WE Global - November 2018 - Edition 2 - Rebekah Femia

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Empowering Women In Business

November 2018 | Edition 2


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get the maximum out of Instagram for your business

HEALTHY FINANCES in ten easy steps


how to cultivate a happy work environment

ON OUR COVER: Rebekah Femia is a self-worth and wealth mentor. She is passionate about empowering woman to own their worth, own their wealth and own their voice. Her expertise lies in 6-figure lifestyle mentoring, and she is a global money mindset leader. Bek is a free-spirited spiritual goddess and takes great pride in calling herself the Abundance Queen.


manage your online presence effectively

BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS gain clients on LinkedIn


quick five tips you need to know



Rebekah Femia



Industry: Lifestyle and Wealth Mentor Country: Sydney, Australia Describe yourself in two words: Fierce Visionary Rebekah Femia is a self-worth and wealth mentor. She is passionate about empowering woman to own their worth, own their wealth and own their voice. Her expertise lies in 6-figure lifestyle mentoring, and she is a global money mindset leader. Bek is a free-spirited spiritual goddess and takes great pride in calling herself the Abundance Queen.

Give us a bit of background about yourself and when/how your entrepreneurial journey started.

I have always been a bit of a rebel. I always knew I was different and wanted to do my own thing and I didn’t really follow the rules. I didn’t do well at school, and I had a challenging time as a teenager. I was a bit of a wild child! I left home at the age of 16 and moved to a different state, got a job, and lived out in the mountains working with plants in a nursery. At the young age of 18, I travelled to Thailand. Thailand was where my undying love for travelling started. I have been travelling ever since and the last 20 years have been a non-stop adventure. I have been so blessed to have visited over 80 countries so far in my thirties.

I have always had a love of food and became a chef straight after school. I was working as a chef for ten years and travelled all through the UK living in London and all over Europe in my early twenties. The hospitality industry was great for my travel-focused lifestyle as you really could go anywhere and find a job easily. It also focused heavily on nightlife and partying, and I became very involved in that lifestyle which led to a battle with drug and alcohol addiction.

I finally decided to get away from the double shifts and late nights. I was burnt out. I decided a career change into the travel industry was a smart move - and it was! I had gone from job to job in hospitality working 100hour weeks to save enough money to then disappear for 6-12 months on an adventure somewhere in the world. Travelling is indeed where I feel free, but I would run out of money eventually and end up back home with my mum, broke, having to find a new job, and starting the cycle all over again. I thought that by working in the travel industry, it would be more in alignment with my need for constant change and freedom. Over the next six years I enjoyed earning great money and travelling the world for free. After a while, the long hours sitting in front of a computer in an office began to wear on me and being in a commission-based sales role it was a constant battle to find the balance between earning good money and working long hours.

Again I found myself in a very destructive party scene, and that coupled with the high stress and constant over-time took a toll on my health and mental stability. I realised I was still not able to travel as much as I wanted and I didn’t have that balance I was ultimately looking for. I felt unfulfilled, unappreciated, overworked, and I certainly didn’t have the freedom I craved.

I quit my job and moved to Mexico for a year doing volunteer work at an orphanage as I have always had a heart of service and contribution. I also wanted to learn how to cook authentic Mexican food as I had decided I wanted to run my own business and was going to open a restaurant. The time I spent in Mexico was some of the best in my life. I enjoyed the total freedom and had passion and purpose running through my veins. I felt like I was giving back to something greater than me! As I was preparing to open my restaurant, network marketing fell into my lap and it was like I had found the missing piece to a puzzle! The opportunity to create the freedom of working for myself, from a laptop anywhere, helping others while making great money excited me more than starting a brick and mortar business model. I let go of my dream to open a restaurant because my real passion for freedom was fulfilled. I got to work and built a huge team and a 6-figure income with a great nutrition company, and this is where my real journey to freedom started. I quickly became a leader in the industry and then quit my job. That freedom life I thought I was moving into looked more like 24/7 hustle, which again meant I started to become burnt out and exhausted. I knew there had to be a better way. Although I didn’t have a job and could work from anywhere and had some freedom, I was still only earning what I would in a permanent position. I realised that reaching multiple six- and seven-figure months I needed leverage or I would be working 24/7 for the next 20 years. I just couldn’t imagine a life like that. That’s when internet marketing came into my life, and I decided to leave my network marketing company and partnered with an automated platform that does 90% of the “work” for me. I now had a high-ticket item to offer instead of a low-ticket which meant bigger commissions, and it was all automated!

I went from earning $4,000 - $10,000 a month to $40,000 plus a month in less than 90 days. It’s why I am so passionate about the work I do now as I had all the skills and was working hard but two things were missing - my belief that I was worthy and true leverage of an automated online platform. Now I have the vehicle that can fast-track anyone to create five- and six-figure months online. I work on shifting people’s money mindsets and teach them how to own their worth so they can manifest all the income, abundance and lifestyle freedom they desire. Now I am in my flow and living my true purpose.

What are your five most significant life & business lessons you have learned and how did you get through it? 1. Its ok to change your mind, don’t keep yourself stuck in a box.

This was such a powerful lesson for me. I believe if you do not give yourself permission to grow, develop, and change your mind, you will keep yourself in a box forever! It’s like you’re a prisoner in a jail that only you created and can break free from.

If I never allowed myself to change I would have never had the pleasure of experiencing life! At any one point in my life, I was a vegetarian, I was a party girl, I was battling with drugs and alcohol, I have lived in Australia, America, New Zealand, Mexico, England, Bali, I wanted to open a restaurant but didn’t. I wanted to be a lawyer, I went vegan, I was a hippy, I was a goth, I loved heavy metal, I enrolled in a real estate investing course that I did nothing with, I was a chef, then a travel agent, then did network marketing and now am an online internet marketing guru and money mindset queen. The list of everything I have been and done in my life goes on, and what I’ve realised is we can get so attached to our identity that sometimes we 2 | NOVEMBER 2018 | ISSUE 2

feel we can’t change our minds as we grow because of the judgement of others. Why keep yourself stuck in something that doesn’t serve your highest purpose? Life is too short; we need to allow ourselves to grow and discover who we truly are and we need to permit ourselves to change our minds! 2. Trust yourself; you know what’s right for you.

I have learned to trust myself and do what’s right for me these last few years. We can get so consumed with what others want us to do and make decisions based on obligation and needing validation that we often make decisions that are not in alignment with our highest values. This is why so many people are anxious, overwhelmed and not getting the results they desire in their life because they don’t trust themselves and are looking for answers and validation in all the wrong places.

You know if a relationship is right from the moment you start it. We ignore it though until there is so much evidence that it’s not going to work. Then we finally leave and say ‘I knew it from the beginning.’ Why do we continue not to trust ourselves? In relationships, in jobs, in different companies, in friendships, we truly know if it’s serving us by the way it FEELS, and how our bodies react and respond while we are in it. Many people are physically making themselves sick by not trusting their own voice when it’s screaming for them to stop!

I believe it’s because deep down we don’t feel worthy and we look for ways to validate this belief over and over. We do this with the relationships we are in that don’t light us up, the jobs we continue to slave away that destroy our souls, and the businesses that we stay loyal to and continue to pour energy into that are not working. Learn to trust yourself and listen to your intuition and your soul; she always knows the way. Know your worth so you can learn when to say ‘YES’ to what serves you and ‘NO’ to what doesn’t. I LOVE talking about and training on trusting yourself, as I feel this was my biggest lesson. Everything you have or don’t have is based on the decisions you have made in your life. What you think, feel and say about yourself ultimately creates your reality. If you don’t know how truly powerful, magical, gorgeous, fabulous, smart, strong and beautiful you are just for being yourself, then this is where the work starts. If you want a great relationship, more money, a more connected and soulful tribe by your side, you need to feel worthy of it to allow it into your life. Everything in your life and what your current reality looks like is a reflection of what you believe you’re worth. Own your worth, own your wealth, own your voice goddesses. You are WORTHY of having everything your heart and soul desires.

