ITEMS •Sprayer Floater Tires, 4- 20.8R – 38 on 10 bolt sprayer rim •Summers 40 ft. of rolling choppers w/ mounts for Summers Super Coulter •HD pallet forks, Cat mounts •40 bolt on chisel plow coulters •36 Yettter row cleaners •2- 12 in x 20 ft. new tube augers •3- galvanized 8 inch transfer augers, like new •Several sets of mounted harrow •Front mount poly saddle tanks •Misc. poly tanks •Several bolt on truck bed •Misc. bolt on coulters •Several cross augers and conveyers •Variety of FlexiCoil items •2- JD 9610 straw choppers •Several 2,000 and 1,000 gallon fuel tanks •Electric cement mixer •Pickup hitches •36 pairs of mud gauge wheels for JD planter, like new •1,400 gallon poly tank w/ frame •10 ft. x 14 ft. garden shed



•Huge selection of other misc. items •Large Selection of tractor, truck, imp tires UNUSED SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS: •Unused Lowe Hyd Auger 1650ch w/ 12 in & 18 bits •Unused Lowe Hyd Auger 750ch w/ 9 in & 12 in bits •Unused Lowe Hyd Auger 750ch w/ 9 in & 12 in & 15 bits •Unused Stout Brush Grapple HD72-4 close-tine •Unused Stout Brush Grapple XHD84-6 •Unused Stout Grapple Bucket HD72-FB •Unused Stout Rock Bucket Grapple HD72-3 •Unused Stout Material Bucket 84 w/double cut-edge •Unused Stout Rock Bucket HD82 •Unused Stout Tree & Post Puller •Unused Stout Receiver Hitch Plate •Unused Stout Regular Weld-on Skid Steer Plate •Unused Stout Solid Weld-on Skid Steer Plate •Unused Stout Walk-Through Pallet Forks 48 in. •Unused Stout Full-Back Pallet Forks 48 in. •Unused Stout Pallet Forks 48 in. •Unused Stout Bale Spear-round •Unused Jenkins 84’’ Skeleton Grapple W/ bolt on end plates •Unused Jenkins 78’’ Skeleton Grapple W/ bolt on end plates •Unused Jenkins 74’’ Skeleton Grapple W/ bolt on end plates •Unused Jenkins 10ft. Snow bucket w/3/4’’ bolt on cutting edge •Unused Jenkins 8ft. Snow bucket w/3/4’’ bolt on cutting edge •Unused Jenkins Tree and Fence post puller •Unused Jenkins Tree and Fence post puller •Unused Jenkins Backhoe Attachment 12’’ Bucket •6- Unused weld on quick attach plates •Unused Jenkins Walk Through Pallet fork (5500 pound rating) •Unused 7’ fork Extensions •Unused 8’ fork Extensions


Continued from the previous page

A38 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014





2000 Knight 3060 commercial feed lot series truck mount feed mixer, not including truck, $18,500. Lake Preston 605-203-0002

Yearling Boer billy goats for sale. Proven bloodlines. Call Jim Scheel for details. 605-545-1521

For Sale: 2 registered Sannen bucks with Kapavista genetics. For Sale: full blood yearling boar bucks. Call 507-828-6069 or 507-828-6059

Yearling Targhee rams, these rams are testing and ready to go. These are nice thick muscular rams. Call 605-216-8750


Lehrkamp Suffock Ram Lambs for sale. Price range from $350-$500 per head. Can Deliver. Located at Highmore, SD 605-870-0045

11245 150th St. NE, Thief River Falls, MN

Lunch Served

Directions From Thief River Falls take Hwy 32 S. 1 mile to 125th Ave. NE. Go west 1/8 mile to 150th St. NE. Turn left. Go 1-3/4 miles west, left side of the road.

Hillsboro 7'x20' aluminum goose neck livestock trailer $3,000.00 or BO. 507 829-8447



OR BY APPOINTMENT @ 218-689-5760

REAL ESTATE (APPROX. 2 P.M.) 9.5 acres with a variety of outbuilding that offer endless opportunity for any home owner. This property has a great feeling of comfort amongst a setting of mature trees & only a few miles from town. Please Visit mcmullensales.com for a full description. Buildings include: House - 1-3/4 story 34 ft. x 26 ft. w/8 ft. x 13 ft. deck, 4-bedroom, Main level incl. entry, full kitchen, dining room, living room, master bedroom and 3/4 bath. Second level includes 3-bedrooms, full bath, large hallway. House is serviced w/100 amp service and septic and drain field and well w/pressure system. Outbuildings to include. 32ft. x 60 ft. Barn that has been lowered w/20 ft. x 25 ft. leanto and 20 ft. x 14 ft. overhead door, 40 ft. x 72 ft. Machine Shed w/14 ft. sidewalls w/20 ft. x 15 ft. door, 22 ft. x 60 ft. Machine Shop w/12 ft. door, 30 ft. x 60 ft. Quonset, 24 ft. x 50 ft. Shed , 12 ft. x 20 ft. Shed , 10 ft. x 14 ft. Shed, 22 ft. x 36 ft. Hay Shed, 18 ft. x 32 ft. Garage w/vinyl siding and overhead door, 2 Grain Bins and Silo. Full survey is being conducted and will be available by auction day. Real Estate Terms - See Website for full description of terms. www.mcmullensales.com


Joe McMullen - (218) 689-5760 Scott McMullen - (218) 689-3194 Jen McMullen - (218) 686-4009 www.mcmullensales.com email:mcmullensales@mncable.net

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 • 10:00 A.M. LOCATION: 26798 430th Ave. NW, Warren, MN 56762 From Alvarado, MN: 4 Mi. No. on Co. #10, 1 Mi. East, & 3-4 Mi. No.

LOCATION: 10458 260th Ave SE, Thief River Falls, MN 56701

Directions: South on Hwy 59 SE, 8 miles, turn East on Co Rd 3/Casino Rd, Go East 5 miles, turn South on 260th Ave, 1/2 mile South on East Side of Road.

WANTED TO BUY: All Classes of Buffalo: Calves, Yearlings, Cows, and Bulls. Will consider any amount. Call 605-391-4646

TRACTORS & SMALL EQUIPMENT: Oliver #88 Diesel w/ Dual 325 Loader • MF #44 DieselS#57392P • 2 MF #22 gas Narrow Front S#24700 • IH 12 ft. Tandem Disk • IH 6 ft. PT Rotary Mower • JD 10 ft. Cultivator • Moline 6 ft. HD Tiller Disk • Roto Beater • 1-Row Potato Digger • 2-Row Deere Planter • 1-Bottom JD Plow • 300 Gal. Fuel Tank. LAWN & GARDEN: JD #318 Lawn Tractor w/Honda 2-Cyl Engine • JD #10 Dump Wagon • Estate Yard Rake • Cyclone Lawn Bagger • JD Belt Drive Tiller & Blower • JD #140 & #60 Lawn Tractors “Not Running” • Coleman 5000 Watt Generator • Craftsman Tiller. LAWN & GARDEN: Husqvarna Walk Behind Trimmer • 1600 PSI Gas Power Washer • Aluminum Pickup Ramps • Older Snowcat Trailer • Lawn Ornaments • Fence Posts • Panels • Service Tank • 3-Wheel Bicycle, Other Bicycles • Lawn Wind Mill • Old 16’ SA Camper. SCALE MODEL TRACTORS & COLLECTIBLES: 1/16th Scale Model JD & IH Tractors • 1/18th Scale Model Die Cast Cars and Pickup • Metal Toys • Metal Signs • Anheuser Busch 1876-1976 Wood box • Budweiser 18” Lighted Clock • 6-String Guitar • JR Garden Planter • Walk Behind Cultivator • Metal Sleigh, Well Pump. WOODWORKING & SHOP EQUIPMENT: Craftsman 10” Radial Arm Saw • 6” Jointer/Planter • Delta 6” Belt/Disk Sander • Craftsman Scroll Saw • Wood Band Saw • Router and Tables • Sanders & Skill Saws • Wood Clamps • 6.5 h.p. Upright Air Compressor • Drill Press • Grinder and Vase • Metal Band Saw • Tool Chest • Power and Hand Tools • Shop Vac • solar Battery Charger • Engine Stand • Oxy/Acetylene Torch • Weilding Tables and C-Clamps • Knipco Heater • Sand Blaster and Anvil • Platform Scale • Radiator Dip Tanks. SOME FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS

LOIS JOHNSON OWNER PHONE 218-201-0789 MN LIC. #45-01

ND LIC. #206

218-437-8511 / mick@wiktel.com


online listing: www.midwestauctions.com • www.farmauctionguide.com/rapacz



WELDERS Hobart- Champion 10,000 Watt, 230 Amp DC/CC Welder, Hours: 576.5 w/ Kohler Gas Engine w/ Leads & Extensions; Miller- Millermatic 350P; 3- Miller XMT- 304 Series, Inverter Arc Welder, 1- w/ Auto Link; 4- Miller 22A, 24V Wire Feeder; 1- Miller 75 Series, 24V Wire Feeder; 2- Red-D-Arc Ex 300 Contractors; Miller Suitcase- 12VS; Lincoln ElecAir- Square Wave Tig 175 Pro- Auto Balance; Miller- Millermatic S- 52-A- 115 Vac 50/60 Hz TRUCKS 2001 Ford SD, 4x4, V10, Auto, Odometer: 116,000, Rebuilt Engine (only 200 miles), 12’ Gooseneck Drop Down Bed, Steel Bumper w/ Receiver Hitch, Tires: 225/70 R 19.5, Load Range F– 95%; 1991 Chevy 3500 Silverado, 4x4, w/ Service Body, w/ Emglo- Air Compressor, Out Riggers, 12v Hyd. Wench/Boom; Forklift- Clark, Double Mast Lift, Lp Gas, 4 Cyl WELDING SHOP ITEMS 3- Pipe Benders, 12 Ton w/ Attachments- Air Powered, 52”- 3-4” Roller, Hydraulic, 1’x9” Rollers- with Electric Motor; Welding Tables– Many, Varity of Sizes; Welding Stands; 2- Arm Lifts- Hydraulic, 13’ Arm, 16’ Arm, Arm Lift w/ Electric Wench- Bernard; 3Arm Lifts- Hand Crank; 4- Shop Dividers; 2- Holding Brackets; Many Grinders- DeWalt, Milwaukee; 300kg Magnetic Lift; Iron Saw Horses, 2- Large, 2- Medium; Clamps/ Vice Clamps/ Side Rail Clamps (Up to 4’); Cattle Ring Feeder- Jig; Jigs- Varity Sizes SHOP ITEMS Air Press- Red Arrow- w/ Foot Petal, Model HUP850; Lathe- NeWall- Model: 111-1658, May Swing Dia Over Bed 15.6”, Max Length over Bed 59”; Drill Press- Jet- w/ Attachments & Tools; Mill- Milltronics- Updated Screen, Sealed Bits- Varity of Sizes; Metal Shear - Scotchman Iron Worker, Model: 50514– CM, Volt: 230 Hp: 5; Parts Washer- Speedway Series; DeWalt Saw on Stand; 3 Arm Puller w/ Outside Guards; Air Compressor- Eagle, 18.5 CFM @ 100psi; Chain Hoist; Dolly; Asst. Nuts & Bolts; Varity of Steel Work Tables



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this auction conducted, Managed & Clerked By


CUSTOM FEEDLOT cleaning, manure hauling. 3 newer truck mounted spreaders. Call early to reserve spot. Dakota Services, Inc., Webster SD, 605-345-3546 or call Jim at 605-237-1308

For Sale: Registered Suffolk ram lambs and ewe lambs. All are QR or RR at Codon 171. These rams are moderate framed and bred to grow and pack on the pounds. If you are serious about raising top quality feeder lambs you need to look at these rams. If your selling your lambs by the pound these rams will not be beat! These rams were born from 3rd week of Jan on. Volume discounts on 3 or more and delivery possible. Jim Van Dyke Wessington Springs, SD (605)770-1095


Burns Welding, Rodney Burns Estate

thief river falls, Mn • (218) 681-3960

For Sale: Hampshire Yearling and Ram Lambs. Thick made and bred to add pounds to your lambs. Breeding of the rams are Begelka, SDSU, Leventini, and Morningside. Priced from $300 to $500 with volume discounts and delivery available. Gerdes Hamps Darrell Deb and Dan Gerdes, Madison SD 605-483-3699

For Sale: Corriedale and Suffolk rams. Excellent quality, reasonably priced. Also, select group of replacement ewe lambs, Nubian billy and nanny goats. Come visit us at the Brown County & SD State Fair. Rossow Ranch, Herreid, SD. Call: 605/216-2223 or 605/216-0568.



Saturday, September 13 at 10 a.m.



AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014 A39


1-800-477-6572 701-780-1230 fax: 701-780-1188

Fergus Falls, Dalton, Bemidji, St Cloud/West Metro, MN, Pauls Valley, OK



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AUCTION & REALTY 1506 29th Ave. S. Moorhead, MN 56560





• Land Auctions • Farm Land Management • Real Estate • Machinery Auctions • Commercial Auctions • Residential Auctions

Kevin Pifer - Auctioneer 701.238.5810



Your High Performance Auction Team

2000 Main Ave. E. West Fargo, ND 58078 (701) 237-9173 - Phone (701) 237-0976 - Fax SteffesGroup.com

Contact these reputable auctioneers for all your auction needs.

