Woman's Essence Magazine January 2012

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Edito r’s note www.womans-essence.com

Publisher Adryana Nicoleta

Editor-in-chief Ojay Milah

Contributing writers Tiffany Jasper Dawniel Patterson - Winningham Jenna Goudreau Maxine Wagner Nancy Travers Jim Kate Madison Vanderberg Lynly Pioc

Contributing Websites www.foodnetwork.com www.home-designing.com www.health24.com www.becomegorgeous.com www.modamob.com

Design Grafx Passion www.grafxpassion.cc.co


photography www.gettyimages.com

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Woman’s Essence Magazine www.womans-essence.com contact@womans-essence.com

2011 “International Women’s Year” If you are reading this editorial

then for certain you made it into the New Year. Last year, 2011 was a handful for everyone, round the globe. Normally termed a “Man’s World”, our womenfolk did well to change that status quo. Women the world over will never forget 2011 and am certain that even 2012 promises to be far promising. From Germany’s Prime Minister, Angela Merkel whose decisive political action helped steer Europe through the financial crisis which was in a slump when she took over power in 2005 to Yemeni’s journalist and activist, Tawakkol Karman’s leading of Yemeni’s to overthrow the 30 years rule of Ali Abdullah Saleh, many women refused to be left in the background but instead took centre stage in public affairs. Even your International women’s online magazine, Woman’s Essence made it to be five months old December 2011, with 249 fans liking our page on facebook and thousands of page views on issuu.com. Like the womenfolk, 2011 was our year as well, and this was made possible with your help in continuous readership

and talking about us to friends and family. We say a big thank you. This New Year, we’ve renewed our vow to always publish the very best of topics that concerns you, in an informative and entertaining way, beginning from this month. Lined up for January is first an interview with Dicey Grenor. Author of Sleepy Willows Bonded Soul, Dicey whose real names are Davida Green-Norris is a mother of two who takes us into her daily routine of caring for the kids and running a law-based business with her husband. Also is a special feature on Tawakkol Karman, a co-recipient of 2011 Nobel Peace Prize award. Karman’s manly stride to addressing the leadership problem in her home country of Yemen, saw the Journalist and activist being named a Nobel prize winner alongside Liberia’s president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Liberian Peace activist, Leymah Gbowee. For our Celebrity Style report, we have music diva Beyonce, whose been adjudged by fans as the Most Fashionable Mother to be, in a poll created by style website josoblu.co.uk. For Jewelries, we bring you Melody Ehsani’s bold Native American designs. There are also amazing reads in our Cuisine, and Beauty categories. For our Travel and Destinations are Nigeria’s tourism city, Calabar, South Africa’s Table Mountain in Cape Town and Romania’s Cultural city, Sibiu. We wish you a prosperous New Year and happy reading from the WE team.

Ojay Milah Editor-in-chief Your comments, letters and Suggestions are most welcome. Write to ojay.milah@womans-essence.com

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20 The Cover Story

7 Culture & Art

Interview with Author, Dicey Grenor My Secret to Family and Writing “It takes suportive people around you. In my case, it’s my husband who supports my dreams as I do his.”

What Can We Learn About Love From French Women French women celebrate instead of shy away from individuality. They make their own rules, don’t mind imperfections and embrace their femininity.

Culture & Art

Special Feature

6 What can we learn about LOVE From french women

10 Tawakkol Karman; The “Iron Woman” Who Has Refused To Be Chained

Career Management 8 Best Jobs For Women in 2012

Education 9 Things to Look for Before Hiring an Educational Consultant

Fashion Trends

12 Simple tips on choosing the best online fashion store

Celebrity Style 14 Beyonce Named Most Fashionable Pregnant Celebrity

Jewelry fashion 16 Melody Ehsani Design Statement Jewelry

Beauty Tips 18 ADULT ACNE A Skin Condition On The Rise , 4 Woman’s Essence Magazine

10 Special Feature

14 Celebrity Style

Tawakkol Karman; The “Iron Woman” Who Has Refused To Be Chained Called by her people as the “Iron Woman” and “Mother of The Revolution”, Karman, a co-recipient of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, is the first Arab woman, and second Muslim woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Beyonce Named Most Fashionable Pregnant Celebrity Even though this is her first pregnancy it hasn’t stopped Beyonce rocking the highest heels or sparkly numbers - it proves to women that pregnancy can be stylish.

The Cover Story

18 Interview with Author, Dicey Grenor My Secret to Family and Writing

Health & Fitness 30 Keep fit while pregnant

Cuisine 32 Swedish Meatballs

Home & Garden Decor 34 Beautiful Roof Gardens & Landscape Designs

Relationships 36 Tips for Beginning a Long Distance Relationship 37 How to trust your partner in a long distance relationship


38 The Fashion Wedding Dresses We Should Expect in Spring 2012

Marriage & Divorce 40 How To Discuss Marriage Problems With Counselor

Power for your World 42 Make Your New Year’s Resolution Count

Parenting 43 Your 2012 Resolutions Should Involve the Kids

Travel & Destinations 44 Three 2012 Must-visit Destinations

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here is a difference between French and American women when it comes to dating and relationships. Compared to American women, French women revel in the enjoyment and acceptance of what is rather than focusing on what is not or striving for perfection. French women celebrate their individuality and femininity without worrying about others’ opinions. They do what makes them feel good whether it follows social conventions or not. They also accept the men in their lives for who they are and don’t want to change them.

What can we learn about LOVE

from french women by Nancy Travers


, 6 Woman’s Essence Magazine

ebra Ollivier compares and contrasts the differences between American and French women in her book, What French Women Know About Love, Sex, and Other Matters of the Heart and Mind. Many of these differences stem from one fundamental distinction that in France there are no rules about love and sex or how to dress, look or act. In America, women must follow a complicated rule book which dictates the right and wrong way to manage everything about a relationship with a man from the first meeting to dating, marriage and divorce through repeating the process. French women have a take it or leave it attitude. They believe, and act as if, life is short and time’s

a-wastin’. This gives them a sense of immediacy that translates into a live-for-today outlook that American women could benefit from.


rench women celebrate instead of shy away from individuality. They make their own rules, don’t mind imperfections and embrace their femininity. Although the generalizations abound, there is at least a grain of truth in every one.


llivier explores many cultural differences and some of these may be beneficial for American women to adopt. According to the author, the culture in France affords French women a strong sense of self and a mysterious confidence

that is so appealing to American women because it is so different from what we are used to. Similarly, French women are comfortable with uncertainty as opposed to American women, who have been raised with, and thus prefer, structure and rules.


nother difference is that French people are more discreet. Their culture is less communicative, especially on a personal level. Personal information is kept private. What comes off as charming and alluring in a French woman may be interpreted as arrogant and bitchy in an American woman. Unless you are dealing with a French man, you may be completely misread.


nlike in America, it’s OK in France to be unhappy. In the U.S., there is so much pressure to be happy that it can make us miserable. American women equate happiness with perfection. When we’re not trying to change ourselves, we’re working on changing our mates. French women know relationships are not checking accounts. Love and sex cannot be forced into perfect 5050 shares. These women also know that cohabiting requires cooperation, consideration and compatibility.


he French live by the aphorism, carpe diem. They are truly living their lives with a sharp consciousness of the pleasures and problems life can entail and the knowledge of how short life can be. Indeed, this may be the most important message we take away from this book. The French philosophy, in contrast to the American woman’s eternal quest for perfection, is more a savor the moment, devil-may-care way of life.


f there is one thing that we, as American women, can take away from this book it is that we should try to learn to accept and like ourselves for who we are and not care about what others think of us. Rather than compete with men, we’d be better served to develop a true affection for them. By calling a truce in the battle of the sexes, everyone can win.

