23 minute read
We are in a space & time witnessing a technology led human revolution.
Jenny Sarang is a role model for Shammi Pant as a Coach and they used to often joke, wish we could create millions of Jenny when they worked together in GE. It’s been remarkable technology advancement since then, and today with new-age technology like Artificial Intelligence, Shammi and Jenny formed an AI-based Coaching Company and have created copies of Jenny to coach users on Verbal and Written Communications Skills. They aptly named their venture ‘myJen AI’ and launched services in October last year, today it offers, one of its kind real time Communication Coaching on their applications uSpeek and kWurd.
In conversation with Jenny Sarang and Shammi Pant, CoFounders of ‘myJen AI’
How do you come together to start your venture myJen.AI and what’s been your inspiration?
Jenny and I worked together at GE years back. We went our separate ways but kept in touch. Having a lot of respect for Jenny’s coaching abilities would joke with her that I wish I could make millions of Jenny and distribute across my teams. That would lead to very timely feedback and intervention resulting in greater results. Working with Accenture in RPA & AI I figured that the advancements in Artificial Intelligence will enable us to get there now. And that was the moment myJen was formed.
The field of technology is dominated by men, what’s been your challenges and how do you see the future of women in this field?
The future of women is bright. Yes, there are challenges as essentially the technology world is dominated by men hence the men’s clubs are extraordinarily strong. However, with the gap in skilled talent demand and supply in IT especially on newer technologies
Jenny Sarang and Shammi Pant, Co Founder, myJen AI women have a great opportunity to fill the gap and emerge as technically strong leaders. As the numbers of women grow and the work culture will by design start balancing it out to be more conducive for women to work in.
Please tell us about myJen and its products and offerings? myJen is an AI-based Coaching company. We have 2 products; uSpeek which improves your oral communication skills and kWurd to improves your written communication skills. uSpeek is an AI coach that assesses your mock video on 25 parameters in a matter of minutes and gives you details feedback on your strengths and development opportunities. It has insightful analytics built which allows you to monitor, your progress over time and sees your rate of improvement. It is customized for a specific speaking event you might be preparing for. An elevator speech, presentation, interview, or a public speech and get customized feedback. For your organization, it helps you baseline the oral communication skill levels of your employees at a location, account, team, and project level. You can track and monitor usage and see the rate of learning of different segments. kWurd is a business writing coach. It is an advanced proof-reading tool. Write anything and kWurd will give you the standard spelling and grammar errors as well as help you get rid of redundant words, call out passive voice, improve your readability by suggesting better word choices, and more. kWurd Learning Lessons on kwurd is an excellent tool for Customer Service teams who want to measure the quality of email responses. When you have tools like this you are giving your employees a great opportunity to learn on the job and providing them personalized coaching tips.
In what way can your technology make a difference to women trying to improve their performance in the competitive world? 70% of your career success depends on your communication skills. Both our products can enhance the communication skills of women in a very personalized manner. Imagine having a personal executive coach to train you! That can exponentially catapult your career and growth prospects. myJen offers very affordable personal coaching solutions.
Personal Problems Q& A

MYBOYFRIENDUSEDTOWORKINTHESAMEOFFICEASMINE. We have been together for the last three years. In that office, he was tagged as a ‘playboy’. I always supported him and cleared all the misunderstandings with him. Now it has been six months since I have changed my office and I caught him sleeping with his ex. He proved that he is a loose character. I do not trust him anymore but whenever I try to leave him, somehow he convinces me to stay. Please suggest some way to get rid of him because I cannot live with him without trust.
You are a mature individual and you should be capable of knowing your own boundaries, once someone cheats you move forward without a single thought, that’s the golden rule of a relationship. Remember once a cheater is always a cheater. Take it as a eye opener and move on girl.