Contact your auctioneer to have your auction included on our calendar MON., SEP 8 - 11:00 AM/CT Restaurant Equipment Auction, Maddock, ND. Closing SEP., 16 – IQBID Haug Implement Auction, Litchfield, MN. Steffes Group Inc. Pat Wetzel, Owner. Diseth Auction Service.

SUN., SEP 21 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Halstad, MN. Don Anderson & Others, Owners. Berg Auction Service.

Closing WED., SEP 10 – IQBID September Auction, Upper Midwest Locations, Owners. Steffes Group Inc.

TUE., SEP 16 – 10:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Traill County, ND, Moorhead, MN. Domestic Land Group, Owner. Pifer’s Land Auctions.

TUE., SEP 23 – 10:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Valley City, ND. Perterson Family, Owners. Dale B. Haugen, Auctioneer, Farmers National Company.

Closing WED., SEP 10 – 5:00 PM/CT Land Auction, Towner County, ND. Eileen Eggl, Owner. Can-Do Auction & Real Estate.

TUE., SEP 16 – 10:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Clay County, MN, Moorhead, MN. Hershey Family LP, Owners. Pifer’s Land Auctions.

TUE., SEP 23 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Bismarck, ND, Burleigh County, ND. Charles Weible, etal, Owners. Pifer’s Land Auctions.

THU., SEP 11 – 10:00 AM/CT Buhler Industries Auction, Fargo, ND. Buhler Industries, Owner. Berg Auction Service.

TUE., SEP 16 – 11:00 AM/CT Farmland Auction, Sargent County, ND, Forman, ND. Steffes Group Inc.

WED., SEP 24 – 10:00 AM/CT Farm Auction, Devils Lake, ND. Dean Borstad & Amy Borstad, Owners. Steffes Group Inc.

TUE., SEP 16 – 11:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Devils Lake, ND. Oyos Partnership, Owner. Can-Do Auction & Real Estate.

WED., SEP 24 - 11:00 AM/CT Onsite Commercial Real Estate Auction, Cando, ND. Towner County Medical Center, Owner. Can-Do Auction & Real Estate.

Opening FRI., SEP 12 – Closing MON., SEP 22 IQBID Farm Auction, Englevale, ND. Dale & Beverly Dick, Owners. Steffes Group Inc. Closing FRI., SEP 12 – IQBID Bruce Setter Retirement Auction, Dresser, WI. Steffes Group Inc. FRI., SEP 12 Fall Farm Equipment Consignment Auction, Jamestown, ND. Orr Auctioneers.

WED., SEP 17 – 10:00 AM/CT Estate Farm Auction, Erie, ND. Don Viestenz Estate. Steffes Group Inc. WED., SEP 17 – 12:00 PM/CT Land Auction, Bottineau, ND, Bottineau County, ND. Haberman Farms Partnership, Owner. Pifer’s Land Auction.

WED., SEP 24 - 5:30 PM/MT Real Estate & Shop Buildings Auction, Glendive, MT. Mitchell Brothers Partnership LLC-RK Statewide Auctions.

THU., SEP 25 – 2:00 PM/CT Land Auction, Grand Forks County, ND, Grand WED., SEP 17 – 4:00 PM/CT Land Auction, Towner County, ND, Devils Lake, Forks, ND. Gifford Family, Owners. Pifer’s Land Auctions. FRI., SEP 12 - 9:00 AM/CT Tractor Collector Auction, Washburn, ND. Harry ND. Johnson Family, Owner. Pifer’s Land Auctions. SAT., SEP 27 – 10:00 AM/CT Antique, Household, & Vehicle Auction, East & Judy Basaraba, Owners. Bitz Auction Service. WED., SEP 17 – 5:00 PM/CT Land Auction, Benson County, ND, Devils Lake, Grand Forks, MN. Don Krueger, Owner. Schuster Auctioneering. FRI., SEP 12 – 11:00 AM/CT Farm Equipment Auction, Napoleon, ND. Tim ND. Larry Alexander, Owner. Pifer’s Land Auctions. SAT., SEP 27 - 10:00 AM/CT Collectible & Sporting Goods Auction, Devils Gross, Owner. Ulmer Auction. Lake, ND. Bernice Broden, Owner. Diseth Auction Service. WED., SEP 17 - 6:00 PM/CT Mercer/Oliver County Land Auction, Beulah, SAT., SEP 13 – 10:00 AM/CT Small Tractors & Equipment, Shop Equipment, ND. Unterseher Family, Owners. Wolff Auctioneers. SAT., SEP 27 – 12:00 PM/CT Combined Estate Auction, Crookston, MN. Lawn & Garden, & Collectibles Auction, Alvarado, MN. Lois Johnson, Owner. Berg Auction Service. THU., SEP 18 – 10:00 AM/CT Farm Auction, Aberdeen, SD. Nick & Joe Mick Rapacz Auctioneers. Berbos, Owners. Steffes Group Inc. SUN., SEP 28 – 11:00 AM/CT Tractors, Equipment, Dozer, Shop Equip. & SAT., SEP 13 – 11:00 AM/CT Household, Collectible, & Real Estate Auction, FRI., SEP 19 - 10:00 AM/CT Land Auction, Glen Ullin, ND. Randy Kopp, Collector Tractors Auction, Thief River Falls, MN. Donald Larson, Owner. Mick Lakota, ND. Paul & June Schall, Owners. Diseth Auction Service. Rapacz Auctioneers. Owner. G&G Auctioneers. SAT., SEP 13 - 11:00 AM/CT Car, Household, & Collectible Auction, Grafton, SAT., SEP 20 – 10:00 AM/CT Moving Auction, Hendrum MN. Berg Auction SUN., SEP 28 – 11:00 AM/CT Estate Auction, Hendrum, MN. Irving ND. Arlene Hanson Estate. Schuster Auctioneering. Storsved, Owner. Berg Auction Service. Service. SUN., SEP 14 – 11:00 AM/CT Farm Auction, Climax, MN. Keith Dale & Others, Owners. Berg Auction Service.

SAT., SEP 20 - 10:00 AM/CT Welding Shop & Farmstead Auction, Barney, ND. Braun Welding & Repair, Owner. Helbling Auctioneers.

SUN., SEP 28 - 3:00 PM/MT Collector Tractor Auction. Bob Bahl, Owner. R-K Statewide Auction.

MON., SEP 15 - 10:00 AM/CT Farm Equipment Auction, Regan, ND. Jerry & SAT., SEP 20 – 10:30 AM/CT Estate Auction, Niagara, ND. Earl ( Squirt) & Colleen Murry, Owners. Bitz Auction Service. Margaret Behm, Owners. Magnus Auction Service.

MON., SEP 29 – 10:00 AM/CT Mill Iron Creek Ranch Absolute Auction, Pierre, SD. Steffes Group Inc. 001132496r1

Agweek Magazine • 701-780-1238 • Toll Free: 800-477-6572 ext 238 • Fax: 701-780-1188 • Email: ofast@agweek.com

A40 AGWEEK/Monday, September 8, 2014

LIVESTOCK 120 Black badly heifers, bred to Knutson Angus calving easy bulls, ultra sound July 23rd,weighing 1000-1100lbs, start to calve Feb 1st, $2600. 605-881-1979 Put some meat on your sheep. Go Texel. Higher dressing percentage bigger leg muscles are just two advantages. Go to Herman Texels on Facebook and take a look at the rams for sale from $300 to $400. Tim cell 701-320-0535 For sale: Used cement feed bunks. 605-228-0973 EWE LAMBS FOR SALE (17) Ramb. Dorset cross ewe lambs weighing 93 lbs. born late Mar & Apr; (17) Ramb. ewe lambs weighing 102 lbs. born mid-Feb to mid-Mar (30) Suffolk ewe lambs born Feb-March weighing 130 lbs., can be registered. Bob Amundson, Larimore, ND cell: 218-779-7631 or home: 701-343-2862 Registered Katahdin Ram Lambs all born in February & March. All geno typing for scrapie resistance. RR making them low risk. All are ready for pasture turn out with use. Email: sids@polarcomm.com or call: 701-331-9393


SAWDUST FOR SALE. $100/Load. Ideal for cattle bedding or moisture control. Produce 3 Semi loads/wk. WC Ind. – PrimeWood Div., Wahpeton, ND 58075. Call Ken – 701-671-1812. Registered Hampshire Ram, Montadale Ram and Ewe, Cheviot Yearling ram and Ewes and lambs, $250.00 $500. Call 605-870-0509 Clint 605-310-2548 Michelle 605-249-2471 Phillip. Selling off the show stock we are not keeping for breeding. 13ft Tire Tanks $500. NO Large inventory at this price! Call Bob Toll Free 1-855-853-0117 to get now or get on the list. Delivery available to anywhere. Guaranteed Not to: Rust, Bust or Blow away! Dealers spots available FOR SALE: H&S Model 560 tandem spreader, 560 bushel, hydraulic drive, 19-l-16 tires, double apron, end gate, top beater, 1,000 PTO, poly sides & floor, electric control for apron, light use, nice condition, $17,800. Call 605-881-7947 or 605-794-4731 in Toronto, SD. Can Deliver. No Telemarketers. Polled Rambouillet Rams for Sale. Both yearlings and fall rams. This is our 45th year showing at the South Dakota State Fair and selling breeding sheep. Gary Haiwick, Highmore, SD 605-852-2507 or 605-870-1604

LIVESTOCK 250 AI Black bred heifers for sale. Ultrasounded and sexed. AI bred June 1st for late Fall delivery. $2,650 each. 250 Bull bred Black heifers, $2,500. 605-845-3377 Suffolk rams for sale, some registered. Good fast growing ram lambs with weights and rate of gains available. Starting at $300 with discounts available for purchases of multiple. 605-270-0661 Want to take in 40 late summer or early fall calving cows on share basis. Long term or short term. 605-520-3182 FOR SALE: Rambouillet Ram Sired by National Champion Ram. Call Roger Regehr 605-648-3737 or 605-360-9418 20 head Angus heifers, AI bred to CAR Efficient, set to calf Feb 10th, freeze branded, $3000. Kemnitz Angus, Joel 605-350-6191 Tri-State Exotic Bird & Animal Auction Saturday September 13 Ottertail County Fair Grounds West 1812 Pebble Lake Rd, Fergus Falls, MN. Expecting usual run of poultry and hoof animals. For more information call Chuck at 605-884-6309, Wayne at 701-238-6820 or Jamison at 605-228-3407 Tri-State Exotic Bird & Animal Auction Saturday September 20th Ransom County Fair Grounds 610 Prospect St, Lisbon, ND 58054 Expecting usual run of poultry and hoof animals. For more information call Chuck at 605-884-6309, Wayne at 701-238-6820 or Jamison at 605-228-3407

Custom Cattle Feeding Wanted Granite View Farms, Inc. at Milbank, SD

Phone: 605-432-5600 or toll free 1-800-243-1523 or Mike's cell phone: 605-880-5212. All types of feeding programs: Finishing, backgrounding, Natural feds. Home grown feed stuffs. For sale: 40 Holstein Heifers. 400-600lbs. Vaccinated twice with Triangle 10. Out of top producing herd. 320-760-8424 Portable 15’ tub and 15’ alley system. Made by “Ranchers Livestock Equipment Electric over hydraulic control equipped with adjustable alley. Loading shoot palpation gate, catwalk, drop down gates for ease of cattle work and head gate. In excellent working cond. Located in Alliance, NE. $15,000 OBO. 308-762-1570 Pierson squeeze chute with Foremost head gate, good shape. 605-382-5685 or cell 605-382-7373

LIVESTOCK 26 Pure Bred Registered Red Angus coming 3 year old cows out of Jacobson Herd, bred to excellent Weber Bulls to calve February 2015. 16 Purebred Registered Angus Heifer calves born February 2014 out of Jacobson Herd. 605-690-5095 or 605-690-8019 WANTED: Cattle to Background or Finish. Have Big, Clean Pens. Can Feed by the Day or by the Cost of Gain. ALSO WANTED: Corn Stalks for Grazing. Call 605-280-6520 For Sale: 2006 Knight 3160 commercial feed wagon, 1000 RPM PTO, digital scale, weight-tronix 615 XL, $25,000. 605-680-4075 For Sale: Katahdin ram lambs, large fast growing. 701-882-3245 WANTED: Ritchie stainless steel hog waterer. 605-999-3773 For Sale: 45 head of first cross Black Baldie bred heifers, bred Black, ultrasounded, start calving March 1st through May 1st. Also 30 head Hereford bred heifers, bred Black, ultrasounded. Also start calving March 1st through May 1st. Redlin Herefords. 605-881-2479 WANTED Have feed and facilities to winter cows or will consider taking cows in on a share basis. SE ND 701-680-0738

LIVESTOCK & PETS AND RELATED EQUIP Blue Heller puppies for sale. Parents are good cattle dogs. Call Roy 605-848-1484 Two 16ft Badger boxes, on tandem running gears. Farmaid feed wagon. Gehl #99 short hopper blower. All equipment is in very good condition, 605-586-4166 or 605-480-0104 FOR SALE: Purebred blue healer puppies, good working parents and dispositions, raised healers for 30 years. Della Amdahl 605-350-0955

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SANDHILL BORDER COLLIES Pups & ready to start dogs Red/black, short/medium hair. Delivery can be arranged (701) 859-3682 sandhillbc@yahoo.com

















Registered AKC labrador puppies, black available, grand champion blood lines, excellent dispositions, first shots, will become your next family friend or great hunting companion. Call Travis for more details, 605-294-7575













(50 Words)

Experience Midwest Agribusiness September 9 - 11, 2014


John Brose, Special to Agweek

PAGE 2 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK

Abilene Machine Inc. Abilene Machine Inc. is one of the nation’s largest suppliers of new, remanufactured and recycled ag replacement parts. Headquartered in Abilene,

Kan., it currently has locations in McFarland, Calif., Bishopville, S.C., and Billings, Mont. A fifth Abilene Machine location is slated to open in September in Sioux Falls, S.D. This new 25,500-square-foot office and warehouse facility is located at 1720 E. 63rd St. N. in Sioux Falls. “We are excited to expand one-totwo day shipping to our Northern customers. Our product line is a good fit

for the region, and we are able to provide quality service to back up the sale,” says Mike Aufdemberge, Operations Manager at Abilene Machine. Abilene Machine is a family-owned company that has been in business since 1980. For more information and to learn about Abilene Machine’s ag replacement parts line, contact Abilene Machine at 800-255-0337 or visit www.AbileneMachine.com.

