Woman's Essence Magazine March 2019 Issue

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MARCH 2019

NR. 3


Cross-Border Agreements... The new “In”


When in Ghana, bask


Dress Like a Boss in Business Casual

Living a Positively Beautiful Life Interview with Amanda Hewitt





WHAT’S INSIDE 4 Editor’s Note 6 Business Cross-Border Agreements... The new “In”

8 Health The Fibroid Epidemic That is Making Most Women’s Life Unconfortable

10 Fashion & Beauty Dress Like a Boss in Business Casual

14 Women Of Strenght Living a Positively Beautiful Life - Interview with Amanda Hewitt

20 Relationships It is Better to Admire Than to Envy Another Woman

22 Cuisine Using Food to Boos Brain Health: Is It Possible?

24 Travel When in Ghana, bask


14 Women of Strenght Living a Positively Beautiful Life - Interview with Amanda Hewitt


Letter from the editor... W omen have many different important roles in life. They are daughters, sisters, mothers, career women and the president/queen of their home. We were born into these roles. However, sadly, we never put our mental and physical wellbeing as a priority. Women face so many challenges with what they have to balance on a daily basis. They always feel the work has to be done and they are the only ones with the power to make all things better. This is the reason they put themselves last instead of first. Most women stay in abusive relationships for their children, some women rarely go to their gynecological appointments for their annual Pap smear or sonograms be-


cause they have to make sure their children’s and husband’s health are on the top of the list. Women must realize in order to keep their family intact they have to care for themselves. When women support each other and share their problems they become survivors of what they endured. We can learn from one another on how to survive the worst situations in our lives. Women have survived domestic violence, sexual assault and breast cancer because of finally becoming self-full. Surviving is what women do. As long as we continue to talk about what is happening to us, we will get the support and motivation to beat the odds and continue on with our many roles.

Woman’s Essence magazine is for and about powerful women all arround the world. About the Mothers , workers or business women , and about the Wifes. They all fit into one body. Our mission is to engage, ins-pire and cultiver each soul that reads our magazine by sharing hopes, stories, dreams, etc. This magazine would not be existing if not by each of our readers support. We are looking for Inspiring Women Do you know a woman that is interesting and has all the assets to be on the Cover of WEmagazine? Or are you the one and want to share your story with other women ? Is there a special project or organization you would like us to feature in our magazine? Let us know! Email your suggestions at admin@womans-essence.com Share your special events. Are you part of a business or an organizations and have planning an event, seminar or important meeting? Send us the details about your upcoming event or the flyer/advert design at advertisement@ womans-essence.com Share the Hapiest day of your life! You recently got married and had an unique and special wedding event? If you want to share that with other women for inspiration and the joy of it, send us a short description of the event and yourself and your wedding photos. Email your moment and photos at admin@ womans-essence.com or claire.guerre@womans-essence.com All photo submisisons must be 300dpi. If you have any questions related to this feel free to ask, we’ll assist you.

February 2019, Issue 2

Publisher Adriana Okpalaugo adriana.okpalaugo@womans-essence.com Editor-In-Chief Claire K.Guerre claire.guerre@womans-essence.com WE always welcome your comments and suggestions Contact us at: admin@womans-essence.com Follow us! FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/womans.essence INSTAGRAM @womansessencemag PINTEREST www.pinterest.com/wemagazinee Advertise with us! Email us at advertisement@womans-essence.com All submissions must be submitted as JPG or PDF, or 300dpi.



Cross-Border Agreements… The new “In” By Alexandra Dolce, Esquire


he world is indeed “SMALLER”. . . As people travel to different countries and dialogue with locals, it’s only natural to find common ground and want to collaborate. One of the safest and most straight forward ways to collaborate is through a contract. A contract is a legally binding agreement.Contracts ensure that you get paid for your services while protecting your brand and other assets.