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Best Jobs For Women In


by Jenna Goudreau


ooking for a career change or new direction in 2012? You may want to start here. Jobs expert Laurence Shatkin, Ph.D., author of Best Jobs for the 21st Century, provides a rare look at the jobs that women feel most satisfied and successful in. He compiled a top-10 list based on women’s high satisfaction levels, from the National Survey of College Graduates conducted by the Census Bureau; median annual earnings for salaried workers, from the Department of Labor (DOL); and the job outlook through 2018, based on projections from the DOL. The results may surprise you. At the post-secondary teachers top the list. Not only do women report very high satisfaction rates in the job, median annual earnings range from $59,000 (for foreign language and literature teachers) to $94,000 (for law teachers), well above the average household income in the U.S. Furthermore, the field is expected to grow by 15% and features an average of 55,000 openings each year.

feature a fair amount of security. It may be hard to land a job as a post-secondary teacher, anthropologist, oceanographer or natural sciences manager but once in the position turnover is low, according to Shatkin. In fact, women survey respondents ranked the importance of security above salary and advancement opportunities. “If you’re caring for a family,” he says, “job security is a top priority.”

Shatkin believes women likely value post-secondary teaching for its high earnings, prestige and stimulating environments. The National Survey of College Graduates found that women appreciate a job’s location and environment more highly than men, and Shatkin points out that college students are generally excited to learn, colleagues are of high caliber and college campuses provide comfortable amenities. At the same time, post-secondary teachers have a high degree of independence and autonomy, which Shatkin says almost all workers prize.

Women also place more significance on a job’s contribution to society than men, according to the survey, which may help explain why women enjoy working as clergy members. The position requires good interpersonal skills and verbal acumen, which Shatkin says women test better in, and gives back to the community in a highly mea-ningful way.

In fact, women are so fond of autonomy that they want to be the boss. The chief executive title features high satisfaction rates among women and an incredible $165,000 median salary, which also lands it on ForbesWoman’s annual list of the best-paying jobs for women. While they are currently only 25% of all CEOs, the ratio may be changing. In 2010, women received 44% of all MBA degrees granted, a 75% increase since 2000. Meanwhile, 40% of all private companies are now launched and owned by women.

Similarly, medical professionals like dentists, optometrists and physicians are in a helping field and offer a very necessary and valuable service to society. Annual ear-nings for medical professionals range from $95,000 to $166,000, depending on Due to cultural influences, women have traditionally been specialty, and the jobs are and continue to be the primary caretakers for the family, says projected to grow by 9% to Shatkin, which may help explain why many of the best jobs also 22% in the next several years. , 8 Woman’s Essence Magazine

Things to look for before hiring an education consultant for your child by Maxine Wagner

Education consultancy services are predominately available online as the facilities avail everything that help parents set their children in better position for their educational future. By hiring a team of highly dedicated professional education consultants, one can easily get access to wide spectrum of services designed to give parents a sense of direction amid all the confusion that surrounds decision making in education. These services are of a great value to help parents make informed decisions for their children’s education for better results. They offer the right services including private tuition’s, specialist schools advise, placement services, professional educational assessments, educational psychology, guardianship and university advices including the best possible bespoke courses available.


highly specialised services, which aims in proper placement of your child at the right school.

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Since there are varied aspects to consider when deciding upon the best school as whether preparatory or public school, boarding or day pupil, city or countryside based school, these are few apparent choices, which are difficult to make if you don’t have all the options. Look for services, which start with an introductory assessment. Parents should certainly opt to understand what steps need to be taken in regards to your child’s education. They can also look for schools through child consultancy services for particular learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or ADD ADHD.

Ask for breadth and depth of experience in other level of assurance Since hiring educational consultants is regarding the consultant’s competency. a major decision and a relevant investment for the development of your chilAsk about how many special cases dren, few parents commit mistakes by they handle each year. choosing residential placements. With plethora of services available online one If you are convinced with the anscan often look for several names for onwers, qualifications and experience line consultants to choose from. Before hiring an expert confirm few things from of the consultant of your choice, ask about their placement services. Are them for their quality service they rendering Before hiring an expert educational consultant look for their qualification before seeking any piece of advice from any individual. The consultant’s education and training, as well as any professional certifications and associations can begin to assure you that at least some standards are met.



Look for credentials of members of your consultancy firm, including degrees, certificates and licenses.

Explore online services and educational consultants online and explore wide spectrum of services for the betterment of your kid’s future.

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Special Feature

Tawakkol Karman; The “Iron Woman” Who Has Refused To Be Chained Worthy of our Special Feature section is Yemeni journalist, political activist and co- founder of the women’s non-governmental organization, Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC), Tawakkol Karman. WOMAN’S ESSENCE examines the life and political travails of one out of the three 2011 recipient of the prestigious Nobel Peace prize Last year, 2011 the world over, more women at a time than history has ever known became involved in public affairs. Their actions were so intense that the world took notice. From the Forbes 100 World’s Most Powerful Women to the Nobel Peace Prize that saw three women clinching the award, 2011 can be rightly said to have been a woman’s world.

As well, much of last year saw political dictators in the Middle East and North Africa toppled in what has become known in history as the Arab Spring. It was sparked by the first protests that occurred in Tunisia on 18 December 2010 following Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation in protest of police corruption and ill treatment. In one of such uprising involving Yemen, Karman took the lead. Most Islamic sovereignties, if not all are characterized by an atmosphere where women are known to keep mute in matters of public affairs. Notwithstanding, Yemen journalist and political activist, Tawakkol Karman has been leading a manly fight for the freedom of Yemenis from the 33 years authoritarian rule of Ali Abdu-llah Saleh. Born 7 February 1979 Karman became the international public face of the 2011 Yemeni uprising that is part of the Arab Spring uprisings. Called by her people as the “Iron Woman” and “Mother of the Revolution”, Karman a co-recipient of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize is the first Arab woman, and second Muslim woman to win a Nobel Prize and the youngest Nobel Peace Laureate to date. , 10 Woman’s Essence Magazine

Karman is a Yemeni journalist, politician and senior member of the of Al-Islah political party. She gained prominence in her country after 2005 in her roles as a Yemeni journalist and an advocate for a mobile phone news service denied a license in 2007, after which she led protests for press freedom. She organized weekly protests after May 2007 expanding the issues for reform.