IAM 19 YEARSOLDSTUDENTSTUDYINGBSCPHYSICS, MYFATHER is having an extramarital affair with a lady of 40, the lady is also married and also have son of my age and the boy was school classmate, now he is studying in the same college in humanitarian course ... during school days there was nothing between them, it all started 1year ago as the lady got transferred to my father office, they are exchanging expensive gifts, he comes home very late and does not give us time, he just avoid us, earlier he used to love me and my mom very much but now thing have he is only doing his duty today us like paying household bills, etc but there is no love, l used to be his most precious darling daughter, if was sick he used to stay awake all night and take care of me and now if was sick he tells, l am just wasting his as he has to pay for my medicine, my mother is a housewife, my father used to take very good care of us, so she didn't feel the need to work, though she is had masters degree in political science, my mother love my father very much inspite of knowing all these. l am very depressed, l can't take so much neglect by my father ....l don't want to live ...l want to end my life.... because of all these my and my mother's life has become a living hell. ...l am not able to concentrate on my studies.
If you will end your life, how will your mother survive without u as she is already living without the love of her husband? You are her strength and the reason for her survival. Concentrate on your studies. Don't compromise your career. Help your mom to get a job as being financially stable will make her confident and strong enough to deal the situation.
Try to talk to your dad n make him understand that he means the world to you and your mom. You can also do one thing. Talk to that lady n try to make her understand about your n your mother's condition. Give her a chance to save hers family too else gather proofs first n tell her husband/ son about all this. If nothing works, wait for right the time surely some way will come out and everything will be fine one day. ●
IAMA 25-YEAR-OLDFEMALE. I GOTMARRIEDIN 2018. Everything was fine until I got pregnant with twins. My in-Law's behavior was suddenly changed; they were concerned that it could be two baby girls. I spent most of my time in parental home during pregnancy, as my in-laws were not taking care of me properly. My husband is the only child of his parents and earned a handsome salary of 35k. I was pregnant with twins normal delivery was not possible. Doctor asked for c-section delivery, which was expensive. My In-laws refused for C-section delivery. They said whether three of us die or survive.
I got my babies delivered with my parents one son and one daughter. After 2 months I went back to In-laws. My In-laws were treating my son well but they just didn’t care about my daughter. They started ill-treating me and provoking my husband against me.
They want my husband to get rid of me and remarry another girl. I want to focus on my studies and do a job. I want to become independent so that I can provide everything and a bright future for my kids. A few days ago my husband hit me so hard and compelled me to leave the house. My in-laws want me to divorce him and arrange a second marriage for him. But I still love my husband and want to stay with him. He is not answering my calls and messages. I do not know what to do. Please help me.
You should wait for a month without taking any decisions and then contact your husband and calmly talk and ask what he is actually upto and what problem does he have. If things are still not clear, file FIR and do everything you need to for your children and yourself.
IAM 20 YEARSOLDANDLOVEMYFAMILYFRIEND’SSON. WE were together from class 1-7 but then he shifted to another city for higher education. Now I am preparing for medical and he is IIT Delhi. I told him that I have a crush on him. He demanded some time to think. Meanwhile, he wished me a Birthday. The next day when I asked him about his response, he told me that he could not get into all this, as he has to focus on his studies. I respected his decision then after 2 days he blocked me from WhatsApp and asked me to text him that I love him but he rejected by saying, he doesn’t and then he blocked me again. After a while, he said that I am a nice girl and he does not want to get into this. After 3.5 years, he will think about me. Should I wait or not?
He wants you to wait for 3.5 years and it is uncertain, however, you have 5.5 years for bright future in medical science. Love yourself and focus on your career. He is an intelligent person who wants to focus on his studies. Also, try to divert your mind.
HI! I AM 35 YRSOLDMARRIEDWOMANWITHADAUGHTER.MY husband is very busy and doesn't love me. I have fallen in love with 35 yrs old another man with a son. He proposed to me during teenage but due to some circumstances, I rejected him then. Now I have fallen in love with him and I came to know that he still loves me. He is also married.
Shall I continue with him?
Well, it just doesn’t involve your life, but your child’s life too. Think about that. Also, the person, you have fallen in love with is also married, he might even have a kid. Your one wrong decision can ruin many lives so it would be better if you talk to your husband about the time issue. And let go of that married man.