3. Done is better than perfect. Let go of perfection; it’s not achievable or relatable. Hands up all the recovering perfectionists out there! This was huge for me entering the entrepreneurial and leadership space, as wanting everything to be perfect was what I thought was necessary.

What I’ve learned is that it actually stops your creativity, it paralyses you from getting into action and doesn’t allow you to move in quantum leaps in your business because you never get anything out since it’s never perfect. It’s also not relatable when people see you or what you do as perfect. They don’t feel like they can ever do what you do and then give up before they truly understand. Some days I don’t shower and get out of my pyjamas. Sometimes I don’t wash my hair for two weeks. Sometimes I have a meltdown and cry for hours at a time… Building a business and being an entrepreneur, especially for us women with all of our beautiful emotions, partners, kids, and everything in between, can look like chaos and a mess at times, and it’s ok! As I tell my tribe, allow yourself to be human AF, because done is always better than perfect. If you keep trying to attain perfection before doing things, nothing will ever get done because you’re trying to achieve something that doesn’t exist. You are perfectly imperfect, and your humanness will inspire others. So, share the realness of your life with the world!

Woman Entrepreneur | Global

4. What you focus on you find. Focus on gratitude always. Get clear on what you want because the universe will always give you exactly what you ask for! I have really learned how to live IN gratitude and not just be grateful. When you can see beauty and be grateful for everything, it changes your attitude, and it changes your mood. It changes your behaviour and puts you in an abundance mindset instead of a scarcity mindset. Our brains are hard-wired to make us see what we focus on. Have you ever bought a new car and then suddenly you see that car EVERYWHERE? Your mind is filtering information to you that you are asking for. If you’re focused on what’s going wrong or what you don’t have then all you see is more of that. If you’re having a bad day and something silly happens like you spill your drink and you lose it and say ‘nothing ever works for me!’ or, ‘this always happens to me!’ it validates your belief that you have nothing and nothing is working. Instead, you could be laughing and focusing on the fact you can get another drink instantly with absolute ease. Don’t play the victim. Our lives are all about perception. No matter what your life looks like, you can instantly change how you perceive what’s happening FOR you not TO you with gratitude. A year ago, I went through one of the worst times in my life, and I am so grateful for it because it led me right here. I was sick with a parasite that completely stripped me of my health. I found out I was pregnant and lost my baby at three months, then two weeks after that my partner and I split up. I was devastated, grieving and depressed. I had two choices: I could give up and give in or see the blessing that was right in front of me challenging me to change, to grow and to dig deep and see that this was a turning point in my life and I could create whatever life I wanted moving forward. I committed to seeing the blessing that was right in front of me. I got my health back on track, I healed my heart and faced my pain. I redirected my energy into a business model that serves my income goal and lifestyle choices. I went from feeling broken and sad and earning income on par with a job, to making 6 figures in my first 90 days and am now on track to achieve six-figure months. I have a thriving tribe who are also transforming their wealth and worth stories. I am happier and more aligned everyday living in a healthy body that enables me to enjoy travelling the world as a digital nomad and influential leader. To say I am grateful for that experience is an understatement. I believe because I live in gratitude, I trust myself, the universe and the journey I am on that I have achieved the success that deep down I always knew I could. I have the power to write my story no matter what circumstances I am in and I know it’s always my choice how I respond and how I choose to see the world. 5. Heal your heart and face your trauma. The more you run and hide from your pain the less connected you are to your power. Your pain is your power, use it to inspire others. This is something that took me a long time to understand, and I used to hide a lot of my past when I became an entrepreneur. I thought I had to be the perfect leader and no one would respect me or follow me if they knew about my past; if they knew I had been sexually abused or knew I had suffered miscarriages. So, I really buried it along with my pain until I realised that my pain was actually my power. What I had fought through to get to where I was all contributes to who I am today. I also believe anyone can change their future and if you’re willing to do the work and face your trauma, you can achieve anything. Sadly though, many people don’t recognise when they’re suffering from trauma. The most successful people on the planet have been through some of the hardest times. It makes us strong, it makes us appreciate what we have, and it’s where we find that grit that pushes us every day through those challenging moments. To change, grow, fight and risk before we are ready because we have no other option. It’s easy to do the thing and be grateful when life is awesome and going great, but what we do when nothing is going right, that’s when you really get to decide who you want to be. That’s when your character really shines, and you can give in and give up or choose to face everything and rise, as Zig Ziglar says. Wealthy and successful people have fear, doubts, and they go through challenging times. What they don’t do is let those feelings stop them from achieving greatness. When I faced my trauma and pain head-on and used my story to inspire my tribe, that’s when I was empowered. I found a love for empowering other people to turn their pain into power instead of allowing it to rule them and stay a victim. The people that are most qualified to inspire change are the ones who have been through that pain and trauma themselves. People who are hurting, hurt people and healed people can heal people.

Done is better than perfect. Let go of perfection; it’s not achievable or relatable. www.womanentrepreneur.co | 3

Tell us about some of your amazing achievements?

I have written two books on healthy living and nutrition, created multiple sixfigure incomes, and have spoken on stages globally on health, wealth and online businesses.

I received the Galaxy Award and won the Six-Figure Club Award this year. I have been a full-time online entrepreneur for the past five years and helped a lot of people create five-figure incomes online. I’ve helped thousands of people with health transformation. I’ve been interviewed by some of the top seven-figure internet marketing entrepreneurs in the world. I’ve lived in San Diego, Sydney and Bali, chasing an endless summer over the last four years. I lead a huge team of inspired entrepreneurs globally. One of the most powerful things I have achieved is to have developed an unconditional love for myself and inspire thousands of people - men and women - to do the same. Being on the cover of this incredible magazine and being able to work with influential female entrepreneurs like Erna Basson is also an achievement I am proud of.

I have been an ambassador for RENEW for the last two years, raised thousands of dollars and spent two months doing volunteer work with them at high schools in Tanzania.

From your many achievements, what is your greatest achievement and why?

Who I have become in the process of becoming an entrepreneur is my biggest achievement. Yes, the $20,000 days and multiple six-figure incomes are a considerable achievement, and the impact I have made on thousands of lives globally fills my heart beyond belief, but who I am now and what I have overcome to get here this is my most significant achievement.

Finding my inner peace and unconditionally loving myself is what I am most proud of. It’s an achievement money can’t buy, and it’s the only way, I believe, to reach the top level of success and income with meaning.

You were a specialist in network marketing and now an expert in internet marketing. Did you always know that you would go into this industry or did it choose you?

I utterly fell into network marketing. I had no idea what it was, and I certainly wasn’t looking for it at the time. Once I became an expert in the field and committed to working online, I went searching for a leveraged online business. I knew that partnering with the automated marketing platform that I am building a business with currently was more evolved than anything I had seen and was where I was going to find my true time freedom and financial abundance.

For those that do not know what network and internet marketing is, please give us a brief explanation. What is the difference between the two?

Network marketing is a brilliant way for someone who is happy to trade a bit of their time outside of their current lifestyle to learn new skills and recommend a product or service that they already believe in and use. It’s word of mouth marketing. It’s important to align yourself with a company and a product you believe in and that you’re willing to learn a new set of skills. The start-up cost is minimal. It is buying the product and committing to purchasing the product monthly to continue earning money. There is usually a lot of training provided at little or no additional cost. The more you put in, the more you get out. Network marketing is sales, and often it’s a belly to belly job, meaning you’re looking for people who have a problem for which you can offer a solution. This is a great option for an additional income or parttime commitment level. Internet marketing uses some of the same principles with a few key differences. The most important one being leverage. In building an online brand for yourself, you can attract people to you. The leverage comes in with a platform that is automated. This means that the initial ‘hard sell’ is taken care of, but not by you! In network marketing, you’d be making all the initial up-front touch points and sales calls yourself. Whereas, with the automated platform, it prequalifies people for you, so you aren’t wasting any of your precious time with those who aren’t seriously ready to ‘uplevel’ their life. It creates a lot more time freedom for those looking to generate a massive shift and income into their lives to build a legacy for their families.