Biography In Brief Name: D.O.B: Husband: Father: Brother: Education: Co-founder: Member: Award:

Tawakkol Karman 7 February 1979 Mohammed Al-Nahmi with whom she has three children Abdel Salam Karman, a former government official Poet, Tariq Karman and Al-Jazeera staff, Safa Karman Graduate of Political Science from the University of Sana’a Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) in 2005 Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate Co-Recipient of 2011 Nobel Peace prize

by Ojay Milah

At the forefront of Yemen’s pro-democracy movement is a Women’s NGO, Women Journalists without Chains (WJWC) founded by Tawakkol Karman. According to the online site, asafeworldforwomen.org, “WJWC is a non-governmental organization in Yemen that seeks to advocate for rights and freedoms, especially freedom of expression. It also aims at improving media efficiency and providing skills for journalists, and particularly women and youth. “Founded in 2005 the NGO brought out the first of many annual reports on Freedom of the Press in Yemen in which it documented more than 50 cases of attacks and unfair court sentences against newspapers and writers.” , Woman’s Essence Magazine 11

Fashion Trends

Simple tips on choosing the best online fashion store

by Jim Kate


ommonly people would not worry about spending money on shopping. For purchasing the fashionable clothing and other fashion related accessories they can easily spend much money. Fashion is a traditional art which is committed to the wears and the accessories introduced by the influences in the culture and society. Such influences do not require much time to change the fashion or staying inactive for a specific time throughout the world. There will be certain changes occur in the fashion if the society finds something attractive through the innovations on their previous lifestyle. Since, when it comes to fashion people do not stop purchasing.

Finding the fashion wears and acce-

ssories takes much time and efforts to choose. Sometimes it may ends up with unsatisfied or confused on the purchased items. To decrease these difficulties the fashion stores are introduced where you can get all types and varieties on fashion wears and accessories in one store. As per the advancement in the technology it was made much easier through the online fashion stores. To purchase a fashion item through these stores you have to be completely dependable on the internet till you chose your best wear and accessories. People can easily purchase whatever they want through these online stores which also decrease the stress of shopping the wears on the stores in person. Whether she was a college student, housewife or a business women purchasing through online stores are the best options for her to get things done at her door steps.

The reason right after the success of the online fashion stores is that they provide mostly everything on their customer’s needs. Also this is the major reason for gaining popularity and the increase of the online stores around the world. Online shopping and fashion online is great , 12 Woman’s Essence Magazine

while comparing the purchased fashion items are delivered in the door steps and purchasing them on the stores in person spending much time, money and efforts. Gifting fashion wears and accessories are the best ideas for a good relationship. Fashion items have the capacity to attract anyone easily whether it was purchased on own or a gift and they cannot resist on accepting such wonderful gifts.

To purchase any fashion wears and

accessories through internet you need to get the website of a good online store. There is several online fashion stores available out there in the internet world and to choose the best fashion online you need to go through their terms and conditions before registering with them. You cannot simply trust and place an order towards your favorite wears and accessories because of the possibilities of hidden charges on the materials like taxes, delivery charges, delivery period etc. therefore people are advised to keep these facts in mind while going through a simple research on choosing the best store.

There will be several deals and discounts on the fashion materials on some stores.

Yet a little comparison of the quality of the dress, accessories and price with the materials available on the other stores are recommended to get a best material.

While purchasing a product through on-

line you need to be careful to avoid unexpected difficulties and you cannot rely on something without trusting it. Mostly to purchase a fashion material people do not consider a lot. They can purchase immediately if they like the material whether it was the wears or accessories. As the number of the online fashion stores are countless you need to pick the best store where you can get wide range of collections with cheap prices.

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Celebrity Style

Beyonce Named Most Fashionable Pregnant Celebrity

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n a fashion poll created by style website Josoblu.co.uk, Beyonce was named by fans as the most stylish mother-to-be. Moms and shoppers love the way the alwaysglamorous Beyonce dresses up her baby bump.

Or if you still believe in the conspiracy that Beyonce is not actually pregnant, then you at least think she dresses up her prosthetic tummy well. After gaining 35% of the votes, moms agreed that Beyonce is the most fashionable mother-to-be. "Considering Beyonce is one of the most glamorous women in the world and constantly appears in best dressed lists, it is only fitting that she tops the poll for fashionable mothers to be," says a spokesperson for the site. "Even though this is her first pregnancy it hasn't stopped Beyonce rocking the highest heels or sparkly numbers - it proves to women that pregnancy can be stylish." Other fashionable pregnant ladies that made the list include Saturdays singer Una Healy, actress Jennifer Garner, British TV personality Amanda Holden, Jessica Simpson, and Maggie Gyllenhaal. "Una [Healy], Amanda [Holden] and Jennifer [Garner] are also worthy of their places in the poll as each of them know how to combine outfits and have day and night looks down to a fine art." Surprisingly Jessica Alba didn't make the list, she wore those maternity maxi dresses like they were going out of style, well they kind of were...whatever, she still looked great. Also, what about Natalie Portman? She was already showing a large baby bump while strutting down the red carpet at last years Oscars in Rodarte and looked fabulous. But back to Beyonce. She says her growing stomach isn't keeping her from being fashionable. "I've had so much fun with fashion over the months...I have been pregnant through every event I've done." But according to the sites spokesperson, Beyonce was the clear winner because of her "down-to-earth personality" and "modest fashion sense" which made her more relatable. Unlike less relatable stars like, Oh I dunno, Victoria Beckham, because we can't all fit into skinny jeans at 9 months pregnant. 'Ultimately fashion is about individual choice and finding your style and what you feel comfortable in," adds the spokesperson, "That choice can be limited for mums to be – the key for them is to find some great pieces that they can mix and match – but most of all feel comfortable in as their bump grows."

by Madison Vanderberg www.modamob.com , Woman’s Essence Magazine 15


uild up a cool look to make a fashion statement with Melody Ehsani’s amazing jewelry designs. Add a futuristic flair to your outfits with these bright and bold accessories.


ccessory designers succeeded in turning the hottest jewelry, shoes and bags into must have elements of a voguish outfit. Details can actually make a huge difference, therefore, it is a must to stay on trend with the popular collections envisioned by ultra-talented style gurus. Melody Ehsani is one of the most impressive jewelry creators eager to re-invent the bold and vibrant accessories trend.


ccording to her bio she wants to ‘upset the equilibrium’ with surprising and attention-grabbing style ideas. The Melody Ehsani jewelry designs are inspired by numerous cultural and pop motifs. From suggestive words to Native American elements, we have the chance to sport a fabulous parade of necklaces, rings and bracelets decorated with stylish images, rhinestones and metallic details.