Ag Systems Inc.

Ag Systems Inc. was founded in 1965 by Dick Lenz. Within that time, Ag Systems Inc. has built a reputation of being a leading manufacturer of anhydrous ammonia equipment, liquid applicators, pull-type spreaders, nurse tanks and the legendary Brute bumper. In addition, Ag Systems Inc. is the oldest distributor of the Case application equipment line, covering Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan. Furthermore, Ag Systems Inc. carries Snyder tanks, New Leader products and a wide variety of parts for the fertilizer industry. Ag Systems is headquartered in Hutchinson, Minn., and has locations in Manvel, N.D., Mitchell, S.D., and Deforest, Wis.

AgCountry Farm Credit Services

AgCountry Farm Credit Services will hold several mini-seminars for producers at Big Iron Sept. 9 to 11 in the AgCountry/Foltz Building on the Red River Fairgrounds. Seminars include: n “Preserving the Farm for the Family: Ideas and review of the 2014 Tax and Estate Rules.” This seminar will be presented from 11:30 a.m. to noon by Russ Tweiten (Sept. 9), Andy Zenk (Sept. 10), and Bruce Middaugh (Sept. 11), AgCountry Agribusiness Consultants-Succession and Retirement n “Risk Management: Farm Program Decisions” will be presented daily from 12:30 to 1 p.m. by Joe Burgard, AgCountry Marketing Specialist. Complimentary coffee is served all day. BIOS: See Page 5

PAGE 4 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


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AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 5


1640/=2?>$4A +&6!51640.646B"5"4? <"68'A?6?"+.62@>4"!%/=2?>$4A *$55"!2>68/=2?>$4A+<"A>0"4?>68/=2?>$4A


Continued from Page 2

U8,O-ING AU,TIONS 4 O0ER 2*+.00 A,RES! .$$!@"60) .,

.$$!@"60) .,

Bottineau, ND

Devils Lake, ND

Devils Lake, ND

Sept. 16 - 10:00 a.m. 153+/-Acres TraillCounty,ND

Sept. 16 - 10:00 a.m. 186+/-Acres ClayCounty,MN

Sept. 17 - 12:00 p.m. 665+/-Acres BottineauCounty,ND

Sept. 17 - 4:00 p.m. 572+/-Acres TownerCounty,ND

Sept. 17 - 5:00 p.m. 595.44+/-Acres BensonCounty,ND

Bismarck, ND

Bismarck, ND

Bismarck, ND

Bismarck, ND

Casselton, ND

Sept. 23 - 10:00 a.m. 320+/-Acres -=!8">B@*$=4?%),(

Sept. 23 - 11:00 a.m. 160+/-Acres -=!8">B@*$=4?%),(

Sept. 23 - 11:30 a.m. 160+/-Acres :@"!>064*$=4?%),(

Sept. 23 - 12:00 p.m. 630.7+/-Acres OliverCounty,ND

Sept. 24 - 10:00 a.m. 160+/-Acres CassCounty,ND

Hettinger, ND

Grafton, ND

;!640 &$!9A) ,(

Bismarck, ND

Dickinson, ND

Sept. 24 - 6:30 p.m. (MT) 797+/-Acres AdamsCounty,ND

Sept. 25 - 11:00 a.m. 150+/-Acres PembinaCounty,ND

Sept. 25 - 2:00 p.m. 159+/-Acres ;!640&$!9A*$=4?%),(



461.25+/-Acres MortonCounty,ND

1,575.92+/-Acres DunnCounty,ND

Dickinson, ND

Lignite, ND

Lignite, ND

Williston, ND

.$$!@"60) .,



Oct.2-10:00a.m. 157.91+/-Acres BurkeCounty,ND


984.29+/-Acres WilliamsCounty,ND


Valley City, ND

Carrington, ND

3"A?@$#") ,(

Bottineau, ND

80+/-Acres DunnCounty,ND

158.79+/-Acres BurkeCounty,ND


156.55+/-Acres WilkinCounty,MN .$$!@"60 .,

Headquartered in Fargo, N.D., AgCountry provides credit and financial services to farmers, ranchers and rural customers in eastern North Dakota and northwest and west-central Minnesota, and to agribusinesses across the U.S.

Bench Industries

Bench Industries is the leader in Modular Air Screen machines in the Northwest. Bench Industries has the knowledge and experience to assist you with all of your grain cleaning needs. Custom designed machines built to your specifications are available. Visit us at Big Iron booth 1611. Or contact us any time: 406-727-6514, 1-800-977-6514.

Butler Machinery Oct.7-11:00a.m.

Oct.7-3:00p.m. 320+/-Acres &$A?"!*$=4?%),(

320+/-Acres BottineauCounty,ND

1,118+/-Acres BottineauCounty,ND

;!640 &$!9A) ,(

-"62@) ,(

Dickinson, ND

Dickinson, ND

243+/-Acres BarnesCounty,ND

Oct.15-10:00a.m. 320+/-Acres TraillCounty,ND Regent, ND


Casselton, ND

Oct.30-1:00p.m. 546.42+/-Acres CassCounty,ND

Oct.10-11:00a.m. 211+/-Acres CassCounty,ND

Pifer’s 9th Annual Western Dakota Land Auctions Event

Regent, ND

Oct.16-11:00a.m.(MT) Oct.16-5:00p.m.(MT) Oct.16-5:00p.m.(MT) Oct.17-11:00a.m.(MT) 3,087.27+/-Acres McKenzie& GoldenValleyCounties,ND

156+/-Acres StarkCounty,ND

552.47+/-Acres DunnCounty,ND

1,090.21+/-Acres HettingerCounty,ND

Bowman, ND

Bowman, ND

Kulm, ND

Garrison, ND



Oct.17-1:00p.m.(MT) Oct.17-5:00p.m.(MT) Oct.17-5:00p.m.(MT) 320+/-Acres GrantCounty,ND


1,364.63+/-Acres BowmanCounty,ND

360+/-Acres AdamsCounty,ND

Bowman, ND

Bowman, ND

Lemmon, SD




WaterWellDrillingEquipment BowmanCounty,ND

82.85+/-Acres BowmanCounty,ND

440 +/- Acres Logan & .274?$A@ *$=4?>"A) ,(

160+/-Acres McLeanCounty,ND

Butler Machinery Co., your Caterpillar dealer for North and South Dakota

and Clay County, Minn., has been serving the industry for more than 56 years. Butler Machinery provides sales, rental, party and service for many different industries and represents many manufacturers including Caterpillar, Challenger, Lexion, RoGator and TerraGator. Butler Machinery started in 1955 when Francis J. Butler, a former Grand Forks, N.D., contractor, was selected to be a Caterpillar dealer. As a contractor, Francis knew the necessity for the dealership to provide the best in equipment and product support. Francis’s vision required capable, well-trained management and associates, together with the most advanced tools, technology and facilities available. Three generations of the Butler family have maintained this vision. Matt Butler served as CEO from 1969 to 1998. Dan Butler has served as president since 1998. Francis began with modest stores in Grand Forks and Fargo, providing service in eastern North Dakota and Clay County. A facility on Main Street in Fargo was built in 1957 and replaced with the current building on Interstate 29 in 1986. In 1964, Butler expanded into western North Dakota with the purchase of Shultz Machinery Co. and its stores in Minot and Bismarck. In December 1988, Butler acquired the assets of Kearns Machinery Co. in Sioux Falls, Rapid City and Aberdeen, S.D. The company now serves customers throughout North and South Dakota. BIOS: See Page 6


75% of the U.S. production

160+/-Acres AdamsCounty,ND


06=' A33 A5#76"$9 ( N=1;3% 200 /6976$:9 17 ''')!6<=;9)#"&!






PAGE 6 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


Continued from Page 5

In March of 1999, a new store opened in Jamestown, N.D. Butler Machinery has committed to providing the best possible sales and service not only in heavy equipment, but also in agricultural equipment. Butler Machinery opened a new training facility and corporate headquarters in Fargo in January 2000. In May 2005, a new store opened in Pierre, S.D., emphasizing ag equipment and product support for ag customers. Butler Machinery added another location, in Hankinson, N.D., in 2008. Formerly Green’s Implement, Inc., the Hankinson location also is primarily focused on ag equipment. In 2009, a new store opened in Dickinson, N.D. The Dickinson store focuses on both the heavy construction and agricultural markets. Butler Machinery added another location in Hoople, N.D., in 2010. Formerly Hurtt Equipment Inc., the Hoople location is primarily focused on ag equipment. In 2012, Butler constructed its 13th location in Huron, S.D. There are now more than 13 Butler Machinery locations.

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C-21 & C-22

For All Your Livestock Handling Needs Bale Feeders • Panels/Gates • Feeder Panels Bunk Feeders • Bow Gates


Crop Nutrients 4 U With more farmers and growers turning to nutrients that allow you to use more proven micronutrients and less NPK, we have three featured


Booth # 001130896r1


• Liquid Fertilizer and Equipment • Seed Treatments & Custom Seed Treatment Applicator • Enduraplas Liquid Storage Tanks • Force Manufacturing Quad Steer Liquid Fertilizer Carts • Schaben Liquid Side Dressing Machines • Diesel Exhaust Fluid & Equipment

888-606-0407 www.agrovalley.net

Common Sense Manufacturing offers solutions for farmers and ranchers that just make sense. Kelly Melius created the unique style Bale Feeder that allows calves to eat from underneath, making hay accessible to all sizes. Since designing this Bale Feeder in 2000, Common Sense Manufacturing has added products that just make sense to farmers and ranchers across the nation. Other products include Hydraulic Wire Winder, Bottomless Bunk Feeder, continuous or free-standing fencing, calf shelters and windbreaks. A recent product addition is the solar waterer. Visit booth 117 for more information.

Phone: 1-605-432-7999 www.realmfgsd.com brian@realmfgsd.com

15033 SD Hwy 15 Milbank, SD 57252

products to offer. Lithovit CO2 Foliar Fertilizer increases photosynthesis in plants and increases resistances to many insects. It stimulates plant growth in low- and high-calcium soils and keeps plants and crops disease-free. Tribodynamic activation and micronization technology will go directly into the plant’s stomata. The fertilizer is available in original CO2 formulation and also Lithovit Foliar with plus 5 percent Boron, Lithovit Foliar with plus 25 percent amino acids. Plants can take up 100 percent of nutrients in their leaf structure. This enables you to increase your health, insect resistance and yields. The higher the organic matter is in your soil — the higher the CO2 levels increase in your crops. Proven since 2008 around the world. Super Ag Extract is a new micro-encapsulated bacteria and growth enzyme, unlike anything you have ever used before. This increases yields and health of crops and plants. The product controls many diseases such as Goss’s wilt, white mold and others. It works well when combined with Lithovit. Mycorrhizal seed Inoculums are the best way to enhance your seeds. Farms always look for the best seed for their land, but never look beyond the seed. This enhances nutrient intake to enhance the root system. It can increase root system by many thousands of times. Standard roots can only take in nutrients at the tip of the root and have no means for water storage. Mycorrhizae attaches itself to the root, giving it hundreds of thousands of new access points for nutrients and water, as well as the ability to store a reserve of water. An increase in water and nutrient uptake will help increase your yields and your profits. We are OMRI certified. Check out the website and stop by our booth C-36 and talk to our team and see how we can help grow your profits and increase your yields. For more information, email cropnu trients4u@gmail.com, call 218-698-4222 or 218-686-2344, or visit www.cropnutri ents4u.com.

Eide Bailly Eide Bailly is a top-25 CPA firm in the nation with a dedicated ag services team. BIOS: See Page 7

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 7

Farm Land For Sale


Continued from Page 6 We have more than 50 years of experience with the ag industry and serve 2,100 farmers, ranchers and other ag producers. Our experienced team of ag professionals focuses exclusively on ag producers, and many of our team members have an agricultural background. We offer solutions for all aspects of your operation, from tax planning and prep to accounting services, FSA, succession and estate planning, and wealth management. We deliver local, personal, year-round service that is backed by the resources of a regional CPA firm with 24 offices in 11 states, so you’re connected to opportunities and solutions as they happen. Come see how we can help your operation during Big Iron 2014 at booth C82.