From my personal experience, I spent four years pouring my heart and soul into network marketing giving it my EVERYTHING. I became really good at these skills and had a massive amount of success. I was earning a 6-figure income, but I was working 24/7 and realised that my team wasn’t winning. It was taking them a long time to learn the skills and get good at presenting and having the confidence and posture to convert the sale. This meant constant back to back calls and events to leverage the leaders, which gets exhausting.

When I discovered true leverage in internet marketing with an automated online platform, it changed the game for me and many other network marketers, coaches and online business entrepreneurs. Not only did it free up at least 90% more time in my business, but I could plug anyone into it, and they got results right away. I had brand new people earning 10k in their first month and 50k in their first 90 days, it was incredible! I now spend my time living my life and being myself, teaching others how to get paid for being themselves instead of learning endless skills and following scripts. All this is done for us in an automated platform. It’s been soul uplifting honouring my time and allowing the right people to come to me. It’s truly changing the game for people wanting to live a laptop freedom lifestyle. 4 | NOVEMBER 2018 | ISSUE 2

Let’s talk social media. You have a solid social media following. What three tips you can give to other women when they want more followers and more engagement on their social platforms? Get vulnerable and be Authentic

I share all of my life on social media and really open up to my tribe. I talk about all the real stuff in my life, like the hard things I go through and HOW I get through them. I share tools and invite people into my business to be mentored by me, so when they are ready to uplevel and quantum leap their results, they can use the exact vehicle I did. I talk about my pain and my struggles just as much as my success. We have all been through life and struggles, and showing people that their past does not dictate their future is essential to me. I still go through things today and share my journey of how I move through this and the tools I use. I share this so others can understand that it doesn’t just stop once you get to a certain level of success, there are always new challenges. I am committed to my personal growth; always reaching new levels of expansion and elevation. Add value

I use what I have learned to add value to people’s lives. It’s so important to add value and share your knowledge and wisdom. So many people don’t fully understand how much value they have inside them, and that not everyone knows everything they know. Even if your knowledge helps just one person heal and move forward in their life, that’s a blessing. You can be a stand for others with your story, your knowledge and wisdom. You can lead by example and share your truth to inspire others. Pour love into your tribe of fans!

People love to feel seen and heard so take some time to pour love on the people who are following you and show them you see them and you appreciate them.

People don’t always remember what you say but they remember how you make them feel so I always just want to make people feel special, as there is not enough of that in this world. There can be a lot of judgment and bullying on social media so having positive role models sharing love and light is so important. I believe as humans we just want two things: to be loved and to feel safe. At the end of the day that’s all it comes down to so pour love into people and shine a light on how incredible they are. Most people just need some encouragement and to know someone believes in them! I love people and at my core I want everyone to feel loved and to love themselves fiercely.

What inspires and motivates you? Basically, why do you wake up every morning, get the work done and do it all over again the next day?

Seeing women find their voice and live life on their own terms! Women quitting their jobs and having the courage to step up into their power and lead other women into owning their personal power. Knowing that I am making a real difference in the world and knowing that the gifts I have been given and experiences I have had are here to serve others so they don’t have to go through them alone or at all. I believe we need more heart centred soul driven wildly wealthy women on this planet! I believe business should be fun, soulful, exciting and joyful!

I am inspired by people living their fullest expression, speaking their truth, living their potential, and empowering others through their willingness to lead by example.

My mission is to give these women with heart and passion a vehicle and platform to create change and fulfil their purpose so their unique gifts can ripple out into this world. I am here to teach women how they can claim their sacred power to lead, serve and build a legacy of divine wealth and global impact.

What has been your biggest fail to date and how did you overcome that and what did you learn from that?

So many I couldn’t choose just one! I see the term ‘failure’ more so as a learning opportunity. If something didn’t work I can learn from it. It’s like a torch shining brightly on what I need to work on within myself as a human! It’s either strategy or it’s the mindset! I know if I am failing on a daily basis I am on the right track and making progress. When I changed my perception of failure as something I did wrong to the path to success I welcomed it in all areas of my life as it meant I was getting closer to my goals and I was suddenly not afraid to try. Success without fulfilment is what I believe is the ultimate failure. Having the courage to chase your dreams is success in my book.

What 3 tips can give other women that want to achieve results & growth in their business and life?

ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT: To me everything is energy and energetic alignment is everything. My inner world creates my outer world so I make my internal blueprint my number one priority. I need to feel good in everything I do so my goals are more about how it feels than how it looks or a figure.

Yes, I set income goals but they are more requirements than goals as I am speaking into existence what I am creating. How I get there is all about how it feels. Have you ever hit a big goal and just thought “wow, ok, I thought it would feel different”? “I thought I would be happier or it would feel more exciting”? It’s because you thought the goal would give you the feeling that you are searching for but it doesn’t. Our goals are always driven by a feeling so understanding what you’re actually wanting to achieve is so important. I want to feel excited, connected, confident, joyful, open, grateful, and expansive in my life. You know what is right for you by the way it feels in your body. When I am in this state of flow that’s where the magic happens! Being connected to myself and my purpose is key. Loving what I do in every

Woman Entrepreneur | Global

moment is my goal. The wealth, the freedom, the achievements and the covers of magazines come. You just need a bomb strategy, an automated platform and leverage combined with a mentor who has done it. LEVERAGE: Here we go again with the leverage. Find true leverage and stop trying to do everything yourself. It’s your ego trying to prove to the world that you are capable and good enough. You can be right or you can be happy. For me, partnering with an automated online platform allowed me to completely shift my life. I had more time for ME, for my development and for my family. I was able to create ten times more income every month which meant more choice and an instant lifestyle upgrade plus I was able to impact a lot more lives in the process. MINDSET: You don’t have business problems you have personal problems that show up in your business. Focus on YOU first and allow it to flow instead of forcing it. This is how you call in and manifest abundance into your life. I believe in nourishing myself first. Nourishing my mind, my heart, my soul. Nourishing my body and every cell of my being.

You are one of the most confident women that we have come across, what are 5 pieces of advice you can give to other women who are lacking confidence? Courage before confidence...

Confidence is a learned skill and what I find is that I feel most confident when I am focused on being the best woman I can be. Making my health a priority, working on my mindset, moving through my limiting beliefs that are holding me back, getting in touch with my soul on a daily basis, focusing on all the positive things in my life and living in gratitude. Having a solid focus on myself and my mindset allow me to step up into my power as a woman. I am all about self-love and self-worth so knowing my worth which makes me truly believe I am worthy of the success and the money I make is where my confidence comes from. I have done a lot of inner work around my worthiness and why I now train and coach on this as I believe it’s truly what is the most important thing to achieving all the success we desire. The money, the fulfilment, the love, the impact - everything you have is a manifestation of what you believe you deserve. Always remind yourself of your strengths and keep that the focus, what happens is most people focus on what they can’t do instead of what they can. You always have one thing you feel confident in. Whether it’s cooking or being a parent or knitting, it doesn’t matter what it is but harness that feeling and belief in yourself and channel it into everything you do. We also must understand persistent action and consistency is what makes us good at what we do. Become a master at your craft. Mastery is a forgotten art. I believe language is so important too. I don’t use words like hard, try, need, should or hopefully. and I teach other entrepreneurs to shift their language because that’s where confidence comes from. Conviction. Nothing is hard and you don’t have to be here. You’re choosing to build a business. You’re choosing to create a life of freedom. No one is forcing you to do it. Trying is for people who don’t want to take responsibility for their actions.