IHAVECHEATEDMYBOYFRIENDONCETHOUGHTHEREWASNO physical cheat. He forgave me with some conditions. I failed to comply with a few out of many conditions. But he is so broken at this moment. He doesn’t trust me at all. He still loves me. Can you please guide me on how can I assure him to trust me again? Please exclude from suggestions to make promises as I broke to comply with some conditions which I promised. I love him. And ready to do things for him. Please help me to find the answer.
All you need to do is give time to your boyfriend. Give him some time and space and then apologize to him and have a deep conversation. Try to know what he wants and be loyal to him.
IAM 32 YEARSOLD. MYHUSBANDIS 37. WEGOTMARRIEDIN 2017. It was an arranged marriage. My husband and family wants to have a baby but I’m not ready for it. I am a working lady and it is the peak of my career. I don't know what to do. Please, give me some suggestions.
You need to have a real conversation with your husband about this. You will be the one to be responsible for the child. Off course your husband and family will support you but it will be totally your call. Tell them what you wish to do.
I’MAFEMALEOF 27 YEARS. I GOTDIVORCEDIN JUNEBUT I CAN’T forget my husband. He blocked me on WhatsApp before the divorce. But now he had unblocked me and keeps a track of my WhatsApp status. I want to talk to him but I am clueless how to initiate a talk. After divorce, we don’t owe anything to each other, then why he unblocked me. I don’t understand how to crack a conversation without giving him any wrong hints. Please suggest.
Well, you need to move on in your life. You should rather focus on moving on and also let him move on. If still you would like to talk to him, don’t get personal and just drop him a casual text like hi.
HEY! I NEED YOUR SUGGESTION. I HAVE BEEN IN A relationship since 2017. He used to chat a lot earlier. But he changed completely after 5-6 months. He neither calls me nor shares anything. We had never talked about his past. Now our families are planning our wedding within a year. He is still not ready to accept our relationship publically. He doesn't like it if I do the talk about it openly. But whenever I ask about the breakup, all of sudden, he is so caring. I can't share anything with him because of time issues, communication gaps, and long-distance relationship. Sometimes, he is so loving and the very next moment he doesn't care at all. I'm so confused about what to do.
You need to have a serious conversation with your boyfriend. You can conclude to the decision only after that. Clear things out and know what exactly is going in his mind.
WEHAVEALOVEMARRIAGEBUTMYHUSBANDISA Mumma's boy. He doesn't earn much. My mother in law treats me like a servant. She makes me wash her footwear. She always points out mistakes in everything. I had gone through two miscarriages within the last one and a half years. My face got paralyzed two times. My in-laws are threatening me about my husband's remarriage as I have been unable to conceive for the last four months. I don't have a father or bother. My mother's health is also not good. I have lost all my self-confidence. I am in a deep depression. Please help me out.
First of all, you need to have a talk with your husband regarding this whole scenario. Try to know his side of the story too. Then, you need to figure out that what’s the matter with your mother in law. Try to make her understand your issues. Being a woman, she might understand your situation.
HIFRIENDS! I'MANENGINEERINGGRADUATE. NOW I'MA housewife having a two-year-old daughter. I've spent three and a half successful years of my married life. I'm Hindu, my husband is Christian. After two years of deep love, we get married. At that time, we talked a lot about the future. We were so understanding. But now the issue is we don't speak about our religious views. Our marriage was performed in a Hindu temple and then in a Christian church for the satisfaction of our parents. After my daughter was born, the confusion happened between our parents which religion name will be selected for our daughter. But I and my husband were very clear and we selected a common name it was like a Muslim name. All went fine. But in the past month, I realise some changes in my husband's behavior. He removed all Hindu god photos from our living room. And he scolded me a lot for putting kumkum on my daughter's forehead while I do pooja. He gets angry while I'm watching Hindu god songs on TV. Now I feel very depressed. And feel like I was in some stranger's house. I feel very bad and don't know how to recover from this.
