Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
2012 Annual Report Women of Success Connect|Share/Learn|Sparkle Accomplished women enable an interconnected community The mission of the Women of Success is to provide support and inspire women achieve their dreams. The networking events and virtual meetings for different projects, programs, are part of WoS strategy to achieve it mission and vision.
WoS Chapters added new locations than on 2011, WoS North York in Ontario, Canada si WoS Nice in France.
During 2012 WoS Networking Events were Successful Women and Let’s talk, in different locations from GTA, Canada.
Other locations to be launch in 2013 are WoS Forli in Italy and WoS Dublin in Ireland.
WoS held 14 events during year 2012. WoS Let’s talk…events will continue in monthly basis in GTA, Successful Women will be in hold until it will be found a replacement for the Orange Networking space. Under WoS 2012 Projects, Mentorship EXPATS continued and Trailblazer Mentorship was launched on June 2012. Mentorship EXPATS, dedicated to newcomers, accommodated continually new members to the project. Virtual meetings were held on monthly basis from middle of 2012, to keep the Mentee engaged on strategically search for a job. In 2013, virtual meetings will continue in monthly basis. Trailblazer Mentorship Program will end the first round in April 2013 and new Mentees can enrolled in May 2013 for nine months ( June 2013 – March 2014).
In the end of last year, Women of Succes recorded a 78% increase of the members than at the end of 2011. Total members 530, in various locations across the world:
Canada with 78% ON, 14% QC, 4%BC 1% SK, 3%AB
In Ontario are the members with paid membership and in other locations, how long are only virtual meetings, WoS members doesn’t pay a membership. At the locations where networking events are held, it’s possible a fee/event to be required. In September 2012, WoS welcomed a new Partner, Diaspora Progresista from EU.
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
All the 2012 events were possible with our volunteers, members and Sponsors support:
ATP Law Office, Nicole Dronca CGA, Accounting&Tax, Fornetti Canada, Tradicious, Thoughts Designer, Europa Deli& Bakery (see page 16 for more information about our sponsors)
Volunteers All the Mentors for Trailblazer and Newcomers programs are volunteers, as well some of the Guest Speakers for WoS Successful Women events. The BOD members are volunteers, also. (see page 6 for more information about our Guest Speakers and page 7 for for Volunters and Programs)
WoS Income & Expenses The WoS income is from membership, donations from sponsors and monthly events entrance fee for nonmembers. Total expenses last year were $741. More than 90% were spent to organize the WoS events. Events were helping WoS members to connect and develop their career or business. In 2013 the membership will remain $20/year.
Board of Directors Victoria Bularda | Founder & Chair Mihaela Ceobanasu | EXPATE Program Coordinator Nicoleta Dronca | Financial Director Anca Hartan | Member Ana Marica | Director North Toronto Branch Trailblazer Mentorship Program Coordinator Letitia Miclescu | Strategic Management Director Mihaela Pop/Andreea Negoescu | Members Angi Panzaru | Co-Founder & Legal Consultant Florentina Perju | Director Halton Branch EDUcop subgroup Coordinator Women of Success 105 Victoria Street, Suite 708 | Toronto, ONTARIO 59715 +1 406 585 2236 | womenofsucces@gmail.com Women of Success | www.women-of-success.com Femei de Succes | www.femeidesucces.yolasite.com Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Ana Marica Ana has been on the board since January 2012 and has organized downtown events, coordinating with another board member, the TRAILBLAZER Mentorship Program and hosting the North York monthly meetings. What I love about the WoS community is how easy is to meet inspirational women. Whether our members are experts at juggling the demands of both family and career as well as getting involved in volunteer positions or whether it is challenging oneself to run a 10k, I have come to appreciate the positive impact these wonderful ladies have made in my life. It is truly a great place to meet like minded women, where you can share you stories but as well where you can learn. I have also made some great friends which I have met through WoS. While it is not always easy to find the perfect balance between work, life and being on the board, I find it worth the effort having grown both professionally and personally as a result of my involvement with the organization. Working with the board members, organizing various meetings and overseeing the Mentorship Program have been truly rewarding. However, the biggest reward is to see that our members are getting a great experience. I would recommend joining this organization to anyone who is looking to expand their network and who is looking to get inspired.
Anca Hartan As part of BOD in WoS it was a real pleasure to work with dedicated and self motivated individuals committed to promote, help, integrate and develop a consistent network. WoS offered a tremendous amount of support, openness for all women coming from different "walks of life. It has been an honor to be a member.