What quote do you live by and why?

“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. ” – M. Scott Peck I had always struggled with feeling worthy, feeling good enough. I believe we have chosen to be exactly where we are based on the decisions we have made in our lives. Self-love and self-worth hold the key to having everything we desire in life. When you truly love yourself and feel worthy you will supercharge your romance, call in your soul partner, treat your body with respect, honour your divine soul’s calling, connect with your healing powers and become WILDLY WEALTHY. Why is self-worth SO important to making unlimited income and creating success?? You will never out earn what you believe you’re worth. “Work for a cause, not for applause. Live to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to have your presence noticed, just make your absence felt.” I believe we are either living out of validation and obligation or purpose and joy so I love this quote as it always reminds me to check my intention and energy in everything I do and how I am showing up, We are always trying to look GOOD or be better than someone else. Always comparing, judging or competing. But when we are able to crack our hearts open and live, love, and work from a space of pure joy and purpose we come together and raise the vibration of each other and the planet.

You are also a mentor to other entrepreneurs, what advice do you give people that feel stuck in their current situation?

Feeling stuck? It’s exactly that: a feeling. We are never actually stuck - we are not trees. Circulating energy, getting clear on who you are and where you’re going, allow yourself to be flexible and change direction if that’s what your soul is calling for. When we feel stuck I find it’s because we are out of alignment and out of integrity with our values. It’s what happened in my old network marketing company I felt stuck but when I made the decision to give myself the opportunity to really get clear on what my values were and what I wanted most in my life I gave myself permission to change direction and I was able to align with the right company and that’s when I saw the real shift in my income, happiness, mindset and connection to self. One of the best pieces of advice I got from one of my mentors that always served me was, “What’s keeping you so loyal to a life that’s keeping you so stuck?” Choice is what I always come back to. We always have a choice in how we respond, where we pour our energy, what experiences we choose to have, and ultimately everything we have and don’t have in our lives. So if you’re feeling stuck just honour that it’s your body and soul screaming at you to take notice. Don’t make yourself wrong - TAKE NOTICE! It’s a sign. Most of the best changes of directions that led me to bigger and better things came from a place of feeling stuck! Look at where you feel out of alignment or integrity and don’t be afraid to change direction. “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change” – Albert Einstein Albert was right especially in entrepreneurship. You must be ready to change, adapt, pivot, and innovate with the world around you, if you want to succeed in the long term of business.

What can we expect from you in the next 12 months?

I am committed to taking another 40 women to a six figure income within my online marketing platform. I am also working on a new ‘for purpose’ business which is one of my biggest passions. I am in the process of creating one of the largest platforms in the world for youth and teenagers in personal development and self-worth which is what I believe we are missing in the school system. Learning about self-love and knowing your worth in your teens at the most impressionable time of your life is so needed in the world today. Understanding your personal power and how uniquely different we are and how we can make an impact in the world can change the way we feel about ourselves from a young age. Imagine every teenager on the planet having access to this kind of work, tools, and mentorship. I want kids all over the globe to grow up believing in themselves and knowing how beautifully perfect they are. This I believe is where the future of the world is changed. I am about to release another book that will show men and women how to own their worth, own their wealth and own their voice while manifesting abundance and creating massive success using the law of attraction.

G E T I N TO U C H W I T H R E B E K A H F E M I A wildlywealthy@rebekahlfemia.com rebekahlfemia rebekahlfemia https://www.rebekahlfemia.com www.womanentrepreneur.co | 5

I am so excited for this edition, as we are speaking about MLM and network marketing. I cannot stress this enough on how important it is to have a strong network. Your network = Your networth. With all the Christmas parties and year-end parties lurking around every corner, use this as an opportunity to meet new people, put yourself out there and get clients for 2019. As the year is coming to an end and everybody is going into the holiday mode, you can use the last two weeks of November to have a record month by using this season as an advantage within your marketing messaging. Setting yourself up for 2019 happens in 2018, and that is exactly what you can do for your clients. Be great! Kindest Regards, Erna Basson Founder and CEO | Woman Entrepreneur

Erna Basson is an award-winning entrepreneur, world-class business coach and international keynote speaker. She is well known for starting, growing and selling companies fast and her passion is to help people become entrepreneurs so that they too can achieve and live their dream. She is the Founder and CEO of Erabella Beauty , the fastest growing hair extensions brand in the world. She is the CEO and Founder of Woman Entrepreneur, a global platform to Empower Women in Business

editor@womanentrepreneur.co www.womanentrepreneur.co


We are not your usual networking group for women. We are a club with a difference; a club that is genuinely focused, passionate and dedicated to supporting women to succeed both personally and professionally in an empowering, inspiring, and supportive environment. Most importantly, a club for women who want be part of a sisterhood. Every month we deliver valuable content and tips and tricks from our success manual we will work through together. There is even HOMEWORK! We are your accountability partner to ensure you implement the strategies and keep moving forward on your journey.

WEDNESDAY, 28 NOV AT 18:15 UTC+10 Bayview On The Park | 52 Queens Road | Melbourne

Caterina Dornbrach Club Director

Erna Basson CEO & Founder

POWERFUL PERSONAL BRANDING and present a 29 second pitch FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Are there any age restrictions? Yes, you must be 18 years or older How much does it cost? Your first event attendance is FREE! Be our guest so you can experience the vibe and culture of the club and decide if it is the right fit for you. If the club resonates with you and you would like to attend future events, you can either pay general admission for the main event or invest in an annual membership which gives you access to the Monthly Online Woman Entrepreneur Magazine, VIP Online Membership, Private Facebook Group and more! Can you bring a guest? Yes, of course you can! You can bring as many guests as you like, we love meeting new female entrepreneurs. Simply register your guest(s) with the following information: name and surname, email address and phone number. You can’t use your email address when registering your guest(s). A repeated email address will cancel the registration. Street parking and parking at the venue is available. Please contact the venue for parking fees. What should I bring to the event? Business cards, notepad, pen and the best version of yourself. What is the dress code? Business attire or smart casual. Remember, for many of us we feel how we dress. Also, first impressions matter, so put your best foot forward! How can I contact the organiser with any questions? Email : wecmelbourne@gmail.com | Mobile: 0423 005 297


As a professional makeup artist and educator with an ex-career in the corporate world, I never imagined I would become an entrepreneur - much less that I’d be able to launch a professional beauty blog that empowers women and focuses on cultivating inner beauty. Yet, here I am! And it all began with a little app called Instagram. I grew to 100K in just ten months, and have only been on Instagram for about two years now. When I started on Instagram, it was quite a different account to what it is now. Focused on curating looks and supporting online talent, I joined the Instagram party when makeup looks were starting to explode and take off online. My followers didn’t know me personally but resonated with my content as it was so on-trend. I showcased work from international artists (with full attribution each time, of course) while sharing short snippets of my own journey along the way. This allowed me to quickly make lots of creative friends online, including a few that are now influential artists with huge followings. Whilst the algorithm was totally different, and I was ‘riding a wave’ when it came to taking advantage of makeup looks becoming one of the fastest growing trends in the Instagram world, I did a study and research, strategised and figured some things out along the way which are still helping me now, in entirely different circumstances. My account has taken a different direction, with only some curated looks, and most of it being professional collaborations and my own journey.