FOR SALE: Barnes County, ND 156.3 Acres farm land NW of Valley City, ND. SOLD: Renville County, ND 153.7 Acres Farm Land NE of Mohall, ND. FOR SALE: Barnes County, ND. 157.48 acres of farmland. South on Hwy 1. FOR SALE: Cass County ND Farm Land For Sale, Hunter Township , 155.99 acres, Excellent Productivity Index, Loams Soil, Highway access. FOR SALE: Williams County, ND Land For Sale; 320 acres just North of Williston, Highway Access FOR SALE: Cass County building site, Johnson Barn, For Sale; 30 minutes from Fargo, House, Grain Storage, Buildings and Barn set up for Dances. FOR SALE: Mahnomen County, MN 440 Acres of nice tillable farm land w/ high productivity & great access SW of Mahnomen, MN.



40 years of agricultural experience in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota Johnson Auction and Realty LLC

Fair Mfg.

Fair Mfg.’s Snocrete snow blowers feature an efficient single-stage design that requires less horsepower, has fewer moving parts and is more resilient to foreign objects than comparable two-stage designs. Each fan features bolt-on replaceable ice chopper bars and shear pin protection. Chopper bar design breaks up snow at the cutting edges for an easy feed unlike other single-stage designs that tunnel into hard packed snow higher up and don’t break up snow and ice at the cutting edges. With auto chain lubrication, Snocrete snow blowers are designed with the enduser in mind, saving time and money. The Fair Mfg. model 7825 features an offset rotor design with two-axis bale movement. The bale is conveyed toward the rotor, and is oscillated back and forth. This ensures knives do not channel into the bale, easily shredding flat or frozen bales. The 7825 features an exclusive bale ejector if mold or other unwanted material is discovered mid-process. Other features include: two-stage bale lift, complete hydraulic control of slug bars and discharge door, full feature in-cab controls, removable stationary knives for fine chopping, 16.5L-16 flotation tires and a rotor designed for easy twine removal.

BIOS: See Page 8

Phone: 701-799-5213


Steven Johnson

R.E. Broker Auctioneer Lic# 976

PAGE 8 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


Continued from Page 7

Farmers National Co.

FEATURED 30’x72’ S SPECIALS ingle Ste el Frame 38’x100’ Cover K Steel Tru it $4,700 ss Fram 42’x100’ LS e Cover Steel Tru Kit $11,9 ss Fram 00 e Cover Kit $14,2 50


(877) 547-4738

Toll Free

Solar Watering Systems

• Portable .%$!"/'+ Windbreaks )*&- ,$+"(# • Calf Shelters VISIT • Wire Winders BOOTH • Bale Feeders #117 • Feed Bunks Fences&&Free Free • Continuous Continous Fences Standing Fences Common Sense Manufacturing, Inc. www.commonsensemfg.com

www.commonsensemfg.com Where Quality Just Makes Sense

for dealer nearest you Where Quality 35791 160th St.., Faulkton, SDJust 57438 605-598-4157 office - 605-216-0687 cell Makes Sense

for dealer nearest you

35791 160th St., Faulkton, SD 57438 605-598-4157 office - 605-216-0687cell

As we all know, commodity prices are down substantially from a couple years ago. But land rents and land values continue to be historically strong. Farmers are still expanding acreage; some with purchases, but moreso with land rentals. Rents are holding steady mainly as a result of farmers looking to expand and not wanting to lose acres. n Land values Auction activity for land sales in North Dakota, eastern South Dakota and western Minnesota has tightened compared with 2013, with more transactions going to private treaty listings, according to Terry Longtin, Farmers National Co. vice president and area sales manager, Grand Forks, N.D. There are plenty of buyers, and sale levels are up in some regions while down in other regions, as compared with sales last winter. “I feel we are at a stabilizing place in the market,” Longtin said. “For people wanting to sell, prices are still strong, even if they are slightly down from a year ago. Our regional ag economy is a bit weaker than other regions due to lower commodity prices, high basis due to railroad transportation issues, and reduced production in 2013. Overall, sellers are still seeing historically strong price levels and the outlook for the 2014 crop is positive with expected average to excellent yields this fall.” Average to good-quality land in the area is selling at around $4,000 to $6,000 per acre, while excellent land is at around $6,000 to $8,000 per acre. Top-quality land in South Dakota is pulling up to $8,100 per acre, with North Dakota coming in at $7,200 and Minnesota at $9,000, according to Longtin. n Land rents The rental market and demand for land in 2015 remains strong. Cash rent lease renewals might be increasing or decreasing and are different by regions and crops raised. Also, the rent adjustment depends on when the current lease was negotiated. Crop share

rental agreements are being renewed at the same rates as 2014. The most common crop share arrangement for all crops remains at a net 1/3 to the owner, but varies by crop and region. The northern part of the region Longtin works in is seeing more cash rent flex leases that are common in South Dakota and southern Minnesota. By doing this, the farmer is not committing to the highest rent, but is paying a base rent in the spring with potential for additional rent paid by year end, based on yield and prices. Farmers National Co., an employeeowned company, is the nation’s leading agricultural real estate and farm and ranch management company. The company has sold more than 3,500 farms and more than $2.37 billion of real estate during the past five years. Farmers National currently manages more than 4,850 farms in 24 states. Additional services provided by the company include auctions, appraisals, insurance, consultation services, oil and gas management, lake management, national hunting lease program, timber resource management and FNC Ag Stock. For more information on the quality services offered, visit the Farmers National website at www. FarmersNational.com. Terry Longtin, AFM, vice president — Northern Area, North Dakota, northeast South Dakota and western Minnesota, 701-780-2828, Tlongtin@FarmersNational.com, www.FarmersNational.com/Terry Longtin.

Gateway Building Systems Gateway Building Systems has been the region’s design and build leader of pre-engineered buildings for the ag and commercial markets since 1961. A dealer for innovative companies, such as Brock Bins and Dryers, Butler farm storage and livestock buildings, and custom built buildings — large and small — Gateway has built its outstanding reputation on quality and reliability. In addition to ag and commercial BIOS: See Page 10

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 9

McTavish Steelworks’ work benches have a 1 piece welded frame. • Standard lengths of 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ • Easy roll heavy weight supporting drawers • Heavy gauge drawer guides with roller bearings

Easy roll out heavy weight supporting drawers with heavy duty roller bearings


LT D .



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Rosenort, MB R0G 1W0 1-888-WKBENCH (952-3624) Ph: 204-746-6591 Fax: 204-746-2998 Email: sales@mctavishsteelworks.com

PAGE 10 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK




Continued from Page 8


buildings, Gateway handles Brock grain storage tanks and is the No. 1 Brock dealer in the U.S. Brock has designed dependable storage facilities backed by years of engineering experience. Baker/Rullman bulk systems offers grain handling systems specifically designed for your needs. Gateway delivers a full line of dryers that handle all requirements, from the individual farmer to the largest grain co-op. M-C Grain Dryers provide complete automatic operation, enclosed wet grain hopper and electronic moisture control. Options include dry and cool or all heat operations drying. Gateway also offers the Superb Energy Miser with continuous flow for all crop drying. These dryers are used primarily in commercial applications. Energy Miser’s optional patented technology delivers increased test weights and grain quality and that means more profit. Gateway Building Systems prides itself on its year-round service. Its inhouse crews handle everything from concrete to metal buildings, bulk tanks, conveyors, catwalks and fertilizer facilities. Gateway Building Systems has locations in West Fargo, Minot and Jamestown in North Dakota and in Fergus Falls, Minn. Gateway Building Systems — designs for your specific needs, quality materials and reliable workmanship. For more information: Gateway Building Systems Inc., 800-747-4499 or 701-293-7202, www.gatewaybuilding. com.

Visit us at Big Iron Booth #1702

! Fast Unloadi Unloading ! Powerful, Positive Drive ! No Slippage


1412 - 15th Street • Box 319 • Walhalla, North Dakota • 58282 Phone: (701) 549-3838 • Fax: (701) 549-3836 WWW.BLSTRONGBOX.COM Lange Knives...Better Design, Better Results C-240 Chisel Plow Knife with Dry Fertilizer Boot

C-260 Field Cultivator Knife

Two Part Dry Fertilizer Boot • Bracket bolts to the back of the shank with knife mounting bolts

• Places fertilizer 1” above anhydrous in a pillaring column • More efficient and economical than broadcasting dry fertilizer

Fits all makes of Cultivators. Narrow Profile and Induction hardened tip for longer wear. Made from Carbidic Austempered DI

CC-240 Chisel Plow Knife

General Equipment & Supplies

Universal adapter accepts 3/8” or 1/2” NH3 hoses.

Proven maximum sealing for anhydrous ammonia regardless of soil conditions.


Big Iron Booth H61


Ihry Insurance

Webster, ND • (701) 395-4335 • www.langesupply.com

See us at: The Big Iron Show in Fargo, ND September 9-11

We will be featuring the Hurricane Ditchers Our newest and largest three point model, the 3-PT 42 is designed to work in extremely trashy conditions such as sod or stalks. The standard ripper tooth loosens debris and/or hard soil conditions for smoother machine operation.


TAYLOR, ND • 1-800-733-1099 or 701-974-3628

and cow-calf operations, and now is the time to act. But why choose Hoop Beef System LLC? Here’s why: The company is designed by cattlemen for cattlemen. We are cattlemen first and foremost. It defines who we are and what we do. Our team has more than 100 years of combined cattle experience, and it shows in everything we design, build and do. We understand cattle and cattle people like no one else in the business, and we use the same design on our cattle operation, Grand Meadow Feeders, as you will in yours. We offer cost-effective solutions. Moving your cattle under roof is a major decision and a major investment. We believe in a simple formula: cost of construction plus cost of operation cannot exceed the cattle performance benefit. This means we will work with you to develop a project that fits your needs, your budget and your cattle. We will not sell you the biggest or the most expensive building we can, we want you to have the Hoop Beef System that fits your operation today and into the future. We offer great service. We understand a reputation is earned. Your business and trust must be earned. When we shake hands on a deal, we mean it. We stand behind our work, our employees and our customers. We are available to our customers nearly 24 hours a day. We know in the cattle business there is no such thing as business hours. When you need us, we are just a phone call away. Call us today at 888-683-9076 to learn more about all the reasons to become Hoop Beef System customers. We are confident you will be glad you did. Visit www.hoopbeef.com or email us at info@hoopbeef.com. We got ya covered.

Serving the region since 1984, General Equipment & Supplies provides only the highest-quality equipment backed by superior service and support to keep our customers running at peak productivity and efficiency. With an extensive inventory of new and used equipment and as your exclusive Trimble dealer, our experienced team is ready to help you find the right solution that meets your needs.

Ihry Insurance is a full-service independent insurance agency that offers personal, commercial and crop-hail products. As an independent insurance agency, it represents multiple insurance carriers and can provide the best match to your insurance needs.

Hoop Beef 001131282r1

Visit us! Booths 301-304

Why Hoop Beef? You are tired of mud, poor feed conversion, snow, rain, heat and more mud, in your feedlot

BIOS: See Page 15

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 11

Big Iron Exhibitor/Booth Listing

Stop by and visit the booth of your favorite AGWEEK advertisers, highlighted in green on this list and the map located in the center of this book.