Andreea Negoescu Membra a echipei executive Femei de Succes din octombrie 2012, se implica in comunicarea si strategia de marketing a comunitatii.
Nicoleta Dronca Director Financiar si Coordonator al subgupului The Success in Business / Succesul in Afaceri - LegiCont Cand am acceptat invitatia de a fi parte din bord m-am gandit ca imi voi dedica doar 2-3 ore pe luna acestei activitati. M-am inselat, necesita mult mai multe ore, dar in acelasi timp aceasta activitate imi aduce o rasplata morala pe care o consider un beneficiu important. Ca si coordonator al grupului The Success in Business / Succesul in Afaceri - LegiCont in prezent lucrez la promovarea acestui grup si la cresterea numarului de membre. Imi propun ca in viitorul apropriat sa organizez intalniri pe teme diverse considerate utile de membrele WOS. Sugestiile si intrebarile mi le puteti adresa prin intermediul Ln sau direct pe adresa de e-mail: info@ndcga.com.
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Angi Panzaru Co-fondatoare a asociatiei, initial s-a ocupat de partea de comunicare a WOS, precum si de creearea si editarea newsletterului lunar al organizatiei. In 2012 si-a concentrat activitatea pe crearea unei baze legale de colaborare si organizare a parteneriatelor cu alte organizatii din comunitatea romaneasca si nu numai.
Florentina Perju Membra a BOD din 2012, coordoneaza din 2011 subgrupul EduCop, subgrup care aduce in atentia elevilor, studentilor si a parintilor informatii despre sistemul de invatamant din Canada. Din mai 2012 organizeaza intalnirile lunare a membrelor din regiunea Halton si proximitati, preluind responsabilitatile de Director regiunea Halton. In perioada august- octombrie 2012 a editat si transmis newsletter-ul lunar "Lumea Romancelor" tuturor membrelor din cadrul organizatiei.
Letitia Miclescu Strategic Management Director, Letitia s-a alaturat comunitatii Femei de Succes oferindu-si experienta de voluntar in echipa executiva AIESEC York, cit si experienta profesionala in crearea strategiei pe termen scurt si lung. Alaturi de Ana Marica, a contribuit subtantial la crearea programului de mentorship, Trailblazer, program pentru tinerele ce-si doresc dezvoltarea carierei profesionale.
Mihaela Ceobanasu Coordonatoarea subgrupului Expate, Mihaela s-a alaturat asociatiei in 2011 si dupa primele intilniri a fost propusa sa faca parte din conducerea asociatiei. Discutiile si sfaturile date noilor venite in Canada au ca suport propria experienta in emigrarea in Canada si suportul moral pe care il insufla cu un elan plin de optimism si incurajare. "Sunt extem de incintata sa pot fi de ajutor cu sfaturi si indrumari. Totodata doresc sa multumesc asociatiei Femei de Succes ca mi-a acordat oprtunitatea de a fi voluntar intr-o asociatie ce se prevede a avea un viitor plin de realizari."
Mihaela Pop Membra a echipei executive Femei de Succes din ianuarie 2012, se implica in organizarea evenimentelor lunare Succesul la Feminin in downtown Toronto si in elaborarea pe termen lung a strategiei comunitatii. Dupa sase luni, din motive personale Mihaela cedeaza locul din echipa executiva Andreei Negoescu.
Victoria Bularda Initiatoarea asociatiei, coordoneaza parteneriatele cu alte organizatii, activitatile pentru sponsorship si pentru Candidate Cariera/eJob Alert. “Din martie 2012 cind am sarbatorit un an de la deschiderea oficiala, numarul membrelor din bordul asociatiei a crescut si am bucuria sa coordonam impreuna, zi de zi, activitatile asociatiei, dezvoltarea acestora si a diverselor programe in beneficiul membrelor. Fiecare zi este o noua provocare, invat ceva nou, coordonarea unei echipe de voluntari fiind asemanatoare si totusi atit de diferita de cea a uneia dintr-o firma. Gasirea solutiilor impreuna cu celelalte domnisoare si doamne din bord, participarea membrelor asociatiei in numar din ce in ce mai mare ca un vot de incredere ce ni se acorda zi de zi, ma ajuta sa continui acest voluntariat cu bucuria reusitelor celor din comunitatea noastra."