SO HOW DO YOU SUCCEED ON INSTAGRAM? In a nutshell: self-education, passion, persistence, and hard work. Just like anything else, it takes time and sweat. Thankfully, I’ve learned a few important lessons along the way - lessons anyone can benefit from. If you’re looking to upgrade your Instagram brand, make sure you stick to these steps. CONSISTENCY Like every other social media platform, Instagram rewards engagement. When I first started, I noticed the accounts that were doing well were posting up to 3 times a day, so I started by making consistency my number one priority. Instagram’s ever-changing algorithm means you may not always get the engagement you want, but one thing you can bank on is that if you show commitment to the platform by posting like a machine, you will see those followers increase organically. FORESIGHT As any savvy business owner or marketer will tell you, it’s about trying to fulfill a need or gap in the market. Hit a pain point with your consumer that you can provide a solution for. The same concept applies here. Try to look for trends and forecast their effects so that you can incorporate them into your future content strategy. Another thing I noticed when I started out was that big accounts focus on ‘viral’ content, like the latest makeup trend, or whatever new hack that might take Instagram MUAs by storm. They hijacked the trends to their advantage. This takes consistent research, but trust me; it’s worth it. Look at what the trending hashtags are in your niche, for example. What patterns do you see? Then simply align your content with the top trends. Also, look out for “unicorn” posts. These are posts that will massively outperform any others in terms of likes and comments. Whenever I saw a unicorn post, I looked for commonalities between them, to see why they were in high demand. Trends often played a part in this! Some of these trends don’t last, but by jumping onto trends, your posts are more likely to go viral, resulting in increased influence and following. INFLUENCERS The dreaded “I” word which is so misused and sometimes cringeworthy. Really, what is an influencer? Simply put, an influencer on Instagram is someone with reach and persuasiveness. They are able to “influence” people to think or act or buy in a certain manner, whether that’s short or long term. Look at what the influencers in your niche are doing; what brands do they support, what trends do they follow, which of their posts

8 | NOVEMBER 2018 | ISSUE 2

are most popular or commented on, etc. Then imitate with military precision! As they say, do what the best are doing. I researched who the top MUAs were at the time, and looked at their content to find out what seemed to be most favoured by the algorithm. I used apps to discover their top-performing content and mirrored this on my account. As a result of the patterns I observed and applied, many of my posts went viral, often receiving thousands, hundreds of thousands, and in a few instances - over a million views! This created instant growth for me and the artists I featured on my account, which then resulted in great online friendships, work-related collaborations, and more growth and engagement as bigger MUAs engaged with my account. NETWORK Think of Instagram as an extremely valuable global networking party! Make time every single day to engage, even if it’s only for 10 minutes in the evening. Many people just focus on getting likes or comments (which aren’t always a reflection of your performance, because they are heavily impacted by an emotionless and everychanging algorithm), and they forget to take the time to add value or contribute to their community! But networking here is exactly like in the offline world: You’ve got to be a giver. The more you give, the more you’ll get in return. Whether it’s potential customers, current followers, influencers in your niche, brands you love, companies you admire, or even your competitors. COLLABORATE My motto is always - collaborate, don’t compete! There is enough cake for you to eat, and plenty to pass around. You have to think big in the online space. Apply the growth mindset of abundance. Others’ success does not limit you in any way. On the contrary; if you can join forces in some way, you could both do even better! You don’t have to collaborate with everyone, but always find ways to support, encourage and cross-promote, so that the end result is a scenario where everyone wins. It’s so easy to do this via shoutouts, or even reposting content on your feed and linking back to the original profile. You’ll create a positive vibe, build a community, and automatically open yourself up to new audiences and followers too. This will increase your network, net-worth, and ability to ultimately grow your influence, and monetize online. GIVE! Do you add value through your Instagram account, or do you just harp on about your brand and your services and promotions? Woman Entrepreneur | Global

Let’s work this backwards: People will only buy from you as far as they can trust you, and see you as credible. Credibility comes from influence and relationship. Influence comes from strategy, and relationship comes from genuinely caring for and adding value to your audience.

brand. If you do it right, it can provide so much more than that - including sales. Get as much user-generated content for your posts as possible. Use your clients and support network, including testimonials, before and after photos, case studies, and the like. Get creative. Utilize the audience you have!

My point? Educate your market in the areas of your expertise, whether it’s through personal stories, technical knowledge, tutorials, before and after photos, inspirational quotes and captions, or something else. It’s easy to direct your audience to your website or promotions through these posts too, but remember, you’re only going to get that buy-in if you’ve already added consistent value and created trust.


You cannot control the algorithm, your clients, the followers, or the likes or comments you receive, because all these factors are constantly changing. The one thing that remains the same and that you can control is how committed you are to adding value. Are you putting out high-level content that does your brand and reputation justice, and creates an overall positive impact? Doing this will enable you to ride out the tough seasons online, and eventually create amazing long-term opportunities for yourself. It’s a marathon, not a sprint; it’s about the long-term results, not about short-term wins. USER GENERATED CONTENT There is nothing more powerful than someone you trust telling you about a product, service, or tool that changed their life. In a world where anyone can be an ‘influencer’ these days - and what the average person says online can be seen, heard, and taken onboard - user-generated content (UGC) is the most powerful thing out there. One of the best ways to obtain quality UGC is to get the right influencers pushing your products and services and being able to explain your unique point of difference (not just the features and benefits). Make use of influencer marketing for your business, because, at a bare minimum, it’s added exposure and credibility for your

While UGC is the key, people can also be quite sceptical about what they see or what is being promoted to them online. Everything is out in the open in a way, yet, everyone is to an extent aware that a lot is hidden from there - and there the facade of “the Instagram world isn’t real life.” You need to have integrity online, and apply your core values to your business and marketing. This will never go out of fashion and will always work for you. If you want to start monetizing your Instagram, start small, and always apply a high standard to your collaborations - whichever end you’re on. Always promote only what you believe in, or work with someone you trust, keeping to the standard your audience would expect! Ask: does this collaboration or result match my brand values and personal standards? Be ruthless in those standards; know exactly what and whom you will be willing to promote through your account and content. You’ll never see me collaborating with a brand who tests on animals for example, because that breaks my values. My audience knows that I will only support cruelty-free beauty; if I changed that, not only would I be lowering my standards, I’d be losing my credibility and lowering trust. Actions and words must match. Stay true to your values and remain on-brand. Never compromise your ethics for short-term monetary gain. THERE IS NO GREATER WAY TO CREATE INFLUENCE other than being who you truly are, and creating value and positive impact through your business. Whatever shape or form that may come in. This is the key to everything.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Neha Hobson is a professional Beauty Blogger and MUA. She collaborates with Beauty Brands to give them exposure via her 140K Instagram account and Professional Product Reviews on www.beautybyneha.com. With a communications and business background, and having been a national trainer in beauty, Neha is able to provide in-depth and intelligent beauty content through her collaborations. She also provides Instagram coaching services for Beauty Businesses looking to create a stronger presence online. Contact Neha via www.beautybyneha.com or follow her on www.instagram.com/neha_makeupartist She would love to connect with you!

www.womanentrepreneur.co | 9

Health is wealth. People strive to be healthy. Health refers to more than only having a healthy body. Optimum health includes a healthy bod and healthy finances. There is a direct and indirect relationship between a healthy body and financial wellbeing. Financial difficulty can r stress levels; lack of sleep; reduced energy levels; eating disorders; and alcohol abuse to name a few, which could in turn impact on lack of financial resources can also have a direct impact on being able to afford proper health care. The other side of the coin is also t or illness can ruin your financial wealth. Following these 10 steps to healthier finances: 1. MONITOR YOUR EXPENSES BY USING A BUDGET


Refrain from over-spending. Compile a budget and keep to it. Divide your budget into the following categories: income; savings (i.e. investments, saving for a holiday, etc.); “cannot live without expenses” (i.e. groceries, water and electricity, medical aid, etc.); “nice to have expenses” (i.e. hairdresser, DSTV, entertainment, etc.) and emergency expenses (i.e. medical expenses which are not covered by the medical aid, etc.).