21st Century Ag ................................. H5-H6 A&T Sales LLC/Aulick Industries 1502, 1504 AST Inspection Inc................................. K74 ABC Seamless.......................C18, C44-C45 Abilene Machine, Inc..............................607 Abner Sales.....................................E60-E62 Accurate Component Sales....................L14 Ace Pump Corp/Greenleaf Tech .....E13-E14 Acme Tools............Acme Building, AC3, M1 Adaava LLC............................................ E27 Adams Inc ...............................................L80 ADI Supply, Inc.......................................H33 ADS-Advanced Drainage Systems E21, E54 Advance Garage Door Inc ..............AL4-AL5 Advanced Biological Marketing ............. E71 Advanced Grain Handling Systems LLC...... ..............................W48-W49, W56-W57, 605 Ag & Fertilizer Products ......................... 508 Ag Concepts ..........................................H56 Ag Leader Technology ................... H47-H48 Ag Shield..................................... 1801-1803 Ag Spray ................................................ 504 Ag Systems, Inc...............................821-822 Ag Tech Drainage....................................L70 Agassiz Drain Tile................................... A36 Agassiz Seed & Supply .........................H23 Agco Dealer Group .......... Arena – East End AgCountry Farm Credit Services................. ............................. Foltz Building, North End AgJunction ..................................... C87-C88 Agnew Steel ...........................................H46 Agnition .................................................. E65 Agri Financial Services Inc.....................H15 Agri-Cover Inc ........................................ 724 Agricultural Utilization Research Institute K1 AgriDry LLC..............................................H4 Agri-Systems Inc ...................................... K2 Agri-Tool and Supply, LLC .....................C75 Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizer ..................L74 Agventure/Scherr’s Seed................E51-E53 Agweek .................................................. C41 Airware America ..................................... C55 AKE Safety Equipment........................... K25 Albers Sales ..................... 618-619, 642-643 Alerus Financial......................................C69 All Season Motor Sports .............. 906, 1800 All States Ag Parts..................................C50 Alloway Standard ........................ 1902-1904 Allstate Peterbilt of Fargo.................... 79-80 Amber Waves Inc ................................... 608 Ameribuilt Buildings Inc ......................... K61 American Ag Network ............................ E59 American Farm Equipment .............119-120 American Federal Bank.................. C14-C15 American Truckboxes LLC.............E31, C40 American Welding & Gas........................L12 Amity Technology.......................................... ........................ 88-89, 93, 110-111, 115, 727 Anderco Enterprises Inc ........................ K37 Artex Manufacturing.............................. W44 Arvig .........................................................H3 ASC Construction Equipment USA, Inc.. W16 Asgrow/DEKALB .................................... 732 Attention to Detail Painting Inc................L45 Auger Jogger ...............................K55, K55A AWS Air Reels/Temp Farm Equip ........ 1701 BL Industries Inc ..................................1702 Bad Boy Mowers.................................. 1041 Bank of North Dakota ............................ K27 Bank of the West .....................................L15 Basement Technologies of North Dakota Inc .................................................................L59 Basement Water Controlled...................C67 Batteries Plus ......................................... K53 Bell State Bank & Trust ..........................C38 BeMobile – Verizon Wireless ................. E42 Bench Industries ..................................1611 Benco Equipment ............................... L4-L6 Bert’s Truck Equipment...............1201-1202 Betaseed Inc ..........................................C27

Bierman Sales LLC .........................K69-K70 Bill Thomas Sales ................................ 1804 Bismarck Canvas Company ..................C31 BJ’s Parts Depot Inc............................. 1070 BKT Tires............................................... W14 Bloomfield Enterprises Inc..............K72-K73 Blu-Jet By Thurston Mfg Co............ 122-123 Bobcat of Grand Forks................... 909, 910 Bold Endeavors LLC/DBA Access..........L57 Bourgault Industries Ltd... 601-602, 625-626 Boyd Ag LLC ..................................... W4-W5 Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd .................. .......................................... 210-211, 308-311 Bremer Bank .......................................... E43 Brenco Corp..............................................81 Building, Consulting & Trades LLC........ K39 Busch Ag Resources ............................. A40 Bush Hog Inc .............................. 1408-1409 Butler Machinery Company ......................... ..........................................Butler Lot, G5-G6 Callicrate Banders, No-Bull Enterprises K40 Calmer Corn Heads .................... 1032-1033 Capello Headers by Worthington Ag Parts .............................................................. 1028 Cargill ..................................................A3-A5 Case IH............Case IH Park, Case Building Cass County Heating............................. 610 Cass County Soil Conservation Dist......H54 Central Life Science ............................... C54 Central Minnesota Credit Union .............L21 Central Steel Building ............................ E33 Changing Times, LLC .............................L66 Channel...........................................A45-A47 Cheney Motor Sports............................. 810 Choice Financial ....................................C28 CHS Hedging/Russell Consulting Group H8 Clarks Ag Supply ................................... 125 Clean Up Inc .......................................... 731 Cleary Building Corporation .................. A41 CNH-Industrial America LLC.. Arena W End, ..................................................... 1045-1047 Coatings Unlimited..................................L44 Cobra Torches/On Fire Welding ............ 913 Common Sense Manufacturing.............117 Conklin Agrovantage/AgroValley Inc .......... ........................................................ C21-C22 Convey- All by Hamilton Systems ................ .................................................... 1210, 1310 Copperhead Ag Products ......................C24 Costco .....................................................L17 CR Wood Furnaces & Central Boiler ... 1908 Crary Company........................... 1406-1407 Crop Production Services/Dyna-Gro Seed ........................................................ H11-H12 Cross Insulation Inc ............................... E74 Culpitt Roofing, Inc ................................ K64 Custom Marketing Co LLC ........................... ............................ 713-714, 1011, 1020-1022 D Bar P Bumpers ................................. 3007 Dahlman Seed Co....................................C3 Dairyland Seed............................... C19-C20 Dakota Fluid Power................................ 735 Dakota Micro Inc .................................... A13 Dakota Plains Cooperative .................... 118 Dakota Power Lift Doors ...................... 1608 Dakota Wholesale Tire ............... 1206, 1306 Dakota Winds Marketing...................... 1808 Daniels MFG....................................... N5-N6 Dawn Equipment Company................... 505 Dean’s Bulk Service, Inc ...................... 1806 Degelman............................................. 1807 Delux Grain Dryers................................. 617 Demco/Maurer Mfg ....... North Center Arena Diamond Industrial Cleaning Equip..........816 Dick Hansen Sales Inc.................................. .................................. 1603-1605, 1703-1705 Diesel Air Filter Cleaner/WePe Industry LLC .............................................................. 1601 Direct Enterprises/TH Equipment ... L55-L56 Discount Hydraulic Hosecom ................H42

Dixon Insurance, Inc/Interstate Truck Licensing ................................................ K35 DJ Diesel ................................................ K11 DK Diesel Injection, Inc...........................L50 DMZ.........................................................L58 Dow AgroSciences .........................A25-A26 Drainage Solutions Tile & Supply LLC .. K71 DTN – The Progressive Farmer ..........E7-E8 Dultmeier Sales ..................................... W18 DuPont Pioneer .................. Pioneer Pavilion Dutch Industries, Ltd...................... H43-H44 Dyna Flo, Inc .......................................... 908 Dynamic Ditchers Inc................... E58, 2008 EEE Inc................................................... 219 Earthloop Geothermal Systems, LLC ....H31 Easy Farm – Vertical Solutions .............. E44 Easy Way Cattle Care ............................ 914 Easy-Out Pulling Systems .............. L51-L52 Edney Distributing Co Inc............................. .................................725-726, 738-739, W31 Edward Jones (ND)................................ E68 Edward Jones/Cindy Magnuson ...........H22 Egbers Flighting Co, Inc .........................L16 Eide Bailly LLP ...................................... C82 ELIAS reliaBELT ................................... 1405 Ellingson Companies........................... 1050 Endless Energy – Agri-SC ..................... 604 Energy Panel Structures ........................ A10 Environmental Air Solutions................... K49 Enzminger Steel LLC ............................. 905 Epic Solutions .........................................L32 Erickson Marketing .......... 411-412, 511-513 Erickson Mfg Co Inc............................ 98-99 Erskine Attachments Inc/Consolidated Equipment Group, LLC........................ 1404 Essentia Health ........... Horticulture Building Essentia Health ........... Horticulture Building Exactrix Global Systems LLC................... S7 EZ Products ........................................... E32 F/S Manufacturing Inc..................... 217-218 Fair Mfg Inc.............................................620 Fantini North America ................ 1211, 1311 Far Better Farm Equipment .......... W37-W38 Fargo Freightliner........................... 613, 637 Fargo Tire Service Inc ............................C30 Fargo Tractor................................... 413-415 Farm and Ranch Guide...................A37-A38 Farm Business Communications........... C86 Farm Chem .......................................... 1810 Farm Country Trader Inc........................H26 Farm Forum/Green Sheet ......................H25 Farm King........................................ W8-W11 Farm Rescue Inc .................................... A51 Farmchainscom .....................................C51 Farmers Edge Precision Consulting Inc .L13 Farmers National Company .....................E3 Farmers of North America.......................L63 Farmers Union Agency ............................ K3 Farmland Specialty/Ground Up Ag .. L81-L82 Farmlogic ........................................E24-E25 Fast Distributing ................................ W6-W7 Fastenal................................................... M2 Fastline Publications .............................. C49 FEI Inc ............................................. 621-622 Fiebiger, Swanson, West & Co PLLP..... E18 Field Drainage Incorporated.................. 723 Fillbrandt’s Bigg Dogg Agg Inc .........A2, A9 First Community Credit Union ............... K54 First International Bank & Trust....... L37-L38 Flexco..................................................... E48 F-M Forklift Sales & Services Inc ........... C76 FM Water Systems/Kinetico................... A30 Foltz Buildings Inc....... Foltz Bldg, South End Force America Inc ....................................H7 Force Manufacturing.............................. 503 For-Most Livestock Equipment ................N7 Fredrikson & Byron, PA...........................L31 Friederichs Seed Inc .............................. C77 Frontier Inc ............................................. 603 Frost Services ................................. L60-L61

G&G Sales ............................................ 401 Gates Mfg Inc................................. 627-630 Gateway Building Systems Inc.... AC1-AC2 General Equipment & Supplies Inc ...... 207 Geothermal Solutions, Inc ....................... K7 Geringhoff . Geringhoff Bldg, Area S of Bldg Gertken Dairy & Livestock Sales & Service ..................................................... 1905-1907 Gleason Enterprises ............................. H20 Goodon Industries ..........................AL2-AL3 Grabtec Grapples................................. 1609 Grain Cleaning Systems, Inc ............... 3003 Gramlow Ltd...................................... W2-W3 Great Plains Agronomics ...................... E28 Great Plains Diversified Services ............ C5 Great Plains Mfg........................... W50-W55 Greystone Construction.......................... B8 Hagie Manufacturing Company. 1207-1208 Hanover Door Systems Inc................... A44 Hanson Silo Company................ H45, 2006 Hardi Inc......................................... 631-634 Harvest International ................. 1209, 1309 Haugen Mower Sales........................... 1809 Haugen Sales & Leasing..204-206, 306-307 Haybuster/Duratech Industries....... 312-316 Hazelwood Enterprises LLC .................. 734 Heartland Chevrolet/Jack Morton Worldwide .............................................................B1-B2 Heatmasters/Steeltech Inc................ L9-L10 Heintzman Farms..................................... S8 Helbling Auctioneers.............................. E40 Hi Pro Mfg/Thorp Marketing ...........K12-K13 High Performance LEDcom ....................L27 High Plains Apache/Equipment Technologies ................................................................ 101 High Plains Industries LLC, Makers of the Snirt Stopper .............................................L3 Home of Economy .......................... 903-904 Honey Bee Mfg Ltd ..................... 1909-1910 Horizon Products/Zerk Zapper .............. E69 Horn Plastics, Inc ................................... K26 Horvick Inc ...................... 402-405, C60-C61 Hotsy Equipment Co.............................. AL1 Hurley & Associates............................... C90 Hy-Capacity.............................................L68 Hyland Seeds................................. H49-H50 Ihry Insurance Agency Inc.................... H53 Inland Truck Parts & Service.................. K47 Innovative Basement Systems........K76-K79 Intelligent Agricultural Solutions ....A12, A29 Interstate Spray Foam Insulation LLC ... E15 Interstate Tire ............................................97 J&B Enterprises .....................................H29 J&M Mfg Co and Kerry’s................. 521-523 J&M Truck Sales, Inc .................. 1506-1507 Jack Chivers Realty Detroit Lakes, LLC . A31 JB Tractors LLC............................. W35-W36 Jemco/Maxair................................. H13-H14 Jet Company Inc.................................... 116 Joes Supplies Inc................................... 820 John Deere Corp...........Schollander & Main ................. Arenas, Staging Area, Gravel Lot Johnsen Trailer Sales................. 1401, 1501 Johnson & Johnson Insurance Agency LLC .................................................................L78 Johnson Auction and Realty................. C39 Johnson Mfg Inc .......................... E20, 2009 JR Dale Sales and Leasing...........W12, E19 Jug Livestock Waterers/Bakko Industries .... ................................................................ 606 Juneau Sales/ CropNutrients4U........... C36 Jurgens Farm Service .....................301-304 Justice Brothers ..................................... A48 K&M Manufacturing ....................... H18-H19 K&T Irrigation/Valmont Industries .. 819, 733 Kaler Farms ............................................L54 Keller Welding & Mfg.................................96 Continued on page ##

PAGE 12 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 13 001127854r1

Schedule Of Daily Events TUESDAY, SEPT. 9 SHOW HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M.