Melody Ehsani

Design Statement Jewelry


elebrities have already fallen for the fantasy world created by Melody Ehsani. Cassie, Rihanna and other divas flaunted their hyper-gorgeous look complemented with statement necklaces and oh-so-refined earrings created by this widely known accessory creator. Devote special attention to the selection of jewelry to showcase your creativity and keen eye for glamorous and eye-popping

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details. Skim through this brilliant parade of rings, necklaces and earrings to see some of the hottest bling-blings of the moment. One of the greatest advantages of the collections created by Melody Ehsani is their price. Egyptian style accessories and the hologram designs guarantee the world-wide popularity of this jewelry designer.

www.becomegorgeous.com , Woman’s Essence Magazine 17

Beauty Tips

ADULT ACNE A Skin Condition On The Rise , 18 Woman’s Essence Magazine


seems that more and more women over 25 are battling acne, and this condition is not very easy to deal with, being considered more 'stubborn' than teen acne. Find out what causes adult acne and how to deal with it! It seems the days when only teenagers had to battle acne are gone as more and more women over the age of 25 are facing these dreadful red spots. Adult acne seems to be another issue women have to battle and getting rid of adult acne is not that easy. Dermatologists reveal that this form of acne is different than the one teenagers suffer from, being more difficult to treat as the pimples are formed much deeper under the skin and have a predominantly cystic form.


he reason behind adult acne seems to be stress and since more and more women are facing a very active lifestyle and are much more exposed to stress, the painful skin condition is on the rise. Apparently, women are more predisposed to developing adult acne than men, due to the sensitivity of their skin under the action of male hormones which are triggered by the adrenal glands during stress. These hormones trigger a higher quantity of sebum to be produced by the sebaceous glands, which causes the pores to block and develop outbreaks.

Recent studied show that smoking can also aid the production of sebum, thus contributing to acne breakouts in addition to being blamed for depleting the skin from an essential vitamin in skin repair, vitamin E. Try to banish stress out of you life and turn your attention towards proper skin care and high quality products, so you can maintain your complexion looking flawless. Photos courtesy of Thinkstock Photos Source: www.becomegorgeous.com

Consultant dermatologist Dr. Susannah Baron of Kent and Canterbury Hospital and the Chaucer of BMI Hospital revealed that there has been a significant increase in women who are battling adult acne over the past 20 years. Dr. Baron also says that: “It’s time to re-evaluate who we think gets acne. It’s not recognized enough how much it affects the lives of adult women. For many, it kicks in in later life when they have to juggle families and careers at the same time. Many of the female patients I see also have stressful jobs and a lot to deal with. Interestingly, many of them did not have significant acne as teenagers.” , Woman’s Essence Magazine 19

Interview with

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Dicey Grenor My Secret to Family and Writing Who is Dicey? She’s sexy, wild, daring, and risky. Risqué is in there, but risky is just as the name implies; as it’s defined in the dictionary, “risky and unpredictable.” She takes chances. Who is Davida? She is not reserved by any means, but she handles herself appropriately in various situations. Davida knows she has to respect her husband, be a role-model for her children and be professional with clients. by Ojay Milah

, Woman’s Essence Magazine 21


s alter ego, Dicey Grenor, she transports her readers into the sexy, wild, daring and risky world of a character who has no rules except hers. But as Davida Green-Norris, the responsible Dicey opposite, she practices transactional law together with her husband, and help startup businesses with their formations, contracts and negotiations. In this interview with WOMAN’S ESSENCE the author of “Shameful” and “Sleepy Willows Bonded Soul” talks writing and family



That’s usually the first thing people want to know when they discover my different roles. I manage to balance everything the same way everyone else does – by drinking lots of Red Bull (Laughs) No seriously, I manage it all by prioritizing, making a daily schedule, and sticking to it.

Who is Dicey? She’s sexy, wild, daring, and risky. Risqué is in there, but risky is just as the name implies; as it’s defined in the dictionary, “risky and unpredictable.” She takes chances. That usually means someone may be offended. Though that’s not the intent, it comes with the territory. Dicey is willing to write and say what people think, but may have too much decorum to speak. My alter ego has no shame; she understands human nature and is willing to explore it. Through fictional characters, that is.

As a lawyer, writer, wife and mother, how do you manage all these so that one does not suffer for the others?


Drinking lots of red bull would have meant there’s a secret. So now you’re saying there’s none? Yes, there’s no real secret. It takes supportive people around you. In my case, it’s my husband who supports my dreams as I do his. We have to work together. Although both of our parents live out-oftown, we have an awesome network of friends we can call on if necessary. And my in-laws visit when we need a serious break. It also takes lots of drive. Even on the days when I feel like I can’t handle it, I still press forward. Energy drinks do help, (Smiles) , 22 Woman’s Essence Magazine


Who is alter ego Dicey Grenor?

And how is Davida Green-Norris different from Dicey?

I just can’t stop smiling at your questions. Davida is not reserved by any means, but she handles herself appropriately in various situations. She knows she has to respect her husband, be a role-model for her children and be professional with clients. So, while Davida is different from Dicey because of her responsibilities, Dicey is more amped up because she has none.


Lastly on your alter ego; When did you decide to have one and for what purpose?

There is something to be said for true freedom. But I’ve had it, and I wasn’t complete. I feel more balanced as Davida with an alter ego like Dicey that I can escape to from time-to-time. You know what--Dicey has always been with me. I used to spell it Dicee, as with rolling dice, but when I decided to write racy fiction, the pen evolved itself. It just made sense. I’m not hiding behind the pen, obviously, but having it signifies which persona I’m representing.

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So how did you meet did. The physical attraction was there, sure, but I loved him once I your husband?

laid-back type that needs a takecharge Alpha male, she should look got to know his beautiful soul. for that. If she’s a Type A, in-yourface, no-nonsense woman, she I was a third year law student. He probably should look for someone was a mighty fine first year law stuAm sure as a child you who is not. That’s not to say you dent. I tried to stay away since had dreams of how shouldn’t have commonalities. I had issues with intimacy. Also he was six years younger than me, and your wedding would be. On If she hates sports, she probably the day you got wedded, was shouldn’t pair up with an athlete. because I was about to graduate. But he was as thoughtful as he was it anywhere near your child- Two movie lovers would probably hood dreams? be in heaven together. Compleattractive. We spent lots of time mentary attributes bring balance together. I felt I really got to know to one’s life. Commonalities bring him and him me. He proved to be I know this is weird, but I had no someone who loved me no matter previous conceptions about what fulfillment. I think universally good I wanted my wedding to be like. attributes like compassion, selflesswhat, which was quite impressive I knew I wanted to be married one ness, and honesty are always good given my personality. day, but that was all. In fact, we had no matter the person. And there’s a wedding because my husband nothing wrong with wanting Was it love at first sight wanted one, not me. I was pleased someone you’re attracted to physiwith how our wedding turned out, cally. I mean, marriage is supposed or was there somebut I was more interested in having to be until death. You want to look thing that got you attracted a nice honeymoon and a happy, for things you can deal with for the to him and still does? long-lasting marriage. rest of your life. If I believed in love at first sight, I’d say this was it. But I don’t really beAs a wife, what attrilieve I can love someone that quick. butes do you think a That seems more like the other L lady should look out for in word. Love requires time and coa husband? mmunication for me. I feel like all the conversations we had where we shared our innermost thoughts and Thanks, Ojay. Well, I have to say it depends on the woman. She needs ambitions was what made me feel close to him. Close enough to open to look for attributes that complement her own. If she’s the passive, up, which was something I rarely




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Okay over to the children. How did you feel at their births?