Only a handful of people worldwide will be able to retire comfort to change their lifestyle drastically. The younger you start plan your retirement the better. Review your retirement savings on a adjust your contributions accordingly. Remember you also rece retirement contributions.

2. MAKE SAVING A PRIORITY Saving should be a priority; not something that happens on an ad-hoc basis. Save at least 10% of your monthly income after deducting tax, pension fund contributions and medical aid contributions. If you do not have any debt to repay, increase your savings to at least 30% of your monthly income. 3. AVOID DEBT AT ALL COST Make a conscious decision to become and stay debt free. If you cannot buy it cash, do not buy it. Whenever you have additional cash, use it to repay your debt. 4. AN EMERGENCY FUND IS A NECESSITY Build up an emergency fund that you can use for unforeseen big expenses. Having funds available to use during an emergency gives you peace of mind, especially in a medical emergency. Use the funds for real emergencies and don’t be tempted to use the money for an overseas trip or the latest fashion trends.


Ensure that you have a will and that you keep it up to date. It is e to update your will when big life events happen like getting mar or getting divorced. Unfortunately, death is a reality for all of us, to leave chaos to your loved ones when you die. 9. BECOME FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT

Too many women are still dependent on their partners to fin them and their families. High divorce rates, crime rates, men critical illnesses and retrenchments are a few factors that can become the breadwinner and having to provide for herself and t to become financially independent and actively strive to achie regret this decision.



Good medical care is expensive. Don’t underestimate the importance of having proper medical aid cover in place. It doesn’t matter how healthy, fit or strong you believe you are, it can change in a split second. If you fall ill, you want the best medical care possible. You might get away with only having a hospital plan, provided you have an emergency fund in place to cover unforeseen medical expenses.

Financial literacy will enable you to make sound financial decis to rely on partners, financial planners or employers. Read book do online courses or get yourself a financial coach. You are the o always have your best interest at heart.

6. PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES Hopefully you will never need it, but rather be safe than sorry. The amount of your life cover depends mainly on your dependents and your level of debt. Disability cover and dread disease cover become critically important if an accident happens or you do fall ill.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ronel Jooste CA(SA), Financial Consultant, Author & Speaker Contact Ronel: ronel@financiallyfitlife.co.za www.financiallyfitlife.co.za

10 | NOVEMBER 2018 | ISSUE 2

You are the architect of your future. You can continue to be s financial situation, or you can actively do something to chan exercise, eat a healthy balanced diet and get sufficient slee physical health. Similarly, you need a financial plan, discipline improve your financial wellbeing. Don’t neglect to follow these your financial health.

dy; a healthy mind result in increased physical health. A true – poor health

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especially important rried, having children , and you don’t want

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you a leading female entrepreneur and authority in your industry? you want to take your brand to the next level, but not sure how?

female entrepreneurs, speakers, power couples, and up and coming entrepreneurs are their successes and achievements with like-minded individuals.

etime opportunity to get featured in the Woman Entrepreneur magazine or online d needs to know about you and how amazing you are, and you deserve all the ition. Get featured today and be seen by millions of potential clients.

preneur is THE #1 SUCCESS PLATFORM for Women in Business!

I am extremely passionate about women empowerment and that women can truly have it all. I support and love the platform that Woman Entrepreneur has created for other women. Together women are so much stronger. LILLY GHALICHI Founder of Lilly Lashes


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: JosĂŠe Larocque-Patton assists organizations to develop their people and train their leaders. She guides leaders when their employees are not following procedures and policies and act as a consultant when organizations experience legislative infractions. JosĂŠe Larocque-Patton | Founder and CEO of The HR ICU www.thehricu.com | email josee@thehricu.com



Ove r t h e yea r s I h ave fre q u e n t l y h ea rd l ea der s a nd m a na g er s m a k i ng co m m ents about how o b tainin g sal es, red u c i n g co sts a n d g a i n i ng new c l ients a re th e m a in pr io r iti es fo r a ny com pany. Since we a re a t i m e d e f i c i e n t s o c i et y, i t i s ver y ea s y to g et ca ug h t up i n th e da y -to -da y tasks an d fo rget a bou t t h e m o st val u a b l e a s s et a ny o rg a nizati o n h a s … th ei r em pl oy ees . So why should an e m p l oyer be co n ce rn e d a n d pl a ce fo c us o n a n em pl oy ee’s h a ppines s i n th e workplace? Let ’s lo ok at t h e Vi rg i n G ro u p o f co m pa n i es a nd th e v is i o n Si r Ric h a rd B ra ns o n h a s c reated. Virg in is a wellknown gl obal en ter pri s e t h at , w i t h o u t a s h a dow o f a do ubt, bel i eves em pl oy ees a re th ei r m ost valuable as s et . T h ey p ra ct i ce w h at t h ey prea c h a n d th ey k now th eir uniq ue s el l i ng propo s iti o n a s a n em ployer is how they t reat t h ei r e m pl oy ees . B a s e d o n w h at I rea d a nd h ea r a bo ut th em , i t h a s al wa y s been a com pany I as p ire to wor k for o r pa r t n e r w i t h i n m y l i fetim e. I a m co nfident I a m no t th e o nl y o ne th at fee ls this way. Whe n a bra n d ca n h ave s u c h a n i m pa c t o n s om eo ne, w i th o ut a c tual l y being pa r t o f i t fir sth a nd, is how you know you h ave fou nd a n d c reate d yo u r “ s e c ret s a uce” . As Sir Ric h a rd B ra ns o n s a y s “ Cl i ents do n ot come first . Em p l oyees com e f i r st . I f yo u ta ke ca re o f yo ur em pl oy ees, th ey w i l l ta ke ca re o f th e c l ients.”


Follow t h e Law

Ensuring you have proper hiring practices and promoting an honest and authentic work environment. Focusing on people who will build and be brand ambassadors to your vision and company, as people want to have a sense of belonging and understand how they are part of the bigger picture. For additional info refer to our April issue article on Top Tips for Hiring.

Educate yourself and your staff on all workplace laws. For example, pay equity, hours of work, breaks, leaves of absences, health and safety, anti-harassment and violence laws etc. Host committees who can help stay abreast of changes and ensure every employee is receiving and promoting a fair and equitable workplace.

R ewa rd an d Recog nit ion

Follow U p an d Follow T h roug h

This is more than just saying thank you. It’s about showing your employees you care about them. It does not need to cost you money because giving appreciation that is honest and specific can be much more powerful than buying someone pizza or a coffee. Keep in mind some employees prefer one-on-one feedback and others are happy to receive public recognition. Tailor your recognition to suit the employee and don’t forget about additional benefits and perks.

M ento r an d D eve lop Set up a program to help your employees set and achieve career goals, perhaps tie it into a succession planning program. Allow employees to try different roles. Foster an open environment by asking questions and not solely giving orders. It is very gratifying knowing you are working towards something, especially when you have a mentor who can be there to guide and coach you along the way.

Go beyond what is written on a job description and have regular monthly or quarterly performance updates with employees. Encourage two way conversations by providing constructive feedback and asking for constructive feedback in return. Discuss not only required tasks that need to be done, but also the culture and vision each employee brings to the team and brand .Be specific with expectations, and follow up. When employees have questions or need your help and guidance, be there for them.

Be Vuln era ble Vulnerability builds trust and loyalty. Do not be afraid to be vulnerable, it’s ok if you do not know everything, nor are you expected to know everything. Every manager and employee should feel comfortable being themselves, learning from mistakes and taking ownership and accountability for their own actions.

