4 minute read
Courage: How to Find Yours
Think You're a Cowardly Lion? Think Again!
By Heidi Albritton
Courage is a skill that doesn't get listed on many resumes. The word itself feels abstract and conjures images of Joan of Arc being burned at the stake for her beliefs… (think big bold, selfless, earth-shattering actions). Probably not the first skill we would reach for when we’re fighting the lines at Target!
But, being courageous is not about dying for your beliefs or fighting an enemy for your cause. Courage is so much more than that, and yet it's also so much simpler.
The realities of living in a global pandemic, raising our kids in a crazy and confusing world, navigating our own health, career, and relationship challenges…none this is easy stuff! While we may not be fighting dragons or rescuing hostages, our daily lives have become incredibly challenging. Life has become more volatile, complex, and uncertain.
Courage is important, even as we are dealing with the seemingly simple challenges of the everyday!
While hopefully none of us are risking being burned at the stake for our choices; imagine what life would look like if we truly trusted ourselves to figure things out? What would it feel like to know deep in your bones that you can do all of the things that scare you?
Years ago, when I was training to be a coach, my mentor Brendon Burchard taught me that courage is simply "faith in your ability to figure things out".
No more. No less.
Back then I was in the midst of treatment for breast cancer. And each day was a challenge to stay focused on the positive, and not dwell on my fear and anxiety. Something about the way he talked about courage made me see how doable it was, how perfect it was for this moment I was in, and how I was making things much harder on myself than necessary.
This message feels even more important today given everything going on in the world. So many things feel big, frustrating, scary, and upsetting. And yet we have to press on. We have to move forward despite our fears.
Our will to survive, taking care of those we love, facing our health challenges head-on, our commitment to 'trying' each and every day. That is Courage.
While Joan of Arc may represent the pinnacle of courage; she didn’t have a road map to guide her any more than we do. But she had faith in herself to take one small step at a time, to face her fears both big and small.
Here are a few questions to get you thinking about your own level of courage:
1. Do you speak up for yourself, even when it’s difficult?
2. Do you respond to life’s challenges head-on, or avoid them?
3. Do you find yourself saying ‘yes’ when you really mean ‘no’?
4. Are you able to take action, despite feeling fear?
Showing courage is not the same thing as the ‘absence of fear’. Quite the contrary.
Demonstrating courage is an acknowledgment of the things that scare you, intimidate you, and befuddle you, and then the commitment that you will go ahead and deal with those things anyway!
Courage is a habit. It is a habit that gets stronger and bolder each and every time you decide to show it.
Your struggles help make you who you are. And with every challenge, every discomfort that you meet head-on and address, you are building your capacity and inclination for future courage.
Yes, it takes time, and yes, it is hard!
But the rewards of building your capacity for courage are HUGE!
Don’t assume your biology will come to your aid when you need it. They don’t call it ‘fight or flight’ for nothing! The flight usually wins, and you’ve got to train yourself to stand firm and ready when you are called upon to demonstrate courage, whether big or small.
You start small.
You listen to your intuition and you begin to trust that you CAN figure things out!
You commit to yourself that you will show courage at least one time this upcoming week (no matter where in your life that happens to be). And when the time comes for you to face your fear, your doubt, or whatever is keeping you from expressing yourself, or doing what you want and need to do…you will remember this commitment and you will choose to take action, however small.
Make a choice this week to show courage at least one time. See how great it feels when you do!!
Transformation, Mindfulness, and Empowered Living. A champion of human potential, and the power of mindfulness. Heidi Albritton is a certified High-Performance Coach and Mindfulness Trainer, as well as the Enneagram for individuals and advanced team dynamics. Heidi helps her clients and teams to rise to their potential, conquer their frustrations and setbacks, and re-ignite their lives. You can find her on Instagram @heidialbritton or her website www.heidialbritton.com