A contract primarily sets forth the term of the contract (duration), scope of services, amount of the contract, billing, method of payment, late fees, use of patents and trademarks, etc. Contracts are cultural by nature; a chicken in one place, maybe a hen in another. If there is something that you don’t understand, ask that it be explained and delineated as explained in the contract. When conducting business across borders, please make sure that there is an expressed (written) agreement in place that is in accordance with both the laws of the place where business is being transacted and the country that you are living in. If you are not proficient in the local language, find an attorney that literally speaks the language that you are most comfortable with. Also, make sure that the attorney is reputable and is more proclient as opposed to pro-profit. The local(s) that you are teaming up with should also be checked. If a collaborator’s repu6tation is questionable, and you still want

to chance it, make sure that you agree to payment and performance milestones. In other words, make sure that the contract specifically spells out that the person will only get paid when work is completed, at various phases, and work is completed to your satisfaction. That’s the easy part! The more difficult aspect of interboarder contracting is dispute resolution. There are many pitfalls to trying to litigate an issue outside of an immediate geographic area, but foremost litigation (going to trial) is costly. As such, when contracting always insert a dispute resolution clause and always opt for mediation or arbitration. Both are less expense and less time consuming, hence you save time and money. The dispute resolution clause should also provide a venue (place) where issues are to be decided. Say for instance Party A lives in Kenya and Party B lives in Morocco. It would be wise to choose an arbitrating body or a mediator that is conveniently positioned for both parties and that can adhere to both the language and

cultural needs of both parties. If a venue is not decided, be forewarned that judges usually decide that the venue is the place where the contract was executed. So if you are the Kenyan that I mentioned previously, and you were supposed to host a live event in Morocco, traveled to Morocco to negotiate and sign the contract, and there is no dispute resolution venue mentioned in your agreement, a ruling body would most likely choose Morocco as the venue for all dispute resolution because Morocco is the place where the contract was signed and where the services were to be executed. Invest the time. Avoid aggravation. This is a very dynamic time for both business and law. However don’t let the euphoria associated with expanding your business and brand lead to incurring legal liability. No matter where you are or intend to conduct business, always remember to protect yourself, your property, your money and your time.



The Fibroid Epidemic

That Is Making Most Women’s Life Uncomfortable By Karen Denis


here are many women all over the world suffering from Fibroids and most of them do not know if they have them or what are Fibroids. It is unfortunate that most women have been suffering with them for many years and were advised to have a hysterectomy. There are some women who had hysterectomies in their 20’s and 30’s which prevents them from having children. Most Gynecologist give you few or no options for treating Fibroids. Women who make the choice to live with the fibroids and try to shrink or eliminate them naturally wish there was a special pill with no side effects to take to make their wish come true to avoid having surgery later in life. According to UCLA Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fibroids are benign tumors (non-cancerous). in the female reproductive system. They are also known as myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas. The Fibroids are firm compact tumors that are made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that grows in the uterus. There are between 20 to 50 percent of women of reproductive age that have fibroids and some are of these women are not diagnosed. Studies show 30 t0 77 percent of women will develop fibroids sometime during childbearing 8

years. In most cases some women expe- enough to make womb appear bigger on rience heavy bleeding, cramping, bloating, one side. frequent urination and look pregnant. Pedunculated fibroids are Subserosal tumors which grows a stem that supports Debra Rose Wilson a Registered the tumor. Nurse describes the different type The last one is Submucosal fibroids. These of fibroids which are: type of tumors develop in the middle musIntramural fibroids which are the most cle layer, or myometrium of the uterus. common type of fibroid. They appear Submucosal tumors are not as common within the muscular wall of the uterus. In- as the first three types of fibroids. tramural fibroids may grow larger and can The Mayo clinic breaks down the causes stretch the womb. of fibroids. Research and clinical studies Subserosal fibroids develops on the out- shows a few factors that are the cause of side of the uterus. They may grow large fibroids:

Genetic changes: Most fibroids have changes in genes that are different from those in normal uterine muscle cells. Hormones: Estrogen and progesterone are two hormones that stimulate development of the uterine lining during each menstrual cycle in preparing for pregnancy. They promote the growth of fibroids which carry more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine muscle cells do. They may shrink after menopause due a decrease in hormone production. The growth pattern of uterine fibroid may grow slowly or rapidly. They can also remain the same size. Some may go through growth spurts and some may shrink on their own. There are a few risk factors that contributes to fibroids. They are heredity, race and the environment. When it comes to heredity, if your mother or sister had fibroids, you are at increased risk of also getting them. If you are a black woman, your risk is higher than a white woman. The environmental factors trigger fibroids to grow are early age menstruation, use of birth control, obesity, vitamin D deficiency, drinking alcohol and having a higher diet in red meat and lower in green vegetables or fruits.

blood count if the woman is experiencing heavy bleeding. Being anemic, maybe a sign of having fibroids too. There is no magic pill to take to make them go away. However, there are treatments that maybe suggested based on your needs and your examination. Here are a few options for treating fibroids: Medication: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) agonists known as Lupron or Synarel. It treats the fibroids by blocking the production of estrogen and progesterone putting it into temporary postmenopausal state. As a result, menstruation will end and the fibroids will shrink. The doctor will only suggest this drug to prepare you for surgery. Progestin-releasing intrauterine device (IUD) can relieve heavy bleeding caused by fibroids. Tranexamic acid (Lysteda) is non hormonal medicine taken to ease heavy menstrual periods. It can only be taken on heavy bleeding days. There are procedures some women decide to have as a quick fix such as: Uterine artery embolization: Small particles are injected into the arteries supply-

ing the uterus to cut off blood flow to the fibroids causing them to shrink and die. Myolysis is laparoscopic procedure is the use of radio frequency energy which is an electric current or laser to destroy the fibroids and shrinks the blood vessels. Laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy is when the surgeon removes the fibroids leaving the uterus in place. Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus. The ovaries can be saved if they are not damaged from the fibroids. The last treatment is to develop a healthy life style. Try to eat foods that will help reduce the symptoms of fibroids and shrink them. Most people don’t believe that changing your diet can prevent and eliminate fibroids. There are a lot of information out there about what foods to avoid. Most articles about treating fibroids naturally will tell you to stay away from sugar and foods that contain hormones that are endocrine disruptors. Women have the right to choose how they want to treat their fibroids. There are many groups to join and fibroid coaches that will help you develop a healthier life style.

Make sure you know your body and recognize the symptoms which are the following: Heavy menstrual bleeding. Menstrual periods lasting more than a week. Pelvic pressure or pain. Frequent urination. Difficulty emptying the bladder. Constipation. Backache or leg pains. According to the Mayo clinic, to diagnose if a woman has fibroids, she will need to have a pelvic exam of the uterus. Then be referred to have an ultrasound done to confirm the fibroids are growing in her uterus. If the ultrasound does not provide enough information, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will be requested to show the actual size and location of the fibroids. The doctor also may request a complete



Dress Like a Boss in Business Casual By Pamela Watson



ress codes have relaxed at many companies, especially during the summer months. Business casual has become the “new normal” in many workplaces every day of the week. I hope this article helps many navigate through the blurred lines of what business casual looks like as many people have no idea what this means. For the record, business casual means skipping the traditional looks at work (like a suit or suited look) for a more relaxed version of professional attire like slacks and a pullover top or jeans with a blouse or sweater. Much of the misconception comes from the word “relaxed” clothing at the office. The primary issues with most business casual looks are that people dress for the office like they would for a lazy Saturday afternoon at home or what looks like they were taking a quick run to the corner market. Key to the success of appropriate casual attire is asking yourself, “Is what I’m wearing appropriate if… a last minute meeting with a client springs up?” or if you have to drop by an unscheduled evening event with your boss/colleagues. Here are a few pointers to keep you happily casual and professionally appropriate: Everyone runs to denim when you think business casual. I think there are so many options for great casual work wear, you should add more variety. Try limiting your denim pieces to no more than 2 days a