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Guest Speakers Angela Stanescu, Fondator Medical Confidence www.medicalconfidence.com Iuliana Pacso, Fondator Tradicious www.tradicious.ca Corina Deaconu, Vice President Portfolio Risk Analytics, Global Risk Management, The Bank of Nova Scotia Liana Mihai, DHom LCCH(UK), RCSHom, Fondator TrueHeart Solutions www.trueheart.ca Manuela Stefan, fotograf profesionist www.manuelastefan.com Gabriela Casineanu, Thoughts Designer www.thoughtsdesigner.wordpress.com Valentina Fierastrau, dressmaker Rory Sheehan, Trainer www.rorysheehan.com Ted Blanchard, Senior Retail and Digital Strategist www.tedblanchard.ca Jeannette Hay, Fondator Get Me Organized! www.getmeorganized.ca Corina Stoian, Make-up Artist www.facebook.com/corina.stoian.353 Jeannet Lamoca, Fondator Sageseason www.sageseason.com Cristina Repanovici, Fondator Criopia Design www.criopia.com Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Testimonials Trailblazer Mentorship Program Laura Stoenescu - Mentee in programul Trailblazer Mentorship Program pentru tinere femei de cariera: ”In primul rand vreau sa va multumesc pentru ca am avut ocazia sa va cunosc si sa particip in acest program. Pentru mine a fost foarte interesant sa aflu si o parere "din interior" cu privire la domeniul resurselor umane, iar Mentorul meu a fost foarte draguta si a raspuns de fiecare data cu rabdare tuturor intrebarilor mele, care poate nu intotdeauna erau foarte clare.
Cred ca este foarte important pentru cei care aspira sa lucreze intr-un domeniu sau altul sa afle cate ceva de la cei care au reusit sa-si construiasca o cariera aici in Canada, pentru ca pot sa te ajute in a salva o gramada de timp si energie poate pentru a afla informatii pe care poate nici nu stii de unde sa le iei.” Georgeta Suta - Mentor in programul Trailblazer Mentorship Program pentru tinere femei de cariera: ”Ca mentor poti doar sa iti sfatuiesti mentee-ul si apoi este decizia Mentee-ului sa foloseasca
ori nu informatia. Eu am lasat usa deschisa ca Mentee-ul sa apeleze de cate ori doreste, sa ia initiativa in stabilirea unei noi intalniri telefonice. Poate pentru urmatoarele sesiuni ale programului sa fie o verificare formala a comunicarii intre Mentor- Mentee, iar daca mentorship-ul nu functioneaza, Mentor-ul si Mentee-ul sa fie conectati cu alt Mentor/Mentee. Multumesc de invitatia de a participa, sper ca informatiile au fost cat de cat de folos Mentee-lui meu si va doresc success in viitor.”
Testimonials Volunteers Monica Lichi - Voluntar la organizarea evenimentelor, la WoS eJobs Alert si contribuitor la deschiderea filialei Femei de Succes Nisa, Franta. “Am auzit de organizatia "“Women of Success" la foarte scurt timp dupa sosirea mea in Canada, acum un an, si inca de la prima intalnire la care am participat, am avut surpriza sa constat ca acest concept este foarte bine-venit in societatea canadiana, prin faptul ca romancele se reunesc periodic si se ajuta intre ele fie cu privire la un loc de munca, sau
referitor la aspecte ce tin de alte domenii. In luna noiembrie am organizat intalnirea din North York, unde invitata a fost Corina Stoian, un make-up artist foarte talentat. Prin intermediul organizatiei am cunoscut persoane de mare caracter, carora le doresc mult succes! Victoria, consider ca este o victorie faptul ca asociatia implineste doi ani! Sa ne revedem cu bine la urmatoarele aniversari! Mult succes toturor celor implicate in activitatea asociatiei!”
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Women's Success: January 2012
Guest Speaker: Angela Stanescu - President at Medical Confidence Inc. Angela told us about how we can benefit of Medical Confidence’s Second Opinion Consultation, which provides access to the top 2-5% of Canada’s healthcare experts without leaving the comfort of our home.
Women's Success: February 2012 February 8, 2012 at Network Orange ING, Women's Success was a meeting where the participants share from their experiences on searching a job. For some participants, these searches helped them to find their entrepreneurial spirit and instead of searching for a new job, they decided to open a business or, aside of their part time job, in the after work hours, a parttime business. Iuliana told her story how she discovered her passion, photography, and how from this passion she decided to open a business with greeting cards and traditional art craft products. Anca told her story about her start in the videophone business. Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Let's Talk: February 2012 Saturday morning, February 18, you were invited to participate to our socializing meeting at our sponsor's location, Fornetti, 120 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Thank you Fornetti!