Sometimes, people have different point of views which is quite normal. In your case too, since you two belong to different religions, both of you have strong views. However, if you talk to your husband and ask him about what changed his behavior, you will find your answers. Just have a conversation with him and express your emotions.
Sharing Toolkit!

Simplest ways to inspire people and change their life.
By Richa Goel
Did it happen with you, when you shared something with others and you felt overwhelmed? The joy of sharing which brought a big smile on your face? Well, there are 2 types of people the one who strongly believes in helping others and has the perspective that the more they will share, the more they will gain. While the others have the perspective if they will share, the others will rise to leave them behind. So, come let’s see what all we can share with others-
In terms of Respect
Expecting others to speak with you politely where you are in habit of speaking harshly or rudely will be wrong expectations. No matter the person you are talking to is elder or younger than you, if you will speak with respect and love with words like “Haanji”; “Aap” or “Ji”, it sounds good and respectful. If you will give respect, you can seek respect from others. People will always cherish to be around you and admire you for your soft way of speaking!
In terms of love
Many people have money but they still strived for love and affection. The possible reasons may be their outdated thinking, living alone in a new place, introverts, old people whose children leave them to settle in abroad, broken hearts, etc. These people only seek for little time and love from you. Please Spread Love to Everyone, It won’t Cost Much To you!
In terms of providing knowledge
Some people have the wrong perspective that if they will provide their knowledge or skills to the other person, the other person will become more successful from them. Mostly I have seen this in younger children where they use to think that my friend will get better marks than me. But it’s important to make them understand that the more we share knowledge, the more we get perfect in our concepts. Moreover, the concepts, understanding level, detailed knowledge, and innovative ideas within you cannot be taken away from you.
In terms of money:
Money is something that never becomes consistent in one’s life, sometimes it declines, while sometimes it rises. Why to become proud of being rich? Be thankful that you are blessed and keep helping others. Being grateful to others and receiving their blessings will help you to grow in terms of success.
In terms of sharing things
The one who shares can never fall short of anything. There will be always a person to help you out with your difficulties. If you will integrate the values of sharing things with other people, you will always get inner satisfaction that God has given you the capabilities to help others. Sharing will prevent you from becoming greedy and selfish.
In terms of sharing pain:
Sharing the pain of others will help them to heal. Everyone has losses- but if we share them with others it becomes bearable. Helping others to express themselves in front of you can help them to bring some sort of peace and relaxation in their life. We have the habit of keeping them instead of sharing them with someone. Share happiness and earn good wishes which will always make you remember till eternity. The beauty of happiness lies in “SHARING”. So, now think about which of the above persons you want to become? We


It’ s good to have. By Sree Kumar
The truth they say is bitter. This incident is true and hence will not be a sweet one. But the truth has to be told now or later as it triumphs always.
The story revolves around two close friends Govind and Suresh. They parted after graduation and had no contacts or communication for over 30 years. Govind had gone to the Gulf and Suresh employed in Mumbai. They hail from the same place but when one comes over on leave the other is away. Fate had other plans and both of them accidentally meet in a common place after many many years. In looks, both had changed drastically with receding hairlines and had come and the lady a distant relative, unmarried and Suresh should accompany him the next day to their house. It came as a total surprise and shock to Suresh and he was trying to find some excuse to wriggle out. "You know how much I depend on you for mental solace and you can't refuse this," Govind said.
Next day they were off to the house and welcomed warmly by an sick old man. Being distant relatives they had much to talk about and the death of the lady of the house years earlier. Suresh was silent most of the time. This was no young man seeing a girl and cutting short the formalities the old man calls his daughter to join them in conversation.
With Suresh not interested in the happenings was with his
body weight tipping towards the right. They embraced each other cutting short the long separation and surprisingly the friendship and warmth returned within no time.
It was good for both of them as retired ones and used to meet very often remembering those good old days.
Suresh remained a bachelor and Govind with two children married was a widower. Many a time "Why bachelor"? was asked and the reply by Suresh was always a smile.