As for the rest of the week, go for styles like Cropped pants Flowy tops, fitted button-up shirt or tanks Khakis (not just pants anymore; try skirts, blazers and cropped cargos) Sweaters (wear as a layered piece; great for cold workplaces). If you wear a bold colour sweater, balance with a neutral, navy or classic primary colour and if sweater is neutral, navy, black or classic primary color make sure to counter the pant, shirt underneath or shoes with pattern and colour. It’s all about the balance. T-shirts are a great way to “pair down” a suit pant or slacks that you would normally wear to work and still be cool and appropriate without much effort or added cost. Graphic tees are great ways to add whimsy and fun to your look. Be careful to pick an image or saying that is neutral and non-offensive to

week. Wednesdays and Fridays are always great days for those looks; hump day and the end of the week feel celebratory to me but choose what you like. Pair with almost any type top/blouse or keep it monochromatic and wear a denim shirt. Denim doesn’t automatically mean jeans. Denim skirts are just a comfortable, stylish and a great day to night convertible piece for evening. Denim is a great blank canvas for your style statement as well. Pairing it with simple or standout statement necklaces, flats or heels is totally your choice. That’s effortless styling at its best. Make sure the jeans are clean, pressed (no middle crease ever) and if you do distressed keep the holes small with little exposed skin; too much skin in risky places can offend so stay clear of over sharing your body parts. Less is more!

others (nothing alluding to race, religion, sex, politics, etc…). There are tons of great solids tees with V-neck collars in bright bold colors which are easy winning combinations with any traditional suiting as well. I like V-necks better than other necklines because they leave a little more exposed skin which is the perfect amount for clavicle exposure or simply space for accessories without the interruption of fabric. Blazers there are tons of choices in colors and cuts for blazers. Always have one with you to add polish to a casual look Black or neutral colored heel also another perfect go to in a pinch when needing to quickly upgrade your casual look for a last minute meeting. Paramount to anything mentioned above; make sure the FIT is FLATTERING and of course FASHION FORWARD. 11





Living A Positively Beautiful Life Amanda Hewitt is a Writer, Blogger and Speaker. She had to overcome challenges to get to her purpose which is helping women becoming survivors of domestic violence. She started her blog Postively Beautiful Life to encourage people to stay positive when you are in a bad situation. Amanda made time to meet with Woman’s Essence Magazine to share her story about her journey to helping other women. By Claire Guerre



Tell the readers about Positively Beautiful Life (PBL.)

How did you react? What were you feeling?

Positively Beautiful Life is a lifestyle blog about faith, fashion, DIY, parenting, travel, and food. We hope to encourage and uplift our readers, give them useful tips, share doable DIY projects, and bring laughter and joy into our reader’s lives.

I am pretty sure anger was my first reaction. I felt taken advantage of, and I felt like a dirty rag that was used up.

What motivated you to become a blogger and writing about PBL?

I didn’t have much of a support system at first because I didn’t want anyone to know what I was going through. My next-door neighbor, who was going through the same thing with her husband; became one of my best friends. Even though we knew what each other was going through, we didn’t go into much detail about what happened in our homes. I’m just glad we had each other. When times got bad, we helped each other through it.

I knew very little about blogging. My sister is the one who introduced me to blogging. She showed me a very well known blog called, A Beautiful Mess. I had recently quit my job from working as a counselor for girls rescued from sex trafficking, and I was looking for a new direction.

Who was your support system to help you?