It was the most amazing thing in the world to give birth to them. I immediately felt overwhelming love and sadness. I knew I’d need to protect them from all the evils in the world and knew I wouldn’t be able to. I knew that they’d experience their share of heartache like everybody else. I knew they’d drive on the same streets as drunk drivers just like everybody else. I wanted to make sure they would always be healthy, they’d have lots of good friends, and they’d make the best grades in school, and still be humble, generous people. Unfortunately, I can’t promise them any of that. That’s why their births were so wonderful, so beautiful, so empowering, and so hard. I wanted to keep them safe forever and knew that was impossible. Just like every other mother wants for her children, I wanted to provide mine the very best that life had to offer, but knew I wouldn’t be able to do that either. I don’t have the very best to give them. I can only keep striving for it. The hardest part of it, is knowing God gave them to me and I would be such an imperfect parent to such wonderful children. I can only hope my love for them shows through.


Am not a father yet but as someone who hopes to be some day, I can understand your fears of raising them. Now how have you managed to raise them since they were born? I started working from home when my daughter was born so that I could be there for all her “firsts”. She’s in preschool now. But my son runs around the house like a tornado while I work. When I have an appointment, I make other arrangements for him. Needless to say, I get most of my work done when he’s napping or when everyone’s asleep at night. Hence the Red Bull.


Red bull! They should know you are a great consumer. How about during playtime with your children; do you transform from being a woman into becoming a child or do you let them with their toys? I’m sipping on some OrGano Gold green tea that I bought from a friend now. It gives me energy too. Now on to our question; I play with them, let them watch educational videos, read, sing to them and let them play alone with their toys. My son screams bloody murder when I tire out from piggyback. I mean, common, I can’t get tired? (Laughs) I’d love for him to play more independently, but for now, I’m his main play toy.

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views online, gotten over 1200 followers on twitter, over 300 fans on FB, had a book-signing, had my book featured at a book club meeting, sold 3 of 5 boxes of my paperback books, sold over 100 eBooks, been a guest speaker for TSU freshmen, networked with lots of other authors, been interviewed for Woman’s Essence magazine.

I guess it depends on how you define success. I make more money with my legal practice and I’m able to help people with their legal issues. Those are good things. On the other hand, I find fulfillment in being an author by providing an escape for readers interested in reading something unique. During the last two months since my two books have been released, I’ve gotten all 4 and 5-star re-

Even though Tarrantino or Scorsese have yet to call me up for a movie deal, I’d say it’s been pretty successful. I find both businesses successful and both have room to grow. I’d love to be my absolute best at both because I find being an attorney and writer pleasu-rable ventures. If I had to pick one, I’d write full-time.

Lastly; going back a little to the business woman Davida GreenNorris; which sides of your business do you find more successful; being a lawyer or being an author? And as well on which one do you find more pleasure doing?

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Health & Fitness

Keep fit while pregnant Pregnancy is an exciting journey for moms-to-be but as your belly expands and those clothes get start getting tight, you may feel nervous about the impending weight gain. Too much weight gain during pregnancy is not good for you or your baby and regular but safe exercise will leave you feeling and looking healthy. In a bid to educate women about safe exercise during pregnancy, Virgin Active, South Africa’s leading health club, has put together a few tips to help you enjoy your progression into motherhood. Catherine Viljoen, Biokineticistat Virgin Active says the health of a mom-to-be and her unborn child are of vital importance, therefore a medical doctor or specialist should be consulted before starting an exercise programme. “Unless your doctor has advised against exercise for a particular reason, keeping fit and healthy during pregnancy is important for both you and baby. It also means that your body may be more prepared for the , 30 Woman’s Essence Magazine

physical demands of labour and birth, and those early days with your newborn as you navigate your way around as a mom.”

Viljoen recommends the following exercises: Walk or swim your way to a fit and healthy you. Try aqua aerobics, low intensity aerobics, stationary cycling or enrol the help of a personal trainer who can supervise special gym exercises. Remember that the focus of your training should be on strengthening the muscles that improve your posture, the upper body and the abdominal muscles. Try kegal exercises. These involve contracting and releasing the pelvic floor muscles. The added weight of your uterus may cause strain and stretch the pelvic floor muscles, these exercises will ensure that it remains firm. Viljoen goes on to say that the following guidelines should be strictly adhered to as it could compromise the health and safety of the mom and her unborn baby.

Do not participate in weight bearing exercises in the last trimester. The extra weight may cause premature fatigue and breathlessness. At this stage of your pregnancy exercises such as antenatal aqua classes and swimming are recommended. Do not participate in any contact sport or high intensity training. Avoid any movement that involves potential threat of abdominal trauma. Exercises in a well ventilated and cool environment, preferably with a non-slip floor. Stop exercising the minute that you feel tired. Do not exercise to the point of exhaustion. Getting back into shape after baby’s arrival is now easier than before. Virgin Active has launched Fit Mamma classes. It’s a group exercise class exclusive to Virgin Active that will developed to help aid weight loss after pregnancy and slip back into your pre-pregnancy skinny jeans. The class allows you to spend time with baby while incorporating baby into your workout, shedding those kilos, improving fitness levels and getting healthy.

How exercise can help Pregnancy is not the confinement that the relics of the Victorian era will have women believe. It is a cause for celebration, not hibernation! It has been accepted for some time that the general health of a mother during pregnancy is of profound importance to the development of her baby. Unless problems restrict activity, it is advised to maintain your pre-pregnancy exercise levels. There have been no studies in humans that have shown problems in developing embryos caused by moderate exercise. Exercise is not only tolerated, it can prevent potentially serious complications, such as high blood pressure that can lead to pre-eclampsia. Exercise during pregnancy may also prevent some of the aches and pains associated with carrying extra weight and the changes in gait. Women who exercise throughout their pregnancy are afforded the following benefits: Increase their energy levels Maintain a healthier, more positive outlook while lowering anxiety levels Have an improved attitude and are better able to cope with the emotional mood swings caused by the increase in hormonal activity Have an easier and less complicated labour Have a quicker recovery time after giving birth Helping mom-to-be maintain a steady and reasonable weight gain Reducing pregnancy-associated discomforts Lowering a woman’s chance of having a caesarean Accelerating postpartum weight loss Improving sleep quality Studies also show that women who exercise before and during pregnancy have half the risk of delivering prematurely