10 A.M. – 3 P.M. .......................... United Blood Services’ Bloodmobile Health And Safety Center, Horticulture Building

7:30 A.M. To 10:30 A.M. .......... Pancake And Sausage Breakfast With Goodwill Donation Third Building West Of The N Building (Sponsored By NorthStar Genetics)

10:30 A.M.....................................................................Weather Outlook Featuring Drew Lerner, World Weather, Inc. Red River Farm Network Issues And Events Center, Located Between Hartl Ag Building And Expo Center

9 A.M. To 4 P.M.........................................................Health Screenings Health And Safety Center, Horticulture Building (Sponsored By North Dakota Living)

1 P.M To 3 P.M....... Unmanned Aircraft System Field Demonstrations South Of The Red River Valley Grandstand (Weather Permitting)

10 A.M. To 3 P.M.......................... United Blood Services’ Bloodmobile Health And Safety Center, Horticulture Building

1:30 P.M. .......................................................................Market Seminar Featuring Mike Krueger, The Money Farm; Andy Shissler, Roach Ag Marketing; And Al Kluis, Kluis Commodities Red River Farm Network Issues And Events Center, Located Between Hartl Ag Building And Expo Center

10:30 A.M..................FSA Farm Bill Implementation Kick-Off Meeting Red River Farm Network Issues And Events Center, Located Between Hartl Ag Building And Expo Center 1 P.M. To 3 P.M...... Unmanned Aircraft System Field Demonstrations South Of The Red River Valley Grandstand (Weather Permitting) 1:30 P.M. .......................................................................Market Seminar Featuring Virg Robinson, Dupont Pioneer; Steve Wagner, CHS Hedging; And Ted Seifried, Zaner Ag Hedge Red River Farm Network Issues And Events Center, Located Between Hartl Ag Building And Expo Center 2:30 P.M. .............................................................. Land Values Seminar Red River Farm Network Issues And Events Center, Located Between Hartl Ag Building And Expo Center 3 P.M. ...............Unmanned Aircraft System Data Interpretation Class South Schollander Conference Room Daily ......................................................... On-Grounds Demonstrations (By Various Exhibitors)


7:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.......................Pancake And Sausage Breakfast With Goodwill Donation Picnic Area (Horse Barns), West End Of Fairgrounds (Sponsored By NorthStar Genetics) 9 A.M. – 3 P.M. ................................................................Silent Auction Red River Farm Network Issues And Events Center, Located Between Hartl Ag Building And Expo Center 9 A.M. – 4 P.M. .........................................................Health Screenings Health And Safety Center, Horticulture Building (Sponsored By North Dakota Living) 10 A.M. – 1 P.M. .............................................. Women’s Day Activities Including Brunch, Entertainment, And Style Show. Tickets May Be Purchased At The Door; Doors Open At 9 A.M. Come Early, Seating Is Limited. (Sponsored by Eventide Senior Living Communities) Great Hall, Holiday Inn Of Fargo, Located At 3803 13th Ave. S.

2:30 P.M. .............................................................. Land Values Seminar Red River Farm Network Issues And Events Center, Located Between Hartl Ag Building And Expo Center 3 P.M. ...............Unmanned Aircraft System Data Interpretation Class South Schollander Conference Room Daily .........................................................On-Grounds Demonstrations (By Various Exhibitors)


9 A.M. - 4 P.M. .........................................................Health Screenings Health And Safety Center, Horticulture Building (Sponsored By North Dakota Living) 10 A.M. – 3 P.M. .......................... United Blood Services’ Bloodmobile Health And Safety Center, Horticulture Building 10:30 A.M......................“Drones, Data, Decisions…Utilizing On-Farm Technology” Featuring John Nowatzki, North Dakota State University; Kris Poulsen, North Country Ag Services; And Michael Corcoran, UND Aerospace Red River Farm Network Issues And Events Center, Located Between Hartl Ag Building And Expo Center 1 P.M. To 3 P.M...... Unmanned Aircraft System Field Demonstrations South Of The Red River Valley Grandstand (Weather Permitting) 1:30 P.M. ........................................................................Market Outlook Featuring Brian Voth, Agri-Trend Marketing; Frayne Olson, North Dakota State University; And Michelle Muilenburg, Dakota Risk Management Red River Farm Network Issues And Events Center, Located Between Hartl Ag Building And Expo Center 3 P.M. ...............Unmanned Aircraft System Data Interpretation Class South Schollander Conference Room Daily .........................................................On-Grounds Demonstrations (By Various Exhibitors)

PAGE 14 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK Stop by and visit the booth of your favorite AGWEEK advertisers, highlighted in green on this list and the map located in the center of this book.

Big Iron Exhibitor/Booth Listing 001127862r1

Continued from page ## Kringstad Ironworks Inc DBA: Safe-T-Pull .... .................................................................L22 Kronemann Construction........................L35 Kuhn Krause Inc................... 82-83, 103-105 KZ Valve ................................................. K38 Land Pride.............................................. 507 Landoll Corp ............................................G3 Lange Supply Inc................................... H61 Latham Hi-Tech Seeds ........................... E22 Le Mars Toy Store .................................. 812 Leading Edge Industries.................K57-K58 Lee Unlimited Power Bench .................. 912 Legacy Steel Buildings ...........................L20 Legend Seeds Inc ...............................E5-E6 Lemken USA Inc ........................... W22-W23 Leon Mfg Company, Inc........................ W39 Lester Building Systems LLC................. E34 Lift’n Buddy ............................................C66 Liquitube Marketing INTL....................... K34 Little Giant Ladders ......................... L64-L65 Little Iron Toys .................................E55-E56 Loftness....................................... 1508-1509 Lorenz Manufacturing ............................ 514 Lorrich Ind Inc ........................................305 Loup Electronics Inc ..............................H30 Lowry Manufacturing Company ............ 729 Lundell Plastics ...................................L1-L2 Lynnes Welding Training Inc.................. E72 M&M Ag Sales................................... N1, N8 Mac’s Inc ...........................................E9-E11 MacDon Inc................................... W25-W29 Machinery Scope ................................... K67 Main Resource Equipment Auctions & Land Sales.......................................... H39 Manchester Mfg Co................................C73 Maple River Winery ................................ 911 Mark Seed Company ............................... C6 Marv Haugen Enterprises Inc ......... 408-410 Maschio Gaspardo................................ W30 Mast Productions ................................. 1071 Master Burn..............................................G2 Mattracks/Fargo Tractor.........................915 May Wes Mfg ..................................K29-K30 McTavish Steel Works .................... E66-E67 Melet Plastic, LLC ...................................L23 Meridian Manufacturing Group..................... .............................................. 86-87, 108-109 Meridian Seeds ......................................H55 Metalcraft by K ....................................... 907 Micada ............................................614, 638 Midland Diesel Service ..........................C12 Midland Door Solutions .........................728 Midwest Dairy........................................... C1 Midwest Manufacturing...........................L28 Midwest Welding & Drive ....................... 920 Migrant Health Service, Inc.................... K68 Mikes Heating Inc .................................. 215 Miller Loaders....................................... 1610 Minnesota Ag and Rural Leadership ..... K50 Minnesota Pneumatic Products........... 1075 Minn-Kota Communications ..................C78 MN Soybean Growers Assn.....................C9 MNDAK Upstream Coalition ...................L62 Moly Mfg Inc/Silencer .......................... 1031 Monkey Bars Storage of North Dakota......... ............................................ A-06, A-07, A-08 Montag Manufacturing Inc.................... W40 Morris Industries Ltd ....................... 515-517 Morton Buildings Inc.. New Morton Building Motion Industries ............................E49-E50 MTI Distributing ...................................... 646 MudSmith Gauge Wheel........................ 919 Murphy Sales LLC ................................1065 Muscatell Subaru ................................... B10 Mustang Seeds .............................. 922, 927 Mycogen Seeds ..............................A27-A28 NAPA Auto Parts .................................... E26 National Sunflower Association/Kelner Communication............... Information Booth ND Dept of Agriculture........................... A22 ND Farm Bureau .................................... 811

NDSU Extension Service/Ag & Biosystems Engineering .............AL10-AL12 Neeralta Manufacturing Inc.................. 1602 Nelson Window Company .....................H35 New Horizons..........................................L39 Nextire Inc .......................................K15-K16 Nodak Mutual Insurance Company.......H59 Norac Inc........................................ H27-H28 Norstar Industries................................... 213 North Country Ag Services .....................L36 North Country Marketing, Inc ....................... .................................. 1410-1411, 1510-1511 North Dakota Corn Growers Association ..... ........................................................ C42-C43 North Dakota Farmers Union................. AL6 North Dakota Highway Patrol ................ K65 North Dakota Living ............. AL7-AL9, AL9A North Dakota One Call............................. A1 North Dakota Operation Lifesaver ....... 3002 North Dakota Soybean Council ...............C7 North Dakota Soybean Growers Assoc... C8 North Dakota State College of Science.C71 North Dakota State Seed Dept ..............C57 North Dakota Trade Office ............................ .....................Upstairs - Schollander Pavilion Northern Bag and Box Company ...........L40 Northern Lights USA .............................. K56 Northern Metal Recycling ...................... K14 Northern Plains Equipment Co Inc .. 817-818 Northern Plains Track...................... 615-616 Northern Tool & Equipment ............E46-E47 Northland Buildings Inc ......................... A35 Northland Ford Dealers. 707-710, 1001, 1010 Northland Ford............ 707-710, 1001, 1010 Northstar Agri Industries .........................L19 Northstar Buick & GMC Dealers/Jack Morton ...................................................... B3 NorthStar Genetics Ltd ................. H24, H36 Northwest Tire ........................................ 813 Northwestern Equipment Inc .................C13 Norwood Sales Inc........................................ ........................741-745, 747, 750, W41-W43 Notch Manufacturing Inc ............ 1203-1205 Novid Inc.................................................636 Novozymes BioAg, Inc........................... 736 Nuseed........................................... H62-H63 Nutech....................................C25-C26, C37 Nutra-Flo Company ............................... E41 O’Reilly Auto Parts ................................. K41 Ohnstad Twichell Law Firm......................H2 OK Tire Stores.......................... C32-C35, 84 Our Favorite Things ..................................L8 Out Front Power Equipment ................... W1 Peterson Farms Seed Inc .............. C46-C48 Peterson Motors Co ........................ 640-641 Pickett Equipment.................................. 635 Pifers Auction & Realty ..........................902 Pigeon Products & MFG ........................ K60 Plains Grain & Agronomy LLC........E29-E30 Plains Grain & Agronomy LLC/ Environmental Tillage Systems .... W19-W20 PLG Manufacturing ................................ 518 PM AG Sources, Inc ....................... E35-E36 Pneu Tek Tire Tools ......................... L33-L34 Polaris Industries......................... 3004-3006 Poly Tech.............................................. 1043 Prairie Post Frame.................................. K63 Prairie Supply Inc................................. 1027 Praxair Distribution, Inc.......................... 916 Precision Concrete Cutters Inc.......K42-K45 Precision Planting / RDK Enterprises .K5-K6 Premier Lawn & Power........................... 737 Premiere Building Systems Inc.............. E23 Premium Ag Solutions ................ 1402-1403 Prinsco Inc ............................................. 921 Pro Ag Drain...........................................H34 Pro Mags LLC ........................................ K28 Pro-Ag Supply Inc............................... 94-95 Progressive Ag Marketing........................ C4 Property Resources Group .................... K48 Proseed ...........................................A14-A16 Pro-Stitch................................................ 212

Pump Systems LLC ..................................L7 Purple Wave Auction...............................L41 Quality Craft Tools...............................E1-E2 Quality Garage Door .............................. E73 R & M Drainage.......................................L76 Radco ..................................................... 746 Raven Industries ............................. L46-L48 RDO Equipment – Shortlines...... 1307-1308 RDO Truck Center........................... 711-712 Rea Hybrids Inc.............................. C83-C85 Real Industries .......................................814 Real Tuff Inc..................................... 917-918 Reaves Building Systems .............. H40-H41 Red River Commodities ........................ C23 Red River Farm Network.............................. ..................... RRFN Issues & Events Center Redekop Mfg Co.............................A17-A18 Reichhardt Electronic Innovations, Inc.. 721 Reinke Irrigation .............................. 705-706 Reiten Inc ..................................................85 Reliable Energy Solutions...................... K59 Renk Seed..............................................C65 Replacement Flighting Supply ...............L69 Richard Equipment Sales Ltd ......... 922-926 Rite Way MFG .......... 1606-1607, 1706-1707 River Bend Industries Inc............ 1301-1302 Rob See Co..................................... L24-L25 Robert Wilson Painting and Foam Roofing ................................................................ K80 Robo Rock Picker Mfg LLC/Flexxifinger QD Industries............................................... W15 Rolin Manufacturing Co Inc ........ 1060-1061 Rostech Technologies............................ E45 Rust Sales Inc....................1012, 1023-1026 RWF Bron................................................L53 RZ Mask ..................................................L75 SI Distributing..................................A32-A34 SI Feeders Div/Schoessow Inc ....... 208-209 Sam’s Club..............................................L26 SB & B Foods Inc................................... E12 SCAFCO Grain Systems................ H37-H38 Schaeffer’s Specialized Lubes........ L29-L30 Schulte Industries Ltd ................. 1303-1304 Schweiss Doors ................................... 2012 Seed Hawk...................................1072-1074 SeedMaster.............................................106 Seedpoint............................................... 102 Semi Trailer Sales ................ 623, 647, 4000 SFP..........................................................L72 Sheyenne Tooling & Mfg................. 519-520 Shivvers Mfg Inc..................................... 639 Shoup Mfg Co.................................K51-K52 Shur-Co of ND........................................ 730 Sierra Industries ......................................L73 Sioux Falls Truck & Trailer...................... 107 Sitzman Ag Marketing Group of KC ......H21 SK Food International ............................ A23 Soucy International ....................... W33-W34 Sparks Custom Trailers LLC .................. 121 Spray Target ...........................................C81 Sprayflex Sprayers Inc .................... 644-645 Spreader Specialties.............................. 214 Stanley Vidmar........................................L71 Starion Financial ....................................H60 Steffes Group Inc ..................................... C2 Stein’s Inc........................................K17-K19 Stine Seed Company..................... C58-C59 Stoller USA ............................................... K4 Storage Boxes Etc ............................... 1805 Stor-Loc............................................ H9-H10 Summers Mfg Co Inc ....... 318-323, 418-423 Sundby’s Featherlite Trailer Sales .. 501-502 SunOpta ..........................................A49-A50 Swanston Equipment Company Inc............. ........................................................ 740, 751 Swenson Financial..................................L83 Syngenta ................................................C68 Syngenta Cereals...................................C56 T F Leisure Marketing ............................ K66 Taylor Made Building Systems ...............L11 TCF Equipment Finance .................K82-K83 Teamco Inc........................................... 1062