Soon after being introduced to blogging, I decided I was going to dive in, and hope for the best. I originally wanted to write about my life, and for it to be a hobby to only share with close family and friends. After going to a conference in California for blogging, I realized I had a voice that could positively affect other people’s lives. After two years of blogging for fun; I turned my blog into a business. Today, it is my full-time job. At age 19 you were pregnant with your son and married. What was going through your mind and heart during that time? I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant. I wasn’t married yet. I was thinking, how did I let things get that far? I went from feeling somewhat in control of my life to feeling like I wasn’t in control at all. I was devastated, but in all actuality, not surprised. You see, there is something I haven’t shared with many people. The second time I was intimate with the father of my child was against my own will. After that, I felt like I had no say about my body or anything for that matter. He was very manipulative and would say, or do anything to get what he wanted. Once I found out I was pregnant, I just wanted everything to change and to go away. My emotions were like a bouncing ball going all over the place. In all honesty, I didn’t want a baby. I seriously wanted out of the situation! I thought of doing things that I’m so ashamed of now. What was the first sign of abuse from your first husband? My first husband started abusing me before we got married. He raped me the second time we were intimate.



When and how did you walk away from an abusive marriage? I don’t know how I was able to convince my ex-husband to let me go to counseling, but he did. I honestly think it was by the grace of God. He kept pretty close tabs on me. One day that I was visiting my therapist, he saw all of the bruises on me. He told me that he couldn’t see me any longer and that he wanted to take me to talk to a woman’s shelter. I spoke to them, and they did an intake on me. I was talking to my cousin over the phone, and I told her a little about what was going on. I said to her that I had no place to go. She then invited me to come to live with her. I thought about it, and I decided to leave when my ex-husband when he was at work. I separated from him just after a little over a year of being married. We tried to work things out, but my ex-husband wouldn’t commit to counseling. On top of the emotional and physical abuse, I also found out that he cheated on me. My ex-husband didn’t deny the allegations.

Are you in a peaceful place in your life now? I am in a very peaceful place right now in my life. I remarried to an amazing man, and he is a wonderful father to his stepson. I don’t know if I will ever be completely healed from my past, but I have given it to God. He has given me the peace to continue with my life. How has your experience helped other women in an abusive relationship? My experience has equipped me with the knowledge and understanding of other people’s pain. I can relate to their situation because I once was there. I know the feelings of being scared for your life. I know what it feels like to lose the sight of hope and to have depression, anxiety, numbness, and even suicidal thoughts. I know the cycles that abused victims go through. My experience has made me the perfect person to help others and to make a difference in their lives. I feel like my story can positively influence other people’s lives. What is your next project?

What challenges did you experience as a single mother attending college? I was faced with many challenges as a single mom in college. I was going to college full time. I worked two, and at one point, I was working three jobs. Plus, taking care of my son, who at the time had significant behavioral issues. My son was in speech therapy and occupational therapy. He had many appointments that I had to squeeze in with my hectic schedule. On top of all of that, I had to deal with my ex-husband who made things very difficult for me. Just because we were divorced didn’t mean the abuse stopped.

I am working on opening up an online store called Positively Beautiful Things. I will sell fashion accessories such as jewelry, purses, and sunglasses. I am also incorporating farmhouse style home decor that my husband and I make. Please share one of your original inspirational quotes with the readers. “She laughs because nothing can pull her down. She is happy because she has peace. She loves; because she is loved. She is kind because she is free.”

How did it feel to be the first in your family to graduate from college? It felt amazing! Every hard tribulation I went through while I was going through college was worth it all. I was proud of myself for not giving up when others told me to take a break from college.



It Is Better to Admire Than to Envy Another Woman

By Lovely Haitian


he first relationship a little girl experiences is with her mother. How the little girl will grow up to interact with other women depends on her interaction with the women who helped raise her. It is her mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, female cousins and teacher. As women we have to change how we treat each other. End the gossiping, hating, and jealousy amongst one another. We do not need to fight over a man or get jealous about who looks better in this outfit. Instead let us compliment, encourage, support and respect each other.