One day Govind revealed his mind to Suresh. Living alone has become difficult with children far away and a suggestion for remarriage
Fate is great and gave me an opportunity to see you.

head down when he heard the footsteps of one walking in. There was silence for a moment and then he heard it loud and clear "Suresh"
He looked up and there right in front of him stood Malini his heartthrob while in Mumbai. Unbelievable it was and it was looks of surprise all around. "You know him?" the old man asked "Very much, Appa, and you also know him through me," Malini said.
The old man was trying to recollect and slowly shades of memory lashed on him as if pushing him into a corner.
Govind was trying in vain to make out what was happening when Malini came and sat down and spoke as if to her father. "Appa this is the same Suresh I was in love with when working in Mumbai. We were so much in love and wanted to get married but was refused by all due to the caste difference, "We will not be alive" from both of you made us drop the plans and the reason I remain unmarried even at this age. I agreed to this gentleman coming and seeing me just for your sake but I would have certainly told him of the difficulties as I can imagine no other person other than Suresh as my husband. Now that he is settled I will remain like this till the last". "Suresh is unmarried," murmured Govind
Did it not fall on her ears?
"What? What did you say?" her voice was loud " Yes, he remains unmarried."
None spoke and Malini was sobbing uncontrollably.
It was like a scene out of a movie with all the dramatics. The mission of the girl seeing came to an abrupt stop and it was becoming suffocating for each one searching for words. They bid farewell in an uncomfortable way.
The whole situation was murky with Suresh and Govind not knowing what to talk to each other. A few days later a letter from Malini to Suresh and the edited version said... "I knew for sure that I will meet you some day but never imagined it to happen this way. Fate is great and gave me an opportunity to see you. Both of us know how much we loved each other and how much we wanted to be together but fate had other plans.
“We have changed in looks and also in thoughts but confess that my feeling towards you remain as intense as ever. But we cannot reverted and I am glad you look healthy and handsome as ever. A lot of water has flowed and you have carved a life of your own. I wish you all good and happiness forever.
“If I am asked the last wish it would be sitting by your side holding hands and looking into your eyes with silence speaking."
The story is “live with HOPE". We

Arranged-cumlove marriage
I realize the well-known axiom goes 'Relationships are made in paradise'. However, I didn't know where that was or how to arrive, however, I unequivocally accept that God has an arrangement for us all of us fate will draw you by snare or by hooligan to where you should be. I had guaranteed my father that I would be prepared to consider marriage when I turned 26. Along these lines, however, I was at the pinnacle of my vocation running my lifestyle website. When my cousin recommended I should make an online profile and guess what? I did. I made a particularly dull profile on shaadi.com that my father, aunties, and cousins surrendered and concluded that at that rate, I could never discover a person. I didn't know I would get my fantasy fellow, yet I figured that there was no damage in difficult. I had a 30point list, which included everything from needing somebody tall and reasonable for needing him to a non-veggie lover and loves listening to music. He likewise must be socially mindful, creature well settled of, love reading, etc. I think I got about 95% of what was on my rundown; however, I've failed to remember quite a bit of it. All things considered, I think I've won a lottery and got far beyond what I sought after. I was not very enthused about moving out of Mumbai; however, I was conversing with somebody from London by then. He messaged me on nineteenth June 2018. It took me two days to answer as I was occupied. At the point when his same message arrived again, I have occupied again and however I answered exclusively following two days, what he had composed stood out enough to be noticed and I read it threefold. We talked at whatever point we got time. One fine day when he disclosed to me he likes me and needed to marry me somewhere near June, I advised him to stop thinking way too much because we had met through an arranged marriage scenario. After, a few days later I couldn’t control myself and, I confessed that I loved him as I felt that he can be the one, even before meeting him in person. My father knew that we were getting to know each other; when I finally told my dad I wanted to meet him, dad said to ask him to come to Mumbai. He stepped off the plane on Valentine’s Day, carrying flowers from Delhi, and stole my heart away. –By Meera Mathur