1st of March fast approaching was a great opportunity for Iuliana to launch �Tradicious� in a warm and friendly company.
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Women's Success: March 2012 Connecting Girls, Inspiring Future! Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 we celebrated International Women's Day Guest Speakers: Corina Deaconu, Vice President Portfolio Risk Analytics, Global Risk Management, The Bank of Nova Scotia
Liana Mihai, DHom LCCH (UK), RCSHom, owner TrueHeart Solutions
Manuela Stefan is a Toronto photographer specialized in creating vibrant wedding and lifestyle visual essays.
“Women of Success” Celebrated One Year! We celebrated one year since “Women of Success” was formalized as a not-for-profit organization Saturday March 24,2012 at Fornetti, Richmond Adelaide Centre (120 Adelaide St. West), Toronto
“Women of Success” enhances the connection between individuals and businesses in order to create an inspiring environment for women to develop to their fullest potential both personally and professionally, through networking and information sharing. Engineer, Lawyer, Teacher, Entrepreneur, Business Professional or a full-time Mother? Our “Women of Success” community allows you to find somebody or something that can help with your personal and professional development just as you probably wished for as you decided to come live in a new country. We met and shared from our experiences and inspired each other to reach for new individual and family dreams and contribute to the communities we live in. The Executive Team Women of Success
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Let's Talk: May 2012 The month of May saw the kick-off of our Let’s Talk North York sessions, which are now being held every second Thursday of each month. This initiative is in response to our members' needs, having found that it is not always practical for all to attend the downtown events. This new initiative for North York meetings is meant to help our members get together to build and strengthen their network further. One of the things I most enjoy about these gettogethers is being exposed to different perspectives, finding out about goings on around town and a various tidbits that our members choose to share.
Women's Success: June 2012 June was a busy month having hosted two events workshops: Leveraging the Power of Mentorship with Patty and Moving Beyond Fear with Rory Sheehan. The first event helped our members understand how they can leverage a mentorship opportunity to grow professionally as well as on a personal level. The second workshop, Moving Beyond Fear was hosted by Award
winning trainer and best selling author, Rory Sheehan. This was a truly thought provoking workshop, designed to get us to think outside the box and look beyond the traditional goal, action and outcome/result mindset. Rory walked us though the more complex and longer process, whereby tuning in to our subconscious and learning to pay more attention to our thoughts and beliefs we can gain
more control and be more successful in achieving our goals. The session ended with food and drinks over at Jack Astor’s where attendees had the opportunity to connect and have a relaxing afternoon. This is truly one of the most special aspects about our organization: the fusion between professional development and networking with the social connections we help create.
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Women's Success: July 2012 In July we held our last summer workshop tilted YOU 2.0 and hosted by Ted Blanchard, Senior Retail and Digital Strategist. Ted creates innovative brand experiences and has significant expertise in increasing brands’ ability to capture attention and loyalty. By bringing his knowledge and passion for this subject, he has designed an interactive workshop for our members to assist them in developing their own personal brand.
Let`s talk: September 2012 Let's talk... at a Dinner Cruise on Lake Ontario The WoS event Let's talk‌ from September had place at the end of vacation season, as a networking of Romanians living in GTA, members of three non-profit organisations: AREC, RBNS and WoS. "Acasa" newspaper celebrated five years with us, on the cruise boat Kajama and nominated the winners of The North American Romanian Press Association NARPA, few newspaper's collaborators. It was nice to view old friends and new members of our association, to chat, to dance, and to have the dinner together. On our Youtube channel, you may see short videos, thanks to Lucian Dronca and pictures, on AREC Youtube channel, thanks to Dan Micu.
ABOUT KAJAMA: Launched as the Wilfred in Rendsburg, Germany in 1930, the KAJAMA traded under sail for nearly 70 years. She was a familiar ship in ports from Northwest Spain, through western Europe, and as far north as Norway and Russia. In 1999, KAJAMA was delivered transatlantic by Great Lakes Schooner Company and restored to her original profile.