In addition to this, research has shown that babies born to moms who exercise during pregnancy may benefit by having higher stress tolerance levels and advanced neurobehavioural maturity. These children also tend to be leaner at five years of age and have better early neurodevelopment. www.health24.com

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Swedish Meatballs Ingredients 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 12 medium onion, finely chopped Kosher salt 1 12 cups breadcrumbs 13 cup milk 2 teaspoons dry sherry 12 teaspoon mustard powder 3 large eggs 12 pound ground pork 12 pound ground turkey 1 tablespoon honey 12 teaspoon ground allspice Freshly ground pepper Vegetable oil, for frying 3 tablespoons lingonberry or cranberry preserves 12 cup sour cream Chopped fresh dill, for topping Fresh pickled cucumber slices, for serving

Melt the butter in a medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion, season with salt and cook until golden brown, 4 to 6 minutes; set aside. Combine 12 cup breadcrumbs and the milk in a bowl; set aside until the milk is absorbed, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir the sherry and mustard powder in a large bowl until dissolved, then beat in 1 egg. Add the soaked breadcrumbs, the browned onion, the pork, turkey, honey, allspice, 2 teaspoons salt, and pepper to taste. Gently mix with your hands until combined. Dampen your hands; form the mixture into 36 small meatballs, about 1 tablespoon each. Put on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight. Put the remaining 1 cup breadcrumbs in a shallow dish. Whisk the remaining 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons water in a bowl. Dip each meatball in egg, letting the excess drip off, then roll in the breadcrumbs; return to the baking sheet. Heat about 1 12 inches vegetable oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat until a deep-fry thermometer registers 325 degrees F. Working in batches, fry the meatballs, gently stirring with a slotted spoon, until golden and cooked through, 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate and season with salt. Let stand 10 minutes. Fold the lingonberry preserves into the sour cream and top with the dill. Skewer each meatball with a pickled cucumber slice and serve with the lingonberry cream. Photograph by Anna Williams

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Home & Garden Decor

Beautiful Roof Gardens & Landscape Designs We came across some interesting landscape designing concepts from London based designers MyLandscapes. Whether you’re a city dweller or a southern bell, we know everyone enjoys a place where they can sit, relax and self-reflect. So we are sure that you will appreciate the beautiful contemporary roof top terraces and gardens we have featured below. Assuming they will pro-bably leave you curious to know more about the achievement of mastery in the great design and mood of these outdoor spaces, we’ll provide you with some guidelines that will help you design your own landscapes and cr ate garden scenes that you and your loved ones can enjoy for years,using essential elements to create that WOW factor. Before you get started, take measurements and create a plan that will help you allocate your budget for materials as well as figure where to place plants, fountains, ornaments, walkways and seating areas in your garden.Take into account the flow of traffic and how you will define the space as well, whether by fence, wall, trees, etc.

Lighting plays a serious role in creating depth and composition, setting a mood, providing security and highlighting a pathway. One way to achieve high drama is to use subtle accent up-lights to feature a beautiful wall, sculpture or tree.

< For a modern edge, you can use white rocks or sand to create contrast against the foliage by highlighting the plant forms and colors in your garden.


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Rock gardens are good for the greenthumb challenged and provide a beautiful organic element to an otherwise stark modern space


Sculptures are a nice way to create a focal point and add interest with upscale style!

< Fountains are a sure way to evoke peace and tranquility throughout your space!


Consider using perennials first so that your garden will look good with or without annual plants. Pine trees can be really ornate (ever see Edward Scissorhands?) and will stay green all year round! Also, using potted plants and actually planting will add texture and height variation.


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Tips for Beginning a Long Distance Relationship Y

ou know that general rule where there is always an exception to a rule? Long distance relationships are no exception to that. These relationships are not for everyone because not a lot of us can stand being apart from the other. Distance, this is just one of the main reasons why people avoid getting into a relationship. This is probably due to the belief that being separated from the person you love will be the start of a very complicated relationship, which will eventually end up at the end of it. However, is it really the general ending of what could have been the start of a happily ever after? No, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. A story could have multiple endings. We are the authors of our fate, we decide what ending we are going to have. Getting into a long distance relationship is admittedly going to be much more difficult than those regular short distance ones. Obviously, the couple has to deal with the distance and everything that comes along with it like jealousy, paranoia, doubt, fears and etc. Luckily, long distance couples can now get the 411 on what to do when planning to get into a long distance relationship. Tip 1- Get to know the other person. It’s not going to be a great feeling getting duped by another human being who is definitely just pretending to be someone they’re not. Long distance relationships are not bad things, but jumping , 36 Woman’s Essence Magazine

by Lynly Pioc

in before looking at where you’re leaping is definitely an act of a fool. Tip 2 - Meet face-to-face. These days, meeting face-to-face doesn’t necessarily mean meeting in person. There are a lot of options to choose from in case you just can’t be there physically to do the meet ups. You’ve got Skype and Yahoo! Messenger to name a few.

Tip 3 - Get to know their friends and family. If it is possible, it would be great to get to know the people who your special someone hangs around with. This way, you are going to prevent jealousy because by then, you would have already known who is who in their life. And getting to know their family would also give you a preview of what kind of person he or she is.

If you do decide to meet up in person, choose a venue where there are lots of people. Also, choose a place that has proper ventilation where you guys can talk and see each other clearly. Remember, first impressions last and meeting for the first time is going to leave an imprint on a person’s mind.

Tip 4 - Know who to trust. You just can’t please everyone, we all know that. Expect that level of displeasure from people to increase greatly when you plan to get into a long distance relationship. As I said earlier, these kinds of relationships aren’t for everyone. There is always going to be those people who would disagree. Naturally, I’d say don’t listen to naysayers, but seeing that there are those people who have some sense in them and actually are concerned about you, take the time to listen to what they have to say. If you think they’re being unreasonable, by all means, don’t listen to them. But if they are just being helpful, think hard. Good friends are hard to come by. It might be too late to get them back if you thwart them away when they were just there for you in the first place.

How to trust your partner in a long distance relationship Trusting someone is not an easy task, although there may be some of us who develop that sense of trust in anyone they meet. It may be kind of unusual as most people only tend to trust someone who they know has proven their worth. In short, getting the trust of someone needs work. When we get into a relationship, we must develop that trust so that both our partners and ourselves are going to have that peace of mind. Imagine not trusting your partner and having

to think different unfaithful thoughts. That would really create a big gap in the relationship which would eventually lead to the end of it, and we do not want that. Once we’re in a relationship, we should learn to trust our significant other. But how then are you going to trust someone who is several miles away from you?

Before you get into a relationship, make sure that you know your partner, if not fully well, then at least know the basic things about them. The feeling of knowing who you are in a relationship with will heighten the sense of satisfaction we will be having in the relationship. Without it, our minds will be clouded by doubts and what ifs. Say for example, you got into a relationship with a complete stranger. That is going to be a difficult one but try to communicate daily so you would know small things about him or her. In the process, you are going to gain one another’s trust. In case of the presence of distance, work twice as hard as you normally would in a short distance relationship. Avoid making excuses that the distance was a hindrance. You’ve got a lot of communication options to choose from. Get to know them every day, share private moments together as often as you could. Slowly build that trust because trust is the foundation of a strong relationship.

