9 minute read

Strong Woman Spotlight on Kara Goldin

Interview by Belinda McCall, Founder of WomanBeeWell

Strong Woman Spotlight on Kara Goldin, Founder and CEO of Hint


Have you ever wondered who is behind the creation of Hint water? I’ve been drinking Hint for years and heavily relied on it to get proper hydration during pregnancy because plain water is just soooo boring! Kara Goldin, CEO of Hint, thought the very same thing and created her own solution. After reading her book, “Undaunted: Overcoming Doubts and Doubters” it became clear to me that she had to be featured in our Strong Woman Spotlight.

Kara has an inspirational story that resonates with so many women across the world. We all have dreams but are afraid that we don't have the knowledge, confidence, money, or time to make them happen. We have fears. We make excuses. Many women crush their own dreams before they even take a single step.

Her story has the power to change that for women, regardless of what dreams they may have.

I had an insightful and inspirational chat with Kara about how she navigates life as a successful entrepreneur, author, podcast host, and mother of 4… aka- a superwoman!

photo courtesy of Hint

Belinda: Thank you so much for chatting with me today, Kara! For our readers that may be unfamiliar with all of your products, can you tell me about Hint Water and skin products, your company’s mission, and how you support women’s wellness?

Kara: I didn’t launch Hint because I had some burning desire to start a beverage company. I started Hint to help people get healthy – because I saw by switching from diet soda to water with fruit in it, my health changed significantly. Investing in and launching a company that helps people truly achieve health and stay healthy – it’s a great feeling.

Several months ago, we launched Hint hand sanitizer. It's not unlike our previous brand extensions with Hint deodorant and sunscreen. In all three cases, I found that the leading products in each category had ingredients that I didn't want to put on my body. So I went out and dug through the research, did some testing, and came up with a healthy alternative.


B: As the saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. As the creator of Hint, what was the necessity that led to the invention of such a delicious and industry-disrupting beverage?

K: I developed the idea for Hint after I realized that my diet soda addiction was having all sorts of adverse effects on my health -- weight gain, adult acne, lack of energy. After substituting water in place of my diet soda consumption, I quickly lost 20 pounds in less than three weeks, my acne went away and my energy levels increased. One problem still existed -- water was boring. So I started adding fruit to my water to make it taste better. I became obsessed with the idea of helping others enjoy water too, and I thought if something like my home concoction was available in supermarkets, it could help people as it had helped me. From day one of getting Hint on the shelf at Whole Foods in San Francisco, we heard that it was doing just that -- helping people enjoy water and get healthy. Who wouldn’t want to create and run a company that helps people? And I get to do that every day.

photo courtesy of Hint

B: Yes! That is amazing that it started with your own transformation. Most people would keep their “secrets” to themselves, but you really took it to a new level by creating a transformative company around it. Love that!

B: What were the challenges or setbacks that you faced when starting to build Hint from the ground up? How did you overcome them?

K: Any start-up's path is riddled with obstacles and setbacks. I always say, starting a company is like climbing a mountain. But starting a new category within an industry as I did with Hint? That's like climbing Everest. Every aspect of starting Hint was grueling. And in the beginning, everywhere I looked there were obstacles – whether it was raising money, extending Hint's shelf life, negotiating with retailers, or fending off competition (to name just a few). What kept me going was my relationship with our early customers. They absolutely loved the brand. And their devotion to the product reminded me to trust myself and my instincts. I knew that we had a fantastic product and that there was a space we could carve out for Hint.


B: I’ve been reading your book (we’ll talk more on that in a bit), but for our fellow supermoms out there, tell us how the heck you managed to start a company from scratch and maintain your sanity with three kids, plus one on the way? (Or did you actually?!) And how do you now manage to do all the amazing things that have stemmed from the creation of Hint Water, like hosting your podcast and writing a new book?