Growing up, it was easy for me to have a friendship with other girls. It was great to share my good times and bad times with them. I always showed loyalty to my sister friends. To me that is very important. I am blessed to have my small circle of girlfriends whom I know will always have my back as well. We understand loyalty is the key to having a strong friendship. I have known my girlfriends since high school. We may have taken breaks from each other but we always found our way back. It is very sad when I see outside of my friendship with my close female friends some women do not understand the meaning of loyalty and don’t know how

to be a friend. Some of them are envious of what the other woman accomplished on her own. I never experienced mean girls in high school or in college. However, when I started to work in the corporate world, wow! I was shocked to see the haters trying to bring me down. I could not believe the gossiping that took place in the office and the throwing a person under the bus to score brownie points with the Vice President. That was crazy to me. But I am proud of myself for always keeping it classy and ignored the women who tried to make my working experience miserable. I stayed focused on my goals and continued to achieve them. I often wonder why is it so hard for women to

get along and support each other? Most women find it hard to compliment other women. Most women are too quick to talk behind your back about all your mistakes instead of coming to you, woman to woman and telling you about them so you can correct your mistakes. I came across a good article by Divya Sharma who wrote “11 Reasons Why Women Don’t Get Along with Other Women.” Here are her reasons she believes women don’t get along with other women:

a stranger walking on the street. If heads turn in that direction, they will surely be hated no matter what.

1. They get threatened: One of the reasons girls don’t adore each other is because they get threatened by each other. One who visits her husband’s boss for dinner sees how well his wife cooks; the other gets threatened by the boyfriend’s best friend whom he spends a lot of time with. Others just get threatened by the way her friend shares a great rapport with her dad and she doesn’t. So she doesn’t like the women that she feels threatened by.

8. They are always in competitive mode. From comparing to the prices of the dresses you got last week to who has the redder apples or better curtains in the house, girls are born to compete with each other. Even for trivial things that you are an ounce better, they would not like you.

7. They can’t stand candidness. There might be someone who may not be sweet-tongued like the way girls usually are. Someone who is too in-the-face for a girl. Girls usually like sugar coating their talk so if you can’t seem do that, chances are there they would not like you.

9. They are always self-conscious. Women, unlike men, are self-conscious about everything that they have. From the money they are making, to the brands they 2. They get all green-eyed. are wearing, to the way they look while they work out, they are ”jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of at constant war with their inner self. Some use this to get betkeeping it alive.” Havelock Ellis ter each day while others compare this self-consciousness with Women are those green eyed monsters that are born that way. the way how other girls are putting up, only to hate them even They can’t help getting all worked up if your house is cleaner more. than theirs or your waist line smaller than theirs. So simple you got something that makes them think of the J word. 10. They are addicted to gossiping. A new girl at work, a new neighbor, or just a hot girl you saw at 3. They can’t tolerate why all guys like you. the movies with your so-called friend, women and gossip have You may be one of the guys. You may be the super-feminine an everlasting bond. Women love gossiping about other womtype or may be the head girl. If you are always seen with the en, about their clothes, makeup, walking style, lame boyfriends, guys, they can’t seem to like you. You will be that bitch who al- or unnecessary tantrums. ways hangs out with the guys in her sweatpants or entice them with your girly woes. 11. They are made to believe all their life, to protect what’s theirs. 4. They want to be what they can’t be. The way a woman looks at your man in a party, the way your You are the cheerleader while they can’t even do a simple leg friends talk about your boyfriend, women know what belongs to movement. You excel at debates and they can’t talk to a bunch them is theirs. Period. Any fear on encroachment by another in of people. You fit lovely into that slender black dress while they her territory would be met with resentment and hatred. would never have dreamt of it. Sadly, girls never value what they already have and are too busy trying to be someone else. Overall, I wish women can get along with each other. I would love to see more women supporting other women. Women 5. They love to hate you. have to make more of an effort to admire one another instead They might not even know you, but if you are new at school, or of envying one another. work, they are absolutely judgmental about anyone that they don’t know especially in a negative sort of way. That’s the thing they love, to hate the other girls that are not one of them. 6. They are used to being the center of attraction. As women we can’t share our moment of glory. We are used to be the center stage and once we have somebody stealing the show, we hate them immediately. Might be a beautiful girl has joined the new term, gym or just



Using Food to Boost Brain Health: Is It Possible?