Always keep in mind that a person’s trust should not be broken because once it is, it would be very difficult to put back. Even if you are at a distance, do everything you can to assure your loved one that you are not doing anything stupid as cheating on your partner. Some people may say that it is impossible not to cheat and flirt around when you’re apart, but it all depends on what kind of a person you are. Control yourself and be patient. Patience goes a long way like trust.

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The Fashion Wedding Dresses We Should Expect in Spring 2012 Reese Witherspoon has been photographed wearing a pink dress created by Monique Lhullier, and it looks like she managed to start a craze. Wearing such fashion wedding dresses you can bring out your feminine side. Sleeves It seems like the royal wedding had a huge impact on fashion when it comes to wedding dresses that are fashionable. This is why we can see a lot of sleeves on the runways of some of the most well-known wedding dress designers, such as Reem Acra, Oscar de la Renta and Carolina Herrera. There are many different sleeve styles that we can find, including long ones and short ones. Flowers


the moment when you start planning your wedding one of the most important decisions that you will have to make concerns the fashion wedding dresses that you are going to wear. At some point all the dresses that you can choose from might become overwhelming. Here is a bit of help what to keep an eye out for in case you would like to be fashionable on the big day. Lace as part of the wedding dresses that are fashionable Lace, as a material has been popular among brides for hundreds of years, but lately it has gained even more popularity, since Kate Middleton and Ivanka Trump have been seen in wedding dresses with lace accents. Although it has been around for a long period of time, it has been reinvented for the next season by the most wellknown designers. The best thing about lace wedding dresses that are fashionable is that they can be modified in order to suit your personal needs. Fashion Wedding DressesLace has been and always will be a great option for brides, regardless whether they are going for a traditional or modern look. This kind of material can be used in case of 7 different styles. For the next season the designers have come up with some new ideas regarding the fashion wedding dresses and so we can see layered lace and also lace that comes in different tones. There have also been created different mixtures of materials, such as using lace with silk. Blush It looks like there is a new twist to the wedding dresses that are fa-shionable; they are going pink. This has been a major trend this year, and it looks like it is going to stick around for another season.

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The ‘flower power’ seems to be blooming again when it comes to fashion wedding dresses. In this season we can expect to find organza petals, oversized embellishments, embroidered accents, and also three dimensional flowers. This is also a great way to show your romantic side. Chiffon The designers of wedding dresses that are fashionable are getting bolder and bolder in their use of fabrics. There are some making a fashion statement and there are also others looking for a more traditional look, such as Jenny Hoo. The trends regarding fashion wedding dresses always change, but there are some pieces that are plain and simply timeless.

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How To Discuss Marriage Problems With Counselor by Nancy Travers


ounsellor is a person who is expert in his field. A counsellor is a psychoanalyst, with his academic study and practice over a period of time, has attained a level of perfection in providing advice to his clients on the matters he/she is consulted. Marriage counsellors play an important role to sort out differences between couples. In this period of fast life when everyone is trying to excel the other, and there is a desire to achieve great height in professional life, differences creep up in married life.


ndeavour should be to sort out the differences by mutual openhearted discussion but if it is not possible to resolve the differences, marriage counsellor should be consulted. Selection of counsellor is of utmost importance. The best results will be achieved if both the partners go to him and have open discussion. However, if it is not possible, the one going to him should be careful of disclosing the details. Though necessary information should be provided but careful selection is necessary as the information provided may be taped or noted and used in court in case dispute is not resolved and the partners decide to separate. The following should be kept in mind during discussion with the counsellor.

the other and extramarital affair should not be suspected without adequate proof. Be honest but don’t exaggerate other persons shortcomings. Never shirk disclosing one’s own weakness like short temper, suspicious nature, jealousy due to profe ssional progress of the marriage partner, or problem of bringing up the children. There can be a number of problems in marriage. These often tend to multiply when there are differences. The main problem should be highlighted first. If a solution can be found to the main cause of discontent, it will be easy to sort out other minor issues. Always be ready to be receptive to the advice and try to implement it in married life. This way results will be apparent.

Though revealing the basic facts, the disclosure should not be made in such Remember that you are going to a counsellor to a way that it leads to embarrassment of the come out of the difficult time and not to vent your grudges. other party. A disclosure such as not having physical intimaBe calm, clear in approach and receptive for best results, othercy for a long time should not be associated with the weakness of wise you will end up wasting time and money.

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Power For Your World

Make Your New Year’s Resolution Count Happy 2012! If you’re like most people you are approaching this New Year as an opportunity to make some changes. You are excited and hopeful about your opportunity to “do some things over”; well me too. This New Year symbolizes an opportunity for us to shamelessly pursue our own purpose and greatness. The good news is that people who make a resolution are 10 times more likely to achieve their goal. Well we want to improve your chances even further. Below are some tips and tricks for making sure your New Year’s Resolutions sticks with you throughout the year. Realistic Resolutions Keep your resolutions realistic both in number and in level of expected accomplishment. For example, making a resolution to lose 30 pounds in January is unrealistic. Perhaps making a goal to lose 5 – 10 pounds in January is more achievable and would allow you to feel more powerful when you accomplish the goal! Also setting too many large resolutions at once could get in your way. If you plan to lose weight, find another job, move to another

neighborhood, all at once you may be overwhelming yourself. Keep the focus on one or two key resolutions and feel free to add more quarterly as you make the resolutions a part of your life. From Wish to Resolution Once you have determined which resolutions will be your focus, commit them to paper. Thinking about them in passing is equivalent to making a wish. Not saying that wishes don’t come true, but we know that hard work often yields results. Committing the Resolution to paper makes it more than just a wish. It becomes a promise to YOU. You can’t break your own promise now can you? Plan for Obstacles Even the best laid plans will encounter obstacles. Be ready for them and have a plan B as they arise. For example, if you have committed to lose weight in January, but you know you have a special event (that involved food) in that same month, you may want to make that your reward day, or provide some other alternative for that day. If you fail to plan, you definitely plan to fail.

by Dawniel PattersonWinningham

Visualize Success As you start your resolution spend at least 15 – 30 minutes a day thinking about the results of your success and encouraging yourself to keep going! After all, if you say you CAN or you say you CAN’T, either way you are RIGHT! Spread the Word Share your resolutions with those closest to you in order for them to provide the support you need. If you tell your support circle that you have a resolution to lose weight, then perhaps they will invite you to more active outings, and help you to not plan outings around food; something I personally am very guilty of. Fail Forward Most importantly know this; it is not that you fail if you don’t achieve initial success. When we learned to walk we fell down many times. But we got up and tried again, then eventually got it right! That is what resolutions are about. It is not that you fail; it is more important that you get up, learn what works, and keep trying.