It is statistically proven that a happy workplace increases: productivity, creativity, motivation, as employees learn faster and make better business decisions which increases the bottom line. A happy workplace also reduces anxiety, employees worry and complain less and make fewer mistakes which reduces costs (take fewer sick days). Another company that practices what they preach that I have been fortunate enough to have worked for is Disney. Disney is known for being “the happiest place on earth” for a reason. It starts with their hiring practices, then their on-boarding programs to the wonderful perks and recognition they offer and, more important, the feeling of knowing you are part of something that focuses on creating the best entertainment experience for clients. As Walt Disney believes: “You can design, create and build the most wonderful place in the world but it takes people to make the dream a reality.” You too can build your brand like Virgin and Disney, just remember: your “secret sauce” is your employees. www.womanentrepreneur.co | 15

Join The Woman Entrepreneur Club We believe that all women can become the future CEO’s of their life & business, but we know that you cannot do it alone. That is why we have created The Woman Entrepreneur Membership Program that will give you the support and accountability to build a life & business that you will love & deserve. When you join the prestigious VIP membership, you will get access to $10 000.00 worth of content and counting. Masterclasses, the business & life accelerator tips, tricks & business secrets awaits you. Don’t forget the global membership portal where you can network locally or globally. Who knows, your next business partner could be a member on this platform!


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Together we can help you grow & Succeed in your life and your business Connect with local & global like-minded female entrepreneurs

visit www.womanentrepreneur.co for more information 16 | NOVEMBER 2018 | ISSUE 2


ARE YOU A TOP BUSINESS COACH? Is it your passion and vision to help and change other peoples lives with your unique style of coaching? Do you add value and focus on delivering results to your business coaching client? Do you want more coaching clients and increase your credibility as a business coach? Then we want YOU!

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: You must have been featured in the media (if you are not, make sure you check out our Get Featured Section) and you must be an existing business coach.

ENJOY THESE BENEFITS:  Receive a featured profile and gain more clients  Write for woman entrepreneur and increase your media coverage and SEO  Prestigious status of association with the Woman Entrepreneur brand  Get invited to speak at Woman Entrepreneur events

JOIN NOW! v i s i t w w w. w o m a n e n t r e p r e n e u r . c o f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n


was a very slow starter when it came to having a professional presence online through social media platforms, that changed at a networking event about 6 months ago.

A former business colleague suggested I attend an upcoming business networking event, as they knew a high-profile individual whose connection would be beneficial to me was going to be there. I eagerly accepted the invitation and was quietly excited to formally meet the person in question. What I didn’t know was that my former colleague had reached out to this individual to confirm their attendance and set up the introduction with me. There’s tip number 1 – If you are going to connect people, it will make for a far warmer meeting if you have briefed both parties prior to the connection. For ease of explanation, let’s call the high-profile person I was meeting “Brian”. Naturally I wanted to make the best first impression possible. Remember, you only get one chance to make a good first impression, so I researched as much as I could about Brian prior to the networking event. I wanted to ensure we had plenty of common ground to talk about and keep momentum. I went to the event completely pumped, I looked good, felt good and was confident I knew as much about Brian and his businesses as I possibly could. These feelings of confidence were about to be dented. The first words out of Brian’s mouth after I introduced myself and shook his hand were: “Ah, the international man of mystery”. You see, whilst I was happy with my level of research into my new contact, I failed to consider that Brian would be doing his research on me. Only, he would have had much less luck than I did. My online presence was pretty much non-existent and, for potential business partners, investors or clients, that often raises alarm bells. Take the next 2 minutes to do this simple test; Google your name and see what pops up on the front page of results. Then search your name in Google images and see what pops up there. If the only results are Facebook pictures of you on a girls’ trip to Thailand on your eleventh mojito, you can kiss that new business partnership or capital funding you were hoping to secure goodbye!

JEREMY K. STREETER Networking Expert | Entrepreneur | Property Developer & Investor Owner at Intelligent Millionaires Network Sydney

18 | NOVEMBER 2018 | ISSUE 2

Woman Entrepreneur | Global


Your online presence is more often than not the first impression someone will have of you, so it needs to portray a message congruent to you and your businesses. It forms a massive part of your personal and business brand, so you need to grow and protect it. Think of your brand as what people say and think about you when you are not in the room. In a recent Business Insider podcast that Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, appeared on he explained that a strong network is more important than even the most detailed or ambitious career plan. “And so, as opposed to saying, ‘I have a master plan,” Hoffman said, referring to either a great start-up idea or plan to climb a corporate ladder, “you’re better off focusing more energy on building as strong a network as possible, because that’s the thing that most catapults you, in terms of your capabilities, in terms of your abilities to do things.” In the book “Never Eat Alone” by Keith Ferrazzi, he details how Hoffman explains to him that “LinkedIn is a closed network, and for a very simple reason: For the network to have value as an introduction tool, the connections need to have meaning. It’s up to you to vet each and every request so that if someone comes to you and says, ‘Would you introduce me?,’ you’re in a position to evaluate whether the connection would be of mutual benefit.” Online networking does not mean another avenue to spam potential clients with your details and profiles in the hope of getting a sale. You should treat it as a wonderful platform where you can hone your networking skills on a truly global scale. Personally, I find nothing more annoying than accepting a connection request online via Facebook or LinkedIn only to be spammed by the person 1 minute later asking if I would like to buy their investment property or latest ICO. Do that, and you will quickly find yourself “unfriended” and deleted. Treat the online connections the same as though you were meeting in person at a business networking event, be courteous and grateful for the connection and show a genuine interest in how you can help the other party. People do business with people not products, build a relationship based on integrity, honesty and a genuine desire to help the other party get what they need. Do this and you will be able to grow your network globally!

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Your mindset for success on LinkedIn needs to be one of business and getting things done. That’s why people are there. It’s not other social media channels where you share what you had for breakfast and where you have been on holiday, it is a place of business. Which means people are there to do business. Yes, you want to build relationships, but you can also pick up clients from one message. It’s has been the fastest converting platform I have seen. Make sure your offer is ready and you are going in with clear intent.


Your profile page should be a sales page. People are coming to your profile to see how you can help them and if they want to interact with you on any level. Your sole focus on your profile should be how you can help people solve the problems they are facing in their business. Make sure you have the following in place:     

A professional profile picture A background picture that tells people what you do A summary that is focused entirely on how you help people solve problems A clear call to action at the end of your summary that takes them to more information about you Testimonials so people can see what results you help achieve


Having a paid profile is key. Only 7% of LinkedIn users are using paid profiles, which means the opportunity to capitalize on this is huge. When you use Sales Navigator, it allows you to specifically target your ideal client anywhere in the world. You can go deep and segment your audience by many different attributes such as: Geography | Post code | Title | Industry | Company headcount | Seniority | Years in current position | And much more If you are looking to find directors of larger accounting firms that have between a 50 – 500 company head count, you can do that – so it’s super targeted.


Once you have edited your profile, set your goal to connect with 30 people per day and focus not only on your ideal clients, but also suppliers, media houses and other people or industries you want to connect with. This will help you grow your connection base and be seen as a person of influence. You will see initially that you will be doing a lot of hard work, but there will be a point where people will start reaching out to connect with you. This is a numbers game. Set aside 30 minutes each day to do this and your business will change. The more focused you get, the faster you will see results. When you connect with someone, add in a personal message as they will be more likely to accept so you can start the conversation.


As stated before, this is a place where people come to do business. Have a direct conversation, tell them why you want to connect and what your intentions are. If you are looking to get clients fast, then I have found that the more direct you are, the better people will tell you if they are interested or not. If they tell you they are not interested, you can still keep them as a connection and you can keep in contact for a later stage. Tell them how you can help them and ask them if they are looking for that kind of help and want to have a conversation. Then you start to build the relationship, ask for a meeting and see where it takes you


LinkedIn will notify you when it is someone’s birthday, work anniversary, when they have a new job or change their title. Even when they post articles. This gives you the perfect opportunity and reason to connect with them and be top of mind. Send them a message on each of these occasions, remind them that you are still there and give them an opportunity to take a look at who you are and what you are doing. Each time you reach out to them, give them your contact details and let them know how you can help them or simply just offer to help. People are always looking for help in their businesses and good help is hard to find these days – be their shining light.