K: A lot of credit must go to my husband Theo, who very early on recognized the passion I had for this idea and this product. He soon “caught the bug,” understanding the potential of the brand, and he joined the company as our COO. And both at work and at home, we complement each other really well. We never drew a hard line between work and home. When you launch a start-up -- while having four kids under the age of 6 -- both your business and personal life are intertwined. It's totally unrealistic to compartmentalize one or the other. You just take each problem and challenge as they come.

B: I want to take a moment to talk about your podcast “The Kara Goldin Show”. Can you tell me about it? What do you hope listeners gain from tuning in?

K: I love asking questions. I love learning. And I love hearing the stories of other entrepreneurs and how they guided their careers through various ups and downs. So launching a podcast was a no-brainer. I come away from every episode with some new piece of knowledge or some new perspective that I didn’t have thirty minutes prior. What a gift! I learn something new with each interview, and I love that. And that’s what I want listeners to gain from the show. I always say there is no road map or rule book for achieving success. Each one of my guests proves that in their own unique way.

photo courtesy of Hint

B: In your podcast episode with Julie Smolyanski of Lifeway (which I highly recommend for every reader to checkout) you talk about “connecting the dots”, those life experiences that seem to set you up for things you are meant to do. What were the “dots” that eventually connected you to writing your book “Undaunted: Overcoming Doubts and Doubters”?

K: Over the years, doing speaking engagements and interviews, I’ve realized that people believe that entrepreneurs are fearless or that they have some special trait or cache of knowledge that drives their success. At almost every event, I got some version of that “special trait” question. So I wrote my book to prove that that is patently untrue.

There is no special path or hidden secret to being undaunted. I don't live fearlessly. I have plenty of doubts, still to this day, and I confront them. In fact, I love operating outside of my comfort zone and challenging myself. If there are any “dots” to connect, it’s those challenges I set up for myself. Because here's the thing: when you confront a fear you have, two things happen. First, you put that particular fear in its place. Second, and more importantly, you gain confidence to overcome other fears or other obstacles that might be standing in your way. That’s the key: The more success you have at taking on your fears, the more confidence you gain taking on other ones. It’s a virtuous circle.

B: As I mentioned earlier, I absolutely love your book and relate to you and your story on so many levels. What were the goals you had in mind as you were writing it? What messages do you want readers to take away from it?

K: I firmly believe that anyone can be undaunted.


And you constantly repeat that process over and over again. I write this early on in my book -- "If my story proves anything, it's that if I can do it, you can, too."

B: You are such an inspiration to women,including myself! Who inspires you, and why?

K: Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I met her a few years ago, and we had a brief conversation. The charm, strength, and resilience that emanated from her was nothing short of inspirational. Her power, despite that tiny frame, was palpable -- and a bit intimidating. (She sternly called me to task for having a copy of her book before it was released publicly; she was joking, but for a second she had me quaking in my boots.)

Her incredible legacy of breaking barriers throughout her life is a testament to a life lived with purpose. The beauty of RBG’s story is that she never balked at a challenge. She faced skeptics all her life, and she knocked them down one by one -- with competence, with humor, and with grace.

B: Absolutely! She was certainly fierce and is an amazing role model for women and girls everywhere. Knowing that you are inspired by her makes everything that you do, and the undaunted way in which you do it, make perfect sense!

photo courtesy of Hint

B: You must have some exciting things coming upfor you and/or Hint. So what's next?

K: Continuing to help consumers stay healthy. There are still so many people who have yet to discover Hint. There are new audiences to reach, more consumers who are trying to effect a change in their health. Our mission is not complete!

B: Amazing! Thank you so much again for chatting with me, Kara. You are truly an inspiration to me and I can’t wait to see what Hint is going to come out with next!

Interview by Belinda McCall, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and the Founder of WomanBeeWell.com and WomanBeeWell Magazine. She believes that wellness looks different for every woman and strives to help each woman uniquely shine her brightest. Subscribe to WomanBeeWell Magazine for free, get nutrition and mindset tips, plant-based recipes, and more at her website: http://womanbeewell.com/

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