Technology Crops International............. A11 Telpro Inc.........................................K32-K33 Tennant Company.............................K8-K10 Terog Manufacturing Company ......E63-E64 The Color Wheel .....................................L79 The Grain Handler.................................. 317 The Hay Manager ................................ 2010 The Insulation Place...............................H32 Thunder Seeds, Inc ............................... H57 Tightline Drainage ................................ 1503 Timewell Drainage Products................. W32 TIREBOSS.......................................E16-E17 Titan Outlet Store ............................ 611-612 Tool Warehouse, Inc ............................. W24 Topcon Precision Agriculture..........K20-K23 Total Ag Technologies.................... H51-H52 Total Track & Performance Products ..... 609 Tough-T Manufacturing .................. C16-C17 Towing Products/ Petri Distributing ....... 506 Toy Farmer Publications ........................C70 Tracat, LLC ............................................. 809 Tractor House......................................... K31 Trail King Industries – “Red River” Series..... ......................................................... 220-221 Trench Wheels ....................................... K81 Trouble Free Lighting ............................. K62 TRS Industries Inc.................................. 722 Truck Utilities ................................... 406-407 TrueNorth Steel ....................................... M3 TSR Parts Co........................................ 1505 Twin City Garage Door...........................C72 Ultimate Transportation................... 201-203 United Blood Services .................................. ................................. Health & Safety Center United Lease & Finance, Inc..................C89 United Pulse Trading.............................. K36 United Soybean Board .................. C10-C11 Unverferth Mfg Co, Inc....................B04-B07 USA Fuel Trailers.................................. 1811 USDA – Farm Service Agency (FSA)..... A21 USDA/National Ag Statistics Service ..... A24 V & M Dist Co Inc ................................... 124 Valley Petroleum Equipment...................L13 Van Ahn & Company, Inc.......................H58 Versatile....................... W45-W47, W58-W60 Video Surveillance Solutions ......... H16-H17 Virtual Farm Manager (VFM, LLC) ..........L18 Visto’s Trailer Sales ......................... 509-510 WW Wallwork Truck Center ............719-720 Walinga USA, Inc ................................. 1305 Walters Buildings ................................... K24 Waste Oil Furnace................................ 1042 Watkins Quality Products........................L49 Wedgcor Steel Buildings ................E37-E38 Wells Fargo Bank ................................... E70 Wensman Seed.............................. C62-C64 West Bred...............................................C79 West Central Ag Services ......................C80 West Country Products............... 1708-1711 Westeel............................................ 416-417 Western Equipment Finance ................. E39 Western Farm Sales, Inc ........................ 216 Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion ....................................................H1 Western Products............................A19-A20 Westfield Industries (AGI) ............................. ........................ Arena – S Center, 1029-1030 Wheatheart Mfg (AGI) ..................... 748-749 Wilbur Ellis Company......................A42-A43 Wil-Rich LLC/Wishek............ 90-92, 112-114 Windows Plus Inc...................................C29 Winfield........................................... C52-C53 Wolf Trax USA .........................................L77 Your Next Tire.................................. L42-L43 Zimmatic – Lindsay Manufacturing ..E75-E76

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 15


Continued from Page 10 The staff at Ihry Insurance is very knowledgeable, highly trained and strives to provide the highest level of service possible. It is committed to establishing a lifelong relationship with each customer based on integrity and trust. Ihry Insurance has offices in West Fargo, Grand Forks, Devils Lake, Hillsboro, Hope, McVille, Page and Towner in North Dakota and Mahnomen in Minnesota. Its agents are ready to provide a nocost, no-obligation review for you. Visit them at Big Iron in booth H53, or online at www.ihryinsurance.com.

Johnson Auction and Realty Johnson Auction and Realty is a fullservice auction and real estate firm founded by Steven D. Johnson, who has 40 years of agricultural experience. He is an expert at buying, selling, exchanging and auctioning land. His focus is farm, hunting and recreational land. He understands his clients because he’s been there, and his knowledge and integrity shine through. He is licensed in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. Contact Steve Johnson at 701-799-5213, steve@johnsonauctionandrealty.com or www.johnsonauctionandrealty. com.

Jurgens Farm Service

Mycorrhizal Seed Inoculums

bine operators who are tired, in rows that are curved or in less-than-ideal harvest conditions — leaving less corn on the field. More corn collected in the combine hopper; less corn on the ground. The Corn Stalk Guide is made of high-density plastic and is easily attached. Joel Kaler is a farmer with 30-plus years of experience. He saw a need for an attachment that would help keep the stalks moving smoothly into the head rather than being flung into the field by the gathering chain. No matter how good a combine driver anyone is, corn being flung or dropped is lost corn. That led him to consider fixing the situation and, after many different models, this is the one that works the best.

Standard roots can only take in nutrients at the tip of the root and have no means for water storage. Mycorrhizae attaches itself to the root giving it hundreds of thousands of new access points for nutrients and water, as well as the ability to store a reserve of water. An increase in water and nutrient uptake will help increase your yields and your profits!

Lange Supply Lange Supply offers top-quality products. The C-240 chisel plow knife from Lange Supply has been a fieldtested and time-tested product for sealing anhydrous ammonia regardless of soil conditions. Wet or dry soils, you can be assured the C-240 series will provide maximum sealing. Features of the C-240 include a replaceable carbide chrome tip that provides extendable wear with durability to handle the toughest field conditions. The hard-surface weld is placed near the fertilizer hose to extend the life of the upper knife body. Lange Supply also has knives to fit field cultivators. Visit Lange Supply at booth H61 at Big Iron. For more information, call 701-395-4335.

Potatoes: Treated vs Non Treated Corn: Treated vs Non Treated

The results speak for themselves:

Mycorrhizae hypahe attached to root tip, increasing the absorptive area (magnification = 100x)

Soybeans: Treated vs Non Treated

Stop by Booth #C-36 Register for a 10% Dis count!

CropNutrients4u.com or call 218-686-2344 001131039r1

YourAuger: Upgraded Bring hi-tech functionality to your new or worn steel flighting: · outlasts steel 2 to 1 · poly surface prevents buildup · reduces power consumption


Kaler Farms

Kaler Farms

The Corn Stalk Guide by Kaler Farms is an aftermarket attachment for most poly corn head snouts and some metal snouts. The product is designed to move the corn stalks into the combine more smoothly — improving the harvest of standing corn with com-

Call 877.367.7659 or visit us and order online at lundellplastics.com

Lemken is an award-winning company based in Alpen, Germany, with a historic past and a strong future. Lemken USA has introduced Lemken’s world-leading compact discs into the U.S. market. Lemken, a family-owned company in its seventh generation, was founded in 1780 and has a long tradition of building innovative equipment. Our state-of-the-art 592,000-square-foot manufacturing facility produces products sold in more than 50 countries and is home to most of our 1,100 worldwide employees. Lemken offers a full line of compact discs starting with the Heliodor — BIOS: See Page 17

DEALERS WANTED!! NEW Biological Product to Build Stronger Root & Plant Health Stop by our booth @ Big Iron Booth # C21 & C22 and learn more


Jurgens Farm Service of Taylor, N.D., will be featuring the Hurricane ditchers at the Big Iron show this year. Don’t miss out on this opportunity — make sure booths 301 to 304 is one of your stops. Jurgens Farm Equipment can be contacted anytime at 701-9743628 or 1-800-733-1099.

To learn more, visit us at lundellplastics.com or visit usatTheBigIronFarmShow boothsL01-02!



PAGE 16 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK

Sales on New & Used Grain Dryers

Your leaders in crop insurance are right here.

Stop by our

Devils Lake Grand Forks

booth and see the

Hope American Grain Dryers



Mahnomen McVille Delux Grain Dryers y

Towner West Fargo

Mikkel Pates Steve Troyer Partner


Wednesday 11AM - 1PM

See Us At Big Iron Booth #’s: 119 & 120!!

Come see us at booth H53

American A i F Farm Equipment

Guy Kittelson • nograin@msn.com www.graindryer.com • 701-793-8804

Fargo/Hillsboro/Grand F /Hill b /G d Forks/Grafton F k /G ft


Before you break up that stubble - STRIP TILL IT!

Jonathan Knutson Eide Bailly’s dedicated ag professionals understand the industry and how to help you succeed now and in the future. From tax planning to FSA, succession planning and wealth management, see how we can help you make decisions with confidence.

Chief Grain Dryers y

Thursday 1PM - 2PM


See Us At ON!! BIG IR Booth 1065

Put on your immobile fertilizers, warm up that soil for spring, maybe even plant on time and get better emergence. If you’re looking for ways to reduce fertilizer costs to tractor time...



Manufacturers of the Strip Cat. Hydraulic Rock Trippers Available 6 Row to 24 Row Unit Capabilities Down to 20 inch Row Spacing 001135880r1

Experience the Eide Bailly difference—visit our website to learn more. w w w. e i d e b a i l l y. c o m 001132164r1




AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 17


Continued from Page 15 featuring 18-inch blades, followed by the Rubin 9 with 24-inch blades, and our newest addition to the compact disc market — the Rubin 12, with 29-inch blades. All three models operate at speeds of 8 to 12 miles per hour, sizing and burying residue, leaving a smooth finish. Sizes for all ranges of tractor horsepower are available. Lemken compact discs are versatile and will operate in a variety of crops and seasons, often eliminating costly passes by performing in one pass what often takes multiple passes and tools to accomplish with traditional tillage machinery. Lemken USA provides sales, service and parts to our dealers in the U.S. Lemken has a U.S. parts warehouse to supply service parts to our customers in a quick efficient manner. Contact Lemken USA to find out more about Lemken compact discs at balstad@lemken.com or 701-630-9154.

Lundell Plastics Since 1981, Lundell Plastics has continued to provide industry-leading solutions for both the agricultural and industrial markets throughout the nation. From poly cupped auger flighting to the most recent UHMW Wearshoes, and into our line of specialty products. Our advanced time-tested applications have become staples in today’s marketplace. Visit booths L-01 and L-02.


Midland Door Solutions, formerly Midland Bi-fold Doors, recently moved to a larger facility and launched a new website, logo and name to better reflect its capacity to serve clients. Although the name changed, the company still offers the same great service customers have come to expect for nearly 20 years. Midland Door Solutions custom designs its doors to meet customers’ exact specifications, whether in a new or existing building. Midland offers retrofit services, recognizing that sometimes all a building really needs to regain its function is a new, bigger door. As a full-service door manufacturer based in West Fargo, N.D., Midland Door Solutions designs, builds and installs custom bi-fold and hydraulic doors for agricultural, aviation and commercial buildings. For more information, see our model bi-fold door at Big Iron booth 728, go to www.midland doorsolutions.com or call 800-921-7008.

PM AG Sources Inc. PM AG Sources Inc. offers GSI grain storage systems for superior strength, integrity and long-term durability. We also offer Westeel grain storage for your storage needs. Let us provide you with the finest in on-farm and commercial grain storage available. PM AG Sources also offers GSI grain dryers. With their advance technology and reliability there is sure to be one to fit your needs. Also available are grain legs, catwalks, conveyors and driveover pits. As a supplement to your current fertilizer, we offer an innovative plant enhancement program. No matter what you grow, Monty’s Plant Food is for you. Improve your quality and quantity, improve disease resistance and unlock your crops’ potential. PM AG also offers engineer and designed post frame and all steel structural buildings. To learn more about these products, contact Paul Cose at 866-588-7624 or visit www.gsiag.com, www.westeel.com, www.montysplantfood.com. BIOS: See Page 20

See us at BIG IRON - Booth 305 STANDARD FEATURES HARD TO MATCH... • 100% weatherproof construction • All seams welded • No assembly required • Ring stand design which eliminates stress points • 45º bottom cone for no shoveling cleanout • Telescopic safety ladder • 24’ remote controlled latch-locked fill hole • Rack & pinion-roller mounted discharge slide • Manhole at eave • Industrial coatings on exterior


Ideal for:

• Certified Seed Storage Granular Fertilizer Storage Grain Drying Operations Feeding Operations

OPTIONAL FEATURES... • Inside ladder • Efficient aeration system • Safety cages • Boots & augers • Skid frames • Bean ladders • Bottom cone inspection port • Corrosion resistant coatings on interior for fertilizer models

Established in 1978

LORRICH INDUSTRIES, INC. CAVALIER, ND 58220 (800) 342-4985 701-549-3333 www.lorrich.com

Made in the USA


Micada, founded in 1979, is strictly in the business of manufacturing custom-built handling and storage equipment. The Hope, N.D., business sells grain handling and storage equipment across the U.S. Micada’s products are hopper-bottom bins, hopper bottoms, weigh scales, leg and support towers, catwalks and I-beam structures. Forty-two employees work for Micada. The company’s high-quality fully assembled products make it unique in the industry. We don’t compare ourselves to our competition. Instead, we measure the quality of our product against our own demanding standards. This is the company’s 21st year at Big Iron.