Write all your copy before you even start out. Your implementation time and success will be so much faster. Make it as personal as possible and write from the heart to really connect with people. You will see more success than you can handle

If you use these techniques, you will be able to pick up your first client from LinkedIn in as little as a week. If you need some inspiration, go and check out my profile, connect with me and ask me some questions. Too your success on LinkedIn Matt Clark 20 | NOVEMBER 2018 | ISSUE 2

Woman Entrepreneur | Global

If your business requires any kind of selling or connecting with other business people, then really care about just 1 thing: the ability to reach people, build relationships and get them to buy without having to spend hours walking them across the line. As it turns out, this ability to reach people anywhere in the world, build relationships and get them to buy is the difference between making $1 000 and $1 million and more. If you need an image in your mind of making $1 million, just picture a successful business with lots of clients that pay you what you’re worth and send you more business. I ask you this, have you been cold calling or knocking doors? Then you’re the last of your kind because the technology of selling has made huge advantages in the last 5 years. There is no need to speak to unqualified leads anymore. You can find and reach out directly to the person you are looking for. This seems like great news for a company like yourself and most businesses in general, so what’s the problem here? Why is there an opportunity in this market? Why am I here? Adrian Gore, the founder of Discovery once said, “becoming an entrepreneur is like jumping out of an airplane with silk worms instead of a parachute and hoping that they are over-achievers!” Many people have tried to create a system to get clients on LinkedIn that can be understood and used by the non-technical business owner. Few succeeded. Why? Because it’s hard. You can’t just set up a profile and expect people to come rushing through the door. Trying to figure out how to set up ads is not high on most business owners’ lists. So, I’m going to share 7 tips you can use right now to get high quality clients from LinkedIn without spending a cent on advertising. About the Author: Matt Clark is a sales funnel expert and the creator of The Automated Income System. He has built his own multimillion-dollar companies both online and offline (door to door sales). He works with businesses all over the world helping them to automate, grow revenues, profits and free up more time. His clients have been able to entirely automate their businesses and create more revenue in one month than in an entire year - growing their business x5 by just doing things differently. His mission is to elevate the level of business worldwide by making tools and strategies available to business owners. Get your free copy of his book, The Automated Income System: How To Charge More, Work Less And Feel Great About It, on his website. Or get in touch with Matt directly if you need some help implementing these tools and to find out more about what is possible for your business. Email: matt@thevirtualedge.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattclarksa Website: www.thevirtualedge.com www.womanentrepreneur.co | 21

Christina McMasters | CEO of Black Paw Marketing www.linkedin.com/in/christinamcmasters | www.blackpawmarketing.com 22 | NOVEMBER 2018 | ISSUE 2

Woman Entrepreneur | Global

Top 5 Tips and Tricks to a

I get it, the whole Facebook marketing thing can be super overwhelming. Focus on that demographic, re-target these leads, narrow this, exclude that… where do you even begin? Over the past year and a half in this industry, I’ve tested and optimized ads for clients globally and have learned from some of the top marketers. I’m going to share with you my top 5 tips and tricks for finding an ideal and killer audience for your marketing campaigns. CUSTOM & LOOK-A-LIKE AUDIENCES These are the best targeting features Facebook offers. Custom Audiences can help you tap into the most effective group of people which are your existing leads. You can directly target your leads, past clients or anyone in your database by uploading an email list into your ad account. All you have to do is create an excel sheet with email addresses of the people you want to target and upload it into your account. This way, Facebook will show your ad to those very specific individuals. Once you have tapped into your existing leads with the Custom Audience feature, you can create a LookA-Like audience. Look-A-Like audiences will allow you to discover new people who are similar to your existing clients and leads. Generating a list of Facebook users who are similar to your existing leads and clients based on demographics and behaviors is a great way to hyper-target your ads to an ideal audience. If you’re reading this wondering what to do if you don’t have an existing email list of clients or leads, the second step is for you. DETAILED TARGETING When I say detailed targeting, I’m referring to the Interest, Behavior, and Demographic targeting options we all see when we enter the Ad Set Level of a campaign. Often times when I’m doing ad consulting or looking at past campaigns for my clients, I’ll find in their targeting they are using very broad interests. Facebook’s Interest Targeting is based on any content that that person has engaged with, whether it was in a positive or negative way. For example, if you’re selling a product that is about Donald Trump, he is very controversial and, targeting Donald Trump as an interest, could be targeting people who either love or absolutely hate him. You haven’t exactly targeted and narrowed down on his fans, which will result in wasted money and lots of negative feedback on your ads. If you are wanting to target entrepreneurs, rather than simply putting “entrepreneur” in the Interest Targeting, get specific on books, magazines, blogs, websites, conferences, gurus and other things that only your ideal audience would know about. I’m sure almost every entrepreneur has heard and read the book How to Win Friends & Influence People, so this would be ideal to add. You also want to use Behavior Targeting as much as you can, this is going to be a more reliable targeting option than using Interests. Once you grow your email list of clients or leads in your database (I usually wait until there’s at least 100 - 200) you can then go back to step 1 and add them into your Custom and Look-a-Like Audiences. GOOGLE TRENDS This works well for businesses that are marketing to many states or countries, and I’ve found it works especially well for my E-commerce clients. Oftentimes, people will target a geographical area where their service or product may not even be in high demand. We use Google Trends because this gives detailed information on where your product or service is being searched

for so you can spend money where it will matter more to people. The metric to really look out for is a consistent line above the 50-mark on the graph. You can then take this info and plug it into Facebook’s Audience Insights tool. I would dive deeper into how to use Facebook’s Audience tool, but frankly, there’s not enough space on this page and there’s tons of free content online to check out! I do want to mention though that it is a great tool to use as an idea generator if you’re needing more ideas on what to target or if you’re not knowledgeable in what other interests your ideal client may have other than the obvious choices. WHY AM I SEEING THIS AD? When doing research on your competitors, if they are on their A-game you should receive a retargeting ad right after visiting their website. I’ll purposely visit my clients’ competitors’ websites to get retargeting ads from them just to see who they’re targeting their ads towards. So how can you see who and why they’re targeting? On the upper right corner of an ad you’ll notice three little dots, if you click that you will see the option Why Am I Seeing This Ad? Facebook will tell you exactly why you’re seeing the ad whether it’s based on your interests, age, gender, or more. You’ll now have an idea of who your competitors are targeting ads towards that you can use as a foundation or idea. RETARGETING This step is so often skipped, yet it is the most important part of your marketing campaign. When marketing, you can never expect your audience to convert or engage with your ad in the first round. In fact, it typically takes anywhere between 5 - 12 times of becoming familiar with your brand before making any moves. When someone engages with your content, you’ll need to create a custom audience for people who have engaged with past ads or your Facebook and Instagram pages. This way, you can retarget them with special offers, testimonials, case studies, whatever you may need to show your audience to increase conversions or make them trust you. I could write for days on the many different tactics and strategies on honing down your ideal audience. Key take-aways are: 1. You’ll need to retarget and make sure that it’s on point. Don’t have the same person view the same retargeting ad more than a couple of times (watch the Frequency metric). 2. Use of Custom and Look-A-Like audiences will save you frustration, money, and time on your campaigns. 3. Stay away from Broad Interest Targeting and dig deep into behaviors as much as you can! www.womanentrepreneur.co | 23


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