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Women's Success: September 2012 After the summer break, the WOS –Women of Success Toronto Chapter first fall meeting was held at “Le Marche” on September 5, 2012. It was an informal evening, with close friends and newer ones, like Gabriela Abraham, a French teacher with TDSB Toronto. The evening was filed with stories about our children, their summer endeavors and the start
of the new school year, with the excitement and the fears that comes with it, for both kids and parents. All of us present shared from their personal experiences and, having between us a teacher that knows the system from inside, really brought up new and useful information.All in all, it was a relaxed atmosphere and we hope you enjoyed it.
Women's Success: September 2012 Jeannette Hay's entrepreneurial speciality is bringing calm and simplicity to both your business and home life environments. As past Chair of the Professional Organizers in Canada Toronto Chapter, she brings a wealth of experience
to the table from efficiency tips and systems you can immediately implement to storage secrets. As well she brings personal clarity on where to place things in her client's environment to give them more time and space in which to
pursue their passions. She is in demand as both a Life Goals Coach, Business Organizer and Public Speaker with her articles on clutter and Time Management to be found in numerous web magazines and group sites.
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Women's Success: November 2012 Special Guest: Jeannet Lamoca - Transition Coach WoS were closing 2012 with a networking event were were invited members of all others non-profit organizations from Romanian community.
AREC was represented by Daniel Cheoreanu—president.
Ontario Romanian Canadian Association was represented by Bogdan Stanescu— president.
Let`s talk: November 2012 “Let’s Talk…about Professional Make-up Applications” with our host, Corina Stoian. Corina has extensive experience in the field; having worked in Romania for prominent television stations as well as in Canada. Her latest project includes doing make-up artistry for a movie. Corina will share with us some techniques
and tips on how to do day and evening makeup. She will also be doing a demonstration. Location: 1 Rean Drive, M2K3C1 with visitor parking on site. The location is close to Bayview Village and is also easily accessible via subway. Monica Lichi has graciously offered to host this meeting at her condo’s meeting room.
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Let`s talk… at Rotman: November 2012 At Rotman School of Management was organized Let's talk...at Rotman, networking evening on November 20, 6:00pm at CIBC Room, 3rd Floor. Business Edge Program for Internationally Educated Professionals. Graduates of the program shared with the participants of the event, how this program helped them. From participant Daniela Miritescu, HR professional: "The program “Business Edge for Internationally Educated Professionals” at Rotman School of Management is a “must have” for professionals recently integrated in the Canadian labour market, that are willing to make a step further in their career and feel the desire to take more meaningful responsibilities or to move further in one organization hierarchy. This program really helps you “cross the edge” and “safely land” on the new desire role. When a new internationally educated person enters the local market has so many new information to absorb, and it is possible sometimes either to not assimilate the right behavior or to not understand all the consequences of some actions in the new working context. And growing just your technical skills might not be the answer. You might find it is the soft skills and more hidden subjective experiences. Rotman program help individuals exactly to avoid or to diminish this blind spot we have in perception, develops leadership skills, creates customized career & personal development plans, facilities change in students behaviors and mindset in a constructive and effective way. If you are a professional working in Canadian market, you feel that you can do more and you don’t know how to make that growth possible join Rotman program! It will definitely bring value in your life!"
Thank you again to our sponsors and volunteers for their involvement! We hope that 2013 will be another great year full of accomplishments! Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com
Angi Panzaru, LLM, JD, LLB Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 317 Adelaide Str. W, Suite 1001 Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1P9 Ph.: (416) 640-4023 (416) 573-0011 E-mail: Angi.Panzaru@gmail.com
European deli store specialized in romanian products and home made food. Special cake designs.
Accounting & Tax Nicoleta Dronca, CGA Tel: (416) 450 - 0667 Warden /Lawrence Ave E. http://www.ndcga.com
Tel.: (905) 508-1475
�Tradicious� brings traditions to you, refined through the eyes of the artists, materialized by artisan hands.
10520 Yonge St, Richmond Hill
E-mail: support@tradicious.ca Gabriela Casineanu Thoughts Designer Tel. (416) 258-9044 Toronto, Canada Fornetti Canada 120 Adelaide Street West Tel: (416) 603-8300 www.myfornetti.ca ThoughtsDesigner11@gmail.com http://thoughtsdesigner.com
Revista tehnoredactata de netWeaver
Women of Succes/Femei de Succes, 105 Victoria Street, suite 708, Toronto, ON M5C 3B4, e-mail: femeidesuccess@gmail.com