By Phoebe Ochman www.chaptershealth.org


At some point in our lives, we have all heard the phrase “brain food” thrown around in conversation. But have you ever stopped to wonder if there was any truth behind it? Is there actually food you can eat to boost brain health? With the ever-growing rise in the number of people developing and facing memory loss and dementia, the answer to this question becomes increasingly important.

sardines, trout and herring. If you are not a fish fan, have allergies or practice a vegetarian lifestyle, don’t worry. Essential fatty acids, like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), can be found in plant sources: Pumpkin seeds, walnuts and flaxseed. A study at the University of Iowa College of Public Health discovered a link between low levels of DHA and an increased risk of dementia. Therefore, we can assume that consuming fish and plant sources with high levels of EFAs Foods Boosting Brain Health There is definitely some merit to the can improve our brain health. phrase “You are what you eat,” coined in theory by Anthelme Brillat-Savarin Eggs. This food group is known to have and Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach. Food high levels of certain B vitamins, like B6, definitely has a bearing on the state of B12 and folic acid. These B vitamins they our health and well-being. It certainly help to lower homocysteine (an amino isn’t a hopeless old wives’ tale to start acid) levels in our blood. When homocysteine is high, there’s an increased risk and keep a well-balanced diet. If we want to improve brain health, what of not only having a stroke but also defood items need to become a staple in veloping dementia. A research group at our refrigerator and pantry? Here are five the University of Oxford put this confoods that can help increase brain health. cept to the test in a study. The results showed that after two years of having Fish. Our bodies cannot make the es- high levels of B6, B12 and folic acid, sential fatty acids (EFAs) that are needed study participants experienced a lowto keep our organs functioning, bones er rate of brain shrinkage versus those strong and much more. This means we who were given a placebo. need to find a food source to make sure that we receive this vital source Broccoli. This vegetable has high levels of fat. One of the best and most effec- of vitamin K, which is known to improve tive sources is oily fish, such as salmon, brain health. Broccoli also is chock full of

glucosinolate, which helps our nervous system work properly. Glucsosinolate assists in keeping a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, in our system so our memory doesn’t deteriorate. Studies have shown that Alzheimer’s patients have low levels of acetylcholine. Sage. A familiar song from the past for many, Simon and Garfunkel made a quartet of herbs popular, “Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme.” Little did they know that sage (and actually rosemary, too) is believed to improve memory and concentration. For the most part, studies on the effect of sage looked at its usage in the form of an essential oil—from an aroma perspective. Even though it hasn’t been put to the test, there’s nothing wrong with adding sage to a recipe to tap into its benefit of increasing brain health. Nuts. This food item improves brain health as it increases a person’s intake of vitamin E. What’s so special about vitamin E? With results published in Nutrients, research uncovered that a steady dose of vitamin E could prevent a decline in memory. Therefore, brain health could be sustained with a diet of nuts, as well as other sources of vitamin E, like olives, leafy green vegetables and brown rice.

Salmon Salmon&&spinach spinachwith withtartare tartarecream cream Ever-versatile salmon is as popular on our shopping lists as chicken. Make the most of it with this impressive recipe Ingredients 1 tsp sunflower or vegetable oil 2 skinless salmon fillets 250g bag spinach 2 tbsp reduced-fat crème fraîche juice ½ lemon 1 tsp caper, drained 2 tbsp flat-leaf parsley, chopped lemon wedges, to serve

Method Heat the oil in a pan, season the salmon on both sides, then fry for 4 mins each side until golden and the flesh flakes easily. Leave to rest on a plate while you cook the spinach. salmon. Gently heat the crème fraîche in the pan with a squeeze of the leTip the leaves into the hot pan, season mon juice, the capers and parsley, then well, then cover and leave to wilt for season to taste. Be careful not to let 1 min, stirring once or twice. Spoon the it boil. Spoon the sauce over the fish, spinach onto plates, then top with the then serve with lemon wedges. 23