Midland Door Solutions

PAGE 18 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


See Us at Booths 614 & 638

701-476-7000 Sales • Service • Parts • Body Shop • Leasing

1-800-270-2701 Or 320-587-5505 001131108r1


Look for us @ exhibit space 0719 & 0720

Visit Us At Big Iron Booth # 636








AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 19 001132022r1

Mixers • Spreaders • Grinders 10 Miles North of Wyndmere, ND

Don (701) 799-0976 Mike (701) 730-1895

We deliver ANYWHERE! Largest Selection - 80 Units on Hand!

SUPREME Vertical Mixers

MEYER’S Twin Twister

New Equipment in Stock

Used Equipment in Stock

Sizes 400/500/600/700/900/1200 & more

VB750 & VB 560

• SUPREME,900T,1200T - Fully Reconditioned (2 in stock) 1 fully reconditioned with high clearance conveyor, 1 with standard dog leg conveyor • SUPREME 600S,Single Auger, RH Conv • HARSH 375, 2011 4 auger mixer, very clean • HARSH 470 Ready to go • HARSH 575 4 to choose from (2010-2006) • HARSH 375 4-Auger 2 to choose from • HAYBUSTER 700CMF, Twin Auger Vert. mixer, 2006 model, 840 cu ft. capacity,hydr. lift conveyer, very good condition ROTO GRIND HAY GRINDERS: KNIGHT3030w/conveyororslidetray/3142–nicecondition/3070 • 760 & 1090 Sizes, In Stock Now –nicecondition/3450–newliners&augers/3042avgcondition/3036 -verygoodcond.w/3augerconveyor MEYER REAR UNLOAD FORAGE • KNIGHT 3150 commercial, very good condition • PATZ 575 cu, ft. 4 Auger BOXES: • PATZ – 375 cu. ft, 4 auger, new flightings • 24’ Model 8100 w/ flotation tires or 425 super singles • PATZ – 380 cu. ft, 3 auger, new flightings • PATZ 380 cu. ft. 3 Auger with conveyor (3 to choose from • 36 ft. Model 9100 ---9136 Semi Trailer w/ super singles • PATZ – 305 cu. ft, 3 auger, new flightings • GEHL 5575 - 4 Auger mixer, very good cond. (built by Patz) FEEDER BOXES: • BUFFALO HENKE 370 – 5’ conveyor (2 in stock) • BALZER Feeder Wagon • HENKE 370 – new flightings • LUCKNOW – 285 cu. ft, new condition • GEHL 7285 4 Auger, very clean • LUCKNOW 375 – 4 auger mixer • MEYER 3518 LH, Walking tandem, 11R22.5 • LUCKNOW 475 and LUCKNOW 425 • LUCKNOW 2240 Single Axle, Vert,. Hyd. Conv. USED TRUCKS: • USED ROTOGRIND - Hay Grinder, 2012 Model • ‘09 NORTHERN 36’ live bottom semi trailer • MEYER VB560, 2009 vert. w/ slop gate • MEYER 3700, 2006 model, 700 bushel, slop gate, dual beaters • ’93 IH w/KNIGHT 3050 mixer box/Allison NEW HOLLAND 195 Spreader Auto/ relined box and reflighted • GEHL 1410 spreader w/slop gate, tandem 11R22.5 tires • 83’ IH 1900 series truck w/ Botec 4 Auger box/ model 4052 • JOHN DEERE 785 Spreader, double beater, tandem 11R22.5

HARSH 4 Auger Truck Mixer 575, 720, 810 & More



• • • • •

HARSH 575 cu. ft. • HARSH 375 cu. ft. SUPREME 900T Vertical Mixer LAIRD VR 750 -- Twin Auger Vertical Mixer 850 cu-ft LAIRD VR1000 - 1100 cu ft Twin Auger Vertical Mixer LAIRD VR555 - 650 cu. ft.

HARSH 4 Auger Mixers

Sizes 303/375/575/720 & more

LAIRD Vertical Mixers

Sizes 475/650/850/1000/1200 & more

SEE US @ BIG IRON BOOTH’S #204-206 & 306-307




TALL & STANDING or LEANING & BE NT Our Corn Stalk Guide will help!

✔ Constructed for use on most 30” and 22” Poly Snouts but could be adapted for ✔ ✔ ✔



Twin Row Heads Each set includes the attachment and screws as well as complete direction for attaching them Takes only 30 minutes to attach corn stalk guides, someone from Kaler Farms can attach the guides by appointment Sets available in 6 row and 8 row combinations Saves potentially lost corn while protecting the soft Poly Snout and strengthens against ‘Snout-Digging’

PAGE 20 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


Continued from Page 17

Pulse USA Inc.

We at Pulse USA Inc. take great pride in putting our customers first, by supplying them with the best in cover crops, peas, seed and seed mixes, lentils and also great name-brand products like Wolf River, Limagrain

and Clearfield. Whether it’s buying the crop, finding a grower, or getting production tips, Pulse USA Inc. is your one stop shop seed company. At Pulse USA Inc. our motto is “the customer is the company.” We look for-

ward to providing you with our expertise, high-quality products and personal, caring service. Stop and see us at Big Iron or contact us any time: 701-530-0734, 888-5300734, 1900 Commerce Drive, Bismarck, N.D. 58501.

Real Manufacturing

Real Manufacturing of Milbank, S.D., is a family-owned business with farmers and ranchers in mind. We manu-

facture highquality livestock handling systems, bale feeders, panels and gates, feeder panels, bunk feeders, bale forks and bow gates to stand up to the harsh conditions in the upper Midwest. Ask us about the Double Alley System, less stress and improved cattle flow system for efficient straight line cattle handling. Stop at booth 814 to view these sturdy livestock handling systems.

Seed Hawk

The next evolution in precision seeding equipment will be on display by Seed Hawk at the 2014 Big Iron Farm Show, Sept. 9 to 11. “For the first time, U.S. growers and dealers will see the new 2016 Seed Hawk Seeding System, featuring exceptional metering accuracy and wireless blockage monitors,” says Peter Clarke, President and CEO of Seed Hawk. The new lineup includes modular tanks with up to 980-bushel capacity, a new 40-bushel tank ideal for small volume products and tool bars as wide as 84 feet carrying the outperforming Seed Hawk precision opener. The new iCon Wireless Control System and the latest version of the Sectional Control Technology Savings Simulator will be on display. Seed Hawk manufactures state-ofthe-art, zero-tillage seeding systems that are sold in Canada, the U.S., Australia and eastern and western Europe. In 2013, Seed Hawk was purchased by Väderstad, a leading global agriculture equipment manufacturer.


At SeedMaster, our focus is simple total seeding precision and rugged reliability from tank to shank. It all started 20 years ago when company founder Norbert Beaujot, P.Eng. — a farmer himself — developed the first active-hydraulic, ground-following, individual row opener. Today, other manufacturers mimic our opener design because of its nocompromise product placement and depth control, which lets farmers safely sideband high rates of fertilizer worry-free. BIOS: See Page 22

AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 21

Equipment For The Fertilizer Industry


6 or 8 Ton Capacity Available 80” to 120” Tire Spacing With 42” Crop Clearance Stainless Steel Construction


2004 Ag Chem 8104, 3861 hrs, Air Spread, 70’.....$69,500 2006 Ag Chem 8103, 5091 hrs, Air Spread, 70’.....$79,500 2006 Ag Chem 8103, 3653 hrs, Air Spread, 70’.....$85,000

2011 Ag Chem 8204, SOLD 859 hrs, Presicion 2, 70’....$260,000 1999 Case-IH 3300, 4190 hrs, Flex Air, 60’............$29,500

2006 Case-IH 4510, 2987 hrs, Flex Air, 70’............$99,000 2008 Case-IH 4520, 2603 hrs, Flex Air, 70’..........$175,000 2011 Case-IH 3520,1357 hrs, Flex Air, 70’...........$199,500


2005 Ag Chem 1274, 4443 hrs, 100’, Autosteer.....$75,000 2009 Case-IH 4420, 3132 hrs, 120’, SOLD AIM, Autosteer .......................................................$165,000 2008 Case-IH 4420, 2311 hrs, 120’, Autosteer.....$155,000 SOLD 2008 Case-IH 4420, 2248 hrs, 100’, Autosteer.....$120,000 2011 Case-IH 4420, 2216 hrs, 120’, AIM, Autosteer .......................................................$199,000 2012 John Deere 4830, 1100 hrs, 100’, Accutrac, Swath....................................................$195,000 1997 Tyler 150, 3350 hrs, 75’..................................$29,500 SOLD

Manvel, ND ........ (701) 696-2255 ....1-800-582-4269 Hutchinson, MN ... (320) 587-4030 ....1-800-328-5866 www.agsystemsonline.com


2010 Case-IH 4520, 2100 hrs, Flex Air, 70’..........$172,500

PAGE 22 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK


Continued from Page 20 Now SeedMaster is triggering another revolution in the way farmers meter seed and fertilizer with the UltraPro Canola Meter. The meter: n Spaces seeds with near-singulation accuracy and gentleness — allowing lower seeding rates without sacrificing

plant counts or yields. n Auto Zone Command: Simple, economical overlap control — instantly starts and stops product flow in up to 10 zones. n Nova Smart Carts: Move more than 350 pounds per acre of fertilizer on an 80-foot drill at 5 mph with no plugging and unbeatable distribution accuracy. Up to four products: 520- to 820-bushel capacity. SeedMaster continues to be “The

Leader. By Design” as we develop innovative technologies at our research farm, raising the bar on efficiency and delivering ultimate precision in the field. Contact SeedMaster today and experience the SeedMaster advantage on your farm. Visit www.seedmaster.ca.

Thunder Seed

Thunder Seed is a farmer-owned and -operated company that develops

Avoid Overlap & Sleep Easier

Wallwork Truck Center

Overlap happens on every farm, every year – wasting valuable inputs. SeedMaster’s Auto Zone Command™ overlap control technology helps eliminate overlap – saving SeedMaster customers millions of dollars since it was introduced in 2011. Auto Zone Command is smart, proven technology – included at no additional cost on all SeedMaster metering systems. Contact your closest dealer and find out how Auto Zone Command can save you THOUSANDS every year on your farm!

! Call our Kenmare, ND office for all your sales and service needs. 701.334.6159

The Leader. By Design.


and sells high-quality corn, corn silage and soybean seed that produces consistently high yields. As farmers themselves, Thunder Seed’s owners test all varieties in their own fields first before offering them for sale. With its extensive dealer network and more than 18 years of seed-development experience, Thunder Seed matches genetics and traits to the soil and weather conditions of specific regions, and its experts take a consultative approach to helping producers select varieties with the greatest yield potential for their operations. At Big Iron 2014, Thunder Seed is featuring two new early maturing soybean varieties. Astro R2Y is a universal, high-yielding variety with excellent white mold tolerance, and TH 34006 R2Y offers excellent emergence with good stability and yield potential. Both are suited to the northern Red River Valley and performed very well in 2013 MCVET trials. Visit us at booth H57.



Visit us at Big Iron, outside at Booth #106, and see the Nova Smart Cart™ on display!

For decades, Wallwork Truck Center has been a proud supporter of the Red River Valley’s ag industry, with dedication to customer satisfaction. It is a proven leader in both heavy truck and trailer dealerships. Wallwork Truck Center offers superior products and services, along with top-selling Kenworth and Ford commercial trucks. Wallwork Truck Center is dedicated to being the best. That’s why we offer 24 hour parts and service Monday through Friday and have one of the most comfortable driver’s lounges in the state. Wallwork Truck Center is committed to delivering industry-leading, unmatched customer support. Whether you need heavy truck body shop services, truck or trailer rental, parts or service, you cannot go wrong with Wallwork Truck Center. When the Red River Valley’s ag industry takes to the field, they know to trust three generations of proven success from Wallwork Truck Center. Wallwork Truck Center can be found at Big Iron in exhibit areas 0719 and 0720. Stop by and say hello. We’d love to shake your hand. Wallwork Truck Center, look for the big blue W — with locations in Fargo, Bismarck, Williston, Minot, Dickinson and Fergus Falls, Minn.

See us @ Big Iron Lot #207



Capacities from 20-1000 BPH


Modular Design Advantages

$7,700 TO $10,700 10% OFF LIST PRICE ON LASERS

• Low cost initial investment. • Basic units have the same heavy duty construction as the larger units. • All steel construction • Very economical maintenance. • Modules for air separation metering feed and additional screen area available.





Whether you are having issues with soil compaction or crop residue management this season, Monty’s Liquid Carbon is the key to a more successful yield. Contact PM AG SOURCES today at 1-866-588-7624!

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10% OFF List Price

Trimble GPS & Lasers. Displays, passcodes, transmitters, receivers, base stations. Contact Dave Broten D 4320 Main Avenue, Fargo, ND 701-364-2115 | 800-437-2924 | genequip.com

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Authorized Trimble Water Management Dealer.



AGWEEK / Monday, September 8, 2014 - PAGE 23

Visit www.benchindustries.com to see our equipment selection.

PAGE 24 - Monday, September 8, 2014 / AGWEEK

Be First in

We’re farmers, just like you, so we know how important top genetics and traits are to your profit potential. We also understand the value of a seed company that’s more a partner than a supplier. Our soybean, corn and corn silage seed consistently performs for


maximum yields and exceptional quality so you’ll have more to sell at premium prices come harvest time. And we’ll be there when you need us, any time.

w w w. t h u n d e r s e e d s . c o m

your Field


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