Here’s a toast to a healthier, wealthier, and wiser YOU for the New Year! I believe this is the year for you to accomplish greatness. Please join ME in believing in YOU! Dawniel Patterson-Winningham Performance and life coach, author, CEO of Twin Power Publishing, mother of three including twins, Dawniel Patterson-Winningham has worked with a fortune 100 firm and coached people into becoming entrepreneurs. She currently lives in Houston, Texas. , 42 Woman’s Essence Magazine

www.yourgirlpower.com yourgirlpower@hotmail.com Photo Credit Shabby Chic Photography/Melissa Bliss

Your 2012 Resolutions

Should Involve the Kids


ear 2011 is now a thing of the past and we look forward to a new year! The opportunity to create beginnings and close some issues, are upon us. Now that we have entered 2012, let’s begin to really set resolutions that are attainable and those that can be meaningful to us and our children. Continuing your educational path, spending more time with kids, saving money or making more positive decisions are just a few examples. by Tiffany Jasper


t any rate, to move forward each year, it is vital that new agendas are set, goals are planned and focus be in order. While setting resolutions as single parents we have to consider the obvious, the children. Especially during these times when finding adequate and consistent child care is the most difficult. Although it is important that we create new goals for ourselves we have to be mindful of how our children will fit into our new plans. Are we choosing goals that only involve ourselves? Or are we allowing our resolutions to be achieved including our children? For instance, going back to school may be one of your goals. If so, include your children, somehow. If they are of age, take them with you to tour the school, when you buy your school supplies or even to one of your classes, so that they too are involved in your process and accomplishments.


hen I was completing my Type-04 teacher certification in Early Childhood Education at University of Illinois at Chicago several years ago, I would take my (then) 8-year old daughter, Jada, with me to class twice a month. She not only experienced some of the concepts and activities of the classes, we were able to bond and actually accomplish this goal together. Now each time we drive past the university, she reminds me that she helped me in my teaching classes; experiences she will never forget.

“What should I do when my family does not agree with how I raise my children?” Ericah T. Browne, 38 years old, 2 children (girl 10 years and boy 6 years old) Houston Texas” Ms. Browne, It is one of the most difficult and constant decisions to make; how to raise our children. As in individuals we have our own opinions, values and guidelines we follow when it comes to our children. Please remember that there will always be someone (related or not) who may not agree with how you raise your children. Become confident enough to know that you are a mother who wants what is best for your children. Bottom line, if you feel that you are making the best decisions for them, no one else has to agree; now you just have to believe it! Tiffany C. Jasper (single mother of 2)


s we make new paths this year and create more memories for ourselves and our children we must be able to do it more effectively. Our children are usually the ones who begin the motivation to better ourselves so why not allow them to be a part of the process. I am sure that our goals will be much more appreciated once attained knowing that the kids were involved. Good Luck to you and yours and Happy New Year!

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Travel & Destinations

Three 2012 Must-visit Destinations

by Ojay Milah


earing up for a fabulous new year, WOMAN’S ESSENCE has compiled a list of three travel destinations mustvisit. Our pick, which promises to be a rewarding trip, is the culturally vibrant Nigerian city of Calabar, South Africa’s Cape Town Table Mountain and the medieval city of Sibiu in Romania. Cape Town – South Africa

The flat top of the mountain is often covered by aerographic clouds, formed when a south-easterly wind is directed up the A very picturesque overlooking the city of Cape Town is the Ta- mountain's slopes into colder air, where the moisture condenses ble Mountain. A significant part of the Table Mountain National to form the so-called "table cloth" of cloud. Legend attributes this Park, the Table Mountain is a major tourist attraction, with many phenomenon to a smoking contest between the Devil and a local pirate called Van Hunks. visitors using the cableway or hiking to the top. The main feature of Table Mountain is the level plateau approximately 3 kilometers from side to side, edged by impressive cliffs. The plateau, flanked by two peaks namely; the Devil's Peak to the east and Lion's Head to the west, forms a dramatic and impressive backdrop to Cape Town.

In November 2011, Table Mountain was provisionally named one of the new seven wonders of nature by New7Wonders of the World, opening it to more tourists’ visits. Other activities that can be carried out in this African wonder includes hiking, rock climbing and caving.

Cape Town – South Africa

Calabar – Nigeria

started 2004. The event has hosted top Nigeria musicians, and international artists, such as the likes of late Lucky Dube, Akon, Fat Located in Southeast Nigeria, the capital city of Cross River State Joe, Joe, young Jeezy, Rick Ross, Angie Stone, Fally Ipupa and is among the peaceful states in Nigeria. One of the oldest cities in many more. West African country, Calabar is among the top tourist destinaAn ideal place to stay if not booked up would be the Obudu Ranch tions that can be found in Africa. Resort. The ranch has a cable car, covering a distance of eleven A major attraction of the ancient city, ones a slave centre, is the kilometers from the bottom to the top of the main hill, currently Calabar Festival. Held every year, it attracts thousands of both lo- making it the longest in the world, point to point. cal and international tourists, to participate in the annual Calabar Carnival, Boat regatta, Fashion shows, and the annual Ekpe Fes- Formerly called Obudu Cattle Ranch, the Resort plays host to the annual Obudu Mountain Race, an international mountain race tival. which is endorsed by both the IAAF and the World Mountain The Calabar Carnival, also tagged “Africa’s Biggest Street Party”, Running Association. begins on every 1st of December and last till 31st December , 44 Woman’s Essence Magazine

Calabar – Nigeria

Sibiu – Romania

the Artmania Festival is held every summer since 2006 and as of 2008 the Rockin' Transylvania Festival is also held in Sibiu.

According to many people, the city Sibiu, Northwest of Bucharest in recent years has been experiencing a social rebirth; reason for One of Romania’s culturally lively cities, when in Sibiu, you might the designation as a European Cultural Co-Capital for 2007, ow- want to visit the following places: The Radu Stanca National Theatre is one of the leading Romanian theatres. With origins dating greatly to the excellent collaboration with Luxembourg. ing back to 1787, it attracts some of the best-known Romanian The city of Sibiu holds one of the best preserved historical sites in directors, such as Tompa Gábor and Silviu Purcărete. It presents the country, many of its medieval fortifications having been kept an average of five shows a week. Most events in Sibiu have both a in excellent state, boasting till date of many significant museums, Romanian-language and a German-language section. with 12 institutions housing art collections, paintings, and exhibits in decorative arts, archeology, anthropology, history, industrial Whether you are climbing mountains in Cape Town, listening archeology and history of technology and natural sciences. to good music in a medieval backdrop in Sibiu or eating some Several festivals are organized yearly in Sibiu, the most presti- mouthwatering delicacy, with a tongue cracking name in Calabar, gious of them being the Theatre Festival, organized each spring at be sure to share your findings about these cities with family and the end of May; medieval Festival organized every year in August; friends.

Sibiu – Romania

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