When in Ghana, bask By Ophelia A


hen traveling to any place for the first time, remember this: OPEN-MINDEDNESS IS KEY. Please note that this is not a ploy get you to risk your well-being but rather to encourage you to explore as much as you can, in order to see and experience as much as possible. Don’t be afraid to venture out of the capital and major bustling cities (if it is safe) and enjoy the beauty of other parts of your destination. With this said, visiting Ghana (formerly known as the Gold Coast) should be no different: EXPLORE, EXPLORE, EXPLORE. Ghana is located in West Africa and is the first country in Africa to have gained independence from colonial rule. With its capital being Accra, Ghana is divided into ten regions and has over seventy languages with accompanying ethnic groups. Without further ado, outlined are 4 locations in different parts of Ghana (not just the capital) that promise beautiful experiences. Please note that many of these locations require an entry fee. Come along for the ride: 24

1. Independence Square: AKA the Black Star Square, was commissioned by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, who led Ghana to independence. It was completed in 1961, four years after Ghana’s independence and is located in the capital, Accra. It houses the famous black star gate and independence arc (symbols of freedom). This location also hosts Ghana’s annual independence parade in remembrance of the nation’s fight for freedom against colonial powers. Both a representation of a powerful history and the strive for a better future, it is no wonder that the Independence Square is a hotspot for both tourists and locals alike.

2. Jamestown- Inhabited by the Ga-Adangbe people of Ghana, this fishing town located in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana is famous for its palimpsest British colonial history. Its name is derived from the 17th century British James fort and remnants of buildings from the past still remains. This town is host to the annual Chale Wote Street Art festival comprising of dance, music and the arts. Jamestown, like many Ga towns is also home to some Tabom African descendants of Brazil who found their way back home to Ghana sometime in the 19th century, after they’d been captured. Foods like kenkey, fried or smoked fish with grinded pepper or banku with okra soup is indigenous to places like Jamestown and many other Ga towns. But since Accra has become a metropolis harboring people from various parts of Ghana, be sure to expand your taste buds to the many different foods there including but not limited to: fried yam and potatoes with chofi (fried turkey tail), waakye (darkened rice and beans) with shito, jollof rice, fried rice, red-red (cooked beans mixed with gari and palm nut oil, with fried plantains), meat kebabs, asana (a crushed corn drink) and so much more. Similar to the above mentioned, location, Jamestown is rife with history and definitely worthy of your visit. 3. Aburi Botanical Gardens: Located in the Eastern Region of Ghana and a mountainous area approximately 3 hours’ drive from the capital, Aburi Botanical Gardens is the place to see not just for its exotic plants, birds and butterflies, but also a place to hold public gatherings such as Easter picnics and family gatherings as well as participate in many other fun activities like bike riding. If you are looking for a serene atmosphere, Aburi Gardens is definitely the place to visit. Most popular foods there are ampesi (boiled yam, plantains, cocoyam) with various stews and fufu with soup. 4. Kakum National Park: Located near the village of Abrafo in the Central Region of Ghana, this 350 meters canopy walkway is surrounded by a preserved tropical forest. Though established in 1931, it was only recognized as a national park in 1992. It is known to harbor over 200 species of birds and other animals including the Diana monkey and the giant bongo antelope. From personal experience, I can tell you that there is no better feeling than completing the walk over this canopy. Victory becomes your first name. When it comes to food in the central region, be sure to check out dishes like Fante dokono (kenkey) with shrimps, ampesi, fufu and palmnut

soup, and of course loads of coconuts. The main heart wrenching features of the castles because for captives, it symbolized their last time in their motherland. However, do not be discouraged for Ghana has taken accountability for the part that it played in the trade and has put in place tangible efforts of bridging the gap between Africa and the diaspora. One of such efforts is re-naming the door “the door of return” and also welcoming the remains of two ex-slaves who have now been buried in Ghana. The other effort is Ghana’s initiative to make traveling to Ghana for the black diaspora easier. When in Ghana, these landmarks are definitely a must see. 25


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